



•方法学•应用R软件b m e ta程序包实现贝叶斯M eta分析与M e ta回归石丰豪\孟蕊\芮明军、马爱霞〃1. 中国药科大学国际医药商学院(南京211198)2. 中国药科大学药物经济学评价研究中心(南京211198)【摘要】R软件bm eta程序包是一款通过调用IAGS软件来实现贝叶斯M eta分析和M eta回归的程序包,该程序基于“马尔可夫链-蒙特卡罗”(MCMC)算法来合并不同类型资料(二分类、连续和计数)的各种效应量 (OR、M D和IRR)。


本 文将结合实例介绍展示bmeta程序包实现贝叶斯Meta分析与M eta回归的完整操作流程。

【关键词】R语言;bmeta程序包;贝叶斯Meta分析;M eta回归Perform ing Bayesian m eta-analysis and m eta-regression using bmeta package in R softwareSHIFenghao1,M ENGRui1,RUIMingjun1,M AAixia121. School of I nternational Pharmaceutical Business, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198, P.R.China2. Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation Research Center, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing211198, P.R.China Correspondingauthor:MAAixia,Email:*****************【Abstract】The R software bmeta package is a package that implements Bayesian meta-analysis and meta-regression by invoking JAGS software. The program is based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to combine various effect quantities (OR, MD and IRR) of different types of data (dichotomies, continuities and counts). The package has the advantages of fewer command function parameters, rich models, powerful drawing function, easy of understanding and mastering. In this paper, an example is presented to demonstrate the complete operation flow of bmeta package to implement bayesian meta-analysis and meta-regression.【Key words 】R language; bmeta package; Bayesian meta-analysis; Meta-regressionM eta分析作为一种整合单个研究效应量进行 证据合并的常用统计方法,在循证医学中占有重要 地位叭贝叶斯M eta分析是基于贝叶斯统计发展 起来的一种的M eta分析方法,主要采用“马尔科 夫链一蒙特卡罗 ”(Markov chain Monte C arlo, MCMC)方法,因其在处理复杂随机效应、分层结 构或是稀疏数据时比频率学M eta分析方法更有优 势,目前越来越受欢迎。



R软件:诊断试验的meta分析 诊断试验的meta分析。



除上述我们熟悉的指标外,我们需要了解下列指标: 诊断优势比(DOR)=真阳性*真阴性/(假阳性*假阴性),主要用于诊断试验meta分析中,作为meta分析合并时每个诊断试验权重的依据。



在绘制SROC 曲线的基础上,可计算SROC曲线下面积以及Q指数。











meta4diag程序包的功能是基于INLA实现的,因此在使用时还需同时安装相关程序包,即INLA 程序包和sp程序包,程序如下: (1)下载程序包,若运行出错,可通过R/RStudio的工具栏,手动安装。



R软件调用OpenBUGS软件实现网状Meta分析罗 杰1 张 超1 曾宪涛1,21. 湖北医药学院附属太和医院循证医学中心(湖北十堰 442000);2. 湖北医药学院附属太和医院口腔科(湖北十堰 442000)摘要 R 软件当前可通过R2OpenBUGS 程序包、BRugs 程序包和rbugs 程序包来调用OpenBUGS 程序包实现网状Meta 分析。

本文分别对这3种程序包实现网状Meta 分析的过程进行演示。

从结果来看,3种程序包的计算结果相近,但rbugs 程序包无绘图功能,仅R2OpenBUGS 程序包能绘制森林图。

关键词 R 软件;R2OpenBUGS 程序包;BRugs 程序包;rbugs 程序包;网状Meta 分析Calling OpenBUGS Software from R Language for Performing Network Meta-analysisLUO Jie 1, ZHANG Chao 1, ZENG Xian-tao 1,21. Center for Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Research, Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000, China;2. Department of Stomatology, Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000, ChinaAbstract R language could call OpenBUGS software for performing network meta-analysis using R2OpenBUGS package, BRugs package, and rbugs package. In this paper, we introduced how to implement network meta-analysis us-ing these three packages. The results show that the computed results are similar for the three packages; however, the rbugs package could not draw the plot, only R2OpenBUGS package could draw forest plot.Key words R language; R2OPenBUGS package; BRugs package; rbugs package; Network meta-analysisDOI: 10.7507/1672-2531.20140084基金项目:湖北省教育科学“十二五”规划2012年度重点课题(编号:2012A050),湖北医药学院2011年度优秀中青年科技创新团队项目(编号:2011CZX01),湖北医药学院附属太和医院2013年循证医学“苗圃基金”项目(EBM2013004)。



Package‘meta’January12,2010Title Meta-Analysis with RVersion1.1-8Depends R(>=2.9.1),gridAuthor Guido Schwarzer<>Maintainer Guido Schwarzer<>Date2010-01-12Description Fixed and random effects meta-analysis.Functions for tests of bias,forest and funnel plot. License GPL(>=2)Repository CRANDate/Publication2010-01-1213:14:17R topics documented:addvar (2)ci (3)Fleiss93 (4)Fleiss93cont (5)forest (6)funnel (10)funnel.meta (12)labbe (16)labbe.metabin (17)metabias (20)metabin (22)metacont (27)metacr (29)metacum (31)metagen (33)metainf (35)12addvar metaprop (37)Olkin95 (39)plot.meta (40)print.meta (43)read.mtv (46)read.rm5 (48)trimfill (51)trimfill.meta (53)Index56 addvar Additional functions for objects of class metaDescriptionThe method returns a data frame containing information on individual studies,e.g.,estimated treatment effect and its standard error.The function addvar can be used to add asingle variable to an object of class meta which for example is useful to conduct sub-group analysis or meta-regression.Usage##S3method for class'meta',s=NULL,optional=FALSE,...)addvar(x,y,varname,by.x="studlab",by.y=by.x)Argumentsx An object of class meta.s NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data frame.optional logical.If TRUE,setting row names and converting column names(to syntactic names)is optional.y A data frame with an additional covariatevarname A character specifying name of additional variableby.x,by.y Specifications of the common columns(see merge)...other argumentsValueA data frame is returned by the function single covariate is returned by the function addvar which can be added to an object of classmeta.Internally,the merge function is utilised.ci3Author(s)Guido Schwarzer<>See Alsometabin,metacont,metagenExamplesdata(Fleiss93cont)meta1<-metacont(n.e,mean.e,sd.e,n.c,mean.c,sd.c,study,data=Fleiss93cont,sm="SMD")##Generate additional variable#Fleiss93cont$group<-c(1,2,1,1,2)##Generate new variable by merging#object'meta1'and data frame'Fleiss93cont'#meta1$group<-addvar(meta1,Fleiss93cont,"group",by.y="study"),byvar=group)ci Calculation of confidence intervals(normal approximation)DescriptionCalculation of confidence intervals;based on normal approximation.Usageci(TE,seTE,level=0.95)ArgumentsTE Estimated treatment effect.seTE Standard error of treatment estimate.level The confidence level required.ValueList with componentsTE Estimated treatment effect.seTE Standard error of treatment estimate.lower Lower confidence limits.4Fleiss93upper Upper confidence limits.zscore Test statistic.p P-value of test with null hypothesis TE=0.level The confidence level required.NoteThis function is primarily called from other functions of the library meta,e.g.plot.meta, summary.meta.Author(s)Guido Schwarzer<>,10)),10,0.99))Fleiss93Aspirin after Myocardial InfarctionDescriptionMeta-analysis on Aspirin in Preventing Death after Myocardial InfarctionUsagedata(Fleiss93)FormatA data frame with the following columns:study study labelyear year of publicationevent.e number of events in experimental groupn.e number of observations in experimental groupevent.c number of events in control groupn.c number of observations in control groupSourceFleiss JL(1993),The statistical basis of meta-analysis.Statistical Methods in Medical Research,2, 121–145.Fleiss93cont5Examplesdata(Fleiss93)metabin(event.e,n.e,event.c,n.c,data=Fleiss93,studlab=paste(study,year),sm="OR",comb.random=FALSE)Fleiss93cont Mental Health TreatmentDescriptionMeta-analysis on the Effect of Mental Health Treatment on Medical UtilisationUsagedata(Fleiss93cont)FormatA data frame with the following columns:study study labelyear year of publicationn.e number of observations in experimental groupmean.e estimated mean in experimental groupsd.e standard deviation in experimental groupn.c number of observations in control groupmean.c estimated mean in control groupsd.c standard deviation in control groupSourceFleiss JL(1993),The statistical basis of meta-analysis.Statistical Methods in Medical Research,2, 121–145.See AlsoFleiss93Examplesdata(Fleiss93cont)metacont(n.e,mean.e,sd.e,n.c,mean.c,sd.c,data=Fleiss93cont,studlab=paste(study,year),comb.random=FALSE)forest Forest plot(new plot function for objects of class meta)DescriptionDraws a forest plot in the active graphics window(using grid graphics system).Usageforest(x,byvar=x$byvar,bylab=x$bylab,print.byvar=x$print.byvar,sortvar,studlab=TRUE,level=x$level,b=x$b,comb.fixed=x$comb.fixed,comb.random=x$comb.random,overall=TRUE,text.fixed="Fixed effect model",text.random="Random effects model",lty.fixed=2,lty.random=3,xlab=NULL,xlab.pos=ref,xlim,allstudies=TRUE,weight,ref=ifelse(x$sm%in%c("RR","OR","HR"),1,0),leftcols=NULL,rightcols=NULL,leftlabs=NULL,rightlabs=NULL,lab.e=x$label.e,lab.c=x$label.c,,,lwd=1,at=NULL,label=TRUE,fontsize=12,boxsize=0.8,plotwidth=unit(6,"cm"),colgap=unit(2,"mm"),col.i="black","darkgray",digits=2)Argumentsx An object of class meta.byvar An optional vector containing grouping information(must be of same length asx$TE).Parameter byvar can not be used if x is an object of class metacumor metainf.bylab A character string with a label for the grouping variable.print.byvar A logical indicating whether the name of the grouping variable should be printedin front of the group labels.sortvar An optional vector used to sort the individual studies(must be of same length asx$TE).studlab A logical indicating whether study labels should be printed in the graph.Avector with study labels can also be provided(must be of same length as x$TEthen).level The level used to calculate confidence intervals for individual studies.b The level used to calculate confidence intervals for pooled estimates.comb.fixed A logical indicating whetherfixed effect estimate should be plotted.comb.random A logical indicating whether random effects estimate should be plotted. overall A logical indicating whether overall summaries should be plotted.This param-eter is useful in combination with the parameter byvar if summaries shouldonly be plotted on group level.text.fixed A character string used in the plot to label the pooledfixed effect estimate. text.random A character string used in the plot to label the pooled random effects estimate. lty.fixed Line type(pooledfixed effect estimate).lty.random Line type(pooled random effects estimate).xlab A label for the x axis.xlab.pos A numeric specifying the center of the label on the x axis.xlim The x limits(min,max)of the plot.allstudies A logical indicating whether studies with inestimable treatment effects should be plotted.weight A character string indicating which type of plotting symbols is to be used for in-dividual treatment estimates.One of missing(see Details),"same","fixed",or"random",can be abbreviated.Plot symbols have the same size for all stud-ies or represent study weights fromfixed effect or random effects model.ref A numerical giving the reference value to be plotted as a line in the forest plot.No reference line is plotted if parameter ref is equal to NA.leftcols A character vector specifying(additional)columns to be plotted on the left side of the forest plot(see Details).rightcols A character vector specifying(additional)columns to be plotted on the right side of the forest plot(see Details).leftlabs A character vector specifying labels for(additional)columns on left side of the forest plot(see Details).rightlabs A character vector specifying labels for(additional)columns on right side of the forest plot(see Details).lab.e Label to be used for experimental group in table heading.lab.c Label to be used for control group in table character specifying the column name where label lab.e should be attachedto in table character specifying the column name where label lab.c should be attachedto in table heading.lwd The line width,see The points at which tick-marks are to be drawn,see grid.xaxis.label A logical value indicating whether to draw the labels on the tick marks,or an ex-pression or character vector which specify the labels to use.See grid.xaxis. fontsize The size of text(in points),see gpar.boxsize A numeric used to increase or decrease the size of boxes in the forest plot.plotwidth A unit object specifying width of the forest plot.colgap A unit object specifying gap between columns printed on left and right side offorest plot.col.i The colour for individual study results and confidence A character specifying colour to print information on subgroups.digits Minimal number of significant digits,see print.default.DetailsA forest plot,also called confidence interval plot,is drawn in the active graphics window.Sub-groupanalyses are conducted and displayed in the plot if byvar is not missing.The forest function is based on the grid graphics system.Therefore,to plot a newfigure inan existing graphics window,one has to use the grid.newpage function.In order to print theforest plot,(i)resize the graphics window,(ii)either use dev.copy2eps or dev.copy2pdf.For basic forest plots,the plot.meta function can be used.Information from object x is utilised if argument weight is missing.Weights from thefixed effectmodel are used(weight="fixed")if parameter x$comb.fixed is TRUE;weights from therandom effects model are used(weight="random")if parameter x$comb.random is TRUEand x$comb.fixed is FALSE.The parameters leftcols and rightcols can be used to specify columns which are plotted onthe left and right side of the forest plot,respectively.If these parameters are NULL,the followingdefault columns will be plotted.Parameter rightcols:(i)estimated treatment effect with level-confidence interval,(ii)in ad-dition,weights of thefixed and/or random effects model will be given,if comb.fixed=TRUEand/or comb.random=TRUE.For an object of class metacum or metainf only the estimatedtreatment effect with level-confidence interval are plotted.Parameter leftcols:(i)leftcols=c("studlab","event.e","n.e","event.c","n.c")for an object of class metabin,(ii)leftcols=c("studlab","n.e","mean.e","sd.e","n.c","mean.c","sd.c")for an object of class metacont,(iii)leftcols=c("studlab", "TE","seTE")for an object of class metagen,(iv)leftcols=c("studlab","event","n")for an object of class metaprop,(v)leftcols=c("studlab")for an object of classmetacum or metainf.The parameters leftlabs and rightlabs can be used to specify column headings which areplotted on left and right side of the forest plot,respectively.For certain columns predefined labelsexist.If the parameters leftlabs and rightlabs are NULL,the following default labels willbe used:for columns c("studlab","TE","seTE","n.e","n.c","event.e","event.c","mean.e","mean.c","sd.e","sd.c","effect","ci","w.fixed","w.random")the labels c("Study","TE","seTE","Total","Total","Events","Events","Mean","Mean","SD","SD",summary measure,level for confidence interval,"W(fixed)","W(random)").For additional columns the column name willbe used as label.It is possible to only provide labels for new columns(see Examples).If parameters lab.e and lab.c are NULL,"Experimental"and"Control"are used as labels forexperimental and control group,respectively.For subgroups(argument byvar not NULL),results for thefixed effect model will be plotted if both arguments comb.fixed and comb.random are TRUE.In order to plot results for the random effects model within subgroups,use comb.fixed==FALSE and comb.random==TRUE.Review Manager5(RevMan5)is the current software used for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews(/revman/).In RevMan5,subgroup analyses can be defined and data from a Cochrane review can be imported to R using the function read.rm5.Ifa meta-analysis is then conducted using function metacr,information on subgroups is availablein R(components byvar,bylab,and print.byvar,byvar in an object of class"meta").Accordingly,by using function metacr there is no need to define subgroups in order to redo the statistical analysis conducted in the Cochrane review.Author(s)Guido Schwarzer<>See Alsoplot.meta,metabin,metacont,metagenExamplesdata(Olkin95)meta1<-metabin(event.e,n.e,event.c,n.c,data=Olkin95,subset=c(41,47,51,59),sm="RR",meth="I",studlab=paste(author,year))grid.newpage()####Do forest plot##forest(meta1,comb.fixed=TRUE,comb.random=TRUE)grid.newpage()####Change set of columns printed on left side##of forest plot##forest(meta1,comb.fixed=TRUE,comb.random=FALSE,leftcols="studlab")grid.newpage()#### 1.Change order of columns on left side## 2.Attach labels to columns'event.e'and'event.c'##instead of columns'n.e'and'n.c'##forest(meta1,10funnel leftcols=c("studlab","n.e","event.e","n.c","event.c"),"event.e","event.c",comb.fixed=TRUE)Olkin95$studlab<-paste(Olkin95$author,Olkin95$year)####Add variables'year'and'author'to meta-analysis object##meta1$year<-addvar(meta1,Olkin95,"year")meta1$author<-addvar(meta1,Olkin95,"author")grid.newpage()####Specify column labels only for newly created variables##'year'and'author'##forest(meta1,leftcols=c("studlab","event.e","n.e","event.c","n.c","author","year"),leftlabs=c("Author","Year of Publ"),comb.fixed=TRUE)funnel Generic function to produce a funnel plot.DescriptionDraw a funnel or radial plot to assess funnel plot asymmetry in the active graphics window.A contour-enhanced funnel plot can be produced for assessing causes of funnel plot asymmetry. Usagefunnel(x,y,...)Argumentsx An object of class meta,or estimated treatment effect in individual studies.y Standard error of estimated treatment effect(mandatory if x not of class meta)....Graphical parameters as in par may also be passed as arguments.DetailsFor simple funnel plots,funnel.default will be used.For an object of class meta the function funnel.meta will be used instead.A funnel plot or radial plot,also called Galbraith plot,is drawn in the active graphics window.Ifcomb.fixed is TRUE,the pooled estimate of thefixed effect model is plotted.If level is not NULL,the corresponding confidence limits are drawn.funnel11 In the funnel plot,if yaxis is"se",the standard error of the treatment estimates is plotted on the y axis which is likely to be the best choice(Sterne&Egger,2001).Other possible choices for yaxis are"invvar"(inverse of the variance),"invse"(inverse of the standard error),and "size"(study size).For yaxis!="size",contour-enhanced funnel plots can be produced(Peters et al.,2008)by specifying the contour levels(argument contour.levels).By default(argument col.contour missing),suitable gray levels will be used to distinguish the contours.Different colours can be cho-sen by argument col.contour.Author(s)Guido Schwarzer<>,Petra Graham<> ReferencesGalbraith RF(1988a),Graphical display of estimates having differing standard errors.Technomet-rics,30,271–281.Galbraith RF(1988b),A note on graphical presentation of estimated odds ratios from several clini-cal trials.Statistics in Medicine,7,889–894.Light RJ&Pillemer DB(1984),Summing Up.The Science of Reviewing Research.Cambridge: Harvard University Press.Peters JL,Sutton AJ,Jones DR,Abrams KR,Rushton L(2008),Contour-enhanced meta-analysis funnel plots help distinguish publication bias from other causes of asymmetry.Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,61,991–996.Sterne JAC&Egger M(2001),Funnel plots for detecting bias in meta-analysis:Guidelines on choice of axis.Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,54,1046–1055.See Alsometabias,funnel.default,funnel.metaExamplesdata(Olkin95)meta1<-metabin(event.e,n.e,event.c,n.c,data=Olkin95,subset=c(41,47,51,59),studlab=paste(author,year),sm="RR",meth="I")oldpar<-par(mfrow=c(2,2))####Funnel plots##funnel(meta1)####Same result as code above:##funnel(meta1$TE,meta1$seTE,sm="RR")####Funnel plot with confidence intervals,##fixed effect estimate and contours##cc<-funnel(meta1,comb.fixed=TRUE,level=0.95,contour=c(0.9,0.95,0.99))$col.contour legend(0.05,0.05,c("0.1>p>0.05","0.05>p>0.01","<0.01"),fill=cc) ####Contour-enhanced funnel plot with user-chosen colours##funnel(meta1,comb.fixed=TRUE,level=0.95,contour=c(0.9,0.95,0.99),col.contour=c("darkgreen","green","lightgreen"),lwd=2,cex=2,pch=16,studlab=TRUE,cex.studlab=1.25)legend(0.05,0.05,c("0.1>p>0.05","0.05>p>0.01","<0.01"),fill=c("darkgreen","green","lightgreen"))par(oldpar)funnel.meta Plot to assess funnel plot asymmetryDescriptionDraw a funnel or radial plot to assess funnel plot asymmetry in the active graphics window.A contour-enhanced funnel plot can be produced for assessing causes of funnel plot asymmetry.Usage##Default S3method:funnel(x,y,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,comb.fixed=FALSE,comb.random=FALSE,axes=TRUE,pch=21,text=NULL,cex=1,lty.fixed=2,lty.random=9,lwd=1,lwd.fixed=lwd,lwd.random=lwd,col="black",bg="darkgray",col.fixed="black",col.random="black",log="",yaxis="se",sm=NULL,contour.levels=NULL,col.contour,ref=ifelse(sm%in%c("RR","OR","HR"),1,0),level=NULL,studlab=FALSE,cex.studlab=0.8,...)##S3method for class'meta':funnel(x,y,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,comb.fixed=x$comb.fixed,comb.random=x$comb.random,axes=TRUE,pch=21,text=NULL,cex=1,lty.fixed=2,lty.random=9,lwd=1,lwd.fixed=lwd,lwd.random=lwd,col="black",bg="darkgray",col.fixed="black",col.random="black",log="",yaxis="se",sm=NULL,contour.levels=NULL,col.contour,ref=ifelse(x$sm%in%c("RR","OR","HR"),1,0),level=x$level,studlab=FALSE,cex.studlab=0.8,...)radial(x,y,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,xlab="Inverse of standard error",ylab="Standardised treatment effect(z-score)",comb.fixed=TRUE,axes=TRUE,pch=1,text=NULL,cex=1,col=NULL,level=NULL,...)Argumentsx An object of class meta,or estimated treatment effect in individual studies.y Standard error of estimated treatment effect(mandatory if x not of class meta).xlim The x limits(min,max)of the plot.ylim The y limits(min,max)of the plot.xlab A label for the x axis.ylab A label for the y axis.comb.fixed A logical indicating whether the pooledfixed effect estimate should be plotted.comb.random A logical indicating whether the pooled random effects estimate should be plot-ted.axes A logical indicating whether axes should be drawn on the plot.pch The plotting symbol used for individual studies.text A character vector specifying the text to be used instead of plotting symbol.cex The magnification to be used for plotting symbol.lty.fixed Line type(pooledfixed effect estimate).lty.random Line type(pooled random effects estimate).col A vector with colour of plotting A vector with background colour of plotting symbols(only used if pch in21:25).col.fixed Color of line representignfixed effect estimate.col.random Color of line representign random effects estimate.lwd The line width for confidence intervals(if level is not NULL).lwd.fixed The line width forfixed effect estimate(if comb.fixed is not NULL).lwd.random The line width for random effects estimate(if comb.random is not NULL).log A character string which contains"x"if the x axis is to be logarithmic,"y"if the y axis is to be logarithmic and"xy"or"yx"if both axes are to belogarithmic(applies only to function funnel).yaxis A character string indicating which type of weights are to be used.Either"se","invvar","invse",or"size"(applies only to function funnel).sm A character string indicating underlying summary measure,e.g.,"RD","RR","OR","AS","MD","SMD"(applies only to function funnel).contour.levelsA numeric vector specifying contour levels to produce contour-enhanced funnelplot.col.contour Colour of contours.ref Reference value(null effect)used to produce contour-enhanced funnel plot.level The confidence level utilised in the plot.For the funnel plot,confidence limitsare not drawn if yaxis="size".studlab A logical indicating whether study labels should be printed in the graph.Avector with study labels can also be provided(must be of same length as x$TEthen).cex.studlab Size of study labels....Graphical parameters as in par may also be passed as arguments.DetailsA funnel plot or radial plot,also called Galbraith plot,is drawn in the active graphics window.Ifcomb.fixed is TRUE,the pooled estimate of thefixed effect model is plotted.If level is not NULL,the corresponding confidence limits are drawn.In the funnel plot,if yaxis is"se",the standard error of the treatment estimates is plotted on the y axis which is likely to be the best choice(Sterne&Egger,2001).Other possible choices for yaxis are"invvar"(inverse of the variance),"invse"(inverse of the standard error),and "size"(study size).For yaxis!="size",contour-enhanced funnel plots can be produced(Peters et al.,2008)by specifying the contour levels(argument contour.levels).By default(argument col.contour missing),suitable gray levels will be used to distinguish the contours.Different colours can be cho-sen by argument col.contour.Author(s)Guido Schwarzer<>,Petra Graham<>ReferencesGalbraith RF(1988a),Graphical display of estimates having differing standard errors.Technomet-rics,30,271–281.Galbraith RF(1988b),A note on graphical presentation of estimated odds ratios from several clini-cal trials.Statistics in Medicine,7,889–894.Light RJ&Pillemer DB(1984),Summing Up.The Science of Reviewing Research.Cambridge: Harvard University Press.Peters JL,Sutton AJ,Jones DR,Abrams KR,Rushton L(2008),Contour-enhanced meta-analysis funnel plots help distinguish publication bias from other causes of asymmetry.Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,61,991–996.Sterne JAC&Egger M(2001),Funnel plots for detecting bias in meta-analysis:Guidelines on choice of axis.Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,54,1046–1055.See Alsometabias,metabin,metagenExamplesdata(Olkin95)meta1<-metabin(event.e,n.e,event.c,n.c,data=Olkin95,subset=c(41,47,51,59),studlab=paste(author,year),sm="RR",meth="I")####Radial plot##radial(meta1,level=0.95)oldpar<-par(mfrow=c(2,2))####Funnel plots##funnel(meta1)####Same result as code above:##funnel(meta1$TE,meta1$seTE,sm="RR")####Funnel plot with confidence intervals,##fixed effect estimate and contours##cc<-funnel(meta1,comb.fixed=TRUE,level=0.95,contour=c(0.9,0.95,0.99))$col.contour legend(0.05,0.05,16labbe c("0.1>p>0.05","0.05>p>0.01","<0.01"),fill=cc) ####Contour-enhanced funnel plot with user-chosen colours##funnel(meta1,comb.fixed=TRUE,level=0.95,contour=c(0.9,0.95,0.99),col.contour=c("darkgreen","green","lightgreen"),lwd=2,cex=2,pch=16,studlab=TRUE,cex.studlab=1.25) legend(0.05,0.05,c("0.1>p>0.05","0.05>p>0.01","<0.01"),fill=c("darkgreen","green","lightgreen"))par(oldpar)labbe LÁbbe plotDescriptionGeneric function for drawing a L\’Abbe plot.Usagelabbe(x,y,...)Argumentsx The x coordinates of points of the L\’Abbe plot.Alternatively,an object of class metabin.y The y coordinates of the L\’Abbe plot,optional if x is an appropriate structure....Parameters used in other L\’Abbe plot functions.DetailsGeneric function for drawing a L\’Abbe plot.Author(s)Guido Schwarzer<>ReferencesL’Abbe KA,Detsky AS,O’Rourke K(1987),Meta-analysis in clinical research.Annals of Internal Medicine,107,224–233.See Alsolabbe.metabin,metabinExamplesdata(Olkin95)meta1<-metabin(event.e,n.e,event.c,n.c,data=Olkin95,studlab=paste(author,year),sm="RR")####L'Abbe plot##labbe(meta1)labbe.metabin LÁbbe plotDescriptionDraw a L\’Abbe plot.Usage##S3method for class'metabin':labbe(x,y,xlim,ylim,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,TE.fixed=x$TE.fixed,TE.random=x$TE.random,comb.fixed=x$comb.fixed,comb.random=x$comb.random,axes=TRUE,pch=21,text=NULL,cex=1,col="black",bg="lightgray",lwd=1,lwd.fixed=lwd,lwd.random=lwd,lty.fixed=2,lty.random=9,sm=x$sm,weight,studlab=FALSE,cex.studlab=0.8,...)##Default S3method:labbe(x,y,xlim,ylim,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,TE.fixed,TE.random,comb.fixed=FALSE,comb.random=FALSE,axes=TRUE,pch=21,text=NULL,cex=1,。



应用R语言netmeta程序包实现网状Meta分析张 超1 耿培亮2 郭 毅3 曾宪涛1,4*1. 湖北医药学院附属太和医院循证医学与临床研究中心(湖北十堰 442000);2. 中国人民解放军总医院肿瘤中心(北京 100853);3. 武汉大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室(武汉 430071);4. 湖北医药学院附属太和医院口腔医学中心(湖北十堰 442000)摘要 netmeta 程序包是基于经典频率学派研发、在R 语言框架下运行的专用于网状Meta 分析的程序包。

该程序包克服了基于贝叶斯统计学派研发的软件及程序包实现网状Meta 分析时对先验设定的难点,同时具备操作流程简单、操作难度小等优点。

此外,该程序包还能同时以随机效应与固定效应模型展现单个配对研究及Meta 分析合并的结果,并能绘制森林图。

本文通过实例展示了应用netmeta 程序包实现网状Meta 分析的过程。

关键词 网状Meta 分析;贝叶斯学派;频率学派;netmeta 程序包;R 软件Application of netmeta Package in R Language to Implement Network Meta-AnalysisZHANG Chao 1, GENG Pei-liang 2, GUO Yi 3, ZENG Xian-tao 1,4*1. Center for Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Research, Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000, China;2. Cancer Center, Division of Internal Medicine, Chinese PLA General Hospital & Chinese PLA Medical School, Beijing 100853, China;3. Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China;4. Department of Stomatology, Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000, ChinaAbstract The netmeta package is specialized for implementing network meta-analysis. This package was developed based on the theories of classical frequentist under R language framework. The netmeta package overcomes some difficul-ties of the software and/or packages based on the theories of Bayesian, for these software and/or packages need to set prior value when conducting network meta-analysis. The netmeta package also has the advantages of simple operation process and ease to operate. Moreover, this package can calculate and present the individual matched and pooled results based on the random and fixed effect model at the same time. It also can draw forest plots. This article gives a briefly introduction to show the process to conduct network meta-analysis using netmeta package.Key words Network meta-analysis; Bayesian; Frequentist; netmeta package; R languageDOI: 10.7507/1672-2531.20140103基金项目:湖北省教育科学“十二五”规划2012年度重点课题(编号:2012A050),湖北医药学院附属太和医院2013年循证医学“苗圃基金”项目(编号:EBM2013004)作者简介:张超,男(1988年~),本科,住院医师,以循证医学、系统评价与Meta 分析为主要研究方向。



应用R语言netmeta程序包实现网状Meta分析张 超1 耿培亮2 郭 毅3 曾宪涛1,4*1. 湖北医药学院附属太和医院循证医学与临床研究中心(湖北十堰 442000);2. 中国人民解放军总医院肿瘤中心(北京 100853);3. 武汉大学公共卫生学院流行病学教研室(武汉 430071);4. 湖北医药学院附属太和医院口腔医学中心(湖北十堰 442000)摘要 netmeta 程序包是基于经典频率学派研发、在R 语言框架下运行的专用于网状Meta 分析的程序包。

该程序包克服了基于贝叶斯统计学派研发的软件及程序包实现网状Meta 分析时对先验设定的难点,同时具备操作流程简单、操作难度小等优点。

此外,该程序包还能同时以随机效应与固定效应模型展现单个配对研究及Meta 分析合并的结果,并能绘制森林图。

本文通过实例展示了应用netmeta 程序包实现网状Meta 分析的过程。

关键词 网状Meta 分析;贝叶斯学派;频率学派;netmeta 程序包;R 软件Application of netmeta Package in R Language to Implement Network Meta-AnalysisZHANG Chao 1, GENG Pei-liang 2, GUO Yi 3, ZENG Xian-tao 1,4*1. Center for Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Research, Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000, China;2. Cancer Center, Division of Internal Medicine, Chinese PLA General Hospital & Chinese PLA Medical School, Beijing 100853, China;3. Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China;4. Department of Stomatology, Taihe Hospital, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000, ChinaAbstract The netmeta package is specialized for implementing network meta-analysis. This package was developed based on the theories of classical frequentist under R language framework. The netmeta package overcomes some difficul-ties of the software and/or packages based on the theories of Bayesian, for these software and/or packages need to set prior value when conducting network meta-analysis. The netmeta package also has the advantages of simple operation process and ease to operate. Moreover, this package can calculate and present the individual matched and pooled results based on the random and fixed effect model at the same time. It also can draw forest plots. This article gives a briefly introduction to show the process to conduct network meta-analysis using netmeta package.Key words Network meta-analysis; Bayesian; Frequentist; netmeta package; R languageDOI: 10.7507/1672-2531.20140103基金项目:湖北省教育科学“十二五”规划2012年度重点课题(编号:2012A050),湖北医药学院附属太和医院2013年循证医学“苗圃基金”项目(编号:EBM2013004)作者简介:张超,男(1988年~),本科,住院医师,以循证医学、系统评价与Meta 分析为主要研究方向。


mean=list(m1, m2, m3),sd=list(sd1, sd2, sd3),data=data2,studlab=study)
net1 <- netmeta(p1)
forest(net1, ref="A")
net1 <- netmeta(logRR, selogRR, treat1, treat2,data=data,studlab=study,comb.random=T,sm="RR",reference="placebo")
forest(net1, ref="placebo")
logRR <- with(data, log((case1/tot1) / (case0/tot0)))
selogRR <- with(data, sqrt(1/case1 + 1/case0-1/tot1-1/tot0))
MD <- with(data, m1-m2)
seMD <- with(data, sqrt(sd1^2/n1+sd2^2/n2))


























用R程序做meta分析的一般步骤1.如何安装meta分析模块工具菜单中“程序包”—> “安装程序包”,会出现下载数据源的镜像列表,然后选择离自己距离最近的镜像,我自己选的是China(Beijing 1)。


如下图2. 如何加载meta分析模块工具菜单“程序包”—>加载程序包,首先请先选择“grid”,点确定,然后再操作一遍,“程序包”—>加载程序包,然后选择“meta”,点确定。


如下图3.如何录入及保存数据3.1 创建数据框此时开始就需要命令操作了。

在命令窗口中输入td <- data.frame(name=c("a","b")),然后回车。



3.2 录入数据工具菜单“编辑”—>“数据编辑器”,然后出现对话框。







3.3 保存数据工具菜单“文件”—>“保存工作空间”,然后把你的数据保存到你所需要保存的地方。

4. 对连续性变量绘制森林图及漏斗图4.1 对连续性变量绘制森林图4.1.1 建立数据集在命令窗口中,输入td<-metacont(Total1,Mean1,SD1,Total2,Mean2,SD2,studlab=Study,data=TmpData1,sm="MD",comb.ran dom=TRUE,comb.fixed=FALSE,label.e="Treatment",label.c="Control"然后回车。



网状Meta分析中对R软件nlme程序包的开发与应用作者:王凤岐来源:《软件工程》2017年第01期摘要:nlme程序包是以广义最小二乘法和线性混合效应模型的基础上研发的,能够对R 软件进行广义线性和非线性混合的Meta分析。



关键词:网状Meta;R软件;nlme程序包;开发和应用中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A1 引言(Introduction)目前,网状Meta分析在不断的发展,基于此,越来越多的软件被陆续研究及开发出来,运算模型也逐渐进入到人们的视野中,受到人们的密切关注,其中包括广义线性模型。





2 软件和程序包的安装和加载(The installation and loading of the software and package)要想研究网状Meta分析对R软件nlme程序包的开发和应用,首先就要安装R软件,其安装根据电脑提示步骤完成即可,本文使用的是R-3.0.1。



文献[ 5 】 ) 。
C RAN安装 ,然后 安装 成功 ,利 用l i b r a r y 命令 完 成加 载步 骤。那么 ,软件和程序包就算是安及预处理( D a t a l o a d i n g a n d p r e p r o c e s s i n g )
l 引言( I n t r o d u c t i o n )
目前 ,网状 Me t a 分 析在不断 的发展 ,基于 此 ,越来越 多 的软件 被陆 续研 究及 开发 出来 ,运算 模型 也逐渐进 入到人 们 的视 野 中,受到人们 的密切 关注 ,其 中包 括广义 线性模型 。 广义 线性模 型的主要 特点就 是不强 制性的 改变数据 的 自然 度 量 ,并且 G L M模 型 中的Y分布 能够 以各种形 式指数分布( 要 想 详细 了解 网状Me t a 分析及广 义线性模 型的读者 建议阅读参 考
A b s t r a c t : T h e n l me p a c k a g e i s d e v e l o p e d b a s e d o n G L S ( G e n e r a l i z e d L e a s t S q u a r e s ) m e t h o d s a n d L ME( L i n e a r Mi x e d
( 1 ) 加载数据 实现R软件n l me 程 序包 中网状 Me t a 分析的实 现和应用 主 要是将 因变 量y 变 为效变量 ,把 自变 量x 变 为干预措施 ,之 后 根据干预措施进行 比较以此计算线性关系 。本 文 中将y 设置成
De v e l o p me n t a n d Ap p l i c a t i o n o f t he NLM E P a c k a g e i n R- S o f t wa r e i n t h e Ne w o t r k Me t a - An a l y s i s




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Meta分析和R软件的使用学习最近在学习网络meta分析,现把本版关于网络系统评价的资源做一总结:一网络meta分析科普贴1 网络荟萃分析/Network Meta-Analysis /bbs/thread/193035852 Network Meta分析入门文献/bbs/topic/23771695二网络meta分析的工具1 R软件的meta分析操作/bbs/topic/186165382 wibbugs免费下载地址三网络meta分析实战演示1 网络meta分析之一:运用R软件中R2WinBUGS包进行网络meta分析操作/bbs/topic/251122642 网络meta分析之二:网状图的构建/bbs/topic/251466323 网络meta分析之三:一致性的检测/bbs/topic/25168024四 R软件在meta分析中的应用/bbs/topic/18616538/bbs/topic/20225778/bbs/thread/18627385/bbs/thread/18623606五网状meta分析的视频讲义下载地址:原创视频讲解R软件在网状meta分析中的应用/bbs/topic/25521217最近学习网络meta分析,似乎需要一定的R语言基础才能把网络meta分析理解透彻,在此对本版的R软件使用的相关资源汇总一 R软件的下载与安装1 下载地址:2 R软件菜单命令的安装:/bbs/topic/186273853 R软件读入其他统计软件类型数据的方法:/bbs/topic/186195064 R软件的meta分析程序包介绍:/bbs/topic/186230775 媲美Stata的免费R软件学习资料:/bbs/topic/199628696 R软件中文教程 /bbs/topic/245901147 R软件常见问题解答 /bbs/topic/245901278 用R软件做Meta分析所显示的森林图不完整解决方法/bbs/thread/24173793二 R软件在meta分析中的应用1 R软件的meta分析操作:/bbs/topic/186165382 用R软件进行Meta分析:/bbs/topic/186041093 手把手讲授如何用R软件做单个样本率(患病率、检出率、低估率、标化率)的meta分析/bbs/topic/21231614 4 R软件在meta分析中的应用,欢迎指正/bbs/topic/22307243 5 R软件和Stata的Meta分析功能比较/bbs/topic/18623606 6 R软件的meta分析中的亚组分析操作/bbs/topic/20225778。





本教程以标准平均差(cohen’s d)作为效应量的meta分析为例进⾏演⽰,适⽤于⽐较两种实验条件之间因变量的差异。





(扫码即可购买,满100减50,还可叠加优惠券哟~)⼀、准备⼯欲善其事必先利其器,先来说说准备⼯作:1. 下载并安装R studio,在往期推⽂中我们已经详细介绍了R和Rstudio的安装教程,按步骤操作即可!2. 安装三个⼯具包:meta、metafor和xlsx3. 准备好上述需要进⾏meta分析的数据,存放在电脑中,以备调⽤。

为⽅便讲解,我们引⽤了《meta分析导论》⾥的⼀组数据(后台回复“元分析资料”即可获得案例数据),如下:从左到右,依次是纳⼊的研究效应量的编号(No)、第⼀作者的姓名(author)、发表年份(year)、实验组因变量均值(exp_mean)、实验组均值的标准差(exp_sd)、实验组样本量(exp_n)、控制组因变量均值(con_mean)、控制组均值的标准差(con_sd)、控制组样本量(con_n)、效应量(cohen’s d)、效应量95%置信区间下限(lower)、效应量95%置信区间上限(upper)、施测的地区(area)。

从上到下,每⼀⾏数据都代表⼀个原始研究(single study)的⼀个效应量,如果⼀个原始研究中包括多个效应量(如:有好⼏个实验(或成对⽐较)及其结果),那么每⼀个效应量应该作为独⽴的⼀⾏列在表格中。



网状Meta 分析中敏感性分析和一致性分析在R 软件中的实现杨博文1,2,陈欣1,2,孙皓1,2,时景璞1,2*1. 中国医科大学附属第一医院临床流行病学教研室(沈阳 110001);2. 辽宁省循证医学中心(沈阳 110001)摘要 目的 介绍网状Meta 分析的敏感性和一致性检验及其在R 软件中的应用。

方法 以实例演示的方式,采用随机效应模型与固定效应模型比较的方法实现敏感性分析,并采用R 软件metafor 包和combinat 包实现一致性分析。

结果 随机效应模型与固定效应模型所得结果相近,数据较稳健。

一致性检验结果表明,各环的可信区间均与空白值相交,说明网状Meta 分析计算结果与直接比较计算结果无明显差异,一致性较好。

结论 网状Meta 分析作为一种间接比较的分析方式,敏感性尤为重要,而一致性的引入使网状Meta 分析更准确。

通过R 软件实现网状Meta 分析的敏感性和一致性分析是一种可行的方法。

关键字 网状Meta 分析;R 软件;WinBUGS 软件;敏感性;一致性Sensitivity and Homogeneity Analysis in Network Meta-analysis Using R Soft wareYANG Bo-wen 1,2, CHEN Xin 1,2, SUN Hao 1,2, SHI Jing-pu 1,2*1. Department of Clinical Epidemiology, First Alienated Hospital, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China;2. Evidence-Based Medicine Center of Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110001, ChinaAbstract Objective To introduce sensitivity and homogeneity tests in network meta-analysis and its implementation in R software. Methods Using an example, we performed sensitivity analysis by comparing the random effect model with the fixed effect model. Homogeneity analysis was performed using metaphor package and combinat package in R software. Results The results of the two models were similar, and the data was steady. The results of homogeneity analysis showed that the confidential intervals in all loops were crossed over with blank value; and direct and indirect estimates of the effects in network meta-analysis were not significantly different, with good homogeneity. Conclusion Network meta-analysis is a kind of indirect comparison analysis method, and its sensitivity is especially important. The introduction of homogeneity makes network meta-analysis more accurate. Using R software for sensitivity and homogeneity analysis in network meta-analysis is a feasible method.Key words Network meta-analysis; R software; WinBUGS; Sensitivity; HomogeneityDOI: 10.7507/1672-2531.20140262作者简介:杨博文,男(1988年~),硕士研究生,以脑血管疾病与循证医学为主要研究方向。


netsplit(net1,upper=TRUE,$,baseline.reference=net1$baseline.reference,sep.trts=net1$sep.trts, quote.trts="",
p1 <- pairwise(list(Treatment1, Treatment2, Treatment3, Treatment4),n=list(n1, n2, n3,n4),event=list(event1, event2, event3,event4),data=data,studlab=study)
p1 <- pairwise(list(Treatment1, Treatment2, Treatment3),n=list(n1, n2, n3),event=list(event1, event2, event3),data=data,studlab=study)
Four arms’ data
metabias(net1$TE,net1$seTE ,method="linreg")



(中南大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 长沙 410078)
[摘 要 ] 目 的 介 绍 在 R 软 件 中 实 现 单 个 率 的 Meta 分 析 方 法 。 方 法 在 R 软 件 中 加 载 Meta 分 析 程 序 包 ,
录 入 Meta 分 析 数 据 ,用 实 例 数 据 进 行 Meta 分 析 。 结 果 单 个 率 资 料 的 Meta 分 析 要 求 率 的 分 布 服 从 正 态 分 布 ,R
sm = "PRAW", Raw, i.e. untransformed, proportions ( 没 有 转 换 的 原 始 率 ) 。
sm="PLN", Log transformation(对数转换)。 sm="PLOGIT", Logit transformation(logit 转换)。 sm="PAS",Arcsine transformation(反正弦转换)。 sm="PFT", Freeman-Tukey Double arcsine transformation ( Freeman - Tukey 双 重 反 正 弦 转 换 ) 。 [14] 在 进 行 metaprop 分 析 之 前 , 对 原 始 率 及 按 四 种估计方法进行转换后的率进行正态性检验,根 据检验结果选择接近正态分布的方法。transform 为 对数据进行 计算,p、log、logit、arcsin、dsrcsin 表 示 分 别 按 上 述 五 种 方 法 估 计 率 的 函 数 、write 为 保 存 转 换后的数据,shapiro.test 为正态性检验。 命令如下: transform (rate, p=event / n, log=log (event / n), logit=log((event / n) / (1-event / n)), arcsin=asin(sqrt (event / (n +1))), darcsin =0.5 * (asin (sqrt (event / (n+1)))+asin (sqrt((event+1) / (n+1)))))->rate write.csv (rate,file="rate.csv") shapiro.test (rate p); shapiro.test (rate log); shapiro.test (rate logit); shapiro.test (rate arcsin); shapiro.test (rate darcsin) metaprop 函 数 用 于 计 算 各 个 独 立 研 究 的 率 及 95% 可 信 区 间 , 并 按 照 率 的 分 布 选 择 合 适 的 估 计 方 法,得到合并的率及 95%可信区间。 命令如下: metarate <- metaprop (event, n, study, data = rate, sm="PLOGIT", incr=0.5, allincr=TRUE, addincr=FALSE, title="") sm 表示估计样 本率的方法 , 根据正态性 检验 结果选择合适的估计方法。 本例原始率的分布为




——前记大家好,我是一个网络meta分析爱好者,很高兴借freescience 联盟这个平台,和大家见面。





打开R 软件,安装“gemtc”、”jags”程序包#输入加载程序包的命令library('gemtc')library('rjags')#建立数据# Create a new network by specifying allinformation.treatments <>id description1 'Treatment A'2 'Treatment B'3 'Treatment C'4 'Treatment D'\'), header=TRUE)data <->study treatment diff std.err1 1 1.058 1.6541 2 NA NA2 1 0.005 0.6352 2 NA NA3 1 -0.409 1.6403 2 NA NA4 1 0.273 1.6424 2 NA NA5 3 -0.159 0.6125 1 NA NA6 3 0.027 0.7136 1 NA NA7 3 -1.138 1.1587 1 NA NA8 3 -0.029 1.4178 1 NA NA9 3 -0.154 0.0709 2 -0.209 0.0729 1 NA 0.0669 4 0.055 0.064\'), header=TRUE)#构建网络network <- work("data,description='Example'," treatments="">#制作网络图plot(network)#建立模型model<-mtc.model(network,type='consistency', factor="">#设置参数,进行运算results <-,="" n.adapt="10000," n.iter="100000," thin="10,sampler">#输出森林图forest(relative.effect(results,'1'))#输出排序结果rank.probability(results,preferredDirection=-1)OK,Gemtc程序包实现HR数据类型的网络meta分析运行结束接下来倒过来讲这个数据集的数据是如何得来的我们之前讲到大部分研究会直接给出HR值及其可信上下区间。



网络Meta分析在R软件中的实现张天嵩;熊茜【期刊名称】《循证医学》【年(卷),期】2012(012)003【摘要】目的介绍网络Meta分析方法及其在R软件的实现.方法以实例说明,采用R软件lme()函数,通过对来自5个预防人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者发生复合鸟分支杆菌感染事件随机对照研究的3种药物和安慰剂进行直接和间接比较,进行网络Meta分析.结果直接和间接比较结果表明,所有药物较之于安慰剂均可以减少人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者出现复合鸟分支杆菌事件发生,克拉霉素和阿奇霉素较之于利福平均可以减少人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者出现复合鸟分支杆菌事件发生;而对无直接比较证据的克拉霉素与阿奇霉素,间接比较结果显示两者差异无统计学意义.结论合并多个干预措施效果和没有所有干预措施直接比较证据时,采用网络Meta分析方法合并直接和间接比较结果是一种正规的方法.【总页数】4页(P185-188)【作者】张天嵩;熊茜【作者单位】上海市静安区中心医院科教部,上海200040;上海市静安区中心医院中医科,上海200040;上海市静安区中心医院科教部,上海200040【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R195.1【相关文献】1.在R软件中实现单个率的Meta分析 [J], 罗美玲;谭红专;周权;王莎亚;蔡畅;郭亚伟;沈琳2.应用R软件meta4diag程序包实现诊断准确性试验的Meta分析 [J], 何倩;王晓娜;喻亚宇;桂裕亮;张超;牛玉明3.应用R软件bamdit程序包实现诊断准确性试验的Meta分析 [J], 王权;何倩;吴君怡;陶圆;张超;牛玉明4.应用R软件metamisc程序包及CopulaREMADA程序包实现诊断准确性试验的Meta分析 [J], 王权;杨廉洁;何倩;喻亚宇;许杨鹏;张超5.超几何-正态模型在稀疏二分类数据Meta分析中的应用及R软件实现 [J], 张天嵩因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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面一. ~一
两种药物预防MAC事件出现直接和间接比 较结果(OR及95%C1)见表3。表中右上部分是直 接比较的结果(横向排列药物为参照), “Clarithromycin”与“Azithromycin”没有直接比较的 结果:左下部分以浅灰色为底标记的数据是间接
第二步:进行网络Meta分析,在R软件命令 输入窗口分别键人:
>library(nlme) >lme 1<-lme(1090r~0+Rifabutin+Clarithromycin
+Placebo, random=~1 trtpair,data=mydata,
weights=varConstPower(form=-selogor,fixed=list (power=1)))
[2]Lumley T-
Network meta—analysis for indiremⅡea“n”‘
源软件,是一套完整的数据处理、计算和绘图软件 …cco。m。pJar,i8蔷篡.C言?‘I:;。ed。,db2。0昭02K,A21,(1:?:i31篡惫。。。,。。
系统.大多数经典的统计方法和最新的技术都可direct and adjusted indirect c。mparison t。placebo: An
~酡一 渤
~也一 一~一~一‰~一 一~一一5
在没有直接比较的证据或者在比较两个以上 干预措施有效性时,必然会涉及间接比较.“,间接 比较结果在理论上可能比直接比较结果准确,但 其证据级别低于直接比较的证据c引.如比较A和B 两种干预措施的有效性,尽管没有A干预措施和 B干预措施直接比较的随机对照研究,但有A干
1 数据来源
但限于篇幅和简便说明起见,我们采用一简单数 据为例,其源于公开发表的文献㈦,含有五个研究, 主要观察药物预防人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者出现 复合鸟分支杆菌(myeobacterium avium complex, MAC)事件例数,其用药物、患者数、出现MAC事 件人数具体见表1。
网络Meta分析是由Lumley建立的一种用于 间接比较的方法。可以获得直接和间接比较的结 果。该方法基于线性混合效应模型.包括两个随机
较结果比较的非一致性(即不相关性),只有当网 络中的比较对象形成一个闭合环(如图1)He,才
[1]Thijs V,Lemmens R,FieuWs S·Network meta-analysis:
analyses,NMA)”、“混合治疗比较(mixed treatment comparison,MTC)”、“多种干预措施Meta分析 (multiple treatments meta—analysis,MTC)”等‘5。,这 些Meta分析方法可以通过概率统计或贝叶斯方法 来实现[2,6I。
Azithromycin”直接比较的证据.但可以通过网络 Meta分析来计算出间接比较的证据。
从表1中可以看出,有“Rifabutin与Placebo”、 “Clarithromycin与Placebo”、“Azithromyein与 Placebo”、“Rifabutin与Clarithromycin”直接比较的 证据.图1中以实线表示,但无“Clarithromyein与
为了进行网络Meta分析.必须对表中的数据 进行预处理,使之适宜于线性混合模型分析的要 求。将数据整理成两两比较形式,共得到5个比较 组,按经典方法,分别计算出两比较组的对数比数 比(1090r)及其标准误(selogor);将配对比较的药物 分别记为1与一1,无关的药物记为0。预处理后的 数据见表2。
一 效应估计部分,以“Azithromyein”为参照药物,其他 三种药物分另4与其相对比较的logor及其标准误、相 应P值,从而可以求得其间接比较的比数比(odds
一一 ratio.OR)及其95%可信区间(confidence interval,
呲一 CI).如得到“Clarithromycin VS.Azithromycin”间接比
预措施与安慰剂比较和B干预措施与安慰剂比较 的随机对照研究,由此可能会获得A干预措施和 B干预措施效应量的间接比较结果,但其证据级别 低于直接比较A干预措施和B干预措施的证据级 别,因此当两种证据都存在时,首先考虑使用直接 比较的证据[5。。虽然间接比较的证据力度存在争议, 但众多学者不断探讨间接比较Meta分析方法学, 目前常用的有“网络Meta分析(network meta—
Jing’an District Central Hospital,Shanghai 200040,China)
Abstract: Objective To introduce methodology for undertaking a network meta—analysis and its realization in R. Methods By using lme()function in R,network meta—analysis of randomized controlled trials(RCTs)was used to combine direct and indirect estimates of the effect of three drugs and placebo for mycobaeterium avium complex(MAC)in patients infected with the human immunode胁iency virus(HIV)from 5 RCTs.Results All drugs differed from placebo in reducing MAC events from the results of direct and indirect comparisons.Clarithromyein and Azithromycin difiered from Rifabutin in reducing MAC events from the results of direct and indirect comparisons respectively.The indirect efficacy of Clarithromycin and Azithromycin had no significance in statistically. Conclusions A network meta—analysis can be used to combine direct and indirect treatment effects in a formal when several treatments are available and not all treatments have been compared directly in some two—armed RCTs.
>library(foreign) >mydata<.read.table(”e:/hiv—ma.txt”,header= TRUE) >mydata<-transform(mydata,trtpair 2 paste (,drugl,dnl92))
上述命令是将数据读人,建立一个名为 “mydata”的数据集,并经过处理,将两两比较的药 物结成对子,以便于进一步分析。
张天嵩(1970一),男,山东昌邑人,医学博士, 主任医师,副教授,主要从事呼吸系统疾病 的中西医结合治疗及循证医学方法学研究。
过直接对比.这种分析方法可以将一系列不同治 疗方法随机临床试验数据汇总,然后就给定的治 疗终点进行点估计及可信区间估计,同时对非相 关性进行评估,Lumley教授首先提出了网络Meta 分析(network meta.analysis)的模型和方法1 2『,可以 在多种统计软件中通过拟合线性混合效应模型而 实现,本文以实例说明以R14.1的“nlme”软件包来 进行网络M络Meta分析的具体步骤
以“nlme”扩展包中lme()函数来实现网络 Meta分析。具体过程如下:
第二步:读人数据,将表中的数据输入Excel表 格中,输人完成后,将其另存为“文本文件(制表符 分隔)(术.txt)”,并命名为“”,假设存储在 c盘根目录下。在R软件命令输入窗口分别键入:
2012年6月 第12卷第3期
The Journal of Evidence—Based Medieine
Jun.2012 V01.12 No.3
张天嵩8一, 熊 茜8
[关键词] 网络Meta分析;线性混合效应模型;间接比较;R软件