第六章一个虚假的世界:从德莱顿到谢里丹的英国喜剧概说♦克伦威尔像以前的君主一样独裁,遍布间谍,关闭剧院,限制赌博♦王朝复辟后,文学进入新时期,科学的发展影响了人们对文艺的态度♦伦敦皇家协会的建立改变了人们的自然观,牛顿万有引力理论的影响♦对科学的兴趣要求更具有可读性、更贴近生活的文风♦剧院重新开放,三大旧剧院建立独立公司,查理二世兴趣广泛,特许剧院迅速繁荣王朝复辟时期的喜剧♦向不同的方向发展,先是英雄剧和新风俗喜剧繁荣起来,接着是18世纪的感伤剧和家庭悲剧,再后是风俗喜剧♦约翰·德莱顿的剧本标志新时代的开始,这一时代到18世纪进入繁盛期♦新时代的特点:崇尚理智、秩序、适度、高品位、自然风味(147)英雄剧♦有助于提高英国人的士气147♦重申三种品行:勇敢、美丽、爱心♦特点:艳丽的服饰,异国场景涉及感情纠纷,男主人公往往在爱美人和为国尽责之间左右为难,女主人公也在爱自己的甜心和爱恶棍父亲之间艰难选择♦英雄双韵体:两个押韵的句子组成,五步抑扬格(148)约翰·德莱顿♦桂冠诗人:《英雄诗》、《归来的星辰》♦文学批评之父:《论戏剧诗》149♦剧作家:喜剧《疯狂的豪侠》、悲喜剧《女情敌》149,《时髦婚姻》150,英雄悲剧《征服格拉纳达》、《奥伦·泽比》151,最好的悲剧《全为了爱》(152)评论♦戏剧数量多,质量好坏不等150♦虽然大部分作品是戏剧,但主要成就在诗歌和批评上152♦主要缺陷是把情感简化为愚蠢152♦剧本观众是宫廷人员,脱离现实生活152风俗喜剧♦定义、代表作家、内容、人物特点、情节♦剧本的意图:激发人们凭理智行事,而不注重丰富的联想或人物的发展♦讽刺的运用及讽刺对象153威廉·威彻利(1640-1716)♦威廉·威彻利(William Wycherley),英国剧作家。
The Canterbury Tales and The Decameron
(for discussion)
❖ Number of tales: a prologue and 24 tales (120
tales planned)
Chaucer’s position and contributions
Three titles: ❖The father of English poetry; ❖The father of English fiction; ❖The father of English realistic literature
prose fragment The Treatise on the Astrolabe; and
lastly Troilus and Criseyde (rhyme . royal)
Two terms related to the second period
❖Heroic couplet
Couplet is a style of poetry defined as a complete thought written in two lines with rhyming ends. The most popular of the couplets is the heroic couplet.
—the end of Act IV, Othello
❖Rhyme Royal: A form of verse which consists of stanzas of seven ten-syllable lines in iambic pentameter, riming a b a b b c c. It was first used by Chaucer, and was also the form chosen by Shakespeare in his narrative poem Lucrece (1594).
英国文学史及作品选读课件 (09级)Lecture 17
![英国文学史及作品选读课件 (09级)Lecture 17](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ed2b17d1ad51f01dc281f153.png)
● He is a Japanese–British novelist. He was born in Nagasaki, Japan, and his family moved to England in 1960. He became a British citizen in 1982. ● He is one of the most celebrated contemporary fiction authors in the English-speaking world, having received four Man Booker Prize nominations, and winning the 1989 prize for his novel The Remains of the Day. In 2008, The Times ranked Ishiguro 32nd on their list of “The 50 greatest British writers since 1945”.
Lecture 17 The Modern Period (V)
Teaching Objectives and Requirements
1 Help the students know about post-modernism.
2 Help the students know clearly about John Fowels and his work The French Lieutenant’s Woman.
3 Help the students know about Kazuo Ishiguro.
1 Post-modernism
2 John Fowels (1926-2005)
2. Literature characteristics ★ two kinds: pagan literature and Christian
literature 1) Pagan literature represents poetry and in
form of oral sagas. (“Beowulf”)
the Mid-autumn Day Nu Wa mending the sky
legends about this festival
★ Chang E flying to the moon ★ Wu Gang cutting the cherry
bay ★ Romance of Zhu Yuanzhang and moon cake
self-preservation; 3). By placing self-protection before honor, Gawain has sinned and fallen and become an image of Adam. Human excellence is marked by original sin, and the girdle itself remains a perpetual reminder of his weakness.
★Middle English literature is uttered by more voices, deals with a wider range of subjects and is in a greater
diversity of styles, tones and genres. ★ Romance and ballad occupy and important position. ★The literature reflects the principles of the medieval Christian doctrine and emphasizes the humanity of Christ
Renaissance Literature
• Late 15th century---early 17th century • The rise of bourgeois class • Renaissance: the rebirth of letters the key: humanism • Thomas More: the greatest humanist • Representatives: --William Shakespeare: drama --Edmund Spencer: poetry --Francis Bacon: essay
Second period:five history plays: Richard II, King John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V six comedies: Much Ado About Nothing, and The Merry Wives of Windsor ,As You Like It,Midsummer Night’s Dream,Twelfth Night,The Merchant of Venice twotragedies: Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar
Anglo-Saxon Period
English people) feature: alliteration, metaphors and understatements. 诗中的英雄贝奥武甫杀巨魔 、斗毒龙,并在征服这些自 然界恶势力的过程中为民捐 躯。它的背景和情节是北欧 的,但掺有基督教成分,显 示出史诗曾几经修改,已非 原貌。 按照保存在一部10世纪的 手抄本里的版本来看,诗的 结构完整,写法生动,所用 的头韵、重读字和代称体现 了古英语诗歌的特色。
Analysis of Jane Eyre
• The story tells us about a little girl who spends her miserable life in an orphan school and then finds a job as a governess in Mr. Rochester’s family. Working as a governess, she falls in love with the master Mr. Rochester and vice-verse. On her wedding day she is shocked to find that Mr. Rochester has a wife who is mad and locked in the house. She is so disappointed that she leaves him. Later and finally marries him when he is in the most wretched situation.
• Then she gets a position of governess in the family of Mrs. Rochester, a rich squire. Rochester falls in love with her and she with him. They are about to marry when Jane finds that Mr. Rochester has a wife who is mad and secretly kept under lock and key in the house. She breaks the engagement on the wedding day and flees from the house. She goes through many hardships and is helped by a broth and a sister. With their help she gets a job of a teacher in a village. But it is difficult for her to forget Mr. Rochester and she tries hard to get back to Mr. Rochester’s house. It turns out that Mr. Rochester is blinded and disabled in the hand by a fire set by his mad wife who died in the fire. Mr. Rochester is penniless and disabled but Jane Eyre marries him.
Johnson thought that “all was false and hollow” despised the honeyed words, and wrote a letter to Lord Chestfield, saying “ when I had once addressed your lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art or pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess.”
英国文学史与选读 讲座课件
汤富华 2004年3月
通过作品找意境,通过中西文学 对比,让文学课升华至文化课,让我 们的学生成为自己的主人。
Early and Medieval English Literature
Geoffrey Chaucer, the founder of English poetry, was born, about 1340, in London. He was the son of a wine merchant who had connections with the court.
Daniel Defoe: 1660-1731
• Son of James and Mary Foe, a merchant family committed to Puritanism (Presbyterians)
• Sound education at Morton’s Academy. Only Anglicans could gridge.
英国文学在欧洲文学史上占有重要地 位,是欧洲文学的重要组成部分。
英国文学对世界文学产生了深远的影 响,许多世界著名作家都受到了英国 文学的影响和启发。
莎士比亚、伊丽莎白时代文学等 。
18世纪文学:启蒙运动、 现实主义小说等。
维多利亚时期:查尔斯·狄 更斯等。
浪漫主义时期:拜伦、雪 莱等。
现代主义文学:詹姆斯·乔 伊斯、T.S.艾略特等。
从古典主义到浪漫主义、现代主义和后现代主义 。
英国文学作品反映了社会历史的变迁和时代精神的演变,对于理解历史和 社会发展具有重要意义。
英国文学作品中所探讨的社会问题、道德困境和人性挣扎,引发人们对现 实问题的关注和思考。
• 英国文学简介 • 英国文学作品赏析 • 英国文学中的主题和人物 • 英国文学的影响与启示 • 英国文学的未来发展
古英语文学,以英雄史诗《贝奥 武甫》为代表。
骑士传奇、教会文学和市民文学 等。
“Beowulf”→the national epic of the English people Epic→heroic poem: it is a long verse narrative on a serious subject, told in a formal and elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe ,a nation, or the human race.
Part One Early and Medieval English Literature(450-1550) 1、The Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066)/Old English Period 2、The Norman Period (1066-1350)/Middle English Period 3、The Age of Chaucer (1350-1400) /Middle English Period 4、The Fifteenth Century (1400-1550) /Middle English Period
Narrowly the powerful Kinsman of Hygelac kept watch how the ravager set to work with his sudden catches; nor did the monster mean to hang back. As a first step he set his hands on a sleeping soldier, savagely tore at him, gnashed at his bone-joints, bolted huge gobbets, sucked at his veins, and had soon eaten all of the dead man, even down to his hands and feet.
英国文学 课件(刘炳善版)
![英国文学 课件(刘炳善版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/38d21e99be23482fb4da4ccb.png)
Part I Ancient Literature
Compared to the long history of Europe, GB has a relatively short one, so it is impossible to know well the history of English literature without knowing about the one of Europe
The two origins of European culture: “二希”(希腊、希伯 来), they are interactive as well as contradictory in the long history
1. Greco-Roman Element
2. Judeo-Christian Element
Plato’s “the idea of inspiration”(灵感说)has great influence on romanticism and modernism
A. Greek and Roman Origin
Aristotle: Ethics, Poetics and Rhetoric He differed from his teacher Plato in many ways He emphasized direct observations of nature and
A. Greek and Roman Origin
“Man” or “human” is the core and object of Greek and Roman culture
讲述了吉卜赛弃儿希斯克利夫被山庄 老主人收养后所经历的爱情与复仇的 故事,展现了人性的复杂与矛盾。
小说通过希斯克利夫的人生经历和爱 情故事,揭示了人性中的爱与恨、善 良与邪恶等复杂情感。作品语言独特 ,情节紧张,人物形象鲜明,具有很 高的艺术价值。
维多利亚时期文学的影响 和意义
强调个性的自由和情感的表达 ,反对工业化和城市化对人的 束缚。代表人物有威廉·布莱
以拜伦、雪莱和华兹华斯等为 代表的诗歌创作,表达了对自
以简·爱和呼啸山庄为代表, 关注人性的复杂性和情感的深
维多利亚时期最著名的作家之一,以其对社会问题的深刻洞察和生动描绘而著 称。
狄更斯是19世纪英国文坛的巨匠,创作了多部经典小说,如《双城记》、《雾 都孤儿》和《大卫·科波菲尔》。他的作品揭示了社会不公和贫困问题,同时也 描绘了人性的复杂和多样。
以描绘人物命运和社会现实而著称,作品具有强烈的悲剧色 彩。
托马斯·哈代是维多利亚时期的一位重要作家,他的作品如《 德伯家的苔丝》和《无名的裘德》展示了其对人物命运和社 会现实的深刻洞察。他的小说常常以悲剧收场,反映了人生 的无常和社会的冷酷。
维多利亚时期文学作品选 读
出现了以《罗密欧与朱丽 叶》为代表的一系列悲剧 和喜剧作品,反映了当时 社会的矛盾和冲突。
通过阅读英国文学作品,可以培 养个人的审美观念、批判思维和
英国文学作品中所描绘的人物形 象和故事情节,有助于引导个人 树立正确的价值观、人生观和世
英国文学作品反映了社会历史的变迁 和人类文明的进步,促使人们对社会 问题进行深入反思。
英国文学作品中对社会问题的揭示和 批判,有助于激发人们对社会正义和 进步的思考,推动社会变革和进步。
,关注其思想内涵和人文精 神,了解当时的社会变革和
探讨中期文学作品所运用的文学技巧和创 新,如何推动文学的发展,以及在文学史 上的贡献。
分析中期文学作品中的情感表达和审美追 求,如何通过情感和审美来表达作品的主 题和思想。
英国文学不仅是文化遗产,也是人类智慧的结晶。它提供了对人性、社会和人 类命运的深刻洞察,启发了人们对生活、道德和人性的思考。英国文学作品还 具有很高的审美价值,为读者提供了丰富的阅读体验。
当前英国文学的一个显著趋势是 多元化和包容性。越来越多的作 家来自不同背景,关注各种社会 议题,使英国文学更加丰富多彩
通过阅读英国文学作品,可以了解不 同社会背景和文化传统下人们的思想 观念和行为方式,促进跨文化交流和 理解。
accession in 1837 and her death in 1901. She ruled for 63 years, the longest in English history.
It can be divided into 2 periods:
Charles Dickens
His life
- born in 1812; - the second of eight children; - poor schooling but wide reading; - began to work at 12 in a warehouse; - a law clerk, then a newspaper; - reporter, and finally a novelist.
The Bronte sisters
Charlotte Bronte Emily Bronte Anne Bronte All talented writers All died young All lovers of literature Received some education in Charity school with a bad living condition
*contribution to English literature
• He was one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age and accomplished over twenty novels.
• Greatly with his efforts and accomplishments, Critical Realistic tradition was firmly established.
the pillory, he was cheered as a hero with flowers rather than
pelted(投掷) with stones. This experience was a turning point in
the career of Defoe. His prison experience and his further
• Another fact about Defoe is that he knew about prison life. In 1702, when proposals for increasing discrimination against dissenters(持 异 议 者 ) were introduced, Defoe published an anonymous pamphlet, “The Shortest Way with the Dissenters”, advocating the most extreme measures to eradicate(根除) the dissenters. This offended both the Whigs(辉格党) and the Tories(托利党). He was tried, found guilty of seditious(煽动叛乱的) libel(诽谤), fined and sentenced to stand three days in the pillory(颈手扣,枷锁) in three different parts of London. Hardly had the sentence been announced when Defoe wrote his “Hymn(赞美诗) to the Pillory”—a set of doggerel(打油诗) verses ridiculing his prosecutors. He had it
英美文学选读 ppt课件
![英美文学选读 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c659af60fad6195f302ba629.png)
◦ about Hollywood
Fitzgerald has become identified with the extravagant living of the Jazz Age:
“It was an age of miracles, it was an age of art, it was an age of excess, and it was an age of satire.”
◦ published after the start of The Great Depression ◦ it is about people with money ◦ People didn’t want to read about success and excess when
they didn’t have enough!
◦ tend to the children, ◦ cook the meals, ◦ do the shopping and sewing, and ◦ uphold the daily routines for the family, primarily
tending to the husband’s needs.
family, and provide a home, food, and clothing.
During this time period, it was unacceptable for women, or a woman, to travel alone.
Women were to:
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2. English Critical Realism
(1) What is Critical Realism?
Critical Realism is the main trend of the literary thoughts in the 19th century; it reveals the corrupting influence of the rule of cash upon human nature. Critical realists first and foremost set themselves the task of criticizing capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint of bourgeoisie reality. As far as the literary form or “genre” is concerned, the major contribution made by the 19th century critical realists lies in their perfection of the novels. Like the realists of the 18th century, the 19th century critical realists made use of the form of novel for full and detailed representations of social and political events, and of the fate of individuals and of whole social classes.
In spite of the parliamentary reform in 1832, the living conditions of the workers did not grow better but became steadily worse. The great misery of the workers led to an upsurge of labor movements and organization of the workers into unions. In 1836 arose the working-class movement known as Chartism. In 1837, the workers formulated their political demands in The People’s Charter. But the late forties witnessed the decline of Chartism owing to the defeat of the revolutions on the Continent and the easing of social tension in England.
George Eliot at 30 by Francois D’Albert Durade
(4) What is the Victorian Period in English history?
Chronologically the Victorian Period roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria over England from 1837 to 1901. The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history.
Emily Bronte
In the fifties and sixties the realistic novel entered a stage of decline.
George Eliot described the life of the laboring people and criticized the privileged classes, but the power of exposure became much weaker in her work. The significance of her work lies rather in the portrayal of the pettiness and stagnancy of English provincial life.
Lecture 9 English Literature of The Mid and Late 19th Century 1
Ⅰ. The Rise of Critical Realism in England
1. Social Background Since the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the 18th century, the class structure in English society had undergone radical changes. With the development of capitalism, there arose a powerful working class, though the conflict between labor and capital was for some time the background of the struggle between the feudal and the bourgeois classes. England became a typical capitalist country.
(3ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Representative writers
The greatest English realist of the time was Charles Dickens. With striking force and truthfulness, he creates pictures of bourgeois civilization, describing the misery and sufferings of the common people.
The method of critical realism was further adopted by such writers as Charlotte and Emily Bronte, and Elizabeth Gaskell.
Charlotte Bronte Elizabeth Gaskell
(2) What are the main characteristics of the English critical realism?
English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The English critical realists of the 19th century not only gave a satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisie and all the ruling classes, but also showed profound sympathy for the common people. Humor and satire abound in the English realists novels of the 19th century. The realistic novels of the 19th century went a step further than those of the 18th century in that they not only pictured the conflicts between separate individuals who stood for definite social strata, but also showed a the broad social conflicts over and above the fate of mere individuals.
Queen Victoria, after whom the era
Ⅱ.Victorian Poets
The term Victorian has connotations of repression and social conformity, however in the realm of poetry these labels are somewhat misplaced. The Victorian age provided a significant development of poetic ideals such as the increased use of the Sonnet as a poetic form, which was to influence later modern poets. Poets in the Victorian period were to some extent influenced by the Romantic Poets such as Keats, William Blake, Shelley and W.Wordsworth. Wordsworth was Poet Laureate until 1850 so can be viewed as a bridge between the Romantic period and the Victorian period. Wordsworth was succeeded by Lord Tennyson, Queen Victoria's favorite poet. Victorian Poetry was an important period in the history of poetry, providing the link between the Romantic movement and the modernist movement of the 20th Century. It is not always possible to neatly categorise poets in these broad movements. For example Gerard Manley Hopkins is often cited as an example of a poet who maintained much of the Romantics sensibility in his writings.