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L18 facilitate [fə'siliteit] v. 1.make easier you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge. the same meaning: ease / alleviate [ə'li:vieit]
the same meaning: maestro
2.a person who has general authority over others the same meaning: overlord / lord
3.a combatant who is able to defeat rivals the same meaning: victor / superior
2.get on top of; deal with successfully the same meaning: overcome / get
3.have dominance or the power to defeat over Her pain completely mastered her The methods can master the problems the same meaning: dominate
2.be of use the same meaning: help(to develop) 3.The other way is that like, they facilitate us in having like little meetings with professors and that kind of things.
2. ,develop or evolve from a latent(潜在的) or potential state (词汇)源出于,由…而来,从…派生出来;出自;追溯(或说明)…的来由(或 起源)(from): Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek words. to derive a word from a Latin root
Unit 7 learning about learning strategies
L8.derive [di'raiv] 1. reason by deduction; establish by deduction。引(申)出,推论出, 推断,推知,推究(from): to derive the meaning from the context1.
9.an authority qualified to teach apprentices(student) the same meaning: professional
10.key that secures entrance everywhere the same meaning: passkey / passe-partout / master key 万能钥匙
2.the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community the same meaning: integrating / desegregation
3.an operation used in the calculus whereby the integral of a function is determined
7.an officer who is licensed to command a merchant (business man) ship the same meaning: captain / sea captain / skipper
8.someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
4.have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of
the same meaning: control
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1.an artist of consummate(perfect) skill
a master of the violin ; one of the old masters (早期的绘画大师
3.increase the likelihood(可能性) The stimulus(刺激) facilitates a delayed impulse(延迟的冲动)
L18 integration [,inti'ɡreiʃən] n. 1.the act of combining into an integral whole the same meaning: consolidation
3.Obtain 得到,取得,获得;导出;形成 (from): He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection. to derive pleasure from music
L15 master ['mɑ:stə, 'mæ stə] v. 1.be or become completely proficient or skilled in She mastered Japanese in less than two years the same meaning: get the hang of
4.directs the work of other
5.presiding officer of a school the same meaning: headmaster / schoolmaster
6.an original creation from which copies can be made the same meaning: master copy / original