



(浙江专版)三年级上册期中模拟测评卷二(时间:90分钟总分:100分)姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________一、单选题1.操场跑道一圈是400米,跑了2圈后还差()米是1千米。

















温州中通国际学校初中部招生条件1 概况温州中通国际学校初中部是温州著名的国际化学校,为初具身份的亚洲学生提供中西合璧的学习环境,专业教师授课,汲取中西文化精髓,将国际高标准教育方式传递给学生。


2 入学条件(1)对学生年龄有严格要求,6周岁至14周岁均可报名入学。


3 报名程序(1)准备报名资料:学生身份证复印件、原封学习成绩单等。




4 入学报酬温州中通国际学校初中部给学生提供优质的教学环境,学生接受专业优秀教师的授课,收获语言、文化的双重收获,更可在特色校园活动中认识更多的小伙伴,探索真正的国际精神文化。


5 办公室及报名温州中通国际学校初中部的报名登记办公室地址为:温州市乐清市温州六和高级中学二校区,联系电话:139****8464。




温州2024年05版小学3年级上册英语第二单元期末试卷(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、What do we call the study of the relationships between humans and their environment?a. Environmental scienceb. Sociologyc. Geographyd. Anthropology答案:a2、填空题:My mom is a great _______ (厨师).3、What is the capital of Brazil?A. Rio de JaneiroB. São PauloC. BrasíliaD. Salvador答案:C4、填空题:I like to __________ (动词) my __________ (玩具名) before going to sleep.5、How many colors are there in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:C6、填空题:My brother, ______ (我弟弟), is very talented at music.7、填空题:A _____ (盆栽) can be kept indoors or outdoors.8、填空题:The hedgehog curls up into a ______ (球) when scared.9、选择题:What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on electricity?A. Thomas EdisonB. Nikola TeslaC. Albert EinsteinD. Michael Faraday10、填空题:The firefly lights up the _______ (夜空).11、填空题:The antelope is known for its graceful ______ (动作).12、听力题:The flowers are ______ (blooming) beautifully in spring.13、填空题:He is a soldier, ______ (他是一名士兵), who protects our country.14、填空题:My _______ (猫) loves to chase after strings.15、填空题:The _____ (palm) can grow in sandy soil.16、What do we call the act of embracing diversity?A. InclusionB. AcceptanceC. ToleranceD. All of the Above答案:D17、听力题:My sister is a ______. She enjoys helping at the shelter.18、听力题:The ______ helps with the movement of legs.19、What do we call the process of converting a solid to a liquid?A. FreezingB. MeltingC. BoilingD. Evaporating答案: B20、Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. VenusC. MarsD. Jupiter答案: C. Mars21、听力题:The picnic is ___. (fun)22、Which of these is a renewable resource?A. CoalB. OilC. Solar EnergyD. Natural Gas答案:C23、听力题:The cookies are ___. (fresh)24、听力题:A constellation is a group of stars that form a ______.25、填空题:The _____ (海豚) is very intelligent and friendly.26、听力题:The chemical formula for lithium iodide is _____.27、听力题:The ______ has a striking appearance.28、What do we call a person who sells goods?A. VendorB. CustomerC. BuyerD. Seller答案: A29、听力题:The ability to conduct electricity varies among ______.30、听力题:The stars are ______ (bright) at night.31、How many legs does an insect have?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 1032、How many teeth does an adult human usually have?A. 20B. 24C. 28D. 3233、填空题:The __________ (历史的传承) enriches culture.34、填空题:The flower has bright ______.35、听力题:They are _____ (playing) outside.36、What do you call a person who teaches children?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. EngineerD. Chef答案: B37、填空题:I like to ______ (参与) in community service.38、填空题:I enjoy drawing landscapes and ______ (人物). Art allows me to express my imagination.39、填空题:The _____ (花) blooms beautifully in spring.40、填空题:The _____ (小鸟) nests in the tree near my house. 小鸟在我家附近的树上筑巢。



浙江省温州市2024小学三年级上册数学第三单元《测量》人教版综合诊断测试卷学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:60分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、填空题(共10题,共40分) (共10题)第(1)题在横线上填上合适的单位。

①牙刷长15________ ②大象重约是2________③字典厚6________ ④小明大约每天睡9________第(2)题在括号里填上“>”“<”或“=”。

5吨( )5200千克 60千米( )9千米 3200分米( )2300米 2300克( )3千克60毫米( )6厘米 5分米( )5米 4千米( )4000米 70毫米( )70分米第(3)题120秒=________分 1小时=________分 3千米-1千米=________米9000kg =________吨 8千米=________米 1时40分=________分1600千克-600千克=________吨 1吨-3000克=________克100秒=________分________秒 8千米=________米1米=________分米=________厘米=________毫米第(4)题5t= kg 8000g= kg kg=9t2400千克= 吨 千克 5300克=5千克 克.第(5)题在括号里填上“>”“<”或“=”。

30秒( )3分 150秒( )1分50秒 5千米( )5001米80厘米( )8分米 6吨( )600千克 59毫米( )6厘米第(6)题在括号里填合适的数。

1分=( )秒 3分=( )秒1分40秒=( )秒 2厘米=( )毫米80厘米=( )分米 7分米=( )厘米5米=( )分米 1吨=( )千克=( )克3000千克=( )吨 1600千克—600千克=( )吨第(7)题在括号里填上合适的单位。



温州2024年11版小学三年级上册英语第二单元期中试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:The ________ (生态链) includes plants.2、听力题:I like to ________ stories.3、填空题:My favorite _____ is a bright red car.4、填空题:The ________ is a beautiful flower in my garden.5、What is the capital of Nigeria?A. LagosB. AbujaC. KanoD. Port Harcourt答案: B6、听力题:The chameleon changes its _____.7、What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. TomatoB. AvocadoC. BananaD. Pepper答案: B8、填空题:I take care of my . (我照顾我的。

)9、What do we call the act of maintaining the environment?A. ConservationB. PreservationC. SustainabilityD. All of the above答案: D10、填空题:My mom, ______ (我妈妈), enjoys gardening and caring for plants.11、听力题:The process of photosynthesis takes place in the _______ of plant cells.12、What is the name of the largest land mammal?A. WhaleB. ElephantC. GiraffeD. Rhino答案:B13、听力题:I need to ______ my shoes. (tie)14、听力题:She has a beautiful __________.15、听力题:I have _____ (one/two) pet cats.16、What is the name of the famous dog in the movie "The Wizard of Oz"?A. TotoB. SpikeC. RexD. Max答案: A17、填空题:My brother wants a pet ______ (小狗) to play with.18、Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn答案: B. MarsThe ________ (探险家) discovered a new island.20、What do we call the natural satellite that orbits the Earth?A. StarB. PlanetC. MoonD. Comet答案:C21、听力题:My grandma makes the best ____ (cookies) in the world.22、填空题:A _____ is an area of land that is primarily covered with sand.23、听力题:A chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of light is called a ______ reaction.24、听力题:We are going to the ___ today. (park)25、听力题:The Earth's surface is made up of various ______ ecosystems.26、听力题:Metals are generally shiny and _____.27、What do you call the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?A. MonthB. YearC. WeekD. Day答案:B28、Which of these animals is a reptile?A. FrogB. LizardC. RabbitD. Dolphin答案: B29、听力题:The capital city of Suriname is __________.The first human in space was ________ (尤里·加加林).31、填空题:My toy ________ can sing.32、听力题:My mom loves to teach ____ (art) classes.33、听力题:The chemical formula for samarium(II) oxide is _____.34、填空题:We can _____ (plant) trees to help the environment.35、填空题:I drew a _______ in art class.36、填空题:My mom enjoys gardening ____.37、What color are strawberries?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Yellow答案:B38、What is 4^2 (4 squared)?A. 8B. 12C. 16D. 20答案:C39、听力题:A __________ is a place where many people relax.40、听力题:An atom's nucleus contains protons and ______.41、填空题:Many plants play an important role in preserving ______ habitats. (许多植物在保护生态栖息地中发挥着重要作用。



2024学年第一学期三年级期中检测数学试题(本卷共4页,考试时间70分钟,满分100分)一、我会填(第2题5分,其他每空1分,共21分)1. 3分=( )秒 2时40分=( )分1米-7厘米=( )厘米 34毫米-2厘米=( ) 毫米300米+1700米=( ) 千米 2吨+60千克=( ) 千克2. 在括号里填上合适的单位。

(1) 东东是某小学三年级的学生,他的数学课本约厚7( ),他的体重约26( ),这天他在学校吃午餐所用的时间是20( )。

(2) 1( )=68( )-32( ) 1100( )+900( )=2( )3. 某校三年级有学生302人,比二年级少99人,二年级有学生( )人。

4. 小马虎在计算一道减法算式时,不小心把减数560看成了 650,被减数没有错,算出来的结果是170。

正确的差应是( )。

6. 写出整十数乘一位数且积是240 的两个乘法算式。

( ) ( )7.根据下面竖式,可以知道 ◯+☆=();△+◇=()。



( ), ( )。

二、我会选(每小题2分,共18分)9.100米赛跑, 欢欢用了17秒, 乐乐用了19秒, ( )跑得快。

A. 欢欢B. 乐乐C. 一样快D. 不确定10.□00>390+289, □最小能填( ) 。

A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8( )厘米( )毫米5.量一量。

11. 温州到杭州的高铁线路长276( ) 。

A. 厘米B. 分米C. 米D. 千米12.要使□60-586的差是三位数,□最小填( )。

A. 8B. 7C. 6D. 5A. 9B. 6C. 3D. 014.读书节到了,学校新购一批图书,其中新购科技类书的编号是560号980号,新购的科技书有多少本? 下列算式正确的是 ( )。

A.980+560B. 980-560C. 980-560-1D. 980-560+1A. 900B. 1000C. 1100D. 120016.下列说法中,不合理的是( )。






















A、13厘米B、17厘米C、20厘米D、24厘米3、小华有25个红球,小明比小华少7个红球,那么小明有多少个红球?A. 18个B. 20个C. 23个D. 25个4、小明的书架上原来有12本书,他借给朋友3本书后,书架上还剩多少本书?A. 10本B. 9本C. 11本D. 12本5、小明的书架上原来有24本书,借给同学8本后,还剩下多少本书?A. 16本B. 12本C. 32本D. 4本6、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是多少厘米?A. 13厘米B. 23厘米C. 33厘米D. 43厘米二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、小明有24个苹果,他想把这些苹果平均分给他的6位朋友。

每位朋友可以得到__ 个苹果。


这个长方形的周长是 __ 厘米。

3、小明有12本书,小华比小明多5本,那么小华一共有 ______ 本书。

4、一个长方形花坛的长是8米,宽是3米,这个花坛的周长是 ______ 米。

5、一个三位数,百位上的数字比十位上的数字大2,十位上的数字比个位上的数字大1,这个三位数最大是 ______ 。


小华原来有多少个苹果?三、计算题(本大题有5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、计算题:计算下列各题:(1)325 + 147(2)678 - 234(3)456 × 3(4)238 ÷ 22、计算题:计算下列各题:(1)842 + 513(2)765 - 298(3)432 × 4(4)987 ÷ 33、(1)528÷8=______(2)726÷6=______(3)432÷9=______(4)639÷7=______4、(1)678÷2=______(2)954÷3=______(3)821÷5=______(4)695÷4=______5、小明有48个红色气球,比小华的气球少16个。



2015-2016学年浙江省温州市中通国际学校小学部三年级(上)期中数学试卷一、填空(每空1分,共26分)1、(3.00分)计量很短的时间通常用作单位,计量比较长的路程通常用作单位,计量较重的物体通常用作单位、2、(6.00分)40厘米=分米米=9千米180秒=分240分=小时2吨+100千克=千克9米﹣5米=分米、3、(6.00分)在横线中填上合适的单位名称、一艘轮船载重量是800脉搏跳10次用了8直尺的厚度约2课桌高7鲸鱼的体重约35,每小时游30、4、(1.00分)小明从家到校步行要15分钟,他要在7:25分到校,需从家出发、5、(2.00分)有个4的个数是的倍、6、(2.00分)4个5也可以说成是的倍、7、(1.00分)如图中,空白是阴影部分的倍、8、(1.00分)学校早上8:00到校开始诵读,下午3:40离校,一天在校的时间一共是、9、(4.00分)用1、0、7三个数字排成最大三位数是,最小的三位数是它们的差是,它们的和是、二、判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(每题1分,共5分)10、(1.00分)1000千克棉花与1吨石头同样重、(判断对错)11、(1.00分)看一场电影大约需要2分钟、(判断对错)12、(1.00分)一头大象重8千克、(判断对错)13、(1.00分)小明吃一顿饭大约需要20分钟、(判断对错)14、(1.00分)教室黑板长4千米、(判断对错)三、选择(把正确答案的序号填入括号)(每题1分,共5分)15、(1.00分)一条线段长5厘米,另一条线段是这条线段的3倍,另一条线段长是()厘米、A、3B、5C、1516、(1.00分)计量重型物品或大宗物件的重量,通常用()作单位、A、吨B、千克C、克17、(1.00分)时针从5走到7,走了(),秒针从5走到7走了()A、2小时、2秒B、2小时、10秒C、10小时、10秒18、(1.00分)7千米与8千米相差()A、1000米B、100米C、1米19、(1.00分)一头大象重6吨60千克,合()千克、A、6060B、6600C、6006四、操作题(6分)20、(3.00分)画一条比3厘米长2厘米的线段、21、(3.00分)画出一条比6厘米短7毫米的线段、五、计算、(共26分)22、(10.00分)直接写出得数、36+42=46﹣15=44+27=15÷3=9×7=48÷6=60+34=80﹣24=700+200=6×5=23、(16.00分)用竖式计算并验算、139+682=701﹣573=719﹣434=234+329=六、解决问题(共32分)24、(3.00分)三年级有203人,四年级有279人,三、四年级一共有多少人?25、(4.00分)10月1日上午华南摩有游客985人,中午有541人离去,下午又来了235人,这时华南摩里有多少游客?26、(10.00分)妈妈有7颗红珠子,24颗黄珠子,要使黄珠子是红珠子的4倍、(1)如果黄珠子数量不变,需要增加或减少多少颗红珠子?(2)如果红珠子不变,需要增加或减少多少颗黄珠子?27、(5.00分)星星小学一年级有男生378人,女生346人、已经检查身体的有398人,没检查身体的有多少人?28、(10.00分)这是今天某工厂运出的各种球类的个数:(1)今天运出去篮球和足球一共有多少?(2)一辆可以装载1500个球的人力车,一次可以运完吗?(3)请你再提出一个数学问题,并解答、七、拓展提高29、在下面竖式中的方格内填入合适的数字,使等式成立、2015-2016学年浙江省温州市中通国际学校小学部三年级(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、填空(每空1分,共26分)1、(3.00分)计量很短的时间通常用秒作单位,计量比较长的路程通常用千米作单位,计量较重的物体通常用吨作单位、【解答】解:计量很短的时间通常用秒作单位,计量比较长的路程通常用千米作单位,计量较重的物体通常用吨作单位;故答案为:秒,千米,吨、2、(6.00分)40厘米=4分米9000米=9千米180秒=3分240分=4小时2吨+100千克=2100千克9米﹣5米=40分米、【解答】解:(1)40厘米=4 分米;(2)9000米=9千米;(3)180秒=3分;(4)240分=4小时;(5)2吨+100千克=2100千克;(6)9米﹣5米=40分米、故答案为:4,9000,3,4,2100,40、3、(6.00分)在横线中填上合适的单位名称、一艘轮船载重量是800吨脉搏跳10次用了8秒直尺的厚度约2毫米课桌高7分米鲸鱼的体重约35吨,每小时游30千米、【解答】解:一艘轮船载重量是800 吨脉搏跳10次用了8 秒直尺的厚度约2 毫米课桌高7 分米鲸鱼的体重约35 吨,每小时游30 千米;故答案为:吨,秒,毫米,分米,吨,千米、4、(1.00分)小明从家到校步行要15分钟,他要在7:25分到校,需7时10分从家出发、【解答】解:7时25分﹣15分=7时10分、故答案为:7时10分、5、(2.00分)有3个4的个数是的3倍、【解答】解:有3个4,的个数是的3倍、故答案为:3,3、6、(2.00分)4个5也可以说成是5的4倍、【解答】解:4个5也可以说成是5的4倍、故答案为:5,4、7、(1.00分)如图中,空白是阴影部分的2倍、【解答】解:4÷2=2答:空白部分是阴影部分的2倍、故答案为:2、8、(1.00分)学校早上8:00到校开始诵读,下午3:40离校,一天在校的时间一共是7小时40分钟、【解答】解:上午8:00就是8时,下午3:40分是15时40分;15时40分﹣8时=7小时40分;答:一天在校的时间一共是7小时40分;故答案为:7小时40分钟、9、(4.00分)用1、0、7三个数字排成最大三位数是710,最小的三位数是107它们的差是603,它们的和是817、【解答】解:用1、0、7三个数字组成一个最大的三位数是710,组成的最小三位数是107,它们的差是:710﹣107=603它们的和是:710+107=817、故答案为:710、107、603、817、二、判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(每题1分,共5分)10、(1.00分)1000千克棉花与1吨石头同样重、√(判断对错)【解答】解:因为1吨=1000千克,所以,1000千克棉花与1吨石头同样重,即本题说法正确;故答案为:√、11、(1.00分)看一场电影大约需要2分钟、×(判断对错)【解答】解:看一场电影大约需要2小时;故答案为:×、12、(1.00分)一头大象重8千克、×(判断对错)【解答】解:由分析可知:一头大象重8吨,所以本题说法错误;故答案为:×、13、(1.00分)小明吃一顿饭大约需要20分钟、√(判断对错)【解答】解:小明吃一顿饭大约需要20分钟是正确的;故答案为:√、14、(1.00分)教室黑板长4千米、×(判断对错)【解答】解:教室黑板长4千米是错误的,应该是4米;故答案为:×、三、选择(把正确答案的序号填入括号)(每题1分,共5分)15、(1.00分)一条线段长5厘米,另一条线段是这条线段的3倍,另一条线段长是()厘米、A、3B、5C、15【解答】解:5×3=15(厘米);答:另一条线段长是15厘米、故选:C、16、(1.00分)计量重型物品或大宗物件的重量,通常用()作单位、A、吨B、千克C、克【解答】解:计量大宗物品,通常不会运用小的重量单位,克或千克,应用吨作单位、因此通常用吨作单位、故选:A、17、(1.00分)时针从5走到7,走了(),秒针从5走到7走了()A、2小时、2秒B、2小时、10秒C、10小时、10秒【解答】解:时针从5走到7,走了2小时,秒针从5走到7走了10秒;故选:B、18、(1.00分)7千米与8千米相差()A、1000米B、100米C、1米【解答】解:8千米﹣7千米=1千米1千米=1000米即7千米与8千米相差1000米、故选:A、19、(1.00分)一头大象重6吨60千克,合()千克、A、6060B、6600C、6006【解答】解:6吨60千克=6060千克、故选:A、四、操作题(6分)20、(3.00分)画一条比3厘米长2厘米的线段、【解答】解:3+2=5厘米,21、(3.00分)画出一条比6厘米短7毫米的线段、【解答】解:如下图所示,先画一个点A,用直尺的“0”刻度和这点重合,然后在直尺上找出5.3厘米的刻度,点上点B,然后过这两点画线段即可;五、计算、(共26分)22、(10.00分)直接写出得数、36+42=46﹣15=44+27=15÷3=9×7=48÷6=60+34=80﹣24=700+200=6×5=【解答】解:36+42=7846﹣15=3144+27=7115÷3=59×7=6348÷6=860+34=9480﹣24=56700+200=9006×5=3023、(16.00分)用竖式计算并验算、139+682=701﹣573=719﹣434=234+329=【解答】解:139+682=821;701﹣573=128;719﹣434=285;234+329=563;六、解决问题(共32分)24、(3.00分)三年级有203人,四年级有279人,三、四年级一共有多少人?【解答】解:203+279=482(人);答:三、四年级一共有482人、25、(4.00分)10月1日上午华南摩有游客985人,中午有541人离去,下午又来了235人,这时华南摩里有多少游客?【解答】解:985﹣541+235,=444+235,=679(人),答:这时华南摩里有游客679人、26、(10.00分)妈妈有7颗红珠子,24颗黄珠子,要使黄珠子是红珠子的4倍、(1)如果黄珠子数量不变,需要增加或减少多少颗红珠子?(2)如果红珠子不变,需要增加或减少多少颗黄珠子?【解答】解:(1)7﹣24÷4=7﹣6=1(颗),答:如果黄珠子数量不变,需要减少1颗红珠子;(2)7×4﹣24=28﹣24=4(颗),答:如果红珠子不变,需要增加4颗黄珠子、27、(5.00分)星星小学一年级有男生378人,女生346人、已经检查身体的有398人,没检查身体的有多少人?【解答】解:(378+346)﹣398=724﹣398,=326(人);答:没检查身体的有326人、28、(10.00分)这是今天某工厂运出的各种球类的个数:(1)今天运出去篮球和足球一共有多少?(2)一辆可以装载1500个球的人力车,一次可以运完吗?(3)请你再提出一个数学问题,并解答、【解答】解:(1)456+528=984(个);答:今天运出去篮球和足球一共有984个、(2)456+528+625=1609(个)1500<1609答:一辆可以装载1500个球的人力车,一次不可以运完、(3)运出的足球比排球少多少个?625﹣528=97(个);答:运出的足球比排球少97个、七、拓展提高29、在下面竖式中的方格内填入合适的数字,使等式成立、【解答】解:第11页(共11页)。



(浙江专版)浙教版三年级上册期中模拟测评卷一(时间:90分钟总分:100分)姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________一、单选题1.小亚的学校组织学生进行捐款,三年级共捐款398元,四年级共捐款412元,两个年级大约捐款()元。















温州2024年03版小学三年级上册英语第6单元期中试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)B卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 填空题:I love going to the ______ (图书馆) because it's a quiet place to read and study. There are so many ______ (书籍).2. 选择题:What do we call the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?A. AtmosphereB. HydrosphereC. LithosphereD. Biosphere答案: A3. 填空题:I have a new _______ to play with (我有一个新的_______可以玩).4. 选择题:What is the name of the famous festival celebrated in India?A. DiwaliB. ChristmasC. HanukkahD. Thanksgiving5. 填空题:I enjoy making ______ (贺卡) for my family and friends. It’s a personal touch that they appreciate.6. 填空题:My pet bird loves to take a ______ (洗澡).7. 选择题:What is the main source of energy for the Earth?A. WindB. WaterC. SunD. Coal答案: C8. 填空题:The _____ (植物群落) varies across different ecosystems.9. 选择题:What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on gravity?A. Isaac NewtonB. Albert EinsteinC. Galileo GalileiD. Johannes Kepler答案: A10. 选择题:What do we call the part of the brain that controls balance?A. CerebellumB. CerebrumC. BrainstemD. Hippocampus答案:A11. 听力题:The five senses can help us observe _____ properties.12. 填空题:The capital of the Central African Republic is ________ (中非共和国的首都是________).13. 选择题:What do you call a story that is not true?A. FactB. FictionC. HistoryD. Biography14. 填空题:My sister is a _____ (演员) who loves performing.15. 填空题:My brother enjoys __________ (运动) after school.16. 选择题:What is the primary language spoken in the United States?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. Chinese答案:C17. ts have a ______ (独特的) appearance. 填空题:Some pla18. 听力题:A __________ is a natural reserve.19. 填空题:The __________ (历史的文化认同) informs practices.20. 选择题:What is the name of the fictional bear created by A.A. Milne?A. PaddingtonB. Winnie-the-PoohC. YogiD. Baloo答案:B21. 填空题:The _____ (植物美学) can enhance our surroundings.22. 听力题:I want to _______ (learn) how to skate.23. 选择题:What is the name of the fairy tale character who has very long hair?A. RapunzelB. CinderellaC. Snow WhiteD. Sleeping Beauty24. 听力题:A _______ is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined.25. 填空题:My mom cooks _______ (美味的) food.26. 选择题:What do we use to protect our eyes from the sun?A. GlassesB. HatC. SunscreenD. Scarf27. 听力题:The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is _______.28. 听力题:A delta is formed at the mouth of a river where it meets the ______.29. 听力题:I want to ________ (advance) in my career.30. 填空题:We visit ______ (文化中心) to learn about traditions.31. 填空题:I enjoy building ______ (积木) towers with my little brother.32. 填空题:The _______ (青蛙) can jump really far.33. 选择题:What is the name of the phenomenon where light waves are stretched as an object moves away from us?A. Doppler EffectB. RedshiftC. BlueshiftD. Gravitational Lensing34. 听力题:A compound made of two different elements is called a _______ compound.35. 听力题:We see a ___ (tree/rock) in the garden.36. 选择题:What do we call the height of an object above sea level?A. DepthB. ElevationC. DistanceD. Altitude答案:B37. 填空题:My sister loves __________ (观察自然).38. 填空题:The koala sleeps for up to _______ (20小时) a day.39. stakeholder meeting) engages key players in discussions. 填空题:The ____40. 选择题:What do we call a scientist who studies genetics?A. GeneticistB. BiologistC. Genetic EngineerD. Microbiologist41. 听力题:The cake is ________ for my birthday.42. 填空题:My sister loves __________ (动物) and wants to be a vet.43. 听力题:A __________ is formed from the deposition of sediments in a lake.44. 选择题:What is the most widely spoken language in the world?a. Englishb. Mandarinc. Spanishd. Hindi答案:B45. 选择题:What is the capital city of Chile?A. SantiagoB. ValparaísoC. ConcepciónD. La Serena46. 听力题:The process of a gas becoming a solid is called __________.47. 选择题:What do we call the act of drawing a conclusion based on evidence?A. InferenceB. InductionC. DeductionD. Analysis答案:A48. 选择题:Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn答案:B49. 填空题:The _____ (根) helps to anchor the plant in the soil.50. 听力题:I want to ________ (improve) my skills.51. 填空题:The _____ (独角兽) is a magical creature from fairy tales. 独角兽是童话中的魔法生物。



2024年人教版英语小学三年级上学期期中复习试卷及答案指导一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、听力材料:A. What’s this?B. This is a cat.C. That’s a dog.Question: What is the animal in the picture?A. A cat.B. A dog.C. A bird.Answer: BExplanation: The speaker asks “What’s this?” and then provides the answer “This is a cat.” The correct response to the question about the animal in the picture is “A dog,” which is not directly stated but can be inferred from the context. The correct answer is B.2、听力材料:A. I have a red ball.B. She has a blue ball.C. They have a yellow ball.Question: Whose ball is red?A. Mine.B. Her.C. Their.Answer: AExplanation: The speaker describes having a red ball, which corresponds to the question asking about whose ball is red. The correct answer is “Mine,” which is a way of saying “My red ball.” Therefore, the correct answer is A.3、Listen to the following conversation and answer the question.A: What is your favorite animal?B: It’s a (1) _______.Answer: pandaExplanation: The conversation is about a favorite animal. The word “panda” is the correct answer as it is mentioned in the dialogue.4、Listen to the following instructions and complete the sentence.A: Stand up, please.B: (2) _______.Answer: I stand up.Explanation: The instruction tells the listener to stand up. The correct response is “I stand up,” indicating the action has been performed.5.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What is the weather like today?B. How are you feeling today?C. What are you doing now?Answer: BExplanation: In this dialogue, one person is asking the other how they are feeling today, which indicates that they are checking on the other person’s well-being. Therefore, the correct answer is “B. How are you feeling today?”6.Listen to the following instructions and complete the sentence.I have to go to school, so I need to __________.A. brush my teethB. eat breakfastC. put on my backpackAnswer: CExplanation: The instruction suggests that the speaker is preparing to go to school, which involves packing necessary items. Among the options provided, “C. put on my backpack” is the most relevant action to complete the sentence as it is commonly associated with getting ready for school.7.Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.A. What color is the sky?B. What is the weather like?C. Where are they going?Answer: BExplanation: In this dialogue, one person asks, “What’s the weather like?” which indicates that the topic of the conversation is about the weather. Therefore, the correct answer is B.8.Listen to the story and answer the question.Question: What does the little bird learn from the big bird?A. How to sing beautifully.B. How to build a nest.C. How to fly.Answer: AExplanation: In the story, the big bird teaches the little bird how to sing beautifully. The little bird learns from the big bird, which is why the correct answer is A.9、What is the animal that Tim likes the most?A. A cat.B. A dog.C. A bird.Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the animal that Tim likes the most. According to the listening, Tim says, “I like dogs the best.” Therefore, the correct answer is B, a dog.10、How many apples does the girl have in her backpack?A. 5 apples.B. 10 apples.C. 15 apples.Answer: BExplanation: The question inquires about the number of apples the girl has in her backpack. From the listening, the girl says, “I have ten apples in my backpack.” Thus, the correct answer is B, 10 apples.11.Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer.A. What color is the girl’s dress?B. How old is the boy?C. What’s the name of the cat?Answer: CExplanation: The dialogue mentions a cat and its name, making option C the correct answer.12.Listen to the following question and choose the correct answer.Question: Who is playing the guitar?A. The teacherB. The girlC. The boyAnswer: BExplanation: The dialogue contains a reference to a girl playing the guitar, making option B the correct answer.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.A. likeB. loveC. likesD. lovingThe cat_______the ball.A. likeB. loveC. likesD. lovingAnswer: C. likesExplanation: The sentence talks about a cat, which is a singular subject. Therefore, the correct form of the verb to use with a singular subject is “likes.”2、Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.The sun_______up in the morning.A. risesB. roseC. risingD. to riseAnswer: A. risesExplanation: The sentence is in the present tense and needs a verb that indicates a general truth or regular event. “Rises” is the correct present tense form of the verb “rise.”3、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.Tom is very __________. He always helps others.A. kindB. funnyC. cleverD. tallAnswer: A. kindExplanation: The sentence is describing Tom’s character. The word “kind” means friendly and helpful, which fits well with the context. The other options, “funny,” “clever,” and “tall,” describe physical or personality traits but do not fit the context as well as “kind.”4、Choose the correct question word to complete the sentence.__________ do you like to play at home?A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. WhenAnswer: A. HowExplanation: The sentence is asking about the way the speaker likes to playat home. The word “how” is used to ask about methods, ways, or procedures. The other options, “what,” “where,” and “when,” are used to ask about objects, places, and times, respectively, but do not fit the context of the question.5.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.A. playB. watchC. readThe children are in the park, they are________the flowers.A. playB. watchC. readAnswer: BExplanation: The sentence talks about the children being in the park, which suggests they are looking at or observing the flowers. “Watch” is the correct choice as it implies watching something. “Play” and “read” are not suitable in this context.6.Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.My mother is a teacher, she teaches us ________.A. EnglishB. mathC. historyAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence is talking about what the mother teaches, which is a subject. “English” is a subject taught in school, making it the correct choice. “Math” and “history” are also subjects but the sentence does notprovide enough information to determine which one is being taught.7、A. How old are you?B. How many apples do you have?C. What’s your name?D. Where are you from?Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the number of apples, which corresponds to option B (“How many apples do you have?”).8、A. I like to play football.B. She has a blue car.C. They are eating ice cream.D. We are going to the zoo.Answer: AExplanation: The sentence st ructure “I like to play football” is a statement about a preference, which fits the context of the question. The other options are statements about possessions, activities, or places but do not fit the structure of the question as well.9.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.The cat likes to sleep on the __________.A. matB. boxC. bookAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence is about the cat’s preference for a place to sleep. Among the options, “mat” (matting) is the most appropriate as it is com monly used for sleeping purposes, whereas “box” and “book” are not typically used for sleeping.10.Select the correct question word to complete the sentence.__________ do you like to play outside?A. WhatB. HowC. WhyAnswer: AExplanation: The sentence is asking for information about the reason or purpose for playing outside. The appropriate question word to use in this context is “what,” as it is used to ask about the subject of a question. “How” and “why” are also question words but are used in different contexts; “how” is used to ask about the manner or degree, and “why” is used to ask for the reason.11.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.A. haveB. hasC. hadThe teacher____________a story to us yesterday.A. haveB. hasC. hadAnswer: B. hasExplanation: The correct answer is “has” because the sentence talks about an action that happened in the past, but the focus is on the present reality. “The teacher has a story to us yesterday” means that the teacher has told the story to the students in the past, and this action is still relevant today.plete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.We____________(go) to the zoo last weekend.A. wentB. goesC. goingAnswer: A. wentExplanation: The correct answer is “went” because the sentence is talking about an action that happened in the past. The verb “go” changes to “went” in the past simple tense. “We went to the zoo last weekend” indicates that the action of going to the zoo occurred in the past.三、完型填空(10分)Section 3:Cloze TestRead the passage and choose the best word for each blank from the options given below.When I was a little boy, my family lived in a small village. Every morning, my father would take me to the riverbank to see the fish. (1) 1 the river was very clean, we could see the fish swimming in the water. My mother would also come with us sometimes and she would teach me how to (2) 2 the fish with a net.One day, while we were at the river, I saw a big fish that was different from the others. It was very (3) 3, with bright colors. I wanted to catch it so badly, but my father said, “That fish is not for us. It’s (4) 4 for the river.” I was sad, but I understood.Since then, I have always remembered my father’s words. I know that some things are not meant to be caught, but to be (5) 5 and enjoyed.1.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. SinceD. If2.A. catchB. feedC. swimD. play3.A. bigB. smallC. oldD. bright4.A. goodB. badC. specialD. rare5.A. ownedB. caughtC. rememberedD. protectedAnswer Key:1.B. Because2.A. catch3.D. bright4.C. special5.D. protected四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionPassage: My Family’s WeekendHello, my name is Lily. I’m eight years old. Last weekend, my family and I had a lot of fun. On Saturday, we went to the park. It was sunny and warm. We flew kites and played games. In the afternoon, we visited my grandparents. They live near the park. We had a big dinner together.On Sunday, we stayed at home. My brother, Tim, and I helped our mom in the kitchen. We made sandwiches for lunch. After that, we watched cartoons on TV. Then, Dad took us to the library. We borrowed some storybooks. I like stories about animals. In the evening, we all sat in the living room and read books. It was a nice and relaxing weekend.Questions:1.Where did Lily’s family go on Saturday?A. To the zooB. To the beachC. To the parkD. To the library2.What did Lily and her brother do after making sandwiches on Sunday?A. They played in the garden.B. They went to the cinema.C. They watched cartoons on TV.D. They went swimming.3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Lily is nine years old.B. Lily’s grandparents live far from the park.C. Lily’s family didn’t visit her grandparents last weekend.D. Lily likes stories about animals.Answers:1.C. To the park2.C. They watched cartoons on TV.3.D. Lily likes stories about animals.Feel free to adjust the text or questions as needed for your specific requirements.五、写作题(16分)WritingTask: Write a short story about a day you had a great time with your friends. You should include the following details:•The date of the event•Where you went•What you did•How you felt during the dayExample:Title: A Fun Day at the ParkStory:On a sunny Saturday, my friends and I decided to spend the day at the park. We arrived at the park at 10 a.m. The park was full of colorful flowers and tall trees. We first went to the playground, where we played on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. We laughed and cheered as we raced each other and tried to reach the highest point on the merry-go-round.After that, we went to the picnic area. We spread our blankets on the grassand enjoyed a delicious lunch of sandwiches, fruits, and snacks. We talked, laughed, and shared stories as we ate. It was so much fun!In the afternoon, we decided to go for a bike ride around the park. The path was scenic, with beautiful flowers and small lakes. We rode together, holding hands and singing our favorite songs. We felt so happy and free as we rode along the path.By the time we left the park, it was sunset. We were tired but happy. We promised to meet again soon and have another fun day together.Analysis:The example story follows the given structure and includes all the required details. It starts with a clear introduction of the day and the event, followed by a description of the park and the activities they did. The story also includes the emotions and feelings of the narrator, making it more engaging and relatable. The language used is simple and easy for a third-grade student to understand, with a mix of simple and compound sentences.。





(1)A.ear B.eye(2)A.father B.mother(3)A.smile B.small(4)A.kite B.like(5)A.this B.that(6)A.pet B.cute2.(10分)听录音,选择一个正确的图片。



(1)A.Good morning,Sarah. B.My name is Mike.(2)A.I have a pet. B.Yes,I do.(3)A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,it's my brother,John.(4)A.It's a red panda. B.What's that?5.(10分)听短文,选择正确的选项(写序号)。

A.toysB.rabbitC.cuteD.smallE.friendHello.My name is Mary.I'm a good(1)_____.I say "Hi!"and"Goodbye!".I listen with care.I share my(2)_____.I help my friends.I play fair too.I have a pet.Look!It's a (3)_____.Two red eyes and a (4)_____ mouth.It's (5)_____.I like my rabbit.二、请根据图片提示,把该单词缺失的字母补充完整。


The d g likes the pples.7.(2分)请根据图片提示,把该单词缺失的字母补充完整。





请问这个长方形的宽是多少厘米?选项:A、9厘米B、10厘米C、12厘米D、15厘米3、一个正方形花坛的每边长为5米,小明绕着这个花坛走了两圈,请问他一共走了多少米?A. 10米B. 20米C. 30米D. 40米4、如果一本书原价是20元,现在打8折出售,请问现在的售价是多少元?A. 14元B. 16元C. 18元D. 20元3、一个正方形花坛的每边长为5米,小明绕着这个花坛走了两圈,请问他一共走了多少米?4、如果一本书原价是20元,现在打8折出售,请问现在的售价是多少元?5、小明有5个苹果,妈妈又给他买了8个苹果,小明现在有多少个苹果?A. 3个B. 6个C. 10个D. 13个6、小华有20元,她用5元买了一个笔记本,还剩多少钱?A. 15元B. 20元C. 25元D. 30元二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)1、1米等于______ 分米。

2、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。

3、一个长方形的长是12厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的周长是 ______ 厘米。


那么,每个好朋友将得到______ 个糖果。

5、小明的年龄是小丽年龄的3倍,如果小丽的年龄是12岁,那么小明的年龄是______ 岁。

6、一个长方形的长是8厘米,宽是5厘米,这个长方形的面积是 ______ 平方厘米。

三、计算题(本大题有5小题,每小题4分,共20分)1、(56 + 23)×4 - 32 =?2、8 × 7 - 5 × 4 + 3 × 5 =?3、计算题:(1)325 + 478 =4、计算题:(1)642 ÷ 2 =5、(1)计算下列算式:8 + 6 =(2)完成下列乘法:3 ×4 =(3)进行除法计算:24 ÷ 4 =四、操作题(本大题有2小题,每小题7分,共14分)第一题小明有一些红色和蓝色的小方块,他想要按照以下规则拼出一个正方形:1.每行有5个小方块;2.每列也有5个小方块;3.每个红色小方块旁边至少有2个蓝色小方块。




(27分,每空1分)1.(4分)秒针走1小格是 秒,走1大格是 秒,走1圈是 秒,也就是 分钟.2.(5分)1时= 分180秒= 分2分= 秒300分= 时1分30秒= 秒3.(3分)在括号里填上合适的时间单位。


100分 100秒30分 5时1分25秒 75秒5时 280分200秒 4分1时20分 80分5.(5分)把下列时间按从短到长的顺序排一排。

20秒、4分、85秒、2时、1分20秒 < < < < 6.(1分)小华每天中午放学的时间是10时55分,在路上用了10分。

他回到家的时间是 。


爸爸早上7:25在网上约到车,7:40乘车出行,网约车司机从接单到接上客人,用了 分钟。


上午最多可以临时停车 分钟。

明明爸爸下午3:25将车停在临时停车位上,最多还可以停 分钟。








(12分,每小题2分)14.(2分)在1分钟之内,亮亮不可能完成的事情是( )A.跳绳60次B.做口算10道C.步行500米15.(2分)某学校三位同学进行打字比赛,每人都打一篇100字的文章。

谁的打字速度最快?( )A.强强用时2分12秒B.冬冬用时200秒C.丁丁用时3分10秒16.(2分)如图所示,如果提前15分钟检票,开始检票的时刻是( )A.9:35B.9:25C.9;4517.(2分)某订票网站D1123次动车信息如图所示。



人教版三年级上学期期中考试数学试题一.选择题(共10小题)1.我们学过的长度单位,从小到大排列正确的是()A.分米、米、毫米、厘米B.毫米、厘米、分米、米C.分米、米、厘米、毫米2.上午8时15分用24时计时法表示是()A.8时15分B.20时15分C.18时15分3.有16个草莓,放在2个盘里,一个盘放4个,另一个盘放()个.A.8 B.4 C.12 D.184.2016年册享县的羊肉产量是514吨,2017年册亨县的羊肉产量比2016年增加了46吨,2017年册亨县的羊肉产量是()吨.A.560 B.486 C.4685.星球六上午阿姨准备在家做早点,午饭前赶到电影院,其余的时间要到商场买衣服.阿姨可能在下面的()时间到达商场.A.B.C.6.减法算式中,减数是305,差是217,被减数是()A.512 B.522 C.5327.根据3043﹣575=2468,不用计算可以直接得到575+2468=3043.依据是()A.和=加数+加数B.减数=被减数﹣差C.被减数=减数+差D.差=被减数﹣减数8.下面四个数中,是9的倍数的是()A.1234321 B.123454321C.12345654321 D.12345676543219.小华家买回2kg食盐,用了800g,还剩下()g.A.2800 B.1200 C.1600 D.400 10.李明有张数相同的5元和1元零用钱若干,李明可能有()钱.A.48元B.38元C.28元D.8元二.填空题(共8小题)11.40以内6的倍数有,50以内9的倍数有.12.在算式“60+5=65”中,60和5叫做,65叫做.13.30加上50的和比60多.14.40毫米=厘米6米=分米5000米=千米70分=时分2时=分4米=厘米15.千克水和6000克油一样重.16.在横线上填上适当的数.+234=500 29+=110 573﹣=170﹣232=40 +153=300 ﹣500=300 17.1分=秒1时30分=分18.写出30以内的正整数中,7所有的倍数.三.判断题(共5小题)19.3个百加上9个百是120.(判断对错)20.10的倍数有无数个.(判断对错)21.秒针从12走到6,经过了6秒.(判断对错)22.1000克铁和1千克棉花一样重.(判断对错)23.如果◎+□=〇,那么◎=〇﹣□(判断对错)四.计算题(共2小题)24.竖式计算.988+116=801﹣435=992+736﹣186=25.直接写出得数.60﹣36=86﹣24=38+42=240+70=770﹣570=400﹣270=590+280=470+360=五.操作题(共1小题)26.下面哪两个数相加得1000?(连一连)六.应用题(共5小题)27.下面是同学50米比赛成绩,谁跑的最快?姓名吴潮辉张润杰丁峰吴哲成绩12秒11秒14秒13秒28.一根1米长的绳子,用去45厘米,还剩多少厘米?29.一个篮球86元,淘气有36元,还差多少元才够买一个篮球?30.芳芳家、军军家和学校在同一条街道上,芳芳家离学校400米,军军家离学校300米,芳芳家离军军家可能是多少米?想:(1)芳芳和小军家在学校的同一侧.(2)芳芳和小军家在学校的两边.31.已知A,B,C都是7的倍数,A﹣B=21,B﹣C=7,C是7的因数,求A,B,C三个数的和.答案与解析一.选择题(共10小题)1.解:我们学过的长度单位从小到大排列是:毫米、厘米、分米、米.故选:B.2.解:上午8时15分用24时计时法表示是8时15分.故选:A.3.解:16﹣4=12(个)答:另一个盘子里放12个.故选:C.4.解:514+46=560(吨)答:2017年册亨县的羊肉产量是560吨.故选:A.5.解:李阿姨做早点的时刻是;赶到电影院的时刻是到商场买衣服的时刻是.故选:B.6.解:305+217=522答:被减数是522.故选:B.7.解:根据3043﹣575=2468,不用计算可以直接得到575+2468=3043.依据是被减数=减数+差.故选:C.8.解:A、1+2+3+4+3+2+1=16,16不是9的倍数,故1234321不是9的倍数;B、1+2+3+4+5+4+3+2+1=25,25不是9的倍数,故123454321不是9的倍数;C、1+2+3+4+5+6+5+4+3+2+1=36,36是9的倍数,故12345654321是9的倍数;D、1+2+3+4+5+6+7+6+5+4++3+2+1=49,49不是9的倍数,故1234567654321不是9的倍数.故选:C.9.解:2千克=2000克2000克﹣800克=1200克答:还剩下1200克.故选:B.10.解:A、48元=6元×8;可以;其他三个选项的38、28、8都不能被6整除.故选:A.二.填空题(共8小题)11.解:40以内6的倍数有:6,12,18,24,30,36;50以内9的倍数有:9,18,27,36,45.故答案为:6,12,18,24,30,36;9,18,27,36,45.12.解:在算式“60+5=65”中,60和5叫做加数,65叫做和.故答案为:加数;和.13.解:30+50﹣60=80﹣60=20答:30加上50的和比60多20.故答案为:20.14.解:(1)40毫米=4厘米(2)6米=60分米(3)5000米=5千米(4)70分=1时10分(5)2时=120分64米=400厘米故答案为:4;60;5;1;10;120;400.15.解:6千克水和6000克油一样重.故答案为:6.16.解:(1)因为500﹣234=266所以266+234=500(2)因为110﹣29=81所以29+81=110(3)因为573﹣170=403所以573﹣403=170(4)因为40+232=272所以272﹣232=40(5)因为300﹣153=147所以147+153=300(6)因为300+500=800所以800﹣500=300故答案为:266、81、403、272、147、800.17.解:(1)1分=60秒(2)1时30分=90分.故答案为:60,90.18.解:30以内7的所有倍数有:7,14,21,28;故答案为:7,14,21,28.三.判断题(共5小题)19.解:3个百加上9个百是12个百,12百是1200,不是120;原题说法错误.故答案为:×.20.解:10的倍数有无数个,说法正确;故答案为:√.21.解:5×6=30(秒)秒针从12走到6,经过了30秒原题说法错误.故答案为:×.22.解:1000克=1千克1000克铁和1千克棉花一样重,原说法正确.故答案为:√.23.解:因为◎+□=〇,所以◎=〇﹣□,所以题中说法正确.故答案为:√.四.计算题(共2小题)24.解:988+116=1104801﹣435=366992+736﹣186=154225.解:60﹣36=24 86﹣24=62 38+42=80 240+70=310 770﹣570=200 400﹣270=130 590+280=870 470+360=830 五.操作题(共1小题)26.解:1000﹣356=6441000﹣722=2781000﹣465=5351000﹣899=1011000﹣692=3081000﹣508=492连线如下:六.应用题(共5小题)27.解:11<12<13<14张润杰用的时间最少,他跑的最快.答:张润杰跑的最快.28.解:1米=100厘米100厘米﹣45厘米=55厘米答:还剩55厘米.29.解:86﹣36=50(元)答:还差50元才够买一个篮球.30.解:(1)芳芳和小军家在学校的同一侧:400﹣300=100(米)(2)芳芳和小军家在学校的两边:400+300=700(米)答:芳芳家离军军家可能是100米或700米.31.解:因为C是7的倍数,C是7的因数所以C=7因为B﹣C=7所以B=14因为A﹣B=21所以A=3535+14+7=56答:A,B,C三个数的和是56.。

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2015-2016学年浙江省温州市中通国际学校小学部三年级(上)期中数学试卷一、填空(每空1分,共26分)1.(3.00分)计量很短的时间通常用作单位,计量比较长的路程通常用作单位,计量较重的物体通常用作单位.2.(6.00分)40厘米=分米米=9千米180秒=分240分=小时2吨+100千克=千克9米﹣5米=分米.3.(6.00分)在横线中填上合适的单位名称.一艘轮船载重量是800脉搏跳10次用了8直尺的厚度约2课桌高7鲸鱼的体重约35,每小时游30.4.(1.00分)小明从家到校步行要15分钟,他要在7:25分到校,需从家出发.5.(2.00分)有个4的个数是的倍.6.(2.00分)4个5也可以说成是的倍.7.(1.00分)如图中,空白是阴影部分的倍.8.(1.00分)学校早上8:00到校开始诵读,下午3:40离校,一天在校的时间一共是.9.(4.00分)用1、0、7三个数字排成最大三位数是,最小的三位数是它们的差是,它们的和是.二、判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(每题1分,共5分)10.(1.00分)1000千克棉花与1吨石头同样重.(判断对错)11.(1.00分)看一场电影大约需要2分钟.(判断对错)12.(1.00分)一头大象重8千克.(判断对错)13.(1.00分)小明吃一顿饭大约需要20分钟.(判断对错)14.(1.00分)教室黑板长4千米.(判断对错)三、选择(把正确答案的序号填入括号)(每题1分,共5分)15.(1.00分)一条线段长5厘米,另一条线段是这条线段的3倍,另一条线段长是()厘米.A.3 B.5 C.1516.(1.00分)计量重型物品或大宗物件的重量,通常用()作单位.A.吨B.千克C.克17.(1.00分)时针从5走到7,走了(),秒针从5走到7走了()A.2小时、2秒B.2小时、10秒C.10小时、10秒18.(1.00分)7千米与8千米相差()A.1000米B.100米C.1米19.(1.00分)一头大象重6吨60千克,合()千克.A.6060 B.6600 C.6006四、操作题(6分)20.(3.00分)画一条比3厘米长2厘米的线段.21.(3.00分)画出一条比6厘米短7毫米的线段.五、计算.(共26分)22.(10.00分)直接写出得数.36+42=46﹣15=44+27=15÷3=9×7=48÷6=60+34=80﹣24=700+200=6×5=23.(16.00分)用竖式计算并验算.139+682=701﹣573=719﹣434=234+329=六、解决问题(共32分)24.(3.00分)三年级有203人,四年级有279人,三、四年级一共有多少人?25.(4.00分)10月1日上午华南摩有游客985人,中午有541人离去,下午又来了235人,这时华南摩里有多少游客?26.(10.00分)妈妈有7颗红珠子,24颗黄珠子,要使黄珠子是红珠子的4倍.(1)如果黄珠子数量不变,需要增加或减少多少颗红珠子?(2)如果红珠子不变,需要增加或减少多少颗黄珠子?27.(5.00分)星星小学一年级有男生378人,女生346人.已经检查身体的有398人,没检查身体的有多少人?28.(10.00分)这是今天某工厂运出的各种球类的个数:(1)今天运出去篮球和足球一共有多少?(2)一辆可以装载1500个球的人力车,一次可以运完吗?(3)请你再提出一个数学问题,并解答.七、拓展提高29.在下面竖式中的方格内填入合适的数字,使等式成立.2015-2016学年浙江省温州市中通国际学校小学部三年级(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、填空(每空1分,共26分)1.(3.00分)计量很短的时间通常用秒作单位,计量比较长的路程通常用千米作单位,计量较重的物体通常用吨作单位.【解答:】解:计量很短的时间通常用秒作单位,计量比较长的路程通常用千米作单位,计量较重的物体通常用吨作单位;故答案为:秒,千米,吨.2.(6.00分)40厘米=4分米9000米=9千米180秒=3分240分=4小时2吨+100千克=2100千克9米﹣5米=40分米.【解答:】解:(1)40厘米=4 分米;(2)9000米=9千米;(3)180秒=3分;(4)240分=4小时;(5)2吨+100千克=2100千克;(6)9米﹣5米=40分米.故答案为:4,9000,3,4,2100,40.3.(6.00分)在横线中填上合适的单位名称.一艘轮船载重量是800吨脉搏跳10次用了8秒直尺的厚度约2毫米课桌高7分米鲸鱼的体重约35吨,每小时游30千米.【解答:】解:一艘轮船载重量是800 吨脉搏跳10次用了8 秒直尺的厚度约2 毫米课桌高7 分米鲸鱼的体重约35 吨,每小时游30 千米;故答案为:吨,秒,毫米,分米,吨,千米.4.(1.00分)小明从家到校步行要15分钟,他要在7:25分到校,需7时10分从家出发.【解答:】解:7时25分﹣15分=7时10分.故答案为:7时10分.5.(2.00分)有3个4的个数是的3倍.【解答:】解:有3个4,的个数是的3倍.故答案为:3,3.6.(2.00分)4个5也可以说成是5的4倍.【解答:】解:4个5也可以说成是5的4倍.故答案为:5,4.7.(1.00分)如图中,空白是阴影部分的2倍.【解答:】解:4÷2=2答:空白部分是阴影部分的2倍.故答案为:2.8.(1.00分)学校早上8:00到校开始诵读,下午3:40离校,一天在校的时间一共是7小时40分钟.【解答:】解:上午8:00就是8时,下午3:40分是15时40分;15时40分﹣8时=7小时40分;答:一天在校的时间一共是7小时40分;故答案为:7小时40分钟.9.(4.00分)用1、0、7三个数字排成最大三位数是710,最小的三位数是107它们的差是603,它们的和是817.【解答:】解:用1、0、7三个数字组成一个最大的三位数是710,组成的最小三位数是107,它们的差是:710﹣107=603它们的和是:710+107=817.故答案为:710、107、603、817.二、判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)(每题1分,共5分)10.(1.00分)1000千克棉花与1吨石头同样重.√(判断对错)【解答:】解:因为1吨=1000千克,所以,1000千克棉花与1吨石头同样重,即本题说法正确;故答案为:√.11.(1.00分)看一场电影大约需要2分钟.×(判断对错)【解答:】解:看一场电影大约需要2小时;故答案为:×.12.(1.00分)一头大象重8千克.×(判断对错)【解答:】解:由分析可知:一头大象重8吨,所以本题说法错误;故答案为:×.13.(1.00分)小明吃一顿饭大约需要20分钟.√(判断对错)【解答:】解:小明吃一顿饭大约需要20分钟是正确的;故答案为:√.14.(1.00分)教室黑板长4千米.×(判断对错)【解答:】解:教室黑板长4千米是错误的,应该是4米;故答案为:×.三、选择(把正确答案的序号填入括号)(每题1分,共5分)15.(1.00分)一条线段长5厘米,另一条线段是这条线段的3倍,另一条线段长是()厘米.A.3 B.5 C.15【解答:】解:5×3=15(厘米);答:另一条线段长是15厘米.故选:C.16.(1.00分)计量重型物品或大宗物件的重量,通常用()作单位.A.吨B.千克C.克【解答:】解:计量大宗物品,通常不会运用小的重量单位,克或千克,应用吨作单位.因此通常用吨作单位.故选:A.17.(1.00分)时针从5走到7,走了(),秒针从5走到7走了()A.2小时、2秒B.2小时、10秒C.10小时、10秒【解答:】解:时针从5走到7,走了2小时,秒针从5走到7走了10秒;故选:B.18.(1.00分)7千米与8千米相差()A.1000米B.100米C.1米【解答:】解:8千米﹣7千米=1千米1千米=1000米即7千米与8千米相差1000米.故选:A.19.(1.00分)一头大象重6吨60千克,合()千克.A.6060 B.6600 C.6006【解答:】解:6吨60千克=6060千克.故选:A.四、操作题(6分)20.(3.00分)画一条比3厘米长2厘米的线段.【解答:】解:3+2=5厘米,21.(3.00分)画出一条比6厘米短7毫米的线段.【解答:】解:如下图所示,先画一个点A,用直尺的“0”刻度和这点重合,然后在直尺上找出5.3厘米的刻度,点上点B,然后过这两点画线段即可;五、计算.(共26分)22.(10.00分)直接写出得数.36+42=46﹣15=44+27=15÷3=9×7=48÷6=60+34=80﹣24=700+200=6×5=【解答:】解:36+42=7846﹣15=3144+27=7115÷3=59×7=6348÷6=860+34=9480﹣24=56700+200=9006×5=3023.(16.00分)用竖式计算并验算.139+682=701﹣573=719﹣434=234+329=【解答:】解:139+682=821;701﹣573=128;719﹣434=285;234+329=563;六、解决问题(共32分)24.(3.00分)三年级有203人,四年级有279人,三、四年级一共有多少人?【解答:】解:203+279=482(人);答:三、四年级一共有482人.25.(4.00分)10月1日上午华南摩有游客985人,中午有541人离去,下午又来了235人,这时华南摩里有多少游客?【解答:】解:985﹣541+235,=444+235,=679(人),答:这时华南摩里有游客679人.26.(10.00分)妈妈有7颗红珠子,24颗黄珠子,要使黄珠子是红珠子的4倍.(1)如果黄珠子数量不变,需要增加或减少多少颗红珠子?(2)如果红珠子不变,需要增加或减少多少颗黄珠子?【解答:】解:(1)7﹣24÷4=7﹣6=1(颗),答:如果黄珠子数量不变,需要减少1颗红珠子;(2)7×4﹣24=28﹣24=4(颗),答:如果红珠子不变,需要增加4颗黄珠子.27.(5.00分)星星小学一年级有男生378人,女生346人.已经检查身体的有398人,没检查身体的有多少人?【解答:】解:(378+346)﹣398=724﹣398,=326(人);答:没检查身体的有326人.28.(10.00分)这是今天某工厂运出的各种球类的个数:(1)今天运出去篮球和足球一共有多少?(2)一辆可以装载1500个球的人力车,一次可以运完吗?(3)请你再提出一个数学问题,并解答.【解答:】解:(1)456+528=984(个);答:今天运出去篮球和足球一共有984个.---------------------常用文档-------------- (2)456+528+625=1609(个)1500<1609答:一辆可以装载1500个球的人力车,一次不可以运完.(3)运出的足球比排球少多少个?625﹣528=97(个);答:运出的足球比排球少97个.七、拓展提高29.在下面竖式中的方格内填入合适的数字,使等式成立.【解答:】解:============================文件。
