Chapter 8 Nucleotide Sequences Prediction-3
八核苷酸长度的结合基序英文回答:The binding motif of an octanucleotide sequence:The binding motif of an octanucleotide sequence refersto a specific sequence of eight nucleotides that has the ability to bind to a specific protein or other biomolecules. This binding motif plays a crucial role in variousbiological processes, such as gene regulation, protein-protein interactions, and signal transduction.To identify the binding motif of an octanucleotide sequence, several experimental and computational techniques can be employed. One common approach is the use ofchromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq), which allows the identification of DNA sequences that are boundby specific proteins in a genome-wide manner. By analyzing the DNA sequences that are enriched in the ChIP-seq data, potential binding motifs can be identified.Computational methods, such as motif discovery algorithms, can also be used to predict the binding motifs of octanucleotide sequences. These algorithms search for over-represented sequences in a given dataset and identify potential binding motifs based on statistical analysis. Various motif discovery algorithms, such as MEME (Multiple EM for Motif Elicitation) and Gibbs sampling, have been developed and widely used in bioinformatics research.Once potential binding motifs are identified, experimental validation is necessary to confirm their binding affinity and specificity. Techniques such as electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and protein-DNA footprinting can be used to assess the binding of proteins to the octanucleotide sequences. Additionally, mutagenesis studies can be performed to identify critical nucleotides within the binding motif that are essential for protein binding.In summary, the identification of the binding motif of an octanucleotide sequence involves a combination ofexperimental and computational approaches. These methods allow researchers to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying various biological processes.中文回答:八核苷酸长度的结合基序:八核苷酸长度的结合基序是指具有结合特定蛋白质或其他生物分子能力的八个核苷酸的特定序列。
A dedicated effort to determine the complete nucleotide se-quence of the haploid genome in a variety of organisms has been underway since 1990. With this sequence information in hand, geneticists can consult the universal dictionary equating nu-cleotide sequence with amino acid sequence to decide what parts of a genome are likely to be genes. They can also identify genes through matches with nucleotide sequences already known to en-code proteins in other organisms. As a result, they can predict the total number of genes in an organism from the complete nu-cleotide sequence of its genome, and by extension, identify the number and amino acid sequences of all the polypeptides that de-termine phenotype. Knowledge of DNA sequence thus opens up powerful new possibilities for understanding an organism’s growth and development at the molecular level.Studies of the tiny nematode Caenorhabditis elegans illustrate the kind of insights researchers can gain from this DNA-sequence-based approach. C. elegans is a roundworm 1 mm in length that lives in soils throughout the world (Fig. 7.1a). Feeding on bacteria,it grows from fertilized egg to adult—either hermaphrodite or male—in just three days. At the end of this time, each hermaph-rodite produces between 250 and 1000 progeny. Because of its small size, short life cycle, and capacity for prolific reproduction, C. elegans is an ideal subject for genetic analysis.The haploid genome of C.elegans contains110million base pairs distributed among six chromosomes(Fig.7.1b).In the mid-1990s,a group of investigators reported the sequencing and pre-liminary analysis of2.2million base pairs on chromosome ing their knowledge of the concepts explored in this chapter,they found that this2%of the nematode genome carries about480 genes.Interestingly,at least20%of the genes recognized as hav-ing a known function encode molecules that play some role in gene expression: the process by which cells convert DNA se-quence information to RNA and then decode the RNA information to the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide(Fig.7.2).The fact that20%of the genes in this sequenced region encode compo-nents of gene expression suggests the importance of the processCHAPTER7Gene Expression: The Flowof Genetic Information from DNA via RNA to ProteinThe ability of an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (red) to couple a particular tRNA (blue)to its corresponding amino acid is central to the molecular machinery that convertsthe language of nucleic acids into the language of proteins.The Genetic Code: How Precise Groupings of the 4 Nucleotides Specify 20 Amino Acids223Figure 7.1 C. elegans:An ideal subject for genetic analysis.(a)Micrograph of several adult worms. (b)Six chromosomes form the haploid genome of C. elegans.The highlighted region depicts a 2.2million base pair portion of chromosome III that has been analyzed and found to encode about 480 genes.(a)T ranslationPolypeptideFigure 7.2Gene expression: The flow of geneticinformation from DNA via RNA to protein.Transcription and translation convert the information encoded in DNA into the order of amino acids in a polypeptide. In transcription, an enzyme known as RNA polymerase catalyzes production of an RNA transcript. In translation, the cellular machinery uses instructions in mRNA to synthesize a polypeptide, following the rules of the genetic the life of the organism.If this ratio holds for the rest of the worm’s genome,about 3600of its estimated 18,000genes gener-ate the machinery that enables genes to be interpreted as proteins.In this chapter, we describe the cellular mechanisms that carry out gene expression. As intricate as some of the details may ap-pear, the general scheme of gene expression is elegant and straightforward: Within each cell, genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein.In 1957 Francis Crick proposed that genetic information flows in only one direction, and named his concept of a one-way molecular flow the “Central Dogma” of molecular biol-ogy. As Crick explained, “once ‘information’ has passed into pro-tein, it cannot get out again.”Inside most cells, as the Central Dogma suggests, genetic in-formation flows from one class of molecule to another in two dis-tinct stages (see Fig. 7.2). If you think of genes as instructions written in the language of nucleic acids, the cellular machinery first transcribes a set of instructions written in the DNA dialect to the same instructions written in the RNA dialect. The conversion ofDNA-encoded information to its RNA-encoded equivalent is known as transcription . The product of transcription is a tran-script : a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA) in prokaryotes;a molecule of RNA that undergoes processing to become an mRNA in eukaryotes. In the second stage of gene expression, the cellular machinery translates the mRNA to its polypeptide equiva-lent in the language of amino acids. This decoding of nucleotide information to a sequence of amino acids is known as transla-tion . It takes place on molecular workbenches called ribosomes,which are composed of proteins and ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs); and it depends on the universal dictionary known as the genetic code , which defines each amino acid in terms of a specific se-quence of three nucleotides. It also depends on transfer RNAs (tRNAs), small RNA adaptor molecules that place specific amino acids at the correct position in a growing polypeptide chain. The tRNAs can bring amino acids to the right place on the translational machinery because tRNAs and mRNAs have complementary nu-cleotides that can base pair with each other.Four general themes emerge from our discussion of gene ex-pression. First, the pairing of complementary bases figures promi-nently in the precise transfer of information from DNA to RNA and from RNA to polypeptide. Second, the polarities of DNA, RNA, and protein molecules help guide the mechanisms of gene expression:the 3′-to-5′transcription of a template DNA strand yields a polar mRNA that grows from its 5′to its 3′end; the 5′-to-3′translation of this mRNA yields a polar protein running from amino terminal to carboxyl terminal. Third, like DNA replication and recombina-tion (discussed in Chapter 5), gene expression requires an input of energy and the participation of several specific proteins at differ-ent points in the process. Fourth, since the accurate one-way flow of genetic information determines protein structure, mutations224CHAPTER 7GENE EXPRESSION: THE FLOW OF GENETIC INFORMATION FROM DNA VIA RNA TO PROTEINthat change this information or obstruct its flow can have dramatic effects on phenotype.As we examine how cells use the sequence information con-tained in DNA to construct proteins, we presentI The genetic code: How triplets of the 4 nucleotidesunambiguously specify 20 amino acids, making it possibleto translate information from a nucleotide chain to asequence of amino acids.I Transcription: How RNA polymerase, guided by basepairing, synthesizes a single-stranded mRNA copy of agene’s DNA template.I Translation: How base pairing between mRNA and tRNAsdirects the assembly of a polypeptide on the ribosome.I A comprehensive example of gene expression in C. elegans.I How mutations affect gene information and expression.THE GENETIC CODE:HOW PRECISE GROUPINGS OF THE4NUCLEOTIDES SPECIFY20AMINO ACIDSA code is a system of symbols that equates information in one language with information in another. A useful analogy for the genetic code is the Morse code, which uses dots and dashes or short and long sounds to transmit messages over radio or tele-graph wires. Various groupings of the dot-dash/short-long symbols represent the 26 letters of the English alphabet. Be-cause there are many more letters than the two dot or dash symbols, groups of up to four dots, four dashes, and varying combinations of the two represent some letters. And because anywhere from one to four symbols specify each letter, the Morse code requires a symbol for “pause” to signify where one letter ends and the next begins.In the Genetic Code, a Triplet Codon Represents Each Amino AcidThe language of nucleic acids is written in four nucleotides—A,G,C,and T in the DNA dialect;A,G,C,and U in the RNA dialect—while the language of proteins is written in amino acids.To understand how the sequence of bases in DNA or RNA encodes the order of amino acids in a polypeptide chain,it is essential to know how many distinct amino acids there are.Watson and Crick produced the now accepted list of the20amino acids that are genetically encoded by DNA or RNA sequence over lunch one day at a local pub.They cre-ated the list by analyzing the amino acid sequence of a vari-ety of naturally occurring polypeptides.Amino acids that are present in only a small number of proteins or in only certain tissues or organisms did not qualify as standard building blocks;Crick and Watson correctly assumed that such amino acids arise when proteins undergo modification after their synthesis.By contrast,amino acids that are present in most, though not necessarily all,proteins made the list.The ques-tion then became:How can4nucleotides encode20amino acids?Just as the Morse code conveys information through dif-ferent groupings of dots and dashes, the 4 nucleotides encode 20 amino acids through specific groupings of A, G, C, and T or A, G, C, and U. Researchers initially arrived at the number of letters per grouping by deductive reasoning, and later con-firmed it by experiment. They reasoned that if only one nu-cleotide represented an amino acid, there would be informa-tion for only four amino acids: A would encode one aminoacid; G, a second amino acid; C, a third; and T, a fourth. If twonucleotides represented each amino acid, there would be 42ϭ16 possible combinations of couplets.Of course, if the code consisted of groups containing oneor two nucleotides, it would have 4 ϩ16 ϭ20 groups and could account for all the amino acids, but there would be noth-ing left over for the pause denoting where one group ends and the next begins. Groups of three nucleotides in a row would provide 43ϭ64 different triplet combinations, more than enough to code for all the amino acids. If the code consisted of doublets and triplets, a signal denoting pause would once again be necessary. But a triplets-only code would require no symbol for “pause” if the mechanism for counting to three and distinguishing among successive triplets were very reliable.Although this kind of reasoning—explaining the un-known in terms of the known by looking for the simplest pos-sibility—generates a theory, it does not prove it. As it turnedout, however, the experiments described later did indeeddemonstrate that groups of three nucleotides represent all 20amino acids. Each nucleotide triplet is called a codon.Eachcodon, designated by the bases defining its three nucleotides,specifies one amino acid. For example, GAA is a codon forglutamic acid (Glu), and GUU is a codon for valine (Val). Be-cause the code comes into play only during the translation partof gene expression, that is, during the decoding of messengerRNA to polypeptide, geneticists usually present the code in theRNA dialect of A, G, C, and U, as depicted in Fig. 7.3. How-ever, when speaking of genes, they can substitute T for U toshow the same code in the DNA dialect.If you knew the sequence of nucleotides in a gene or itstranscript as well as the sequence of amino acids in the corre-sponding polypeptide, you could deduce the genetic codewithout understanding how the cellular machinery uses thecode to translate from nucleotides to amino acids. Althoughtechniques for determining both nucleotide and amino-acidsequence are available today, this was not true when re-searchers cracked the genetic code in the 1950s and 1960s. Atthat time, they could establish a polypeptide’s amino-acid se-quence, but not the nucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA. Be-cause of their inability to read nucleotide sequence, they usedAThe Genetic Code: How Precise Groupings of the 4 Nucleotides Specify 20 Amino Acids225Figure 7.3The genetic code: 61 codons represent the 20 amino acids, while 3 codons signify stop.To read the code, find the first letter in the left column, the second letter along the top, and the third letter in the right column; this reading corresponds to the 5′-to-3′direction along the mRNA. Although most amino acids are encoded by two or more codons, the genetic code is unambiguous because each codon specifies only one amino assortment of genetic and biochemical techniques to fathom the code. They began by examining how different mu-tations in a single gene affected the amino-acid sequence of the gene’s polypeptide product, using the abnormal (specific mutations) to understand the normal (the general relationship between genes and polypeptides).Mapping Studies Confirmed That a Gene’s Nucleotide Sequence Is Colinear with a Polypeptide’s Amino-Acid SequenceWe have seen that DNA is a linear molecule with base pairs following one another down the intertwined chains. Proteins, by contrast, have complicated three-dimensional structures. Even so, if unfolded and stretched out from amino terminus to carboxyl terminus, proteins have a one-dimensional, linear structure—a specific sequence of amino acids. If the informa-tion in a gene and its corresponding protein are colinear, the consecutive order of bases in the DNA from the beginning to the end of the gene would stipulate the consecutive order of amino acids from one end to the other of the outstretched pro-tein. Note that this hypothesized relationship implies that both a gene and its protein product have definite polarities with an invariant relation to each other.Charles Yanofsky, in studying the Escherichia coli gene for a subunit of the enzyme tryptophan synthetase, was the first to compare maps of mutations within a gene to the par-ticular amino-acid substitutions that resulted. He began by generating a large number of trpϪauxotrophic mutants that carried mutations in the trpA gene for the tryptophan syn-thetase subunit. He next made a fine structure recombinational map of these mutations; and then he purified and determined the amino acid sequence of the mutant tryptophan synthetase subunits. As Fig. 7.4a illustrates, Yanofsky’s data showed that the order of mutations mapped within the DNA of the gene by recombination was colinear with the positions of the amino-acid substitutions occurring in the resulting mutant proteins. Genetic Analysis Revealed That Nonoverlapping Codons Are Set in a Reading FrameBy carefully examining the results of his analysis,Yanofsky, in addition to confirming the existence of colinearity,de-duced key features of codons and helped establish many pa-rameters of the genetic code relating nucleotides to amino acids.A Codon Is Composed of More Than One Nucleotide Yanofsky observed that different point mutations(changes in only one nucleotide pair)may affect the same amino acid.In one example shown in Fig.7.4a,mutation#23changed the glycine(Gly)at position211of the wildtype polypeptide chain to arginine(Arg),while mutation#46yielded glutamic acid(Glu) at the same position.In another example,mutation #78changed the glycine at position234to cysteine(Cys), while mutation#58produced aspartic acid(Asp)at the same position.In both cases,Yanofsky also found that recombina-tion could occasionally occur between two mutations that changed the identity of the same amino acid,and such re-combination would produce a wildtype tryptophan syn-thetase gene(Fig.7.4b).Because the smallest unit of recombination is the base pair,two mutations capable of re-combination—in this case,in the same codon because they affect the same amino acid—must be in different(although nearby)nucleotides.Thus,a codon contains more than one nucleotide.Each Nucleotide Is Part of Only a Single CodonAs Fig. 7.4a illustrates, each of the point mutations in the tryp-tophan synthetase gene characterized by Yanofsky alters the identity of only a single amino acid. This is also true of the point mutations examined in many other genes, such as the hu-man genes for rhodopsin and hemoglobin (see Chapter 6). Since point mutations change only a single nucleotide pair and most point mutations affect only a single amino acid in a polypeptide, each nucleotide in a gene must influence the identity of only a single amino acid. If, on the contrary, a nu-cleotide were part of more than one codon, a mutation in that nucleotide would affect more than one amino acid.226CHAPTER 7GENE EXPRESSION: THE FLOW OF GENETIC INFORMATION FROM DNA VIA RNA TO PROTEIN1 m.u.N C2114926822151234Figure 7.4Experiments analyzing the E. coli gene for a subunit of tryptophan synthetase confirm colinearity and reveal significant features of the genetic code.(a)A genetic map of the trpA gene of E. coli,identifying the amino-acid substitutions that characterize several of Yanofsky’s mutant strains. The positions of the mutations and amino-acid substitutions are colinear. These mutations change only a single amino acid, suggesting that each nucleotide is part of only a single codon. (b)Confirmation that codons must include two or more base pairs came from crosses between two strains that carried an altered amino acid at the same position. Since wildtype progeny occasionally appeared, each strain had a point mutation at a slightly different site. Crossing-over between the mutant sites could produce a wildtype allele.A Codon Is Composed of Three Nucleotides,and the Designated Starting Point for Each Gene Establishes the Reading Frame for These Triplets Although the most efficient code that would allow 4 nu-cleotides to specify 20 amino acids requires 3 nucleotides per codon, more complicated scenarios are possible. Francis Crick and Sydney Brenner obtained convincing evidence for the triplet nature of the genetic code in studies of mutations in the bacteriophage T4 rIIB gene (Fig. 7.5). They induced the mu-tations with proflavin, an intercalating mutagen that can insert itself between the paired bases stacked in the center of the DNA molecule (Fig. 7.5a). Their assumption was that proflavin would act like other mutagens, causing single-base substitutions. If this were true, it would be possible to gener-ate revertants through treatment with any mutagen. Surpris-ingly, genes with proflavin-induced mutations did not revert to wildtype upon treatment with other mutagens known to cause nucleotide substitutions. Only further exposure to proflavin caused proflavin-induced mutations to revert to wildtype (Fig.7.5b). Crick and Brenner had to explain this observation be-fore they could proceed with their phage experiments. With keen insight, they correctly guessed that proflavin does not cause base substitutions; instead, it causes insertions or dele-tions. This hypothesis explained why base-substituting muta-gens could not revert proflavin-induced mutations; it was also consistent with the structure of proflavin. By intercalating be-tween base pairs, proflavin would distort the double helix and thus interfere with the action of enzymes that function in the repair, replication, or recombination of DNA, eventually caus-ing the deletion or addition of one or more nucleotide pairs to the DNA molecule.Crick and Brenner began their experiments with a partic-ular proflavin-induced rIIBϪmutation. They next treated this mutant strain with more proflavin to isolate an rIIBϩrevertant (see Fig. 7.5b), and showed that the revertant’s chromosome actually contained two different rIIBϪmutations: One was the original mutation (FC0 in the figure); the other was newly in-duced (FC7). Either mutation by itself yields a mutant pheno-type, but their simultaneous occurrence in the same gene yielded an rIIBϩphenotype. Crick and Brenner reasoned that if the first mutation was the deletion of a single base pair, rep-resented by the symbol (Ϫ), then the counteracting mutation must be the insertion of a base pair, represented as (ϩ). The restoration of gene function by one mutation canceling an-other in the same gene is known as intragenic suppression. On the basis of this reasoning, they went on to establish T4 strains with different numbers of (ϩ) and (Ϫ) mutations in the same chromosome. Figure 7.5c tabulates the phenotypes asso-ciated with each combination of proflavin-induced mutations.I n analyzing the data, Crick and Brenner assumed that each codon is a trio of nucleotides, and for each gene there is a single starting point. This starting point establishes a read-Three single base insertions ( + + + )Single base insertion (+)Single base deletion (–)ATG AAC AA GCG C G G G GAA GCG GACATG AAC AA T GCG C C G G A G GAA GCG GAC ATG AAC AAT GCG CCG GAG GAA GCG GAC ATG AAC AAT G G CGC T CGG C AG GAA GCG GACATG AAC AAT GCG CCG GAG GAA GCG GAC ATG AAC AAT G G CGCCG GAG GAA GCG GACATG AAC AA T GCG CCG GAG GAA GCG GAC ATG AAC AA GCG CCG GAG GAA GCG GACG GT CFigure 7.5Studies of frameshift mutations in thebacteriophage T4 rIIB gene show that codons consist of (e)228CHAPTER 7GENE EXPRESSION: THE FLOW OF GENETIC INFORMATION FROM DNA VIA RNA TO PROTEINing frame: the partitioning of groups of three nucleotides such that the sequential interpretation of each succeeding tripletgenerates the correct order of amino acids in the resultingpolypeptide chain. If codons are read in order from a fixedstarting point, one mutation will counteract another if the twoare equivalent mutations of opposite signs; in such a case, eachinsertion compensates for each deletion, and this counterbal-ancing restores the reading frame. The gene would only regainits wildtype activity, however, if the portion of the polypeptideencoded between the two mutations of opposite sign is not re-quired for protein function, because in the double mutant, thisregion would have an improper amino-acid sequence. Simi-larly, if a gene sustains three or multiples of three changes ofthe same sign, the encoded polypeptide can still function, be-cause the mutations do not alter the reading frame for the ma-jority of amino acids (Fig. 7.5d). The resulting polypeptidewill, however, have one extra or one fewer amino acid thannormal (designated by three plus signs or three minus signs,respectively), and the region encoded by the part of the genebetween the first and the last mutations will not contain thecorrect amino acids.By contrast, a single nucleotide inserted into or deletedfrom a gene alters the reading frame and thereby affects theidentity of not only one amino acid, but of all other aminoacids beyond the point of alteration (Fig. 7.5e). Changes thatalter the grouping of nucleotides into codons are calledframe shift mutations: they shift the reading frame for all codons beyond the point of insertion or deletion, almost al-ways abolishing the function of the polypeptide product.A review of the evidence tabulated in Fig. 7.5c supportsall these points. A single (Ϫ) or a single (ϩ) mutation de-stroyed the function of the rIIB gene and produced an rIIBϪphage. Similarly, any gene with two base changes of the samesign (ϪϪor ϩϩ), or with four or five insertions or deletionsof the same sign (for example, ϩϩϩϩ) also generated a mu-tant phenotype. However, genes containing three or multiplesof three mutations of the same sign (for example, ϩϩϩor ϪϪϪϪϪϪ) as well as genes containing a (ϩϪ) pair of mutations generated rIIBϩwildtype individuals. In these lastexamples, intragenic suppression allowed restitution of thereading frame and thereby restored the lost or aberrant geneticfunction produced by other frameshift mutations in the gene. Most Amino Acids are Specified by More Than One Codon As Fig.7.5illustrates,intragenic suppression occurs only if in the region between two frameshift mutations of opposite sign, a gene still dictates the appearance of amino acids,even if these amino acids are not the same as those appearing in the normal protein.If the frameshifted part of the gene encodes instructions to stop protein synthesis,for example,by introducing a triplet of nucleotides that does not correspond to any amino acid,then wildtype polypeptide production would not continue.This is because polypeptide synthesis would stop before the compen-sating mutation could reestablish the correct reading frame.The fact that intragenic suppression occurs as often as itdoes suggests that the code includes more than one codon for some amino acids. Recall that there are 20 common amino acids but 43ϭ64 different combinations of three nucleotides. If each amino acid corresponded to only a single codon, there would be 64 Ϫ20 ϭ44 possible triplets not encoding an amino acid. These noncoding triplets would act as “stop” sig-nals and prevent further polypeptide synthesis. I f this hap-pened, more than half of all frameshift mutations (44/64) would cause protein synthesis to stop at the first codon after the mutation, and the chances of extending the protein each amino acid farther down the chain would diminish exponen-tially. As a result, intragenic suppression would rarely occur. However, we have seen that many frameshift mutations of one sign can be offset by mutations of the other sign. The distances between these mutations, estimated by recombination fre-quencies, are in some cases large enough to code for more than 50 amino acids, which would be possible only if most of the 64 possible triplet codons specified amino acids. Thus, the data of Crick and Brenner provide strong support for the idea that the genetic code is degenerate:Two or more nucleotide triplets specify most of the 20 amino acids (see Fig. 7.3). Cracking the Code: Biochemical Manipulations Revealed Which Codons Represent Which Amino AcidsAlthough the genetic experiments just described enabled re-markably prescient insights about the nature of the genetic code,they did not make it possible to assign particular codons to their corresponding amino acids.This awaited the discovery of messenger RNA and the development of techniques for syn-thesizing simple messenger RNA molecules that researchers could use to manufacture simple proteins in the test tube. The Discovery of Messenger RNAs, Moleculesfor Transporting Genetic InformationIn the1950s researchers exposed eukaryotic cells to amino acids tagged with radioactivity and observed that protein syn-thesis incorporating the radioactive amino acids into polypep-tides takes place in the cytoplasm,even though the genes for those polypeptides are sequestered in the cell nucleus.From this discovery,they deduced the existence of an intermediate molecule,made in the nucleus and capable of transporting DNA sequence information to the cytoplasm where it can di-rect protein synthesis.RNA was a prime candidate for this in-termediary information-carrying molecule.Because of RNA’s potential for base pairing with a strand of DNA,one could imagine the cellular machinery copying a strand of DNA into a complementary strand of RNA in a manner analogous to the DNA-to-DNA copying of DNA replication.Subsequent stud-ies in eukaryotes on the incorporation of radioactive uracil(a base found only in RNA)into molecules of RNA showed that although the molecules are synthesized in the nucleus,at least some of them migrate to the cytoplasm.Among those RNA molecules that migrate to the cytoplasm are the messenger RNAs,or mRNAs,depicted in Fig.7.2.They arise in the nu-cleus from the transcription of DNA sequence information through base pairing and then move,after processing,to the。
标准菌株和临床菌株oi pA基因的检测及其核苷酸序列比对的论文标准菌株和临床菌株o ipA基因的检测及其核苷酸序列比对的论文【摘要】目的:检测幽门螺杆菌标准菌株nct c11637及临床分离菌株hp1和hp2的oipa基因,分析其核苷酸序列,比对其与国际标准菌株hp26695的同源性。
方法:常规方法培养幽门螺杆菌,提取dna,pcr法扩增oip a基因,检测其核苷酸序列,并比较其与hp26695的同源性。
结果:nctc11637及hp1、hp2均表达oip a基因。
其核苷酸序列与hp 26695比对,nctc11637有48个突变位点、hp1有48个突变位点、hp2有50个突变位点,同源性均为94%。
结论:nctc11637、hp1、hp2均表达oi pa基因,但不同菌株oipa基因的核苷酸序列有所不同。
【关键词】幽门螺杆菌 oipa基因序列比对 dete cting of g ene oipa o f normal a nd clinica l helicoba cter pylor strains a nd paringof their n ucleotidesequencesshao shi h e, wang hu a, liu mu qing, hanxiao hong, duan xiu jie. medic al technol ogy colleg e, jiangsu universit y, zhenjia ng 21201X,china [abs tract]obj ective:todetect the oipa gene of helico bacter pyl ori(hp) st rains nctc11637 andhp1, hp2 i solated fr om clinica l biopsies, analyzetheir nucl eotide seq uences and make a ho mologousp arison ofnucleotide with hp thods:theoipa genewas detect ed with pc r in helic obacter py lori(hp) s trains nct c11637 and hp1, hp2isolated f romclinic al gastric biopsiesafter rout ine cultur e. then pc r products were sent out for n ucleotidesequence a nalysis an d pared wi th hp 26695.resul ts:the seq uence of t he aim gen e was obta ined innc tc11637 an d hp1, hp2 and was m ade a homo logous par ison of nu cleotide w ith 2669 5. the nu mber of mu tation ofnctc11637, hp1 and h p2 and was 48,48,50respective ly. the id entity was 94%, 94%and 94%re spectively, while th e strain h p1 was mos t identica l to 11637 as much a s 100%. th e homology of hp2 an d 11637 wa s97%.conc lusion:hp1, hp2 andnctc11637expresse g ene oipa,but the se quences of gene oipa of differ ent strain s are dist inct. [ke y words]h elicobacte r pylori;o ipa gene;o uter membr ane protei n 前炎症蛋白(o uter infla mmatory pr otein,oipa)为幽门螺杆菌(he licobacter pylori,hp)外膜蛋白的一种。
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专利名称:NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCES FOR THECONTROL OF THE EXPRESSION OF DNASEQUENCES IN A CELLULAR HOST发明人:LERECLUS, Didier,AGAISSE, Hervé申请号:EP94915589.0申请日:19940505公开号:EP0698105A1公开日:19960228专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention relates to the DNA sequence dnas of the sequence C ryIIIA of the sequence bacterium of the nucleotide especially Gram+ bacteriums such as nucleotide of bacterial species Bacillus type more specifically gene control expression in honeycomb host. It include that a kind of DNA sequence dna allows to be the coding nucleotide for participating in control expression in particular, the present invention relates to a kind of expression system. The DNA sequence dna includes that promoter and a succession of nucleotide are known as ' downstream area ', expression of the position in the promoter and coded sequence gene, and permissive effect science of heredity expressed during post-transcriptional level is preferably, downstream area include nucleotide S2 include be substantially complementary region 3 end RNA 16S ribosomes bacillus genotype bacterium.申请人:INSTITUT PASTEUR,INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE (INRA)地址:25-28, rue du Docteur Roux F-75724 Paris Cédex 15 FR,147, rue de l'Université F-75341 Paris Cédéx 07 FR国籍:FR,FR代理机构:Gutmann, Ernest, et al 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Package‘gquad’November29,2022Type PackageTitle Prediction of G Quadruplexes and Other Non-B DNA MotifsVersion2.1-2Author Hannah O.AjogeMaintainer Hannah O.Ajoge<****************>DescriptionGenomic biology is not limited to the confines of the canonical B-forming DNA duplex,but in-cludes over ten different types of other secondary structures that are collectively termed non-B DNA structures.Of these non-B DNA structures,the G-quadruplexes are highly stable four-stranded structures that are recognized by distinct subsets of nuclear factors.This package pro-vide functions for predicting intramolecular G quadruplexes.In addition,functions for predict-ing other intramolecular nonB DNA structures are included.License Artistic-2.0Depends R(>=4.2.0)Imports ape(>=5.6-2),seqinr(>=4.2-23)Encoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.2.2Suggests knitr,rmarkdownVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2022-11-2908:40:02UTCR topics documented:aphased (2)gquad (3)gquadO (4)hdna (5)hdnaO (7)slipped (8)12aphased str (9)tfo (10)zdna (11)Index13 aphased Predicting A-phased DNA repeat(s)DescriptionThis function predicts A-phased DNA repeat(s)in’x’(DNA).DNA sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.Usageaphased(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx DNA sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession num-ber(s);from which A-phased DNA repeat(s)will be predicted.If the fastafilename does not contain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to the currentworking directory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).DetailsThis function predicts A-phased DNA repeat(s)in DNA sequences and provide the position,se-quence and length of the predicted repeat(s),if any.ValueA dataframe of A-phased DNA repeats’position,sequence and length.If more than one DNAsequence is provided as argument,an input ID is returned for repeat(s)predicted from each input sequence.Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesgquad3Examples##Predicting A-phased DNA repeat(s)from raw DNA sequencesE1<-"TCTTGTTTTAAAACGTTTTAAAACGTTTTAAAACGTTTTAAAACGAAT"aphased(E1)##Predicting A-phased DNA repeat(s)from DNA sequences in fasta file##Not run:aphased(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting A-phased DNA repeat(s)from DNA sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:aphased(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")gquad Predicting G quadruplexesDescriptionThis function predicts G quadruplexes in’x’(nucleotide sequence(s)).Nucleotide sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.Usagegquad(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx nucleotide sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession number(s);from which G quadruplexes will be predicted.If the fastafile namedoes not contain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to the current workingdirectory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).DetailsThis function predicts G quadruplexes in nucleic(both DNA and RNA)sequences and provide the position,sequence and length of the predicted motif(s).If any motif is predicted,the degree of likeliness for the motif to be formed is computed and scored as**(more likely)or as*(less likely). ValueA dataframe of G quadruplexes’position,sequence,length and likeliness.If more than one nu-cleotide sequence is provided as argument,an input ID is returned for motif(s)predicted from each input sequence.4gquadOAuthor(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesSee AlsogquadOExamples##Predicting G quadruplexes from raw nucleotide sequencesE1<-c("TCTTGGGCATCTGGAGGCCGGAAT","taggtgctgggaggtagagacaggatatcct")gquad(E1)##Predicting G quadruplexes from nucleotide sequences in fasta file##Not run:gquad(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting G quadruplexes from nucleotide sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:gquad(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")gquadO Predicting G quadruplexes including overlapsDescriptionThis function predicts G quadruplexes in’x’(nucleotide sequence(s))like the gquad function,but includes overlaps.Nucleotide sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.UsagegquadO(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx nucleotide sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession number(s);from which G quadruplexes(including overlaps)will be predicted.If the fastafile name does not contain an absolute path,thefile name is relativeto the current working directory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).hdna5DetailsThis function predicts G quadruplexes in nucleic(both DNA and RNA)sequences,including over-laps and provide the position,sequence and length of the predicted motif(s).If any motif is pre-dicted,the degree of likeliness for the motif to be formed is computed and scored as**(more likely) or as*(less likely).ValueA dataframe of G quadruplexes’position,sequence,length and likeliness.If more than one nu-cleotide sequence is provided as argument,an input ID is returned for motif(s)predicted from each input sequence.Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesSee AlsogquadExamples##Predicting G quadruplexes(including overlaps)from raw nucleotide sequencesE1<-c("TCTTGGGCATCTGGAGGCCGGAAT","taggtgctgggaggtagagacaggatatcct")gquadO(E1)##Predicting G quadruplexes(including overlaps)from nucleotide sequences in fasta file ##Not run:gquadO(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting G quadruplexes(including overlaps)from nucleotide sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:gquadO(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")hdna Predicting intramolecular triplexes(H-DNA)DescriptionThis function predicts H-DNA in’x’(DNA).DNA can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.6hdnaUsagehdna(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx DNA sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession num-ber(s);from which H-DNA will be predicted.If the fastafile name does notcontain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to the current working direc-tory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).DetailsThis function predicts H-DNA in DNA sequences and provide the position,sequence and length of the predicted motif(s),if any.ValueA dataframe of H-DNA’position,sequence and length.If more than one DNA sequence is providedas argument,an input ID is returned for motif(s)predicted from each input sequence.Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesSee AlsohdnaOExamples##Predicting H-DNA from raw DNA sequencesE1<-c("TCTTCCCCCCTTTTTYYYYYGCTYYYYYTTTTTCCCCCCGAAT","taggtgctgggaggtagagacaggatatcct") hdna(E1)##Predicting H-DNA from DNA sequences in fasta file##Not run:hdna(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting H-DNA from DNA sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:hdna(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")hdnaO7 hdnaO Predicting intramolecular triplexes(H-DNA)including overlapsDescriptionThis function predicts H-DNA in’x’DNA sequence like the hdna function,but includes overlaps.DNA sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.UsagehdnaO(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx DNA sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession num-ber(s);from which H-DNA(including overlaps)will be predicted.If the fastafile name does not contain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to the cur-rent working directory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).DetailsThis function predicts H-DNA in DNA sequences,including overlaps and provide the position, sequence and length of the predicted motif(s),if any.ValueA dataframe of H-DNA’position,sequence and length.If more than one DNA sequence is providedas argument,an input ID is returned for motif(s)predicted from each input sequence.Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesSee Alsohdna8slippedExamples##Predicting H-DNA(including overlaps)from raw DNA sequencesE1<-c("TCTTCCCCCCTTTTTYYYYYGCTYYYYYTTTTTCCCCCCGAAT","taggtgctgggaggtagagacaggatatcct") hdnaO(E1)##Predicting H-DNA(including overlaps)from DNA sequences in fasta file##Not run:hdnaO(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting H-DNA(including overlaps)from DNA sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:hdnaO(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")slipped Predicting slipped motif(s)DescriptionThis function predicts slipped motif(s)in’x’in DNA.DNA sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.Usageslipped(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx DNA sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession num-ber(s);from which slipped motif(s)will be predicted.If the fastafile name doesnot contain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to the current workingdirectory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).DetailsThis function predicts slipped motif(s)in DNA sequences and provide the position,sequence and length of the predicted motif(s).If any motif is predicted,the degree of likeliness for the motif to be formed is computed and scored as**(more likely)or as*(less likely).ValueA dataframe of slipped motif(s)position,sequence,length and likeliness.If more than one DNAsequence is provided as argument,an input ID is returned for motif(s)predicted from each input sequence.str9Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesExamples##Predicting slipped motif(s)from raw DNA sequencesE1<-c("TCTTACTGTGACTGTGGAAT","taggtgctgggaggtagagacaggatatcct")slipped(E1)##Predicting slipped motif(s)from DNA sequences in fasta file##Not run:slipped(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting slipped motif(s)from DNA sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:slipped(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")str Predicting short tandem repeatsDescriptionThis function predicts short tandem repeats in’x’in nucleotides.Nucleotide sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.Usagestr(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx Nucleotide sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession number(s);from which short tandem repeats will be predicted.If the fastafilename does not contain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to the currentworking directory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).DetailsThis function predicts short tandem repeats in nucleotide sequences and provide the position,se-quence and length of the predicted repeats,if any.10tfoValueA dataframe of short tandem repeats’position,sequence and length.If more than one DNA se-quence is provided as argument,an input ID is returned for repeats predicted from each input sequence.Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesExamples##Predicting short tandem repeats from raw nucleotide sequencesE1<-c("TCTACACACACACACACACACGAAT","tagggugugugugugugugugugutcct")str(E1)##Predicting short tandem repeats from nucleotide sequences in fasta file##Not run:str(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting short tandem repeats from nucleotide sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:str(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")tfo Predicting triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)DescriptionThis function predicts triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)in’x’in DNA.DNA sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.Usagetfo(x,xformat="default")Argumentsx DNA sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession num-ber(s);from which triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)will be predicted.If thefastafile name does not contain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to thecurrent working directory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).zdna11 DetailsThis function predicts triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)in DNA sequences and provide the posi-tion,sequence and length of the predicted motif(s),if any.ValueA dataframe of triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)position,sequence and length.If more than oneDNA sequence is provided as argument,an input ID is returned for motif(s)predicted from each input sequence.Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesExamples##Predicting triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)from raw DNA sequencesE1<-c("TCTTGGGAGGGAGAGAGAGAAAGAGATCTGGAGGCCGGAAT","taggtgctgggaggtagagacaggatatcct") tfo(E1)##Predicting triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)from DNA sequences in fasta file##Not run:tfo(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting triplex forming oligonucleotide(s)from DNA sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:tfo(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")zdna Predicting Z-DNA motif(s)DescriptionThis function predicts Z-DNA motif(s)in’x’in DNA.DNA sequence can be provided in raw or fasta format or as GenBank accession number(s).Internet is needed to connect to GenBank database,if accession number(s)is given as argument.Usagezdna(x,xformat="default")12zdnaArgumentsx DNA sequence(s)in raw format or a fastafile or a GenBank accession num-ber(s);from which Z-DNA motif(s)will be predicted.If the fastafile name doesnot contain an absolute path,thefile name is relative to the current workingdirectory.xformat a character string specifying the format of x:default(raw),fasta,GenBank (GenBank accession number(s)).DetailsThis function predicts Z-DNA motif(s)in DNA sequences and provide the position,sequence and length of the predicted motif(s).If any motif is predicted,the degree of likeliness for the motif to be formed is computed and scored as**(more likely)or as*(less likely).ValueA dataframe of Z-DNA motif(s)position,sequence,length and likeliness.If more than one DNAsequence is provided as argument,an input ID is returned for motif(s)predicted from each input sequence.Author(s)Hannah O.AjogeReferencesPaper on gquad and the web application(Non-B DNA Predictor)is under review,see draft in vi-gnettesExamples##Predicting Z-DNA motif(s)from raw DNA sequencesE1<-c("TCTTGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCGCAAT","taggtgctgggaggtagagacaggatatcct")zdna(E1)##Predicting Z-DNA motif(s)from DNA sequences in fasta file##Not run:zdna(x="Example.fasta",xformat="fasta")##Predicting Z-DNA motif(s)from DNA sequences,##using GenBank accession numbers.##Internet connectivity is needed for this to work.##Not run:zdna(c("BH114913","AY611035"),xformat="GenBank")Indexaphased,2gquad,3gquadO,4hdna,5hdnaO,7slipped,8str,9tfo,10zdna,1113。
BrochureMore information from /reports/2634410/The Effects of Drug Abuse on the Human Nervous SystemDescription:Drug use and abuse continues to thrive in contemporary society worldwide and the instance and damage caused by addiction increases along with availability. The Effects of Drug Abuse on the Human NervousSystem presents objective, state-of-the-art information on the impact of drug abuse on the human nervoussystem, with each chapter offering a specific focus on nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine,methamphetamine, MDMA, sedative-hypnotics, and designer drugs. Other chapters provide a context fordrug use, with overviews of use and consequences, epidemiology and risk factors, genetics of use andtreatment success, and strategies to screen populations and provide appropriate interventions. The bookoffers meaningful, relevant and timely information for scientists, health-care professionals and treatmentproviders.A comprehensive reference on the effects of drug addiction on the human nervous systemFocuses on core drug addiction issues from nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, and othercommonly abused drugsIncludes foundational science chapters on the biology of addictionDetails challenges in diagnosis and treatment optionsContents:Chapter 1: Drug Use and its ConsequencesB. MadrasChapter 2: Genetics of Substance Use, Abuse, Cessation, and Addiction: Novel Data Implicate Copy NumberVariantsUhl et al.Chapter 3: Epidemiology of Drug Abuse: Building Blocks for Etiologic ResearchWeinberg et al.Chapter 4: Detection Of Populations At Risk Or Addicted: Screening, Brief Intervention And Referral toTreatment (SBIRT) in Clinical SettingsL. GentilelloChapter 5: Cocaine: Mechanism and Effects in the Human BrainTrifilieff et al.Chapter 6: Stress, Anxiety, and Cocaine AbuseCraige et al.Chapter 7: The Neuropathology of Drug AbuseBüttner et al.Chapter 8: The Pathology of Methamphetamine Use in the Human BrainS. KishChapter 9: The Effects of Alcohol on the Human Nervous SystemK. BradyChapter 10: The Nicotine HypothesisBrasicChapter 11: Smoking Effects in the Human Nervous SystemSchuman-OlivierChapter 12: Cognitive Effects of NicotineSofuoglu et al.Chapter 13: Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids in the Human Nervous SystemH. KalantChapter 14: Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and the Association with PsychosisRadhakrishnan et al.Chapter 15: Effects of MDMA on the Human Nervous SystemMcCann et al.Chapter 16: Sedative HypnoticsCiraulo et al.Chapter 17: HallucinogensChan/MendelsonChapter 18: Inhalants: Addiction and Toxic Effects in HumansBowen et al.Chapter 19: Emerging Designer DrugsNichols et al.Ordering:Order Online - /reports/2634410/Order by Fax - using the form belowOrder by Post - print the order form below and send toResearch and Markets,Guinness Centre,Taylors Lane,Dublin 8,Ireland.Fax Order FormTo place an order via fax simply print this form, fill in the information below and fax the completed form to 646-607-1907 (from USA) or +353-1-481-1716 (from Rest of World). If you have any questions please visit/contact/Order Information Please verify that the product information is correct.Product Format Please select the product format and quantity you require:* Shipping/Handling is only charged once per order.Contact InformationPlease enter all the information below in BLOCK CAPITALSProduct Name:The Effects of Drug Abuse on the Human Nervous System Web Address:/reports/2634410/Office Code:SCF7OT8Y QuantityHard Copy (HardBack):USD 160 + USD 29 Shipping/HandlingTitle:MrMrsDrMissMsProf First Name:Last Name:Email Address: *Job Title:Organisation:Address:City:Postal / Zip Code:Country:Phone Number:Fax Number:* Please refrain from using free email accounts when ordering (e.g. Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL)Payment InformationPlease indicate the payment method you would like to use by selecting the appropriate box.Please fax this form to:(646) 607-1907 or (646) 964-6609 - From USA+353-1-481-1716 or +353-1-653-1571 - From Rest of World Pay by credit card:You will receive an email with a link to a secure webpage to enter yourcredit card details.Pay by check:Please post the check, accompanied by this form, to:Research and Markets,Guinness Center,Taylors Lane,Dublin 8,Ireland.Pay by wire transfer:Please transfer funds to:Account number833 130 83Sort code98-53-30Swift codeULSBIE2D IBAN numberIE78ULSB98533083313083Bank Address Ulster Bank,27-35 Main Street,Blackrock,Co. Dublin,Ireland.If you have a Marketing Code please enter it below:Marketing Code:Please note that by ordering from Research and Markets you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions at /info/terms.asp。
线粒体和叶绿体中含有的DNA能够自体复制,并 编码执行线粒体和叶绿体功能的蛋白,属于染色体以 外的遗传因子。
质粒一般指存在于细菌、真菌等微生物细胞中, 独立于染色体以外,能进行自我复制的遗传因子。质 粒的大小为1~1000 kb,常为环状的双链DNA分子, 也有线状DNA或RNA质粒。
有些质粒既能够整合到染色体上,又能以游离状 态存在,并能携带部分染色体基因进行转移,它们被 称为附加体。
第二节 遗传信息的表达
一、真核生物基因的转录及其调控 二、原核生物基因的转录及其调控 三、翻译过程中的调控 四、调控信号与系统性调控
经典试验1. 肺炎链球菌的转化试验
图8. 1(a)S型和R型细胞侵染试验
病毒的乙醇物质可以是单链的或双链 的DNA或RNA, 即:ssDNA, dsDNA,ssRNA或dsRNA。
二、脱氧核糖核酸 1.核酸的化学组成和结构 2.DNA的复制方式 3.DNA的理化性质
不同来源的DNA之间碱基序列互补的 区段进行的碱基配对称为退火或杂交,这 被广泛应用于DNA的扩增、定点诱变、基 因鉴别。
DNA中的G+C含量通常通过Tm值来测定。同 一个属的细菌, G+C含量的变化一般小于10%。
DNA-DNA杂交技术用于研究亲缘关系近的 微生物。
Acceptor splice site??The boundary between the 3’ end of an intron and the 5’ end of the following exon. Also called 3’ splice site.剪接受体位点:内含子3′末端与下一个外显子5′端之间地交界处.又称3′剪接位点.Acrocentric??A type of chromosome with the centromere near one end. The human acrocentric chromosomes (13, 14, 15, 21, and 22> have satellited short arms that carry genes for ribosomal RNA.b5E2RGbCAP近端着丝粒<染色体):着丝粒位于接近染色体臂端部地染色体.人类近端着丝粒染色体<第13、14、15、21和22号)短臂地随体携带有编码核糖体RNA地基因.p1EanqFDPwAdverse selection??A term used in the insurance industry to describe the situation in which individuals with private knowledge of having an increased risk for illness, disability, or death buydisproportionately more coverage than those at a lower risk. As a result, insurance premiums, which are based on averaging risk across the population, are inadequate to cover future claims.DXDiTa9E3d逆向选择:保险业地专有名词,指投保人知晓其有较高地患病、残疾或死亡风险,但隐瞒真相购买相关保险.因此,根据人群平均风险制定地保险费不足以支付相关费用.RTCrpUDGiTAffected pedigree member method??A model-free method of linkage analysis that systematically measures whether relatives affected with a disease share alleles at a locus more frequently than would be predicted by chance alone from their familial relationship. If the relatives are sibs, it is referred to as the affected sibpair methodof linkage analysis.5PCzVD7HxA患病家系成员法:一种不用模型地连锁分析方法.系统性地分析同患疾病地家系成员共享同一基因座等位基因地频率是否高于随机计算值.若为胞亲,则称为连锁分析地患病胞对法.jLBHrnAILgAllele??One of the alternative versions of a gene or DNA sequence at a given locus.xHAQX74J0X等位基因:在一对同源染色体地同一基因座上地两个不同形式地基因.Allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO>??An oligonucleotide probe synthesized to match a particular DNA sequence precisely and allow the discrimination of alleles that differ by only a single base.LDAYtRyKfE 等位基因特异地寡核苷酸<ASO):与基因点突变热点区互补地人工合成地寡核苷酸序列.Allelic exclusion??In immunogenetics, the observation that only one of the pair of parental alleles for each H chain and L chain of an immunoglobulin molecule is expressed within a single cell.Zzz6ZB2Ltk等位基因排斥:免疫球蛋白地杂合子只表达一对等位基因中地一个地现象.Allelic heterogeneity??In a population, there may be a number of different mutant alleles at a single locus. In an individual, the sameor similar phenotypes may be caused by different mutant alleles rather than by identical alleles at the locus.dvzfvkwMI1等位基因异质性:一个基因有多种突变,产生多种异常表型地现象.个体相同或相似地表型,可能是由不同地突变等位基因引起,而非同一基因座地相同等位基因.rqyn14ZNXIAllogenic??In transplantation, denotes individuals (or tissues> that are of the same species but that have different antigens (alternative spelling: allogeneic>.EmxvxOtOco同种异型:在移植中表示同种个体<或组织),但是抗原不同.Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP>??A fetal glycoprotein excreted into the amniotic fluid that reaches abnormally high concentration in amniotic fluid (and maternal serum> when the fetus has certain abnormalities, especially an open neural tube defect.SixE2yXPq5甲胎蛋白<AFP):一种分泌入羊水地胎儿糖蛋白.当胎儿罹患某种疾病<尤其是开放性神经管缺陷)时,羊水<和产妇血清)中地甲胎蛋白浓度呈现异常.6ewMyirQFLAlu repeat sequence??In the human genome, about 10% of the DNA is made up of a set of about 1,000,000 dispersed, related sequences, each about 300 base pairs long, so named because they are cleaved by the restriction enzyme AluI.kavU42VRUsAlu重复序列:人类基因组中,约10﹪地DNA是由1000000多种分散地相关序列组成,每种长约300bp,因序列中有限制性内切酶AluI.地切点而得名.y6v3ALoS89 Amniocentesis??A procedure used in prenatal diagnosis to obtain amniotic fluid, which contains cells of fetal origin that can be cultured for analysis. Amniotic fluid is withdrawn from the amniotic sac by syringe after insertion of a hollow needle into the amnion through the abdominal wall and uterine wall.M2ub6vSTnP羊膜穿刺:一种获得羊水以进行产前诊断地方法.羊水中有胎儿细胞,可培养以进行分析检测.用穿刺针自孕妇地腹壁穿入胎儿地羊膜腔中,抽取羊水.0YujCfmUCw Amplification??1. In molecular biology, the production of multiple copies of a sequence of DNA. 2. In cytogenetics, amplification refers to multiple copies of a sequence in the genome that are detectable by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH>.eUts8ZQVRd扩增:1. 在分子生物学中,指某DNA序列地多个拷贝产物.2. 在细胞遗传学中,指能够用比较基因组杂交<CGH)检测到地多个拷贝序列.sQsAEJkW5TAnalytic validity??In reference to a clinical laboratory test, the ability of that test to perform correctly, that is, measure what it is designed to measure.GMsIasNXkA分析效力:指临床实验室检测地准确度.Aneuploidy??Any chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number. The common forms of aneuploidy in humans aretrisomy (the presence of an extra chromosome> and monosomy (the absence of a single chromosome>.TIrRGchYzg非整倍性:细胞中染色体地数目不是染色体基数地整倍数地状态.人类常见地非整倍性如三体<一条染色体多余)和单体<一条染色体缺失).7EqZcWLZNX Anomalies??Birth defects resulting from malformations, deformations, or disruptions.lzq7IGf02E异常:指畸形、变形或畸化等出生缺陷.Anticipation??The progressively earlier onset and increased severity of certain diseases in successive generations of a family.Anticipation is caused by expansion of the number of unstable repeats within the gene responsible for the disease.zvpgeqJ1hk遗传早现:某种遗传病地症状一代比一代严重,而且发病时间一代早于一代.由疾病相关基因地不稳定重复片段地扩增引起.NrpoJac3v1Anticodon??A three-base unit of RNA complementary to a codon in mRNA.1nowfTG4KI反密码子:tRNA中与mRNA密码子反向互补地三核苷酸序列.Antisense strand of DNA??The noncoding DNA strand, which is complementary to mRNA and serves as the template for RNA synthesis. Also called the transcribed strand.fjnFLDa5Zo反义DNA链:即非编码地那条DNA链,与mRNA互补,为RNA合成地模板.又称转录链.Apoptosis??Programmed cell death characterized by a stereotypic pattern of mitochondrial breakdown and chromatindegradation.tfnNhnE6e5细胞凋亡:即程序性细胞死亡,由生理或病理信号引发地自主性地细胞清除过程.Array CGH??Comparative genome hybridization performed by hybridizing to a wafer (“chip”> made of glass, plastic, or silicon onto which a large number of different nucleic acids have been individually spotted in a matrix pattern. See microarray.HbmVN777sL阵列CGH:将大量核苷酸矩阵排布于由玻璃、塑料或硅制成地晶片上,并与之杂交地比较基因组杂交方法.见“微阵列”.V7l4jRB8HsAscertainment??The method of selection of individuals for inclusion in a genetic study.83lcPA59W9确认:发现并选出有某种遗传病地家系.Ascertainment bias??A difference in the likelihood that affected relatives of affected individuals will be identified, compared with similarly affected relatives of controls. A possible source of errorin family studies.mZkklkzaaP确认偏倚:确定患者亲属与对照组亲属地患病情况而出现地差错.是家系研究出现差错地原因之一.Association??1. In genetic epidemiology, describes the situation in which a particular allele is found either significantly more or significantly less frequently in a group of affected individuals than would be expected from the frequency of the allele in the general population from which the affected individuals were drawn。
微生物英文课件-gentic A
I. Point mutations
-involve addition, deletion, or substitution of single bases
1. Silent mutations (same-sense mutations) are alterations
Genetics – the study of heredity
1. transmission of biological traits from parent to offspring
2. expression & variation of those traits 3. structure & function of genetic material 4. how this material changes or evolves
Chapter Eight Microbial genetics
8.1 Introduction to genetics and genes 8.2 Mutations 8.3 DNA recombination events
8.1 Introduction to genetics and genes
Levels of genetic study
Levels of structure & function of the genome
• genome – sum total of genetic material of an organism (chromosomes + mitochondria/chloroplasts and/or plasmids)
1 mm; 1,000X longer than cell • Human cell – 46 chromosomes containing 31,000
properties of DNA(07-2)改
Other forms: A-DNA: 1) 11 bases/turn, Right-handed helical 2) The helix formed by RNA-RNA, by DNA-RNA hybrids Z-DNA:
1)Zig- Zag appearance, 12 bases/turn, left-handed helical
Base pairing via hydrogen bonds
Helical turn:
•Double helix
•B form:
Right-handed helical 10 base pairs/turn 3.4nm /turn(螺距)
Diameter: 2.0nm
Major groove: 大沟 Minor groove: 小沟 Idealized form of structure adopted by virtually all DNA in vivo.
4. Purity of DNA A260/A280: (the ratio of absorbance at 260 and 280nm) dsDNA--1.8 pure RNA--2.0 protein--0.5 dsDNA>1.8 RNA contamination dsDNA<1.8 protein contamination
Chapter 1 (Section C) The Structure and Properties of Nucleic Acid
Three conceptions need to be differentiated
Bases (碱基)
Nucleosides (核苷) Nucleotides (核苷酸)
Chapter 12 DNA Biosynthesis 第十二章 DNA生物合成
Bidirectional replication 双向复制 Endonuclease 内切核酸酶 Exonuclease 外切核酸酶 Gene expression 基因表达 Polymerases 聚合酶类 Primase 引发酶 Primosome 引发体 Proliferating cell nuclear antigen 增殖细胞核抗原 Recombination repairing 重组修复 Replicon 复制子 Reverse transcriptase 逆转录酶 Semiconservative replication 半保留复制 Single stranded DNA binding protein 单链DNA结合蛋白 Telomerase 端粒酶 Telomere 端粒 DNA topoisomerase DNA拓扑异构酶
Chapter 11 Metabolic Regulation 第十一章 代谢调节
Chemical modification 化学修饰 Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 Inducer 诱导物 Rate limiting enzymes 限速酶 Repressor 阻遏物 Serine/threonine protein phosphatase 丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白磷酸酶
Chapter 13 RNA Biosynthesis 第十三章 RNA生物合成
Cis-acting element 顺式作用元件 Hybrid duplex 杂化双链 Posttranscriptional processing 转录后加工 Promoter 启动子 Small nuclear RNA 小核RNA Splicesome 拼接体 Template strand 模板链
八核苷酸长度的结合基序英文回答:The binding motif of an octanucleotide sequence is a specific pattern of nucleotides that is recognized and bound by a protein or other biomolecule. This motif typically consists of eight nucleotides arranged in a specific order. The length of the octanucleotide sequence is important for its binding specificity and affinity.The specific sequence of nucleotides in the octanucleotide motif determines its ability to bind to a particular protein or biomolecule. Different proteins have different binding preferences and may recognize different motifs. Therefore, the length and sequence of the octanucleotide motif play a crucial role in determining its binding properties.The length of the octanucleotide sequence also affects its stability and flexibility. Longer sequences may havemore stable structures and be less prone to conformational changes. On the other hand, shorter sequences may be more flexible and able to adopt different conformations.In addition to the length, the overall composition of the octanucleotide sequence can also influence its binding properties. Certain nucleotide combinations may be more favorable for binding, while others may be less favorable. The presence of specific nucleotides or motifs within the octanucleotide sequence can enhance or hinder its binding affinity.Overall, the length of the octanucleotide sequence is an important factor in determining its binding properties. The specific sequence, length, and composition of the octanucleotide motif all contribute to its ability to bind to a specific protein or biomolecule.中文回答:八核苷酸长度的结合基序是一种特定的核苷酸序列模式,被蛋白质或其他生物分子所识别和结合。
第八章 细胞核2.ppt (廖)
(1)outer nuclear membrane (2)inner nuclear membrane (3)perinuclear space (4)nuclear pore complex (5)nuclear lamina
Which benefit and new problem do the nuclear evenlope bring to cell?
hydrophilic channel (9-10nm) <10 nm in diameter and <60 kd globular protein
B. Active transport(主动运输)
Transport of large proteins into nucleus needs nuclear localization signal (NLS)核定位信号
3、nuclear pore complex (NPC)
Cytoplasmic face
Nuclear face
(1)Structure of NPC
MODEL: fish-trap 捕鱼笼 Cytoplasmic ring 胞质环 Nuclear ring核质环 Spork辐 Central plug 中央栓 细纤维
For example: karyophilic protein (亲核蛋白)
A kind of protein which are synthesized in Cytoplasm must to be transported into nucleus to function by active transport. The sequence of these protein contains nuclear localization signal (NLS) 一类在胞质内合成,以主动运输方式通过 NPC,输入细胞核发挥功能作用的蛋白质,含有 核定位信号。
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For a given sequence, a parse is an assignment of gene
structure to that sequence. In a parse, every base is labeled, corresponding to the content it (is predicted to) belongs to. In above simple model, the parse contains only “I” (intergenic) and “G” (gene). A more complete model would contain, e.g., “-” for intergenic, “E” for exon and “I” for intron.
What is Parse?
Genes Prediction Programs Ab Initio–Based Programs
a HMM is a state-based generative model which transitions stochastically from state to state, emitting a single symbol from each state. A GHMM (or semi-Markov model) generalizes this scenario by allowing individual states to emit strings of symbols rather than one symbol (a single base) at a time by abstracting the entire gene regions (such as exons, introns, UTRs) into single states and encapsulating syntactic and statistical properties of individual regions into each state, GHMM provides the framework for describing the grammar of a legal parse of a DNA sequence.
Genes Prediction Programs Ab Initio–Based Programs
Gene Finding Group
FGENES (Find Genes)
using a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to generate a set of exon candidates Based on knowledge learned from training data sets of known gene structures, LDA works by plotting a two-dimensional graph of coding signals versus all potential 3 splice site positions and drawing a diagonal line that best separates coding signals from noncoding signals.
Genes Prediction Programs Ab Initio–Based Programs
based on a GHMM can be used ab initio and mechanism for incorporating extrinsic information web server or can be downloaded and run locally
The parameters trained
from experimentally or computationally (using cDNA data) validated gene structures or by a self-training procedure provided by GeneMark-ES
1). Create a list of potential exons, selecting all ORF: ATG. . .GT, AG-GT, AG. . . .Stop with exon scores higher than the specific thresholds depending on GC content; 2). Order all exon candidates according to their 3’-end positions; 3). Select for each exon maximal score path (compatible exons combination) ending on the particular exon using dynamic programming approach; 4). Add promoter or poly(A) scores (if predicted) to terminal exons.
can be used to predict the location of genes and their exonintron boundaries in genomic sequences from a variety of organisms. Putative exons are assigned a probability score (P) of being a true exon It has been used extensively in annotating the human genome
Chapter 8 Nucleotide Sequences Prediction
Genes Prediction Programs Ab Initio–Based Programs
GENSCAN makes predictions based on generalized HMMs (GHMM)
Genes Prediction Programs Ab Initio–Based Programs
web server
training inyerface is for training AUGUSTUS for predicting genes in genomes of novel species. It automatically generates training gene sets from genomic sequence(s) and a set of proteins or ESTs and subsequently trains AUGUSTUS parameters for a new species, and runs gene predictions with the new parameters and the supplied extrinsic evidence
Gene Finding Group
a package of gene prediction programs includes FGENES, FGENESH, FGENESH+, FGENESH_C and FEGENESH-2, they can be available at: /berry.phtml
Genes Prediction Programs Ab Initio–Based Programs
web server provides two interfaces: training server and prediction sever
prediction interface used to predict genes in a genome sequence with already trained parameters
has currently been trained on species: animals, alveolata(囊泡虫类 ), planta and algae, and fungi
Genes Prediction Programs Ab Initio–Based Programs
The algorithm finds the maximum likelihood path through hidden states given the analyzed sequenams Ab Initio–Based Programs
GeneMark.hmm-E based on a GHMM that integrate Markov models (of up to 5th order) of protein coding and noncoding sequences zero and first order Markov models of the splice sites and the sites of initiation and termination of translation length distributions of exons, introns, and intergenic regions