



NCV8450, NCV8450ASelf-Protected High Side Driver with Temperatureand Current LimitThe NCV8450/A is a fully protected High−Side Smart Discrete device with a typical R DS(on) of 1.0 W and an internal current limit of 0.8 A typical. The device can switch a wide variety of resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads.Features•Short Circuit Protection•Thermal Shutdown with Automatic Restart •Overvoltage Protection•Integrated Clamp for Inductive Switching•Loss of Ground Protection•ESD Protection•Slew Rate Control for Low EMI•Very Low Standby Current•NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable•This is a Pb−Free DeviceTypical Applications•Automotive•IndustrialPRODUCT SUMMARYSymbolCharacteristics Value Unit V IN_CL Overvoltage Protection54V V D(on)Operation Voltage 4.5 − 45V R on On−State Resistance 1.0WMARKINGDIAGRAM1AYWXXXXX GGXXXXX= V8450 or 8450AA= Assembly LocationY= YearW= Work WeekG= Pb−Free Package(Note: Microdot may be in either location)SOT−223(TO−261)CASE 318ESee detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 8 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONFigure 1. Block Diagram V (Pins 2, 4)OUT(Pin 3)IN(Pin 1)PACKAGE PIN DESCRIPTIONPin #Symbol Description1IN Control Input, Active Low2V D Supply Voltage3OUT Output4V D Supply VoltageMAXIMUM RATINGSRatingSymbol ValueUnit Min Max DC Supply Voltage (Note 1)V D −1645V Load Dump Protection(RI = 2 W , t d = 400 ms, V IN = 0, 10 V, I L = 150 mA, V bb = 13.5 V)V Loaddump100V Input CurrentIin −1515mAOutput Current (Note 1)I out Internally Limited A Total Power Dissipation@ T A = 25°C (Note 2)@ T A = 25°C (Note 3)P D1.131.60WElectrostatic Discharge (Note 4)(Human Body Model (HBM) 100 pF/1500 W )Input All other15kVSingle Pulse Inductive Load Switching Energy (Note 4)(V DD = 13.5 V, I = 465 mApk, L = 200 mH, T JStart = 150°C)E AS 29mJ Operating Junction Temperature T J −40+150°C Storage TemperatureT storage−55+150°CStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.1.Reverse Output current has to be limited by the load to stay within absolute maximum ratings and thermal performance.2.Minimum Pad.3. 1 in square pad size, FR −4, 1 oz Cu.4.Not subjected to production testing.THERMAL RESISTANCE RATINGSParameterSymbol Max Value Unit Thermal Resistance (Note 5)Junction −to −Ambient (Note 2)Junction −to −Ambient (Note 3)R q JA R q JA11078.3K/W5.Not subjected to production testing.Figure 2. Applications Test CircuitELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (6 v V D v 45 V; −40°C <T J < 150°C unless otherwise specified)Rating Symbol ConditionsValueUnit Min Typ MaxOUTPUT CHARACTERISTICSOperating Supply Voltage V SUPPLY 4.5−45VOn Resistance(Pin 1 Connected to GND)R ON T J = 25°C , I OUT = 150 mA, V D = 7 V − 45 VT J = 150°C, I OUT = 150 mA, V D = 7 V − 45 V(Note 6)T J = 25°C , I OUT= 150 mA, V D = 6 V1.01.41.1232.1WStandby Current (Pin 1 Open)I D V D v 20 VV D> 20 V 0.610100m AINPUT CHARACTERISTICSInput Current – Off State I IN_OFF V OUT v 0.1 V, R L = 270 W, T J = 25°CV OUT v 0.1V, R L= 270 W, T J = 150°C (Note 6)−50−40m AInput Current – On State(Pin 1 Grounded)I IN_ON 1.53mA Input Resistance (Note 6)R IN1k W SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSTurn−On Time (Note 7)(V IN = V D to 0 V) to 90% V OUT t ON R L = 270 W(Note 6)V D = 13.5 V, R L = 270 W, T J = 25°C30125100m sTurn−Off Time (Note 7)(V IN= 0 V to V D) to 10% V OUT t OFF R L = 270 W (Note 6)V D = 13.5 V, R L = 270 W, T J = 25°C60175150m sSlew Rate On (Note 7)(V IN = V D to 0V) 10% to 30% V OUT dV/dt ON R L = 270 W(Note 6)V D = 13.5 V, R L = 270 W, T J = 25°C0.744V/m sSlew Rate Off (Note 7)(V IN= 0 V to V D) 70% to 40% V OUT dV/dt OFF R L = 270 W (Note 6)V D = 13.5 V, R L = 270 W, T J = 25°C0.944V/m sOUTPUT DIODE CHARACTERISTICS (Note 6)Drain−Source Diode Voltage V F I OUT = −0.2 A0.6V Continuous Reverse DrainCurrentI S T J = 25°C0.2A PROTECTION FUNCTIONS (Note 8)Temperature Shutdown (Note 6)T SD150175−°C Temperature ShutdownHysteresis (Note 6)T SD_HYST5°COutput Current Limit I LIM T J = −40°C, V D = 13.5 V, t m = 100 m s (Note 6)T J = 25 °C, V D = 13.5 V, t m = 100 m sT J = 150 °C , V D = 13.5 V, t m = 100 m s (Note 6) Clamp Voltage(Inductive Load Switch Off)At V OUT = V D− V CLAMPV CLAMP I OUT = 4 mA4552VOvervoltage Protection V IN_CL I CLAMP = 4 mA5054V6.Not subjected to production testing7.Only valid with high input slew rates8.Protection functions are not designed for continuous repetitive operation and are considered outside normal operating rangeR D S (o n ) (W )TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 3. R DS(on) vs. TemperatureR D S (o n ) (W )OUTPUT LOAD (A)Figure 4. R DS(on) vs. Output LoadV D (V)Figure 5. R DS(on) vs. V DR D S (o n ) (W )1020304050607080T U R N O N T I M E (m s )TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 6. Turn On Time vs. TemperatureTEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 7. Turn Off Time vs. TemperatureT U R N O F F T I M E (m s )S L E W R A T E (O N ) (V /m s )TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 8. Slew Rate (ON) vs. Temperature−40−20020406080100120140−40−20020406080100120140−TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 9. Slew Rate (OFF) vs. Temperature S L E W R A T E (O F F ) (V /m s )TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 10. Current Limit vs. TemperatureC U R R E N T L I M I T (A )P E A K S C C U R R E N T (A )V D , VOLTAGE (V)Figure 11. Peak Short Circuit Current vs. V DVoltageTEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 12. V D Leakage Current vs.Temperature Off −StateV D , L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (m A )V D , L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (m A )V D , VOLTAGE (V)Figure 13. V D Leakage Current vs. V D VoltageOff −State TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 14. On −State Input Current vs.TemperatureI N P U T C U R R E N T (m A )V D , VOLTAGE (V)Figure 15. Output Voltage vs. V D VoltageO U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )V D , VOLTAGE (V)Figure 16. Input Current vs. V D VoltageOn −StateI N P U T C U R R E N T (m A )LOAD INDUCTANCE (mH)Figure 17. Single Pulse Maximum Switch −offCurrent vs. Load InductanceC U R R E N T (m A )V D , VOLTAGE (V)Figure 18. Input Current vs. V D VoltageOff −StateI N P U T C U R R E N T (m A )−S H U T D O W N T I M E (m s )TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 19. Initial Short −Circuit Shutdown Timevs. TemperaturePULSE TIME (s)R (t ), E F F E C T I V E T R A N S I E N T T H E R M AL R E S P O N S ECOPPER HEAT SPREADER AREA (mm 2)R q J A (°C /W )06080100120140Figure 20. R q JA vs. Copper Area2040Figure 21. Transient Thermal ResponseISO PULSE TEST RESULTSTest PulseTest Level Test ResultsPulse Cycle Time and Generator Impedance1200 V C 500 ms, 10 W 2150 V C 500 ms, 10 W 3a 200 V C 100 ms, 50 W 3b 200 V C 100 ms, 50 W 5175 VE(100 V)400 ms, 2 WORDERING INFORMATIONDevicePackage Shipping †NCV8450STT3G SOT −223(Pb −Free)4000 / Tape & Reel NCV8450ASTT3GSOT −223(Pb −Free)4000 / Tape & Reel†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.PACKAGE DIMENSIONSSOT −223 (TO −261)CASE 318E −04ISSUE MNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.DIM A MIN NOM MAX MIN MILLIMETERS1.50 1.63 1.750.060INCHESA10. 0.600.750.890.024b1 2.90 3.06 3.200.115c 6.30 6.50 6.700.249E 3.30 3.50 3.700.130e 2.20 2.30 2.400.0870.850.94 1.050.0330.0640.0680.0020.0040.0300.0350.1210.1260.0120.0140.2560.2630.1380.1450.0910.0940.0370.041NOM MAX L1 1.50 1.75 2.000.0606.707.007.300.2640.0690.0780.2760.287H E−−e10°10°0°10°q*For additional information on our Pb −Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION分销商库存信息: ONSEMINCV8450STT3G。








L机芯不管用哪种方式关机,再开机时 都要先进入开机→待机这种模式。

4.2 康佳w机芯背投彩色电视机电源电路原理与故障检修4.2.1 电源电路原理康佳w机芯背投彩色电视机是康佳集团2003年开发的高清数字背投机芯。



图4-14 康佳w机芯背投彩色电视机电源电路的结构框图该机芯电源电路的主要特点如下:(1)将主、副开关合并,采用厚膜集成电路STR-F6629作为开关电源的核心电路。






STR-F6629可工作于准共振和PRC(PulSe Ratio Contr01)两种工作方式,待机时工作于PRC方式(约20kHz)。

在技术 上采用最新叠层结构(开关功率场效应管与散热板贴近,其他数字门等小功率元件叠在上方),使体积减小,且只有5只引脚;由于运用在变压器初级取样稳压,使外围电路简化;功率场效应管雪崩击穿耐受量提高,省去许多反峰高电压吸收回路和泄放电路。



NTOOLER®nLink-830网络测试仪用户手册北京奈图尔通讯科技有限公司© 2014 NTOOLER®Corporation, All rights reserved.版权声明本手册著作权属于北京奈图尔通讯科技有限公司所有,未经著作权人书面许可,任何单位或个人不得以任何方式摘录,复制或翻译。





Copyright©2014 by NTOOLER®欢迎感谢您使用奈图尔”nLink”系列NL-830网络测试仪!NL-830型网络测试仪是多功能的网络维护和诊断工具,是您在网络工程施工及维护管理工作中的得力助手。



获取本手册的最新电子版本,请访问 下载中心.包装清单NL-830 网络测试仪×1RT-80 数据反射器×1RA-20A 线序适配器×12500mAh 锂电池×2Micro Usb数据线×1Micro SD卡(1G已安装) ×11A充电适配器(附赠) ×1使用和安全须知安全为避免触电和损坏设备,请遵守以下注意事项:切勿将NL-830连接到220V/110V交流供电线路;切勿将NL-830连接到在线的电话(PSTN)线路;切勿使用已损坏的产品。







FQA10N80C 800V/10A/0.93Ω/TO3P
FQA13N80 800V/13A/0.58Ω/TO3P
FQA7N90 900V/7.4A/1.2Ω/TO3P
FQA9N90C 900V/9A/1.12Ω/TO3P
FQA11N90C 900V/11A/0.91Ω/TO3P
FQA40N50 500V/40A/0.085Ω/TO264
2N60 小 N-FET
30N120 1200V 30A TO-3PN IGBT
4N50 500V 4A 75W TO-220 N-FET
4N80 800V 4A 75W TO-220 N-FET
50N06 46A 60V 105W TO-220 N-FET
6N60 600V 6A 125W TO-220F N-FET
IRF9530 100V 12A 75W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9540 100V 19A 125W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9630 200V 6.5A 75W TO-220 P-FET
IRF9630 200V 6.5A 75W TO-220 P-FEቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
IRF9640 200V 11A 125W TO-220 P-FET
7N60 600V 7A 147W TO-220F N-FET
BUP203 1000V 23A 165W TO-220 IGBT
BUP304 1000V 35A 310W TO-3PN IGBT
GT40T101 1500V 40A TO-3PN IGBT
GT60N90 900V 60A TO-3PN IGBT
SGP20N60RUFD 600V/32A/195W/TO-3P



2O V E R V I E W3. Next/Reset Key: When in Operation Mode, depressing the key will reset the count value to 0, if Front Panel Reset has been enabled in Programming Mode. When the program input is active this key is used to select a menu item for editing (left most digit will begin to flash) and then move to the desired digit to be changed.4. Preset Value: Indicates the number at which the output will be activated (for Up counting) or the reset value (for D own counting)1. Total Display: Indicates the present count value, which is equal to the number of pulses received since the last reset2. Down Key: Toggles the unit between the total and preset displays when in Operation Mode. When the program input is active this key is used to scroll through the menu items. After a menu item has been chosen for editing, the down key is used to set the value for thecurrently selected (flashing) digit.* For high speed current sinking devices, provide a pull-up resistor from terminal 2 to a D C source1. Common2. High Speed Input A - PNP or squresignals up to 10 kHz* for incrementing the count value 3. Low Speed Input A - NPN or dry contact inputs up to 30 Hz for incrementing the count value 4. Remote Reset - Resets count value when switched to common 5. Front Panel Program Enable - Allows access to program mode when switched to common 6. & 7. - Form A SSR Output8. DC Supply Input - For backlighting3- B A T T++ B A T T -Battery SlotsFront Panel Installation - Place the unit in the panel through the 33mm x 68mm cutout. Slide the included gasket over the rear of the unit, then slide the panel mount bracket into place so that the 4 tabs catch in the groves on the top and the bottom of the unit (the bracket should be oriented so that the tabs are on the side nearest the panel).Use the provided panel mount screws to tighten the bracket until there is a secure seal against the gasket.Battery Installation - The unit is shipped with two battery, which are not installed. Remove the battery cover by pushing inward and down. Install the batteries in the two slots. The two batteries are capable of sustaining the output for 6 months at 50% duty cycle (To extend the battery life to 5years utilize an external D C supply or the AC option module for powering the output). Once the battery is in place the unit will go into a self test mode, and all the segments on the LCD display will be illuminated. The self test mode is exited by depressing the Next key, which will then display the model number (7). D epress the Next key again to ready the unit for operation.S E T U PProgramming parameters can be accessed, when the Program Enable input is active, by pressing the D own key. To edit a parameter use the D own key to scroll until thedesired parameter appears on the screen. Pressing the Next key will cause the leftmost digit of that value to begin to flash. Use the Next and D own keys in combination to choose individual digits and change their value.1.u Po F FO utput Mode - D etermines whether the output will activate prior to reaching the preset (or zero for down counting) and then release when that value is achieved (Interval), or will be Off prior to reaching the preset (or zero for down counting) and then activate when that value is achieved (On-D elay).Preset Lock: When enabled the preset value can not be changed through the front panel.2.4.3.o n Front Panel Reset Enable: When active (ON) the count value, when being displayed, can be reset by pressing the Next/Reset key. If set to OFF, the total value can only be reset through the remote input.Count Direction: D etermines if the count value will increment from zero and change the state of the output at the preset (Up), or decrement from the Preset and change the state of the output at zero (Down).i n t5.o nOutput Enable: When active (on), the SSR output will activate as described above in Output Mode .If set to off, the output will not activate. (Use the "off" setting to conserve battery life if not using the output)41675 N. Delany Road Gurnee, IL 60031–1282Phone: 847.662.2666Fax: 847.662.6633Standard products manufactured by theCompany are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and material for a period of one year from the date of shipment, and products which are defective in workmanship or material will be repaired or replaced, at the option of the Company, at no charge to the Buyer. Final determination as to whether a product isactually defective rests with the Company. The obligation of the Company hereunder shall be limited solely to repair and replacement of products that fall within the foregoing limitations, and shall be conditioned upon receipt by the Company of written notice of any alleged defects or deficiency promptly afterdiscovery within the warranty period, and in the case of components or units purchased by the Company, the obligation of the Company shall not exceed the settlement that the Company is able to obtain from the supplier thereof. No products shall be returned to the Companywithout its prior consent. Products which the Company consents to have returned shall be shipped F.O.B. the Company's factory. The Company cannot assume responsibility or accept invoices for unauthorized repairs to itscomponents, even though defective. The life of the products of the Company depends, to a large extent, upon the type of usage thereof, and THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO FITNESS OF ITS PROD UCTS FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS BY THE BUYER NOR AS TO PERIOD OF SERVICE UNLESS THE COMPANY SPECIFICALLY AGREES OTHERWISE INWRITING AFTER THE PROPOSED USAGE HAS BEEN MAD E KNOWN TO IT.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED , INCLUD ING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.G E N E R A LPrinted in U.S.A.#701954-0008Revision B4/14/04High Speed Input (Terminal 2)Type: PNP Signal or square wave pulseCount Speed: 10 kHz max (50% duty cycle),Logic: Low < 1.0 VD C, High > 2.0 VD C Minimum Pulse Width: 45 µsecond Maximum Input: 28VD CImpedence: 15 K Ω to commonLow Speed Input (Terminal 3)Type: NPN Signal, Contact ClosureCount Speed: 30 Hz max (50% duty cycle)Logic: Low < 1.0 VD C, High > 2.0 VD C Minimum Pulse Width: 12 ms Maximum Input 28VD C Impedence: 1 M Ω to batteryFront Panel Enable Input (Terminal 5)Type: NPN Signal, Contact Closure; level sensitive Maximum Input: 28 VD CRemote Reset Input (Terminal 4)Type: NPN Signal, Contact Closure; edge sensitive Frequency Response: 30 Hz (50% duty cycle)Maximum input: 28 VD COutput (Terminals 6 & 7)Type: Isolated Photomos RelayLoad Rating: 0.1 Amp @ 30 VAC/VDC Transistion Time: < 5msPower Source:Type: Single or dual 3V Lithium batteryExpected Life: 5 years typical-single battery if using AC power supply option module or external DC supply.6 months if used alone with 50% duty cycle output. No reduction in battery life if output is programmed to "off"Low Power Indicator: "Low Bat" flashes on display approx. 2 weeks prior to end of battery life Display:Type: Supertwist LCD for use with or without backlighting Number: 8 digits Height: 12mmBacklighting: Green Illumination over wholeviewable area with a 10 to 28 VDC supply (Terminal 8)Physical:Dimensions: 36mm x 72mm, 38mm deepMounting: Panel Mount (mounting bracket supplied)33mm x 68mm (+ 0.3mm) panel cutout Connections: Up to 8 screw terminals Weight: Approximately 2.25 ounces。



N-Channel MOSFETs: OptiMOS™ (20V…250V) Product TypeProduct TypeBSN045NE2LSBSN011NE2LSBSN011NE2LSIBSN012N03LSBSN012N03LSIBSN048N03LSBSB012NE2LXBSB014N04LX3 GBSB015N04NX3 GBSB017N03LX3 GBSB012N03LX3 GBSB028N06NN3 GBSB044N08NN3 GBSB056N10NN3 GBSB013NE2LXIBSB008NE2LXBSB280N15NZ3 G BSB165N15NZ3 G BSB012NE2LXI BSF024N03LT3 G BSF050N03LQ3 G BSF030NE2LQ BSF134N10NJ3 G BSF110N06NT3 G BSF450NE7NH3 G BSF035NE2LQ IPB015N04L G IPB027N10N3 G IPB035N08N3 G IPB015N04N G IPB019N06L3 G IPB083N10N3 G IPB042N10N3 G IPB054N06N3 GIPB037N06N3 G IPB097N08N3 G IPB055N03L G IPB054N08N3 G IPB042N03L G IPB022N04L G IPB065N03L G IPB072N15N3 G IPB025N08N3 G IPB080N03L G IPB081N06L3 G IPB147N03L G IPB096N03L G IPB136N08N3 GIPB090N06N3 G IPB029N06N3 G IPB049NE7N3 G IPB031NE7N3 G IPB020NE7N3 G IPB123N10N3 G IPB038N12N3 G IPB144N12N3 G IPB320N20N3 G IPB107N20N3 G IPB200N25N3 G IPB600N25N3 G BUZ32 H3045A BUZ31 H3045A IPB108N15N3 G BUZ30A H3045AIPB107N20NA IPB057N06N IPB026N06N IPB230N06L3 G IPB067N08N3 G IPB034N03L G IPB009N03L G IPB011N04L G IPB011N04N G IPB016N06L3 G IPB017N06N3 G IPB019N08N3 G IPB020N04N G IPB025N10N3 G IPB030N08N3 GIPB036N12N3 G IPB065N15N3 G IPB010N06NIPB014N06NSPD07N20 GIPD031N06L3 G IPD034N06N3 G IPD035N06L3 G IPD036N04L GIPD038N06N3 G IPD048N06L3 G IPD053N08N3 G SPD50N03S2L-06 G SPD30N03S2L-07 G IPD068N10N3 G SPD50N03S2-07 GIPD082N10N3 G IPD088N06N3 G IPD096N08N3 G SPD30N03S2L-10 G IPD127N06L GIPD135N08N3 G IPD160N04L GIPD170N04N GIPD200N15N3 G SPD30N03S2L-20 G IPD220N06L3 G IPD25CN10N GIPD250N06N3 G IPD33CN10N GIPD350N06L GIPD640N06L G IPD78CN10N G IPD800N06N G IPD122N10N3 G IPD180N10N3 G IPD110N12N3 G IPD031N03L G IPD040N03L G IPD050N03L G IPD060N03L G IPD075N03L G IPD090N03L G IPD320N20N3 G IPD600N25N3 G IPD530N15N3 G IPD105N03L G IPD135N03L GIPD025N06N IPD053N06N IPI023NE7N3 G IPI034NE7N3 G IPI052NE7N3 G IPI126N10N3 G IPI180N10N3 G IPI041N12N3 G IPI076N12N3 G IPI147N12N3 G IPI045N10N3 G IPI086N10N3 G IPI030N10N3 G IPI04CN10N G IPI072N10N3 G IPI26CN10N G IPI35CN10N 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BSC440N10NS3 G BSC077N12NS3 G BSC190N12NS3 G BSC520N15NS3 GBSC600N25NS3 G BSC026N02KS G BSC070N10NS3 G BSC109N10NS3 G BSC0909NSBSC360N15NS3 G BSC0908NSBSC240N12NS3 G BSC900N20NS3 G BSC12DN20NS3 G BSC16DN25NS3 G BSC22DN20NS3 G BSC018NE2LS BSC024NE2LS BSC011N03LS BSC052N03LSBSC0902NSBSC032NE2LS BSC0901NSIBSC0904NSIBSC010NE2LSI BSC0902NSIBSC014NE2LSI BSC018NE2LSI BSC011N03LSI BSC0906NSBSC009NE2LS BSC036NE7NS3 G BSC046N10NS3 G BSC028N06NS BSC010N04LSI BSC014N04LS BSC014N04LSIBSC039N06NS BSC014N06NS BSC010N04LS BSC500N20NS3 G BSC022N04LS BSC072N03LD G BSC150N03LD G BSC750N10ND G IPP023NE7N3 G IPP034NE7N3 G IPP052NE7N3 G BUZ31L HBUZ73 HBUZ73A HBUZ73AL HBUZ73L HIPP180N10N3 G IPP041N12N3 G IPP048N12N3 G IPP076N12N3 G IPP114N12N3 G IPP147N12N3 G IPP030N10N3 G IPP045N10N3 G IPP04CN10N G IPP05CN10N G IPP072N10N3 G IPP086N10N3 G IPP12CN10L G IPP16CN10N G IPP075N15N3 G IPP200N15N3 G IPP034N03L GIPP055N03L G IPP065N03L G IPP080N03L G IPP096N03L G IPP114N03L G IPP015N04N G IPP023N04N G IPP039N04L G 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productionolderId=db3a30431441fb5d01148ca9f1be0e77&fileId=db3a30431ddc9372011e2b5528634dc0DPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/IPP086N10N3+G_Rev2.5.pdf?folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30431ce5fb52011d1ac5c8fa1358DPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/IPD088N06N3_Rev2.0.pdf?folderId=db3a30431441fb5d01148ca9f1be0e77&fileId=db3a30431ddc9372011e2b2351db4d5c/dgdl/IPD096N08N3_Rev2+1.pdf?DPAK (TO-252)in production folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30431ce5fb52011d1f35150315feDPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/SPD30N03S2L-10+rev+1.2.pdf?folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30431b3e89eb011b96e752ea0e08/dgdl/IPD127N06LG%2BRev1.2.pDPAK (TO-252)not for new design df?folderId=db3a30431a5c32f2011a809773886508&fileId=db3a30431f848401011fc786d4077a24DPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/IPD135N08N3_Rev2.1.pdf?folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30431add1d95011ae8b1143256d4/dgdl/IPD160N04L_rev1.0.pdf?folDPAK (TO-252)not for new design derId=db3a3043163797a6011643468e7505a4&fileId=db3a3043163797a60116436401cf05cfDPAK (TO-252)not for new design /dgdl/IPD170N04N_rev1.0.pdf?folderId=db3a3043163797a6011643468e7505a4&fileId=db3a3043163797a601164367820f05dd/dgdl/IPD200N15N3_Rev2.05.pdfDPAK (TO-252)in production?folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee7c66a02d6&fileId=db3a304319c6f18c0119cd1cc23279beDPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/SPD30N03S2L-20+rev+1.2.pdf?folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30431b3e89eb011b96f227b90e19/dgdl/IPD220N06L3_Rev2.0.pdf?fDPAK (TO-252)not for new design olderId=db3a30431441fb5d01148ca9f1be0e77&fileId=db3a30431ddc9372011e266fb35e471aDPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/IPP26CN10N_Rev1.08.pdf?folderId=db3a304412b407950112b408e8c90004&fileId=db3a304412b407950112b42b420244aa/dgdl/IPD250N06N3_Rev2.0.pdf?fDPAK (TO-252)not for new design olderId=db3a30431441fb5d01148ca9f1be0e77&fileId=db3a30431ddc9372011e268ceca1474fDPAK (TO-252)in production 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(TO-252)in production folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30432313ff5e01239eac54cb707bDPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/IPD320N20N3+G+Rev2.3.pdf?folderId=db3a3043163797a6011637d4bae7003b&fileId=db3a3043243b5f1701249669796017f3/dgdl/IPD600N25N3+G+Rev2.3.pDPAK (TO-252)in productiondf?folderId=db3a3043163797a6011637d4bae7003b&fileId=db3a3043243b5f17012496b03c67195bDPAK (TO-252)in production /dgdl/IPD530N15N3_Rev2.5.pdf?folderId=db3a304326623792012669f6bee2224b&fileId=db3a30432662379201266a1f6dd2227c/dgdl/IPD105N03LG_rev2.1.pdf?fDPAK (TO-252)in production olderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8ed2a02db&fileId=db3a3043271faefd0127b84794a33348/dgdl/IPD135N03LG_rev2.1.pdf?fDPAK (TO-252)in production olderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8ed2a02db&fileId=db3a304327b897500127b8b9540f0003DPAK (TO-252)not for new design /dgdl/IPP12CN10N_Rev1.07.pdf?folderId=db3a304412b407950112b408e8c90004&fileId=db3a304412b407950112b42c236e467cDPAK (TO-252)in production 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lderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30432313ff5e012393a80d1d03d8/dgdl/IPP072N10N3+G_Rev2%5BI2PAK (TO-262)in production1%5D.1.pdf?folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30432313ff5e012393bed2d20405/dgdl/IPP26CN10N_Rev1.08.pdf?fI2PAK (TO-262)discontinued olderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a30432313ff5e012393d285660441I2PAK (TO-262)discontinued /dgdl/IPP35CN10N_Rev1.09.pdf?folderId=db3a304313b8b5a60113cee8763b02d7&fileId=db3a304317a748360117cf1876cc1d1a。



testo 830-T1 (0560 8311) testo 830-T2 (0560 8312)91. General Information Please read this document through carefully and familiarise yourself with the operation of the product before putting it to use.Keep this documentation to hand so that you can refer to it when necessary.2. Product Description3. Safety InformationContact measurement: Do not measure on or near live parts. Infrared measurement: Please adhere to the required safe distance when measuring on live parts.Operate the instrument properly and according to its intended purpose and within the parameters specified. Do not use force.Do not expose to electromagnetic radiation (e.g. microwaves,induction heating systems), static charge, heat or extreme fluctuations in temperature.Do not store together with solvents (e.g. acetone).Open the instrument only when this is expressly described in the documentation for maintenance purposes.Laser radiation! Do not look into laser beam. e n Accessories Name Item no.Water-tight immersion/penetration probe, -60 to +400°C/-76 to +752°F 0602 1293Quick-reaction surface probe, -60 to +300°C/-76 to +572°F 0602 0393Robust air probe, -60 to +400°C/-76 to +752°F 0602 1793Leather protection sleeve 0516 8302Emissivity adhesive tape ε=0.950554 0051Infrared sensor,laser Battery compartment DisplayOn/Off switch Contact measurement Measurement button:infrared measurement Infrared measurementProbe socket (testo 830-T2 only)10Ensure correct disposal:Dispose of defective rechargeable batteries and spentbatteries at the collection points provided.Send the instrument directly to us at the end of its life cycle.We will ensure that it is disposed of in an environmentallyfriendly manner.4. Intended Usetesto 830 is a compact infrared thermometer for the non-contact measurement of surface temperatures. Using testo830-T2, it is possible to carry out additional contact measurements byattaching probes.5. Technical DataFeature testo 830-T1testo 830-T2Parameter°C/°FInfrared measurement range-30 to +400°C/ -22 to +752°FInfrared resolution0.1°C/0.1°FInfrared accuracy±1.5°C/ 2.7°F or 1.5% of reading (+0.1 to +400°C/ +32 to +752°F)1;(at 23°C) +/- 1 digit±2°C/ 3.6°F or 2% of reading (-30 to 0°C/ -22 to +31.9°F)1Emissivity0.1 to 1.0 adjustableInfrared measurement rate0.5sTemp. sensor -Thermocouple Type K (attachable) Measurement range of temp sensor--50 to +500°C/ -58 to +932°F Resolution of temp. sensor-0.1°C/ 0.1°FAccuracy of temp. sensor-±0.5°C/0.9°F+0.5% of reading (±1 digit)at rated temperature 22°C/ 72°F Measuring rate of temp. sensor- 1.75sOptics (90% value)10:1212:12Laser type 1 x laser 2 x laserOperating temperature-20 to +50°C/ -4 to +122°FTransport /S torage temperature-40 to +70°C/ -40 to +158°FPower supply9V block batteryBattery life 20 h 15 hHousing ABSDimensions (LxHxB)190 x 75 x 38mm/ 7.5 x 3.0 x 1.5inCE guideline2004/108/EECWarranty 2 yearsLaserLaser type 1 x laser 2 x laserPower< 1 mWWavelength645 to 660 nmClass2Standard DIN NE 60825-1:2001-111the larger value applies2+ Opening diameter of the sensor (16mm/ 0.6in)6. Initial OperationInsert battery: See 9.1Changing the battery.117. Operation7.1 Connecting probe (testo 830-T2 only)Connect temperature probe to probe socket. Observe +/-!7.2 Switching on/offSwitch on instrument: Press measurement button.-lights up).The display light remains for 10 seconds every time a button is activated.pressed until display darkens.The device switches off automatically after 1 min (IR measure -ment view) or 10 mins (contact measurement view, only testo830-T2) without the button being pressed.7.3 Measuring/ measurement, this is done when the device is switched off orwhen you switch to the IR measurement view.-The instrument is switched on.Infrared measurement1Start measurement: Hold down measurement button.2Locate object to be measured using laser point.testo830-T1: laser marks the centre point of the measurement spot.testo830-T2: Laser marks the upper and lower end of themeasurement spot.-The current reading is shown (2 measurements per second)3End measurement: Release button.-HOLD lights up. The last measured value and min./max. value are saved until the next measurement.Restart measurement: Press measurement button.Contact measurement (testo 830-T2 only)-Temperature probe was connected before the measuring instrument was switched on.1-The instrument changes to the contact measurement mode (lights up). The current reading is shown.en122End the measurement: Press .-HOLD lights up. The last measured value and min./max. value are saved until the next measurement.Switch between min., max. and recorded value: Press .Restart measurement: Press .Back to infrared measurement view: Press measurementbutton.Setting the emissivity-Instrument is in the infrared measurement mode.If no button is pressed for 3 s in the emissivity mode, theinstrument switches to the infrared measurement mode.1Press for 3 s.2Set emissivity: Press or-The instrument switches to the infrared measurement mode.8. Settings-Instrument is switched off.If no button is activated in the setting mode for 3 s, theinstrument changes to the next mode.1Press for 3 s.-The device switches to settings mode.2Set lower alarm value (ALARM): Press or . Hold the button down to go forward quickly.3Set upper alarm value (ALARM): Press or . Hold the button down to go forward quickly.4Set alarm function on/oFF: Press or .5Select parameter (°C/ °F) : Press or .-The device returns to IR measurement view.The alarm function is only available for IR measurement. If theset alarm values are exceeded/not reached, a visual andacoustic alarm is output.9. Service and Maintenance9.1 Changing the batteryInstrument must be switched off!1Open battery compartment:Open up cover.2Remove used battery and insert newone. Observe +/-. The minus should bevisible once the battery is inserted.3Close battery compartment: Closecover.139.2 Clean instrument Do not use abrasive cleaning agents or solutions.Clean the housing with a damp cloth (soap water).Carefully clean the lens with water or cotton buds dipped in water or medical alcohol. 10. Questions and AnswersQueryPossible causes Possible solutionInfrared measurement mode: -Readings outside -- - -lights up.measurement range.Contact measurement mode: -Readings outside -If we have not answered your question, please contact your local distributor or Testo´s Customer Service.11. Information on infrared measurement 11.1 Measurement methodInfrared measurement is an optical measurementKeep lens clean.Do not measure with clouded lens.Keep measurement field (area between instrument and object being measured) free of interferences: no dust and dirtparticles, no moisture (rain, steam) or gases.Infrared measurement is a surface measurementIf there is dirt, dust, frost etc. on the surface, only the top layer will be measured, i.e. the dirt.In the case of shrinkwrapped foodstuffs, do not measure in air pockets.If values are critical, always subsequently measure using a contact thermometer. Particularly in the food sector, the core temperature should be measured with a penetration/immersion thermometer.Adaptation timeIf the ambient temperature changes (change of location, e.g.inside/outside measurement) the instrument needs an adaptation time of 15 minutes for infrared measurement.e n1411.2 EmissivityMaterials have different emissivities, i.e. they emit different levels of electromagnetic radiation. The emissivity of testo 830 is set in the factory to 0.95. This is the ideal value for measuring non-metals (paper, ceramics, plaster, wood, paints and varnishes),plastics and foodBright metals and metal oxides are only suited to a limited extent to infrared measurement on account of their low or nonuniform emissivity.Apply emissivity enhancing layers such as varnish or emission adhesive tape (Item no. 05540051) to the object being measured. If this is not possible, measure with the contact thermometer.Emissivity table of the most important materials(typical values)A specific spot is determined depending on the distance from the measuring instrument to the object being measured. Measurement optics (Ratio Distance : Measurement spot)500 mm1000 mm2000 mm5000 mmØ 516 mmØ 216 mmØ 116 mmØ 66 mmØ 16 mm testo 830-T1laser1512. Information on contactmeasurementObserve minimum penetration depth in immersion/penetration probes: 10 x probe diameterAvoid applications in corrosive acids or bases.Do not use spring-loaded surface probes on sharp edges.e n 500 mm 1000 mm2000 mm 5000 mm Ø 433 mm Ø 183 mmØ 100 mmØ 58 mm Ø 16 mm testo 830-T2laserlaser。

XPT8306 芯片功能说明说明书

XPT8306 芯片功能说明说明书

X P T8306简介2012年03月XPT8306芯片功能说明●XPT8306是一款6W(2Ω负载)、单通道、高效率D类音频功率放大器,无需输出滤波器,应用电路简单,外围元件少。





芯片功能主要特性●6W输出功率(5V电源、2Ω负载,10%THD)●效率88%●低静态电流(2.8mA)●低关断电流(0.5μA)●高PSRR(217KHz时-75 dB)●宽电压工作(2.5V-5V)●内部集成250Khz的振荡器,省去外部振荡器●过流保护,过热保护功能●独特的PWM调制技术,无需输出滤波器●全差分设计降低了射频干扰并无需使用输入耦合电容●高CMRR,优异的pop-click杂音抑制●ESOP8封装实物图:芯片的基本应用●移动电话●个人移动终端PDA●移动电子设备●消费类电子产品(如MP3/MP4/DFP/ProtableDVD)等XPT8306原理框图芯片订购信息典型应用电路管脚分布图图为XPT8306 ESOP8封装的管脚分布图。

管脚描述封装尺寸SOP8注:ESOP8 封装尺寸与SOP8封装 完全一致,仅增加散热片。




1/20October 2004VND830SP-EDOUBLE CHANNEL HIGH SIDE DRIVERRev. 1Table 1. General FeaturesPer each channeln CMOS COMPATIBLE INPUTS n OPEN DRAIN STATUS OUTPUTSn ON STATE OPEN LOAD DETECTION n OFF STATE OPEN LOAD DETECTION n SHORTED LOAD PROTECTIONn UNDERVOLTAGE AND OVERVOLTAGESHUTDOWNn LOSS OF GROUND PROTECTION n VERY LOW STAND-BY CURRENTn REVERSE BATTERY PROTECTION (**)s IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2002/95/ECEUROPEAN DIRECTIVEDESCRIPTIONThe VND830SP-E is a monolithic device made by using STMicroelectronics VIPower M0-3Technology, intended for driving any kind of load with one side connected to ground. Active V CC pin voltage clamp protects the device against low energy spikes (see ISO7637 transient compatibility table).Active current limitation combined with thermal shutdown and automatic restart protects the device against overload.The device detects open load condition both in on and off state. Output shorted to V CC is detected in the off state. Device automatically turns off in case of ground pin disconnection.Note:(**) See application schematic at page 9Type R DS(on)I out V CC VND830SP-E60m Ω (*)6A (*)36VVND830SP-E2/20Table 3. Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbol ParameterValueUnitV CCDC Supply Voltage41V - V CC Reverse DC Supply Voltage - 0.3V - I GND DC Reverse Ground Pin Current - 200mA I OUT DC Output CurrentInternally LimitedA - I OUT Reverse DC Output Current - 6A I IN DC Input Current +/- 10mA I STATDC Status Current+/- 10mAV ESDElectrostatic Discharge (Human Body Model:R=1.5K Ω; C=100pF)- INPUT - STATUS - OUTPUT - V CC4000400050005000V V V VE MAX Maximum Switching Energy(L=1.8mH; R L =0Ω; V bat =13.5V; T jstart =150ºC; I L =9A)100mJ P tot Power Dissipation T C =25°C 73.5W T j Junction Operating Temperature Internally Limited °C T c Case Operating Temperature - 40 to 150°C T stgStorage Temperature- 55 to 150°CVND830SP-ETable 4. Thermal DataSymbol Parameter Value Unit R thj-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case 1.7°C/W R thj-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient 51.7 (1)37 (2)°C/WNote: 1.When mounted on a standard single-sided FR-4 board with 0.5cm2 of Cu (at least 35µm thick). Horizontal mounting and no artificial air flow.Note: 2.When mounted on a standard single-sided FR-4 board with 6cm2 of Cu (at least 35µm thick). Horizontal mounting and no artificial air flow.3/20VND830SP-E4/20ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(8V<V CC <36V; -40°C < T j < 150°C, unless otherwise specified)(Per each channel)Table 5. Power OutputNote:(**) Per device.Table 6. Protection (see note 1)Note: 1.To ensure long term reliability under heavy overload or short circuit conditions, protection and related diagnostic signals must beused together with a proper software strategy. If the device is subjected to abnormal conditions, this software must limit the duration and number of activation cyclesTable 7. V CC - Output DiodeSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitV CC (**)Operating Supply Voltage 5.51336V V USD (**)Undervoltage Shut-down345.5V V OV (**) Overvoltage Shut-down 36VR ONOn State ResistanceI OUT =2A; T j =25°C I OUT =2A; V CC > 8V60120m Ωm ΩI S (**)Supply CurrentOff State; V CC =13V; V IN=V OUT =0VOff State; V CC =13V; T j =25°C;V IN=V OUT =0V On State; V CC =13V1212540257µA µA mA I L(off1) Off State Output Current V IN =V OUT =0V; V CC =36V; T j =125°C 050µA I L(off2) Off State Output Current V IN =0V; V OUT =3.5V-750µA I L(off3) Off State Output Current V IN =V OUT =0V; V CC =13V; T j =125°C 5µA I L(off4)Off State Output CurrentV IN =V OUT =0V; V CC =13V; T j =25°C3µASymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.UnitT TSDShut-down Temperature 150175200°C T R Reset Temperature 135°CT hyst Thermal Hysteresis715°C t SDL Status Delay in Overload Conditions T j >T TSD 20µs I lim Current limitation V CC =13V 5.5V < V CC < 36V 691515A A V demagTurn-off Output Clamp VoltageI OUT =2A; L= 6mHV CC -41V CC -48V CC -55VSymbol Parameter Test ConditionsMinTypMax Unit V FForward on Voltage-I OUT =1.3A; T j =150°C0.6V5/20VND830SP-EELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Table 8. Status PinTable 9. Switching (V CC =13V)Table 10. Openload DetectionTable 11. Logic InputSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMinTypMax Unit V STAT Status Low Output Voltage I STAT = 1.6 mA0.5V I LSTAT Status Leakage Current Normal Operation; V STAT = 5V 10µA C STAT Status Pin Input CapacitanceNormal Operation; V STAT = 5V 100pF V SCLStatus Clamp VoltageI STAT = 1mA I STAT = - 1mA66.8-0.78V VSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMinTyp MaxUnit t d(on)Turn-on Delay Time R L =6.5Ω from V IN rising edge to V OUT =1.3V30µs t d(off)Turn-off Delay TimeR L =6.5Ω from V IN falling edge to V OUT =11.7V30µs dV OUT /dt (on)Turn-on Voltage SlopeR L =6.5Ω from V OUT =1.3V to V OUT =10.4VSee relative diagram V/µsdV OUT /dt (off)Turn-off Voltage SlopeR L =6.5Ω from V OUT =11.7V to V OUT =1.3VSee relative diagramV/µsSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMinTyp Max Unit I OL Openload ON State Detection Threshold V IN =5V 50100200mA t DOL(on) Openload ON StateDetection DelayI OUT =0A 200µs V OL Openload OFF State Voltage Detection ThresholdV IN =0V 1.5 2.5 3.5V T DOL(off)Openload Detection Delayat Turn Off1000µsSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin TypMax Unit V IL Input Low Level1.25V I IL Low Level Input Current V IN = 1.25V 1µA V IH Input High Level3.25V I IH High Level Input Current V IN = 3.25V 10µA V I(hyst)Input Hysteresis Voltage 0.5V V ICLInput Clamp VoltageI IN = 1mA I IN = -1mA66.8-0.78V VVND830SP-ETable 12. Truth Table6/20VND830SP-ETable 13. Electrical Transient Requirements On V CC PinISO T/R 7637/1 Test PulseTEST LEVELSI II III IV Delays andImpedance1-25 V-50 V-75 V-100 V 2 ms 10 Ω2+25 V+50 V+75 V+100 V0.2 ms 10 Ω3a-25 V-50 V-100 V-150 V0.1 µs 50 Ω3b+25 V+50 V+75 V+100 V0.1 µs 50 Ω4-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V100 ms, 0.01Ω5+26.5 V+46.5 V+66.5 V+86.5 V400 ms, 2ΩISO T/R 7637/1 Test PulseTEST LEVELS RESULTSI II III IV1C C C C2C C C C3a C C C C3b C C C C4C C C C5C E E ECLASS CONTENTSC All functions of the device are performed as designed after exposure to disturbance.E One or more functions of the device is not performed as designed after exposure and cannot bereturned to proper operation without replacing the device.7/20VND830SP-E8/20VND830SP-EGND PROTECTION NETWORK AGAINST REVERSE BATTERYSolution 1: Resistor in the ground line (R GND only). This The following is an indication on how to dimension the R GND resistor.1) R GND≤ 600mV / I S(on)max.2) R GND≥ (−V CC) / (-I GND)where -I GND is the DC reverse ground pin current and can be found in the absolute maximum rating section of the device’s datasheet.Power Dissipation in R GND (when V CC<0: during reverse battery situations) is:P D= (-V CC)2/R GNDThis resistor can be shared amongst several different HSD. Please note that the value of this resistor should be calculated with formula (1) where I S(on)max becomes the sum of the maximum on-state currents of the different devices.Please note that if the microprocessor ground is not common with the device ground then the R GND will produce a shift (I S(on)max * R GND) in the input thresholds and the status output values. This shift will vary depending on how many devices are ON in the case of several high side drivers sharing the same R GND.If the calculated power dissipation leads to a large resistor or several devices have to share the same resistor then the ST suggests to utilize Solution 2 (see below).Solution 2: A diode (D GNDA resistor (R GND=1kΩ) should be inserted in parallel to D GND if the device will be driving an inductive load.This small signal diode can be safely shared amongst several different HSD. Also in this case, the presence of the ground network will produce a shift (j600mV) in the input threshold and the status output values if the microprocessor ground is not common with the device ground. This shift will not vary if more than one HSD shares the same diode/resistor network.Series resistor in INPUT and STATUS lines are also required to prevent that, during battery voltage transient, the current exceeds the Absolute Maximum Rating. Safest configuration for unused INPUT and STATUS pin is to leave them unconnected.LOAD DUMP PROTECTIOND ld is necessary (Voltage Transient Suppressor) if the load dump peak voltage exceeds V CC max DC rating. The same applies if the device will be subject to transients on the V CC line that are greater than the ones shown in the ISO T/R 7637/1 table.9/20VND830SP-E10/20µC I/Os PROTECTION:If a ground protection network is used and negative transient are present on the V CC line, the control pins will be pulled negative. ST suggests to insert a resistor (R prot )in line to prevent the µC I/Os pins to latch-up.The value of these resistors is a compromise between the leakage current of µC and the current required by the HSD I/Os (Input levels compatibility) with the latch-up limit of µC I/Os.-V CCpeak /I latchup ≤ R prot ≤ (V OH µC -V IH -V GND ) / I IHmax Calculation example:For V CCpeak = - 100V and I latchup ≥ 20mA; V OH µC ≥ 4.5V 5k Ω ≤ R prot ≤ 65k Ω.Recommended R prot value is 10k Ω.OPEN LOAD DETECTION IN OFF STATEOff state open load detection requires an external pull-up resistor (R PU ) connected between OUTPUT pin and a positive supply voltage (V PU ) like the +5V line used tosupply the microprocessor.The external resistor has to be selected according to the following requirements:1) no false open load indication when load is connected:in this case we have to avoid V OUT to be higher than V Olmin ; this results in the following condition V OUT =(V PU /(R L +R PU ))R L <V Olmin.2) no misdetection when load is disconnected: in this case the V OUT has to be higher than V OLmax ; this results in the following condition R PU <(V PU–V OLmax )/I L(off2).Because I s(OFF) may significantly increase if V out is pulled high (up to several mA), the pull-up resistor R PU should be connected to a supply that is switched OFF when the module is in standby.The values of V OLmin , V OLmax and I L(off2) are available in the Electrical Characteristics section .11/20Figure 17. Openload On State DetectionFigure 20. Openload Off State Detection12/2013/20A = Single Pulse at T Jstart=150ºCB= Repetitive pulse at T Jstart=100ºC C= Repetitive Pulse at T Jstart=125ºCConditions:V CC=13.5V Values are generated with R L=0ΩIn case of repetitive pulses, T jstart (at beginning of each demagnetization) of every pulse must not exceed the temperature specified above for curves B and C.V IN, I Lt14/2015/20PowerSO-10™ Thermal DataFigure 28. PowerSO-10™ PC BoardLayout condition of R th and Z th measurements (PCB FR4 area= 58mm x 58mm, PCB thickness=2mm,Cu thickness=35µm, Copper areas: from minimum pad lay-out to 8cm 2).Figure 31. Thermal fitting model of a doublePulse calculation formulaTable 14. Thermal ParameterArea/island (cm2)Footprint6 R1 (°C/W)0.05R2 (°C/W)0.3R3( °C/W)0.3R4 (°C/W)0.8R5 (°C/W)12R6 (°C/W)3722 C1 (W.s/°C)0.001C2 (W.s/°C) 5.00E-03C3 (W.s/°C)0.02C4 (W.s/°C)0.3C5 (W.s/°C)0.75C6 (W.s/°C)35 Z THδR THδZ THtp1δ–()+⋅=whereδt p T⁄=16/2017/20PACKAGE MECHANICALTable 15. PowerSO-10™ Mechanical DataNote:(*) Muar only POA P013PSymbol millimetersMin TypMax A 3.35 3.65A (*) 3.4 3.6A10.000.10B 0.400.60B (*)0.370.53C 0.350.55C (*)0.230.32D 9.409.60D17.407.60E 9.309.50E27.207.60E2 (*)7.307.50E4 5.90 6.10E4 (*) 5.906.30e 1.27F 1.25 1.35F (*) 1.20 1.40H 13.8014.40H (*)13.8514.35h 0.50L 1.20 1.80L (*)0.80 1.10a 0º8ºα (*)2º8º18/20TAPE DIMENSIONSAccording to Electronic Industries Association (EIA) Standard 481 rev. A, Feb. 1986All dimensions are in mm.Tape widthW 24Tape Hole Spacing P0 (± 0.1)4Component Spacing P24Hole Diameter D (± 0.1/-0) 1.5Hole Diameter D1 (min) 1.5Hole PositionF (± 0.05)11.5Compartment Depth K (max) 6.5Hole SpacingP1 (± 0.1)2Top cover tapeEndStartNo componentsNo componentsComponents500mm min500mm minEmpty components pockets saled with cover er direction of feedREVISION HISTORYDate Revision Description of ChangesOct. 20041- First Issue.19/20Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics.All other names are the property of their respective owners© 2004 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America20/20。



Height 6.35 6.35 6.35 10.20 6.00 6.35 7.37 6.60 9.80 6.22 5.50 6.22 6.22 6.22 5.50 5.50 5.50 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.22 6.22 6.22 7.34 7.34 7.34 6.95 5.77 6.95 5.77 6.95 6.95 5.77 5.77 5.77 5.77 5.77 6.95
Electrical / Environmental

T1/CEPT/ISDN-Pri Telecom Products
S RoH nt for
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• • • • •
Meets the required 1500 Vrms line isolation Standard Operating Temperature Range 0°C to +70°C Extended Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +85°C RoHS Peak Solder Rating 260°C Non-RoHS Peak Solder Rating 235°C
Style 6-pin DIL 6-pin DIL 6-pin DIL 10-pin DIL 12-pin SMT 14-pin DIL 14-pin DIL 14-pin DIL 16-pin DIL 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 16-pin SMT 32-pin SMT 32-pin SMT 32-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT 40-pinSMT 40-pin SMT 40-pin SMT



Referred to Full Scale
Referred to Full Scale
NTSC, PAL NTSC, PAL Input Tied to Common-Mode
Logic Family Convert Command High Level Input Current(5) (VIN = 5V) Low Level Input Current (VIN = 0V) High Level Input Voltage
100 10 +2.4 +1.0 5
CMOS/TTL Compatible Straight Offset Binary
+0.1 +0.2 +4.9 +4.8 +0.1 +2.8 5
–2.5 –2.5
REFB + 0.8 1.25
±0.25 ±53 ±0.3 ±75 58 ±10 ±10 3.0
2Vp-p 1Vp-p 2Vp-p
DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Differential Linearity Error (Largest Code Error)



ADS830E中文手册时间:2011-9-11译者:小时说明:值此佳节之际,小时预祝家人节日快乐,Thank you my family.ADS830E中文手册8-bit,60MHZ采样速度的A/D(ADS830E是小时制作数字示波器方案中所用到的芯片,其核心问题是如何解决高速存储的问题,小时将在下一章中,翻译另一款芯片的英文文档,并提供高速存储的解决方案。























FTTH ODN主要器材外形尺寸(mm)型号高×宽×深型号外形尺寸(mm)高×宽×深GPX41-TC-202000×600×300室内无跳接ODF----主要完成馈线光缆和配线光缆的固定和交接分配。

双面576芯(带分光器安装模块)单面144芯(带分光器安装模块)光缆交接箱室外无跳接光缆交接箱无跳接光分跳纤框PZ-13G 无跳接式光分跳纤框¾适用于室内无跳接光交箱;¾通过调节安装耳,可装入任意19”机柜内;¾采用插片式光分路器,无裸露尾纤,安全方便;¾可装12个1:4(或1:8)光分路器插片,6个1:16光分路器插片,或者2个1:32光分路器插片,1个1:64插片;¾尺寸:485×270×66 mmPZ-15G 无跳接式光分跳纤框¾适用于室外无跳接式光交箱;¾采用插片式光分路器,无裸露尾纤,安全可靠,可选LC,SC,FC适配器;¾可装8个1:4或1:8光分路器插8片,4个1:16光分路器插片,或者2个1:32光分路器插片;¾尺寸:375×250×110 mm;光分路器模块(PLC)主要特点¾通常有:1:2、1:4、1:8、1:16 、1:32、1:64、2:4、2:8、2:16、2:32、2:64;¾光功率均匀分配;¾全波长1250~1650m 范围;¾芯片小体积(一般为方型柱体);¾封装尺寸有多种选择(PLC)LET-XS系列SC 光分路器插片适用于系列楼道分光分纤盒及室内外无跳接光交箱内。

LET-XS系列LC 光分路器插片适用于室内外无跳接光交箱内。

(PLC)FTTH专用壁挂式二槽(四槽) 楼道分光分纤盒GPX-H-16 A型¾挂墙安装;¾最大容量:16芯;¾下层光缆固定,熔接;上层皮线布放;¾灵活调节端口数量,可装2个1:4,1:8 光分路器,或者1个1:16光分路器;¾下层适配器供跳纤停泊,实现无跳接;¾标准熔接24芯,可容纳4根光缆进入;GPX-H-32 B型¾挂墙安装;¾最大容量:32芯;¾下层光缆固定,熔接;上层皮线布放;¾可装4个1:4,1:8 光分路器,或者2个1:16光分路器,或者1个1:32光分路器;¾下层适配器供跳纤停泊,实现无跳接;壁嵌式二槽(四槽) 楼道分光分纤盒GPX-H-16 C型¾安装在原有的楼道电话箱内;¾最大容量:16芯;¾下层光缆固定,熔接;上层皮线布放;¾灵活调节端口数量,可装2个1:4,1:8 光分路器,或者1个1:16光分路器;¾下层适配器供跳纤停泊,实现无跳接;¾标准熔接24芯,可容纳4根光缆进入;GPX-H-32 D型¾安装在原有的楼道电话箱内;¾最大容量:32芯;¾下层光缆固定,熔接;上层皮线布放;¾可装4个1:4,1:8 光分路器,或者2个1:16光分路器,或者1个1:32光分路器;¾下层适配器供跳纤停泊,实现无跳接;户外型分光分纤盒GPX-H-16 G型¾户外使用,SMC箱体;¾最大容量:16芯;¾下层光缆固定,熔接;上层皮线布放;¾灵活调节端口数量,可装2个1:4,1:8 光分路器,或者1个1:16光分路器;¾下层适配器供跳纤停泊,实现无跳接;¾标准熔接12芯,可容纳4根光缆进入;GPX-H-32 H 型¾最大容量:32芯;¾下层光缆固定,熔接;上层皮线布放;¾可装4个1:4,1:8 光分路器,或者2个1:16光分路器,或者1个1:32光分路器;¾下层适配器供跳纤停泊,实现无跳接;¾标准熔接12芯,可容纳6根光缆进入;¾SMC箱体户外型分光分纤盒现场安装实景GFX-XD 系列壁挂式光分路器配线箱(ODB)全封闭机箱,表面静电喷涂,外形美观;熔接配线分体式设计;室内挂墙安装;标识清楚,每芯光纤的接续与分配都有明确的标示;光缆、尾纤、跳纤的进出线各自独立,互不干扰;GP21-X09-5601光缆接头盒直通缆引入口单口根蝶形皮缆缆或1~2根剪缆此接头盒可满足1至2根Φ10~17.5mm光缆引入密封,最大可安装盒式光分安装微型光分GP21-X09-8201 光缆接头盒¾采用高质量二氧化锆陶瓷插芯;¾光纤外径可选择Φ0.9mm, Φ2.0mm, Φ3.0mm;¾有FC,SC,LC,MTRJ,MU等型号可供选择;¾用于熔配一体式托盘的12芯束状尾纤及12芯带状尾纤。

STD15N60DM6 600V 338mΩ 12A N型双极性电流管特性手册说明书

STD15N60DM6 600V 338mΩ 12A N型双极性电流管特性手册说明书

STD15N60DM6DPAKFeatures•Fast-recovery body diode•Lower R DS(on) per area vs previous generation •Low gate charge, input capacitance and resistance •100% avalanche tested•Extremely high dv/dt ruggedness•Zener-protectedApplications•Switching applicationsDescriptionThis high-voltage N-channel Power MOSFET is part of the MDmesh DM6 fast-recovery diode series. Compared with the previous MDmesh fast generation, DM6combines very low recovery charge (Q rr), recovery time (t rr) and excellentimprovement in R DS(on) per area with one of the most effective switching behaviorsavailable in the market for the most demanding high-efficiency bridge topologies andZVS phase-shift converters.N-channel 600 V, 286 mΩ typ., 12 A MDmesh DM6 Power MOSFETin a DPAK packageSTD15N60DM6DatasheetSTD15N60DM6Electrical ratings 1Electrical ratingsTable 1. Absolute maximum ratings1.Pulse width is limited by safe operating area.2.Pulse width limited by T J max.3.Starting T J = 25 °C, I D = I AR, V DD = 50 V.4.I SD ≤ 12 A, V DS (peak) < V(BR)DSS, V DD = 400 V.5.V DS ≤ 480 V.Table 2. Thermal data1.When mounted on an 1-inch² FR-4, 2 Oz copper board.STD15N60DM6Electrical characteristics 2Electrical characteristics(T C = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)Table 3. On/off states1.Defined by design, not subject to production test.Table 4. Dynamic1.C oss eq. is defined as a constant equivalent capacitance giving the same charging time as C oss when V DS increases from 0to 80% V DSS.Table 5. Switching timesSTD15N60DM6Electrical characteristicsTable 6. Source-drain diode1.Pulse width is limited by safe operating area.2.Pulse test: pulse duration = 300 µs, duty cycle 1.5%.STD15N60DM6Electrical characteristics (curves) 2.1Electrical characteristics (curves)R = 1.14 °C/Wduty = t / TtT10 -2 10 -1 t p (s)Typical transfer characteristicsGADG201220190736TCH89VSTD15N60DM6 Electrical characteristics (curves)STD15N60DM6Test circuits 3Test circuits4Package informationIn order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of ECOPACK packages,depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK specifications, grade definitions and product status are available at: . ECOPACK is an ST trademark.4.1DPAK (TO-252) type A2 package informationFigure 19.DPAK (TO-252) type A2 package outline0068772_type-A2_rev27STD15N60DM6Package informationSTD15N60DM6DPAK (TO-252) type A2 package information Table 7. DPAK (TO-252) type A2 mechanical data4.2DPAK (TO-252) type C2 package informationFigure 20. DPAK (TO-252) type C2 package outline0068772_type-C2_rev27Table 8. DPAK (TO-252) type C2 mechanical dataFigure 21. DPAK (TO-252) recommended footprint (dimensions are in mm)FP_0068772_274.3DPAK (TO-252) packing informationFigure 22. DPAK (TO-252) tape outlineP0K 0U ser direction of feed10 pitches cumulativetolerance on tape +/- 0.2 mmU ser direction of feedRBending radiusB 1including draft andradii concentric around B0AM08852v1Figure 23. DPAK (TO-252) reel outlineAM06038v1 Table 9. DPAK (TO-252) tape and reel mechanical dataRevision historyTable 10. Document revision historyContentsContents1Electrical ratings (2)2Electrical characteristics (3)2.1Electrical characteristics (curves) (5)3Test circuits (7)4Package information (8)4.1DPAK (TO-252) type A2 package information (8)4.2DPAK (TO-252) type C2 package information (10)4.3DPAK (TO-252) packing information (13)Revision history (15)IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE READ CAREFULLYSTMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products.No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product.ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. For additional information about ST trademarks, please refer to /trademarks. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document.© 2020 STMicroelectronics – All rights reservedSTD15N60DM6。

34063 中文资料

34063 中文资料

4 10-5 tON(MAX) 2 IOUT(MAX)
4 10-5 tON(MAX)
2* IO UT (MAX ) *
tO N − tOFF tOFF
2* IO UT ( MAX ) *
* tON( MAX )
Rsc Vin 14V 0.22 8 7 6 100 H 180 1 2 5 R1 48k 150 F D1(SBD) V0=30V Vin 25V
Rsc 0.33 8 7 6 4 100 F 470pF 3 1 2 5 D1(SBD) R1 1.2K 220 H R2 3.6k 470 F V0=5.0V 100 H
90 H
/bbs 电子器件采购平台: IC资料查询网站: 电子工程技术论坛:
.ta w w w
4 3 100 F 1500pF
图1 升压变换器
图2 降压变换

Voutபைடு நூலகம்Vin C0
/bbs 电子器件采购平台: IC资料查询网站: 电子工程技术论坛:
由于内置有大电流的电源开关 34063能够控制的开关电流达到1.5A 内部线路包含有参考电压源 振荡器 转换器 逻 辑控制线路和开关晶体管 参考电压源是温度补偿的带隙基准源 振荡器的振荡频率由3脚的外接定时电容决定.开关晶体管由比较器的反向输入端和



16 Bit Pseudo-Diff
Single Dual
500 kHz ADS8327 ADS8328
1 MHz ADS8329 ADS8330
ADS8330 ADS8329
BurrĆBrown Products from Texas Instruments
ADS8329 ADS8330
4x4 QFN-16 Package
Lead temperature, soldering Power dissipation
Vapor phase (60 sec) Infrared (15 sec)
θJA thermal impedance
UNIT –0.3 V to +VA + 0.3 V –0.3 V to +VA + 0.3 V
• Excellent AC Performance at fi = 100 kHz with 92 dB SNR, 102 dB SFDR, –102 dB THD
• Built-In Conversion Clock (CCLK) • 1.65 V to 5.5 V I/O Supply



CXD3406GA Timing Generator and Signal Processor for Frame Readout CCD Image SensorDescriptionThe CXD3406GA is a timing generator and CCDsignal processor IC for the ICX252/262 CCD imagesensor.Features•Timing generator functions•Horizontal drive frequency 12 to 18MHz(Base oscillation frequency 24 to 36MHz)•Supports frame readout/draft (sextuple speed)/ AF (Auto focus drive)•High-speed/low-speed shutter function •Horizontal and vertical drivers for CCD imagesensor•CCD signal processor functions•Correlated double sampling •Programmable gain amplifier (PGA) allows gain adjustment over a wide range (–6 to +42dB)•10-bit A/D converter•Chip Scale Package (CSP):CSP allows vast reduction in the CCD camera block footprintApplicationsDigital still camerasStructureSilicon gate CMOS ICApplicable CCD Image SensorsICX252 (1/1.8", 3240K pixels)ICX262 (1/1.8", 3240K pixels)Absolute Maximum Ratings•Supply voltageV DD a, V DD b, V DD c, V DD d V SS– 0.3 to +7.0VV DD e, V DD f, V DD g V SS– 0.3 to +4.0VVL–10.0 to V SS VVH VL – 0.3 to +26.0V •Input voltage (analog)V IN V SS– 0.3 to V DD+ 0.3V •Input voltage (digital)V I V SS– 0.3 to V DD+ 0.3V •Output voltageV O1V SS– 0.3 to V DD+ 0.3VV O2VL – 0.3 to V SS+ 0.3VV O3VL – 0.3 to VH + 0.3V •Operating temperatureTopr–20 to +75°C •Storage temperatureTstg–55 to +125°CRecommended Operating Conditions•Supply voltageV DD b 3.0 to 5.5VV DD a, V DD c, V DD d 3.0 to 3.6VVM0.0VVH14.5 to 15.5VVL–7.0 to –8.0VV DD e, V DD f, V DD g 3.0 to 3.6V •Operating temperatureTopr–20 to +75°C– 1–E00Z02A26Sony reserves the right to change products and specifications without prior notice. This information does not convey any license by any implication or otherwise under any patents or other right. Application circuits shown, if any, are typical examples illustrating the operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits.96 pin LFLGA (Plastic)– 2–Block DiagramC 3N CN CC 2C 1A V D D 3A V D D 4A V S S 3A V S S 4A V S S 5S C K 2S S I 2S E N 2T E S T 3T E S T 4T E S T 5D V D D 1D V S S 3D V D D 2D V S S 1D V S S 2V S S 6V S S 1V D D 5V D D 1V DH DS U BV 4V 3BV 3AV 2V 1BT E S T 2T E S T 1R S TV 1A– 3–Pin Configuration (Top View)NC D2D5D8D9DV SS2ADCLKI ADCLK CKI OSCO OSCI SCK1SEN1A B C D E F G H J K L M NNC D1D4D7DV DD1DV SS3CLPOBI CLPOB CKO MCKO SSI1VD HD SCK2D0D3D6DV SS1DV DD2CLPDMI CLPDM V SS5V DD5V SS4TEST1V SS6SSI2SEN2TEST4VM V2V4TEST3TEST5AV SS5V1A VH V1B AV SS4AV DD4C9V3A VL V3B C8C7C3C1AV SS2PBLKI PBLK XRS V SS3V DD2V SS1TEST2SUB AV SS6AV DD3C4C2AV DD2XSHDI XSHD V DD4H1RG SSGSL RST SNCSL AV DD5AV SS3CCDIN AV SS 1AV DD1XSHPI XSHP V DD3H2V SS2V DD1WEN ID 123456789– 4–Pin Description No connected.No connected.CCD signal processor block serial interface clock input. (Schmitt trigger)CCD signal processor block serial interface data input. (Schmitt trigger)CCD signal processor block test input 3. Connect to DV SS .CCD signal processor block analog GND.Capacitor connection.CCD signal processor block analog D signal processor block analog power supply.ADC output.ADC output.ADC output (LSB).CCD signal processor block serial interface enable input. (Schmitt trigger)CCD signal processor block test input 5. Connect to DV DD .CCD signal processor block analog power supply.Capacitor connection.CCD signal processor block analog power D signal processor block analog GND.ADC output.ADC output.ADC output.CCD signal processor block test input 4. Connect to DV SS .CCD signal processor block analog GND.Capacitor connection.Capacitor connection.Capacitor D output signal input.ADC output.ADC output.ADC output.Capacitor connection.Capacitor connection.CCD signal processor block analog GND.ADC output (MSB).CCD signal processor block digital power supply. (Power supply for ADC)A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9D1D2D3D7D8D9E1E2NC NC SCK2SSI2TEST3AV SS4C8AV SS6AV DD5D2D1D0SEN2TEST5AV DD4C7AV DD3AV SS3D5D4D3TEST4AV SS5C9C3C4CCDIN D8D7D6C1C2AV SS1D9DV DD1——I I I ————O O O I I ————O O O I ————I O O O ———O —Pin No.Symbol I/O Description– 5–CCD signal processor block digital GND. (GND for ADC)CCD signal processor block analog D signal processor block analog power D signal processor block analog power D signal processor block digital D signal processor block digital D signal processor block digital power supply.Pulse input for horizontal and vertical blanking period pulse cleaning. (Schmitt trigger)CCD data level sample-and-hold pulse input. (Schmitt trigger)CCD precharge level sample-and-hold pulse input. (Schmitt trigger)Clock input for analog/digital conversion. (Schmitt trigger)CCD optical black signal clamp pulse input. (Schmitt trigger)CCD dummy signal clamp pulse input. (Schmitt trigger)Pulse output for horizontal and vertical blanking period pulse D data level sample-and-hold pulse D precharge level sample-and-hold pulse output.Clock output for analog/digital D optical black signal clamp pulse D dummy signal clamp pulse output.Sample-and-hold pulse output for analog/digital conversion phase alignment.Timing generator block digital power supply. (Power supply for CDS block)Timing generator block 3.0 to 5.0V power supply. (Power supply for H1/H2)Inverter input.Inverter output.Timing generator block digital GND.Timing generator block digital D horizontal register clock D horizontal register clock output.Inverter output for oscillation. When not used, leave open or connect a capacitor.System clock output for signal processor IC.Timing generator block digital power supply. (Power supply for common logic block)Timing generator block digital power supply. (Power supply for RG)CCD reset gate pulse output.Timing generator block digital GND.Inverter input for oscillation. When not used, fix to low.E3E7E8E9F1F2F3F7F8F9G1G2G3G7G8G9H1H2H3H7H8H9J1J2J3J7J8J9K1K2K3K7K8K9L1DV SS1AV SS2AV DD2AV DD1DV SS2DV SS3DV DD2PBLKI XSHDI XSHPI ADCLKI CLPOBI CLPDMI PBLK XSHD XSHP ADCLK CLPOB CLPDM XRS V DD4V DD3CKI CKO V SS5V SS3H1H2OSCO MCKO V DD5V DD2RG V SS2OSCI———————I I I I I I O O O O O O O ——I O ——O O O O ——O —INo.Symbol I/O Description– 6–Timing generator block serial interface data input.Schmitt trigger input/No protective diode on power supply side.Timing generator block digital GND.Timing generator block digital GND. (GND for vertical driver)CCD vertical register clock D vertical register clock output.Timing generator block digital GND.Internal SSG enable.High: Internal SSG valid, Low: External SYNC valid(With pull-down resistor)Timing generator block digital power supply.(Power supply for common logic block)Timing generator block serial interface clock input.Schmitt trigger input/No protective diode on power supply side.Vertical sync signal input/output.Timing generator block test input 1.Normally fix to GND.(With pull-down resistor)CCD vertical register clock output.Timing generator block 15.0V power supply. (Power supply for vertical driver)Timing generator block –7.5V power supply. (Power supply for vertical driver)Timing generator block test input 2.Normally fix to GND.(With pull-down resistor)Timing generator block reset input.High: Normal operation, Low: Reset control Normally apply reset during power-on.Schmitt trigger input/No protective diode on power supply side Memory write timing pulse output.Timing generator block serial interface strobe input.Schmitt trigger input/No protective diode on power supply side Horizontal sync signal input/output.Timing generator block digital D vertical register clock D vertical register clock D vertical register clock D electronic shutter pulse output.Control input used to switch sync system.High: CKI sync, Low: MCKO sync(With pull-down resistor)Vertical direction line identification pulse output.L2L3L4L5L6L7L8L9M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9N1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8N9SSI1V SS4VM V1A V3A V SS1SSGSL V DD1SCK1VD TEST1V2VH VL TEST2RST WEN SEN1HD V SS6V4V1B V3B SUB SNCSL IDI ——O O —I —I I/O I O ——IIO I I/O —O O O O I ONo.Symbol I/O Description– 7–Electrical CharacteristicsTiming Generator Block Electrical Characteristics DC Characteristics(Within the recommended operating conditions)V DD2V DD3V DD4V DD1, V DD5RST SSI1, SCK1, SEN1TEST1, TEST2SNCSL, SSGSLVD, HDH1, H2RGXSHP, XSHD,XRS, PBLK,CLPOB,CLPDM, ADCLK CKO MCKO ID, WEN V1A, V1B, V3A, V3B, V2, V4SUBV DD a V DD b V DD c V DD d V i +V i –V i +V i –V IH1V IL1V IH2V IL2V IH3V IL3V OH1V OL1V OH2V OL2V OH3V OL3V OH5V OL5V OH6V OL6V OH7V OL7I OL I OM1I OM2I OH I OSL I OSH3. DD d 0.8V DD d0.7V DD d0.7V DD d0.8V DD dV DD d – 0.8V DD b – 0.8V DD a – 0.8V DD d – 0.8V DD d – 0.8V DD d – 0.810. DD d0.2V DD d0.2V DD d0.3V DD d0.2V DD d–5.0–7.2–4.0V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V mA mA mA mA mA mAFeed current where I OH = –1.2mA Pull-in current where I OL = 2.4mAFeed current where I OH = –22.0mA Pull-in current where I OL = 14.4mAFeed current where I OH = –3.3mA Pull-in current where I OL = 2.4mA Feed current where I OH = –6.9mA Pull-in current where I OL = 4.8mA Feed current where I OH = –3.3mA Pull-in current where I OL = 2.4mA Feed current where I OH = –2.4mA Pull-in current where I OL = 4.8mA V1A/B, V2, V3A/B, V4 = –8.25V V1A/B, V2, V3A/B, V4 = –0.25V V1A/B, V3A/B = 0.25V V1A/B, V3A/B = 14.75V SUB = –8.25V SUB = 14.75VSupply voltage 1Supply voltage 2Supply voltage 3Supply voltage 4Inputvoltage 1∗1Inputvoltage 2∗2Inputvoltage 3∗3Inputvoltage 4∗4Input/output voltage Output voltage 1Output voltage 2Output voltage 3Output voltage 4Output voltage 5Output voltage 6Output current 1Output current 2Item Pins Symbol ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit ∗1This input pin is a schmitt trigger input and it does not have protective diode of the power supply side in the IC.∗2These input pins are schmitt trigger inputs.∗3These input pins are with pull-down resistor in the IC.∗4These input pins are with pull-down resistor in the IC and they do not have protective diode of the power supply side in the IC.Note)The above table indicates the condition for 3.3V drive.V OH4Feed current where I OH = –3.3mA V DD c – 0.8VV OL4Pull-in current where I OL = 2.4mA 0.4VInverter I/O Characteristics for Oscillation(Within the recommended operating conditions)Item Logical Vth Input voltageOutput voltage Feedback resistor Oscillation frequencyPinsOSCIOSCIOSCOOSCI, OSCOOSCI, OSCOSymbolLVthV IHV ILV OHV OLRFBfConditionsFeed current where I OH= –3.6mAPull-in current where I OL= 2.4mAV IN= V DD d or V SSMin.0.7V DD dV DD d –0.8500k20Typ.V DD d/22MMax.0.3V DD d0.45M50UnitVVVVVΩMHzItem Logical Vth Input voltage Input amplitudePinsCKISymbolLVthV IHV ILV INConditionsfmax 50MHz sine waveMin.0.7V DD d0.3Typ.V DD d/2Max.0.3V DD dUnitVVVVp-pItem Rise timeFall timeOutput noise voltage SymbolTTLMTTMHTTLHTTMLTTHMTTHLVCLHVCLLVCMHVCMLConditionsVL to VMVM to VHVL to VHVM to VLVH to VMVH to VLMin.2002003020020030Typ.3503506035035060Max.50050090500500901. Input Characteristics for Base Oscillation Clock Duty Adjustment(Within the recommended operating conditions) Note)Input voltage is the input voltage characteristics for direct input from an external source. Input amplitudeis the input amplitude characteristics in the case of input through a capacitor.Switching Characteristics(VH = 15.0V, VM = GND, VL = –7.5V) Notes)1.The MOS structure of this IC has a low tolerance for static electricity, so full care should be given formeasures to prevent electrostatic discharge.2.For noise and latch-up countermeasures, be sure to connect a by-pass capacitor (0.1µF or more) betweeneach power supply pin (VH, VL) and GND.3.To protect the CCD image sensor, clamp the SUB pin output at VH before input to the CCD image sensor.– 8–Switching WaveformsV2 (V4)SUBWaveform Noise– 9–– 10–M e a s u r eC 1 3300p F C 2 560p F C 3 820p F C 4 30p F C 5 215p F C 6 10p FR 1 30ΩR 2 10ΩAC CharacteristicsAC characteristics between the serial interface clocksSSI1SCK1SEN1SEN1Symbol t s1t h1t s2t s3DefinitionSSI1 setup time, activated by the rising edge of SCK1SSI1 hold time, activated by the rising edge of SCK1SCK1 setup time, activated by the rising edge of SEN1SEN1 setup time, activated by the rising edge of SCK1Min.Typ.Max.20202020UnitnsnsnsnsSerial interface clock internal loading characteristics (1)(Within the recommended operating conditions) V1AVDHDHDV1ASEN1Symbol t s1t h1DefinitionSEN1 setup time, activated by the falling edge of HDSEN1 hold time, activated by the falling edge of HDMin.Typ.Max.102Unitnsµs∗Be sure to maintain a constantly high SEN1 logic level near the falling edge of the HD in the horizontal period during which V1A/B and V3A/B values take the ternary value and during that horizontal period.(Within the recommended operating conditions)– 11–– 12–Serial interface clock output variation characteristicsNormally, the serial interface data is loaded to the CXD3406GA at the timing shown in "Serial interface clock internal loading characteristics (1)" above. However, one exception to this is when the data such as STB is loaded to the CXD3406GA and controlled at the rising edge of SEN1. See "Description of Operation".SEN1Output signalSymboltpdPULSE DefinitionOutput signal delay, activated by the rising edge of SEN1Min.Typ.Max.1005Unit ns(Within the recommended operating conditions)Serial interface clock internal loading characteristics (2)VD HDVD HDSEN1Symbolt s1t h1DefinitionSEN1 setup time, activated by the falling edge of VD SEN1 hold time, activated by the falling edge of VDMin.Typ.Max.0200Unit ns ns∗Be sure to maintain a constantly high SEN1 logic level near the falling edge of VD.(Within the recommended operating conditions)RSTVD, HD MCKORST loading characteristicsSymbol t w1DefinitionRST pulse widthMin.Typ.Max.35Unitns(Within the recommended operating conditions)VD and HD loading characteristicsSymbol t s1t h1DefinitionVD and HD setup time, activated by the rising edge of MCKOVD and HD hold time, activated by the rising edge of MCKOMin.Typ.Max.205UnitnsnsMCKO load capacitance = 10pF(Within the recommended operating conditions)MCKOWEN, IDWEN and ID load capacitance = 10pF(Within the recommended operating conditions)Symbol tpd1DefinitionTime until the above outputs change after the rise of MCKOMin.Typ.Max.6020UnitnsOutput variation characteristics– 13–CCD Signal Processor Block Electrical CharacteristicsDC Characteristics(Fc = 18MSPS, DV DD1, 2= AV DD1, 2, 3, 4, 5= 3.3V, Ta = 25°C)Item Supply voltage 1 Supply voltage 2Supply voltage 3Analog input capacitance Input voltage A/D clock duty Output voltagePinsDV DD1DV DD2AV DD1,AV DD2,AV DD3,AV DD4,AV DD5CCDINSCK2, SSI2,SEN2, TEST3,TEST4, XSHDI,XSHPI, ADCLKI,CLPOBI,CLPDMI, PBLKIADCLKID0 to D9SymbolV DD eV DD fV DD gC INV I +V I –V OHV OLConditionsFeed current where I OH= –2.0mAPull-in current where I OL= 2.0mAMin. DD e –0.9Typ. Characteristics(Fc = 18MSPS, DV DD1, 2= AV DD1, 2, 3, 4, 5= 3.3V, Ta = 25°C)ItemCCDIN input voltage amplitude PGA maximum gainPGA minimum gainADC resolutionADC maximum conversion rate ADC integral non-linearity error ADC differential non-linearity errorSignal-to-noise ratioCCDIN input voltage clamp level CCD optical black signal clamp level SymbolV INGmaxGminFc maxE LE DSNR∗1CLPOBConditionsPGA gain = 0dB, output full scalePGA gain setting data = "3FFh"PGA gain setting data = "000h"PGA gain = 0dBPGA gain = 0dBCCDIN input connected to GNDvia a coupling capacitorPGA gain = 0dBOBLVL = "8h"PGA gain = 0dBMin.90018Typ.42–610±1.0±0.5621.532Max.1100±5.0±1.0UnitmVdBdBbitMHzLSBLSBdBVLSB∗1SNR = 20 log (full-scale voltage/rms noise)– 14–AC CharacteristicsAC characteristics between the serial interface clocks SSI2SCK2SEN2SEN2Symbol t p1t s1t h1t s2t s3DefinitionSCK2 clock periodSSI2 setup time, activated by the rise of SCK2SSI2 hold time, activated by the rise of SCK2SCK2 setup time, activated by the rise of SEN2SEN2 setup time, activated by the rise of SCK2Min.Typ.Max.10030303030Unitnsnsnsnsns(Fc = 18MSPS, DV DD1, 2= AV DD1, 2, 3, 4, 5= 3.3V, Ta = 25°C)∗The setting values are reflected to the operation 5 or 6 ADCLKI clocks after the serial data is loaded at the rise of SEN2.– 15–– 16–CDS/ADC Timing ChartCCDINXSHPIXSHDIADCLKID0 to D9Symbolt w1DLDefinitionADCLKI clock period ADCLKI clock dutyData latencyMin.Typ.Max.50954Unit ns %clocks(Fc = 18MSPS, DV DD1, 2= AV DD1, 2, 3, 4, 5= 3.3V, Ta = 25°C)∗Set the input pulse polarity setting data D13, D14 and D15 of the serial interface data to "0".Preblanking Timing ChartPBLKIADCLKID0 to D9Description of OperationPulses output from the CXD3406GA's timing generator block are controlled mainly by the RST pin and by the serial interface data. The Pin Status Table is shown below, and the details of serial interface control are described on page 19 and thereafter.Pin Status TablePinNo.A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2NCNCSCK2SSI2TEST3AV SS4C8AV SS6AV DD5D2D1D0SEN2TEST5AV DD4C7AV DD3AV SS3D5D4D3TEST4AV SS5C9C3C4CCDIND8D7—————————————————————————————D3D7D8D9E1E2E3E7E8E9F1F2F3F7F8F9G1G2G3G7G8G9H1H2H3H7H8H9J1D6C1C2AV SS1D9DV DD1DV SS1AV SS2AV DD2AV DD1DV SS2DV SS3DV DD2PBLKIXSHDIXSHPIADCLKICLPOBICLPDMIPBLKXSHDXSHPADCLKCLPOBCLPDMXRSV DD4V DD3CKI———————————————————ACT L L HACT L L ACTACT L L ACTACT L L ACTACT L L HACT L L HACT L L ACT——ACT ACT ACT ACT SymbolPinNo.Symbol CAM SLP RSTSTB CAM SLP RSTSTB– 17–– 18–∗1It is for output. For input, all items are "ACT".Note)ACT means that the circuit is operating, and DIS means that loading is stopped.L indicates a low output level, and H a high output level in the controlled status.Also, VH, VM and VL indicate the voltage levels applied to VH (Pin M5), VM (Pin L4) and VL (Pin M6),respectively, in the controlled status.PinNo.J2J3J7J8J9K1K2K3K7K8K9L1L2L3L4L5L6L7L8CKO V SS5V SS3H1H2OSCO MCKO V DD5V DD2RG V SS2OSCI SSI1V SS4VM V1A V3A V SS1SSGSL ACTACTLACT——ACT L L ACT ACT L L ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACTACTLACT——ACT LL ACT —ACT ACT ACT ACT ACTACTACTDIS——ACT VH VH VM ACTVHVHVL—ACT ACT ACT ACT L9M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9N1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8N9V DD1SCK1VD ∗1TEST1V2VH VL TEST2RST WEN SEN1HD ∗1V SS6V4V1B V3B SUB SNCSL ID—ACT ACT ACT DIS ACTLLH—ACT VMVM VM———ACT ACT ACT L ACT L L L ACT ACT ACT DIS ACTLLH—ACT VM VM VL ACT VH VH VM ACT VH VH VL ACT VH VH VL ACT ACT ACT ACT ACTLLLSymbol PinNo.Symbol CAM SLP RST STB CAM SLPRSTSTB– 19–Timing Generator Block Serial Interface ControlThe CXD3406GA's timing generator block basically loads and reflects the timing generator block serial interface data sent in the following format in the readout portion at the falling edge of HD. Here, readout portion specifies the horizontal period during which V1A/B and V3A/B, etc. take the ternary value.Note that some items reflect the timing generator block serial interface data at the falling edge of VD or the rising edge of SEN1.SSI1SCK1SEN1There are two categories of timing generator block serial interface data: CXD3406GA timing generator block drive control data (hereafter "control data") and electronic shutter data (hereafter "shutter data").The details of each data are described below.Control DataData D00 to D07D08 to D09D10 to D12 D13 to D14 D15D16 to D23 D24 to D33 D34D35D36 to D37 D38 to D39 D40 to D47SymbolCHIPCTGMODESMDPTSGCDAT———LDADSTB—FunctionChip enableCategory switchingDrive mode switchingElectronic shutter mode switchingInternal SSG output pattern switchingAF drive control data———ADCLK logic phase switchingStandby control—Data = 0Data = 110000001 →EnabledOther values →DisabledSee D08 to D09 CTG.See D10 to D12 MODE.See D13 to D14 SMD.NTSC equivalent PAL equivalentSee D16 to D23 CDAT.——————See D36 to D37 LDAD.See D38 to D39 STB.——RSTAllAllAllAllAllAll1AllAll1– 20–Shutter DataData D00 to D07D08 to D09D10 to D19 D20 to D31 D32 to D41D42 to D47SymbolCHIPCTGSVDSHDSPL—FunctionChip enableCategory switchingElectronic shutter vertical periodspecificationElectronic shutter horizontal periodspecificationHigh-speed shutter positionspecification—Data = 0Data = 110000001 →EnabledOther values →DisabledSee D08 to D09 CTG.See D10 to D19 SVD.See D20 to D31 SHD.See D32 to D41 SPL.——RSTAllAllAllAllAllAll– 21–– 22–Detailed Description of Each DataShared data: D08 to D09 CTG [Category]Of the data provided to the CXD3406GA by the timing generator block serial interface, the CXD3406GA loads D10 and subsequent data to each data register as shown in the table below according to the combination of D08 and D09 .D09001D0801XDescription of operationLoading to control data register Loading to shutter data register Test modeD1*******D1*******D100101X XDescription of operationDraft mode (sextuple speed: default)Frame mode (A field readout)Frame mode (B Field readout)Frame mode AF1 mode AF2 modeNote that the CXD3406GA can apply these categories consecutively within the same vertical period. However,care should be taken as the data is overwritten if the same category is applied.Control data: D10 to D12 MODE [Drive mode]The CXD3406GA timing generator block drive mode can be switched as follows. However, the drive mode bits are loaded to the CXD3406GA and reflected at the falling edge of VD.Control data: D15 PTSG [Internal SSG output pattern]The CXD3406GA internal SSG output pattern can be switched as follows. However, the drive mode bits are loaded to the CXD3406GA and reflected at the falling edge of VD.D1501Description of operation NTSC equivalent pattern PAL equivalent patternThe VD period in each pattern is defined as follows for each drive mode.∗1Only 944H and 945H are 1208ck period.See the Timing Charts for the actual operation.NTSC equivalent pattern PAL equivalent patternFrame mode918H + 1716ck945H ∗1Draft mode 262H + 1144ck 314H + 1568ckAF1 mode 131H + 572ck 157H + 784ckAF2 mode 65H + 1430ck 78H + 1536ck– 23–Control data: D36 to D37 LDAD [ADCLK logic phase]This indicates the ADCLK logic phase adjustment data. The default is 90°relative to MCKO.Control data: D38 to D39 STB [Standby]The operating mode of the timing generator block is switched as follows. However, the standby bits are loaded to the CXD3406GA and control is applied immediately at the rising edge of SEN1.D370011D360101Degree of adjustment (°)090180270D39X 01D38011Symbol CAM SLP STBOperating mode Normal operating mode Sleep mode Standby modeSee the Pin Status Table for the pin status in each mode.– 24–The frame shift data is expressed as shown in the table below using D16 to D23 CDAT.MSB LSB D23D22D21D20D19D18D17D16011↓61001↓9CDAT is expressed as 69h .Its definition area is specified as follows.AF1 mode: 00h ≤CDAT ≤FFh (11 to 23H)AF2 mode: 00h ≤CDAT≤FFh (14 to 27H)Control data: [AF drive]The CXD3406GA controls the drive of the vertical cut-out area of the line in AF1/AF2 mode by using control data D16 to D23 CDAT. This mode has a function on purpose to raise frame rate for auto focus (AF), andcannot support operation such as electrical image stabilization.The AF drive bits are loaded to the CXD3406GA and reflected at the falling edge of VD. As shown in the figure below, first, the fixed stage is swept at high speed, and it goes to readout period and vertical OB period. Then normal transfer is performed equivalent to draft mode from the frame shift to the stage specified by the serial interface data to the timing of the falling edge of the next VD.Therefore, the number of frame shift stages applied to CDAT and the control by VD period are conditions for its application.VDV1A VckThe number of high-speed sweep are different according to the selected mode. They are specified as follows.AF1 mode: 138 stages (0 to 7H)AF2 mode: 208 stages (0 to 11H)– 25–Control data/shutter data: [Electronic shutter]The CXD3406GA realizes various electronic shutter functions by using control data D13 to D14 SMD and shutter data D10 to D19 SVD, D20 to D31 SHD and D32 to D41 SPL.These functions are described in detail below.First, the various modes are shown below.These modes are switched using control data D13 to D14 SMD.D140011D130101Description of operationElectronic shutter stopped mode High-speed/low-speed shutter mode HTSG control modeThe electronic shutter data is expressed as shown in the table below using D20 to D31 SHD as an example.However, MSB (D31) is a reserve bit for the future specification, and it is handled as a dummy on this IC.MSB LSB D29D28D31D30D27D26D25D24D23D22D21D20110↓C X001↓10011↓3SHD is expressed as 1C3h .[Electronic shutter stopped mode]During this mode, all shutter data items are invalid.SUB is not output in this mode, so the shutter speed is the accumulation time for one field.[High-speed/low-speed shutter mode]During this mode, the shutter data items have the following meanings.The period during which SVD and SHD are specified together is the shutter speed. Concretely, when specifying high-speed shutter, SVD is set to "000h". (See the figure.) During low-speed shutter, or in other words when SVD is set to "001h" or higher, the serial interface data is not loaded until this period is finished.The vertical period indicated here corresponds to one field in each drive mode. In addition, the number of horizontal periods applied to SHD can be considered as (number of SUB pulses – 1). However, in the frame mode A field, it matches (number of SUB pulses + 1). This is a specification for flickerless when the same mode is repeated. But this change may not occur because of flickerless depending on the conditions during low-speed shutter.Note)The bit data definition area is assured in terms of the CXD3406GA functions, and does not assure theCCD characteristics.Symbol SVD SHD SPLData D10 to D19D20 to D31D32 to D41DescriptionNumber of vertical periods specification (000h ≤SVD ≤3FFh)Number of horizontal periods specification (000h ≤SHD ≤7FFh)Vertical period specification for high-speed shutter operation (000h ≤SPL ≤3FFh)。

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Rev. 1.2 March 11, 2002
n Surface Mountable by I.R. Reflow Solder.
n Small Size Flat Ceramic Package : 7.6 x 12.7 x 3 mm.
n Optical Output Power : Pf = 0.2 mW.
n Central Wavelength : λc = 1310 nm.
n Wide Operating Temperature Range : − 40 to + 85°C.
n Internal InGaAs Monitor PD.
n Detachable Pigtail Interface.
n Subscriber loop
n Telecommunications
n Data Communications
n Local Area Networks
V alues
Parameter Symbol Unit
Min. Typ. Max.
Notes Fiber Output Power Pf mW −0.4 −
Laser Reverse V oltage V R(LD) V − 2.0 −
Monitor Forward Current I F(PD) mA − 2.0 −
Monitor Reverse V oltage V R(PD) V −20 −
Operating Temperature Top °C − 40 −+ 85
Storage Temperature Tstg °C − 40 −+ 85
Lead Soldering Temperature Tsol °C −+230(30sec)−reflow soldering FEATURES
(Ta=+25°C,unless noted) APPLICATIONS
1310nm SMT-LD Module (0.2mW)
Sales Department, Fiber Optic Devices Division Optical Network Operations Unit, NEC Networks NEC Corporation
1753 Shimonumabe,Nakahara-ku,Kawasaki,Kanagawa 211-8666,Japan Tel:+81-44-435-5412 Fax:+81-44-435-5109
Copyright © 2002 NEC Corporation
NEC Electronics (Europe) GmbH
Sales and marketing of semiconductors across Europe Oberratherstr. 4, 40472 Dusseldorf, Germany Tel:+49-211-6503-979 FAX:+49-211-6503-358
NEC FiberOptech, Inc.
10050 North Wolfe Road, Suite SW1-290 Cupertino, CA 95014,USA Tel: +1-408-863-2000 Fax: +1-408-863-2019
V alues Parameter
Symbol Conditions
Unit Min. Typ Min. Optical Output Power from Fiber Pigtail End P f CW, Tc= − 40 to +85°C mW 0.2 − −
mA 3 8 15 Threshold Current I th Tc= − 40 to +85°C mA 1 − 40
mA 5 13 20 Modulation Current I mod Tc= − 40 to +85°C mA 4 − 40 Threshold Output Power P th CW, IF=Ith** µW − − 8 Forward V oltage V op CW, Pf=0.2mW V − 1.2 1.5
mW/mA 0.010 0.015 0.040 Slope Efficiency S e Tc= − 40 to +85°C
mW/mA 0.005 - 0.050 CW, Pf=0.2mW ,RMS(−20dB) nm 1290 1310 1330 Central W avelength λc Tc= − 40 to +85°C nm 1260 − 1360 Temperature Dependency of Central W avelength ∆λ/∆T Tc= − 40 to +85°C
nm/°C − 0.4 0.5 CW, Pf=0.2mW ,RMS (−20dB) nm − 1 2.5 Spectral Width σ Tc= − 40 to +85°C nm − − 4 Cut-off Frequency f c -3dB
GHz − 2.0 − Rise Time t r Ib=Ith, 10−90% ns − 0.2 0.5 Fall Time
t f Ib=Ith, 90−10%
ns − 0.3 0.5 Monitor Current (PD) I m CW, Pf=0.2mW , VR=5V µA 200 700 1600 Dark Current (PD) I D VR=5V
µA − 0.001 0.1 Capacitance (PD) C t VR=5V , f=1MHz
pF − 6 20 Tracking Error***
E r
Im=const, Tc= − 40 to +85°C
* Connected with single mode fiber pigtail (OD-S524 Series) *** ** IF: Forward Current of LD
DIMENSIONS (Unit:mm) OPTICAL / ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
max C)
7.62 ± 0.2
12.7 ± 0.2
7.62 ± 0.13 1.27。
