Bayer 产品目录及性能




卡兰钠 2255 C 卡兰钠 2260 C 卡兰钠 2265 C 卡兰钠 2455 C 卡兰钠 2745 C 卡兰钠 2750 C 卡兰钠 3035 C 卡兰钠 3150 C 卡兰钠 3335 C 卡兰钠 3345 C 卡兰钠 3370 C 卡兰钠 4060 C 卡兰钠 4560 C 卡兰钠 4970 C 卡兰钠 E3340 C (50 phr DOP 充油) 中试产品
纸箱(用聚乙烯 衬里),容量 25 公斤装于托板 上,总容量为: 750 公斤
EVA 改性, 橡胶制品, 摩擦材料
PVC 滑石粉
纸箱(用聚乙烯 衬里),容量 25 公斤装于托板 上,总容量为: 750 公斤
PVC 改性 摩擦材料
白炭黑 碳酸钙 白炭黑
纸箱(用聚乙烯 衬里),容量 25 公斤装于托板 上,总容量为: 750 公斤或 400 公斤大袋 纸箱(用聚乙烯 衬里),容量 22 公斤装于托板 上,总容量为: 660 公斤
及纤维的极佳粘合剂, 并且改善动及交联
件, 凃覆和摩擦材料。
可向朗盛德国 HSEQ 部门索取 FDA 和
BfR 认可的资料。
丙本钠 4456 F 44 中试产品
120 ± 12
32 ± 3 45 ± 5 70 ± 7 45 ± 5 65 ± 7
轻微 中度



熔体流动速率 透光率(透明材料) 透光率(透明材料) 透光率(透明材料)
饱和值23℃, Saturation 300℃,1.2kg 3mm 2mm 4mm
拉伸蠕变模量 屈服应变 CHARPY冲击强度 IZOD缺口冲击强度 最大穿透力 拉伸模量
ISO 75-2
137 ℃
熔体温度 氧指数 注射速度 粘度系数
ISO 294 方法A/ProcedureA IEC 4589-2
ISO 294 ISO 1628-4
280 ℃ 28 %
200 mm/s 51 cm3/g
热性能 其它性能
吸温性Leabharlann 饱和值23℃, Saturation
ISO 62
0.12 %
IEC 60695-2-12
850 ℃
流动方向 垂直流动方
维卡软化温度 向
23-55℃ 23-55℃ 50N,50℃/h 1.0mm
UL 94(ISO 1210) V-2/0.82 类别/Class
流动方向 垂直流动方
测试方法 ISO 1183 ISO 1133
ISO 62


*Development product, see page 23
耐磨性 Resistance to abrasion 动态负载能力 Dynamic loadbearing capacity 耐热变形性能 Heat deflection 抗油脂性能 Resistance to oil and grease 耐水解 Resistance to hydrolysis 耐热空气 Resistance to hot hair 耐光性(黄变) Fastness to light (yellow) 抗微生物侵蚀 Resistance to Microbial attack 低温韧性 Flexibility at Low temperatures
special grades for shoe shells and similar applications with a high rigidity and
good low temperature impact strength
++ = 非常好/very good + = 好/good 0 = 满意/satisfactory - = 一般/moderate
Snadditipnal “U” denores UV stabilisation.
发展中的产品以*KA 或*KU2 加 4 位数字来命名。根据硬度的 不同,将其列在产品范围中相应的品级系列中。(用 KU 表示 的产品,聚酯型产品用前两位数字 87 来标识,用聚醚型产品, 其产品,代码间于 8600-8699。) 如果试用产品的代码有 A 或 D 后缀,则其后两位数字分别表 示硬度的大约值。 带后缀 E 的品级,表示该品级适合于挤出成型,当然这类品 级也适合于注射成型。 KA 试用产品年代顺序以连续数字表示。

德国拜耳Bayblend (PC+ABS)功能简介

德国拜耳Bayblend  (PC+ABS)功能简介

产品牌号性能特点用途2953可电镀ET3032 FR良好的加工性能;阻燃性FR1514耐热性,高;阻燃性FR1514 BBS073耐化学品性能,良好;阻燃性;高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)FR3000耐紫外光性能,良好;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3000 BBS081耐化学品性能,良好;耐紫外光性能,良好;阻燃性FR3000 BBS300良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3000 BBS306阻燃性FR3000 HI耐化学品性能,良好;阻燃性;高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)FR3001阻燃性FR3002阻燃性薄壁部件FR3005 BBS310耐化学品性能,良好;阻燃性FR3005 HF良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3005 HF BBS314良好的流动性;阻燃性电气/电子应用领域FR3006 HF耐热性,高;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3008耐化学品性能,良好;耐水解性;耐紫外光性能,良好;阻燃性FR3008 HR耐化学品性能,良好;耐水解性;耐紫外光性能,良好;阻燃性FR3009耐水解性;阻燃性FR3010耐化学品性能,良好;耐热性,中等;阻燃性;高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)FR3010 HF耐紫外光性能,良好;良好的加工性能;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3010 IF耐热性,高;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3011耐热性,高;耐紫外光性能,良好;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3012耐紫外光性能,良好;阻燃性FR3013冲击改性;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3015阻燃性FR3020低烟度;阻燃性薄壁部件FR3020 W BBS910耐紫外光安定化;阻燃性FR3021阻燃性;高刚性FR3021 GR良好刚性;阻燃性FR3023流动性高;阻燃性薄壁部件FR3025低翘曲性;阻燃性薄壁部件FR3025 R35低翘曲性;阻燃性薄壁部件FR3030无卤;阻燃性FR3040阻燃性薄壁部件FR3050耐化学品性能,良好;耐热性,高;阻燃性;高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)FR3110 TV耐热性,高;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3200 TV良好的流动性;阻燃性;高光FR3210 TV优良外观;良好的流动性;阻燃性FR3305 TV阻燃性FR3310 TV阻燃性FR3311 TV良好的流动性;阻燃性FR410 MT阻燃性FR411 MT阻燃性FR421 MT阻燃性飞机内饰;航空应用FR630 GR阻燃性M301 FR阻燃性电气/电子应用领域M303 FR阻燃性电气/电子应用领域M850 XF良好的流动性T45 PG可电镀T50 XF良好的流动性;耐低温冲击T65 AT抗静电性T65 HG高光;良好的流动性T65 HI可电镀;耐低温冲击;耐化学品性能,良好汽车领域的应用T65 PG可电镀;良好的流动性;耐热性,高T65 XF良好的流动性T80 XG电镀;良好的流动性;优良外观T85 HG高光;良好的流动性T85 SG良好的流动性T85 XF良好的流动性T88 GF-10良好的流动性;耐热老化性能,良好;耐热性,高;耐紫外光性能,良好T88 GF-10 HI良好的流动性汽车领域;汽车内部零件T88 GF-20良好的流动性;耐热老化性能,良好;耐热性,高;耐紫外光性能,良好T88 GF-30良好的流动性;耐热老化性能,良好;耐热性,高;耐紫外光性能,良好T90 HT良好的流动性;耐热性,高T90 MF-20低 CLTE;良好的流动性;耐热性,高T90 XF高 ESCR(抗应力开裂);良好的流动性;良好抗撞击性T90 XG电镀;良好的流动性;优良外观T95 MF低 CLTE;耐热性,高W85 HI良好的流动性;耐候性,良好;耐热性,高;延展性W85 XF耐候性,良好;耐热老化性能,良好;耐热性,中等;延展性W90 XG耐紫外光安定化;优良外观。



BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE1/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THECOMPANY/UNDERTAKINGProduct identifierTrade name BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLER FORGARDENS READY-TO-USEProduct code (UVP) 06424112SDS Number 102000011910EPA Registration No. 432-1211-72155Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstUse InsecticideRestrictions on use See product label for restrictions.Information on manufacturerBayer Environmental Science2 T.W. Alexander DriveResearch Triangle PK, NC 27709United StatesEmergency telephone no.1-800-334-7577 (24 hours/day)Emergency TelephoneNumber (24hr/ 7 days)1-800-331-2867Product InformationTelephone NumberSDS Information or Request ************************SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONClassification in accordance with regulation HCS 29CFR §1910.1200Carcinogenicity : Category 2Other hazardsNo other hazards known.SECTION 3: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSHazardous Component Name CAS-No.Concentration % by weight Carbaryl 63-25-2 0.126BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE2/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURESDescription of first aid measuresGeneral advice When possible, have the product container or label with you whencalling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. Inhalation Move to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance,then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. Calla physician or poison control center immediately.Skin contact Wash off immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.Takeoff contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.Call a physician orpoison control center immediately.Eye contact Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, thencontinue rinsing eye.Call a physician or poison control centerimmediately.Ingestion Call a physician or poison control center immediately.Rinse out mouthand give water in small sips to drink.DO NOT induce vomiting unlessdirected to do so by a physician or poison control center.Never giveanything by mouth to an unconscious person.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedSymptoms This product causes reversible cholinesterase inhibition without longterm effects., Symptoms of Overexposure, Nausea, Vomiting,Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, Salivation, Blurred vision, Sweating,Respiratory disorder, ConvulsionsIndication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreatment In case of ingestion gastric lavage should be considered in cases ofsignificant ingestions only within the first 2 hours. However, theapplication of activated charcoal and sodium sulphate is alwaysadvisable. Before antidote is administered, either clear symptoms ofpoisoning have to be present or the cholinesterase activity is inhibited tobelow 30% of normal. The following antidote is generally accepted:atropine. In case of convulsions, a benzodiazepine (e.g. diazepam)should be given according to standard regimens. Contraindications:oximes (pralidoxime, obidoxime).SECTION 5: FIREFIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing mediaSuitable Carbon dioxide (CO2), Alcohol-resistant foam, Water sprayUnsuitable None known.BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE3/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015 Special hazards arisingfrom the substance ormixtureDangerous gases are evolved in the event of a fire.Advice for firefightersSpecial protective equipment for fire-fighters Firefighters should wear NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing.Further information Keep out of smoke. Fight fire from upwind position. Do not allow run-offfrom fire fighting to enter drains or water courses.Flash point The product is not flammable.Autoignition temperature no data availableLower explosion limit no data availableUpper explosion limit no data availableExplosivity not applicableSECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPrecautions Keep unauthorized people away. Isolate hazard area. Avoid contactwith spilled product or contaminated surfaces.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upMethods for cleaning up Soak up with inert absorbent material (e.g. sand, silica gel, acid binder,universal binder, sawdust). Collect and transfer the product into aproperly labelled and tightly closed container. Clean contaminatedfloors and objects thoroughly, observing environmental regulations. Additional advice Use personal protective equipment. Do not allow to enter soil,waterways or waste water canal.Reference to other sections Information regarding safe handling, see section 7.Information regarding personal protective equipment, see section 8.Information regarding waste disposal, see section 13.SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handlingAdvice on safe handling Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation. Maintainexposure levels below the exposure limit through the use of general andlocal exhaust ventilation.Hygiene measures Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling and beforeeating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, using the toilet orBAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE4/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015applying cosmetics. Remove Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)immediately after handling this product. Before removing gloves cleanthem with soap and water. Remove soiled clothing immediately andclean thoroughly before using again. Wash thoroughly and put on cleanclothing.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesRequirements for storage areas and containers Store in original container and out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked storage area.Protect from freezing.Advice on common storage Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs. SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONControl parametersComponents CAS-No. Control parameters Update BasisCarbaryl(Inhalable fraction and vapor.) 63-25-2 0.5 mg/m3(TWA)02 2012 ACGIHCarbaryl 63-25-2 5 mg/m3(REL)2010 NIOSHCarbaryl 63-25-2 5 mg/m3(PEL)02 2006 OSHA Z1Carbaryl 63-25-2 5 mg/m3(TWA)1989 OSHA Z1ACarbaryl 63-25-2 5 mg/m3(TWA)06 2008 TN OELCarbaryl 63-25-2 0.5ug/m3(AN ESL)07 2011 TX ESLCarbaryl 63-25-2 5ug/m3(ST ESL)07 2011 TX ESLCarbaryl 63-25-2 5 mg/m3(TWA PEL)08 2010 US CA OELCarbaryl 63-25-2 0.5 mg/m3(TWA)OES BCS* *OES BCS: Internal Bayer CropScience "Occupational Exposure Standard"Exposure controlsPersonal protective equipmentIn normal use and handling conditions please refer to the label and/or leaflet. In all other cases the following recommendations would apply.Respiratory protection When respirators are required, select NIOSH approved equipmentbased on actual or potential airborne concentrations and inaccordance with the appropriate regulatory standards and/or industryrecommendations.BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE5/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015 Hand protection Chemical resistant nitrile rubber glovesEye protection Safety glasses with side-shieldsSkin and body protection Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants and shoes plus socks. General protective measures Do not allow children or pets to enter the treated area until it hasdried.Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. Ifno such instructions for washables, use detergent and warm/tepidwater.Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance whitePhysical State liquid opaqueOdor noneOdour Threshold no data availablepH 3 - 4 at 100 %Vapor Pressure no data availableVapor Density (Air = 1)no data availableDensity ca. 1.00 g/cm³at 20 °CEvapouration rate no data availableBoiling Point no data availableMelting / Freezing Point no data availableWater solubility solubleMinimum Ignition Energy not applicable140 °CDecompositiontemperatureno data availablePartition coefficient: n-octanol/waterViscosity50 - 200 cpsFlash point The product is not flammable.Autoignition temperature no data availableLower explosion limit no data availableUpper explosion limit no data availableExplosivity not applicableBAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE6/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015 SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivityThermal decomposition140 °CChemical stability Stable under normal conditions.No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use. Possibility of hazardousreactionsConditions to avoid freezingExtremes of temperature and direct sunlight.Incompatible materials Bases, Strong acidsNo decomposition products expected under normal conditions of use. Hazardous decompositionproductsSECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONExposure routes Ingestion, Inhalation, Eye contact, Skin contactImmediate EffectsEye May cause eye irritation.Skin May cause slight irritation.Ingestion Harmful if swallowed.Inhalation Harmful if inhaled.Information on toxicological effectsAcute oral toxicity LD50 (rat) > 1,500 mg/kgAcute dermal toxicity LD50 (rabbit) > 2,000 mg/kgEye irritation Mild eye irritation. (rabbit)Assessment repeated dose toxicityCarbaryl caused reversible cholinesterase inhibition without long term effects in animal studies. Assessment mutagenicityCarbaryl was not mutagenic or genotoxic based on the overall weight of evidence in a battery of in vitro and in vivo tests.Assessment carcinogenicityCarbaryl caused at high dose levels an increased incidence of tumours in the following organ(s): liver, Thyroid, kidneys, cardio-vascular system. The mechanism that triggers tumours in rodents is not relevant for the low exposures encountered under normal use conditions.BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE7/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015 ACGIHCarbaryl 63-25-2 Group A4NTPNone.IARCCarbaryl 63-25-2 Overall evaluation: 3OSHANone.Assessment toxicity to reproductionCarbaryl did not cause reproductive toxicity in a two-generation study in rats.Assessment developmental toxicityCarbaryl did not cause developmental toxicity in rats and rabbits.Further informationAcute toxicity studies have been bridged from a similar formulation(s).The non-acute information pertains to the active ingredient(s).SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONToxicity to fish LC50 (Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)) 3.3 mg/lExposure time: 96 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient carbaryl.Toxicity to aquatic invertebrates EC50 (Daphnia magna (Water flea)) 0.0164 mg/l Exposure time: 48 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient carbaryl.Toxicity to aquatic plants EC50 (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) 1.75 mg/lGrowth rate; Exposure time: 72 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient carbaryl. Biodegradability Carbaryl: ; rapidly biodegradableKoc Carbaryl: Koc: 624Bioaccumulation Carbaryl: Bioconcentration factor (BCF) 44; Does not bioaccumulate. Mobility in soil Carbaryl: Slightly mobile in soilsEnvironmental precautions Do not contaminate surface or ground water by cleaning equipment ordisposal of wastes, including equipment wash water.Do not allow to get into surface water, drains and ground water.Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is presentor to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE8/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds ifbees are visiting the treatment area.SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste treatment methodsProduct It is best to use all of the product in accordance with label directions. If itis necessary to dispose of unused product, please follow container labelinstructions and applicable local guidelines.Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain. Contaminated packaging Do not re-use empty containers.Place empty container in trash.RCRA Information Characterization and proper disposal of this material as a special orhazardous waste is dependent upon Federal, State and local laws andare the user's responsibility. RCRA classification may apply.SECTION 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION49CFRUN number 3082Class 9Packaging group IIIMarine pollutant Marine pollutantProper shipping name ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, LIQUID,N.O.S.(CARBARYL)RQ Reportable Quantity is reached with 7,936 lb of product.IMDGUN number 3082Class 9Packaging group IIIMarine pollutant YESProper shipping name ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID,N.O.S.(CARBARYL SOLUTION)IATAUN number 3082Class 9Packaging group IIIEnvironm. Hazardous Mark YESProper shipping name ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, LIQUID,N.O.S.BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE9/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015(CARBARYL SOLUTION )This transportation information is not intended to convey all specific regulatory information relating to this product. It does not address regulatory variations due to package size or special transportation requirements.Freight Classification: INSECTICIDES OR FUNGICIDES, N.O.I., OTHER THANPOISONSECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATIONEPA Registration No.432-1211-72155US Federal RegulationsTSCA listCarbaryl 63-25-2US. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt D) None.SARA Title III - Section 302 - Notification and InformationNone.SARA Title III - Section 313 - Toxic Chemical Release ReportingCarbaryl 63-25-2 1.0%US States Regulatory ReportingCA Prop65This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.Carbaryl 63-25-2This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.Carbaryl 63-25-2 Developmental toxin.Carbaryl 63-25-2 Male reproductive toxin.US State Right-To-Know IngredientsCarbaryl 63-25-2 CA, CT, IL, MN, NJ, RICanadian RegulationsCanadian Domestic Substance ListNone.EnvironmentalCERCLACarbaryl 63-25-2 100 lbs Clean Water Section 307 Priority PollutantsNone.Safe Drinking Water Act Maximum Contaminant LevelsNone.EPA/FIFRA Information:BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE BRAND INSECT KILLERFOR GARDENS READY-TO-USE10/10 Version 2.0 / USA Revision Date: 03/16/2015 102000011910Print Date: 03/16/2015 This chemical is a pesticide product registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and is subject to certain labeling requirements under federal pesticide law. These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets, and for workplace labels of non-pesticide chemicals. Following is the hazard information required on the pesticide label:Signal word:Caution!Hazard statements:Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed.Avoid breathing spray mist.Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONNFPA 704 (National Fire Protection Association):Health - 1 Flammability - 0 Instability - 1 Others - noneHMIS (Hazardous Materials Identification System, based on the Third Edition Ratings Guide) Health - 1 Flammability - 0 Physical Hazard - 0 PPE -0 = minimal hazard, 1 = slight hazard, 2 = moderate hazard, 3 = severe hazard, 4 = extreme hazard Reason for Revision: Revised according to the current OSHA Hazard Communication Standard(29CFR1910.1200)Revision Date: 03/16/2015This information is provided in good faith but without express or implied warranty. The customer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with label instructions. The product names are registered trademarks of Bayer.。



及纤维的极佳粘合剂, 并且改善动摩擦系 牌号的溶液可应用在粘合剂 , 密封
件, 凃覆和摩擦材料。
可向朗盛德国 HSEQ 部门索取 FDA 和
BfR 认可的资料。
拜耳平 (Baypren®) 氯丁橡胶(CR)
通用型 巯基-改性牌号 拜耳平 110
拜耳平 111
很轻微 极轻微
性能: 只要胶料配制及加工正确,产品具有良好的耐 候性、耐臭氧、耐老化、耐热空气和耐化学 药品的性能;耐油类和耐石油性能也相当 好。产品也具有良好的机械性能、生理性能 及耐磨性。 若选择适当配方,可使拜耳平硫化胶的阻燃 性符合特殊需要。
羟基丁腈胶牌号 卡兰钠 X146 卡兰钠 X160 卡兰钠 X740 卡兰钠 X750
32.5 32.5 26.5 27
门尼粘度(1) ML (1+4) 100℃
45 ± 5 58 38 ± 4 47 ± 5
密度 (克/立方厘
0.97 0.97 0.99 0.99
门尼粘度 (1) ML (1+4) 100℃
密度 (克/立方厘米)
标准包装 (2)
41 ± 5 49 ± 5
42 ± 5
1.23 1.23
拜耳平 112 拜耳平 210 拜耳平 211



门尼粘度(1) ML (1+4)
密度 (克/立方
25 公斤胶包, 置于托板上, 容量为: 1050
特殊牌号提供良 好的耐湿滑性
卡兰钠(Krynac®) (继续)
朗盛法国生产牌号 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
拜耳模 N XL 38.20 34(2)
中试产品(预交联) 拜耳模 N VP KA 8640
90 -120 (3)
拜耳模 N VP KA
拜耳模 N VP KA 8677
(1) 无块化 (ISO 289)(2) 粉状底胶 (3) 块化 (ISO 289)
拜耳平 (Baypren®) 氯丁橡胶(CR)
通用型 巯基-改性牌号 拜耳平 110
拜耳平 111
很轻微 极轻微
性能: 只要胶料配制及加工正确,产品具有良好的耐 候性、耐臭氧、耐老化、耐热空气和耐化学 药品的性能;耐油类和耐石油性能也相当 好。产品也具有良好的机械性能、生理性能 及耐磨性。 若选择适当配方,可使拜耳平硫化胶的阻燃 性符合特殊需要。


红外相机拍摄 (850nm)
Paliogen Black S0084
红外相机拍摄 (850nm)
红外相机 (720nm)
红外相机检测 (850nm)
防伪的应用 红外透明黑色油墨 Nhomakorabea肉眼观察
Paliogen Black S0084
红外相机拍摄 (850nm)
Paliogen Black S0084
用Paliogen Black S 0084隐藏图案
Paliogen Black S0084 图布
红外相机拍摄 (850nm)
偏转 30°后
Yellow +
Lumogen IR1050
Yellow +
Carbon Black
wavelength (nm)
20,0% L 0960 HD
20,0% L 0960 HD 0,5% Printex
紫外光激发后先是出强烈的荧光色彩 高透明性 出色的耐光及耐迁移性 可以用于油墨和光油 直接搅拌加入
应用领域 :所有的防伪领域







50mg* 30T



100mg* 10T


德国拜耳 PC

德国拜耳 PC

德国拜耳PC系列材料的具体性能及应用资料由向阳塑胶有限公司提供t e L 1 5 9 17 72 0 8 0 1供货地区:全球。

德国拜耳1092 PC北美良好的抗紫外线,耐候性好建材,建筑应用德国拜耳1095 PC北美良好的脱模;高粘度外壳,电源/其他工具德国拜耳1095 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模;高粘度外壳,电源/其他工具德国拜耳1143 PC北美良好的耐冲击性,抗紫外线性能良好;高清晰透明板材;表德国拜耳1143 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳1239 PC非洲和中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的;高粘度应用的吹塑瓶德国拜耳1243 PC北美良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳1248 PC非洲及中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的;韧,中等粘度德国拜耳1248 MAS068 PC非洲及中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的修改影响;德国拜耳1260 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模;韧,低粘度德国拜耳1260 PC北美良好的脱模;韧,低粘度德国拜耳1837 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的抗冲击性,良好的脱模;影响...德国拜耳1837 PC北美良好的模具发布;韧;中等粘度德国拜耳1844 PC非洲和中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的...外壳德国拜耳1881 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模;韧,低粘度;德国拜耳1885 PC非洲及中东,欧洲光学数据存储德国拜耳1899 PC非洲及中东,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,影响Modifie的...电池的情况下德国拜耳1952 PC非洲及中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的... LCD的应用德国拜耳1954年PC非洲及中东,欧洲低粘度外壳,机器/机械零件德国拜耳2205 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2205 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2207 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳2207 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2256 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳2258 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲生物相容性,良好的脱模,低粘度外壳德国拜耳2258 PC北美生物相容性;环氧乙烷灭菌,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2400 PC北美通用汽车上的应用德国拜耳2400 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用型,低粘度德国拜耳2400 MAS401 PC非洲及中东,欧洲低粘度包装德国拜耳2403 PC北美高流动汽车上的应用,汽车内饰件德国拜耳2405 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2405 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2405 MAS048 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2405 MAS056 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2405 MAS057 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2407 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2407 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,低粘度通用德国拜耳2407 MAS056 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2407 MAS057 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2407 MAS070 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具...德国拜耳2407 MAS082 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2407 MAS084 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2407 MAS145 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2408 MAS310 PC非洲及中东,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒;低的Vi ...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2456 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳2456 PC北美与食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳2458 PC北美生物相容性;环氧乙烷灭菌,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2458 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2467 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳2505 PC北美良好的脱模德国拜耳2556 PC北美与食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2556 PC非洲和中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2558 PC北美生物相容性;环氧乙烷灭菌,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2558 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2600 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2605 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2605 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2605 MAS145 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2606 PC非洲和中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的中等粘度德国拜耳2607 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2607 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2608 PC北美生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒;中...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2647 PC北美通用汽车上的应用德国拜耳2652 PC非洲和中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度玩具德国拜耳2656 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2656 PC北美与食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2658 PC北美生物相容性;环氧乙烷灭菌,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2658 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2665 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2665 MAS071 PC非洲及中东,欧洲,耐氯无溴阻燃;德国拜耳2665 MAS145 PC非洲和中东,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的... 德国拜耳2667 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的... 德国拜耳2800 PC非洲和中东,欧洲通用型,中等粘度德国拜耳2805 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2805 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2805 MAS145 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2805 MAS152 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2806 PC非洲和中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的中等粘度德国拜耳2807 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2807 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2807 MAS145 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2807 MAS167 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,中等粘度通用德国拜耳2808 PC非洲及中东,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒;中...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2856 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2856 PC北美与食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2856 MAS145 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,耐冲击性好,良好的模具... 德国拜耳2856 MAS162 PC非洲及中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳2858 PC北美生物相容性;环氧乙烷灭菌,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2858 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳2865 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的... 德国拜耳2867 PC非洲和中东,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳3100 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,高粘度德国拜耳3103 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的抗冲击性,抗紫外线性能良好德国拜耳3105 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,高粘度通用德国拜耳3105 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,高粘度通用德国拜耳3106 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲与食品接触的可接受的高粘度德国拜耳3106 PC北美与食品接触的可接受的高粘度德国拜耳3107 PC北美通用,良好的脱模,高粘度通用德国拜耳3107 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,高粘度通用德国拜耳MAS167 PC非洲及中东,欧洲通用,良好的脱模,高粘度通用德国拜耳3108 PC北美生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒;属...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳3108 PC非洲及中东,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒;高V. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳3152 PC非洲和中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的耐冲击性能好; G. ..玩具德国拜耳3156 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,高粘度德国拜耳3156 PC北美与食品接触的可接受的,良好的脱模,高粘度德国拜耳3158 PC北美生物相容性;环氧乙烷灭菌,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳3158 PC非洲和中东,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳3205 PC北美汽车上的应用德国拜耳3206 PC非洲和中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的高粘度德国拜耳3207 PC北美良好的抗紫外线汽车上的应用德国拜耳3208 PC非洲及中东,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒;高V. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳3258 PC北美生物相容性;通用;良好的脱模医疗/保健应用德国拜耳3258 PC非洲和中东,欧洲生物相容性,环氧乙烷消毒,良好的M. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳5303 PC北美德国拜耳5308 PC北美德国拜耳6165X PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳6255 PC北美阻燃德国拜耳6257 PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模,抗紫外线性能良好德国拜耳6265 PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳6265 X PC非洲和中东,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6265X PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳6267 X PC非洲和中东,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6267X PC北美无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6355 PC北美德国拜耳6357 PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模,抗紫外线性能良好德国拜耳6357 PC非洲和中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6455 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6455 PC非洲及中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6457 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6457 PC非洲和中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6485 PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳6485 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳6487 PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳6487 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳6555 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6555 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,中等粘度德国拜耳6557 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳6557 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的... 德国拜耳6717 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,高粘度德国拜耳6717 PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模,高粘度德国拜耳8025 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模;高粘度德国拜耳8035 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模;高粘度德国拜耳8325 PC北美良好的脱模,高粘度德国拜耳8325 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模;高粘度德国拜耳8345 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模;高粘度德国拜耳8345 PC北美平衡的刚性/韧性,良好的电气提案的..德国拜耳9125 PC非洲和中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳9415 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳9415 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的... 德国拜耳9417 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳9417 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的... 德国拜耳9425 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的... 德国拜耳9425 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...德国拜耳AG2677 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,抗紫外线性能良好,中等粘度汽车上的应用德国拜耳AG2677 PC北美脱模剂,中等粘度汽车上的应用德国拜耳AL2247 PC北美良好的尺寸稳定性,耐冲击性好...汽车上的应用,照明扩散;光...德国拜耳AL2443 PC北美介质流动汽车上的应用,汽车外饰件德国拜耳AL2447 PC北美良好的脱模,低粘度汽车上的应用;镜头德国拜耳AL2447 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,低粘度汽车上的应用;镜头德国拜耳AL2643 PC北美介质流动汽车上的应用,汽车外饰件德国拜耳AL2647 PC北美脱模剂,中等粘度汽车上的应用;镜头德国拜耳AL2647 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模;中等粘度汽车上的应用;镜头德国拜耳CD 2005 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的抗冲击性德国拜耳CD2005 PC北美良好的尺寸稳定性,耐冲击性好...汽车上的应用;光学数据存储德国拜耳DP 1-1265 PC北美德国拜耳DP1-1090 PC的北美汽车上的应用德国拜耳PC DP1-1413 1118北美环氧乙烷灭菌,辐射(γ)...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳DP1-1413 1119色调PC北美环氧乙烷消毒;辐射(γ)...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳DP1-1416 PC北美良好的可加工性,高流动性韧; L. ..汽车内饰件德国拜耳DP1-1455 PC + PET北美良好的耐化学性,良好的尺寸稳定性...连接器;医疗/护理领域的应用,泵配件德国拜耳DP1-1803 PC北美洲高清晰度光学应用德国拜耳DP1-1821 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,高纯度,高粘度镜头,光学应用德国拜耳DP1-1821 PC北美良好的脱模,高纯度,高粘度镜头德国拜耳ET IR320 PC非洲及中东,欧洲高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ET UV110 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模;高粘度;吸收紫外线的配置文件;表德国拜耳ET UV120 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ET UV130 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,高粘度,紫外吸收信息;表德国拜耳ET UV510 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模;高粘度;吸收紫外线的配置文件;表德国拜耳ET UV530 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,高粘度,UV 吸收信息;表德国拜耳ET UV540 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ET2613 PC非洲及中东,欧洲中等粘度表德国拜耳PC ET2613北美中等粘度表德国拜耳ET3113 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲瓦楞纸板高粘度;表德国拜耳ET3113 PC北美高粘度瓦楞纸板;德国拜耳ET3117 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ET3117 PC北美良好的脱模;高粘度瓦楞纸板,型材表德国拜耳ET3127 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ET3127 PC北美良好的脱模;高黏度曲线表德国拜耳ET3227 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ET3227 PC北美良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ETIR320 PC北美国高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ETUV110 PC北美良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ETUV120 PC北美良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ETUV130 PC北美良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ETUV510 PC北美良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳ETUV530 PC北美良好的脱模;高黏度曲线表德国拜耳ETUV540 PC北美良好的脱模,高黏度曲线;表德国拜耳FR6901 PC非洲及中东,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模; Reflectiv ...德国拜耳FR7067 PC非洲和中东,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模;的中等粘度电气/电子应用德国拜耳FR7067 PC阻燃,良好的脱模;的中等粘度电气/电子应用模克隆FR7087 PC非洲和中东,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模;的中等粘度电气/电子应用德国拜耳FR7087 PC阻燃,良好的脱模;的中等粘度电气/电子应用德国拜耳FR7101 PC非洲及中东,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳FU1007 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模;中等粘度家具德国拜耳GF8001 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,低粘度外壳德国拜耳GF8002 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模;中等粘度德国拜耳GF9002 PC非洲及中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的...电气/电子应用领域;外壳;薄...德国拜耳KU1-1230 PC非洲及中东,欧洲阻燃,中等粘度德国拜耳U1-1260 PC北美高流动性韧汽车上的应用德国拜耳U1-935-1063 PC北美汽车上的应用德国拜耳LED2045 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳LED2045 PC北美良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳LED2245 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳LED2245 PC北美良好的脱模,低粘度德国拜耳LED2643 PC非洲及中东,欧洲抗紫外线性能良好,中等粘度照明灯具德国拜耳LED2643 PC北美中等粘度德国拜耳LISA KL-1-9400 PC北美汽车上的应用,汽车仪表板德国拜耳LISA KL-3-9400 PC北美汽车上的应用,汽车仪表板德国拜耳LQ北美2647 PC抗紫外线性能良好德国拜耳LQ2647 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模;中粘度眼镜,镜片,光学应用,安全设备德国拜耳LQ-2847 1006色调PC北美德国拜耳LQ-3147 PC北美德国拜耳LQ-3147 1006色调PC北美德国拜耳LQ3187 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模,高粘度眼镜,镜片,光学应用,安全设备德国拜耳LQ3187 PC北美良好的脱模;高粘度眼镜,镜片,光学应用德国拜耳LTG2623 PC北美中等粘度镜头德国拜耳LTG2623 PC非洲及中东,欧洲中等粘度镜头德国拜耳LTG-2627 1112色调PC北美德国拜耳LTG-3127 1112色调PC北美德国拜耳OD2015 PC北美高纯度光学数据存储德国拜耳OD2015 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲良好的脱模,高纯度,低粘度光存储德国拜耳Rx1452 PC北美良好的脱模;低粘度医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx1452 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,低粘度医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx1805 PC北美生物相容性,良好的消毒性,高Viscosit ...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx1805 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲辐射灭菌医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx1851 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,低粘度医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳olon Rx1851北美良好的脱模PC,低粘度医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx2430 PC非洲及中东,欧洲生物相容性,低粘度,辐射灭菌医疗/护理领域的应用的德国拜耳PC非洲及中东,欧洲生物相容性,良好的脱模,低粘度; R. ..医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx2435 PC的北美生物相容性,良好的脱模,低粘度,R...医疗/护理领域的应用的德国拜耳PC北美生物相容性,良好的消毒性,中等粘度...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx2530 PC非洲和中东,亚太地区,欧洲生物相容性,中等粘度,辐射灭菌医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx25301118色调PC北美中等粘度,辐射灭菌医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳Rx2635 PC非洲及中东,欧洲生物相容性,良好的脱模,中等粘度...医疗/护理领域的应用德国拜耳SF800 PC北美免费无溴,氯,阻燃,良好的...结构泡沫德国拜耳SF800 PC非洲及中东,欧洲无溴,氯免费,良好的脱模;...结构泡沫德国拜耳SF800于MAS148 PC非洲及中东,欧洲无溴,氯免费,阻燃,良好的...结构泡沫德国拜耳SF805 PC非洲及中东,欧洲无溴,无氯阻燃,良好的...结构泡沫德国拜耳SF810 PC北美阻燃,良好的脱模结构泡沫德国拜耳SF810 PC非洲及中东,欧洲阻燃,良好的脱模结构泡沫德国拜耳T-7435 PC北美良好的耐冲击性;韧;低坦佩...汽车上的应用,汽车内饰件德国拜耳T7855 PC非洲和中东,欧洲良好的脱模;韧,中等粘度德国拜耳PC WB1239非洲及中东,欧洲食品接触的可接受的;高粘度应用的吹塑瓶德国拜耳XT5010 PC非洲及中东,欧洲良好的脱模,加工性好,低粘度LCD 应用。

德国拜耳PC PBT Makroblend S 79162物性表

德国拜耳PC PBT Makroblend S 79162物性表

宝瑞塑胶P 拜耳材料科技Makroblend®S 7916/2聚碳酸酯+ PBT,冲级
材质说明:ISO 7792-1-PBT/PC的MHPR -020、(PBT + PC)的共混物、冲击改性、注塑级、优良的耐化学性、在低温下的高韧性、画的应用程序的理想选择、无筋



德国拜耳 PC+ABS T88 GF20

德国拜耳 PC+ABS T88 GF20

干燥温度100-110 ° 100-110° C C 干燥时间 新鲜空气干燥机(高速机) Dry air dryer 干式空气干燥机 必须小心确保粒料在一个充分干燥的状态进行处理。 熔体温度 模具温度 物理性质 密度 公 1.29 g/cc 1.29 克/立方厘米 1.07 g/cc 1.07 克/立方厘米
150 V 150 V 英语
150 V 150 V 评论
IEC 60112 IEC 60112
30.0 µm/m-° 16.7 µin/in-° 16.7 C F 30.0 μm/m-° C 70.0 μm/m-° C 1.56 J/g-° C 1.56 J/g-° C 0.160 W/mK 0.160 W / mK μin/in-° F μin/in-° F 0.373 BTU/lb-° F 0.373 BTU/lb-° F 1.11 BTU-in/hr-ft² F -° -° F 70.0 µm/m-° 38.9 µin/in-° 38.9 C F
parallel; ISO 11359-1/-2 平行 ISO 11359-1/-2 ISO 11359-1/-2 ISO 11359-1/-2 Melt 融化 Melt 融化
的 1.11 BTU-in/hr-ft² 在 0.46 兆帕的热变 形温度(66 磅) 热变形温度在 1.8 兆 119 ° 119 ° C C 帕(264 磅) 维卡软化点 易燃性,UL94 128 ° 128 ° C C HB HB
IEC 60250 IEC 60250
介电强度 耗散因数
35.0 kV/mm 889 kV/in 889 千 35.0 千伏/毫米 0.00250
@Frequency 100 Hz @频率 100 Hz



拜耳乙华平橡胶1. 耐温等级: 100℃→125℃(150℃)2. 氧指数: 33%→40%(45%)3. 毒性指数: 15→14. 烟密度: 400→1505. pH值: 2→3.5(4.5)6. 电导率: 2000→70拜耳乙华平橡胶是专用于低烟无卤阻燃电缆护套的橡胶材料,其性能满足了上述标准的提升要求。







二、乙华平橡胶的商品牌号三、乙华平橡胶的化学结构与物理性能 1. 乙华平橡胶的化学组成乙华平是由乙烯和醋酸乙烯以不同比例共聚而成。

由上述分子结构可以看出:A. 饱和的次甲基主键:耐热、耐天候老化、耐油、着色稳定B. 极性侧基:耐油C. 非极性次甲基基团:耐低温曲挠,耐极性溶剂D. 适当的活性点:适于过氧化物硫化对乙烯醋酸乙烯共聚物通常用醋酸乙烯(VA)含量进行分类:如图2所示 VA<40% 热塑性弹性体,称之为EVA塑料 VA<40%-80% 热固性弹性体,称之为EVM橡胶 VA>80% 热塑性弹性体,称之为PVA塑胶 2. 乙华平的聚合方法乙华平采用的是中压溶液聚合法。

中压溶液与高压本体聚合法对共聚物物性差异图4 -不同聚合方法对物性的影响由此可见溶液法最适宜生产VA含量40-80%高弹性型橡胶材料。

3. 乙华平与其它合成橡胶的性能比较 VA 含量40-50% 的乙华平在市场上销售已有30 多年的历史了,但其应用仅局限于一些非常特殊的产品。


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Changing the worldwith great care.BayerEngineeringPolymersThermoplastics andPolyurethanesBayer Polymers ProductInformation is available online at:/polymers-usa41-800-622-6004.2*Novodur ABS grades are produced by Bayer AG in Europe.a As with any product, use of a particular resin in a given application must be tested (including field testing, etc.) in advance by the user to determine suitability.b Please refer to Bayer Corporation guidelines for medical application of Bayer products on pages 4-5.c Makroblend UT 408 resin (natural color) can be used for food-contact applications except for those in which the temperature exceeds 250°F and the food containsmore than 50% alcohol. Since color possibilities for food-contact applications are limited, please contact your Bayer representative for information on available colorsand their limitations.2A2Ba As with any product, use of a particular resin in a given application must be tested (including field testing, etc.)in advance by the user to determine suitability.b Please refer to Bayer Corporation guidelines listed below for medical application of Bayer products.Bayer Corporation Guidelines for Medical Application of Bayer Products1.All Bayer resins, films, etc. [hereinafter “Product(s)”] designated as “medical-grade” have met therequirements of the FDA-Modified ISO 10993, Part I “Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices” testswith human tissue contact time of 30 days or less. ONLY THESE PRODUCTS MAY BE CONSIDEREDCANDIDATES FOR APPLICATIONS REQUIRING BIOCOMPATIBILITY. No “medical-grade” Product willbe available for sale until successful completion of testing.2.Regrind resins must not be used in medical applications requiring biocompatibility.3.It is the responsibility of the medical device, biological product or pharmaceutical manufacturer(“Manufacturer”) to determine the suitability of all component parts and raw materials, including anyBayer Product, used in its final product in order to ensure safety and compliance with FDA requirements.This determination must include, as applicable, testing for suitability as an implant device and suitabilityas to contact with and/or storage of human tissue and liquids including, without limitation, medication,blood or other bodily fluids.4.Under no circumstances may any Bayer Product be used in any cosmetic, reconstructive or reproductiveimplant applications. Nor may any Bayer Product be used in any other bodily implant applications, or anyapplications involving contact with or storage of human tissue, blood or other bodily fluids, for greaterthan 30 days, based on the FDA-Modified ISO 10993 tests. Furthermore, for aromatic grades of Texinresins, such longer-term uses are not permissible also because possible hydrolysis of solid polyurethanemay produce aromatic amines, such as methylene dianiline (MDA).3c Grades 31 and 21 of Lustran SAN meet USP 23 Class VI testing requirements but have not been evaluated according to ISO 10993 testing guidelines.5.The suitability of a Bayer product in a given end-use environment is dependent upon various conditions including, without limitation, chemical compatibility, temperature, part design, sterilization method, residual stresses or external loads. It is the responsibility of the Manufacturer to evaluate its final product under actual end-use requirements and to adequately advise and warn purchasers and users thereof.6.Single-use medical devices made from a Bayer product are not suitable for multiple uses. If the medical device is designed for multiple uses, it is the responsibility of the Manufacturer to determine the appropriate number of permissible uses by evaluating the device under actual sterilization and end-use conditions and to adequately advise and warn purchasers and users thereof.7.The sterilization method and the number of sterilization cycles a medical device made from a Bayer product can withstand will vary depending upon type/grade of product, part design, processing parameters, sterilization temperature and chemical environment. Therefore, the Manufacturer must evaluate each device to determine the sterilization method and the number of permissible sterilization cycles appropriate for actual end-use requirements and must adequately advise and warn purchasers and users thereof.8.Parts molded or extruded from Texin resins are sterilizable using ethylene oxide, radiation or dry heat. Parts made of Texin resins must not be sterilized using steam autoclaving or boiling water techniques. Furthermore, these sterilization methods must not be used with aromatic grades of Texin resins because possible hydrolysisof solid polyurethane may produce aromatic amines, such as methylene dianiline (MDA).3A3B*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.CAMPUS processing conditions used for test specimens.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure, see Bayer processing literature.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazardspresented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.#Type and quantity of pigment can affect mechanical properties, especially toughness.a Relative temperature index is reported at 0.236 thickness.d Natural and black colors.b Clear tint.e Natural, black and gray colors.c Gray color.f Rating at 0.236-in (6.0-mm) thickness.44A4B*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.CAMPUS processing guidelines used for test specimens.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure, see Bayer processing literature.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.•Value measured at 0.1-in Thickness#Type and quantity of pigment can affect mechanical properties, especially toughness.a Transmittance values apply to the market-specific clear tint and deviate for transparent colors.b Dielectric strength properties are reported at 0.062-in. thickness for grades of Makrolon polycarbonate and at 0.125-in. thickness for grades of Apec high-heat polycarbonate.c Transmittance values apply to the market-specific transparent tint.*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.CAMPUS processing guidelines used for test specimens.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure, see Bayer processing literature.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.•Value measured at 0.1-in Thickness#Type and quantity of pigment can affect mechanical properties, especially toughness.c formerly DP9-9331d formerly DP9-9341e formerly DP9-9340R.1745 is a medical grade with release.f formerly DP9-9351g formerly DP9-9353. 1803 is a UV-stabilized lens grade used for automotive as well as general lighting applications.h formerly DP9-9371*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a Flame-retardant additive is antimony/bromine/chlorine-free.b Properties tested in transverse direction (worst case) on 125-mil extruded sheet specimens with less than 10% orientation.c0.125-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 3-in clamp, 15 mph.d0.250-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 3-in clamp, 2.5 mph.e0.100-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 1.6-in clamp, 7.6 mph.f0.125-in thickness, 0.5-in dart, 1.5-in clamp, 7.6 mph.g Relative temperature index is reported at 0.118-in (3.0-mm) thickness.h Bayer provisional value.i Rating at 0.087-in (2.2-mm) thickness.k Rating at 0.094-in (2.4-mm) thickness.m 5VA rating is for gray color.n Material is also rated V-0/5VA at 0.177-in (4.5-mm) thickness.p Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness.q Rating at 0.122-in (3.09-mm) thickness.r Rating at 0.066-in (1.67-mm) thickness.s Rating at 0.130-in (3.30-mm) thickness.tRating at 0.058-in (1.47-mm) thickness.*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.**For information on using melt flow as a quality control procedure for Makroblend resin, see Bayer processing literature.***Value measured at 0.1-in Thickness.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.‡Values apply to natural (transparent) and clear tints.a Makroblend UT 408 resin (natural color) can be used for food-contact applications except for those in which the temperature exceeds 250°F and the food contains more than 50% alcohol.b Properties tested in transverse direction (worst case) on 125-mil extruded sheet specimens with less than 10% orientation unless otherwise noted.Makroblend®Polycarbonate/Polyester Blend (cont.)e0.125-in thickness, 0.5-in dart,3-in clamp, 7.6 mph.f Black color.g Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness.h Rating at 0.125-in (3.18-mm) thickness.i Natural and black colors.k Gray color.n Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness for white color.p Rating at 0.125-in (3.18-mm) thickness for white color.q A Bayer Corporation provisional value.NoteDry as Molded/Extruded: refers to a moisture content less than 0.2% by weight. Conditioned: refers to an equilibrium moisture content in a standard laboratory atmosphereTriax®ArrayABS/Polyamide Blend8*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.aRating at 0.059-in (1.5-mm) thickness.bRating at 0.126-in (3.2-mm) thickness.cRating at 0.057-in (1.47-mm) thickness.dRating at 0.118-in (3.0-mm) thickness.eRating at 0.130-in (3.3-mm) thickness.fRating at 0.120-in (3.05-mm) thickness.Cadon ®SMALustran ®ABS8A8B9*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a Properties are for natural color resins unless otherwise noted.b Properties tested in transverse direction (worst case) on 125-mil extruded sheet specimens with less than 10% orientation unless otherwise noted.c Measured at 0.100-in thickness for molding grades and at 0.125-in thickness for extrusion grades of Centrex resin.d Tested on injection-molded specimen.e Rating at 0.057-in (1.47-mm) thickness.f Rating at 0.057-in (1.47-mm) thickness in natural and black colors.g Natural and black colors.Lustran ®ABS (continued)9ALustran ®SANCentrex ®ASA,AES and ASA/AES Weatherable Polymersh Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness.i Natural color.k Rating at 0.126-in (3.2-mm) thickness in natural color.m Rating at 0.120-in (3.05-mm) thickness.n Clear color.p Rating at 0.062-in (1.57-mm) thickness in clear color.q Rating at 0.125-in (3.18-mm) thickness.r Rating at 0.056-in (1.43-mm) thickness.s Rating at 0.132-in (3.35-mm) thickness.t Rating at 0.130-in (3.3-mm) thickness.uRating at 0.039-in (1.0-mm) thickness in white color.Centrex®ArrayASA,AES and ASA/AES Weatherable Polymers (cont.)9B*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.#Bayer value pending UL recognition.a Relative temperature index is reported at 0.030-in (0.75-mm) thickness.b Natural color.NotesDry as Molded: refers to a moisture content less than 0.2% by weight.Conditioned: refers to an equilibrium moisture content in a standard laboratory atmosphere of 73°F and 50% relative humidity.Glass-Reinforced: refers to reinforcement with glass fibers except in the case of BG 30 X, which is reinforced with glass fibers and glass beads.N.B.: No break.1010AFilm grades of Durethan polyamide 6and copolyamide are available.10B11*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a Relative temperature index is reported at 0.030-in (0.75-mm) thickness.b Natural color.NotesDry as Molded: refers to a moisture content less than 0.2% by weight.Conditioned: refers to an equilibrium moisture content in a standard laboratory atmosphere of 73°F and 50% relative humidity.Glass-Reinforced: refers to reinforcement with glass fibers except in the case of BG 30 X, which is reinforced with glass fibers and glass beads.Polyamide 6 (continued)11A11BDurethan ®Polyamide 6 (continued)Film grades of Durethan polyamide 6and copolyamide are available.Amorphous Polyamide12*These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the product specifications.**Postcured 16 hrs. at 230°F (110°C).#DMA: Dynamic Mechanical Analysis.†Flammability results are based on small-scale laboratory tests for purposes of relative comparison and are not intended to reflect the hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.a These grades are in chemical compliance with 21 CFR 177.1680 (Polyurethane resins) and 177.2600 (Rubber articles intended for repeated use) subject to the limitations of this regulation and any other applicable regulations.b These grades are listed under NSF Standard 61 for use in potable water applications.c Polyether urea-based grade.d Natural color.eNatural and black colors.Desmopan ®Thermoplastic PolyurethaneTexin ®Thermoplastic Polyurethane12A12BAll grades of Texin and Desmopan resinslisted here are aromatic unless otherwise noted. Other aliphatic grades are available in addition to those listed here.Developmental products (noted as such or designated by the letters DP ,KU or KL in the grade name) are not considered part of the Bayer Corporation line of standard commercial products. Complete commercialization and continued supply are not assured. The purchaser/user agrees that Bayer Corporation reserves the right to discontinue supply at any time.Some of the end uses of the products described in this bulletin must comply with applicable regulations,such as the FDA,NSF,USDA,and CPSC. If you have any questions on the regulatory status of these products,contact your Bayerrepresentative or Bayer’s Regulatory Affairs Manager in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.Appropriate literature has been assembled which provides information concerning the health and safety precautions that must be observed when handling Bayerproducts mentioned in this publication. Before working with any of these products,you must read and become familiar with the available information on their hazards,proper use,and handling. This cannot be overemphasized. Information is available in several forms,e.g.,material safety data sheets and product labels. Consult your Bayer representative or contact Bayer’s Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs Department in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.DEVELOPMENTAL PRODUCT INFORMATIONREGULATORY COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONHEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATIONBayer Corporation • 100 Bayer Road • Pittsburgh,PA 15205-9741 • /polymers-usa Sales Offices:California:17320 Redhill Avenue, Suite 175, Irvine, CA 92614-56601-949-833-2351 • Fax:1-949-752-1306Michigan:2401 Walton Boulevard, Auburn Hills, MI 48326-19571-248-475-7700 • Fax:1-248-475-7701New Jersey:1000 Route 9 North, Suite 103, Woodbridge, NJ 07095-1200 1-732-726-8988 • Fax:1-732-726-1672Illinois:One Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 710, Westchester, IL 60154-5704 1-708-492-1600 • Fax:1-708-492-1031Canadian Affiliate:Bayer Inc.Ontario:77 Belfield Road, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada M9W 1G61-416-248-0771 • Fax:1-416-248-6762Quebec:7600 T rans Canada Highway, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada H9R 1C81-514-697-5550 • Fax:1-514-697-5334Note:The information contained in this bulletin is current as of May 2000. Please contact Bayer Corporation to determine whether this publication has been revised.The conditions of your use and application of our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control.Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products, technical assistance and information to determine to your own satisfaction whether they are suitable for your intended uses and applications.This application-specific analysis at least must include testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental standpoint.Such testing has not necessarily been done by Bayer Corporation.All information is given without warranty or is expressly understood and agreed that the customer assumes and hereby expressly releases Bayer from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with the use of our products, technical assistance and information.Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind Bayer.Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with patents covering any material or its use.No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.520(25M)5/00 Copyright ©2000 Bayer Corporation Printed in U.S.A.KU-GE051。
