英语语言学 第二章 Phonetics and Phonology

scope of phonetics
articulatory phonetics
auditory phonetics
acoustic phonetics
articulatory phonetics 发音语音学 From the speaker’s point of view: studying how a speaker uses his or her speech organ to articulate sounds ( 研究语音的产生)
当声带分离时,气流容易通过,由此产生的语 音叫清音(voiceless),如 [p, s, t]。 当声带贴近时,气流使其产生震动 (vibration),形成的声音成为浊音 (voicing),如[ b, z, d]。 当声带完全紧贴时,气流无法通过,不发出声 音。
pharyngeal cavity: Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing, which is a feature of all vowels and some consonants in English.
2.1 the phonic medium of language
two media of language : speech and writing Sounds which are meaningful in human communication constitute the phonic medium of language.
2.2.2 speech
organs (发音器官)

English consonants p pill d desk m member f feel z zoo ʃ shy ʤ Jill w wait b k n v θ ʒ l ϳ ball t till kiss g gap name ŋ ring veal s so thin ð thy measure ʧ chain letter r reef yard
3) Phonetics studies speech sounds from three different angles. Accordingly, it can be further classified into three sub-branches: ________ phonetics, ________ phonetics and ________ phonetics. 4) The speech organs are contained in three important areas or cavities: the ________, the ________ and the ________.
5) There are two ways to transcribe speech sounds. One is ________ transcription; the other is ________ transcription.
6) ________ are sounds produced by some form of obstruction of the air stream and may be either voiced or voiceless.
Standard and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription—the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). A list of symbols are used to transcribe the sounds. The vowels The consonants
《英语语言学导论》(第四版)课件Chapter 2 Phonetics

[v] and write a short paper on the problem in the acquisition of [v] and how to solve it.
Phonetic features and natural classes
Teaching Aims
The Study of Speech Sounds
1. To make students familiar with sound production mechanism, the transcription and description of English sounds. 2. To make students understand the differences of consonants and vowels, the nature of phonetic features and natural classes. 3. To cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness and research interests in discovering the regularities of speech sounds.
2.3 Phonetic transcription of sounds
Transcription of sounds
2.3.1 Unit of representation Speech is a continuous flow of sound with interruptions only

举例: too 和 tea 中的 /t/ 发too中的/t/时, 舌位更靠近口腔前部 发tea中的/t/时,舌位更靠近口腔后部 语音学要研究这种/t/发音的不同之处, 音系
Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.
义和区别 2.语音学重要概念: 清音和浊音 3.音系学重要概念: 音子,音位, 超音段特征
Phonetics studies all speech sounds in human languages: how they are produced, transmitted and how they are received.
印欧语系,汉藏语系,南岛语 系,阿尔泰语系,南亚语系
印欧语系下的日耳曼语族,罗曼语 族,凯尔特语族, 斯拉夫语族,伊朗
日耳曼语族下分西日耳曼支,东日 耳曼语支,北日耳曼语支
Indo-European language family
Germanic group 日耳曼语族
Celtic group 凯尔特语族
Theoretical Linguistics
Linguistic nature, universal rules
Applied Linguistics
language acquisition, teaching, assessment
generation through teaching and learning rather than instinct. 反例:印度狼孩

A phone is a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones.
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Broad transcription 宽式标音: the transcription with letter-symbols only.
Narrow transcription 严式标音: the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics 变音符. Diacritics are a set of symbols added to the letter-symbols to bring out the finer distinctions than the letters alone may possibly do.
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Bilabial 双唇音 Labiodental 唇齿音 Dental 齿音 Alveolar 齿龈音 Palatal 腭音 Velar 软腭音 Glottal 喉音
of how speech sounds are produced. (2) Auditory phonetics 听觉语音学 studies how
Chapter 2.The sound of language 英语专业语言学PPT

Phones, phoneme, allophone 4
Allophones are of the same phoneme.
Allophones do not distinguish meaning.
Allophones are in complementary distribution (互补分布), i.e., they never occur in the same environment.
Chapter 2 The Sounds of Language(2) Phonology
➢Minimal pairs ➢Free variation ➢Distinctive features ➢Syllables & consonant clusters ➢Suprasemental features
English Vowels 2
• According to lip-rounding: • 1.Rounded vowels 圆唇音 • [u:] [u] [ɔ:][ɔ]
• 2.Unrounded vowels展唇音 • [i:] [i] [e] [æ] [ə:] [ə] [ʌ] [ɑ:]
Phonetics and Phonology
• Phonetics is the linguistic study to identify and describe the characteristics of all the speech sounds that occur in all human languages.
Some Natural Classes

2.3.1 Coarticulation (协同发音)
Map PK Lamb
A nasal + a vowel
Soft palate: from the lowered position to the raised position
Proceeding influenced following (perseverative)
Broad and narrow transcriptions
Velarization rule (软腭化): A vowel + a nasal
phonemic contrast, complementary distribution
when simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved.
Broad and narrow transcriptions
1. Broad transcription (宽式音标): The transcription of sounds with letter-symbols only. [ _ ]
said to form a minimal pair.
Pill/bill; pill/till; till/kill; kill/dill/; dill/gill
big/peg; peak/leap
Minimal pairs
Four requirements for identifying minimal pairs:

The categories of consonant, therefore, are
established on the basis of several factors.
a. the actual relationship between the
tongue curled up and back in a retroflex gesture
and then striking the roof of the mouth in the
post-alveolar region as it returns to its position
behind the lower front teeth. In some forms of
humans, meaningful in human
communication and with which linguists
are concerned.
Phonetics and ittics is the science
which studies the characteristics of
vocal organs(发音器官).
The articulatory apparatus of a
human being are contained in
three important areas: (1) the
pharyngeal cavity(咽腔) – the
(2) the oral cavity(口腔) – the
through easily and the sound produced
2-2 Classification of English vowels 英语语言学ppt

Word-final /n/ becomes bilabial before bilabial consonants;
ten pens ten boys ten men
Word-final /n/ becomes velar before velar plosives/k, g/:
and [:].
3) the shape of the lips
rounded vowels: All the back vowels in English are rounded except [ɑ:].
unrounded vowels: All the front vowels and central vowels in English are unrounded.
Ten cups
ten girls
Word-final /s,z/ become palato-alveolar before palato-alveolar fricatives and the palatal frictionless continuant/;
This ship This year has she those young men
Word-final /d/ becomes a nasal before a nasal, at the place of articulation of the nasal;
Word-final /v/ becomes a nasal before a nasal;
Word-final lenis fricatives become fortis before an initial fortis consonant;
语言学--2.Speech sounds(课堂PPT)

■Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.
The diagram of speech organs
1. Lips 2. Teeth 3. Teeth ridge (alveolar)齿龈 4. Hard palate 硬腭 5. Soft palate (velum) 软腭 6. Uvula 小舌 7. Tip of tongue 8. Blade of tongue 舌面 9. Back of tongue 10. Vocal cords 声带 11. Pharyngeal cavity 咽腔 12. Nasal cavity 鼻腔
• Auditory phonetics----from the hearers’ point of
view, “how sounds are perceived” 听觉语音学
• Acoustic phonetics----from the physical way or
means by which sounds are transmitted from one
idea about phonetics and phonology
Teaching Focus: description of consonants and vowels;
basic knowledge about phonology

3.2 Duality
The property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization:
--Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913):
Course in General Linguistics (1916)
“Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols.” --Edward Sapir (1884-1939):
Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech (1921)
“A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates.” --Bernard Bloch (1907-1965) & George Trager
Languages are intimately related to the societies and individuals who use them.
英语语言学 Lecture 2 - speech sounds

A New Seaghsounds of spoken English≠letters of written English↓InternationalPhonetic Alphabet →IPAIPA is a standardized and internally accepted system of phonetic transcription.Its basic principle is using a different letter for each distinguishable speech sounds. With minor modification it is now still used by phoneticians and linguists.The International Phonetic Alphabet (Revised to 2005)only some of the sounds →units in the language system.study from various perspectives ↓PhoneticsPhonologyPhonetics -studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.Articulatory Phonetics- the study of the production of speech sounds.Acoustic Phonetics- the study of the physical properties of speech sounds. Perceptual or Auditory Phonetics - concerned with the perception of speech sounds.- the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages. Aim- discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur.1- analyze an individual language, say English, in order to determine itsphonological structure, i.e. whichsound units are used and how they are put together.2- compare the properties of sound systems in different languages in order to make hypotheses about the rulesthat underlie the use of sounds inthem, and3- ultimately discover the rules that underlie the sound patterns of alllanguages.nasal cavityoral cavitypharyngealcavityThe three resonating cavitiesSpeech Organs 1.lips 2.teeth 3.teeth ridge (alveolar) 4.hard palate 5.soft palate (velum) 6.uvula 7.tip of the tongue 8.blade of the tongue 9.front of the tongue 10.back of the tongue11.vocal cords1 2 1 234 567 8 910 11MouthConsonants are produced ‘by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction’.By contrast, a vowel is produced without such ‘stricture’ so that ‘air escapes in a relatively unimpeded way through the mouth or nose’.The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of airstream.As there is no obstruction of air in the production of vowels, the description of the consonants and vowels cannot be done along the same lines.The place of articulation refers to the point where a consonant is made.Consonants - any place between the lips and the vocal folds.Bilabial双唇音*[w] tongue body raises to velum →labia-velar[f], [v]Upper teeth & Lower lip 唇齿音[ð], [θ]Tongue tip/blade & teeth 齿音[t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l] , [ ]tongue tip/blade&alveolar ridge齿龈音[ſ],[3],([tſ],[d3])tongue tip&back of the alveolar ridge 后齿龈音[j][k], [g], [η], [w] [h] Palatal 硬腭音Velars 软腭音Glottal 声门音[ ] - 书[ u] [ ][ ] [ ] Retroflex 卷舌音Uvular 小舌音Pharyngeal喉音Place of Articulation Bilabial [p], [b], [m], [w] Labiodental [f], [v]Dental [ð], [θ]Alveolar [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l], Post-alveolar [ſ], [3],Palatal [j]Velar [k], [g], [η], [w] Glottal [h]RetroflexUvularPharyngealComplete closure(articulators)→ airstreamcannot escapethrough themouth.1.Closing phasepression3.release [p], [b], [k], [g], [t], [d]爆破音(plosive)Most sounds are produced orally, with the velum raised, preventing air flow from entering the nasal cavity. However, when the velum is lowered and the airstream is allowed to flow out through the nose to produce sounds -nasals. [m][n][η]鼻音air stream partially obstructed and turbulent airflow is produced [f], [v] [ð], [θ] [s], [z] [ſ], [3] [h]摩擦音one articulator is close to another, but without the vocal tract being narrowed for turbulent air stream[w][j]无摩擦延续音(半元音)obstruction in the incomplete closure between one or both sides of the tongue and the roof of the mouth [l]边音塞擦音a stop followedimmediately by africativean articulator is set vibrating by the airstream [r] ( )颤音only one vibration is produced [ ]触音/闪音[p] [b] [f] [v] [m] Voiceless bilabial stopVoiced bilabial stopVoiceless labiodental fricative Voiced labiodental fricative Bilabial nasal。
新编简明英语语言学 课件 chapter 2 音系学

Monophthongs or pure/single vowels
----According to which part of the tongue is held highest in the process of production, the vowels can be distinguished as:
▪ Monophthongs or pure/single vowels
▪ Diphthongs or gliding vowels 双元音 [ai], [ei], [iə], [eə], [uə], [au], [əu], [ɔi].
Chapter 2 Phonology
▪ phonetics
--- What is ponetics? 什么是语音学
--- organs of speech 发音器官
--- Orthographic representation of speech sounds 语音的正字标音法
--- Classification of English speech sound 英语语音的分类
e.g. pit & spit
Nasality -- nasal & non-nasal 鼻音和非鼻音
e.g. bank & back
Orthographic representation of speech sounds
---- A standardized and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)(国际音标) .The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter to represent one speech sound.

Place of articulation (发音部位p. 31-32)
The point where a consonant is made Consonants may be produced at practically any place between the lips and the vocal folds.
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
1.2 The IPA
In 1886, the Phonetic Teachers’ Association was inaugurated by a small group of language teachers in France who had found the practice of phonetics useful in their teaching and wished to popularize their methods. It was changed to its present title of the International Phonetic Association (IPA) in 1897.
The international phonetic alphabet (P.28)
2.2 Consonants and vowels (p. 29-37)
Consonants are sounds made by a closure or narrowing in the vocal tract so that the airflow is either completely blocked, or so restricted that audible friction is produced. A vowel is produced without such “stricture” so that „air escapes in a relatively unimpeded way through the mouth and nose.” (Crystal, 1997: 154)
英语语言学chapter 2 Phnology

From the hearer’s point of view: how the sounds are perceived by the hearer, which results in auditory phonetics.
From the way sounds travel:how sounds travel by looking at the sound saves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another, which results in acoustic phonetics.
But the substitution of p for t does make a difference of word: pin/pin/ and tin/tin/ a r e d i ff e r e n t w o r d s i n E n g l i s h .
A narrow transcription attempts to represent more or less accurately the way in which a particular speaker pronounces his words. A narrow transcription is a transcription with letter symbols together with diacritics.
The nasal cavity The nasal cavity is connected with the oral cavity. The soft part of the roof of the mouth, the velum, can be drawn back to close the passage so that all air exiting from the lungs can only go through the mouth. The sounds produced in this condition are not nasalized.

Pharyngeal[færɪn'dʒɪːl] cavity — the throat; Oral cavity — the mouth; Nasal cavity — the nose.
1. Lips 2. Teeth 3. Teeth ridge (alveolar[æl'vɪələ]) 4. Hard palate ['pælət] 5. Soft palate (velum ['vɪːləm]) 6. Uvula /ˈju ːvjʊlə/ 7. Tip of tongue 8. Blade of tongue 9. Back of tongue 10. Vocal cords 11. Pharyngeal cavity 12. Nasal cavity
English vowels: Monophthongs or pure/single vowels Diphthongs /ˈd ɪfθɔŋ/ or gliding vowels
According to which part of the tongue is held highest in the process of production, the vowels can be distinguished as:
Phonetics is of general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages; it aims to answer questions like: how they are produced, how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they have, how they can be classified, etc. Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. It is language-specific.

The History and Development of English
Early Beginnings
The Growth of Philosophy
Modern Linguistics
The study of English linguistics can trace its roots back to the Renaissance, with the works of scholars such as William Shakespeare and Francis Bacon
The Creation of New Words and the Development of Vocabulary
02 03
Language Change and Evolution
Linguistics investments how languages change over time and explore the processes that lead to language evolution
Communication and Social Interaction
Annotative meaning: the emotional or cultural associations a word may have
Context and Means
Sense depends on the context in which it is used
Context can change the intended meaning of a word or phrase
the IPA symbols and their

二、教学目标1. 理解世界主要语系的特点及其分类依据,能列举至少三种语系并说明其代表性语言。
2. 掌握语音学基本概念,识别不同语音特征,并能在实际语境中进行应用。
3. 运用词汇学知识分析词语构成,提高词汇理解和运用能力。
五、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟):通过展示世界地图,引入不同地区语言的多样性,激发学生对语言起源和分类的兴趣。
2. 理论讲解(20分钟):介绍语系分类、语音学基础和词汇学构成,结合教材第二章13节内容。
3. 实践情景引入(10分钟):播放不同语言的问候语录音,让学生体验语言差异。
4. 例题讲解(15分钟):讲解语音学中元音、辅音的分类及发音规则,通过例词进行示范。
5. 随堂练习(10分钟):分组进行语音模仿和词汇构造练习。
六、板书设计1. 语系与语言分类印欧语系汉藏语系阿尔泰语系2. 语音学基础元音与辅音发音规则3. 词汇学初步词根、词缀词语构成七、作业设计beautifulunderstand2. 答案:beautiful: beauty, beautifully, beastunderstand: understanding, understandable, misunderstand八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:关注学生在课堂上的参与度,针对语音模仿环节进行教学调整,提高学生的发音准确性。
2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生课下阅读更多关于语音学和词汇学的资料,了解语言的发展趋势及其背后的文化因素。
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B. the openness of the mouth: mouth: close vowels semisemi-close vowels semisemi-open vowels open vowels
C. the shape of the lips: lips: unrounded vowels rounded vowels D. the length of the vowels: vowels: long vowels﹙tense vowel紧元音﹚ vowels﹙ vowel紧元音﹚ short vowels﹙lax vowels松元音﹚ vowels﹙ vowels松元音﹚
Chapter 2
Phonetics & Phonology
1. Inroduction
(1) Phonetics and phonology are very useful. useful. With some phonetic knowledge we can give a much more precise description to speech sounds. sounds. And with some phonological knowledge we can become more aware of the functions of sounds in different languages. More importantly, languages. phonetics and phonology have made the greatest contribution to “teaching” machines to “talk”. teaching” talk”
The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme. E.g., phoneme. clear [l] and dark [l] are allophones of the phoneme /l/ in English; aspirated [p] and English; unaspirated [p] are allophones of the phoneme /p/ in English. English.
Our primary interest will be in articulatory phonetics. phonetics.
Speech organs/Articulators
The articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in three important areas: areas: The pharyngeal cavity 咽腔— the throat; 咽腔— throat; The oral cavity 口腔— the mouth. The speech 口腔— mouth. organs located in this cavity are the tongue, the soft palate, the hard palate, the teeth ridge, the teeth and the lips; lips; The nasal cavity鼻腔— the nose. cavity鼻腔— nose.
and, at, add, lead, tell, ten How many phones are there in the above words? How many phonemes?
A phoneme is a phonological unit; it is a unit unit; that is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit. value. unit.
(2) Linguistics is only interested in speech sounds. sounds. Sounds made by a human being but not used in language are not considered as speech sound, e.g. coughing, vomitting, snoring. snoring.
4. Classifications of English speech sounds
Question: Question: Analyze the important features of vowels and consonants. consonants.
(1) Classification of consonants In terms of manner of articulation, English consonants can be classified into the following types: types:
Broad transcription 宽式标音 : the transcription 宽式标音: with letter-symbols only. letteronly. Narrow transcription 严式标音: the transcription 严式标音: with letter-symbols together with the diacritics letter变音符. 变音符. Diacritics are a set of symbols added to the letter-symbols to bring out the finer letterdistinctions than the letters alone may possibly do. do.
3. IPA and transcription
vs. vs.
The international phonetic alphabet﹙IPA﹚system alphabet﹙IPA﹚ was devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1988 and has undergone a number of revision since then. then. The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter selected from major European languages to represent one speech sound. The application of the phonetic sound. symbols is universal to all languages. languages.
Phonemic contrast 音 位 对 立 , complementary distribution互补分布, distribution互补分布 互补分布, and minimal pair最小对立体 pair最小对立体
If two phonetically similar sounds are two distinctive phonemes, they are said to form a phonemic contrast. contrast. Question: Question: Do /f/ and /v/ form a phonemic contrast? How about /f/ and /k/?
5. Phonology
Phonology studies how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. communication. Question: Question: How does phonology differ from phonetics?
Stops/plosives 塞音/破裂音 塞音/ Fricatives 擦音 Affricates 塞擦音 Liquids 流音: [l]﹙lateral边音﹚ [r]﹙retroflex卷 流音: [l]﹙lateral边音﹚ [r]﹙retroflex卷 舌音﹚ 舌音﹚ Nasals 鼻音 Glides/semiGlides/semi-vowels 滑音/半元音 滑音/
Three branches of phonetics: phonetics: (1) Articulatory phonetics 发音语音学 is the study of how speech sounds are produced. produced. (2) Auditory phonetics 听觉语音学 studies how speech sounds are perceived by the hearer. hearer. (3) Acoustic phonetics 声学语音学 studies the transmission of speech sounds through the air. air.
2. Phonetics
Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language. It studies the language. characteristics of human sound-making, soundparticularly the sounds used in speech, and provides methods for their transcription, description and classification. classification.