材料模拟与计算 Asignment5
Dislocation and Stacking FaultName:Wu lingling(user023) Student number:0160509100541 Calculations of Lattice constant and volume modulusUsing molecular dynamics,we can simulate crystals in edge dislocation,screw dislocations and stacking fault, also we can calculate the dislocation strain energy and dislocations. Comparing the method of molecular dynamics calculation values and theoretical, we can analysis its error.Through this experiment, deepen para fault, fault, and the understanding of molecular dynamics simulation.For edge dislocation, strain for per unit length:20ln4(1)e eGb RE r πn =−For a screw dislocation, strain for per unit length:20ln4seGb R E r π= Molecular dynamics is dislocation of strain energy method:()/MD dislocated ref E E E L=−In actual crystal structure, the closed normal stacking sequence may be damaged and staggered,which named the stacking fault.Cambium mistake almost do not produce lattice distortion, but it undermines the integrity of the crystal and the normal cyclical, anomalous diffraction effect in the electronic, allowing the energy of the crystal increased, this part of the increased energy is called the stacking fault energy.The mathod using Molecular dynamics to calculation approach stacking fault:SFE =tot refE E Sγ−2 Results and Analysis2.1 helical dislocation-91512.1172811518-(-91519.9264975819)7.80921643sE ev =el =4.45685A A,so57.80921643 1.5326.0/7A 3A 95s s esE evE ev l ===A A When calculating Cu,0 3.639A a =A,0/2b a =,43.55G GPa =,we can get the result:20ln 0.6595(/A)4s eGb RE ev r π==A2.2 stacking fault-91512.1172811518-(-91519.9264975819)7.80921643sE ev =el =5.09537A AWhen calculating Cu,0 3.639A a =A,0/2b a =,43.55G GPa =, we can get theresult:20ln 0.6595(/A)4s eGb RE ev r π==A2.3 stacking faultE=244.0461825440018(mJ/m )For edge dislocation,when chocing x1=[6.81205 126.341 109.114] A and x2=[6.87178 126.333 141.831] A ,we can get 141.831109.11432.717A d −==A,so2102 1.30(10/)81s b J m m n πn −+•=−,2221=39.7347(/)81s b mJ m dm n γπn +••=− For helical dislocation,when chocing x1=[127.087 125.957 2.27685] A ,x2=[137.353 124.044 1.02476] A ,we can get 137.353127.08710.266A d −==A,so210230.585(10/)81s b J m m n πn −−•=−,222-31=56.9842(/)81s b mJ m d m n γπn ••=−.3 Summary form。
材料成型计算机模拟考试复习资料一、判断题(共5分)1. Anycasting 是一款基于有限元原理的模拟铸造成型过程的数值分析软件。
( × )2. 相对于有限元法,有限差分法的弱项在于应力分析。
( √ )3. Sysweld 、Ansys 、Procasting 、Deform 都可以模拟焊接过程的专业有限元分析软。
( × )4. 进行材料成型过程数值模拟时,对材料的热物理性能参数要求不严格。
( × )5. 一维空间Fourier 定律表示成下式:q=x-t λ。
( √ ) 二、填空题(共25分)1. 材料科学是以材料的组成、结构、性能和加工等为研究对象的一门科学。
2. 材料成形即采用铸造、锻造、焊接等方法将金属原材料加工成所需形状、尺寸,并达到一定的组织性能要求。
3. 材料按照组成与结构可以分为金属材料、无机非金属材料、有机高分子材料和复合材料等。
4. 数学建模的过程包括:建模准备、建模假设、构造模型、模型求解、模型分析、模型检验、模型应用。
5. 材料、能源和信息称为当代文明的三大支柱。
6. 材料按照性能和作用可以分为结构材料和功能材料。
7. 材料成型方法涉及到的物理、化学和力学现象。
8. 有限元分析的后处理程序的功能分为对计算结果的加工处理和计算结果的(图形)表示。
9. 金属型模具温度场的分析步骤分为前处理、求解和后处理。
10. 用于表示计算结果的图形表示形式有结构变形图、等值线图、主应力迹线图、等色图。
11. 当x 方向的温度分布呈线性时,温度梯度表达式:1212x T x T T x --=??。
12. 材料加工过程数值仿真的初始条件包括:温度初始条件、压力初始条件、速度初始条件和组织初始条件。
13. 在有限元法诞生前,求解弹性力学定解问题的基本方法有按应力求解、按位移求解和混合求解。
14. 材料成形过程的基本规律可以用一组微分方程来描述,例如流场方程、热传导方程、平衡方程和运动方程等,这些方程在所讨论的问题中常常被称为场方程或控制方程。
Hˆ E
Hˆ TˆVˆ
1 2 2 2 mi (x2 i y2 i z2 i )
Vˆ 1
4 j kj rk rj
势能代表粒子之间的库仑相互作用 (即:核与核之间、电子与电子之间 的排斥以及电子与核之间的吸引)
如6-21G 表示内层原子轨道用六个高斯基函数来描述,内层价壳则用两个高 斯基函数表示,外层价壳用一个高斯函数表示。
类似地还有:3-21G, 4-31G, 以及 6-311G 等等。
➢ 带极化函数的基组,在基组中加入极化函数后可以允许原子核外电荷的不 均匀位移,因此它可以改进对化学键的描述。极化函数可以描述那些和孤 立原子相比更高的角动量量子数的轨道(如p-型函数用于H和He,d-型函 数用于Z>2的原子),并将之加入到价电子壳层中。例如,6-31G(d) 基组 的构建是将6个d-型简单高斯函数加入到6-31G 中来描述每个非氢原子; 同样地,6-31G(d,p) 是6-31G(d) 对重原子, 但加入了一组p-型高斯函数到 氢原子或氦原子。 将p-轨道加入到氢原子中对那些含有以氢原子为桥原子 的体系而言特别有用。
价值,如:可以研究合成路径、反应产物、爆轰产 物状态方程、爆轰引发的机理等等。
1. 分子动力学模拟分子动力学模拟是一种基于数值方法的计算模拟技术。
2. 真实时间密度泛函理论模拟密度泛函理论是研究电子结构和分子间相互作用的理论方法。
3. 第一性原理计算第一性原理计算是材料计算模拟中最常用的方法之一。
4. 有限元方法模拟有限元方法模拟是在工程学科中普遍使用的一种计算模拟技术。
5. 神经网络模拟神经网络模拟是一种类似生物神经系统的计算模拟技术。
‘d’; ‘e’; ‘f’; ‘r’。
‘positive’ 限定argv为正、实符号变量;
1.7.1 因式分解(Factor)
shading flat shading interp shading faceted
举例:plot3() clear clc z=0:0.1:4*pi; x=cos(z); y=sin(z); plot3(x,y,z)
举例:surf() t=0:pi/10:2*pi; [X,Y,Z]=cylinder(2+sin(t)); surf(X,Y,Z) axis square
1.4 Matlab 数组
1.4.1 一维数组
创建: x = [1, 2, 3] 访问: x(3)
1.4.2 两维数组
创建: x = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] 访问: x(2,2)
1.4.3 数组操作
1数组的创建:ones 0 数组的创建:zeros 插入行或列 重新排列 删除某行或列 用单个下标操作一个矩阵
Cerius 2; Materials Studio Gaussian03
第一章 Matlab 基本操作及应用 第二章 材料计算示例
常规数值计算 计算机模拟基础 (Monte Carlo法)
第二部分:常用的材料模拟方法1. 分子动力学模拟:分子动力学模拟通过数值计算方法,模拟材料中原子和分子的运动和相互作用。
2. 密度泛函理论:密度泛函理论基于量子力学原理,计算材料基态的电子结构和能量。
3. 有限元分析:有限元分析是一种数值计算方法,用于求解结构力学问题。
4. 蒙特卡洛模拟:蒙特卡洛模拟是一种随机采样的方法,用于模拟材料的统计行为。
第三部分:计算材料学的应用领域1. 新材料探索:通过材料模拟和计算方法,可以预测和优化新材料的性能和结构,加速材料的研发过程。
2. 材料性能优化:材料模拟可用于优化材料的物理、化学和力学性能。
3. 材料行为预测:材料模拟可以帮助我们预测材料在特定条件下的性能和行为。
4. 界面和界面反应:材料模拟可以用于研究材料之间的界面和界面反应。
摘要本文采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理模拟计算方法,并结合平面波赝势方法,运用V ASP软件包首先分为四个步骤优化了ZnO材料结构:(1)截断能的优化;(2)SIGMA的优化;(3)K格点的优化;(4)晶格常数的优化。
为了优化原子位置,我们运用扫描法,得到一个关于晶格常数比ca 和晶格常数a的势能面,而扫描势能面的最低点即与最稳定结构对应。
对比五种赝势计算结果,选取和实验值最为接近优化值ca是1.6256的USPP 泛函和PW91赝势进行ZnO纤锌矿结构的后续计算。
鉴于WZ相到RS相的相变势垒、相变压强以及相变路径都有比较详细而具体的结果,而关于ZnO材料的WZ相到ZB相以及ZB相到RS相的相变情况的研究尚未见报道,又因为其他材料(CdSe,ZnS,SiC,InP)从ZB相到RS相的相变情况也已经有人研究过,相变势垒、相变路径以及原子的移动都给出了明确结果,并发现ZB相相变至RS相过程中存在一个中间TS相,唯独WZ相和ZB相之间的相变关系尚无报道,因此本文主要针对WZ相和ZB 相之间的相变关系作了深入探讨,并给出了比较可能的相变路径(原子移动方向)和相变势垒(0.19eVpair),把相变势垒与从WZ结构到RS结构的相变势垒(0.15eVpair)相比,相差仅为0.04eVpair;而与GaN材料的相变势垒(0.26 eVpair)相比,更是低了很多。
关键词:ZnO材料,ASP软件,纤锌矿结构性质,相变关系AbstractFirst principles calculations and the plane-wave method are carried to study the structural stability of wurtzite ZnO by optimizing the, the SIGMA, the K grid, and the lattice constant step by step. To optimize the atomic position, we use scanning methods to get a potential energy surface about the lattice constants ca and a. The lowest point of the potential energy surface corresponds to the most stable structure, where the lattice constants ratio ca is 1.6256. Comparing the five pseudopotential, the USPP functional and the PW91 pseudopotential were selected to the following calculations of the WZ ZnO. Based on the above calculations, we study the elastic constants, the band structure and the density of states etc material properties, and analysis and discuss them by comparing with the results of previous.The study of three-phase relationship between the phase transition were our main works. We focus on the transformation from WZ to ZB, because there already existed the phase transition barrier, the transition pressure and the transformation path from WZ to RS of ZnO, at the same time the phase transition barrier and the transformation path from ZB to RS of CdSe,ZnS,SiC,InP etc were studied and reported, further more a mesophase was discovered between ZB and RS. This article showed the transformation path from ZB to WZ, and the phase transition barrier. The energy barrier was calculated for for different ZnO transformation pathways. From all the transformation pathways, a most probable pathway is proposed whose energy barrier (0.19eVpair) is lower than any other pathway. Compared with the energy barrier between wurtzite androck salt ( 0.15eVpair ), the energy barrier in this work is not obvious difference from it. Furthermore, compared with the energy barrier of GaN(0.26 eVpair), the energy barrier in this work is obvious lower than it. Therefore, it is possible to transfer from zinc-blende to wurtzite with respect to the energy barrier. This work accounts for why it is impossible to transfomate directly between wurtzite and zinc blende in thermodynamic aspect and dynamical aspect, just because of lacking of phase transformation driving force.Key words: ZnO material; V ASP software; wurtzite structure properties;three-phase relationship毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。
Material Simulation and CalculationCourse Code: 83071000Course Name: Material Simulation and CalculationCourse Credit: 4 Course Duration: The 10th Semester t rTeaching Object: Undergraduate Students in Applied PhysicsPre-course: Quantum Mechanics, Solid Physic s, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Course Director: Wu AiLing Associate Professor Philosophical DoctorCourse Introduction:Material Simulation and Calculation is a specialized course in the scientific disciplines of physics, material physics etc. The course mainly introduces the basic principles of computational quantum mechanics, density function theory, empirical force field models: molecular mechanics, energy minimization and related methods for exploring the energy surface, computer simulation methods, molecular dynamics simulation methods, and the common softwares about material simulations. This course will lead the students to learn the methods of material simulation and calculation, and make them deepen their understanding of the materials and the structure of condensed matter and material properties from the perspective of simulation.Course Examination:Students’ Final Scores = Scores of Ordinary Tests * 30% + Scores of the Final Paper * 70%;Scores of ordinary tests vary according to students’ performance in attendance and homework.;The final exam. will be a paper.Appointed Teaching Materials:No right materialsBibliography:[1] Xu Guangxian,Li Remin, Wang Demin, The basic principles of quantum chemistry and abinitio method(The middle list), Beijing: Science Press,2003.[2] Wu Xinghui, Xiang Jinzhong, The modern course of materials computation and design,Beijing: Electronics Industry Press, 2002.[3] Chen Zhenglong, Xu Weiren, Tang Lida, The theory and practice of molecular simulation,Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2007.[4] Lin Menghai, The calculation method and application of quantum chemistry, Beijing:Science Press, 2004.[5] A. R. Leach, Molecular Modeling Principles and Applications, The Second Edition,Beijing:Rejuvenation Books Press, 2003.[6] D. Robert, Translation by Xiang Jinzhong and Wu XInhui, Computational Materials Science,Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2002.。
其中hosts.equiv的内容如下:localhostibm-consolemachines.LINUX的内容如下:localhost:8现在运⾏RunDMol3.sh时,脚本停在$MS_INSTALL_ROOT/MPICH/bin/mpirun $nolocal -np $nproc $MS_INSTALL_ROOT/DMol3/bin/dmol3_mpi.exe $rootname $DMOL3_DATA这⼀处,没法执⾏这⼀命令并⾏运算时,出现以下PIxxxx(x为数字)输出ibm-console 0 /home/www/MSI/MS3.1/DMol3/bin/dmol3_mpi.exelocalhost 3 /home/www/MSI/MS3.1/DMol3/bin/dmol3_mpi.exe请问这是什么原因?谢谢!答:主要是rsh中到ibm-console的没有设置把/etc/hosts改为127.0.0.1 localhost.localdomain localhost ibm-console在后⾯加个ibm-console也希望对⼤家有帮助!4、问:在最后结果的dos图中,会显⽰不同电⼦spd的贡献,我想问的是,假设MS考虑的原⼦Mg的电⼦组态为2p6 3s2,那么最后的dos结果中的s,p是不是就是2p,跟3s的贡献.⽐如更⾼能量的3p是否可能出现在dos中?如果可能的话,在这种情况下,如何区分2p和3p的贡献,谢谢.答:A、取决于你的餍势势⾥⾯没有3p电⼦,DOS怎么会有呢?⾃然,你的1p1s也不会出现在你的DOS中。
计算材料学之材料设计和计算及模拟 PPT
![计算材料学之材料设计和计算及模拟 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6caad3bfdd88d0d233d46a68.png)
• 构造出简单体系的势能函数, 简称 势函数 或 力场(force field)。 • 利用势函数,建立并求解与温度和时间有关的牛顿运动 方程,得到一定条件下体系的结构随时间的演化关系。 • 再将粒子的位置和动量组成的微观状态对时间平均,即 可求出体系的压力、能量、粘度等宏观性质以及组成粒 子的空间分布等微观结构。 • 势函数:势能与原子位置的关系。且往往是不知道的需 要通过其他方法,如量子化学方法及实验数据获得。
顶点模型、拓扑网络模型、 成核、结晶、疲劳 晶界动力学
几何模型、拓扑模型、组 分模型
结晶、生长、织构、凝固 塑性、微结构、位错分布
动力学金兹堡-朗道型相场 扩散、晶界、晶粒粗化 模型 多态动力学波茨模型 结晶、生长、相变、织构
空间尺度 /m
10-5-100 10-6-100
有限元、有限差分、线性迭 代 有限元
• 分子动力学模拟中,忽略了量子效应后,系统中粒子将遵循牛顿 运动定律。为了得到原子的运动,可以采用各种有限差分法来求 解运动方程。常用的有以下几种算法:Verlet算法、Velocityverlet算法、Leap—frog算法、Beeman算法、Gear算法、 Rahman算法。其中Verlet算法虽然精度比Gear算法稍差,但使用 方便,占用存储量少,稳定性好,因此使用较为广泛。
Atomic structures of the SrTiO3/Si(001) interfaces C.J. Forst, Nature 427 53 (2004)
• MD是经典力学方法,针对的最小结构单元不再是电子而是原子 • 因原子的质量比电子大很多,量子效应不明显,可近似用经典力 学方法处理 • 20 世纪 30 年代, Andrews 最早提出分子力学(MM)的基本思想; 40 年代以后得到发展, 并用于有机小分子研究。90年代以来得到 迅猛发展和广泛应用
计算机在材料科学中的应用 第六章 材料科学与行为工艺的计算机模拟
![计算机在材料科学中的应用 第六章 材料科学与行为工艺的计算机模拟](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32d69c87a0116c175f0e4813.png)
TTT:Time Temperature Transformation 给出的是钢在快速冷却至不同温度下等温停留过程中 的组织转变情况,可以清楚地显示不同温度下的转变 特征。 CCT:Continuous Cooling Transformation 给出的是钢在不同冷却速度下的连续冷却过程的组织 转变情况 20世纪70年代初,计算机模拟技术的开展使材料的 组织转变数值模拟提到日程上来,TTT曲线和CCT曲 线为组织转变提供了两种不同的模拟途径。 CCT曲线首先被选作模拟组织转变的依据。在20世纪 70年代末,运用Scheil叠加法则成功地解决了以TTT 曲线为依据的模拟,此后TTT曲线在材料组织模拟中 迅速得到推广。
材料与冶金学院 计算机在材料科学中的应用
随着计算机技术的发展和人们对组织转变研究的不断深入,近二 三十年来,组织模拟技术不断地完善,有了可喜的进展。 已有采用CCT曲线或TTT曲线模拟计算得到与实测值吻合很好的 报道;有人进一步研究材料晶粒度和应力等因索对组织模拟的影 响,并加深了其对组织模拟影响规律的了解;还有人从解传热与 传质(扩散)方程出发,借助于计算机求出冷却转变曲线,用解 析的方法来描述材料的冷却规律等。 应该指出的是,在很多情况下,模拟计算的结果与实际还有一些 误差,产生误差的原因可能来自多方面,如比热容、热导率、表 面热密度等参数数据的误差,此外材料成分的波动、加热温度。 晶粒尺寸等也会导致误差产生。 因此,要作好组织数值模拟,使之达到实用阶段,还有很长的路 要走。
第一步:导入 (Introduction) - 10分钟1.热身活动:通过播放一段有趣的视频或音频,吸引学生的注意力,激发学生对主题的兴趣。
第二步:词汇学习 (Vocabulary Learning) - 15分钟1.教师出示所学词汇的图片或关键词,然后发音及解释。
第三步:听力训练 (Listening Practice) - 20分钟1.听力材料:播放与所学词汇相关的短对话或短文,要求学生仔细倾听,并尽可能理解并记住重要信息。
第四步:口语练习 (Speaking Practice) - 30分钟1.情景模拟:教师给出一个情景,例如在超市购物,学生们组成小组,分角色进行对话练习,并注重使用所学词汇。
第五步:对话纠错 (Dialogue Correction) - 10分钟1.教师提供一个含有错误的对话或短文,要求学生找出错误并纠正。
第六步:总结复习 (Summary and Review) - 15分钟1.师生讨论:教师引导学生总结今天学到的内容,并与学生一起回顾重点知识,强调关键要点。
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完成下面两个练习,提交截图1.QM/MM calculation of the SW1 defect formation energy for a carbon Purpose: Introduces how to use the QMERA module in Materials Studio. Special attention is paid to preparing the system and which type of embedding scheme to use.Modules: Materials Visualizer, QMERATime:Prerequisites: NoneThe Stone-Wales (SW) defect is a common defect on carbon nanotubes that is thought to have important implications for their mechanical properties (see Andzelm et al., 2006). The 90° rotation of two carbon atoms around the midpoint of the C-C bond transforms four hexagons into two pentagons and two heptagons. This substructure is known as Stone-Wales defect. In this tutorial you will calculate the formation energy of a nonchiral SW defect (SW1).The following steps will be covered here:Getting startedQM region definitionQMERA calculationAnalysis of resultsNote: In order to ensure that you can follow this tutorial exactly as intended, you should use the1. Getting startedBegin by starting Materials Studio and creating a new project.Open the New Project dialog and enter Stone-Wales as the project name, click the OK button.The new project is created with Stone-Wales listed in the Project Explorer.2. Structure preparationThe first thing you need to do is prepare the structure of the single-walled nanotube (SWNT).Select Build | Build Nanostructure | Single-Wall Nanotube from the menu bar. Change the N and M indices to 8 and 0 respectively.This corresponds to a nanotube of 6.26 Å diameter.Uncheck the Periodic nanotube box and change the number of Repeat units to 7, this gives a nanotube length of 29.82 Å. Select Both ends from the Hydrogen termination dropdown list. Click the Build button and close the dialog.Now you have to create the defect in the middle of the nanotube.Right-click in the 3D Viewer and select Display Style from the shortcut menu to open the Display Style dialog. Click the Stick radio button and close the dialog.Press the LEFT arrow key twice to rotate the nanotube so that you can see its full length horizontally. The Z axis should be pointing to the left and the Y axis should be pointing up, on the axis orientation display, see Figure 1.Select two carbon atoms which are near the center of the nanotube wall and which are connected by a horizontal bond and then select the remainder of benzene rings at each end of the bond.Figure 1. SWNT with two central carbon atoms and their pendant benzene rings selected.Click on the arrow for the 3D Viewer Recenter from the toolbar and select View Onto fromthe dropdown list. Click anywhere in the 3D Viewer to deselect everything and reselect the central two carbon atoms.Figure 2. SWNT viewed from above, with two central carbon atoms selected.Select the Movement tools from the toolbar, change the Angle to 90.0 and click the Move Around Z button. Close the dialog.This creates the defect by rotating the two carbon atoms 90° around the screen Z axis.To view the appropriate connectivity select Build | Bonds from the menu bar to open the Bond Calculation dialog. Uncheck Calculate bond type, set the Convert representation to option to Resonant. Click the Calculate button and close the dialog.Rename the SWNT.xsd document to SW1.xsd.Figure 3. SW1 defect (highlighted here in blue) on an SWNT.3. QM region definitionThe next step is to define the QM region that you want to use in the simulation. It is necessary to include full rings in the calculation to avoid possible clashes between hydrogen link atoms, and to leave enough space between the defect and the boundary QM-MM atoms. In this case you will include the defect plus a crown of full rings around it in the QM region (see Figure 4).With the two carbon atoms central to the defect still selected, choose Edit | Atom Selection from the menu bar to open the Selection dialog. Select Connected from the Select by Property dropdown list and choose the Add to the existing selection radio button. Click the Select button four times and close the dialog. Hold down the SHIFT key and select the four carbons needed to complete the crown of six-membered rings.Select | Calculation from the modules toolbar to open the QMERA Calculation dialog. Click the Add button to add the selected atoms to the QuantumAtoms set.Click anywhere in the 3D Viewer, the atoms in the set will be highlighted in purple.Figure 4. SW1 defect with the QuantumAtoms set defined.If you want to visualize the hydrogen link atoms to be sure that there are no problems related to their position, you can use the View button on the QMERA Calculation dialog.On the Setup tab of the QMERA Calculation dialog click the View button. A new window will open, double-click on the LinkAtoms label. Check that the position of the hydrogen link atoms makes sense and close the window. Click the No button on the dialog asking whether to save the document.4. QMERA calculationYou are now ready to run the QMERA calculation. In this case the polarization effects are negligible and the charges of all atoms will be left as zero, which is compatible with the Dreiding forcefield. It is also sufficient to choose a mechanical embedding approach for the QM/MM calculation.There are two different models available for mechanical embedding: QM-Pot and additive. You will use the QM-Pot model which uses a subtractive expression to calculate the total energy. Forcefield parameters are therefore required for all atoms of the system.On the Setup tab of the QMERA Calculation dialog select Geometry Optimization as the Task and ensure that the Quality of the calculation is set to Medium.In order to complete the tutorial more quickly, you could use the Coarse quality setting.Click the More... button associated with the task, to open the QMERA Geometry Optimization dialog. Select HDLC as the Method and close the dialog.The HDLC minimizer combines the use of highly decoupled delocalized internal coordinates with the linear scaling BFGS update of the Hessian (L-BFGS) method. This usually achieves faster convergence than normal BFGS or conjugate gradient methods for covalent systems of this size.Click the More... button for the QM server to open the QMERA DMol3 Parameters dialog. Select GGA and PBE for the functional and close the dialog.Click the More... button for the MM server to open the QMERA GULP Parameters dialog. Ensure that Dreiding is selected as the Forcefield and Use current is selected for Charges, close the dialog. Select the Options tab of the QMERA Calculation dialog, ensure that Mechanical is selected as the Embedding scheme and Model is set to QM-Pot. Click the Run button.GGA functionals provide a good description of the electronic subsystem and the PBE exchangecorrelation functional has previously been identified as efficient for QM/MM calculations on nanotubes, see Andzelm et al., 2006 for similar calculations.Depending on your hardware, this calculation may take several hours to complete. If you wish to examine and analyze the results directly the output files are provided in theExamples/Projects/QMERA/Stone-Wales Files/Documents/ directory in the SW1 QMERA GeomOpt and SWNT QMERA GeomOpt folders.5. Analysis of resultsThe results of the calculation will be returned in a new folder called SW1 QMERA GeomOpt.Open the SW1.xsd file in the SW1 QMERA GeomOpt folder to see the optimized geometry.The final energy for this structure can be found in the SW1.csout file, the QM/MM Energy heading reports the corresponding energy in a.u., which is Hartree in this case.Double-click on SW1.csout to open the energy file, press the CTRL + F keys and enter Energy (subtractive) into the Find dialog.The end of the file is displayed. Scroll up a little and examine the QM/MM Energy.To examine the relationship between the energy and the structure you can compare the energy chart with the trajectory. You will need to analyze the results to obtain the trajectory and chart documents, even if you already have some charts with intermediate updates.Select Modules | QMERA | Analysis from the menu bar to open the QMERA Analysis dialog. Select Energy evolution and click the View button. Close the dialog.The energy evolution either creates or opens two chart documents, called SW1 Energies.xcd and SW1 Convergence.xcd.Make SW1.xtd the active document and, on the animation toolbar, click on the Play button.As the animation proceeds the seven-membered rings widen.Stop the animation and open SW1 Energies.xcd.Click on a point on the graph near the beginning of the optimization.The 3D Viewer displays the structure at the corresponding step in the calculation. In this way you can examine the structure at specific energies during the calculation.To obtain the formation energy for the SW1 defect you need to perform a QMERA calculation with the same settings for the defect free nanotube. To do this you should use a QM region of four fused C6 rings and a surrounding crown. The resultant QM region will be similar to the one shown in Figure 4, except that the central C-C bond of the QM region in Figure 4 will be horizontal rather than vertical. The output files for this calculation are provided in the Examples/Projects/QMERA/Stone-Wales Files/Documents/SWNT QMERA GeomOpt/ folder.Once you have both calculations you can calculate the formation energy of the SW1 defect as the difference in QM/MM Energy, converting from atomic units to eV according to: 1 a.u. (Hartree) =27.2113845 eV.You should obtain a value of around 2.1 eV.This is the end of this tutorial.ReferenceAndzelm, J., Govind, N., Maiti, A., Chem. Phys. Lett., 2006, (421), 58-62.2.QM/MM geometry optimization of a Ru(H)2(diphosphine)(diamine) Purpose: Introduces how to use the QMERA module in Materials Studio with special attention paidto which type of embedding scheme to use.Modules: Materials Visualizer, QMERATime:Prerequisites: NoneThe preparation of enantiomerically pure alcohols is of high importance in drug design. A breakthrough in this field was the discovery, by Noyori and co-workers, of highly efficient ruthenium catalysts for the enantioselective hydrogenation of ketones (R. Noyori, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2002, 41, 2008). Among the best catalysts for carbonyl hydrogenation are octahedral complexes where Ru(II) is coordinated by a chiral diphosphine and a chiral diamine.Figure 1. Conversion of a ketone to a chiral secondary alcohol.In this tutorial you will use the QMERA module in Materials Studio to optimize the structure of a Ru(H)2 (diphosphine)(diamine) complex. You will use DMol3 to describe the QM region and the Dreiding forcefield to describe the MM region. The following steps will be covered here:Getting startedStructure and QM/MM setupQMERA calculationNote: In order to ensure that you can follow this tutorial exactly as intended, you should use the1. Getting startedBegin by starting Materials Studio and creating a new project.Open the New Project dialog and enter Ru_complex as the project name, click the OK button.The new project is created with Ru_complex listed in the Project Explorer.2. Structure and QM/MM setupThe structure you will use is shown below:Figure 2. Ru(II) complex used as an asymmetric hydrogenation catalyst for ketones.Select File | Import... from the menu bar and browse to Examples\Projects\QMERA\Ru_complex Files\Documents\Ru_start.xsd. Click the Open button.Once you have the structure of the complex you can prepare the QMERA calculation. For this system you will include the polarization of the QM region due to the MM region. To this end, you will include the MM point charges in the SCF part of the QM calculation. This type of approach is called electrostatic embedding and it does not require forcefield parameters for the QM region, for either atom types or charges, because an additive expression is used to calculate the total energy of the system.You need to define the QM region first. The atoms to include in the QM region are shown in Figure 3. The QM region includes the Ru center, the two hydrides (H), the two P atoms and the H2NCHCHNH2 diamine backbone.Figure 3. Ru(II) complex with the QM region indicated using stick representation.Use the selection tool to select the QM region indicated above. Select the QMERA modulefrom the Modules toolbar and choose Calculation to open the QMERA Calculation dialog. Click the Add button to add the selected atoms to the QuantumAtoms set.Click anywhere in the 3D Viewer, the atoms in the set will be highlighted in purple.If you want to visualize the hydrogen link atoms to be sure that there are no problems related to their position, you can use the View button in the QMERA Calculation dialog.On the Setup tab of the QMERA Calculation dialog click the View button. A new window will open with the LinkAtoms selected. Check that the position of the hydrogen link atoms makes sense and close the window. Click the No button on the dialog which asks if you want to save this document. You need to setup and modify the ligand charges. In electronic embedding methods, the basic requirement for the choice of charges is that net charge of the MM atoms must be integer. In this case this is achieved by using the QEq method to calculate separately the charges of each ligand bound to the QM region, under the constraint that the net charge must be zero.Select Modify | Charges from the menu bar to open the Charges dialog. On the Calculate tab choose QEq as the Method. Select one of the MM ligand residues (for example a phenyl ring) and click the Calculate button. The ligand charges have been determined now. Repeat this procedure for all the other MM ligands.Close the Charges dialog.Note that the atoms in the QM region do not need to have charges assigned.The prepared structure can also be imported from Examples\Projects\QMERA\Ru_complex Files\Documents\Ru_complex.xsd.You can now run the QMERA calculation.3. QMERA calculationOn the Setup tab of the QMERA Calculation dialog, select Geometry Optimization as the Task and Medium for the Quality of the calculation. Click the More... button for the Task to open the QMERA Geometry Optimization dialog.Select HDLC as the Method and close the dialog.Click the More... button for the QM server to open QMERA DMol3 Parameters dialog. Select GGA and PBE for the Functional and close the dialog.This Ru(II) complex has a zero net QM charge, the two hydride ligands act as electron donors (2 × -1) to compensate for the metal's 2+ charge and no other QM atoms contribute charges (all other ligands coordinate the Ru center through dative bonding). So the DMol3 charge can remain at a value of zero for this system.For the MM server click the More... button to open the QMERA GULP Parameters dialog. Select Dreiding as the Forcefield and Use current for the Charges, close the dialog.On the QMERA Calculation dialog, click on the Options tab and select Electronic as the Embedding scheme and Disperse boundary charge as the Model. Click the Run button.Depending on your hardware, this calculation may take several hours to complete. If you wish to examine and analyze the results directly the output files are provided in theExamples\Projects\QMERA\Ru_complex Files\Documents\ directory in the Ru_complex QMERA GeomOpt folder.After performing the calculation for the Ru(II) complex you can proceed to include the substrate (ketone) in the calculation. The ketone will belong to the QM region and as a consequence you do not need charges or atom types for that structure. You can draw the ketone in the same document as the Ru(II) complex and add it to the QM region using the Add button on the QMERA Calculation dialog.The prepared structure for the complex and substrate can be found atExamples\Projects\QMERA\Ru_complex Files\Documents\Ru_complex+ketone_2.xsd. If you wish to examine and analyze the results of the QM/MM calculation on the ketone system directly, the output files from the QMERA run can be found in the Examples\Projects\QMERA\Ru_ complex Files\Documents\Ru_complex+ketone_2 QMERA GeomOpt folder.。