埃及英语介绍 ppt课件
You would normally remove your shoes before entering. Wait for the host or hostess to tell you where to sit. Eat with the right hand only. Always show appreciation for the meal. Leave a small amount of food on your plate when you have finished eating. Otherwise they will keep filling it up for you!
一、有一位埃及妇女曾用 塔内的水洗了几次脸,认识她 的人均说她忽然看上去年轻了 许多,似乎那种水具有返老还 童之功效。 二、把生锈的首饰置于塔 内,过一段时间后,首饰锈斑 全无,变得十分光亮。 三、把肉、蛋和鲜奶等食 品长时间贮存于塔内,没有腐 烂、变质现象,其保鲜度胜过 现代的电冰箱。 四、用塔内放置过的水冲 洗伤口,伤口愈合很快,胜过 当今最好的愈合药物。 五、穿越大金字塔(指最大 的胡夫金字塔)的子午线,恰好 把地球的陆地和海洋分成相等 的两部分。
埃及首都开罗(Cairo)横跨尼罗河,气魄雄伟, 风貌壮观,是整个中东地区的政治、经济和商业 中心。大开罗是埃及和阿拉伯世界最大的城市, 也是世界上最古老的城市之。 在开罗市区的解放广场一侧,是埃及博物馆, 藏品在10万件以上,在介绍埃及文化、特别是 在介绍法老时期和希腊—罗马时期的古物方面, 是无与伦比的。与这个博物馆相距不远,位于尼 罗河中一个岛上的开罗塔,高187米。登上这 座现代化建筑,全城景色,尽收眼底 。
Egypt has a variety f national dishes
fruit bread
As is known to all, the most famous is the pyramids
Egypt has considered the most suitable place for the natural environment. Ancient Greek scholars think that Egyptian health is from Egypt eternal sun shines.
the population
Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab worlds, it’s population amounted to 335,840 million, the vast majority of them live in valley and delta. Many of them are Arab. there state religion is Islam , it’s believers is mainly sunni. The official language is Arabic,they also speak English and French.
• this is the highest evaluation of the Nile .
Egypt weather and climate
Egypt's climate is very pleasant, for most of the year is sunny, and the average sunshine is up to eight hours. Even during the summer days, raining is rarely.
第1课 古代埃及课件 (共25张PPT)
马 羊牛 蛇 鸡猴 虎 龙猪 狗 兔鼠
在制作木乃伊的过程中,他们初步知道了解剖学的知识,懂得血 液循环与心脏跳动的关系,并开始分科治病。而且掌握了高超的 防腐技术。
金字塔的建造方式一直 是所有考古学家们想破解的 千古谜题。甚至有人怀疑当 中借助了外星人的力量。
法老拥有无 上的权威,大臣
见国王时,要匍 匐在地上,吻国 王脚下的土地。 国王发起怒来, 还经常亲自用王 杖责打大臣。
随着社会矛盾 的激化,王权受到 多方面挑战。胡夫 金字塔之后,古王 国时代的金字塔越 修越小,反映了王 权的逐渐衰落。
科学 建筑 文字 历法
太阳历是古埃及天文 学的突出成就之一。
古埃及的象形文字是世界 上最早的文字之一。
它形成于公元前3000年前后。是一种与事物形状相似的文 字,并有一定的读音。
刻划符号(雏形) 文 字 产 生 图画文字 的 过 程 象形文字
无读音 有读音
约公元前3500年,尼罗河下游 陆续出现了若干个小国家。 约公元前3100年,古埃及初步 实现了统一。
新王国时代 图特摩斯三世
古埃及文明的产生与发展 兴起: BC3500年前后,逐渐形成了几十个最初的小国。
发展: BC3100年,初步建立起统一的埃及国家。
Across Asia, Africa and the two continents, the west Libya, Sudan, the south east, the Red Sea, and with the Palestinians, the Israeli border and north to the Mediterranean Sea. An area of 1.00145 million square kilometers
Great Sphinx of Giza
Egypt food
Egypt's food is very diverse, the egyptians, taste over-emphasize,they like rich, soft slippery and burnt, spicy taste.The egyptians like to eat red meat, chicken, eggs, also love to eat peas, onion, pumpkin, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, radish, MaLing department, carrots, etc. The egyptians do not eat pork kind of food, also need not pigskin products. Don't eat in addition to other animal liver viscera and red stewed with juice and didn't ripe food.
The customs and habits of Egypt
Meeting etiquette: used to shake hands for ritual, but don't shake hands with left hand and others or exchange something
Great Sphinx of Giza
Egypt food
Egypt's food is very diverse, the egyptians, taste over-emphasize,they like rich, soft slippery and burnt, spicy taste.The egyptians like to eat red meat, chicken, eggs, also love to eat peas, onion, pumpkin, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, radish, MaLing department, carrots, etc. The egyptians do not eat pork kind of food, also need not pigskin products. Don't eat in addition to other animal liver viscera and red stewed with juice and didn't ripe food.
The customs and habits of Egypt
Meeting etiquette: used to shake hands for ritual, but don't shake hands with left hand and others or exchange something
Tutankhamun 他并不是古埃及历史上功绩最为
卓著的法老,但却是在今天最为 闻名的埃及法老王。他9岁君临 天下,19岁暴亡,死因曾一度悬 于谋杀,因此他的周身都被神秘 色彩所笼罩。图坦卡蒙为现代人 广为熟知的原因是由于他的坟墓 在三千年的时间内从未被盗,直 到1922年才被英国人霍华德·卡 特(Howard Carter,英国考古学 家和埃及学先驱)发现,挖掘出 了大量珍宝,震惊了西方世界。 他的墓室口刻着神秘的咒语,巧 合的是几个最早进入坟墓的人皆 因各种原因早死,被当时的媒体 大肆渲染成“法老的诅咒”,使 得图坦卡蒙的名字在西方更为家 喻户晓。
Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most colossal buildings ever constructed. 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建 于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。
Ancient Egypt
--The Gift of the Nile
Ancient Egypt was one of the four ancient civilizations .
-- 张烨
Part 1 Pyramid
Part 2 Pharoah Part 3 Mummy
All are afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramid. ---Arab proverb (阿拉伯谚语)
Apart from the pyramids, EGYPTIAN BUILDINGS were decorated with PAINTINGS, CARVED STONE IMAGES, HIEROGLYPHS, and THREE-DIMENSIONAL STATUES. The art tells the story of the pharaohs, the gods, the common people and the natural world of plants, birds and animals.
• 金字塔是古埃及文明的代表作,是埃及国
家的象征,是埃及人民的骄傲。 • 埃及古代奴隶社会的方锥形帝王陵墓。 • 世界八大建筑奇迹之一。数量众多,分布 广泛。
Pyramid is representative of the ancient Egyptian civilization, is the national symbol of Egypt, is the pride of the people of egypt. Square taper ancient Egyptian slave society of imperial mausoleum. One of the eight wonders of the world building. Large quantity, wide distribution
新年------------------------------------------1月1 日 独立日---------------------------------------2月28日 穆罕默德诞辰-------------------------------3月12日 西奈解放日----------------------------------4月25日 五月节----------------------------------------5月1日 国庆日----------------------------------------7月23日 斋戒月----------------------------------------9月 建军节(回教庆典日)-----------------------10月6日 斋戒结束欢庆-------------------------------10月1-3日 朝圣日---------------------------------------12月10-13日
图坦卡蒙(十八代 王朝法老
• (30 BC - 639 AD), the Roman and Byzantine(拜占庭) took
control of Egypt .Rome conquest of Egypt.But from the beginning of the 59 years BC, Egypt is actually the protectorate in Rome.
1, the history of Egypt
• Its history by a Napoleonic (
拿破仑)invasion in 1798, can be roughly divided into ancient medieval and modern two stages。
(BC3100~BC332),the ancient Egyptian history is divided into 31 dynastys. (BC332~BC30)Macedonian (马其顿) the great king Alexander invaded Egypt,destroy the Persian empire, and end the last 3000 years in the era of the pharaohs(法老)。
Valley of the Kings
洪 加 达
卢 luxortemple 克 索 神 庙
The red sea beaches are beautiful gift of nature
the Red Sea Riviera is a long coastal coastal area full of beautiful beaches that lead to the Red Sea.
农业——三分之一以上的职业人口从事农业。耕地面积仅占国 土的4.5%,绝大部分为灌溉地。耕作集约,年可二熟或三熟, 是非洲单位面积产量最高的国家。主产长绒棉和稻米,产量均 居非洲首位,玉米、小麦居非洲前列,还产甘蔗、花生等。农 业在埃及国民经济中占有重要的地位。主要农作物有棉花、小 麦、水稻、高粱、玉米、甘蔗、亚麻、花生、水果、蔬菜等。 工业——非洲重要的石油和磷灰石开采国。炼油工业发达,其 他重要工业部门有食品、纺织、化工、钢铁、机械等。尼罗河 和沿海盛产鱼类。主要出口原油、油品、棉花等,其中原油独 占出口总值的一半左右。主要进口农畜产品、机器设备、车辆、 化工产品等。苏伊士运河是最重要的国际通航运河。 商贸——埃及资源丰富,初步探明储量:石油60亿桶,天然气 3284亿立方米,磷酸盐约12亿吨,铁矿1.82亿吨;此外还有锰、 煤、金、锌、铬、银、钼、铜、滑石等。埃及工业以纺织、食 品加工等轻工业为主。石油、铜、铁、电力、化肥、水泥、机 械等重工业有较大发展,石油工业发展尤为迅速。 旅游——埃及文化灿烂、历史悠久,名胜古迹宏伟丰富,具有 发展旅游业的极为优越的条件。主要旅游点有金字塔、狮身人 面像、爱资哈尔清真寺、古城堡、希腊罗马博物馆、卡特巴城 堡、蒙塔扎宫、卢克索神庙、卡纳克神庙、王陵之谷、阿斯旺 水坝等。旅游收入是埃及外汇的主要来源之一。
埃及自1952年革命后,曾宣布解散一切政党。 1976年萨达特宣布实行多党制。主要政党有6个: ①埃及民族民主党,执政党。1978年7月成立。 ②埃及新华夫脱党,主要反对党。1978年2月成 立。③埃及社会主义工党。1978年12月成立。④ 埃及自由社会主义者工党。1976年1月成立,其 前身是自由社会主义者论坛。⑤埃及民族进步统 一集团党。前身是1975年成立的民族进步论坛, 1976年11月改用现名。⑥乌玛党。1983年7月成 立。
Never Say No to Panda
• Never Say No to Panda is a 2010 series of
television commercials produced in Egypt by Advance Marketing for Arab Dairy。
Never Say No to Panda
A mysterious country
By xxx
The Egypt we know
Let us into the real Egypt!
General Situation
• Egypt, full name is
Arab republic of Egypt.
Square taper ancient Egyptian slave society of imperial mausoleum. One of the eight wonders of the world building.
Large quantity, wide distribution
• Egypt is the most populous
country in the Middle east and the second most populous country Africa.
General Situation
Egypt is one of the four ancient civilization ancient country, was the world's first national.
• The Egypt has the world's longest river Nile , which
• Egyptians like to eat sweet • Horsebean(蚕豆) is their
national dish
• It is worth noting that
many Egyptians love to eat Sichuan Food
Do you know ?
• Many of them are Arab. their state religion is Islam . The official language is Arabic ,they also speak English and French.
• Pyram•吉id 萨is t金he字na塔tional symbol of Egypt, the pride of the people of Egypt
In the aspect of economy, science and technology has long been a leading situation in Africa .
• Egypt's climate is very pleasant,
for most of the year is sunny, and the average sunshine is up to eight hours.
Never Say No to Panda
• Never Say No to Panda is a 2010 series of
television commercials produced in Egypt by Advance Marketing for Arab Dairy。
• Egyptians like to eat sweet • Horsebean(蚕豆) is their
national dish
• It is worth noting that
many Egyptians love to eat Sichuan Food
Do you know ?
• Many of them are Arab. their state religion is Islam . The official language is Arabic ,they also speak English and French.
• Pyram•吉id 萨is t金he字na塔tional symbol of Egypt, the pride of the people of Egypt
In the aspect of economy, science and technology has long been a leading situation in Africa .
• Egypt's climate is very pleasant,
for most of the year is sunny, and the average sunshine is up to eight hours.
Never Say No to Panda
• Never Say No to Panda is a 2010 series of
television commercials produced in Egypt by Advance Marketing for Arab Dairy。
The mummy’s head and body were packed with herbs, sawdust, and linen soaked in scented oil so that they could regain the shape they had in life. Stones or small onions were placed under the eyelids to restore a lifelike appearance. Once this was done, the mummy could be covered with necklaces, rings and bracelets made of gold and gems.
While the body was drying, the internal organs were also dried and preserved with natron.
They were then wrapped in strips of linen and put into separate containers called canopic jars.
After the wrapping was finished, the head of the mummy was covered with a portrait mask, just to make sure that the spirit would recognize it.
The stoppers of the canopic jars were shaped like the heads of the four sons of the god Horus. Each son protected the organ placed inside his respective jar. Duamutef, who had the head of a jackal, guarded the jar that contained the stomach. Qebehsenuf, who had the head of a falcon, watched over the intestines. Hapi, the baboon-headed son of Horus, protected the lungs, while human-headed Imseti was in charge of protecting the liver.
英语_埃及_木乃伊ppt (1)
The body was stuffed with bundles of strong drying salt called natron.
After 40 days, the body was completely dried. The skin became shrunken, wrinkled, and leathery. The bundles of natron were removed from the body cavity. The mummy was cleaned one more time and rubbed with sacred oils to soften the skin.
+Put the mummy in the
Small magical amulets (护身符 )were inserted between the layers of the bandages to further protect the mummy’s spirit on its way to the afterlife. As each layer was added, it was coated with resin to hold the wrappings together with a waterproof seal.
Second:The Mummification Process
At first, buried the body in the desert to make the corpse be dehydrated and became a realistic mummy.
Egyptian Mummification
埃及英文介绍课件 the introduction of Eygpt
• Many of them are Arab. their state religion is Islam . The official language is Arabic ,they also speak English and French.
• Pyramid is the national symbol of Egypt, •吉萨金字塔
Large quantity, wide distribution
• Egyptians like to eat sweet • Horsebean(蚕豆) is their
onal dish
It is worth noting that
many Egyptians love to eat
world's first national.
In the aspect of
economy, science and technology has long been a leading situation in Africa .
• Egypt's climate is very pleasant, •
By xxx
The Egypt we know
Let us into the real Egypt!
General Situation
• Egypt, full name is
Arab republic of Egypt.
Egypt is the most populous
Sichuan Food
Do you know ?
Queen Nefertiti
Abu Simbel: Monument to Ramses II
1279-1213 B. C. E.
Who Are These Strange People?
1291-1278 B. C. E.
Seti I
Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep II
1210-1200 B. C. E.
1279-1212 B. C. E.
Ramses II
Journey to the Underworld
The dead travel on the “Solar Bark.”
Unifier of Upper & Lower Egypt
c. 3050 B. C. E. ?
Ancient Egyptian Housing
Middle Class Homes
Peasant Homes
Scenes of Ancient Egyptian Daily Life
Making Ancient Egyptian Beer
Ancient Egyptian History
Nile Culture Begins Archaic Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom Late Period Greek Ptolemaic Era Roman Period
Time Frame
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Linen Sawdust Lichen Beeswax Resin
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Natron Onion Nile Mud Linen Pads Frankinsense
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Geography of Egypt
Egypt is the 29th biggest country in the world, covering a total area of
1,002,450 sq. km. It is located in the northeast corner of the African
climate:Egypt, about 2900 kilometers of coastline, but it
is a typical desert country, 95 percent throughout the desert. in January the average temperature of 12 ℃, in july 26 ℃; annual average precipitation is 50-200 mm. Most of the remaining area is a tropical desert climate, hot and dry, desert regions temperatures can reach 40 ℃
• Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab
worlds, it’s population amounted to 335,840 million, the vast majority of them live in valley and delta. Many of them are Arab. there state religion is Islam The official language is Arabic,they also speak English and French.
four aspects to introduce Egypt
• 1,History
• 2,an overview of the state( geography
climate ,population)
• 3,the capital city(Cairo)
• 4,the natural scenery
the Great Sphinx The temple of Amun (太阳神庙)
The Pharos Lighthouse ppt课件 Pyramid of Khufu 5
二、 Country profile
country name : 阿拉伯埃及共和国 (The
Arab Republic of Egypt)
• (30 BC - 639 AD), the Roman and Byzantine(拜占庭) took
control of Egypt .Rome conquest of Egypt.But from the beginning of the 59 years BC, Egypt is actually the protectorate in Rome.
(BC3100~BC332),the ancient Egyptian history is divided into 31 dynastys. (BC332~BC30)Macedonian (马其顿) the great king Alexander invaded Egypt,destroy the Persian empire, and end the last 3000 years in the era of the pharaohs(法老)。
continent, on the Mediterranean Sea, at a crossroad between Africa, Asia
and Europe. It is bordered to the east by the Red Sea, Palestine and Israel
to the north-east, Libya to the west, and Sudan to the south.
Independence Day :2月28日(1922年)
National Day : 7月23日(1952年)
national flower : lotus。
National Flag: The flag surface is formed by a rectangular red ,white and black three parallel equal composition, central of it is national emblem. Red symbolizes revolution, white symbolizes purity and bright future, black symbolizes the darkness of the pory of Egypt
• Its history by a Napoleonic (
拿破仑)invasion in 1798, can be roughly divided into ancient medieval and modern two stages。
• The world's longest river Nile through Egypt from south
Captured by arabs in 640,To the 12th century, Egypt has been widely used Arabic, converted to Islam, the ancient Egyptian civilization over thousands of years was replaced by the Arab civilization.