关于〈After Dark〉的可能性




One day, he came up with an idea that ______he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. He did so the next day. after He was very tired ______doing this for a whole day, ______he felt very happy but since the crop did “grow” higher
When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward for the old woman______the trouble I had her caused______.
Being too anxious to help an event develop results often _______(result) in the contrary to our intention.
He saw a lot of people waiting ____ (wait) in the station. Some were standing in line, others__ ______ were walking ( walk) around.
(win) its freedom from England …
the__________ economy ,…
(develop) of
cultivate compete permit digest settle develop forgive appear arrive



each'eagerearearlyeamearth earthquake eastEaster eastemeasyeat (ate, eaten) ecology economy edgeedition editor educate education'effectefforteighteitherelderelectelectric electrical electricity electronic elegant elephant elevenelse embarrass embassy emergency emperor emphasize employemptyencourageend 'endingenemyenergeticeneryengneengineerEnglandEnglishEnglishman ( p/. Englishmen) enjoyenjoyableenlargeenoughenterenterpriseentertainmententhusiasticentireentranceentryenvelopeenvironmentenvyequalequalityequipequipmenterasereruptescapeespeciallyessayessentialestablishEuropeEuropeanevaluateeveevenevening .eventeverevreryeverybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolutionexact examination (exam.) examineexampleexcellentexceptexchangeexciteexcifingexcuseexercise exhibition .existexistenceexitexpandexpect expectation expense , expensive experience experiment explain explanation explode .exploitexploreexportexposeexpress , . expression extensionextra extraordinaryextremelyeyeeyesight' Ffacefacialfactfactoryfade .failfailurefairfairly -faithfallfall (fell, fallen)falsefamiliarfamilyfamousfan . fancyfantasticfantasyfar ( farther/furt.her, farthest/) furthest)farefarmerfartherfastfastenfatfather .faultfavour/favorfavourite/favorttefaxfearfeastfeatherfeatureFebruaryfederalfeed (fed, fed)feel (felt, felt) ’feeling . fellowfemalefencefestivalfetchfeverfewfiction .fieldfiercefifteenfifthfiftyfight (fought, fought) figurefilefillfilmfinalfinancefind (found, found) finefingerfinishfirefireworksfishfistfitfivefixflagflame ! .flatflee (fled, fled) fleshflexibleflightfloatfloodflowflowerfluencyfluentflyfly (flew, flown)focusfogfoggyfoldfolkfollow 'fondfoodfoolfoolishfoot(p/. feet)footballfor .forbid (forbade/forbad, forbidden/forbid)forceforecastforehead 'foreign -foreignerforestforget ( forgot, forgotten) forgive (forgave, forgiven) forkformformerfortnightfortunatefortunefortyforwardfoundfountainfourfourthfoxfragileframeworkFrancefreefreedomfreeze (froze, frozen) French 'Frenchman(p/. Frenchmen) frequentfreshFridayfridge (refrigerator) friendfriendlyfriendshipfrightenfrogfromfrontfrontifrostfruitfryfuelfullfunfunctionfundamentalfuneralfunnyfurfurniturefurtherfuturegaingaUerygallongamegaragegarbagegardengarmentGgasgategathergeneralgenerationgenerousgentlegentleman(p/. gentlemen) geographyGermanGermanygestureget ( got, got)giftgiraffegirlgive ( gave, gj\ren) gladglanceglareglassglobegloryglovegluego ( went, gone)goalgoatgodgoldgoldengolfgood ( better, best) goodbyegoodsgoose(p/. geese)governgovernmentgrade .gradualgradually .graduategraduationgrain .gramgrandgrannygrapegraph .graspgrassgratefulgravitygreedyGreekgreengreetgreeting ' '. . grey/graygrocerygroundgroupgrow ( grew, grown) . . .guaranteeguardguessguestguidanceguideguiltyguitargunguygymgymnasticshabithaircuthalfhallhamhamburgerhammerhandhandbaghandfulhandkerchief "handlehandsomehang ( hung/hanged, hung/hanged) happenhappinesshappyharbour/harbor .hardhardlyhardsluphardworkingharm .hanufulharmonyharvesthathatehave (had, had) .headheadacheheadlineheadmasterhealthhealthyhear (heard, heard)heartheatheavenheavyheelheighthelicopterhellohelmethelp .helpfulherherbhereherohersherselfhesitatehihide (hid, hidden/hid)himhimselfhirehishistoryhit (hit, hit) . hobbyhold (held, held) holeholidayholyhomehomeland . hometown homeworkhonesthoneyhonour/honorhopehopefulhopelesshorsehospitalhost 'hothotelhourhousehousewife houseworkhowhoweverhowlhughugehuman "' . .humour/humor humourous/humorous hundredhungerhungryhunthurricanehurt ( hurt, hurt) husbandIiceice-creamidea identification identityidiomifignoreillillegalillness imagine immediate immediately immigration import importance important impossible impress impression improveininchincident include mcome increase indeed independence independent IndiaIndian indicate industryinfer influence inform information injureink innocent insect insert inside insist inspect inspire instant instead institute institution instruction instrument msure intelligenc intend intention interest interesting intemational Internet . . interpreter interrupt interval interview I into introduce introduction invent invention invitation invite involve ironislandititsitself jacketjam January JapanjarjazzjeansjetjewelleryjobjoinjokejournalistjourneyjoyjudgejudgmentjuiceJulyjumpJunejunglejuniorjustjusticeKkeep ( kept, kept) keykeyboard . kickkidkillkilogram kilometre/kilometer kindkindergarten kindnesskingkingdomkisskitchenkitekneeknife(p/. knives) knockknow (knew, known) knowledgelab (laboratory)labour/laborlackladderladylakelamblamplandlanguage .laplarge .lastlatelatelylater . .latterlaughlaughterlaundrylawlawyerlay (laid: laid)lazylead (led, led)leaderleaf(p/. leaves)leagueleakleam (learnt/leamed, learnt/learned)least . ': leatherleave (left, left)lectureleftleglegallemonade . ',lend (lent, lent)lengthlesslessonletterlevelliberate .liberationlibert,ylibrarianlibrarylicencejlicenselidlielie (lay, lain)life(p/. lives)lifetimeliftlight (lit/lighted, lit/lighted) lightninglikelikelylimit .linelinklion :lip 'liquidlist : . .listenliteraryliteraturelitre/literlitterlittle 'livelivelyload .loaflocallock 'lonelylonglooklooselorry 'lose (lost, lost)lotloudlove :lovelylowluck 'luggagelunchlungMmachinemadmadam/madame magazinemagicmaidmailmailboxmainmajormajoritymake (made,malemade)man(pl. men) managemanagermankindmannermany ( more, most) mapmarathonMarchmarchmarkmarketmamagemarryMarxism ; , maskmassmastermatchmathematics (math/maths) mattermaturemaximumMaymaymaybememealmean ( meant, meant) : meamngmeansmeanwhilemeasuremeatmedalmediamedicalmedicinemediummeet ( met,met)meetingmembermemorialmemor)rmend ,mentalmentionmenumerchantmercymerelymerrymessmessage ,metalmethod 'metre/metermiddlemidnightmightmild .milemilkmillionmillionairemindmineminemineralministetministryminorityminusminutemirrorMissmissmissilemistmistake ( mistook, mistaken.) mistakenmisunderstand (misunderstood, misunderstood) .mixmixturemodelmodemmodestmomentMondaymoneymonitor ,monkeymonthmonumentmood 'moonmoralmore.moming ,mosquitomostmothermotivation motor motorcycle motto mountain mountainous mouse(p/. mice) moustache mouthmove movement Mr.Mrs.Ms/Ms.muchmudmurder museum mushroom music musical musicianmustmuttonmymyselfnailnamenarrownation national nationality nationwide native. natural': nature navy: near' nearbynearly: neatNnecessaryneckneedneedlenegotiateneighbour/neighbor ::: , . neighbourhood/neighborhoodneithernephew-.., nervousnestnetnetwork ,nevernewnewsnewspapernextmceniece ,nightnineninetyninthnonoblenobodynodnoisenoisynonenoodlenoonnornormal 'northnorthern. . nose. not 'notenotebooknothingnoticenounnovelistnow nowadays nowhere nuclear numb number nurse nurserynut . nutritionO. K. / okay o ' clock obeyobject observe obtain obvious . occupation occupy occurocean . Octoberofoffofferofficeofficer officialoftenoilOold Olympic ( s) ononceoneoneself omononlyontoopen . opening operaoperationoperatoropinion .opposeoppositeoptimisticororalorangeorderordinaryorganorganisation/organizationorganise/organizeoriginother .otherwise : T oughtouroursourselvesoutoutcomeoutdoorsouteroutgoingoutlineoutputoutsideoutstandingoverovercoatovercomeoverlookoweown .ownerownership '.ox(p/. oxen)oxygenpacePacificpackpacketpagepainpainfulpaintpainterpaintingpairpalacepalepanpandapanicpaperparagraphparallelparcelpardonparentPParisparkparkingparrotpartparticipateparticularpartly .partnerpart-timepartypasspassagepassengerpasser-by(p/. passers-by) passionpassive 'passportpastpathpatiencepatientpattempavementpay ( paid, paid)peapeacepeacefulpeach apearpeasantpenpencilpennypension .peoplepepperperpercentpercentageper~ect 'performperformanceperfumeperhapsperiodpermanentpermissionpermitpersonpersonalpersonallypersonnelpersuadepetpetrolphenomenon(p/. phenomena) phone (telephone)photo (photograph) :' physicalphysicianphysicspianistpianopickpicnic (picnicked) :,piepiecepigpile . . : pillpillowpilotpinpineapplepinkpioneerpipepityplaceplain. planplane (aeroplane) planetplant 'plasticplate.platformplay ,playerplaygroundpleasantpleasepleasedpleasureplentyplotplugpluspocketpoempoet 'point .poisonpolepolicepolicypolitepoliticalpolitics Fpollute ,/ipol ution :" pon FDool /poorpopularpopulationporkportporterposition . . :positivepossesspossessionpossibilitypossiblepossiblypost . 'postage .postcardpostman(p/. postmen) postponepotpotatopotentialpound .pourpowderpowerpowerfulpracticalpractise/practicepraise .prayprayer 'preciousprecisepredictpreferpreferencepregnantprejudicepreparation prepare prescription present presentation preserve presidentpresspressurepretendprettypreventpreviewpreviouspriceprideprimaryprimitiveprincipleprintprisonprisonerprivateprivilegeprizeprobablyproblem procedureprocessproduceproduct production profession professorprofit programme/program progressprohibitprojectpromise. promote: pronounce pronunciation。



水之旋律2绯之记忆2017.10.22序章:共通攻略()部分是開啟八咫才會有的選項一謡路線9/1跟京哥攀談這隻手怎麼了?9/2你說監視白石學姐…我才不會交給你(不要把我的父母說成笨蛋)9/3說人家是笨蛋的人,自己才是笨蛋!我是有找到啦?想要自己留著9/4※帶他認識這個鎮上/去玩吧選哪個都OK你,是一謠的人嗎?我會去看看(希望你快點康復)9/5 (附近有烏鴉!)為什麼都是我…不知道是不是真的能稍微了解一點狀況…9/6 當然,我也要跟去!你認為,那個怪物到底是什麼?九艘路線9/1跟京哥攀談哇,奇怪的人…9/2 一謡是什麼阿?我才不會交給你(不要把我的父母說成笨蛋)9/3 是牠突然攻擊我的耶!…不知道想要自己留著9/4 ※帶他認識這個鎮上/去玩吧選哪個都OK必須矇混過去才行!我會去看看(希望你快點康復)9/5 (附近有烏鴉!)要是知道些什麼的話…不知道是不是真的能稍微了解一點狀況…9/6 該去哪裡好呢?你認為,那個怪物到底是什麼?八咫路線9/1跟京哥攀談這隻手怎麼了?9/2 你說監視白石學姐…我才不會交給你你知道有關於我父母的事嗎?9/3 說人家是笨蛋的人,自己才是笨蛋!我是有找到啦?想要自己留著9/4 ※帶他認識這個鎮上/去玩吧選哪個都OK你,是一謠的人嗎?我會去看看(你那個針是非打不可的嗎?)9/5 (附近有人!)為什麼都是我…不知道是不是真的能稍微了解一點狀況…9/6 可以明天在去嗎?战斗连携技+一般结结局连携技除了最初可使用的以外,其余的都需要满足某些条件后才可使用。

8/31序幕9/1 奇怪的一天默默地看着哇,这奇怪的人……黑暗中蠢蠢欲动的身影9/2 乌鸦的袭击说我监视白石前辈……那种刀,我才不要呢不要参与9/3 遭遇说人家是笨蛋的人,自己才是笨蛋!……不知道想自己留着觉醒度UP无法遵守的约定save-Normal end9/4 尚和町的休息日带他认识这个镇上必须蒙混过去才行!大概,不会去save-Normal end花坛的秘密CG9/4 与桐原老师的邂逅BE1-什么都不知道在上面BE的save处读档9/4 尚和町的假日我会去看看觉醒度UP花坛的秘密9/5 与桐原老师的邂逅为什么是我……真是提不起劲啊……9/6 正中仁美的下怀normal end正中仁美的下怀 CG八咫路线开放后,好春的true end路线中发生事件。



<我的三体>片尾曲黑暗森林中英相应:潜行步伐小心翼翼Tread carefully不留游走痕迹Leaving no trace of wandering如同一簇幽灵呼吸躲避却观察着It's like a group of ghosts breathing, hiding and watching猎人猎物同体Homomorph of Hunter's prey异类即是仇敌The alien is the enemy毁灭作为赞礼无上肯定Destruction as a compliment啊,看那Ah, look at that.傻孩子燃起了火堆Silly child set fire to the fire.啊,看那Ah, look at that.傻孩子笑着挥手说The silly child said with a smile and a wave我在这里I am here我真诚地呼喊I cried out sincerely我在这里I am here这空荡的宇宙This empty universe谁睁开眼看见我Who can see me?我在这里I am here我在这里I am here所谓道德加上伦理So called morality plus ethics抱歉只能律己I'm sorry, but I can't help myself究竟何为文明举枪攻击替代爱意What on earth is the substitution of love for civilized gun attack? 倒地是我是你It's me. It's you无人能够看清No one can see时光安静相陪冷酷无情Time is quiet and ruthless啊看那Ah, look at that.无尽循环的猜疑链Endless chain of suspicion啊看那Ah, look at that.毫不犹疑开启杀戮Don't hesitate to start killing.黑暗森林Dark forest这永恒的真理This eternal truth黑暗森林Dark forest没有光能降临No light拥抱所有的生命Embrace all life黑暗森林Dark forest黑暗森林Dark forest这永恒的真理This eternal truth黑暗森林Dark forest没有光能降临No light拥抱所有的生命Embrace all life黑暗森林Dark forest我在这里I am here潜行步伐小心翼翼Tread carefully不留游走痕迹Leaving no trace of wandering如同一簇幽灵呼吸躲避却观察着It's like a group of ghosts breathing, hiding and watching 猎人猎物同体Homomorph of Hunter's prey异类即是仇敌The alien is the enemy毁灭作为赞礼无上肯定Destruction as a compliment啊,看那Ah, look at that.傻孩子燃起了火堆Silly child set fire to the fire啊,看那Ah, look at that.傻孩子笑着挥手说The silly child said with a smile and a wave我在这里I am here我真诚地呼喊I cried out sincerely我在这里I am here这空荡的宇宙This empty universe谁睁开眼看见我Who can see me?我在这里I am here我在这里I am here所谓道德加上伦理So called morality plus ethics抱歉只能律己I'm sorry, but I can't help myself究竟何为文明举枪攻击替代爱意What on earth is the substitution of love for civilized gun attack? 倒地是我是你It's me. It's you无人能够看清No one can see时光安静相陪冷酷无情Time is quiet and ruthless啊看那Ah, look at that.无尽循环的猜疑链Endless chain of suspicion啊看那Ah, look at that.毫不犹疑开启杀戮Don't hesitate to start killing黑暗森林Dark forest这永恒的真理This eternal truth黑暗森林Dark forest没有光能降临No light拥抱所有的生命Embrace all life黑暗森林Dark forest黑暗森林Dark forest这永恒的真理This eternal truth黑暗森林Dark forest没有光能降临No light拥抱所有的生命Embrace all life黑暗森林Dark forest我在这里I am here解析:“潜行步伐小心翼翼,不留游走痕迹,如同一簇幽灵呼吸躲避,却观察着”这两句写的是单凭四个就锁死了地球的基础物理学,潜伏在地球数百年的智子,但人类始终无法找到它们。



《死亡诗社》(又译《春风化雨》)导演:Peter Weir(彼得·威尔)时间:1989 类型:剧情(Drama)主演:(罗宾·威廉斯)Robin Williams ——John Keating(基廷)在封闭的时代,他是叛逆者。





然而在那个时代,他超前的状态不被身边的死寂所包容,最终,他被学校开除,但自由之花已经在学生们的心中生根发芽(罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德)Robert Sean Leonard——Neil Perry(尼尔佩里)(伊桑·霍克)Ethan Hawke——Todd Anderson(安德森)(迪伦)Dylan Kussman——Richard Cameron(理查德)(诺尔曼•劳埃德)Norman Lloyd——Mr. Nolan(诺兰先生)(柯特伍德·史密斯)Kurtwood Smith——Mr. Perry(佩里先生)()Leon Pownall——McAllister(麦考利斯特)情节复述:This story takes place at Welton School, a very traditional preparatory school for boys in the United States. After the summer holidays of 1959, John Keating, former student at the institution, enters the school as the new English teacher. With his unconventional teaching methods, he inspires his students to act as individuals. He encourages them to think for themselves, to find new points of view, to discover their own ways and feelings and to "seize the day".台词翻译:1. Because we are food for worms, lads. Because believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room if one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die. … They are not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they’re destined for great things, just like many of you. Their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make form their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because you see, gentleman, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils…因为我们是蛆虫的食物。



晋级考核号小寺可南子•《jojo奇妙冒险》第三部中,命运车轮打倒Q太郎时说了一句什么来宣布自己胜第三部完!Randy SandyFate/extra Fate/stay night奥特曼八云紫•以下选项中,哪个不是对网游《坦克世界》中S系坦克歼击车704工程顶级炮的季老师BL-10UMBBARAITO KAIKOair little busters女朋友DouTei光头节EL PSY CONGROO EL PSY COGNROO深海恐惧症小鸟游十花苍岛千百合日下部纶太STG&RPG AVG&RPG酸性环境;碳正离子酸性环境;碳负离子碱性环境;碳负离子碱性环境;碳正潘多拉之心Calico M950A松冈夏MP3糯米团小鸟游七花阿斯特蕾亚7115不列颠吉利蛋I scream Ice cream分分莫诺美400%200%SW勇士闯魔城二宫爱黄金圣斗士AK•以下哪个是《某科学的超电磁炮》《黑子的篮球》《潜行吧!奈亚子》的共同2009右代宫儿童节富野由悠季阿鲁卡多@HELLSING斯卡@钢之炼金术师相良宗介@全金属狂潮绯村剑心@1078•《我的青春恋爱物语果然有问题》中男主角的外号“大老师”来自下列那个作品的平衡树高町薇薇欧•《刀剑神域》在TV第一集最后,黑铁官的生命之碑上,位于桐人名字正下方被Flowering Nightフラワリングナイトknight of nights月時計~ルナ・ダイ鲷鱼烧暗黑俯冲轰炸机现世与冥界的逆转混沌帝龙-终焉的使者-发条空母发条巨梓赤司征十郎倍倍Test 6PartⅠ Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear: Mr. Smith is not in.Could you please give him a message?You will read:A)I’m not sure.B)You’re right.C)Yes, certainly.D)That’s interesting.From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) “Yes, certainly.” he correct answer. You should mark C) on the An swer Sheet witha single line through the centre. Now the test will begin.1. A) Yes, please. B) Fine, I’d love to.C) Well, just over there. D) Yes, I must tell you.2. A) I hope so. B) I don’t know.C) I want to know the tim e. D) I’m glad to hear that.3. A) Very long. B) For a long time.C) For three years. D) Three years before.4. A) Lovely day, isn’t it. B) It certainly is.C) Have a nice day. D) I like it very much.5. A) Glad to meet you. B) Have a good timeC) Yes, I know. D) Well, see you.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 Recorded conversations in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the A choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6. A) Boating. B) Walking. C) Running.D) Driving.7. A) She is not interested in the article.B) She has given the man much trouble.C) She would like to have a copy of the article.D) She doesn’t want to take the trouble to read the article.8. A) Dr. Lemon is waiting for a patient.B) Dr. Lemon is busy at the moment.C) Dr. Lemon has lost his patience.D) Dr. Lemon has gone out to visit a patient.9. A) The man is looking for a place to live in.B) The man has a house for rent.C) The woman is a secretary.D) The two speakers are old friends.10. A) The woman misplaced her class permit for biology.B) The woman arrived for registration too early.C) The woman missed registration for the biology course.D) The woman got a wrong class permit.Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear 5 questions. Both the passage and questions will be read twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. The incomplete answers are printed both on your test paper and on the Answer Sheet. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now the passage will begin.Almost every career requires such skills as listening, speaking, reading, writing, decision making, researching, reasoning, creativity, persuasion, 11 interpersonal communication, and organization. 12, a number of characteristics that may be important for specific jobs: achievement, aggressiveness, ambition, dependability, discipline, honesty, initiative, motivation, people orientation, persistence, responsibility, 13, self-starting, sensitivity, sincerity, tenacity, and tough-mindedness. The way you acquire these skills and behaviors is, to a great extent, up to you. Without them, no matter how 14 and knowledgeable you may be, landing a top job is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The most likely way to obtain these skills and behaviors is through courses, reading, internships, part-time or full-time employment, extracurricular activities, and participation in community15 .Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and structure (15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the A choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. What can you infer the dialogue?A) at *B) from C) with D) over17. The young man claimed to be innocent_____ the crime.*A) of B) about C) in D) for18. He has a surprised look on his face.*A) very B) much C) highly D) deeply19. Jane was absent today because she had her tooth .A) filling *B) filled C) to fill D) fill20. The villagers have offered much help to us and we think we should do something for them .*A) in return B) in place C) in faction D) in danger21. Many difficulties have as a result of the change-over to a new type of fuel.A) risen *B) arisen C) raised D) aroused22. The shepherds had a great deal of trouble ____ the sheep to a place of safety in the snow-storm.A) to drive B) for driving *C) driving D) of driving23. reaching Beijing, he immediately went to see his best friend who was working in a big company.A) In *B) On C) For D) During24. He little that we didn’t know yet.*A) said B)spoke C) talked D) told25. Nine ten cigarette smokers die of diseases related to smoking.*A) out of B) of C) from D) withSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. The child felt_____ (security) near its Parents.27. I ask my friends to_________ (recommendation) a doctor who is good with children.28. Well, this is an _______ (fair) comment on the situation.29. They both like to play tennis, to listen to _______ (class) music, and to read novels.30. If I _______ (not drink) so much coffee yesterday afternoon, I would have been able to sleep well last night.31.The murder remained an unsolved problem which was caused by a ______(mystery) parcel (包裹)。




















21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册第1单元课文讲解21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册第1单元课文讲解导语:你记得第一次恋爱吗? 你让那个人知道你的感受吗? 你从经验中学到了什么,还是只是一个愚蠢的事件?下面是一篇关于这方面的英语课文,欢迎来学习。

How I Got Smart Steve BrodyA common misconception among youngsters attending school is that their teachers were child prodigies. Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid's tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway?I've tried desperately to explain to my students that the image they have of me as an enthusiastic devotee of books and homework during my adolescence was a bit out of focus. On the contrary, I hated compulsory education with a passion. I could never quite accept the notion of having to go to school while the fish were biting.But in my sophomore year, something beautiful and exciting happened. Cupid aimed his arrow and struck me right in the heart. All at once, I enjoyed going to school, if only to gaze at the lovely face in English II.My princess sat near the pencil sharpener, and that year I ground up enough pencils to fuel a campfire. Alas, Debbie was far beyond my wildest dreams. We were separated not only by five rows of desks, but by about 50 I.Q. points. She was the top student in English II, the apple of Mrs. Larrivee's eye.Occasionally, Debbie would catch me staring at her, and she would flash a smile that radiated intelligence and quickened my heartbeat. It was a smile that signaled hope and made me temporarily forget the intellectual gulf that separated us.I schemed desperately to bridge that gulf. And one day, as I was passing the supermarket, an idea came to me. A sign in the window announced that the store was offering the first volume of a set of encyclopedias at the special price of 29 cents. The remaining volumes would cost $2.49 each.I purchased Volume I — Aardvark to Asteroid — and began my venture into the world of knowledge. I would henceforth become a seeker of facts. I would become Chief Brain in English II and sweep my princess off her feet with a surge of erudition. I had it all planned.My first opportunity came one day in the cafeteria line. I looked behind me and there she was."Hi," she said.After a pause, I wet my lips and said, "Know where anchovies come from?"She seemed surprised. "No, I don't."I breathed a sigh of relief. "The anchovy lives in salt water and is rarely found in fresh water." I had to talk fast, so that I could get all the facts in before we reached the cash register. "Fishermen catch anchovies in the Mediterranean Sea and along the Atlantic coast near Spain and Portugal.""How fascinating," said Debbie, shaking her head in disbelief. It was obvious that I had made quite an impression.A few days later, during a fire drill, I casually went up to her and asked, "Ever been to the Aleutian Islands?""Never have," she replied."Might be a nice place to visit, but I certainly wouldn't want to live there," I said."Why not?" said Debbie, playing right into my hands."Well, the climate is forbidding. There are no trees on any ofthe 100 or more islands in the group. The ground is rocky and very little plant life can grow on it.""I don't think I'd even care to visit," she said.The fire drill was over and we began to file into the building, so I had to step it up to get the natives in. "The Aleuts are short and sturdy and have dark skin and black hair. They live on fish, and they trap blue foxes and seals for their valuable fur."Debbie's eyes widened in amazement.One day I was browsing through the library. I spotted Debbie sitting at a table, absorbed in a crossword puzzle. She was frowning, apparently stumped on a word. I leaned over and asked if I could help."Four-letter word for Oriental female servant," Debbie said."Try amah," I said, quick as a flash.Debbie filled in the blanks, then turned to stare at me in amazement. "I don't believe it," she said. "I just don't believe it."And so it went, that glorious, joyous, romantic sophomore year. Debbie seemed to relish our little conversations and hung on my every word. Naturally, the more I read, the more my confidence grew.In the classroom, too, I was gradually making my presence felt. One day, during a discussion of Coleridge's "The Ancient Mariner", we came across the word albatross."Can anyone tell us what an albatross is?" asked Mrs. Larrivee.My hand shot up. "The albatross is a large bird that lives mostly in the ocean regions below the equator, but may be found in the north Pacific as well. The albatross measures as long as four feet and has the greatest wingspread of any bird. It feeds on fish and shellfish. The albatross has an enormous appetite, and when it's full it has trouble getting into the air again."There was a long silence in the room. Mrs. Larrivee couldn't quite believe what she had just heard. I sneaked a look at Debbie and gave her a big wink. She beamed proudly and winked back.What I failed to perceive was that Debbie all this while was going steady with a junior from a neighboring school —a basketball player with a C+ average. The revelation hit me hard, and for a while I felt like forgetting everything I had learned. I had saved enough money to buy Volume II —Asthma to Bullfinch — but was strongly tempted to invest in a basketball instead.I felt not only hurt, but betrayed. Like Agamemnon, but with less drastic consequences, thank God.In time I recovered from my wounds. The next year Debbie moved from the neighborhood and transferred to another school. Soon she became no more than a memory.Although the original incentive was gone, I continued poring over the encyclopedias, as well as an increasing number of other books. Having tasted of the wine of knowledge, I could not now alter my course. For:"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing:Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring."So wrote Alexander Pope, Volume XIV —Paprika to Pterodactyl.New Wordsprodigyn. a person who has unusual and very noticeable abilities, usually at an early age 奇才;天才child prodigyan unusually clever child 神童bookwormn. a person devoted to reading 极爱读书者;书呆子devoteen. a person strongly devoted to sth. or sb. 热爱…者;献身于…的人adolescencen. 青春期* compulsorya. required by law or a rule 义务的;强制的compelvt. oblige or force (sb.) to do sth. 强迫;强求passionn. a strong, deep, often uncontrollable feeling 热情;激情gazevi. look fixedly 注视;凝视princessn. 1. 理想中的女友;心目中追求的女友2. (oft, cap.) a female member of the royal family, usually the daughter of a king or queen or the wife of a prince [常大写]公主;王妃princen. 1. 少女理想中的未婚者,白马王子2. a male member of the royal family, especially the son of a king or queen 王子;亲王3. (usu. sing.) (among, of) a very great, successful or powerful man of some stated kind [常单数](喻)大王;巨头;名家sharpenern. 卷笔刀;卷笔器campfiren. a wood fire made in the open air by campers 营火,冓火quickenv. (cause to) speed up 加快schemev. make plans (for); plan in a deceitful way 计划;谋划n. 1. a formal, official or business plan 计划;规划2. a clever, dishonest plan 阴谋,诡计volumen. 1. one of a set of books of the same kind (一套书的)一册;一卷2. (of) 体积;容积encyclop(a)edian. a book or set of books dealing with a wide range of information presented in alphabetical order 百科全书aardvarkn. 土豚,非洲食蚁兽asteroidn. 小行星;海星* henceforthad. from this time onwards 自此以后hencead. 1. for this reason, therefore 因此,所以2. from this time on 今后,从此eruditionn. learning acquired by reading and study 博学;学问* cafeterian. a self-service restaurant 自助餐厅anchovyn. 凤尾鱼sighn. the act or sound of sighing 叹息(声);叹气(声)reliefn. feeling of comfort at the end of anxiety, fear, or pain(焦虑等的)解除;宽慰casuallyad. in a relaxed way 随便地;漫不经心地casuala. relaxed; not formal 随便的;漫不经心的;非正式的* sturdya. physically strong 强壮的sealn. 1. 海豹2. 印记,印章vt. 1. 盖章于2. 封,密封widenv. make or become wider 加宽;变宽* browsev. casually look or search, e.g. in a shop, in a library, at a book, etc., with no specific aim or object in mind 浏览crosswordn. (= crossword puzzle) 纵横字谜,纵横填字游戏frownvi. contract the brows, as in displeasure or deep thought 皱眉头* stumpvt. put an unanswerable question to; puzzle 把…难住;使为难* orientala. of, from or concerning Asia 东方的amahn. 阿妈(印度等一些东方国家的奶妈、女佣或保姆)gloriousa. having or deserving glory; very delightful and enjoyable 荣耀的;令人愉快的joyousa. full of or causing joy 充满欢乐的;令人高兴的romantica. 1. (of sth.) beautiful in a way that strongly affects one's feelings 有浪漫色彩的2. (of sb.) showing strong feelings of love 多情的;浪漫的3. being unrealistic or unpractical 不切实际的* relishvt. get pleasure out of; enjoy greatly 从…获得乐趣;很喜爱confidencen. belief in one's own or another's ability 信心marinern. (obsolete) a sailor 〈废〉水手marinea. 1. of ships and their goods and trade at sea 航海的;海事的2. of, near, living in, or obtained from the sea 海洋的.;海生的;海产的n. 水兵albatrossn. 信天翁wingspreadn. the distance between the tips of a pair of fully spread wings 翼幅shellfishn. 贝壳类动物shelln. 1. the hard covering of a sea creature, egg, fruit, seed, etc. 动物的壳(如贝壳、蛹壳等),蛋壳;果壳;荚2. the outside frame of a building (房屋的)框架;骨架appetiten. 1. one's desire to eat and one's feeling about how much to eat 食欲,胃口2. (for) a strong desire 欲望;爱好beamvi. shine brightly; smile warmly 照耀;(面)露喜色;满脸堆笑n. 1. 微笑;喜色2. 光束perceivevt. notice; be conscious of 注意到;感觉;察觉* revelationn. the act of revealing sth., usually of great significance 揭示;暴露asthman. 气喘,哮喘bullfinchn. 红腹灰雀investvi. put money into sth. with the expectation of profit or other advantage 投资investmentn. 1. 投资;投资额2. the spending of (time, energy, etc.) to make sth. successful (时间、精力等的)投入* betrayvt. be disloyal or unfaithful to 出卖,背叛* drastica. strong, violent or severe 激烈的;迅猛的consequencen. (usu. pi.) the result or effect of an action or condition [常复数]结果;后果* incentiven. encouragement to greater activity; motivating factor; stimulus 鼓励;刺激paprikan. 红灯笼辣椒pterodactyln. 翼手龙Phrases and Expressionsout of focusnot sharply defined 焦点没对准;模糊的beyond one's wildest dreams(in a way that is) better than what one expected or hoped for 超过某人所期望的(地);出乎某人意料的(地)the apple of sb.'s eyea person or thing that is the main object of sb.'s love and attention 某人的掌上明珠;宝贝sweep sb. off his/her feetmake sb. feel suddenly and strongly attracted to you in a romantic way 使某人倾心get sth. inmanage to say sth. about a subject 设法说完play into sb.'s handsdo something which gives sb. an advantage 干对某人有利的事file intoenter in a single line 鱼贯进入step up(infml) increase the size or speed of 〈口〉加快;增加hang on sb.'s wordslisten very carefully to 倾听;注意地听feed oneat habitually 以…为食物;靠…为生go steady withdate sb. regularly and exclusively 仅与(同一异性)经常约会invest in1. buy (sth.) with the expectation of profit or some other kind of advantage 投资于2. (infml) 〈口〉买in time1. eventually 经过一段时间后;最终2. at or before the right or necessary time 及时pore overstudy or give close attention to 钻研;专心阅读Proper NamesSteve Brody史蒂文·布罗迪(男子名)Cupid丘比特(罗马神话中的爱神)Debbie黛比(女子名)Larrivee拉里维(姓氏)Spain西班牙(欧洲西南部国家)Portugal葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)Aleutian Islands阿留申群岛(美国阿拉斯加州西南部)Aleut阿留申人Coleridge柯尔律治(1772—1834,英国诗人,评论家)"The [Rhyme of the] Ancient Mariner"《古舟子咏》(柯尔律治的著名诗作)Agamemnon阿伽门农(希腊神话中迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊战争中希腊联军统帅,战后回国被妻子及其情夫谋杀)Pierian spring比埃里亚圣泉;知识的源泉。







他不能行走,意识也不清醒,只能说两句话:妻子的名字格蕾丝,还有“The possibilities are endless”(无限可能)。




Real Story电影表现了柯林斯的与正常人完全不同的病中世界:仿佛无意义的静止镜头,沉没在水下的压抑画面,嗫嚅着一个字一个字发出的含糊语音……大脑受损,是最让人感到无能为力的。





菲尼亚斯·盖奇(Phineas P. Gage ,1823—1860)是神经科学史上一个非常有名的病人。







序言: 序言: 记忆の 演唱: 记忆の水底 演唱: sound horizon 【日文】 流れてゆきなさい 流れてゆきなさい 沈みながら眺める世界は虚ろな月明か り いくら水底を照らしても丧失の手に囚 われるだけ 沈んでしまったモノは狭间で揺れる骸 存在のやみがどれ程苦しくてもあの少 年を受け入れないで 流れてゆきなさい 夺い续けながらも 流れてゆきなさい 忘れ续けながらも 流れてゆきなさい 失い续けながらも 流れてゆきなさい 幻想に骗され续けな がらも 流れてゆきなさい ここに止まっていて はいけない 流れてゆきなさい 往き先は选べずとも 流れてゆきなさい 淀んでしまう前に 流れてゆきなさい 『忘レモノ』を探し に 流れてゆきなさい 流れてゆきなさい 忘れないで アナタの诗にも意味がある ことを 流れてゆきなさい 唯流れに身を任せ 流 れてゆきなさい 流れてゆきなさい
Track04《与你的未来》 《与你的未来》 Tv动画《fate⁄stay night》 动画《 动画 》 作词作曲: 作词作曲:田井中彩智 编曲: 编曲:金子隆博 演唱: 演唱:田井中彩智 【日语】 偶然(ぐうぜん)じゃない 二人(ふたり)出会(であ)えたのは ずっと前(ま)がら 决(き)まってた运命(う んめい) 目(め)を闭(と)じるたび 空(そら)を见(み)上(あ)げるたびに 幻(まぼろし)のようなあの日々(ひび)が よ みがえる 道(みち)は进(すす)むたびに 远(とお)く なる だけど歩(ある)くよ こにまま 一(ひと)つも残(のこ)さず 忘(わす)れたこないよ 优(やさ)しい言叶(ことば)も 爱(あい)した瞳(ひとみ)も 信(しん)じていいよね? もう一度(いちど)会(あ)えると 涙(なみだ)はそれまで 流(なが)さないから 偶然(ぐうぜん)じゃない 二人(ふたり)出会(であ)えたのは fずっと前(ま)がら 変(か)わらない运命(うんめい) 心(こころ)から君(きみ)と もう一度(いちど)笑(わら)い合(あ)いた い 决(けつ)して叶(かな)わぬ 梦(



《犯罪心理》片头片尾名言名句Season1◎Episode 1●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary.Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad 【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。

】●Try again.Fail again.Fail better.——Samuel Beckett 【(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。

】●Try not.Do or do not.——Yoda【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。


】●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle…is another riddle.——Emerson【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。

】●The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill【温斯顿·邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。

】●When you look long into an abyss,the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。

】◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)●There are certain clues at a crime scene which,by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined.How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese 【詹姆斯·瑞斯博士(美国精神创伤压力处理方面的专家):犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。




a leap in the dark后果不可预料的行动; [喻]死 after dark黄昏后, 天黑后 be in the dark about完全不知道, 蒙在鼓里 be in the dark as to完全不知道, 蒙在鼓里 before dark黄昏前, 天黑前 in the dark在暗处,秘密, 暗中,完全不知道 keep dark躲起来,不说出来 keep sb. in the dark不让某人知道 leave sb. in the dark不让某人知道 keep sth. dark对某事保守机密 pitch dark非常黑 whistle in the dark黑暗中吹口哨, 给自己壮胆 dark of the moon一个月间看不见月亮的时候, 月黑时 dark of moon dark一个月间看不见月亮的时候, 月黑时
主要用法有三个,即"已完成用法","未完成用法" 和"虚拟用法". 已完成用法表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之 前已经发生或完成.如: Tom flew home, but his father had died. 未完成用法表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之 前已经开始,一直延续到这一过去时间,而且到那时还未 结束,仍有继续下去的可能性.如: By six o‟clock they had worked twelve hours. 虚拟用法表示主观愿望和过去事实相反的,非真实的假设 虚拟情况.如: You didn‟t let me drive. If we _____ in turn, you _____ so tired.(NMET‟96) A. drove; didn‟t get B. drove; wouldn‟t get C. were driving; wouldn‟t get D. had driven; wouldn‟t have got (Key: D)



情态动词知识点练习一、情态动词单项选择题1.________ you please tell me the way to the nearest bank?A.Could B.Should C.Must【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你能告诉我去最近的银行的路吗?考查情态动词。


根据“… you please tell me the way to the nearest bank?”可知此处是询问对方能否告知去银行的路,因此could符合语境,其它选项均语意不通,故选A。

2.The postcard ________ come from Mary. She is the only person in France now.A.can B.must C.may D.need【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:明信片一定是玛丽寄来的。




根据“She is the only person in France now.”可知,此处是有把握的肯定推测。


3.—Mike, I can’t stop playing computer games.—For your health, my dear friend, I’m afraid you ________.A.have to B.may C.mustn’t D.needn’t【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:——迈克,我不能停止玩电脑游戏。



have to不得不;may可能;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要,根据前面的“I can’t stop playing computer games”和“For your health, my dear friend”可知,应该是恐怕你不得不(停止打游戏),故选A。













































《急速绯闻》韩国喜剧片。 这样的祖孙三代你绝对没见过! 爷爷很年轻,女儿很酷,孙子很口耐;车太贤的表演,朴宝英的演唱,王锡玄小盆友的卖酷耍萌,让你感觉相见恨晚的一部电影哦,看完心情变得好好啊~~!
☆【一部震撼人心的短片——《世界也许比你看到的还要肮脏》】 这些有着光鲜外表的人,也许都有着不为人所知的阴暗面。 看完这个短片,感触好大,每一个人都有自己的苦衷,一切都是平等的,善待他人,就是善待自己!
【印度动作惊悚片《#未知死亡#》】《三傻大闹宝莱坞》男主阿米尔汗主演, 一部长达3小时的电影,

北京邮电大学远程教育和函授教育 《英语》综合练习题与答案

北京邮电大学远程教育和函授教育 《英语》综合练习题与答案
81.面临诱惑 82.对学生们过分严厉 83.考试作弊 84.发起一场制止作弊的运动 85.从考场鱼贯而出 86. 多收顾客的钱 87. 偷看邻桌的试卷 88. 拍面部照 89. 监督委员会 90. 有涨有落,有起有伏 91.据科学家们估计 92.挑选礼物 93.认为某事当然 94.编智力测试题 95.值得回答 96. 有种不自在的感觉 97. 探测月球表面 98. 在智力测试中取得高分 99. 运用我的言辞才能 100. 急忙去火车站 101.表扬的温暖阳光 102.靠吃野菜生活 103.掏出钥匙 104.对老师的话不予理睬 105.转达一句赞美的话 106. 批评的寒风 107. 只是片刻的思索 108. 给别人的生活带来欢乐 109. 留意身边那些小小的优点 110. 如饥似渴地等待着简短的评语 II. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.就颜色而言,我们更喜欢这套家具。 2.这台机器是以其发明者的名字命名的。 3.在这场事故中,他的妹妹幸免于死。 4 . 这位商人的来信表明,他对该计划是否可行感兴趣。 5. 这个医疗队是由北大医院的医生和护士组成的。 6. 就这座城市而言,污染目前尚不是一个大威胁。 7. 由于情况复杂,很难得出明确的结论。 8.看到他苏醒过来了,大家都很高兴。 9.如果学生们愿意,我们就去海边上口语课。 10.你觉得什么时候最有可能找到经理? 11.当看到一条蛇从树后出现时,这小女孩被吓哭了。 12.真正重要的不是你干多少,而是你干的什么。 13. 城里一下子到处出现了许多新的公司。 14.一阵短暂的雷阵雨后,太阳从云层背后露了出来。 15.正是杰裴逊写的独立宣言。 16.按出身及其所受的教育,杰裴逊属于最高的社会阶层。
32. 对批评不满 33. 使自由保持活力 34.得到工作的可能性 35.有一股鱼味 36.缺钱 37.没有多少共同之处 38.最无法忍受的事 39.苟延残喘 40.赚些钱 41. 越来越糟 42. 重视教育 43. 能胜任这工作 44. 申请护照 45. 经营这家书店 46.将机器拆开 47.与工人们达成妥协 48.感到无拘无束 49.使他失去平衡 50.高兴得满脸含笑 51.信奉简朴 52. 对他的理论丝毫不感兴趣 53. 超出某人的智力范围 54. 露几手 55. 对操作原理有好奇心 56. 对天花有免疫力 57.忐忑不安 58.拖延这建议 59.预先付钱 60.忍受痛苦 61.给他的胃开刀 62. 作出生死攸关的决定 63. 早晚,说不定什么时候 64. 在难熬的时刻 65. 不止一次 66. 冷静耐心地处理问题 67.无事生非 68.驶出车库 69.整顿城市的不良风气 70.恢复管理制度 71.大批出动 72.为下一次作准备 73.扯住我的头发 74. 扣动扳机 75. 对事故大为恼火 76. 头脑重现那一瞬间 77. 详细讲述这一事故 78. 就地皮的价格达成协议 79.不再流行 80.就自然资源来说



世界卫生组织单词一、“世界卫生组织”的英语单词:World Health Organization,缩写为WHO二、单词释义- World:名词,指地球、世界,包含了地球上所有的国家、民族、生物等。


- Health:名词,健康的状态。



- Organization:名词,组织、机构。


三、单词用法1. “World Health Organization”作为一个专有名词,首字母通常大写。


例如:The World Health Organization plays a crucial role in global health issues.(世界卫生组织在全球健康问题中起着至关重要的作用。

)2. 当提到“世界卫生组织”做某事时,常用主动语态。

如:The WHO has launched a new campaign to fight against malaria.(世界卫生组织发起了一项抗击疟疾的新运动。

)四、近义词- Health Institution:健康机构,但这个表达比较宽泛,没有WHO 那样具有全球性和权威性。

- Medical Organization:医疗机构,更多侧重于医疗方面,而WHO 除了医疗,还涉及公共卫生的各个领域。

五、短语搭配- WHO report:世界卫生组织报告。

例如:The WHO report on air pollution has drawn wide attention.(世界卫生组织关于空气污染的报告引起了广泛关注。

)- WHO guideline:世界卫生组织指南。

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“ 恶” 在村上先生笔下 已经不再是一 《 天 黑 以后》 所 作 的序言来 说就是 …恶 ’
的 写 作 功 底 , 即使 第 一 遍 阅 读 时 越 过 了 上E r i 的部 分 读 一 遍 。这 里 , 村 上 想表 达 的信 息 由 于 载 体 的 正 确 因 而 在 传 播 效 果 上得 到 了 扩 大 。在 艺 术 上 , 也 与 主 观镜 头 这 部 小说 更 具 有 可 读性 。
我 们 注 意 的 大 多 是 其 作 品 主 人 公 自我 呵 式 的 写 作 方 式 相 互 呼 应 相 互 增 强 ,使 得
护之 余的 ‘ 善’ 、 爱心或温情——例如 《 寻
羊 冒险 记 》 中的 ‘ 先生’ 、 《 世 界尽头 与冷 酷仙境 》 中的 ‘ 夜鬼 ’ 《 奇 鸟行状 录》 中 的 渡边 升 和 剥 皮 鲍 里 斯 , 以及《 海边的卡夫 卡》 中的 ‘ 父亲 ’ 或‘ 琼尼 - 沃克 ” ’ 。 但是与 < A f t e r Da r k >不 同 , 村上先生 以 前作 品 中 的 恶 “ 大体 是 ‘ 绝对 恶 ’ , 并且 比 较模 糊 :人 物 形 象 模 糊 、行 为 方 式 模
例 二 首 Βιβλιοθήκη 给 人 一 种 镜 头 切 换 的 感
的翻译不 同 , 致使读 者有时摸不着头 脑 。
因此 , 在对比英文版和 中文版后 , 我 认 为 英 译 本 更 好 的展 现 了村 上 先 生 的风 貌 。 林 译 版 的 作 品 文 学 气 息 更 重 , 虽 然 很 好 的抓 住 了 村 上 先 生 的 情 调 ,但 是 没
关于 <Af t e r D a r k > 的可能性
口 陕西师范大学 - q
摘 要: 《 天黑 以后》 是 村 上 春 树 出版 于 2 0 0 4年 的 长 篇 小 说 , 英 版 译 名 < A f t e r D a r k > 。 这 部 小说 是村 上 先 生 第 一 次 以“ 我
全集》 和 一 册 中央 公 论 社 的 《 世 界 文 学 》,
性 的 恶 ;主 观 镜 头 ;双 线 叙 事 结 构 ;去
和 化
读 习 惯 ,它 给 了读 者 选 择 权 — — 如 果 不 乐 意 看哲 学 层 面 上 的讨 论 ,读 者 甚 至 可
普 适 性 的 恶

以直 接 跳 过 E r i 的章 节 。 但 是 以村 上 先 生
上 小说世界 的另一条干流——虽然此前
春 树 的 作 品展 现 写 作 风 格 深受 欧 美 作 家
影 响 的 轻 盈 基 调 ,少 有 日本 战 后 阴 郁 沉 重 的文字气 息 ” , 不知 是 否因此 故 , 村 上 先 生 除 了 是 小说 家外 还 是 翻 译 家
国 内林 译版 的 作 品 ,也 有 意 的 做 着
我 便 一 册 接 一册 地 看 ,如 此送 走 了 中学 时 代 。 由 于这 个 缘 故 , 我 的 读 书 范 围至 今 仍 只 限 于 外 国文 学 。或 许 可 以 说 三 岁看 大 七 岁看 老 吧 ,总 之 最 初 的机 遇 或 环 境 基本 决定 了一个 人的喜 好 ” , 因此 “ 村 上
没头没脑 的在 小说里 加上 大段 哲学 , 这 种 分 化式 处 理 手 法 更 加 符 合 现 代 人 的 阅
三 、英译 本 与 去 和 化
机 缘 巧 合 ,开 启 村 上 先 生 阅 读 小 说 兴 趣 的 著 作 全 不 是 日本 本 土 作 品 , “ 讲起
过 去 的 事来 , 当 时( 6 o年代 前 期 ) 我 家 每 月 让书店送来一册河 出书房 的 < < i f t 界文学
糊、 时 间地 点模 糊 ” 。在 < A te f rDa r k >中 ,
个 全 程 拍 摄 的摄 影机 体 内 ,这 种 潜 在
去 和 化 的修 饰 。 但 是 由于 对 西 方 音 乐 等
式观 察 更 具 有 说 服 力 ,我 们 相 信 人 在 无 意识 情 况 下 的 所 作 所 为 更 具 有 表 达 内 心 真实 感 受 的 作 用 ,在 这 个 视 角 里 我 们 观 察 到 的书 中人 物 的 行 为更 具 有 真 实 性 。

尽 管 有 这 点 觉 ,在 方 便 村 上 先 生使 用 平 行 线 的叙 述 有 那 种 口语 体 的 畅 快 淋 漓 (
们” 的视 角进 行 的 写 作 尝试 , 所 要 表 达 的 主 题 则 变得 更 加 有 普 适性 。 关键 词: < A f t e r D a r k >; 村 上 春 树 ;普 适

式 章 节 划 分 ,这 种 现 代 感 极 强 的 新 划 分 方 式 使 得 文 章 具 有 纪 录 片 式 的 连 续 性 和
主观 镜头 有着 强烈 的心理 代入感 , 我 们 在 打 开 书 的 第 一行 就 仿 佛 是 被 吸 入

个 新 鲜 的 主 题 ,用 林 少 华 先 生 为 中文 版 所 有 E r i 的部 分 , 合 上 书必 然 也 会 想再 加
很 早就 已 出 现 在 村 上 笔 下 ,乃 是 横 穿 村
这种 “ 恶” 变 成 了一 种 带 有 普 适 性 的 恶 , 它 的化身就是 S h i r a k a w a , 但他 同时也有 着 现 代 人 的病 灶 : 神经 衰弱 ( 工作完成后 时常 夜 半对 着镜 子 发 呆 企 图 感 知 自 己的
睡 ) , 异化 ( 在 与 妻 子 交 谈 中他 称 自己 是
殊 关 系 ,采 用 他 拿 手 的 双 线 叙 事 结 构 将 现 实 与 幻 境 相 连 ,做 成 一 个 现 实一 幻境
的 二 重 装 置 。这 种 设 计 加 强 了 小 说 的 纪
实性 , 同 时也 方 便 叙 事 说 理 , 使 得 小 说 在 保持 趣 味 性 的 同时 也 有 着 纵 深 感 。 比起