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出租方:The lessor :(以下简称甲方)(Hereinafter called Party A )

营业部地址:Address:电话:Telephone:传真:Fax:承租方:The lessee (以下简称乙方)Hereinafter called

Party B )

地址:Address:电话:Telephone:传真:Fax :

经办人:Person in charge :身份证:ID Card :

驾驶员一:Driver A :身份证:ID Card :驾驶证:Driver License Card :

驾驶员二:Driver B :身份证:ID Card :驾驶证:Driver License Card :


Party A and Party B set down the following contract about vehicle lease based on equality and voluntaries through friendly


租赁物件、租期、租价及付款方式Lease,Leasing Term ,Rent and Settlement

1 、甲方同意将型号为汽车壹辆出租给乙方,供乙方使用,该车


According to Party B s requirement ,Party A provides Party B with (amount)of Jazz Blue (color )Golf AT FAW-VW vehicle model ),the License plate number is HU-


月。租赁期限内限每日/月平均行驶3600 Km,超过额定公里,每公


The lessee hereby agrees to rent the vehicle provide by

lessor for a term from (H)(D)(M)(Y)to (H)(D)M)(Y)at the rate of RMBper day/month. Andthe Basic using mileage :3600 Km per day/month , fee for exceeded mileage RMB

per Km, fee for extra Hour RMB per hour.


押金,租赁到期若乙方无违反本合同条款的作为, 甲方将向乙方不计


Party B shall pay of RMB as the deposit to the contract

and be refunded with the voucher under the condition of no violation when the contract ended.

4 、 租赁车费于租车之日先预付,于还车之日结算;乙方必须按时 付款,对于逾期付款的,甲方有权收回车辆,按照日租价收取逾期租 金,并每日按欠款总金额的 3%收取滞纳金。

The rent shall be paid by Party B at the signing moment

and the settlement will be done on expiration 2 、 甲方负责对车辆进行免费定期保养、正常维修和年检,对车辆 在上海市境内非人为路抛的急修。

of the contract ,

of this contract. Party B must makepay rent on schedule. P arty

A has the right to take back the rented vehicle and charge extra

rent and late fee 3 per cent to the whole arrearage per

day ) 甲方的责任和义务 Party A ‘ s Rights and


1、 甲方保证车辆租出时的性能良好,配备齐全有效的随车证件, 并与乙方现场交接清楚。

To ensure the vehicle in good shape , with complete devices and normal functions , to provide valid documents including the vehicle s Driving Permit , Annual Inspection Qualification Certificate and Road Maintenance Payment

Certificate. And transmit what have mentioned above to Party carefully.

To provide free maintenance regularly and repair of faults not caused by man-madereasons of leased vehicle within

Shanghai City and Vehicle emergency repairs.


To provide designated vehicle repair factories or places for the leased vehicle repair. (Party B pays the repair and related fee caused by Party B‘s man-madefaults and traffic

accidents. )

4 、甲方负责对租出车辆投保车辆损失险和第三者责任险,客伤险,协助乙方处理发生的行车事故和按保险公司规定办理索赔手续。

To ensure the leased vehicle has been taken insurance covering vehicle damage risk and third party liability risk

the total insured amount being. Insured amount covering passenger injury for the driver. Party A should assist Party B in case of vehicle damage in handling accidents and be responsible for claiming insurance indemnifications.


s request ,Party A shall provide According to Party B

chauffer service and related vehicle services.



Party B shall provide economic assurance according to

Party A ‘s requirement. The warrantor should be national enterprises or other companies that has complete compensational abilities.
