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High dump truck is a private dump trucks, mainly for the transport of bulk and bulk cargo (such as sand, soil, and agricultural crops, and so on), can also be used to transport goods, main services in the building materials factory, mine, site etc. High dump truck mainly equipped with car lift and dump bodies, particularly suitable for high discharge of domestic jobs, easy to use, with a high degree of mobility and discharge characteristics of mechanization.

Outlined in the introduction to this article in the high purpose and significance of dump truck design modifications, development status and application prospect and the main content, and overall design of this technique. Then analysis demonstrates a total quality is 9t of high level design of dump truck, chassis selection analysis of second class, Vice-frame designs, lifting bodies, dump bodies and back door opening-closing mechanism, made a detailed exposition. Also includes analysis of the principal organs of the programmes and selected, movement analysis, dynamic analysis and calculation of strength and stiffness checking to briefly explain the calculation method for design of hydraulic system and process, and selection of hydraulic products. Last modified high dump truck after the completion of the necessary power, fuel economy and stability calculation of main performance analysis, calculation of demerit that performance to meet the requirements.

Keywords: Special Vehicle Design;High Tipper; Deputy Frame;Lift Mechanism;General Layout


摘要 (Ⅰ)

Abstract (Ⅱ)

第1章绪论 (1)

1.1课题研究的目的及意义 (1)

1.2 课题的国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3 设计的主要内容及实施计划 (3)

1.3.1设计的主要内容 (3)

1.3.2设计的技术路线 (4)

第2章总体设计 (5)

2.1专用汽车总体布置原则 (5)

2.2 二类底盘的选择 (6)

2.3车厢设计 (7)

2.3.1车厢的结构形式 (7)

2.3.2车厢的设计规范及尺寸选定 (8)

2.3.3车厢重量的计算 (9)

2.4 副车架的设计 (10)

2.4.1 副车架的截面形状及尺寸 (10)

2.4.2 加强板的布置 (11)

2.4.3 副车架的前端形状及安装位置 (11)

2.4.4 纵梁与横梁的连接设计 (13)

2.4.5 副车架与主车架的连接设计 (14)

2.5质量参数的确定 (15)

2.5.1额定装载质量 (15)

2.5.2整车整备质量 (15)

2.5.3总质量Ma (15)

2.6本章小结 (15)

第3章主要机构及零件设计 (16)

3.1高位举升机构的设计计算 (16)

3.1.1剪式高位自卸汽车的设计分析 (16)
