
高中英语词汇课一、教学目标1. 知识目标:让学生掌握并运用本节课所学的词汇。
2. 能力目标:培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高他们的自信心。
二、教学内容1. 词汇:单词和短语。
2. 句型:用于表达单词和短语的句型。
三、教学重点与难点1. 重点:单词和短语的正确拼写和用法。
2. 难点:词汇在实际语境中的运用。
四、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过完成各种任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用词汇。
2. 情境教学法:创设真实的语境,帮助学生理解词汇的意义。
五、教学步骤1. 导入:引导学生回顾上节课所学的词汇,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 新课:介绍本节课的词汇,让学生通过观察、思考、讨论等方式理解词汇的意义。
3. 实践:让学生在小组内运用所学词汇进行交流,巩固记忆。
4. 拓展:引导学生运用所学词汇进行写作或口语表达,提高他们的语言能力。
5. 总结:对本节课所学内容进行归纳总结,强调重点和难点。
6. 作业布置:布置适量作业,让学生课后巩固所学。
教案模板:1. 教学目标2. 教学内容3. 教学重点与难点4. 教学方法5. 教学步骤逐字稿:1. 导入(5分钟)回顾上节课所学的词汇引入本节课的主题2. 新课(15分钟)介绍本节课的词汇讲解词汇的拼写、意义和用法3. 实践(10分钟)学生在小组内运用所学词汇进行交流教师巡回指导,纠正错误4. 拓展(10分钟)引导学生运用所学词汇进行写作或口语表达学生展示,教师评价5. 总结(5分钟)归纳总结本节课所学内容强调重点和难点6. 作业布置(5分钟)布置适量作业,让学生课后巩固所学六、教学评价1. 评价方式:采用课堂表现、作业完成情况和小测验等多种方式进行评价。
2. 评价内容:学生对词汇的掌握程度、运用能力以及课堂参与度。
七、教学反思1. 反思内容:教学过程中的成功与不足之处。
2. 反思方式:通过学生反馈、自我总结和同行交流等方式进行。
八、教学拓展1. 拓展内容:与本节课主题相关的词汇和短语。

教学内容:《牛津英语》5A(上册) Module4 The natural world Unit 3 Parks and places in ChinaPage44 Listen and say 以及Page46 Point and say教学目标:知识与技能(1)能够指读单词: Tiananmen Square, Yu Garden, West Lake, Li River, Sanya, Ocean Park.并说出它们所在的地理位置(2)能够背读单词:fish, shark, dolphin, seal, butterfly, Aquarium, Restaurant, Diving pool(3)能够使用句型:Can we see…? Yes, let’s go to…。
We can see…there.(4)能够用简单的句型描述自己熟悉的城市或旅游景点。
教学重点:能够听、说、认、读单词fish, shark, dolphin, seal, butterfly 并运用句型:Can we see…? Yes, let’s go to…。
We can see…there.教学难点:a : 单词Aquarium、Restaurant的读音b: 用英文介绍自己最熟悉或感兴趣的城市(名胜),并简单用形容词和介词短语来描述这个城市(名胜)的特征,方位,地理位置,代表建筑等。

高中英语口语课教案一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够掌握基本的英语口语表达方式。
2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够流利地朗读和背诵所学内容。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语口语的兴趣,提高他们的自信心。
二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:(1)基本英语口语表达方式的掌握。
2. 教学难点:(1)英语口语表达方式的灵活运用。
三、教学准备:1. 教材:高中英语口语课本。
2. 教具:多媒体设备、录音机、磁带。
四、教学过程:1. 热身活动(5分钟):教师与学生进行简单的英语口语交流,提问学生关于日常生活的话题,引导学生积极参与。
2. 新课内容展示(15分钟):(1)教师引导学生学习新的口语表达方式,通过例句和情景演示,让学生理解并掌握这些表达方式。
3. 小组活动(15分钟):学生分组,进行角色扮演,运用所学的口语表达方式进行交流。
4. 口语练习(10分钟):学生个体或小组为单位,进行口语练习,教师监听并给予评价。
五、作业设计:1. 抄写并背诵本节课所学的口语表达方式。
2. 结合所学内容,与同学进行英语口语交流,记录交流过程。
六、教学评价:1. 课堂表现评价:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、口语表达的准确性和流畅性,以及小组活动中的合作态度。
2. 作业评价:检查学生作业的完成质量,包括口语表达的准确性和应用能力。
3. 口语测试:在课程结束后,组织一次口语测试,以评估学生对课程内容的掌握程度。
八、课程拓展建议:1. 组织英语角活动,让学生在轻松的氛围中练习口语。

关于教师资格证高中英语教案模板一、教学目标1. 知识目标:让学生掌握高中英语课程标准要求的基本词汇、语法和句型,提高学生的英语听说读写能力。
2. 能力目标:培养学生运用英语进行交流、合作和解决问题的能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的自信心和自主学习能力。
二、教学内容1. 教材:人教版高中英语教材2. 单元主题:Unit 1 Getting to Know Each Other3. 课时安排:2课时三、教学过程1. 导入:通过图片和问题引入新课,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 课堂活动:a) 学生分组进行自我介绍,练习使用目标语言。
b) 教师组织学生进行角色扮演,模拟真实场景。
3. 练习:学生完成课后练习题,巩固所学知识。
4. 总结:教师对课堂内容进行总结,强调重点知识点。
四、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的参与情况,评价学生的积极性。
2. 语言运用能力:评估学生在角色扮演等环节中的语言表达能力。
3. 课后练习:检查学生完成的练习题,评估学生的掌握程度。
五、教学资源1. 教材:人教版高中英语教材2. 图片:与课堂内容相关的图片3. 多媒体课件:用于辅助教学六、教学策略1. 交际式教学法:通过小组活动、角色扮演等形式,让学生在实际语境中运用英语,提高口语交际能力。
2. 任务型教学法:教师设计各种任务,引导学生参与课堂实践,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
3. 情境教学法:创设真实、生动的情境,让学生在情境中自然地学习和使用英语。
七、教学步骤1. Step 1: 导入新课,展示图片,引导学生谈论相关话题。
2. Step 2: 教师讲解新知识点,如词汇、语法和句型。
3. Step 3: 学生进行小组活动,练习使用新学的语言点。
4. Step 4: 角色扮演:学生分角色表演,运用所学知识。
5. Step 5: 教师组织学生进行听力、阅读和写作训练。
6. Step 6: 课堂总结,布置课后作业。

【优质】教师资格证考试高中英语教案模板一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)学生能够掌握基本的英语语法和词汇。
2. 能力目标:(1)学生能够运用所学的英语进行简单的日常交流。
3. 情感目标:(1)学生能够激发学习英语的兴趣。
二、教学内容1. 教学文本:一篇关于日常生活的短文。
2. 教学词汇:常用的英语日常用语。
3. 教学语法:一般现在时和一般过去时的区别。
三、教学过程1. 导入:通过与学生的生活相关的日常话题导入新课。
2. 呈现:展示一篇关于日常生活的短文,让学生听读。
3. 讲解:讲解文中出现的词汇和语法点,让学生理解和掌握。
4. 操练:通过小组活动或角色扮演,让学生将所学的词汇和语法运用到实际情景中。
5. 巩固:通过完成练习题,让学生加深对词汇和语法点的理解和运用。
6. 总结:对本节课所学的内容进行总结,帮助学生形成知识体系。
四、作业布置1. 完成课后练习题。
2. 编写一篇关于自己日常生活的短文。
六、教学评价1. 形成性评价:通过课堂互动、提问和小组活动,及时了解学生对教学内容的理解和掌握情况。
2. 终结性评价:通过课后作业和练习题的完成情况,评估学生对本节课所学知识的掌握程度。
七、教学拓展1. 开展英语角活动,让学生有机会在日常生活中运用所学的英语。
2. 组织英语演讲比赛,提高学生的英语表达能力和自信心。
八、教学资源1. 英语教材:提供丰富多样的教学内容,帮助学生掌握英语知识。
2. 多媒体教学设备:通过音频、视频等资源,增加课堂的趣味性,提高学生的学习兴趣。

高中英语教师资格证教案模板第1篇:教师资格证考试高中英语教案1.阅读课的教学方案1.Teaching aims: 1.Train the students’ reading ability.2.Enable the students to realize...3.Stimulate(激发)the students’ interest and...2.Teaching methods: 1.Fast reading to get general idea of the text.2.Careful reading to understand the paage better.3.Teaching procedures(程序): Step1Lead-in Use some pictures of...to lead in the topic.Step 2Pre-reading 1.Play a gue game:...2.Play another gue game:...Step 3Predict(预测)1.Ask the students to predict what the reading paage talks about according to the title and illustrations(插图)of paage.The teacher can give some clues by talking about the illustrations:......Step 4Skimming(略读)1.Let the students skim the whole paage to get the main idea, then evaluate their predictions.During this activity, the teacher should give some guidance(指导)on reading skills.Main idea of the paage:...2.Let the students skim the paage and divide it into different parts to find out the main idea of every part an the topic sentences.Part 1(paragraph 1...)......Step 5Careful reading...(问题)Ask the students to scan the second part and complete the chart(图表)with information from the paage.Ask the students to read carefully and finish the following tasks:......(设计一些问题或判断对错等)2.听说课的教学方案:Knowledge aims 1.To listen to and understand the listening materials.2.Students can master the following expreions:...(一些句型)Ability aims 1.Enable students to catch and understand the list ening materials.2.Develop students’ ability to get special information and take note while listening.3.Get students to learn and use the expreions of...Emotional aim 1.Enable students to know more about...2.Develop students’ sense of...Teaching procedures Step 1Lead-in Play a game...1.Put students into pairs.Give them each two minutes to think of......(游戏过程)Step 2Pre-listening 1.Tell students they will listen to a dialogue about...2.Give students some directions and make them predict what the listening text is about.Step 3While-listening 1.Tell students listen to the tape first to get the main idea and decide whether their prediction gist right or not.2.Ask students to listen to the tape again.Let them listen and answer some questions.(Show the questions on the blackboard)3.Students exchange the information and listen to the tape a third time for checking.Let them have the correct answers.Step 4Post-listening 1.Give 2-3 minutes to students to ask questions if they have any.2.Show students the listening text and let them read it aloud.3.Let students read aloud the questions and expreions on the blackboard:...(之前目标里的句型)4.Make sure they will understand and enable to use the, Then let them in Pairs discu...5.Get some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the cla.Step 5Homework 1.Make sentences with the expreions in the leon.2.Surf the internet to find out more information about...3.给一篇文章用来讲语法的课堂设计Knowledge objectives To learn the use of...(语法点)Ability objectivesTo use...(语法)correctly and properly according to the context.Emotional objectives1.To become interested in grammar learning.2.To develop the sense of group cooperation Teaching important points Get students to learn and master the new grammar item:...(语法)Teaching difficult points Enable students to learn how to use...correctly.Teaching procedures Step 1Revision 1.Check the homework exercises.2.Let students dictate some new words and expreions.Step 2Discovering useful structures 1.Ask students to read through the paage..., pick out the sentences where...(语法)are, and then underline...(语法)2.Let students work in pairs to translate these sentences and try to understand the use of...3.Have students observe the sentences and draw the conclusion:...Step 3Understanding and summarizing1.Ask students to work in pairs to finish the following exercises on how...are used.(Show the following on the screen)...Step 4Using structures(Show the following exercises on the screen or give out exercises papers.)Answer the following questions using......1.Ask students to work in group of four.2.Give them four minutes to finish the work and ask each group to choose the best answers.3.Ask students to choose the best sentences.Step 5 Playing the game Get into groups and play the game: Step 6 Closing down by a quiz.(Show some exercises on the screen.)Let students finish them within a few minutes, then checkthe answers with the whole cla.4.写作课的教学方案Knowledge objectives By the end of this leon the students: 1.will have a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of an advertisement.2.will grasp some useful words and expreions to describe a good restaurant such as:...Ability objectives 1.To grasp the use of persuasive sentences.2.T o improve the ability of in gathering, analyzing, comparing and making conclusion.Moral objectives 1.To improve the students’ learning motivation.2.To make the students become confident.3.To improve their ability of cooperating with each other through discuing.Teaching important and difficult points Task-based approach, cooperating approach and communicative approach.Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision & lead in First check the homework of last cla.Then let the students swap the homework with each other and discu in groups of 4, take notes, find out and category the impreive sentences into 5 kinds of information:...Step 2Discuing 1.Show students 4 pictures of...2.Ask 3 students to report their work, show them the pictures of...Step 3Pre-writing 1.Show them the sample...2.Read the...and think over what are the characteristics of..., encourage some students to analyze and tell their opinion.Step 4While-writing 1.Ask students to read the requirements on the text.2.Ask them to write the topic sentence first, and then write at least 6 supporting sentences to...Step 5Post-writing Let them swap their paage with each other and recommend 3 most succeful...Step 6Homework1.Polish students’ writing and write some more aspects of...Their final work will be modified and selected, then the mostsucceful ones will be put up on the English Corner.2.Review the words and expreions in this unit.5.阅读课的教学方案Teaching aims 1.T o know the meaning and usage of the following words:...To understand some important sentences in the text and know the structure and usage of inversion.2.T o master the micro-reading skills through skimming and scanning.3.T o know the ability and knowledge...and develop the ability of getting information from the paage and dealing with the information.Teaching methods Task-based learning;situational learning;group work learning.The key and difficult points 1.To enable the students to get the main idea of the paage, analyze the structure, and get useful information.2.T o train the students of micro-reading skills such as skimming and scanning, and develop their ability of reorganizing and transferring information.Teaching proce Step 1Pre-reading Question: Step 2Skimming Questions(To explain some words and structures.)Step 3Detailed reading Step 4Interview Step 5Summary Step 6Homework 1.Read and practice the dialogue after cla fluently.2.Find the useful words and expreions in the paage and do exercises on the textbook following the paage to consolidate them.第2篇:高中英语教师资格证课教案Teaching Plan Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge aim: students will be able to understand the main idea and some details of the paage.2.Ability aim: students will be able to use reading skills such as skimming andscanning.3.Emotional aim: Students can get more interested in English culture.Teaching Procedures: 1.Step one: warming-up lead-in(1 minutes)Greeting.Show the students some pictures or play a song about … and ask them some simple questions: …2.Step two: pre-reading(2 minutes)Common sense on…Ask students to give examples of…Play the video about ….While enjoy the video, students think over the following ques tions: ….3.Step three: while-reading(4 minutes)Read the text for the students and then ask them to conclude the main idea of the paage.Main idea: …Ask the students to read the paage carefully and decide whether the statements are true or false and explai n why: …Ask the students to work in groups and have a discuion on the following questions: …4.Step Four: post-reading(2 minutes)Ask students to retell the paage.Ask students to retell between partners first, then ask two students to retell before cla.5.Step Five: Summary and Homework(1 minutes)Briefly review the content learned today.Let the students to write a composition about the ending of this story.T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you today? Great!Today, we are going to learn a new leon, but before the cla, I want to show you some pictures.Well, what do you see in the pictures? Great!How do you feel about…? Do you have any experience about…?T: Well, …(common sense).Can you name some examples of …? Ok, Peter, please.T: …, yes, great!How about y ou, Lily?T: … and ….Well done.[Now, I will play a video for you.Please think over ‘…’ while you enjoy the video.] T: Ok, the video is over, who want to share his opinion with us? Aslan, go ahead.T:Thanks for sharing.As we have talked a lot about the …, n ow open your book andturn to page 51.Let’s move on the learn the text about (I)will read the text for you.While reading, please try to conclude the main idea of the paage.Here we go!(读课文)T: Ok, do you understand the whole paage? Great!So, who volunteer to answer the question: what’s the main idea of the paage? Lily, please.T: Good job!This paage is mainly about … It’s very interesting.Now, please read it carefully and then do the true or false on the PPT.T: Have you finished? Good.So is the first stateme nt true or false? Helen, what’s your answer? T: Yes, it’s true.What about the second one? …(句子)true or false? OK, Stacey please.T: Yes!It’s false.But can you explain why?T: Excellent!It’s false because … Now, the last one.Any volunteer? Great, Mike, pleas e.T: Yes, it’s true, too.Now, can you understand the whole text? Great.If we must understand this reading material thoroughly, we should pay more attention to each and very fact in this reading material in order to understanding the text.[ In the following part, we will do some further study.Please work in groups and have a discuion on the questions shown on the ppt: … ten minutes.T: Ok, time is up.Which group wants to share your opinion? Great, please!T: Well done.I can feel that you have thought it thoroughly.Is there any group has different opinions? Well, this group.T: you did a good job too.…(问题答案)] T: Well, we have read the text thoroughly and it seems like all of you have understood it.Now please work in pairs and try to retell the paage.I’ll give you ten minutes and then I’ll ask two students to do the presentation.Let’s start.T: Time is up.Who want to retell the paage first? Come on, don’t be shy!Great, Lily.T:Excellent!Anyone else? Mark, please.T: Very good!T: Ok, so much for today.As we have lear ned … it’s very interesting.Please write a composition about the ending of the story after cla.That’s all, you can have a break now.第3篇:教师资格证高中英语试讲教案单位:班别:姓名:JuniorUnit14 The birth of a festivalⅠ.Teaching aims 1.Talk about festival and customs2.Practice expreing and supporting an opinion3.Introduceda festival of ChinaⅡ.Knowledge aims Words: harvest, honors, ancestor, creatively, generation, purpose, faith, commercial, similar, salute, celebration…..Phrases:hear about, so that, as well as, believe in, get together, playa trick on sb… Sentence:1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common.3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate itby lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.Grammar hear about=learnt about hear of sb.=have a knowledge of sb.have much/great faith in sb./sth.have little/no faith in sb./sth.keep faith with sb.as well as+clausedo as much as sb.can do have honour to sb.=do honour to sb.(do sb.honour)Ⅲ.Teaching key and difficult points:Teaching key: understand the text and using your own words to retell the text.Difficult point:how to use phrases: as well as, so that, have … in common.IV.Teaching aids:1)Raising question approach 2)Discuion approach3)task-based approach*Teaching means: use the multi-media as an aistant means in teaching.3Ⅳ.Teaching steps: Step 1 Lead-in1)Have a free talk about festival in China, and then discu the question in Pre-reading on page 10.1.How does your family celebrate the Spring Festival? 2.Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival? 3.Do festivals help us understand our history and culture?4.What kind of gifts and things do people buy during major festival like Christmas and the Spring Festival? 2)Show the student 3 p ictures about Kwanzaa and then discu what’s the picture about ?Step 2 Listening comprehensions1)Present the students the questions before listening to the text.2)Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the following questions.① Why did people create Kwanzaa? ② Many festival around the world are celebrated around the same time.Why do we celebrate these festivals at these times?Step 3 Fast reading1)Tell the students the task of reading before they read the text.42)After reading then summary the main idea of this text.Step 4 Language pointsPhrases: hear about, seven-day, celebrating, get together, so that, have…in common, harvest, honour, as well as, as much aswe can do, believe in, so that, keep faith with, show honour to sb., in honour of.Sentence: 1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common.3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa..Step 5 Intensive reading1)Tell the students the task of reading before they read the paage once again.2)Get the students to read the paage more carefully and then discu the following questions in groups.5① Compare Kwanzaa with the Chinese Spring festival and Christmas.In which way are they similar and in which war are they different? ② Look at the seven principle of Kwanzaa.Which one do you think is the most important? Why? Are there any other festivals which have one or more of the same principles?Step 6 Task—based activity 1)Ask the students act as an announcer and introduce Mid-autumn festival to the cla.2)Show some picture for the students to watch.3)Give them some key words.August, traditional, Mid-autumn festival, moon cakes, Chang E, celebrate, get together, big dinner.4)Give the students an example when neceary.Step7 Summary1)Go through the important points and difficult points of this leon with the students once again.2)Come to the screen ① To know about the brief history of the Kwanzaa.② To get more information about the Kwanzaa.③ To master the important words, phrases and sentences.6④ To retell the text.Step 8 Homework 1)Finish some exercises.2)Write a paage about a festival of China.3)PreviewLeon15.7第4篇:教师资格证高中英语试讲教案JuniorUnit14 The birth of a festivalⅠ.Teaching aims1.Talk about festival and customs2.Practice expreing and supporting an opinion3.Introduceda festival of ChinaⅡ.Knowledge aims Words: harvest, honors, ancestor, creatively, generation, purpose, faith, commercial, similar, salute, celebration…..Phrases:hear about, so that, as well as, believe in, get together, playa trick on sb… Sentence:1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common.3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.1 Grammar hear about=learnt abouthear of sb.=have a knowledge of sb.have much/great faith in sb./sth.have little/no faith in sb./sth.keep faith with sb.as well as+clausedo as much as sb.can do have honour to sb.=do honour to sb.(do sb.honour)Ⅲ.Teaching key and di fficult points:Teaching key: understand the text and using your own words to retell the text.Difficult point:how to use phrases: as well as, so that, have … in common.IV.Teaching aids:1)Raising question approach 2)Discuion approach3)task-based approach*Teaching means: use the multi-media as an aistant means in teaching.Ⅳ.T eaching steps: Step 1 Lead-in1)Have a free talk about festival in China, and then discu the question in Pre-reading on page 10.1.How does your family celebrate the Spring Festival? 2.Why do we celebrate the Spring Festival? 3.Do festivals help us understand our history and culture?4.What kind of gifts and things do people buy during major festival like Christmas and the Spring Festival? 2)Show the student 3 pictures about Kwanzaa and then discu what’s the picture about ?Step 2 Listening comprehensions1)Present the students the questions before listening to the text.2)Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the following questions.① Why did people create Kwanzaa? ② Many festival around the world are celebrated around the same time.Why do we celebrate these festivals at these times?Step 3 Fast reading1)Tell the students the task of reading before they read the text.2)After reading then summary the main idea of this text.3 Step 4 Language pointsPhrases: hear about, seven-day, celebrating, get together, so that, have…in common, harvest, honour, as well as, as much as we can do, believe in, so that, keep faith with, show honour to sb., in honour of.Sentence: 1.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African American would be able to celebrate their history and culture.2.The African first-fruit festivals had many things in common.3.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.4.SinceKwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa..Step 5 Intensive reading1)Tell the students the task of reading before they read the paage once again.2)Get the students to read the paage more carefully and then discu the following questions in groups.① Compare Kwanzaa with the Chinese Spring festival and Christmas.In which way are they similar and in which war are they different?② Look at the seven principle of Kwanzaa.Which one do you think is the most important? Why? Are there any other festivals which have one or more of the same principles?Step 6 Task—based activity 1)Ask the students act as an announcer and introduce Mid-autumn festival to the cla.2)Show some picture for the students to watch.3)Give them some key words.August, traditional, Mid-autumn festival, moon cakes, Chang E, celebrate, get together, big dinner.4)Give the students an example when neceary.Step7 Summary1)Go through the important points and difficult points of this leon with the students once again.2)Come to the screen ① To know about the brief history of the Kwanzaa.② To get more information about the Kwanzaa.③ To master the important words, phrases and sentence s.④ T o retell the text.5第5篇:高中英语教师资格证词汇课教案教学内容:词义meanings、用法usage、词汇信息basic information、词汇记忆策略strategies.TopicTeaching Aims:1.Knowledge aim: The students will be able to know the meaning and usage of the following words:…2.Ability aim: The students will be able to use these wordscorrectly in writing and speaking.3.Emotional aim: The students will be more confident … Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Master the words, especially… Teaching Aid: CAI Teaching Procedures: 1.Step 1: lead-inShow some pictures to students and ask some questions:...2.Step 2: task-readingAsk students to read the text after the teacher and select the important words they think.Read the words twice.3.Step 3: presentation and comprehensionGo through those words.Introduce their meanings and usages.4.Step 4: practiceAsk students to do the exercise on Page 51: Fill in the blanks.Let students make up a story using all the words we learn today.5.Step 5: consolidationRead the words again.6.Step 7: HomeworkWrite those words down four times and recite them.Blackboard Design: Unit 6 Leon 1 Words:Good adj.book n.look vt.T: hello, boys and girls, how are you today? I’m fine too, thank you!Before the cla, let’s enjoy some pictures.What do you see in the first picture? T: a man.Right!What is he doing? Yes, he is ….T: In our daily life, … is very common, today, we will learn how to describe… in English.Please open the book and turn to page 51.Read the text after me and select the words you think important.T: Everyone well done.Who could s hare words with us? Peter, please.T: …(假装帮助读了一个单词,并且边读边板书)Great.…(重复一遍单词).Anything to add? Ok, Lily please.T: …(板书).Well down.T: Now, read after me.(没个词读两遍)T: 解释词语。

教师资格证考试高中英语教案模板一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握高中英语课程标准要求的基本语法、词汇和功能用语;(2)了解相关文化背景知识,提高跨文化交际能力;(3)培养学生的阅读理解、听力、口语和写作技能。
2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生的英语听说读写综合运用能力;(2)培养学生的自主学习能力和合作精神;(3)提升学生的语言表达和思维能力。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心;(2)培养学生的国际化视野和人文素养;(3)引导学生树立正确的价值观和人生观。
二、教学内容1. 教材:人教版高中英语教科书2. 单元主题:人与自然3. 教学课时:45分钟三、教学过程1. 导入:(1)利用图片、歌曲等吸引学生注意力;(2)引导学生回顾上一节课的内容,为新课学习做好铺垫。
2. 课堂讲解:(1)讲解本节课的重点语法和词汇;(2)通过例句和练习,帮助学生理解语法和词汇的用法;(3)介绍相关文化背景知识,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。
3. 课堂实践:(1)分组讨论:学生围绕主题进行小组讨论,锻炼口语表达能力;(2)小组竞赛:开展英语听力、口语、写作竞赛,激发学生的学习兴趣;(3)课堂互动:教师提问,学生回答,巩固所学知识。
4. 课后作业:(1)布置适量的作业,巩固课堂所学知识;(2)鼓励学生进行自主学习,提高学习效果。
四、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、发言情况等;2. 作业完成情况:检查学生作业的完成质量和速度;3. 考试成绩:定期进行单元测试,评估学生的学习效果。
五、教学资源1. 教科书;2. 教学课件;3. 图片、歌曲等辅助教学材料;4. 网络资源:如英语学习网站、在线词典等。
六、教学策略1. 情境教学:通过设定真实的生活情境,让学生在实际语境中学习英语;2. 任务型教学:布置具有挑战性的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用英语;3. 交际式教学:鼓励学生积极参与课堂互动,提高口语表达能力和交际能力;4. 自主学习:引导学生制定学习计划,培养独立思考和解决问题的能力;5. 差异化教学:关注学生的个体差异,给予不同程度的学生个性化的指导。

【优质】教师资格证考试高中英语教案模板教案章节:第一章至第五章第一章:教学目标与方法1.1 教学目标了解并能运用基本的英语语法和词汇。
1.2 教学方法采用任务型教学法,通过实际任务训练学生的英语实际应用能力。
第二章:教学内容与步骤2.1 教学内容英语语法和词汇的基本知识。
2.2 教学步骤步骤一:引入新知识,通过图片、实物等方式激发学生兴趣。
第三章:教学评价3.1 评价方式平时作业:检查学生的英语写作和语法运用能力。
3.2 评价内容英语语法和词汇的掌握程度。
第四章:教学资源与工具4.1 教学资源英语教材、教辅资料。
4.2 教学工具投影仪、电脑等多媒体教学设备。
第五章:教学计划与安排5.1 教学计划每周安排一定的课时进行英语教学。
5.2 教学安排每节课安排一定的时间进行新知识讲解和演示。
第六章:课堂活动设计6.1 活动设计设计有趣的英语游戏,让学生在游戏中学习英语。
6.2 活动实施活动一:英语单词接龙游戏,培养学生词汇记忆和反应能力。

高中英语教案模板一、教学目标1. 知识目标:让学生掌握教师资格证考试高中英语阶段的基本语法、词汇和句型。
2. 能力目标:提高学生的英语听说读写能力,使他们能够熟练运用所学知识进行日常交流和表达。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养他们的自信心和自主学习能力。
二、教学内容1. 语法:动词时态、名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句等。
2. 词汇:生活中常见的动词、名词、形容词和副词。
3. 句型:疑问句、否定句、祈使句、感叹句等。
三、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过完成各种实际任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用英语。
2. 交际法:鼓励学生积极参与课堂互动,提高他们的口语表达能力和交际技巧。
3. 情境教学法:创设真实的语言环境,让学生在情境中学习英语。
四、教学步骤1. 热身活动:引导学生进行简单的英语自我介绍,营造轻松的课堂氛围。
2. 语法讲解:通过示例和练习,讲解本节课的重点语法知识。
3. 词汇学习:通过图片、实物等方式,引导学生学习本节课的关键词汇。
4. 句型练习:让学生运用所学语法和词汇进行句型练习,巩固知识点。
5. 小组活动:学生分组进行对话练习,提高口语表达能力。
7. 作业布置:布置适量的课后作业,巩固所学知识。
1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、发音准确性、语法正确性等。
2. 作业完成情况:检查学生作业的完成质量,对错误进行纠正和指导。
3. 测试成绩:定期进行测试,评估学生的学习进度和成果。
六、教学资源1. 教材:使用教师资格证考试高中英语教材,如《高中英语》等。
2. 辅助材料:英语报纸、杂志、网络资源等,用于扩展学生的阅读和词汇量。
3. 多媒体设备:投影仪、计算机、音响等,用于展示教学内容和进行听力练习。
4. 教学挂图:用于展示语法结构和词汇图片。
5. 练习册:用于学生课后练习和巩固所学知识。
七、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:掌握教师资格证考试高中英语阶段的基本语法、词汇和句型。
2. 教学难点:正确运用语法和词汇进行实际交流和表达。

教师资格证考试-面试-高中英语-教案模板+逐字稿-词汇课一、教学目标1. 知识目标:a. 学生能够掌握并正确使用本课引入的词汇。
b. 学生能够通过上下文线索理解和记忆单词。
c. 学生能够运用所学生词进行简单的句子构建。
2. 技能目标:a. 学生能够通过图片、语境等线索猜测词义。
b. 学生能够通过词根词缀等策略扩大词汇量。
c. 学生能够运用英语进行简单的日常交流。
3. 情感目标:a. 学生能够培养对英语学习的兴趣和积极性。
b. 学生能够培养合作意识和团队精神。
二、教学内容1. 教材内容:本课将引入高中英语课程标准规定的词汇学习内容。
2. 教学重难点:学生对单词的正确理解和运用。
三、教学方法1. 交际法:通过情景模拟、角色扮演等方式,让学生在实际语境中运用所学词汇。
2. 情境教学法:利用图片、视频等教学资源,为学生提供丰富的语境,帮助学生理解和记忆单词。
3. 词根词缀法:引导学生通过分析词根词缀来猜测和记忆单词。
四、教学步骤1. 导入:利用图片、视频等资源,引入本课主题,激发学生兴趣。
2. 展示:教师展示本课要学习的词汇,引导学生观察单词的构成和特点。
3. 讲解:教师讲解单词的词义、词性和用法,并通过例句帮助学生理解和记忆。
4. 练习:学生通过填空、翻译等练习,巩固所学词汇。
5. 应用:学生分组进行角色扮演或情景模拟,实际运用所学词汇进行交流。
6. 反馈:教师对学生的学习情况进行总结和评价,及时反馈学生的学习成果。
五、作业布置1. 学生回家后,整理本课学习的词汇,制作单词卡片。
2. 学生结合所学词汇,编写一篇短文,展示对词汇的运用。
六、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的参与情况,是否积极回答问题、参与讨论。
2. 作业完成情况:检查学生作业的完成质量,包括单词卡片的制作和短文的编写。
3. 词汇运用能力:通过角色扮演、短文写作等环节,评估学生对所学词汇的理解和运用能力。
七、教学拓展1. 开展词汇竞赛:组织学生进行词汇竞赛,激发学生的学习兴趣和竞争意识。

教学重点:1. 了解非谓语动词的定义和分类;2. 学习非谓语动词在句子中的作用和功能;3. 掌握非谓语动词的形式及其在句子结构中的运用。
教学难点:1. 区分不同类型的非谓语动词;2. 正确使用非谓语动词完成句子构建;3. 掌握非谓语动词的语法转换。
教学准备:1. 教师准备:多媒体投影仪、PPT课件、练习题、教材等;2. 学生准备:笔、纸。
教学步骤:Step 1:导入新知(5分钟)1. 热身活动:通过播放一首英文歌曲激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
2. 引入非谓语动词:使用图片或例句引入非谓语动词的概念并给予简要解释。
Step 2:学习非谓语动词(15分钟)1. 分类介绍:介绍不定式、动名词和分词的概念以及它们的分类和形式。
2. 示范语法:用实例句展示非谓语动词在句子中的使用,并归纳规律。
Step 3:非谓语动词的功能与使用(20分钟)1. 配套练习:分发一些练习题,让学生动手填空或改写句子,以加深理解和应用。
2. 合作讨论:学生分组进行合作讨论,分享自己的答案并互相纠错。
Step 4:非谓语动词的语法转换(15分钟)1. 教师讲解:给学生讲解非谓语动词与其他句子成分的转换关系。
2. 操练练习:提供一些练习题,要求学生将给定的句子转换为使用非谓语动词的形式。
Step 5:巩固练习(15分钟)1. 提供一些综合练习题,既包含非谓语动词的使用,也包含其他已学知识点的复习和考察。
2. 学生互相检查和纠错,并及时解答学生的问题。
Step 6:总结和延伸(5分钟)1. 总结:教师对本课时的知识点进行总结概述,并强调学生需要通过多练习巩固所学内容。
2. 延伸学习:鼓励学生利用课余时间进行更多的非谓语动词练习,以提高运用能力。

一、教案基本信息教案名称:高中英语阅读理解教学课时安排:1课时(45分钟)教学目标:1. 让学生掌握阅读理解的基本技巧和方法。
2. 提高学生的词汇量和语法水平。
3. 培养学生的英语思维和跨文化交际能力。
教学内容:1. 阅读理解技巧和方法的介绍。
2. 词汇和语法的讲解和练习。
3. 英语思维和跨文化交际能力的培养。
教学过程:1. 导入:通过提问方式引导学生思考阅读理解的重要性。
2. 讲解:讲解阅读理解技巧和方法,如如何快速找出主旨、如何理解细节信息等。
3. 练习:提供一篇阅读理解文章,让学生运用所学技巧和方法进行练习。
4. 讲解:讲解文章中的词汇和语法点,进行针对性的练习。
5. 讨论:引导学生进行英语思维和跨文化交际能力的讨论,如如何用英语表达自己的观点、如何理解不同文化的差异等。
6. 总结:对本节课的内容进行总结,布置作业。
二、教学资源1. 教学PPT:包含阅读理解技巧和方法的介绍,词汇和语法点的讲解,以及讨论话题的引导。
2. 阅读理解文章:提供一篇适合高中生的阅读理解文章,包含不同难度级别的词汇和语法点。
3. 作业:布置相关的阅读理解练习和词汇语法练习。
三、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与程度和表现。
2. 阅读理解练习:评估学生在阅读理解练习中的表现,包括对文章主旨的理解、细节信息的捕捉等。
3. 词汇和语法练习:评估学生在词汇和语法练习中的表现,包括对词汇和语法点的理解和运用等。
4. 讨论表现:评估学生在讨论中的表现,包括英语思维和跨文化交际能力的运用等。
四、教学建议1. 在讲解阅读理解技巧和方法时,可以结合具体的阅读理解文章进行讲解,让学生更好地理解和运用。
2. 在讲解词汇和语法点时,可以通过举例和练习的方式进行讲解,让学生更好地理解和运用。
3. 在讨论环节,可以提供一些实际的场景或话题,让学生更好地运用英语思维和跨文化交际能力。
4. 在布置作业时,可以根据学生的水平和需求进行有针对性的布置,让学生更好地巩固和提高。

教师资格证考试高中英语教案模板教案一:阅读理解——托福阅读教学对象:高中英语学生教学目标:1. 学习并掌握托福阅读的基本技巧;2. 提高学生的阅读理解能力;3. 培养学生的学习兴趣和阅读习惯。
教学准备:1. 教师准备托福阅读材料配合相关习题;2. 多媒体设备。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师简单介绍托福阅读的重要性和要求;2. 引导学生讨论所读过的托福阅读材料,激发学生的学习兴趣。
二、预习(10分钟)1. 学生在课前阅读并预习相关内容;2. 学生做简单的了解性问题,检测预习情况。
三、讲解(15分钟)1. 教师通过多媒体展示托福阅读技巧,包括如何快速浏览,如何识别重点信息等;2. 逐个讲解托福阅读题型的解题技巧;3. 引导学生分析和解读范例阅读材料。
四、练习(20分钟)1. 学生在教师指导下进行相关练习,巩固所学技巧;2. 教师及时给予反馈和指导。
五、拓展(10分钟)1. 学生自主阅读一篇与托福阅读相关的文章;2. 学生做思考性问题,展开小组讨论。
六、总结(5分钟)1. 教师总结本节课的教学内容,强调托福阅读的重要性;2. 教师布置相关作业。
教案二:写作——议论文写作教学对象:高中英语学生教学目标:1. 学习并掌握议论文的写作结构和技巧;2. 提高学生的写作能力;3. 培养学生的逻辑思维和表达能力。
教学准备:1. 教师准备议论文写作的相关材料;2. 多媒体设备。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师引入本节课的写作主题,激发学生的学习兴趣;2. 学生讨论相关话题,分享自己的观点。
二、讲解(20分钟)1. 教师通过多媒体展示议论文的写作结构和技巧;2. 逐步讲解每个段落的写作要点;3. 引导学生分析和解读范例议论文。
三、写作练习(30分钟)1. 学生根据所给话题,自主进行议论文写作练习;2. 教师及时给予反馈和指导。
四、互评交流(15分钟)1. 学生相互交换作文,进行互评;2. 学生小组间展开讨论,共同探讨议论文的优缺点。

1. Teaching aims:1. Train the students’ reading ability.2. Enable the students to realize ...3. Stimulate(激发)the students’ interest and ...2. Teaching methods:1. Fast reading to get general idea of the text.2. Careful reading to understand the passage better.3. Teaching procedures(程序):Step1 Lead-inUse some pictures of ... to lead in the topic.Step 2 Pre-reading1. Play a guess game: ...2. Play another guess game: ...Step 3 Predict(预测)1. Ask the students to predict what the reading passage talks about according to the title and illustrations(插图)of passage. The teacher can give some clues by talking about the illustrations:......Step 4 Skimming(略读)1. Let the students skim the whole passage to get the main idea, then evaluate their predictions. During this activity, the teacher should give some guidance(指导)on reading skills.Main idea of the passage:...2. Let the students skim the passage and divide it into different parts to find out the main idea of every part an the topic sentences.Part 1 (paragraph 1...)......Step 5 Careful reading... (问题)Ask the students to scan the second part and complete the chart(图表)with information from the passage.Ask the students to read carefully and finish the following tasks:......(设计一些问题或判断对错等)Knowledge aims1. To listen to and understand the listening materials.2. Students can master the following expressions:...(一些句型)Ability aims1. Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.2. Develop students’ ability to get special information and take note while listening.3. Get students to learn and use the expressions of ...Emotional aim1. Enable students to know more about ...2. Develop students’ sense of ...Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inPlay a game ...1. Put students into pairs. Give them each two minutes to think of ......(游戏过程)Step 2 Pre-listening1. Tell students they will listen to a dialogue about ...2. Give students some directions and make them predict what the listening text is about.Step 3 While-listening1. Tell students listen to the tape first to get the main idea and decide whether their prediction gist right or not.2. Ask students to listen to the tape again. Let them listen and answer some questions. (Show the questions on the blackboard)3. Students exchange the information and listen to the tape a third time for checking. Let them have the correct answers.Step 4 Post-listening1. Give 2-3 minutes to students to ask questions if they have any.2. Show students the listening text and let them read it aloud.3. Let students read aloud the questions and expressions on the blackboard:...(之前目标里的句型)4. Make sure they will understand and enable to use the, Then let them in Pairs discuss ...5. Get some pairs to act out their dialogue in front of the class.Step 5 Homework1. Make sentences with the expressions in the lesson.2. Surf the internet to find out more information about ...3. 给一篇文章用来讲语法的课堂设计Knowledge objectivesTo learn the use of ... (语法点)Ability objectivesTo use ... (语法)correctly and properly according to the context.Emotional objectives1. To become interested in grammar learning.2. To develop the sense of group cooperationTeaching important pointsGet students to learn and master the new grammar item: ... (语法)Teaching difficult pointsEnable students to learn how to use ... correctly.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Let students dictate some new words and expressions.Step 2 Discovering useful structures1. Ask students to read through the passage ... , pick out the sentences where ...(语法)are, and then underline ... (语法)2. Let students work in pairs to translate these sentences and try to understand the use of ...3. Have students observe the sentences and draw the conclusion: ...Step 3 Understanding and summarizing1. Ask students to work in pairs to finish the following exercises on how ... are used. (Show the following on the screen)...Step 4 Using structures(Show the following exercises on the screen or give out exercises papers.)Answer the following questions using ......1. Ask students to work in group of four.2. Give them four minutes to finish the work and ask each group to choose the best answers.3. Ask students to choose the best sentences.Step 5 Playing the gameGet into groups and play the game:Step 6 Closing down by a quiz.(Show some exercises on the screen.)Let students finish them within a few minutes, then check the answers with the whole class.Knowledge objectivesBy the end of this lesson the students:1. will have a better understanding of the structure and characteristics of an advertisement.2. will grasp some useful words and expressions to describe a good restaurant such as: ...Ability objectives1. To grasp the use of persuasive sentences.2. To improve the ability of in gathering, analyzing, comparing and making conclusion.Moral objectives1. To improve the students’ learning motivation.2. To make the students become confident.3. To improve their ability of cooperating with each other through discussing. Teaching important and difficult pointsTask-based approach, cooperating approach and communicative approach. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision & lead inFirst check the homework of last class.Then let the students swap the homework with each other and discuss in groups of 4, take notes, find out and category the impressive sentences into 5 kinds of information: ...Step 2 Discussing1. Show students 4 pictures of ...2. Ask 3 students to report their work, show them the pictures of ...Step 3 Pre-writing1. Show them the sample ...2. Read the ... and think over what are the characteristics of ... , encourage some students to analyze and tell their opinion.Step 4 While-writing1. Ask students to read the requirements on the text.2. Ask them to write the topic sentence first, and then write at least 6 supporting sentences to ...Step 5 Post-writingLet them swap their passage with each other and recommend 3 most successful ... Step 6 Homework1. Polish students’ writing and write some more aspects of ...Their final work will be modified and selected, then the most successful ones will be put up on the English Corner.2. Review the words and expressions in this unit.Teaching aims1. To know the meaning and usage of the following words: ...To understand some important sentences in the text and know the structure and usage of inversion.2. To master the micro-reading skills through skimming and scanning.3. To know the ability and knowledge ... and develop the ability of getting information from the passage and dealing with the information.Teaching methodsTask-based learning; situational learning; group work learning.The key and difficult points1. To enable the students to get the main idea of the passage, analyze the structure, and get useful information.2. To train the students of micro-reading skills such as skimming and scanning, and develop their ability of reorganizing and transferring information.Teaching processStep 1 Pre-readingQuestion:Step 2 SkimmingQuestions( To explain some words and structures.)Step 3 Detailed readingStep 4 InterviewStep 5 SummaryStep 6 Homework1. Read and practice the dialogue after class fluently.2. Find the useful words and expressions in the passage and do exercises on the textbook following the passage to consolidate them.。

【优质】教师资格证考试高中英语教案模板一、教学目标1. 知识目标:掌握动词时态的用法。
2. 能力目标:提高学生的阅读理解能力。
3. 情感目标:培养学生的团队合作意识。
二、教学内容1. 动词时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时。
2. 比较级和最高级:形式、用法和练习。
3. 情态动词:can、may、must的用法和练习。
三、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:通过小组活动,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识。
2. 情境教学法:创设真实情境,提高学生的语言运用能力。
3. 交际法:通过角色扮演、小组讨论等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力。
四、教学步骤1. 导入:利用图片或故事引发学生兴趣,引出本课主题。
2. 知识讲解:讲解动词时态、比较级和最高级、情态动词的用法。
3. 实践环节:进行语法练习,让学生巩固所学知识。
4. 阅读理解:让学生阅读相关文章,提高阅读能力。
5. 听说训练:播放听力材料,进行口语练习。
6. 写作环节:以小组为单位,完成一篇短文。
五、作业布置1. 课后语法练习:巩固本课所学动词时态、比较级和最高级、情态动词的用法。
2. 课后阅读:选择一篇相关文章进行阅读,提高阅读能力。
3. 课后口语作业:与同学互相练习听说,提高口语表达能力。
注意事项:1. 教学中注重引导学生主动参与,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 针对不同学生,给予个性化的指导和反馈。
3. 创设多种教学活动,充分调动学生的积极性。
六、教学评估1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在小组活动中的参与情况,了解他们的兴趣和积极性。
2. 语法练习:评估学生在语法练习中的掌握程度,纠正错误并给予指导。
3. 阅读理解:通过讨论和回答问题,评估学生的阅读理解能力。
4. 听说训练:通过听力材料和口语练习,评估学生的听说技能。
5. 写作评估:评估学生小组写作的创意、语法和表达能力,给予反馈。

教师资格证英语教案模板(共4篇)第1篇:教师资格证教案Teaching material:必修。
Unit ...题目要写上Teaching aims: Knowledge&skill 1.students will know some useful words and expreions(so they they can talk about....in English) and the skill of skimming and scanning.Method&proce 2.students can get the main idea and find specific details through skimming and scanning Students can practice their skimming and scanning skills and get familiar with the topic of ....through task-based approach and cooperative learning.Emotion& value 3.情感方面。
知识与技能一般是重点过程方法是难点key points: 1.how to get students to master the words and expreions of the text.2.how to improve students’reading skill and their ability to summarize.Difficult points: 1.How to get the students to use the words and expreions other contexts correctly.2.how to improve students reading speed and ability to summarize.Teaching proceduresstep 1.Warming-up and leading-in (3-5min)重点(可以是学生之间讨论,老师抽个别或者老师对全体) step 2: Pre-reading (1min) look at the pictures and title of the paage below.gue what the text is mainly about?(二种情况:1.太简单,直接看出来,不用学生回答。

具体包括但不限于以下内容:1. 日常生活中的问候与介绍;2. 购物和点餐的常用表达;3. 询问和提供信息的方式;4. 读懂简单的英文文章。
三、教学方法与步骤1. 创设情境:通过引入有关日常生活的情景,激发学生的学习兴趣,并为后续的教学内容做好铺垫。
2. 听力训练:播放录音或朗读对话,让学生通过听力来熟悉和理解对话内容。
3. 对话模仿:教师示范对话,鼓励学生模仿,并纠正他们的发音和语调。
4. 练习对话:学生在小组中进行对话练习,互相提出问题并给予回答,以强化口语表达能力。
5. 阅读理解:教师呈现简单的英文短文,帮助学生通过理解文章的主旨和关键信息来回答相关问题。
6. 小组合作:学生在小组中共同解答阅读理解练习,并相互讨论和分享答案。
7. 总结与反思:教师对本节课的教学内容进行总结,给予学生积极的反馈和建议,鼓励他们继续努力。
四、教学评估与作业布置1. 口语表达评估:教师对学生的口语表达进行评估,可以以小组对话的形式进行,注意评估学生的语法准确性、流利度和语音语调。
2. 阅读理解评估:布置一篇简单的英文文章,要求学生在限定时间内完成阅读理解题目,并将答案上交。
3. 作业布置:提醒学生复习本节课所学的表达方式和重要词汇,并布置相关的练习题或写作作业。
五、教学资源与素材准备1. 录音机或音频文件:用于播放对话和录制练习。
2. 教材和课件:选用适当的课本和课件,提供对话和阅读材料。
3. 小组活动材料:准备小组活动所需的提示卡片或题目。

---一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:- 学生能够掌握本节课所涉及的词汇和语法点。
- 学生能够通过阅读、听力、口语和写作等活动提高英语综合运用能力。
2. 过程与方法目标:- 通过小组合作、角色扮演等方式,培养学生的合作精神和实践能力。
- 通过多媒体教学手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:- 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和自信心。
- 培养学生关注社会、关爱他人的情感。
二、教学内容1. 单元主题:(根据教材内容填写,如:健康生活、环境保护、友谊等)2. 课时安排: 2课时3. 教材分析:- 本单元围绕(主题)展开,通过阅读、听力、口语和写作等活动,帮助学生掌握相关词汇和语法点。
三、教学重难点1. 教学重点:- (重点词汇和语法点)2. 教学难点:- (语法点或词汇难点)四、教学方法1. 阅读法:- 引导学生快速阅读,获取文章大意。
- 深入阅读,理解文章细节。
2. 听力法:- 通过听力练习,提高学生的听力理解能力。
- 模拟真实场景,进行听力训练。
3. 口语法:- 小组讨论,培养学生的口语表达能力。
- 角色扮演,提高学生的实际运用能力。
4. 写作法:- 指导学生进行写作练习,提高写作能力。
- 鼓励学生发挥创意,撰写优秀作文。
五、教学工具1. 课件2. 多媒体设备3. 教学辅助材料(如:单词卡片、语法手册等)六、教学过程第一课时1. 导入:- 通过图片、视频等引入本节课的主题。
2. 阅读:- 学生快速阅读课文,了解文章大意。
- 学生深入阅读,理解文章细节。
3. 词汇学习:- 教师讲解重点词汇和语法点。
- 学生进行词汇练习。
4. 听力训练:- 学生进行听力练习,提高听力理解能力。
5. 总结:- 教师对本节课的内容进行总结。
第二课时1. 复习:- 复习上节课所学的内容。
2. 口语训练:- 学生进行小组讨论,提高口语表达能力。
- 学生进行角色扮演,提高实际运用能力。
3. 写作训练:- 教师指导学生进行写作练习。

关于教师资格证高中英语教案模板关于教师资格证高中英语教案模板一【教学目标】根据这一安排和学生的整体认识水平,从知识教学、能力培养等方面考虑,我确立本课时的教学目标为:1、知识目标:能听懂会说I'm hungry. What would you like?Yes, I'd like……2、能力目标:听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。
【教师重点难点】本课时的教学重点是:能听懂会说 I'm hungry. What would you like? No, I'dlike……听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。
教学难点是:能用“What would you like?”征询别人意见以及hamburger, French fries的正确发音。
教具准备:录音机,卡片,多媒体【教学方法】讨论法,讲授法,演示法,练习法【教学程序】为实现以上目标,我是这样设计教学过程的:(一)、Warming up1、Sing some songs.2、Play a game.快速呈现食物图片,做问答。
)(二)、Revision(紧接着教师摸着肚子,作饥饿状)引导学生一起说出I'm hungry,围绕呈现的图片快速对话。
(以对话的形式,唤起学生的记忆,使学生熟练运用旧知,同时对I'm hungry进行了渗透。
)(三)、Presentation1、依次呈现some bread、some juice的图片。
T: Would you like some bread?S: Yes, please2、T: I'm thirsty.(教师作干渴状,引导学生边做边说I'm thirsty.)T: Would you like some juice?S: Yes,please.T: Here you are.通过已掌握的句型新授hamburger, French fries pizza ,pop。
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关于教师资格证高中英语教案模板下面是为大家准备以下的教师资格证高中英语教案模板,希望对你们有所帮助,【教学目标】根据这一安排和学生的整体认识水平,从知识教学、能力培养等方面考虑,我确立本课时的教学目标为:1、知识目标:能听懂会说I'm hungry. What would youlike?Yes, I'd like……2、能力目标:听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。
【教师重点难点】本课时的教学重点是:能听懂会说 I'm hungry. What would you like? No, I'd like……听懂会说hamburger、French fries、pizza、pop。
教学难点是:能用“What would you like?”征询别人意见以及hamburger, French fries的正确发音。
教具准备:录音机,卡片,多媒体【教学方法】讨论法,讲授法,演示法,练习法【教学程序】为实现以上目标,我是这样设计教学过程的:(一)、Warming up1、Sing some songs.2、Play a game.快速呈现食物图片,做问答。
)(二)、Revision(紧接着教师摸着肚子,作饥饿状)引导学生一起说出I'm hungry,围绕呈现的图片快速对话。
(以对话的形式,唤起学生的记忆,使学生熟练运用旧知,同时对I'm hungry进行了渗透。
)(三)、Presentation1、依次呈现some bread、some juice的图片。
T: Would you like some bread?S: Yes, please2、T: I'm thirsty.(教师作干渴状,引导学生边做边说I'm thirsty.)T: Would you like some juice?S: Yes,please.T: Here you are.通过已掌握的句型新授hamburger, French fries pizza ,pop。
)3、(呈现以上四幅新授图片)Make out some dialogues.(将单词融进有实际意义的对话中,充分体现在交际中教,在运用中学的理念,通过这种方式便于学生的理解和运用。
)4、(请一名较突出的学生引导作干渴状):S:I'm thirsty. I want to drink.T: What would you like, please?S: I'd like some pop, please!(教师作饥饿状):T:I'm hungry. I want to eat.S: What would you like, please?T: I'd like some French fries, please!(在说的过程中予以图片加以配合,帮助理解;由模仿到练习,反复刺激学生的感官,增强学生对新知的理解和运用。
)(四)、Practise1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2、Act out the dialogue.(在听读的过程中培养学生良好的学习习惯,通过演演的形式让学生在情景中练习达到掌握的目的。
)(五)、consolidation1、Make a survey.2、Who's the best?(师生示范表演为学生提供一个可操作的模式,以任务型的活动方式,通过合作学习,并予以评价知道,给学生提供平等的说英语的机会,鼓励学生在竞赛中学,这样既创造了轻松愉快、自然和谐的课堂气氛,又促进了交际活动的展开。
通过“Apple Tree”的评价总结,让学生认识到集体目标的实现离不开个人的努力,激发其进一步追求成功的欲望。
)一、教材分析(一) 教材的地位和作用本单元的中心话题是Inventions,整个单元的内容是围绕Vacations以生动、活泼的对话,以及个人的自我介绍展开的。
(二) 教学目标的确立和依据为了完成正常的教学任务,还要有效地培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,我确立如下的教学目标:1.知识目标:A:掌握would like to 和 hope to 句型,通过练习和运用加以巩固.B:掌握词汇:thrilling peaceful tiring boring2.能力目标:A:学会谈论自己想去的地方。
Where would you like to visit ?I would like to visit U.S.A.\\ I hope to visit U.S.A.\\ I would love to visit U.S.A.C:能从听到的对话中获取信息.3.情感目标:A:通过对本单元的学习,增强实际交际能力,开阔眼界,加深对世界各地的了解,自觉地保护地球,保护环境。
(三).重点和难点:1.重点:根据新目标对口语会话能力的要求,我确定本课重点为:掌握有关国家和地点的词汇和相关的词组,能够比较流利地描述一个自己想去的地方,运用名型 I would like to \\ I hope to 。
Solar energy teaching planTeaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will know more knowledge about solar energy.Ability aim: Through different activities, students will improve their reading and speaking skills.Emotional aim: After this lesson, students will have environmental protection awareness and they would like to discuss different topic with their classmates.Teaching Key Points:Students will learn more about solar energy and some new words.Teaching Difficult Points:Improve their reading skill and horizon their visionTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming-upFree chat: ask them to talk about new energy for two minutes and then share together.(Small-hydro, wind, modern biomass, geothermal, ocean and so on.)Step 2 Pre-readingAsk students one question: Which kind of new energy is the most convenient for us to use?Step 3 While-readingGlobal readingRead the passage quickly in two minutes and find the main idea.Detailed readingGive students 5 minutes to read this article quickly and answer two questions.Q1: How much the terrestrial equator perimeter is?Q2: How much energy could the earth obtain?Use ‘moreover’ and ‘equal to’ to make two new sentences.Read this passage again in 3 minutes and find the problem of solar energy using.Step 4 Post-reading1. Listen to the tape and read this article loudly in 5 minutes.2. Ask students to discuss two questions (5 minutes).Q1: Why we need to find new type of energy?Q2: How to save different energy in our daily life?Teacher should give them a guidance and summary of the new energy using and the limited resources in the earth.Step 5 Summary and homeworkAsk two students to summarize this lesson, and ask them to write a small article about environmental protection, they should also search the answer of “How do people apply new energy in nowadays’ society?” on the inter.Blackboard Design:模板,内容仅供参考。