2017-2018学年度第一学期人教版九年级英语Unit 3 Could you please te

1. Excuse me,____________ (麻烦你给我说一下怎样去书店)? Sure, just ____________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (沿着大街走去)until you pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, _______ ___________ _______________(银行隔壁).2. Thanks. Do you know when they close today? They ___________ ___________ ___________________________(晚上七点关闭)today.3. Excuse me, do you know where I can ___________ ___________ _______________(买些明信片)? Sure. ___________ ___________ __________________________ ___________(去二楼). There’s a bookstore ___________ ___________ __________________________ ___________ _______________ (在银行和超市之间).4.This is ___________ ___________ _______________(欢乐时代公园)—___________ ___________ _______________ (最大的游乐园)in my city!5. I ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (好兴奋玩各种游乐项目)! Where should we start? There’s ___________ ___________, __________________________ ,___________ _______________ (太空世界、水世界、动物世界) ... Oh, could you tell me where the restrooms are first?6. Pardon? Restroom? You already ___________ ___________ _______________ (想要休息)? But we ___________ ___________ _______________ ______________(可还没有开始玩)!7. Oh no, I ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (不是指休息的地方). I mean ... you know, ___________ ___________ _______________ _______________(一间洗手间或卫生间). Hmm ... so you mean ... ___________ ___________ (卫生间)?8. Yes! Sorry, maybe the word “restroom” ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (中国人说英语不常用).Right, we normally say “toilets” or “washrooms”. They’re just over there.9. OK. I___________ ___________ _______________(一会儿就好)! I(想知道)when the park closes today. Nine-thirty, so you ___________ ___________ _______________ __________(不必赶)! I wonder where we should go next.10. How about ___________ ___________ _______________ (那个新项目)over there? Oh ... it ___________ ___________ _______________ (看上去挺吓人).11. Come on! I promise it’ll be fun! If you’re afraid, just ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ (喊出来或抓住我的手).12. You were right, that was fun! I ___________ ___________ _______________ ______________(起先有些害怕), but ___________ ___________ _______________ ______________(喊叫真管用).13. See, that ___________ ___________ _______________ (不糟糕), right? You ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (需要去尝试,否则永远不会知道你能行). Yes, I’m ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ (真高兴自己尝试了这个项目). Now I know I can do it and it’s ___________ ___________ (确实好玩)!14. Do you want to go to Water World now? Sure, but I’m really hungry. Do you know where we (___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________有又好吃又快)?15. Of course! I ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (建议去水世界的水城餐馆). It’s a fast food place. It serves ___________ ___________ _______________(美味汉包包). That sounds perfect!16. Oh, look! This restaurant ___________ ___________ (看起来有趣). ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (牌子上写着有个摇滚乐队每晚在演奏). Maybe we can come here for dinner later. Let’s ask what time the band starts.17. Excuse me, could you tell us ___________ ___________ __________________________ ___________ _______________ ___________ (乐队今天晚上何时开始演奏)? Eight o’clock. It___________ ___________ _______________ (人总是很多), so ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ (得来早一点才有桌子). OK, thanks!18. Excuse me, do you know where I ______ _____ ___________ _______________ (可以买些药)? Sure. There’s___________ ___________ _______________ (沿这条接有一家超市).19. ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ ___________ (麻烦你给我说一下到邮局怎样走)? Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there.20. ___________ ___________ _______________...(请问,你可以…..吗?)?When you___________ ___________ _______________ (到外国游玩), ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ (了解如何礼貌地请求帮助十分重要).21. For example, “Where are the restrooms?” or “___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________(你能告诉我卫生间在那里吗?)” ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ (这些均是对问路去某处近似于请求的问句).22. Both are correct English, but___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (第一句听着并不那么礼貌). That is because it is a very direct question.23.___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (当我们求助的时候,仅仅正确地问问题是不够的).24. We also ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ __________ _____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ (还要学习如何表达才有礼貌).— or more indirect — when we ask for help.25. In English, as in Chinese, we ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ (在不同情境会改变自己说话的方式).___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ __________________________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ______________________ _______________(他们所使用的表述或许取决于他们与谁交谈,以及与谈话者之间的熟悉程度). 26.If you say to your teacher, “__________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ (学校郊游在什么时候)?”, this (听着不够礼貌). But if you say, “Excuse me, Mr. West. Do you know when the school trip is?”, this __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ (听起来就要礼貌得多).27.However, __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ __________ ____ _____________ _________________________, __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________(对你的同学问话直接是完全得当的). Usually polite questions are longer and include more language such as “Could you please ...?” or “Can I ask ...?”28. It sounds more polite to say, “Peter, __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ __________ _________________ ____________ _____________(麻烦你给我说一下你的邮箱地址)?” than “Peter, tell me your e-mail address.”.29. Sometimes we __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ __________ ____ _____________(甚至需要花些时间来导入我们的请求). For example, with a stranger on the street, we might first say, “__________ ____ _____________ , ____________ _____________ __________ ____ _________________________ _____________ __________ ____ _____________” (劳驾,我想您是否能帮我一下)or “__________ _________________ ____________ _____________ __________ ____ _____________ ____________ ...” (十分抱歉打扰您,可是……)before asking for help.30.__________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ __________ ____ _____________ ___________________________________ ____ _____________ ____________(礼貌措辞比起直白说话似乎要难一些). However, __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ __________ ____ _____________ ____________ _____________ ______________ _____________(学习如何使用得当的语言是很重要的). This will also help you become better at English, or any other language you wish to speak.。

第Ⅰ卷(选择题,满分100分)注意事项:1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在机读卡上;2. 1—70小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把机读卡上对应的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试卷上;3. 考试结束后,将第Ⅰ卷的机读卡和第Ⅱ卷的答题卡一并交回。
1.Who’s the girl?A. Cindy.B. Jenny.C. Gina.2.What color is the hat?A. It’s blue.B. It’s red.C. It’s yellow.3.Where are the girl’s books?A. They are under the sofa.B. They are next to the sofa.C. They are on the sofa.4.What does the boy have?A. A soccer ball.B. A baseball.C. A volleyball.5.What does the girl like?A. Milk.B. Ice-cream.C. Hamburgers.第二节(共15小题;每小题l.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

初2018级第一学月月考英 语第一部分 听力部分(每小题1.5分,共30分)Ⅰ.听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。
(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.Ⅱ. 听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近选项。
(每小题1.5分,共7.5分)( )6.A.Tom is a student.B.Tom is not a student.C.Tom do esn’t like school. ( )7.A.Kangkang is at home. B. Kangkang is at school.C. Kangkang isn’t at home. ( )8.A.She works hard. B. She is a good woman. C. She teaches well. ( )9.A.School ended a little earlier.B.School ended as early as usual.C.School didn’t end so early as usual.( )10.A.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic. I don’t like it, either.B.I don’t like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it.C.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic, but I like it.Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。
( )11. What’s the meaning of the three Rs?A. Reduce, right, and ride.B. Reuse, recycle, and reduce.C. Reuse, resource, and report. . . . A. B.C. A . B. C. A. B.C. A. B. C.( ) 12. Who wants to be a greener person?A.M ikeB. Smith.C. Martin.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。

1. What is the man?A. A servant.B. A waiter.C. A director.2. What happened to Mary?A. She missed the train.B. She took the wrong seat.C. She lost her wallet.3. How is the school now?A. It’s not as good as it was.B. It’s better than it used to be.C. It’s wo rse than people say.4. When will the movie start?A. At 10 o’clock.B. At 10:30.C. At 10:50.5. What did the woman advise the man to do?A. Go to see a doctor at once.B. Give up solving the problem.C. Be patient with the problem.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。
6. Who sent the scarf to Tina?A. Her mother.B. Her boyfriend.C. Her brother.7. Where does Tina come from?A. Sydney.B. London.C. New York.8. Who are the two speakers?A. Relatives.B. Neighbors.C. Classmates.听下面一段独白,回答第9至第10两个小题。

图3B CD E FA A .B .C .D . 图1 图2AC DB图4 Q P R2010-2011学年第一学期宝安区期末调研测试卷九年级 数学2011.1说明:1.全卷分二部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为非选择题,共 4页。
4.本卷选择题1—10,每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔将答题卷选择题答题区内对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题的答案(含作辅助线)必须用规定的笔,写在答题卷指定的答题区内,写在本卷或其他地方无效..。
第一部分(选择题,共30分)一、选择题(本题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分,每小题有四个选项,其中只有一个是正确的)1.sin30°的值是A .3 B .32 C D .122.若1x =-是关于x 的一元二次方程20x x c -+=的一个根,则c 的值是 A .2 B .1 C .0 D .-2 3.某几何体如图1所示,则它的主视图为4.如图2,下列各组条件中,不能判定△ABC ≌△ABD 的是 A .AC =AD ,BC =BD B .∠C =∠D ,∠BAC =∠BAD C .AC =AD ,∠ABC =∠ABD D .AC =AD ,∠C =∠D =90° 5.已知点(-2,3)在函数ky x=的图像上,则下列说法中,正确的是 A .该函数的图像位于一、三象限 B .该函数的图像位于二、四象限 C .当x 增大时,y 也增大 D .当x 增大时,y 减小6.如图3,将矩形ABCD 沿对角线AC 折叠,使B 落在E 处,AE 交 CD 于点F ,则下列结论中不一定成立的是 A .AD =CE B .AF =CFC .△ADF ≌△CEFD .∠DAF =∠CAF 7.如图4,小明为测量一条河流的宽度,他在河岸边相距80m 的P 和Q 两点分别测定对岸一棵树R 的位置,R 在Q 的正南方向,在P 东偏南36°的方向,则河宽 A .80tan36° B .80tan54°C .080tan 36 D .80tan54°图6BCDA图8图7AC8.如图5,随机闭合开关S 1、S 2、S 3中的两个,能让灯泡⊙发光的概率是 A .34B .23C .12 D .139.如图6,等腰梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,AB =CD =2, AC ⊥AB ,AC =4,则sin ∠DAC = A .12 B C .5 D .2 10.如图7,当小颖从路灯AB 的底部A 点走到C 点时,发现自己在路灯B 下的影子顶部落在正前方E 处。

2017-2018学年上海市宝山区九年级(上)期末英语试卷二、Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)1. Mother told Tom to ________ himself.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?()A /bɪ'hev/B /bɪ'heɪv/C /be'heɪv/D /bɪ'hi:v/2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?()A Do you know the g e ntleman in black?B Tom and Jack are in differentr e gions. C Mike is asked to go and f e tch the box. D I exp e ct you will win the match.3. There is ______'h"in the word'hour'.()A /B theC aD an4. The ______ teachers wondered if the ______ students were in trouble..()A woman…boyB women…boyC woman…boysD women…boys5. Mike is such a kind teacher that he always gives us ______ advice.A manyB a number ofC lots ofD a few6. I can't find_________ in the cardboard box.It's empty.()A somethingB anythingC nothingD some things7. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are ______ than before.()A cheapB more cheaperC much cheaperD the cheapest8. Tom gets up early every day except Saturday or Sunday,because he ______ go to school.()A mustn'tB needn'tC shouldn'tD can't9. His father ______ from England in three days.()A returnsB has returnedC will returnD returned10. The national flag ______ in our school before morning exercises every day.()A riseB is raisedC is risenD raises11. Would you mind my ________ the window?A openB to openC openedD opening12. We are very delighted ______ you here in Shanghai.A to meetB metC meetD meeting13. There will be a wonderful lecture tomorrow.Would you like to ______ it?()A joinB join inC enter forD attend14. Fresh water is ______ precious ______ it is sometimes called liquid gold.()A such…thatB too…toC as…asD so…that15. A large group of students are waiting ______ the bus stop for the school bus.A forB atC toD on16. He didn't tell us_________.()A if he will give us a lectureB whether he would go with youC when he wasstarted D when he will arrive17. ﹣______ bad news it was that there was something harmful in some fishes!()A What aB How aC WhatD How18. How long ______ in China?()A have Mrs.Williams stayedB did Mrs.Williams stayedC will Mrs.Williams bestayed D was Mrs.Williams19. A:Would you please buy some stamps for me on your way to work?B:______()A No,I have no time.B Don't give it up!C With pleasure.D My pleasure.20. Which of the following separates England from France?()A The Red SeaB The MediterraneanC The Atlantic OceanD The English Channel三、 Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)21.Hedy Lamarr was born in 1914.When she was still a teenager,she fell in love with acting.Soon she was discovered by an American director.At the age of 18,she appearedin her first film and began to get tons of (1)_______.Years later,she became a famous Hollywood actress successfully.She was so popular that her hairstyle was even widely (2)_______by the fans.At that time she was honored as"the most beautiful woman in the world".Many people pay more attention to her beauty than her acting skills.This brought her sadness and pain,so she gave up acting and started a new life.Then she decided to invent something(3)_______.You must be very surprised.What could an actress invent?But we'd like to say anybody who has used a mobile phone should thank her.Because (4)_______her technology of FHSS(跳频扩频),today we won't have GPS,Bluetooth,mobile phones or Wi﹣Fi networks.So she was called"Wireless Goddess".Now,Hedy is remembered not only as one of the most talented actresses but also a great inventor.22.The big red double﹣decker bus could certainly be the best﹣known symbol of London.The idea of the"double﹣decker"is (1)_______much older than the motor bus.The earliest double﹣deckers were drawn (拖) by horses.There were steps at the back,so that people could climb up to the roof.But in those days,there was no (2)_______for the people traveling on top.If it rained,they could pull a sort of oil﹣cloth cover out from the back of the seat in front of them,and pull it over them.But they still got wet.The most famous London buses are the Routemasters (路霸,伦敦巴士历史上最经典的车型),which(3)_______from the 1950s and 1960s.The bus had an open platform at the back end,so passengers could climb on and off anywhere,even if the bus was moving.Things started to go wrong for the London buses in the 1ate 1960s.Suddenly,bus companies found they could no longer buy any more of their favorite Routemasters,because the country's Ministry of Transportation (运输部) decided that it would only give financial help to bus companies that bought new buses with doors.In 2005,the oldRoutemasters were finally (4)_______out of normal service.Still,it's not too late to enjoy traveling on one of these historic buses.Some of the old London buses have been preserved,while others are still used to carry tourists,which offer a wonderful way to see Britain's capital city.四、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)23. This is the________ time that I have read this interesting novel.(three)24. The students enjoyed________ at the Christmas party last night.(them)25. The________ time of the train has to be changed because of the heavy rain.(arrive)26. Learning and practicing will surely________ us to make greater progress.(able)27. The government has been paying more attention to________ problems.(economy)28. Doctors have tried their best to save the________ patient.(death)29. The little dog looked________.He refused to jump into the swimming pool.(frighten)30. The child________ from home last week and didn't come back until yesterday.(appear)五、Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子.每空格限填一词)(共14分)31. Jane cut herself by accident with a knife last night.(改为一般疑问句)________ Jane________ herself by accident with a knife last night?32. Peter often goes to school on foot ________.(对划线部分提问)________ Peter often go to school on foot?33. We must keep the hand﹣made chocolate at a low temperature.(改为被动语态)The hand﹣made chocolate must________ at a low temperature.34. Helen doesn't know when she can watch the new movie.(改为简单句)Helen doesn't know________ watch the new movie.35. The train has arrived here.It arrived here two hours ago.(合并一句)The train________ here for two hours.36. Different from our humans,pigeons never lose their way.(保持句意基本不变)Different from our humans,pigeons never________.37. biggest,the,world's,are,killer,floods,natural (连词成句)________六、Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共50分) A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)38. Hanukkah (光明节), the annual (每年的) Festival of Lights, is celebrated with zeal (热情) by the Jewish people around the world.They celebrate the holiday with the lighting of the menorah (多连灯烛台), traditional foods, games and gifts.Hanukkah is a Jewish festival.It falls on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kiskv (犹太教历), which is usually sometime in December.The festival celebrates the time, over 2, 000 yearsago, when the Jewish people fought against an emperor who would not let them follow theirown traditions and religion (宗教).When the Jewish people won back their temple in Jerusalem(耶路撒冷), they found there was only enough holy(神圣的) oil to keep the sacred light (神圣之灯) burning for one day.However, to their surprise, this small amount of oil kept the light burning for eight days and nights, until the people had time to make more oil.At the center of the Hanukkah celebrations is a candlestick (called a Menorah) that holds nine candles.On the first night of Hanukkah the first candle is lit, and each day this candle is used to light another candle, until on the eighth day, the last day, all the candles are lit.During Hanukkah, people go to the synagogue (犹太教堂) to pray and to remember the miracle (奇迹) of the holy oil.Hanukkah is a time for family and friends to'come together.People exchange gifts and greeting cards, and children go to parties.Parents often give their children money at Hanukkah.Potato cakes, called latkes, are a traditional Hanukkah food.Hanukkah is a relatively minor holiday in the Jewish year, however, the Hanukkah story tells of Jewish culture surviving in a non﹣Jewish world.(1).For how many days does Hanukkah last?________A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.(2).According to the passage,what is necessary when celebrating Hanukkah nowadays?________A Oil.B Candles.C Money.D Cards.(3).Jewish people fought against the emperor because________A the emperor didn't let them eat traditional food or wear traditional clothes.B the emperor didn't allow them to practise their own tradition and religions.C the emperor didn't let them celebrate their own festivals.D the emperor didn't allow them to keep the sacred 1ight burning.(4).What do the candles on the Menorah remind Jewish people of?________A The war that they fought 2,000years ago.B The God that they honoredbest. C The miracle of the holy oil that happened 2,000years ago. D The church they built 2,000years ago.(5).During Hanukkah,families and friends usually________.A send each other postcards.B go to parties together.C gettogether. D light candles together.(6).The passage mainly tells us about________A the history of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated.B why Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah.C why Jewish people protect their traditions.D the miracle of the holy oil in the Jewish temple.B.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)39. "Have you ever been in a fight? "I have frequently asked many adults this question.Often, I have been given the same answer: 'Of course, when I was in school."This common answer seems to suggest that most boys will fight(1)_______during their school years.But as we leave school, we cease (停止) to use our fists to solve problems.It's possible that when we are young, we lack the negotiation (协商,谈判) skills to manage a (2)_______ without using violence.On top of that (除此之外), when we enter school we are thrown into an environment where we are constantly competing and trying to (3)_______ourselves.We care what other people think about and a young man will often try to show a tough guy image (硬汉形象).Once we leave school, we are supposed to be equipped with all (4)_______problem solving skills.We need to be able to deal with an aggressive (挑衅的) situation without hurting others.If an adult starts a fight, it shows a major lack of education.However, there are times when a man needs to be a man.Raising a fist seems socially acceptable, if ifs done to defend yourself or someone who can't defend themselves.For example, a school yard bully (校园倚强凌弱者) gets no respect from his schoolmates.They may fear him but don't ever mistake that for respect.The person who gains respect is one who stands (5)_______the bully to protect the weaker guys or girls.Mr.Smith, a former official from local Education Committee said in a talk that boys should know how to fight when necessary."Boys who do not fight can (6)_______achieve any success in the future, "he said.I think he may have chosen the wrong words.It's not about fighting﹣﹣it's about courage to stand up for what you believe in: That will make you a true man.(1)A at some pointB in a whileC at that momentD for the day(2)A questionB difficultyC situationD worry(3)A chooseB proveC makeD understand(4)A certainB experiencedC educatedD necessary(5)A byB againstC onD towards(6)A hardlyB almostC nearlyD alwaysC. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14 分)Popcorn(爆玉米花) was first discove40.根据短文内容及首字母提示,在句子空白处填入一个恰当的词,使短文内容完整、通顺。

2. What does Mrs Brown do?3. What time was the suspect last see n leavi ng his office yesterday?10. Why does Mike wa nt to move into a new flat?A. Because his neighbours make too much noise.B. Because he doesn ' t like his old flat.C. Because he wants to live in a bigger flat.B. 听一段对话和两篇短文,选出最佳答案。
11. What will they do tonight?A. They 'll go to a con cert.B. They 'll go to Sunshine Tow n.C. They'll go to the gate.12. When do they meet?A. At 7:00 p.m.B. At 6:50 a.m.C. At 6:50 p.m.听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。
Joe Reed's experie neeEducati on backgro und 衣 studied in school for fourteen years衣 already 13 years old when finished schoolFather's advice * go to town and get a good job玄 some clever people are needed to work 14一、听力(共20小题,每小题 A.听10段对话,选出最佳答案。

深圳市百合外国语学校2017~2018学年第一学期第二次月考九年级英语试卷班级:___________姓名:___________(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)I.Listening Part(15%)略II.Written Part(85%)二:Multiple Choice.(0.5*30=15)21.If you are_________about something,you have no doubt about it.A.curiousB.doubtfulC.certainD.worried22.The water is_________the edge of the bathtub.A.breaking outB.running overC.going outD.running out23.The_________refers to a group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to something.A.ownerB.customerC.audienceD.performer24.Our head teacher was happy with the surprise party.A.satisfyingB.pleasedC.pleasingD.amusing25._________means the time when an important change starts,especially one that improves the situation.A.DevelopmentB.Turing pointC.ImprovementD.Out of expectation26.Small businesses will need to_________costs in order to survive.Which one is not correct?A.cut downB.increaseC.reduceD.decrease27.One of her first jobs for the magazine was_________stories about the life of the French Emperor Napoleon. Which one is incorrect?A.a series ofB.a variety ofC.a large amount ofD.a lot of28.---The crown wasn’t made of gold,was it?---_________.It was made of gold an another metal.A.Yes,it wasB.No,it wasn’tC.Yes,it wasn’tD.No,it was29.There was_________little water_________that only small children and patients were given some.A.so;leavingB.such;leftC.so;leftD.such;to leave30.Einstein must have experienced some tough times in his childhood because he was slow in reading and speaking_________?A.hasn’t heB.didn’t heC.wasn’t heD.mustn’t he31.It’s the first time that we have listened to such a wonderful lecture,_________?A.wasn’t itB.isn’t itC.haven’t heD.didn’t we32.We don’t think the crown maker was honest enough to the customers._________?A.do weB.wasn’t heC.was heD.don’t we?33.You’re the first person_________honest with me,and it’s a pleasure_________someone_________me the truth about my look.A.to be;hearing;to tellB.to be;to hear;tellingC.being;to hear;tellingD.to be;to hear;tell34._________,it’s_________good weather that we can take pleasure in our_________journey.A.Out of expectation;such;pleasantB.Unexpectedly;so;pleasingC.Unexpectedly;such;pleasedD.Out of expectation;so;pleasant35.We are considering________a plan________the problem in order_________great trouble.A.to make;to discuss;don’t causeB.making;to discuss;not to causeC.making;discussing;not to causeD.to make;discussing;not to cause36.Probably,the best thing to do is to do nothing.A.DefinitelyB.Most importantlyC.PossiblyD.Doubtfully37.Every time I joined a party,I feel out of place.fortableB.unhappyC.going to a wrong placeD.it hard to fit in38.We have been friend for10years.A.remainedB.keptC.madeD.become39._________hard,and you will succeed.A.StudyingB.To studyC.StudyD.Studied40.Nuclear physics is a_________book to most of us.None of us are willing to learn it.A.closeB.closedC.closingD.closely41.In addition to playing basketball,Tom also likes swimming.A.ExceptB.Apart fromC.Besides toD.Except for42.Can you tell me what you specific aim is?A.exactB.specialC.exactlyD.especial43.My family are always_________.They encourage me to do everything I want.A.criticizingB.supportiveC.encouragedD.pleasant44.The girl is seriously ill.There is_________.A.nothing to do but send for a doctorB.something to do but so send for a doctorC.nothing to do but so send for a doctorD.anything to do but sending for a doctor45.---_________fun it is for me_________basketball with you!A.How,to playB.What a,playingC.How,playingD.What,to play46.When I arrived_________the station,the train_________for half an hour.A.in,had leftB.at,had been awayC.in,had been awayD.at,had left47.He_________a teacher5years ago and_________in SZBHFLS ever since.A.became,has taughtB.has become,taughtC.became,taughtD.has become,has taught48.It is5years_________you_________to ShenZhen.A.after,cameB.since,cameC.after,have comeD.since,have come49._________sick,I have to stay in bed for a week.A.BeingB.BecauseC.Because ofD.Be50._________some hard work,we can manage_________our dream.A.With;to achieveB.Do,to achieveC.With;achievingD.In,achieving三:Cloze.(10*1.0=10)Charlie came from a poor village.His parents had51money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad.Mr.King lived next to him.He found him52clever a boy that he had pity on him and lent some money to him.So the boy could go to school.He studied hard and did best53all his lessons among his classmates.When he finished middle school,the man introduced him to his friend in the town.And he beganto work.Once Mr.King was seriously hurt in an accident.54,he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon.The young man agreed and several years later he55the girl.He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy.He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her.He was good at cooking and he cooked a lot for her.So she became very fat and she felt in difficult to walk.And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart.Her husband wasn’t at home and she had to go to hospital at once.The doctors 56and tole her57eat meat,sugar,chocolate and things like these.She was afraid58the doctor’s words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper.When she got home,she put the list on the table and59. When she returned home that afternoon,she found many kinds of food:meat,sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy60there.As soon as he saw her,he said happily,“I’ve bought all the food you like,dear!”51.A.not B.no C.much D.a little52.A.such B.so C.such a D.vey53.A.at B.in C.on D.for54.A.Dead B.Being dead C.Dying D.died”55.A.married to B.married with C.got married D.married56.A.looked her up B.looked her over C.looked for her D.looked at her57.A.shouldn’t B.don’t C.not D.not to58.A.to remember B.to forget C.forgetting D.remembering59.A.slept B.went out C.cooked D.ate60.A.reading B.seeing C.cooking D.writing四:Reading comprehension.(1*20=20)AWe often praise the world of science.It explains the world and makes our lives easier with technology.One of the most exciting fields in science is artificial intelligence.This is an area where scientists are looking on creating machines that think like humans.However,one of the most famous scientists has a very dark warning for us about this type of technology.“The development of artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race,”said Professor Stephen Hawking to the BBC.Hawking is a well-known British scientist and writer of bestselling science book A Brief History of Time. This warning came after he used the machine particularly made for him.As Hawking suffers from a serious disease called ALS,he needs an AI computer to communicate.The computer learns how Hawking thinks and suggests the words he may want to use next.This is a basic type of AI,which is very useful,yet Hawking is frightened of the possibility of creating technology that can match or surpass human intelligence.And it’s easy to imagine how terrible things-may be. Many TV shows and films display big,killer machines that are far cleverer than us.“Humans can’t compete because they are limited by slow biological evolution,”said Hawking.In what direction do you think AI is heading?Should we be hopeful or fearful?61.According the passage,AI machines can_________nowadays.A.make our lives easierB.think like human beingsC.be much smarter than humans nowD.not be controlled by human beings soon62.What does the underlined word This stand for in paragraph5?A.A big,killer machine.B.A serious disease called ALS.C.The AI computer Hawing uses.D.The AI technology scientists work on.63.The writer took Hawking as an example to_________.A.explain how AI has helped usB.show the great hidden use of AIC.show AI has already become part of our lifeD.suggest that AI might become dangerous for humans64.Which of the following can be the title for this article?A.The development of AIB.AI:a friend or an enemy?C.The future of human beingsD.The fight between humans and AI65.What’s the attitude of the writer towards AI?A.disappointedB.neutralC.irreplaceableD.hopelessBWhen my family moved to America in2010from a small village in Guangdong,China,we brought not only our luggage,but also our village rules,customs and culture.One of the rules is that young people should always respect elders.Unluckily,this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States.I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant.One time,when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple,the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly.I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly.As soon as I said that,her face showed great displeasure.My manager,who happened to hear what I said,took me aside and gave me a long lecture about how sensitive Americans are and how they dislike the description“old”.I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife.After the couple heard my reason,they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences,so they laughed and were no longer angry.In my village in China,people are proud of being old.Not so many people live to be seventy or eighty,and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience.Young people always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience.However,in the United States,people think“growing old”is a problem since“old”shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well.Here many people try to keep themselves away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging,and women put on makeup,hoping to look young.When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly,they got angry because this caused them to feel they had failed to stay young.I had told them something they didn’t want to hear.After that,I changed the way I had been with older people.It is not that I don’t respect them any more;I still respect them,but now I don’t show my feelings through words.66.Jack brought the couple their food very fast because_________.A.the manager asked him to do soB.he respected the elderlyC.the couple wanted him to do soD.he wanted more pay67.When Jack called the couple“elderly”,they became_________.A.nervousB.satisfiedC.unhappyD.excited68.In Jack’s hometown,_________.A.people dislike being called“old”B.people are proud of being oldC.many people reach the age of seventy or eightyD.the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants69.After this experience,Jack_________.A.lost his job in the restaurantB.made friends with the coupleC.no longer respected the elderlyD.changed his way with older people70.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The more Jack explained,the angrier the couple got.B.Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experience.C.The manager went back to the table and apologized to the couple.D.From this experience,Jack learned more about American culture.CPeople used to say,“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”and“Behind very successful man there is a woman.”Both of these sayings mean the same thing.Men rule the world,but their wives rule them...Most of the American women like making their husbands and sons successful,but some of them want more for themselves.They want good jobs.When they work,they want to be better paid.They want to be as successful as men.The American women’s liberation movement was started by women who don’t want to stand behind successful men.They want to stand beside men,with the same chance for success.They don’t want to be told that certain jobs or offices are closed to them.They refuse to work side by side with men who do the same work for a higher pay.A liberated woman must be proud of being a woman and believe in herself.If somebody says to her,“You’ve come a long way,baby,”she’ll smile and answer,“not nearly as far as I’m going to go,baby!”The movement is quite new,and many American women do not agree.But it has already made some important changes in women’s lives---in men’s lives,too.71.“Behind every successful man there is a woman”means_________.A.men are always successful but not womenB.women are not willing to stand in front of menC.women do play an important part in men’s livesand work.D.women can be as successful as men72.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Some American women want to work side by side with men and get the same pay for the same work.B.Most American women want to be more successful than men.C.Not every American women want to be more successful than men.D.The American women’s liberation movement did make some changes in women’s lives.73.According to the passage,many American women today are_________.A.still going a long way to workB.working at easier jobs than menC.unwilling to work side by side with menD.willing to be less important than men as they used to.74.“Not nearly as far as I’m going to go”means_________.A.I’m still going to work farther away from homeB.I’m not going to work far away from homeC.I’m not satisfied with what I’ve doneD.What I have done is not far from success75.The American women’s liberation movement_________.A.still have a long way to goB.is a failureC.was started by many successful womenD.is a new thing not accepted by the writerDHank Viscardi was born without legs.He had----not legs but stumps(残肢)that could he fitted with a kind of special boots,People started at him with cruel interest.Children laughed at him and called him‘Ape Man’(猿人)because his arms practically dragged on the ground.Hank went to school like other boys.His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve.After graduating from school,he worked his way through college.He swept floors,waited on table,or worked in one of the college offices.During all this busy life,he had been moving around on his stumps.But one day the doctor told him even the stumps were not going to last much longer.He would soon have to use a wheel chair.Hank felt himself got cold all over.However,the doctor said there was a chance that he could be fitted with artificial legs(假腿).Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when Hank stood up before the mirror,for the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be----a full five feet eight inches tall.By this time he was already26years old.Hank had to learn to use his new legs.Again and again he marched the length of the room,and marched back again.There were times when he fell down on the floor,but he pulled himself up and went back to the endless marching.He went out on the street.He climbed stairs and learned to dance.He built a boat and learned to sail it.When World War II came,he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job.He took the regular training.He marched and drilled along with the other soldiers.Few knew that he was legless.This was the true story of Hank Viscardi,a man without legs.76.Children laughed at Hank and called him‘Ape Man’because________.A.he didn’t talk to themB.he kept away from themC.his arms touched the ground when he movedD.he couldn’t use his arms77.It can be inferred from the story that five feet eight inches tall is________.A.an average height for a fully grown personB.too tall for an average personC.too short for an average personD.none of the above78.The sentence“he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job”implies that the Red Cross___.A.was only glad to give him a jobB.give him a job because he was a good soldierC.gave him a job after he talked to someone whom he knew in the organizationD.was not willing to give him a job at first79.When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers,he________.A.did everything the other soldiers didB.did most of the things the other soldiers didC.did some of the things the other soldiers didD.took some special training80.The writer suggests that Hank Viscardi________.A.had no friendsB.never saw himself as different from othersC.was very shyD.was too proud to accept help from others五:fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.(10*0.5=5)81.You can’t imagine the difficulty I have___________(arrange)such an important meeting.82.To my___________(embarrass),I didn’t recognize him at the first sight.83.He walked straight away and___________(complete)took no notice of our worries.84.Jerry got angry because the man spoke to him___________(polite).85.___________(expect),Jimmy appeared on the stage quite confident,which gave us a big surprise.86.He tried to avoid___________(punish)by his parents yesterday..87.His efforts___________(drag)him out of debt proves to be workable.88.Do you mind me___________(lie)in the sofa for a while?I am too tired.89.It is the third time that you___________(fail)in English exam.90.Quitting school is___________(accept)for him,because he is really fond of learning with classmates and teachers.六:Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words or a proper word.(0.5*20=10)AIt91(say)that happiness means different things to different people.For example,some students believe92 (please)means much money or large93(possess).Without money,life will be of great94(convenient) and it is95(shame)for them if they can’t wear96(fashion)clothes.Others think that they should be97 good health,and enjoy98they like.I don’t quite agree with the points above.I don’t think money means99(owe)a lot of things.We can’t buy many of the things with money,such as health and knowledge,I value knowledge,100makes me happy,for I can do much for mankind with knowledge.BMost Chinese students think101difficult in learning English.Some may have problems in reading while others may have trouble in102(write).but my difficulty seemed103(lie)in listening.For example,when 104(test)for listening comprehension,I couldn’t understand a single sentence,let alone a passage of medium level.I105(follow)my teacher’s advice,then I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours106 day.In addition,I listened to“Special English”on VOA.I also speak clearly and slowly to make myself107 (understand)by others easily.After half a year’s hard work,I could get70%of the questions108(correct)in listening comprehension tests.I owe my success to my English teacher.It is he109tells me the correct way to learn English.He helps me geta sense of110.(achieve)七:Recitation.(0.5*20=10)AArchimedes111the palaces to see the king.First,he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold 112.Next,he put two pots into two big bowls and113water.He put the gold into one pot,and some water ran into the bowl.Then he put the crown into the other pot.This time,114water ran into the bowl.“Look at this,”said Archimedes to King Hiero.“A crown115displaces less water than a crown made of gold and another metal.This crown displaced more water than gold of the same weight,so I116that it’s not completely made of gold.BOne evening,117a university,Einstein asked,“I’m so tired.I wish I could118my lecture tonight, Hans,but I don’t want to let my audience down.So,they chanced places.At the university,Hans119the front of the hall.Einstein took a seat,listened to Hans give his lecture without difficulty,and120at the end.CEmily(aged15)I’m not121the housework...We go out for dinner together sometimes,but my dad is often122,and my mum works too.Jerry(aged14)No,I haven’t got many possessions.I123in things like fashionable clothes.New fashions soon124, don’t they?...Yes,I suppose they125me.For example,unless I finish all my homework,I can’t watch TV,and I can’t go out with my friends either.D...She looked very sick.My friends126her and laughed.Though I wanted to help her,my friends told me not to.127them to laugh at her and I128anything.I feel ashamed of myself......I’ve just started129,but I hate them.I don’t see any advantage in wearing them...I feel it was a mistake for my mother to130these ugly braces.What do you suggest?八:Composition.(15分)Alice是一名初三学生,她给心理老师邱老师写了一封信,表达了她的焦虑。

2019-2020学年第一学期10月份月考九年级英语试卷(命题范围:9A Unit1-3)2019.10.(命题人:何俊霆考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:100分)★温馨提示:请将答案填涂在答题卡上。
I. 听力(15分)i. 听对话,根据录音内容选出问题的答案,每段对话念两遍。
(共3小题,每小题1分)1. Where does the woman live?A. at the crossingB. the Five Star HotelC. in the two blocks2. When must Sandy be back home tonight?A. 10:15.B. 10:45.C. 11:15.3. What would Jack like to eat?A. A chicken sandwich.B. An egg sandwich.C. A tomato sandwich.ii. 听录音,根据你所听到的问句选出合适的答句,每个问句念两遍。
(共3小题,每小题1分)4. A. He doubted that it was a real golden crown.B. He put another metal into the crown.C. He got into the bath and water is displaced.5. A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I was invited. C. Yes, I went to the party.6. A. 2019. B. August. C. 1 October.iii. 听对话或短文,根据录音内容写出问题的答案,每段对话或短文念两遍。
7. What does Ron think of the Internet? (fun / so-so)8. What shouldn’t we tell others? (names / passwords)听第二段对话,回答第9-10小题。

I. 听力测试(15分,选择题6分,听写信息4分,信息转述3分,询问信息2分)i. 听对话,根据你所听到的内容选出问题的答案。
(3小题,每题1分)( )1.Where did the dialogue most probably take place?A. In a book shop.B. In the classroom.C. In the library.( )2. How many pieces of advice did Mary give Joh n?A. Two.B. One.C. None.( )3. What do people usually eat in Than ksgivi ng in the US?A. Dumpli ngs.B. Turkey.C. Traditi onal Chin ese food.ii. 听录音,根据你所听到的问句选出合适的答句,每个问句念两遍。
(3小题,每题1分)( )4. A. Kate is always talking. B. Kate is a clever girl. C. I ' m sorry, but Kate is out.( )5. A. I n two years. B. For ten years. C. Three years later.( )6. A. I want to be a doctor. B. Dick is good at Maths. C. I ' m fifteeniii. 听对话或短文,根据你所听到的内容和所给提示,写出问题的合适答案。
7. What are they talking about? (read books / go to cinema / watch films on Douban )8. When will Kary and Tim go to see a film together? ( coming Sun day / this evening / 7:00 a.m.)听第二段对话,回答第9~10题。

2017-2018学年第一学期九年级期末学业水平质量检测英语试卷知识运用共14分第一节单项选择(共6分,每题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中"选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.1.My mother is a nurse. works in the hospital.A.HeB.SheC.HerD.It2.We often have the sports meeting October.A.onB.atC.inD.of3. Sam, is your brother?一He is in the library.A.whereB.whatC.whoD.which4.Who comes to school ,Kate or Tom?A.earlyB.earlierC.earliestD.the earliest5.一Tony, you answer this question?一Sorry, Ican't.A.mustB.needC.canD.may6.一David,,what did you have for lunch at school?一I some dumplings.A.haveB.hadC.will haveD.am having7.一I'm worried about the math test.一Don'tworry.I you.A.helpB.will helpC.helpedD.have helped8.I the book when my mother came back.A.readB.will readC.am readingD.was reading9.一Peter ,would you like to go to see the new film?一I'd love to, but I it already.A.seeB.sawC.seesD.have seen10.一What sport does your sister like best?一She playing basketball best.A.likeB.likesC.likedD.will like11.一Your classroom looks bright and tidy.一It after school every day.A.cleansB.cleanedC.is cleanedD.was cleaned12.一Can you tell me ?一Last week.A.when will he buy the new bikeB.when he will buy the newbikeC.when did he buy the new bikeD.when he bought the new bike第二节完形填空(共8分,每题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中"选择最佳选项.One sunny Monday, I decided to go for a walk with my husband.On my finger was a very special 13 .It was my 20th birthday gift from my grandmother.I looked down at my ring as I began my walking, feeling as sunny as the day. You can imagine my 14 when I looked at my hand again and found the diamond on my ring was missing. I was really worried, so I went back to look for it. I knew how small the chances were of finding it, but I still wanted togive it a try.As I was fixing my eyes on the ground, I 15 into an old gentleman by accident."What's the matter ,love?"he asked nicely. "Sorry that I ran into you," Isaid." But I 16 something. I'm really worried."I explained about the missing diamond and showed him the hole inmy ring."That's going to be 17 to find it," he said."Tell you what,love ,I take a walk here every day.I'll keep my eyes open for it."It hanked him, expecting nothing.A few days later ,my husband and I met the old man again in the park.Guess what," he said."I found your diamond!" I couldn't believe what I saw when the gentleman handed the diamond back to me. When my husband 18 him money for his help,he refused. The old man could have 19 kept the diamond or sold it,as it's worth several thousand dollars.But he didn't.Now thanks to this man, I'll spend more time trying to 20 other people. All I have to do is to look at my ring and remind myself that thereare still kind and generous souls(心灵)out there.13.A.ring B.glove C.pen D.key14.A.happiness B.sadnessC.difference D.excitement15.A.looked B.broke C.got D.ran16.A.left B.forgot C.lost D.missed17.A.hardB.interesting C.expensive D.exciting18.A.handed B.showed C.offered D.returned19.A.bravely B.easily C.shyly D.simply20.A.help B.tell C.teach D.save阅读理解共36分第三节阅读理解(共26分,每题2分)阅读下列短文"根据短文内容"从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中"选择最佳选项.AWant an interesting booktoread? Here are our books.Just pick the one that you like best.For further information,please click here: www.book****.com.21.Who wrote the book The Best of the Song Books?A.Patricia Cornwell.B.Peril Klaus.C.Annie Keble.D.Harlan Coben.22.Which of the following books can help you save the most money?A.Ten Little Fingers.B.Bookmarks by Phillips.C.The Mystery of Breathing.D.The Best of the Song Books.23.If you like to read novels,which book would you like to buy?A.Ten Little Fingers.B.Bookmarks by Phillips.C.The Mystery of Breathing.D.The Best of the Song Books.24.A mother will buy"Ten Little Fingers" for her baby and "The Mystery of Breathing" for herself, how much will she spend?A. $43.00.B. $40.00.C. $27.00.D. $13.00.BIn sports we often forget that many stars are just young people. They are rich and famous so we expect them to act well. We seldomconnect(联系)them with college. But college is an important time for young people to grow.While at the University of Memphis, Joey Dorsey,24,learned a good lesson in humility(谦逊).The biggest basketball game of his career(职业生涯)was against Ohio State University. Before the game, Dorsey told a group of reporters that the other team wasn't good enough.He said he would get 20 rebounds(篮板球)in the game. But in the game, his team lost and Dorsey finished with Zero point.Afterthegame,Dorseywentintohiding.Hehadmadeafoolofhimself andeveryoneinthecountryknewaboutit.Buthedidn'tgiveup.Helearned fromhismistake.The next season, his college was again back in the college championship(锦标赛)game. But this time Dorsey was humble(谦逊的).The reporters tried to makehimsaysomethingsilly.Buthedidn't.Helethisplaydothetalking.LaterDorseywenttoplayfortheHoustonRockets.He wasthefirst memberofhisfamily tograduatefromcollege.Soonhebecamean NBAstar. Buthewouldrememberforeverthelessonhelearnedwhenhewasyoung.25.Whathappenedin Dorsey'sbiggestbasketballgameagainst Ohio StateUniversity?A.Dorseygot20reboundsinthegame.B.Histeam wonthegame.C.Dorseydidn'ttakepartinthegame.D.DorseygotZeropointinthisgame.26.WhatdidDorseydoafterthegame?A.Hedecidedtoliveinthemountains.B.Hetriedtomakefunofhimself.C.Hegaveupplayingbasketball.D.Helearnedfromhismistake.27.Whatdoesthestorymainlytalkabout?A.Whymanystarsareyoung,richandfamous.B.Whyweshouldstudyhardtogotocollege.C.How Dorseylearnedalessoninhumilityincollege.D.HowtobecomeanNBApopstar.CKarenalwayscomplainedaboutherhouse.OnedayIaskedwhyshedidn'tlookforanotherhouse.Kare nanswered,"IwilllookforanotheronewhenI comebackfromvacation."Samhatedhisjob.However,helovedtakingphotos,and wastakinga two-yearcoursetogetacertificate(证书).Everydayhecomplainedabouthis work.Iaskedhim whyhedidn'tgiveuphisjobandstartabusinessoftakingphotos.Hisreplywas,"WhenIfinishmycourse,Iwillstartabusiness."Harryworkedforacompanythatallowedhimtoretireearly,buthehadto havefewerpensions(养老金)afterheretired.Now Harrybecameveryweakand founditdifficulttodealwithhiswork.Iwasworriedabouthishealthbecause toomuchworkwasbadforhim."Whydon'tyouretire,Harry? Dosomething thatyouwanttodo,"Isaid."IfIwereolder,Iwouldgetmyfullpension.When thenextsummercomes,maybeIwill,"Harryreplied.Thereisanoldsayingthatsays:"Ifand Whenwereplanted,andNothing grew."A yearlater,Karenisstilllivinginthehouseshehates.Samisstill complainingabouthisjobandhasn'tfinishedhiscourse.Harryisstillworking andhishealthisevenworse.Thesepeoplehada lotofstressintheirlivesthat theycouldhavereduced减少.Butallofthemdefeated(击败)themselvesby thinking"iforwhen".Lifeistooshortfor "ifsand whens".Thenexttimeyoufindyourself thinking"iforwhen",rememberthesaying:"Ifand Whenwereplanted,and Nothinggrew."28.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?A.Karenhadanewhouseaftershecamebackfromvacation.B.Sam wastryingtostopcomplainingabouthisjob.C.Sam wantedtoopenabigcompanytomakemoremoney.D.Harryisstillworkinginthecompanynow.29.TheunderlinedoldsayinginParagraph(段落) 4teachesus .A.howtochangeyourselfB.whentogrowsomeplantsC.tostopcomplainingD.totakeactionatonce30.Whatisthebesttitleforthisstory?A.SayNotoIfsandWhensB.HowtoLiveLongerC.Don'tCheatYourselfD.NoHard Work,NoSuccessDAmericanJoeyGraceffa,25,isaninternetsuperstar.Hehasbeentelling storiesinhisvideoson YouTubeforseveralyears,andhas millionsoffans online.Graceffaisalsoawriter.HislatestworkisateennoveltitledChildren ofEden.Thestoryhappensinthefuture,afterallanimalsand mostplantshave beendestroyed(破坏).Peoplehavedestroyedtheatmosphere(大气)andusedupallofthenaturalresources(自然资源).Inordertokeeppeoplealive,thegovernmentdecidestobuilda"paradise(乐园)"calledEden.Tosavetherestofthenaturalresources,thegovernmentmakesaone-childrule.Thesecon dchild ofthefamilywillbekilled.Themaincharacter,Rowan,isatwin.Howeverherbrother,Ash,wasbornfirst-makingherthesecondchild.Rowan'sparentshideherintheirhouse andneverlethergooutside.Asthestorygoeson,Rowanfeelscuriousabouttheoutsideworld.She getsawayfrom herhouseandthinksit'sjustaone-nightadventure.Shefinds interestineverythingshe meets,even makingafriend.However,Rowan'snightdoesn'tendupwithahappyendingandcausesalotofeventsthatwill foreverchangeEden.Graceffabelievesthe worldinthebook willbeourfutureif wekeep destroyingtheenvironment.Hehopesthestorycanbemadeintoamovieone day.I'dsurelyrecommend(推荐)thisbook.Ithinkthestoryisfullofupsanddownsandiseasytofollow.Thisbookteacheskidsandteenstha tit'sOKto takerisks,buteveryactionhasaconsequence( 后果).31.Graceffaisfamousonlinefor .A.singingonhisliveshowB.tellingstoriesinhisvideosingYouTubeformanyyearsD.writingstoriesforchildren32.From Graceffa'sstorywecaninfer .A.thegovernmentencouragedpeopletohavethesecondchildB.thegovernmentusedupallofthenaturalresourcesC. thegovernmentbuilta"paradise"forkidslikeRowanD.t thegovernmentwouldkillRowantosavenaturalresources33.Graceffawrotethisstorybecause .A.hewantedtospeakforthepoorpeopleB.hewantedpeopletoprotecttheenvironmentC.hethoughteverychildinafamilyshouldbetakencareofD.hethoughtlifeisfullofupsanddowns第四节阅读与表达(共10分,每题,2分)阅读下面的短文"并根据短文内容回答问题.Laterthisyear,Beijingwillstartthecountry'sfirstdriverless(无人驾驶)subwaytrains.The YanfangLine——connectingpartofFangshandistrict center——willbethefirsttotryoutdriverlesstechnology.Accordingtotheexperts(专家)inpublictransportation,thenewtrainswillmaketheundergroundrailwaysystem(系统)better.Theywillhaveanupgraded(升级的)operatingsystem.Theywillreach80kmperhourandcarrymorethan1,200passengers.Thedevelopmentofdriverlesstechnologyisopeningupinotherareasof transport(交通工具).Driverlesscarshavebeenadreamformanypeople.Andin thepastfewyears,bigcarcompanies,includingV olkswagenandToyota,havemadelotsofstudieswhiletheyarecompeting withothercompanies,suchas Google.Butwithnotracks(轨道)torunon,how willdriverlesscarsbesafe? Thistechnologyis madeupofmanysensors(传感器)includingradar( )and GPS.Thisgivesthecaranexactpositionintheworld,aswellaswhat'saround it.Italsoallowsthecartosee movingobjects(目标),likeothercarsand people.Pilot-freeplaneshavealsobecomeahottechnologytopic.Yetwhilethesenewkindsoftechnologyare seenasbetterandsafer,theydo haveproblems.Theycannot workatall withoutthehelpofcomputers.Justlikehumans,computersmakemistakes-althoughlessoften.Andlikemuchoftechnology,itmakesmanyworkerslosetheirjobs.Whatwillhappentothefuturebusdriversandpilots?34.WillBeijingstartthecountry'sfirstdriverlesssubwaytrains?35.How manypassengerswillthedriverlesssubwaytraincarry?36.Whatdidthebigcompaniesdoaboutthedriverlesstechnology?37.Whywilldriverlesscarsbesafe?38.Whatdoesthewritermainlytellusinthelastparagraph?书面表达 (共10分)第五节 文段写作(共10分)39.从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.题目①假如你叫王磊,你们班将于星期六乘车去长城郊游,你打算邀请你们班的外教John 参加.请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他集合的时间和地点,活动的安排,以及需要做什么准备.提示词语: theGreatWall,bybus,schoolgate,climb,shoes...题目② To John From WangLei每到假期,许多同学都外出旅游,旅游不但让我们开阔眼界,也让我们放松心情.英语周报正在开展(快乐旅游)的征文活动.请你写一篇作文投稿,谈谈你难忘的一次旅游经历,包括:你什么时间去哪儿旅游了,在那儿做了什么,旅游的感受如何.提示词: visit,delicious,photos,scenery,exciting,enjoy...●When and where are you going to meet?●What are you going to do there?●What do you advise John to take?英语试卷参考答案及评分标准2018.1一、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.D二、13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A三、A:21.D 22.A 23.C 24.CB:25.D 26.D 27.CC:28.D 29.D 30.AD:31.B 32.D 33.B四、34.Yes,itwill.35.Morethan1,200passengers.36.Theyhavemade/madelotsofstudies.37.BecausethetechnologyismadeupofmanysensorsincludingradarandGPS.38.Thenewkindsoftechnologyhaveproblems.五、39. :①DearJohn,Howisitgoing? I'mwritingtoinviteyoutogototheGreatWallwithus.Weare goingtherebybusthisSaturday.Everybodywillmeetattheschoolgateat8:00inthemorning.Thenwewillgotheretogether.It'sagoodtimetovisittheGreatWall.There arealotofbeautifulflowers.WearegoingtoclimbtheGreat Wallandhaveapicnic there.Ifyouwanttojoinus,youneedtowearsomecomfortableshoesandtakesomefoodwithyou.I'msureyouwillhaveagreattime.I'mlookingforwardtoyourearlyreply.Yours,WangLei②ItookatriptoChengduwith myparentslastsummervacation.When wegot there,theweatherwassunnyandabithot.Chengduisfamousforpandas,sowewenttothezootoseethelovelyanimals. Theyweresofunnyandwetooklotsofphotosofthem.Iwasalsoverygladtoknow thatpeopleweretryingtheirbesttoprotecttheanimalslikepandas.Afterthat,we wenttotastealotoflocalsnacks.Mostofthemaresohotbutdelicious.IthinkmytriptoChengduwasveryexcitingand meaningfulbecauseInotonly enjoyedthebeautifulscenery butalsolearnedalotaboutdifferentcultures.Ialso enjoyedthetimewithmyfamily.。

2021-2021学年广东省深圳市宝安区九年级〔上〕 、选择题〔此题共有12小题,每题3分,共36分, 其中只有一个是正确的〕〔3分〕方程x 2=3x 的解为〔〕个,黑球有n 个,随机地从袋中摸出一个球,记录下颜色后,放回袋子中并摇匀,再从 中摸出一个球,经过如此大量重复试验,发现摸出白球的频率稳定在 值约为〔7. 〔3分〕今年,某公司推出一款的新 深受消费者推崇,但价格不菲.为此,某电子商之间的函数关系式是〔2. 3. 4. A. x=3 B. x=0C. x i =0, X 2= - 3D. x i =0, X 2=3〔3分〕下面左侧几何体的左视图是〔〔3分〕如果 A. 3C.B. - 3D.C.〔3分〕不透明的袋中只装有黑、白两种球,这些球除颜色外都相同,其中白球有 20期末数学试卷每题有四个选项,0.4附近,那么A. 20B. 30C. 40D. 505. 〔3分〕关于x 的 二次方程ax 2+3x - 2=0有两个不相等的实数根,那么a 的值可以是〔 A. 0B.一 1C. - 2D. - 36.〔3分〕中国 〜带一路〞战略给沿线国家和地区带来很大的经济效益, 沿线某地区居民 2021 年人均年收入300美元,预计2021年人均年收入将到达 950美元,设2021年到2021年该地区居民人均年收入平均增长率为 x,可列方程为〔A. 300 (1+x%) 2=950B. 300 (1+x 2) =950C. 300 (1+2x) =950D. 300 (1+x) 2=950城推出分期付款购置新 的活动,一部售价为 9688元的新 ,前期付款 2000元, 后期每个月分别付相同的数额,那么每个月的付款额y 〔元〕与付款月数 x 〔x 为正整数〕“ 7688 0iA. y= +2000-9688 0iB. y= ---------- 2000C. 7688y=8. 〔3分〕如图,延长矩形ABCD的边BC至点E,使CE=BD连接AE,如果/ ADB=38°,那么/E的值是〔A. 19°B, 18° C. 20°D, 21 °9. 〔3分〕以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A,二次函数y= 〔x+1〕2-3的顶点坐标是〔1, 3〕B,将二次函数y=x2的图象向上平移2个单位,得到二次函数y= 〔x+2〕2的图象C.菱形的对角线互相垂直且相等D.平面内,两条平行线间的距离处处相等10. 〔3分〕如图,一路灯B距地面高BA=7m,身高1.4m的小红从路灯下的点D出发,沿A-H 的方向行走至点G,假设AD=6m, DG=4m,那么小红在点G处的影长相对于点D处的影长变化是〔〕BA.变长1m B,变长1.2m C.变长1.5m D,变长1.8m11. 〔3分〕一次函数y=ax+c的图象如下图,那么二次函数y=ax2+x+c的图象可能大致是〔〕12. 〔3分〕如图,点P是边长为近的正方形ABCD的对角线BD上的动点,过点P分别作P已BC于点E, PH DC于点F,连接AP并延长,交射线BC于点H,交射线DC于点M, 连接EF交AH于点G,当点P在BD上运动时〔不包括B、D两点〕,以下结论中:①MF=MC;②AH^EF;③AP2=PM?PH;④EF的最小值是亚.其中正确结论是〔〕2A.①③B.②③C.②③④D.②④二、填空题〔此题共有4小题,每题3分,共12分〕13. 〔3分〕有三张外观完全相同的卡片,在卡片的正面分别标上数字- 1, 0, -2,将正面朝下放在桌面上.现随机翻开一张卡片,那么卡片上的数字为负数的概率为 .14. 〔3分〕二次函数y=- 〔x- 1〕〔x+2〕的对称轴方程是 .315. 〔3分〕如图,点A在曲线y一〔x>0〕上,过点A作AB,x轴,垂足为B, OA的垂直平分线交OB、OA于点 C D,当AB=1时,△ ABC的周长为 .16. 〔3分〕如图,正方形ABCD中,对角线AC BD交于点O,点E是OB上一点,且OB=3OE 连接AE,过点D作DG, AE于点F,交AB边于点G,连接GE,假设AD=6&,那么GE的长是 _______8三、解做题〔本大题共7小题,共52分〕17. 〔5 分〕计算:〔—1〕2021 -〔工〕1+2X〔V2021〕%历.318. 〔5 分〕x2-8x+12=0.19. 〔8分〕在不透明的布袋中装有1个红球,2个白球,它们除颜色外其余完全相同.〔1〕从袋中任意摸出两个球,试用树状图或表格列出所有等可能的结果,并求摸出的球恰好是两个白球的概率;〔2〕假设在布袋中再添加a个红球,充分搅匀,从中摸出一个球,使摸到红球的概率为-4试求a的值.20. (8分)如图,△ ABC中,/ ACB的平分线交AB于点D,作CD的垂直平分线,分别交AC、DC BC于点E、G、F,连接DE、DF.(1)求证:四边形DFCN菱形;(2)假设/ ABC=60 , /ACB=45, BD=2,试求BF 的长.21 . 〔8分〕今年深圳读书月〞期间,某书店将每本本钱为30元的一批图书,以40元的单价出售时,每天的销售量是300本.在每本涨价幅度不超过10元的情况下,假设每本涨价1元,那么每天就会少售出10本,设每本书上涨了x元.请解答以下问题:〔1〕填空:每天可售出书本〔用含x的代数式表示〕;〔2〕假设书店想通过售出这批图书每天获得3750元的利润,应涨价多少元?22. (8分)如图1,在平面直角坐标系中,?OABC的一个顶点与坐标原点重合, OA边落在x轴上,且OA=4, OC=2/2, /COA=45.反比例函数C,与AB交于点D,连接AC, CD.(1)试求反比例函数的解析式;(2)求证:CD平分/ ACB;(3)如图2,连接OD,在反比例函数图象上是否存在一点在,请直接写出点P的坐标.如果不存在,请说明理由.y工(k>0, x>0)的图象经过点P,使得S\POC= ' S^ COD?如果存223. (10分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y=ax2+bx+c (a<0)与x轴交于A (-2,0)、B (4, 0)两点,与y轴交于点C,且OC=2OA(1)试求抛物线的解析式;(2)直线y=kx+1 (k>0)与y轴交于点D,与抛物线交于点P,与直线BC交于点M,记m=^■,试求m的最大值及此时点P的坐标;DM(3)在(2)的条件下,点Q是x轴上的一个动点,点N是坐标平面内的一点,是否存在这样的点Q、N,使得以P、D、Q、N四点组成的四边形是矩形?如果存在,请求出点N 的坐标;如果不存在,请说明理由.2021-2021学年广东省深圳市宝安区九年级〔上〕期末数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题〔此题共有12小题,每题其中只有一个是正确的〕1. 〔3分〕方程x2=3x的解为〔〕A. x=3 B, x=0【解答】解:.•.>―3x=0,x 〔x - 3〕 =0,那么x=0或x- 3=0,解得:x=0或x=3,应选:D.2. 〔3分〕下面左侧几何体的左视图是〔A. 3B. -3【解答】解:-^=2, ba=2b,.a+b 2b+b 0 ==3.a-b 2b-b 3分,共36分,每题有四个选项, C. x i=0, x2= - 3 D. x i=0, x2=3D.应选:C.3. 〔3分〕如果且=2,那么卑■的值是〔 b a-b应选:A.4. 〔3分〕不透明的袋中只装有黑、白两种球,这些球除颜色外都相同,其中白球有20个,黑球有n个,随机地从袋中摸出一个球,记录下颜色后,放回袋子中并摇匀,再从中摸出一个球,经过如此大量重复试验,发现摸出白球的频率稳定在0.4附近,那么n的值约为〔〕A. 20B. 30C. 40D. 50【解答】解:根据题意得①=0.4,20+n解得:n=30,应选:B.5. 〔3分〕关于x的一元二次方程ax2+3x-2=0有两个不相等的实数根,那么a的值可以是〔〕A. 0B. - 1C. - 2D. - 3【解答】解:,•・关于x的一元二次方程ax2+3x-2=0有两个不相等的实数根,「.△>0 且aw 0,即32-4ax 〔-2〕 >0 且a*0,解得a> - 12且aw0, 8应选:B.6. 〔3分〕中国乙带一路〞战略给沿线国家和地区带来很大的经济效益,沿线某地区居民2021年人均年收入300美元,预计2021年人均年收入将到达950 美元,设2021年到2021年该地区居民人均年收入平均增长率为x,可列方程为〔〕A. 300 〔1+x%〕 2=950B. 300 〔1+x2〕 =950C. 300 〔1+2x〕 =950D. 300 〔1+x〕2=950【解答】解:设2021年到2021年该地区居民年人均收入平均增长率为x,那么根据题意得2021年年收入为:300 〔1 +x〕2,列出方程为:300 〔1+x〕2=950.应选:D.7. 〔3分〕今年,某公司推出一款的新深受消费者推崇, 但价格不菲.为此,某电子商城推出分期付款购置新的活动,一部售价为9688元的新 ,第10页〔共26页〕前期付款2000元,后期每个月分别付相同的数额,那么每个月的付款额y 〔元〕与付款月数x 〔x为正整数〕之间的函数关系式是〔〕A. y=76SS +2000B. y=96SS- 2000x xC. y="—D, y=X A【解答】解:由题意可得:y=36A—2000』^跄. M X应选:C.8. 〔3分〕如图,延长矩形ABCD的边BC至点E,使CE=BD连接AE,如果/ADB=38, WJ/E的值是〔〕A. 19°B, 18°C, 200 D. 21二.四边形ABC皿矩形,AD// BE, AC=BD 且/ADB=/ CAD=38,「• / E=/ DAE,又= BD=CE• . CE=CA「• / E=/ CAE,v Z CAD=Z CAEnZDAE,E+/E=38°,即/ E=19°.应选:A.9. 〔3分〕以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A.二次函数y= 〔x+1〕2-3的顶点坐标是〔1,3〕B,将二次函数y=x2的图象向上平移2个单位,得到二次函数y= 〔x+2〕2的图象C.菱形的对角线互相垂直且相等D.平面内,两条平行线间的距离处处相等【解答】解:A、二次函数y= 〔x+1〕 2-3的顶点坐标是〔-1, -3〕,错误;B、将二次函数y=x2的图象向上平移2个单位,得到二次函数y=x2+2的图象,错误;C、菱形的对角线互相垂直且平分,错误;D、平面内,两条平行线间的距离处处相等,正确;应选:D.10. 〔3分〕如图,一路灯B距地面高BA=7m,身高1.4m的小红从路灯下的点D 出发,沿A-H的方向行走至点G,假设AD=6m, DG=4m,那么小红在点G处的影长相对于点D处的影长变化是〔〕BA.变长1mB.变长1.2mC.变长1.5mD.变长1.8m【解答】解:由CD// AB// FG可得△CDE^AABE △ HFSAHAB, .•理应、堡①.即工3、_J^=L£.AE AB HA AE ' DE+6 7 HG+4+6 7 '解得:DE=1.5 HG=2.5,v HG- DE=2.5- 1.5=1,•••影长边长1m.应选:A.11. 〔3分〕一次函数y=ax+c的图象如下图,那么二次函数y=aX+x+c的图象可能大致是〔〕【解答】解:二,一次函数y=ax+c的图象经过一三四象限,a> 0, c<0,故二次函数y=a/+x+c的图象开口向上,对称轴在y轴左边,交y轴于负半轴, 应选:C.12. 〔3分〕如图,点P是边长为&的正方形ABCD的对角线BD上的动点,过点P分别作P已BC于点E, PF, DC于点F,连接AP并延长,交射线BC于点H, 交射线DC于点M,连接EF交AH于点G,当点P在BD上运动时〔不包括B、D两点〕,以下结论中:① MF=MC;②AHLEF;③AP2=PM?PH;④EF的最小值是返.其中正确结论是〔〕2B ECA.①③B.②③C.②③④D.②④A 口【解答】解:①错误.由于当点P与BD中点重合时,CM=0,显然FMw CM;②正确.连接PC交EF于O.根据对称性可知/ DAP=/ DCP.•・四边形PECF1矩形,OF=OC・./ OCFW OFC丁• / OFCW DAP,・♦ / DA\/AMD=90 ,・・•/ GFM+/AMD=90 ,丁. / FGM=90 ,・.AH,EF.③正确.v AD// BH,・•/ DAP之H,vZ DAP之PCM,・./ PCM=/ H,・. / CPM=/ HPC,・.△CPM^ AHPQ厂.「HP PC'・. P G=PM?PH,根据对称性可知:PA=PC・•• P的PM?PH.④错误. •四边形PECF1矩形,EF=PC・•・当CP,BD时,PC的值最小,止匕时A、P、C共线, •. AC=Z「•PC的最小值为1,「•EF的最小值为1;应选:B.二、填空题(此题共有4小题,每题3分,共12分)13. (3分)有三张外观完全相同的卡片,在卡片的正面分别标上数字- 1, 0, -2,将正面朝下放在桌面上.现随机翻开一张卡片,那么卡片上的数字为负数 的概率为 2 .—3_—【解答】解:二•共有3张卡片,卡片的正面分别标上数字-1, 0, -2,卡片上 的数字为负数的有2张,卡片上的数字为负数的概率为 —;3故答案为:2.314. (3分)二次函数y=- (x-1) (x+2)的对称轴方程是 x=-^ .二【解答】解:y=- (x-1) (x+2)=-(x+x - 2)・•・二次函数y=- (x-1) (x+2)的对称轴为x=—,2 故答案为:x=-l. 215. (3分)如图,点A 在曲线y=± (x>0)上,过点A 作AB,x 轴,垂足为B, x 【解答】解:;点A 在曲线y=2 〔x>0〕上,AB ,x 轴,AB=1, x「• ABX OB=3,• .OB=3OA 的垂直平分线交OB 、OA 于点C 、 D,当AB=1时,4ABC 的周长为Dv CD垂直平分AO,OC=AC△ ABC 的周长=AB^BC+AC=1+BC+OC=1+OB=1+3=4,故答案为:4.16. 〔3分〕如图,正方形ABCD中,对角线AG BD交于点O,点E是OB上一点,且OB=3OE连接AE,过点D作DG±AE于点F,交AB边于点G,连接GE,假设AD=6v r2,贝U GE的长是—运【解答】解:作EHLAB于H.二.四边形ABC皿正方形,AB=AD=6<2,OA=OB=6v OB=3OE• .OE=2 EB=4・•/ EBH玄BEH=45,EH=BH=2<2,AH=AB- BH=4 二,vZ ADO/ DAF=90 , / DAF+Z EAH=90,丁• / ADG之EAHI, vZ DAG之AHE,・ .△DAS AAHE,,知二AGAH EH'. .里旦.二’• . AG=3 二,GH=AH- AG=二,在Rtz\EGH中,EG=/EH2+GH2=V IO.故答案为而.三、解做题〔本大题共7小题,共52分〕17. 〔5 分〕计算:〔-1〕2021 -.〕1+2X 〔V2021〕°雨.3【解答】解:原式=1 - 3+2+3、0=3日.18. 〔5 分〕x2- 8x+12=0.【解答】解:x2- 8x+12=0,分解因式得〔x- 6〕〔x- 2〕 =0,x- 6=0, x- 2=0,解方程得:x1=6, x?=2,「•方程的解是x〔=6, x2=2.19. 〔8分〕在不透明的布袋中装有1个红球,2个白球,它们除颜色外其余完全相同.〔1〕从袋中任意摸出两个球,试用树状图或表格列出所有等可能的结果,并求摸出的球恰好是两个白球的概率;〔2〕假设在布袋中再添加a个红球,充分搅匀,从中摸出一个球,使摸到红球的概率为3,试求a的值.4【解答】解:〔1〕画树状图得:开始红白白八八/\白白红白红白•••共有6种等可能的结果,随机从袋中摸出两个球都是白色的有2种情况,・•.随机从袋中摸出两个球,都是白色的概率是:2」.6 3(2)根据题意,得:也=老,3+a 4解得:a=5,经检验a=5是原方程的根,故a=5.20. (8分)如图,△ ABC中,/ACB的平分线交AB于点D,作CD的垂直平分线,分别交AG DC BC于点E、G、F,连接DE、DF.(1)求证:四边形DFCE>菱形;(2)假设 / ABC=60, /ACB=45, BD=2,试求BF 的长.【解答】(1)证实:: EF是DC的垂直平分线,DE=EC DF=CF /EGCW FGC=90, DG=CG . CD平分/ ACB, ・ ./ ECG= FCG VCG=CG. .△CG陷AFCC3 (ASA),GE=GF一•四边形DFC式平行四边形,v DE=CE一•四边形DFCEg菱形;(2)解:过D 作DHL BC于H,贝(J/DHF=/ DHB=90,・•/ABC=60,・ ./ BDH=30,BH= BD=1, 2在DHB中,DH=Gqi=/5,二.四边形DFC式菱形,DF// AC,・・/ DFB之ACB=45,・•.△DHF是等腰直角三角形,DH=FH夷,BF=BH+FH=1+行.21. (8分)今年深圳馍书月〞期间,某书店将每本本钱为30元的一批图书,以40元的单价出售时,每天的销售量是300本.在每本涨价幅度不超过10 元的情况下,假设每本涨价1元,那么每天就会少售出10本,设每本书上涨了x 元.请解答以下问题:(1)填空:每天可售出书(300- 10x) 本(用含x的代数式表示);(2)假设书店想通过售出这批图书每天获得3750元的利润,应涨价多少元?【解答】解:(1)二.每本书上涨了x元,「•每天可售出书(300- 10x)本.故答案为:(300- 10x).(2)设每本书上涨了x元(x< 10),根据题意得:(40 - 30+x) (300- 10x) =3750,整理,得:x2 - 20x+75=0,解得:x1二5, x?=15 (不合题意,舍去).答:假设书店想每天获得3750元的利润,每本书应涨价5元.22. (8分)如图1,在平面直角坐标系中,?OABC的一个顶点与坐标原点重合,OA边落在x轴上,且OA=4, OC=2/2, / COA=45.反比例函数y*(k>0,x>0)的图象经过点C,与AB交于点D,连接AC, CD.(1)试求反比例函数的解析式;(2)求证:CD平分/ACB(3)如图2,连接OD,在反比例函数图象上是否存在一点P,使得&POC^S XCOD?2如果存在,请直接写出点P的坐标.如果不存在,请说明理由.图1 图2【解答】解:(1)如图1,过点C作C已x轴于E,丁. / CEO=90,・•/ COA=45,丁. / OCE=45,・ OC=2 三,OE=CE=2••C (2, 2),•・•点C在反比例函数图象上,k=2X 2=4,•♦•反比例函数解析式为v=;x(2)如图2,过点D作DG,x轴于G,交BC于F,V CB// x轴,GF± CB,V OA=4,由(1)知,OC=CE=2• . AE=EC=2• ./ECA=45, /OCA=90,•OC// AB,••/ BAC玄OCA=90,• .AD,AC, ,. A (4, 0), AB// OC,;直线AB的解析式为y=x— 4①,•••反比例函数解析式为 Q②,Kfx=2V2+2 .fx=2-2V2联立①②解得, (舍),L 或. LL y=2V2 -2 [y=-2 -2V2. D (2V2+2, 2V2-2),• . AG=DG=2 二-2,• . AD==DG=4- 2 工,. DF=2- (2加-2) =4- 2%,• . AD=DF. AD,AC, DF± CB,•••点D是/ ACB的角平分线上,即:CD平分/ACB(3)存在,二.点C (2, 2),••・直线OC的解析式为y=x, OC=2/2,. D (2V2+2, 272-2),• .CD=2日-2I、如图3,当点P在点C右侧时,即:点P的横坐标大于2,S\PO(=—S\COD, 2•••设CD的中点为M,M (V2+2, V2),过点M作MP// OC交双曲线于P,「•直线PM 的解析式为y=x- 2③,• ••反比例函数解析式为y=1④,联立③④解得,日不五〔舍八{y=V5-l [y=-i-V5P 〔加+1, V5-1〕;H 、当点P'在点C 左侧时,即:点P'的横坐标大于0而小于2,设点M 关于OC 的对称点为M', M' (m, n), ,12「二=2, 2 2• ・m=2一 :, n=4一 :,••M' (2-72, 4-^2), v P'M' // OC,・•・直线P'M'的解析式为y=x+2⑤,K =-1-V5 〔舍〕,•.P' 〔V5-1, V5+1〕.即:点P 的坐标为〔逐-1 ,加+1〕或P 〔加+1,泥-1〕.联立④⑤解得,T 或 「 +1 一El23. (10分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y=ax2+bx+c (a<0)与x轴交于A (-2,0)、B (4, 0)两点,与y轴交于点C,且OC=2OA(1)试求抛物线的解析式;(2)直线y=kx+1 (k>0)与y轴交于点D,与抛物线交于点P,与直线BC交于点M,记m=—,试求m的最大值及此时点P的坐标;DM(3)在(2)的条件下,点Q是x轴上的一个动点,点N是坐标平面内的一点, 是否存在这样的点Q、N,使得以P、D、Q、N四点组成的四边形是矩形?如【解答】解:(1)由于抛物线y=ax2+bx+c经过A (-2, 0)、B (4, 0)两点, 所以可以假设y=a (x+2) (x-4),v OC=2OA OA=2,•,• C (0, 4),代入抛物线的解析式得到a=-,y=- —(x+2) (x-4) 或y=——x2+x+4 y= - —(x-1) 2+A.2 2 2 4(2)如图1中,作Pnx轴于E,交BC于F.v CD// PE,・•.△CMDs AFMP,... m=FM _PF DM DC•••直线y=kx+1 (k>0)与y轴交于点D,那么D (0, 1),BC的解析式为y=- x+4,设P (n, - -i-n2+n+4),贝U F (n, — n+4),PF=->+n+4- (-n+4) = -1- (n-2) 2+2S= i(n-2) 2+T- -<0,6・•・当n=2时,m有最大值,最大值为此时P (2, 4).L-1(3)存在这样的点Q、N,使得以P、D、Q、N四点组成的四边形是矩形.①当DP是矩形的边时,有两种情形,a、如图2-1中,四边形DQNP是矩形时,yF A512 -i有(2)可知P (2, 4),代入y=kx+1中,得到k=l,2「•直线DP的解析式为yTLx+1,可得D (0, 1), E (-2, 0),2 3由^ DOa△ QOD可得坦=述,OQ ODOD2=OE?OQ• . 1= ?OQ,3• .OQ32, Q (3 0).至根据矩形的性质,将点P向右平移,个单位,向下平移1个单位得到点N, N (2+S, 4— 1),即N (工,3)2 2.•.直线PD 的解析式为y=Jlx+1, PCU PD, 2「•直线PQ 的解析式为y= - -x+—, 3 3, Q (8, 0),根据矩形的性质可知,将点D 向右平移6个单位,向下平移4个单位得到点N, N (0+6, 1-4), IP N (6, - 3).②当 DP 是对角线时,设 Q (x, 0),那么 QD 2=x 2+1, QP 2= (x-2) 2+42, PC ?=13, .「Q 是直角顶点,QC 2+QP 2=PD 2,.•.x 2+1+ (x- 2) 2+16=13,整理得x 2 - 2x+4=0,方程无解,此种情形不存在,综上所述,满足条件的点N 坐标为(工,3)或(6, -3). b 、如图2-2事,四边形PDNQ 是矩形时, ?。
深圳宝安区崛起双语实验学校初中部初中英语九年级全一册Starter Unit 2测试卷(专题培优)

考试范围:xxx;满分:***分;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、选择题1.________is the first course of a meal.A.Starter B.Main Course C.Dinner D.Dessert 2.—What’s the meaning of “One Belt and One Road”?— Let me the words in the new dictionary.A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look up 3.- ______________ it is today!-Yes. Shall we go hiking?A.How fine weatherB.What a fine weatherC.What fine weatherD.How fine the weather4.I haven’t decided ______.A.to buy which postcard B.which postcard to buyC.I should buy which postcard D.which postcard I should buy it 5.He asked me _________.A.what did my mother say B.what I will do next yearC.why I didn't pass the exam D.that I failed the exam6.I'm not sure if he _________ the meeting. If he_________, I will tell you.A.takes part in;does B.will take part in;does C.joins;will doD.will join;does7.─Do you celebrate _________ Spring Festival?─No. This is the first time I've celebrated _________ festival.A.the;the B.the;a C./;the D./;a 8.Her father warned her _________ alone at night.A.not go out B.not to go out C.don’t go out D.to not go out 9.— Do you know ____________?—At 9:00 tomorrow morning.A.when the video meeting beganB.when did the video meeting beginC.when the video meeting will beginD.when will the video meeting begin10.I don’t know or not he will come this afternoon.A.if B.that C.whether D.weather 11.—Do you have_______ in Beijing?—Yes. My aunt and uncle live there.A.classmates B.cousinsC.partners D.relatives12.—How do you celebrate______?—We usually eat zongzi and watch boat races.A.the Spring Festival B.the Mid-Autumn FestivalC.the Lantern Festival D.the Dragon Boat Festival13.—Do you enjoy Chinese Folk songs?—Yes, the folk songs________ nice.A.sound B.smell C.taste14.— When shall we go?—It hasn’t been decided yet. It ____ the weather.A.begins with B.leads toC.depends on D.thinks of15.Linda has a garden, Garden is beautiful.A.a B.an C.the D./ 16.Every time my friends come over to my home, my mother makes dumplings ________. A.for treat B.for a treat C.as treat D.as a treat 17.—The boy________ on the floor just now.—I can’t believe that he________to us.A.lay, lie B.lie, lied C.lied, lied D.lay, lied 18.The bad news ______ everywhere through the Internet yesterday.A.spread over B.spreads over C.spread out D.spreads out 19.Don`t ________ your clothes on the beds. Put them away.A.call out B.lay out C.clean out D.give out 20.—Could you tell me _____ you’d like me to pay you?—You’ d belter use mobile payment. I don’t care _____ it is Alipay or WeChat Pay. A.how; whether B.how; whyC.what; whether D.what; why21.The song ____ me ____ my old school days as soon as it is played.A.turns, into B.called, out C.reminds, of D.shot, down 22.Don't hurry. He ________here as soon as the meeting is over.A.comes B.will comeC.will get to D.gets23.Last week,some students an English play at Rosie Bridge School.A.put out B.put away C.put on D.put up24.I wonder if it’s similar _______the festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. A.for B.at C.in D.to 25.good time we are having!A.What a B.What C.How D.How a26.--Are you going out with Jade tonight?--That's my . Mind your own!A.offer B.business C.question D.chance【参考答案】一、选择题1.A2.D3.C4.B5.C6.B7.A8.B9.C10.C11.D12.D13.A14.C15.C16.D17.D18.A19.B20.A21.C22.B23.C24.D25.A26.B【参考解析】一、选择题1.A解析:A【详解】句意:开胃菜是一顿饭的第一道菜。
九年级牛津9A 2017-2018学年九年级上第一次学情调查英语试卷含答案

2017-2018学年第一学期九年级英语第一次学情调查一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)A. 听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
1. How does Jack go to work when it rains?2. Which pen did the boy buy?3. How is the weather this afternoon?4. What kind of TV programme does the man’s son like?A B C5. How did John go to school this morning?A. By bus.B. On foot.C. By bike.6. What does Simon do now?A. He is a student.B. He is a doctor.C. He is a teacher.7. When will Susan arrive?A. At 4:30.B. At 4:45.C. At 5:20. 8. Where did the dialogue p robably happen?A. In a street.B. In a shop.C. In a school.9. Why does the man advise the woman to wear red?A. Because she likes red most.B. Because the woman looks good in red.C. Because she feels weak.10. Why does the man want to change his shirt?A. Because it is too small.B. Because it is out of style.C. Because he doesn’t like its colour.B. 听下面两段对话和一篇短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

26.—Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine!—______.A. GreatB. ThanksC. Oh, noD. Not at all27.—How is the young man?—______.A. He’s twentyB. He’s much betterC. He’s a doctorD. He’s is Smith28.—It’s very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much.—______.A. Thank youB. Don’t thank meC. Sorry to help you very littleD. You are welcome29.My sister ______ the piano very well, but she hasn’t had time to play recently.A. will playB. have playedC. playedD. plays30.—I still don’t know what ______ while I was away from home?—You’ll know it all some day, I believe.A. had happenedB. would happenC. has happenedD. happened31.—Do you still play basketball?—Oh, no. I ______ it for the past two years.A. haven’t playedB. didn’t playC. won’t playD. hadn’t played32.—What are you doing?—I’m looking ______ the kids. They should be back for lunch now.A. afterB. atC. forD. up33.—I hear things are ______ at night markets.—Really? So I can spend less on what I want there.A. expensiveB. freeC. valuableD. cheap34. —How much is your new mobile phone? —Oh, it ______ me five hundred dollars.A. spentB. costC. tookD. paid35.—I thought you ______ like something to read, so I have brought you some books.—Thanks a lot.A. mayB. mightC. couldD. must36.Driving again after his accident must have taken a lot of ______.A. energyB. knowledgeC. dangerD. courage37.—I find your room is too small. How can you turn around?—It is small. You see, my sofa ______ as a bed.A. usesB. offersC. servesD. provides38. Many tall modern buildings have been ______ in Wuhan these ten years.A. put upB. put onC. put awayD. put off39.—Did Tom and Bob go to the dancing party?—They had been invited, but ______ of them showed up.A. eachB. eitherC. neitherD. none40.—Excuse me, can you tell me ______?—Of course.A. where is there a good place to eatB. where there is a good place to eatC. where is a good place to eatD. where a good place is to eat三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)From North Wales comes the story of a young woman who returned to her car in the local multi-story car park and found an elderly lady sitting in the back seat. As it was a ______(41) make of car, she first ______(42) the number plate. And she went around it to make sure it was indeed her car. She asked the lady what she was doing there. The old lady explained she had been shopping with her daughter and grandchildren but had felt ______(43) and wanted to return to the car for a rest. She said her daughter’s car was the same make, ______(44) color as the young woman’s and she must have got into the wrong one –a ______(45) explanation. The old lady then began to breathe heavily and, holding her ______(46), asked to be taken to the local hospital, which the driver ______(47) to do. But just as the young woman was about to start up the car, she noticed in the rearview mirror that the old lady’s shawl (披肩) had ______(48) a little, showing a muscular arm, thick with hair. “What should I do?”she asked herself. She was very ______(49) that she would soon be in trouble. At the moment the young woman had an idea. She asked the old lady to ______(50) her out of the parking space by standing to one side of the bay, and felt ______(51) when she agreed to do this. Once out of the parking place, the young woman ______(52) the doors and sped off the nearest police station to report the ______(53). Police officers then ______(54) the car, finding a rope and an axe under the passenger seat. The young woman had ______(55) to drive away fortunately, although the whole thing would not have happened in the first place if she had remembered to lock her car up before she went shopping.mon B.simple C.popular D.cheap42.A.cleaned B.checked C.protected D.moved43.A.unwell B.hungry C.anxious D.excited44.A.price B.model C.smell D.lock45.A.weak B.strange C.reasonable D.correct46.A.head B.chest C.stomach D.nose47.A.agreed B.pretended C.refused D.meant48.A.risen B.moved C.changed D.fallen49.A.surprised B.excited C.disappointed D.worried50.A.follow B.take C.direct D.remind51.A.sorry B.happy C.nervous D.lonely52.A.broke B.pushed C.locked D.repaired53.A.accident B.secret C.news D.matter54.A.stopped B.searched C.fixed D.drove55.A.triedB.preferredC.affordedD.managed四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面三篇材料,从每篇材料后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳答案。

2017-2018学年第一学期宝安区期末调研测试卷九年级英语2018.1 II.词汇(15小题,每小题1分,小计15分)i,从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。
(8小题,每小题1分)14.-The weather here was awful last winter, often rainy and too cold .-Luckily, the weather reports says it will be fine this winter .A bad B,fine C .ordinary15--Look! The soldiers over there look very excited .What happened ?--- They heard the news of their victory, and they will hold a party to celebrate it .A workB successC business16,-- Excuse me , when and where can I have breakfast?---Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 am. On the ground floor of this hotel ..A providedB protectedC produced17,--Do I need to take some presents when I go to Bill’s flat tomorrow ?--Yes. You’d better buy some books because Bill likes reading very much .A giftsB tasksC parents18.--Did your father talk to you about your exam last night ?--No. We finished our dinner in silence , and then I did my homework.A in a hurryB at the same timeC without speaking19 - The reform(改革) plan will certainly lead to an argument .---I think so, but no matter how hard it will be , it deserves to have a try..A stop B, cause C , avoid20---so many difficulties ahead , will you change your mind ?.---No, instead, I will stick with my plan. I’m sure I can manage it ..A cut downB join inC continue with21--What about wearing this red dress at the award party ? I bought it last summer .---In my opinion, it’s out of date. Maybe the new blue one is better.A not cheapB not expensiveC not fashionableIi ,根据句子意思,从下面每小题A,B,C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。

2017-2018学年度期末考试英语试卷2017-2018第一学期期末考试试卷八年级英语一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案,1.That's all I have to say. Is there anything you'd like to ?A. talkB. requireC. holdD. add 2.--- Why didn't you enjoy the film?--- It was film that I had ever seen.A. the most interestingB. the least interestingC. more interestingD. less interesting 3.—English is difficult for me. I can’t learn it well.试卷第2页,总1页试卷第3页,总1页8.I know _______ of the twins have been to Hainan Island before.A.neitherB.eitherC.bothD.none9.–Which of these two books will you take? –I’ll take _________. I need them to kill time on my journey.A. eitherB. bothC. all 10.Beethoven wrote _______ beautiful pieces of music.A. hundred ofB. two hundredsC. hundreds ofD.one hundred of11. A journey by train is more ______than by coach.A. tiringB. relaxingC. boringD. difficult12.We ________ get up early and we have a lot of time.A. don’t needB. needn’t to试卷第4页,总18页C. need toD. don’t need to 13.—Dad, how can I get on well with my classmates?—Try to be friendly to them. That will make it much_______.A. easilyB. more easilyC. more easyD. easier14.一What’s your math teacher like?—He is_______. We are a little afraid of him.A. outgoingB. niceC. seriousD. friendly15.Jane has two brothers——_______ is a doctor and ________ is a policeman.A. some, othersB. one, anotherC. one, the otherD. the one, the other二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分)试卷第5页,总18页阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

2017-2018学年宝安区期末调研九年级英语试卷II 词汇I从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。
(15分) 14 --- The weather here was awful last winter, often rainy and too cold.--- Luckily, the weather report says it will be fine this winter.A.badB. fineC. ordinary15.--- Look!The soldiers over there look very excited. What happened?--- They heard the news of their victory, and they will hold a party to celebrate it.A.workB. successC. business16.--- Excuse me, when and where can I have breakfast?--- Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m. on the ground fl oor of this hotel.A.provid edB. protectedC. produced17.--- Do I need to take some presents when I go to Bill’s flat tomorrow?---Yes. You’d better buy some books because Bill likes reading very much.A.giftsB. tasksC. parents18.--- Did your father talk to you about your exam last night?--- No. We finished our dinner in silence, and then I did my homework.A.in a hurryB. at the same timeC. withoutspeaking19.--- The reform(改革) plan will certainly l ead to an argument.--- I think so, but no matter how hard it will be, it d eserves to have a try.A.stopB. causeC. avoid20.--- So many difficulties ahead, will you change your mind?---No. Instead, I will stick with my plan. I’m sure I can manage it.A.cut d ownB. join inC. continue with21.--- What about wearing this red dress at the award party? I bought it last summer.--- In my opinion, it’s out of date. Maybe the new blue one is better.A.not cheapB. not expensiveC. not fashionabl e从下面每小题的A B C 选项中选出最佳答案。

Ⅰ. 单项选择1、—Have you ever been to Disneyland?—No, ______. I hope I can go there next year.A.always B.sometimes C.never D.often2、— Did you have a good time yesterday?— Y es. We sang danced until late at night.A.but B.if C.and D.so3、He wants two________/'tɪkɪts/ for the film.A.thanks B.ticks C.takes D.tickets4、Teenagers would rather______phone calls while businessmen prefer_____e-mails to communicatewith each other.A.make; to write B.making; writing C.to make; to write D.make; writing5、The Reader has been a popular program since last year, there is still something not satisfying.A.though B.until C.if D.unless6、The bridge between the two islands is_______one in Suzhou.A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest7、-- ____ people are there in your family, Jack?--Four. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I.A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often8、I’m sorry. My parents aren’t here now. They have ______ on their journey to Hainan.A.sold out B.left out C.set out D.brought out9、My birthday is coming. My parents will give _____ some nice presents.A.mine B.I C.me D.my10、-Could you help me with my English homework, Nancy?-Of course I____________. Glad to help.A.could B.can C.must D.doⅡ. 完形填空11、完形填空(共l5小题;每小题l分。
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2017-2018学年第一学期宝安区期末调研测试卷九年级英语2018.1 II.词汇(15小题,每小题1分,小计15分)i,从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。
(8小题,每小题1分)14.-The weather here was awful last winter, often rainy and too cold .-Luckily, the weather reports says it will be fine this winter .A bad B,fine C .ordinary15--Look! The soldiers over there look very excited .What happened ?--- They heard the news of their victory, and they will hold a party to celebrate it .A workB successC business16,-- Excuse me , when and where can I have breakfast?---Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 am. On the ground floor of this hotel ..A providedB protectedC produced17,--Do I need to take some presents when I go to Bill’s flat tomorrow ?--Yes. You’d better buy some books because Bill likes reading very much .A giftsB tasksC parents18.--Did your father talk to you about your exam last night ?--No. We finished our dinner in silence , and then I did my homework.A in a hurryB at the same timeC without speaking19 - The reform(改革) plan will certainly lead to an argument .---I think so, but no matter how hard it will be , it deserves to have a try..A stop B, cause C , avoid20---so many difficulties ahead , will you change your mind ?.---No, instead, I will stick with my plan. I’m sure I can manage it ..A cut downB join inC continue with21--What about wearing this red dress at the award party ? I bought it last summer .---In my opinion, it’s out of date. Maybe the new blue one is better.A not cheapB not expensiveC not fashionableIi ,根据句子意思,从下面每小题A,B,C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。
(7小题,每小题1分)22,-What a ________boy Tony is ! He jumped into the river to save the girl as soon as he saw that accident.--Yes. Tony never feels afraid of helping others and we all feel proud of him .A ,braveB blindC stupid23.-Are you sure that Tom saw you in the park ?- Yes, I said hello to him, but he ___________not to see me and ran away.A forgotB decidedC pretended24.-More and more shared bikes are missing these days, Sir !-Thanks for telling me. It’s our duty to takes steps_______, or more shared bikes will disappear ..A slowlyB quietlyC immediately25.---I here there will be an important meeting next Monday and no one can miss it .--What a pity! I have to change my_______for my trip to Shanghai then.?A ,adviceB ,wealthC schedule26--What does your elder bother do ?.--__________ working as a doctor, he also writes novels in his spare time.A BesidesB ExceptC Against27--Have you prepared for the interview?.--What interview? I___________,please tell me something about it .A makes a messB ,have no ideaC make a difference28 --could you turn down the TV ? I’m reading a novel, but the noise is ___________.--Sorry , I didn’t know that ..A driving me madB helping me much C,making me relaxed阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
Many years ago,there lived the son of a Titan(巨人),Prometheus. Prometheus was a ____29_____man,he was not only thinking of others, but also thinking of the future. One day, he found out that human being at that time were_____30____with their lives, as they lived in caves, cold and hungry.Prometheus felt sorry for them ,”They need __31________,” said Prometheus to.himself. “They can warm themselves and cook their food if they have fire” Prometheus went to ask Zeus for fire ,but Zeus ,who punished human by withholding(扣留) fire from them , said __32________, because the doubted that men wouldn’t obey him any more as they would be much stronger with fire .__33_______, gods would have less power.For the good of all men,Prometheus decided to _____34________the fire without Zeus’ agreement. He found a plan that could burn for a long time, and lit it with a spark(火花) from heaven. Then he brought it to humans and taught them to use fire to warm themselves and cook their food. Finally, humans became___35_______and live more happily.After finding out the fact ,____36______ was very angry . Zeus chained him to a rock on a mountain peak to _37____Prometheus . Every day an eagle came and ate his liver , and every night the liver grew back because Prometheus could not die. Human will forever love this brave_____38_______for giving fire to them.29 A boring B caring C frightening30,A unhappy B cheerful C satisfied31, A food B fire C . water32, A OK B NO C Yes33.A AS a result B As a whole C As a matter of fact34.A set B stop C steal35.A weaker B angrier C stronger36.A Zeus B Prometheus C Nobody37.A help B thank C punish38.A hero B eagle C plantV,阅读理解(20小题,每小题1.5分,小计30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。