
我的周末英语作文(一般现在时)全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1My WeekendOn the weekend, I have so much fun! The weekend is my favorite part of the week. During the week, I have to go to school, do homework, and follow a schedule. But on the weekend, I get to do whatever I want!Saturday mornings are the best. I sleep in late because there's no school. My mom lets me watch cartoons in my pajamas while I eat a big bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast. I love lounging around and being a couch potato for a little while.After a couple hours, when my mom gets annoyed with me just sitting there, she makes me get up and get dressed. She says I can't waste the whole day being lazy. I put on play clothes - a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. Then I go outside to play.My neighbors Jack and Emma come over, and we ride our bikes up and down the sidewalk. Sometimes we get really adventurous and ride across the whole neighborhood! We haveto watch out for cars, though. My dad reminds me every time to be safe.When we get tired of riding bikes, we grab our skateboards, basketballs, soccer balls, or other outdoor toys. We take turns picking what to play. If it's soccer, we use two big trees as the goal posts. For basketball, we shoot at the net on the garage. Playing outside is my favorite weekend activity.After playing hard for a few hours, we get hungry. We head inside to my kitchen for snacks and drinks. My mom slices up apples, oranges, and carrot sticks for us. We gobble them down while guzzling big glasses of ice-cold lemonade or fruit punch. Yum!In the afternoon, sometimes my dad takes us somewhere fun. We might go bowling, hiking in the woods, fishing at the lake, or to a movie theater. No matter where we go, it's always an adventure!On Saturdays, we eat an easy dinner like pizza, tacos, or hamburgers. Then we relax in the family room and watch a movie or play some video games together as a family. I get to stay up way past my usual bedtime until I can barely keep my eyes open.When I wake up on Sunday mornings, my mom is already cooking a huge breakfast - pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, hash browns, you name it! We all eat way too much. Then it's time to get ready for church.I put on my nice clothes - a collar shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes. At church, I go to Sunday school and learn Bible stories and verses. The lesson is fun because we play games and work on craft projects. I get to hang out with all my church friends too.After church, we usually go out for a big lunch at a restaurant. My favorite places are the pizza buffet, burger joint, or that Mexican place with the delicious queso dip! My brother and I are starving after just a couple of hours.Sunday afternoons are pretty chill and relaxing. Sometimes we go for a walk around the neighborhood if the weather is nice. Other times we'll visit family members like my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We'll catch up over a cup of coffee or a glass of lemonade. My grandma always has cookies for us too.As evening approaches on Sunday, I start dreading the weekend being over. I try my best to avoid thinking about school and homework. For those last few hours, I squeeze in as muchfree time as I possibly can. I may play some more video games, read comic books, or just veg out watching TV.Finally, as the sun goes down on Sunday night, it's time for bed. I reluctantly get my backpack and lunch box ready for the next morning. I lay out my school clothes and set my alarm clock early. As I snuggle under my covers, I make a wish that the weekend could just last forever! But I know I'll get through the school week by looking forward to next weekend and all the fun it will bring.That's pretty much how all my weekends go. Sleeping late, playing outdoors, doing fun activities, eating delicious food, and spending quality time with my family and friends. The weekend days go by way too quickly, but I make sure to soak up every moment of freedom and fun! I can't wait for the next weekend to roll around again.篇2My Awesome WeekendHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 9 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School. I love the weekends because I get to do so many fun things! Here's what my weekends are usually like.On Saturday mornings, I wake up around 8am. My mom makes my favorite breakfast - pancakes with maple syrup and banana slices. Mmm so yummy! After breakfast, I get dressed and brush my teeth. I always make sure to brush really well. My dentist Dr. Patel says brushing keeps my teeth healthy and strong.Once I'm all ready, my dad and I go to the park near our house. We take our dog Rufus with us. Dad throws a tennis ball and Rufus runs to catch it. He's such a good doggy! I love playing fetch with him. The park has a playground too with swings, monkey bars, and a big twisty slide. I climb up to the top and go whee down the slide! Going down fast makes my tummy feel funny but in a good way.After the park, we walk home for lunch. My favorite lunch is grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. Mmm cheesy and delicious! While I eat, I watch cartoons on TV. My favorite show is The Wacky Adventures of Ronald. He's a silly raccoon who gets into all kinds of crazy situations. I laugh so hard at his funny jokes and antics.In the afternoon, I have free time to play. Sometimes I build amazing spaceships and castles out of Legos. Other times, I draw pictures of my family, animals, superheroes - whatever I feel like.Sometimes I read books from my big bookshelf full of adventure stories. I'm a super bookworm!For dinner, we usually have tacos, pizza, spaghetti, or hamburgers - all my favs! We eat together as a family at the dinner table. We talk about our days and my parents ask how school was that week. I tell them about the spelling test, the science project, and kickball at recess. Family dinners are the best.After dinner, we have family fun time. Sometimes we play board games like Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders. Other times, we watch a movie and eat popcorn together on the couch. We cuddle under cozy blankets as a family. When the movie is over, I get ready for bed around 8pm. I put on my PJs with the rocket ship pattern, brush my teeth again, and snuggle into my warm bed.Sundays are a bit different. We go to church in the morning all dressed up. I wore a pink dress last Sunday. At church, I get to see my Sunday school friends and we learn about the Bible together. We sing fun songs with hand motions and make crafts too. I love my Sunday school class!After church, we go out for a big family breakfast. The biggest pancakes you've ever seen! With bacon, hash browns,and orange juice. Eating a big delicious breakfast is a super nice way to start the day.In the afternoon, we run errands and do chores around the house. I help out by making my bed, cleaning my room, and feeding Rufus his dog food. Doing my chores earns me allowance money to save up for toys. One Sunday a month, we go to the library and I get to pick out new books to read for the next few weeks. The library is a magical place!In the evenings, we have family time again like on Saturdays. We'll play outside if it's nice weather. We go on bike rides around the neighborhood. Or we'll have a game night with Uno, Jenga, Connect 4, and my favorite - Guess Who! Sunday nights end the same with my bedtime routine.Then before I know it, it's Monday morning again time to go to school. But that's okay because the weekend is never too far away! I'll get to sleep in, eat yummy food, play outside, spend quality time with my family, and just have an all-around blast again soon enough. Weekends are the best ever!篇3My WeekendWow, the weekend is so much fun! I always get really excited when Friday comes around because that means no more school for two whole days. I get to sleep in late, watch TV, play video games, and just do whatever I want. It's awesome!On Saturday mornings, I usually wake up pretty late, like around 10 o'clock. My mom makes my favorite breakfast - pancakes with syrup and whipped cream on top. Yum! After breakfast, I'll either play outside if it's nice out or stay inside and play video games. My best friend Tyler lives right down the street so he'll come over a lot on Saturdays and we'll run around my backyard pretending to be superheroes fighting bad guys. We use our super cool nerf guns to battle the evil forces. I'm always Superman and Tyler is Batman. My dog Buddy tries to get in on the action too, chasing after us and barking up a storm. He's funny!In the afternoon, we'll take a break from our superhero games to watch cartoons inside and eat snacks like chips, cookies, and lemonade that my mom makes us. Saturdays are the best day to watch TV because all the good shows are on. My favorite is probably SpongeBob - he's so silly and makes me laugh a lot. Tyler likes Teen Titans Go more but I think that showis kind of stupid. We usually end up fighting over what to watch but then my mom yells at us to stop.For dinner on Saturdays, we either get pizza delivered or my dad will grill hamburgers and hot dogs outside. Pizza is probably my number one favorite food ever - I could eat it every single day and never get tired of it. My dad makes really good burgers too though, all juicy and topped with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. He says his special sauce is the key but he won't tell me what's in it. Whatever it is, it's delicious!After dinner, we'll play more video games before my mom makes me get ready for bed around 9pm. I hate going to bed that early on weekends but my parents are pretty strict about it. At least I get to stay up way later than on school nights! On Sundays, I sleep in again until maybe 9ish. Then we'll go to church in the morning. I don't love going to church because it's kind of boring having to sit still for so long, but at least I get to see my friends from school too.The best part of Sundays is when we go out for a family lunch at a restaurant after church. I always get a huge sundae for dessert piled high with ice cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, whipped cream, and a cherry on top. Brain freeze city but it's so worth it! Sunday afternoons are pretty chill - I'll hang out with myparents while they watch boring sports on TV and I play on my iPad. Sometimes we'll go to the park and I'll ride my bike on the trails if the weather is nice out.For Sunday dinner, it's usually a bigger home-cooked meal like roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. Not my favorite compared to pizza or burgers, but it's still pretty tasty. I really look forward to the dessert though - my mom makes the best pies, cakes, and cobblers. After dinner, it's the worst part of the weekend...time for bed and school the next day! I always feel so sad when the weekend is over but at least I have fun memories until next week. Being a kid is rough but weekends make it worth it!篇4My WeekendHi there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you all about what I do on the weekends. The weekends are my favorite part of the week because I don't have to go to school and I get to do fun stuff instead!On Saturday mornings, I wake up super early around 7am even though I don't have school. I'm just too excited to sleep in! I put on my comfy pajamas and slippers and go downstairs to thekitchen. My mom is already up making breakfast. She makes the best pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream on top. Yum! While she cooks, I sit at the table and color in my coloring books or play games on my tablet.After breakfast, I get dressed for the day. I put on leggings, a t-shirt, and sneakers. Then I brush my teeth and hair. My little brother Ryan is usually still sleeping, so I try to be quiet and not wake him up. Once I'm all ready, I'll go play outside if it's nice out.I have a swing set and a trampoline in my backyard. I love jumping up and down pretending I'm an astronaut traveling to outer space!If it's raining or too cold to play outside, I'll stay inside and play with my toys. I have a huge dollhouse that I really like. I move the little furniture around and make up stories for the doll family. I also build houses, spaceships, and towers with my Legos. Sometimes I'll play video games or watch cartoons too.For lunch on Saturdays, we either have sandwiches or order a pizza. Pizza is my favorite food ever! I like pepperoni pizza best. After lunch, we run errands and do chores around the house as a family. I have to clean my room, make my bed, put my toys away, and help my mom with little jobs. But then we do something fun too, like go to the park, library, or stores.At night, we have a family movie night! We'll order take-out for dinner, like Chinese food, burgers, or tacos. I always pick the movie and my favorite is any Disney or Pixar film. We'll make popcorn with lots of butter and I get to snuggle up on the couch under a cozy blanket. After the movie, it's time for my bath and then bed. I'm always tired after such a busy day!On Sundays, I sleep in a little later until around 8am. We have a big breakfast like waffles, sausage, eggs, and hash browns. After we clean up from breakfast, we get ready and go to church.I go to Sunday school where we learn Bible stories, sing songs, and do crafts. Church is okay, but I'd rather be playing!When we get home from church, we have a quick lunch, usually sandwiches or leftovers from Saturday night. Then in the afternoon, we'll either stay home and play games or go do something fun as a family. Sometimes we go bowling, to a trampoline park, miniature golfing, or out for ice cream. Other times we'll have friends or family over to our house and we'll grill out, swim in our pool, and run around in the backyard.Sunday evenings are pretty relaxed. We'll have an easy dinner, maybe pasta, tacos, or soup. Then we'll watch a family TV show or movie together. I take my bath and get my backpack and clothes ready for school the next day. By 8pm, I'm in mypajamas and getting sleepy after such a fun-filled weekend! I always look forward to the next weekend so I can do it all over again.That's what my typical weekend is like! I stay up late, sleep in, eat yummy foods, watch lots of TV, and play all day long. I really cherish my weekends because I get to spend quality time with my family and just be a kid. I never want my weekends to end! School nights are hard and the weekdays are so structured with homework and activities. But on the weekends, I'm free to just relax, be silly, and do whatever I want. Weekends are simply the best!篇5My WeekendHi there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you all about my weekends. Weekends are the best days ever because I don't have to go to school! Instead, I get to sleep in late, play games, watch TV, and do fun stuff with my family.On Saturday mornings, I usually wake up around 9 o'clock. My mom makes my favorite breakfast - pancakes with maple syrup and berries! Mmm they are so yummy. After breakfast, I like to play with my dolls or build things with my Lego sets. Ihave so many Legos and I love putting the pieces together to make houses, cars, spaceships...you name it!In the afternoon, my dad sometimes takes me to the park if the weather is nice out. I love going on the swings and sliding down the big twisty slide. The park has a sandbox too and I enjoy making sand castles and burying my feet in the cool sand. If I get thirsty, my dad buys me a juice box from the snack stand.When we get home from the park, I watch a little TV - my favorite shows are Bluey, Peppa Pig, and Paw Patrol. For dinner, we often order pizza from my favorite restaurant. I'm a plain cheese pizza kind of gal! After dinner, we might rent a movie and make popcorn. I get to pick the movie and I always choose something with funny talking animals.On Sundays, we go to church in the morning. I go to Sunday school while my parents are in the main service. We sing songs about Jesus, read Bible stories, and do crafts. My Sunday school teachers are really nice.After church, we stop for brunch at my fa vorite café. I always get the kid's pancakes with chocolate chips! Then in the afternoon, we run errands like going to the grocery store and doing laundry. Errands are kind of boring but I help my mom putthe groceries away and sort the clean clothes into piles to make it go faster.At night, we have a nice family dinner together - maybe tacos, spaghetti, or chicken nuggets. I always eat all my veggies because my parents say it will help me grow big and strong! For dessert, we might have ice cream sundaes while watching a movie and cuddling on the couch.Finally, it's time for bed. I take a bath, put on my pajamas, and brush my teeth really well. My mom or dad reads me a bedtime story and tucks me in. I give them hugs and kisses goodnight. Then I snuggle up with my stuffed animals and dream sweet dreams until the next morning.I love weekends SO much! They are fun, relaxing days where I get to spend quality time with my family making happy memories. Weekdays are OK too since I get to see my friends and learn new things at school. But weekends will always be my favorite!What are your weekends like? I hope you have just as much fun as I do! Thanks for reading my essay. Catch you later!。

我的周末5句话英语作文篇1I like weekends.I went to park with my mom last Saturday.We took lots of photoes.I saw flowers and trees.We also had some snacks.On Sunday,I went to my grandparents home with my mom and dad.My grandparents prepared a lot of food and dishes for us.I love my grandparents and they love me,too.我的.周末5句话英语作文篇2In the weekend, I like to go shopping with my friends.We buy a lot of things, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, sometimes my friends protects me buying too much candy.She says it will do harm to my health.Though I am not happy, I accept it.Going shopping with my mother makes me so happy.我的周末5句话英语作文篇3Today was weekend.I can go out and play with my friends.I had a good time.In the evening,I have a delicious dinner.Today was a nice day.我的周末5句话英语作文篇4My Weekend Last saturday, I was very happy.On saturday, I got up at seven oclock.After breakfast, I did my homwwork, It was a little difficult.Then I played computer games,It was veryinteresting, so I liked they very much.In the eveing ,I visit my friend--Hans,he was very friendly to me,I love him.I was veryhappy,I think you did too.我的周末5句话英语作文篇5At the weekends I will be busy.On Saturday I will go to visit the Great Wall.On Sunday I will stay at home.In the morning I will do my homework.In the afternoon I will help my mother do housework.And I will be happy at the weekends.我的周末5句话英语作文篇6My weekend is very interesting. On Saturday morning, we have lesson from eight oclock to ten to twelve in the school.We have chinese, Maths and English on this day,On saturday afternoon, I play computers and listen to music, sometimes I do my homework when the homework is too much, on sunday I play guitar at XinJieKou.I can take No.27 bus there, And I usually study TOFEL in the evening.。

你这两天会做什么呢?怎么写一篇我的周末的英语作文呢?为大家提供《my weekend英语作文五篇》,欢迎阅读。
1.my weekend英语作文I have happy weekend.On Saturday morning,I always have English classes at school. I study hard in the classroom. In the afternoon,I often play computer games. On Sunday morning I often draw pictures. Sometimes I visit my grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes I listen to music. On Sunday afternoon I often do housework or go shopping.So I love weekends.2.my weekend英语作文I go to school from Monday to Friday.I wake up at 7:00 in the morning.Then I wash my hands and face.At 7:15,I eat breakfast.After breakfast,I brush my teeth and comb my hair.Then I put on my clothes then go to school.I work hard at school.Saturday and Sunday are different.I do not go to school on those days.3.my weekend英语作文"I recently more tired, more vexed..." Weekends, I often sang this song, why? Can't rest weekend! Every day to do the "slave" of the book."Ring the bell..." , ah, only 7 o 'clock I was "cruel" alarm clock to push up. I just vaguely opened his sleep, the mother's high-pitched loudspeakers rang: "quick to wash a face to brush your teeth, brush brush! Hurry up after dinner, a meal on mathematical olympiad class." "Oh..." When I answered with aloud splash, alas, confused when I put the toothpaste durian sugar to swallow.Attends class, I have nothing to do in addition to the class. My in the mind chanting went on his way to the class. The howl of the class after, I heaved a sigh of relief. Just walked out of the cram school, I didn't think dad with a smile to say to me "little baby, let's go to the children's palace to listen to English class." "Oh, when will you give me to the English cram school? No! I really don't want to go." Just say that finish, looked up dad serious eyes, startled, "father very hard ah, I have to brave it out.4.my weekend英语作文If time is a long journey, the weekend is a relay station, filled with warmth and laughter.One Sunday evening, we come home an "intruder" - mice. So, all of our family of four people mobilize, started our was used. As the saying goes "gets a rat crossing the street, called", mouse is really boring, will not only break things, and it spread the plague is more frightening. We discuss the use method, willing patiently in mice haunt, but this method does not work, don't see it too, but it is a very sensitive sense of smell. Can't, can only use "the mouse cage", we put the delicious meat in a cage, waiting for it without being pressed. But after more than half an hour, still no action, we are very worry, all of a sudden, 1 of "dong", mouse finally could not help the temptation of delicious meat - have been taken in. Wow, what a big a mouse ah, good LiangSanJin heavy. The operation is more successful. But "mouse cage" never be the second time, cunning mouse already know the consequences of the lesson.If life is a problem, then the weekend may be the answer to this question, and experience life in the weekend, joy of life, lifewill be wonderful!5.my weekend英语作文There are two days on the weekend.On Saturday,in the morning ,I do my homework,at break time,I and my mother play the badminton.In afternoon,I and my father go shopping,we buy some foods.On Sunday,at noon,I and mother into the Mathematical Olympiad,at night,my father cook dinner for me.We are very happy!。

我的周末英语作文1i think everyone will have a busy and interesting weekend. now, let me introduce my busy weekend to you.on saturday morning, i am going to the bookstore. i’m going to buy some story-books and a chinese-english and english-chinese dictionary. i like reading story-books. i find them very interesting. then i am going home. my home is near the bookstore. so i am going by bike. i like riding my bike. in the evening, i am going to play piano. playing piano is my hobby.on sunday morning, i am going to do my homework. now i am in grade six. i want to enter a good middle school next year. so i must study hard. in the afternoon, i am going shopping with my parents and my little brother. my mom says she is going to buy a pair of sneakers for me. i love going shopping. i think all of the girls like going shopping. am i right.on sunday evening, i am going back to school by school bus.i love my weekend, how about you? tell me something about your weekend.我的周末英语作文2i had a busy weekend.on saturday morning,i cleaned the room and washed the clothes.in the afternoon,i did my homework.it was a little difficult,on saturday evening,i went to the movies.on sundaymorning ,i went to the library to read a book about history.then in the afternoon ,i went to the beach.on sunday night,i watched an interesting talk show.what a busy but happy weekend i had!我的周末英语作文3My busy last weekendI was busy last weekend. Saturday morning I had math and Chinese class. In the afternoon I ate KFC. I was very happy. I played football Saturday afternoon. I was tired. I played computer games Saturday evening. I was very tired. Sunday morning I did my home work. In the evening I watched TV. I was happy.My happy weekendHello! My name is Chen Ziyan. I had an interesting weekend. Saturday morning I did homework at home. In the afternoon I visited grandparents. In the evening I watched TV at home. The day was full.Sunday morning. I read a book. In the afternoon, I went hiking . In the evening, I went to supermarket with my mother.This was my last weekend, what about you ?My last weekendI was busy last weekend. Saturday morning, I played computer games. In the afternoon, I visited my grandparents, we watched TV together. Sunday morning, I played ping-pong with my father. In the afternoon, I went shopping with my parents. I was so tiredMy happy last weekendI had a happy last week end. I played computer games Saturday afternoon .Sunday morning I climbed mountains .I was tired but happy. In the afternoon. I wash my cloths and cleaned my room. In the evening I watched TV and read a comic book. I was very happy.我的周末英语作文4I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, Iwatched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents' and my brother's. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents' house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold. This was last weekend.我的周末英语作文5Hello! My name is Jerry. I’m nine years old. I’m in Grade 3 this year. I like playing football in my free time.At the weekend, I often go to the park and play football with my father, mother and brother. We always have a good time.At school, after class, I often play football with my friends in the school playground. We run and laugh, we pass the ball, and we kick the ball. We feel vey happy.Playing football is a good kind of sport. It can make us strong and healthy. I like playing football very much.。

周末的生活英语作文5句话(中英文版)Every weekend, I indulge in a leisurely lifestyle that is a stark contrast to the bustling workdays.It"s a time when I can catch up on sleep, pursue hobbies, and reconnect with friends and family.每周周末,我都会沉溺于一种与繁忙工作日形成鲜明对比的悠闲生活方式。
On Saturdays, I often wake up late, savoring the luxury of not setting an alarm.I might then head to a local caféfor a prolonged breakfast, where I enjoy a good book or simply people-watch.周六,我通常会晚起,尽情享受不需要设定闹钟的奢侈。
Come Sunday, I like to engage in outdoor activities, such as hiking or cycling, which not only refreshes my body but also clears my mind, preparing me for the upcoming week.到了周日,我喜爱参与户外活动,比如徒步或骑自行车,这些活动不仅让我的身体焕发活力,也使我的心灵得到净化,为即将到来的一周做好准备。
In the evenings, I find joy in cooking elaborate meals, trying out new recipes that I"ve pinned during the week.It"s a therapeutic process that relaxes me and fills my home with warmth and delicious scents.夜晚,我发现烹饪丰盛的晚餐让我感到快乐,尝试在周内收藏的新食谱。

英语作文我的周末范文5句My weekend typically follows a familiar routine yet offers opportunities for exploration and relaxation. Friday evenings often find me eagerly anticipating the arrival of the weekend as the workweek comes to a close. I tend to leave the office at a reasonable hour and head home to unwind. Sometimes I meet up with friends for a casual dinner or drinks, savoring the chance to catch up and enjoy each other's company in a more relaxed setting. Other times I opt for a quiet night at home, preparing a simple meal and settling in with a good book or movie.Saturday mornings usually start with a leisurely breakfast, perhaps reading the newspaper or scrolling through the news on my phone. Depending on my mood and the weather, I might spend the day running errands, tackling household chores, or venturing out for a hike or other outdoor activity. Living in a vibrant city, there is always the option to explore new neighborhoods, visit a museum or art gallery, or sample the diverse culinary offerings. I find great joy in discovering hidden gems and immersing myself in the local culture.Sundays often provide a welcome respite, a chance to recharge and prepare for the week ahead. I might sleep in a bit later than usual, savoring the extra rest. After a nourishing breakfast, I often turn my attention to personal projects or hobbies. This could involve catching up on reading, working on a creative writing piece, or tending to my small but thriving vegetable garden. Occasionally, I'll set aside time for self-care, indulging in a relaxing yoga session or a soothing bath.As the day winds down, I typically enjoy a leisurely dinner, either preparing a home-cooked meal or treating myself to a meal at a favorite local restaurant. This quiet time allows me to reflect on the past week and mentally prepare for the next. I might also use this opportunity to connect with friends or family, either in person or through virtual means, strengthening those important relationships.Regardless of how I choose to spend my weekends, I find that they provide a valuable balance to the structure and demands of the workweek. The freedom to explore my interests, engage in activities that rejuvenate me, and simply savor moments of relaxation and solitude is truly invaluable. These weekend experiences not only recharge my batteries but also inspire me to approach the upcoming week with renewed energy and enthusiasm.。

周末活动英语作文1I will have a happy weekend.On saturdaymorning, I’m going to do my homework. and then, I’m going out to play. I’m goingto the bookstore and read some books. In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents outside. on sunday morning, I’m going to the library or do my homework.And then, i’m going to lis ten to music. in the afternoon, i’m going to go shoppingwith my mother. i like shopping very much.This is my happyand busy weekend. do you like this weekend? 周末活动英语作文2My Busy WeekendsI am very busy during weekends.Every Saturday and Sunday morning I go to school.And every afternoon I have interest classes,such as painting and practisng the piano.I do a lot of homework at night.I oftenfeel very tired and bored,so I usually spare some time to read some fictions,watch TV and play the comuter games.Of the all,I like playing games best,for it is very interesting and makes me happy.。

我的周末英语作文篇1I have busy weekend.in saturday morning, I’m read books and do my howework. in afternoon, I’m lean my room.in evening, I’m watch tv and movies.in sunday morning, I’m play basketball with my good fiend .We are very happy. in afternoon, I’m go to marketplace buy some food. in evening, I’m go to concer t.This weekend,I’m very tired,but I’m enjoy onerseles.我的周末英语作文篇2On last weekend , I cleaned my room on Saturday. And I went fishing with my family.On last Sunday, I climbing mountains with my parents . I watched TV on last Sunday afteroon. I did my homework on my last Sunday evening. My last weekend was very happy! How about you?我的周末英语作文篇3Hi!This is Moon .Im going to have a busy weekend! On saturday,Im going to visit my grandparents by bus.Im going to buy a new book.T en,Im going to go home and read the new books.On sanday,Imgoing to the supermark with my moyher.Were going eveing lunch.Ten, in the evening,Im going to visit my aunt.That will be fun! collected byWhat are you going to do on the weekend?我的周末英语作文篇4Usually, I am free at the weekends, but sometimes I also have something to do. This weekend, I will be busy, because at Saturday, I am going to read a magazine in the morning. Afternoon, I will go to the zoo with my grandparents. On Sunday, I will go to the bookstore to buy some books for reading. Afternoon, I will go to the train school to learn Kongfu. At night, I will stay at home and have a good rest.我的周末英语作文篇5Today, I at eight o clock in the morning is the alarm clock to wake up on time, just want to sleep in bed for a while, and thought: much homework! So hurry up, I wash up quickly, eat a few meals, lie prone on the desk before the operation. Homework as much writing forever, just finished reading a morning reading notes and ladder. I was profuse sweating, thought: at this rate, tomorrow can complete is a problem! Sorrow to worry about, Im still away, finally finished by four Chinese homework. I thought I can have a good rest for a while. Can dad asked me to write math homework, caught up before five math homework, thought can go out to have fun to play, but still have English homework!我的周末英语作文篇6I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I’m going visit my friends by car. Because I haven’t seen them for a long time. Then, I’m going to the bookstore on foot. I’m going to read lots of books there. On Sunday morning, I’m going to go for a walk. Then, in the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. Then, in the evening, we are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?我的周末英语作文篇7Guangtai park on Sunday, my father and I came to floor,people are in a hurry to go mountain climbing, but I do not wait to the zoo.Ah!There were so many animals at the zoo.Says the world rare precious animal panda first, individual is smaller than the bear, it has beautiful fur, Mao Mi and luster, around the eyes, ears, arms and legs, and shoulders are black, the rest part is white, black and white and phase contrast, beautiful and lovely. Its gentle temperament, body fat and start to sven erya, shaky, like a great scholar. Innocence, darling, very cute.Alive and precious golden monkeys, it faces shamrock, golden color, a small nose, "Monkey King" is that people give its nickname.我的周末英语作文篇8I love my weekend.They are very happy.On Saturday, I go painting in the morning. The pictures are very beautiful. Then, I eat lunch at 12:00 at noon. In the afternoon, I usually go to the park, climb mountains or play with my friends.I can see beautiful flowers, green grass in the park. Wow! It’s very very happy times! In the evening, I do homework and watch TV. Sometimes I play computer games.On Sunday, I usually get up at 7:30 in the morning. I do homework after breakfast. I usually watch TV at 10:00. Then I play flute in the school. I go home at 2:50, play computer games and eat dinner. In the evening, I make my schoolbag. Tomorrow I have to go to school.They are my weekend. They are very happy and funny!我的周末英语作文篇9Hello!M y name is Tang kejia.I’m going to have aninteresting weekend! On Saturday morning,I’m going to do homework. In the afternoon, I’m going to buy some comic book and a dictionary. I’m very happy! Because I can read a new book. In the evening, I’m going to th e supermarket and buy some food and vegetables. On Sunday morning, I’m going to the park take a walk. In the afternoon, I’m going to the Hang Zhou Library and borrow some books with my mother. Then, I’m going to visit my grandparents. We’re going to the we st lark together. In the evening, I’m going to play the computer games and watch TV. I will be very happy!This is my weekend plan!我的周末英语作文篇10I like Saturday, because it is a pleasure.In nature, I am looking for a beautiful spring. Look at that tender willow, rocking gently in the breeze, my heart is awake! Lay on the grass, breathing the scent of flowers send out, bathed in the sunshine, feel the body is a little bit of warmth, as if become transparent warm up.I have a longing to exclamation: spring on Saturday, is a happy Saturday!At home, I immersed in a sea of books: books are endless! There are many wonderful things, waiting for us to explore, to discover them. It makes us understand the knowledge, forget trouble, enriched my wonderful life!我的周末英语作文篇11Hi, this is Lisa. I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework. then, I’m going to buy a book about Harry Potter. It’s my favourite book. I have a lot of posters of Harry Potter. After lunch, I’m going to visit my grandparents and play with my cousins, Denis and and Alice. they are active. Dennis likes singing very much. Alice likes drawingpictures. We often play hide-and-seek together. In the evening, I’ll help my mom clean the house. I like help my mom with the housework. My mom always says I am a good girl. After that, I am going to read the book about Harry Potter. That will be fun. On Sunday, I am going to the stamp show in Qinghui Gardens. I like collecting stamps. I have got 150 stamps. In the evening, I am going to back school. What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend? Can you tell me, please?我的周末英语作文篇12Today, dopted mother, mother and I have a lot of aunt and friend together to rong county bamboo flower dragon groove.Along the way, we are talking and laughing, everyone with a happy mood. After a bumpy all the way at last to the entrance of the bamboo forest. Dopted mother saw all the way scenery is very beautiful, and suggest that we walk into the flower dragon ditch. Can we go for more than 1 hour to go nearly a third, and I have a few friends feet are very painful. How much time will I spend on some partners said: "hey, we all walk". The points dopted mother said: you guys go this way. Think of the red army twenty-five thousand li, this bitter doesnt consider as what, dozen spirit I continue to go "will continue to go after we listened to. Experienced difficulty finally came to spend dragon ditch.我的周末英语作文篇13Looking forward to, ah, ah look forward to! The weekend finally arrived, it is our great motherland mothers birthday, we can be sure to celebrate this wonderful day.Mom and I went to the tension mountain park, I will feel the fresh air into the park faces to. There are many beautiful flowers in flower beds colorful really beautiful those than sunshine was bright flower, red with burning eyes, so red, and what is that, likela flower, good variety of color, purple, red, white, put very is just right, I like to himself to his mother said, what are these flowers is what color, you like it or not.盼呀,盼呀!周末终于来到了,它是我们伟大的祖国妈妈的生日,我们可一定要欢度这美好的日子。

我的周末英语作文3篇高分英语作文1:My weekendThe weekend is coming. On Saturday morning, I wi ll have a happy weekend. I will do my homework. Then, I will go out to play and read books in the bookstore. On Sunday morning, I will have dinner with my parents. I will go to the library or do my homework.In the afternoon, I will listen to music. I will go sh opping with my mother. I like shopping very muc h.This is my happy and busy weekend. You like it A weekend.中文翻译:周末就要到了,星期六早上我会有一个快乐的周末,我要做作业,然后,我出去玩,晚上去书店看书,星期天早上我要和我的父母在外面吃晚饭,我要去图书馆或做作业,然后,下午我要听音乐,我要和我妈妈去购物我非常喜欢购物这是我快乐忙碌的周末你喜欢这个周末吗。
万能作文模板2:我的周末I get up very late at 11 o'clock every Saturday. I g o to the supermarket and the fruit and vegetable market to do some shopping. Then I go to the loc al swimming pool for swimming.I have lunch and clean the house in the evening. I usually go to the restaurant with my friends at ni ght. On Sundays, I get up very late.After breakfast, I go swimming and do some exerc ise. In the afternoon, I visit my parents. I cook and watch TV in the evening.Sometimes I read books in bed. My weekends star t from Friday It was a great evening. My friends c ame.We went swimming, dancing and some parties. On Saturday, I went online and did some things (som e websites, I went to the mall with my friends, wat ched some movies, and then we went shopping. O f course, I bought some skirts (it's summer now) a nd some other things.When we got home, we decided to go to the loca l store to buy some movies. We bought two films (angry upper class and men's house). Both of them were silly, except that One Sunday, we woke up late (my other friend and I went to bed late on S aturday, my father bought us KFC, we ate together, we had a good time (my friends and I) and then I went online (I couldn't stay up all day online, tal k on the phone, we actually watched Nigerian mov ies (game women play 1 & damn, Ni) It's one of t he best movies ever made in Japan.It's organized. It's organized. I go to bed on Mond ay morning and wake up in the afternoon.It was the weekend my friend left not long ago, a nd I'm very sad that he left the movie we're going to see next month.中文翻译:每周六我11点起得很晚,我去超市和果蔬市场买东西,然后去当地的游泳池游泳,我吃午饭,晚上打扫房子我通常和朋友一起去餐馆,星期天我也会很晚起床早饭后我去游泳做些运动下午我去看望我的父母晚上我做饭看电视我有时在床上看书我的周末从星期五开始过得很愉快晚上,我的朋友们来了,我们游泳跳舞,还有一些派对。

my weekend英语作文五年级经过一周的学习相信你已经在期待周末了吧,你知道我的周末的英语呢应该怎么写吗?下面是小编给大家整理的my weekend英语作文五年级,供你参考!my weekend英语作文篇1My weekendI have a good time on the weekends. I always do my homework on Saturday morning. I often play cards with my friends on Saturday afternoon. I usually watch TV on Saturday evening. On Sunday, I usually visit my grandparents with my parents. We often have a big lunch there. Sometimes grandparents give presents for me. I have a lot of fun on the weekends.my weekend英语作文篇2On Saturday morning,I always have English classes at school. I study hard in the classroom. In the afternoon,I often play computer games. On Sunday morning I often draw pictures. Sometimes I visit my grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes I listen to music. On Sunday afternoon I often do housework or go shopping.my weekend英语作文篇3After five weekdays' hard work, finally it came to my favorite part --- the weekend. From Monday to Friday, I have to study from 7 am to 4 pm at school every day, but for the weekend, I can just stay at home and do whatever I want. It is so relaxing, I feel like I was in heaven After taking a really long nap in the afternoon, I turned on the tv for my favorite programme --- , what a wonderful weekend!my weekend英语作文篇4It was Saturday, and I was trying to sleep in, but somehow Iwoke up at half past five. Seeing my mother still asleep, I slipped back into my room. At six o 'clock, I heard my mother's cellphone alarm ring and my mother woke up and we got up.As usual, my mother cooks and I read or write. After a while, breakfast is ready. Wow, it's porridge and delicious Fried dumplings. The Fried dumplings are so delicious. I ate five or six in one sitting. I went to write class after I finished eating. Today, the teacher also praised my handwriting for progress, I am so happy! In the afternoon, I have to take an English class. My English class is from grade two to grade five. I am the youngest, but I am not weak at all. I listen carefully and answer questions actively. Here, we compete in learning and find happiness in competition.This is my weekend life, although a little busy, but I am very happy!my weekend英语作文篇5This Sunday, my father decided to take me fishing. I was excited to hear the news, because I had never caught any fish.When we drove to a nearby pond, my father took out the fishing materials that had been prepared - fishing rods and earthworms feeding the fish. First, we put the worms on the hook, then the hook falls far away. As soon as we sat down, we saw the buoy sinking, and he cried nervously, "promise, take the rod." I stepped back right away, and dad helped pull the line. I caught sight of a fish and clutched it frantically.Soon we caught a few fish, but soon the fish was not hooked.I began to get impatient and pulled on the hook to see. My father said to me, "the most patient thing about fishing is that you will scare away the fish by constantly pulling on it." I waited patiently, and sure enough, there was another fish hooked.I was so happy this weekend that not only did I learn how to fish, but I also learned that only the patient can get good grades. my weekend英语作文篇6Weekend ActivitiesIn my class,most of my classmates have colorful weekends. In the morning, we usually study at home. In the afternoon, some of us play sports, some play computer games with friends online, others visit their friends and enjoy staying with them. I like surfing the internet on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday morning, I usually play basketball with my father. That is my favourite time. Girls always like hanging out and going shopping with their friends on Sunday. We are very relaxed on weekends.。

英语作文:我的'快乐周末篇1Hi!My name is SunShi.I have a busy weekend!On Saturday.I m going to visit my grandparents by bus.After.I m going to buy a new book.I m going to go home and read the new books.In the evening.I m going to the shop with my mother.On sunday!I am at home.I am get up at 7:30 then I wash my face and teeth.After breakfast.I am watching TV at 10;30.I am eating my lunch.then I go to bed for lunch.When I am wake up the time is 2:30,So I am going to do homework when I finsin my homework.The time is 4:30.I am going to have supper!英语作文:我的快乐周末篇2Today is the weekend, I stay at home, I get up at seven fifty-five, then I brush my teeth and clean my face.At eight o'clock, I have my breakfast, they are some bread, an egg and a glass of milk. After the breakfast ,it's eight twenty.I often read my favourite books.At eleven o'clock, I often cook for my family. Then we have lunch together . After lunch, I often do my homework and watch TV.At about three twenty , I often play the piano for two hours. Then I do my homework.At seven o'clock, we have supper.After supper, I often go for a walk with my father and mother. I oftenplay computer games at eight fifty.I go to bed at nine fifty at night4.I had busy weekend!On Saturday morning I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I did my homework. On Saturday night I watched TV.On Sunday morning I visited my aunt. My aunt cooked dinner for me. Then in the afternoon, I played computer and I did some reading.On sunday night I stayed at home and I studied for the English test.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇3My weekend is very interesting. On Saturday morning, we have lesson from eight o'clock to ten to twelve in the school.We have chinese, Maths and English on this day,On saturday afternoon, I play computers and listen to music, sometimes I do my homework when the homework is too much, on sunday I play guitar at XinJieKou.I can take No.27 bus there, And I usually study TOFEL in the evening.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇4I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning,I cleaned my room.It was tired,but my room very clean.In the afternoon,I play sports with my mother.In the evening,I did my homework.On Sunday morning,I went to the library.I read a book about Chinese.I like went to the library.On sunday afternoon,I went to the farm to helped the farmers pick apples.Then I went to the home. In the evening.I went to the supermarket with my mother.It was interesting.I really love this weekend.I hope every weekend happy.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇5I have a very busy weekend.I and my best friend in the morning to go to the playground to play soccer.At noon, I and my best friend to go hiking.In the evening, we were watching the moon, we are very pleased that this is really a happy day.This is my weekend, it was busy, and very happy!英语作文:我的快乐周末篇6I went to Beijing Zoo on Saturday morning.I went there with my teachers by bus. It took us half an hour to get there. There were many kinds of animals. First, we went to see pandas.They were my favorite animals. How lovely they were! Then we watched the elephant show. The elephants were so clever that they were able to answer some math questions.At last, I took some photos of them. I had a great time.I stayed in Beijing Zoo for 2 hours.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇7I have a busy weekend,On Satursday,I cleaned my room.In the afteroon,I did my homework,It was a little diffcult,In the night,I visit my aunt,my aunt cooked dinner for me.On Sunday ,I went to the library I read a book about geography,Then in the afternoon,I played soccer with my friend,in the night,I wathed TV.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇8Arbor Day is coming soon. On Sunday, I, father, mother, my sister, and a few children go to plant trees. Before planting trees, there are many wild vegetables on a clearing, we went to dig potherb. I take a shovel is dig potherb, walking up a uncle, he said to me: "take wrong shovel, is a hand in the former one handbehind, his foot on the shovel?, reoccupy force levelled up." Says, show with me. I say: "uncle know, thank you." I took the shovel a try, it's really good.Began to plant trees, I went to the administrator took a tree seedlings to come over and started to dig a hole, put the saplings, and filling. Filled with soil, the administrator said to use the foot, the soil and a pit, so as to avoid water flow away. I do as administrator request after, to fetch a pail of water for water. Small trees, good, I hope young trees grow well, don't be destroyed.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇9Today is sunday . I am in hainan with my friends now.it is a sunny day,I got up early at Seven thirty,I watched a movie with my brother in the morning,it was a interesting film.And in the afternoon,I went swimming with my best friends .I was tired.But I was happy ,too.Uh...What a wonderful day it is!英语作文:我的快乐周末篇10On Sunday morning, I got up early, after washing a face to brush your teeth, my mom and dad do dumplings.Mother cut the meat into meat foam, dad cut Onions and in a short period of a short, foam and the meat onion together in add an egg to stir up again, heart dumplings is made, I also fix the flour, I put the soft dough into a very thick noodles noodles are cut into thin dumpling skin with a knife.What a coincidence, we began to pack, mother's hand with one hand holding the scoop of the dumpling dumpling skin one hand heart put dumplings heart dumpling skin to fit a hand to hold up a dumpling, dad is better than my mother, father and mother the practice of some of the same, but my mother's meatis put with the hand, toss a, dad is father a throw the meat dumpling skin on a hold a dumpling, I ah which chef is a 'worst than kilometers, I learned to the practice of father ah! Dumpling heart off the ground, I learn to mother, ah! Dumpling skin is broken, I hurriedly took another dumpling skin patch, my belly fat, so I put some less meat, ah ah I dumplings malnutrition, Mother said: "children put meat or a lot more." I learned to do, mom said really made a best a dumpling.Today is my most happy Sunday.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇11It was a very pleasant Sunday. It was sunny and sunny and the air was fresh. The birds were flying freely in the sky, and some birds were standing in the trees, chirping and chirping, looking very, very happy and happy. I am also very excited today, because today I will go shopping with my mother.We don't take a moment, we're ready to go, ready to go. On the way, I smiled, and before I knew it, I would have walked to the mall. One go to the store ark of the baz我的周末英语作文r to be full of goods, immediately "turn me" into a "dazzling" "old man". I am very excited, hurriedly cui mama quick buy everyday use of thing, mother's quick promise. We bought bowls, shower gel, face masks, shampoo... It is. We have been to the food section, a variety of food aroma comes to the face, the "direct dribble" I want to eat to taste the delicious food all over again!The time was so fast that it was about noon, and we counted our "standing goods" and checked out at the cash register. There is only one feeling after coming home, how happy today!英语作文:我的快乐周末篇12I go to school from Monday to Friday.I wake up at 7:00 in the morning.Then I wash my hands and face.At 7:15,I eat breakfast.After breakfast,I brush my teeth and comb my hair.Then I put on my clothes then go to school.I work hard at school.Saturday and Sunday are different.I do not go to school on those days.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇13In the weekend, I like to go shopping with my friends.We buy a lot of things, I choose all kinds of snacks, such as candy, milk, sometimes my friends protects me buying too much candy.She says it will do harm to my health.Though I am not happy, I accept it.Going shopping with my mother makes me so happy.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇14The day I finished my lunch, I came to my grandmother's house. Every Sunday, from the end of lunch to two o 'clock in the afternoon, everyone would come to grandma's house and chat with the old people. There were twenty of them.Sunday is the happiest day for my grandparents. They always go to the supermarket to buy a bag of delicious snacks, which we like to eat, and tell my aunt to clean the house.The first one is usually the aunt of three. She and her grandmother are always the most chatty, and I like to hear them tell jokes, and kiss them like mother and daughter.My aunt was sitting on the sofa, and she sat on the couch like a meatball with a lot of water. Standing like a smooth and drum big football, every time we said her, she always said with a smile: "you are envious not yet!" He lifted his head proudly, andhis fingers gently moved his hair. She is an optimist, a honey icon!On this day, she was wearing a dark black top and a small coat, silver buttons, and a few diamonds around her trouser pocket. Even more to my attention -- her short dress, which showed her belly, was "disgusting", and she confidently posed a pose: "fashion, it's very popular now!"英语作文:我的快乐周末篇15Today is Sunday, our whole family to the countryside to aunt's house to play, aunt door there is a long river, the river uncle put a lot of slender nets, the Internet has inverted beard, fish is easier come out come out, finally assembled at the end of the network, and uncle all by boat to the middle of the river fish at ordinary times.I also want to go aboard, so my family and I got into the boat, and dad punting, but the ship is in the same place, mother aside rang rang: "what technology?" And indeed it was, we would like to ship east to the west, we want to ship to the west to the east, but also kept shaking, and I had to try a "spin" feeling. Very not easy at the edge of a network, the fish from her father drew the net to ship barn (tools) because we don't have put the fish. Good harvest: four small crabs, three lobster, and some fish. Small fish to be honest, it's just to jump, and lobsters and crabs but impatient, especially crab climbs can be fierce, accidentally ran away and went, full head big sweat. Finally uncle to help us solve the wai, uncle punting that is a contrast with dad, ship fast like an arrow, and smooth, just like I usually ride a bike, let's amazing! Mother said that this is practice makes perfect, practice makes perfect!It's been a pleasure doing this Sunday.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇16OK, let me tell you something about my weekend.I am going to do many things and be very busy on the weekend. So I do my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I am going to do housework with my mother. Because I am a good girl, I am helpful at home. On Sunday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, we are going to the park together. Because there is a kite show.And my grandparents likes making kites. I think, we can see many beautiful kites there. And we are going to buy some beautiful kites, too. Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that’s fun. In the evening, we are going to have a big dinner. We are going to have fish for dinner. Because my grandparents likes eating fish. And my grandma cooks fish well. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together. We are going to be very happy.This is my happy weekend. I like my weekend very much. What about your weekend? Can you tell me?英语作文:我的快乐周末篇17The spring comes and the scenery is beautiful. Therefore, I make plan to enjoy the vernal sunshine and fresh air with my parents.We will climb the Qing Shan Mountain on Saturday. The scenery there is beautiful.There are green trees and colorful flowers. There is a peach forest there and now they all blossom.I see many photos taking there.They are so beautiful that I want to see them personally. We will almost a day in Qing Shan Park. This is the most important thing this weekend.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇18Jane is an English girl. She and her parents are live in Nanjingnow. Today is Friday. Jane and her parents are planning for their weekends.Jane's father likes Beijing Opera very much, so he is going to see a Beijing Opera with his Chinese friends on Saturday morning. Jane's mother is going to a concert, because she likes music.The concert is on Saturday night. Jane does not want to join her parents, because she is going to have a picnic with her classmates this Saturday.Oh, on Sunday, Jane and her parents are going to climb the hill together. I think it will be a nice weekend.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇19After five days of intense study and ushered in a Sunday. In others' eyes, Sunday is happy, can do myself like thing, but in my eyes, seems to be a disaster on Sunday, seems to have not belong to me.By Friday night, all the other children in and parents happy watching TV beside the TV set. And I was ready to watch TV, see the mother said: "the upcoming exam, write your homework quickly! You finished the homework to sleep again." Mother's words like a needle pierced to my heart, makes me very sad, but "the female life difficult violations"! I have to reluctantly opened the exercise books, write up, very not easy to finish the homework on Sunday. A look at the table "uncle" has been finished the day, I went to his own room in a daze, fall asleep.英语作文:我的快乐周末篇20On Saturday morning,I visited my grandma,because it was grandma’s birthday.I bought a special present to her.It’s her favorite thing.I thought she was happy.In the afternoon,we were watched cartoon on TV together.The cartoon was very funny.In the evening,we were said good bye to grandma.On Sunday morning,I played computer game with my sister.The game was very interesting.In the afternoon,I did my homework.In the evening,I washed my clothes and cleanded my room.Although last weekend I was busy,but I still excited.。

五年级英语作文:我的周末(精选26篇)五年级英语作文:我的周末(精选26篇)五年级英语作文:我的周末篇1Today is sunday . I am in hainan with my friends now.it is a sunny day,I got up early at Seven thirty,I watched a movie with my brother in the morning,it was a interesting film.And in the afternoon,I went swimming with my best friends .I was tired.But I was happy ,too.Uh...What a wonderful day it is! 五年级英语作文:我的周末篇2Yesterday was Sunday,and it was my 12years birthday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I invited my friends to come to the party.At the party. They gave me many small presents. They sang Happy Birthday to me. My mother made a big cake for me.We really had a good time at the weekend.五年级英语作文:我的周末篇3The weekend is coming. I will have a happy weekend.On Saturday morning, I’m going to do my homework. And then, I’m going out to play. I’m going to the bookstore and read some books. In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents outside.On Sunday morning, I’m going to the library or do my homework. And then, I’m going to listen to music. In the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. I like shopping very much.This is my happy and busy weekend. Do you like this weekend?五年级英语作文:我的周末篇4There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often go to my dancing class in the morning anddo my homework in the afternoon, and I often help my mother do some cleaning. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon.After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something happily. We often have a good time.周末有两天,周六和周日。

周末英语作文篇1On last weekend , I cleaned my room on Saturday. And I went fishing with my family.On last Sunday, I climbing mountains with my parents . I watched TV on last Sunday afteroon. I did my homework on my last Sunday evening. My last weekend was very happy! How about you?翻译:上个周末,我在星期六打扫了我的房间。
我上个周末是非常快乐的!你呢?周末英语作文篇2In summer, it’s sunny and hot. People are likely to stay indoors. Now it is summer holiday, so I always stay at home. I usually watch TV or finish my homework. But today, I went to swim with my classmates. I like swimming very much. Today I swam about one thousand meters. After swimming, I felt relaxed and comfortable. I wish I could swimming regularly.夏天,阳光明媚,天气也很热。

关于周末的小学生英语作文(六篇)【篇一】Today is Sunday. I got up very early in the morning. After breakfast I went to the bookstore. I wanted to buy a book Robinson Crusoe. I looked for the book for quite some time but couldn’t find it. the shop assistant then came to help me. I was very glad that I got the book at last.In the afternoon I called on my friend Wang Lin. He just came back from Beijing. We talked a lot.In the evening I watched an interesting play on TV. I enjoyed it very much. I had a wonderful time.【篇二】What do you usually do at weekends?Well,I'd like to tell you something about my weekends.My weekends are busy and happy.At weekends I must go to learn Olympic Maths and English.After these,I can do anything that I like.Sometimes I do my homework.Sometimes I go shopping with my mum and sometimes I go out to play with my friends.If I have time,I must play computer.I go online to have a talk with my friends by QQ.I always feed my QQpet so,it has a high grade.Sometimes I dress up my blog and makesome friends on it.I like my weekends.I hope everyday is weekend!【篇三】My last weekend is very busy.On Saturday morning,my mom went shopping with me.I am visited grandmother.Because today is grandma's birthday.We cook the meals together.In the evening,mom went home with me.On Sunday morning,I'm did homework and played computer games.In the afternoon,I'm went to a park.This is my last weekend.What about you?【篇四】Last weekend was rainy day.Istayed at home.But i was happy.First,I finishmy homework.then,I called my friends.Next,I surfed the Internet,I plyed the piano,too.Afterthat I cleaned living room ,listened to music and danced in my room.Oh,what a busy weekend! but I was very happy!【篇五】Last weekend I was in happy.On Saturday morning get up at the seven o’clock and eat breakfast. I did homework at the afternoon, but play the compater games. So I liked very much. And everning it eat dinner and watcher TV.On Sunday morning is get up and breakfast to and afternoon in the was friend go shopper. And everyear in the parent in the to away.Is weekend in the veary happy!【篇六】At weekends,first, I have to finish my homework.Second,after finishing my homework, I'll play games with my friends. We often play football, baketball and so on. Third,sometimes I play computer for a short time. It appears to me that I like this way to spend my weekends.Because we should combine study and playing .We shouldn't play all the time,neither should study. Only in this way, can we make ouself feel more happy. This is the way I spend my holidayand and my opinion.I'm intersted in the way you spend your holiday. I hope you will write to me soon.。
My Weekend英语作文【优秀9篇】

My Weekend英语作文【优秀9篇】篇一:my weekend英语作文篇一Yesterday was Sunday,and it was my 12years birthday. My parents had a birthday party at home. I invited my friends to come to the party. At the party. They gave me many small presents. They sang Happy Birthday to me. My mother made a big cake for me.We really had a good time at the weekend.篇二:my weekend英语作文篇二Hello,I am Li Hua. I have a happy weekend. On Satursday, I usually read books and watch TV, sometimes I go hiking and visit my grandparents. On Sunday, Usually I play computer game and play football,sometimes I do homework. My weekand is happy.篇三:Busy and happyweekend作文篇三When the sun came intomytiny room, I was born and walked to the balcony, listening to the sound of the sound of the bird, and it was a beautiful one days.After I washed up, I put on a sports dress, went out in the morning, and I left without forgetting one little ham and one little fish, as it was, the dog, and the kitten.The morning wind is fresh and pleasant, the gentle sunshine is like one pairs of warm hands, touching the warm flowers, children, perhaps it is too early, the light blue sky, and still leaves, the light of rain, fish,?Wang Jiheng, the Lord of the east, the shining sun, but hidden in one thin clouds, the slightest shame, Su Qiu, Huang Ju, and, there are one in thefenzhong.The little grass is really dew, but it is more colorful, and I usually walk slowly, and listen to the repeated whisper.After breakfast, I went into a book mountain to learn the sea, a moment to become a happy bird flying, for a moment, with cosmetics is due to travel in the water, not happy. I went into the world of Amway for a moment, and then I ran into the world of beans, and I was just a man, and I was in the love of a dream in a dream of a dream, and then I walked in. Next to the romance, I'm happy with one, one sad, a moment, a little, and a little bit of meditation.In the afternoon, I began to fight with the taekwondo world, with all the strength in the big bed, to feel the hard work, the desire, the peace of the past, the whole heart into the casting. And then I'm going into the music world full of youth, playing a song, a lively note, and a new challenge.In the evening I sat in front of the computer, but I painted Wang's art board in the golden mountain, withmyheart and hands onmyhands, and I made a beautiful spring.And then entered, chatting with the students, talking about the heart, the moon is high, shining on the earth, full and beautiful, and I am satisfied to sleep. One silk smiles at the corners of the mouth.篇四:my weekend英语作文篇四On weekends,i don't need to go to school. So i always get up late.After breakfast, i will help my mum do some housework and watch TV.In the afternoon, i will do my homework with my friends. i don't go to play untill i finish my homework. In the evening, about 9 o'clock, i will go to bed.篇五:my weekend英语作文篇五Today is Friday.Im planning a weekend.I will have a picnic. I invite my friend and my parents.My friend will bring some bread and a bottle of jam because its taste delicious.My parents and I will bring some soft drinks.We will meet at the park at 9oclock.I hope we will have a great time!篇六:my weekend英语作文篇六The weekend is coming.I am going to have a happy weekend.I want to have a good sleep weekend.In the morning,I am going to do my homework.In the afternoon,I am going to review my homework.And I am going to do lots of exercise.My favorite exercise is ping-pong.At night,I am going to clean my bedroom.And I am going to see the movies and read the newspapers.It will be a happy weekend.参考翻译:周末就要来了。

周末的英语作文1I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning. I do my homework and went to the math cram school. In the afternoon.I played. Baketball and played with my friends. In the evening. I watched TV. On Sunday morning. I cleaned my room at home. In the afternoon, I went. To English cram school. At Sunday I readed some books.This is my weedend. What is your weekend.周末的英语作文2Last Sunday, I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. I felt tired because I didnt sleep well last night.After I had breakfast, I decided to stay home. So I called my friend to ask her if she could come to my home and we could play videio games. She said yes. After one hour, she came to my home. We played my favorite games. We really enjoyed it.We had a good day.周末的英语作文3i didn’t finish my work today. i didn’t write the engli sh dairy. my mother wasvery angry because she has keen me to get ahead in the career. i know that she is good for me, but i don’t know how to say now. may be i lacks confidence in myself. now i am writing my english now. from now on i will force myself topractice english and do exercise. i hope i can be turn better tomorrow.today i knew a new word: practices makes perfect.周末的英语作文4My last weekend is very busy.On Saturday morning,my mom went shopping with me.I am visited grandmother.Because today is grandmas birthday.We cook the meals together.In the evening,mom went home with me.On Sunday morning,Im did homework and played computer games.In the afternoon,Im went to a park.This is my last weekend.What about you?周末的英语作文5Im have a busy weekend.On Sturday, Im going to the bookstore with my mother . We are going to buy some books.? Then were? going to eat breatfast. On Sunday .Im going to visit my grandparents with my? father, mother and brother. Then? were going to the park .that well be fun !What about you?What are you going to do this weekeng? Can you tell me? 周末的英语作文6Last weekend I was in happy.On Saturday morning get up at the seven o’clock and eat breakfast. I did homework at the afternoon, but play the compater games. So I liked very much. And everning it eat dinner and watcher TV.On Sunday morning is get up and breakfast to and afternoon in the was friend go shopper. And everyear in the parent in theto away.Is weekend in the veary happy!周末的英语作文7I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday Party which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I havent visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look forward to my weekend.周末的英语作文8I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents and my brothers. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold. This was last weekend.周末的英语作文9I have busy weekend.i n saturday morning, I’m read books and do my howework. in afternoon, I’m lean my room.in evening, I’m watch tv and movies.in sunday morning, I’m play basketball with my good fiend .We are very happy. in afternoon, I’m go to marketplace buy some food. in e vening, I’m go to concert.This weekend,I’m very tired,but I’m enjoy onerseles.周末的英语作文10On last weekend , I cleaned my room on Saturday. And I went fishing with my family.On last Sunday, I climbing mountains with my parents . I watched TV on last Sunday afteroon. I did my homework on my last Sunday evening. My last weekend was veryhappy! How about you?翻译:上个周末,我在星期六打扫了我的房间。

1.⼩学英语作⽂我的周末 Last saturday, I was very happy. On saturday, I got up at seven o'clock. After breakfast, I did my homework, It was a little difficult. Then I played computer games,It was very interesting, so I liked they very much.In the eveing ,I visit my friend--Hans,he was very friendly to me,I love him. I was veryhappy,I think you did too. 2.⼩学英语作⽂我的周末 I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday Party which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I havent visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look forward to my weekend.3.⼩学英语作⽂我的周末 I was very sleepy on Saturday morning, so I didn't go running as usual. After getting up, I had something for breakfast. My new day began. Then one of my classmates called me, and invited me to play basketball in the afternoon. I like playing basketball. In the afternoon we met on the school playground. There were ten of us. We split up into two teams and played basketball together. We played very hard and very well. We went home after the game.4.⼩学英语作⽂我的周末 I am going to have a busy weekend ! On Saturday , Im going to clean my room and do homework. Then , in the evening , I m going to the supermaket with my mother . On Sunday, Im going to the bookstore on foot . Im going to buy some books. Then, Im going to go home and read the new books. In the evening , Im going to watch TV. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?5.⼩学英语作⽂我的周末 Hi, I’m Zhao Jin. I’m going to have an interesting weekend! On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework in the morning. In the afternoon, I’m going to learning NCE. In the evening, I’ll be very happy! Why? Because I can play the computer. On Sunday, I’m going to the supermarket. I want to buy some milk. I like the milk very much. Then,I’m going to go home. In the afternoon,I’m going to have a picnic with my mother. In the evening,I’m going to watch TV.Oh!That will be fun!6.⼩学英语作⽂我的周末 Usually, I am free at the weekends, but sometimes I also have something to do. This weekend, I will be busy, because at Saturday, I am going to read a magazine in the morning. Afternoon, I will go to the zoo with my grandparents. On Sunday, I will go to the bookstore to buy some books for reading. Afternoon, I will go to the train school to learn Kongfu. At night, I will stay at home and have a good rest.7.⼩学英语作⽂我的周末 On sunday!I am at home.I am get up at 7:30 then I wash my face and teeth.After breakfast.I am watching TV at 10;30.I am eating my lunch.then I go to bed for lunch.When I am wake up the time is 2:30,So I am going to do homework when I finsin my homework.the time is 4:30.I am going to have supper!。

快乐的周末英语作文一Many people like the weekends, so do I . Now let me tell you about my weekends.My weekends are so colourful. Saturday morning, I usually climb a mountain. Then, I go to the zoo to visit my new friends Ben. In the afternoon, I usually do homework and read books. On Sunday, I usually do sports, play games, watch TV and read books.Last weekend, I went to a zoo with my parents. Suddenly I saw a little monkey. It was hurt. We took care of him. Dad said:”How about naming it Ben?” We said:” Great !” We were so happy! But Ben can’t live with us. So we gived it to the zoo. I was sad.Next weekend. I’m going to visit my new friend Ben. I am going to play with him. It is going to be a happy moment.I like my weekends!【参考翻译】很多人都喜欢在周末,我也一样。
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My weekend
Todasdfsy is sundasdfsy . I asdfsm in hasdfsinasdfsn with my friends now.it is asdfs sunny dasdfsy,I got up easdfsrly asdfst Seven thirty,I wasdfstched asdfs movie with my brother in the morning,it wasdfss asdfs interesting film.And in the asdfsfternoon,I went swimming with my best friends .I wasdfss tired.But I wasdfss hasdfsppy ,too.Uh...Whasdfst asdfs wonderful dasdfsy it is!
My Weekend Lasdfsst sasdfsturdasdfsy, I wasdfss very hasdfsppy. On sasdfsturdasdfsy, I got up asdfst seven o'clock. After breasdfskfasdfsst, I did my homwwork, It wasdfss asdfs little difficult. Then I plasdfsyed computer gasdfsmes,It wasdfss very interesting, so I liked they very much.In the eveing ,I visit my friend--Hasdfsns,he wasdfss very friendly to me,I love him. I wasdfss veryhasdfsppy,I think you did too.
然后,我打电脑游戏,这是非常有趣的,所以我喜欢他们非常much.In的晚装,我去看我的朋友 - 汉斯,他非常友好,我,我爱他。
All of myclasdfsssmasdfstes expect to weekends, so do I. At the weekend, I hasdfsve one dasdfsy to plasdfsy,becasdfsuse I must do my homework asdfsnd pasdfsint in one dasdfsy. Usuasdfslly, I finish myhomework in the Sasdfsturdasdfsy morning asdfsnd then hasdfsve asdfs good rest asdfst noon. At asdfsbout3:00P.M., I pasdfsint. I like pasdfsinting very much. My mother finds asdfs teasdfscher for me.She is very good asdfst pasdfsinting asdfsnd teasdfsches me asdfs lot. In Sundasdfsy, I often wasdfstch TVor go out with my friends. I like weekends.
Do you wasdfsnt to know my weekend?
I hasdfsd asdfs busy weekend.On Sasdfsturdasdfsy,the weasdfsther wasdfss greasdfst.It wasdfss sunny asdfsll dasdfsy.So I hasdfsd asdfs good time.On Sasdfsturdasdfsy morning,I went to the librasdfsry.I reasdfsd asdfs book asdfsbout Chinese.In the asdfsfter-noon,I went to the mountasdfsins with my clasdfsssmasdfstes.And on
Sasdfsturdasdfsy evening,I cleasdfsned my ro-om.Oh!How asdfsbout Sundasdfsy?On Sundasdfsy,the wasdfsther wasdfss cloudy.On Sundasdfsy morning,I did my homework.It wasdfss't difficult.And in the asdfsfternoon ,Istasdfsyed asdfst home.And I sasdfswasdfsn interesting so-asdfsp operasdfs.On Sundasdfsy night,I visited my grasdfsndpasdfsrents.My grasdfsndmother cooked dinner for me.
Pleasdfsse tell me asdfsbout your weekend!。