


Lead in
Look at some photos of famous people.
No.1 No.2
How to write a discussion about a great person? Take Mandela as an example.
Structure of such letters
Part 1: A small paragraph Reason for the letter
Part 2: Body paragraphs reasons in detail Personal information Hard work achievements Good qualities
when he ran his school in prison. He encouraged the guards to take degrees too. S1: Yes, that does sound good. Maybe I should find out what he did after he became President of South Africa. I’d like to know if he was as fair then to the white people.
Make sure that you give reasons for your opinions. If you are writing about Mandela’s qualities you can concentrate on two or three. If you are describing his life then you should group his life into periods: his studies, work for the ANC and its results, fight against anti-black laws, life in prison, after being released from Robben Island. Then you can either describe one period in your own words or describe the development in his life and ideas.

《英语 基础模块》下册 Unit 12 Dedicated People.xppt课件

《英语 基础模块》下册 Unit 12 Dedicated People.xppt课件

8. Thanks to their hard work, many wounded soldiers survived.
thanks to… 由于;多亏 e.g. Thanks to his help, we finished the work earlier than expected.
Language & Culture Press
Language & Culture Press
1. How much do you know about nursing?
2. Have you ever heard of the story of “The Lady with the Lamp”?
Key: Because at that time nurses in England were looked down upon by people.
6. Why did Nightingale go to Turkey?
Reports of the sufferings of the wounded in the front created anger in Britain. In response, the government appointed Florence Nightingale to hire female nurses to work in the military hospitals in the front.
in return 作为回报;作为报答 e.g. He was always ready to help others; in return, he was liked by others.



• 1、直接调查法直接方便,面对面的语言沟 通或者电话沟通需要我们掌握一定的语言 沟通技巧并克服心理上的紧张感完成访问 在这点上值得我们学习。 • 2、实地调查法需要我们实地深入了解,这 过程中更容易遇到许多实际的问题,对我 们的处理能力也是一种考验值得我们学习
• 1、面谈访问法、电话调查法与邮寄调查法 使调查更加快捷方便 • 2、实地调查法能更加直接的获得调查内容 • 3、实验法的能使调查内容更加真实具有科 学性
• 1、通过面谈访问和电话调查采访大量官员 与科研人员能更加快捷方便的获取关于雾 霾研究的一手资料。 • 2、通过邮寄调查得到的NASA关于雾霾的数 据更加专业使调查更加具有说服力 • 3、通过实地调查方法走访山西河北等雾霾 严重污染区得到数据更加具有真实性 • 4、通过实验方法更加直接的令人了解到什 么是雾霾以及雾霾的成分
• Question1、柴静的雾霾调查报告采用了什么调 查方法? • Question2、柴静为什么采用了这些调查方法? • Question3、这些调查方法对调查报告起到了什 么作用? • Question4、这些调查方法哪里是我们可以学习 的?
• 1、直接访问法: 面谈访问(走访大量官员与科研人员) 电话调查(相关官员) 邮寄调查(相关科研机பைடு நூலகம்、NASA) • 2、实地调查法(走访山西、河北) • 3、实验法(雾霾成分检测等)



Li Na's Psychological Quality
Focus and concentration
Confidence and composure
Li Na is known for her ability to stay focused during matches, even under pressure.
PPT courseware for Li Na's English version
• Introduction to Li Na • Li Na's Career • Li Na's Technical Characteristics • Li Na's Opponents and Friends • Li Na's Future Outlook
Introduction to Li Na
Li Na's Life
01 02
Birth and Childhood
Li Na was born in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. She developed a strong interest in sports at an early age, playing basketball and tennis.
Serena Williams
The American tennis queen has been another formidable opponent for Li Na. Their matches are often intense and exciting, with Serena having a slight advantage over the Chinese player.

“非典” 柴静刚到央视主持《东方时空·时空连线》

“非典” 柴静刚到央视主持《东方时空·时空连线》

最重要的是我关心的现实问题到底是什么, 我否代替那些沉默者发问。 能否问得准确是我唯一需要担心的。”
柴静 的 语 录
我知道,自己必须是 清醒的,不是麻木的。 要通过自己对社会的 观察,去发现那些比 戏剧更具戏剧性的真 实生活。我必须去行 动,去改变。 我需要去批判, 也需要去同情。我需 要感受人们的痛苦, 再通过我的采访表达 出来。在道德的重建、 社会公共体系的不断 完善中,一个记者, 到底能做什么?
作为一名记者兼主持人, 节目当中她是冷静客观 的,她有一颗炽热的扶 持弱者的心灵。她气质 优雅,而又锋芒毕露。 “我是柴静,火柴的柴, 安静的静”,柴静因其 飘逸而明慧的气质,敏 锐的让人惊诧,坚定的 让人心疼。 柴静始终站在离新闻最近的 地方,她以她的犀利和 敏锐、坚定与坚持,最 终历练成为一名优秀的 新闻工作者
付出生命才能得到别人的信任,但是你又必须在这 个职业当中恪尽职守。这是一件很不容易的事情。 人类的心灵需要互相帮助,我要做的就是把它呈现 出来让大家看到。 当通过提问将心灵的细节展现出来的时候,你会发现, 原来每个人都深深地嵌在这个世界里,你不帮助他, 你可能也会孤立无援。传播的力量就是要把这些东 西渗透下去,然后才能生长出新的叶子。”
知性 优雅
聆听 犀利
从容 敏锐
采访的时候,她总是习惯性 地身体前倾。这是一种 发自心灵的倾听姿态。 她说:“倾听,我可以更贴 近被访者的内心,新闻 的背后是心灵。消除芥 蒂,建立一种信任,而 且更具有人文色彩。 有的观众朋友形容我的 发型是犹抱琵琶半遮 面。 ”
柴静指了指路旁绽放的花丛。“就像这些花,它们已 经长得这么绚烂,但我不想去报道它们是如何的美丽, 我想看到的是,这些花最初的种子是什么样子的,它 们成长的起点在哪里。” 柴静的语速飞快,长年做深度报道,她保持着自己独 特的视角,对于奥运,她亦如此。那位巴勒斯坦的女 游泳运动员,因为没有泳池,只能在满是老人和孩子 的12米的公共泳池中练习,只有一件专业泳衣,没有 比赛时都舍不得穿……所有的这些,柴静都找到了故 事的主人公,以面对面的方式进行了深入采访, “这些伟大的不可复制的人性,那些无比高贵的灵魂, 让我震动!我一定要把这些素材留下来。不管现在有 没有时间播出!”柴静一直处于“寻找”的状态。


政府应加大对环保科研的投入 ,鼓励企业进行环保技术创新
政府应建立完善的环保监管体 系,加强对污染源的监管,对 违法排污企业进行严厉处罚。
政府应推广环保教育,提高公 众的环保意识,倡导绿色生活
企业应积极履行环保责任,加大环保 投入,采用环保技术和工艺,减少生 产过程中的污染排放。
该PPT课件引用了大量科学数据和事实,为解决环境问题提供了有 力的科学依据,有助于推动相关政策和措施的制定。
通过《穹顶之下》,更多的人开始积极参与环保行动,从自身做起 ,为改善环境做出贡献。
我们应该从日常生活中的点滴做 起,节约能源、减少排放、选择
随着工业化、城市化进程的加速,环境问 题日益突出,尤其是空气质量的恶化,给 人们的健康带来了严重威胁。为了引起公 众对环境问题的关注,提高环保意识,柴 静女士制作了这部深入剖析雾霾天气、空 气质量及环境保护问题的PPT课件。
柴静,女,汉族,1976年2月16日 出生于山西临汾,毕业于中国传媒大 学,中国内地女主持人、记者。
公众的广泛参与是解决环境问题 的基石,未来应该继续提高公众 的环保意识和行动力,形成全社
个人应积极参与环保公 益活动,为环保事业做 出自己的贡献。
个人应加强环保教育, 提高下一代的环保意识 和行动力。


有时候,遇事, 非如此不可,非如此 不可
遇事,到底谁对谁错,谁也说不清楚。 对于我们自己,只要记住,无论做人做事, 都必须对得起自己的心,不要让自己在未来 留太多的遗憾。
爱书之人都有很多互通的地方,那 是因为,阅读也可以使人明白很多很 多的事情,不在混混沌沌的生活,不 知道自己真正需要什么。同时,它也 可以让我们将心比心,站在别人的立 场想事情,让原本坚硬的心变得柔软, 让原本柔软的心去温暖其他寒冷的心。 有时候,也只有你用心去感知,才会 发现,原来这个世界原本没有你想象 的那么冷。
人就是目的,人不是工具,人不能服务于任何一个目的,尤其是 那些自称崇高和伟大的人。 ——柴静
已届成年的时候,你会发现,人需要归属感。人生存于这个 社会,我们需要归属,那么归属从哪里来?不再是过去的宗族、 血亲、单位,不是那些使人僵化的理念,像水泥一样动弹不得的, 真正的归属,是我们相互之间的创造和愈合。 当我们志趣相投、目光相汇的时候,我们就创造出属于我们 的世界。这是一个公共电视台的记者的责任。在未来这些年当中, 在时代能够容忍的前提下,我将为这个,付出我全部的心力。 ——柴静于广州方所演讲
柴静 记者
“什么样才是一个合格的编辑?”“第一条是,你看到 公家的水龙头开着,你却不去关的人,这样的人不可以做一 个好编辑;然后,一个经常讽刺善良人的人,这样的人不可 以做一个好编辑;一个讲话的时候总是说“我我我”的人, 也不可以做一个好编辑。 ——柴静在广州方所演讲

生活中,难免会遇到多多少少的抉择和考研,没遇到时,你 期盼着;可真正遇到了,你却又迷茫了,不知如何是好,开始 慌乱,烦躁。这个时候,你适合静静的去看会儿书,然后再去 问问自己的心,书会告诉你答案。

人教版高中英语 必修一 Unit5 《Nelson Mandela ---a modern hero

人教版高中英语 必修一 Unit5 《Nelson Mandela ---a modern hero

Are they all great people?
Fill in the table below and then talk about what kind of qualities they have? Give your reasons.
As a great person
Should he/she help others?
In 1961, he became the President of the African National Congress (ANC). He helped the black people to get the same rights as the white people. He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years.
Mohandas Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), India He formed an organization leading the Indian’s struggle for equal rights. He was a model of a different kind of political leader. Mohandas Gandhi was educated in the United Kingdom and received a law degree from University College in London.
He strongly believed in the three principles: nationalism; rights; people’s livelihood.



托福词汇之穹顶之下(柴静)Chai Jing, former presenter and journalist with China Central Television, presents a self-funded documentary about smog in Beijing, Feb 28, 2015.柴静,前中央电视台主持人兼记者,于2015年2月28日为大家呈上了自费拍摄的有关北京雾霾的纪录片。

Chai Jing's one-year project, Under the Dome, marks a comeback for the former presenter and journalist with China Central Television following the birth of her child. It adds asentimental touch to a matter of public interest with Chai not only an independent observer but also a concerned mother.女儿出生之后,柴静花了一年时间拍摄了《穹顶之下》,此片表明了这位前中央电视台主持人兼记者的归来。


After ending a decade with the state broadcaster early last year, Chai shunned public attention to focus on taking care of her daughter, who was diagnosed with a tumor as a fetus and underwent surgery as a new-born baby.去年早些时候,柴静结束了她十年的央视生涯,避开公众的视线,一心照料女儿,因为她女儿在未出生之前就被检查出长有肿瘤,刚出生就做了手术。

人教版高中英语 必修一 Unit5 《Nelson Mandela ---a modern hero

人教版高中英语 必修一 Unit5 《Nelson Mandela ---a modern hero
•2. what ‘s Elias’ job? He worked in a __g_o_l_d__m__in_e_____ .
He was a ___m__in__e_r___. •3 . what ‘s Elias’ problem?
He needed to get a _p_a__s_s_b_o__o_k_ so he could
3) They lived in the poorest parts of South 2. WhAyfrdicida. Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal?
Para 4
2. Why did Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal?
Great People may be very
慷慨 great person is someone who devotes his life to helping others.
What is a great person?
Para 4
1.What unfair situations did black people face in South Africa?
1) They couldn’t vote or choose their leaders
2) They couldn’t get the jobs they wanted.
• ter Elias _jo_i_ne_d_ the ANC Youth League, To make black and white people_e_q_u_al__, he helped Mandela __b_lo_w_u_p___ the government buildings ,though he hated violence.



《她叫柴静》 她叫柴静》 17岁。她在南方一所二流大学读书。清秀,孤独, 岁 她在南方一所二流大学读书。清秀,孤独, 心怀有梦。因贪恋电波里的声音无限温柔, 心怀有梦。因贪恋电波里的声音无限温柔,毛遂自 写信给电台主持人——“可否帮我成就梦想?” 可否帮我成就梦想? 荐,写信给电台主持人 可否帮我成就梦想 信中这一句,犹为动人。去电台试播, 信中这一句,犹为动人。去电台试播,小小梦想如 蔚蓝大海涌起浪花一朵,真的实现了。且一朵不多, 蔚蓝大海涌起浪花一朵,真的实现了。且一朵不多, 一朵也不少。 一朵也不少。 炎热的7月 踩着单车去录节目。往返, 炎热的 月,踩着单车去录节目。往返,湿淋 淋的汗,心里亦是快乐。明媚青春, 淋的汗,心里亦是快乐。明媚青春,她长成一株植 物样的女子,春绿冬白,思无邪。 物样的女子,春绿冬白,思无邪。喜听郑智化的歌 每次节目间播放,任由清柔的声音顺着电波, 儿,每次节目间播放,任由清柔的声音顺着电波, 枝枝蔓蔓。 枝枝蔓蔓。 19岁。拒绝做小会计的毕业安排,独自留在读书的 岁 拒绝做小会计的毕业安排, 无亲无友,身只影单。生日那天, 城。无亲无友,身只影单。生日那天,口袋里没有 一分钱,顶风冒雨走去电台。雨水热烈, 一分钱,顶风冒雨走去电台。雨水热烈,浇透了湿 淋淋的寂寞。她在节目里一吐心声: 淋淋的寂寞。她在节目里一吐心声:“要做一只翩 飞的白鹤,飞渡寒苦的人生。 飞的白鹤,飞渡寒苦的人生。”
2003年:获年度风云记者,全国抗击非典优秀 年 获年度风云记者, 新闻工作者。 新闻工作者。 2008年:荣获东方卫视评选的 年 荣获东方卫视评选的2007年度感动中 年度感动中 国绿色人物。 国绿色人物。 2009年:首都女记协演讲大赛中柴静以《认识 年 首都女记协演讲大赛中柴静以《 的人,了解的事》演讲荣获特等奖。 的人,了解的事》演讲荣获特等奖。 2009年:获得央视 年度“ 年 获得央视2009年度“优秀播音员主持 年度 乙等。 人”乙等。 2010年:作品《认识的人,了解的事》高点击 年 作品《认识的人,了解的事》 获得2010年度土豆节金镜头奖。 年度土豆节金镜头奖。 率,获得 年度土豆节金镜头奖 2010年:柴静当选央视年度“十佳主持人” 年 柴静当选央视年度“十佳主持人” (11月5日)。 月 日



Task 3: Reading for details.
Questions for Part I
1. Which of the statements about Elias is wrong?
A. He had to leave school for poverty when he was 8. B. Lack of education, he was poor in reading and writing. C. He worried that he would lost his job because he had no passbook in C Johannesburg. D. It’s hard for him to find a job in a gold mine so he value it much. 2. What does the word “leave” in the 2nd line of Para 2? A. go away from a place C. forget to take 3. What can we infer from this part? A. Elias was a black worker in Johannesburg. B. Elias receive little education when he was young. C. Mandela opened a law firm to help black to share their problems. D. Black people in Johannesburg are not treated equally. D
difficulties at the age of 12
equal riolence


a great person?
set up an aim
get on well with others
Be willing to do public service
be active in society activities
1.__q_u_a_l_i_ty___ n. [U,C]质,质量,品质;特性(既可用于描述物品, 也用于描述人物)[C]性质;特性;特点 2.__d_e_v__o_te___ vt.献身;专心于
words about qualities
• hard- working •friendly
• reliable •determined
• generous • devoted
• honest
• selfless
• wise
• active • famous
• easy-going
无情的,不友好的 自私的
Choose a proper word and fill in the blank. handsome, lazy, cruel, brave , honest, warm-hearted
1. Harry Potter beat the evil dragon (恶龙), so he is very ___b_ra_v_e_____.
3.__a_c_t_i_v_e__ adj.积极的;活跃的;(反义)________p_a(ss被ive动)
negative----____p_o_s_i_ti_v_e 4._r_e_w__a_r_d n.报答;酬金(为某些特殊服务提供或给予的金钱) vt.酬谢,奖赏;报应;惩罚(坏人或坏事)



黄西白宫演讲稿中英文双语文稿和柴静采访录1、Good evening, everyone. My name is Joe Wong. But to most people, I am known as "Who?" "Hu" is actually my mother's maiden name, and the answer to my credit card security question.2、But joking aside, I just want to reassure everybody that I am invited here tonight. I grew up in China. Who wouldn't?3、As my childhood memories are totally ruined by my childhood.When I was in elementary school, as part of the curriculum, I have to work at a rice paddy, right next to a quarry w here they use explosives to break rocks. And that is where I learned that light travels faster than sound, which is almost as slow as a flying rock.4、My dad was a grumpy guy, but occasionally he would tried to cheer me up with jokes. But he doesn't do it right. When I was seven, one day he said to me, "Hi, son, why is tofu better than centralized socialist economy?" So, five minutes later, I said, "Why?" He said, "Because I said so!"5、I came to the United States when I was 24, to study at Rice University in Texas. That wasn't a joke, until now.1、各位晚上好,我是Joe Wong(黄西)。



名人英语演讲ppt名人英语演讲ppt篇一:名人英语演讲名人英语演讲Harry S. Truman: "The Truman Doctrine"Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Congress of the United States: The gravity of the situation which confronts the world today necessitates my appearance before a joint session of the Congress. The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. One aspect of the present situation, which I present to you at this time for your consideration and decision, concerns Greece and Turkey. The United States has received from the Greek Government an urgent appeal for financial and economic assistance. Preliminary reports from the American Economic Mission now in Greece and reports from the American Ambassador in Greece corroborate the statement of the Greek Government that assistance is imperative if Greece is to survive as a free nation.I do not believe that the American people and the Congress wish to turn a deaf ear to the appeal of the Greek Government. Greece is not a rich country. Lack of sufficient natural resources has always forced the Greek people to work hard to make both ends meet.Since 1940, this industrious, peace loving country has suffered invasion, four years of cruel enemy occupation, and bitter internal strife. When forces of liberation entered Greece they found that the retreating Germans had destroyed virtually all the railways, roads, port facilities, communications, and merchant marine. More than a thousand villages had been burned. Eighty-five per cent of the children were tubercular.Livestock, poultry, and draft animals had almost disappeared. Inflation had wiped out practically all savings. As a result of these tragic conditions, a militant minority, exploiting human want and misery, was able to create political chaos which, until now, has made economic recovery impossible. Greece is today without funds to finance the importation of those goods which are essential to bare subsistence. Under these circumstances, the people of Greece cannot make progress in solving their problems of reconstruction. Greece is in desperate need of financial and economic assistance to enable it to resume purchases of food, clothing, fuel, and seeds. These are indispensable for the subsistence of its people and are obtainable only from abroad. Greece must have help to import the goods necessary to restore internal order and security, so essential for economic and political recovery. The Greek Government has alsoasked for the assistance of experienced American administrators, economists, and technicians to insure that the financial and other aid given to Greece shall beused effectively in creating a stable and self-sustaining economy and in improving its public administration.The very existence of the Greek state is today threatened by the terrorist activities of several thousand armed men, led by Communists, who defy the government's authority at a number of points, particularly along the northern boundaries. A Commission appointed by the United Nations security Council is at present investigating disturbed conditions in northern Greece and alleged border violations along the frontiers between Greece on the one hand and Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia on the other. Meanwhile, the Greek Government is unable to cope with the situation. The Greek army is small and poorly equipped. Itneeds supplies and equipment if it is to restore authority of the government throughout Greek territory. Greece must have assistance if it is to become a self-supporting and self-respecting democracy. The United States must supply this assistance. We have already extended to Greece certain types of relief and economic aid. But these are inadequate. There is no other country to which democratic Greece can turn. No other nation iswilling and able to provide the necessary support for a democratic Greekgovernment.篇二:十大名人英语演讲稿精选十大名人英语演讲稿精选1. Steve Jobs史蒂芬·乔布斯CEO of Apple Computers 苹果电脑CEOStanford University 斯坦福大学June 12, 20052005年6月12日Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma —which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary。



Early career:
1994至1998年:在湖南文艺广播电台任主持人,主持《夜色 温柔》; 1998至2001年:北京广播电视学院进修电视编辑,湖南卫视 《新青年》节目主持人;
2001年:在《东方时空· 时空连线》担任主持人(10月);
• 2003年:央视《新闻调查》出镜记者,同时也是 第一个“零距离”报道“非典”的记者(4月); • • 2009年:离开《新闻调查》,担任新闻频道《24 小时》主播。新闻频道《面对面》主持人 • 2011年:主持《看见》周末版, • 重拳出击,打响央视节目内容 • 调整的第一炮。
• integrity(正直) • humility(谦逊) • civility (涵养)
The first “zero distance” report “SARS”. she deeps into the front line, and interviews seven patients with SARS. 2003年:央视《新闻调查》出镜记者,第一个“零距离”报道 “非典”,非典肆虐时。她深入到一线,七次与非典病人面对 面。
柴静刚到央视主持《东方时空· 时空连线》时, 在没有名校的学历背景、不是新闻专业出身 的情况下,度过了一段痛苦的适应期 。
face to difficulties
She said that she makes every effort to learn from the basic. She made the plan by herself and she observed the programs of her peers. She stayed up almost every night..
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Chaijing(January 1976--)is a compere and journalist widely recognized.
柴静:—个永远站立说话的s Ending
Early life and education: Chaijing was born in Shanxi province in 1976. In 1991 Chaijing started her college life in Changsha University. After graduated,she went to Communication University of China to get a Art Master degree.
柴静刚到央视主持《东方时空· 时空连线》时, 在没有名校的学历背景、不是新闻专业出身 的情况下,度过了一段痛苦的适应期 。
face to difficulties
She said that she makes every effort to learn from the basic. She made the plan by herself and she observed the programs of her peers. She stayed up almost every night..
She made the survey of mine accidents and exposed the lies one by one which try to hide something.
She was repeatedly asked Wang 's consumption figures on public funds, and she had faced the underworld threat herself.
• 有人总结,在这些节目里,镜头中的柴静62%的时间挺身 而出与黑暗势力交锋,38%的时间低下身去倾听弱者的申 诉。 (视频2)
When she began to preside the Oriental Horizon, she has a hard time because she is not graduated from the prestigious and she hasn't the journalism background.
• A ship sailing alone at sea, it neither seek happiness, nor avoid happiness. It just sailed onward. Below is the silent and blue sea, while the head is a golden sun.
• 柴静尊重她的受访者,她认为采访“只是一种懂得”。
曾有人统计在柴静400次的采访中,有231 次她身体与地面呈45°夹角,靠近受访者, 最近的一次是靠近受访者10厘米。
attitude to life
• In spare time, Chai Jing likes to travel, to hike alone. She also enjoys photography, reading and writing.
Even though she had already won the Golden Prize, she still feels regret that she lacks of the experiences in the news post.
Face to respondents
• ChaiJing respect her respondents, she thinks interview "is just a kind of knowing".
• 与其诅咒黑暗,不如点亮灯火。 • 记者不仅是我的职业身份,做新闻也是我生存的一种 方式,记者的天职就是调查事实的真相。 • 通往人心的道路是最艰难的道路, 一个记者可能要付出生命才能得到 别人的信任,但是你又必须在这个 职业当中恪尽职守。
Wise 睿智
Calm 冷静 have thought 有 思想 Determinated 坚 毅
• 业余时间,柴静喜欢旅行,她喜欢独自爬山,除了 旅行,她还喜欢摄影、阅读和写作。
Attitude to rumours
• When rumours were around her, she still continue to be calm and smile.
柴静说自己从蹲马步开始学起基本功,流汗流血、风吹日 晒。她曾经采用最笨拙的办法,像蚂蚁一点一点地搬运食 物一样,竭尽全力地去学习。自己做策划,观摩同行的节 目,上机编节目,熬夜到凌晨三四点。
Face to honours
但是即使得了金奖,她也没有摆脱沮丧和不安。柴静当时的 遗憾是自己没有在一线当过记者,缺乏在新闻岗位打磨的 历练。
她曾经故意在节目中反复询问王锡锌关于 公款消费的数字,她曾经一人独面黑社会 的威胁。
Even in the earthquake in Wen chuan, she went to the scene.
ChaiJing always stands besides the news recently , where she insisted to be a good journalist with her sharp eyes .
courageous 勇敢
In the Program , she is the calm and objective, she has a hot heart to support the weak .
她好像一根火柴在沉静地燃烧, 安静而又热烈, 气质优雅,而又锋芒毕露
The prises
★ 2003年:获年度风云记者,全国抗击非典优秀新闻工作 者。 ★ 2008年:荣获东方卫视评选的2007年度感动中国绿色 人物。 ★ 2009年:首都女记协演讲大赛中柴静以《认识的人, 了解的事》演讲荣获特等奖 ★ 2009年:获得央视2009年度“优秀播音员主持人”乙 等 ★ 2010年:作品《认识的人,了解的事》高点击率,获得 土豆节金镜头奖 ★ 2010年:柴静当选央视年度“十佳主持人”
• 采访艾滋病人、自杀儿童、吸毒女、地震、奥运、征地, 柴静的身影总出现在新闻的第一线。
• It was concluded that in these programs, 62% of the time,Chaijing is to stand up and battle the forces of darkness, 38% of the time to listen to the complaints of the weak .
• 一只船孤独地航行在海上,它既不寻求幸福,也 不逃避幸福。它只是向前航行,底下是沉静碧蓝 的大海,而头顶是金色的太阳。 ——莱蒙托夫
柴静始终站在离新闻最近的地方, 她以她的犀利和敏锐、坚定与坚持 ,最终历练成为一名优秀的新闻工 作者。
• ChaiJing 's figure always appears on • the first line of the news. • She interviewed the ADIS, the suicide children, the drug abuse girls, the earthquake and the event of the land acquisition .
2009年7月、2010年10月,柴静曾两次被同一个人诬陷,收受纺 织业某厂长100万贿赂,并被检察院带走审查,她被推倒了舆论的风 口浪尖。 然而面对质疑,她只是以寥寥数字的微博澄清,其中并未对造谣者进 行任何指责,表现出了她豁达的态度。当被问及该问题时,她也只是 微微一笑说:“呵呵,不用管它。”

Early career:
1994至1998年:在湖南文艺广播电台任主持人,主持《夜色 温柔》; 1998至2001年:北京广播电视学院进修电视编辑,湖南卫视 《新青年》节目主持人;
2001年:在《东方时空· 时空连线》担任主持人(10月);
• 2003年:央视《新闻调查》出镜记者,同时也是 第一个“零距离”报道“非典”的记者(4月); • • 2009年:离开《新闻调查》,担任新闻频道《24 小时》主播。新闻频道《面对面》主持人 • 2011年:主持《看见》周末版, • 重拳出击,打响央视节目内容 • 调整的第一炮。
• integrity(正直) • humility(谦逊) • civility (涵养)
The first “zero distance” report “SARS”. she deeps into the front line, and interviews seven patients with SARS. 2003年:央视《新闻调查》出镜记者,第一个“零距离”报道 “非典”,非典肆虐时。她深入到一线,七次与非典病人面对 面。