7 Days 歌词




Wonderful Days迹部景吾切原赤也真田弦一郎千石清纯伊武深司神尾明迹部眩しい午后を开けるma bu shi i go go ma do wo a ke ru在耀眼的午后打开窗户わけもなくける日阴の小道wa ke mo na ku ka ke ru hi ka ge no ko mi chi没有理由地跑向阴凉的小路切原肩で息を吸いんで目を闭じka ta de i ki wo su i kon de me wo to ji深吸一口气闭上双目思い描いた明日からのステジo mo i e ga i ta a shi ta ka ra no su te ji用心去描绘明天起的舞台真田イメジしてる新しいペジi me ji shi te ru a ta ra shi i pe ji用想象描绘新的一页真っ白いキャンパスに描くma shi ro i kyan pa su ni e ga ku在纯白的画布上描绘千石向い风もお构い无しで切り开くmu ka i ka ze mo o ka ma i na ku shi de ki ri hi ra ku 即使逆风也能够打破僵局この果てなくくko no ha te na ku tsu zu ku仍然不断继续着Brand New Story合Ah, wonderful daysWonderful days伊武ゼブラ模の交差点ze bu ra mo yo u no kou sa ten站在十字路口青にわると走り出すa o ni ka wa ru to ha shi ri da su当绿灯亮起就开始跑了起来神尾白いラインだけを踏んで渡りきるshi ro i ra in da ke wo fu mun de wa ta ri ki ru只踩在白色的斑马线上前进合子供のようにko do mo no yo u ni好像孩子一样いつもこんなふうに风に吹かれi tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re风就像往常一样吹拂着ありのままの自分でいる事がもしも出来ていたならa ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra如果无法展现真实的自己远い空に向けて手伸ばしこの思い届くようにとto o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to 就将双手伸及遥远的天空把思念传达给对方解き放ってくto ki ha na tte ku就此解放迹部ペダルを踏む足を速めpe da ru wo fu mu a shi wo ha ya me加快脚踏板的速度一に坂道け上がるi kki ni sa ka mi chi ka ke a ga ru一口气爬上坡道切原いま飞び立つ前の长い助走i ma to bi ta tsu ma e no na ga i jyo so u在飞上天空前的助跑高まる鼓动感じながらta ka ma ru ko do u kan ji na ga ra感受着渐渐激烈的心跳真田この坂を登りきってko no sa ka wo no bo ri ki tte登上这个坡道てっべんが见えてきた顷にte ben ga mi e te ki ta ko ro ni看得见顶点时千石南风が背中を追い越してゆくはじまりのmi na mi ka ze ga se na ka wo o i ko shi te yu ku南风在背后追赶了过去合を知らせるようにha ji ma ri no a i zu wo shi ra se ru yo u ni就好像是通知开始的信号Ah, wonderful days伊武あと少しだけを缲り返しa to su ko shi da ke wo ku ri ka e shi些许的反覆いつのまにかここまで来てたi tsu no ma ni ka ko ko ma de ki te ta何时投向这里的目光神尾もう视界の奥に辉く光さえmo u shi ka i no o ku ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri sa e何时投向这里的目光合Reach for the skyどんな时も胸にしまいこんだままのdon na to ki mo mu e ni shi ma i kon da ma ma no无论何时都保持着相同的心情思い忘れないでずっと温めけたならo mo i wa su re na i de zu tto a ta ta me tsu zu ke ta na ra 不要忘记思念如果持续温暖的话きっといつか名もない鸟のように思うままki tto i tsu ka na mo nai to ri no yo u ni o mo u ma ma 总有一天连没有名字的鸟也会这么想この大空を突き进んでくko no o o so ra wo tsu ki su su mun de ku冲进广大无边的天空千石手探りで探す未来はi tsu de mo ka gi no na i to bi ra摸索着寻找未来千石+真田いつでも键のない扉te sa gu ri de sa ga su mi ra i wa那没有钥匙的门迹部目の前にある光もme no ma e ni a ru hi ka ri mo面前的光神尾+伊武见つけられず探しけたmi tsu ke ra re zu sa ga shi tsu zu ke ta没有发现持续寻找着真田机にある落书きはtsu ku e ni a ru ra ku ka ki wa书桌前的涂鸦切原いつか思い描いた地?i tsu ka o mo i e ga i ta chi zu不知何时在心里描绘的地图伊武谁もいた事のないda re mo a ru i ta ko to no nai谁也不知道的心里的事迹部太阳さえ知らない场所ta i yo u sa e shi ra na i ba syo太阳也不知晓的地方合目指してme za shi te将目标指向合いつもこんなふうに风に吹かれi tsu mo kon na fu u ni ka ze ni fu ka re风就像往常一样吹拂着ありのままの自分でいる事がもしも出来ていたならa ri no ma ma no ji bun de i ru ko to ga mo shi mo de ki te i ta na ra如果无法展现真实的自己远い空に向けて手伸ばしこの思い届くようにとto o i so ra ni mu ke te ryou te no ba shi ko no o mo i to do ku yo u ni to 就将双手伸及遥远的天空把思念传达给对方解き放ってくto ki ha na tte ku就此解放解き放ってくto ki ha na tte ku就此解放。



あなたwords: hyde music: tetsu 眠れなくて窓の月を见上げた思えばあの日から空へ続く阶段をひとつずつ歩いてきたんだね何も无いさどんなに见渡しても确かなものなんてだけどうれしい时や悲しい时にあなたがそばにいる地図さえ无い暗い海に浮かんでいる船を明日へと照らし続けているあの星のように胸にいつの日にも辉くあなたがいるから涙枯れ果てても大切なあなたがいるから岚の夜が待ちうけても太阳がくずれてもいいさもどかしさにじゃまをされてうまく言えないけどたとえ终わりがないとしても歩いていけるよ胸にいつの日にも辉くあなたがいるから涙枯れ果てても大切なあなたがいるからto your heartto your heartto your heary I need your love and careanata Music: tetsu Words: Hydenemurenakute mado no tsuki omiageta...omoeba ano hi karasora e tsuzuku kaidan o hitotsu zutsuaruite kitandanenani mo naisa donna ni miwatashite motashikana mono nantedakedo ureshii toki yakanashii toki nianata ga soba ni iruchizu saenai kurai umi niukande iru fune oashita e toterashi tsuzuketeru ano hoshi no yoo nimune ni itsu no hi mi mo kagayaku anata ga iru karanamida kare hatetemo taisetsu na anata ga iru karaarashi no yoru ga machi uketemo taiyoo ga kuzurete mo ii sa modokashisa ni jama o sarete umaku ienai kedotatoe owari ga nai toshite mo aruite yukeru yomune ni itsu no hi mi mo kagayakuanata ga iru karanamida kare hatete mo taisetsu naanata ga iru karato your heartto your heartto your heart I need your love and careぁなたword:hyde music:tetsu无法入睡,我从窗中看著月亮如果我回想起那天, 通往天空的楼梯, 我一步一步的走上去无论往哪里看,都没有任何东西我是确定的只是不论是好或是不好的时光,你都一直在我身旁就像上了一只没有地图的船,往黑暗中浮去明日会继续像星星般闪耀著在我的心里会从某天开始闪耀因为你在这里就算直到我所有的泪都乾了,多麼珍贵因为你在这里就算会碰到狂风暴雨的夜晚就算太阳蹋下来,也没有关系就算难以忍耐,就算我无法说清楚就算没有尽头,我还是继续向前走*在我的心里会从某天开始闪耀因为你在这里就算直到我所有的泪都乾了,多麼珍贵因为你在这里*repeat ******to your heart, to your heartto your heart i need your love and care あなた(你) 另一篇中午翻译words:hyde music:tetsu失眠的夜晚抬头望着窗外的月亮想起从那天起一步步沿着通往天空的阶梯前进无论哪里都是空无一物没有可以确定的东西但是无论快乐或悲伤时你都在我身边就如为了在没有地图的暗海上漂浮的船只一直照亮明日方向的那星光一样在内心一直闪耀着因为有你就算流尽了泪水最珍贵的你依然在身边就算将要面临暴风雨的夜晚就算太阳崩毁因这急切的心情而无法把话说清即使没有尽头我仍将继续走下去内心一直闪耀着因为有你就算流尽了泪水最珍贵的你依然在身边あなたwords:hyde music:tetsu眠れなくて窓の月を见上げた…思えばあの日から空へ続く阶段をひとつずつ歩いてきたんだね何も无いさどんなに见渡しても确かなものなんてだけどうれしい时や悲しい时にあなたがそばにいる地図さえ无い暗い海に浮かんでいる船を明日へと照らし続けているあの星のように胸にいつの日にも辉くあなたがいるから涙枯れ果てても大切なあなたがいるから岚の夜が待ちうけても太阳がくずれてもいいさもどかしさにじゃまをされてうまく言えないけどたとえ终わりがないとしても歩いていけるよ胸にいつの日にも辉くあなたがいるから涙枯れ果てても大切なあなたがいるからto your heartto your heartto your heary I need your love and careあなた(你)words:hyde music:tetsu失眠的夜晚抬头望着窗外的月亮想起从那天起一步步沿着通往天空的阶梯前进无论哪里都是空无一物没有可以确定的东西但是无论快乐或悲伤时你都在我身边就如为了在没有地图的暗海上漂浮的船只一直照亮明日方向的那星光一样在内心一直闪耀着因为有你就算流尽了泪水最珍贵的你依然在身边就算将要面临暴风雨的夜晚就算太阳崩毁因这急切的心情而无法把话说清即使没有尽头我仍将继续走下去内心一直闪耀着因为有你就算流尽了泪水最珍贵的你依然在身边あなた(anata)words:hyde music:tetsunemurenakute mado no tsuki o miageta...omoeba ano hi karasora e tsuzuku kaidan o hitotsu zutsu aruite kitandane nani mo naisa donna ni miwatashite motashikana mono nantedakedo ureshii toki ya kanashii toki nianata ga soba ni iruchizu saenai kurai umi ni ukande iru fune oashita e toterashi tsuzuketeru ano hoshi no yoo nimune ni itsu no hi mi mo kagayakuanata ga iru karanamida kare hatetemo taisetsu naanata ga iru karaarashi no yoru ga machi uketemotaiyoo ga kuzurete mo ii samodokashisa ni jama o sarete umaku ienai kedotatoe owari ga nai toshite mo aruite yukeru yomune ni itsu no hi mi mo kagayakuanata ga iru karanamida kare hatete mo taisetsu naanata ga iru karato your heartto your heartto your heart I need your love and careあなたwords:hyde music:tetsu眠(ねむ)れなくて窓(まど)の月(つき)を见上(みあ)げた…思(おも)えばあの日(ひ)から空(そら)へ続(つづ)く阶段(かいだん)をひとつずつ歩(ある)いてきたんだね何(なに)も无(な)いさどんなに见渡(みわた)しても确(たし)かなものなんてだけどうれしい时(とき)や悲(かな)しい时(とき)にあなたがそばにいる地図(ちず)さえ无(な)い暗(くら)い海(うみ)に浮(う)かんでいる船(ふね)を明日(あした)へと照(て)らし続(つづ)けているあの星(ほし)のように胸(むね)にいつの日(ひ)にも辉(かがや)くあなたがいるから涙(なみだ)枯(か)れ果(は)てても大切(たいせつ)なあなたがいるから岚(あらし)の夜(よる)が待(ま)ちうけても太阳(たいよう)がくずれてもいいさもどかしさにじゃまをされてうまく言(い)えないけどたとえ终(お)わりがないとしても歩(ある)いていけるよ胸(むね)にいつの日(ひ)にも辉(かがや)くあなたがいるから涙(なみだ)枯(か)れ果(は)てても大切(たいせつ)なあなたがいるから(胸(むね)にいつの日(ひ)にも辉(かがや)くあなたがいるから涙(なみだ)枯(か)れ果(は)てても大切(たいせつ)なあなたがいるから胸(むね)にいつの日(ひ)にも辉(かがや)くあなたがいるから涙(なみだ)枯(か)れ果(は)てても大切(たいせつ)なあなたがいるから胸(むね)にいつの日(ひ)にも辉(かがや)くあなたがいるから涙(なみだ)枯(か)れ果(は)てても大切(たいせつ)なあなたがいるから)to your heartto your heartto your heary I need your love and care。

《I'm a Dreamer》Violet Days版歌词带翻译完整版

《I'm a Dreamer》Violet Days版歌词带翻译完整版

Our hearts are youngAnd our mind's so dreamyBut here we are sipping wineWasting time getting numb by the TVI feel the peace when I'm fantasizingThe salty laze by the sea places i should be Paradise come to save meOoh I got a twisted mess in my brainAnd a crazy need for a changeGot a list of people to blameThey tell meAll i seeIt's not real it's fantasies I believe in Close my eyes i can't breatheReality I'm a dreamerI will never ever give it upI will never ever let goI will never ever let goI'm a dreamerCome ride with me when daylight's leaving Under the influence things make more senseForget about the real thingsWe make believeCause we're far too restlessWe just wanna have some funTake a tommy gunPoint it right at our feelingsOoh I got a twisted mess in my brain And a crazy need for a changeGot a list to people to blameThey tell meAll I see it's not realIt's fantasies I believe inClose my eyes I can't breatheReality I'm a dreamerI will never ever give it upI will never ever let goI will never ever let goI'm a dreamerDon't waste your time tryna fix meIt wouldnt do any differenceI'm not the one you want me to beAnd i'm tired of hearing thatAll i see it's not realIt's fantasies I believe inClose my eyes I can't breatheReality I'm a dreamerI will never ever give it upI will never ever let goI will never ever let goI'm a dreamerI'm a dreamer……我们的心灵还昭华未尽我们的脑海还残留想象可我们沉陷于纸醉金迷日渐麻木在可悲的电视节目里荒度整日只有在空想里象征性地找到一片平和我应该被置于冰冷浓咸的海水中自生自灭可为何又有一泽天堂将我拯救唉我这混乱无绪的大脑是时候需要作出一些改变了总有一些人是值得让我归咎的他们口若悬河置我于一片谎言我曾信誓旦旦相信的都毫无真实是他们口若悬河的想象力此刻闭上眼睛久久不能平息呼吸在现实里我只是一个空想家可我从不放弃希望从不放任堕落从不放任堕落我还有梦想日落之时与我同行吧让我们在这时局通畅之时做一点有意义的事情忘记眼前真实的处境我们编造出自己的一片世界因为我们一无所有呀只有所剩无几的半分兴致拿起冲锋枪指在那快要麻木殆尽的几丝感觉之上唉我这混乱无绪的大脑是时候需要作出一些改变了总有一些人是值得让我归咎的他们口若悬河置我于一片谎言我曾信誓旦旦相信的都毫无真实是他们口若悬河的想象力此刻闭上眼睛久久不能平息呼吸在现实里我只是一个空想家可我从不放弃希望从不放任堕落从不放任堕落我还有梦想别想着浪费时间改变我啦我终究也就这样不能变好了终究也变不成你想看到的那样了我也对那些希冀聊不胜烦我能看到的所有虚幻都只是我自己曾信誓旦旦相信的此刻闭上眼睛久久不能平息呼吸在现实里我只是一个空想家可我从不放弃希望从不放任堕落从不放任堕落我还有梦想可也只是个空想家。



Imagine 幻想—邓紫棋Imagine there's no heaven 试想如果世界没有天堂It's easy if you try 这不过是举手之劳No hell below us 在我们的下面没有地狱Above us only sky 上面只有天空Imagine all the people 试想当所有的人Living for today... 为了今天而活Imagine there's no countries 试想世界如果没有国界It isn't hard to do 这不难办到Nothing to kill or die for 没有杀戮或死亡And no religion too 也没有宗教信仰Imagine all the people 试想当所有的人Living life in peace... 在和平中活着Imagine no possessions 试想如果世界没有独占I wonder if you can 我想你办得到No need for greed or hunger 再没有贪婪再没有饥荒A brotherhood of man 人人情同手足Imagine all the people 试想当所有的人Sharing all the world... 分享着这世界You may say I'm a dreamer 你也许会说我只是在幻想But I'm not the only one但不只是我这样I hope someday you'll join us 我希望某天你会加入我们And the world will be as one. 那样这世界就会融为一体Falling—邓紫棋我对你情难自拔有时我爱你有时你让我忧郁有时我感觉良好有时感觉被你利用爱上你亲爱的让我苦恼对你的爱一直若即若离我从未如此爱过别人我从未有这种感觉你怎能给我这么多快乐又让我如此痛苦我想着与你厮守是如此愚蠢却又总是对你重燃爱火对你的爱一直若即若离我从未如此爱过别人我对你的爱一直若即若离我从未如此爱过别人。




]各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!《七年》歌词歌名:七年作曲:WalterWong作词:方杰主唱:方力申邓丽欣方:最初的迷恋在暗中化作了忍受邓+方:这经历那位没有方:从前的炽热怀念何时冷却变生厌邓当感觉变旧彼此早有意逃走方:是惯性邓是欲求方:若不舍邓:想补救邓:怎麼总是慢慢放手方:如相处闷透后如相爱没永久人总贪心满足一切都不会够邓:倒转了沙漏不见得可改写春秋邓+方:还是要承受路上气流方:如天意未接受如相信是永久求可忠心纵使经过不少引诱邓:拥抱的感受不带半分的担忧邓+方:罕见但也许还有邓:曾看中自由便解开手扣为何今天竟在颤抖担心所有方:明明没出错无缘无故也要迁就邓+方:这考验那位没有方:从前的炽热怀念何时冷却变生厌邓:当感觉变旧彼此早有意逃走方:是妥协邓:是尽头方:若不舍邓:想补救邓:怎麼总是万样借口方:如相处闷透后如相爱没永久人总贪心满足一切都不会够邓:倒转了沙漏不见得可改写春秋邓+方还是要承受路上气流方:如天意未接受如相信是永久求可忠心纵使经过不少引诱邓:初见的温柔失散於几多山丘邓+方:肯找寻也许还有方:恋爱邓:穿过岁月后邓+方:怎保存到死还有参考资料:/question/114231427.html七年级英语阅读理解带答案阅读理解(20分)A.The worldisnot hungry ,butitis thirsty .It seems strange that nearly 3/4oftheearthis covered with water while wesayweare shortof(短缺)water. Why? Because about 97%of waterontheearth is sea water which we can’t drink or use forwatering plants directly (直接地).Mancanonlydrinkanduse3%-the water that comes from rivers and lakes.we can’t even useallof that, because some ofithas been polluted (污染).Now more wateris needed.problem is:Canwe avoid (避免)a serious water shortageon? First, we should all learn how to save water.Secondly, we should findoutthe waystoreuseit.Scientists have always been making studies inthe field. Today,inmost large cities water is used only once and then runsto the sea or rivers .But it can be usedEvenif(即使)every large city reused its water, stillwould notbe enough. What could people turnto next?sea seems to have the best answer. There isaof water in the sea. All that needs tobeisto get the salt outof the sea water.is expensive, butit’s already usedinmany partsofworld. Scientists are tryingtofinda cheaper wayofit. So you see, if we can find a waywe’ll beinno danger of drying up.1.worldisthirsty because ________.A.3/4oftheearthcovered with water B.we have enough sea water todirectly C.we haven’t used allthe water in riverslakes D. about 97% of water on the earth can’tdrunk or usedfor watering plants directly 2. Which offollowing istrue?A.3%ofwaterontheisin rivers and lakes.B. 75% of water onearth is the sea.C. 97% of the earth iscovered with water.D.3%of water onthe earthissea water.3.Fromthe passage welearn_________.A.if。

《7 days》歌词 精选英文歌曲

《7 days》歌词 精选英文歌曲

7 days
詞:郭葦昀曲:J Freak
撲克牌的紅心Queen 想不開的人不過是白費力氣於是我屏住呼吸
7 Days
日子過了One Two Three
7 Days 還是現在這個惱人的僵局
That's it,The End of Story
以上就是关于7 days的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。

【英文歌曲】《Seven Lonely Days》七个寂寞的日子

【英文歌曲】《Seven Lonely Days》七个寂寞的日子

《Seven Lonely Days》七个寂寞的日子《Georgia Gibbs原名Fredda Gibbons,1920年8月17日出生于麻省的Worcester。

从15岁开始就在广播电台的Hit Parade和Camel Caravan 节目中表演。

1938年和Hudson-Delange乐队一起表演时的名曲有《If We Never Meet Again》,1940年和Frankie Trumbauer合作时的名曲有《Laziest Girl In Town》,1942年和Artie Shaw乐队合作时的名曲有《Not Mine》,《Absent Minded Moon》。

也就是在这段期间,她改名为Georgia Gibbs。

随后,在Jimmy Durant/Garry Moore主持的广播节目时,Moore给她起了个‘Her Nibs’的外号。


最开始的两支是Coral唱片公司发行的《If I Knew You Were Comin’》及《I’d’ve Baked A Cake》。


她52年演唱的《Kiss Of Fire-火之吻》是由一支阿根廷探弋《El Choclo》改编的。

53年演唱的《Seven Lonely Days-七个寂寞的日子》则是原来Bonnie Lou唱到乡村排行榜前10位的一支歌曲。


如:55年原来LaVerne Baker唱的《Tweedle Dee》,《Dance With Me Henry》是改动了歌词的原Hank Ballard的歌曲《Work With Me Annie》,以及Ballard,Johnny Otis,Etta James的性感歌曲《Roll With Me Henry》等。



It's been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时Damn who knew all the planes we flew谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程Good things we've been through谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好That I'll be standing right here这便是我在你眼前出现的原因Talking to you about another path与你聊聊另一种选择的可能I know we loved to hit the road and laugh我懂我们都偏爱速度与激情But something told me that it wouldn't last但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒Had to switch up look at things我们得变更视野different see the bigger picture转向更为辽阔的天地Those were the days hard work forever pays有付出的日子终有收获的时节Now I see you in a better place此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来Now I see you in a better place此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来How could we not talk about family当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊when family's all that we got?我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情Everything I went through无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷you were standing there by my side总有你相伴陪我度过And now you gonna be with me for the last ride最后一段征程我更需要你的相伴It's been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We've come a long way from where we began回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时First you both go out your way一开始你们总是追随你们心中的步伐And the vibe is feeling strong and what's热忱累积信念不变Small turn to a friendship a friendship渺小的世界见证这段深情厚谊Turn into a bond and that bond will never深厚的友情蜕成血浓于水的感情Be broke and the love will never get lost此情不变此爱难逝Be broke and the love will never get lost此情不变此爱难逝And when brotherhood come first then the line莫逆之交的我们绝不会背叛彼此Will never be crossed established it on our own只因这深情厚谊基于我们真实意愿When that line had to be drawn and that line is what 这友谊让我们肝胆相照荣辱与共We reach so remember me when I'm gone即便我离去也请将我铭记We reach so remember me when I'm gone即便我离去也请将我铭记How could we not talk about family当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊when family's all that we got?我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情Everything I went through you无论历经怎样的艰难坎坷were standing there by my side总有你相伴陪我度过And now you gonna be with me for the last ride 最后一段征程我更需要你的相伴Let the light guide your way hold every memory 就让那光芒引导你的前路铭记与我的曾经As you go and every road you无论你选哪一条路take will always lead you home那都会通向你的家Hoo~吼~~It's been a long day without you my friend没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有When I see you again与你重逢之时Again重逢之时When I see you again see you again与你重逢之时?重逢之时When I see you again与你重逢之时。

Seven days歌词

Seven days歌词

Seven dayson my way to see my friendswho lived a couple blocks away from me (ow)as i walked through the subwayit must have been about a quarter past threein front of me stood a beautiful honeywith a beautiful body (body)she asked me for the time i said it'd cost her, her name a six-digit number and a date with me tomorrow at ninedid she decline, nodidn't she mind, i don't think sowas it for real, damn surewhat was the deal, a pretty girl aged 24so was she keen, she couldn't waitcinnamon queen, well, let me updatewhat did she say, she said she'd love to rendezvous she asked me what we were gonna dosaid we'd start with a bottle of moet for twomonday, took her for a drink on Tuesdaywe were making love by wednesdayand on thursday and friday and saturdaywe chilled on sundayi met this girl on mondaytook her for a drink on tuesdaywe were making love by wednesdayand on thursday and friday and saturdaywe chilled on sundaynine was the time, cos i'll be getting mineand she was looking finesmooth talker, she told meshe'd love to unfold me all night longooh, i loved the way she kicked itfrom the front to the back she flipped it(back she flipped it, ooh, the way she kicked it) and i, oh, i, yeahhope that she'd carecos i'm a man who'll always be there (ooh, yeah) i'm not a man to play around, baby (ooh, yeah) cos a one-night stand isn't really fairfrom the first impression, girlhmmm, you don't seem to be like that cos there's no need to chatfor there'll be plenty time for thatfrom the subway to my homeendless ringing of my phonewhen you're feeling all aloneall you gotta do is just call me, call memonday, took her for a drink on tuesday we were making love by wednesday and on thursday and friday and saturday we chilled on sundayi met this girl on mondaytook her for a drink on tuesdaywe were making love by wednesday and on thursday and friday and saturday we chilled on sunday(break it down, break it down)since i met。

《七天》歌词 张瑶

《七天》歌词 张瑶




卫兰wonderland歌词卫兰wonderland歌词(中文):(Verse 1)我要去不时候疯狂之地规则无人守纪燃起魔法气息玩游戏疯一疯乖一乖你令我忘却世界(Pre-Chorus)忘我在wonderland 想奇幻爱已变成月球边谈我自由在wonderland 只顾开心引导着我美梦漫游(Chorus)Welcome to my wonderland游荡在幻想乌托邦掀起一片彩虹未来的家园Welcome to my wonderland 一起在奇妙天地中留连照进未来共共同进这便是我的 wonderland(Verse 2)太阳对行星出轨的行程计划犯了规矩天方夜谭侥幸我有精神信星辰愿顺风神秘恩宠(Pre-Chorus)忘我在wonderland 想奇幻爱已变成月球边谈我自由在wonderland 只顾开心引导着我美梦漫游(Chorus)Welcome to my wonderland游荡在幻想乌托邦掀起一片彩虹未来的家园Welcome to my wonderland 一起在奇妙天地中留连照进未来共共同进这便是我的 wonderland(Bridge)这里有奇妙天地随心而行就是幸福心翼翼都会落地要忘却你世界已绽放美丽就让我们心奇遇在wonderland里(Pre-Chorus)忘我在wonderland 想奇幻爱已变成月球边谈我自由在wonderland 只顾开心引导着我美梦漫游(Chorus)Welcome to my wonderland 游荡在幻想乌托邦掀起一片彩虹未来的家园Welcome to my wonderland 一起在奇妙天地中留连照进未来共共同进这便是我的 wonderland。

7 Years And 50 Days歌词

7 Years And 50 Days歌词

singer:Groove Coverage7 years and 50 days, the time is passing by,七年五十天,时间正飞逝,Nothing in this world could be as nice as you and I. 世上无他物,美妙如你我。

And how could we break up like this?我们怎会如此分离?And how could we be wrong?我们怎会这样犯错?So many years, so many days,这么多年,这么多天,And I still sing my song我还在唱我的歌。

Now I run to you like I always do,现在我奔向你,仿若是从前。

When I close my eyes, I think of you.当我闭上眼,就会想起你。

Such a lonely girl, such a lonely world.如此寂寞的女孩,如此冷漠的世界,When I close my eyes,当我闭上眼,I dream…我梦见……I return to you like I always do,现在我奔向你,仿若是从前。

When I close my eyes, I think of you.当我闭上眼,就会想起你。

Such a lonely girl, such a lonely world.如此寂寞的女孩,如此冷漠的世界,When I close my eyes,当我闭上眼,I dream of you.我就梦见你。

7 years and 50 days, now just look at me.七年五十天,再来回望我。

Am I the girl l used to be so damn what do you see? 你眼中的我,是否糟糕如从前?And how could we break up like this?我们怎会如此分离?And how could we be wrong?我们怎会这样犯错?So many years, so many days,这么多年,这么多天,And I still sing my song我还在唱我的歌。






欧美歌词17 years and 50 daysGroove Coverage舞动精灵德国7 years and 50 days,the time is passing by7年又50天,光阴似箭Nothing in this world could be,as nice as you and I 或许这世上再也没有谁像我们俩这么般配了And how could we break up like this我们怎么会这样分手And how could we be wrong我们怎么会做错So many years,so many days那么多年,那么多天And I still sing my song我始终唱着我那一首歌Now I run to you,like I always do现在我奔向你,如我往昔那般When I close my eyes,I think of you每当我闭上双眼,都会想起你Such a lonely girl,such a lonely world这样一个寂寞的女孩,这样一个寂寞的世界When I close my eyes,I dream当我闭上双眼,我梦见Now I return to you,like I always do我回首奔向你,如我往昔那般When I close my eyes,I think of you每当我闭上双眼,都会想起你Such a lonely girl,such a lonely world这样一个寂寞的女孩、这样一个寂寞的世界When I close my eyes I dream of you每当我闭上双眼,都会想起你7 years and 50 days,now just look at me7年又50天,现在再看看我Another girl like use to be已经是另外一个女孩了So damn what do you see你TM看见了么And how could we break up like this我们怎么会这么分手And how could we be wrong我们怎么会做错So many years,so many days那么多年,那么多天And I still sing my song我始终在唱着我的歌Now I run to you,like I always do现在我奔向你,如我往昔那般When I close my eyes,I think of you每当我闭上双眼,都会想起你Such a lonely girl,such a lonely world这样一个寂寞的女孩、这样一个寂寞的世界When I close my eyes,I dream当我闭上双眼,我梦见I return to you,like I always do我回首奔向你,如我往昔那般When I close my eyes,I think of you每当我闭上双眼,都会想起你Such a lonely girl,such a lonely world这样一个寂寞的女孩,这样一个寂寞的世界When I close my eyes I dream of you每当我闭上双眼,都在向往你7 years and 50 days,the time is passing by7年又50天,光阴似箭Nothing in this world could be,as nice as you and I或许这世上再也没有谁像我们俩这么般配了And how could we break up like this我们怎么会这样And how could we be wrong我们怎么会做错So many years,so many days那么多年,那么多天And I still sing my song我依旧唱着我的歌Now I run to you,like I always do现在我奔向你,如我往昔那般When I close my eyes,I think of you每当我闭上双眼,都会想起你Such a lonely girl,such a lonely world这样一个寂寞的女孩,这样一个寂寞的世界When I close my eyes,I dream当我闭上双眼,我梦见I return to you,like I always do我回首奔向你,如我往昔那般When I close my eyes,I think of you每当我闭上双眼,都会想起你Such a lonely girl,such a lonely world这样一个寂寞的女孩,这样一个寂寞的世界When I close my eyes I dream of you当我闭上双眼,梦见的都是你(我向往你)Fire flyA-teens 阿巴少年组瑞典斯德哥尔摩(Sweden Stockholm)When I said go I never meant awayYou ought to know the freaky games we playCould you forgive and learn how to forgetHear me as I'm calling out your nameFirefly come back to memake the night as bring as dayI'll be looking out for youTell me that your lonely tooFirefly come lead me onfollow you into the sun that's the way it ought to beFirefly come back to meYou and mewe shared a wisteryWe were so closelike honey to the beeAnd if you tell me how to make you understandI'm minor in a major kind a wayFly firefly through the skycome and play with my desireDon't be long,don't ask whyI can't wait another nightWait another nightDon't be longFire...flyFirefly come backFloor FillerA-teensHey Mr. DJ in case you forgotI came to get down So you better make it hot'Cuz I can't jump around when I hearGroove killersWhen I'm out sitting down, it's a clearTime stealerGive me a track With a phat kinda beatA groove so unique That it kicks me off my seat'Cuz I won't find a mood with a newSpine chillerWhen the crowd hits the room, it's a trueCrowd thrillerFreeze Better make it hot Music please Know the spotPlay that funky musicThat is how we want itFloorfillerThat is how we need itFloorfillerSomething's out of order People in the corners Don't you see it Can't you feel it FloorfillerCrank up the bass I can raise up the roof ???Come and knock me with the grooveGotta boom Shake the room 'Cuz we're allHeat seekersWith a jam that can slam down the wallsMind freakersreeze Better make it hotMusic please Know the spotPlay that funky musicThat is how we want itFloorfillerThat is how we need itFloorfiller Something's out of order People in the corners Don't you see it Can't you feel it FloorfillerYou know by the sounds When the crowd is getting wildHands swinging high Like a chopper in the skyBut a slow bump or flow ain't the wayFloor freezerSee the name of the game is to playCrowd pleaser FreezeBetter make it hotMusic please Know the spotPlay that funky musicThat is how we want itFloorfillerThat is how we need itFloorfillerSomething's out of order People in the corners Don't you see it Can't you feel it FloorfillerAll RiseBlue British (UK) LondonYo, yo Yo, yoYour honour pleaseGotta believe what I say (say)What I will tell (tell)Happened just the other day (day)I must confess (confess)’Cos I’ve had about enough (enough)I need your help (help)Got to make this here thing stop (stop)Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)About all the things you used to do (come on)And if you thought you had me fooled (come on)I’m tellin’ you now objection overruledHere we go (oh baby)One for the money and the free ridesIt’s two for the lie that you deniedAll rise (all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)Three for the calls you’ve been makingIt’s four for the times you’ve been fakingAll rise (I’m gonna tell it to your face)All rise (I rest my case)You’re on the stand (stand)With your back against the wall (wall)Nowhere to run (run)And nobody you can call (call) oh noI just can’t wait (wait)Now the case is open wide (wide)You’ll try to pray (pray)But the jury will decide (decide)(oh baby)So step back ’cos you don’t know this catI know deep down that you don’t want me to reactI lay low leaving all my options openThe decision of the jury has not been spokenStep in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)But in reality to whom does the stuff belongI bring you into court to preach my orderAnd you know that you overstep the border, uhuhAll riseIt’s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh)All rise (all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)Three for the calls you’ve been making (yeah)It’s four for the times you’ve been fakingAll rise (all rise, all rise)All rise (all rise, all rise)One for the money and the free rides (what you say) It’s two for the lie that you denied (can’t you pay)All rise (what you’ve done)All riseThree for the calls you’ve been making (what you say) It’s four for the times you’ve been faking (can’t you pay) All rise (what you’ve done)All rise (where you’ve gone)One for the money and the free ridesIt’s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh)All rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh)Three for the calls you’ve been makingIt’s four for the times you’ve been fakingI said all riseI’m gonna tell it to your faceAll rise, I rest my case (uhuh uhuh)Always come back to your loveSamantha Mumba Ireland爱尔兰yeah, check it outwhat, what, what, whatuh, you like that? uhcome on yeahuh, no doubtbreak iti've been up and down (uh, what)been going round and round (uh)i've been all over town (wha-what,uh)but i'll never ever find somebody new for sure(yes, yes you are, left to right, yesyes you are and rock you all night)show me where i belong tonight (all night)give me a reason to stayno matter if i go left or right (left to right)i always come back to your lovei've been high and low (uh)i don't know where to go (no, baby)because i love you so (you like that)and i'll never ever find someone like you for sure(yes, yes you are, left to right, yesyes you are and rock you all night)show me where i belong tonight (all night)give me a reason to stay (i need a reason, yeah)no matter if i go left or right (left to right)i always come back to your loveAnyone Of UsGareth Paul Gates UKAnyone Of Us我们都会犯错I've been letting you down, down我让你失望了,很失望Girl I know I've been such a fool我的女孩,我真是个大傻瓜Giving in to temptation ,when I should've played it cool在需要冷静的时候,却没能经住诱惑The situation got out of hand, I hope you understand希望你能原谅那无法控制的发展事态It can happen to anyone of us, anyone you think of这种事可能发生在任何一个人身上,任何一个你关心的人身上Anyone can fall, Anyone can hurt someone they love谁都可能有堕落的时候,谁都可能不小心伤害所爱的人Hearts will break, Cause I made a stupid mistake我犯了一个愚蠢的错误,我的心都要碎了It can happen to Anyone of us,,say you will forgive me谁都可能有发生这种事情的时候,说你会原谅我Anyone can fail ,say you will believe me谁都可能有把控不住自己的时候,说你会相信我I can't escape my heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistake A stupid mistake我不能在逃避,我的心都要碎了因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误,一个愚蠢的错误She was kind of exciting, A little crazy I should've known有点疯狂,我本应该知道,她有些激动,有些发狂She must have altered my senses她一定是改变了我对爱的理解Cause I offered to walk her home要不我怎么会提出要送她回家呢She means nothing to me (nothing to me)她对我来说什么都不是!什么都不是!I swear every word is true. Don't wanna lose you我发誓每一个字都是真的!我不想失去你!Lollipop水叮当Aqua North Europei am the candymancoming from bountyland..i am the candymancoming from bountyland..i wish that you were my lollipop.sweet things, i will never get enough..if you show me to the sugar tree,will you give me a sodapop for free..come with me honey,i''m your sweet sugar candyman..run like the windfly with me to bountyland..bite me, i''m yoursif you''re hungry please understand..this is the endof the sweet sugar candyman..oh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my loveyour word is my command..oh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my lovelet us fly to bountyland..you are my lollipopsugar sugar topyou are my lollipopsugar sugar topi wish that i were a bubble yum,chewing on me baby all day long..i will be begging for sweet delight,until you say i''m yours tonight..come with me honey,i''m your sweet sugar candyman..run like the windfly with me to bountyland..bite me, i''m yoursif you''re hungry please understand..this is the endof the sweet sugar candyman..oh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my loveyour word is my command..oh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my lovelet us fly to bountyland..oh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my loveyour word is my command..oh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my lovelet us fly to bountyland..i am the candymancoming from bountylandi am the candymancoming from bountylandoh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my loveyour word is my command..oh my lovei know you are my candyman,and oh my lovelet us fly to bountyland..you are my lollipopsugar sugar topyou are my lollipopsugar sugar topMy oh myAquaMy Oh MyMy oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to half a kingdom Baby tell me why告诉我你为什么要离开,为什么要离开,离开半壁江山My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to rule a country Baby you and I为什么要离开,为什么不在我身边,和我共同掌管这个国家If you were my king留下吧My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to half a kingdom Baby tell me why告诉我你为什么要离开,为什么要离开,离开半壁江山My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye - to rule a country Baby you and I为什么要离开,为什么不在我身边,和我共同掌管这个国家If you were my king留下吧Little princess in a terrible mess - a kingdom alone but no lovers confess小公主现在心乱如麻,拥有一个王国,却不能拥有自己心爱的人。



7月7日red,velvet是什么意思,mv歌词 RedVelvet《7月7日》中文歌词그냥꿈에서깬것뿐이야또다시까마득한저슬픈별하나只是从梦中被唤醒而已又再一次模糊缥缈的那悲伤的一颗星잘가서툴게인사하고뒤돌아서오는길은참멀기도하다走好生疏地道别回首来时路甚是遥远같은시간에Justforaminute같은공간에Stayforaminute그짧았던순간모든게너와날위해멈춰있던그순간왜그게기적인걸몰랐을까同一时间里Justforaminute 同一空间里Stayforaminute那短短瞬间一切为了你和我静止的瞬间不知道为何那是奇迹吗오래된Story와그날에멈춘나사랑한시간보다더오래이별하는중인걸은하수너머에아득히먼곳에하얀우리의기억을건너는나꿈속이라도괜찮으니까久远的Story还有停在那天的我比起相爱的时间在离别中时间更长银河彼岸远方掏出我们雪白无暇回忆的我因为在梦中所以不要紧우리다시만나OneOfTheseNights우리다시만나OneOfTheseNights我们再次相见OneOfTheseNights我们再次相见OneOfTheseNightsOh난서둘러잊지못해달력을넘겨도난늘제자리니까Oh我无法急忙忘却就算月历翻过去了我也依旧在原地너의눈빛에Justforaminute스친손끝에Stayforaminute그짧았던순간모든게너와날위해멈춰있던그순간난그때반짝이게된것같아你的眼神中Justforaminute 掠过的指尖Stayforaminute那短短瞬间一切为了你和我静止的瞬间我那一刻仿佛璀璨夺目오래된Story와그날에멈춘나사랑한시간보다더오래이별하는중인걸은하수너머에아득히먼곳에하얀우리의기억을건너는나꿈속이라도괜찮으니까久远的Story还有停在那天的我比起相爱的时间在离别中时间更长银河彼岸远方掏出我们雪白无暇回忆的我因为在梦中所以不要紧BabyOneofthesedaysOneoftheseyears기다림은내겐사소한일일뿐인걸BabyOneofthesedays Oneoftheseyears等待对我而言只是琐碎的事情而已오래된Story와그날에멈춘나사랑한시간보다더오래이별하는중인걸은하수너머에아득히먼곳에하얀우리의기억을건너는나꿈속이라도괜찮으니까久远的Story还有停在那天的我比起相爱的时间在离别中时间更长银河彼岸远方掏出我们雪白无暇回忆的我因为在梦中所以不要紧우리다시만나OneOfTheseNights우리다시만나OneOfTheseNights我们再次相见OneOfTheseNights 我们再次相见OneOfTheseNights。



数字的英语儿歌以下是为您生成的二十条主题为“数字的英语儿歌”:1. 《One, Two, Buckle My Shoe》- 歌词:One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, knock at the door.- 例子:哎呀,当我唱到“One, two, buckle my shoe”的时候,就好像我在给自己的小鞋子系扣子,超级有趣!2. 《Five Little Ducks》- 歌词:Five little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away.- 例子:每次唱“Five little ducks”,我就想到一群小鸭子摇摇摆摆地出去玩耍,多可爱呀!3. 《Ten in the Bed》- 歌词:There were ten in the bed and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over"- 例子:哇,唱着“Ten in the bed”,是不是感觉床上挤得满满当当的?4. 《Three Blind Mice》- 歌词:Three blind mice, three blind mice. See how they run, see how they run.- 例子:嘿,当你听到“Three blind mice”,难道不会好奇这三只小老鼠怎么跑的吗?5. 《Six Little Ducks》- 歌词:Six little ducks that I once knew, Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too.- 例子:“Six Little Ducks”一响起,我就仿佛看到了各种模样的小鸭子,难道你不想吗?6. 《Seven Days a Week》- 歌词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.- 例子:唱到“Seven Days a Week”,就像在回顾一周的美好时光,不是吗?7. 《Eight Little Baby Ducks》- 歌词:Eight little baby ducks, swimming in the pool.- 例子:哎呀呀,“Eight Little Baby Ducks”,那小鸭子在泳池里得多欢快呀!8. 《Nine Goldfish》- 歌词:Nine goldfish in the fishbowl, swimming round and round.- 例子:当唱“Nine Goldfish”时,你能想象到金鱼在鱼缸里转圈圈的样子吗?9. 《Four Little Monkeys》- 歌词:Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head.- 例子:哈哈,“Four Little Monkeys”,这几只小猴子也太调皮了吧!10. 《One Potato, Two Potato》- 歌词:One potato, two potato, three potato, four. Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more.- 例子:唱着“One Potato, Two Potato”,就像在数一堆可爱的小土豆,难道不有趣?11. 《Five Little Monkeys》- 歌词:Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head.- 例子:哎呀,“Five Little Monkeys”,它们在床上蹦跶,是不是很容易摔下来呀?12. 《Two Little Blackbirds》- 歌词:Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill. One named Jack and one named Jill.- 例子:“Two Little Blackbirds”,这两只小鸟是不是很友好呀?13. 《Three Little Kittens》- 歌词:Three little kittens they lost their mittens. And they began to cry.- 例子:哼,“Three Little Kittens”丢了手套就哭,是不是有点娇气啦?14. 《Four Seasons Song》- 歌词:Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Four seasons in a year.- 例子:唱“Four Seasons Song”,是不是感觉一年的时光一下子就展现在眼前啦?15. 《Six Little Puppies》- 歌词:Six little puppies playing in the sun. Having so much fun.- 例子:哇哦,“Six Little Puppies”在太阳下玩耍,能不开心吗?16. 《Seven Colours》- 歌词:Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.- 例子:唱“Seven Colours”,眼前不就出现了一道美丽的彩虹吗?17. 《Eight Little Stars》- 歌词:Eight little stars shining bright. Up in the sky at night.- 例子:“Eight Little Stars”,夜晚的天空因为它们变得多美妙呀!18. 《Nine Little Bunnies》- 歌词:Nine little bunnies hopping around. Having a party in the town.- 例子:哈哈,“Nine Little Bunnies”在镇上开派对,多热闹!19. 《Ten Little Indians》- 歌词:One little, two little, three little Indians. Four little, five little, six little Indians.- 例子:“Ten Little Indians”,这些小印第安人是不是很神秘呢?20. 《Number Song》- 歌词:One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive.- 例子:哟,唱“Number Song”,抓鱼的画面是不是一下子就出现啦?我的观点结论是:这些数字英语儿歌充满了趣味和童真,能让孩子们在欢快的旋律中轻松学习数字,真的太棒啦!。

《These Days (Remix)》Mike Stud版歌词带翻译完整版

《These Days (Remix)》Mike Stud版歌词带翻译完整版

Hell nah I ain't sleep today but I'mma be okayMiss my family on the east, but **** it I can't leave L.AEvery meeting that I be in, trust me I just lead the wayI ****** three times before 3 today, piece of cakeNever gave a **** about what the teacher say, cause either wayI'mma just do me and she said me too, I said "s'il vous plaît"Walking out the club with me and TMZ is out hereAin't no secret safeIf that's your girl, why's she in my section?If that's your girl, why's she doing role playGoing both ways like an intersection?Stole her like an interceptionBut you can have her back she asks a million questionsLike, what's next, what's that, what's upI just wanna chill, drink, smoke, ****Cause god damn that body's goals as ****Somehow you hot as hell but still cold as ****You know the deal, you know what's upYou ain't the only oneStro, Talk to meEverything I see up in my head just comes to lifeGot my day-ones rollin' round with me on every single flight Yeah that's right, that's my lifeSpoil everyone that's with meMade it rain in Vegas with the MVP, J.D. no whiskeyAnd lately I've been stressing because I just miss my familyThey see the smiles but never the pain and all the success they seeAllegedly there's some stereotypes I don't like about my heighttrademark HDMH for life,yeah that’s right so I copyright Prove 'em wrong, prove myself rightCloudy days, smile so bright, 14 lifts, 7 days, fortnight (yikes)I can't lie, I been on a missionTo make every single doubter eat their words up in their kitchenYeah, my vision is to get it while I'm livingI'll keep winningLegendary comeback, ACL incision, yeahI've been doing great I guess I can't complainI don't think about yesterdayEvery move is calculated, this **** ain't no guessing gameOnly time I'm second place is when I'm at my second placeMade 300 then doubled that, I guess you call that 2nd baseHow many come ups until it's destinyHow many come ups until it's meant to beI hear them talking, that don't get to meThat ain't **** to me, same dude, different dreamThis is meThis is meAin't nothing pretty but her faceMoney hungry, nothing skinny but her waistShe come from money, but she spent it on her titties and her faceIf you really wanna know, these women, man they come and goCause one minute she's the one, the next you really never knowCause she don't know a damn thing about loveShe don't know a damn thing, at allCause one minute she's the oneThe next you really never knowGirls these daysLike, what's next, what's that, what's upI just wanna chill, drink, smoke, ****Cause god damn that body's goals as ****Somehow you hot as hell but still cold as ****You know the deal, you know what's upYou ain't the only oneGirls these days, these days, these days, these daysYou ready?Girls these daysGirls these daysThese days见鬼我今天没睡但也还可以思念我在东部的家人,但我他妈无法离开洛杉矶我参加的每一次会议,相信我都是引领者我今天三点之前干了三次,小意思不理会老师说什么,因为无论哪种方式我就只会做我自己并且她说她也是,我只能说“你开心就好”和我一起走出俱乐部而且TMZ就在这里一点秘密都不能安全保留如果那是你的女孩,她为什么在我的地盘?如果那是你的女孩,她为什么还玩角色扮演?所经之路像十字路口一样犹豫要不要偷走她的心但是你可以默默支持她即使她问你这些问题比如,接下来怎么办,那是什么,怎么了但我只想放松,喝酒,抽烟,放纵因为我的身体告诉我该放纵了,我的天你身材火辣但激情之时却冷漠无比你知道怎么回事的,你也知道该怎么做我告诉你,你不是我的唯一告诉我,stro我脑海里浮现的事情在渐渐在生活中发生我想你陪我度过我人生旅程的每一天对,那很合我胃口,那就是我的生活宠爱每一个陪伴我的人没有威士忌的时候我和最优秀的法学博士在下雨的维加斯最近我身心疲惫因为我思念我的家人我对他们报喜不报忧,因此他们只能看见我的成功这样可能有些刻板,但是我就是不满意我的身高我生活的标签HDMH,那就是我的标签证明他们都错了只有我是对的即使阴天,我还是很高兴,14部电梯,7天,两周(呀)我在出差,我不能倒下我要让每一个怀疑我的人在厨房吃掉他们的言论恩,我的愿景就是在我活着的时候我能一直保持胜利是的,传奇归来,崇拜我吧我觉得我一直做的很好,我也不抱怨我不去思考昨天每一步我都精打细算,这不是一场没有准备的游戏唯一一次我排名第二是在我输掉的地方300翻了一番,我猜你管这叫做第二垒这是命运的话,那我会得到多少如果这注定的话,那我会得到多少我听见他们的对话,但是听得出来他们不了解我这对我来说不是毫无意义,哪怕同样的兄弟们,也会做不同的梦这就是我这就是我没有任何事物可以与她的美貌相提并论我现在缺钱,但满脑子想着她丝滑的细腰她沉迷金钱,但她将钱拿去和姐妹疯狂与保养自己的皮肤如果你真的想了解这些女人,我劝你们这些男生别停留太久她上一秒可能是你的,下一秒你就将她捉摸不透因为她不是真的理解什么是爱她真他妈一点也不懂她可能上一秒还是你的人下一秒你就捉摸不透她的心女孩们这些天你们一直问,接下来怎么办,那是什么,怎么了我却只想放松,喝酒,抽烟,和你放纵老天,我想和你放纵哪怕你身材火辣可是激情之时你却冷若冰霜你知道怎么回事,你也知道怎么办你不是我的唯一你们这些日子,这些天,这段时间,这段时光真的准备好了吗?女孩们你们陪我的这段日子这些天这段时光。



丁程鑫7years歌词7 years - 丁程鑫Once I was seven years old my momma told me那年我七岁妈妈就对我说Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely去交些朋友不然你会孤独寂寞Once I was seven years old那年我七岁I only see my goals I don't believe in failure我一心实现梦想从不相信失败Cause I know the smallest voices they can make it major因为我知道蝼蚁也能成就不朽I got my boys with me at least those in favor我找到一些志同道合的伙伴And if we don't meet before I leave I hope I'll see you later 如果我离开前我们无缘碰面就让我们后会有期Once I was 20 years old my story got told二十岁那年我的故事广为流传I was writing about everything I saw before me我写下每一个亲眼所见的故事Once I was 20 years old那年我二十岁Soon we'll be 30 years old our songs have been sold很快我们三十而立我们的歌也是人尽皆知We've traveled around the world and we're still roaming 我们游遍世界我们不曾止步Soon we'll be 30 years old很快我们就三十了想和你追寻那光芒黑暗中的你别躲避不要去害怕孤寂害怕现实丢掉自己破晓总会降临你为何不再前行想让你远离纷扰远离尘嚣看见自己逆着光芒前行不要回头就算你们我们他们她们都已变了样你要相信自己你要一往无前就在这舞台成为你最自豪的模样逆着光芒前行空空四方人来人往你到底该怎么样逆着光芒前行逆着光芒前行不要害怕失去就算化为尘埃又有什么畏惧逆着光芒前行。



7years歌词中英文对照全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:《7Years》是由丹麦歌手Lukas Graham演唱的一首歌曲,于2015年发行。


以下是《7Years》的歌词中英文对照:Once I was seven years old我七岁那年Once I was seven years old我七岁那年Momma told me, "Go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely."妈妈告诉我,"去交些朋友,否则你会孤独。

"Once I was seven years old我七岁那年It was a big, big world, but we thought we were bigger那是一个广阔的世界,我们却觉得自己更加庞大Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker我们彼此挑战极限,学习更快了By eleven, smoking herb and drinking burning liquor到了十一岁,抽烟和喝酒成了习惯Never rich, so we were out to make that steady figure我们从未富裕,却一直努力追求幸福My brother, I'm still sorry我的兄弟,我依旧感到抱歉这首歌曲通过对一个人成长经历的回顾,反映了人生中的成长、梦想、友情和家庭等重要主题。



第二篇示例:《7 Years》是丹麦歌手Lukas Graham(卢卡斯·格雷厄姆)的一首歌,于2015年发布。





































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9 7 Days - Craig David
On my way to see my friends
Who lived a couple blocks away from me oh
As I walked through the subway
It must have been about quarter past three
In front of me
Stood a beautiful honey with a beautiful body
She asked me for the time
I said it'd cost her her name
A six digit number
And a date with me tomorrow at nine
Did she decline No
Didn't she mind I don't think so
Was it for real Damn sure
What was the deal A pretty girl aged 24
So was she keen She couldn't wait
Cinnamon queen Let me update
What did she say She said she'd love to rendezvous
She asked me what we were gonna do
Said we'd start with a bottle of moet for two
1 - Monday
Took her for a drink on Tuesday
We were making love by Wednesday
And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday
We chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
Took her for a drink on Tuesday
We were making love by Wednesday
And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday
We chilled on Sunday
Nine was the time
Cuz I be gettin' mine
And she was looking fine
Smooth talker she told me
She'd love to unfold me all night long
Ooh I loved the way she kicked it
From the front to back she flipped it
And I oh oh I yeah
Hope that she'd care
Cuz I'm a man who'll always be there
I'm not a man to play around baby
Cuz a one night stand isn't really fair
From the first impression girl hmm you don't seem to be like that Cuz there's no need to chat for there'll be plenty for that
From the subway to my home
Endless ringing of my phone
When you're feeling all alone
All you gotta do
Is just call me call me
1 - Monday
Took her for a drink on Tuesday
We were making love by Wednesday And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday We chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
Took her for a drink on Tuesday
We were making love by Wednesday And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday We chilled on Sunday
(Break it down uh break it down)
Since I met this special lady
Ooh yeah
I can't get her off my mind
She's one of a kind
And I ain't about to deny it
It's a special kind of thing
With you ohh
1 - Monday
Took her for a drink on Tuesday
We were making love by Wednesday And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday We chilled on Sunday
I met this girl on Monday
Took her for a drink on Tuesday
We were making love by Wednesday And on Thursday and Friday and Saturday We chilled on Sunday。
