Managerial Accounting


Managerial Accounting PPT (1)

Managerial Accounting PPT (1)

$0 1995
Slide 3
Internet Usage The Internet fuels globalization by providing companies with greater access to geographically dispersed customers, employees, and suppliers.
Slide 16
Lean Production
The five step process results in a “pull” manufacturing system that reduces inventories, decreases defects, reduces wasted effort, and shortens customer response times.
Slide 10
Learning Objective 2
Understand the basic concepts underlying Lean Production, the Theory of Constraints, and Six Sigma.
Slide 9
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
A member of the top management team responsible for:

Providing timely and relevant data to support planning and control activities. Preparing financial statements for external users.

会计英语unit 15 Introduction to Managerial Accounting

会计英语unit 15 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
– (1)Cost/Volume/Profit Analysis – (2)Global trade and transportation – (3)Branding/Pricing/Sensitivity/Competition
(3) Budgeting
• It is also a critical element. • It outlines the financial limit within which
– Recruit graduate and undergraduate students of the highest academic capabilities who are committed to public health.
– Provide a multicultural setting for public health learning. – Provide excellent educational programs and opportunities. – Apply innovative pedagogical methods to enhance teaching and
Management accounting
Positioning Budgeting
Special analysis
Monitoring & Controlling
1. Planning
Planning requires management to look into the future to establish objectives.

《会计专业英语》Chapter 9 Managerial Accounting

《会计专业英语》Chapter 9 Managerial Accounting

Production Volume (Units) 900 1,000 800 1,000 1,200 900 2,000 1,200 500 800 750 300
Utility Fee ($)
2,250 2,550 2,150 2,460 2,620 2,200 3,250 2,700 1,000 2,170 2,060 900
• Contribution Margin/Net Operating Income
• Segment Income Байду номын сангаасtatement
• Traceable Fixed Costs • Common Fixed Costs • The Segment Margin
• Keeping or Dropping a Segment
Managerial Accounting Overview
• The Definition of Managerial Accounting
• A Business Language for Insiders
• The Definition of Financial Accounting
• A Business Language for Outsiders
• Cost Structure and Operating Leverage
• Cost Structure
• The relative proportion of fixed costs and variable costs in a firm.
• Degree of Operating Leverage




商业活动程序(business process)是在商务活动中为完成一定的任务而遵守的一系列步骤。

首席财务官(chief financial officer)是企业高层管理团队成员,负责为企业的计划、控制活动以及编制财务报告提供及时和相关的数据支持。





公司治理(corporate governance)是一种对公司进行指导和控制的系统。



指导与推进(directing and motivating)是调动员工按照公司计划进行日常经营的管理活动。

企业信息化系统(enterprise system) 是将企业全部数据整合在一个中央数据库,以便于全体员工使用的软件系统。

企业风险管理(enterprise risk management)是为实现企业目标,对企业所面临的风险进行确认、量度和采取措施防范的过程。


财务会计(financial accounting)是为公司股东、债权人、和其他外部利益相关者提供会计信息的活动。

Managerial Accounting McGraw Hill

Managerial Accounting McGraw Hill

Managerial Accounting McGraw Hill IntroductionManagerial accounting is a branch of accounting that focuses on providing financial information and analysis to managers within an organization. It helps managers make informed decisions and effectively manage the resources of the organization. McGraw Hill is a renowned publishing company that offers a wide range of educational materials, including textbooks on managerial accounting. In this document, we will explore the key features and benefits of the Managerial Accounting textbook by McGraw Hill.Overview of Managerial AccountingManagerial accounting involves the identification, measurement, analysis, interpretation, and communication of financial information to help managers in decision-making. It differs from financial accounting, which mainly serves external stakeholders such as investors and creditors. Managerial accounting focuses on internal users, including managers at various levels within the organization.The Managerial Accounting textbook from McGraw Hill provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts, theories, and techniques used in managerial accounting. It covers a wide range of topics, including cost behavior, budgeting, performance evaluation, decision analysis, and strategic planning.Key Features of Managerial Accounting McGraw Hill1. Easy-to-Understand LanguageThe textbook uses clear and concise language to explain complex managerial accounting concepts. It is written in a way that is accessible to students with varying levels of prior knowledge in accounting.2. Real-World Examples and Case StudiesTo enhance learning and understanding, the textbook includes numerous real-world examples and case studies. These examples help students apply the concepts they have learned to practical situations faced by managers in organizations.3. Comprehensive Coverage of Managerial Accounting TopicsFrom cost behavior analysis to capital budgeting, the Managerial Accounting textbook covers all the essential topics in managerial accounting. It provides a solid foundation for students to build their knowledge and skills in this field.4. Explanatory Diagrams and TablesComplex accounting information is often presented visually through diagrams and tables. This textbook utilizes such visual aids effectively, making it easier for students to grasp the key concepts and relationships.5. End-of-Chapter Exercises and ProblemsEach chapter concludes with a variety of exercises and problems designed to reinforce the concepts covered in the chapter. These exercises help students test their understanding and apply what they have learned.6. Online ResourcesMcGraw Hill offers a range of online resources to accompany the textbook. These include interactive quizzes, additional practice problems, and supplemental materials that further enhance the learning experience.Benefits of Using Managerial Accounting McGraw Hill1. Comprehensive Learning ResourceThe Managerial Accounting textbook by McGraw Hill serves as a complete learning resource for students studying managerial accounting. It covers all the necessary topics and provides a solid foundation for further exploration.2. Practical Application of ConceptsThe real-world examples and case studies included in the textbook allow students to apply the concepts they have learned to practical situations. This enhances their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.3. Engaging and Accessible ContentThe use of easy-to-understand language, explanatory diagrams, and tables, coupled with the online resources, makes the learning experience engaging and accessible for students.4. Preparation for Professional Exams and CertificationsThe Managerial Accounting textbook aligns with the content covered in professional exams and certifications, such as the Certified Management Accountant(CMA) exam. Using this textbook can help students prepare for these exams and increase their chances of success.5. Authoritative and Trusted SourceMcGraw Hill is a highly respected publishing company known for its quality educational materials. Using the Managerial Accounting textbook from McGraw Hill ensures that students are learning from an authoritative and trusted source.ConclusionThe Managerial Accounting textbook by McGraw Hill provides a comprehensive and accessible resource for students studying managerial accounting. Its clear language, real-world examples, and online resources make it an excellent tool for learning and understanding essential managerial accounting concepts. Whether preparing for professional exams or seeking to enhance their knowledge in this field, students will find this textbook to be a valuable asset throughout their studies.。



True/False Questions1.Managerial accounting places less emphasis on precision and more emphasis onflexibility and relevance than financial accounting.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Medium2.Managerial accounting is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP).Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making, Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy3.Financial accounting and managerial accounting reports must be prepared inaccordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical ThinkingAICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy4.When carrying out their directing and motivating activities, managers mobilize theorganization's human and other resources so that the organization's plans are carriedout.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management,Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy5.When carrying out planning activities, managers rely on feedback to ensure that theplan is actually carried out and is appropriately modified as circumstances change.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium6.When carrying out their directing and motivating activities, managers select a courseof action and specify how the action will be implemented.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium7.Persons occupying staff positions provide support and assistance to other parts of theorganization.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy8.Staff departments generally have direct authority over line departments in anorganization.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Mediumrmal relationships and channels of communication often develop that do notappear on the organization chart.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management, Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy10.The controller's position in a retail company is considered a line position rather than astaff position.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium11.The Chief Financial Officer of an organization should present facts and refrain fromoffering advice and personal opinion.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium12. A strategy is a game plan that enables a company to attract customers bydistinguishing itself from competitors.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy13. A strategy requires effective use of Six Sigma improvement techniques.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical ThinkingAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium14. A customer value proposition is essentially a reason for customers to choose acompany's products over its competitors' products.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy15.Customer value propositions tend to fall into three broad categories--customerintimacy, operational excellence, and product leadership.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easypanies that adopt a customer intimacy strategy are in essence saying to their targetcustomers, “The reason you should choose us is because we understand and respond to your individual needs better than our competitors.”Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easypanies that choose an operational excellence strategy are in essence saying totheir customers, “Choose us rather than our competitors because we strive for zerodefects.”Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Marketing AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Medium18. A value chain consists of the major business functions that add value to the company'sproducts and services.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy19.Efforts designed to increase the rate of output should generally be applied to theworkstation that is the constraint.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Easy20.The lean thinking model is a five step management approach that organizes resourcessuch as people and machines around the flow of business processes and that pulls units through theses processes in response to customer orders.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Easy21.Supply chain management involves acquiring and bringing inside the company all ofthe processes that bring value to customers.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium22.An enterprise system integrates data across an organization into a single softwaresystem that enables all employees to have simultaneous access to a common set ofdata.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Leveraging Technology AICPA FN: Leveraging Technology LO: 3 Level: Easy23.Corporate governance is the legal framework that allows managers to control anddirect lower-level workers on the job.Answer: False AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource Management AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium24.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was intended to protect the interests of those whoinvest in publicly traded companies by improving the reliability and accuracy ofcorporate financial reports and disclosures.Answer: True AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Legal AICPA FN:Measurement LO: 3 Level: Easy25.The Standards of Ethical Conduct promulgated by the Institute of ManagementAccountants specifically states, among other things, that management accountantshave a responsibility to disclose fully all relevant information that could be reasonably be expected to influence an intended user's understanding of the reports, comments and recommendations presented.Answer: True AACSB: Ethics AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 4 Level: EasyMultiple Choice Questions26.Managerial accounting places considerable weight on:A)generally accepted accounting principles.B)the financial history of the entity.C)ensuring that all transactions are properly recorded.D)detailed segment reports about departments, products, and customers.Answer: D AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPAFN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy27.The plans of management are often expressed formally in:A)financial statements.B)performance reports.C)budgets.D)ledgers.Answer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy28.The phase of accounting concerned with providing information to managers for use inplanning and controlling operations and in decision making is called:A)throughput time.B)managerial accounting.C)financial accounting.D)controlling.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Measurement LO: 1 Level: Easy29. A staff position:A)relates directly to the carrying out of the basic objectives of the organization.B)is supportive in nature, providing service and assistance to other parts of theorganization.C)is superior in authority to a line position.D)none of these.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy30.For a manufacturing company, what type of position (line or staff) is each of thefollowing?Manager of a Data Processing Department Manager of a ProductionDepartmentA)Staff StaffB)Staff LineC)Line StaffD)Line LineAnswer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy31. A _______________ position in an organization is directly related to the achievementof the organization's basic objectives.A)lineB)managementC)staffD)None of the above.Answer: A AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy32.______________ is an example of a line position.A)Controller for a merchandising companyB)Chief financial officer of a merchandising companyC)Store manager for Best BuyD)Human resources manager for a community collegeAnswer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy33.Which of the following is NOT one of the three major customer value propositionsdiscussed in the text?A)customer intimacyB)discount pricingC)operational excellenceD)product leadershipAnswer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy34.Which of the following is NOT one of the five steps in the lean thinking modeldiscussed in the text?A)Continuously pursue perfection in the business process.B)Identify value in specific products/services.C)Implement an enterprise system.D)Create a pull system that responds to customer orders.Answer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 2 Level: Easy35.One consequence of a change from a push to a properly implemented pull productionsystem can be:A)an increase in work in process inventories.B)an extremely difficult cultural change due to enforced idleness when demand fallsbelow production capacity.C)an increased mismatch between what is produced and what is demanded bycustomers.D)an increase in raw materials inventories.Answer: B AACSB: Analytic AICPA BB: Industry, Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Hard36.All of the following are characteristics of a pull production system EXCEPT:A)Inventories are reduced to a minimum by purchasing raw materials and producingunits only as needed to meet consumer demand.B)Raw materials are released to production far in advance of being needed to ensureno interruptions in work flows due to shortages of raw materials.C)Products are completed just in time to be shipped to customers.D)Manufactured parts are completed just in time to be assembled into products.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium37.The five step framework used to guide Six Sigma improvement efforts includes all ofthe following EXCEPT:A)Analyze.B)Control.C)Digitize.D)Measure.Answer: C AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Resource ManagementAICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 3 Level: Medium38.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 contains all of the following provisions EXCEPT:A)The audit committee of the board of directors of a company must hire,compensate, and terminate the public accounting firm that audits the company'sfinancial reports.B)Financial statements must be audited once every three years by the GovernmentAccounting Office.C)Both the CEO and CFO must certify in writing that their company's financialstatements and accompanying disclosures fairly represent the results of operations.D) A company's annual report must contain an internal control report.Answer: B AACSB: Reflective Thinking AICPA BB: Legal AICPA FN:Measurement LO: 3 Level: Medium39.The Institute of Management Accountants' Standards of Ethical Conduct contains apolicy regarding confidentiality that requires that management accountants:A)refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of theirwork except when authorized by management.B)refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of theirwork in all situations.C)refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of theirwork except when authorized by management, unless legally obligated to do so.D)refrain from disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of theirwork in all cases since the law requires them to do so.Answer: C AACSB: Ethics AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 4 Level: Hard40.Which of the following is NOT one of the Institute of Management Accountants' fiveStandards of Ethical Conduct?A)CompetenceB)ConfidentialityC)IndependenceD)IntegrityAnswer: C AACSB: Ethics AICPA BB: Critical Thinking AICPA FN: Decision Making LO: 4 Level: Medium。

财务会计Managerial Accounting-CN

财务会计Managerial Accounting-CN
• 公司可以选择将现金流量表的重点放在现金或现金及现金等价物上。 • 术语cash包括库存现金和银行账户中的现金,这些现金可以根据需要
• 现金等价物是期限少于三个月的短期、高流动性的金融工具;它们可 以迅速转换成现金。
• 公司的现金流分为三类:经营、投资和融资。
• 经营活动通常涉及向顾客提供商品和服务有关的交易。它们反映了 损益表上的典型和经常性交易的现金流影响。经营现金流入,比如 说:客户的收入和从投资中获得的利息和股息。营运现金流出包括支 付给员工和供应商的款项以及利息和税金。
Section 2 Cash flow Statement
第二节 现金流量表
• 请记住,应计利润(来自损益表的净收入)并不一定反映现金流。 许多收入和支出交易没有直接的现金流效应。
• 现金流量表提供了关于公司流动资产和财务灵活性的信息(通过改变 现金流的数量和时间来应对意外事件的能力)。
• 现金及现金等价物
• 投资活动通常涉及收购和处置非流动资产产生的现金流。现金流出 产生于购买(投资)房地产、厂房和设备、发放贷款和收购其他公
• 融资活动包括获得和偿还融资产生的现金流。现金流入来自所有者 的出资(向股东发行股票以换取现金)和贷款。现金流出产生于支
贷记Biblioteka 借记借记贷记
净销售额 销售成本 毛利 销售,一般费用及行政费用 营业收入 其他收入 利息支出 所得税前收入 所得税准备金 净收入
Altron公司 损益表


• 对报复揭发违规人的行为,可处以最高可达
一个公司用于主动 识别和管理风险的
Should I try to avoid the risk, share the risk, accept the risk, or reduce the risk?
一旦公司识别出风险,通过实施特定控制,或许 大多数常见的风险管理策略可用来降低风险。
• 了解管理工作 • 掌握管理会计与财务会计的主要区别 • 了解管理会计在组织中的作用 • 了解管理方法的变化对管理会计的影响 • 了解管理会计师道德行为守则
会计(Accounting)是一个信息系统,是 为了使信息使用者能够作出有根据的判断 和决策而认定、计量和传递经济信息的程 序。
对以下人员所承担公司责任 的一个包含广泛的声明:
公司治理(Corporate Governance)
董事会 激励和监控 高管层 努力取得 股东目标
一个有效的公司治理制度也应该能 保护公司其他利益相关者的利益
顾客 债权人 供应商
4.报告内容 5.约束依据 6.工作规范
企业内部各个 部门
遵循GAAP、会 计准则
固定程序、强 无固定程序和 制对外报告 报告强制要求
7.行为影响 8.时间跨度 9.方法体系
侧重于计量和传 业绩报告中计量
输经营活动信息, 的结果将影响管

Managerial Accounting Study Guide

Managerial Accounting  Study Guide

Managerial Accounting Study GuideDisclaimer: This guide does not include all the material that will be covered on the exam. However, the listed items will direct your attention to the main ideas that will be the source for multiple-choice questions. Some of the multiple choice questions may take the form of small calculation problems.Chapter 1:1. Managerial accounting reports provide decision-making information for internal users. The reports need not follow GAAP, and the reports often focus on the future.2. The controller is the top management accountant in a company.3. Under Total Quality Management, a business strives to improve performance in conjunction with goal setting.Chapter 2:1. Manufacturing or product costs have three components: direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. Know what it included in each component.2. Direct costs are costs that can be traced conveniently and economically to a cost object. Indirect costs are not traced directly to a certain cost object.3. Selling and general/administration costs are nonmanufacturing or period costs that are reported on the Income Statement. These costs are used to generate revenues during the current period.4. A manufacturer has three inventory accounts: Raw Materials, Work-in-Process, and Finished Goods. These inventory accounts are assets that are reported on the Balance Sheet.5. A cost object is any product, service, or department which receives allocated costs to determine its cost.6. Sunk costs are past costs that are not relevant for present decision-making purposes.7. The cost of goods manufacturing is the cost of the items that are completed and transferred to Finished Goods during a period.8. Review the cost of goods manufactured formula on page 65 and the cost of goods formula on page 63.Chapter 3:1. There are two basic product-costing systems: job order costing and process costing.2. A job order costing system is used by a manufacturer who produces unique or special-order products.3. Process costing system is used by a manufacturer in a continuous flow or assembly line environment.4. Product costs flow from Raw Materials to Work-in-Process to Finished Goods to Cost of Goods Sold.5. Direct material costs, direct labor costs, and manufacturing overhead costs are added toa Work-in-Process account during production.6. A job order cost card is used in a job order costing system to record the direct materials, direct labor, and overhead costs associated with a specific job. The product unit cost is the total job cost divided by the number of units produced.7. Overhead is allocated or assigned or applied to jobs using an estimated overhead allocation rate.8. Most companies prepare an estimated allocation rate. This estimated overhead allocation rate is called the predetermined overhead rate. It is usually calculated for a year’s time period.9. Predetermined Overhead Rate = Estimated Factory Overhead/Estimated Allocation Base.10. The selected allocation base should be associated with the overhead costs. Common allocation bases are direct labor hours, direct labor costs, and machine hours.11. Usually, the amount of applied overhead will not equal the actual overhead at the end of the year since the applied overhead is based on estimates.12. If the applied overhead is greater than the actual overhead, the difference is called overapplied overhead. If the actual overhead is larger, the difference is called underapplied overhead.18. A just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing system works to reduce the inventory levels of a manufacturer.Chapter 4:1. Cost allocation is the process of assigning indirect costs.2. A cost pool is the total of costs that is allocated by an allocation base (activity driver). The individual costs in a cost pool should be similar or homogeneous.3. An allocation rate is calculated by dividing the budgeted cost pool by the estimated activity driver rate (allocation base). The allocated cost is determined by multiplying the actual usage of the allocation base by the allocation rate.4. Traditional cost allocation systems have used one or two cost pools that have used production volume allocation bases.5. Since the traditional cost allocation systems have used few pools and production bases, product prices are often not accurate.6. Activity-based costing uses many cost pools with different allocation bases. The cost pool rate is the pool costs divided by the cost driver (activity or allocation base).7. When an activity-based costing system is implemented, the accuracy of costing is improved. Usually, the costs of high volume products decrease while the costs of low volume products increase.Chapter 5:1. A process costing system does not use job cost cards.2. In a process cost system, the product costs flow through multiple departments3. Direct materials, direct labor, and overhead costs for each department are accumulated in that department's Work-in-Process account.4. Costs flow from one department’s Work-in-Process account to the next department’s Work-in-Process account. These costs are called transferred-in costs.5. Conversion costs include direct labor and manufacturing overhead costs.6. A process costing system uses equivalent units to calculate an average unit cost.7. Equivalent units measure production in terms of whole units. Know how to calculate equivalent units.8. A production cost report provides information summarizing the units for which departments are accountable and the costs charged to the departments. In particular, it reconciles the units and the costs and calculates cost per equivalent unit.Chapter 6:1. Variable costs are costs that change in total with the level of business activity. The variable cost per unit remains constant.2. Fixed costs are costs that do not change in total with the level of business activity. However, the fixed cost per unit varies inversely with changes in the level of business activity.3. Mixed costs contain both fixed and variable cost components.4. The high-low method can be used to estimate the variable and fixed costs in a mixed cost.5. Full costing (absorption costing) is required by GAAP. Direct labor, direct materials, variable manufacturing overhead, and fixed manufacturing overhead are included in the cost of inventory.6. Variable costing is used internally for decision-making purposes. Direct labor, direct materials, and variable manufacturing overhead are included in the inventory costs.7. The treatment of fixed manufacturing overhead is the only difference between full and variable costing. Fixed manufacturing overhead is an expense on the income statement in the period incurred under variable costing.8. When the units produced equals the units sold, the net income under full costing equals the net income under variable costing.9. When the units produced are greater than the units sold, the net income under full costing is greater than the net income under variable costing.10. When the units produced are less than the units sold, the net income under full costing is less than the net income under variable costing.11. A variable costing income statement reports the contribution margin. A full costing income statement reports the gross margin.12. The full costing method can be used by managers to manipulate performance results. Chapter 7:1. The break-even point is the number of units that must be sold or amount of sales revenue that must generated to have no profit or no loss. In other words, the net income is zero.2. The profit equation is: Profit = Sales less Total Variable Costs less Total Fixed Costs.3. The margin of safety is the difference between the expected sales and the break-even sales.4. The contribution margin per unit is equal to the sales price per unit less the variable costs per unit.5. The breakeven in units is equal to the Total Fixed Costs divided by the contribution margin in units. Know how to calculate the breakeven point.6. The required number of units that must be sold in order to achieve a specified profit level (operating income) is equal to the sum of the Total Fixed Costs plus the Operating Income (Profit Level) divided by the contribution margin in units. Know how to calculate the sales in units to achieve a desired profit level.7. An increase in fixed costs or variable costs will increase the break-even point. An increase in sales price will decrease the break-even point.8. Operating leverage refers to the cost structure of the business. A business with high percentage of fixed costs is considered to have a high operating leverage.Chapter 8:1. Decision making is based on incremental analysis which investigates incremental revenues and incremental costs. Incremental costs are often called differential costs or relevant costs.2. Incremental analysis investigates the differences in revenues and costs for different decision alternatives.3. Sunk costs are not relevant in the decision-making process. Avoidable costs are relevant costs in the decision-making process.4. Opportunity costs are the benefits that are lost when one alternative is chosen over another alternative.5. Common costs are costs that are not directly traceable to a product line or department. Instead, these costs are allocated to the individual product lines or departments. If one product line or department is dropped, the common costs are allocated to the remaining product lines or departments.6. A product line should be dropped only when the total net income of a business will increase if the product line is eliminated. Usually the product line should be retained if contribution margin is greater than the avoidable costs (cost savings).7. Products should be processed further when the incremental revenue from the additional processing is greater than the additional costs of the additional processing. The joint costs are sunk costs in an additional processing decision.8. When there is a resource constraint, a business should strive for the highest contribution margin per unit of the constraint.9. A supplier or vendor is paid for the cost of production plus a fixed amount (or percentage of cost) under a cost-plus contract.Chapter 9:1. A budget is a formal document that outlines a financial plan for achieving goals. A business is not required to prepare budgets.2. Budgets are used to increase communication and coordination and to evaluate performance.3. When budgets are prepared using zero-based budgeting, all budgeted amounts are justified for each budget period.4. The master budget is a collection budgets such the sales budget, the production budget, and the direct materials budget.5. The sales or revenue budget is the first budget prepared in the master budget sequence.6. For a manufacturer, the production budget is the second budget prepared. Productionin units is equal to the budgeted sales in units plus the desired ending inventory in units less the beginning inventory in units. Know how to calculate a production budget.7. After the production budget is prepared, direct materials and direct labor budgets are prepared. Know how to calculate direct materials purchases and direct labor requirements.8. Cash collections (receipts) and cash payments (disbursements) budgets provide information for determining the cash balance, the amount of excess cash for investment, and the amount of cash available for capital acquisitions. Know how to calculate cash receipts from sales and cash disbursements for purchases.9. A budget variance is the difference between the budgeted and actual amount.Chapter 10:1. A decentralized business gives decision-making authority to the mangers of its subunits.2. Two advantages of decentralization are better information at the manager level and quicker response time at the manager level. Additionally, decentralization motivates and trains managers.3. Two disadvantages of decentralization are a duplication of activities at the different subunits and a lack of goal congruence.4. Under responsibility accounting, managers are responsible for the revenues and costs that are under their control. A manager should be accountable for only controllable costs.5. The subunits of a business often are referred to as responsibility centers. Three common responsibility centers are cost centers, profit centers, and investment centers.6. A manager of a cost center is responsible for controlling costs in that subunit. A manager of a profit center is responsible for generating revenues and controlling costs. A manager of an investment center is responsible for investing assets, generating revenues, and controlling costs.7. The return on investment (ROI) is used to evaluate the performance of investment centers. ROI is a better than income as a performance measure for an investment center because it compares the amount of income to the amount of investment.8. However, ROI evaluation can lead to underinvestment when managers reject projects that have returns greater than the required return but that will lower the ROI. Evaluation in terms of profit can lead to overinvestment.9. ROI is income divided by total assets (invested capital). Know how to calculate ROI.10. ROI can be separated into a sales margin component and capital (investment) turnover component.11. Sales margin is income divided by sales. Know how to calculate profit margin.12. Capital (Investment) turnover is sales divided by total assets (invested capital). Know how to calculate the capital turnover.13. Residual income is the net operating income less the required profit.Know how to calculate residual income.14. The balanced scorecard is another method to evaluate performance. The balanced scorecard considers financial, customer, internal process and growth measures.15. Flexible budgets can be adjusted for various activity or production levels16. Managers use the principle of management by exception to investigate the difference between projected results and actual results. Under management by exception, minor differences are not investigated.Chapter 11:1. Standards are costs that a business sets as goals. Standards can be set for direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.2. Attainable standards are goals that can be reached with reasonable effort. Attainable standards are not set on perfect performance.3. A budgeted cost can be calculated by multiplying the standard cost by the number of budgeted units.4. Generally, manufacturers set standards for price and quantity for direct materials andfor rate and efficiency for direct labor.5. Cost variances are the difference between the standard cost and the actual cost.6. If the actual cost is greater than the standard cost, the variance is unfavorable. If the actual cost is less than the standard cost, the variance is favorable.7. A volume variance results from an actual production that is different from the estimated production level.8. Different departments have responsibility for the different variances. For example, the Purchasing Department usually would be responsible for the direct materials price variance.Chapter 12:1. Capital expenditures decisions also are called capital budgeting decisions or capital investment decisions. These decisions involve the acquisition of long-term assets.2. Both the net present value method and the internal rate of return method use the time value of money in the evaluation of capital investments.3. The net present value method is the sum of the present values of the cash inflows and cash outflows from an investment.4. A positive net present value indicates that the rate of return is greater than the required rate of required.5. The internal rate of return is the rate of return that results in a net present value of zero.6. If the internal rate of return is greater than the required rate of return (the cost of capital), the investment should be accepted.7. The payback period is the length of time needed to recover the cost of an investment. Know how to calculate the payback period8. The payback method does not use the time value of money and does not consider cash flows after the payback date.Chapter 14:1. Financial statement analysis provides information for decision-making. The information can be used to control operations, to assess the appearance of the company toinvestors or creditors, and to assess the financial condition of vendors, customers, and business partners.2. The Balance Sheet reports assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity. The Income Statement reports revenues and expenses. The Statement of Cash Flows reports cash inflows and outflows from operating, investing, and financing activities.3. Horizontal analysis computes the change in each financial statement item both indollar amount and percentage change. Using comparative financial statements, the amount of change is divided by the base year amount to determine the percentage change.4. Vertical Analysis highlights the relationship between the items on a financial statement on a percentage basis. On the balance sheet, total assets (or total stockholders' equity and liabilities) are set at 100%. Net sales or net revenue is set at 100% on the income statement. All items on a statement are divided by the 100% standard for that statement. Thus, a common-size statement is produced.5. Earnings per share is a profitability ratio. Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net income less preferred dividends by the number of shares of outstanding common Stock6. Another profitability ratio, the price-earnings ratio, is the multiple of earnings that an investor pays for the stock. Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the market price per share divided by the earnings per share.7. Gross profit (gross margin) is equal to net sales less the cost of goods sold. The gross profit (gross margin) percentage is equal to gross profit (gross margin) divided by net sales.8. Turnover ratios are used to evaluate how efficiently assets are used. A higher number indicates a faster turnover and more efficiency.9. The accounts receivable turnover is determined by dividing net credit sales by average accounts receivable and the inventory turnover is determined by dividing cost of goods sold by average inventory.10. The current ratio, the quick ratio, and the debt-to-equity ratio are all debt related ratios that indicate the financing structure of the business and its ability to pays its debts. 11. The current ratio is equal to current assets divided by current liabilities.。

managerial accounting practical training

managerial accounting practical training

managerial accounting practical training 全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:管理会计实践培训是为了帮助学生在实践中应用所学的管理会计知识和技能,提升其在工作中解决问题和做决策的能力。
















unit Introduction to Managerial Accounting

unit  Introduction to Managerial Accounting

unit 15 Introduction to Managerial AccountingUnit 15Introduction to Managerial AccountingManagerial Accounting is 8><#004699'>a field of accounting that provides economic and financial information for managers and other internal users.<#004699'>A company may use it to analyze past, control present, plan future and participate in decision-making for the purpose of achieving the goal of profit maximization based on sound internal management.Ⅰ. Managerial Accounting vs Financial AccountingSimilarityEach field of accounting deals with the economic events of an enterprise.For example, cost.Unit cost of manufacturing <#004699'>a product;Total cost of goods manufactured and soldBoth managerial accounting and financial accounting require that the results of an entity’s economic events should be quantified and be communicated to interested parties.Ⅰ. Managerial Accounting vs Financial AccountingInternal audit within the businessIndependent audit by CPAAuditingFrequent internal reports suitable for management needsGenerally prepared regularly at the end of each accounting period FrequencyRelevantly accurate information. Timeliness, pertinence, applicability are stressed.Highly condensed information of company as <#004699'>a wholeInformationGo beyond GAAP and meet internal needsFollowing GAAPPrincipleSpecifically for internal decision-making and forecasting, etc.General information for all users about the past historical transactionsPurposesInternal users such as managers and employees.External users, such as stockholders, creditors, customers, and regulatory agenciesMain usersManagerial AccountingFinancial AccountingⅡ. Managerial Accounting and Decision-makingManagement accountant has <#004699'>a wide range of responsibility involving professional knowledge and skill in the preparation and the presentation of information to all levels of management in the organization structure.ManagementPlanningDirectingMonitoring &amp;ControllingStrategyPositioningBudgetingCostingProductionSpecialanalysis1. PlanningPlanningStrategyPositioningBudgetingPlanning requires management to look into the future to establish objectives.(1) Strategy<#004699'>A business usually spends <#004699'>a great deal of management time and effort to develop its strategy because of its importance.Specific strategy generally included three categories: mission, goal, objective. They are based on core value.StrategyPositioningBudgetingMissionGoalObjectiveCorevaluesCorevaluesMission: organization’s purpose and direction. <#004699'>A mission is <#004699'>a very big, long-term end-result or achievement.Goals: They are the ends toward which effort and action are directed or coordinated.Objectives: Specific objectives make sure strategies are achieved guided and correctly. SMART RuleCore values: the key rules that the business will apply with include fair trade, ethics, customer service, employment, environmental awareness, etc.University of Washington School of Public Health (SPH)Mission:To promote population health, prevent illness, disability, and injury, and ensure efficient, effective, and equitable health care systems through education, research, and service.Goals:Educate innovative, effective, and culturally competent public health researchers, faculty, and practitioners.Advance knowledge in the public health sciences through research and discovery.Contribute to sound public health policies and increase the recognition of the importance of public health through dissemination and community collaboration.Objectives<#004699'>a. Educate innovative, effective, and culturally competent public health researchers, faculty, and practitioners.Recruit and retain outstanding faculty in the range of disciplines and specialities consistent with SPH’s mission.Recruit graduate and undergraduate students of the highest academic capabilities who are committed to public health.Provide <#004699'>a multicultural setting for public health learning.Provide excellent educational programs and opportunities.Apply innovative pedagogical methods to enhance teaching and learning.Promote lifelong learning.Value:Objectivity and professional integrity in research, education, and serviceCreativity and interdisciplinary approaches in solving local,national, and global public health problemsPursuit of knowledge to better understand human health, environmental health, and their interconnectionsScientifically rigorous evaluation of evidence to inform public health recommendationsBuilding partnerships between academic public health and communities to improve human and environmental healthCompassion, equity, and social justice in defi ning and addressing healthExpanded opportunities for learning beyond the classroom to individual mentorship and applied experience in the community Educational outreach to the public health workforceRespect for and inclusion of diverse values, beliefs, and cultures in research and teachingVigilance to recognize and forecast threats to public health ?XYZ companyMission - To make the XYZ company largest seller of premium candy Objectives/Goals - Achieve share of market leadership in the premium candy segment.?????- Be known as the most expensive candy, but worth it.Strategy - Convince consumers that XYZ candy is the best premium candy by associating with high-end people and entities.(2) PositioningIt helps put the organization in an optimal place to achieve and realize its goals.Positioning is <#004699'>a sophisticated step which will depend on the gathering and evaluating accounting information.PlanningStrategyPositioningBudgetingIdentifying <#004699'>a market niche for <#004699'>a brand, product or service utilizing traditional marketing placement strategies (i.e. price, promotion, distribution, packaging, and competition).(1)Cost/Volume/Profit Analysis(2)Global trade and transportation(3)Branding/Pricing/Sensitivity/Competition(3) BudgetingIt is also <#004699'>a critical element.It outlines the financial limit within which an organization can operate.PlanningStrategyPositioningBudgeting弹性预算指在成本习性分析的基础上,以业务量、成本和利润之间有规律的依存关系为依据,按照预算期可预见的各种业务量水平编制能够适应多种情况的预算方法。



Is the company earning satisfactory income?
How does the company
compare in size and
profitability with its
catch us?
Will the company be able to pay its debts as they come due?
Introduction to managerial accounting
What is accounting? What is managerial accounting?
Can we afford to give employee PPpT文a档演y模板raises this year? 2020/11/2
Which product line is the most profitabMlanea?gmerialaccounting财务决策
Internal Users
Marketing managers Production supervisors
Finance directors Company officers
Investors Creditors Tax authorities Regulatory agencies Customers Labor unions

管理会计第一章简介 managerial accounting chapter 16

管理会计第一章简介 managerial accounting chapter 16
Direct cost 直接成本: it is a cost that can be directly traced to a cost object, such as a product. 可以直接追溯到某一成本 对象 cost object 的成本。如:Direct materials 蛋糕的包装盒 子, 底盘的蛋糕胚子。 Direct labor 做蛋糕时的人工费。 Indirect cost 间接成本:it is a cost that can not be directly traced to a cost object. 不可以直接追溯到某一成本对象 cost object 的成本。如:Indirect materials 蛋糕上的椰蓉粉末,裱花 的巧克力或果酱。Indirect labor 面包工厂保洁员的工资。
P774 Management accountability 管理责任:is the manager's responsibility to the various stakeholders of the company. Stockholders 利益相关者: include customers, creditors, suppliers and investors. Each group has an interest of some sort in the business.
Service company IS
Merchandising Companies
李婷陈婷,开了 一家专卖衣服的 小店 采购 衣服 purchase goods 卖出 衣服 sell goods
Greg’s Tunes
Merchandising Companies 商业企业



管理会计双语测试题Managerial Accounting Review Question⼀、True/False QuestionsFor each of the following, circle the T or the F to indicate whether the statement is true or false.1Managerial accounting refers to the preparation and use of accounting information designed to meet the needs of decision makers inside the business organization.2Product costs are selling expenses that appear on the income statement.3Management accounting reports provide a means of monitoring , evaluating and rewarding performance.4Product costs are offset against revenue in the period in which the related products are sold, rather than the period in which the costs are incurred.5Manufacturing overhead is considered an indirect cost, since overhead costs generally cannot be traced conveniently and directly to specific units of product.6Overhead application rates allow overhead to be assigned at the beginning of a period to help set prices.7Pepsi Cola would most likely use a job order costing system.8Activity-based costing tracks cost to the activities that consume resources.9Activity based costing uses multiple activity bases to assign overhead costs to units of production.10The two steps required in Activity Based Costing are 1) Identify separate activity cost pools and 2) allocate each cost pool to the product using an appropriate cost driver11The new manufacturing environment is characterized by its shift toward labor intensive production and declining manufacturing overhead costs.12A cost driver is an activity base that is highly correlated with manufacturing overhead costs.13In ABC, only one cost driver should be used in applying overhead.14As companies become more automated overhead costs decrease and direct labor costs increase.15An equivalent unit measures the percentage of a completed units cost that is present in a partially finished unit.16Costs do not flow through a process cost system in the same sequence as actual products move through the assembly process.17Non-value added activities are those that do not add to a product's desirability.18Target costing centers on new product and service development as opposed to managing the value chain for existing products.19In the target costing process, target price is computed by adding the desired profit margin to the target product cost.20Target cost equals target price plus profit margin.21Variable costs which increase in total amount in direct proportion to an increase in output represent a constant amount per unit of output.22Any business which operates at less than capacity will have larger fixed costs than variable costs.23With variable costs, the cost per unit varies with changes in volume.24The contribution margin is the difference between total revenue and fixed costs.25The volume of output which causes fixed costs to be equal in amount to variable costs is called the break-even point.26Any business which operates at less than capacity will have larger fixed costs than variable costs.27Margin of safety is the dollar amount by which actual sales volume exceeds the break-even sales volume.28Life cycle costing considers all potential resources used by the product over its entire life.29Economies of scale can be achieved by using facilities more intensively.30The break-even point is the level of activity at which operating income is equal to cost of goods sold.31Contribution margin ratio is equal to contribution margin per unit divided by unit sales price.32Opportunity cost is the benefit that could have been obtained by pursuing an alternate course of action.33All incremental revenue or incremental costs are relevant.34Sunk costs are relevant to decisions about replacing plant assets.35In determining whether to scrap or to rebuild defective units of product, the cost already incurred in producing the defective units is not relevant.36In making a decision, management will look thoroughly at both relevant and irrelevant data.373.Responsibility margin is useful in evaluating the consequences of short-run marketing strategies, while contribution margin is more useful in evaluating long-term profitability.38The transfer price is the dollar amount used in recording sales to primary customers.39Under variable costing, fixed manufacturing costs are treated as period costs, rather than product costs.40The transfer price is the dollar amount used in recording sales to primary customers.41Variable costing treats all fixed manufacturing costs as expenses of the current period.42In full costing when production rises above the amount of sales, some of the fixed costs will remain in inventory.43Return on Investment (ROI) tells us how much earnings can be expected for the average invested dollar.44Capital turnover can be improved by reducing invested capital while keeping sales constant.45The value chain consists of only those activities that increase the selling price of a product as it is distributed to a customer.46Residual income is calculated by subtracting the minimum acceptable return on the average invested capital from the operating income.⼆、Multiple Choice QuestionsChoose the best answer for each of the following questions and insert the identifying letter in the space provided.1.Costs that are traceable to a particular unit and are inventoriable are calledA) Period costs B) Product costs C) Overhead costs D) Job costs2. .Determine the amount of manufacturing overhead given the following information:a. Depreciation on a factory building $2,400b. Telephone expense in factory office750c. Telephone expense in sales showroom850d. Factory foreman’s salary5000e. Maintenance for factory` 800f. Maintenance for sales showroom 680A) $4,010 B) $9,800 C) $8,950 D) $10,54024.Goods that are still in the production process would be in which account?A) Materials inventory B) Work-in-process inventory C)Finished goods inventory D)Cost of goods sold29.The principal difference between managerial accounting and financial accounting is that managerial accounting information is:A) Prepared by managers.B) Intended primarily for use by decision makers inside the business organization.C) Prepared in accordance with a set of accounting principles developed by the Institute of CertifiedManagerial Accountants.D) Oriented toward measuring solvency rather than profitability.30.Management accounting systems are designed to assist organizations in the performance of all of the following functions except:A) The assignment of decision-making authority over company assets.B) Planning and decision-making.C) Monitoring, evaluating and rewarding performance.D) The preparation of income tax returns.35.In comparison with a financial statement prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, a managerial accounting report is less likely to:A) Focus upon the entire organization as the accounting entity. B) Focus upon future accounting periods.C) Make use of estimated amounts. D) Be tailored to the specific needs of an individual decision maker.4.If the salaries of the sales staff of a manufacturing company are improperly recorded as a product cost, what will be the likely effect on net income of the period in which the error occurs?A) Net income will be overstated. B) Net income will be understated.C) Net income will be unaffected. D) Net income will be understated only if inventory levels rise.5.Manufacturing overhead is best described as:A) All manufacturing costs other than direct materials and direct labor.B) All period costs associated with manufacturing operations.C) Indirect materials and indirect labor.D) All operating expenses other than selling expenses and general and administrative expenses.43.Underapplied overhead at the end of a month:A) Results when actual overhead costs are less than amounts applied to work in process.B) Indicates a poorly designed cost accounting system.C) Is represented by a debit balance remaining in the Manufacturing Overhead account.D) Is represented by a credit balance remaining in the Manufacturing Overhead account.58.The account Work-in-Process InventoryA) Consists of completed goods that have not yet been soldB) Consists of goods being manufactured that are incompleteC) Consists of materials to be used in the production processD) Consists of the cost of new materials used, labor but not overhead.66.Red Star Company uses a job order cost system. Overhead is applied to jobs on the basis of direct labor hours.During the current period, Job No. 288 was charged $400 in direct materials, $450 in direct labor, and $180 in manufacturing overhead. If direct labor costs an average of $15 per hour, the company's overhead application rate is:A) $9 per direct labor hour. B) $6 per direct labor hour.C) $17 per direct labor hour. D) $20 per direct labor hour.24.The best cost system to use for a company producing a continuous stream of similar items would be aA) Job order system B) Process costing system C) Production costing systemD) No cost system is required when jobs are similar64.Ken Gorman’s Company uses a job order cost system and has established a predetermined overhead application rate for the current year of 150% of direct labor cost, based on budgeted overhead of $900,000 and budgeted direct labor cost of $600,000. Job no. 1 was charged with direct materials of $30,000 and with overhead of $24,000.The total cost of job no. 1:A) Is $54,000. B) I s $70,000. C)Is $90,000. D) Cannot be determined without additional information.27.Equivalent units of production areA) A measure representing the percentage of a unit's cost that has been completed.B) May be computed separately for each input added during productionC) May be assigned to beginning work-in-process or ending work-in-processD) All of the above27.Equivalent units of production areA) A measure representing the percentage of a unit's cost that has been completed.B) May be computed separately for each input added during productionC) May be assigned to beginning work-in-process or ending work-in-processD) All of the above21.Process costing would be suitable forA) Automobile repair B) Production of television sets C) Boat building D) K itchen remodeling Use the following to answer questions 75-76:Riverview Company's budget for the coming year includes $6,000,000 for manufacturing overhead, 100,000 hours of direct labor, and 500,000 hours of machine time.75. Refer to the above data. If Riverview applies overhead using a predetermined rate based on machine-hours,what amount of overhead will be assigned to a unit of output which requires 0.5 machine hours and 0.25 labor hours to complete?A) $6.00. B) $15.00. C) $21.00. D) S ome other amount.76. Refer to the above data. If Riverview applies overhead using a predetermined rate based on labor-hours, whatamount of overhead will be assigned to a unit of output which requires 0.5 machine hours and 0.25 labor hours to complete?A) $6.00. B) $15.00. C) $21.00. D) S ome other amount.21.Process costing would be suitable forA) Automobile repair B) Production of television sets C)Boat building D)Kitchen remodeling21.Which one of the following is not one of the basic procedures related to ABC?A) Identify the activity. B) Create an associated activity cost pool.C) Transact identified cost centers. D) Calculate the cost per unit of activity.23.Examples of value-adding activities include all of the following except:A) Product design. B) Assembly activities.C) Machinery set-up activities. D) Establishing efficient distribution channels.26.Just-in-time manufacturing systems are also known as:A) Supply push systems. B)Supply pull systems. C)Demand push systems. D) Demand pull systems.28.Target costing is directed toward:A) Reducing the activity costs associated with existing products.B) Identifying the amount by which the costs of existing products must be reduce to achieve a target profitmargin.C) The creation and design of products that will provide adequate profits.D) The improvement of existing production processes by eliminating non-value adding activities.30.During which element of manufacturing cycle time is value added to products?A) Storage and waiting time. B) Processing time.C) Movement time. D) Inspection time.33.Four categories of costs associated with product quality are:A) External failure, internal failure, prevention, and carrying.B) External failure, internal failure, prevention, and appraisal.C) External failure, internal failure, training, and appraisal.D) Warranty, product liability, prevention, and training.41.During cycle time, value is added only duringA) Processing time. B) Storage and waiting time. C) Movement time. D) Inspection time.26.A semivariable cost:A) Increases and decreases directly and proportionately with changes in volume.B) Changes in response to a change in volume, but not proportionately.C) Increases if volume increases, but remains constant if volume decreases.D) Changes inversely in response to a change in volume.27.Which of the following is an example of a fixed cost for an airline?A) Depreciation on the corporate headquarters. B) Fuel costs.C) Income taxes expense. D) Passengers' meals.28.In order to calculate break-even sales units, fixed costs are divided by:A) Contribution margin per unit. B) Contribution margin percentage.C) Target operating income. D) Sales volume.29.A company's relevant range of production is:A) The production range from zero to 100% of plant capacity.B) The production range over which CVP assumptions are valid.C) The production range beyond the break-even point.D) The production range that covers fixed but not variable costs.30.The break-even point in a cost-volume-profit graph is always found:A) At 50% of full capacity.B) At the sales volume resulting in the lowest average unit cost.C) At the volume at which total revenue equals total variable costs.D) At the volume at which total revenue equals total fixed costs plus total variable costs.32.The contribution ratio is computed as:A) Sales minus variable costs, divided by sales. B) F ixed costs plus variable costs, divided by sales.C) Sales minus fixed costs, divided by sales. D) S ales divided by variable costs.33.In comparison to selling a product with a low contribution margin ratio, selling a product with a high contribution margin ratio always:A) Requires less dollar sales volume to cover a given level of fixed costs.B) Results in a greater margin of safety.C) Results in higher operating income. D) Results in a higher contribution margin per unit sold.36.How will a company's contribution margin be affected by an investment in equipment that increases fixed costs in order to achieve a reduction in direct labor cost?A) Contribution margin will increase. B) Contribution margin will fall.C) Contribution margin will either increase or decrease depending on the relative magnitudes of the changesin fixed and variable costs. D) Contribution margin will remain the same.43.If a product sells for $10, variable costs are $6 and fixed costs are $400,000 what would total sales have to be in order to break-even?A) $160,000 B) $166,667 C) $1,000,000 D) $266,66746.If unit sales prices are $10 and variable costs are $6 per unit how many units would have to be sold to break even if fixed costs equal $12,000?A) $1,200 B) $2,000 C) $3,000 D) $2,80062.A company with an operating income of $65,000 and a contribution margin ratio of 55% has a margin of safety of:A) $35,750. B) $118,182.C) $153,932. D) It is not possible to determine the margin of safety from the information provided.63.The following information is available:Sales ............................................................................................. $100,000Break-even sales ........................................................................ $40,000Contribution margin ratio ............................................................ 25%What is the operating income?A) $0. B) $75,000. C) $87,500. D) $12,500.65. A company with monthly fixed costs of $140,000 expects to earn monthly operating income of $10,000 byselling 5,000 units per month. What is the company's expected unit contribution margin?A) $30. B) $28.C) $2. D) The information given is insufficient to determine unit contribution margin.Use the following to answer questions 82-86:Empire Company produces a single product. The selling price is $50 per unit, and variable costs amount to $20 per unit. Empire's fixed costs per month total $80,000.82. Refer to the above information. What is the contribution margin ratio of Empire's product?A) 25%. B) 75%. C) 60%. D) 40%.83. Refer to the above information. What is the monthly sales volume in dollars necessary to break even? (Rounded)A) $320,000. B) $106,667. C) $200,000. D) $133,333.84. Refer to the above information. How many units must be sold each month to earn a monthly operatingincome of $25,000?A) 833. B) 2,300. C) 3,500. D) S ome other amount.85.Refer to the above information. What will be the monthly margin of safety (in dollars) if 3,000 units are sold each month?A) $16,667. B) $100,000. C) $12,000. D) $150,000.86. Refer to the above information. What will be Empire's monthly operating income if 3,500 units are sold eachmonth?A) $15,000. B) $25,000. C) $75,000. D) $105,000.24.A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be changed is called aA) Opportunity cost B) Out of Pocket cost C) Joint cost D) Sunk CostUse the following to answer questions 46-48:Tech Products, Inc. is interested in producing and selling an improved widget. Market research indicates that customers would be willing to pay $95 for such a widget and that 50,000 units could be sold each year at this price. The current cost to produce the widget is estimated to be $60.46. Refer to the information above. If Tech Products requires a 25% return on sales to undertake production, whatis the target cost for the new widget?A) $60. B) $71.25. C) $75. D) Some other amount.47. Refer to the information above. Tech has learned that a competitor plans to introduce a similar widget at a priceof $85. If Tech requires a 25% return on sales, what is the target cost for the new widget?A) $75. B) $63.75. C) $21.75. D) $25.48.Refer to the information above. At a price of $85, Tech's market research indicates that it can sell 40,000 units per year. Assuming Tech can reach its new target cost, how will Tech's profit at the $85 price compare to what it would have earned in the absence of the competitor's product?A) Profit will be $12,500 greater. B) P rofit will be $12,500 smaller.C) Profit will be unaffected if Tech can reach the revised target cost. D) None of the above.33.In comparison to selling a product with a low contribution margin ratio, selling a product with a high contribution margin ratio always:A) Requires less dollar sales volume to cover a given level of fixed costs.B) Results in a greater margin of safety.C) Results in higher operating income.D) Results in a higher contribution margin per unit sold.26.Incremental revenuesA) Always increase revenue when one course of action is selected over anotherB) Always decrease revenue when one course of action is selected over anotherC) May increase or decrease when one course of action is selected over anotherD) Cause revenues to remain steady27.By choosing to go into business for himself, Joe Green foregoes the possibility of getting a highly paid job with alarge company. This is called a (n)A) Sunk cost B) Out-of-pocket cost C) Opportunity cost D) Joint Cost29.Which of the following types of cost are always relevant to a decision?A) Sunk costs. B) Average costs. C) Incremental costs. D) Fixed costs.40.Which cost is not relevant in making financial decisions?A) Sunk costs. B) Opportunity costs. C) Incremental costs. D) All three are relevant.Use the following to answer questions 50-52:John Stag Corporation manufactures and sells 1,000 tractors each month. The primary component in each tractor is the motor. John Stag has the monthly capacity to produce 1,300 motors. The variable costs associated with manufacturing each motor are shown below:Direct materials ............................................................................ $22Direct labor (14)Variable manufacturing overhead (27)Fixed manufacturing overhead per month (for up to 1,300 units of production) averages $26,000. Mary Doe, Inc., has offered to purchase 200 motors from John Stag per month to be used in its own outboard motors.50. Refer to the information above. If Mary Doe's order is rejected, what will be John Stag's average unit cost of manufacturing each motor?A) $83. B) $63. C) $89. D) Some other amount.51. Refer to the information above. What is the incremental cost of producing each additional motor?A) $26. B) $63. C) $89. D) Some other amount.52.Refer to the information above. Assuming John Stag wants to earn a pretax profit of $10,000 on this special order, what price must it charge Mary Doe?A) $62. B) $75 C) $94. D) Some other amount.55.Korler Company currently produces all of the components for its one product an electric eraser. The unit cost of manufacturing the motor for this eraser is:Direct materials ............................................................................ $3.40Direct labor .................................................................................. 3.20Variable overhead ........................................................................ 1.40Fixed overhead ............................................................................ 1.10The company is considering the possibility of buying this motor from a subcontractor and has been quoted a price of $7.60 per unit. The relevant cost of manufacturing the motor to be considered in reaching the decision is:A) $9.10. B) $8.00. C) $6.60. D) $4.80.63.Tony Co. manufactures four products. Direct materials and direct labor are available in sufficient quantities, but machine capacity is limited to 3,000 hours. Cost and revenue data for the four products are given below:Of the four products which is the most profitable for Tony Co.?A) Product A. B) Product B. C) Product C. D) Product D.29.A responsibility accounting system measures the performance of each of the following centers except:A) Profit center B) Investment center C) Control center D) Cost center29.A responsibility accounting system measures the performance of each of the following centers except:A) Profit center B) Investment center C) Control center D) Cost center38.The primary difference between profit centers and cost centers is that:A) Profit centers generate revenue. B) Cost centers incur costs.C) Profit centers are evaluated using return on investment criteria.D) Profit centers provide services to other centers in the organization.46.Cost centers are evaluated primarily on the basis of their ability to control costs and:A) Their return on assets. B) Residual income.C) The quantity and quality of the services they provide. D) Their contribution margin ratio.50.Under a variable costing system:A) All fixed manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.B) All fixed manufacturing costs are not treated as period costs.C) All variable manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.D) All variable costs, manufacturing and selling, are treated as product costs.50.Under a variable costing system:A) All fixed manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.B) All fixed manufacturing costs are not treated as period costs.C) All variable manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.D) All variable costs, manufacturing and selling, are treated as product costs.57.Responsibility margin is equal to:A) Revenue, less contribution margin and traceable fixed costs.B) Revenue, less variable costs.C) Revenue, less variable costs and traceable fixed costs.D) Revenue, less variable fixed costs, traceable fixed costs, and common costs.73.The human resources department of a large company would beconsidered:A) A cost center. B) A profit center. C) An investment center. D) A revenue center.17. Accounting systems can generate motivation byA) Creating and setting goals B) Measuring progress towards those goalsC) Allocating rewards towards goal achievement D) All of the above17.Accounting systems can generate motivation byA) Creating and setting goals B) Measuring progress towards those goalsC) Allocating rewards towards goal achievement D) All of the above25.The value chain usually starts with the _________ and ends with the ____________.A) Supplier, customer. B)Retailer, wholesaler.C) Customer, retailer. D) Retailer, customer./doc/dc5bca4fc850ad02df804105.html cy Stores has sales of $3,280,000, cost of sales of $1,360,000, and operating expenses of $608,000. What is Lacy's return on sales?A) 58.5%. B) 41.5%. C) 60%. D) 40%.41.Calculate the residual income assuming the following information:Operating earnings. $300,000Minimum acceptable return. 15%Invested capital. 1,500,000A) $225,000. B) $100,000. C) $75,000. D) $45,000.。



会计英语期末知识点总结1. Basic Concepts of Accounting1.1. Financial AccountingFinancial accounting is the process of recording, summarizing, and reporting financial transactions of a business to external parties such as investors, creditors, and regulators. It provides a comprehensive view of the financial performance and position of a company.1.2. Managerial AccountingManagerial accounting is the process of providing financial and non-financial information to internal management for decision making, planning, and control. It focuses on providing relevant and timely information to support the management in making informed decisions.1.3. Accounting PrinciplesGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are a set of guidelines and rules that govern the accounting practices and procedures in the United States. These principles ensure consistency and comparability in financial reporting.1.4. Double-Entry AccountingDouble-entry accounting is a system in which every financial transaction has equal and opposite effects on at least two different accounts. This system ensures accuracy and completeness in recording financial transactions.1.5. Accrual Basis vs. Cash Basis AccountingAccrual basis accounting recognizes revenues when earned and expenses when incurred, regardless of when cash is received or paid. Cash basis accounting, on the other hand, recognizes revenues and expenses only when cash is received or paid.2. Financial Statements2.1. Balance SheetA balance sheet is a financial statement that shows the financial position of a company at a specific point in time. It presents the assets, liabilities, and equity of the business, providinga snapshot of its financial health.2.2. Income StatementAn income statement, also known as a profit and loss statement, shows the revenues, expenses, and profits (or losses) of a company over a specific period of time. It provides a summary of the company's financial performance.2.3. Statement of Cash FlowsThe statement of cash flows shows the sources and uses of cash in a company's operating, investing, and financing activities. It provides insights into the cash flow dynamics of a business.2.4. Statement of Retained EarningsThe statement of retained earnings shows the changes in a company's retained earnings over a specific period, including net income, dividends, and other adjustments. It reconciles the beginning and ending balances of retained earnings.3. Key Principles in Accounting3.1. Historical Cost PrincipleThe historical cost principle requires assets to be recorded at their original cost, rather than their current market value. This principle ensures reliability and objectivity in financial reporting.3.2. Revenue Recognition PrincipleThe revenue recognition principle states that revenues should be recognized when earned, regardless of when cash is received. This principle ensures that revenues are matched with the expenses incurred to generate them.3.3. Matching PrincipleThe matching principle requires expenses to be recognized in the same period as the revenues they help generate. This principle ensures that the income statement accurately reflects the profitability of a company.3.4. Full Disclosure PrincipleThe full disclosure principle requires companies to disclose all relevant information in their financial statements and footnotes, providing a complete and transparent view of their financial position and performance.3.5. Consistency PrincipleThe consistency principle requires companies to use the same accounting methods and techniques from one period to the next, providing consistent and comparable financial information.In conclusion, accounting is a vital function in any business organization. It provides crucial information that helps in decision-making, planning, and control. By understanding the basic concepts, financial statements, and key principles in accounting, stakeholders can make informed judgments about the financial health and performance of a company.。

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THE HELLER SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENTBRANDEIS UNIVERSITYHS 251fManagerial AccountingSpring 2007Brenda AndersonOffice: Golding 20, Sachar 13Phone: 781-736-8423Email: banders@Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide a general introduction to the concepts, problems and issues related to managerial accounting. Managerial accounting predominantly addresses the internal use of economic information regarding the resources used in the process of producing goods and providing services. Internal users of accounting information are all of those individuals that are involved in the business decision-making process of the economic entity. In the course, you will become acquainted with some of the conventional methods of internal reporting used in planning, control and decision-making. Fundamental aspects of cost behavior and cost accounting will also be discussed, but always from the perspective of the manager who must make decisions rather than the accountant who prepares the information.Management Discipline Skills and Competencies: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to (1) understand the nature of product and service cost measurement and behavior, (2) analyze costs using cost/volume/profit analysis, (3) employ a number of cost allocation techniques and (4) analyze a variety of short term business problems (outsourcing, special orders, etc.) using differential cost approaches.Readings:Garrison, Noreen and Brewer, Managerial Accounting, 11th Edition (McGraw Hill/ Irwin) Course Requirements:Quiz 20%Exam 65%Class Participation 15%Students are expected to attend all class sessions and to actively participate in class discussions. Class participation involves being regularly engaged in the discussion/lecture and making a positive contribution by asking thoughtful questions, sharing relevant experiences, requesting clarification and making comments. All forms of participation should be conducted in a manner that is respectful of fellow students and the professor.Provisions for Feedback: Performance feedback will be provided to students in the form of grades and written comments on exams. The reading and assignment schedule presented in this syllabus is a tentative schedule and is subject to change.Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is central to the mission of educational excellence at Brandeis University. Each student is expected to turn in work completed independently, except when assignments specifically authorize collaborative effort. It is not acceptable to use the words or ideas of another person- be it a world-class philosophers or your lab partner - without proper acknowledgement of that source. This means that you must use footnotes and quotation marks to indicate the sources of any phrases, sentences, paragraphs or ideas found in published volumes, on the internet, or created by another student. Violations of university policies on academic integrity, described in Section 3 of Rights and Responsibilities, may result in failure in the course or on the assignment, and could end in suspension from the University. If you are in doubt about the instructions for any assignment in this course, you must ask for clarification.Notice: If you have a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and require accommodations, please bring it to the instructor’s attention prior to the second meeting of the class. If you have any questions about this process, contact Beth Mann, disabilities coordinator for the Heller School at bmann@.Course ScheduleDate Session Assignment1/17 1 Introduction to Management Decision Making andUnderstanding Cost Behavior in an OrganizationReadings: Chapters 1, 2E2-1, E2-2, E2-7, P2-26, P2-27 (1&2only), P2-29Case: C2-301/24 2 Allocating Common Costs to Products and Services: How Much Does It Really Cost to Produce a Product or Provide a Service?Reading: Chapter 2&3E3-2, E3-3, E3-6, P3-20, P3-24, P3-27, P3-29, P3-30Case Assignment: Walking Hand in Hand*1/31NO CLASS – BRANDEIS MONDAY2/7 3Overhead Cost Allocation/ Intro. to CVP AnalysisReading: Chapter 5E5-4, E5-5, E5-6, P5-14, P5-16Case Assignment: Child’s Play*2/14 4Analyzing the Cost, Volume, Profit RelationshipQUIZReading: Chapter 6E6-3, E6-4, E6-5, E6-7, E6-9, P6-19, P6-22, P6-232/21NO CLASS – UNIVERSITY RECESS2/26 LAST DAY TO DROP MODULE I CLASSES2/28 5 Differential Cost AnalysisReading: Chapter 13E13-3, E13-4, E13-5, E13-6, E13-7, P13-17, P13-20,P13-18Case Assignment: Happy Homes3/7 6Differential Cost AnalysisReading: Chapter 13P13-22, P13-233/14 7 FINAL EXAM*Cases to be distributed by professor。
