小米3小米电视 ppt(上、下)
根据EnfoDesk易观智库的中国市场季度监测报告2013年第4季 度显示,小米占中国智能市场份额为6.35%,位列第五位.
从左图可 以看出, 近两年来 小米销售 增长率很 大,分别 为619% 和 160.08%.
结合以上数据,从小米整体品牌运营情况可知,它本身销售增长 率很高,而市场占有率低,应该属于问题类产品.
包括市场占有率,技术、 设备、资金利用能力 等,其中市场占有率是 决定企业产品结构的 内在要素,它直接显示 出企业竞争实力.
u 小米产品介绍 u 小米2013年Q4智能市场份额分析图 u 小米近两年年度销量走势图 u 小米其他产品数据统计结果 u 小米内部产品所属产品类型分析
总的来说,还是建议小米采取产品差异化战略,丰富自己的 产品矩阵,以获取品牌优势和保持持久的竞争力
销售增长率与市场占有率既相互影响,又互为条件,通过两个因 素相互作用,会出现四种不同性质的产品类型,形成不同的产品 发展前景,如下图所示:
销 售 增 长 率
矩阵认为一般决定产品结构的基本因素有两个:即市场引力与 企业实力.
包括企业销售量额增 长率、目标市场容量、 竞争对手强弱及利润 高低等.其中最主要的 是反映市场引力的综 合指标——销售增长 率.
现金牛产品 应
成熟,企业不必大量投资来扩 转变 和小米1系列,它们即
让用户产生共鸣品牌形象 对于一家想象打造客户忠诚度的公司来说,小米需要给用户传递 一个积极的信号。联合创始人林斌表示“小米”的名字能让很多 人联想到“小米加步枪”,能够唤起很多爱国人士的民族情结。 另外,小米公司吉祥物米兔,脖系红领巾和头戴雷锋帽的可爱形 象能够激发6
企业形象战略 市场营销战略 人力资源战略 销售渠道策略
1)定位于发烧友手机,产品的研发采用了“发烧”用户参与 的模式,可以个性化定制
2)、硬件配置是小米手机最为瞩目的地方,作为国产乃至全球 目前最强的双核Android手机,小米手机再次刷新了我们心目中 的硬件高度。
为 发烧而生
• 你了解小米吗?
小米 手机
• 小米的企业文化
小米拼音是MI,首 先是Mobile Interent, 小米要做移动互联网公, 其次是mission impossible ,小米要完 成不能完成的任务,最 后是死磕到底,磕出设
小米客户满意或忠诚是指客户对小米的产品或服务的依恋或爱慕的感情, 它主要通过客户的情感忠诚、行为忠诚和意识忠诚表现出来。小米应该通过 以下方面的改善,可以提高客户忠诚度:A服务质量 B服务效果 C客户关系维 系 D理念灌输 E持续的良性心理刺激及增值感受 。与此同时,小米公司还应 当为客户发布最新的产品信息及相关资讯,建立客户个人信息数据库,提供 积分制服务,为其提供个性化服务,保持客户对公司继产品类的关注度。保 持与客户的联系,及时对客户请求作出反应,制作电子刊物和相关视屏并进 行发放。保持客户良好的消费体验。
• 而小米主要服务的客户就是“手机发烧友”
• 小米公司成功的一点在还在于构建产业链生态体系,构建 整个产业链的生态体系即是通过高产量与市场占有率在整 个产业的上下游之间做到信息流、资金流、物流的全面掌 控。
• 在销售网络中掌控信息,使公司对于消费者需求迅速做出 应对与反应,(工程机)。
• MIUI和米粉互动,通过官方网站论坛社区以及客服微博等 网络工具,小米能在第一时间接受到客户的意见和反映,并 能很快进行回复和解决问题.通过简单省钱快捷网络和渠道 广泛的服务系统,大大节约客户的时间,也避免客户长时间 拨打客服电话打不通严重影响公司声誉和问题意见及时反 馈的情形。
小米公司已有产品一代小米手机、小米1S、 小米2、小米2S、小米2A、小米3、小米4、 红米手机、红米Note、小米盒子、小米电视、 小米路由器、小米移动电源、小米随身wifi、 米键等诸多数码产品及配件产品。
小米手机的产品定义是“为发烧而生”。所以,小米手机的客户 定位非常明确。就是手机发烧友。小米有着出色的客户识别,在推出 手机前,已经推出了自己深度优化的手机系统。客户是企业真正的老 板,为企业带来利润和销售额,给企业的生存与发展做出最大的贡献。 所以区分客户的两个重要指标是:客户对企业的需求;客户对企业的 价值。只有把客户的需求和价值都进行彻底的了解才能因人而异,对 客户进行特色服务。为客户提供最真切的需求,为企业获取最大利益 小米手机使用了自己研制优化的MIUI系统,拥有超高配置的硬件手机, 完全满足客户的个性化需求。使客户对小米认同和满意,提升了客户 的满意度和忠诚度。
1、小米手机3采用了全球首发的NVIDIA Tegra 4和高通骁龙800最新版。
3、小米3的外观设计颇为方正,棱角分明,有些Lumia 920的感觉。
骁龙800系列处理器配备全新异步四核Krait 400 CPU(每核心速度最高达2骁龙800.3GHz)、升级的Adreno 330 GPU、HexagonQDSP6 V5DSP以及最新的4G LTE Cat 4调制解调器,可提供更高的系统性能和平台升级,从而进一步提升用户体验。
小米公司正式成立于2010年4月,是一家专注于智能手机自主研 司,定位于高性能发烧手机。小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公 务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互 操作系统、发烧友参与开发改进的模式。
小米手机之所以如此宣传,意在圈定其源点人群——手机发烧友,以“专为手机发烧友 现,更容易赢得这些“专业人士”的好感,既然形成消费。再借手机发烧友的“专业身 目标消费者宣传,以此更容易走入目标消费者的视野,达成其推广目的。
全新的营销模式——小米的互联网思维方式,带到了手机销售和服务这一 。最后小米手机采用网上发售,在互联网上的广告投入、运营、营销、服务
第4步:思想可行性证明 小米产品——小米手机的SWOT
• 小米科技2010.4月成立,创办之初,小米科技已经获得雷军及晨兴创投、启明创投的 • 同年5月完成A轮500万美元融资、12月完成B轮近3000万美元融资 • 2010年底,小米完成第一轮融资4100万美元,估值2.5亿美元左右。投资方为Mornin
小米网上专卖销店发售 2010.8.29日,开始接受资深米粉预定 2011.9.5开始接受注册用户预定 2011.10.20小米网正式上线,预定用户开始下单 2011年销售100万台
• 公司名称: 小米科技 • 外文名称: Xiaomi • 总部地点: 中国北京市 • 成立时间: 2010年4月 • 经营范围: 移动设备及软件 • 公司性质: 有限责任公司 • 公司口号: Mission Impossible • 员工数: 300人(2011年7月) • 市值: 40亿美元(2012年6月) • 公司目标: 使手机取代电脑,做顶级智能手机
• “小米拼音是mi, 首先是Mobile Internet, 小米要做移动互联网公司;其次是mission impossible,小米要完成不能完成的任务;当 然,我们希望用小米和步枪来征服世界。我 们希望‘小米’这个亲切可爱的名字成为大 家的朋友。” ——《雷军:要用小米加步枪征服世 界》
6月7日,小米公司通过官网实现7 x 24小时开放购买,并完善售后服务渠道。
以图文和视频方式提供宽带、itv、移动等业务基本知识、常见问题 解决方法和日常使用注意事项,
➢ 业务办理时,推荐客户扫码下载掌上10000客户端或绑定微信公众号,便于 进度跟进,
➢ 装维上门宽带安装或修障时,推荐用户安装和绑定,跟踪家里宽带装移机、 修障进度,自主检测修复故障,
能够熟练掌握延伸服务 各项操作,包括路由器调 测、智能设备联网等; 了解智慧家庭相关产品
能够根据现场环境设 计智能组网方案 能够将智慧家庭产品 熟练应用于实际环境
➢ 预约:通过翼运维先打电话,后发短 信进行预约
➢ 仪容仪表:工作服、工号牌 ➢ 检查工具
➢ 具备较强的硬件设备,包括高速处理器和一定的存储空间,用于 应用程序的运行和存储;
➢ 搭载智能操作系统,用户可自行安装、运行和卸载软件、游戏 等应用;
➢ 可以连接公共互联网 ➢ 具备多种方式的交互式应用,如新的人机交互方式、多屏互动
我想通过无线上网, 可是新买的路由器不 会调测,怎么办
无线路由器 调测
➢ 上门费和材料费按标准收取 ➢ 把客户提供的路由器调通并把终端 手机、PAD
、笔记本等 连接到互联网上,按30元收取无线 组网费,含调通3个无线终端;超出3个,每个终端 加收慧家庭产品内容
➢ 基于电信特点形成的两类基础产品和多种扩展产品的 组合,
同济大学MBA2019级深圳班 第5组
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Байду номын сангаас景介绍
小米公司正式成立于2019年4月,是一家专注于智能手机自主研发的移动互联网公 司,定位于高性能发烧手机。小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公司旗下三大核心业 务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互联网模式开发手机操 作系统、发烧友参与开发改进的模式。
功能手机的用户规模从2019年6亿增长到2019年7.2亿,但市场占比则从2019年的93.6%下滑到2019年的 88.3%。踏入2019年,受“疯狂的平台”Android智能手机和iPhone的的侵蚀,功能手机市场占比仅为 76%。
米团队共同投资,其中小米团队56人投资1100万美元 • 2019年12月完成第二轮9000万美元融资,估值10亿美元,投资方包括启明、IDG、顺为基金、淡马锡、高
• 进入2019年以后,移动互联网正在成为创投机构新的投资热点,小米新一轮融资无疑将起到推波助澜的作 业,该领域投资规模有望创造高峰。小米科技的成功吸引了众多国内外知名风险投资家,正是他们看到了 小米科技的创新企业经营模式和良好的发展前景,这也是他们多次投资小米科技的原因.
行业竞争: 在一下几个方面处于优势地位 • 在销售渠道(互联网销售) • 性价比 • 操作系统的改进和修复速度
小米电视相关操作指南 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】2相关操作指南1、2的蓝牙遥控器如何连接电视?1.同时按住遥控器主页键和菜单键,当听到“哔“的一声后,将遥控器靠近电视右下角20cm左右进行配对。
小米公司(全称北京小米科技有限责任公司)由雷军在 2010年4月6日成立于北京银谷大厦,是一家专注于智能产 品自主研发的移动互联网公司。 Millet company (full name Beijing Xiaomi technology limited liability company) by the Lei on April 6, 2010 was established in Beijing Yingu building, is an independent research and development of intelligent products focused on mobile Internet company. 小米的LOGO是一个“MI”形,是Mobile Internet的缩写, “MI”倒过来是一个少一点的心字,意味着小米要让用户省 一点心。 Millet LOGO is a "MI" shape, Mobile is the abbreviation of Internet "MI" upside down is a little heart word means millet to allow the user to save a dessert. 小米的产品主要有MIUI、米聊、手机、电视、路由器等等。 Millet products are mainly MIUI, m chat, mobile phone, TV, router and so on. “为发烧而生”是小米的产品概念。 Born to have a fever millet product concept.
小米公司共计七名创始人,分别为创始人、董事长兼CEO雷军,总 裁林斌,及副总裁黎万强、周光平、黄江吉、刘德、洪锋。
供应链管理案例分析-以小米为例 PPT课件
对于战略供应商,小米采取的是紧密合作,建立战略伙 伴关系的策略。由于目前小米的出货量已经达到每年2000 多万台,所以小米在这些芯片供应商那边成为了第一梯队 的客户。通过参加芯片厂商的参考设计,不光解决了早期 设计和量产设计的衔接问题,并且得到了芯片的优先的供 应权。并且由于小米增长的速度高于产能爬升的速度,小 米在战略部件上也采取了冗余供应商策略,在小米3的手机 上,同时使用了英伟达和高通的两块芯片的设计,降低了 某型芯片缺货带来的供应链不稳定的风险。
模设 应理
式计 商
公司名称:小米科技有限责任公司 外文名称:MI 总部地点:中国北京市 成立时间:2010年4月 经营范围:移动设备及软件 公司性质:有限责任公司 公司口号:为发烧而生 年营业额:450亿美元(2015年) 员 工 数:约7000人(2014年) 总 裁:林斌 市 值:450亿美元(2014年) 董事长兼CEO:雷军
并且同时试用版用户的测评也会放 到各个网站和小米论坛,成为其营 销的一部分。
通过早期的用户反馈,提升 产品质量,也同时筛选出一些 可能影响供应链的问题,比如 电池后盖松动,或者音量键太 软,即使更新供应商,或者提 升质量,避免出货之后用户因 为这些原因退货造成的供应链 损失。
目前由于小米的出货量越来越大,ODM给予的待遇 越来越高。据台湾《商业周刊》报道,郭台铭三次拜 访小米,足见代工厂的重视程度。
小米主要的代工厂商主要是廊坊富士康和南京英华 达,小米电视由纬创代工。这些厂商有多年的笔记本 和手机代工经验,只要小米对于ODM管控得力,小米 的质量可以达到同类产品的质量,也有充足的生产能 力。
小米手机是偷来的这一传闻一直出现,小 米方面也没有官方对这类传闻予以澄清或辟 谣,引起了米粉与魅族支持者的口水战,这 样小米又出现在网民视线之内,也给小米手 机蒙上了一层“神秘”的色彩!
• 1:市场细分(Segmentation)
• 2:目标市场(Targeting)
• 1:基本定位--价格和质量定位 ① 使用小米miui系统,是根据国人的手型 和用手机的习惯制成的。价格不高但是性 能强大,是性价比很高的一款手机。 ② 在质量方面,小米手机不管是内存、处 理器、主频还是屏幕都是非常不错的。 • 2:特色定位以及产品使用者定位 ① 小米手机价格不高,仅在1999元。 ② 主要人群是学生、白领和手机发烧友。
促销( promotion)
• 1高调发布 小米手机的创始人——雷军凭借其自身 的名声号召力,自称自己是乔布斯的粉丝, 一场酷似苹果的手机发布会召开了。如此 发布国产手机的企业,小米是第一个!不 可否认,小米这招高调的宣传发布会取得 了媒体与手机发烧友的关注。
• 2工程机先发布 小米手机的正式版尚未发布,却先采 用秒杀形式限量出售工程纪念版。如每天 放出200台限,量销售600台,比正式优惠 300元。此消息一出,在网上搜索如何购买 小米手机的新闻瞬间传遍网络。小米这一 限制,让更多人对小米手机充满好奇,越 来越多人想买一台,拥有一台小米手机就 像是潮流身份的象征似的。
小米4P分析 产品( product) 价格( price) 渠道( place) 促销( promotion)
产品( product)
小米手机是小米公司专为发烧友级手机控打造 的一款高品质智能手机。手机ID设置全部来自 摩托罗拉的硬件团队完成,手机生产由富士康 和英华达代工。而手机操作系统采用小米自主 研发的MIUI操作系统。 小米手机2011年10月发布米1 2012年8月16日发布小米手机2 2013年4月9日,小米手机2S正式发售。同年, 7月31日小米正式杀入千元智能手机市场:红 米手机上市。 2013年9月5日,小米公司于国家会议中心举行 发布会,会上发布了世界顶级四核手机—小米 手机3和小米电视。
Lieu Où est___? la salle de bain? le centre ville? la gare? l'aéroport? la banque? l'hôtel? l'auberge de jeunesse? la staƟon service? l'hôpital? le commissariat de police l'ambassade? Combien coûte un Ɵcket pour___? Où va ce bus | train? Est-ce que ce bus | train s'arrête à___?
ConversaƟon Comment ca va? Bien, merci Pas bien Comment tu t'appelles? Je m'appelle___. D'où viens-tu? Je viens de___. Quel âge as-tu? J'ai ___ ans.
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TV Safety Notice and Installation GuideNote:1) Accessory Items may vary depending upon model.2) Specifications may change without prior notice. Recommended visiting website () for latest updates.• AccessoriesGreat things are going to happen!Installation (Table Top)Turn On the TVInsert Le /Right Stand Base to TV as shown in the picture and fasten them using screws.Note: 1) For Installation on wall, Kindly contact customer care for help.2) Wall Mount Bracket is not a part of standard accessory.Connect TV’s power cord to AC power outlet carefully.Push the power bu on located at bo om of TV (or press power bu on on remote.) to turn it On.Follow screen instructions of quick start guide to setup TV.0102• Installing legsUSB 2.0 x 2• TV interfaceATTENTIONThis product is qualified for the BEE Star rating in the ‘Home’ Mode. The Objectives of Star Labeling Program is designed to promote energy efficient products and practices. When the televison is initially set up, it is designed to meet the BEE Star Labeling requirements while maintaining optimum picture quality.• Changes to certain functionalities of this television (TV Guide, Picture/sound etc) may change the power consumption.• Depending upon such changed se ing (eg., Retail mode), the power consumption may vary which possibly could exceed the stated energy consumption.To reset the television to Star rating qualified se ings, select ‘Home’ mode from the initialset-up procedure in ‘factory se ings’ under the ‘Set-up’ menu.• Using the remote controlPower: Short press to power On/Off TV; Long press to select Power Off, Restartor Screen Off.Google Assistant: Short press and release to talk to Google Assistant.OK: Press to confirm current selection during navigation. You can pause/playthe current video during playback, except Live Channels (Set-Top Box or RF).Android TV Home: Short press to quickly return to the Android TV Home screen, Long pressto open App drawer.PatchWall Home: Short press to quickly return to the PatchWall Home screen.Netflix: Short press to start Netflix.Prime Video: Short press to start Prime Video.Direction: Navigate up/down or le /right through content. During playback usele /right bu ons to rewind/fast-forward.Back: Go back to the previous level.Basic Specs Screen size: 100cmScreen resolution: 1920x1080 (FHD)Refresh rate: 60HzHardware Specs CPU: Quad-core CA53RAM: 1GB DDRStorage: 8GB eMMCGPU: Mali-450MPAudio and Video EncodingAudio formats: FLAC; AAC; OGG; DTS-HD Video formats: MPEG 1/2/4; H.263; H.264; VP8;VP9 Model Android TVModel: L40M5-5AINVoltage: 100-240V~ 50 / 60HzRated Power: 75WPorts Input interface: AV x 1; Antenna x 1HDMI x 3 (1 port with ARC support)Output interface: Earphone x 1Data interface: USB2.0 x 2; Ethernet port x 1• SpecsWi-Fi: 2.4GHz (802.11 a/b/g/n)Bluetooth: BT4.2Wireless Connectivity• Important precautionsInstallation• The TV should be installed near an AC power outlet that can be easily plugged and unplugged.• Place the TV on a smooth, flat surface to avoid the TV falling and causing injury, or damaging the TV.• If you intend to install a TV wall mount, we recommend that you use an authorized TV wall mount. For details, please contact the Xiaomi service hotline.• The diameter and length of the screws will vary depending on the wall mount model. Failure to use the correct screws may cause the TV to fall or lead to internal damage. Moving• Disconnect all cables before moving the TV.• Large TV need 2 or more people to move safely. Avoid applying pressure to the LED panel when moving the TV. Avoid shaking the TV or exposing it to excessive vibrations.• When moving the TV to a new location or to carry out repairs, package the TV using the original box and packaging materials.Ventilation• Do not cover the ventilation holes or insert any objects into the case.• Keep a space for ventilation around the TV.Wall mountingIn order to ensure proper ventilation and prevent the buildup of dust or dirt:• Do not mount the TV flat, upside-down, or backwards, or side mount the TV.• Do not place the TV on a shelf, carpet, bed, or closet.• Do not cover the TV with fabric (such as curtains) or other materials (such as newspapers).AC power cordUse the AC power cord and socket according to the instructions below to avoid fire, electric shock, damage, or personal injury:• Insert the plug completely into the AC outlet.• Use the TV with a 100-240V AC power source.• When connecting cables, the AC power cord should be unplugged for safety reasons. Be careful not to trip over cables.• Before carrying out work or moving the TV, disconnect the AC power cord from the AC power outlet.• Keep the AC power cord away from heat.• Unplug the AC power plug and clean it regularly. If the plug is covered with dust and has water vapor, its insulation quality may deteriorate, producing a fire risk.• Avoid excessive pinching, bending, modifying, or twisting of the AC power cord, otherwise the wires may become exposed or broken.• Do not place any heavy objects on the AC power cord.• Do not pull the AC power cord when disconnecting the power.• Do not connect too many devices on the same AC power outlet.• Do not use unsuitable AC power outlets.Children• Do not let children climb the TV.• Place small objects out of the reach of children in order to avoid swallowing. Optional items• Keep optional accessories or any devices that emit electromagnetic radiation away from the TV in order to avoid image distortion or noise.In case of the following problems...• The AC power cord is damaged• The AC power outlet is not suitable• The TV is damaged due to a drop or impact• Any liquid or solid object falls into the case through an outlet,turn off the TV and immediately unplug the AC power cord. Ask the Xiaomi service center to dispatch qualified service personnel to investigate.Usage restrictionsDo not install/use the TV in the following places, environments, or conditions, otherwise the TV may malfunction and cause a fire, electric shock, damage, or personal injury.• Places:Outdoors (in direct sunlight), by the sea, in a ship or other vessel, inside a car, in a medical institution, at an unstable location, next to water, or in a place exposed to rain, moisture, or miIdew. If the TV is placed in the dressing room of a public bath or spa, it may be damaged by the sulfide in the air.• Environment:Hot, damp, or dusty places; places where insects may enter; places that may be exposed to mechanical shock; next to flammable objects (such as candles). The TV should not be exposed to dripping or splashing water, and do not place any items containing liquid such as flower vases on top of the TV. Do not place the TV in a damp or dusty place, or in a room with steam or fumes (near a stove or humidifier) to avoid fire, electric shock, or deformation. Do not boiI water, heat, cook noodles, or use mosquito coils near the TV.• Conditions:Do not touch the TV when your hands are wet, when the case is open, or with accessories that are not authorized by the manufacturer. In the case of a lightning storm, disconnect the TV from the AC power cord and AC outlet. Do not install the TV in an open-air location. Failure to follow these conditions may result in personal injury or damage, or cause objects to strike the TV.• Damage to Mi TV screenDo not throw any objects toward the TV, otherwise the screen may be broken due to the impact and cause serious injury. In case of damage to the surface of the TV, do not touch the TV before the AC power cord has been unplugged, otherwise electric shock may occur.• Operating conditions:Operating temperature: 0°C-45°C Humidity: 20%-80% Storage temperatere: -15°C-40°C Relative humidity: <80%Precautions• Watch TV in appropriate lighting conditions. Watching TV in insufficient light or for long periods can damage your eyesight.• The screen and case will get hot when the TV is working. This is normal.• Not support the decoding of DTS-CD bitstream coming in from HDMI IN.Using and cleaning the screen/case of the Mi TVBefore cleaning the LED TV, ensure that the AC power cord is disconnected from the AC power outlet. In order to avoid deterioration of the casing materials or corroding the screen coating, please observe the following precautions.• Wipe with a so cloth to remove any dust on the surface of the screen/case. If there is still dust, wipe with a so cloth that has been moistened with a mild detergent.• Do not spray water or detergent directly onto the TV. It may drip to the base of the screen or external parts, causing malfunction.• Do not use scrub pads, alkaline/acid cleaners, scouring powder, or volatile liquids, such as aIcohol, volatile oils, thinners, or insecticides. The use of the above materiaIs or prolonged contact with rubber or vinyl products may cause damage to the screen surface and casing materials. It is recommended that you regularly clean the vents to ensure proper ventilation.• When adjusting the angle of the TV, slowly move the TV to prevent it moving or slipping from the base.AdvertisingThis TV displays advertising when it is switched on and off. The advertising that is displayed when the TV is switched on and off cannot be removed or altered, and we have no control over the content of third party advertising.E-WasteXiaomi products are in conformity with the requirements of the reduction of hazardous substances of the E-waste Rules 2016. The content of hazardous substance with the exemption of the applications listed in SCHEDULE II of the E-waste Rules:1. Lead (Pb) - not over 0.1% by weight;2. Cadmium (Cd) - not over 0.01% by weight;3. Mercury (Hg) - not over 0.1% by weight;4. Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) - not over 0.1% by weight;5. Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) - not over 0.1% by weight;6. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) - not over 0.1% by weight.For the purpose of recycling to facilitate effective utilization of resources, pleasereturn this product to a nearby authorized Collection Centre, registeredDismantler or Recycler, or Xiaomi Service Centre when disposing of this product. What the Wheelie Bin symbol means: The symbol says don't dispose your e-waste into the municipal waste collection bins. That’s because these wastes are hazardous in nature and need to be recycled in a special way.How to dispose this product CarryittonearestservicecentreofXiaomiORCalltheTollFreeNumber:180****6286**********************************.Instructionsofhandlingtheproductduringand a er its use and Do’s and Dont’s with respect to handling the product;Do’s:a. Always look for information on the catalogue with your product for end-of-life equipment handling.b. Ensure that only Authorized Recyclers repair and handle your electronic products.c. Always call Authorized E-waste Recyclers to Dispose products that have reachedend-of life.d. Always drop your used electronic products, ba eries or any accessories when they reach the end of their life at your nearest Authorized E-Waste CollectionCenter / Collection Point.e. Wherever possible or as instructed, separate the packaging materiaI according to responsible waste disposal options and sorting for recycling.Don’ts:a. Do not dismantle your electronic Products on your own.b. Do not throw electronics in bins having "Do not Dispose” sign.c. Do not give e-waste to informal and unorganized sectors like Local Scrap Dealer/ Rag Pickers.The Mi LED TV has the Google Assistant built in. Ask it questions, and tell it to do things. The more you use it, the more useful. It gets. It's your own personal Google, always ready to help.Cast your favorite entertainment apps- movies & TV shows, music, games, sports and more- from your Android or iOS device, Mac or Windows computer, or Chromebook to Mi TV. Find Chromecast-enabled apps at g.co/castapps.Manufactured under license from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, DTS and the Symbol together, DTS-HD, and the DTS-HD logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. DTS, Inc.All Rights Reserved.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition MultimediaInterface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the UnitedStates and other countries.For more accessories, please visit /inMi Customer Service: /in/serviceNTY POLICYMI LED SMART TV WARRADuring the warranty period, if any accessory defect is inspected and confirmed by a Xiaomi authorized service centre, a free replacement service shall be provided.1. This limited warranty is only valid in India, and the product is not eligible for any international warranty service. To the fullest extent permi ed by law, warranty service may only be performed by Xiaomi or Xiaomi authorized service centres.2. Xiaomi may conduct diagnostic tests on customers‘ products to identify the causes of failures/defects. Before returning any unit for service, customer should back up data and remove any confidential and/or personal information from the product. Xiaomi is not responsible for damage or loss of any program, data, or removable storage media.3. Prior to contacting a Xiaomi service agent, please ensure the following information is at hand:• Model, serial number, if available.• Customer’s full address and contact information.• Purchase order number, a copy of the customer’s original invoice/receipt.4. This warranty does not cover the following cases:• If the product serial number or warranty seal is illegible or has been removed, erased, defaced, altered, and/or tampered with. If any accessory or external part of the product is missing.• Warranty does not cover natural wear & tear, usage under extreme conditions, damage due to improper care (accident, misuse or negligence) and damage caused by acts of god such as floods, fires or earthquakes.• If any damage occurs in/on outer surface of the product, including but not limited to cracks, dents or scratches on the exterior cases, screens, bu ons and othera achments.• General maintenance, password reset assistance, cleaning, applicationupdate/installation, product demonstration, or any other service other thanrepair/replacement;5. Manufacturing warranty is applicable on:• Manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship of the product. This warranty applies when the product is used under normal conditions and for the purpose inwhich the product was designed.6. Xiaomi will determine whether a product is "Out of Warranty" at the company’s discretion according to the standards listed below. Repair charges of "Out of Warranty" products shall be separately quoted by the Xiaomi service centre and respective service shall be provided upon service fee payment.• Violations against warranty, including but not limited to customer induced damage, such as self-repairs, exposure to water, damage caused by misuse, alternation, failure to comply with product manual, and so on.• Invalid warranty• Expired warrantyMi LED Smart TV Warranty Terms & Condition:• Warranty is limited to the first purchaser of this product and it is not transferrable. Purchase invoice with corresponding model and serial number of the unit must be presented to claim warranty.• Repair or replacement will be carried out by authorised service engineers or through the Authorized Service Centre.• Free Installation or demo of the product, can be availed only once & within 15 days from the date of delivery. Installation of product on Table Top is free. Installation of Product with Wall Mount will carry nominal charges.• The warranty does not cover accessories external to the Product e.g. cables, wall mount, etc. • The company's obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repair or providing replacement of parts only.• In the event of repairs/replacement of any parts of the unit, this warranty will therea er continue and remain in force only for the unexpired period of the warranty from date of purchase. Moreover, the time taken for repair/replacement whether under the warranty or otherwise shall not be excluded from the warranty period.• In case of any damage during transit a ributable to the Customer, the product shall be repaired by the concerned service centre on chargeable basis and warranty for unexpired period to continue from date of purchase.• Xiaomi Technology India Pvt. Ltd. (“Company”) or its Authorized Service Centre reserves the right to retain any parts or components replaced at its discretion, in the event of a defect being noticed in the equipment during warranty period.• Replacement of parts would be purely at the discretion of the Company, alone. In case the replacement of the entire unit is being made, (at the sole discretion of the Company), the same model shall be replaced and in the event, such model has been discontinued, it shall be replaced with the model equivalent as deemed by the Company.• The TV/product box must be opened and installed by a Xiaomi authorized service engineer/technician else the warranty will be void.• In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, and spares not being available, the Company's prevailing depreciation rules will be binding on the Customer to accept as a commercial solution in lieu of repairs.• This warranty will automatically terminate on the expiry of the warranty period asspecified herein.• No Dealer/Distributor/Retailer has authority to vary the terms of above warranty.• Only courts in Bangalore shall have the jurisdiction for se ling any claims, disputes arising under the warranty.• Warranty is applicable only for products purchased in India. Applicable service charges may be different for products purchased outside India ( Other than India )•Anyissuesrelatedtotheproduct,customershouldreporttoCallCentre(180****6286). Customer should inform call centre within 24 hours in case of physical damage to the product caused during transit or by the service engineer.• The Warranty is rendered void in case of the following:• Physical damage caused by the customer (including liquid damage ) due to improper use or handling, unauthorised modifications/repairs, repairs or installation done by unauthorised persons, use of product/system with equipment not approved by Xiaomi. • Acts of God, lightning, electricity surges / abnormal voltage, damage during transit to and from customer’s residence or Authorised Service Centre subsequent to the initial delivery and installation of the product.• Removal, tampering or alteration of any identification labels on the product or any of its components including the serial number• Product is not used in the recommended manner.• Product issues caused by use of parts, peripherals or so ware not recommended by the Company.• Company will not be liable for any damage or loss or injury caused due to improper use or handling.WARRANTY CARDDear Customer,Thank you for buying this Xiaomi LED TV. This card entitles you to avail 1 year warranty on the product (LED TV) and 1+1 year extended warranty on display panel.Customer InformationProduct Name: _________________________________________________________________ Model No. : _____________________________________________________________________ Sr. No. : ________________________________________________________________________ Customer Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Contact No. : ___________________________________________________________________ Email ID: _______________________________________________________________________ Date of purchase: _______________________________________________________________ Invoice No. : ____________________________________________________________________ Dealer Name & Address: _________________________________________________________Customer Care Help Line: Xiaomi Technology India Pvt. Ltd., Phone No. 1800 1036286, Email:*********************。