Norse Myth北欧神话英文简介
The Creation of human being
Odin gave the logs spirit and life
Poetic Edda
&Prose Edda
Starting Life Mythology
In Nilfheim there is a place called Hvergelmir, that all cold rivers come from here, Hvergelmir was the origin of all existence and the place where every living will go back.
Ginnungagap Muspelheim
When the warm air of Muspelheim hit the cold ice of Niflheim,
Ymir (The progenitor of giants)
His foot bred a son
the Frost Giants Ymir and the icy cow Audhumla were created
The Word
Asgard: Home of the Gods Alfheim: Home of the Light Elves
( right next to Asgard ) Midgard: Home of the Humans Jotunheim: Home of the Giants
Thank you
Worms crawling out of the remains became fairyhood
Dwarves:lived under the rocks, in caves and underground, experts in craftsmanship the Dark Elves:hated the sun, hideous, turn into stones when expose in the light the Light Elves:beautiful creatures, minor gods of nature, delivered an inspiration to art or music
The Word
Asgard: Home of the Gods Alfheim: Home of the Light Elves
( right next to Asgard ) Midgard: Home of the Humans Jotunheim: Home of the Giants
Serpent Jormungander, all toke involved in the war.
The Lord god, Odin, was killed by the Wolf Fenrir. Freyr run through with the sword. Heimdallr destroyed together with Loki.
Nidavellir: Home of the Dwarves Svartalfheim: Home of the Dark Elves
北欧神话 (精心制作)
![北欧神话 (精心制作)](
北欧神话属于遥远的维京人。冰雪、浪 涛、号角与希望在羊皮纸上发酵千年,烙印 下他们的悲喜爱憎。 几乎所有民族都用神话祈福。但维京人 却将超越时代的悲剧精神涂在神话每个角落。 他们相信战斗的意义,相信神的脆弱。他们 的世界,在战火中降下悲剧的幕布。
承认神的人性,写下诸神的黄昏,正是 维京人对自然、对命运深沉的反思。 时至今日,北欧成为世界上福利最高、 教育程度最高的地区。 或许,在奥丁的号角中,这些维京人的 后代懂得了诸神黄昏的意义。
在北欧,夏季是非常短暂的。在这短促的夏 日里,冰封的山原开始解冻,融化的雪水在山间 流淌,变成小溪,穿过原野,汇聚成河流,最后 奔向大海。北欧的夏季是蓝天碧海,长在的日照 和几乎可以说是奇迹的鲜花盛开。然而紧接着的, 是寒冷冬季惨淡的日光,漫长的黑夜,发怒似的 冰冻之海,猛烈撞击着高崖峭壁的惊涛骇浪,以 及极地内巨伟壮阔的冰川与绚烂无比的北极光。 光明与黑暗,温暖与寒冷的对比是如此强烈,难 怪原始的冰岛人会认为世界是由冰与火的奇怪混 合而诞生的。
奥丁自述「 九夜吊在狂 风飘摇的树上,身受长矛刺伤; 我被当作奥丁的祭品,自己献 祭给自己,在无人知晓的大树 上!没有面包充饥,没有滴水 解渴。 我往下看,拾取鲁纳 斯文字,边拾边喊,由树上掉 落。」
世界树通向神国的树 根也有一汪清泉,水平如 镜,美丽如画。是一个静 谧的湖泊,这湖上反射着 悦目的柔光,将神国照得 透亮和煦。有两只鸟从远 山飞来,在湖上游弋了一 阵,通体被染成纯白,变 成天鹅。 看守这汪清泉的,是 三个女神,她们负责灌溉 和照顾宇宙树,让它茁壮 成长。这三个女神还管理 着人间众生的运数,所以 又叫命运女神。她们的名 字分别叫过去、现在和未 来。
Norse Myth 北欧神话 - 英语演讲 - Aero风PPT
![Norse Myth 北欧神话 - 英语演讲 - Aero风PPT](
• 13th Century • Christians
took control of the Europe myths was kept in Iceland
• A part of the
• Mainline:
The gods & their interaction with other beings
Thank you!
• Odin and his
brothers killed Ymir
• The world
comes from Ymir’s dead body
Twilight of the Gods
• (诸神之黄昏) • Final battle
God VS Giant doom to lose
( 雷神 )
Loki’s mask in <The Mask>
( 变相怪杰 )
Elves in <WarCraft III>
Trolls in <WarCraft III>
Dwarves in <WarCraft III>
InfluenceGaFra bibliotekesWar chief Thrall in <WarCraft III>
Norse Myth
I. History
A. Origin B. Development C. Fading
In Norse mythology there are ‘nine worlds’ each joined to the other via the "World Tree" Yggdrasil.
Vanaheim华纳神族居住的地方 Alfheim精灵之国 Jothuheim巨人居住的地方 Svartalfheim侏儒居住的地方 Hel地狱
Niflheim雾之国,和死亡国没有明显分别的冰雪世界 Muspelheim火之国,由巨人史尔特尔守护的酷热国度
Odin 奥丁
Major god
Frigg 弗丽 嘉
Marriag e and family goddess
Thor 索尔
God of thunder
Sif 希芙
Land and harvest goddess
Numerous beings exist in Norse mythology, including the Aesir【阿萨神族】 and Vanir【华纳神族】, two groups of gods, the Jötnar【巨人】, the Álfar (Elves)【精灵】 and the dwarfs【侏儒】. The distinction between Aesir and Vanir is relative, for the two are said to have made peace, exchanged hostages and reigned together after the events of the Aesir–Vanir War.
Thank you
It is the final battle between the gods and the giants. The last battle will take place on the plains called Vigrid. Ragnarok was the end of the world in Norse mythology. It meant the end of most of the Norse gods and goddesses. Beginning with a three-year winter, Ragnarok ended with a battle among the gods, giants, and the dead heroes . Two humans hiding in the world tree , came down after the battle to repopulate the world.
Hel Niflheim Muspelheim
Upper level Asgard (Aesir, the land of
the gods), Alfheim (elves), Vanaheim (Vanir),
Middle Level Midgard (men), Jotunheim (giants), Svartalfheim (dark-elves), Nidavellir (dwarves),
Lower Level Muspelheim (fire, a
bright, flaming, hot world in the southern region),
Niflheim (the dead, the lowest level)
[编辑] 创世神话世界初开之际,没有天也没有地,在浓雾中,只有一道金伦加(Ginunaga)鸿沟,鸿沟之北为“雾之国”尼福尔海姆,其中有泉名赫瓦格密尔(Hvergelmir),是所有河水的源头,据说其中一条河的水带有剧毒。
北欧神话人物表(Nordic mythological figures)Brey (Buri), born at birth, has a son, Borr, who means production, and later has 3 sons, Odin (Odin, Holy), Willy (VILI, spirit), Wei (VE, will)The king of the gods, Odin (Odin): hold the palm gallows and the gallows with the God, but also mysterious knowledge and killed the God of war and master. He is the Lord Arthur Gade shrine, there are 3 palaces, one of them is located in Grassi M (glarsir) of the woods Valhalla Shrine (Valhalla, dead warriors).After the gods, Frigga (Frigga): marriage and love of god. Have their own palace Finn Sally M (fen-salir), floating in the clouds above the sea, when they are free in the rotation of her Jinlun loom, with silver gold woven fabric of auspicious clouds in the night sky, bright (called "Nordic Frigg fabric wheel" that is what we call the Orion)Raytheon, Saul (Thor): Odin's eldest son, the mother is the Earth Goddess Jede (jord), in the holy land, Ruth million plus (sludrangrd, power will have their own palace wilderness) Yasikeni ear (bilsrirnir, lightning)God, till (Tyr): Odin's son, the mother is Ximo beautiful female giant Skati (Skadi), is brave and the God of war, not his own palaceAphrodite, Bragi (Bragi): Odin's son, mother is a female giant green (gunlod), in charge of the art of poetry and music,Female, spring Yi Tong (idun): is the God's wife, the legend is the most powerful magic underground black dwarf Yi Vavad (ivald) is the daughter of the goddess of spring and youthSummer, neeld (niord): God is our Fana Protoss leader, joined the Arthur Gade sea and Fengshen, not only in the palace of Arthur Gade, because he is the God of Aeolus and coastal waters, so in this jeep Stone (sipuston) and his palace was (noaton)In winter, the winter God God female Skadi (Skadi) (and till his mother was not a person, till his mother seemed to stay in the sea) and winter (uuer) male god Uller is blonde goddess SIF (SIF) (Thor is the son of SSIV wife, but did not say that he is the father of Thor. You don't know who is his father, who let the gods so chaos)The God of light in the darkness of God, the God of light and dark god balder (balder) (hodur), Huo Er alone is Odin and Frigga give birth to twinsA fertility god - Freire (freyb): niord and its sister Nase son, born in the house of our Protoss that, to join the Arthur family after the Odin gave him a Austria ho Palace (alf-heim, Xiaoxian house)The forest God - Vidal (VIDAR): Odin and female giant lvte (grid) son, he lived in the center of the vast primeval forest land vidi Palace (land-vidi)Ageir: Igil is an independent Protoss, and the offshore Vannas Protoss and the heavenly Arthur Igil can not say who includeswhoGod, Fuliya (Freya): niord's daughter, women and love God, live in Fange Fogg (folkvomg) color erynir Palace (sessrymnir).The God of truth and justice - Faure Saitip (Forseti) is the son of balder and his wife, Jenna: This is the original.? -- giant Na Wei offspring, consisting of three goddesses: Ward (URD), Neville Danny (verdandi), Schor de (skuld), to represent the past, present and future. They do not belong and he Protoss, nor their colleagues, the fate of their verdict is who are to obeyVulcan, Loki (woki), is the brother of OdinWatch God - Dahl Heim (heimdall): 9 daughters son of Odin and ageirWar girl -- Varki Lia (valklyrs),Especially the waitress Odin and till, their task is to choose the war dead shrine to ValhallaHel, the daughter of Loki, is the death goddess, HaierNordic mythology gods listSS (pl.Asir)AesirThe protoss in Norse mythology. Is the order of the world, composed of many different qualities of the gods.IeunnEdenGoddess of harvest. Responsible for make gods immortal magic apple.V Li (Vali)Wall-EThe son of odin. Is Odin in retaliation for God of blind Bardot revenge kill Huo Er alone and gods. One is the aesir.V RWahlGod of vows. He will retaliate against those who violate the oath.ValkyrjaWahl: JiliyaTo decide the war the fate of Odin, goddess of war.At the same time also will be responsible for the human soldiers sent to the brave.Vanr (pl.Vanir)VanirThe protoss in Norse mythology. All the members of the protoss are the gods of harvest. It's also a magical group.ViearrVindaGod of strength. His power is only Thor's thor.Because it is naturally reticent, it is also called the God of silence. Belong to the aesir.ViliWileyOdin's brothers, a member of the creation of god.WaylandWhelan< > by IDA Ireland narrative poems appeared in a smelting god.VphenanthreneOdin's brother, and Wiley is a member of the creation of god.VerdandiBell DandyA goddess of fate in the nuoen. The original meaning of the name is "Weaver", who is in charge of "now"".V? R (Vor)VerneGod of exploration.UllrUrGod of hunting. Good at archery and skiing. The son of thor. One is the aesir.UrdrOuldA female goddess Nuoen in transport. The original meaning ofthe name is "Weaver" who is in charge of the past".EirEigilMedical goddess. Mangla De's maid.Air (Aegir)Eric AgolThe giants of Norse mythology. Ruling the sea, he is generally regarded as the God of the sea.EinOdinThe God in Norse mythology. In charge of war, literature, magic and death. Belong to the aesir. A variety of personalities and a lot of aliases. It's a one eyed god.ErOrdVanir Feiyiya husband. After he abandoned his wife and disappeared from the world.J? Tunn (pl. J? Tnar)GiantA race against the gods in Norse mythology. It is the most primitive race in the world, and also the personification of the chaos and the natural phenomena of the universe among the Nordic people.KvasirKvasirA wise man in Norse mythology. Legend has it that he was the God of Warner gods who was converted from the gods' saliva. Killed by gnomes.GnGenaThe maid and messenger of the imperial palace. Riding a pegasus.GullveigGullveigIncarnation of gold. Sorceress. The domain of God he emigrated to the Aesir from the domain of God the vanir. Can not but also the resurrection after death.GefjunGefjonGoddess of harvest. Some people say she is ASA Protoss, some people think that she should belong to the vanir. Odin's emissary. The ancestor of the Danish Royal family.GererGordesA woman of the giants. Legend is the most beautiful woman in the universe. Then give the vanir ferrer.S GASagaWitches and goddesses in Norse mythology. The position is second only to the domain of God queen Fulijia asa. Odin's girlfriend. One is the aesir.SifSchifferThor's wife. Beautiful blond hair. Belong to the Aesir goddess.SynsynGod of dissent.He was also the patron saint of the hall and the gate.Sj FN?SjofnGoddess of love. Can transform people's yearning into love.SkaeiShikajiSki goddess. From the giants, were later incorporated into the aesir. It's also a mountain hunting goddess.Sk rnirSkirnirFerrer's entourage, is Ferrer's childhood playmate. He is generally considered to be human. His mission is to serve as the messenger of the gods.SkuldSkuldA goddess of fate in the nuoen. The original meaning of the nameis "debt, obligation", and she is closely related to the war in the battlefield.SnotraSnotraGoddess of abstinence. Self discipline of the guardian.S LSuo erGoddess of the sun. She was in charge of the horse pulling the sun.Tir (Tyr)TyrGod of War。
北欧女神英语In the realm of myth and legend, the Norse Valkyriesstand as the epitome of divine warriors, their names echoing through the annals of history with a fierce and enchanting allure. The Nordic Goddesses, these celestial beings are not just the muses of war, but also the harbingers of fate, selecting the bravest of the fallen to join the afterlife in Valhalla. With their ethereal grace and the power to shape destinies, they are the embodiment of the Viking spirit, a testament to the indomitable will of a people who once sailed the seas and shaped the course of history.These goddesses, daughters of Odin, the All-Father, are depicted as fierce, yet fair, often riding into battle ontheir magnificent steeds, their armor gleaming under the northern lights. They are the choosers of the slain, wielding the power to decide who lives and who dies on the battlefield, a role that underscores the Norse reverence for bravery andthe warrior's code.The allure of the Nordic Goddesses extends beyond their martial prowess; they are also the keepers of wisdom and poetry. In the halls of Valhalla, they inspire the warriors with their songs, recounting tales of valor and glory, ensuring that the deeds of the brave are never forgotten.Their influence permeates the very fabric of Norse culture, shaping its art, its storytelling, and its spiritual beliefs.As we delve deeper into the lore, we find that these goddesses are not just symbols of strength and victory, but also of love and loss. Their stories are intertwined with the human condition, reflecting the complexities of life, the bittersweet nature of existence, and the eternal struggle between destiny and free will.In the modern age, the legacy of the Nordic Goddesses continues to captivate the imagination. They have inspired countless works of art, literature, and music, serving as a bridge between the ancient world and the present. Their timeless appeal lies in their multifaceted nature, embodying both the fierceness of the warrior and the tenderness of the poet, a duality that resonates deeply with the human soul.So, let us raise our voices in a saga of honor and valor, celebrating the legacy of the Nordic Goddesses, whose names are etched in the stars and whose stories are woven into the very essence of the human spirit. They are more than just figures of myth; they are the embodiment of the eternal quest for meaning, the relentless pursuit of greatness, and the undying spirit of the human heart.。
• 伊密尔(Ymir)/奥尔盖尔米尔(Aurgelmir):诞生于并 称为埃利伐加尔的十二条大河河水所凝结的冰雪之中,霜 巨人之祖,以母牛乳汁为食。 • 欧德姆布拉(Audhumla): 一头大母牛,与霜巨人一同 诞生,从它的乳房里,迸出 四股源源不断的乳汁,形成 四条涓涓不绝的溪流,最初 的巨人族和神族都依靠这乳 汁养育而成。
战神提尔 Tyr
繁育之神弗蕾亚 Freyja 守护神海姆达尔 Heimdall 黑暗之神 霍尔德尔 Hoder
光明之神 巴尔德尔 Baldur
海神尼约德 Njord
End !
Norse Mythology
• 所谓北欧神话,是指古斯堪的纳维亚人(Scandinavian) 或所谓北欧人(Norsemen)的原始信仰。 • 欧洲北部的挪威、瑞典、芬兰、丹麦和冰岛等 5个国家。 亚寒带大陆性气候,冬季漫长严寒,夏季短促温暖 • 一是冰岛学者布林约尔夫· 斯韦恩松于1643年发现的“前 埃达”,或称“诗体埃达” (The Poetic Edda or the Elder Edda). 一是“后埃达”,或称“散文埃达” (Prose or Younger Edda),由冰岛诗人斯诺里.斯图鲁松在13世 纪初期写成 。
精灵Elves (半神)
侏儒Dwarves (半神)
雷神索尔 Thor
大神· 奥丁 Odin
爱神弗丽嘉 Frigg 火神洛基 Loki
土地和收获女神 西芙Sif
和平之神弗雷 Freyr
Northern Myth and Chinese MythologyRecently,I read a book name is《Dragon Raga》,It's based on Northern Myth.I'm interested on the Myth,so I look up about this,I found it have some differences,but it also have the same point.I think the same points are not coincidence,it must have nature law behind them.There are many Gods in Northern Myth,There is a big difference between Northern Myth and Chinese Mythology,the gods is like people,They have desire and they are not all good,some of them are evil.And the Gods in The Northern Myth are not almighty.For example,the Gods of Aesir ,Odin want to have knowledge,so he must paid a eye.But in the Chinese Mythology,Gods is almighty,but there is a exception is 《Monkey》.but Gods in China don't have a rounded system,and Chinese gods is pure,they don't have any desire,this express Chinese people's good wish.Although ,same points are more than difference.There are many same points about the origin of world.In Northern Myth,Gods kill the Giants,and create ground by his body,create sky by his head,create sea by his blood,and four Dwarves hold the sky,the world that people live is surround by his eyebrow.That is very similar to Chinese Mythology---Kuafu.About the origin of human,Northern Myth said the human is created by Gods,and man is produced by Fraxinus bramches, woman is produced by Elm tree branches.Chinese Mythology believe people is made up of soil.They are all made up of nature,so we can said every mythology believe people are weak compare with nature.There is Niflheim in Northern Myth,and Chinese Mythology have hell.And in the hell,the people who did too much bad thing will be punished.The reaping is common in Mythology.In the last,there are a most feature in Northern Myth,this is Ragnarok, in Ragnarok,Gods will died,world will destroied.After that,all will restart.But in Chinese,there is a book--《tuibeitu》,it's based on 《zhouyi》,in the book,the end of world will be peace and unify.That's encouraging.That's only a little about Northern Myth and Chinese Mythology,because my knowledge is limited.But I believe Mythology is most original story about ourself--human.It must contain many thing that we don't know now,and it's something fundamental.学号:110141422姓名:石诚。
origin and spread
The Norse Mythology belongs to The Vikings(维京人)
It can date back to 1 to 2 century A.D
Finland Sweden
• origin and spread • The World Tree • Odin • Gotterdammerung • difference
HEU—CTWቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Even almost nations use legends to pray for better life. However, in the norse mythology the Vikings believe the gods’ weakness. The gods will die, the world will come to an end. They believe the meaning of fight on their own.
National spirits—never give up and fight for life on the own
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北欧神话 巴德尔的英语
![北欧神话 巴德尔的英语](
北欧神话巴德尔的英语Baldur is a god in Norse mythology. He is the son of Odin and Frigg, and is known as the god of light, joy, and wisdom. Baldur is described as being very handsome, kind, and just, and is loved and respected by all the gods and humans.According to legend, Baldur had a dream that he would die, which made Frigg very worried. She asked all the things in the world to promise not to hurt Baldur, but she forgot the mistletoe. Loki, the god of mischief, found this and made a spear out of mistletoe, and gave it to Baldur's blind brother Hodur. Under Loki's deception, Hodur threw the spear at Baldur, killing him.Baldur's death was a great tragedy in Norse mythology, and it was also an important event that triggered the end of the world, Ragnarok. After Baldur's death, the gods and giants engaged in a final battle, which led to the destruction of the world.In Norse mythology, Baldur represents light, wisdom, and kindness. His death symbolizes the impermanence of life and the inevitability of fate. At the same time, Baldur's story also reflects the北欧 people's view of life and death, as well as their pursuit of wisdom and light.。
介绍一篇神话故事的英语作文英文回答:In the realm of myth and legend, where imagination intertwines with the tapestry of human history, stories of gods and heroes, of valiant quests and epic battles, have captivated hearts and minds for millennia. From the towering peaks of Mount Olympus to the sun-drenched shores of ancient Greece, one such tale emerges, a timeless narrative that resonates with the power of love, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of mankind.It is the story of Orpheus, the Thracian bard whose music possessed the enchanting ability to tame wild beasts and quell the turbulent waters. Orpheus was a son of the muse Calliope and the god Apollo, inheriting their gifts of eloquence and artistry. His lyre, crafted from the shell of a tortoise, became an extension of his soul, its ethereal melodies carrying the power to move mountains and charm the very gods.One fateful day, Orpheus encountered Eurydice, a beautiful nymph of the woods. Her laughter echoed throughthe verdant glades, and her voice had the sweetness of birdsong. Enchanted by her presence, Orpheus poured out his heart in soulful melodies, declaring his undying love. Eurydice, equally smitten, reciprocated his affections, and their hearts became entwined in a bond as radiant as the morning sun.However, their idyllic bliss was short-lived. One afternoon, as Eurydice skipped through a meadow, she was bitten by a venomous serpent. The poison coursed throughher veins, and within moments, her life ebbed away. Orpheus was devastated. His world shattered, he vowed to journey to the underworld, the realm of Hades, to retrieve his beloved.Guided by the mournful strains of his lyre, Orpheus traversed the treacherous river Styx and confronted the formidable guardian of the underworld, Cerberus, a three-headed hound with eyes that burned like coals. Through the soothing power of his music, Orpheus calmed the savagebeast, lulling it to sleep with his enchanting melodies.Reaching the throne of Hades, Orpheus implored the god of the underworld to release Eurydice. Moved by Orpheus's unwavering love and the irresistible charm of his music, Hades agreed, on one condition: Orpheus must lead Eurydice out of the underworld without glancing back at her until they had both reached the world of the living.With a heart filled with both hope and trepidation, Orpheus began his ascent from the depths of Hades, his lyre guiding their path. Eurydice followed closely behind, her hand trembling in his. As they approached the threshold of the underworld, doubt gnawed at Orpheus's heart. He could hear Eurydice's footsteps faltering, and the temptation to turn around became almost unbearable.Unable to resist any longer, Orpheus broke his promise and cast a fleeting glance over his shoulder. In that instant, Eurydice vanished before his eyes, her spirit forever lost to the realm of the dead. Grief and despair consumed Orpheus as he realized the magnitude of his loss.He wandered the earth for many years, his songs filled with sorrow and longing.The tale of Orpheus and Eurydice remains a poignant testament to the enduring power of love, the fragility of life, and the bittersweet nature of human existence. It isa story that has inspired countless artists, musicians, and writers throughout the ages, and it continues to resonate with audiences today, reminding us of the transformative power of art and the enduring bonds that unite us in the face of adversity.中文回答:在神话和传说的领域里,想象力与人类历史的面料交织在一起,关于神灵和英雄、英勇的探索和史诗般的战斗的故事数千年来一直吸引着人心和思想。
关于loki的神话故事英文版The Mythical Story of LokiIn the realm of Norse mythology, Loki was a mischievous trickster and shape-shifter. He was known for his cunning and deceitful nature, often causing trouble for both gods and humans alike.Loki was a son of two giants, Laufey and Farbauti. Despite his giant heritage, he was accepted into the realm of the Aesir gods and became a member of their council. However, his reputation for mischief and trickery soon became apparent.One of Loki's most well-known exploits occurred when he cut off the golden locks of Thor's wife, Sif. This act enraged Thor, who threatened to crush Loki if he did not find a way to restore Sif's hair. Loki sought the help of the dwarves, renowned craftsmen, to create new locks of hair for Sif. They crafted not only a new set of hair but also other magical items, including Mjolnir, Thor's mighty hammer.But Loki's trickery didn't end there. He became involved in a bet with the dwarf Brokk, who challenged Loki to find treasures that could surpass the ones created by the other dwarves. Loki, confident in his abilities, traveled to the realms and returned with various treasures, including the ship Skidbladnir and the spear Gungnir. However, the dwarf Brokk presented three treasures that easily surpassed Loki's, including the golden boar Gullinbursti and the ring Draupnir.Loki's deceptive nature and cunning ways often caused trouble within the realm of the gods. One incident involved him stirring up chaos by convincing the gods to play a game of tug-of-war using a rope made from the sound of a cat's footsteps. Unknown to the gods, the other end was tied to the mighty serpent Jormungandr, who was dragged into their midst, causing great fear and panic.As Loki continued to cause chaos, his actions led to the death of Baldr, the beloved son of Odin and Frigg. Baldr's death was heralded as a great tragedy, and the gods sought to avenge his loss. Loki, filled with guilt and fear of the gods' retribution, fled to the mountains, where he hid himself under a waterfall in the form of a salmon.The gods pursued Loki relentlessly, and he was eventually captured and brought back to face justice. The gods transformed his three children into wolves, who killed one another. They then used the entrails of the slain wolf to bind Loki to three rocks, where venomous snakes dripped their poison onto his face.Despite the pain inflicted upon him, Loki stoically endured the venom, writhing in agony until he broke free during Ragnarok, the final battle of the gods. In this battle, Loki led the giants against the gods, and it is said that he ultimately perished in the fiery chaos.Thus ended the tale of Loki, the trickster god. His story serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of deceit and mischief, reminding us of the dangers that lie in playing with fire.。
神话介绍英语作文Mythology is a fascinating topic that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. It is a collection of stories that have been passed down from generation to generation, and they often contain elements of magic, gods, and heroes. In this essay, I will introduce some of the most famous myths from around the world.One of the most well-known myths is the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. This legend originated in England and tells the tale of a young boy who pulls a sword from a stone, proving that he is the rightful king of England. With the help of his knights, Arthur goes on to defeat many enemies and establish a peaceful kingdom. This myth has been retold in countless books, movies, and TV shows, and it remains a popular story to this day.Another famous myth is that of Zeus and the other Greek gods. According to this legend, Zeus was the king of the gods and ruled over Mount Olympus. He was known for hislightning bolts and his ability to shape-shift intodifferent animals. The Greek gods were often depicted as having human-like personalities and emotions, and they were believed to have a great deal of power over the natural world.In Norse mythology, the most famous figure is undoubtedly Thor. He was the god of thunder and was knownfor his strength and bravery. Thor was often depicted carrying a hammer, which he would use to defeat his enemies. He was also believed to be the protector of mankind, and many people would pray to him for protection during timesof danger.In Chinese mythology, the story of the Monkey King is one of the most popular. This tale tells the story of a mischievous monkey who gains magical powers and goes on a quest to find immortality. Along the way, he meets manyother creatures and battles demons and monsters. The Monkey King is a beloved character in Chinese culture, and hisstory has been retold in many different forms.In conclusion, mythology is a rich and fascinating topic that has captured the imagination of people all over the world. From King Arthur to Zeus to the Monkey King, these stories have endured for centuries and continue to inspire and entertain us today. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or just a good story, mythology has something to offer everyone.。
北欧神话初探Norse Mythology: a brief introduction茅盾 著 玖羽 注D e s i g n&P D F b y B e l l a前言这本名为《北欧神话初探》的小册子是上世纪初所出的一系列介绍西方文化的小册子之一。
1.创世 原始北欧人由于生存环境的恶劣。注意到冰川和夏 日温暖的对比,运用到创世神话中去。 很久很久以前的洪荒时代,天地一片混沌,没有沙 石,没有大海,没有天空和大地。在这一片混沌的 中间,只有一道深深开裂着的,无比巨大的鸿沟, 叫做金恩加之沟。 在金恩加鸿沟的北方,是一片广大的冰雪世界尼夫 尔海姆。
三神为报祖父之仇,杀死伊 米尔。伊米尔流出无穷无尽 的血水,形成上古时的洪水。 一对巨人夫妻逃出,建立巨 人国,与神为敌。
三神思考创世。 从伊米尔腐烂的肉体中生出了许多 蛆虫。 众神赋予他们形体和智慧。 从尸体受光一面生出的蛆虫变成精 灵,精灵通体发亮,十分美丽,众 神送他们住 在空中的精灵之国。 从尸体背光一面生出的变成侏儒, 侏儒长得漆黑,贪财好色。众神让 他们住地下的侏儒国。
将伊米尔的尸体放在鸿沟中,用他的血造成海洋和 湖泊,骨骼造成丘陵和山脉,牙齿和零碎的腭骨造 成岩崖和卵石,头发和胡子造成树木和青草。 在大地造成以后,众神把伊米尔的脑壳抛在上面, 形成了天空,又把他的脑浆抛散到天空上面,形成 云彩。 为了不让天空从上方掉下来,众神派了四个侏儒分 别到东南西北四个角落,用他们的肩膀支撑住天空 的四角。
众神划定居住范围 宇宙中心是神的居所,精灵 国在神国的旁边。 人类和巨人居住在大地上。 人类居住在东边,众神用伊 米的眼睫毛做成栅栏将人类 围在里面。 侏儒生活在地下 不能见到阳光
夜之女神 诺特 密米尔的女儿,常骑着骏马在夜晚奔驰。 曾经三次结婚,和第一位丈夫生一子奥德和第二位 丈夫生一女乔迪(Jord) 最后和精灵国里掌管光线的黎明精灵德尔林相爱生 下了一个英俊而光彩夺目的儿子,起名叫达格 (昼) 。 众神送给达格一匹光之马,散发出耀眼的光芒。
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Norse Myth, the Corner Which Is Forgotten By Humans.
Do you remember, Odin, when in bygone days
we mixed our blood together?
You said you would never drink ale
unless it were brought to both of us.
Larrington, Carolyne (Trains.)(1999).The Poetic Edda.Oxford World’s Classics.
Norse myth is a multi-god system. It is mainly divided into four parts: Giants, Gods, Elves and Dwarves. Giants created the world.
Giants give birth to the gods, but they are also the biggest enemies of the gods. Gods are divided into two parts. One is Aesir, which leader is the Lord God Odin; the other one is Njord, Nereus, the chief of Vanir. There are 12 Lord Gods in Norse myth:
●Odin奥汀: He is the king of the gods who rulers the world.
●Frigg 弗丽嘉: She is in charge of marriage and family. She is Odin's wife.
●Loki 洛基: He is the fire-god, Odin’s brother, the posterity of Giant Ymir. It is said that Loki is handsome but grumpy. He becomes to be a fiend at last.
●Freyr 弗雷: He is Helios, the symbol of abundance, prosperity, love and peace.
●Thor 索尔: He is the thunder-god, the eldest son of the Lord God Odin.
●Sif 西芙: She is Thor's wife. She has beautiful and shining blond hair.
●Tyr 提尔:He is Ares, the son of Giant Schimmel.
●Freyja弗蕾亚: Controlling of fertility and love. She is Freyja's younger sister.
●Heimdall海姆达尔: He is the Guardian of Gods’ World.
●Baldur巴尔德尔: He is Odin’s son, the brightness-god. He always wears a smile on his face.
●Hoder霍尔德尔: He is the Baldur’s twin brother, the darkness-god. He is fierce and sullen.
●Budle布吉拉: He is Odin’s son, the poetry-god.
The difference between Greek myth and Norse myth is that the gods in Norse myth are not omnipotent. They also make mistakes. The world in Norse myth is not everlasting; to our surprise, the world in Norse myth has end and beginning. It sounds more close to our daily life.
The gods in Norse myth are not looking distant any more. It seems that they just look like us, the common humans with emotion such as happy, sad, angry, pride etc. Maybe it is the charm which is attracted you to research.。