
• Slavery. Early Christianity elevated the
roles of those oppressed in society, by for example, accepting women and slaves as full members. Slaves participated equally in worship and the community and were afforded contract and property rights. • Early Christians purchased slaves in the markets simply to set them free.It is also true that slavery was ended in great measure by Christian activists.
• Children. In the ancient world, for example in
infanticide(杀婴) classical Rome or Greece, infanticide(杀婴) was not only legal, it was applauded. Killing a Roman was murder, but it was commonly held in Rome that killing one‘s own children could be an act of beauty. Through a higher view of life, it was the early Christian church that ultimately brought an end to infanticide. The promodern pro-life movement is largely Christian.
American Religion美国宗教

课外空间文化长廊山东省梁山县杨营中学于孔春供稿Diversity1is the main feature of religion in the United States.Although Christianity has al-ways been the major American faith,the existence of more than250different religious sects2here has made Americans tolerant3of all forms of worship—Christian and non-Christian.美国宗教的主要特点就是多样化。
多种其他宗教派别,这使美国人包容各种各样的信仰——Maybe this tolerant attitude to different religions can be traced back to the early settlers ofthis country.Among the first immigrants4,quite a number of them were Puritans,whose purposeof coming to this New World was to pursue religious freedom,to practice their religion and wor-ship God as they wished.This is why the nation’s forefathers demanded legal guarantees of reli-gious freedom.So the First Amendment to the Constitution not only forbids the establishment of. All Rights Reserved.an offical national religion but also forbids state or federal interference5with religious institu-tions or practices.这种对宗教的宽容态度也许能够追溯到早期殖民地时期。

Religious beliefs in the US
作为一个多元文化的移民国家,与人的数百种不同的 种族背景,美国现在已经成为世界上宗教最多元的国 家之一。更重要的是,人口普查数据显示,大多数美国 人承认宗教在他们的生活中扮演非常重要的角色,这 一比例是发达国家中非常罕见
As a multicultural country of immigrants, with people of hundreds of different ethnic backgrounds, the United States has now become one of the most religiously diverse nations on the globe. What’s more, according to census data, the majority of Americans admit that religion plays an extremely important role in their lives, a proportion that is very rare these days among developed nations.
Nearly 80% of Americans belong to a variety of denominations of Christianity
About 7% of American are Muslim Judaism develop in the Jew. Numbers of Asian American are Buddhists.
美国宗教American Religion

The First Amendment guarantees both the free practice of religion and the non-sponsorship of religion by the government. The First Amendment separated church from state but not religion from public life.
Present: In August 2010 67% of Americans say religion is losing influence, compared with 59% who said this in 2006. Majorities of white evangelical Protestants (79%), while mainline Protestants (67%), Black Protestants (56%), Catholics (71%), and the religiously unaffiliated (62%) all agree that religion is losing influence on American life; 53% of the total public says this is a bad thing while just 10% see it as a good thing.
The largest religion in the US is Christianity, practiced by the majority of the population (76% in 2008); Protestants (51.3%); Catholics(25%); Mormons (1.7%)(摩门教 徒) (the name commonly used to refer to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints); Other Christian denominations (1.7%) Christianity was introduced during the period of European colonization.
10.Religion inthe USA美国宗教

2.Protestantism(60% of Americans)P87
The Baptists, the largest Protestant group, adult baptism by immersion, symbolizing a mature and responsible conversion experience; • Some Baptists have liberal attitudes toward the blacks and believe in the equality of all human beings before God. • The majority practice with their racial prejudice. • Methodist, the second largest protestant sect based on the church of England. • More than 100 other protestant sects.
• For some purposes, government ignores religion and for other purposes it treats all religions alike
• When disputes arise, American courts must settle them.
Religion in the USA
Percentage Distribution of the U.S. population, 2001 Judaism Roman Catholic Orthodox Other Christian No Religious Preference Not Reported
【英美概况】【课堂笔记】美国宗教religion in United States

RELIGION in the UNITED STATESReligious Liberty∙“Among the rights which the new nation guaranteed, as apolitical necessity in a religiously diverse society, wasfreedom of religion” (p. 86)∙The Constitution forbade the government to give specialfavours to any religion, nor were they allowed to stop orinterfere with religion. The USA was determined it wouldhave no state-supported religion.∙When there is a disagreement between the government andany religion, the American courts must settle it. Protestants in the United States∙60% of Americans are Protestant believers. The Baptists are the largest Protestant group.* The largest concentration ofBaptists live in the Southern States of America and, although some Southern Baptists have liberal attitudes to blackAmericans, many believe and practice racial discrimination and prejudice towards them.∙Most black Americans are Baptists too, but they go todifferent churches than the white Americans. Church is amajor social and community centre for the black churchgoers. ∙There are over a 100 Protestant sects in America. Theyexpress variety on a theme, rather than major differences inbelief. In recent decades there has been an increase in thenumber of fundamentalist churches, which often use themedium of television to communicate with citizens. Thesefundamentalists are sometimes extreme in their views. Catholics∙The largest single religious group is the Roman Catholics.More than 25% of Americans identify themselves as Catholics.The increase in the number of Catholics is mainly due to laterimmigration waves of Irish, Polish and Italians. For instance, over a million Irish Catholics left Ireland, due to a famine there that saw many suffer starvation.∙There was significant prejudice against the Catholics by the Protestants. *∙In the 1950s, many Catholics began to question the idea of the separation of Church and State. The Catholic Church had developed many social institutions, including schools, to preserve their faith. The Church wanted the government to help fund the cost of these schools. The Supreme Court was asked to rule whether this would be unconstitutional. TheCourt ruled that it was unconstitutional, and that thegovernment could not help religious schools.Three Faiths∙By the 1950s, a kind of “three faiths” model of USA haddeveloped. All Americans were considered to come in one of three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish.∙The Jews were a small minority in the first years of theAmerican republic. Later, many Jews came to the USA and became successful. There are now many Jews in the various professions and in the academic world.Anti-Semitism appeared as the numbers of Jews grew. In response to prejudice and discrimination, Jews formed organisations to fight this. These organisations attempted to educate Americans about the injustice of prejudice.“People are complicated. They are the combinations of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, truth and falsehood, wisdom and stupidity.”He Manzi (1919- ), Chinese writer.Religious DiversityThe USA has seen the growth of many new religiousmovements. There were many experiments, both religious and otherwise, in alternative living. Sometimes communitiesdeveloped with people who wanted to …opt out‟ of mainstream society because they considered mainstream society, corrupt or lacking in moral virtue. One the most well-known is theAmish communities of Pennsylvania.∙Sometimes the beliefs and practices of these sects conflict with American law. Two instances are: the Jehovah‟s Witnesses who want to refuse to allow blood transfusions when they have medical treatment, and the Mormons who believe that a man can have more than one wife.∙The Supreme Court has been asked to make decisions about whether these practices can be allowed or not. In both cases the Supreme Court said no they are not allowable. Another decision that is very well-known was the 1973 decision whichmade abortion legal, even though many Catholics and Jewscampaigned strongly against it being legalised. There still exists a strong emotional reaction to the issue of abortion.*Other world religions have been increasing their numbers in America for example Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism due to immigration trends.American Character of ReligionThere are 3 unique aspects to American religion:∙All Americans of different religions live together under thesame law. There is no stat e interference with people‟sreligious beliefs. There is no state religion. The variousreligious groups have coexisted more harmoniously inAmerica than in the Old World.∙Religious beliefs of Americans have a strong social element to them. Half of all Protestants are active church-members, and even more Catholics attend church regularly. Many attendchurch not only for religious reasons but also to make friendsand to become a part of the community. In contrast, 80% ofEngland‟s Protestants go to church le ss than once a month and in Sweden most citizens do not go to church at all.∙Every church is a completely independent organisation. Apart from having responsibility for finance and the buildings, thepreacher preaches what he/she thinks is important rather than instilling doctrine (church teachings) into the churchgoers. Why do so many Americans attend church?∙In American history, religion has not been associated withoppression or domination by other powerful institutions.∙Generally speaking, Americans have experienced greaterreligious freedom than Europeans.∙Churchgoing in America is seen as an opportunity tobecome a part of the community and to develop friendships.Key Points∙The American government guarantees religious freedom.∙The American Protestants have a very diverse range ofchurches and sects even though they have the same basicbeliefs.∙The Catholic Church is the single largest church in the USA.When immigrants from predominately Catholic countries, like Poland, Italy and Ireland, brought their religion with them.∙There was prejudice and discrimination against the Catholics and the Jews.∙Many Americans go to church for social as well as religiousreasons.∙Attendance at church in the USA is relatively high compared with many European countries.RESULTS OF SURVEY (1995-1997)It polls a statistically valid sample of adults from a total of 60 nations. Some of their findings from their 1995-1997 survey: The United States has a higher level of church attendance than any other country which is "at a comparable level of development."53% of Americans consider religion to be very important in their lives. This compares with 16% in Britain, 14% in France and 13% in Germany.The importance of religion has been declining in developed countries.In those countries which are "experiencing economic stagnation and political uncertainty," the importance of religion is high.。

Relijion in The UnitedStates1.Protestant(新教)2.Catholic Church(天主教)3.Judaism(犹太教)4.Eastern OrthodoxChurch(东正教)5.Buddhusm(佛教) Religion in America is very diverseChristian:Protestant 51.3﹪Catholic 23.9﹪Other Christian 3.3﹪Jewish 1.7﹪Buddhist 0.7﹪Muslim 0.6﹪Hindu 0.4﹪Other 2.0﹪Unaffiliated 16.1﹪Christian Beliefs 一.The basic beliefs of the Christianlaitn,that Christians from all denominations can agree on,are that:1.Jesus is God’s son.2.Jesus came to earth as a baby,lived a perfect life,and died on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins.3.Jesus will come back again as a King.He will take his followers to live with Him in heaven.Many people in America are "deists".They believe that there is a God,but they don't think He is involved in our lives to a great extent.They don't seek God or follow Biblical teachings.Many others in America are "practicing Christians".They seek to follow God's will in their lives and often meet together with other Christians at Church meetings,42﹪American “go to church”at least once a week. American Character ofReligion1.American with different religions live together under the same law.The Bill of Right of US proved whereis no state religion and that Church and state must be separated.2.The religions beliefs of American continue to be with social progress.The majority of American pour into the Church every Sunday morning.3.Every Church in US is completely independent organization and concerned with it own finance and it’s own building.There has been little concentration on doctrine or religious argument.。
美国宗教介绍Religion in the United States

Religious Diversity:Other Kinds Of Religion
Thank you!
Religion In The United States
Religion In The United States
Religious Liberty Religious Diversity
Religious Liberty
The Declaration of Independence – “endowed by their creator” and “laws of nature and of nature's God”
Many religious communities (宗教团体) and secular utopias (世俗的乌托邦组织), experiments in new forms of social living (试 验新的生活方式的团体),were founded in 18th and 19th century America. Many small sects(教派)and cults(信徒) appear in American society all the time.
Religious Diversity:Three Main Faiths
By the 1950s, the above three faiths model of American religion had developed.
Religious Diversity:Other Kinds Of Religion
More than 60% of Americans are said to be Protestant believers
the Religion of Native Americans 美国土著的宗教信仰

The "Peyote Road" calls for Native American brotherly love (often taking the form of Native American nationalism), family care, self-support through work, avoidance of alcohol, and avoidance of recreational(娱乐 的,消遣的) drug use.
• Major Native American religions : – – – – – – – – – – Longhouse Religion(长屋教 ) Waashat Religion Indian Shaker Religion(印第安瓶教 ) Drum Religion(鼓教 ) Earth Lodge Religion(地球提出教 ) Ghost Dance Religion(鬼舞教 ) Bole-Maru Religion(伯乐丸教 ) Dream Dance Religion(梦想舞教 ) Feather Religion(羽毛教 ) Peyote Religion(仙人掌教)
Longhouse Religion(长屋教 )
• The Longhouse Religion, founded in 1799 by Seneca Handsome Lake, revitalized(复兴) Native American religion among the Iroquois(易洛魁人). The Longhouse Religion is still practiced by the Iroquois today.
the America religious culture(美国宗教文化)

American Religious Culture美国是一个宗教色彩浓厚的发达国家,其宗教多元化与移民问题有密切关系,宗教信仰已成为美国文化和历史不可分割的组成部分,这种多元宗教文化的传统对美国的社会生活产生了深刻影响。
USA is a developed country with rich religious colors and its multi-religious features are closely connected with itsimmigrants. Religious beliefs are an inseparable part of American culture and history. This deep-rooted multi-religious culture has exerted great influenceon American lives.一、美国的宗教文化背America's religious and cultural background美国向以“民族熔炉”和“宗教联合国”著称。
America is famous as an "Ethnic melting pot" and "religious United Nations".美国人大部分是17和18世纪欧洲移民的后裔,另外,还从拉丁美洲、亚洲、澳洲、非洲甚至加拿大涌入了大量移民。
Americans are mostly descendants of European immigrants of17 and 18th Century. In addition to there are also a large number ofimmigrants from Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa and Canada. Thesteady influx of immigrants brought their own culture and traditions to America. They make the American society rich and colorful and even impact far-reaching influence on the formation of America’s multicultural.多元文化的沃土滋养出了多元宗教文化。

3. Separation of church and state A. There is no established state religion. B. Religion has much influence over people and education, but the government has nothing to do with this. C. The religious instructions in school lay stress on morals and ethics.
• 4. the religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress • 5. every church is a completely independent organization and concerned with its own finance and building
2. The emphasis on social problems and humanitarian ideals rather than on the Calvinist concern with individual sin to improve the present world by doing one’s duty toward one’s fellow man and less toward winning salvation in the next world through repentance
The Characteristics of American Religious Practice
1. The wide variety of denominations and the attitude of permissiveness(纵容,放任) and tolerance (容忍)that exists among them. Reasons: A. Different colonies and immigrants in history. B. The American environment stimulated the religious independence. C. The different denominations are integrated in the pattern of American life.
Unit4 Religion in the U.S.A(美国宗教)

Muslim Hindu Other Christant
The Christians Church
The Catholic ’s Church
J e T s h u e s
The Catholic’s Church The Hinduism
• The lack of any established national religion in America appealed strongly to European Protestants,whether or not they were being persecuted. Thinking…The attitude---“live and let live”
Before us read
• Do you have belief? Let’s talk about your belief… • Then if you have thought about what might be the reasons that make people go for certain religious beliefs?
Part three
The protestant Heritage:Self-Improvss, Hard work and Self-Discipline
“God helps those who helps themselves.”
• The need for self-improvement,once established,reaches far beyond selfimprovement in this purely moral or religious sense. It can be seen in countless books,which explain how people can be happier and more successful in life by improving everything from their vocabulary to their tennis game,or even their whole personality.
美国宗教 英文

The Protestant
• • • • • the Baptist Church the Methodist Church the Presbyterian Church the Quakers(or the Society of Fridends) the Salvation Army
The Ptian Science was found by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) in 1866 in the USA. She claimed that health depended only on right mental attitudes. Illness was an illusion of non-existent matter and the mistake of mentality. Christian Science is quite popular among the wealthy class.
Three chief features of religion
• the variety of beliefs • the emphasis on social problems • the separation of church and states.
The feature of American religions
一 The Baptist Church The Baptist Church is the largest Protestant group, whose twenty-five million members are divided among more than twenty branch and concentrate particularly in the southern states. Some white southern Baptists, including ministers, have liberal attitudes in relation to , people s clour and they have a belief that all human being are equal before God whatever their colour may be. Most of the black population, who have to stand up various kinds of difficult circumstances, are certainly Baptists.

• Jesus is God’s Son. • Jesus came to Earth as a baby, lived a
一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
• 圣母恸子
一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
Taoism is a native Chinese religion with large population of followers throughout the entire
一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
一是作为领导干部一定要树立正确的 权力观 和科学 的发展 观,权 力必须 为职工 群众谋 利益, 绝不能 为个人 或少数 人谋取 私利
• 道教创立于中国。自唐代起逐步传入朝鲜、 日本、越南和东南亚一带,后又传入欧洲、 北美、澳大利亚等国家。除华裔教徒外,本 土居民也有信奉道教者。
history. Its rich content has produced far-reaching effects in

Religion in AmericaIn a Christian ['kristjən; -tʃən] world, many countries in the West have experienced declines in religious observance[əb'zə:vəns]and increases in secularization in the twentieth century. The United States, however, seems to be an exception. the U. S. still remains the most religious country in the Western countries. In comparison with European countries, America not only has a greater number of religious believers, but also enjoys a much higher church survey, The Economist reported that about 95 percent of Americans believed in God; four out of five believed in miracles ['mirəkl], life after death and the Virgin Mary birth; 6.5 percent believed in the devil['devəl]; 75 percent believed in angels; and nine out of ten owned a bible. Similarly, surveys by the Gallup Organization in the early 1990s indicated that among Americans under 30 years old, about 36 percent attended church on regular basis, while close to 47 percent of the people at or over 50 went to church once in a week.Is America a religious culture, shaped by men who sought freedom of worship, with God constantly present in their minds even when the Church has become formalized? Or is it a secular culture with religion playing only a marginal role in men’s daily lives since the Untied States long time ago separated Church and State? To answer these two questions is no less than looking into the dynamics [dai'næmiks] of American culture and the complexity [kəm'pleksiti]of American society. The fact of the matter is that each of these questions can be answered affirmatively[ə'fə:mə'tivli]. America is as secular as a culture can be wherereligion has played an important role in its origins and early growth, and has been interwoven [,intə'wəuvən]with the founding and meaning of the society. America is also as religious as a culture can be whose life goals are worldly and whose daily strivings revolve not around God but around Man. SecularizationWhile it is true that the United States in the most religious nation in the world, it is also true that much of religion in American has become a matter of private ethical convictions. Indeed, it is variously noted that American are active in secular affairs, that religious observations have been losing their supernatural or otherworldly character, that religion in America tends to be religion at a very low temperature, and that younger generations, as a rule, have less and less training in, or attachment to, religious doctrine. But on the other hand, militant anticlericalism, as noted previously, is lacking in the United States, and church membership, on the whole, is quite large. Furthermore, religion in modern America is given continued public and political approval, and even the nonrecent domestic debates over such issues as family values, abortion, juvenile delinquency, divorce, and same-sex marriage have in many ways provided fertile soil for the revitalization of religious force in the United States. The enormous influence the Religious Right has enjoyed over the past three decades if a case in point.。

• 美国教会天主教卡温顿 教区大主教罗杰.弗伊斯
- many Jewish people came to the US from Ger many and more after from Europe - anti-Semitism - many ethnically Jewish but not religious
• Religion in America is very diverse
• Christian
• Protestant • Catholic • Other Christian 51.3 % 23.9 % 3.3 % 1.7 % 0.7 % 0.6 % 0.4 % 2.0 % 16.1 %Βιβλιοθήκη 基督教(Christian)
• 圣母恸子
Christian (protestant)
• United States before independence, Christian (protestant) are the main factions is introduced into the United States, followed by rapid development become the most influential religion. In the United States in the religion, Christianity (protestant) most christians, about 156 million, accounting for 57% of the U.S. population. Mainly has baptists, Wesley Pope, lutheranism, Calvin Pope, Anglican, holy church, etc., in addition to dozens of smaller denominations organization and cross church international organization. Each sect founded have more than 400 colleges and universities. Christianity has already deeply all the fields of society.
american religious美国宗教

Protestant • The Washington National Cathedral, in Washington, D.C., is a cathedral of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
American Religious
Quick look
Quick look
Christianity • The largest religion in the US is Christianity, practiced by the majority of the population. • Christianity was introduced during the period of European colonization.
Catholic • The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., is the largest Catholic church in the United States.
Protestant: Baptist
• Martin Luther King : I have a dream
• When we are allowed freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: • Free at last! free at last! • Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
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宗教在美国的特点是广泛的宗教信仰和实践的多样 性和高水平的依从性。在整个美国的历史,历史相对 短暂的与其他国家相比,许多宗教信仰已经兴起,和 更多的逐渐灭绝。
Religious beliefs in the US
作为一个多元文化的移民国家,与人的数百种不同的 种族背景,美国现在已经成为世界上宗教最多元的国 家之一。更重要的是,人口普查数据显示,大多数美国 人承认宗教在他们的生活中扮演非常重要的角色,这 一比例是发达国家中非常罕见
Religious beliefs in the US
Catgious beliefs in the US
According to some recently released statistics, more than 25% of American adults have left the faith in which they were raised in favor of another religion—or no religion at all. Moreover, if you include changes made from one Protestant denomination to another, 44% of American adults have switched faiths. These trends seem to mirror what we saw from the early settlers, when Protestantism was consistently splintering and people regularly switched affiliations seeking a faith with which they felt the most comfortable. 据最近公布的数据,超过25%的美国成年人已经离开他们的信仰 提出赞成另一个宗教或任何宗教。此外,如果将更改从一个新教 教派,44%的美国成年人有了信仰。这些趋势似乎镜子我们看到 从早期的定居者,新教持续分裂时,人们经常交换关系寻求信仰 他们感到最舒适的。
Nearly 80% of Americans belong to a variety of denominations of Christianity
About 7% of American are Muslim Judaism develop in the Jew. Numbers of Asian American are Buddhists.
Are you ok?
Religious beliefs in the US
Religion in the United States is characterized by both a wide diversity in religious beliefs and practices and by a high level of adherence. Throughout the history of the United States, a history that is relatively brief as compared to other countries, many religious faiths have burgeoned, and many more have gradually died off.
As a multicultural country of immigrants, with people of hundreds of different ethnic backgrounds, the United States has now become one of the most religiously diverse nations on the globe. What’s more, according to census data, the majority of Americans admit that religion plays an extremely important role in their lives, a proportion that is very rare these days among developed nations.