乙肝表面抗体阳性、核心抗体阳性(Hepatitis B surface antibody is positive, core antibody is positive)


HBsAg阴性常见于隐匿性HBV感染者,这类患者因HBsAg抗原表位变异,造成HBSAg阴性,但是血液或肝组织中HBVDNA阳性;也见于应用乙肝免疫球蛋白和长期使用抗病毒药物引起HBV突变,导致HBSAg阴性Q 需要注意的是:个别病例胆红素浓度过高可使血清HBSAg结果出现假阳性。



实际上HBV 的免疫学标记一共 3 对,分别是 HBsAg(乙肝表面抗原)、HBsAb (乙肝表面抗体);HBeAg(乙肝 e 抗原)、HBeAb(乙肝e抗体);HBcAg(乙肝核心抗原)以及 HBcAb(乙肝核心抗体)。
HBcAg 在血清中不易检出,所以只检测剩下的两对抗原抗体和一个单独的乙肝核心抗体,俗称两对半。
HBsAg 与 HBsAb 同时阳性可能是不同亚型重复感染或病患正处于血清转换期,即 HBsAg 消失,同时伴 HBsAb 出现。
HBeAg(乙肝 e 抗原)乙肝e抗原是 HBV 内衣壳蛋白的分泌型,是一种可溶性抗原,主要存在于乙肝患者的外周血中,为病毒复制及传染性强的标志,一般出现的比 HBsAg 稍晚。
HBeAb(乙肝 e 抗体)是机体针对乙肝 e 抗原产生的抗体,一般出现于 HBeAg 阴转后,阳性表示患者处于急性肝炎恢复期,病毒复制水平低,传染性下降,病变趋于静止。
HBeAg 和 HBeAb 同时阳性可见于 HBeAg 血清学转换,同样对临床个体化治疗有重要意义,是目前临床上慢性乙肝治疗近期目标。

一、乙肝五项包括:1. 乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)2. 乙型肝炎表面抗体(HBsAb)3. 乙型肝炎 e 抗原(HBeAg)4. 乙型肝炎 e 抗体(HBeAb)5. 乙型肝炎核心抗体(HBcAb)二、乙肝五项对照表的解读方法:1. HBsAg:阳性表示患者体内存在乙肝病毒,是乙肝的标志性指标。
2. HBsAb:阳性表示患者体内存在抗乙肝表面抗原的抗体,有可能是免疫力对抗病毒的表现,也有可能是接种过乙肝疫苗。
3. HBeAg:阳性表示患者具有高传染性,容易传播给他人,是监测慢性乙肝活动性的指标之一。
4. HBeAb:阳性表示患者体内存在抗乙肝 e 抗原的抗体,通常是治疗后的指标之一。
5. HBcAb:阳性表示患者曾经感染过乙肝病毒,目前是否患病需要结合其他指标来判断。
三、乙肝五项对照表的意义:1. 对乙肝患者进行全面的评估和监测。
2. 指导医生确定治疗方案和随访策略。
3. 评估乙肝患者的传染性和慢性程度。
4. 判断患者的治疗效果和预后情况。
四、需要注意的问题:1. 乙肝五项对照表是乙肝患者日常检测的重要指标,但并非唯一的诊断依据,患者还需要结合临床症状、肝功能检查等综合分析。
2. 对于乙肝患者来说,定期进行乙肝五项检测是非常必要的,可以及时了解自身的病情发展情况,避免疾病恶化。
3. 在进行乙肝五项检测时,患者应该按照医生的要求进行准备,保持身体放松,配合医生完成检查,以确保结果的准确性。



1. 乙肝病毒乙肝病毒(Hepatitis B Virus,HBV)是一种DNA病毒,属于乙肝病毒科。
2. 乙肝表面抗体(HBsAb)乙肝表面抗体(Hepatitis B Surface Antibody,简称HBsAb)是针对乙肝病毒表面蛋白(HBsAg)的抗体。
3. 乙肝表面抗体阳性的意义乙肝表面抗体阳性意味着人体已经对乙肝病毒产生了免疫反应,通常有以下几种情况:•接种乙肝疫苗后,人体产生了免疫应答,形成了持久性免疫,HBsAb一直呈阳性。
4. 乙肝表面抗体的检测方法目前常见的乙肝表面抗体检测方法有以下几种:4.1 酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)酶联免疫吸附试验是一种常用的HBsAb检测方法。

◆解放军 302
病原体的生长繁殖。例如抗病菌抗体, 可使入侵的 病菌发生凝集, 使病菌不能吸取营养; 而“饥饿”的 病菌是不能在人体内繁殖的。②可阻止病毒或病 菌靠近人体细胞。入侵者必须靠近并粘连在人体 的 细 胞 上 , 才 能 起 到 破 坏 细 胞 、造 成 感 染 的 作 用 , 这就如同植物的种子只有落入土壤中才能生根发 芽 一 样 。而 抗 体 可 以 不 让 病 毒 、病 菌 粘 连 到 人 体 的 细胞上, 使其失去感染人体细胞的能力。这就像植 物的种子, 如果总是让它飘浮在空中, 它就永远不 会生根发芽。③可中和病毒。例如乙肝病毒, 它的 表面有一些蛋白质结构。借助于这种结构, 乙肝病 毒可以吸附在人的肝细胞表面, 然后钻入肝细胞 内。而乙肝抗体可以在乙肝病毒还没有吸附在人 体的肝细胞上时, 就提前与其结合在一起。它们的 结合会使乙肝病毒表面的蛋白质结构发生改变, 使其不能再吸附在肝细胞上和不能进入肝细胞 内, 更不能进行病毒复制了。抗体的这种中和作 用, 类似酸与碱的中和作用, 它可以使病毒不再是 感染性病毒, 并有可能被人体清除掉。④可中和病 菌的毒素。例如破伤风是由于破伤风杆菌侵入人 的伤口后引起的一种严重疾病。破伤风杆菌能产 生毒力很强的外毒素。而如果人们注射了一种叫 做破伤风抗毒素的抗体后, 就不必再担心被感染 上破伤风杆菌了。这是这种抗体把破伤风杆菌给 中 和 了 。⑤ 可 识 别 感 染 微 生 物 的 种 类 。每 种 致 病 微 生物侵入人体后, 人体都会自动产生与之相对应 的抗体。比如 SARS 病毒侵入人体后, 人体会产生 针对它的抗 SARS 抗体; 乙肝病毒侵入人体后, 人
12 求医问药 2007.07
+ 广告信息 郑州惠民中医脉管炎医院 咨询电话: 0371- 67846855 67846856


当血液中HBsAg阳性时,通常表示存在HBV 感染。

• 乙肝两对半检查,我们所熟知的是检查结果上各项指标的 阴性和阳性,常见的有乙肝两对半135阳性、145阳性分 别是乙肝大三阳和乙肝小三阳。那么,对于检查化验单上 的“+”、“-”大家都了解多少,乙肝两对半各项指标阳性 的意义是什么呢? • 乙肝两对半是检查人体是否感染乙肝病毒的乙肝病毒血清 学标志物,为了帮助大家更好的了解乙肝两对半检查的意 义,云南最好的乙肝医院—昆明医学院附属康复医院肝病 专家介绍,乙肝两对半各项指标阳性所代表的意义各不相 同,下面对乙肝两对半各项指标阳性的意义进行介绍:
• Thank you!!!
• 昆明医学院附属康复医院制作 • 云南省昆明市人民西路183号 • 5*4*5*4*3*0*3*6*7
பைடு நூலகம்
• 一、乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性:代表被乙肝病毒感染,单项阳性时多 半已经痊愈,但部分人体内仍然存在乙肝病毒,仍具有传染性。 • 二、乙肝e抗原(HBeAg)阳性:代表乙肝病毒复制活跃,传染性强。
• 三、乙肝表面抗体(HBsAb或抗-HBs)阳性:代表机体对乙肝病毒有抵抗 力,能够杀灭乙肝病毒,常出现在乙肝痊愈前后和接种乙肝疫苗后。
• 四、乙肝e抗体(HBeAb或抗HBe)阳性:代表病毒复制相对减少,传染 性弱。 • 五、乙肝核心抗体(HBcAb或抗HBc)阳性:代表感染了乙肝病毒或曾经 感染过乙肝病毒已经痊愈,但是打过乙肝疫苗后也可以出现第五项阳性, 但伴有第二项阳性时才证明疫苗有效。
• 通过以上的了解,希望对大家更全面的认识乙肝两对半能 有一定的帮助,最后,专家表示,要判断乙肝病情的轻重 与否,除要检查乙肝两对半外,还应结合肝功能检查、肝 纤维化指标及B超、CT表现才能做出较准确的判断。

治疗方法:1. 监测:对HBcAb阳性的人,需要每6个月至1年进行一次检测。
2. 病毒抑制治疗:如果检测到HBcAb阳性并伴有HBV DNA阳性,则需要及时进行抗病毒治疗。
3. 其他治疗方法:可以使用传统中医治疗、理疗等方法辅助治疗。
3. 接种乙肝疫苗:HBcAb阳性的人应接种乙肝疫苗,以预防相关并发症的发生,同时增加对于病毒的免疫力。
4. 避免高危行为:HBcAb阳性的人尤其要注意避免性行为和血液接触等高危行为,以预防更多的感染发生。

乙肝“核心抗体”阳性就像伤口好了留下一个伤疤一样,应该属于健康者,但在临床工作中发现,有极少数人数年后多次复查HBV DNA,时有呈弱阳性,要考虑体内仍存在乙肝病毒的可能,俗称隐匿性乙肝病毒感染。
由于体内有较稳定的T细胞免疫,隐匿性乙肝病毒感染者乙肝病毒复制能力较低,通常HBV DNA检查一般<103 拷贝/ 毫升,HBVDNA大多200--300拷贝/ 毫升左右,肝组织多无炎症活动,肝功能也大多正常,因而发生肝硬化和肝癌的机会罕见。
但应该重视的是如需要使用免疫抑制剂和化疗者,HBV DNA可能复制活跃,应在使用该类药前先应用抗乙肝病毒药。
也有没有使用免疫抑制剂和化疗者,HBVDNA200--300 拷贝/ 毫升左右,肝功能异常,这种情况需要抗病毒治疗。


在乙肝五项中,有乙肝表面抗体、乙肝e抗体、乙 肝核心抗体这三项抗体,但生活中很多乙肝患者其 实对这三项抗体并不是很了解,下面就为大家做一 个乙肝三抗体的全面介绍。
这是乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)刺激人体免 疫系统后产生的抗体,它是一种保护性抗体,也叫 中和性抗体。它能中和掉乙肝病毒的感染力,保护 人体免受乙肝病毒再度袭击。因此,乙肝表面抗原 是乙型肝炎病毒感染的指标,对表面抗原阳性者应 根据其临床症状,体征及肝功能测定综合判断其感 染的类型。而乙肝抗体的出现标志着乙型肝炎感染 的恢复。
乙肝三抗体二、乙肝e抗体(抗-HBe/HBeAb) 这是乙肝病毒e抗原刺激人体免疫系统后所产生 的抗体,它是在标志着乙肝病毒复制的HBeAg消失 后才出现的,抗-HBe阳性,说明大多数乙肝病毒的 复制停止,随之三、乙肝核心抗体(抗-HBc/HBcAb)
抗-HBc这是乙肝核心抗原(HBcAg)刺激人体免 疫系统后所产生的抗体。它与抗-HBs和抗-HBe都不 相同。它的阳性是感染过或新近正感染着乙肝病毒, 抗-HBc又分为两种类型:抗-HBcIgM型是新近感染乙 肝病毒的标志;抗-HBcIgG型是既往感染乙肝病毒的 标志。
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乙肝表面抗体阳性、核心抗体阳性(Hepatitis B surface antibody is positive, core antibody is positive)Hepatitis B surface antibody positive, hepatitis B core antibody positiveHepatitis B surface antibody is a protective antibody of human body, which can protect the body from HBV infection. Hepatitis B core antibody positive is infection or previous infection marker. These two simultaneous positive, indicating that the body was originally infected with hepatitis B, is in recovery or has recovered.Is hepatitis B antibody positive to be vaccinated?Whether to need to fight hepatitis B vaccine has the following two kinds of circumstances:1, if you are through hepatitis B vaccine to obtain hepatitis B antibody, it is recommended that every three years you strengthen the injection of a hepatitis B vaccine. Since the production of antibody by hepatitis B vaccine, the antibody level decreases with time. Most of our scholars suggest that it is better to strengthen the injection once three years after immunization. No matter how long apart, as long as the surface antibody titer in 10 international units more than /ml, indicating that the body has immunity to hepatitis B virus (variation hepatitis B invalid). Conversely, if the hepatitis B surface antibody titer is below this value, the injection should be enhanced.2, if the hepatitis B surface antibody is not obtained by injection of hepatitis B vaccine, but because of infection with hepatitis B virus obtained, at this time do not need to inject hepatitis B vaccine. The hepatitis B immune antibody obtained by hepatitis B infection has a relatively long duration.Hepatitis B surface antibody is positive, can be effective against hepatitis B virus invasion, thereby protecting the body from hepatitis B virus infection. The previous generation is generally believed that the injection of hepatitis B vaccine antibody 3-5 and sustainable, if often contact with hepatitis B patients if antibody offset faster, in recent years, clinical evidence of hepatitis B vaccine, hepatitis B surface antibody positive stimulation of antibody titer reached more than 10, most can play a protective role in 8-10, and often with hepatitis B patients contact person although antibody offset faster, but because the trace of hepatitis B virus stimulation, the body may also produce antibodies. If the hepatitis B surface antibody positive, generally do not have to worry about the daily life of infection, suggest that 3-5 check, in order to observe the existence and degree of antibodies, and antibody in weak timely to ensure the continuation of hepatitis B vaccine, antibody titer, and effective against hepatitis B virus, better maintenance of human health.Hepatitis B surface antibody appears weak positive, may have been infected with hepatitis B virus, has been restored to health. Or inoculation of hepatitis B vaccine may also lead to this phenomenon, indicating resistance already. The hepatitis B surface antibody is weak positive, generally is not contagious, but the hepatitis B antibody titer will graduallydecline along with the time, so generally strengthens injection once every 4-5 years. It's better to check two, half a titer below 10 micrograms, and every liter should be strengthened.The commonly used method of injecting hepatitis B vaccine is "0, 1 and June injection", that is, the second needle is injected 1 months after the first injection, and the third needle is injected 6 months after the first needle. According to the hepatitis B vaccine specific instructions, each subcutaneous injection of 5 - 10 micrograms. Seventh months, hepatitis B should be tested five items, the effect of vaccination. If the hepatitis B surface antibody is positive, that is effective, or else to play. Hepatitis B surface antibody is a protective antibody that can protect the body against hepatitis B virus, and its presence is the most important indicator of the effectiveness of hepatitis B vaccine injection.(1) if the hepatitis B surface antibody positive antibody titer is >10, showed that the protective antibody is enough, can to some extent in the prevention of hepatitis B virus attacks, without injection of hepatitis B vaccine to strengthen the needle, after check regularly.(2) if the surface antibody of hepatitis B is weak positive, that is, the titer of antibody is 4-10, then a hepatitis B vaccine should be inoculated to strengthen the needle.Hepatitis B surface antibody quantitative detection of normal value is less than 10 10mIU/m1, significantly negative, the body is not enough to resist the invasion of hepatitis B virus,hepatitis B is susceptible to the crowd, this time the need to fight hepatitis B vaccine booster, thereby enhancing the anti HBV effect; if more than 10mIU/m1, can effectively resist the infection of hepatitis B, and numerical better.Hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) reached its peak in 6-12 months and gradually declined thereafter,Turn negative in 10 years (sometimes very fast).= = =Two half of hepatitis B is the most commonly used hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection detection serum marker in domestic hospitals. There are a total of 3 pairs of hepatitis B virus immunological markers, namely surface antigen (HBsAg) and surface antibody (anti HBs or HBsAb), e antigen (HBeAg) and e antibody (anti HBe or HBeAb), core antigen (HBcAg) and core antibody (anti HBc or HBcAb). Hepatitis B two half, also known as hepatitis B five, and its significance is: check whether the hepatitis B infection and the specific circumstances of infection, distinguish big Sanyang, small sanyang.Because core antigen is not easy to be measured in blood, at present the reagent box does not pass, so there are two half of antigen antibody, this is what people often say "hepatitis B two half and half" inspection, or called "hepatitis B five" inspection.Before the "two half and half", and later added a HBcAb-Igm (core antibody Igm), became the three, and now there is a Pre-S1(hepatitis B virus S1 antigen, S1 antigen), "two half and half" into the "three half and half".Hepatitis B two half of each index significance1 (HBsAg- hepatitis B surface antigen) as a sign of the virus has been infected, does not reflect whether the virus replication, replication, infectious intensity2 (HBsAb- hepatitis B surface antibody) is the hallmark of neutralizing antibodies, whether or not a major marker of recovery or resistance. Hepatitis B vaccination, if only the positive, should be regarded as a normal phenomenon after hepatitis B vaccination; hepatitis B virus infection on their own after the elimination of hepatitis B virus immunity will also have the body of hepatitis B surface antibody, this is a good phenomenon3 (HBeAg- hepatitis B virus e antigen) is a marker of viral replication. Continued positive for more than 3 months have affinity4 (HBeAb- hepatitis B virus e antibody) is a stop sign for viral replication. Viral replication decreases and infectivity is weaker than the HBV virus pattern, but not entirely without infection5 (HBcAb- core antibody) is a sign of a person who has been infected or is infected. The core antibody, IGM, is a marker of recent infection or viral replication. The core antibody IgG is produced after infection and has some relevance forassisting the two half of the test.Surface antigen: indicated that the hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been infected, because the surface antigen is the hepatitis B virus's shell, only this positive is not infectious. 70% - 90% surface antigen positive long-term, such as no symptoms, and liver function is normal, no symptoms of hepatitis B surface antigen carriers, without treatment, do not interfere with the work and study, the antigen positive in the population of China accounts for about 10%.Surface antibody: This is a protective antibody that neutralizes the hepatitis B virus. Clew: it is a kind of good phenomenon to obtain immunity after inoculation hepatitis B vaccine; second, hepatitis B recovery period or once suffered from hepatitis B already more, expressed already had immunity.E antigen: hepatitis B virus replication (reproduction) active, infectious stronger, and its close contact, the possibility of infection is greater. This antigen, such as persistent, suggests chronic hepatitis B virus carriers.E antibody: the condition that expresses hepatitis B patient is relieved, stability or incline to rehabilitation, prognosis is good, infectivity decreases, but do not assure the hepatitis B virus has disappeared completely.This is not the core antibody antibody neutralizing antibody, can not clear the virus, and once was in the body to exist for a long time, he recovered sustainable positive, the positive only recently infected with hepatitis B virus or viruscontinues to replicate (reproduction), or had hepatitis B virus infection, and can not distinguish between past or current infection is sick.9 common patterns1 - the past and present have not been infected with HBV.2 + - (1) previous infection failed to detect resistance to -HBs;(2) recovery stage HBsAg disappeared and anti -HBs did not appear; (3) asymptomatic HBsAg carriers.3 - - + + (1) had previously been infected with HBV; (2) acute HBV infection recovered; (3) a few specimens were still infectious. HBV infection has passed; the window period before the emergence of anti HBs. HBeAg appeared later in the latent period of hepatitis B, but disappeared later than the appearance of HBsAg,Closely related to HBV-DNA. Its clinical significance is as follows: (1) it can be used as an auxiliary diagnosis and prognostic indicator of acute hepatitis B. The recovery of acute hepatitis B usually disappears with the disappearance of HBsAg. If 3-4 months after the onset of acute hepatitis B, HBeAg is positive from Yang, anti -HBE appears, which means the prognosis is good. Onset of 3-6 months, still HBeAg (+), may be the earliest evidence of acute hepatitis becoming chronic.(2) it can help to determine the infectivity of hepatitis B patients or HBV carriers. HBeAg exists in the serum of HBsAg positive patients, indicating that there are Dane granules in the blood, most of which are HBV-DNA positive, and the threeare basically parallel. Therefore, HBeAg (+) is highly infectious. Anti -HBe (+) is generally less contagious. However, if serum HBV-DNA (+) may exist in the HBV variant, there is still a certain infectivity; (3) HBeAg positive suggests HBV replication in vivo. HBeAg appears to be resistant to -HBe before and after disappearance, and this phase is called seroconversion, from the HBV replication phase to the non replicative phase. Resistance to -HBe often indicates a decrease or termination of HBV proliferation. But if the nucleotide sequences of C before the change of HBV gene prevents the formation of HBeAg, HBV still exist in the blood circulation, liver disease may continue to develop, and gradually evolved into cirrhosis; (4) in primary hepatocellular carcinoma, the positive rate of HBeAg decreased, and the anti -HBe, a-FP in HBsAg (+ increased. The patients with liver cirrhosis), anti -HBe (+), a-FP increased, suggesting that early hepatocellular carcinoma; (5) maternal transmission in pregnant women during childbirth (HBeAg +) may spread between the rate of mother to child.4 - + - - (1) immunization with hepatitis B vaccine; (2) previous infection; false positive.5 + + + + acute HBV sensation rehabilitation.6 + + - (1) acute HBV infection; (2) chronic HBsAg carriers;(3) infectious weakness.7 - + - + infected with hepatitis B virus in the past, the virus has been basically cleared, the body in rehabilitation. However, there are still some patients with abnormal liver function andDNA positive. Whether or not there is a variation of the virus, it is still necessary to continue the treatment and still be immune. HBV infection, recovery stage.8 + - + + (1) acute HBV infection tended to recover; (2) chronic HBsAg carriers; (3) infectious weakness. Commonly known as "little Sanyang"".9 + + + - acute or chronic hepatitis B infection. Suggest HBV replication, infection is strong. Commonly known as "big Sanyang"".16 rare patterns10 + - - (1) acute HBV infection early, acute HBV infection incubation period; (2) chronic HBV carriers, infectious weak.11 + + - - (1) chronic HBsAg carriers tend to be negative; (2) acute HBV infection tends to recover.12 + + - - (1) acute HBV infection early, (2) chronic carriers, infectious strong.13 + - + + + (1) acute HBV infection tended to recover; (2) chronic carriers.14 + + - - (1) subclinical HBV infection early; (2) different subtypes of HBV two infection.15 + + - + (1) subclinical HBV infection early; (2) different subtypes of HBV two infection.16 + + + - subclinical or atypical infection.17 + + + + subclinical or atypical infection.18 + + + + - subclinical or atypical infection early. HBsAg immune complexes are newly infected with different subtypes.19 - - + - (1) atypical acute infection; (2) in the early stage of infection before the emergence of anti -HBc, HBsAg titer was low and negative, or false positive.20 + + + atypical acute infection.21 + + + acute HBV infection metaphase.22 - + - + - HBV infection has been restored.23 + + - atypical or subclinical HBV infection.24 + + + - atypical or subclinical HBV infection.25 - + - acute HBV infection tends to recover.7 rare patterns26 + + + + + + a subtype of HBsAg and profiled anti HBs (common); II. Serum converting from HBsAg to anti HBs (Shao Jian).27 - + + + -28 - + + + +29 - + + -30 + - + + -31 + + + -32 + + + + -3 normal modesThe following hepatitis B two half and half result index combination form, all indicated that now is the healthy person, has not infected the hepatitis B virus1. - + - +2. - + -3. - -1, hepatitis B symptoms are often manifested as loss of appetite, nausea, nausea and oil, abdominal discomfort, abdominal distension and so on.2, weak, tired, tired, listless, insomnia and dreaminess.3, jaundice is a more prominent symptom of hepatitis B symptoms, often manifested in urine color becomes dark, eyes, skin yellow.4, hepatitis B patients also often appear in right upper abdomen and right hypochondrium discomfort, pain and other symptoms.Hepatitis B two half of 135 positive, that is commonly known as the "hepatitis B big Sanyang", generally means that hepatitis B virus replication in vivo is more active, relatively strong infection. But the two semi hepatitis B 135 positive and can not explain the severity and the degree of liver damage in hepatitis B patients, to check liver function, liver B and hepatitis B virus load DNA related examination, comprehensive analysis and judgment can generally understand the severity of the replication of hepatitis B virus, and infectious size, and to determine the appropriate treatment according to the situation, to achieve the targeted drug, standardized treatment.Hepatitis B two pairs of semi positive 135, check if the liver function is normal, no other clinical symptoms, ultrasound examination showed no obvious damage to the liver, dynamic observations suggest that a HBV serological and biochemical indicators of liver function and ultrasound examination every 3-6 months.Hepatitis B two pairs of semi positive 135, check if the abnormal liver function, normal transaminase exceed more than 2 times, HBV-DNA positive, is suggestive of chronic active hepatitis, the immune has started, you should grasp the timing of treatment, the need for antiviral and protective therapy under the guidance of professional doctors.Hepatitis B two half of 145, positive refers to in the blood test, hepatitis B surface antigen, e antibody and core antibody is positive, we call it hepatitis B small sanyang.Where appear hepatitis B, two half of 145 positive (hepatitis B, small three yang), all indicate acute or chronic hepatitis B, in vivo viral replication, for hepatitis B virus replication.Hepatitis B two, half of 145 positive, should be further examination of liver function, blood routine, alpha fetoprotein and B ultrasound, so that they and doctors to understand the changes in the condition. Hepatitis B two half of 145 positive (hepatitis B small Sanyang) examination, HBV, DNA is still positive, indicating that hepatitis B virus still exists, is still infectious. Every transaminase is high, virus activity is small, 3 worlds need treatment. Otherwise, the liver will develop toward fibrosis - cirrhosis - liver cancer.In addition, hepatitis B two, half a 145 positive, HBV-DNA negative, normal liver function, many people believe that no treatment. However, liver biopsy showed that 90% of the patients had chronic liver inflammation and had a tendency to liver fibrosis. Some patients even had early cirrhosis and the most serious was cancer. This part of hepatitis B, small Sanyang patients should consider anti fibrosis treatment.Hepatitis B two pairs of semi positive 15 also known as hepatitis B 2 Yang, indicating that patients with infectious is relatively weak, if patients with acute or chronic hepatitis, the patients are contagious: if it is changed from hepatitisand viral replication, suggesting that tends to stop infectious. As long as the regular review of liver function and hepatitis B two half and half, as long as the function of the liver is normal, patients do not have to worry too much.Hepatitis B five, first HBsAg positive, indicating that the presence of hepatitis B virus in the body, is now being infected; hepatitis B five, fifth HBcAb positive, indicating that hepatitis B virus had been infected.To determine the severity of hepatitis B, we should make a more accurate judgement in addition to the five items of hepatitis B (two and a half), combined with liver function tests, hepatic fibrosis indexes and B ultrasonography, and CT findings. 15 hepatitis B positive, suggest further liver function and HBV-DNA examination. Take corresponding measures according to the inspection results.Hepatitis B two half to 245 positive refers to hepatitis B surface antibody, E antibody and core antibody is positive. Hepatitis B surface antibody is an antibody produced by hepatitis B surface antigen to stimulate the immune system,Can protect the body from hepatitis B virus attacks again.About hepatitis B two, half a 245 positive whether contagious, according to liver function, HBV-DNA, liver B ultrasound examination, to determine whether there is no virus replication. If two of 245 patients with positive hepatitis B, liver function is normal, DNA negative without virus replication, neither infectious hepatitis B virus; hepatitis B can exist in two veryfew 245 Yang, but positive for HBV-DNA virus replication, then there may be infected with hepatitis B virus.General hepatitis B two pairs of semi positive 245 January, when second after antibody after hepatitis B e antibody anti -HBe e antibody of hepatitis B will disappear; if the long time does not disappear, there may be a mutation of hepatitis B virus, need to do the relevant checks, timely treatment.Hepatitis B two half of the different combinations of its significance is not the same, the most common patterns are:1. hepatitis B five, 1 Yang, the remaining Yin: shows that the incubation period of acute viral infection is late; HBsAg virus carriers.2. hepatitis B five, 2 Yang, the remaining Yin: once vaccinated hepatitis B vaccine, and immune; second, have been infected with hepatitis B virus, but there have been immune antibodies; may appear false positive.3., hepatitis B five, 5 Yang, the remaining Yin: previously infected with hepatitis B virus, is now in convalescence.4. hepatitis B five, 15 Yang, the remaining Yin: commonly known as the "small two Yang" acute HBV infection; II. Chronic HBsAg carriers.5. hepatitis B five, 25 Yang, the remaining Yin: shows that previously infected with hepatitis B virus, has now recovered and has immunity.6. hepatitis B five, 45 Yang, the remaining Yin: (1) the past infection HBV; II acute HBV infection recovery period, the presence of hepatitis B surface antibody before the window period.7., hepatitis B five, 135 Yang, the remaining Yin: commonly known as the "big three yang" acute or chronic hepatitis B infection; II. Viruses in activity and replication period.8., hepatitis B five, 245 Yang, the remaining Yin: acute HBV feeling, rehabilitation period, has a certain immunity.9. hepatitis B five, 13 Yang, the remaining Yin: commonly known as "big second Yang" acute HBV infection; II chronic HBsAg carriers.10. hepatitis B five, 145 Yang, the remaining Yin: commonly known as "small Sanyang", suggesting acute or chronic hepatitis B, viral replication in vivo, hepatitis B virus replication statusHepatitis B two half and half liver function testDistinguish one: check different indicators(1) the target of the project is hepatitis B five, that is: surface antigen (HBsAg) and surface antibody (anti HBs or HBsAb), e antigen (HBeAg) and e antibody (anti HBe or HBeAb), core antibody (anti HBc or HBcAb).(2) liver function index: routine examination for alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alanine aminotransferase (AST), Gu Cao Gu Cao (AST/ALT), the valley of glutamyl transferase (GGP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin (TBILI), direct bilirubin (DBILI), indirect bilirubin (IBILI), the total protein (TP), albumin (ALB) and globulin (GLB), than the white ball (ALB/GLB), glucose (GLU), urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CRE), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-L), creatine kinase (CK), total cholesterol (CHOL), triglyceride (TRIG), uric acid (UA).Difference two: the clinical significance is different(1) the second half of hepatitis B two check significance is: check whether the infection of hepatitis B and the specific circumstances of infection, distinguish big Sanyang, small sanyang.(2) liver function is to reflect the physiological function of the liver, liver function test is to detect whether the liver has disease, the extent of liver damage, as well as to identify the causes of liver disease, to judge the prognosis and to identify the cause of jaundice. Liver function tests are especially sensitive and important to the diagnosis of liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.Many patients with hepatitis B will encounter such a situation, check the two semi hepatitis B, the doctor to check the hepatitis B virus DNA, HBVDNA is the hepatitis B virus can replicate the genetic material of the new virus, hepatitis B virus gene. Hepatitis B virus only antigen, and no HBVDNA, it will not infect others, because it does not replicate theability of the virus, the patient will be completely cured. The doctor is measuring the condition of the hepatitis B patient,Need measurement of the blood is contained in the HBVDNA (i.e. qualitative, positive or negative), to determine whether there are infectious; but also the check number with the virus (viral load), is to determine the level of infection, usually in the copy number per milliliter containing the number of virus (copy / ml) with the blood of patients with virus load.Two half of hepatitis B can only reflect the carrying pattern of antigen and antibody in the body and the immunity of the organism under certain conditions, so as to provide indirect evidence for the hepatitis B virus infection. The presence of HBVDNA is the direct evidence of hepatitis B virus infection, and is the gold standard for diagnosis.Hepatitis B two, half a check, and metabolism is not directly related, eating does not affect the HBV antigen antibody indicators, that does not affect the accuracy of the results of the examination. So you don't need an empty stomach.Hepatitis B two half and half examination, do not need fasting examination, but hepatitis B two half and half, often with liver function or hepatitis B ultrasound examination together, to determine the hepatitis B situation. The liver function and hepatitis B ultrasound examination must be fasting, while checking the day before eating light, check the first three days can not drink, in order to ensure the accuracy of inspection. So, if want to check hepatitis B at the same time two half, liver function (hepatitis B, b) must be empty stomach.1, for healthy people, through the injection of hepatitis B vaccine can produce sufficient hepatitis B antibody, 3-5 years to check once five hepatitis B can be, but there are chronic liver disease symptoms, but also need to check the hepatitis B five.2, for regular contact with hepatitis B patients, it is best to go every year to check the hepatitis B antibody titer, once the titer is less than 10, should be timely vaccination hepatitis B vaccine, strengthen the needle.3, for hepatitis B patients, hepatitis B five checks interval depends on their own circumstances, neither between the interval is too long, but too frequent inspection is meaningless. If patients are not treated with special antiviral therapy, there is no need to examine HBV markers and viral variants frequently, and each patient's condition must be selected for an examination to be performed. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that every three months or six months of the patient's friends to check the hepatitis B five checks. There are five clinical hepatitis B is often carried out with the liver function, especially the hepatitis B patients who have manifested the symptoms of hepatitis B, if the feeling is a little unusual, go to the hospital for examination.Big 3 this world is infectivity, small, 3 this world infectivity is lower, healthy carrier is not infectivity.HBsAg carriers account for about 10% of China's totalpopulation.Hepatitis B is transmitted mainly through the bloodstream, occasionally through saliva and semen, and in daily life, general contact is unlikely to infect others."Small Sanyang," who, usually without hepatitis symptoms, liver function has been normal people, also known as hepatitis B virus carriers.It is estimated that there are about 215 million people living with hepatitis B virus in the world, about 120 million of them in china.。