



2 世 纪 7 年 代 以后 , 0 0 研究 发现 细菌 都 能合成 并释 放一种 被称 为 自诱 导物 质 (u on u e , I 的信 号 分子, a t id c rA ) 当胞外 的 A 浓度 达 到一个 临 界浓度 时细 菌 I 问就会通 过信 号调 整行 为 以适 应外 界环 境 , 生物 发光 、抗 生素合 成等 , 一如 这 现 象称 为群 体感应 (ur m sn ig Q ) 。随 着对 细菌群 体感 应研 究 的 q o u e sn , S 不断 深入, 人们根据 细菌 自诱导物 的种类 , 细菌群 体感 应大致分 为三 大类 : 将 革 兰 氏阴 性 细 菌 、 革 兰 氏 阳 性细 菌 、细 菌 种 间 的群 体 感 应 。 1革 兰氏 阴性 细菌 的群 体 感应 11A L . H s的合成 机制 革 兰 氏 阴性 细 菌群 体 感 应 的信 号 分子 大 多 数 是 N一乙酰 高 丝氨 酸 内酯 (H s ,H s A L )A L 由一个 疏水 性 的保 守高丝 氨酸 内酯 环 的头部和 一 个亲水 性 的可 变 的酰 胺侧 链 的尾 部组 成 。A L 是 以 S 腺 苷 甲硫氨 酸 (A) 酰基 化 酰基 Hs 一 SM 和 载 体蛋 白 (c lA P 为底物 , 过L x 蛋 白或其类 似物 将 a y— C 的 酰基 a y— C ) 通 uI c lA P 侧 链和 SM A 的高 半胱 氨酸 部分 的氨基 相偶 联, 再通 过酰 化作用 和 内酯化 作用 脱 去 酰基 载体蛋 白(C —H 并释放 出特 异 的 a y — S 。a y— C APS) c lH L c lA P中不 同 的脂 肪 酰基 决定 了合成 的 A L 产 物 不同, 胺链 中的碳 原子数 和第 3位上 取代 基 Hs 酰 团以及 侧链 有无 一个 或 多个 不饱 和键 决 定 了 A L H s多样 性 。 12 费氏 弧菌 (irof ce i的群 体感 应 . V b j i h r) s 群 体感 应系 统首先 是 在海洋 细菌 费 氏弧菌 (. fs h r ) v ic e i 中发现 的 。v . f sh r 的群 体感 应是 N a sn ic e i e lo 等 在 17 年首 次报 道 了该菌 菌体密 度 与 90 生物 发光 呈正 相关 , 该发 光现 象 受细 菌本 身 的群体 感应 调 节系 统所 控制 。v . f s h r 的群 体感 应是 由 L x 和 L x ic e i uI u R蛋 白调控 , u I L x 是信 号分子 O H ( 一 H L 3





















细菌群体感应系统蛋白质及生理功能发生改变的研究进展目录一、内容综述 (2)1. 细菌群体感应系统的概述 (3)2. 研究背景与意义 (4)二、细菌群体感应系统基本原理 (6)1. 群体感应系统的定义 (7)2. 信号分子的种类与作用 (8)3. 信号传递机制 (9)三、细菌群体感应系统蛋白质研究进展 (10)1. 蛋白质的组成与结构 (12)主要蛋白质的发现与功能 (13)蛋白质相互作用网络 (14)2. 蛋白质功能的改变 (15)突变对蛋白质功能的影响 (16)翻译后修饰对蛋白质功能的影响 (17)四、细菌群体感应系统生理功能改变的研究进展 (18)1. 生理功能的改变 (19)对细菌生长、代谢的影响 (20)对细菌毒力与耐药性的影响 (22)2. 与疾病的关系 (22)群体感应系统与感染过程的关系 (24)群体感应系统与抗生素治疗的关系 (25)五、展望与挑战 (27)1. 进一步研究方向 (28)新蛋白质的发现与功能研究 (30)信号传递机制的深入研究 (31)2. 应用前景 (32)抗菌药物的合理设计与开发 (33)细菌疫苗的研发 (35)六、结论 (36)1. 细菌群体感应系统蛋白质及生理功能发生改变的研究成果总结372. 对未来研究的启示与建议 (38)一、内容综述随着分子生物学技术的飞速发展,细菌群体感应系统(Quorum Sensing, QS)的研究取得了显著的进展。









2021年第40卷第2期总第348期• 5 •中国酿造专论与综述乳酸菌群体感应的研究进展李雷兵,朱寒剑,郑心,李琴,穆杨,徐宁,胡勇2吴茜,柳志杰,李玮,汪超,周梦J *收稿日期:2020-06-11修回日期:2020-08-01基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31601455);湖北省粮食局科技创新项目(鄂财商发[2017]58号);湖北工业大学博士启动基金项目(BSQD14021) 作者简介:李雷兵(1995-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为食品微生物。


(湖北工业大学 工业发酵湖北省协同创新中心 湖北省食品发酵工程技术研究中心9湖北 武汉430068)摘要:乳酸菌的益生特性已引起公众的广泛关注。

群体感应是细菌感受外界环境变化并做出反应的转导机制,对乳酸菌的存活及 益生特性至 重要。

因此,近些年来乳酸菌的群体感应 研究热点 文综述了乳酸菌群体感应的信 分子及其 分系统,群体感应对乳酸菌环境适应的调控(生物膜、耐酸、耐胆盐),群体感应对乳酸菌益生特性(抑制致病菌、与宿主 J 的影响以及实际应用,乳酸菌群体感应今 的基础研究和工业化应用提 参考。

关键词:乳酸菌;群体感应;调控机制中图分类号:TS201.3文章编号:0254-5071 (2021)02-0005-07doi:10.11882/j.issn.0254-5071.2021.02.002引文格式:李雷兵,朱寒剑,郑心,等•乳酸菌群体感应的研究进展!J].中国酿造,2021,40(2):5-11.Research progress of lactic acid bacteria quorum sensingLI Leibing, ZHU Hanjian, ZHENG Xin, LI Qin, MU Yang, XU Ning, HU Yong, WU Qian, LIU Zhijiie,LI Wei, WANG Chao, ZHOU Mengzhou *(Hubei Food Fermentation Engineering Technology Research Center, Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center of I ndustrial Fermentation,Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China)Abstract : The probiotic characteristics of lactic acid bacteria have aroused widespread public concern. Quorum sensing is a transduction mechanism iorbacteria to sense and respond to changes in the external environment, which is very important for the survival and probiotic characteristics of lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, the quorum sensing of lactic acid bacteria has become a research hotspot in recent years. In this paper, the signal molecules andtwo-component systems of quorum sensing of lactic acid bacteria, the regulation of quorum sensing on environmental adaptation of lactic acid bacteria(biofilm, acid tolerance, bile salt tolerance), and the effect of quorum sensing on the probiotic characteristics of lactic acid bacteria (inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, interaction with host) and its practical application were reviewed, in order to provide reference for the basic research and industrial application ofquorum sensing of lactic acid bacteria in the future.Key words : lactic acid bacteria; quorum sensing; regulation mechanism乳酸菌是我国传统发酵食品中的重要微生物,除了可以提高食品的质量和营养外,还可通过多种机制对人体产 生有益影响冋。



e42-1 群体感应

在上个世纪60年代后期,J.Woodland Hastings等人发现,某些海洋发光细菌只有在达到临界数量后才会发光,而在细菌数量不足时就保持黯淡。


直到1981年,他们才首次纯化并确定自诱导物是一种脂酰高丝氨酰内酯(acylated homoserine lactone,AHL)。



迄今为止,具有群体感应的菌种已达数十种,其中,革兰氏阴性菌有两类自诱导物——AHL和呋喃糖硼酸二酯(furanosyl borate diester),革兰氏阳性菌则以寡肽为自诱导物。


产生的自诱导物分子需要和反应调节蛋白结合,才能控制与群体感应有关的多个基因的表达(图e42-1),例如Vibrio fischeri及V. harveyi的生物荧光基因。

图e42-1 细菌群体感应的LuxI/LuxR系统。



细菌群体感应及其在病原菌防治中的应用梁心琰;阮海华【摘要】Bacteria releases one or several chemical molecules served as signal to estimate the density of bacteria and sense the change of environment. This chemical communication, called as “quorum sensing”(QS)is defined as a density dependent mechanism by which bacteria coordinate expression of specific target genes in response to a critical concentration of signal molecules. A many of studies had showed that the construction of various QS system depends on the type of bacteria. QS system exists widely in pathogenic bacteria, which build up the capability of infection, expression of toxic genes and pathogenesis. Therefore, it is a concerned topic in medicine realm that prevents and cures the diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria by targeting the QS system. Here, this review discussed the QS and its application in preventing and therapeutic effect for pathogenic bacteria.%细菌分泌一种或多种化学信号分子,这些化学信号分子作为诱导因子感知和判断菌群密度和周围环境的变化。



摘 要 : 布鲁 茵病 ( 布病 ) 是世 界 上最 严重 的人 畜共 患病之 一 , 布 鲁 菌作 为 布病 的病 原可 以导致 患病 动物 的流 产及人 类 的马耳他 热 。群体 感应 系统 对布 鲁 茵在 胞 内生存起 到 重要 的作 用 , 它调 控 着 细 菌的 Ⅳ 型 分 泌 系统和鞭 毛 相 关基 因的表 达 。除此之 外 , 布 鲁 菌群体 感应 系统在 布鲁 菌病 的诊 断 与 防 治方 面均 有 重要 的价
革 兰 阳性 菌 中 ; 第 三类 是 以呋 喃 酰 硼 酸 二酯 为信 号
菌中 。
存 在 于 革 兰 阴 性 菌 和革 兰 阳性 性菌 和革 兰阴性 菌都 通过 群体 感应 系统 与 周 围环 境 素 的群体 感应 系统 ,
1 布鲁 菌 的群 体 感 应 系统
布鲁菌 是一 种 革 兰 阴 性 、 兼 性 胞 内寄 生 的 短 小
值 。论文 对布 鲁菌群 体 感应 系统 的研 究现状进 行 了系统 的介 绍 。
关键词 : 布鲁菌; 群体 感应 系统 ; 细 菌毒 力
中 图分 类 号 : ¥ 8 5 2 . 6 1 4 文 献标 识 码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 7 — 5 0 3 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 2 0 0 8 8 0 4
群体感 应 ( q u o r u m s e n s i n g , QS ) 系 统 是一 种 根
以寡肽类 物 质为 信 号 素 的群 体 感 应 系统 , 存 在 于在
据细 菌密度 调控 基 因表达 的信 号传 递 系统 。革 兰 阳
进 行 信息交 流 。第 1个群 体感 应 系统是 在 费 氏弧 菌 中发 现 的 。Ne a l s o n K H等口 于 1 9 7 0年 第 一 次 报 道 了海洋 费 氏弧 菌 的菌 体 密 度 与 生 物 发 光 呈 正 相 关, 而这 种发 光 现象 正 是 受 到 细菌 自身 的群 体 感 应 系统 调控 的 。群 体感 应 系统 参 与 许 多 生 物 学 过 程 , 如生 物发 光 , 抗生素合成 , 细 菌 胞 外 酶 和毒 素 的 产 生, 生物 膜 的形成 等 。根据信 号素 的不 同 , 细 菌群 体 感应 系统 分为 3种 类 型 , 一类 是 以酰 基 高 丝 氨 酸 内



Revisiting the quorum-sensing hierarchy inPseudomonas aeruginosa:the transcriptionalregulator RhlR regulates LasR-specific factorsVale´rie Dekimpe and Eric De´zielCorrespondenceEric De´zieleric.deziel@iaf.inrs.caINRS-Institut Armand-Frappier,Laval,Que´bec H7V1B7,CanadaReceived29July2008 Revised11November2008 Accepted13November2008Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses the two major quorum-sensing(QS)regulatory systems las and rhl to modulate the expression of many of its virulence factors.The las system is considered to stand at the top of the QS hierarchy.However,some virulence factors such as pyocyanin have been reported to still be produced in lasR mutants under certain conditions.Interestingly,such mutants arise spontaneously under various conditions,including in the airways of cystic fibrosis ing transcriptional lacZ reporters,LC/MS quantification and phenotypic assays,we have investigated the regulation of QS-controlled factors by the las system.Our results show that activity of the rhl system is only delayed in a lasR mutant,thus allowing the expression of multiple virulence determinants such as pyocyanin,rhamnolipids and C4-homoserine lactone(HSL)during the late stationary phase.Moreover,at this stage,RhlR is able to overcome the absence of the las system by activating specific LasR-controlled functions,including production of3-oxo-C12-HSL and Pseudomonas quinolone signal(PQS).P.aeruginosa is thus able to circumvent the deficiency of one of its QS systems by allowing the other to take over.This work demonstrates that the QS hierarchy is more complex than the model simply presenting the las system above the rhl system.INTRODUCTIONPseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous and versatile bacterium involved in numerous pathogenic infections affecting immunocompromised individuals and those suffering from cystic fibrosis(Marshall&Carroll,1991; Pier,1985;Speert,1985).This bacterium regulates most of its virulence determinants in a cell-density-dependent manner via a mechanism called quorum-sensing(QS). Such global regulatory systems are found in most bacterial species,and control several and diverse biological func-tions,such as virulence,bacterial conjugation,biolumin-escence and biofilm formation(de Kievit&Iglewski,2000; Donabedian,2003;Loh et al.,2002;Miller&Bassler,2001). QS is mediated by diffusible signalling molecules released into the external environment.These signals,when reach-ing specific concentrations correlated with specific popu-lation cell densities,bind to and activate their respective transcriptional regulators.In P.aeruginosa,two conven-tional complete QS systems are known:the synthases LasI and RhlI produce the N-acylhomoserine lactones3-oxo-C12-HSL and C4-HSL respectively,which induce their cognate LuxR-type transcriptional regulators LasR and RhlR,responsible for the activation of numerous QS-controlled genes(Juhas et al.,2005;Pesci et al.,1997). Among genes activated by these two regulators are those coding for the LasI and RhlI synthases.Since N-acyl-HSLs induce their own production,they are called autoinducers. More recently,a third,distinct QS system has been unveiled.It is composed of a transcriptional regulator from the LysR family,MvfR(PqsR),which directly activates two operons(phnAB and pqsABCDE)required for the biosynthesis of4-hydroxy-2-alkylquinolines (HAQs),including molecules involved in4-quinolone signalling(De´ziel et al.,2004;Le´pine et al.,2004;Pesci et al., 1999),and for the activation of many QS-controlled genes, via pqsE(De´ziel et al.,2005;Diggle et al.,2006;Farrow et al.,2008).Among the HAQs,4-hydroxy-2-heptylquino-line and the Pseudomonas quinolone signal(PQS)act as activators of the MvfR regulator,inducing a positive feedback loop typical of QS systems(Xiao et al.,2006a). QS regulation is a very complex and extensive network influencing,both positively and negatively,the transcrip-tion of perhaps5–10%of the P.aeruginosa genome (Hentzer et al.,2003;Schuster et al.,2003;Wagner et al., 2003).The LasR regulator is known to initiate the QS regulatory system,as it activates the transcription of a number of other regulators,such as rhlR,defining aAbbreviations:HAQ,4-hydroxy-2-alkylquinoline;HSL,homoserinelactone;PQS,Pseudomonas quinolone signal;QS,quorum sensing.Two supplementary figures are available with the online version of thispaper.Microbiology(2009),155,712–723DOI10.1099/mic.0.022764-0 712022764G2009SGM Printed in Great Britainhierarchical QS cascade from the las to the rhl regulons (Latifi et al.,1996;Pesci et al.,1997).Over the last few years, many whole-genome transcriptomic studies have been published with the aim of identifying genes that are under the control of LasR and/or RhlR(Hentzer et al.,2003; Rasmussen et al.,2005;Schuster et al.,2003;Wagner et al., 2003).Specific directly activated genes were clearly identified as belonging to the rhl regulon,such as rhlAB(rhamnolipid biosynthesis),lecA(lectin),hcnABC(HCN production)and both phzABCDEFG operons(phenazine biosynthesis)(Latifi et al.,1995;Schuster et al.,2004;Schuster&Greenberg, 2007;Whiteley et al.,1999;Winzer et al.,2000).However, the situation is not as clear for many LasR-controlled genes, for which it has not been possible to define a single consensus LasR binding site sequence in the promoter region,suggesting that some of these genes are activated indirectly(Schuster et al.,2004;Schuster&Greenberg, 2007).Actually,most QS-regulated factors are more or less influenced by both LasR and RhlR,as is the case for the proteases LasA(staphylolytic protease)and LasB(elastase) (Freck-O’Donnell&Darzins,1993;Hentzer et al.,2003; Nouwens et al.,2003;Schuster et al.,2003;Toder et al.,1994; Wagner et al.,2004).Thus QS plays a predominant role in the regulation of virulence determinants in P.aeruginosa. Surprisingly,however,there are increasing reports that lasR mutants occur frequently in the natural environment (Cabrol et al.,2003),in airways from individuals with cystic fibrosis(D’Argenio et al.,2007;Smith et al.,2006),in intubated patients(Denervaud et al.,2004)and in individuals suffering from bacteraemia,pneumonia or wound infection(Hamood et al.,1996).This is intriguing, since the LasR regulator is widely considered essential for full P.aeruginosa virulence(Preston et al.,1997;Rumbaugh et al.,1999;Storey et al.,1998).The LasR transcriptional regulator is generally considered to sit at the top of the QS hierarchy in P.aeruginosa(Latifi et al.,1996).However,we and others have observed that the phenazine pyocyanin is overproduced by lasR mutants at the late stationary phase(De´ziel et al.,2005;Diggle et al., 2003).As shown in Fig.1,a lasR mutant produces less pyocyanin during early growth phases,although at the end of exponential growth and during early stationary phase, pyocyanin begins to be produced.During late stationary phase,after24h of cultivation,the lasR mutant cultures contain much more pyocyanin than cultures of the wild-type strain(35mg l21compared to2.5mg l21,respect-ively).This is unexplained,since pyocyanin production is known to be regulated by QS(Latifi et al.,1995).The regulator of the pyocyanin biosynthesis genes(phz genes)is RhlR(Brint&Ohman,1995),whose transcription is considered to require LasR(de Kievit et al.,2002;Latifi et al.,1996;Pearson et al.,1997;Pesci et al.,1997).In theory,pyocyanin production is thus expected to be absent in lasR mutants,whereas experimental data show that it is actually only delayed(Fig.1).In order to better understand the specific role of LasR and its involvement in expression of virulence factors,we have characterized the expression of QS-controlled determinants in a lasR mutant and have observed that during stationary phase,many QS-regulated virulence factors are expressed. Our data show that at this stage of growth,the RhlR regulon is activated.Moreover,we found that RhlR is able to induce LasR-regulated genes(including some consid-ered specific such as lasI)in the absence of lasR,unveiling a new mechanism for the bacteria to bypass a defect in their QS regulation,allowing RhlR to induce the las system when LasR is non-functional.METHODSStrains,plasmids and growth conditions.Table1lists strains and plasmids.Bacteria were routinely grown in Tryptic Soy Broth(TSB) medium at37u C in a roller drum,with appropriate antibiotics when required(carbenicillin300mg l21and tetracycline75mg l21for P. aeruginosa;carbenicillin100mg l21and tetracycline15mg l21for Escherichia coli).TSB plates contained1.5%agar.For pyocyanin and rhamnolipid detection,King’s A medium was used(King et al.,1954). All measurements of optical density and absorbance were obtained with a Thermo Scientific NanoDrop1000spectrophotometer.An isogenic lasR rhlR double mutant was generated by allelic exchange of the rhlR gene in a lasR background with pSB224.10A using sucrose counterselection(Beatson et al.,2002).2040608010201101020Pyocyaninconcn(mgl_1)Time (h)Time (h)Growth(OD6)Fig.1.Expression of pyocyanin is delayed in alasR mutant:P.aeruginosa lasR mutant con-taining a constitutive rhlR(pUCPSK rhlR)orlasR(pUCPSK lasR)expression vector,or thesame vector without rhlR or lasR(pUCPSK),compared with the wild-type and the lasR rhlRmutant.Revisiting quorum sensing in P.aeruginosa 713Standard methods were used to manipulate DNA.Plasmid pDN19 (Nunn et al.,1990)was used to construct pVD1,containing the lasI gene under its own promoter.A region spanning from305bp upstream to170bp downstream of the lasI ORF was amplified and inserted between the Xba I and Hin dIII sites in the pDN19multiple cloning site.The gene fragment was generated from genomic DNA using PCR with primers59-GCTCTAGATTTTGGGGCTGTGTTC-TCTC-39and59-CCCAAGCTTACTCGAAGTACTGCGGGAAA-39. The construction was confirmed by effective complementation of a lasI mutant.Plasmids were introduced by electroporation(Choi et al., 2006).lasR mutant subcultures were carried out as follows:a first preculture was made at day1and used to inoculate fresh medium for day2;the latter was used to inoculate fresh medium for day3.Pyocyanin was measured during each day of culture.b-Galactosidase activity assay.Bacteria containing the gene reporter fusions were routinely grown overnight from frozen stocks in TSB with appropriate antibiotics,then subcultured in triplicate at a starting OD600of0.05without antibiotic.Culture samples were regularly taken for determination of growth(OD600)and b-galactosidase activity(Miller,1972).N-Butyryl-L-homoserine lactone (C4-HSL)was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and the stock solution prepared in acetonitrile.Quantification of rhamnolipids,pyocyanin,AHLs and HAQs. Detection and measurements were performed by LC/MS.For pyocyanin,AHLs and HAQs,480m l culture samples were taken at regular intervals,used for determination of growth(OD600),and mixed with120m l acetonitrile containing50mg l215,6,7,8-tetradeutero-PQS for a final concentration of10mg l21as internal standard.After centrifugation,20m l aliquots of the supernatants were directly injected for LC separation on an Agilent HP1100HPLC system equipped with a36150mm C8Luna reverse-phase column (Phenomenex).A1%acidified water/acetonitrile gradient was used as the mobile phase at a flow rate of0.4ml min21,split to10%with a Valco Tee.A Quattro II(Waters)triple-quadrupole MS was used for molecule detection.Data acquisition was performed in full scan mode with a scanning range of130–350Da.Precise quantification of C4-HSL and3-oxo-C12-HSL was performed by MS/MS,as described previously(De´ziel et al.,2005).For rhamnolipid quantification, 500m l culture samples were taken at regular intervals,used for determination of growth(OD600),and diluted with an equivalent volume of methanol.After centrifugation,20m l aliquots of the supernatants were injected for LC/MS analysis as described pre-viously,using16-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid as internal standard (De´ziel et al.,1999;Le´pine et al.,2002).Elastase and protease enzymic assays.TSB plates supplemented with1%skim milk were inoculated with10m l from cultures at OD6003. Plates were incubated at37u C for3days.For specific LasB elastolytic activity,we used a protocol adapted from that of Bjorn et al.(1979). Briefly,filter-sterilized culture supernatant samples(100m l)from late stationary phase cultures were mixed with5mg elastin Congo red (Sigma)and300m l0.1M Tris/HCl pH7.2.Release of Congo red from degraded elastin was measured as A495after2h of incubation at37u C followed by centrifugation.For assessment of LasA staphylolytic activity, 4.5ml of Staphylococcus aureus overnight cultures were boiled for 15min.and100m l was mixed with300m l of filtered culture supernatants.The OD600was measured after2h of incubation at 37u C with agitation.All experiments were carried out in triplicate. RESULTSThe expression of RhlR-regulated factors is only delayed in the absence of LasRBased on previous observations reporting late pyocyanin production in lasR mutants,we decided to investigate theTable1.Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this studyStrain or plasmid Characteristics Source or reference BacteriaE.coli DH5a supE44D lacU169(w80lacZ D M15)hsdR17recA1endA1gyrA96thi-1relA1Hanahan(1983)P.aeruginosa/lab no.:PA14/ED14Clinical isolate UCBPP-PA14Rahme et al.(1995)PA14lasR/ED69lasR::Gm derivative of ED14De´ziel et al.(2004)PA14lasR rhlR/ED266rhlR::Tc derivative of ED69This studyS.aureus Newman Laboratory strain ATCC25904PlasmidspMIC61(pUCPSK-lasR)lasR in pUCPSK with lac promoter as a Hin dIII–Eco RI fragment(59–39lasR)John Mattick,Institute of Molecular Bioscience,University of Queensland, AustraliapMIC62(pUCPSK-rhlR)rhlR in pUCPSK with lac promoter as a Hin dIII–Eco RI fragment(59–39rhlR)John MattickpPCS1002pLP170containing rhlR-lacZ Pesci et al.(1997) pSB224.10A pRIC380suicide vector carrying rhlR::Tc Beatson et al.(2002) pVD1pDN19containing lasI with its native promoter,Tc r This studypME3853pME6010with a174bp lasI upstream fragment and translationallasI::lacZ fusion containing the first13lasI codons,Tc rPessi et al.(2001) pUCPSK E.coli–P.aeruginosa shuttle vector Watson et al.(1996)pLJR50lasB p-lacZ transcriptional reporter fusion;contains nt2190to+4of the lasB promoter region,Cb r Toder et al.(1994)V.Dekimpe and E.De´ziel714Microbiology155mechanism involved in this phenomenon,as an introduc-tion to exploring QS during the stationary phase.Since RhlR is the known regulator of the phz genes,we hypothesized that late pyocyanin production is due to RhlR activity.In the absence of lasR,RhlR should activate the expression of the phz genes in the late stationary phase,and in its absence,no pyocyanin should be produced.As shown in Fig.1,unlike the lasR mutant,the lasR rhlR double mutant does not produce this phenazine at all.Moreover, lasR(pUCPSK-rhlR),which constitutively expresses rhlR from a plasmid,produces pyocyanin at the same time as the wild-type,confirming that RhlR is responsible for the timing of pyocyanin production.As expected,continued expression of rhlR results in higher production of sR(pUCPSK)acts like the lasR mutant, confirming that the vector does not influence pyocyanin expression.Finally,lasR(pUCPSK lasR)does not over-produce pyocyanin,unlike the lasR mutant,showing that the lasR mutation is responsible for this phenotype.It is also noteworthy that a lasI mutant shows the same pyocyanin overproduction phenotype as the lasR mutant (data not shown).To ensure that optical density during all growth stages,and particularly during stationary phase, truly reflected the number of living bacterial cells,we also determined the viable cell counts.This showed that the growth rates and survival of the lasR mutant and the wild-type were essentially the same(see Supplementary Fig.S1a, available with the online version of this paper),thus confirming that the difference in pyocyanin production is not the result of variations in the number of viable cells. To ensure that this late pyocyanin production was not due to a spontaneous mutation that might have occurred in the lasR background,we subcultured a culture of the lasR mutant on three consecutive days in fresh medium,every time monitoring the production of pyocyanin. Consistently,the cultures had to reach the late stationary phase before producing pyocyanin,indicating that this phenotype in not due to accumulation of secondary mutations during cultivation(see Supplementary Fig.S1b). If RhlR is present and active during the late stationary phase in a lasR mutant,then we should be able to detect RhlR-regulated factors other than pyocyanin.The rhlAB and rhlC genes,coding for enzymes involved in rhamno-lipid biosynthesis,and rhlI,coding for the C4-HSL synthase,are all directly regulated by RhlR(de Kievit et al.,2002;Medina et al.,2003).We precisely quantified rhamnolipids and C4-HSL in lasR,lasR rhlR and lasR(pUCPSK-rhlR)cultures.As shown in Fig.2(a,b), the lasR rhlR double mutant was unable to synthesize rhamnolipids or C4-HSL,while the lasR mutant produced these molecules with a delay,essentially in late stationary phase.These results support the hypothesis thatexpression 1020304010201101020102011010200. (h)Time (h)Time (h)Time (h)Fig.2.Expression of RhlR-controlled factorsis delayed in a lasR mutant.P.aeruginosawild-type and lasR mutant containing ornot a constitutive rhlR expression plasmid(pUCPSK-rhlR)are compared.Production of(a)rhamnolipids and(b)C4-HSL.Revisiting quorum sensing in P.aeruginosa 715of the rhl regulon is only delayed in a lasR mutant.The production of C4-HSL and rhamnolipids was restored to levels similar to wild-type when the lasR mutant was transformed with an rhlR expression vector,confirming that RhlR is responsible for these phenotypes.These results show that the delayed expression of RhlR-controlled phenotypes in a lasR background can be restored by expressing rhlR.In order to obtain additional evidence that RhlR is indeed expressed in a lasR mutant,we evaluated the transcription of rhlR with a lacZ fusion reporter.As shown in Fig.3, maximal rhlR transcription occurs at the early stationary phase in the wild-type strain.Furthermore,it follows a similar expression pattern in the lasR mutant background, but at lower levels.Still,during late stationary phase,level of rhlR expression slightly increases in the lasR mutant, while it decreases in the wild-type.These data support the significant presence of RhlR in lasR mutants during late stationary phase,as previously reported(Diggle et al., 2003).It is well established that the production of proteolytic enzymes such as LasA and LasB,responsible for staphylo-lytic and elastolytic activities respectively,is under LasR regulation(Rust et al.,1996;Storey et al.,1998;Toder et al., 1991).However,there are indications that production of these enzymes might also be under partial RhlR control (Brint&Ohman,1995;Diggle et al.,2003;Pearson et al., 1997).To evaluate global protease activity of the strains, the wild-type strain,and lasR and lasR rhlR mutants,were inoculated on solid medium containing skim milk. Protease activity was visible for the lasR mutants while the double mutant was unable to degrade milk proteins (see Supplementary Fig.S2).Since this test only indicates general proteolytic activity,it was interesting to target specific proteases.Fig.4(a)shows that the lasR mutant is able to activate lasB expression late in stationary phase, while the double lasR rhlR mutant cannot.Detection of LasB activity confirmed these results.During late stationary phase,the lasR mutant shows significant elastolytic activity, which is nearly as high as that in lasR(pUCPSK-rhlR) (Fig.4b).Finally,Fig.4(c)shows that the wild-type and the lasR mutant,complemented with rhlR or not,express LasA activity,while the lasR rhlR double mutant does not.Taken together,all these results indicate that the expression of many QS-controlled factors is only delayed when LasR is defective.RhlR controls factors generally considered to be solely regulated by LasRAnother observation we and others have made is that not only pyocyanin but also PQS is produced during late stationary phase by a lasR mutant(De´ziel et al.,2004; Diggle et al.,2003).This was unexpected,since the final step in PQS synthesis is catalysed by the lasR-dependent PqsH enzyme(De´ziel et al.,2004;Gallagher et al.,2002; Whiteley et al.,1999;Xiao et al.,2006b).It is of note that there is a close correlation between the timing of production of both PQS and pyocyanin in lasR mutant backgrounds(De´ziel et al.,2005;Diggle et al.,2002,2003). To test if RhlR might also be responsible for this effect,we quantified PQS production by the wild-type and the lasR, lasR rhlR and lasR(pUCPSK-rhlR)mutants.As shown in Fig.5(a),during the exponential and early stationary growth phases,PQS production is totally absent in the double mutant and barely detectable in the lasR mutant unless rhlR is expressed,which leads to a substantial reduction in the delay observed for that mutant.The same reduction of PQS is observed in a lasI mutant,and can also be restored by overexpressing RhlR in that mutant(data not shown).At the late stationary phase,however,the concentration of PQS in lasR mutant cultures is similar to the wild-type,while the double mutant still shows no detectable production.These data explain the late PQS production in a lasR mutant by the activity of RhlR.We then asked whether lasI,probably the most specific LasR-regulated gene,which codes for the autoinducer synthase producing3-oxo-C12-HSL,might also be regulated by RhlR.As expected from the above data,we found that3-oxo-C12-HSL production is greatly increased in lasR(pUCPSK-rhlR)compared to the wild-type strain,at the same optical density(Fig.5b).It also shows that3-oxo-C12-HSL is eventually produced in a lasR mutant at late stationary phase,but is totally absent if rhlR is alsodefective.16111621261020110Time (h)1020Time (h)13×b-Galactosidaseactivity(Millerunits)Growth(OD6)Fig. 3.rhlR transcription in a lasR mutantincreases during late stationary phase.b-Galactosidase activity using the pSC1002vector containing the rhlR-lacZ transcriptionalreporter.V.Dekimpe and E.De´ziel716Microbiology15514001200100080060040020010201020G r o w t h (O D 600)101lasB -lacZ654321E l a s t o l y t i c a c t i v i t y (A 495)S . a u r e u s l y s i s (%)80604020Time (h)Time (h)LasR PA14lasR rhlRWild-typelasRlasR rhlRlasR (pUCPSK-rhlR )Wild-type lasR lasR rhlRlasR (pUCPSK-rhlR )(a)(b)(c)b -G a l a c t o s i d a s e a c t i v i t y (M i l l e r u n i t s )sA and LasB are activated late in a lasR mutant but not in a lasR rhlR double mutant.(a)Transcription of the lasB gene;(b)elastolytic (LasB)activity;(c)staphylolytic (LasA)activity. Q S p r o d u c t i o n (m g l _1)3-O x o -C 12-H S L p r o d u c t i o n (m g l _1)G r o w t h (O D 600)G r o w t h (O D 600)Time (h)Time (h)Time (h)Time (h)(a)(b)Fig.5.Production of PQS (a)and 3-oxo-C 12-HSL (b)requires rhlR in the absence of lasR .LC/MS analysis from culture supernatants.Revisiting quorum sensing in P.aeruginosa717RhlR controls lasI in a heterologous system In order to further identify RhlR as an alternative activatorof lasI transcription in the absence of a functional LasR,we constructed a heterologous system in E.coli .A vector (pME3853)carrying the lasI-lacZ gene reporter was introduced into E.coli DH5a .In the presence of the rhlR gene constitutively expressed on another compatible plasmid,and with addition of its autoinducer C 4-HSL,b -galactosidase activity was greatly enhanced in the E.coli strain,while only basal expression was detected in absence of rhlR or C 4-HSL (Fig.6a).To confirm 3-oxo-C 12-HSL production through activation by RhlR,a vector contain-ing lasI under its native promoter was introduced into E.coli DH5a .3-Oxo-C 12-HSL was detected in this heterologous system only in the presence of both RhlR and its autoinducer C 4-HSL (Fig.6b).DISCUSSIONP.aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that relies on its impressive ability to coordinate gene expression in order to compete against other species for nutrients or colonization.QS appears essential for this bacterium for competitiveness in clinical or environmental niches.The QS LasR transcriptional regulator is known to control a wide array of P.aeruginosa virulence-associated factors.Nevertheless,several reports mention the high frequency of lasR mutations among clinical and environmental isolates (Cabrol et al.,2003;D’Argenio et al.,2007).Most intriguingly,some lasR mutants still produce QS-regulated virulence factors such as pyocyanin (Heurlier et al.,2005),and naturally occurring lasR mutants have been isolated from wounds or intubated patients (Denervaud et al.,2004;Hamood et al.,1996).It was thus interesting to analyse the involvement of LasR in the expression of QS-regulated virulence determinants in more detail.This study provides new insights into the interplay between the las and the rhl QS systems in P.aeruginosa ,and demonstrates that a lasR mutation does not lead to loss of virulence factors.Expression of the rhl regulon is delayed until the late stationary phase in a lasR mutant,and is thus responsible for the late production of virulence factors in this background,such as pyocyanin,QS signalling molecules and proteases.These observations provide a solid basis allowing us to explain numerous inconsistencies in previous reports,and bring some clarifications to the P.aeruginosa QS model,as summarized in Fig.7.RhlR-regulated factors are expressed late in a lasR mutantThe delayed production of pyocyanin in a lasR mutant background has been anecdotally observed in numerousreports (De´ziel et al.,2005;Diggle et al.,2002,2003;Heurlier et al.,2005;Kohler et al.,2001;Lujan et al.,2007;Salunkhe et al.,2005).It has been suggested that RhlR might be involved in that production,although no evidence was presented (Diggle et al.,2003).Here we present evidence for the role of the RhlR regulator in pyocyanin production in a lasR mutant,since no production can be observed in a lasR rhlR double mutant and production is advanced in a lasR mutant comple-mented with rhlR.The activity of RhlR during stationary phase in a lasR mutant was confirmed by the delayed production of other RhlR-controlled factors,C 4-HSL and rhamnolipids.Others3530252015105b -G a l ac t o s id a se a c t i v i t y (M i l l e r u n i t s )3-O x o -C 12-H S L c o n c n (m g l _1) 5a(p V D1)DH5a (pME 3853)DH5a(pM E 3853)+C4-H S LDH5a (pME 3853)(pU C P S K -r h l R )DH5a (p M E 3853)(p U C P S K -r h l R )+C 4-H S L D H 5a (p V D 1)(p U C P S K -r h l R )D H 5a (p V D 1)(p U C P S K -r h l R )+C 4-H S L(a)(b)sI is activated by RhlR in a heterologous E.coli DH5a system in the presence of either or both C 4-HSL (5mg l ”1)and rhlR (pUCPSK-rhlR ).(a)lasI-lacZ expression (pME3853);(b)3-oxo-C 12-HSL production in the presence of the lasI gene with its native promoter (pVD1).V.Dekimpe and E.De´ziel 718Microbiology 155。

山东大学 科技文献写作论文 群体感应及其在合成生物学中的应用

山东大学 科技文献写作论文   群体感应及其在合成生物学中的应用

群体感应及其在合成生物学中的应用胡斯琪 2011级生科2班 201100140114摘要:细菌的群体感应现象由于其独特的作用机制正越来越引起人们的关注,这种细胞与细胞之间通过种群密度而感知信息的交流方式使得细菌可以在群体的规模上应对外界的变化。



1引言:细胞与细胞之间的通讯通常被认为是真核细胞的专利,但是近年来的研究发现,细菌与细菌之间能通过一种被称作自体诱导物的小分子的类激素有机化合物来进行交流,这种行为被称为群体感应(Quorum sensing)[1]。

细菌的群体感应现象最早是来自于有关费氏弧菌(Vibrio fischeri)的生物发光(bioluminescence)机制的报道[2],费氏弧菌能合成一种酰基高丝氨酸内脂类(acyl-homoserine lactone, AHL)的信号分子,可以自由扩散至细胞外,随细胞浓度的增加而增加。








2 . 大连 民族 学院 生命 科 学 学院 , 辽 宁大连 1 1 6 6 0 0; 3 . 西 南大学食 品 学院 , 重庆 4 0 0 7 1 5 )
摘 要: 本文对微 生物 的共培养方式、 分类 、 发展及应 用进行 了简介 , 并对不 同种属的微生物共 培养后产生的作 用进行
了综述 。微 生物共培养 系统不仅 受到协 同代谢作用的调控 , 群 体感应在微 生物共培 养 中也扮演 着重要 的 角色。与 纯 培养相 比, 共培 养体 系生物被 膜的形成 、 信号分子和毒力因子的产生 、 细菌素 的合 成以及胞外蛋 白酶的分 泌等都有所 不 同。研究群体感应的作 用机理有助 于共培养技术的进 一步发展 与应 用。
e f f e c t s o f c o — c u l t u r e o f di f f e r e n t s p e c i e s we r e s u mma r i z e d . Mi c r o bi a l c o —c u l t u r e s y s t e m wa s r e gu l a t e d n o t o n l y b y t h e c ol l a b o r a t i v e me t a b o l i s m, b u t a l s o b y q u o r u m s e n s i n g i n mi c r o b i a l c u l t u r e s . Co mp a r e d wi t h t h e pu r e c u l t u r e, b i o f i l m f o r ma t i o n,s i g n a l i n g mo l e c u l e s ,v i r u l en c e f a c t o r s o f p r o d u c t i o n,b a c t e r i o c i n s y n t h e s i s a n d s e c r e t i o n o f e x t r a c e l l u l a r p r o t e a s e o f c o —cu l t u r e s y s t e m we r e di f f e r e n t . Th e r e s e a r c h o f a c t i o n me c h a n i s m o f q u o r u m s e n s i n g wo u l d i mpr o v e f u r t h e r d e v e l o p me n t a n d a p p l i c a t i o n o f c u l t i v a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y . K e y wo r d s: mi c r o o r g a n i s ms; c o - c u l t u r e; qu o r u m s e n s i n g; s y n er g y me t a b o l i s m


作 用 的过 程 中并 不 影 响 细 菌 的 生 长 , 因此 不 会 引
天 然 来 源 主要 包 括 植 物 , 动 物 和 微 生 物 。其 中植 物 来 源 和 微 生 物 来 源 的 Q S I s占到 天 然 来 源
Q S I s 的绝 大部分 。 1 . 1 . 1 植 物 来 源 QS I s
目( L Y1 6 H3 o o o 0 8 ) 。
作者简介: 王 鸿( 1 9 7 2 一 ) , 女, 黑 龙 江 齐 齐 哈尔 人 , 教授 , 博士生导师 , 研 究 方 向 为药 学 。E - ma i l : h o n g w @z j u t . e d u . c a 。

然来源 和化学合成来源 。 天然来源 Q S I s 通常具有
修 回 日期 : 2 0 1 6 — 0 4 — 0 8 基金项 目: 国 家 自然 科学 基 金 资 助项 目( 2 1 3 3 7 0 0 5 ) , 国家 自然 科 学 基 金 资助 项 目( 3 0 9 7 3 6 8 1 ) , 浙 江 省 自然科 学 基 金 资 助 项
植物来源 的 Q S I s 研究较 为广泛 , 最 早 发 现 海
起细菌耐药性 的产生。这一新颖 的抑菌机制使其
在 开发 新 型抗 感 染 药 物 方 面 有很 大 潜 力 。
洋 红藻 ( D e l i s a p u l c h r a ) 中的溴代 呋喃酮 ( 5 z ) 一 4 一
r a n o n e ( 1 ) 可 以 阻 断 哈 氏 弧 菌 的 生 物 荧 光 的 产 生I 2 J 。 木 耳 u r i c u l a r i a a u r i c u l a r ) 色素提取物 , 枇 杷 树 中的鞣 质成 分 , 小 茴香 ( C u mi n u m c y mi n u m) 中 的 甲基 丁 香 酚 1 , 2 - d i me t h o x y 一 4 一 ( 2 一 p r o p e n 一 1 一 v 1 )






1. 细菌群体感应的基本原理细菌群体感应是一种通过细菌间分泌的信号分子进行交流的行为,这些分子可以传递不同的信息,例如细胞密度、群体方向、环境变化等。




2. 细菌群体感应在微生物生态系统中的作用细菌群体感应在微生物生态系统中起着至关重要的作用。








3. 细菌群体感应的研究进展目前,细菌群体感应的研究进展日新月异。





信 息 交流 是 通 过 小 的 、可 扩 散 的信 号 分子 ( 自我 诱 导 物 )来 完成 。文 章 阐述 自我 诱 导 物 的结 构 与 合 成 ,
并讨 论 几 种 革 兰 氏 阴性 细 菌 的 群 体 感 应 模 式 、生 理 特 性 及 其 调 控 机 制 。 关键 词 :细 菌 ;群 体感 应 ; 自我 诱 导 物 ;生 理 特 性
V 6卷 增 刊 第2
o . 6,S p 12 u .
广 西 业 生 物 学 农 i . n i ince ● [S J ur lo uangxi Agr c a d B o● ce o na fG
20 0 7年 6月
J n .0 7 u e 20
c m m un c to [- o ia i n) 1] 3

( el el C lcl —
收 稿 日期 2 0 0 7—0 0 ; 4— 9 作者 简 介 韦 珂
修 回 日期 :2 0 0 7—0 5—2 。 2
基 金 项 目 广 西 大 学科 研 基 金项 目 ( 1 0 5 ) DD 0 8 。 6 ( 7 ) 1 2一 ,女 ,广 西 宜 州 人 .讲 师 ,博 士 ;E— i:wek fo r y h o c m. n。 9 mal ielwe @ a o . o c

第2 6卷
当单 个 细菌 向周 围环境 中释放 自我 诱导 物时 , 自我诱 导 物 的浓 度非 常低 ,甚 至不 能被 检测 出
Ab ta t Q u r m e sn s m e it d t r u h a p o u to fd fu i l in lmoe ue sr c : o u s n ig i d ae h o g r d cin o i sb e sg a f lc ls



革兰氏阴性菌群体感应系统研究进展摘要:群体感应(quorum sensing,QS),又称为自体诱导(autoinduction),是一种调节细菌群居行为及特殊基因表达的有效机制,描述细菌之间保持细胞密度变化的化学信号,是一种细菌与细菌间的通讯系统。



关键词:群体感应;革兰氏阴性;LuxI/LuxR群体感应(quorum sensing,QS),又称为自体诱导(autoinduction),是一种调节细菌群居行为及特殊基因表达的有效机制,描述细菌之间保持细胞密度变化的化学信号,是一种细菌与细菌间的通讯系统。








1 革兰氏阴性菌的LuxI/LuxR型QS系统革兰氏阴性菌中感知种内数量的QS系统一般利用酰基高丝氨酸内酯(N-acyl-homoserinelactones,简称acyl-HSL或AHLs,这类分子一般称为AI-1。

















第2期 收稿日期:2020-10-23作者简介:孙长龙(1995—),辽宁鞍山人,硕士,研究方向:污染生态;通信作者:张 阳(1975—),女,教授,博士研究生,研究方向:微生物生态。

基于群体感应调控细菌生物膜形成研究进展孙长龙,吴 思,张倩楠,马 信,齐笑萱,张 阳(沈阳师范大学生命科学学院,辽宁沈阳 110034)摘要:近些年来,许多研究都表明细菌等微生物之间存在群体感应现象(quorumsensing,QS)。




关键词:群体感应;生物膜;群体感应抑制剂;细菌中图分类号:S853.74 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-021X(2020)02-0089-03AdvancesintheRegulationofBacterialBiofilmFormationBasedonQuorumSensingSunChanglong,WuSi,ZhangQiannan,MaXin,QiXiaoxuan,ZhangYang(CollegeofLifeSciences,ShenyangNormalUniversity,Shenyang 110034,China)Abstract:Inrecentyears,manystudieshaveshownthatthereisquorumsensingbetweenmicrobessuchasbacteria(quorumsensing,QS).Manybacteriacansynthesizeandsecreteself-inducingsubstancestoregulategeneexpressionandregulatebiofilmformation,soastoensurethatbacteriaadapttonewenvironmentduringgrowth.Biofilm(biofilm)hasagreatrelationshipwiththeresistanceofbacteria,andtheinhibitionofbiofilmformationbasedondispersalquorumsensinghasbecomeoneofthecurrentresearchhotspots.Inthispaper,somefindingsinthefieldofquorumsensinginrecentyearsarereviewed,mainlyrelatedtotheformationofbacterialbiofilmmadesomesummary.Keywords:quorumsensing;biofilm;quorumsensinginhibitor;bacteria1 群体感应系统与细菌生物膜的形成1.1 细菌中的群体感应群体感应(quorumsensing,QS)又称细胞交流,是指菌体自身产生化学信号并且感知其相应信号浓度变化,进行微生物种间或种内信息交流,从而调节微生物群体行为的一种特殊调控系统。




这种信息交换的过程被称为群体感应(quorum system)。








这一调控系统被称为细菌的群体感应调节(quorum sensing,QS)。


[2]1.细菌种内特异性的群体感应系统1.1革兰氏阳性细菌的群体感应系统革兰氏阳性细菌主要以多肽(autoinducing polypeptides,简称AIP)为信号分子。



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南京农业大学学报 2009,32(3):7177Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 谷春艳,范加勤,杨雪,等.彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病菌的鉴定及其群体感应淬灭的研究[J].南京农业大学学报,2009,32(3): 7177彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病菌的鉴定及其群体感应淬灭的研究谷春艳1,范加勤1*,杨雪1,胡白石1,刘凤权1,张永春2(1.南京农业大学植物保护学院/农业部病虫监测与治理重点开放实验室,江苏南京210095;2.上海市农业科学院花卉研究中心,上海201106)摘要:近几年南京种植的彩色马蹄莲软腐病发生严重,从不同品种的彩色马蹄莲不同部位病组织中分离到6个菌株,经形态特征与培养性状比较㊁生理生化测试㊁16S rDNA序列分析和致病性测定,鉴定为胡萝卜软腐果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种(Pectobacterium carotovora subsp.carotovora,P.c.c)㊂信号分子检测结果表明,分离菌株可产生并释放出N酰基高丝氨酸内酯(AHLs)类信号分子㊂利用PCR技术扩增土壤根癌农杆菌中的attM基因,其编码的AttM解酯酶可以显著降解AHLs,在离体条件下可有效地减弱该病原菌的致病性,这为有效控制彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病提供了一种新途径㊂关键词:彩色马蹄莲;细菌性软腐病;病原菌鉴定;attM;群体感应淬灭中图分类号:S682.2+64;S432.4+2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:10002030(2009)03007107 Identification of the pathogen and quorum quenching studyon bacterial soft rot of colored calla lilyGU Chun⁃yan1,FAN Jia⁃qin1*,YANG Xue1,HU Bai⁃shi1,LIU Feng⁃quan1,ZHANG Yong⁃chun2(1.College of Plant Protection/Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Management of Plant Diseasesand Insects,Ministry of Agriculture,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing210095,China;2.Flowers Research Center,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanghai201106,China) Abstract:Bacterial soft rot occurred seriously in colored calla lily(Zantedeschia spp.)in Nanjing,China.Six isolates from dif⁃ferent parts of rotted calla lily were identified as Pectobacterium carotovora subsp.carotovora by morphological observation,bio⁃chemical and physiological characteristics,16S rDNA sequences analysis and pathogenicity determination.The results showed that the isolated strains produced N⁃acyl homosrine lactones(AHLs)detected by AHL⁃bioassay strain JZA1.Furthermore,the lacto⁃nase AttM coded by gene attM amplification from Agrobacterium tumefaciens could degrade AHLs effectively.Suppression of calla lily soft rot was observed after the plants were inoculated with the mixture of the pathogen and AttM,which provided a promising means to control the bacterial soft rot disease of colored calla lily.Key words:colored calla lily;bacterial soft rot disease;pathogen identification;attM;quorum quenching20世纪90年代初,全球性的市场需求促进了彩色马蹄莲(Zantedeschia spp.)的产业形成,并使其成为具有发展潜力的球根花卉品种㊂但由于细菌性软腐病发生严重,且没有理想的防治对策,极大阻碍了彩色马蹄莲的发展[1-3]㊂20世纪末,中国开始引种彩色马蹄莲[4];易建平等[5]报道了进口马蹄莲海关抽样材料中存在软腐病㊂随着组培产业化技术的应用[6],国内种植规模不断增加,软腐病发生严重时达100%;王敏等[7]报道云南马蹄莲软腐病病原菌中,除Pectobacterium carotovora subsp.carotovora 外,还有P.chrysanthemi;而彩色马蹄莲病害防控方面的研究报道则较少[8]㊂细菌不同细胞间存在化学信号调节,当群体达到一定密度时,该信号分子达到一定浓度,进而启动控制各种生物行为的基因(包括致病基因)表达,即群体感应(quorum sensing)[9]㊂针对P.carotovora subsp.carotovora的信号分子(AHL)㊁作用方式和群体感应淬灭(quorum quenching)已有较多的研究收稿日期:20080401基金项目:江苏省农业三项工程项目(SX(2002)058);江苏省科技兴农项目(BC2001357);上海市农业科技攻关项目(沪农科攻字(2007)第12号)作者简介:谷春艳,硕士研究生㊂*通讯作者:范加勤,从事植物病理学研究,E⁃mail:fanjq@㊂报道[9-12]㊂Dong 等[9-10]证实源于Bacillus sp.的aiiA 基因产生的解酯酶AiiA 可降解马铃薯软腐病菌的群体感应信号分子AHL;Molina 等[13]提出解酯酶AiiA 不但可以防治软腐病的发生,而且具有一定的治疗效果㊂attM 基因与aiiA 基因相似,Zhang 等[14]和Dong 等[15]对其干扰细菌群体感应进行了报道,但国内尚无有关的研究报道㊂本研究以南京栽培彩色马蹄莲软腐病为研究对象,对病原菌进行分离鉴定㊂利用PCR 扩增,从土壤根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens )中获得attM 基因,通过病原菌群体感应信号分子AHL 的生物检测,以及attM 基因和aiiA 基因对病原菌致病性抑制作用比较,为进一步利用attM 基因防控彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病奠定基础㊂1 材料与方法1.1 供试菌株及来源 本研究所用菌株与质粒及其特性见表1㊂表1 供试菌株和质粒Table 1 Strains and plasmids used in this study 菌株/质粒Strain /plasmid相关特性Relevant characteristics 来源Reference /source 菌株Strain 胡萝卜软腐果胶杆菌P .carotovora 初次分离菌株(PccS)Isolate from rotted tissue Wild type 本研究This study 回接分离菌株(RPccS)Isolate from rotted tissue inoculated with PccS Wild type,isolated from the rotted plant cultured in greenhouse 本研究This study 胡萝卜软腐果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种 Pectobacterium carotovora subsp.carotovora (P .c .c )Wild type,the standard strain 本研究室This laboratory 大肠杆菌E .coli DH5αΦ90lacZ Δm 15,recA 1本研究室This laboratory DH5α/pME6000DH5αtransformant with pME6000plasmid 本研究This study DH5α/pME6863DH5αtransformant with pME6863plasmid,AHL degrader 本研究This study DH5α/pUCM DH5αtransformant with pUCM plasmid,AHL degrader 本研究This study DH5α/pUC19DH5αtransformant with pUC19plasmid 本研究This study 土壤根癌农杆菌Agrobacterium tumefaciens本研究室This laboratory JZA1AHL biosensor strain KYC55(pJZ372)[Tc R ](pJZ384)[Spe R ](pJZ410)[Gm R ][11] R10(pCF 218)Ptet⁃traR,Tc R ,high AHL production strain [12]质粒Plasmids pME6000Broad⁃host⁃range cloning vector,Tc R [16] pME6863pME6000carrying the aiiA gene from Bacillus sp.A24under the constitutive Plac promoter [17] pUC19Cloning vector,Amp R 本研究室This laboratory pUCM pUC19carrying the attM gene from A .tumefaciens EHA105本研究This study 1.2 菌株分离将来自种植圃或回接发病的病株组织表面消毒后采用平板划线分离法[18],在肉汁胨(NA)平板培养基上培养分离纯化3次,-20℃保存备用㊂1.3 细菌形态特征观察及生理生化测试1.3.1 细菌染色试验 按常规方法采用结晶紫㊁草酸铵染色法[19],赖夫生鞭毛染色法和西萨基尔染色法[18]进行染色㊁镜检㊂1.3.2 生理生化测试 参照Krieg 等[20]和Duveiller 等[21]的方法进行氧化酶㊁接触酶反应,测定淀粉水解㊁好氧性和厌氧性;蛋白胨葡萄糖磷酸盐培养[19],进行甲基红(MR)和V.P.试验;常规方法[18]观察H 2S 变黑反应㊁硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐的还原反应㊁利用氨基酸和碳水化合物产酸反应㊂1.4 致病性测定1.4.1 烟草过敏性反应 将28℃培养24h 的菌株,用无菌水配成1×108CFU㊃mL -1的菌悬液,注射普通烟叶背面的表皮下,温室培养24h 后观察㊂27 南 京 农 业 大 学 学 报 第32卷1.4.2 彩色马蹄莲致病性测定 分离物在NA 固体培养基上培养24h,用无菌水配制1×108CFU㊃mL -1的菌悬液,注射彩色马蹄莲叶柄背面距土面5cm 处,每株注射10μL,脱脂棉保湿8~12h㊂种球用70%乙醇表面消毒,切成厚约5~6mm 薄片,每片接10μL 菌悬液,以无菌水作为对照,均重复3次,28℃恒温培养,观察发病情况㊂1.4.3 马铃薯㊁大白菜的致病性测定 取新鲜马铃薯块茎和大白菜叶柄洗净,用70%乙醇表面消毒,马铃薯块茎切成厚约5~6mm 薄片,大白菜叶柄切成约30mm ×90mm 的长条㊂每个培养皿放1片马铃薯块茎或1块大白菜叶柄,培养皿中加灭菌水5mL㊂每片接3处,每处接5μL 菌悬液,以无菌水和P .c .c 作对照,均重复3次,28℃培养12h 观察结果㊂1.5 16S rDNA PCR 扩增1.5.1 DNA 提取 分离物按1%体积比接入NA 液体培养基,28℃㊁220r㊃min -1振荡培养20h㊂用购自TIANGEN 的TIANamp Bacteria DNA Kit 提取病菌基因组DNA㊂取3μL DNA 溶液于1%琼脂糖凝胶上电泳,确定PCR 时的模板量㊂1.5.2 PCR 反应体系 10×Buffer (10mmol㊃L -1Tris⁃HCl,pH 8.3,50mmol㊃L -1KCl)2.5μL,25mmol㊃L -1MgCl 21.5μL,2.5mol㊃L -1dNTP 1μL,r Taq polymerase 0.5U (以上试剂均购自大连宝生物有限公司),16S rDNA 特异性引物(20mmol㊃L -1)(Invitrogen 公司合成)各1μL,病菌基因组DNA 1μL,双蒸水补足至25μL㊂PCR 反应程序:95℃5min;94℃30s,54℃30s,72℃2min,30个循环;72℃10min㊂取8μL 扩增产物,1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离检测㊂1.5.3 PCR 扩增产物测序 部分PCR 产物,按胶回收试剂盒说明回收纯化,送上海英骏生物技术有限公司测序㊂将测得的序列与GenBank 数据库中已注册的序列用BLAST 搜索软件进行同源性搜索,运用Mega 生物软件进行分析㊂1.6 分离菌株的自诱导物检测经分离鉴定的菌株,参照Zhu 等[11]的生物显影方法检测群体感应自体诱导物AHL,JZA1为检测菌株,R10为阳性对照,NA 液体培养基为阴性对照㊂1.7 pUCM 载体的构建根据已公布的Agrobacterium tumefaciens 中的attM 基因序列(GenBank 登录号U59485,所处的位置15833~16603)设计引物(attmF ∶5′⁃GCCAAGCTTATGCTTCAGTCGGGTACG⁃3′;attmR ∶5′⁃GCCGAAT⁃TCTTACGCGTAAAATTCGGG⁃3′),以A .tumefaciens EHA105的基因组DNA 为模板扩增attM 基因㊂用TaKaRa 公司提供的高效保真酶(code:DR010S)进行PCR 扩增,反应条件:98℃5min;98℃10s,60℃30s,72℃1min,30循环;72℃8min㊂将PCR 产物酶切回收连接于pUC19上,转化宿主菌DH5α,进行PCR 扩增和酶切验证,并送上海英骏生物技术有限公司进行序列测定㊂1.8 解酯酶AttM 对病原菌信号分子降解作用的检测将DH5α/pUCM ㊁DH5α/pUC19分别与AHL 阳性菌株R10上清液,按体积比1∶1共同接种于含有氨苄青霉素(Ampicillin,Amp)的液体LB 培养基中,37℃振荡过夜,各自取菌液和上清液分别利用JZA1菌株进行生物显影㊂以R10为阳性对照,以DH5α/pUC19的菌液和上清液分别作阴性对照㊂用β半乳糖苷酶法[22]检测β半乳糖苷酶活性,重复3次,所得结果用SAS 软件Duncan′s 多重比较法进行统计分析㊂1.9 解酯酶AttM 对彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌菌体生长的影响将DH5α/pUC19㊁DH5α/pUCM 和测序鉴定的彩色马蹄莲软腐病分离物(PccS1)培养12h,利用分光光度计分别将各菌液的D 600调整为0.1㊂将空白LB 培养液㊁DH5α/pUC19㊁DH5α/pUCM 分别与PccS1等体积混合后分别接种到20mL LB 培养液中㊂经30℃过夜培养后利用分光光度计分别将各菌液的D 600再次调整为0.1,立即按梯度稀释法稀释105倍㊂吸取各菌液100μL 分别涂于含有Amp 抗生素和不含抗生素的LB 平板上,每个处理重复3次,30℃培养48h㊂统计含有抗生素和不含抗生素平板的菌落数,按Duncan′s 新复极差法测验各处理间的差异显著性㊂1.10 离体条件下,解酯酶AiiA ㊁AttM 对彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌的致病性影响37℃下,DH5α/pME6863㊁DH5α/pME6000㊁DH5α/pUCM㊁DH5α/pUC19培养12h,PccS128℃下培养12h,均用无菌水配成1×108CFU ㊃mL -1的菌悬液㊂将DH5α/pME6863㊁DH5α/pME6000㊁37第3期 谷春艳,等:彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病菌的鉴定及其群体感应淬灭的研究DH5α/pUCM㊁DH5α/pUC19的菌悬液分别与病原菌分离物的菌悬液等体积混合,接种于彩色马蹄莲种球切片(厚约5~6mm)㊂每培养皿1片,加灭菌水5mL,每片接种10μL菌悬液混合物,以PccS1和无菌水分别作对照,每个处理重复3次,28℃恒温箱培养12h㊂用十字交叉法计算腐烂面积的大小㊂所得数据按Duncan′s新复极差法测验各处理间的差异显著性㊂2 结果与分析2.1 病菌的培养性状及形态特征 从彩色马蹄莲不同品种㊁不同部位的病组织中,获得6个分离物(PccS),NA平板上培养24h后可见直径约1mm的圆形菌落,灰白色,透明,表面湿润光滑稍隆起,后期变为半透明㊂将PccS回接健康植株,再分离发病组织,获得的回接分离物(RPccS)培养性状与PccS一致㊂菌体均为直杆状,单生或串生㊂革兰氏反应阴性,周鞭2~5根㊂2.2 生理生化测定分离的菌株和对照菌株P.c.c均为兼性厌气菌㊂氧化酶㊁淀粉酶反应均为阴性,接触酶阳性㊂发酵产酸,产气,甲基红试验㊁硝酸盐还原反应为阳性,V-P试验为阴性,能利用多种碳水化合物和氨基酸,但分离菌株均不能利用半胱氨酸产生硫化氢,而P.c.c可以利用半胱氨酸产生硫化氢㊂2.3 彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌分离及致病性测定6个分离物,分别接种盆栽彩色马蹄莲健康株,均能引起发病,症状与田间自然症状一致(图1)㊂起初接种处出现水渍状,界限明显,随着病势的发展,病组织开始软化㊁腐烂最后全株倒伏死亡㊂图2显示初次分离菌株PccS㊁回接分离菌株RPccS及对照菌株P.c.c在烟叶背面注射接种,24h后均有过敏性反应㊂图3所示,P.c.c㊁PccS接种马铃薯块茎和彩色马蹄莲种球切片㊁大白菜叶柄均引起软腐, 3种情况下,后者产生的病斑面积均大于前者,对照(接种无菌水)未出现腐烂㊂图1 分离物回接盆栽健康植株症状Fig.1 Potted colored calla lily soft rotted after inoculated with cells collected from pathogen on agar plate图2 烟叶过敏性反应Fig.2 Hypersensitive reaction on tobacco leaf 1.对照菌株P.c.c;2.无菌水H2O;3.初次分离菌株1 PccS1;4.回接分离菌株1RPccS1;5.初次分离菌株2PccS2;6.回接分离菌株2RPccS2图3 分离物及对照菌株P.c.c接种离体植物组织发病症状Fig.3 Plant in vitro inoculation with isolated pathogen and P.c.cA.马铃薯块茎切片Potato tuber slice;B.彩色马蹄莲种球切片Colored calla lily tuber slices;C.大白菜叶柄Cabbage leafstalk1.对照菌株P.c.c;2.初次分离菌株PccS;3.无菌水H2O2.4 16S rDNA PCR扩增及序列测定将6个分离物用16S rDNA的特异性引物进行PCR扩增㊁测序㊂6个分离物的同源性为100%,选47 南 京 农 业 大 学 学 报 第32卷其中一个代表菌株PccS1与GenBank 数据库中已注册P .c .c 的序列用BLAST 程序进行同源性比较,结果同源性为99%,由此确定分离的6个菌株均为Pectobacterium carotovora subsp.carotovora ㊂图4为用Mega 生物软件所作的同源性比较聚类图㊂图4 PccS116S rDNA 同源性比较聚类图Fig.4 Clustering for homologic comparison of the PccS116S rDNA2.5 分离菌株的AHL 活性测定 图5结果表明,上述6个分离物中的2个代表菌株与R10阳性对照均能产生显色反应,而NA 液体培养基不能㊂表明彩色马蹄莲软腐病病原菌能够产生并释放出AHL 信号分子㊂2.6 AttM 解酯酶对AHL 信号分子的降解作用从图6可以看出,载体DH5α/pUC19与R10共同培养的菌液及上清液能够产生显色反应,而DH5α/pUCM 与R10共同培养的菌液及上清液显色反应很弱,β半乳糖苷酶活性明显降低,均不足阳性对照的1/6㊂由此可见,DH5α在导入attM 基因后能够显著降解R10产生的AHL 信号分子㊂图5 分离菌株的AHL 活性测定Fig.5 AHL activation of the isolated pathogen 1.R10;2.PccS1;3.PccS2;4.NA图6 AttM 解酯酶对AHL 信号分子的降解作用Fig.6 Degradation effects of AttM on AHL左图:AHL 生物显色反应;右图:β半乳糖苷酶活性㊂Left:AHL⁃bioassay strain JZA1;Right:Activities of β⁃galactosidase.1.R10;2.DH5α/pUCM+R10(上清液Supernatant);3.DH5α/pUCM +R10(菌液Mixture);4.DH5α/pUC19(上清液Superna⁃tant);5.DH5α/pUC19(菌体悬浮Bacteria);6.DH5α/pUC19+R10(上清液Supernatant);7.DH5α/pUC19+R10(菌液Mixture)不同大写字母表示邓肯氏检验1%水平上差异显著㊂The different capital letters show the significance at 0.01level using Duncan′s test.The same as follows.2.7 解酯酶AttM 对彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌菌体生长的影响由图7显示,DH5α/pUC19和DH5α/pUCM 与PccS1混合培养,均对PccS1生长存在抑制作用,但57第3期 谷春艳,等:彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病菌的鉴定及其群体感应淬灭的研究图7 AttM对PccS1菌体生长的影响Fig.7 Effects of AttM on the cell growth of PccS1 1.PccS1;2.DH5α/pUC19+PccS1;3.DH5α/pUCM+PccS1两者之间差异不显著㊂表明DH5α/pUC19和DH5α/pUCM对彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病菌PccS1生长的影响与解酯酶AttM关系不显著㊂2.8 AttM解酯酶对彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌致病性的抑制如图8所示,分离物PccS1接种彩色马蹄莲种球切片产生腐烂面积最大,其与等体积DH5α/ pME6000㊁DH5α/pUC19混合接种,腐烂面积均稍有减小,与DH5α/pME6863㊁DH5α/pUCM共同接种,腐烂面积显著减小;无菌水接种则不发病㊂表明DH5α/pUCM中的attM基因编码的产物,与DH5α/pME6863中的aiiA基因编码的产物对P.carotovora subsp.carotovora引起的彩色马蹄莲软腐病具有类似的防治效果㊂图8 AiiA和AttM对彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌致病性抑制Fig.8 The control effects of AiiA and AttM on colored calla lily soft rot caused by P.carotovora subsp.carotovora 左图Left:上排从左到右The top row left to right:PccS1,DH5α/pME6000+PccS1,DH5α/pME6863+PccS1下排从左到右The bottom row left to right:H2O,DH5α/pUC19+PccS1,DH5α/pUCM+PccS1,respectively 右图Right:1.PccS1;2.DH5α/pME6000+PccS1;3.DH5α/pME6863+PccS1;4.DH5α/pUC19+PccS1;5.DH5α/pUCM+PccS1;6.H2O不同小写字母表示经邓肯氏检验在5%水平上差异显著㊂The different small letters show the significance at0.05level usingDuncan′s test.3 讨论本研究表明,根据分离物的形态特征㊁培养性状㊁生理生化特性㊁致病性和16S rDNA测序结果,南京地区彩色马蹄莲软腐病的病原菌被鉴定为胡萝卜软腐果胶杆菌胡萝卜亚种(Pectobacterium carotovo⁃ra subsp.carotovora,P.c.c),与多数研究结果一致[1-3,5],排除了P.chrysanthemi同是病原菌[7]的可能㊂在几种情况下,分离物的致病力比标准菌株P.c.c强,这可能与保存菌株的致病性下降有关[16]㊂生物显色反应表明:1)自彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病组织中分离获得的菌株能够产生AHL;2)自A.tumefaciens中获得的attM基因,能在DH5α中有效地表达并产生AHL降解酶(AHL⁃lactonase),与有关文献报道结果一致[14-15]㊂attM基因编码的解酯酶AttM对彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌菌体生长和致病性的测定试验结果证实,解酯酶AttM不影响彩色马蹄莲软腐病菌的菌体生长,但可以通过降解AHLs影响软腐病菌的致病性,这与当前国际植物病理界研究热点的aiiA基因[9-10]具有相似功能,为进一步对彩色马蹄莲细菌性病害防治开创了良好的理论基础㊂本试验中DH5α/pUC19和DH5α/pUCM与PccS1混合物中PccS1生长量降低,可能与2种微生物在同一环境中的营养竞争有关㊂因本研究中使用的表达载体是pUC19,启动子为lac,其活性相对较弱,可能会影响attM基因的表达量,且在表达过程中需要IPTG诱导,如能采用强启动子,如Plpp等,可能会取得更好的效果㊂后续工作可通过转基因技术,将attM基因导入彩色马蹄莲或构建生物防治基因工程菌,可有效防控彩色马蹄莲细菌性软腐病,因为利用aiiA基因在这两方面研究已取得了令人兴奋的结果[9-13]㊂参考文献:[1] 陈俊位,林俊义.彩色海芋细菌性软腐病防治方法之探讨[J].植物病理学会刊,2000,9(3):10711467 南 京 农 业 大 学 学 报 第32卷[2] Snijder R C,Cho H R,Hendriks M M W B,et al.Genetic variation in Zantedeschia spp.(Araceae )for resistance to soft rot caused byErwinia carotovora subsp.carotovora [J].Euphytica,2004,135:119128[3] 李世峰.是什么制约了彩色马蹄莲切花生产[J].中国花卉园艺,2001(13):1617[4] 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