➢ 芯线绞距
取芯线10个绞合的间距的平均值作为芯线平均绞距,测量时去 除大约十个绞合长度的绝缘外皮,取任何一支芯线为对象进行 测量。注意在去皮时不要损伤芯线,造成芯线断线。
➢ UL Style Pages简介
➢ UL即将推出的UL758标准的情况介绍
以Mils计算:导体截面积CMA=nd2(CMA:Circular Mil Area) 以毫米计算:导体=0.7854*nd2
其中n为导体结构中芯线的根数。芯线直径的测量:根据 UL1581第200节,每根芯线直径须使用精度达到0.01mm(0.001英 寸),两个端面都是平面的千分尺进行测量。
测量过程中发现测量值小于要求值(UL1581,Table20.1),可用两 种方法中的另一种加以证实。(注:DC电阻测量法不能用来作 为测量CMA的最终判断标准)。
➢ 常用的千分尺,测量端面均为平面,最小读数:0.01mm ➢ 端面为1.98*9.5mm,荷重10g的荷重千分尺(导体绝缘厚度) • 平均绝缘厚度的测量:距端线10英寸开始,每10英寸为一个测量点,
UL444 Communication Cables(通讯电缆)
UL758 Appliance Wiring Material(设备装置线)
4、电线电缆参考标准(UL1581) 、电线电缆参考标准(UL1581)
本标准描述UL62,UL44 Wires and Cables,UL83涵盖之电线电 缆的样品制备、测试及计算方法
外被 平均外被厚度
沿线身测量相距离英寸的5个点处外被的外径以及成缆直径,外 被厚度=(外被外径-成缆直径)/2 平均外被厚度为5个点测量值的平均。 先小心抛磨打平,再使用荷重85g,测量截面直径6.4mm的荷重千 分尺测量。
外被最小厚度:同导线最小绝缘厚度。外被内表面须 读数显微镜测量:方法同导体绝缘厚度测量方法。
2012-1-30 13
放线端为裸铜线:放线端接地,收线端不用接地,电线的导通 性不须测试。 放线端为绝缘导线:导线与收线、放线轮导通连接,收线、放 线端均须接地。对于10AWG或更细导线,不用测试导通性能。
测试电压:见Table900.2 测试电压:见Table900.2
(五)绝缘电阻测试 1、普通电线电缆
2、常用户外型“w”电线电缆,如SPT-2W,SJTW,CXTW 、常用户外型“ 电线电缆,如SPT-2W,SJTW, 等。
短时间绝缘电阻的测试方法与普通型电线电缆相同,但合格判 定标准完全不同,“W”型电线阻值要高得多。如 CXTW22AWG,合格标准为15.6 ℃225M/1000英尺。 (1)判定标准 SPT-2W,SPT-1W,XTW以及CXW,参见UL62Table35.1 SJTW等护套线,参见UL62Table32.1 表中所列的绝缘电阻为15.6 ℃下短时间浸水阻值,另外还需进 行50 ℃升温长时间浸水测试其绝缘电阻。 (2)TCF的确定 首先要确定阻抗因子C,再从UL62Table33.1中找出相应的M因 子,套用前面公式,即可求出阻抗。
➢ 平均外被厚度
沿线身测量相距离英寸的5个点处外被的外径以及成缆直径, 外被厚度=(外被外径-成缆直径)/2
➢ 外被最小厚度:同导线最小绝缘厚度。外被内表面须
先小心抛磨打平,再使用荷重85g,测量截面直径6.4mm的荷重 千分尺测量。
将10 ℃-29.4 ℃水温的测量值折算为15.6 ℃、长度为1000英尺的值: IR= R*L*M*TCF
TCF对照表可参见UL1581 Table52.1
2、常用户外型“w”电线电缆,如SPT-2W,SJTW,CXTW 等。
• 绝缘厚度=(导线外径-导体直径)/2 将5个点处的绝缘厚度平均即得到平均绝缘厚度。
• 最小绝缘厚度的测量: 测量工具:pin-gauge千分尺,注意此方法适用于18AWG或更大线径的导 线结构。截取一段抽出芯线导体的绝缘体,将其放置在千分尺的pin上。 测量时先将荷重轻轻抬起,并缓慢转动绝缘体,读取最小值即视作导 线绝缘体最小厚度。对于小于18AWG的导线,可采用读数显微镜方法。
对于单芯电源线,如CXTW线,耐电压测试即为火花测试,而对 于多芯电源线,日常生产测试中也可以用火花测试代替耐电压 测试。
火花测试要点: ➢ 火花试验机
(1)镀铬铜珠练长度、位置:参见Table900.1,从横向和纵向对珠 练的间隔,排列方式等进行了规定,日常生产中须定期检查珠 练是否掉落,如发现有部分不全,应及时加以更换。
➢ UL即将推出的UL758标准的情况介绍
➢ UL FUS Procedure(检验细则)的构成
➢ 制造商的基本责任
UL758:绝缘芯线和完成外 被分别试验。
电缆中各导线间应施加UL62Table51.1相对应的电压,加压时应 在10S至60S钟内缓慢将电压由零加到额定值,保持1分钟。判别 标准为在升、降压以及保持期间,Hi-pot机电路报警。另一方 面,绝缘电阻测试在某种程序上也能产生类似效果,所以先进 行耐电压测试是一种积极的简便测试漏电的方法。
拉伸速率:在UL1581第50节各表中未特别指明拉伸速率时,通常情况 下速率为500+25mm/min.
UL62现在已将常规可弯曲软线的物性归结在Table5.2(绝缘体)和 Table7.2(外被)中。
过去所有电线塑料材质的物性全部列入UL1581 Table50系列。例如SPT2,105 ℃电线,其物性要求为:SPT-2为Integral PVC电缆,故应用 UL62Table15.1或UL1581 Table50182。105 ℃对应的CLASS是2.11,拉伸指 数为老化前拉伸率100%,抗张强度1500ibf/m2。136 ℃,7天的老化后 拉伸率为之前的65%,抗张强度为老化前的85%。而对于半硬PVC而言 (SR-PVC),根据UL1581Table47.1,拉伸指数在Table50183中列明,即 老化前,拉伸率100%,抗张强度3000ibf/m2,老化后百分比分别为70%, 70%。
取样时,小心抽取全部导体芯线,沿导线绝缘体方向垂直切片,在显微镜下测 量最薄处的厚度,作为导体绝缘层的最小厚度。
通常将读数显微镜(精度为0.001mm)的测量结果作为最终的参考标准。实际测 量时发现一卷电线测量的最小厚度小于规定值多过2Mils,判定该卷电线不合格。 若测量值小于规定值不超过2Mils,应在该卷电线上相距1英尺处抽取两个样测量, 如果其中1个结果小于最小值,该卷电线判为不合格,若两个测量值均达标,判 为合格。
UL Style Pages简介
UL FUS Procedure(检验细则)的构成
UL62 Flexible Cord and Fixture Wire(软线和装置线) 本标准涵盖各种可绕曲软线,但不包括铠装电缆以及电压超过600V的电线电缆,也不包括加装各种端线接头的电线电缆。
VW-1 Flame Test
VW-1 Flame Test
UL1581 (1060)
UL1581 (1160)
UL13 UL444 UL758:完成品外被 UL758:绝缘芯线 UL758:绝缘芯线和完成外 被分别试验。
电缆中各导线间应施加UL62Table51.1相对应的电压,加压时应 在10S至60S钟内缓慢将电压由零加到额定值,保持1分钟。判别 标准为在升、降压以及保持期间,Hi-pot机电路报警。另一方 面,绝缘电阻测试在某种程序上也能产生类似效果,所以先进 行耐电压测试是一种积极的简便测试漏电的方法。
2019/2/15 16
注:对于护套电缆,如SVT,SJTW,表中所列的绝缘电阻为护套内 各导线间绝缘电阻,所以在测量时,需将护套外被切除后再浸 水测试。 阻抗因子C的决定:参见UL62第34节。 原理:在两个样品升温和降温的过程中,测量5个固定温度点的阻值, 在半对数坐标上作图,推算出15.6 ℃时的阻值,再读出16.1 ℃ 的阻值,两者相除即可求出C值。
外被 平均外被厚度
沿线身测量相距离英寸的5个点处外被的外径以及成缆直径,外 被厚度=(外被外径-成缆直径)/2 平均外被厚度为5个点测量值的平均。
先小心抛磨打平,再使用荷重85g,测量截面直径6.4mm的荷重千 分尺测量。
常见电线的平均厚度和最小厚度的对照表。见UL62, Table:16.2,16.4,16.6,16.8.
芯线绞距 取芯线10个绞合的间距的平均值作为芯线平均绞距,测量时去 除大约十个绞合长度的绝缘外皮,取任何一支芯线为对象进行 测量。注意在去皮时不要损伤芯线,造成芯线断线。 导线绞距 同样取导线的10个绞距长度进行平均,作为平均导线绞距,取 样时要注意由于导线绞合时的内应力一扭力很大,去除外被时 可能造成原绞合结构的松散。为此,取样时先预留一段护套线 不去除外被,再沿线缆方向用利刀片拉掉部分外被,最好是以 能看到待测导线,而导线与外被结合得仍很紧密为宜。将样品 平放拉直,量取某一导线十个绞合点之间的距离作为绞距,因 为成缆时由于应力的关系,成形外被后原绞合距离会增加。 各种芯线最大绞距参见UL62。各种线径的导线最大绞距参见 UL62
I-外部布线 b
OF- 仅 包 含 光 纤 V- 垂 直 燃 烧 O75C-耐 80
F- 进 一 步 加 工 , 仅 组 装 过 AWM 电缆中
VM- 包 含 不 同 额 定电压绝缘线芯 的电缆;见标牌上 的标志
VW-1 垂直电 线燃烧试验
O80C-耐 80 ℃油
S-特种用途,见 标牌上的标志
3 结构 3. 1 总则 3.1 表 3.1 和表 3.2 分别列出了 AWM 或特定的最终产品的等级和使用参数的 代码和代参政的释义。 3.2 表 3.3~3.9 为典型的 AWM 导线的结构细则和基本试验方法的索引表。
表 3.1 等级和用途代码 a
TAG-见标牌上 标志
a. 代码使用例示:I B 80C 300V VW-1 O60C b. 额定用途 I 的 AWM 可用于额定用途 F 的场合。 c. 额定用途 II 的 AWM 可用于额定用途 I 和额定用途 F 的场合。 d. 除非另有规定,指交流均方根值 V。适用的额定电压见表 44.1. e. 可使用一种或数种阻燃等级。 f. 适用的额定温度见表 7.3。
标志 45AWM 的表面标志 45.1 电器布线电线电缆不要求表面标志 45.2 如果使用涉及 AWM 的标志:该标志应包含如下内容:
a) 电线电缆名称:AWM; b) 符合表 3.1 的适用的 AWM 代码; c) 制造商名称,商品名或是其它合适的标志或档案号。如果制造
额定用途 I-内部布线 b
A-未评估 A-正常搬运 C-特种用途,见标 牌上的标志
外被 平均外被厚度
沿线身测量相距离英寸的5个点处外被的外径以及成缆直径,外 被厚度=(外被外径-成缆直径)/2 平均外被厚度为5个点测量值的平均。
先小心抛磨打平,再使用荷重85g,测量截面直径6.4mm的荷重千 分尺测量。
取样时,小心抽取全部导体芯线,沿导线绝缘体方向垂直切片, 在显微镜下测量最薄处的厚度,作为导体绝缘层的最小厚度。 通常将读数显微镜(精度为0.001mm)的测量结果作为最终的参 考标准。实际测量时发现一卷电线测量的最小厚度小于规定值 多过2Mils,判定该卷电线不合格。若测量值小于规定值不超过 2Mils,应在该卷电线上相距1英尺处抽取两个样测量,如果其中1 个结果小于最小值,该卷电线判为不合格,若两个测量值均达 标,判为合格。
常见电线的平均厚度和最小厚度的对照表。见UL62, Table:16.2,16.4,16.6,16.8.
芯线绞距 取芯线10个绞合的间距的平均值作为芯线平均绞距,测量时去 除大约十个绞合长度的绝缘外皮,取任何一支芯线为对象进行 测量。注意在去皮时不要损伤芯线,造成芯线断线。 导线绞距 同样取导线的10个绞距长度进行平均,作为平均导线绞距,取 样时要注意由于导线绞合时的内应力一扭力很大,去除外被时 可能造成原绞合结构的松散。为此,取样时先预留一段护套线 不去除外被,再沿线缆方向用利刀片拉掉部分外被,最好是以 能看到待测导线,而导线与外被结合得仍很紧密为宜。将样品 平放拉直,量取某一导线十个绞合点之间的距离作为绞距,因 为成缆时由于应力的关系,成形外被后原绞合距离会增加。 各种芯线最大绞距参见UL62。各种线径的导线最大绞距参见 UL62
➢ 平均外被厚度
沿线身测量相距离英寸的5个点处外被的外径以及成缆直径, 外被厚度=(外被外径-成缆直径)/2
➢ 外被最小厚度:同导线最小绝缘厚度。外被内表面须
先小心抛磨打平,再使用荷重85g,测量截面直径6.4mm的荷重 千分尺测量。
➢ 读数显微镜测量:方法同导体绝缘厚度测量方法。
常见电线的平均厚度和最小厚度的对照表。见UL62, Table:16.2,16.4,16.6,16.8.
➢ 芯线绞距
取芯线10个绞合的间距的平均值作为芯线平均绞距,测量时去 除大约十个绞合长度的绝缘外皮,取任何一支芯线为对象进行 测量。注意在去皮时不要损伤芯线,造成芯线断线。
原理:在两个样品升温和降温的过程中,测量5个固定温度点的阻值, 在半对数坐标上作图,推算出15.6 ℃时的阻值,再读出16.1 ℃的阻值,两者相除即可求出C值。
拉伸速率:在UL1581第50节各表中未特别指明拉伸速率时,通常情况 下速率为500+25mm/min.
➢ 导线绞距
同样取导线的10个绞距长度进行平均,作为平均导线绞距,取 样时要注意由于导线绞合时的内应力一扭力很大,去除外被时 可能造成原绞合结构的松散。为此,取样时先预留一段护套线 不去除外被,再沿线缆方向用利刀片拉掉部分外被,最好是以 能看到待测导线,而导线与外被结合得仍很紧密为宜。将样品 平放拉直,量取某一导线十个绞合点之间的距离作为绞距,因 为成缆时由于应力的关系,成形外被后原绞合距离会增加。
常用的千分尺,测量端面均为平面,最小读数:0.01mm 端面为1.98*9.5mm,荷重10g的荷重千分尺(导体绝缘厚度) 平均绝缘厚度的测量:距端线10英寸开始,每10英寸为一个测量点, 测量5个点处导线的外径,导体的直径。 绝缘厚度=(导线外径-导体直径)/2 将5个点处的绝缘厚度平均即得到平均绝缘厚度。 最小绝缘厚度的测量: 测量工具:pin-gauge千分尺,注意此方法适用于18AWG或更大线径的导 线结构。截取一段抽出芯线导体的绝缘体,将其放置在千分尺的pin上。 测量时先将荷重轻轻抬起,并缓慢转动绝缘体,读取最小值即视作导 线绝缘体最小厚度。对于小于18AWG的导线,可采用读数显微镜方法。
外被 平均外被厚度
沿线身测量相距离英寸的5个点处外被的外径以及成缆直径,外 被厚度=(外被外径-成缆直径)/2 平均外被厚度为5个点测量值的平均。 先小心抛磨打平,再使用荷重85g,测量截面直径6.4mm的荷重千 分尺测量。
外被最小厚度:同导线最小绝缘厚度。外被内表面须 读数显微镜测量:方法同导体绝缘厚度测量方法。
对于单芯电源线,如CXTW线,耐电压测试即为火花测试,而 对于多芯电源线,日常生产测试中也可以用火花测试代替耐电 压测试。
火花测试要点: 火花测试要点: 火花试验机
(1)镀铬铜珠练长度、位置:参见Table900.1,从横向和纵向对珠练 的间隔,排列方式等进行了规定,日常生产中须定期检查珠练 是否掉落,如发现有部分不全,应及时加以更换。 (2)火花机V型测试槽长度L、测试频率、生产电线最大出线速率的 关系,见Table900.2.可见工作频率提高,出线速率可以大幅提 高,生产效率也可大大提升。 (3)线路接地:保持导体以及放、收线轮与火花机接地良好。
ul线材标准UL线材标准是指美国安全实验室(UnderwritersLaboratories Inc.)制定的一系列线材产品的安全标准。
Flame Test
UL62最低要 求/FT2
Horizontal-Specimen Flame Test
UL1581 (1060)
UL1581 (1080) UL1581 (1090) UL1581 (1100) UL1581 (1160)
UL758 Appliance Wiring Material(设备装置线) 4、电线电缆参考标准(UL1581)
本标准描述UL62,UL44 Wires and Cables,UL83涵盖之电线电缆的 样品制备、测试及计算方法
A、测量每一根绞合芯线截面积之和,测量时至少要取7根苡线直径 的平均值作为平均芯线直径。D
常见电线的平均厚度和最小厚度的对照表。见UL62, Table:16.2,16.4,16.6,16.8.
取芯线10个绞合的间距的平均值作为芯线平均绞距,测量时去除大 约十个绞合长度的绝缘外皮,取任何一支芯线为对象进行测量。注 意在去皮时不要损伤芯线,造成芯线断线。
UL758:绝缘芯线和完成外 被分别试验。
常用的千分尺,测量端面均为平面,最小读数:0.01mm 端面为1.98*9.5mm,荷重10g的荷重千分尺(导体绝缘厚度) 平均绝缘厚度的测量:距端线10英寸开始,每10英寸为一个测量点, 测量5个点处导线的外径,导体的直径。 绝缘厚度=(导线外径-导体直径)/2 将5个点处的绝缘厚度平均即得到平均绝缘厚度。 最小绝缘厚度的测量: 测量工具:pin-gauge千分尺,注意此方法适用于18AWG或更大线径的导 线结构。截取一段抽出芯线导体的绝缘体,将其放置在千分尺的pin上。 测量时先将荷重轻轻抬起,并缓慢转动绝缘体,读取最小值即视作导 线绝缘体最小厚度。对于小于18AWG的导线,可采用读数显微镜方法。
常见电线的平均厚度和最小厚度的对照表。见UL62, Table:16.2,16.4,16.6,16.8.
芯线绞距 取芯线10个绞合的间距的平均值作为芯线平均绞距,测量时去 除大约十个绞合长度的绝缘外皮,取任何一支芯线为对象进行 测量。注意在去皮时不要损伤芯线,造成芯线断线。 导线绞距 同样取导线的10个绞距长度进行平均,作为平均导线绞距,取 样时要注意由于导线绞合时的内应力一扭力很大,去除外被时 可能造成原绞合结构的松散。为此,取样时先预留一段护套线 不去除外被,再沿线缆方向用利刀片拉掉部分外被,最好是以 能看到待测导线,而导线与外被结合得仍很紧密为宜。将样品 平放拉直,量取某一导线十个绞合点之间的距离作为绞距,因 为成缆时由于应力的关系,成形外被后原绞合距离会增加。 各种芯线最大绞距参见UL62。各种线径的导线最大绞距参见 UL62
燃烧等级 (表面印字) CL2,CL3, FLTC CMR CM VW-1 VW-1S VW-1SC 测试项目 标准章节 测试对象
ul 线束印认证标的要求
ul 线束印认证标的要求
1. 线束产品的电气性能要求:包括导体规格、电气参数、线束的可靠性和稳定性等。
2. 线束产品的机械性能要求:包括耐磨性、抗压强度、耐高温、耐低温等。
3. 线束产品的环保要求:包括有害物质含量、重金属含量、有机物质释放量等。
4. UL标志的使用要求:在通过UL认证后,必须使用UL标志,并按照UL标志使用规定进行使用。
5. 检测要求:所有通过UL认证的线束产品,必须按照UL标准进行周期性检测和随机检测,以确保产品的质量和安全性。
- 1 -。
首先要确定阻抗因子C,再从UL62Table33.1中找出相应的M因 子,套用前面公式,即可求出阻抗。
注:对于护套电缆,如SVT,SJTW,表中所列的绝缘电阻为护套内 各导线间绝缘电阻,所以在测量时,需将护套外被切除后再浸 水测试。
测量过程中发现测量值小于要求值(UL1581,Table20.1),可用两 种方法中的另一种加以证实。(注:DC电阻测量法不能用来作 为测量CMA的最终判断标准)。
➢ 常用的千分尺,测量端面均为平面,最小读数:0.01mm ➢ 端面为1.98*9.5mm,荷重10g的荷重千分尺(导体绝缘厚度) • 平均绝缘厚度的测量:距端线10英寸开始,每10英寸为一个测量点,
放线端为绝缘导线:导线与收线、放线轮导通连接,收线、放 线端均须接地。对于10AWG或更细导线,不用测试导通性能。
➢ 测试电压:见Table900.2
绝缘高阻计直流电压调节为100-500V,长度为50FT-5000FT的电线在水 槽中浸泡2小时,高阻计的一个电极连接到水槽的铜板电极上,另一电 极连接到待测的电线导线上。测量时间为60秒,合格标准为15.6℃时 1000英尺电线的绝缘电阻大于2.5M.
UL444 Communication Cables(通讯电缆)
2、印字内容解释:兄AWM2468 20AWG VW-1 80℃300V E311440 GGEC兄AWMIA 20AWG FTI 80℃30V LFAWM:线规2468:型号VW-1:UL垂直阻燃80℃:耐温E311440:UL认证号20AWG:线号FT1:CSA垂直阻燃GGEC:国光标识何为“六一”综合检测法?(1)看一看;(2)摸一摸;(3)数一数;(4)量一量;(5)比一比;(6)查一查四、UL认证目前,线材部在UL标准上已认证有14款,如下:UL1007;UL1015;UL1061;UL1533;UL1571;UL1617;UL1672;UL2464;UL2468;UL2547;UL2562;UL2725;UL2854;UL202761、UL1007额定温度: 80℃额定电压: 300V导体使用32-16AWG单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线PVC绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm) 绝缘(mm) 最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度外径30 7/0.10 0.30 0.38 1.10±0.10354.2428 7/0.127 0.39 0.38 1.20±0.10223.7526 7/0.16 0.49 0.38 1.30±0.10139.7324 11/0.16 0.61 0.38 1.40±0.1088.8922 17/0.16 0.76 0.38 1.60±0.1057.5220 26/0.16 0.94 0.38 1.75±0.1037.6118 41/0.16 1.18 0.38 2.00±0.1023.8516 26/0.254 1.49 0.38 2.30±0.1015.06额定温度: 105℃额定电压: 600V导体使用32-16AWG单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线PVC绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm) 绝缘(mm) 最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度外径26 7/0.16 0.49 0.76 2.05±0.10139.7324 11/0.16 0.61 0.76 2.20±0.1088.8922 17/0.16 0.76 0.76 2.30±0.1057.5220 26/0.16 0.94 0.76 2.50±0.1037.6118 41/0.16 1.18 0.76 2.75±0.1023.8516 26/0.254 1.49 0.76 3.05±0.1015.06 3、UL1061额定温度: 80℃额定电压: 300V导体使用32-16AWG单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线半硬质PVC绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm) 绝缘(mm) 最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度外径30 7/0.10 0.30 0.23 0.80±0.10354.2428 7/0.127 0.39 0.23 0.90±0.10223.7526 7/0.16 0.49 0.23 1.00±0.10139.7324 11/0.16 0.61 0.23 1.00±0.1088.8922 17/0.16 0.76 0.23 1.30±0.1057.5220 26/0.16 0.94 0.23 1.45±0.1037.6118 41/0.16 1.18 0.23 1.70±0.1023.8516 26/0.254 1.49 0.23 2.00±0.1015.06额定温度: 80℃ 额定电压: 无规定导体使用32-16AWG 单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线 半硬质PVC 芯线绝缘,PVC 外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm)芯线绝缘(mm) 缠绕屏蔽 外被最大导电电阻 (Ω/km) 线号(AWG )线数/线径 外径 平均厚度 外径 线数/线径 厚度外径 30 7/0.10 0.30 0.23 0.80±0.10 24/0.12 0.3 1.7±0.10 354.24 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.23 0.90±0.10 27/0.12 0.3 1.8±0.10 223.75 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.23 1.00±0.10 29/0.12 0.3 1.9±0.10 139.73 24 11/0.16 0.61 0.23 1.15±0.10 32/0.12 0.3 2.05±0.10 88.89 22 17/0.16 0.76 0.23 1.30±0.10 35/0.12 0.3 2.15±0.10 57.52 20 26/0.16 0.94 0.23 1.45±0.10 40/0.12 0.3 2.3±0.10 37.61 18 41/0.16 1.18 0.23 1.70±0.10 48/0.12 0.3 2.6±0.10 23.85 1626/0.254 1.490.232.00±0.1056/±0.1015.065、UL1571额定温度: 80℃ 额定电压: 300V导体使用30-16AWG 单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线半硬质PVC 或PVC 芯线绝缘,PVC 外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试类型导体(mm)芯线绝缘(mm) 缠绕屏蔽 外被最大导电电阻 (Ω/km) 线号(AWG )线数/线径 外径 平均厚度 外径 线数/线径 厚度外径 屏蔽线30 7/0.10 0.30 0.25 0.80±0.10 28/0.10 0.3 1.6±0.10 354.24 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.25 0.90±0.10 32/0.10 0.3 1.7±0.10 223.75 267/0.16 0.49 0.25 1.00±0.10 34/0.10 0.3 1.8±0.10 139.73 24 11/0.16 0.61 0.25 1.15±0.10 40/0.10 0.3 2.00±0.10 88.89 22 17/0.16 0.76 0.25 1.30±0.10 37/0.12 0.3 2.20±0.10 57.52 20 26/0.16 0.94 0.25 1.45±0.10 42/0.12 0.3 2.40±0.10 37.61 18 41/0.16 1.18 0.25 1.70±0.10 47/0.12 0.3 2.60±0.10 23.85 16 26/0.254 1.49 0.25 2.00±0.1054/0.12 0.3 2.90±0.1015.06 单支线30 7/0.10 0.30 0.20 0.7 --- --- --- 354.24 287/0.127 0.39 0.20 0.8 --- --- --- 223.75 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.20 0.9 --- --- --- 139.73 24 11/0.16 0.61 0.20 1.05 --- --- --- 88.89 22 17/0.16 0.76 0.20 1.2 --- --- --- 57.52 2026/0.160.940.201.4---------37.616、UL1617额定温度:105℃额定电压: 600V导体使用30-16AWG单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线PVC外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm) 绝缘(mm)最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度护层厚度外径30 7/0.10 0.30 0.76 0.3 2.5±0.10354.2428 7/0.127 0.39 0.76 0.3 2.6±0.10223.7526 7/0.16 0.49 0.76 0.3 2.7±0.10139.7324 11/0.16 0.61 0.76 0.3 2.8±0.1088.8922 17/0.16 0.76 0.76 0.3 2.9±0.1057.5220 26/0.16 0.94 0.76 0.3 3.1±0.1037.6118 41/0.16 1.18 0.76 0.3 3.4±0.1023.8516 26/0.254 1.49 0.76 0.3 3.7±0.1015.067、UL1672额定温度:105℃额定电压: 300V导体使用单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线PVC外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm) 绝缘(mm)最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度护层厚度外径22 17/0.16 0.76 0.38 0.38 2.3±0.1057.5220 26/0.16 0.94 0.38 0.38 2.5±0.1037.6118 41/0.16 1.18 0.38 0.38 2.7±0.1023.8516 26/0.254 1.49 0.38 0.38 3.1±0.1015.06额定温度:80℃额定电压: 300V导体使用绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线镀锡或裸铜线绞合地线半硬质(SR)PVC芯线绝缘,PVC外被绝缘可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试芯线数导体(mm) 芯线绝缘(mm) 编织屏蔽外被最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度外径线数/目数/线径外径3 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.26 0.9 16/4/0.1 4.0±0.102234 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.26 0.9 16/4/0.12 4.8±0.102235 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.26 0.9 16/4/0.12 5.0±0.10 2236 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.26 0.9 16/5/0.12 5.0±0.10 2238 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.26 0.9 16/7/0.1 5.0±0.10 2239 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.26 1.0 16/6/0.12 6.3±0.10 13910 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.26 1.0 24/5/0.12 6.6±0.10 13911 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.26 1.0 16/8/0.12 6.6±0.15 13912 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.26 0.9 16/7/0.12 6.0±0.15 223 15 24 7/0.2 0.61 0.28 1.15 24/7/0.12 8.0±0.15 88.9 18 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.26 0.9 16/7/0.12 7.4±0.15 223 20 24 7/0.2 0.61 0.28 1.15 24/8/0.12 8.5±0.15 88.924 24 7/0.2 0.61 0.28 1.15 24/9/0.12 9.5±0.15 88.925 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.26 1.0 24/8/0.12 8.6±0.15 1399、UL2468额定温度:80℃额定电压: 300V导体使用单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线PVC外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm) 绝缘(mm) 最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度外径28 7/0.127 0.39 0.38 1.3*2.6 223.7526 7/0.16 0.49 0.38 1.4*2.8 139.7324 11/0.16 0.61 0.38 1.5*3.0 88.8922 17/0.16 0.76 0.38 1.7*3.4 57.5220 26/0.16 0.94 0.38 1.8*3.6 37.6118 41/0.16 1.18 0.38 2.0*4.023.8516 26/0.254 1.49 0.38 2.45±2.915.06额定温度:80℃额定电压: 无规定V导体使用单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线使用裸铜或镀锡铜缠绕屏蔽PVC外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试芯线数导体(mm) 芯线绝缘(mm) 缠绕屏蔽外被最大导电电阻(Ω/km)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径平均厚度外径线数线径外径2 30 7/0.10 0.30 0.23 0.8 44/0.1 2.5±0.10354.24 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.23 0.9 46/0.1 2.7±0.10223.75 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.23 1.0 54/0.1 2.9±0.10 139.73 24 11/0.16 0.61 0.23 1.1 62/0.1 3.1±0.10 88.89 22 17/0.16 0.76 0.23 1.25 60/0.12 3.4±0.10 57.52 20 26/0.16 0.94 0.23 1.5 72/0.12 3.9±0.10 37.61 18 41/0.16 1.18 0.23 1.7 82/0.12 4.4±0.10 23.85 16 26/0.254 1.49 0.23 2.0 98/0.12 5.0±0.15 15.06330 7/0.10 0.30 0.23 0.8 49/0.10 2.7±0.10 354.24 28 7/0.127 0.39 0.23 0.9 53/0.10 2.8±0.10 223.75 26 7/0.16 0.49 0.23 1.0 54/0.10 3.0±0.10 139.73 24 11/0.16 0.61 0.23 1.1 69/0.10 3.2±0.10 88.89 22 17/0.16 0.76 0.23 1.25 72/0.12 3.6±0.10 57.52 20 26/0.16 0.94 0.23 1.5 82/0.12 4.1±0.10 37.61 18 41/0.16 1.18 0.23 1.7 96/0.12 4.6±0.15 23.85 16 26/0.254 1.49 0.23 2.0 114/0.12 5.3±0.15 15.06 11、UL2562额定温度:80℃额定电压: 300V导体使用单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线使用裸铜或镀锡铜缠绕屏蔽PVC外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试导体(mm) 缠绕被覆厚度绝缘(mm)线号(AWG)线数/线径外径线数/线径厚度外径28*2C 7/0.127 0.39 40/0.10 0.400.402.2*4.426*2C 7/0.16 0.49 35/0.12 0.48 2.5*5.024*2C 7/0.20 0.61 38/0.12 0.58 2.8*5.626*3C 7/0.16 49 35/0.12 0.48 2.7*7.5额定温度:60 OR 80℃ 额定电压: 300V 导体使用单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线 使用裸铜或镀锡铜缠绕屏蔽PVC 外被绝缘,可通过UL VW-1及CSAFT1,垂直型耐然测试芯线数 导体(mm)芯线绝缘(mm) 缠绕屏蔽 外被 最大导电电阻 (Ω/km) 线号(AWG )线数/线径 外径 平均厚度 外径 线数线径 外径 2 30 7/0.10 0.30 0.25 0.8 450.1 2.7±0.10 354 2 28 19/0.08 0.39 0.15 0.7 --- 2.2±0.10 220 4 30 7/0.10 0.49 0.25 0.8 59/0.1 2.9±0.10 354 4 26 7/0.16 0.61 0.26 1.0 16/5/0.12 5.0±0.15 139 8 30 7/0.10 0.76 0.13 0.56 58/0.1 3.5±0.10 354 11 28 7/0.127 0.94 0.22 0.82 16/7/0.12 5.2±0.15 223 11 28 7/0.127 1.18 0.14 0.66 16/6/0.12 3.65±0.10 223 13287/0.1271.490.140.6616/5/0.124.5±0.1522313、UL2854额定温度: 80℃ 额定电压: 300V 导体使用单根或绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线 使用裸铜或镀锡铜缠绕屏蔽 PVC 外被绝缘、扁平押出。
美规UL电线线身必需要的Marking(标志)-1、电流的参数或者“Outdoor”的字样不能够出现在线上2、如果印字不是连续的,则相互之间的间距不能大于600mm3、要求的印字内容:1、UL/CUL的认证标志:一般UL62电线为(UL)、C(UL)UL758电子线为反UR、C反UR标志2、制造商:工厂名称或制造商代码和制造商标志,任何编码标志的含义应当可以查阅.3、UL档案号(UL File No.)4、软线型号、规格、线芯5、温度6、电压(UL62,17th新要求,原UL62,16th无要求)4、加拿大(CUL)和墨西哥,尺寸为mm2(AWG)(UL62,17th新要求);在美国(UL),尺寸为A WG,mm2可选。
例如:(1) 3 X 3.31 mm2 (12 A WG) or 3 X 3.31 mm2 (12 A WG); and(2) 3/C 3.31 mm2 (12 A WG) or 3/C 12 A WG (3.31mm2).5、the low temperature rating for “W” type cords, when rated -50、-60 or -70 °C;(对于任选的-50℃, -60℃, -70℃下做试验的软线,户外供电软线表面标志可包括一个适用的”-50C,-60C,-70C”标志,在任何情况下,文字”MINUS”可以代替”-”号和/或标志”防水”或”防水60C”可包含在户外供电软线的标志中.)6、the word “SHIELDED” for cords that are provided with a shield;(结构和性能符合屏蔽供电软线或真空吸尘器软线,除了所有其它要求的标志之外,还应打印标志”SHIELDED”)7、“Green conductor for Grounding Only” or “Green conductor with yellow stripes for GroundingOnly” for all integral parallel types;(含一根接地线芯的SP-1、SPE-1、SPT-1、SP-2、SPE-2、SPT-2、SP-3、SPE-3、SPT-3和HPN型的软线,应在其表面打印下述合适的字样:”绿色线芯仅供接地用”或”绿色含黄色条纹的线芯仅供接地用”或”绿色含有或不含黄色条纹的线芯仅供接地用”)8 、for Type SPT-2 cords having conductors composed of 0.051 mm2 (30 A WG) wires: “For use in general use extension cord sets only”;(如果SPT-2型软线采用30A WG单线,则在每个线盘或线圈上的标志除了上述外,还应包括这样的说明:”仅用于通用延伸软线组件”)9、for Types PXT c and SPT-1 0.519 mm2 (20 A WG): “Not for sale to the general public”.(对于20A WG SPT-1, PXT c型软线,除了所述标志外,还应包括这样的说明:”本产品不对公众零售”)10、燃烧等级产品如果通过相应的燃烧性能测试,应该有如下的印字:—FT1,产品通过FT1燃烧测试;—FT1,产品通过FT2燃烧测试;—VW-1,产品通过VW-1燃烧测试;—如果打印了“VW-1”,无需印“FT1”or“ FT2”。
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68Each year millions of feet of wire and cable are installed in all types of buildings and for use in many different environmental conditions. Because of the choices available, it is important to know which wiring systems are suitable for a specific situation. It is also important to be able to properly identify these systems. Markings on or associated with the product, the UL Listing, Classification, or Verification information, and requirements in the current edition of the National Electrical Code®all convey the information needed to ensure a compliant installation. This publication explains markings found on Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Listed, Classified, or Verified wire and cable. Appendices B and C also contain the Listing, Classification, or Verification information for the product categories involved. UL Online Certifications Directory Listings, Classifications, and Verifications are updated daily. To confirm the current status of any UL record, please consult UL’s Online Certifications Directory at .Although they may be broadly worded, required or optional product markings (and their locations) are specific to the product with which they are associated. This document is intended to be used in determining the suitability of a particular UL Listed, Classified, or Verified wiring product that complies with all the applicable UL requirements, in a particular application.To confirm the current status of any UL Marking Guide, please consult the Regulators page of the UL Web Site at /regulators/index.html.Your comments or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. They should be directed to:Austin D. WetherellPrincipal Engineer - Wire & CableUnderwriters Laboratories Inc.1285 Walt Whitman RoadMelville, NY 11747-3081(631) 546-2818Fax No. (631) 439-6014E-mail: Austin.Wetherell@For code and regulatory assistance, contact UL’s Regulatory Services Staff at (800) 595-9844 or by E-mail at ULRegulatoryServices@.For field evaluations, contact Customer Service toll-free at (877) 854-3577, option 2.Copyright © 2006, Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction (1)How to Use this Guide (2)Identification of Listed Products (3)Identification of Classified Products (3)Identification of Verified Products (4)General Characteristics (5)Wire and Cable Marking Tables 1, 2 and 3 (6)Explanations and Notes for Marking Tables (10)Wire and Cable Category/Type (10)NEC® Article (10)Category Control Number (CCN) (10)UL Mark on Product (10)Temperature (o C) Dry and Temperature (o C) Wet (10)Voltage (V) (12)Outdoor Use (12)Sunlight Resistance (13)Cable Tray Use (13)Oil Resistance (13)Gasoline Resistance (13)Direct Burial (14)Submersible Pump Use (14)Other (14)Appendix A — Wire, Cable and CordDesignations (17)Appendix B — Wire, Cable and Cord ListingInformation (20)Appendix C — Wire, Cable and Cord ClassificationInformation (58)Appendix D — Wire, Cable and Cord Verification Information (62)INTRODUCTIONThis guide is intended to assist installers, contractors, and authorities having jurisdiction in determining the suitability of UL Listed, Classified, or Verified wire and cable for use in a specific installation. Toward this goal, the guide:1.Clarifies the means used to identify UL Listed,Classified, or Verified wire and cable (see the sectionstitled “Identification of Listed Products”, “Identification of Classified Products,” "Identification of VerifiedProducts).2.Provides an explanation of the ratings and intended uses of UL Listed, Classified, or Verified wire andcable (see Appendix A for designations).3.Focuses on the information contained in UL Listed, Classified, or Verified wire and cable product markings(what the markings mean, where they may be located, etc.).This guide does not address wire and cable evaluated only for suitability as factory-installed component wiring in other Listed equipment. Those products are Recognized by UL under the Component-Appliance Wiring Material (AWM) and Component-Nonshielded cable categories and are not identified with an NEC® wire Type designation.In general, Component Wire or Cable is not evaluated for field installation unless it is included as a part of a complete, Listed product or system. For example, data processing equipment Listed under the Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment (NWGQ) category will use external interconnect cables, such as AWM Style 2464, only if the AWM has been evaluated and described in the Listing for the particular piece of equipment. The limitations on the installation of the Listed end-use product or system also apply to the wiring. Some interconnect cables may have connectors assembled on one or both ends as a computer-interconnection assembly. When these assemblies use Recognized cable and are sent to a building site separately, instead of being supplied with the equipment, these cable assemblies may be identified as Listed Computer Interconnection Cable Assemblies (DVPJ). Similarly, for communication equipment, Listed Communication Cable Assemblies (DUNH) may be used. AWM ratings and conditions of acceptability are shown on a tag affixed to the reel or carton. Some ratings may appear on the surface of the wire or cable.The UL label is required for Listed, Classified, and Verified wire and cable products and can be applied in various manners. It can be applied to a coil, reel, flange, or box. This label is the only means used to indicate that the product is covered under UL testing (Listing, Classification, or Verification) and UL Follow-Up Service. The UL symbol or letters "UL" on the wire/cable itself is only a supplemental method of identifying UL coverage and should not be considered primary evidence of UL coverage. UL's Guide Information (see Appendices B-D) will indicate if the UL symbol or letters on the product itself is required. The required engineering markings, which appear on the product itself, are only intended to provide information related to the product's ratings or testing scope.This guide should be particularly useful for those who:1.Have a working knowledge of the current edition of the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) and howlocally applicable electrical codes relate to the NEC®.2.Are already familiar with the requirements of the electrical installation under consideration.3.Can identify the cable as a particular NEC type.This guide is intended to supplement the Guide information for the appropriate wire and cable category in UL’s Electrical Construction Equipment Directory (green book), UL’s General Information for Electrical Equipment Directory (white book), and the NEC®. The Guide information for each of the applicable categories of Wire and Cable is included in Appendix B (Listing), Appendix C (Classification), and Appendix D (Verification).12HOW TO USE THIS GUIDEThe wire and cable types covered in this guide have been divided into three tables as follows:Table 1 —Building Wires and Cables, including some industrial cables Table 2 —Low Voltage Cables, Flexible Cords, and Fixture Wires Table 3 —Special Purpose Wire and CableIn each table, wire and cable types are identified by the name of the category under which they appear in UL’s Electrical Construction Equipment Directory. Most wire and cable types have the same category designation in the NEC ® as they do in UL’s Electrical Construction Equipment Directory.Definitions of the column headings and codes used in each column are provided in the section titled “Explanations and Notes for Marking Tables.” Table entries consist of:Table Entry IndicatesYesThe wire or cable is always evaluated for the use specified by the particular column. These uses are explained in the section titled “Explanations and Notes for Marking Tables.”— (dash)The wire or cable is not evaluated for the indicated use, either as a requirement or as an option.NumbersA specific rating. For example, 250 in the column headed by “Temperature (o C) Dry” indicates a 250o C temperature rating for dry locations.Specific notes detailing a rating and/or associated marking. The explanations of the notes can be found in “Explanations and Notes for Marking Tables,” following the tables.Numbers in parentheses e.g., (3), (21)3IDENTIFICATION OF LISTED PRODUCTSThe UL Mark may have various information around it as authorized by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.The Listing Mark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. on the attached tag, the reel, or the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged, with or without the UL symbol on the product, is the only method provided by UL to identify these products manufactured under its Listing and Follow-Up Service. The Listing Mark for these products includes the UL symbol (as illustrated above) together with the word “LISTED,” a serial number, and the product or category name.A product bearing the UL Mark for Canada is Listed to Canadian Standards for that specific product. A product bearing the combined Canada/U.S. Mark is Listed to both UL’s (U.S.) Standards and Canadian Standards for that specific product.For wire and cable products, the complete Listing Mark is located on a tag attached to the reel or smallest unit container.Two types of UL symbols — “UL” in a circle or “UL” in parentheses — may be found on the wire or cable itself. These UL symbols may also be preceded by the letter “C”, indicating certification only for Canada, or preceded by a “C” and followed by “US”, indicating certification for both the US and Canada. The product markings are intended to provide information only, and the complete Listing Mark is the only proof that a particular unit of wire or cable is actually Listed.IDENTIFICATION OF CLASSIFIED PRODUCTSWith UL’s Classification Service, UL determines that a manufacturer has demonstrated the ability to produce a product that complies with its requirements for the purpose of classification or evaluation regarding one or more of the following:(1) specific risks only, such as casualty, fire or shock; (2) performance under specified conditions; (3) regulatory codes;(4) other standards, including international and regional standards; or (5) other conditions UL may consider desirable.UL conducts a Follow-Up Service as an audit of the means the manufacturer uses to determine continued compliance of the product with UL’s requirements.The UL Classification Marking may appear in various forms as authorized. The Classification Marking includes: (1) the symbol of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. – ; (2) the word “CLASSIFIED”; (3) a product identity and a statement to indicate the extent of UL’s evaluation of the product such as “AS TO (nature of hazard) ONLY,” or a rating or classification as specified in the general information pertaining to the product category, or designation and title of standard published by other organization, or identification of specified product; and (4) a control number assigned byUL.For use in the USA For use in CanadaFor use in both the USA and Canada(PRODUCT IDENTITY)IN ACCORDANCE WITH (Specification or Requirement)(Control Number)(PRODUCT IDENTITY)AS TO ONLY(Control Number)— OR —— OR —(PRODUCT IDENTITY)AS TO ONLY(Control Number)IDENTIFICATION OF VERIFIED PRODUCTSThe UL Verification Mark is used to identify products evaluated under UL’s Performance Verification Services. Some examples are products tested under the UL Performance Verification program for cable, Levels XP Structured Cabling Program, Proprietary Structured Cabling Program, ISO/IEC 11801, TIE/EIA 568B, Telcordia, and NEMA.The presence of this mark provides assurance to end-users, IT managers, LAN system designers, and the regulatory community that products have been evaluated for transmission performance, in order to meet the unique needs of the telecommunications industry community.There are two formats to the Verification Mark (label) that appear on products: Listing and Verification (As shown in Illustration A below) and Verified-Only (As shown in Illustration B below).Listed cable tested under the UL Performance Verification Program for cable in accordance to TIA/EIA 568B have the label marking “Listed Communications Cable” also “Verified to UL Performance Category Program,” on the tag,reel or smallest unit container, as shown in Illustration A. Cable Verified to another transmission performance specification, (NEMA WC63, 63.1, 66, ISO 11801, Telcordia, etc.), have the label marking “Listed Communications,Cable” also “Verified in Accordance with [Specification name and/or number]” on the tag, reel or smallest unit container.In addition, surface marking on these products would be as follows:1) For performance Category Cable:. “Verified (UL) Category 3, 4, 5, 5E or 6 [including latest draft number ifapplicable].2) For performance Category Pat Cable: “Verified (UL) Category 3, 4, 5, 5E or 6 [including latest draft numberif applicable] Patch; Cable” for stranded conductor cables.3) For all other Performance Verified Cable: “Verified in Accordance with [Specification name and/or number]”Cabling products that are Verified Only (Non-UL Listed) will use the label as shown in Illustration B. The Verification Mark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. on the attached tag, the reel, or the smallest unit container in which the product is packaged is the only method provided by UL to identify products manufactured under this Verification and Follow-Up Service. The Verification Mark for these products includes the UL symbol together with the word “VERIFIED,” a control number, the product name “Data Transmission Cable”, and the Specification name and/or number. In addition to the marking on the tag, reel, or smallest unit container, cables that have been Verified by UL in accordance with the signal transmission characteristics, and have not been Listed by UL as Communications Cable, Power-Limited Circuit Cable,or other UL Listed Cable, are surface marked with the statement “Verified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. in accordance with [Specification name(s) and/or number(s)] Only” in the surface print legend. The UL symbol [either the UL in a circle symbol or “(UL)”] is not used in place of the wording “Underwriters Laboratories Inc.” in the statement.Cabling products tested under the Levels XP Structured Cabling Program and the Proprietary Structured Cabling Program are field assembled cabling and connectivity products. The Type R UL Verification Mark (label) is not directly applied to structured cabling products. The complete Verification Mark (illustrated below) may appear on a Bill of Lading,a Bulk Shipment Certificate, or on UL’s Certificate or Conformity Assessment.In these cases, the Mark must be reproduced in its entirety and clearly associated with the structured cabling product which was investigated by UL.VERIFIED Levels XP ProgramSolution Name and Part NumberControl Number4Illustration BISSUE #GENERAL CHARACTERISTICSMarkingsThe requirements for the exact text and location of the markings, and the method of identification, vary among the different types of wire and cable. Wherever possible, the product is surface marked with information necessary for proper installation. When surface marking is not possible — or for other considerations — all or a portion of the marking may be located on a tag, reel or the smallest unit container as permitted by the requirements of each product category. Whenever possible, the rating or characteristic is plainly indicated. Other methods — for example, colored tracers under the jacket or insulation — may be used to identify a certain characteristic, such as temperature rating for some fixture wires. To completely determine the suitability of a particular wiring system, review of the product itself, tag markings and carton markings may be necessary.Some wire and cable may be marked with multiple Type designations. These products have been evaluated for uses of all Type designations marked.All markings on or associated with wire and cable, as well as the Listing information of the appropriate category (see Appendix B), should be consulted to determine all ratings and limitations for proper installation in accordance with requirements of the NEC®.UL evaluates wiring products with respect to the marked ratings and uses indicated by the Type designation associated with the UL Mark. Wiring products are not evaluated with respect to marked ratings and uses associated with other certification organizations.Conductor MaterialCompact stranded copper conductors are identified by “compact” or “cmpct,” otherwise wire and cable with bare or coated copper conductor material is not marked with stranding identification.If the conductor material is either aluminum or copper-clad aluminum, the product, tag or carton markings (depending on the product category) identify the conductor material. These markings will appear as “AL,” “ALUMINUM,” “AL (CU-CLAD),” “ALUMINUM (COPPER-CLAD),” “CU-CLAD AL” or “COPPER-CLAD ALUMINUM.”For some wire and cable, other metals may be used as conductor material. The associated markings for that wire and cable are explained under the heading “OTHER.”FlammabilityUL investigates wiring products with respect to their intended locations and uses as permitted by the NEC®. Flammability or resistance to spread or propagation of fire is one of the considerations that enters into the overall investigation of wire and cable. For instance, products that are inherently permitted by the NEC® to be installed in cable trays or that are marked for such use are investigated for fire conditions that could exist in a cable tray.Similarly, cables covered for use in accordance with Articles 725, 760, 770, 800, 820, and 830 of the NEC® are investigated with respect to their application: plenum, riser, general use or restricted residential use. Suffixes to the Type designation identify the use as defined in the appropriate NEC® articles:-P Plenum-R Riser-No Suffix General purpose-X Limited residential useSome wire and cable may also have a suffix “-LS” or "ST1" which means that the entire construction complies with the requirements for flame retardant, limited smoke wiring materials as evaluated per UL 1685.5WIRE AND CABLE MARKING TABLES 1, 2, AND 367N E C U L M a r k T e m p e r a t u r e T e m p e r a t u r e V o l t a g e O u t d o o r S u n l i g h t C a b l e O i l G a s o l i n e D i r e c t S u b m e r s i b l e A r t i c l e C C N O n P r o d u c t (°C ) D r y (°C ) W e t (V )U s e R e s i s t a n c e T r a y U s e R e s i s t a n c e R e s i s t a n c e B u r i a l P u m p U s e O t h e rW i r e s T h e r m o s e t - I n s u l a t e d : T y p e s R H H 310Z K S T R 90-600 o r 2 k V -(35)(40)(45)(46)--- R H W 310Z K S T R 7575600 o r 2 k V -(35)(40)(45)(46)-(51)- R H W -2310Z K S T R 9090600 o r 2 k V -(35)(40)(45)(46)-(51)- S A 310Z K S T O 90(13)-600--(40)----- S I S 310Z K S T R 90-600-------- X H H 310Z K S T R 90-600-(35)(40)(45)(46)--- X H H W 310Z K S T R 9075600-(35)(40)(45)(46)-(51)- X H H W -2310Z K S T R 9090600-(35)(40)(45)(46)-(51)-T h e r m o p l a s t i c - I n s u l a t e d : T y p e s F E P , F E P B 310Z L G R R 90(13)-600-------- P F A 310Z L G R R 90(13)-600-------- P F A H 310Z L G R R 250-600-------- T B S 310Z L G R O 90-600-------- T F E 310Z L G R R 250-600-------(55) T H H N 310Z L G R R 90-600-(35)(40)(45)---- T H H W 310Z L G R R 9075600-(35)(40)(45)--(51)- T H W 310Z L G R R 7575600-(35)(40)(45)--(51)- T H W -2310Z L G R R 9090600-(35)(40)(45)--(51)- T H W N 310Z L G R R 7575600-(35)(40)(45)(46)-(51)- T H W N -2310Z L G R R 9090600-(35)(40)(45)(46)-(51)- T W 310Z L G R R 6060600-(35)(40)(45)(46)-(51)- Z 310Z L G R R 90(12)-600-------- Z W 310Z L G R R 90(12)75600-(35)----(51)-C a b l e s A r m o r e d : T y p e s A C T H 320A W E Z O 75-600--(40)----- A C H H , A C T H H 320A W E Z O 90-600--------D a t a P r o c e s s i n g C a b l e 645E M R B R (4)-(22)--------F l a t c a b l e : T y p e F C 322G Q K T R 75(3)-300-------(56)F l a t c o n d u c t o r : T y p e F C C 324I K K T R (4)-300, 600--------H o i s t w a y 620M S Z R R 60, 90-(20)-(35)(40)(45)-(50)-(57, 58)I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n T r a y C a b l e : T y p e I T C 727N Y T T R (4)(17)(22)-Y e s Y e s --(50)-(57, 59, 61, 71)M e d i u m V o l t a g e : T y p e M V 328P I T Y R (5)(5)(21)-(35)(40)(45)(47)(50)-(57, 58)M e t a l -C l a d : T y p e M C 330PJ A Z R (14)(6)6, 002, 000Y e s Y e s Y e s Y e s Y e s Y e s -(64)M e t a l -C l a d (H a z a r d o u s L o c a t i o n ): T y p e M C -H L 330P J P P R (14)(6)6, 002, 000Y e s Y e s Y e s Y e s Y e s Y e s -(64)M i n e r a l I n s u l a t e d M e t a l S h e a t h e d C a b l e : T y p e M I 332P PK V O 90(7)90(7)600(27)Y e s (35)(40)Y e s Y e s Y e s -(55, 64, 73)N o n m e t a l l i c S h e a t h e d : T y p e s N M -B , N M C -B 334P W V X R 90(2)-600--(40)-----N o n -P o w e r -L i m i t e d F i r e A l a r m S i g n a l i n g : T y p e s : N P L F , N P L F R , N P L F P 760H N H T R (4)-(22)-------(75)P o w e r a n d C o n t r o l T r a y C a b l e : T y p e T C 336Q P O R R (14)(8)600 o r 2 k V-(35)Y e s(45)(47)(50)-(57, 58, 59, 71)S e r v i c e E n t r a n c e : T y p e s S E 338T Y L Z R (14)-600Y e s Y e s (40)----- U S E 338T Y L Z R 75(1)75(1)600Y e s Y e s ---Y e s (51)- U S E -2338T Y L Z R9090600Y e sY e s---Y e s(51)-U n d e r g r o u n d F e e d e r a n d B r a n c h C i r c u i t C a b l e : T y p e s U F 340Y D U X R 6060600(31)(35)(40)--Y e s (51)- U F -B340Y D U X R90(2)60600(31)(35)(40)--Y e s(51)-W I R E A N D C A B L E M A R K I N G T A B L E T A B L E 1 - B U I L D I N G W I R E S A N D C A B L E SN E C U L M a r k T e m p e r a t u r e T e m p e r a t u r e V o l t a g e O u t d o o r S u n l i g h t C a b l e O i l G a s o l i n e D i r e c t S u b m e r s i b l e A r t i c l e C C N O n P r o d u c t (°C ) D r y (°C ) W e t (V )U s e R e s i s t a n c e T r a y U s e R e s i s t a n c e R e s i s t a n c e B u r i a l P u m p U s eO t h e r L o w V o l t a g e C a b l e s C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C a b l e : T y p e s C M , C M G , C M R , C M P , M P , M P G , M P R , M P P 800D U Z X R 60(15)-(22)--Y e s ----(57, 60, 68, 75) T y p e s C M X , C M X O u t d o o r 800D U Z X R 60(15)-(22)(34)-N o ----(57, 60, 68)C o m m u n i t y A n t e n n a T e l e v i s i o n C a b l e : T y p e s C A T V , C A T V P , C A T V X , C A T V R 820D V C S R 60(15)-(22)-(35)-----(60, 75)O p t i c a l F i b e r C a b l e :T y p e s O F C , O F C G , O F C P , O F C R , O F N , O F N G , O F N P , O F N R 770Q A Y K R --(22)-(35)-----(75)P o w e r -L i m i t e d -C i r c u i t C a b l e : T y p e s C L 2X , C L 2, C L 2R , C L 2P , C L 3X , C L 3, C L 3R , C L 3P 725Q P T Z R 60(15)(17)(22)-(35)---(50)-(60, 61, 75) P L T C 725Q P T Z R 60(15)(17)(22)-Y e s Y e s (45)-(50)-(57, 59, 60, 61, 71)P o w e r -L i m i t e d F i r e A l a r m C a b l e : T y p e s F P L , F P L R , F P L P 760H N I R R 60(15)(17)(22)-(35)-----(57, 60, 75)N e t w o r k P o w e r e d B r o a d b a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C a b l e : T y p e s B L , B L P , B L R , B L X , B M , B M R 830P W I P R 60(15)-(22)-Y e s -----(57, 60, 75) B L U , B M U 830P W I P R 60(15)-(22)-(35)---Y e s-(57, 60)F l e x i b l e C o r d s T y p e s C , P D 400Z J C Z R 60-300(16)-------- E , E T P , E T T 400Z J C Z R 60(15)-300-------- E O 400Z J C Z R 60(15)-300---Y e s ---- H P D 400Z J C Z R 90(15)-300-------- H P N 400Z J C Z R 90(15)-300---Y e s ---- H S , H S J 400Z J C Z R 90(15)-300-------- H S O , H S J O 400Z J C Z R 90(15)-300---Y e s ---- N I S P -1, N I S P -2-Z J C Z R 60-300-------- N I S P E -1, N I S P E -2-Z J C Z R 90(15)-300-------- N I S P T -1, N I S P T -2-Z J C Z R 60(15)-300-------- S , S T 400Z J C Z R 60(15)(3)600(30)------(62, 63) S E 400Z J C Z R 90(15)(3)600(30)------(62) S E O 400Z J C Z R 90(15)(3)600(30)--Y e s ---(62) S J , S J T 400Z J C Z R 60(15)(3)300(30)------(63) S J E 400Z J C Z R 90(15)(3)300(30)------- S J E O 400Z J C Z R 90(15)(3)300(30)--Y e s ---- S J O , S J O O , S J T O , S J T O O 400Z J C Z R 60(15)(3)300(30)--Y e s (70)---(63) S O , S O O , S T O , S T O O 400Z J C Z R 60(15)(3)600(30)--Y e s (70)---(62, 63) S P -1, S P -2, S P -3, S R D , S R D T 400Z J C Z R 60(15)-300-------- S P E -1, S P E -2, S P E -3, S R D E 400Z J C Z R 90(15)-300-------- S P T -1, S P T -2, S P T -3400Z J C Z R 60(15)-600(30)------- S V , S V T 400Z J C Z R 60(15)-300-------- S V E 400Z J C Z R 90(15)-300-------- S V E O 400Z J C Z R 90(15)-300---Y e s ---- S V O , S V O O , S V T O , S V T O O 400Z J C Z R 60(15)-300---Y e s (70)---- T P T , T S , T S T 400Z J C Z R 60-300-------- C l o c k C o r d -Z J C Z R 60(15)-125-------- X T W , C X T W -Z J C Z R 10560300Y e s -------F i x t u r e W i r e T y p e s K F -1, K F -2, K F F -1, K F F -2402Z I P R O 200-(24)-------(55) P F , PG F , P F F , P G F F 402Z I P R O (9)-600-------(55) P T F 402Z I P R R 250-600-------(55) P T F F 402Z I P R R 150-600-------(55) R FH -2, F F H -2402ZI P R O 75(9)-600-------- S F -1, S F -2, S F F -1, S F F -2402Z I P R O (9)-(24)-------(55) T F , T F F 402Z I P R R 60-600---(45)(46)--- R F H H -2, R F H H -3402Z I P R R 90(9)-600-------(55) T F N , T F F N 402Z I P R R 90(9)-600---(45)(46)--- X F , X F F 402Z I P R O 150(9)-300-------(55) Z F , Z F F 402Z I P R O 150(9)-600-------(55) Z H F402Z I P R O 200(9)-600-------(55)W I R E A N D C A B L E M A R K I N G T A B L E T A B L E 2 L O W V O L T A G E C A B L E S ,F L E X I B L E C O R D A N D F I X T U R E W I R E8N E C U L M a r k T e m p e r a t u r e T e m p e r a t u r e V o l t a g e O u t d o o r S u n l i g h t C a b l e O i l G a s o l i n e D i r e c t S u b m e r s i b l e A r t i c l e C C N O n P r o d u c t (°C ) D r y (°C ) W e t (V )U s e R e s i s t a n c e T r a y U s e R e s i s t a n c e R e s i s t a n c e B u r i a l P u m p U s e O t h e r B o a t C a b l e -B D F X R (10)(10)(25)---(45)----B u s D r o p C a b l e 368Z I M X R 60(15)(8)600(32)--(45)----F e s t o o n C a b l e 610Z I P FR 60(15)-600(32)--(45)----F l e x i b l e S t a g e a n d L i g h t i n g P o w e r C a b l e : T y p e s S C , S C E , S C T 400I L P H R 60(15)-600(30)(36)-Y e s ----G a s -T u b e -S i g n C a b l e : T y p e G T O 600Z J Q X R 105(15)-(26)-Y e s -----(72)G o l f C o u r s e S p r i n k l e r W i r e -Z M H X O 6060300-----Y e s --H e a t -R e s i s t a n t W i r e : T y p e s T G T , T G S , T M G T , K G S , K G T , T G G T , I T F L -Z M H X O (4)-300-------(64)I n d u c t i v e -L o o p D e t e c t o r L e a d -I n C a b l e -Z M H X R 6060600(32)--(45)----I r r i g a t i o n C a b l e 675O F F Y R 7560600Y e s Y e s ------I r r i g a t i o n -M a c h i n e F e e d e r C a b l e 675Z M H X R 6060600-----Y e s --M a c h i n e T o o l W i r e s : T y p e M T W 670Z K H Z R 9060600-(35)(40)Y e s (46)--(67)M a r i n a a n d B o a t y a r d C a b l e 555P D Y Q R 7575600-Y e s -Y e s Y e s ---P h o t o v o l t a i c W i r e 630Z K L A R 9090600Y e s Y e s ------P o r t a b l e P o w e r C a b l e s : T y p e s W , G , G -G C , P P E 400Q P M U R 75(8)2000(33)(35)-Y e s ----R e c r e a t i o n a l V e h i c l e C a b l e (L o w V o l t a g e )551Z K R U R (4)(8)(22)--------R F C o a x i a l C a b l e 820Z M H X R 60-(22)-------60S a t e l l i t e A n t e n n a C a b l e 725Z M H X R (4)-(25)-(35)---(50)-(60, 65)S h i p b o a r d C a b l e , M a r i n e -U B V Z R (4)60(25)---Y e s ----S l o t t e d C o a x i a l C a b l e 820Z M H X R 60-(22)--------S u b m e r s i b l e P u m p C a b l e U s i n g T P E I n s u l a t i o n -Z M H X R (4)60600------Y e s -T e l e p h o n e D r o p W i r e 800Z M H X R 6060300Y e s Y e s -----60T r a f f i c S i g n a l C a b l e -X N T L O --(25)Y e s Y e s -----(69)U n d e r c a r p e t D i g i t a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n s C a b l e 800Z M H X R 60-(22)-------(66)U n d e r g r o u n d S i g n a l C a b l e 725Z M H X O 6060150-(35)---Y e s --V a u l t L a c i n g C a b l e -Z M H X O 60-150--------W e l d i n g C a b l e630Z M A Y R 60(11)(11)100 o r 600Y e s -(41)(45)----W I R E A N D C A B L E M A R K I N G T A B L E T A B L E 3 - S P E C I A L P U R P O S E W I R E S A N D C A B L E9。