pair work--problem
pairwork ”在课堂教学中的运用
“pairwork ”在英语课堂教学中的运用“pairwork”,即:“对子活动”,也叫“伙伴活动”,是新教材的一个教学步骤。
“pairwork”可以是同桌(left and right),也可以是前后(front and back),还可以是自由搭配(find a partner),即挑战对话(chalengecal),这是一种激发学生积极性的好方法。
“Pair work ” 学生交际能力
“Pair work”是一种提高学生交际能力的有用的方法邵芳(兰州石化职业技术学院外语系,甘肃兰州730060)摘要:“Pair work”是一种提高学生交际能力的教学方法,对学生的英语学习很有帮助,它不仅能够训练学生运用语言交流的能力,而且还能够锻炼他们读和写的能力。
关键词:Pair work ; 交际能力;教学方法近些年来,培养学生交际能力的教学思想已被我国外语界所接受,新的英语教学资料已使用了好多年了,根据新的教学资料,英语教学的主要目的是训练学生的语言交际能力,要求学生在老师的指导下,把英语看作是一种交际的工具。
所以,曾有人把教师形象地描述为“with a piece of chalk and one mouth, talks from the beginningto the end.”学生则处于被动地像是机器,而现在,随着英语教材的改革,许多新的教学方法出现在课堂上,在诸多的教法中,我认为“pair work”(配对活动) 是比较好的一种课堂教学方法。
Individual work,pair work 和 group work在英语课堂中的使用
Individual work,pair work 和 group work在英语课堂中的使用发表时间:2013-04-01T09:25:17.217Z 来源:《考试与评价》教师版2012年第12期供稿作者:张丹[导读] 英语新课程标准改革以后,课堂教学大多使用任务型教学,主要以学生活动为主,教师的讲解、引导为辅。
这其中使用最多的就是individual work, pair work 和group work。
以下是牛津译林版8A Unit 1 Vocabulary 课时的教学案例,分析这三种学生活动形式在课堂教学中的应用。
教学目标1. 掌握描述人的外貌的形容词 good-looking, thin, handsome, square...2. 掌握常用于描述女孩的词:slim, lovely, pretty, beautiful...常用于描述男孩的词:handsome, strong...3. 能够使用这些词去恰当地描述人。
教学过程Step 1 Leading-inShow an information form of Betty, Max and May. Ask students to retell the passages according to the form.这是一个individual work.教师要求每个学生根据上节课学习内容,运用掌握的词汇,短语,句型,用自己的语言组织成一段小文章,口头表达出来。
例如,一个学生的表达如下:Betty is slim and she has short hair. She is generous and she always share her things with others. She is helpful and she is willing to help people in need. Max is tall. He wears glasses. He have a good sense of humour. He often makes us laugh. We all think he is funny. May is shorter than I. She is small. She has straight shoulder-length hair. She is a honest girl. She can keep secret. She is kind and she is a true friend. She never says a bad word about anyone. 在这个表达中出现了几处错误。
PEP 小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 My home教学内容This is my living room. It has a smallsofa and a green table. It has a big TVand a blue fridge.The plant is near thesofa, and the phone is on the table. Thekeys are on the TV and the glasses areon the fridge. I can watch TV in it. Ilike my living room very much.教学分析一、教学目标1.知识目标:(1)能够理解、掌握描述房间的四个基本步骤: Beginning --Things (房间内的大陈设)--Positions(房间内大陈设和大陈设间的位置关系)--Activities(在房间内的活动)--Ending。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够对如何描述房间有了比较清晰、全面的认识。
3. 情感态度、学习策略目标:(1)通过本课的学习,培养和保持学生的英语学习兴趣。
二、教学重难点分析1. 教学重点为根据描述房间的步骤,有序地、完整地描述房间中物品的摆放和陈设。
2. 难点为关于房间大陈设与小陈设之间位置关系的描述,即, and是本节课的难点。
三、课前准备CAI,Word cards教学过程What room is it? What’s in the rooms?扣,不仅复习了本单元的重点单词、句型,还激发了学生的学习兴趣,创建和谐快乐的课堂氛围。
美国21世纪“5C”外语学习标准对外语教学的启示作者上海市上海中学王鹤芳为了提高美国学生的外语能力以适应经济全球化的需要,美国政府制订了国家级课程标准--(Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century,1996年初版,1999年再版。
该《标准》将美国21世纪的外语学习目标归纳为5个以字母C开头的单词,即:Communication(语言交流),Cultures(文化沟通),Connections (相关知识),Comparisons (比较能力) 和Communities (社团活动),也是《标准》的核心内容。
段对话让 学生机械地操 练, 而是引 导 学 生就 他 们 各 自 熟 悉 的各 种 活 动, 积 极地相互问 答, 相 互交流。正 因为他们能 够无拘无束 地表达各自 的观点, 所 谈论的又是 各自熟知的
其三, 死抠教材, 课外延伸阅读 少。从理论上讲, 考 生对西方名著《堂吉诃 德》的内容应该 是比较熟悉的, 但 事实上学生把教材当作圣经, 而对于一些课外读物 却很 少涉猎。这种现象在中学是非常普遍的。
制约国内英 语教学效果 的瓶颈 是缺少语言 环境, 这已成 为英语教 学工作者的共识。在教学实践中, 老 师、学生 苦于没有语 言环境, 没有更 多 的机 会 进 行 足 够 的 语言 实 践 活 动, 达 不到培养技能 、发展 能力的目 的。随着教 材改革和教学 改革的不 断深入, 现今 各种版本的 教材都设 置 了越 来 越 多 的 Pairwork 和Groupwork。 几乎每堂 课的每 个话题 之后 都有 Pairwork和 Groupwork可 供学 生 合作、交 流、互动。这无疑 给合作学 习提供了很 好的操作平 台, 从而改 变了学生被 动接受语言 知识的学习 方式 , 使学生 在学 中用 , 用中 学, 学 了就 用, 不 会用再 学, 学 用结 合, 探 究创新, 促使 他们形成积 极的学习 动机和学习 态度、良好 的学习习惯 和交际策略, 培养合 作、创 新精神和 实践能力。细究其中原因, 大致有如 下几个方面。
三 、对 历 史 教 学 的 建 议 历史教学必须重视基本功的训练 , 要反对押题、猜 题。历史学科以史实多而著称, 过去强调“备多分”, 现在 有些历史教师又过分突出能力的培 养, 或热衷于猜题、 押题, 而忽视对学生进 行基本功的训练。有些教师 估计 综合题会考世界近现代史的内容, 因此, 在复习迎考中, 他们对世界史进行粗线条的专题复习 , 做大量的 材料题 以应付历史主观题对世界近代史内容 的考核; 而 中国古 代史则按照教材上的每个考点进行地 毯式的复习, 以准 备 填 空 题 型 。但 试 卷 把 世 界 史 与 中 国 史 考 核 方 式 稍 微 调 整, 历史教师、考生均叫苦不迭。试卷给中学历史教师提 了个醒, 在复习过程中, 不要主观臆断 , 而是要扎 扎实实
关键词:英语课堂;Pairwork;Groupwork-Pai w ork"和-Groupwork"是指为完成特定的任务,学生以小组的形式(两个学生组成的一对一小组,或若干个学生组成的互助小组)展开的语言交际活动。
全新版大学英语第二版第一册-pair-work问题答案-UNIT-————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:1.How did Baker use to feel about English courses?He used to be utterly bored by English courses.2.When did he begin to think it possible for him to become a writer?When he was in the third year in high school.3.What did Baker hear about Mr. Fleagle? What was his own impression of his new English teacher?He heard that Mr. Fleagle was dull, formal, rigid, and hopelessly out of date, and unable to inspire. He thought he was excessively prime and proper.4.Why did he put off the writing assignment till the last minute?Because he expected the topics would be dull.5.Why was the topic that held his attention?The Art of Eating Spaghetti.6.Why did he want to write about that topic?Because this topic brought back vivid memories of a night in Belleville when he and his family members learned how to eat spaghetti.7.What did he think Mr. Fleagle would do if he were to if he were to write the essay the way he wanted? Why?He thought he would violate all the rules of formal composition he’d learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade.8.What was Baker prepared for when he found all the papers were given back but his?He was preparing himself for a command to report to Mr. Fleagle immediately after school for discipline.9.What was Mr. Fleagle’s announcement?He announced that he wanted to read an essay to the class.10.Whose essay was Mr. Fleagle reading to the class? How did the class respond?Mr. Fleagle was reading Mr. Baker’s essay to the class. The class listened attentively, and then the entire class was laughing with open-hearted enjoyment.11.Why did Baker feel so delighted?Because both Mr. Fleagle and his classmates appreciated his essay very much.12.What did Mr. Fleagle mean by saying “it’s of the very essence of the essay”?Probably he meant that the way Baker’s essay was composed was exactly the way essays should be written or that the essence of a good essay is that it can move readers.1.What was the cab driver doing when the author wanted to take the taxi?He was reading a letter.2.Did the cab driver have a cold?No.3.Whom did the driver talk about with the author?The driver talked about his friend with the author.4.How long had the driver and Ed been friends?They had been friends since childhood.5.What did the driver and Ed use to do when they were kids?They attended the same primary and high school, and always went to school together.6.How often did they see each other over the past 25 or 30 years? Why?They hadn’t seen each other more than once or twice a year because the driver moved away from the old neighborhood.7. What had happened to old Ed by the time the story took place?Old Ed was dead.8.Why did the driver repeat that he should have kept in touch?Because he was very regretful.9.What did the author mean by saying the first sentence in the letter reminded him of himself?He thought he himself also neglected keeping up correspondence with his friends.10.Why did the driver say he began the letter with “Old Friend”?Because they had been good friends over the years. They were old now, and there weren’t many people at their age still alive.11.How did the driver feel about Old Ed’s friendship with him?The driver felt that their friendship over the years had been very important to him, more important than he could say because he was not good at expressing his feelings.12.What did the author decide to do when he arrived at the hotel? Why?He decided to write a letter at once he didn’t want to make the same mistake as the driver did.1.What is the attitude of some people towards the changes brought about by science and technology?They’d like to stop such changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age.2.What was life like before science and technology began to change our way of life?Life was nasty, brutish, and short.3.What would happen if all government money for research were cut off?The force of competition would still bring about advances in technology.4.Is it possible to prevent science and technology from further development? Why or why not?It’s impossible to prevent science and technology from further developm ent. Because the force of competition will bring about technological advances, and one cannot stop inquiring minds from thinking about basic science.5.What does the author think we should do about science and technology?We should try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right direction.6.Why is it necessary for the public to have a basic understanding of science?The public having a basic understanding of science can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts.7.How does the public feel about science?It is in two minds about science. It has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of living that new developments in science and technology have brought to continue, but it also distrusts science because it doesn’t understand it.8.What does the author think of equations as a way of expressing scientific ideas?They are a brief and accurate way of describing mathematical ideas, but they frighten most people.9.How is science taught in schools?It is often presented in a dry and uninteresting manner.10.What limited role can books and magazines play in popularizing scientific ideas?They can help put across new development, but even the most successful popular book is read only by a small proportion of the population.11.What is the responsibility of TV science programme producers?To educate the public, not just entertain it.12.What does the author think of the future of human civilization?It will not destroy itself.1.Where did Tony come from?From a rocky farm in Italy.2.How did Mr. Crawford get to know Tony?Tony came to his driveway to offer to mow his lawn.3.Why did Mr. Crawford feel unhappy after he talked with Tony?The Depression Days were difficult, but he felt bad turning away a person who had come to him for help.4.What happened over the next few days?Mr. Crawford was busy at the factory, and Tony went on working in his garden.5.How did Tony get6 his job at the factory?He asked Mr. Crawford for it.6. How did Tony become a skilled worker later? And how did Mr. and Mrs. Crawford feel about it?He was a good worker, and then took a pay cut to become an apprentice. Finally he learned a trade. Mr. And Mrs. Crawford thought it to be a satisfactory ending.7.Why did Tony come to see Mr. Crawford again a year or two later? Was Mr. Crawford of help this time? How?Tony wanted to buy a house. Mr. Crawford helped him get a bank loan.8.How did Tony feel about selling his house? Why did he feel that way?He felt happy, because he earned $8,000 and bought a farm.9.Did Tony do a good job of running his farm? Give examples.Yes. He sponsored his childhood friend to move to America. The latter thought he was a millionaire.10.What was Tony’s lifelong dream?Owning a farm.11.How did he make his dream come true?By such values and principles as vision, determination, self-control, optimism, self-respect and integrity.12.Why did Mr. Crawford compare Tony with the greatest American industrialists? Because they reached success by the same route and by the same values and principles.UNIT 51.When did Phil die? Why does the author repeat the time of his death?Phil died at 3 A.M one Sunday morning. The repetition of the precise time of his death helps set the sardonic (讥讽的) tone of the essay.2. What did the obituary say about Phil’s death? What did Phil’s friends and acquaintances think was the real cause of his death?It said Phil died of a coronary thrombosis. They thought he had worked himself to death.3.How full was Phil’s working schedule? Did all the other employees put in as much time and work as he did?He worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night. No, they didn’t.4.How come Phil became overweight?He always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk, and it is implied he took no exercise other than a monthly golf game (and even that was just as an opportunity to do business).5.What did he wear to the office on Saturdays? Why?He wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend.6.What position did Phil hold in the company? How did the people working for him feel about him?He was one of six vice-presidents. They liked him most of the time.7.What did Helen mean by “Missing him all these years”?She meant that she had been missing her husband long before he died because he spent little time at home.8.Why were the neighbors embarrassed when Phil’s eldest son asked them what his father was like?Because they knew little about his father.9.Did his daughter feel close to him? How do you know?No. whenever she was alone with her father, they had nothing to say to each other.10.What is the significance of Phil’s youngest son’s statement, “My father and I only board here”? What does it convey about Phil’s relationship with his family?The statement is intended to show forcefully how Phil concentrated far too much on his business to the neglect of his family life and his duty to his wife and children.11.What did the company president say about Phil at the funeral? What did he do as soon as Phil’s funeral was over?He said at the funeral that Phil had meant much to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace. He began to make inquires about Phil’s replacement as soon as his funeral was over.12.What impact does the final paragraph have? How does this reinforce the author’s point? By telling us what the company president said at the funeral and what he did soon after the funeral the author lays bare the great absurdity (荒谬) of contemporary American corporate life: the pursuit of business success is valued well above anything else, even human lives.UNIT 61.What was John Blanchard doing at Grand Central Station?He was waiting for Miss Maynell.2.How had Blanchard and Miss Maynell come to know each other?Blanchard happened to see the notes penciled in the margin of the book he borrowed from a Florida library. He was so attracted by them that he tried hard to locate her address and finally succeeded in corresponding with her.3.What had kept Blanchard from meeting her?His service in the army in World War II had kept him from meeting her.4.How long had they written to each other previous to their first meeting?Twelve months.5.Why did Miss Maynell refuse to send Blanchard a photograph?She thought that if he really loved her, what she looked like wouldn’t matter.6.How would Blanchard recognize Miss Maynell at their first meeting?She would recognize her by the red rose she’d be wearing on her lapel.7.Why did Blanchard follow the girl without first trying to see if she was wearing a rose? He was attracted by her beauty.8.What did “Miss Mayness” look like? How did Blanchard feel toward his “valentine”? “Miss Maynell” was a middle-aged lady, plain-looking and heavy. Blanchard was in a dilemma, greeted with mixed feelings: to go on to love her or to run after the pretty young woman.9.Why didn’t Blanchard turn away from “Miss Maynell”?Because he thought he must keep his word, that is, never betray her in terms of love or friendship.10.What had Blanchard planned to do when he first met Miss Maynell?He had planned to take her to dinner.11.How come the middle-aged woman was wearing the rose?The real Miss Maynell begged her to wear the rose on her coat to test Blanchard.12.What did Miss Maynell want to find out through the test?She wanted to find out through the test whether he really loved her regardless of her appearance.。
【展示课导学】(时段:2课时)备课人:七年级英语组(一)学习内容:Unit3 Topic1 Does he speak Chinese ? Section A 听说课(二)学习目标:1.我能听说下列重点单词could , tell, sure, some, with ,problem, well, often.2.我要学会礼貌询问他人姓名和表达请求。
难点:实义动词“like”,“want”,“speak”的一般现在时第一人称、第二人称的用法以及人称代词主格和宾格的用法Self-study & Self-exploration Cooperation&Exploration Show&Improvement Conclusion& Summarization自学指导内容·学法展前充电展示方案内容·形式′随堂笔记成果记录·知识生成·同步演练本课学习策略:注意倾听主动开口Step1:导学1复习外貌导入,教师自然导入句型-Could you please do sth. ?-Sure , …/ Of couse , … / No problem ...2 Practice the key sentences:Could you tell me your name?Could you help me with it?Do you like Chinese?I want to find a pen pal.Step2:独学听录音1.学科代表带大家读新单词两遍2看图片猜测对话内容,快速浏览1b, .播放1a课文录音a)听1a两遍,完成1b,小组检测核对答案第三遍:跟读,模仿语音语调Step3: 互学. 群学.预展1小组起立,小组长教读1a对话,对于不理解和不会读的句子,小组讨论学习。
Pair work和group work在英语教学中的重要性摘要:新课程凸显出全新的课程理念,作为教学一线教师,我们要在新理念指导下重构教学实践,在学中找乐趣,在玩中学知识,重交际,重实用的交际法在外语教学中也就越来越受到重视,交际法中有许多很好的组织课堂教学的形式,其中最典型的要数pair work和group work。
通过在教学中的实践和体会,我对pair work和group work这两种形式简单的做出一些分析,指出它们的实际含义以及区别,剖析它们在教学中的优点,以及在应用中值得需要注意的一些问题,同时对解决这些问题的方法进行探讨。
关键词:pair work 、group work、优点、问题、探讨《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》明确指出:“义务教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。
”人们在教学中越来越重视英语的交际功能,Pair work和group work因其能实际、有效的培养人们用英语交流的能力而被广泛应用于语言教学中。
一、Pair work和group work的定义与区别。
1、 Pair work和group work的定义Pair work,即在组织课堂教学时将学生分成对,结成对的两位学生在教师的指导下根据某一场景演练或交谈,完成一定的语言交际训练。
group work,指将学生分成三人到八人不等分成若干小组,组的大小视班级大小以及所训练的内容而定。
2、Pair work和group work的区别。
Pair work常用于那些需要更多控制性练习的低年级学生中。
在 Pair work中学生可以获得较多的练习机会,与group work 相比,pair work 更省时,易控制,教师可以有更多的时间进行解答、举例。
英语课堂中的Pairwork和Groupwork1. 引言1.1 英语课堂中的Pairwork和GroupworkOn the other hand, Groupwork involves students working together in small groups to accomplish a common goal. Groupwork promotes teamwork, cooperation, andproblem-solving skills among students. It also encourages peer teaching and learning, as students can exchange ideas, support each other, and learn from different perspectives within the group.2. 正文2.1 Pairwork的定义Pairwork is a teaching method in the English classroom where students work in pairs to complete tasks, practice language skills, or engage in discussions. It involves two students working together, usually with a specific goal or objective in mind. Pairwork is commonly used in language learning because it allows students to interact with a partner, practice speaking and listening skills, and receive immediate feedback from their peer.In pairwork activities, students are often assigned roles such as speaker and listener, questioner and responder, or leader and follower. This helps to create a structured environment where both students have an active role in the conversation or task. Pairwork can be implemented in various ways, such as role plays, information gap activities, problem-solving tasks, or peer editing exercises.Overall, pairwork is a valuable tool for language learning as it promotes collaboration, communication, and engagement among students. It provides opportunities for students to practice language skills in a more interactive and meaningful way compared to traditional teacher-centered activities. Pairwork also helps to build confidence, encourage peer interaction, and foster a supportive learning environment in the classroom.2.2 Pairwork的优势,作者,日期等。
初中课堂pairwork 的有效设计与建议
92课堂内外初中课堂pairwork 的有效设计与建议孙 丹(温州外国语学校,浙江 温州 325000)摘要:Pairwork 作为初中英语课堂的重要教学方式,它的有效设计是促进学生口语能力发展的关键。
本文通过对新标准英语教材的分析,课堂pairwork 的设计原则以及笔者在课堂教学实践中对pairwork 的精心设计与实践感受,体现pairwork 的有效设计的重要性。
关键词:pairwork;教材分析;pairwork 的精心设计与实践感受一、问题的提出2011版课标提出,“义务教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养”。
而课堂通过足够的有效的pairwork 训练是提高学生语言交际能力的有效方式。
在新标准英语设计模块Unit1的课堂pairwork 中遇到了一些疑问。
例如:1.教材Unit1的小听力文本不足以对文中出现的长文本听力形成足够的铺垫作用; 2. 长文本听力中出现较多句型,加大了教师设计对话的难度。
笔者根据自己日常教学实践和几次市级公开课的启示,就精细设计学生pairwork 谈谈体会和反思。
二、新标准教材pairwork 的设计原则任何一种教材都不可能完全满足某一特定学生群体的需要,笔者认为在使用新标准教材过程中,教师应遵循如下原则来设计课堂pairwork。
1. 研读课标、联系实际:教师可以根据课标精神对文本进行取舍和调整来确定课堂的听说目标,不必完全拘泥于教材。
三、精细设计新标准教材pairwork 的积极尝试Krashen 的第二语言习得理论核心和出发点就是语言的习得,他认为习得是一种无意识地、自然而然地学习第二语言的过程。
英语课堂教学中的 pairwork 和 groupwork 及其组织策略| 网站首页 | 教学服务 | 教学研究 | 教学指导 | 课题研究 | 教育学会 | 《安庆教育》 | 名教师工作室 |名校长工作室 |幼儿教育小学数学小学语文初中语文初中数学初中英语中学物理中学化学中学生物中小学音乐体育与健康职业教育信息技术小学英语小学科学高中语文高中数学高中英语思品政治中学历史中学地理中小学美术研究性学习通用技术[推荐 ]英语课堂教学中的 pairwork 和 groupwork 及其组织策略【字体:小大】英语课堂教学中的 pairwork 和 groupwork 及其组织策略作者:谢余良文章来源:本站原创点击数:312 更新时间:2007-5-14英语课堂教学中的 pairwork 和 groupwork 及其组织策略安徽省安庆市教育教学研究室谢余良摘要:本文从五个方面强调了 pairwork 和 groupwork 在英语课堂教学中的意义。
并就 pairwork 和 groupwork 活动之前、活动期间和活动之后如何有效地组织活动进行了详细的叙述 , 提出了一些组织活动的技巧和策略。
关键词: pairwork; groupwork ;策略现在语言教学的一个显著特征是以学生为中心,倡导个别化的活动方式,即以少数较少的小组为单位进行活动,尽量让学生自主学习。
相对于现实的大班集体授课制而言,依据英语课堂教学特点而定,英语课堂教学的 pairwork 和 groupwork 是实施互动教学首选的教学方式。
有效地组织好 pairwork 和 groupwork ,会使英语课堂教学产生活力,会促使更多的学生参与教学活动,会使课堂教学达到较好的效果。
Pairwork一、什么是Pairwork?1.1 定义Pairwork是一种教育教学方式,它强调学生之间的合作与协作。
1.2 特点与优势•相互合作:Pairwork鼓励学生之间的互相合作与交流,促进他们的学习与发展。
二、Pairwork的适用场景2.1 语言学习Pairwork在语言学习中有着广泛的应用。
2.2 问题解决与创新在问题解决和创新的过程中,Pairwork可以激发学生的创造力和想象力。
2.3 项目完成Pairwork在团队项目中有很好的应用。
2.4 社区服务Pairwork还可以在社区服务活动中发挥作用。
三、设计与实施Pairwork活动3.1 确定目标和任务在设计Pairwork活动时,首先需要明确活动的目标和任务。
3.2 组建小组根据活动的性质和任务的要求,可以选择不同的小组形式,如随机分组、合作伙伴选择等。
“Pair work”在英语课堂教学中的运用
“Pair work”在英语课堂教学中的运用“Pair work”即是结对活动。
“Pair work”在英语课堂教学活动中,它可活跃课堂气氛,能鼓励学生相互合作,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,培养学生创造性运用能力,是(新目标)教材的一个不可缺少的教学方式。
在英语课堂教学中如何恰当运用“Pair work”,下面就我多年来的有效实践,谈谈自己在“Pair work”活动中的一些做法及应注意的几个问题。
一﹑合理有效地使用“Pair work”1﹑谈话小组应合理搭配谈话小组的搭配,应根据学生的英语水平,优中差来搭配。
2﹑“Pair work”可随时变换为了方便组织交谈,“Pair work”可以是左右学生之间进行(left and right ),也可以是前后学生之间进行(front and back),还可以让学生自行挑选搭档(find a partner)。
通过“Pair work”活动,他们可以比高低,这样就激发了学生学习英语的积极性。
3﹑分层次进行“Pair work”考虑到学生的兴趣爱好与水平不同,教师应多出几个话题让学生自由选择,这样学生谈话的兴趣就更浓了。
4﹑“Pair work”可以扩展﹑延伸“Pair work”进行一段时间以后,可以选择一些对子在课堂上和别的对子进行交流,以弥补相互的不足。
5﹑“Pair work”要注意发挥学生创造性思维“Pair work”活动可根据不同的教学目标变换形式。
7.Pair work
谨记: 不要把学生变成没有头脑的鹦鹉, 少量的领读是有用的, 但重要的是要变换领读的方式, 进行有意义的练习。
What are you doing?
I am speaking.
Students say words and sentences on their own.
Students think.
Pair work
Students need experience of class, group, pair and individual work so we need to make sure we give students the opportunity to learn in all four ways.
Teaching Oral Skills
If students speak English in class, they will
be good at speaking English
learn English well
- reading - listening
- speaking - writing
使用: 现实生活 自然使用语言 – 语音, 重读 语言交流技巧 靠表演交流 - 自愿的 纠错是自我反思的一面镜子 - 将新旧语言相结合 - 注意单词的意思 - 目标: 交流 -
Cooperation in pairs 小组合作 Purpose: 目的 Complete a written task 完成写作任务
• Remember: Don’t turn students into mindless parrots! Drilling is useful in short doses but it’s important to vary the drills and follow them with meaningful practice.
浅谈Pair Work在英语课堂教学中的运用
浅谈Pair Work在英语课堂教学中的运用近些年来,随着各种新教材的涌现和使用,以及多媒体等辅助教学手段的步入课堂,教师们在教学理念上也发生了很大的改变。
“pair work”即“对子活动”,是英语课堂教学中常用的一种活动形式。
下面我将结合自己实习过程中遇到的问题及总结的一些心得体会来谈谈“pair work”在英语课堂中的运用,不足之处还请专家不吝指正。
1小组合作学习国内外发展现状1.1 国内发展现状小组合作学习是新理念下的课堂教学新模式,我国教师尚处在探索阶段。
通过课堂观察发现,有些教师对这一学习方式研究不深、理解不透,主要存在以下几种误区:1.1.1 蜻蜓点水型布置学生围绕学习内容自主学习,两三分钟后便匆匆收场。
1.1.2 袖手旁观型布置合作学习任务后,要么忙于看教案,要么在一旁等待,要么象征性地到学生中巡视。
1.1.3 变相灌输型为了让合作学习中的交流更顺利,有些教师利用巡视的机会,将自己所希望的结论有意识地暗示给学生。
1.1.4 形式单一型课堂讨论是小组合作学习中运用最多的形式。
1.1.5 无果而终型小组合作学习结束后,便匆匆进入新的教学环节,既没有让学生展示合作学习成果,也没有对学习活动加以总结反馈。
pair work
活动之后教师可以对活动进行简短的总结归纳,如谈谈活动目的的达成度和学生活动的效果,回顾语音训练的要点,表扬活动出色的学生和小组,提出活动的不足之处等,让学生树立信心,做好下次pair work的活动。
总之,pair work打破了传统教学沉闷的课堂气氛,极大程度地提高了课堂的效率。
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TALK ABOUT PROBLEM(Cindy and Lucy are very good friends, they’re senior three student. In this semester ,a girl named Shirley came to this class)C: That girl looks lonely. I think we can get on well with her.L: I don’t think so. On the one hand I don’t want others join in us. On the other hand, we don’t know about her.C: You will find it interesting to have a new friend. Whether you want or not, I’ll try.(Then Cindy and Shirley became good friends. Lucy accepted her although her don’t want.)(On Monday)S: Hello, How were your weekend, Cindy and Lucy?L: So so, I did the homework all Saturday. Fortunately, I went shopping on Sunday. And I have bought these beautiful clothes.C: Sounds like fun. And your clothes are very cute. I just had a boring weekend.S: I went to shopping, too. And I have a new haircut.C: So cool. Is your cloth the newest one of pop fashion?S: Yes.C: It’s really in style. I like it very much.S: Thank you. Are you really for the running exam on the P.E. class?L: Nope. I think I’ll do a good job. I am always the NO.1 in class.C: Yes. Lucy runs really fast. But I’m afraid I can’t run well.(After running)C: Oh. You’re so quick. And you’re even 5 seconds quicker than Lucy!S: That’s noting.L: Only 5 seconds. There’s nothing can be proud.C: But I think 5 seconds is a big distance! And Shirley looks don’t tire. (To Shirley) You are in a good health.S: Thank you. And I think we can do go and play badminton.L: Who want to play wit you? And Cindy, please don’t always compare I with her. I don’t like her. You have already succeeded. You have kept my best friend away from me. I don’t want to see you any more. C: Having big fight sounds like silly to us. Hun?L: You think I’m silly. All right. You can choose to don’t be my friend.S: Wait… She is mad at me. Maybe I should leave from you too.C: Please, don’t.S: But she said she didn’t want to see me any more.C: That’s her. Very narrow-minded. ['nærəu'maindid]S: I’ll explain to her.C: Don’t do this. I have a good idea.S: What should we do?C: 7 days later is Lucy’s birthday. I suggest that …S: I got it. We can throw a surprised party.C: Yeah.(7 days later, Lucy’s birthday)S: We go first.C: We have some things to do.L: Ok. Maybe, I really am no longer your friend.(Lucy walk back dormitory in silence)L: It’s all dark. Where were they going? (Open the door)S&C: Happy birthday!L: You all remember?C: Yes. We want to prepare the birthday party for you. So we come back first.S: Yeah. I want to say sorry to you. And I think there are some misunderstandings ['misʌndə'stændiŋ] between us.L: Ok, stop. I know. That’s all because I’m too stingy ['stindʒi], that we’re unhappy like this. Thank you. And I suggest that we can be good friends and I will never be mad at both of you.S: That’s good.C: How about eat this beautiful cake I’ve just baked!S&L: That’s a good idea~Ha ha ha~(From there, they became really good friends. They help each other on study, and they did really good jobs on end-of-year exam. And they study in the same university. They’re good friends for ever.)PAIR WORK--events(Cindy, Lucy, Shirley are friends. Today, they are going to Disneyland to have some fun.)C: Wow! In the Disneyland, there have all kinds of attractions, like roller coasters, Ferris wheels,and so on.L: Yeah. It was because there were many attractions that there are many tourists.S: Have you heard of Disney Cruise?C: Certainly. On board there are many attractions. The boats take different routs, but they all end up in the same place.L: Well. I think we should think about the attractions we want to play rather than talking about the Disney theme.S/C: Oh, well.S: I want to play attractions especially exciting attractions such as roller coaster.C: But I want to shop because many students have the same clothes as I have, and I think it’s out of s tyle, I want to be original.L: I also want to shop. I want to buy some new clothes and some souvenirs.S: OK, we can choose we like to do.L: Yeah, Bye.(One hour later, the big earthquake takes place in the Disneyland.)S: Where am I? Oh Lucy, Cindy, you are here, too!C/L: Yes.L: I only remembered that when I was shopping with Cindy, and I fall down in a swoon.C: while we woke up we meet you here.S: Me too. I have just played roller coaster. While I get off the coaster I felt the land was shaking. C: Yes, I felt the shaking too. And what’s that?L: Maybe... It’s the earthquake. But where are we now?S: I don’t know.C: There is a person. Let me ask him.(Few times later)C: He said here is Tang Shan.L: What?S: Oh no! I think my mother must be worried because I got lost.L: I also think the Disneyland was destroyed by this earthquake.C: I bet at that time many people died. Maybe their family members will walk home in silence. S: But I hope we are still alive and can go back to the DisneylandC/L: We are alive of course.L: Oh, wait. Why do I feel so terrible? The land was shaking.S: What’s the matter?C: Do you remember what we learned on history class last Friday?S: You mean its tang Shan earthquake?C: Must be. Oh!S&L: Cindy!(Swoon)S: Oh, where am I?L: Look, that’s Disneyland’s gate.S: What? Would it a dream?C: No. Look back. They were all destroyed by earthquake.L: Does that mean because of the earthquake we go to Tang Shan, and…C: Because of the Tang Shan’s earthquake we come bake.L: How amazing it was!S: But one great thing is we go back.C&L: Yeah~1下列语句标点完全正确的一项是:( )A.鲁迅先生说的:我吃的是草,挤出来的是牛奶,血,也正是松树的风格的写照。