
福禄克59mini使用说明书1、Fluke 59红外测温仪:小巧快速的温度测量工具。
2、产品简介:Fluke 59 Mini数字温度计是电气工程师进行日常电气安装和维护工作的利器。
Fluke 59 Mini红外温度计能够快捷、稳定地测量表面温度。

外壳采用日本进口无毒规格测量范围:分辨率: 0.1测量精度:±重量: 约显示方式:外观尺寸:约电池: 使用方法:1.用棉花棒或卫生纸粘取酒精擦拭消毒感温头和量温棒部分,为避免机件受损,请勿以酒精或其它溶液接触感温头及量温棒以外的部件。
5. 如果温度>37.5℃,则听到短促的报警声:Bi-Bi-Bi-Bi (每0.125秒响一次),表示测量完成并警示已发烧了。
如果温度≤37.5℃,则听到较慢的声音:Bi-Bi-Bi-Bi (每0.5秒响一次),表示测量完成并且体温正常。
6. 如果测量温度小于32.0℃,则显示L℃;大于等于42.0℃,则显示H℃。
7. 按ON/OFF按钮,关闭电源,否则,体温计会在8分40秒后自动切断电源。

TR-10数字(shùzì)温度计使用说明书TR-10数字(shùzì)温度计使用说明书TR-10便携式记录(jìlù)型测温仪使用说明一,概述(ɡài shù):TR-10是一款具备数据记录(jìlù)功能的温度测量仪表,仪表可记录100个温度点和时间,摄氏华氏转换,超温报警等功能。
二,技术参数:1、温度传感器:NTC K=103,B=34352、测温范围(fànwéi):-40℃~+110℃,3、测温精度(jīnɡ dù):±1℃(-20℃~+80℃),±2℃(-40℃~-20℃,+80℃~+110℃)4、记录点数:100个,5、采样周期:记录状态下为间隔时间,非记录状态下为10S6、显示未定要求—电磁兼容测试:(1)EFT干扰测试>2级(2)ESD测试>2级7、时间:2009年1月1日—2099年12月31日产品出厂参数值:日期为09 01 01,时间为12:00 00间隔时间为001,(1分钟)上限温度值都为:000.0度下限温度值都为:000.0度三,产品示意图:正面图片:要求有液晶屏全部显示,以及能看清(kàn qīnɡ)按键上的字。
背面图片:要求说明有背面各个部分的功能,及按键的图片,必要时增加局部(júbù)放大的图片液晶屏显示(xiǎnshì)的说明:说明(shuōmíng)液晶屏各部分显示代表的参数四,按键操作(cāozuò)说明:按键使用(shǐyòng)模式说明:按一下按键立即抬起为“时间(shíjiān)按”,按住按键(àn jiàn)查过五秒后抬起为“长时间按”前置按键的使用说明:Record:功能一:开启和关闭记录功能功能二:在记录过程中或记录完成后,按此键可以查看温度记录点的参数。

HH503HH501BJK HH501AJK HH502Digital ThermometersHH500 SeriesA l l T y p e K M o d el sS u p p l i e dw i t h Y e l l o wRu b b e r B o o tA c c e p t sT y p e J o r KT h e r m o c o u p l eI n p ut s !No Points U Types J, K Thermocouples U Provides Max/Min, Avg, Hold, RelativeU Warning Beeper with Hi/Lo Setting, Time Setting on Model HH502U Dual Display Function U 0.1° Resolution U DifferentialThermocouple InputU Accuracy: Stated Accuracy at 23 ±5°C <75% RHU NEMA 4X (IP56) Dustproof U Water/Splash Resistant Specifications (Common)Input Type: J or KPower: One 9V battery (included)Battery Life: 200 HoursDimensions: 192 H x 91 W x 53 mm D (7.6 x 3.6 x 2.2")Weight: Approx 255 g (9 oz)(HH501AJK)Display Type: Backlit LCD Number of Digits: 1999Input Channel: 1Temperature Range: -50 to 1370°C (-58 to 1950°F)Resolution: 0.1°/1°Display: 1W/Bead Wire Type K Thermocouple: 1Basic Accuracy, (% Rdg): 0.1% +1°C(HH501BJK)Display Type: Backlit LCD Number of Digits: 1999Input Channel: 2Temperature Range: -50 to 1370°C (-58 to 1950°FResolution: 0.1°/1°Display: 1W/Bead Wire Type K Thermocouple: 2Basic Accuracy: 0.1% +1°C(HH502)Display Type: LCDNumber of Digits: 25,000Input Channel: 2Temperature Range: -200 to 1370°C (-328 to 2498°F)Resolution: 0.1°Display: 3W/Bead Wire Type K Thermocouple: 2Basic Accuracy: 0.05% +0.3°C(HH503)Display Type: LCDNumber of Digits: 25,000Input Channel: 1Temperature Range: -200 to 1370°C (-328 to 2498°F)Resolution: 0.1°Display: 3W/Bead Wire Type K Thermocouple: 1Basic Accuracy: 0.05% +0.3°CHH501AJK, single inputthermometer, 1999 counts, backlit LCD display, Type J or K thermocouple, reading hold, max function, ITS-90 accuracy: ±0.2%.n d s h t Free Thermocouple Included!All models shownsmaller than actual size.U Dual Type J and K 1999 CountsBacklit LCD Display Hold and Max HH501BJKU Dual Type J and K Input U 25,000 Counts Resolution U Max/Min U T1-T2U ITS-90 Accuracy ±0.05%U J or K InputU 25,000 Counts Resolution U Max/Min, AVG, REL, and Hold FunctionsU ITS-90 Accuracy: ±0.05%HH503A l l Th e r m o c o up l e a n d R T D Pr o b e s S o l dS e p a r a t e l yHH503HH501BJK HH501AJK HH502。
精创电器 数字温度计说明书 (DS-1)

数字温度计使用说明书 (DS-1)地址:上海市中兴路457号中宝大厦19层电话:021-******** 56970682Http://www. .com 上海精创电器制造有限公司地址:上海市中兴路457号中宝大厦18层电话:021-******** 56970682Http://www. .com 精创 牌数字温度计是上海精创公司研制生产的,主要远销欧洲等地。
●时间显示范围:1∶00-12∶59●温度范围:-50℃(-58°F)~+70℃(158°F)●精度:±1℃●分辨率:>-20℃为0.1℃ ≤-20℃为1.0℃●打开机体电池盖,装入7#电池1节,不得反装。
●FSW 为功能转换键,转换过程如下:├── POWSER ON STATOS ───┤POWSER OFF →LCD 全显示→室内温度→室外温度→时间 ─────────┤显示室内温度时,有"IN"同显,显示室外温度时,有"OUT"同显。
●开机时,LCD 全显示2秒后,再显示目前室内温度,LCD 全显示2秒期间内,功能键 不切换状态。
●若连续按住FSW 功能键超过4秒后,即关机。
但CLOCK 时间继续计数。
●测量过程中若温度≥70℃(158°F)时,LCD 于小数点第一位显示H℃(°F),若温 度<-50℃(-58°F)时,LCD 于小数点第一位显示L℃(°F)。
●若电池不足时,LCD 则以1HZ 的速度闪动,此时测量不准应更换电池。

二、外观及组成部分1. 外观描述数显温度计外观简洁大方,通常由显示屏、控制按键、电源开关等组成。
2. 显示屏显示屏通常由液晶屏构成,能够清晰显示温度数值和其他相关信息。
3. 控制按键数显温度计的控制按键一般位于仪器的侧面或底部,通过按键可以实现温度单位切换、数据保存、报警设置等功能。
4. 电源开关数显温度计通常使用电池供电,电源开关位于仪器的侧面或底部,用户可以通过开关控制仪器的开关机状态。
三、使用方法1. 电池安装首次使用前,请先将电池安装到数显温度计中。
2. 开机与关机按下电源开关,数显温度计即可开机。
3. 温度测量将数显温度计的探头置于待测物体或环境中,等待数秒钟,显示屏上即可显示出当前温度数值。
4. 温度单位切换通过按键切换温度单位,数显温度计支持摄氏度(°C)和华氏度(°F)两种单位的显示。
5. 数据保存数显温度计通常具备数据保存功能,用户可以通过按键将测量结果保存到仪器内部的存储器中。
6. 报警设置某些数显温度计还具备报警功能,用户可以通过按键设置上下限温度值,当温度超过设定范围时,仪器会发出警报提醒用户。
7. 温度校准为了保证测量结果的准确性,建议定期对数显温度计进行校准。
四、注意事项1. 避免水浸数显温度计不具备防水功能,因此请避免将仪器浸入水中或接触大量水汽。

1. 清洁消毒:首先从包装中取出电子体温计,用百分之七十五酒精棉片擦拭感温头以上五十毫米部分。
2. 测量:按一下电源键,当体温计显示“L℃”表示温度单位的符号“℃”
3. 放置:将体温计放入测量部位,体温计与手臂角度应为35-45度。
4. 读取:大约20秒后会发出蜂鸣提示,或标记“℃”停止闪烁,这时即可取出读数。
5. 关闭电源:测量完毕后,及时关闭电源的开关键。
北京安博尔康电子科技有限公司 WWL-201 无线数字温度计说明书

三.主要技术参数:测温范围: -55℃ ~ +125℃(取决于传感器类型)测温路数:单一温度计采集一路,多个温度计可组成多路系统。
编号范围: 0~9999最小测量精度:±0.5℃传感器类型: DS18B20环境温度: -10 ~ +60℃环境湿度: 5%RH~95%RH供电电源: 4节5号南孚电池最佳,增大采集间隔可以延长使用时间。
五.尺寸:安装方式: 4个固定孔外型尺寸:140mm×70mm×51mm六.使用说明:●温度计编号是出厂固定的,客户不能自行修改。
●温度计采集时间间隔可通过温度计内的拨码开关来设置,具体看下表:时间间隔设置表1 2 3 4 时间间隔0 0 0 0 10秒0 0 0 1 10秒0 0 1 0 30秒0 0 1 1 1分钟0 1 0 0 5分钟0 1 0 1 10分钟0 1 1 0 20分钟0 1 1 1 30分钟推上去表示11 0 0 0 60分钟●本产品可以与本公司多种接收器组合使用组合方式一:无线温度计配合表头一对一显示图1.组合方式一数显表头可以接收无线温度计发过来的温度值并显示,数显表头采用5~12V供电,如果有配电柜或控制柜很适合用这种方式,在机柜上加工一个合适的方孔就可以把无线接收表头固定到机柜上。

手册IM TX10-02C第4版:2006年11月(KP)感谢您购买本仪器。
数字温度计1. 有关安全使用本产品的警示事项■ 本仪器和操作手册使用以下安全符号,以确保使用时的安全。
警告: 此符号在本手册中表示潜在的危险可致人重伤或死亡。
注意: 此符号在本手册中表示潜在的危险可导致严重但可逆的人身伤害或设备损坏。
3. 测量本仪器可连接4种类型的热电偶:K、J、E或T型(出厂时设置为K型)。
(1) 5部分:"更换电池")。
(3) 检查热电偶类型。
(4) 选择输入通道。
(5) 将探头连接到输入接口。
(6) 结束测量时,按•键重启本仪器并继续测量。
(7) 其它操作有关其它操作,如显示保持、相对值显示、最大和最小值记录/读取等,请参见上一页的按键操作列表。

2. 技术指标
(1) 测量范围和允许误差:
tyPE 代码 0 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 分度号
[ ]
有效测量范围 (-100.000~+200.000)℃ (-200.000~+850.000)℃ (-140.000~+320.000)℃ (-50.000~+150.000)℃ (-50.000~+150.000)℃ (0.000~2220.00) Ω (-100.000~+200.000)mV (-2.000~+24.000)mA (-200.00~+1372.00)℃
F2: mV or mA 接线图
F3: TC (INT)接线图
F4: TC (EXT)接线图
(1) 热电阻和电阻档的接线:采用 4 线制形式,见上图的 F1,插头左边的两条线接热电 阻或电阻的一端,插头右边的两条线接热电阻或电阻的另一端。 特别注意:这里的 4 线制插头不作为 USB 接口用途,不要用此插头去和电脑或其他 设备的 USB 接口连接,以免造成损坏! (2) 直流 mV 信号的接线:应采用纯铜质的导线、插头、连接片进行连接,见上图的 F2。为 减少热电势影响,应及时清除其表层污物。几种材料和铜的热电势见下表,供参考。 铜-铜 铜-铜氧化物 铜-锡 0.2μV/℃ 1000μV/℃ (1~3)μV/℃ 铜-银 铜-金 铜-铁 0.3μV/℃ 0.3μV/℃ 10μV/℃
4-wire connector
Copper connector
Thermocouple meterial connector
4-wire connector Copper conector

二、使用方法1. 打开电源本温度计使用电池供电,使用前请确保电池已安装正确。
2. 测量温度将温度计的探头放置在待测物体或液体中,确保探头与物体充分接触。
3. 切换单位本温度计支持摄氏度和华氏度两种温度单位的切换。
4. 记录温度本温度计具备记录功能,可存储多个测量结果。
三、注意事项1. 温度计仅适用于室内使用,请保持仪器干燥并避免暴露在潮湿或高温环境下。
2. 使用前请确保温度计处于正常工作状态,检查电池电量是否充足。
3. 在测量温度时,请确保探头充分接触待测物体,避免与其他物体产生干扰。
4. 温度计具有较高的精度,请勿随意摔打或撞击温度计,以免影响其测量准确性。
5. 使用后,请及时关闭电源,并妥善存放温度计,避免长时间不使用造成损坏。
6. 如遇到异常情况或不符合预期的测量结果,请及时联系售后服务。
四、维护与保养1. 温度计使用过程中如出现故障,请勿私自拆卸或修理,应送往售后服务中心进行检修。
2. 温度计外壳可使用柔软的干布擦拭,如有顽固污渍可轻轻涂抹少量清洁剂再擦拭。
3. 请勿将温度计暴露在阳光直射或高温环境下,以防止仪器受损。
4. 温度计存放时应避免碰撞或压力,以免影响其正常工作状态。

二、产品规格1. 量程:-50℃至150℃2. 分辨率:0.1℃3. 精度:±0.5℃4. 显示屏:液晶显示屏5. 电源:内置电池三、使用步骤1. 开机a.长按电源按钮,显示屏亮起,进入待机状态。
2. 温度测量a.将电子式温度计探头放置于待测物体表面,保持探头与物体表面充分接触。
3. 温度单位切换a.按下“单位”按钮,温度单位将在摄氏度(℃)和华氏度(℉)之间切换。
4. 关机a.长按电源按钮,电子式温度计将关闭。
四、注意事项1. 请勿将电子式温度计暴露在极端的温度或湿度环境中,以免影响测量准确性和仪器寿命。
2. 使用前,请检查电子式温度计的探头,确保其完好无损,并清洁探头以保证准确性。
3. 温度计仅适用于测量物体表面温度,不适用于液态或固态物质内部温度的测量。
4. 使用完毕后,请及时关闭电子式温度计以节省电池电量。
5. 若电子式温度计长时间不使用,请取出电池以避免电池泄漏。
五、常见问题Q: 温度计显示的温度与实际情况有偏差,如何处理?A: 如果发现温度计显示的温度与实际情况有较大偏差,请先确保探头与物体表面接触良好。
Q: 温度计无法开机,应该怎么办?A: 请先检查电子式温度计的电池电量,如电量不足,请更换电池。
六、保养与维护1. 请定期检查电子式温度计的外观和探头,如发现损坏或松动,请及时修理或更换。
2. 清洁探头时,请使用软布轻轻擦拭,不要使用溶剂或清洁剂。
3. 请避免将电子式温度计与尖锐物体或硬物碰撞,以防损坏。
AMETEK DT-8300数字温度计说明书

ALL ORDERS CAN BE SENT TO:Temperature ProductsSeries DT-8300 Digital ThermometersDESCRIPTIONThe AMETEK DT-8300 Digital Thermometer is arugged, fieldinstrumentdesigned fordependable,worry-freetemperaturemeasurementanywhere inthe plant. Thisunique devicecan be usedwith any TypeK thermocoupleto providequick,convenient,continuousmonitoring of liquid and gas processes.The DT-8300 is ideal for use in hard to reachplaces such as overhead pipes since it can bemounted remotely from the sensor by use ofthermocouple extension wire. Four configurationsprovide for wall, pipe, panel, or stem mounting.The stainless steel housing and one piece VALOX®bezel/face provide a corrosion resistant package forharsh environments. This device performs reliablyover a wide ambient temperature range.The large, easy reading LCD display features lowpower and open sensor indication. A self-poweredversion is available incorporating commerciallyavailable size AA batteries for approximately1.5 years of continuous operation. An externalpower model is also available for operation withan unregulated 6 to 28 VDC power supply. TheDT-8300 is also inexpensive, priced far lessthan comparable electronic field temperatureinstruments.SPECIFICATIONSRANGES: Low: -50ºF to 450ºF (-50ºC to 250ºC); High: 400ºFto 1500ºF (200ºC to 800ºC)INPUT: Type K thermocouple; supplied by U.S. Gaugedistributor or customer, Type J and E inputs also availableACCURACY:Basic Accuracy: ±1% of full scale (excluding T/C error)Conformance (to ANSI MC95-1): Low Range: ±2.2ºF (1.2ºC)from –40ºF to 450ºFHigh Range: ±2.7ºF (1.5ºC) from 400ºF to 1500ºFCold Junction Compensation And Zero Drift: .08 degrees(F or C)Span Drift: .008% of reading/ºF (0.015% of reading/ºC)Resolution: 1ºF (1ºC)CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENT: Screw adjust permitscalibration to within 1ºF (1ºC) at any desired pointOPERATING TEMPERATURES: -13ºF to 160ºF (-25ºC to72ºC), depending on power supplySELF-POWERED VERSION: Battery, 8 Size AA: 1-1/2 yearscontinuous operation, typical. Note: Ambient temperaturesabove 100ºF may shorten battery lifeEXTERNALLY-POWERED VERSION:Supply Voltage: 6 to 28 VDC (unregulated)Supply Current: 0 to 2.5 mAINTRINSICALLY SAFE (FM APPROVED): Battery poweredmodels are intrinsically safe, for Class I, II, and III, Division1, Groups A, B, C, D, E, and G hazardous locations using U.S.Gauge battery board (accepts 8 AA batteries, not included)P/N 156834 and when installed in accordancewith U.S. Gauge instructions AU-3459-FExternal powered models are entity approved for safeoperation in Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D,E, and G hazardous locations in accordance with U.S.Gauge instructions AU-3459-FV max = 18.7 V, I max = 150 mA, capacitance equals 0.4 µF,Li = 0.0 mHExternal powered models are also entity approved for safeoperation in Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Groups C, D, E,and G hazardous locations in accordance with U.S. Gaugeinstructions AU-3459-FV max = 26.7 V, I max = 150 mA, capacitance equals 0.4 µF,Li = 0.0 mHDISPLAY: 3-1/2 digit liquid crystal (LCD) 0.7” high numerals;update rate once per second; display blanks out for lowpower condition and displays large, negative number whenthermocouple or extension wires are openHOUSING: NEMA 4X design; 1/4 DIN; 302 stainless steelwith one piece, VALOX front face/bezel and neoprenegasket; environmentally sealed with one-way valve forbattery ventingCONNECTIONS: 1/2-14 NPT stainless steel half couple sealwelded to caseModel DT-8300ALL ORDERS CAN BE SENT TO:Temperature ProductsSeries DT-8300 Digital ThermometersMODEL SELECTION CHARTTEMPERATURE RANGES/TYPEPOWER PACKMOUNTING-50ºF to 450ºF/K-50ºC to 250ºC/K 400ºF to 1500ºF/K -50ºF to 450ºF/J(8-AA) Battery Field* DT-8311 DT-8321 DT-8331 DT-8351 FM Approved Panel DT-8312 DT-8322 DT-8332 DT-8352 External Supply Field* DT-8315 DT-8325 DT-8335 DT-8355 FM ApprovedPanel DT-8316 DT-8326 DT-8336 DT-8356 Model number which appearson front of caseDT-8310DT-8320DT-8330DT-8350* Field mount versions may be stem, wall, and pipe mounted; pipe mounting kit is optional at extra costAND SCREWTYPICALStem, Wall, and Pipe MountALL ORDERS CAN BE SENT TO:Series DT-8310(-50°F to 450°F Range) Type K D83CModel NumberSizePowerMountSpec No.DT-8311 3-1/2” Square Battery** Field* 149011DT-8312 3-1/2” Square Battery** Panel 149012DT-8315 3-1/2” Square External DC Field* 149015DT-83163-1/2” SquareExternal DCPanel149016Series DT-8320(-50°F to 250°F Range) Type K D83CModel NumberSizePowerMountSpec No.DT-8321 3-1/2” Square Battery** Field* 149021DT-8322 3-1/2” Square Battery** Panel 149022DT-8325 3-1/2” Square External DC Field* 149025DT-83263-1/2” SquareExternal DCPanel149026Series DT-8330(400°F to 500°C Range) Type K D83CModel NumberSizePowerMountSpec No.DT-8331 3-1/2” Square Battery** Field* 149031DT-8332 3-1/2” Square Battery** Panel 149032DT-8335 3-1/2” Square External DC Field* 149035DT-83363-1/2” SquareExternal DCPanel149036Series DT-8350(-50°F to 450°F Range) Type J D83CModel NumberSizePowerMountSpec No.DT-8351 3-1/2” Square Battery** Field* 149051DT-8352 3-1/2” Square Battery** Panel 149052DT-8355 3-1/2” Square External DC Field* 149055DT-83563-1/2” SquareExternal DCPanel149056* Field mount model used for wall, stem, or pipe mounting ** Eight size AA batteries not includedTemperature ProductsSeries DT-8300 Digital ThermometersSPEC NUMBER SELECTION CHARTPower PacksSpec No.External DC* 149342Battery Board**156834* Accepts unregulated 6-28 VDC supply** Accepts eight size AA batteries (not included)Miscellaneous AccessoriesSpec No.Pipe Mounting Package 149460Clamps and HardwareSub-Assemblies and Replacement Parts for DT-8300 D83CMain Frame Assemblies(Bezel, Display, and Electronics)Spec No.-50 to 450°F 149300-50 to 250°F 149301400 to 1500°F 1493022000 to 800°C 149303J -50 to 450°F149304Case AssembliesSpec No.Field Mount for Battery 149387Field Mount for External DC 149383Panel Mount for Battery 149386Panel Mount for External DC149381SPEC NUMBER SELECTION CHARTTemperature ProductsSeries DT-8300 Digital Thermometers。
AX-9341 数字温度计说明书

AX-9341-Termómetro digital1.FunciónEncendido/ApagadoH/T-IP67APAGADO AUTOMÁTICO DESPUÉS DE UNA HORA2.Características-Sonda de sensor de acero inoxidable-1segundo de tiempo de detección de temperatura normal-Indicador de batería baja3.Especificación-Rango de medición-50°C-+150°C o-58°F-+302°F-Resolución0,1°para-19,9°-+199,9°,de otro modo1°-Exactitud±1°C en el rango de-20°C-+150°C;de lo contrario,más de±2°C;±1,8°F en el rango de-4°F-+ 302°F,de lo contrario más de±4°F-Temperatura ambiente de la caja de plástico0°C-+50°C o+32°F-+122°F-Batería1x1,5voltios”393”tamaño o equivalente4.Instalación-Desempaque el termómetro con cuidado-Abra la puerta de la batería e instale la batería en el compartimiento de la batería.Luego cierre la puertade la batería.-Desate el cable del sensor y el termómetro estarálisto para usar.-Reemplace una batería cuando el indicador de batería baja aparezca en la pantalla.5.Operación-ON/OFF-pulse el botón”ON/OFF”para el encender/apagar.-H/T-pulse el botón”H/T”para retener la lectura para la grabación.El signo HOLD parpadearáen la pantalla para indicar la posición de espera.6.Precaución-Para obtener los mejores resultados,la punta de la sonda debe sumergirse al menos10mm en la sustancia probada.-Asegúrese de que la batería estéinstalada con la polaridad correcta como se muestra en el compartimiento de la batería.-Retire la batería del compartimiento de la batería si el termómetro no se va a utilizar durante un período prolongado o durante el almacenamiento.-El termómetro no se puede usar ni poner dentro de ningún horno o microondas.-La junta tórica de plástico debe colocarse en la posición adecuada después de abrir la tapa de la batería para garantizar el funcionamiento de la función de desconexión de agua(solo para productos con función impermeable).-Solamente use el termómetro para su propósito,utilizar el termómetro de forma no autorizada anularála garantía.7.Cambio la batería。

1GeneralThe TF428 series digital thermostat is designed for 3-speedfan and valve control in a fan coil system, including: ∙ 2-pipe cool only/heat only/manual changeover ∙ 4-pipe cool/heat manual /automatic changeover ∙ Ventilation mode∙ Manual or automatic 3-speed fan control ∙ Water valve controlBesides the basic controls, TF428 series featuring CPH (Cycle Per Hour) better maintains the room temperature to the setpoint and Random Start-up Function would help to maintain power grid stability.In addition, Honeywell Memorized Time Off Function can automatically turn off the thermostat to save energy.SPECIFICATION DATAECC-CDS-CT02-15B-E03-ENTF428/TF418 Series Digital ThermostatFan Coil Unit ControlFeatures∙ Memorized time off ∙ Cycle Per Hour (CPH) ∙ Random startup∙ Remote temperature sensor optional ∙ Energy saving mode optional∙ LCD display with simple user interface∙ Room temperature or setpoint temperature display selectable∙ Manual or automatic fan speed selectable ∙ Temperature units in either °C or °F ∙ User setting can be stored with power loss ∙ Freeze protection available ∙ Four keypad lock options∙Heating and cooling setpoint limitationSpecificationsPower supply 220/230VAC, 50/60Hz 110VAC ,60HzControl PI, On/off output Accuracy ±1°C at 21°C Auto Cycle times 100,000 times Manual Cycle times 10,000 times Protection class IP20 Set point range 10 ~ 32°C Display range 0 ~ 37°C Ambient operating limits 0~ +49°C Ambient storage limits -30 ~ +60°CHumidity limits 5~90% RH, non-condensing Remote temperature sensor NTC20K Action Type: 1 Pollution Degree 2Protection against electric shock class Class II Electronic control software class Class A Rated Impulse Voltage: 2500V Maximum Temperature 155°C Relay wiringWire Sectional area (Recommendation) 1.0~1.5mm 2 Applied altitude up to 2000m above sea level Rating CapacityWorking current for the whole product : 4(3)A4A: When the load of the thermostat is resistance 3A: When the load of the thermostat is inductanceFor Fan load 4(2)A4A:when the load is resistance; 2A:When the load is inductanceFor Valve load 2(1)A2A: when the load is resistance;1A: when the load is inductanceThe valve need have overtravel-limit organ to turn off the load.2ECC-CDS-CT02-15B-E03-ENModel SelectionE.g.TF428WN/U : 220/230 Vac, on-off valve control, white housing, unit packingTF428DN : 220/230 Vac, on-off valve control, black housing, bulk packing, 40 units/ packageProduct DesignThermostat appearanceLCD displayDimensions (mm)FunctionValve ControlThermostat measures the room temperature via integrated sensor or remote temperature sensor and maintains the set-point by delivering on/off valve control command outputs.The fan setting can be selected as manual or automatic 3-speed operation. When in “manual” mode, the fan is switched to the selected speed via control output F H (high), F M (Medium) , F L (Low).While in “automatic“ mode, fan speed depends on the differ-ence between room temperature and setpoint. When room temperature reaches the setpoint, the valve will be closed, and the fan will be closed in the meanwhile. Memorized Time OffThe time off feature will automatically turn off the thermostat after a selectable amount of time.To change the time setting, press and hold the power button for more than 3 seconds and press “up” and “down” button to change the value when the thermostat is working .NOTE:The setting range is from 0 to 12 hours. The step is 1 hour and the default value is 0.BacklightTo turn on the backlight, press any key. The backlight will time-out 8 seconds after the last key is pressed. When in ISU and Installation test mode, the backlight will timeout 60 seconds after the last key is pressed.Keypad LockoutKeypad lockout can be set in ISU and the default status is “all keys available”. Keypad lock can be optioned to “mode button locked”, “Fan and mode buttons locked”, “all buttons (except power button) locked” and “all buttons locked”.ECC-CDS-CT02-15B-E03-EN34Ventilation ModePress “mode” button to enter “ventilation” mode. In “ventilation” mode, no output for valve while the fan will operate at selected fan speed.Freeze Protection ModeFreeze protection can be selected as disabled or enabled (default) in the ISU. In freeze protection mode (only in heating applications), when thermostat is off and the temperature is below 6°C , the thermostat will activate heating mode until the temperature rises to 8°C .Operating ModeComfort ModeIn comfort mode, the setpoint and fan speed can be changed by pressing corresponding buttons. Comfort mode including 2-pipe cool only/heat only/manual changeover and 4-pipe man-ual /automatic changeover.Energy Saving ModeA dry contact (such as hotel card) or button press (press and hold the “mode” button for more than 3 seconds) can activate the energy saving mode. The dry contact can be selected as normal open or normal close in ISU.If activated by dry contact, all buttons will be locked except the multi-key for ISU. If activated by button press, any button press can stop energy saving mode.The setpoint will change to the remote setback heating/cooling setpoint when the energy saving mode is enabled. The heating setpoint range is 10ºC to 21ºC and the default is 18ºC. The cooling setpoint range is 22ºC to 32ºC and the default is 26ºC.Installation and WiringTF428 Series can be installed in standard 86 size junction box directly.The screws must be locked tightly to avoid wire break off from the terminals.The temperature of mounting box and wall should be in the operating temperature range.ECC-CDS-CT02-15B-E03-EN1 2 3 454 pipes applicationWiring Diagram2 pipes applicationTerminal DesignationsFig. 2. Honeywell VC4013/VN4013/VS4016 WiringFig. 3. Honeywell VC6013/VN6013 WiringFig. 5. Honeywell VC6013/VN6013 WiringFig. 4. Honeywell VC4013/VN4013/VS4016 WiringECC-CDS-CT02-15B-E03-EN6Automation and Control SolutionsHoneywell Environmental and Combustion Controls (Tian Jin) Co., Ltd No. 158, NanHai RoadTianjin Economic-Technological Development Area Tianjin, 300457, P.R.C.Subject to change without notice.ISU (Installation Setup)Press and hold the “mode” and “up” buttons together for more than 3 seconds to enter or exit ISU. Change the ISU code by pressing the “mode” button and then change the option setting by pressing the “up” and “down” button refer to the following introduction.ECC-CDS-CT02-15B-E03-EN。
双输入K J数字温度计说明书

HH803UDUAL INPUT K/J DIGITAL THERMOMETERINTRODUCTIONThis instrument is a 5 digit, compact-sized portable digital thermometer designed to use external K-type and J type thermocouples as temperature sensor. Temperature indication follows Reference Temperature/Voltage Ta-bles (N.I.S.T. Monograph 175 Revised to ITS-90) for K-type and J-type thermocouples. One K-type thermo-couple is supplied with the thermometer.SAFETY INFORMATIONIt is recommended that you read the safety and opera-tion instructions before using the thermometer. WARNINGTo avoid electrical shock, do not use this instrument when working voltages at the measurement surfaceover 24V AC or DC. WARNINGTo avoid damage or burns, do not make temperaturemeasurement in microwave ovens.CAUTIONRepeated sharp flexing can break the thermocouple leads. To prolong lead life, avoid sharp bends in theleads, especially near the connector.SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICALTemperature Scale: Celsius or Fahrenheit user-selectable Measurement Range:J-TYPE -200°C to 1050°C, (-328°F to 1922°F) K-TYPE -200°C to 1370°C, (-328°F to 2498°F) Resolution: 0.1°C or 0.2°FAccuracy:Accuracy is specified for operating tempera-tures over the range of 18°C to 28°C (64°F to 82°F), for 1 year, not including thermocouple error. ±(0.05% rdg + 0.3°C) -50°C to 1370°C ±(0.05% rdg + 0.7°C) -50°C to -200°C ±(0.05% rdg + 0.6°F) -58°F to 2498°F ±(0.05% rdg + 1.4°F) -58°F to -328°F Temperature Coefficient:0.1 times the applicable accuracy specification per °C from 0°C to 18°C and 28°C to 50°C (32°F to 64°F and 82°F to122°F). Input Protection:24V dc or 24V ac rms maximum input voltage on any combination of input pins.Maximum Differential Common Mode Voltage (Maximum Voltage between T1 during measurement): 1volt.Reading Rate: 1 time per second.External Connections:1. USB Port2. DC power JACK(12V)ENVIRONMENTALAmbient Operating Ranges:0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F) <80% R.H. Storage Temperature:-20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F) <70% R.H.GENERALDisplay: 5 digit liquid crystal display (LCD). Overload:“----.-” or “OL” is display.Battery: 1.5V x 4 PCS (SIZE AAA) UM-4 R03.Battery Life: 190 hours typical with carbon zinc battery. Auto power off: 30 minutes, press power key to resume operation.Dimensions: 160mm(H) x 83mm(W) x 38mm(D). Weight: Approx. 265g including batteries. Supplied Thermocouples (2 per input):1 meter (40”) type K insulated beaded wire thermocouple. Maximum insulation temperature is 482°C (900°F). Thermocouple accuracy is ±1.1°C or 0.4% of reading (whichever is greater) from 0°C to 1250°C.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1. “” Power SwitchThe “”key turns the thermometer on or off. In the SET mode cannot be powered off. Exit SET mode to power off.APO function modePress “”power key for more than 6 seconds to disable the auto-power function. The display will show “APO OFF”.2. °C/°F Selecting the Temperature ScaleReadings are displayed in either degrees Celsius(°C) or degrees Fahrenheit(°F). When the thermometer is turned on, it is set to the temperature scale that was in use when the thermometer was last turned off. To change the tem-perature scale, press the °C/°F key.Button (only Main display)annunciator is displayed. When HOLD mode is selected,further measurements. Press the key again toIn the MIN/MAXpress key to stopthe recording. Press key resume Press thekey for more than two seconds to turn seconds to turn off the backlight. The backlight will switch-off automatically after 30 seconds.4. Cold Junction Temperature Display mode (second display)Press C.J. TEMP key to display the thermocouple input connector cold junction temperature on second display. Press C.J. TEMP key again to exit this mode.OMEGAnet ®On-LineService Internet e-mail **************Servicing North America:U.S.A:One Omega Drive, Box 4047Stamford, CT 06907-0047ISO 9001Tel: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700Certified e-mail:**************Canada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec) H7L 5A1, Canada Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:*************For immediate technical or application assistance:U.S.A Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342/1-800-TC-OMEGA®andCustomer Service: 1-800-622-2378/1-800-622-BEST®Canada:Mexico:En Espan ol: (001) 203-359-7803e-mail:*****************FAX: (001) 203-359-7807**************.mxServicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 3472121FAX: +31 (0)20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 0800 0993344e-mail:*****************Czech Frystatska 184, 733 01 Karviná, Czech RepublicRepublic:Tel: +420 (0)59 6311899FAX: +420 (0)59 6311114Toll Free: 0800-1-66342e-mail:*****************France:11, rue Jacques Cartier, 78280 Guyancourt, France Tel: +33 (0)1 61 37 2900FAX: +33 (0)1 30 57 5427Toll Free in France: 0800 466 342e-mail:**************Germany/Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, GermanyAustria:Tel: + 49 (0)7056 9398-0FAX: +49 (0)7056 9398-29TollFreeinGermany************e-mail:*************United One Omega Drive, River Bend Technology Centre Kingdom:Northbank, Irlam, Manchester ISO 9002M44 5BD United KingdomCertifiedTel: +44 (0)161 777 6611FAX: +44 (0)161 777 6622Toll Free in United Kingdom: 0800-488-488e-mail:**************.ukIt is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to theEuropean New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors itcontains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.These products are not designed for use in, andshould not be used for, human applications.5. K/J T1 Input Thermocouple Type Select (Main display)The K/J key selects the T1 thermocouple type, when the main display is showing T1. When the thermometer is turned on, it is set to the type selected when the ther-mometer was last turned off.6. MIN MAX with Time record mode (Main display)Press MIN MAX key to enter the MIN MAX Recording mode, (displays the Maximum reading with time, Mini-mum reading with time and Average reading stored in record mode). In the this mode the automatic power-off feature is disabled and key, °C/°F key, REL key, SET key, Hi/Lo Limits key, K/J, C.J. TEMP and Recall keys are disabled. The beeper emits a tone when a new minimum or maximum value is recorded. Present tem-perature reading displayed on second display. Press MIN MAX key to cycle through the MAX, MIN and AVG readings. If an overload is recorded, the averaging func-tion is stopped. In this mode, press the HOLD key to stop the recording of readings, all values are held, press again to restart recording.To prevent accidental loss of MIN, MAX and AVG data, this mode can only be cancelled by pressing and holding the “MIN/MAX” key for 2 seconds. All recorded read-ings are erased.7. REL Relative mode (Main display)Press REL key to enter the Relative mode, zero the dis-play, and store the displayed reading as a reference value and annunciator REL is displayed. Present temperature reading displayed on second display. Press REL key again to exit the relative mode. The relative value can also be entered by the user. (See “SET mode” later in this manual.) When the desired Relative value has been en-tered, press REL key to enter the Relative mode, press SET key use set Relative value as a reference value. Press REL key again to exit the relative mode. In the Relative mode, the value (can not >±3000.0 counts) shown on the LCD is always the difference between the stored refer-ence and the present reading.8. Sec. Minu. Selecting the Time scalePress this key to display the elapsed time on the third display in either hours and minutes or minutes and sec-onds. When the thermometer is turned on, it is set to seconds. To change the time scale, press sec. Minus. key. Maximum elapsed time reading is 100 hours. If 100 hours is exceeded, the elapsed time resets to zero.9. SET mode (Relative value set, Time set and Hi/Lo Limits value set)9.1Press the “SET” key to enter relative values SET mode (Press “ENTER” key t o skip setting relative value). = = = =.= is displayed on the main display. The relative value is entered via overlay numbers, press overlay “ENTER” key to store the relative value, and advance to elapsed time set mode.9.2Elapsed time set mode, (Press ENTER key to skipElapsed time set mode) =.= = = : = = is displayed insecond and third display. Time (hours, minutes, sec-onds) value is entered via overlay numbers, pressoverlay “ENTER” key to store time value. Elapsedtime starts from set time value.9.3Hi Limit value set mode, is displayed (Press“ENTER” key to skip Hi Limit value set mode), = = ==.= is displayed in main display, Hi Limit value isentered via overlay numbers, then press “ENTER”key to store the Hi Limit value. = = = =.= is displayedin main display, Lo Limit value is entered via overlaynumbers, then press overlay “ENTER” key to storethe Lo Limit value and exit SET mode.9.4 When the thermometer is turned on it uses the relativevalue and Hi/Lo Limits values that were entered whenthermometer was last in use.10. Relative value Recall display mode.Press REL RECALL key to display the Relative set valueon second display. Press REL RECALL key again to exitthis mode.11. Hi/Lo Limits value Recall display modePress Hi/Lo RECALL key to display the Hi set Limitvalue on second display. Press Hi/Lo RECALL key againto display the Lo Limits set value on second display.Press Hi/Lo RECALL key again to exit this mode.12. Hi/Lo Limits mode (Main display)parative is displayed. When the input tem-perature value exceeds the Hi or Lo Limits value, thebeeper emits a continuous or pulsed tone. Press “Hi/LoLimits” key again to exit the Hi/Lo Limits mode.OPERATOR MAINTENANCEWARNINGTo avoid possible electrical shock, disconnect thethermocouple connectors from the thermometer beforeremoving the cover.Battery Replacement1. Power is supplied by 4pcs 1.5V (AAA SIZE) UM-4R03.2. The “” appears on the LCD display when replace-ment is needed. To replace battery remove screw fromback of meter and lift off the battery cover.3. Remove the battery from battery contacts and replace.4. When not in use for long periods remove battery.5. Do not store in locations with high temperatures, orhigh humidity.CleaningPeriodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and deter-gent, do not use abrasives or solvents.*Software Operation manual is on the Software disk.Where Do I Find Everything I Need forProcess Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes,Connectors, Panels & AssembliesWire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesRecorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCETransducers & Strain GagesLoad Cells & Pressure GagesDisplacement TransducersInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersAir Velocity IndicatorsTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesBenchtop/Laboratory MetersControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsIndustrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONData Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesData Logging SystemsRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSHeating CableCartridge & Strip HeatersImmersion & Band HeatersFlexible HeatersLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND CONTROLMetering & Control InstrumentationRefractometersPumps & TubingAir, Soil & Water MonitorsIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsWARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects inmaterials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date ofpurchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month graceperiod to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handlingand shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximumcoverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation.OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR)number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination byOMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced atno charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting fromany action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling,improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, orunauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit showsevidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having beendamaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture orvibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operatingconditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is notwarranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its variousproducts. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for anyomissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages thatresult from the use of its products in accordance with informationprovided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrantsonly that the parts manufactured by the company will be asspecified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHERWARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KINDWHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE,AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Theremedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the totalliability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based oncontract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability orotherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the componentupon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liablefor consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, norshall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used inor with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications orused on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclearinstallation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused inany way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basicWARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser willindemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damagewhatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA CustomerService Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA,PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBERFROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TOAVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). 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HH300 HH303系列微型数字温度计说明书

(32 to 104°F) <80% RH
Storage Range: -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) <80% RH
Dimensions: HH303: 184 x 64 x 30 mm (7.5 x 2.5 x 1.2")
and Dual Display
ߜ REL Function ߜ Hold Function ߜ Min/Max function ߜ Resolution 0.1°C/0.1°F
up to 599.9°C/999.9°F
The HH300 Series is a low cost digital thermometer, small enough to fit in your pocket. They are available in Type K or Type J/K input models with standard features such as min/max reading, reading hold, and both are °C to °F switchable. Their temperature range is from -200 to 1370°C (-328 to 2498°F).
HH308: 0.3% rdg + 1°C (2°F)
Input Protection: 60 Vdc
or 24 Vrms AC maximum
Battery: 9 V (included), MN 1604
Battery Life: 120 hour (with alkaline)
精创电器 DST-30太阳能数字温度计说明书

R R 电器
电话:021-******** 56970682
传真:021-******** 邮编:200071
◆分 辨 率:0.1℃
◆精 度:±1℃(-20℃∽+80.0℃)
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关键词过温报警;锁存器;单片机;温度传感器目录前言 (1)一.本次课程设计实践的目的和意义 (2)二.设计任务和要求 (2)2.1 设计题目 (2)2.2 主要技术性能指标 (2)2.3 功能及作用 (2)三. 系统总体方案及硬件设计 (2)3.1查阅相关资料后有以下两个方案可供选择 (2)3.2元件采购 (3)3.3系统总体设计 (3)四.接口电路设计 (6)4.1模块简介 (6)4.2 主控制器 (6)4.3 显示电路 (7)4.4温度传感器 (7)4.5温度报警电路 (9)五. 系统软件算法分析 (10)5.1主程序流程图 (10)5.2读出温度子程序 (11)5.3温度转换命令子程序 (11)5.4 计算温度子程序 (12)5.5 显示数据刷新子程序 (12)5.6按键扫描处理子程序 (13)六. 电路仿真 (14)七.焊接好的电路实体图 (15)八.检查与调试 (16)九.作品的使用 (16)十.设计心得 (20)参考文献 (20)附录 (21)前言温度是工业对象中主要的被控参数之一,如冶金、机械、食品、化工各类工业生产中,广泛使用的各种加热炉、热处理炉、反应炉等,对工件的温度处理要求严格控制。
二.设计任务和要求2.1 设计题目:数字温度计2.2 主要技术性能指标(1) 数字温度计要求测温范围为-50~70℃,精度误差在0.1℃以内,显示分辨率:0.1 ,误差:±1℃采用LED数码管直读显示。
(2) 设置上下报警温度,当温度不在设置范围内时,可以报警显示(本产品报警上限温度为70℃,报警下限温度为-50℃,低于报警下限温度显示“L”,高于报警上限温度显示“H”)。
(3) 可以间隔存储1000个数据,采用定时刷新数据,刷新频率可以调整。
2.3 功能及作用:(1)实时显示当前前环境温度数值(2)具有过温声光报警功能(3)可以根据实际情况设定温度显示的精度三. 系统总体方案及硬件设计3.1查阅相关资料后有以下两个方案可供选择方案一由于本设计是测温电路,可以使用热敏电阻之类的器件利用其感温效应,在将随被测温度变化的电压或电流采集过来,进行A/D 转换后,就可以用单片机进行数据的处理,在显示电路上,就可以将被测温度显示出来,这种设计需要用到A/D 转换电路,其中还涉及到电阻与温度的对应值的计算,感温电路比较麻烦。
原理图如下图 3.2及图 3.3所示。
4.2 主控制器主控制器采用STC89C52单片机,STC89C52是一种低功耗、高性能CMOS8位微控制器,具有8K 在系统可编程Flash 存储器。
在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8 位CPU 和在系统可编程Flash,使得STC89C52为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高灵活、超有效的解决方案。
具有以下标准功能:8k字节Flash,512字节RAM,32 位I/O 口线,看门狗定时器,内置4KB EEPROM,MAX810复位电路,2个16 位定时器/计数器,一个6向量2级中断结构,全双工串行口。
另外STC89X52 可降至0Hz 静态逻辑操作,支持2种软件可选择节电模式。
空闲模式下,CPU 停止工作,允许RAM、定时器/计数器、串口、中断继续工作。
掉电保护方式下,RAM 内容被保存,振荡器被冻结,单片机一切工作停止,直到下一个中断或硬件复位为止。
图4.1 STC89C52单片机电路晶振采用11.0592MHZ,电容采用22pF的电容值图4.2晶振电路4.3 显示电路显示电路采用4 位共阴极LED 数码管,P2.1 口作为段码输出并作为数码管的驱动。
P2.0 口的低四位作为数码管的位选端。
如图3.2所示4.4温度传感器DS18B20 温度传感器是美国DALLAS 半导体公司最新推出的一种改进型智能温度传感器,与传统的热敏电阻等测温元件相比,它能直接读出被测温度,并且可根据实际要求通过简单的编程实现9~12位的数字值读数方式。
DS18B20 的性能特点如下:1、独特的单线接口仅需要一个端口引脚进行通信;2、多个DS18B20 可以并联在惟一的三线上,实现多点组网功能3、无须外部器件;4、可通过数据线供电,电压范围为3.0~5.5V;5、零待机功耗;6、温度以9或12位数字;7、用户可定义报警设置;8、报警搜索命令识别并标志超过程序限定温度(温度报警条件)的器件;9、负电压特性,电源极性接反时,温度计不会因发热而烧毁,但不能正常工作;DS18B20 可以采用两种方式供电,一种是采用电源供电方式,此时DS18B20 的1 脚接地,2 脚作为信号线,3 脚接电源。
DS18B20的管脚排列、各种封装形式如图4.3所示,DQ 为数据输入/输出引脚。
DS18B20的测温原理如图4.5图中低温度系数晶振的振荡频率受温度的影响很小用于产生固定频率的脉冲信号送给减法计数器1,高温度系数晶振随温度变化其震荡频率明显改变,所产生的信号作为减法计数器2的脉冲输入,图中还隐含着计数门,当计数门打开时,DS18B20就对低温度系数振荡器产生的时钟脉冲后进行计数,进而完成温度测量.计数门的开启时间由高温度系数振荡器来决定,每次测量前,首先将-55 ℃所对应的基数分别置入减法计数器1和温度寄存器中,减法计数器1和温度寄存器被预置在-55 ℃所对应的一个基数值。
操作协议为:初始化DS18B20(发复位脉冲)→发ROM 功能命令→发存储器操作命令→处理数据。
预置低温度系数振荡器高温度系数振荡器斜率增加器计数器 1比较预置= 0温度寄存器计数器 2= 0T x加 1停止τ1τ2图4.5 DS18B20测温原理图在正常测温情况下,DS1820的测温分辨力为0.5℃,可采用下述方法获得高分辨率的温度测量结果:首先用DS1820提供的读暂存器指令(BEH )读出以0.5℃为分辨率的温度测量结果,然后切去测量结果中的最低有效位(LSB ),得到所测实际温度的整数部分Tz ,然后再用BEH 指令取计数器1的计数剩余值Cs 和每度计数值CD 。
考虑到DS1820测量温度的整数部分以0.25℃、0.75℃为进位界限的关系,实际温度Ts 可用下式计算:CD Cs -CD 25.0)/(℃)(+-=Tz Ts图4.6温度传感器与单片机的连接 4.5温度报警电路对于数字温度计的设计,除了温度的数字显示功能外还加入了报警系统,如果我们所设计的系统用来监控某一设备,当设备的温度超过我们所设定的温度值时,系统会产生报警。