General DescriptionThe MAX8520/MAX8521 are designed to drive thermo-electric coolers (TE Cs) in space-constrained optical modules. Both devices deliver ±1.5A output current and control the TEC current to eliminate harmful current surges. On-chip FE Ts minimize external components and high switching frequency reduces the size of exter-nal components.The MAX8520/MAX8521 operate from a single supply and bias the TEC between the outputs of two synchronous buck regulators. This operation allows for temperature control without “dead zones” or other nonlinearities at low current. This arrangement ensures that the control system does not hunt when the set-point is very close to the natural operating point, requiring a small amount of heating or cooling. An analog control signal precisely sets the TEC current.Both devices feature accurate, individually-adjustable heating current limit and cooling current limit along with maximum TEC voltage limit to improve the reliability of optical modules. An analog output signal monitors the TEC current. A unique ripple cancellation scheme helps reduce noise.The MAX8520 is available in a 5mm x 5mm TQFN pack-age and its switching frequency is adjustable up to 1MHz through an external resistor. The MAX8521 is also available in a 5mm x 5mm TQFN as well as space-saving 3mm x 3mm UCSP™ and 36-bump WLP (3mm x 3mm) packages, with a pin-selectable switch-ing frequency of 500kHz or 1MHz.ApplicationsSFF/SFP Modules Fiber Optic Laser Modules Fiber Optic Network Equipment ATEBiotech Lab EquipmentFeatureso Circuit Footprint 0.31in 2o Low Profile Design o On-Chip Power MOSFETso High-Efficiency Switch-Mode Design o Ripple Cancellation for Low Noiseo Direct Current Control Prevents TEC Current Surges o 5% Accurate Adjustable Heating/Cooling Current Limits o 2% Accurate TEC Voltage Limito No Dead Zone or Hunting at Low Output Current o ITEC Monitors TEC Current o 1% Accurate Voltage Reference o Switching Frequency up to 1MHz o Synchronization (MAX8521)MAX8520/MAX8521Modules________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Ordering InformationFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,or visit Maxim’s website at .UCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Typical Operating CircuitPin Configurations appear at end of data sheet +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package.*EP = Exposed pad.**Four center bumps depopulated.M A X 8520/M A X 8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical ModulesABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.V DD to GND..............................................................-0.3V to +6V SHDN , MAXV, MAXIP, MAXIN,CTLI to GND.........................................................-0.3V to +6V COMP, FREQ, OS1, OS2, CS, REF,ITEC to GND...........................................-0.3V to (V DD + 0.3V)PVDD1, PVDD2 to GND.............................-0.3V to (V DD + 0.3V)PVDD1, PVDD2 to V DD ..........................................-0.3V to +0.3V PGND1, PGND2 to GND.......................................-0.3V to +0.3V COMP, REF, ITEC short to GND....................................Indefinite LX Current (Note 1)........................................±2.25A LX Current Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)6 x 6 UCSP (derate 22mW/°C above +70°C)...............1.75W 20-Pin 5mm x 5mm x 0.9mm TQFN (derate 20.8mW/°Cabove +70°C) (Note 2)...................................................1.67W 36-Bump WLP (derate 22mW/°C above +70°C)............1.75W Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Maximum Junction Temperature.....................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow)Lead(Pb)-Free (TQFN, WLP)........................................+260°C Containing Lead (UCSP).............................................+240°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote 1:LX has internal clamp diodes to PGND and PVDD. Applications that forward bias these diodes should take care not toexceed the IC’s package power dissipation limits.Note 2:Solders underside metal slug to PCB ground plane.PACKAGE THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3)20 TQFNJunction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA )...............30°C/W Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance (θJC )......................2°C/W 6x6 UCSPJunction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA )................65.5°C/W Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance (θJC ).......................0°C/W36 WLPJunction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance (θJA )..................38°C/W Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance (θJC )......................4°C/WNote 3:Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a four-layer board. For detailed information on package thermal considerations, refer to /thermal-tutorial .MAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules_______________________________________________________________________________________3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)M A X 8520/M A X 8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules 4_______________________________________________________________________________________ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V DD = V PVDD1= V PVDD2= V SHDN = 5V, 1MHz mode (Note 4). PGND1 = PGND2 = GND, CTLI = MAXV = MAXIP = MAXIN = REF, T A = -40°C to +85°C , unless otherwise noted.) (Note 8)MAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules_______________________________________________________________________________________5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V= V = V = V = 5V, 1MHz mode (Note 4). PGND1 = PGND2 = GND, CTLI = MAXV = MAXIP = MAXIN = REF,the MAX8521.Note 5:Includes power FET leakage.Note 6:Duty-cycle specification is guaranteed by design and not production tested.Note 7:CTLI Gain is defined as:Note 8:Specifications to -40°C are guaranteed by design and not production tested.Typical Operating Characteristics(V DD = 5V, circuit of Figure 1, T A = +25°C unless otherwise noted.)EFFICIENCY vs. TEC CURRENTV DD = 5V, R TEC = 2ΩTEC CURENT (A)E F F I C I E N C Y (%) vs. TEC CURRENT V DD = 3.3V, R TEC = 1.3ΩTEC CURRENT (A)E F F I C I E N C Y (%) OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLEMAX8520/21 toc03400ns/divV OS220mV/div AC-COUPLEDV OS120mV/div AC-COUPLED I TEC = 1AC 2 = C 7 = 1µFM A X 8520/M A X 8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules 6_______________________________________________________________________________________DIFFERENTIALOUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLEMAX8520/21 toc04400ns/divV OS2 - V OS11mV/divAC-COUPLEDC 2 = C 7 = 1µFI TEC = 1AV DD RIPPLEMAX8520/21 toc05400ns/div V DD20mV/div AC-COUPLEDI TEC = 1ATEC CURRENT RIPPLEMAX8520/21 toc06400ns/div10mA/div AC-COUPLED0A1.5ATEC CURRENT vs. CTLI VOLTAGEMAX8520/21 toc0720ms/divV CTLI 1V/divI TEC1A/div0A 0VZERO-CROSSING TEC CURRENTMAX8520/21 toc081ms/divV CTLII00mV/divI TEC100mA/div0A 1.5VV ITEC vs. TEC CURRENTTEC CURRENT (A)V I T E C (V ) Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = 5V, circuit of Figure 1, T A = +25°C unless otherwise noted.)I TEC vs. AMBIENT TEMPERATUREAMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)T E C C U R R E N T (A )+60+40+20-200.4600.4700.4800.4900.5000.5100.5200.450-40+80SWITCHING FREQUENCY vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)S W I T C H I N G F R E Q U E N C Y (k H z )+80+60+40+200-2050060070080090010001100400-40MAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules_______________________________________________________________________________________7SWITCHING FREQUENCY CHANGE vs. V DDV DD (V)S W I T C H I N G F R E Q U E N C Y C H A N G E (k H z ) FREQUENCY vs. R EXTR EXT (k Ω)S W I T C H I N G F R E Q U E N C Y (k H z )140120100805006007008009001000110040060160V DD STEP RESPONSEMAX8520/21 toc1910ms/divV DD 2V/divI TEC10mA/div1A0VREFERENCE VOLTAGE CHANGE vs. V DDV DD (V)R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E C H A N G E (m V ) 5.5REFERENCE VOLTAGE CHANGEvs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E C H A N G E (m V )+80+40+60+20-20-4-3-2-1012345-5-40REFERENCE VOLTAGE CHANGEvs. LOAD CURRENTLOAD CURRENT (mA)R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E C H A N G E (m V ) AND SHUTDOWN WAVEFORMSMAX8520/21 toc17200µs/divV SHDN 5V/div I TEC500mA/div I DD200mA/div 0mA0mA0V CTLI STEP RESPONSEMAX8520/21 toc181msV CTLI 1V/div I TEC 1A/div0A 1.5VTypical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = 5V, circuit of Figure 1, T A = +25°C unless otherwise noted.)M A X 8520/M A X 8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = 5V, circuit of Figure 1, T A = +25°C unless otherwise noted.)THERMAL STABILITY,COOLING MODEMAX8520/21 toc204s/divTEMPERATURE 0.001°C/div T TEC = +25°C T A = +45°CTHERMAL STABILITY,ROOM TEMPERATUREMAX8520/21 toc214s/divTEMPERATURE 0.001°C/div T TEC = +25°C T A = +25°CTHERMAL STABILITY,HEATING MODEMAX8520/21 toc224s/divTEMPERATURE 0.001°C/divT TEC = +25°C T A = +5°CPin DescriptionMAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules_______________________________________________________________________________________9Pin Description (continued)M A X 8520/M A X 8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules 10______________________________________________________________________________________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX8520/MAX8521 TE C drivers consist of two switching buck regulators that operate together to directly control the TEC current. This configuration cre-ates a differential voltage across the TE C, allowing bi-directional TE C current for controlled cooling and heating. Controlled cooling and heating allow accurate TEC temperature control to within 0.01°C. The voltage at CTLI directly sets the TEC current. An external thermal-control loop is typically used to drive CTLI. Figures 1and 2 show examples of the thermal-control-loop circuit.Ripple CancellationSwitching regulators like those used in the MAX8520/MAX8521 inherently create ripple voltage on the output.The dual regulators in the MAX8520/MAX8521 switch in-phase and provide complementary in-phase duty cycles so ripple waveforms at the TE C are greatly reduced. This feature suppresses ripple currents and electrical noise at the TEC to prevent interference with the laser diode.Switching FrequencyFor the MAX8521, FRE Q sets the switching frequency of the internal oscillator. With FREQ = GND, the oscilla-tor frequency is set to 500kHz. The oscillator frequency is 1MHz when FREQ = V DD .For the MAX8520, connect a resistor (R EXT in Figure 2)from FRE Q to GND. Choose R EXT = 60k Ωfor 1MHz operation, and R EXT = 150k Ωfor 500KHz operation. For any intermediary frequency between 500kHz and 1MHz, use the following equation to find the value of R EXT value needed for V DD = 5V:where R EXT is the resistance given in k Ω, and fs is the desired frequency given in MHz. Note that for V DD <5V, the frequency is reduced slightly, to the extent of about 7% when V DD reaches 3V. This should be taken into consideration when selecting the value for R EXT at known supply voltage.Voltage and Current-Limit SettingBoth the MAX8520 and MAX8521 provide control of the maximum differential TE C voltage. Applying a voltage to MAXV limits the maximum voltage across the TE C.The voltage at MAXIP and MAXIN sets the maximum positive and negative current through the TE C. These current limits can be independently controlled.Current Monitor OutputITEC provides a voltage output proportional to the TEC current (I TEC ). See the Functional Diagram for more detail:V ITEC = 1.5V +(8 (VOS1-VCS))Reference OutputThe MAX8520/MAX8521 include an on-chip voltage ref-erence. The 1.50V reference is accurate to 1% over temperature. Bypass REF with 0.1µF to GND. REF can be used to bias an external thermistor for temperature sensing as shown in Figures 1 and 2.Thermal and Fault-Current ProtectionThe MAX8520/MAX8521 provide fault-current protec-tion in either FE Ts by turning off both high-side and low-side FE Ts when the peak current exceeds 3A in either FE Ts. In addition, thermal-overload protection limits the total power dissipation in the chip. When the device’s die junction temperature exceeds +165°C, an on-chip thermal sensor shuts down the device. The thermal sensor turns the device on again after the junc-tion temperature cools down by +15°C.Design ProceduresDuty-Cycle Range SelectionBy design, the MAX8520/MAX8521 are capable of operating from 0% to 100% duty cycle, allowing both LX outputs to enter dropout. However, as the LX pulse width narrows, accurate duty-cycle control becomes difficult. This can result in a low-frequency noise appearing at the TEC output (typically in the 20kHz to 50kHz range). While this noise is typically filtered out by the low thermal-loop bandwidth, for best result, operate the PWM with a pulse width greater than 200ns. For 500kHz application, the recommended duty-cycle range is from 10% to 90%. For 1MHz application, it is from 20% to 80%.MAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules______________________________________________________________________________________11Figure 1. MAX8521 Typical Application CircuitM A X 8520/M A X 8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules 12______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 2. Typical Application Circuit for the MAX8520 with Reduced Op-Amp Count ConfigurationMAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules______________________________________________________________________________________13Inductor SelectionThe MAX8520/MAX8521 dual buck converters operate in-phase and in complementary mode to drive the TEC differentially in a current-mode control scheme. At zero TEC current, the differential voltage is zero, hence the outputs with respect to GND are equal to half of V DD .As the TEC current demand increases, one output will go up and the other will go down from the initial point of 0.5V DD by an amount equal to 0.5 V TEC (V TEC = I TEC R TEC ). Therefore, the operating duty cycle of each buck converter depends on the operating I TEC and R TEC . Since inductor current calculation for heating and cooling are identical, but reverse in polarity, the calcu-lation only needs to be carried out for either one.For a given inductor, and input voltage, the maximum inductor ripple current happens when the duty cycle is at 50%. Therefore, the inductor should be calculated at 50% duty cycle to find the maximum ripple current. The maximum desired ripple current of a typical standard buck converter is in the range of 20% to 40% of the maximum load. The higher the value of the inductor, the lower the ripple current. However, the size will be phys-ically larger. For the TE C driver the thermal loop is inherently slow, so the inductor can be larger for lower ripple current for better noise and E MI performance.Picking an inductor to yield ripple current of 10% to 20% of the maximum TE C current is a good starting point.Calculate the inductor value as follows:where LIR is the selected inductor ripple-current ratio,I TEC(MAX)is the maximum TE C current, and fs is the switching frequencyAs an example, for V DD = 3.3V, LIR = 12%, and fs =1MHz, L = 4.58µHEven though each inductor ripple current is at its maxi-mum at 50% duty cycle (zero TE C current), the ripple cancels differentially because each is equal and in-phase.Output Filter Capacitor SelectionCommon-Mode Filter CapacitorsThe common-mode filter capacitors (C2 and C7 of Figure 1) are used as filter capacitors to ground for each output. The output ripple voltage depends on the capacitance, the E SR of these capacitors, and the inductor ripple current. Ceramic capacitors are recom-mended for their low E SR and impedance at high fre-quency.Figure 3. Functional Diagram of the Current-Control LoopM A X 8520/M A X 8521The output common-mode ripple voltage can be calcu-lated as follows:V RIPPLEpk-pk = LIR x I TEC(MAX)(ESR + 1/8 x C x fs)A 1µF ceramic capacitor with ESR of 10 m Ωwith LIR =12% and I TEC(MAX)= 1.5A will result in V RIPPLE(P-P)of 24.3mV. For size-constraint application, the capacitor can be made smaller at the expense of higher ripple voltage. However, the capacitance must be high enough so that the LC resonant frequency is less than 1/5 the switching frequency:where f is the resonant frequency of the output filter.Differential Mode Filter CapacitorThe differential-mode filter capacitor (C5 in Figure 1) is used to bypass differential ripple current through the TEC as the result of unequal duty cycle of each output.This happens when the TE C current is not at zero. As TE C current increases from zero, both outputs move away from the 50% duty-cycle point complementarily.The common-mode ripple decreases, but the differential ripple does not cancel perfectly, and there will be a resulting differential ripple. The maximum value happens when one output is at 75% duty cycle and the other is at 25% duty cycle. At this operating point, the differential ripple is equal to 1/2 of the maximum common-mode rip-ple. The TE C ripple current determines the TE C perfor-mance, because the maximum temperature differential that can be created between the terminals of the TE C depends on the ratio of ripple current and DC current.The lower the ripple current, the closer to the ideal maxi-mum. The differential-mode capacitor provides a low-impedance path for the ripple current to flow, so that the TE C ripple current is greatly reduced. The TE C ripple current then can be calculated as follows:I TEC(RIPPLE)= (0.5 x LIR x I TEC(MAX)) x (Z C5)/(R TEC+ R SENSE + Z C5)where Z C5is the impedance of C5 at twice the switching frequency, R TEC is the TE C equivalent resistance, and R SENSE is the current-sense resistor.Decoupling Capacitor SelectionDecouple each power supply input (V DD , PVDD1,PVDD2) with a 1µF ceramic capacitor close to the sup-ply pins. In applications with long distances between the source supply and the MAX8520/MAX8521, addi-tional bypassing may be needed to stabilize the input supply. In such cases, a low-ESR electrolytic or ceramic capacitor of 100µF or more at V DD is sufficient.Compensation CapacitorA compensation capacitor is needed to ensure current-control-loop stability (see Figure 3). Select the capacitor so that the unity-gain bandwidth of the current-control loop is less than or equal to 10% the resonant frequency of the output filter:where:f BW = Unity-gain bandwidth frequency, less than or equal to 10% the output filter resonant frequencyg m = Loop transconductance, typically 100µA/V C COMP = Value of the compensation capacitorR TEC = TEC series resistance, use the minimum resis-tance valueR SENSE = Sense resistorSetting Voltage and Current LimitsCertain TEC parameters must be considered to guarantee a robust design. These include maximum positive current,maximum negative current, and the maximum voltage allowed across the TEC. These limits should be used to set the MAXIP, MAXIN, and MAXV voltages.Setting Max Positive and Negative TEC Current MAXIP and MAXIN set the maximum positive and nega-tive TEC currents, respectively. The default current limit is ±150mV/R SENSE when MAXIP and MAXIN are con-nected to RE F. To set maximum limits other than the defaults, connect a resistor-divider from REF to GND to set V MAXI_. Use resistors in the 10k Ωto 100k Ωrange.V MAXI_is related to ITEC by the following equations:V MAXIP = 10(I TECP(MAX) R SENSE )V MAXIN = 10(I TECN(MAX) R SENSE )where I TECP(MAX)is the maximum positive TEC current and I TECN(MAX)is the negative maximum TEC current.Positive TEC current occurs when CS is less than OS1:I TEC x R SENSE = OS1 - CSwhen I TEC > 0A.I TEC R SENSE = CS - OS1when I TEC< 0A.Smallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules 14______________________________________________________________________________________Take care not to exceed the positive or negative cur-rent limit on the TEC. Refer to the manufacturer’s data sheet for these limits.Setting Max TEC Voltage Apply a voltage to the MAXV pin to control the maxi-mum differential TEC voltage. V MAXV can vary from 0V to V REF. The voltage across the TE C is four times V MAXV and can be positive or negative:|V OS1- V OS2| = 4 x V MAXV or V DD, whichever is lower Set V MAXV with a resistor-divider between RE F and GND using resistors from 10kΩto 100kΩ. V MAXV can vary from 0V to V REF.Control Inputs/OutputsOutput Current Control The voltage at CTLI directly sets the TEC current. CTLI is typically driven from the output of a temperature con-trol loop. The transfer function relating current through the TEC (I TEC) and V CTLI is given by:I TEC= (V CTLI- V REF)/(10 R SENSE)where V REF is 1.50V and:ITEC = (V OS1- V CS)/R SENSECTLI is centered around REF (1.50V). I TEC is zero when CTLI = 1.50V. When V CTLI> 1.50V the current flow is from OS2 to OS1. The voltages on the pins relate as follows:V OS2> V OS1> V CSThe opposite applies when V CTLI< 1.50V current flows from OS1 to OS2:V OS2< V OS1< V CSShutdown Control The MAX8520/MAX8521 can be placed in a power-saving shutdown mode by driving SHDN low. When the MAX8520/MAX8521 are shut down, the TEC is off (OS1 and OS2 decay to GND) and supply current is reduced to 2mA (typ).ITEC Output ITEC is a status output that provides a voltage proportional to the actual TEC current. V ITEC= V REF when TEC current is zero. The transfer function for the ITEC output is:V ITEC= 1.50V + 8 (V OS1– V CS)Use ITE C to monitor the cooling or heating current through the TE C. For stability keep the load capaci-tance on ITEC to less than 150pF.Applications InformationThe MAX8520/MAX8521 typically drive a thermo-elec-tric cooler inside a thermal-control loop. TE C drive polarity and power are regulated based on temperature information read from a thermistor or other temperature-measuring device to maintain a stable control tempera-ture. Temperature stability of +0.01°C can be achievedwith carefully selected external components.There are numerous ways to implement the thermal loop. Figures 1 and 2 show designs that employ precision op amps, along with a DAC or potentiometer to set the con-trol temperature. The loop can also be implemented digi-tally, using a precision A/D to read the thermistor or other temperature sensor, a microcontroller to implement the control algorithm, and a DAC (or filtered-PWM signal) tosend the appropriate signal to the MAX8520/MAX8521CTLI input. Regardless of the form taken by the thermal-control circuitry, all designs are similar in that they read temperature, compare it to a set-point signal, and thensend an error-correcting signal to the MAX8520/MAX8521 that moves the temperature in the appropriate direction.PCB Layout and RoutingHigh switching frequencies and large peak currentsmake PCB layout a very important part of design. Good design minimizes excessive EMI and voltage gradientsin the ground plane, both of which can result in instabil-ity or regulation errors. Follow these guidelines for goodPCB layout:1) Place decoupling capacitors as close to the IC pinsas possible.2) Keep a separate power ground plane, which is con-nected to PGND1 and PGND2. PVDD1, PVDD2, PGND1 and PGND2 are noisy points. Connect decou-pling capacitors from PVDD_ to PGND_ as direct as possible. Output capacitors C2, C7 returns are con-nected to PGND plane.3) Connect a decoupling capacitor from V DD to GND. Connect GND to a signal ground plane (separate fromthe power ground plane above). Other V DD decoupling capacitors (such as the input capacitor) need to be connected to the PGND plane.4) Connect GND and PGND_ pins together at a single point, as close as possible to the chip.5) Keep the power loop, which consists of input capaci-tors, output inductors and capacitors, as compact andsmall as possible.MAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules ______________________________________________________________________________________15M A X 8520/M A X 85216) To ensure high DC-loop gain and minimum loop error, keep the board layout adjacent to the negative input pin of the integrator (U2 in Figure1) clean and free of moisture. Any contamination or leakage current into this node can act to lower the DC gain of the integrator which can degrade the accuracy of the thermal loop. If space is available, it can also be helpful to surround the negative input node of the integrator with a grounded guard ring.Refer to the MAX8520/MAX8521 evaluation kit for a PCB layout example.Chip InformationPROCESS: BiCMOSSmallest TEC Power Drivers for Optical Modules 16______________________________________________________________________________________F6PVDD2LX2LX2LX1LX1PGND2PGND2PGND2PGND1PGND1PGND1OS2FREQ GND2GND2COMP SHDN VDD GND2GND2ITECGNDCTLIREFMAXVMAX8521MAXIP MAXIN PVDD2CS OS1PVDD1PVDD1F5F4F3F2F1E6E5E2E1D6D5D4D3D2D1C6C5C4C3C2C1B6B5B2B1A6A5A4A3A2A1+UCSP/WLPTOP VIEW BUMPS ON BOTTOMPin ConfigurationsPackage InformationFor the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to /packages . Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing per-tains to the package regardless of RoHS status.MAX8520/MAX8521Smallest TEC Power Drivers for OpticalModules______________________________________________________________________________________17Functional Diagram。
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0.01 1.0× 1013 40±5
0.01 1.0× 1013 60±5
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Shore 00 硬度
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SM7055-12 是采用电流模式 PWM 控制方式的功率开关
芯片应用于 BUCK-BOOST 系统方案,支持 12V 输出电压,
插件电阻 RES -10R-5%DIO-REC-DO41-1.00A-1KV-IN4007
5 插件二极管 DIO-FAS-DO41-1.00A-600V-BYV26C D2
6 插件二极管 DIO-FAS-DO41-1.00A-1KV-FR107
电解电容 CAP-ELE-4.7u-400V-Ф8*12
欠压等完善的保护功能,保证了系统的可靠性。 SM7055-12 芯片应用领域:电饭煲、电压力锅等小家电产
图 1 系统应用原理图
测试数据(输入电压 220Vac 条件下)
输入电压 输出规格 恒压精度
85Vac~264Vac 12V/0.25A ±4.5%
13 色环电感 LC-1mH
14 工型电感 LC-560uH
图 2 系统方案板正面图 图 3 系统方案板背面图
第 1页 /共 1页
图 4 PCB bottomlayer
纹波测试 空载功耗 转换效率 启动时间
152 mV 35 mW 73.6 % 101 ms
莫莎公司 OnCell G2111 G2151I 系列工业四频GSM GPRS模块产品简介说明书
![莫莎公司 OnCell G2111 G2151I 系列工业四频GSM GPRS模块产品简介说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5528473326d3240c844769eae009581b6bd9bde5.png)
OnCell G2111/G2151I SeriesIndustrial quad-band GSM/GPRS modemsFeatures and Benefits•Quad-band GSM/GPRS850/900/1800/1900MHz•DIN-rail mounting and wall mounting•2.5kV RMS isolation for1min.for all serial signals(G2151I only)•LED indicators for GSM/GPRS and data transmission status•Extended operating temperature from-25to70°C(G2111-T only)CertificationsIntroductionThe OnCell G2111/G2151I Series of industrial quad-band GSM/GPRS modems are designed to transmit data and short messages(SMS)over GSM/ GPRS mobile networks.The modems can be used to increase the efficiency of maintenance and communication,but do not require extensive training.In addition,the modems can be mounted on a DIN rail or wall.The OnCell G2111/G2151I Series modems accept a12to48VDC power input,making them suitable for use with a variety of field power sources.The serial ports feature15kV ESD line protection to protect the products from harmful electrical discharge,and separate RS-232and RS-422/485 interfaces are built into the OnCell G2151I,each with2.5kV RMS isolation protection for one minute.The two serial interfaces on the OnCell G2151I make it ideal for attaching all kinds of devices,such as stand-alone controllers,PC COM ports,and multi-dropped electric meters.In addition,the OnCell G2111-T has an extended operating temperature(-25to70°C)design that makes it suitable for heavy industrial use. SpecificationsCellular InterfaceCellular Standards GSM,GPRSBand Options Quad-band GSM/GPRS850MHz/900MHz/1800MHz/1900MHzGPRS Multi-Slot Class10GPRS Terminal Device Class Class BGPRS Coding Schemes CS1to CS4CSD Data Rates Up to14400bpsCellular Antenna Connectors1SMA femaleNo.of SIMs1SIM Control Voltage3VSerial InterfaceNo.of Ports1Serial Standards All models:RS-232(DB9female connector)OnCell G2151I:RS-232/422/485(5-pin terminal block connector)ESD Protection OnCell G2111:15kVIsolation OnCell G2151I:2kVData Bits8Stop Bits1Parity NoneFlow Control RTS/CTSBaudrate300bps to230.4kbpsSerial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,RI,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDPower ParametersInput Voltage12to48VDCPower Connector Terminal blockInput Current0.625A@12VDC,0.16A@48VDCPhysical CharacteristicsHousing ABS+PolycarbonateIP Rating IP30Dimensions27x123x79mm(1.06x4.84x3.11in)Weight155g(0.34lb)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature OnCell G2111/G2151I:-20to55°C(-4to131°F)OnCell G2111I-T:-25to70°C(-22to158°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsSafety UL60950-1EMC EN55032/24EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:4kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:3V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:0.5kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:3VIEC61000-4-8PFMFRadio Frequency FCC Part22H,FCC Part24E,EN301489-1,EN301489-7,EN301511MTBFTime OnCell G2111:925,000hrsOnCell G2111-T:925,000hrsOnCell G2151I:864,000hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x OnCell G2111/G2151I Series GSM/GPRS modem1Antenna1x GSM/GPRSAccessory1x terminal block for power jack connectorDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name Cellular Standard Band Operating Temp.Serial Isolation Serial StandardsOnCell G2111GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900MHz-20to55°C–RS-232OnCell G2111-T GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900MHz-25to70°C–RS-232OnCell G2151I GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900MHz-20to55°C✓RS-232/422/4851.An activated SIM card(not included)must be provided by a third party Cellular Service Provider.Accessories(sold separately)AntennasANT-CQB-AHSM-00-3m GSM/GPRS/EDGE,omni-directional magnetic base antenna,0dBi,3m cableANT-CQB-AHSM-03-3m GSM/GPRS/EDGE,omni-directional magnetic base antenna,3dBi,3m cableANT-CQB-AHSM-05-3m GSM/GPRS/EDGE,omni-directional magnetic base antenna,5dBi,3m cableANT-CQB-ASM-01GSM/GPRS/EDGE,omni-directional rubber duck antenna,1dBiANT-WCDMA-ANF-00GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA,omni-directional outdoor antenna,0dBiANT-WCDMA-ASM-1.5GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA,omni-directional rubber duck antenna,1.5dBiANT-WCDMA-AHSM-04-2.5m GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA,omni-directional magnetic base antenna,4dBiANT-LTE-ASM-02GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA/LTE,omni-directional rubber duck antenna,2dBiANT-LTE-ANF-04GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA/LTE,omni-directional outdoor antenna,4dBi,IP66AntennasANT-LTEUS-ASM-01GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA/LTE,omni-directional rubber duck antenna,1dBiWireless Antenna CableA-CRF-SMSF-R3-100Cellular magnetic-base SMA connector with1-meter RF cable©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Nov12,2018.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
Standard Product Offerings* Special order onlyOther products may be available. Refer to individual EW-series’ sheets for full range of solutionsNote: All images herein are generic and may not be representative of actual productElliptical Waveguide and AccessoriesProduct GuideEW17 Series (Special Order Only)Connectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW20 Series (Special Order Only)Connectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW28 Series (Special Order Only)Connectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesHoistingEW37 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW43 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW52 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW63 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesHoistingEW64 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW77 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW85 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW90 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesHoistingEW127A SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesEW132 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesHoistingEW180 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesHoistingEW220 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesHoistingEW240 SeriesConnectors Auxiliary ProductsAccessoriesConnector KitsSplice HardwareGrounding KitsUniversal Grounding Kit 60”UG1215B4-TCompatible with EW63 – EW180Individual specifications can be found in the E-CatalogWaveguide HangersWaveguide Entry EquipmentBoot AssembliesEntrance PanelsElliptical Waveguide - CommScope vs. CompetitorsVisit our website or contact your local CommScope representative for more information.© 2020 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved.All trademarks identified by ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope, Inc. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any specifications or warrantie,d in accordance with international standards, including ISO 9001, TL 9000, and ISO 14001.Further information regarding CommScope’s commitment can be found at /About-Us/Corporate-Responsibility-and-Sustainability .CO-114132.1-EN (12/20)CommScope pushes the boundaries ofcommunications technology with game-changing ideas and ground-breaking discoveries that spark profound human achievement. We collaborate with our customers and partners to design, create and build the world’s most advanced networks. It is our passion and commitment to identify the next opportunity and realize a better tomorrow. Discover more at 。
奇致家居策划 —电通蜂窝模式
![奇致家居策划 —电通蜂窝模式](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/64a0bf74ee06eff9aef807ac.png)
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品牌标识可以是品牌商标,标志背书,电 视广告中特别难忘的镜头,功能/情感表现 场景中的任何一个。
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五、充放电特性1. 充电特性蜂巢115电芯支持常见的充电方法,如恒流充电、恒压充电等。
2. 放电特性蜂巢115电芯的最大连续放电电流为2C,最大瞬间放电电流可达3C。
K-LED 2.0蜂窝灯 产品说明书
![K-LED 2.0蜂窝灯 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3077b799a0c7aa00b52acfc789eb172ded63990e.png)
BRIEF INFORMATIONK-LED 2.0 beaconS ensor-controlled automatic day time / night time level: optimum warning, no dazzle!Rotates or flashes - as required. M eets IP 67 requirements: dust-tight and a brief immersion in water is also possible.PRODUCT FEATURES2.0 Brightness levelsThe integrated light sensor automatically toggles between day and night mode. This guarantees the best possible warning effectiveness.2.0 Types of warning signalFirst HELLA beacons where you can choose by switch or programming between rotating or flashing warning signals.Functional safetyMeets the requirements of IP 67. The beacon is dust-tight and a brief immersion in water up to 1 metre is also possible.Vibration resistanceThe beacons have been developed without any moving parts and therefore optimally protects against strong vibrations and shocks.Compact designExtremely flat design and impact-resistant polycarbonate dome.Low life cycle costsMaintenance-free beacon with a very long design life.High-quality corrosion protectionHousing is passivated and then powder coated.Approved in accordance with GGVSE / ADRThe beacons are approved for transport of dangerous goods according to the Hazardous Waste Road Directive (ADR inGermany - GGVS).PRODUCT BENEFITSAutomatic day time / night time level: sensor measures theambient brightness and controls the changeover between day time / night time levels by means of the measured values. Providing an optimum service during the day and not dazzling anyone at night.Signal: flashing / rotating. For fixed attachment, choosebetween switch or programming. In the case of pipe socket and magnet fixing, you can choose between rotating or flashing warning signal via programming. Intelligent and powerful electronics:programmable for a wide range of flashing sequences or changeover to rotating function, multi-voltage function. Operational safety by means of 12 / 24 V polarity reversaland overvoltage protection.Ideal for permanent use, thanks to low current consumption. Ideal light output and focusing through the use of a specialreflector and 20 high-power LEDs.Very robust and vibration-resistant: no moving parts,extremely flat design and impact-resistant dome.High-quality corrosion protection: by means of specialfinishing and coating of the housing. This provides aconsiderable degree of protection against aggressive media like salt and lyes.Cooling fins for an optimum thermal management to ensurethe long design life.Assembly possible from below on bolt circle Ø 130 mm andfrom below and above on bolt circle Ø 150.Rotating light functionFlashing functionIntensive perception thanks to double-flash signal,360° warning effect, rapid increase in light values, signal can be perceived immediately.TimeHomogenous illumination with rapid increase in the light values, signal can be perceived immediately.PERFECT FOR:4 and 12 = rotating warning signals Orange = on White = off16 different warning signals12345678910111213141516TECHNICAL DETAILSAPPLICATION EXAMPLETECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal voltage (U N )Multi-voltage Operating voltage (U B )10 – 32 VInterference suppression (CISPR25)Power-controlled class 5Total current consumption 0.45 A to 2.5 A Power consumption max. 30 W Operating temperature range -40 °C to +60 °C Dome Polycarbonate Installationfrom the bottom Reverse polarity protection Yes Position of use upright Protection classIP 67TYPE TEST ApprovalGGVSE / ADREMC protectionFor more information:/municipalRANGE OVERVIEW* N o ECE approval – use as far as permitted by legislation.** N ot approved for road traffic in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.© H E L L A K G a A H u e c k & C o ., L i p p s t a d t 9Z 2 999 133-835 K B /03.13/1.7 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y The products on this page havethe following features:。
U512, , U514, U505
U508, U509
D3, D304, D307, D504
D303, D305
COSP05FB 6R8.33W5%1206 2R7.33W5%1206 10K.125W1%0805
22n630VMKP7.5 T50WFETD29 T16A400-5x20AL T3A15400-5x20
Q3, Q7, Q307, Q308, Q508 Q4, Q5, Q8, Q9, Q400, Q401, Q403, Q507, Q404, Q12
Q11 Q10, Q500 Q509
Q505 U300, U401
U407, U408, U504
Ic Operational Amplifier Lm833 SOIC Narrow body Ic dual gate driver FAN3224CMX SOIC-8 Pulse Width Modulator PFC type 1 rev.03a Final Assembly 01
Ic Comparator Lm339D
Ic Digital Isolator SI8441-C Ic Inverting Scmitt trigger 74AHC1G14 SOT353-1 Diode Signal Bas21 SOT-23 Diode Power 1n4006 Diode Zener 6V2 .225W 2% SOT-23
RUCKUS ZF7025 ZF7055 ZF7321 ZF7352 Product Guide
![RUCKUS ZF7025 ZF7055 ZF7321 ZF7352 Product Guide](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0d63212ca55177232f60ddccda38376baf1fe0dc.png)
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
-94/-95 dBm
✓ ✓
-94/-95 dBm
✓ ✓
-94/-95 dBm
Up to 10,000
Up to 100,000
50.8 cm (L), 45.53 cm (W), 8.76 cm (H) 40 Lbs. (18.14 kilograms) 2RU rack mountable Control: Six 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 ports Data: two 10 GigE data ports Serial ports, RJ-45 (one front, one back) See Data Sheet Clientless 802.1X solution; Ruckus TTG-PDG gateway based tunneling offload; Wi-Fi edge network data offload (local breakout) 6,144 Incorporates on-board EAP-server enabling SIGTRAN based authentication with external HLR/HSS; RADIUS AAA proxy
— 1
项目 电源电压 Vcc 启动电压 Vcc 关闭电压 Vcc 电源电流 启动时间 OC 保护电压 功率管耐压 功率管最大电流 峰值电流保护 掁荡频率 变频频率 抖频步进频率 温度保护 PWM 占空比 控制电压 Fb 测试条件 AC 输入 85V------265V AC 输入 85V------265V AC 输入 85V------265V Vcc=5V,Fb=2.2V AC 输入 85V L=1.2mH Ioc=1mA Vcc=5V,Fb=1.6V---3.6V Vcc=5V,Fb=1.6V---3.6V Vcc=5V,Fb=1.6V---2.8V Vcc=4.6V,Fb=2.8V---3.6V Vcc=4.6V,Fb=1.6V---2.8V Vcc=4.6V,Fb=1.6V---3.6V Vcc=4.6V,Fb=1.6V---3.6V AC 输入 85V------265V 最小 4 4.8 3.6 10 --460 700 600 650 50 0.05 0.8 120 5 1.6 典型 5 5 4 20 --480 --660 720 65 --1 125 ----最大 6 5.2 4.2 30 500 500 --700 800 70 65 1.2 130 75 3.6 单位 V V V mA mS V V mA mA Khz Khz Khz
Vs =85*1.3=110V (考虑了线路压降及整流压降)。
2.4、计算 PWM 导通时间
Ton =(1/F)*D=(1/65)*0.5=7.7uS
2.5、计算原边匝数 N p
Vs Ton 110 7.7 85匝 Bac Ae 0.2 50
N p -------------------------原边匝数 Vs ---------------------------原边直流电压(最低电压值) Ton --------------------------导通时间 Bac ------------------------交变工作磁密(mT),设为 0.2 Ae ---------------------------磁心有效面积(m m 2 ),EE25 磁心为 50 m m 2
MICRO SWITCH™ Subminiature Basic SwitchesDatasheet2What makes our switches better?Designed to operate in a variety of applicationsCurrent carrying capacity, up to 3 A, allows for a solution inmany applications where space is a premiumCost-effective switch in a compact packageSubminiature switch package designed to meet a widerange of temperature requirementsMICRO SWITCH™ ZX Series Subminiature Basic SwitchesHoneywell’s MICRO SWITCH™ ZX Series is a subminiature snap-action switch from the family of Z seriessubminiature basic switches. Although small in size, the ZX Series is rated for controlling electrical loads ranging from logic-level/computer-based circuits to limited power-duty switching (up to 3 A/125 Vac). The ZX subminiature switch package is available with either solder terminals or a variety of different styles of printed circuit board (PCB) terminals to fulfill the requirements for electrical connectivity.A wide variety of stainless steel levers are available and when combined with the subminiature package size, can adapt the ZX Series to a wide range of applications. T o enhance the versatility of ZX switches, the family is certified to UL, cUL, ENEC, and CQC for worldwide use. The ZX Series is the right choice for a cost-effective subminiature switch package.RIGHT SWITCH FOR THE RIGHT APPLICATIONRELIABILITY • ELECTRICAL RATING3Features and BenefitsSMALL PACKAGE SIZESubminiature package size (6,5 mm x 12,8 mm [0.25 in x 0.50 in]) allows the MICRO SWITCH™ ZX Series switch to fit in applications where other sensors or switches are too large.WELL SUITED FOR POWER-DUTY AND LOGIC-LEVEL LOADSZX switch design helps assure control of limited power-duty switching with silver contacts or logic-level (low voltage, and milliamperes) with gold-plated contacts.DESIGN FLEXIBILITYDesigned with a pin plunger for actuation, the ZX Series is also available with various styles of levers. The optional levers expand the versatility of the switch in the application. In addition, the ZX Series features a variety of terminations designed to provide flexibility for the electrical connectivity. Certified to cUL, UL, ENEC, and CQC for global applications, as well as RoHS compliant.WORLDWIDE AVAILABILITYEntire family of ZX switches is available worldwide through Honeywell’s network.Enhanced performance in a compact packageINDUSTRIALCircuit breaker box module interlock Electric utility meter tamper switch T amper switch for computer modulesCOMMERCIALSmall residential appliances ATM equipmentMEDICALHospital bed pendant controls Infusion pumps (end of travel)Syringes (end of travel)Potential Applications4ZX SeriesPRODUCT NOMENCLATUREZXSwitch TypeCurrent Rating10CircuitryNOTES: 1Not all combinations of model code are available.Please contact your Honeywell provider/representative for assistance.2Actuator Type “99” and/or Actuator Type “S” designates a special and requires a special designator at the end of the listing.3Operating force is measured at the plunger. Adding an actuator/lever will change the operating force. See pages 6 and 7 for operating forces.4Lever length dimension is measured as follows: Straight lever - from center line of lever pivot to end of lever;Roller and simulated roller lever - from center line of pivot to center of roller diameter. See page 8 for dimension details.Operating Force 3(at pin plunger)EZX SeriesBasicSwitchTerminal TypeActuator Type 4(Levers Mounted Internal)—A01A special designator is used to indicate non-standard features. This code consists of three alphanumeric characters max.A special designator is required when Terminal Type is “99” Special Designator 210MICRO SWITCH™ Subminiature Basic SwitchesNote: Refer to engineering drawing for additional information.Note: UL, cUL; CQC and ENEC “use temperature”; 0 °C to 55 °C [32 °F to 131 °F].5Pin plungerStd. straightLever13 mm[0.51 in]Short straightlever10 mm[0.40 in]Std. sim.roller lever,11,8 mm[0.47 in]Short sim.roller lever,10 mm[0.40 in]Long sim.roller lever15 mm[0.59 in]Long straightlever, 30 mm[1.18 in]78ZX Series3X 1,20[0.047]3X 2,00[0.079]3X 2,20[0.087]5,08[0.200]TYPE APIN PLUNGERTYPE BTYPE CTYPE EOP FROM BASE OP FROM TERMINAL(FOR TYPE 20 & 30 TERMINAL) (FOR TYPE 50 & 60 TERMINAL)004990-2-EN IL50 GLOFebruary 2016Copyright © 2016 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Sensing and Productivity Solutions Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and switching products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions • Product range guide • Product nomenclature tree• Product application-specific information– Application note: Sensors and switches in chemistry analyzers – Application note: Sensors and switches for potential HVAC/Rapplications – Application note: Sensors and switches for potential medicalapplications – Technical bulletin: Applying precision switches – Technical bulletin: Low energy switch guideWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particu-lar purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for conse-quential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:H oneywell:ZX10C10A01ZX10E10A01ZX10E10C01ZX10E10E01ZX10E50E01ZX40C30A01ZX40C30C01ZX40E10C01 ZX40E10E01ZX40E30A01ZX40E30C01ZX40E30S01-A ZX40E50E01ZX40E60A01ZX10E60C01ZX10C30J01 ZX10C30B01ZX40E30E01ZX10C10S01-A ZX10C30E01ZX40C10C01ZX10E20G01ZX10C10B01ZX10C20C01 ZX10E20E01ZX40E10S01-A ZX40C50C01ZX10C50C01ZX10C60E01ZX10C10C01ZX40E10J01ZX40C60C01ZX40E50A01ZX10C20A01ZX10C50A01ZX40E60C01ZX10C20J01ZX40C20A01ZX40E20C01 ZX10C60A01ZX40E50C01ZX40E10S01-B ZX10E20G01-1ZX10E10F01。
BLC9G27LS-151AVPower LDMOS transistorRev. 3 — 24 May 2017Product data sheet 1. Product profile1.1General description150W LDMOS packaged asymmetrical Doherty power transistor for base stationapplications at frequencies from 2496MHz to 2690MHz.Table 1.Typical performanceTypical RF performance at T case = 25 ︒C in the Doherty demo board.Test signal f V DS P L(AV)G pηD ACPR(MHz)(V)(W)(dB)(%)(dBc)1-carrier W-CDMA2496 to 26902828.215.548-30 [1][1]Test signal: 3GPP test model 1; 1 to 64 DPCH; PAR=7.2dB at 0.01% probability on CCDF.1.2Features and benefits⏹Excellent ruggedness⏹High efficiency⏹Low thermal resistance providing excellent thermal stability⏹Decoupling leads to enable improved video bandwidth⏹Lower output capacitance for improved performance in Doherty applications⏹Designed for low memory effects providing excellent pre-distortability⏹Internally matched for ease of use⏹Integrated ESD protection⏹Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC, regarding Restriction of Hazardous Substances(RoHS)1.3Applications⏹RF power amplifier for LTE base stations and multi carrier applications in the2496MHz to 2690MHz frequency range2. Pinning informationTable 2.Pinning[1]Connected to flange.3. Ordering informationTable 3.Ordering informationType number PackageName Description Version BLC9G27LS-151AV-air cavity plastic earless flanged package; 6 leads SOT1275-14. Limiting valuesTable 4.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max UnitV DS drain-source voltage-65VV GS gate-source voltage-5+13VT stg storage temperature-65+150︒CT j junction temperature[1]-225︒C[1]Continuous use at maximum temperature will affect the reliability, for details refer to the online MTFcalculator.5. Thermal characteristicsTable 5.Thermal characteristicsSymbol Parameter Conditions Typ UnitR th(j-case)thermal resistance from junction to case T case=80︒C; I Dq=280mA;V GS(amp) peak = 0.85 VP L = 28.2 W0.314K/WP L = 44.7 W0.270K/W6. CharacteristicsTable 6.DC characteristicsT j = 25 ︒C unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitMain deviceV(BR)DSS drain-source breakdown voltage V GS=0V;I D=0.5mA65--VV GS(th)gate-source threshold voltage V DS=10 V; I D=50mA 1.52 2.5VV GSq gate-source quiescent voltage V DS=28 V; I D=300mA 1.75 2.3 2.85VI DSS drain leakage current V GS=0V;V DS=32V-- 1.4μA-10.9-AI DSX drain cut-off current V GS=V GS(th)+3.75 V;V DS=10VI GSS gate leakage current V GS=11V;V DS=0V--140nAg fs forward transconductance V DS=10V;I D=50 mA-0.53-S-285460mΩR DS(on)drain-source on-state resistance V GS=V GS(th) + 3.75V;I D=1.75APeak deviceV(BR)DSS drain-source breakdown voltage V GS=0V;I D=1.1mA65--VV GS(th)gate-source threshold voltage V DS=10 V; I D=110mA 1.52 2.5VV GSq gate-source quiescent voltage V DS=28 V; I D=660mA 1.65 2.2 2.75VI DSS drain leakage current V GS=0V;V DS=32V-- 1.4μA-23.8-AI DSX drain cut-off current V GS=V GS(th)+3.75 V;V DS=10VI GSS gate leakage current V GS=11V;V DS=0V--140nAg fs forward transconductance V DS=10V;I D=110mA- 1.16-S-130215mΩR DS(on)drain-source on-state resistance V GS=V GS(th) + 3.75V;I D=3.85ATable 7.RF characteristicsTest signal: 1-carrier W-CDMA; PAR = 7.2 dB at 0.01% probability on the CCDF;3GPP test model1; 1 to 64 DPCH; f1=2496MHz; f2=2690MHz; RF performance at V DS=28V;I Dq=280mA (main); V GS(amp)peak=0.8V; T case=25︒C; unless otherwise specified; in anasymmetrical Doherty production test circuit at frequencies from 2496MHz to 2690 MHz.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitG p power gain P L(AV)=28W14.415.6-dBRL in input return loss P L(AV)=28W--11-7dBηD drain efficiency P L(AV)=28W4146-%ACPR adjacent channel power ratio P L(AV)=28W--30-25dBcTable 8.RF characteristicsTest signal: pulsed CW; t p=100μs; δ=10%; f=2690MHz; RF performance at V DS = 28 V;I Dq=280mA(main); V GS(amp)peak=0.8V; T case = 25 ︒C; unless otherwise specified; tested in anasymmetrical Doherty production test circuit at frequencies from 2496MHz to 2690MHz.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitP L(3dB)output power at 3 dB gain compression135155-W7. Test information7.1Ruggedness in Doherty operationThe BLC9G27LS-151AV is capable of withstanding a load mismatch corresponding to aVSWR=10: 1 through all phases under the following conditions: V DS=28V;I Dq=200mA (main); V GS(amp)peak=0.85V; P L=50 W(1-carrier W-CDMA);f=2496MHz.7.2Impedance informationTable 9.Typical impedance of main deviceMeasured load-pull data of main device; I Dq = 300 mA (main); V DS = 28 V.f Z S [1]Z L [1]P L [2]ηD [2]G p [2](MHz)(Ω)(Ω)(W)(%)(dB)Maximum power load2496 6.2 - j7.7 3.3 - j7.771.555.818.12600 6.1- j5.9 3.3 - j7.771.355.718.52690 3.6 - j5.4 3.3 - j7.766.954.919.1Maximum drain efficiency load2496 6.2 - j7.7 6.4 - j5.752.863.520.32600 6.1- j5.9 6.0 - j5.952.164.321.12690 3.6 - j5.4 5.0 - j5.048.561.821.5[1]Z S and Z L defined in Figure1.[2]at 3 dB gain compression.Table 10.Typical impedance of peak deviceMeasured load-pull data of peak device; I Dq = 600 mA (peak); V DS = 28 V.f Z S [1]Z L [1]P L [2]ηD [2]G p [2](MHz)(Ω)(Ω)(W)(%)(dB)Maximum power load24967.2 - j8.6 4.1- j9.1146.958.217.626008.0- j6.3 4.1- j9.1141.156.017.92690 6.0 - j2.8 5.0 - j10.0137.355.718.3Maximum drain efficiency load24967.2 - j8.6 5.8- j6.2115.565.319.526008.0- j6.3 5.4 - j5.5103.264.220.22690 6.0 - j2.8 4.8 - j5.998.562.820.6[1]Z S and Z L defined in Figure1.[2]at 3 dB gain compression.7.3Recommended impedances for Doherty designTable 11.Typical impedance of main device at 1:1 loadMeasured load-pull data of main device; I Dq = 300 mA (main); V DS = 28 V.f Z S [1]Z L [1]P L [2]ηD [3]G p [3](MHz)(Ω)(Ω)(dBm)(%)(dB) 2496 6.2 - j7.7 3.7 - j7.048.141.518.5 2600 6.1- j5.9 3.7 - j7. 2690 3.6 - j5.4 3.7 - j7.[1]Z S and Z L defined in Figure1.[2]at 3 dB gain compression.[3]at P L(AV)=44.5 dBm.Table 12.Typical impedance of main device at 1:2.5 loadMeasured load-pull data of main device; I Dq = 300 mA (main); V DS = 28 V.f Z S [1]Z L [1]P L [2]ηD [3]G p [3](MHz)(Ω)(Ω)(dBm)(%)(dB) 2496 6.2 - j7.7 6.8 - j12.946.25520.7 2600 6.1- j5.9 6.0 - j14.146.75421.3 2690 3.6 - j5.4 5.5- j13.745.95321.8[1]Z S and Z L defined in Figure1.[2]at 3 dB gain compression.[3]at P L(AV)=44.5 dBm.7.4VBW in Doherty operationThe BLC9G27LS-151AV shows 100MHz (typical) video bandwidth in Doherty demo board in 2600MHz at V DS=28V;I Dq=250 mA and V GS(amp)peak=0.8V.7.5Test circuit[1]American Technical Ceramics type 600F or capacitor of same quality [2]Murata or capacitor of same qualityTable 13.List of components See Figure 2 for component ponentDescriptionValue RemarksC1, C2, C3, C4, C6, C7, C8multilayer ceramic chip capacitor 9.1pF [1]C5multilayer ceramic chip capacitor 4.3pF [1]C9, C11multilayer ceramic chip capacitor 1 μF, 50V [2]C10, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16multilayer ceramic chip capacitor 10 μF, 50V [2]C17, C18electrolytic capacitor 1000 μF, 100V R1resistor 51 ΩSMD 0805R2. R3resistor9.1 ΩSMD 08057.6Graphical data 7.6.1Pulsed CW7.6.21-Carrier W-CDMA7.6.32-Tone VBW8. Package outlineFig 9.Package outline SOT1275-19. Handling informationTable 14.ESD sensitivityESD model ClassCharged Device Model (CDM); According to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC standard JS-002C2A [1]Human Body Model (HBM); According to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC standard JS-001 2 [2][1]CDM classification C2A is granted to any part that passes after exposure to an ESD pulse of 500V, but failsafter exposure to an ESD pulse of 750V.[2]HBM classification 2 is granted to any part that passes after exposure to an ESD pulse of 2000V, but failsafter exposure to an ESD pulse of 4000V.10. AbbreviationsTable 15.AbbreviationsAcronym Description3GPP3rd Generation Partnership ProjectCCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution FunctionCW Continuous WaveDPCH Dedicated Physical CHannelESD ElectroStatic DischargeLDMOS Laterally Diffused Metal-Oxide SemiconductorLTE Long Term EvolutionMTF Median Time to FailurePAR Peak-to-Average RatioSMD Surface Mounted DeviceVBW Video BandWidthVSWR Voltage Standing Wave RatioW-CDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access11. Revision historyTable 16.Revision historyDocument ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice SupersedesBLC9G27LS-151AV v.320170524Product data sheet-BLC9G27LS-151AV v.2 Modifications:•Table2 on page2: change simplified outline•Table3 on page2: change version to SOT1275-1•Figure9 on page10: change package outline drawing to SOT1275-1BLC9G27LS-151AV v.220161202Product data sheet-BLC9G27LS-151AV v.1 BLC9G27LS-151AV v.120160226Product data sheet--12. Legal information12.1 Data sheet status[1]Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.[2]The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.[3]The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product statusinformation is available on the Internet at URL .12.2 DefinitionsDraft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. Ampleon does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local Ampleon sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail.Product specification — The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between Ampleon and its customer, unless Ampleon and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the Ampleon product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet.12.3 DisclaimersLimited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Ampleon does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Ampleon takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of Ampleon.In no event shall Ampleon be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation - lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory.Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, Ampleon’s aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of Ampleon.Right to make changes — Ampleon reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.Suitability for use — Ampleon products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an Ampleon product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. Ampleon and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of Ampleon products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Ampleon makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using Ampleon products, and Ampleon accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the Ampleon product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.Ampleon does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using Ampleon products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Ampleon does not accept any liability in this respect.Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device.Terms and conditions of commercial sale — Ampleon products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at /terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. Ampleon hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of Ampleon products by customer.No offer to sell or license — Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities.Document status[1][2]Product status[3]DefinitionObjective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification.Non-automotive qualified products — Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific Ampleon product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. Ampleon accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications.In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without Ampleon’ warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond Ampleon’ specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies Ampleon for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond Ampleon’ standard warranty and Ampleon’ product specifications.Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions.12.4 TrademarksNotice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Any reference or use of any ‘NXP’ trademark in this document or in or on the surface of Ampleon products does not result in any claim, liability or entitlement vis-à-vis the owner of this trademark. Ampleon is no longer part of the NXP group of companies and any reference to or use of the ‘NXP’ trademarks will be replaced by reference to or use of Ampleon’s own trademarks.13. Contact informationFor more information, please visit: For sales office addresses, please visit: /sales14. Contents1 Product profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1 General description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Features and benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pinning information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Limiting values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Thermal characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Test information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.1 Ruggedness in Doherty operation . . . . . . . . . . 47.2 Impedance information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.3 Recommended impedances for Doherty design 57.4 VBW in Doherty operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57.5 Test circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67.6 Graphical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.6.1 Pulsed CW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.6.2 1-Carrier W-CDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87.6.3 2-Tone VBW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Package outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Handling information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110 Abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111 Revision history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1212 Legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.1 Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.2 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.3 Disclaimers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1312.4 Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413 Contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1414 Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.© Ampleon Netherlands B.V.2017.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: For sales office addresses, please visit: /sales。
YD/T标准目录YD/T 1000-1999提供国际帧中继SVC业务的数据网的性能Performance for data networks providing international frame felay SVC service 1999/01YD/T 1001-1999非零色散位移单模光纤特性Characteristics of a non-zero dispersion shifted single-mode optical fibre 1999/02 YD/T 1002-1999帧中继承载业务的互通Frame relaying bearer service interworking 1999/02YD/T 1003-1999卫星通信VSA T地球站电磁干扰的测量方法Measuring Methods of Electromagnetic Interference for the VSA T Earth Station in the Satellite communication 1999/02YD/T 1004-1999多路电话计费系统技术要求及测试方法Technical specifications and test methods of multi-port telephone accounting system 1999/02YD/T 1005-1999VSA T系统与基于X.25规程的分组交换公用数据网的连接Connection of VSAT systems with packet-switched public data networks based on X.25 procedures 1999/02YD/T 1006-1999在公用电话交换网上和点对点二线租用电话型电路上同时传送语音和数据的调制解调器(仅传输数据时数据传送速率高达14400bit/s,同时传送语音和信号速率为4800bit/s的数据) A simultaneous voice plus data modem,operating at a voice plus data signalling rates of 4800bit/s,with optional automatic switching to data-only signalling rates of up to 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1020.1-2004、YD/T 1020.2-2004替代YD/T 1020.1-2004电缆光缆用防蚁护套材料特性第一部分:聚酰胺Characteristics of termite resistant jacketing materials for electrical cable and optical cable part 1:polyamide 2004/07YD/T 1020.2-2004电缆光缆用防蚁护套材料特性第二部分:聚烯烃共聚物Characteristics of termite resistant jacketing materials for electrical cable and optical cable part 2:polyolefin copolymer 2004/07YD/T 1021-1999VB5.2接口技术规范VB5.2 interface technical specification 1999/07YD/T 1022-1999同步数字体系(SDH)设备功能要求Requirement of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)equipment function 1999/07YD/T 1023-1999窄带ISDN终端设备进网基本要求General networking requirements for the norrow-band ISDNterminal equipment 1999/07YD/T 1024-1999光纤固定接头保护组件The Protective Component for Fixed Optical Fiber Splice 1999/07YD/T 1025-1999900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网移动台人机接口和SIM-ME接口技术要求(第2+阶段) 900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Man-Machine and SIM-ME Interface Specification of Mobile Station (Phase2+) 1999/11YD/T 1026-1999800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网接口技术要求:移动交换中心与基站子系统间接口YD/T 1027-1999800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网接口测试规范:移动交换中心与基站子系统间接口1999/10YD/T 1028-1999800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信系统设备总技术规范:移动台部分Technical Specification of 800MHz CDMA Digital Mobile Communication System :MS Part 1999/12YD/T 1029-1999800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信系统设备总技术规范:基站部分Technical Specification of 800MHz CDMA Digital Mobile Communication System :BSS Part 1999/12YD/T 1030-1999800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网接口技术要求:空中接口Air Interface Technical Specifications of the 800MHz CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network 1999/12YD/T 1031-1999800MHZ CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网移动应用部分技术要求Technical Specification of 800 MHz CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Mobile Application Part 1999/12YD/T 1033-2000传输性能的指标系列2000/01YD/T 1034-2000接入网名词术语V ocabulary of terms for access network 2000/01YD/T 1035-2000基于IP网络的事务处理业务技术规范IP Network-Based Technology Standards for Transaction Process 2000/01YD/T 1036-2000帧中继网技术体制Frame Relay Technical System 2000/01YD/T 1037-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网CAMEL应用部分(CAP)技术规范900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Technical Specification of CAMEL Application Part(CAP) 2000/01 YD/T 1038-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网移动应用部分(phase2+)技术规范900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Technical Specification of Mobile Application Part(MAP)(Phase2+) 2000/01YD/T 1039-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网短消息中心设备规范第一分册点对点短消息业务900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Specification for Short Message Center Equipment Part one:Point to Point Short Message Service 被YD/T 1039.1-2005替代YD/T 1039.2-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网短消息中心设备规范第二分册小区广播短消息业务900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Short Message Center Equipment Specification Part two:Cell Broadcast short message Service 2000/01YD/T 1040-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网短消息中心设备测试规范第一分册点对点短消息业务900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Short Message Center Equipment Testing Specification Part one:Point-to-Point Short Message Service 被YD/T 1040.1-2005替代YD/T 1040.2-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网短消息中心设备测试规范第二分册小区广播短消息业务900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Short Message Center EquipmentTesting Specification Part two:Cell Broadcast Short Message Service 2000/01YD/T 1041-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网SIM-ME应用工具箱技术规范900/1800MHz TDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network Technical Specification of SIM Application Toolkit for (SIM-ME)interface 2000/01YD/T 1042-2000铱卫星移动通信系统技术要求2000/01YD/T 1043-2000高速无线电寻呼网数据寻呼协议Data Paging Protocol of the High Speed Wireless Paging Network 2000/01 YD/T 1044-2000IP电话/传真业务总体技术要求The General Technical Requirement of IP telephony an IP Fax Services 2000/02 YD/T 1045-2000网络接入服务器(NAS)技术规范Technical specification for network access server 2000/02YD/T 1046-2000IP电话网关设备互通技术规范Interoperability Specification for IP Telephony Gateway 2000/02YD/T 1047-2000800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网设备总测试规范:基站部分Test Xpecification for 800MHz CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunications Network:Base Station Subsystem 2000/02YD/T 1048-2000800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网设备总技术规范:交换子系统部分800MHz CDMA Digits Cellualr Mobile Communication Network Equipment Technial Specification:Switching Sub-System 2000/02YD/T 1049-2000800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网设备总测试规范:交换子系统部分800MHz CDMA Mobile Communication Network Equipment Test Specification Swithching Sub-System 2000/02YD/T 1050-2000800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网设备总测试规范:移动台部分Test Specification for 800 MHz CDMA Digital Celluar Mobile Telecommunication Network:Terminal Part 2000/03YD/T 1051-2000通信局(站)电源系统总技术要求General Reqiurements of Power Supply System for Telecommunication Stations/Sites 2000/03YD/T 1052-2000800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网移动应用部分(MAP)测试规范800MHz CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Communication Network Mobile Application Part Test Specifications 2000/03YD/T 1053-2000信息寻呼网络数据传输协议(POCSAG部分) Data Transmission Protocal for Information Paging Network (POCSAG Part) 2000/03YD/T 1054-2000接入网技术要求-综合数字环路载波(IDLC)Access network technical specification-Integrated digital loop carrier (LDLC) 2000/03YD/T 1055-2000接入网设备测试方法—带话音分离器的不对称数字用户线(ADSL)The test method for full-rate ADSLsystem with POTS splitter 被YD/T 1055-2005替代YD/T 1056-2000各类本地电话网特服业务台组网要求2000/04YD/T 1058-2000通信用高频开关组合电源High Frequency Switching Power Supply System for Telecommunications 2000/05YD/T 1060-2000光波分复用系统(WDM)技术要求——32×2.5Gbit/s 部分Technical requriements of optical wavelength divison multiplexing (WDM)system_32×2.5Gbit/s part 2000/05YD/T 1061-2000同步数字体系(SDH)上传送IP的LAPS技术要求(IP over SDH)被YD/T 1061-2003替代YD/T 1061-2003同步数字体系(SDH)上传送IP的LAPS技术要求The Specification of IP over SDH(ITU-T X.85/Y.1321.MOD)2003/01YD/T 1062-2000交换机ISDN用户接口在线监测功能Switch ISDN user interface on line monitor function 2000/05YD/T 1063-2000接入网技术要求——混合光纤同轴电缆网(HFC)Access network technical specfification _Hybrid fiber coax network(HFC) 2000/06YD/T 1064-2000接入网技术要求——无话音分离器的低速不对称数字用户线(ADSL.lite) Access network technical specifications-Low-speed splitterless asymmetric digital subscriber line system(ADSL.lite) 2000/06YD/T 1065-2000单模光纤偏振模色散试验方法Test methods for polarzation mode dispersion of single-mode optical fibres 2000/06YD/T 1066-2000纤维光学环行器技术条件Technical requirements for fiber optic circulators 2000/06YD/T 1067-2000稳定光源技术条件Technical requirements for stabilized optical source2000 2000/06YD/T 1068-2000手持式光功率计技术条件Technical requirements for portable optical power meter 2000/06YD/T 1069-2000扁平型光纤带室内光缆第1部分:单光纤带光缆Flat optical fiber ribbon cable for indoor use Part 1:Single optical fiber ribbon cable 被YD/T 1258.5-2005替代YD/T 1070-2000接入网远端设备Z接口技术要求ZInterface requirement of access network remote equipment 2000/06YD/T 1071-2000IP电话网关设备技术要求Technical requirements for IP telephony gateway 2000/06YD/T 1072-2000IP电话网关设备测试方法Testing method for IP telephony gateway 2000/06YD/T 1073-2000通信用太阳能供电组合电源Combined solar power system for telecommunications 2000/06YD/T 1074-2000通信用交流稳压器 A.C V oltage stabilizer fr telecommunications 2000/06YD/T 1077-2000接入网技术要求——窄带无源光网络(PON)Access Network Technical Specification ?CNarrowband Passive Optical Network(PON) 2000/09YD/T 1078-2000SDH传输网技术要求——网络保护结构间的互通SDH Transmission Network Technique Requirements-Interworking of Network Protection Architectures 2000/09YD/T 1079-2000800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网No.7ISUP信令技术规范800MHz CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunications Network Signaling System No.7 ISUP Technical Specification 2000/09YD/T 1080-2000900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信名词术语V ocabulary of Terms for 900/1800MHz TDMA digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication 2000/09YD/T 1082-2000接入网设备过电压过电流防护及基本环境适应性技术条件Technical requirements for the protection against overvoltages and overcurrents and the suitability in basic environment on access network equipment 2000/09YD/T 1085-2000B-ISDN A TM适配层(AAL)类型2信令技术规范(能力集-1)B-ISDN A TM Adaptation Layer AAL Type 2 Signaling Technical Specification (CS-1) 2000/11YD/T 1087-2000ISDN用户——网络接口规范(补充支持IP接入)Technical Specification of ISDN User-network Interface (Supplementary Part to Support IP Access) 2000/11YD/T 1089-2000接入网技术要求——接入网网元管理功能Access Network Technical specifications——Management Function of Access Network Elemenets 2000/11YD/T 1091-200056Kbit/s调制解调器接口及传输性能技术要求和测试方法Technical requirements and test methods of interface and transmission performance for 56Kbit/s modem 2000/11YD/T 1092-2000无线通信用50Ω泡沫聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铜管外导体射频同轴电缆Foamed Polyethylene Dielectric,Corrugated Copper-tube Outer Conductor,50 ohm Radio Frequency Coaxial Cable for Wireless Communications 被YD/T 1092-2004替代YD/T 1092-2004通信电缆——无线通信用50Ω泡沫聚乙烯绝缘皱纹铜管外导体射频同轴电缆Telecommunication cable--Foamed polyethylene dielectric,Corrugated copper-tube outer conductor,50 Ohm radio frequency coaxial cable,For wireless communications 2004/09YD/T 1095-2000通信用不间断电源-UPS Uninterruptible Power Systems for Communications 2000/11YD/T 1096-2001路由器设备技术规范-低端路由器Technical Specification for Low End Router Equipment 2001/02YD/T 1099-2001千兆比以太网交换机设备技术规范Technical Specification for Giga Bit Ethernet LAN Switch EquipmentYD/T 1103-2001无绳电话的电磁兼容性要求及测量方法Requirements and Measurement Methods of Electromagnetic Compatibility for Cordless Telephone 2001/02YD/T 1104-2001通信用开关电源系统监控技术要求和试验方法Technical Requirements & Testing Methods for Supervision Module of Telecommunication Switch Power Supplies 2001/03YD/T 1111.1-2001SDH光发送/光接收模块技术要求——2.488320 Gb/s光接收模块Technical Requirements of SDH Optical Transmitter/Optical Receiver Modules——2.488320 Gb/s Optical Receiver Modules 2001/04YD/T 1111.2-2001SDH光发送/光接收模块技术要求——2.488320 Gb/s光发送模块Technical Requirements of SHD Optical Transmitter/Optical Receiver Modules——2.488320 Gb/s Optical Transmitter Modules 2001/04YD/T 1112-2001多波道用光纤放大器性能规范Performance Specification of Optical Fiber Amplifiers for Multichannel Applications 2001/04YD/T 1113-2001光缆护套用低烟无卤阻燃材料特性Characteristics of Low-Smoke Halogen-Free and Flame Retardant Compound for Optical Cable Jacketing 2001/04YD/T 1114-2001无卤阻燃光缆Halogen-free Flame Retardant Optical Fiber Cable 2001/04YD/T 1115.1-2001通信电缆光缆用阻水材料第一部分:阻水带Waterblocking materials for telecommunication cable and optical fiber cable Porel:Waterblocking Tape 2001/04YD/T 1115.2-2001通信电缆光缆用阻水材料第二部分:阻水纱Waterblocking materials for telecommunication cable and optical fiber cable Pore 2:Waterblocking Yarn 2001/04YD/T 1116-2001线簧式同轴连接器数字配线架Digital Distribution Frame with Wire Sleeve Coaxial Connectors 2001/04YD/T 1117-2001全光纤型分支器件技术条件Specification of all Optical Fiber Branching Devices 2001/04YD/T 1118.1-2001光纤用二次被覆材料第一部分:聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯Secondary coating materials used for optical fiber Part 1:Polybutylene terephtalate 2001/04YD/T 1118.2-2001光纤用二次被覆材料第二部分:改性聚丙烯Secondary coating materials used for optical fiber Part 2:Modified propylene resin 2001/04YD/T 1119-2001通信电缆——基站用物理发泡聚乙烯绝缘超柔射频同轴电缆Telecommunication cable--Foamed polyethylene dielectric superflexible radio frequency coaxial cable for wireless base stations 2001/04YD/T 1120-2001通信电缆——物理发泡聚乙烯绝缘漏泄同轴电缆Telecommunication cable--Foamed polyethylene dielectric leaky coaxial cable 2001/04YD/T 1121-2001信息寻呼网络数据传输协议(FLEX部分)Data Transmission Protocol for Information Paging Network (FLEX Part) 2001/04YD/T 1125-2001国内No.7信令方式技术规范——2Mbit/s高速信令链路National No.7 Signaling System Technical Specification--2Mbit/s High Speed Link 2001/05YD/T 1127-2001No.7信令与IP互通的技术要求Technical Requiremnet of Interworking between No.7 Signalling and IP 2001/05 YD/T 1128-2001电话交换设备总技术规范(补充件1)The Supplementary Specification to SPC 2001/05YD/T 1132-2001防火墙设备技术要求Specification requirement for firewall products 2001/05YD/T 1135-2001数字数据网(DDN)节点机技术要求及测试方法Technical Specification and Testing Method of Node Processor in Digital Data Network 2001/05YD/T 1136-2001综合业务数字网(ISDN)基本速率终端适配器(TA)技术要求及测试方法Technical requirements and testing methods of basic access terminal adapter(TA)of integrated sevices digital network (ISDN) 2001/05YD/T 1137-2001帧中继设备技术要求及检验方法Technical requirements and test methods for frame relay device 2001/05YD/T 1145-2001网络管理接口测试方法Network Management Interface Testing Method Specification 2001/09YD/T 1148-2001网络接入服务器(NAS)技术要求—宽带网络接入服务器Techinical Requirements of Network Access Server(NAS)-Broadband Network Access Server 被YD/T 1148-2005替代YD/T 1149-2001IP网络技术要求—计费IP Network Technical Requirement—Charging 2001/09YD/T 1150-2001智能公用电话业务技术规范The technical specification for intelligent public telephone service 2001/09YD/T 1151-2001新业务技术要求—多媒体信息检索New Service Technical Specification-Multimedia Retrieval System 2001/09YD/T 1153-2001微波接力通信系统抛物面天线辐射图包络的技术要求The Technical Specification of Radiation Pattern Envelope for Paraboloid Antenna Used in Microwave Relay Communication System 2001/09YD/T 1154-2001单波道用掺铒光纤放大器性能要求和试验方法Performance requirements and test methods of Erbium-Doped Fiber-Amplifier for Single-channel applications 2001/09YD/T 1155-2001通信用“8”字形自承式室外光缆Figure 8 Self-support Optical Fiber Cables for Outdoor Telecommunication 2001/09YD/T 1156-2001路由器测试规范—高端路由器Test Specification for High-End Router 2001/09YD/T 1157-2001网间主叫号码的传送The Transfer of Calling Party Number between Operators 2001/12YD/T 1157.1-2002网间主叫号码的传送(补充件1) The requirements for calling party number Supplementary 1 2002/05YD/T 1157.2-2003网间主叫号码的传送(补充件2)The requirements for sending calling party number between networks(Supplementary Ⅱ) 2003/07YD/T 1158-2001接入网技术要求-3.5GHz固定无线接入Access Network Technical Specification——3.5GHz Fixed Wireless Access Technology 2001/08YD/T 1159-2001光波分复用(WDM)系统测试方法Test Methods of Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) System 2001/10YD/T 1160-2001接入网技术要求-基于以太网技术的宽带接入网Access Network Technical Specification-Broadband Access Network Besed on Ethernet Technology 2001/10YD/T 1161-2001IP网络呼叫中心技术要求-基于IP Enable技术部分Technical Requirements for IP Network Call Center Part--Based IP Enable Technology 2001/10YD/T 1162.1-2001多协议标记交换(MPLS)总体技术要求Generic Requiretments of Multiprotocol Label Switching 2001/10 YD/T 1162.2-2001在A TM上实现MPLS的技术要求A TM MPLS Technical Specification 2001/10YD/T 1162.3-2001在帧中继上实现MPLS的技术要求Frame Relay MPLS Technical Specification 2001/10YD/T 1163-2001IP网络安全技术要求-安全框架IP Network Security Technical Requiremente--Security Frame 2001/10YD/T 1164-2001IP电话系统的管理信息库(MIB)技术要求Technical Requirements for the MIB of IP Telephony System 2001/10YD/T 1167-2001STM-64分插复用(ADM)设备技术要求Technical Requirements for STM-64 Add-Drop Multiplexer 2001/10 YD/T 1168-2001800MHz CDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网用户识别模块(UIM)技术要求The Technical Requirement of User Identify Module(UIM)for 800MHz CDMA Digital Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Network 2001/11YD/T 1170-2001IP网络技术要求-网络总体IP Network Technical Requirements-Network General 2001/12YD/T 1171-2001IP网络技术要求-网络性能参数与指标IP Network Specification -Network Performance Parameters and Objectives 2001/12YD/T 1172-2001接入网技术要求-接入网远端设备ISDN基本速率接入接口(U接口)技术要求Access Network Technical Specification-ISDN Basic Rate Access Interface(U Interface)Specification for Remote Equipment 2001/12YD/T 1173-2001通信电源用阻燃耐火软电缆Flame-retardant and Fire Resistant Flexible Cables for Power Supply System of Communication 2001/12YD/T 1174-2001通信电缆-局用同轴电缆Telecommunication Cable-Central Office Coaxial Cable 2001/12YD/T 1175-2001通信电缆-同轴/对绞混合电缆Telecommunication Cable--Hybrid Coaxial/Twisted Pair Cable 2001/12YD/T 1176-2002公用电信网计费的基本技术要求The Technical Requirement for Charging in Public Telecommunication Network 2002/02YD/T 1177-2002IP组播路由协议IP Multicast Routing Protocols 2002/02YD/T 1178-2002为IP用户提供智能网业务的技术要求The Technical Requirement for Providing IN Services to IP Users 2002/02YD/T 1179-2002在同步数字体系(SDH)上传送以太网帧的技术规范Technical Specification of Ethernet over SDH 2002/02YD/T 1182-20022.5Gb/s DWDM用特定波长光发射模块技术条件Technical Conditions of The 2.5Gb/s Nominal Central Wavelength Optical Transmitter Modules Used in DWDM System 2002/02YD/T 1183-2002光纤模拟传输用光接收组件技术条件Technical Condition of Optical Receive Module for Optical Fiber Analong Transmission 2002/02YD/T 1185-2002接入网技术要求——单线对高比特率数字用户线(SHDSL)Access network technical specifications-Single-pair High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line(SHDSL) 2002/04YD/T 1186-2002接入网技术要求——26GHz本地多点分配系统(LMDS)Access network technical specification-26GHz Local Multi-point Distribution System(LMDS) 2002/04YD/T 1187-2002不对称数字用户线(ADSL)话音分离器技术要求及测试方法Technical specification and test method for ADSL POTS splitter 2002/04YD/T 1188-2002接入网技术要求——基于ATM方式的不对称数字用户线(ADSL)用户端设备Access network technical specifcation--Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line(ADSL)CPE-side equipment 2002/04YD/T 1189-2002移动IC卡公用电话系统技术要求The technical specification of mobile IC card public telephone system 2002/04YD/T 1190-2002基于网络的虚拟IP专用网(IP-VPN)框架Network-based IP VPN 2002/04YD/T 1191-2002No.7信令与IP互通适配层技术规范——消息传递部分(MTP)第二级对等适配层(M2PA) Technical specification of adaption layer for No.7 signalling interworking with IP Message Transfer Part (MTP)lever 2 Peer-to-peer Adaption layer(M2PA) 2002/06YD/T 1192-2002No.7信令与IP互通适配层技术规范——消息传递部分(MTP)第三级用户适配层(M3UA) Technical specification of adaption layer for No.7 signalling interworking with IP--Message Transfer Part(MTP)level 3 User Adaption layer(M3UA) 2002/06YD/T 1193.1-2002与承载无关的呼叫控制(BICC)规范——第1部分:BICC的功能Bearer independent call control specification-Part 1:functional of BICC 2002/06YD/T 1193.2-2002与承载无关的呼叫控制(BICC)规范——第2部分:BICC的消息、参数的基本功能和格式Bearer independent call control specificaiton--Part 2:general function and format of messages and parameters for BICC 2002/06YD/T 1193.3-2002与承载无关的呼叫控制(BICC)规范——第3部分:BICC的程序Bearer independent call control specification-Part3:procedure of BICC 2002/06YD/T 1193.4-2002与承载无关的呼叫控制(BICC)规范——第4部分:BICC的应用传送机制(APM)、隧道和IP承载控制协议Bearer Independent Call Control(BICC) specification--Part 4:Application transport Mechanism(APM),tunneling and IP bearer control protocol of BICC 2002/06YD/T 1194-2002流控制传送协议(SCTP) Technical specification of Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) 2002/06YD/T 1196-2002基于IP网络的远程教学技术要求Technical specification of distance learning on IP network 2002/06YD/T 1197-2002接入网测试方法——3.5GHz固定无线接入Test specification for access network--3.5GHz fixed wireless access 2002/06YD/T 1198-2002光纤活动连接器插针体技术要求Technical requirement of ferrule for optical fiber connector 2002/06YD/T 1199.1-2002SDH光发送/光接收模块技术要求——SDH 10Gb/s光接收模块Technical requirements of SDH optical transmitter/optical receiver modules--SDH 10Gb/s optical receiver modules 2002/06YD/T 1199.2-2002SDH光发送/光接收模块技术要求——SDH 10Gb/s 光发送模块Technical requirements of SDH optical transmitter/optical receiver modules--SDH 10Gb/s optical transmitter modules 2002/06YD/T 1200-2002MU型单模光纤活动连接器技术条件Technical condition of the type of MU single-mode optical fiber connector 2002/06YD/T 1201-2002智能网能力集2(CS—2)的业务及基本功能要求Services and basic function requirements for In CS—2 2002/06YD/T 1202-2002智能网能力集1(CS—1)INAP与No.7信令ISUP配合的技术规范The technical specification of interaction between intelligent network capability set 1(CS-1)INAP and No.7 signalling ISUP 2002/06YD/T 1203-2002No.7信令与IP的信令网关设备技术规范Technical specification of signalling gateway for No.7 signalling and IP 2002/06YD/T 1214-2002900/1800MHz TDMA数字蜂窝移动通信网通用分组无线业务(GPRS)设备技术要求:移动台900/1800MHz TDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network technical requirement for general packet radio service (GPRS) equipment:mobile stations 2002/06YD/T 989-1998灵活复用设备技术要求The Technical Requirement of Flexble Multiplexer 1998/12YD/T 990-1998交换机与远端模块间专用光缆传输设备技术条件Technical condition for specific optical transmission equipment between exchanger and remote module 1998/12YD/T 992-1998电话机附加功能的基本技术要求及试验方法Technical requirments and test methods of telephone additional fonctions 1998/12YD/T 993-1998电信终端设备防雷技术要求及试验方法Technical requirments and test methods of lightning resistibility for telecommunication terminal equipment 1998/12YD/T 995-1998多媒体会议业务的数据协议Data protocols for multimedia conferencing 1998/12YD/T 997-1999VB5.1接口技术规范Specification for VB5.1 interface 1999/01YD/T 998.1-1999移动通信手持机用锂离子电源及充电器第一部分:电源Lithium-ion Battery and charger for cellular phones: Lithium-ion Battery 1999/01YD/T 998.2-1999移动通信手持机用锂离子电源及充电器第二部分:充电器Lithium-ion Battery and Charger for Cellular Phones: Charger 1999/01YD/T 999-1999组播适配协议Multicast adaptation protocol 1999/01YD/T 971-1998多媒体会议的特定网络的数据协议栈Network specific data protocol stacks for multimedia conferencing 1998/07YD/T 973-1998SDH 155Mb/s和622Mb/s光发送模块和光接收模块技术条件SDH 155Mb/s and 622Mb/s Technical condifions of optical transimitter module and receiver module 1998/05YD/T 974-1998SDH数字交叉连接设备(SDXC)技术要求和测试方法Specifications and Measurement Methods for SDH Digital Cross Connect Equipment(SDXC) 1998/05YD/T 975-1998评估STM-N 接口差错性能的测量设备的要求Requirements on measuring equipment to assess error performance on STM-N interface 1998/01YD/T 976-1998B-ISDN用户网络接口(UNI)物理层规范B-ISDN user-network interface physical layer specification 1998/07 YD/T 977-1998支持宽带多媒体检索型业务的网络能力Network capabilities to support broadband multimedia retrieval services 1998/09YD/T 978-1998公用电话网数字排队机技术要求及测试方法Technical requirment and test method for digital queue equipment of PSTN 1998/09YD/T 979-1998光纤带技术要求和检验方法Specifications and test methods for optical fiber ribbon 1998/10YD/T 980-1998全介质自承式光缆All dielectric self-supporting optical fibre cable 被YD/T 980-2002替代YD/T 980-2002全介质自承式光缆All Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Fiber Cable 2002/02YD/T 981.1-1998接入网用光纤带光缆第一部分:骨架式Optical fibre ribbon cables for access network 1998/10YD/T 981.2-1998接入网用光纤带光缆第二部分:中心管式Optical fibre ribbon cables for access network 1998/10YD/T 981.3-1998接入网用光纤带光缆第三部分:松套层绞式Optical fibre ribbon cables for access network 1998/10YD/T 982-1998应急光缆Emergency optical fibre cable 1998/10YD/T 983-1998通信电源设备电磁兼容性限值及测量方法Limits and methods of measurement of electromagnetic compatibility for telecommunication power supply equipment 1998/10YD/T 984-1998卫星通信链路大气和降雨衰减计算方法Methods for ealculating attanuations by atmospheric gases and rain in the satellite communication link 1998/11YD/T 987-1998ST/PC型单模光纤光缆活动连接器技术条件Requirements specification of single -mode optical fiber and cable connector:Type ST/PC 1998/12YD/T 988-1998通信光缆交接箱Cross Cormecting Cabinet for Communication Optical Cable 1998/12YD/T 955-1998邮简Letter-card 1998/03YD/T 956-1998贺卡信封Congratulatory card envelope 1998/03YD/T 957-1998邮政条码生成器技术条件Specifications of postal bar-code producers 1998/03YD/T 958-19981号数字用户信令系统(DSS1)帧方式基本呼叫控制信令技术规范Digital subscriber signalling system No.1(DSS1)-signalling specification for frame mode basic call control 1998/08YD/T 959-1998电信管理网(TMN)管理功能1998/08YD/T 960-1998电信管理网(TMN)功能体系结构1998/08YD/T 961-1998国内邮件单据通用技术条件General specifications for domestic mail documents 1998/03YD/T 962.1-1998邮政特快专递业务单据国内特快专递邮件封发清单EMS operational forms Dispatch list for domestic EMS 1998/03YD/T 962.2-1998邮政特快专递业务单据国内特快专递邮件收发路单EMS operational forms Delivery bill for domestic EMS 1998/03YD/T 962.3-1998邮政特快专递业务单据国际特快专递邮件封发清单EMS operational forms Express mail service manifest 1998/03YD/T 962.4-1998邮政特快专递业务单据收发航空邮件总包路单(EMSCN38) EMS operational forms Delivery bill airmails 1998/03YD/T 963-1998包裹、印刷品、总包设备噪声测量方法Measurement methods of noise for parcel equipment flat equlpment & bag equipment 1998/03YD/T 964-19981310nm/1550nm 波分复用器技术要求和测试方法Requirements & test method of 1310nm/1550nm wavelength division multipexer 1998/04YD/T 965-1998电信终端设备的安全要求和试验方法The safety requirement and test method for telecommunication terminal equipment 1998/04YD/T 966-1998SDH性能分析仪技术条件Technical specification of SDH performance analyser 1998/04YD/T 967-1998同步数字体系(SDH)网络和设备术语V ocabulary of terms for synchronous digital hierarchy networks and equipments 1998/04YD/T 968-1998电信终端设备电磁兼容性限值及测量方法Limits and methods of measurement of electromagnetic compatibility for telecommunication terminal equipment 被YD/T 968-2002替代YD/T 968-2002电信终端设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法Requirements and methods of measurement of electromagnetic compatibility for telecommunication terminal equipment 2002/10YD/T 969-1998提供帧中继数据传输业务的公用数据网之间的网络--网络接口Network-to-network interface between public data networks providing the frame relay data trausmission service 1998/07YD/T 926.1-2001大楼通信综合布线系统第1部分:总规范Telecommunication Generic Cabling System for Building Part 1:Generic Specification 2001/10YD/T 926.3-1998。
3. 高带宽:具有最高100Gbps的支持速率,能够支持更多的用户数据同时传输,实现更高的数据传输速度。
1. 高速率:最高支持100Gbps的传输速率,能够满足网络的高效能需求。
125K H Z激励器技术方案书0825125KHZ激励器技术方案书目录目录 (1)1概述 (1)2设计依据 (1)3主要技术指标 (1)4方案设计 (2)4.1设计指导思想 (2)4.2设计原理框图 (2)4.3工作流程 (3)4.4各部分详细设计 (3)4.4.1125KHZ激励器设计 (3)硬件设计 (4)激励器软件设计 (5)125K通信链路物理层协议 (5)2.4G通信链路物理层协议 (6)4.4.2 电子标签线圈设计 (7)4.4.3 2.4G射频模块与READER之间的通信 (7)5结构设计方案 (7)6 关键技术情况及解决措施 (8)1概述125KHZ激励器是2.4G有源RFID随机跳频系统的重要组成部分,工作中心频率为125KHz,起唤醒电子标签和定位作用。
我们研制125KHz 低频激励器的目标是显著提高其激活距离。
2设计依据《125KHZ激励器规格书》,版本0.1《125KHZ鸽子踏板》成都RF通信有限公司,2010.06-2010.08《温度标签》成都RF通信有限公司,2010.06-ISO24730-23主要技术指标1)产品型号产品名称: RFC125K激励器产品型号: 125LF_EC012)系统性能和技术指标工作频率: 125KHz ±1KHz激活距离: 0~?m(待定)数据速率: 1600bps调制方式: OOK调制数据编码:曼彻斯特编码重量和尺寸:待定封装材料:待定通信接口: 2.4G无线通信接口(通信距离与标签一致)工作电源:待定发射功率:待定3)工作环境工作温度-20~+70℃存储温度-40~+85℃相对湿度90%(非冷凝)静电防护能力+/-5KVpeak4方案设计125KHZ激励器是2.4G有源RFID随机跳频系统的重要组成部分,起唤醒电子标签和定位作用,其工作中心频率为125KHZ,总体系统框图如下所示。
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传统上讲,整合的焦点是一个一般品牌的进展平台或者创意,通过多媒体的手段来统一品牌信息,然而内容整合始终是一个核心的优先点 [1]。
鉴于营销渠道的纷乱,营销传播范畴的扩大和新崛起的基于I nternet的商业模式,品牌传播强烈需要一种形式的整合——资源(媒体资源)的整合。
扬·罗毕凯(Y&R)投资七千万美元建设最广泛的消费者品牌知觉全球数据库 [2]。
它的品牌构建和治理工具品牌资产评估者(BrandAsset V aluator®,简称BAV)便依此而建。
李奥·贝纳广告公司(Leo Bur nett)的品牌信任系统(Brand Belief System ,简称BBS),通过针对包括178个品牌60个产品类别, 面向25,000个消费者的访问调查 [3],测量消费者信念水平。
他认为资源整合应该挖掘关键“接触点”,了解如何才能更有效地接触消费者 [4]。
二、电通蜂窝模型艾·里斯和杰·特劳特费尽心思地告诉你:广告进入了一个策略为王的时代,在定位时代,你一定要把进入潜在顾客的心智作为首要之图 [5]。
电通集团通过购买先知品牌策略咨询公司(Prophet Brand Strategy)(美国一家闻名的品牌策略咨询公司)将近30%的股权,加强它的品牌咨询能力。
在电通策划方法(Dentsu Planning Way)图标 [7]中,我们能够看到,该系统由核心工具电通蜂窝模型、线上数据库、品牌资产分析和品牌制造动力共同组成。
电通蜂窝模型的理论基础来源于大卫·艾克(Dav id A.Aaker)。
他依旧加州大学柏克莱(Berkeley)分校哈斯商学院(Has School of Business)的行销学名誉教授,艾克教授在品牌策略和行销的议题上,曾发表过八十篇以上的文章,其中有三篇曾赢得「最佳论文奖」。
在他的十一本着作中,其中《治理品牌资产》(Managing Brand Equity)、《品牌经营法则》(Building Strong Brands)和《进展企业策略》(Develo ping Business Strategies)等三本书籍,被翻译成八种以上语言的版本。
他还和艾瑞克·乔幸斯瑟勒(Erich Joachimsthaler)合着了《品牌领导》(Brand Leadership)一书。
电通蜂窝模型更多的理论启发来源于艾克教授的《品牌经营法则——如何创建强势品牌》 (B uilding Strong Brands)一书。
注册:2004年1月4日(二)通蜂窝模型的理论基础艾克教授《品牌经营法则——如何创建强势品牌》(Building Strong Brands)第五章中有一段话 [8]:“依照定义,核心认同代表了一个品牌最中心,且不具时刻性的要素。
Figure 1品牌认同计画模式(之品牌认同系统)[9]此主题相关图片如下:显而易见,关于品牌结构层次问题,艾克表达了与菲力浦·科特勒完全不同的看法。
菲力浦·科特勒指出品牌的含义能够分成六个层次 [10]:属性、利益(功能性、情感性利益)、价值、文化、个性、用户。
差不多上,那个态度是以“别人的看法”为导向的 [11]。