
美国青年的价值观英文作文英文:As a young American, I believe that our values are shaped by a variety of factors, including our upbringing, education, and the society we live in. One of the most important values for me and many other young people in America is the value of freedom. We are taught from a young age that freedom is a fundamental right, and we are encouraged to express ourselves and pursue our own paths in life.For example, I remember when I was in high school, I was able to choose my own extracurricular activities and electives. This freedom allowed me to explore my interests and develop new skills, which has had a lasting impact on my life. I also see this value of freedom reflected in the way many young Americans approach their careers. We are often encouraged to pursue our passions and take risks, rather than simply following a traditional career path.Another important value for young Americans is the value of diversity and inclusivity. Our society is incredibly diverse, and we are taught to embrace and celebrate our differences. This is evident in the way many young people are actively involved in social justice movements and advocacy for marginalized communities. For example, I have friends who are passionate about advocating for LGBTQ rights and racial equality, and they are actively involved in organizing events and raising awareness in our community.中文:作为一个年轻的美国人,我相信我们的价值观是由各种因素塑造的,包括我们的成长环境、教育和所处的社会。

上册第一单元ASomething in American---about the neighbors.1.美国人的内心深处具有一种酷爱探索新领域的气质。
There is such a place--- provoke a crackdown.2.确实有这样一个空间,那就是信息空间。
问题是他们都能和睦相处吗?人们是否会因为害怕孩子们躲在卧室里看网上的淫秽图片而将它封杀?The first order…state and drugstore3.首先要解决的问题是,什么是信息空间。
In the same way…bêtter regulate it.4. 你可以用同样的方法把信息空间想像为一个巨大的、无边无际的虚拟房地产业。
But before using…in Washington.5.但是,在利用规章制度来反击下流之举之前,关键是从根本上理解信息空间的性质。
冰血暴 -第4季第4集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

What the fuck? 搞什么Reverse. Go, go! 倒车快快Get out of the car. 下车Get out of the car. 我对被钉在十字架上的耶稣基督发誓Get out of the car. 不管你逃到哪我都会找到你What did you say to me? 你对我说了什么What did you say to me? 去死吧All of you. 你们所有人That's what I thought. 跟我想的一样All bark. 只会耍嘴皮子第四季第四集冰血暴When first I come to america, I know nothing. 我刚来到美国时什么都不懂How to dress, what to eat. 怎么打扮吃什么I sleep in a closet with a stuck hanger in my jacket 我睡在衣柜里用衣架勾着外套so I don't fall down. 我才不至于跌倒On the street I hear this phrase. 我在街上听到一个词You know this phrase: "American values." 你也知道这个词 "美国价值观"and I think, "What does it mean?" 我心想这是什么意思Financial values I understand. 金融价值观我懂Money. What a thing is worth. 钱一样东西的价值Human values, this also makes sense. 人类价值观这也说得通The things we love. 我们所爱的事物Family, I bambini... 家庭孩子But this american values: 但这条美国价值观Land of the free, home of the brave, 自由之地勇者家园this I don't know. 这个我不明白And then I learn the history of this country. 然后我得知了这个国家的历史Your slavery, the smallpox in the blankets, 你们的奴隶制带天花病毒的毛毯how you stole the land from the natives. 你们如何从土著手里夺走土地And I realize... To be an american 我就认识到当美国人is to pretend. 就是要道貌岸然Capisce? 你明白吗You pretend to be one thing when really you are something else. 你装出一个样子其实真正的你是另一个样子And I can do that. 我能做到Lie. Hide. 说谎隐藏But what I will not do is pretend we are at peace 但我不愿做的是明明在交战when really we are at war. 却假装我们相安无事Are we at war? 我们在交战吗Not yet... 还没有But we're trying real hard. 但我们在竭力忍耐It was a step too far, no? 你那么做太过分了不是吗You mean you? 你是指你吗What? No. You steal the guns, 什么不是你偷走了枪- you kill my man. - You're shooting at my boss's boy. -杀了我的人 -你冲我老大的儿子开枪What you say? A shot? 你说什么开枪- Who shot? - Your goons. -谁开的枪 -你的蠢货手下Taking a shot at the boss's boy, the eldest. 试图枪杀老大的长子Calamita and the rabbi. 卡拉米塔和拉比And the way I figure, 在我看来Calamita is lucky that we didn't off him, too! 我们没把卡拉米塔也弄死算他走运You didn't know? 你不知道吗How about a Spring Street stick-up, night before last? 那前晚在春天街发生的持枪抢劫呢Two dames. 两个女人Shotguns, kitchen knives. 散弹枪厨房用刀Took out two of my boys. 杀了我两个手下That-that wasn't us. 那不是我们干的Well, are you sure? 你确定吗'Cause it seems to me that you ain't tracked in 因为在我看来你对自己家里这些天on all the critical goings-ons 发生的关键事件in your house these days. 并不知情I'll come back to you. 我会答复你How many? 有多少300 semiautomatic. 300把半自动Out of New York. 从纽约运来的So either the Faddas are going into the gun business now所以法达家现在要么开始做枪支生意or they're going to war, with us. 要么就得跟我们开战Sell 200 to Mort Kellerman. 卖两百把给莫特·凯勒曼Out of Fargo? 从法戈运出吗Tell him he can have them at cost, 告诉他可以按成本价买下but he owes us devotion. 但他必须对我们忠诚And, uh, this here-- the snatch and grab? 那这起抢劫呢Faddas say it wasn't them. 法达家族说不是他们干的And what, we trust them now? 怎么他们的话这么可信吗Two broads, you said? 你说是两个女人干的Yeah. One, uh, colored, one squaw. 对一个是有色人种一个是印第安女人They could have farmed it out female, 有可能是他们把活儿外包给了女人the Italians, confuse the matter. 那些意大利人为了混淆视听No. 不Nobody's dumb and smart at the same time. 人不可能既聪明又蠢笨This here is just some crime. 这只是一起普通犯罪Two bonnies. 两个女人We got to beat the bushes, flip some rocks. 我们得除除草挪挪石块- They'll crawl out. - Yeah. -她们会爬出来的 -好吧What we need to do is find out who's on top 我们得搞清楚那些意大利人over in little Italy. 是谁在做主One or the other, 不管怎样if they come at my family again, we'll kill them all. 如果他们再敢动我的家人我们就赶尽杀绝My god! 天啊Jesus christ. 老天爷Is that...? 那是...What was that? 那是什么招数I was reading the most delicious article 昨晚我在读一篇特别引人入胜的last night about Istanbul. 关于伊斯坦布尔的文章Even the word's romantic, don't you think? 这名字听起来就很浪漫不是吗Istanbul. 伊斯坦布尔I think that's where they filmed casablanca. 他们应该就是在那里拍的《卡萨布兰卡》They filmed casablanca in casablanca. 《卡萨布兰卡》是在卡萨布兰卡拍的Yeah. 没错Oh, y-yeah, course. Silly me. 对哦当然我真傻Just-- doesn't it sound divine? 反正...这名字听起来很神圣吧Getting away, laying out for the northern territories, 遗世而独卧于北方wind in your hair? 任风拂过发梢I got mouths to feed, answerability. 我还得养家糊口还要负责A box, you mean-- four walls of pine, 你是说一个密不透风的盒子四面松木成墙which is... 那就是...well, a coffin is what it is, mister. 那就是一口棺材先生There are places in the amazon rainforests 亚马逊雨林里有些地方where a million butterflies take flight all at once. 会有百万只蝴蝶同时振翅而飞Isn't that something a man should see before he dies?这难道不是一个人有生之年该看看的景象吗My brother's in from the old country, breaking balls. 我弟弟从老家过来了烦死我了Ah, excuse you, Mr. Potty mouth. 愿主原谅你脏话先生Sorry. 抱歉It's just-- I swear I could kill that guy. 只是...我发誓我要杀了那家伙- Your brother? - No. -你弟弟吗 -不是Doctor at the hospital. 医院那个医生Stuffed shirt, thinks he shits cornflakes. 自命不凡觉得自己的屎都比别人金贵Harvard. 叫哈佛Goodness. 天Your mind's a clutter of grievances. 你满心都是委屈不忿啊Here I am, talking about waterfalls, 我还在这聊瀑布呢and you're making a list of nemeses. 而你却在罗列报复清单Friends or enemies. That's the world, hmm? 非友即敌这就是世界对吧Oraetta Mayflower's enemy to no man. 奥瑞塔·梅芙拉乌尔不是任何人的敌人You're a dame. 你是个女人Where I come from, 在我的家乡we sleep with one eye open and a razor in our teeth. 我们睡觉时也会睁一只眼嘴里还含着刀片You got any more of that fluffy whiz bang? 你还有那种神奇粉末吗Get my head on straight? 帮我清醒清醒And here I thought you liked me for my vocabulary. 我还以为你喜欢的是我说话的用词呢Well, it's not your vocabulary that just took a ride in my lap. 刚骑在我腿上的可不是你的用词That-- rude. 这很无礼We fly elevated in this house, mister. 在这个房子里放纵也要有姿态先生Proper ladies and gentlemen, which is a lesson 要做得体的女士和先生you should take to heart in your other lives. 这是你不管在哪一世都该用心牢记的And you sleep with a mouthful of razors, 还有如果你睡觉时嘴里全是刀片it's your own throat that gets cut. 那只会割到你自己的喉咙Believe you me. 你最好信我You got the powder or not? 你到底有没有粉I thought you were refined. 我还以为你是有教养的人Why? 'cause my shoes are shiny? 为什么因为我的鞋擦得亮吗Look at that. You left a mark. 看看你留下了印记I'm sure I don't know what you mean. 我完全不知道你在说什么What is this? 什么情况Uh, sorry. I was... 抱歉我本来...Is Miss Mayflower home? 梅芙拉乌尔小姐在家吗Nobody wants you here. 这里不欢迎你You said 50 cents or a dollar for organizing. 你之前说收拾屋子能挣五毛或一块- I got to go. - Well, d-don't, you don't, don't... -我得走了 -别你别...See what you did? 看到你干的好事了吗Sorry. I just-- if you need help with organizing, or anything... 抱歉只是...如果你需要帮忙...什么都行we need the money. 我们需要钱well, now, look at you. 瞧瞧你Sagittarius. 射手座I didn't recognize you in this dark hallway. 走廊这么黑我都没认出你- You said... - I did, but can it wait, sweetie? -你说... -是不过能等等吗亲爱的Oraetta's got to get to work. 奥瑞塔得去工作了I got time now. 我现在有时间I'm a good organizer. 我很会整理的There's that gumption. 那股进取心又来了Ah, fine. 好吧Come in while I get cleaned up. 进来我还要收拾I'm usually oh, so organized, but, 我通常很有条理的但是...well, these days my mind's like a little bird, 最近我的思绪就像只小鸟a million miles away. 飞到万里之外去了Oh, I've been reading about the kings of Egypt. 我一直在看埃及国王们的故事Pharaohs, they're called. 他们被叫做"法老"Like that King Tut they found living inside a pyramid.就像是那个住在金字塔里的图坦卡蒙国王He's a mummy, so... dead, I think. 他是木乃伊所以... 应该是死了Of course. Yeah. 当然Well, no, he wasn't "Living in," He was laying in. 不我不是说住是躺在里面Why, sometimes my mouth says just the strangest things. 有时候我嘴里会说出很奇怪的话Oh, shoot. I've got to fly. 该死我得走了Now, will you just put some things away, 你就帮我稍微收拾一下so that when I come home tonight 这样等我今晚回来I don't feel like jumping out the window 好不会因为屋里一团糟with everything such a jumble? 想跳窗逃跑Uh, do you want me to wash these dishes? 要我把这些碟子也洗了吗Oh, would you? That'd be swell. 可以吗那就太好了Oh, and while you're at it, my room's just down the hallway. 既然你要收拾我的房间在走廊尽头So if you're doing dishes, you might as well clean the sheets. 如果你洗碗就帮我把床单也洗了吧Sheets. 床单- What's in there? - Oh, never you mind about that. -那里面是什么 -你不用管Now, like I said, 像我说的there's, uh, there's French-playing records just by the hi-fi, 高保真唱机边上有法语唱片and, uh, 还有...yeah, you can borrow any book you like. 对书你也可以随便借走看How much? 多少钱How much what? 什么多少钱The way I see it, this whole place-- 在我看来这整间房子...sheets, dishes, three hours' work-- 洗床单洗碗打扫三小时...that's at least a dollar. 至少要一美元Well, aren't you a little capitalist. 你还真是个小资本家What the hell are you doing here? 你在这里干什么I got to tell you something. 我来告诉你一件事What? 什么事You're gonna hear talk, about me, 你会听到关于我的议论something I did or maybe didn't do. 说一件我可能做过或没做过的事Shining a bad light, I mean. 给你吹耳旁风Just be aware of whose lips are doing the flapping. 要当心那些传这些闲话的人Are you being a fink? It sounds like you're being a fink. 你是想告密吗听起来有点像- I botched a hit. - You botched-- how's that? -我搞砸了一件差事 -怎么说The Cannon boy. Lemuel. 那个坎农家的小子莱缪尔Calamita said get in the car, so I got in the car. 卡拉米塔让我上车我就上了车We tailed the kid. He said light him up. 我们跟着那小子他让我崩了他I'm sinking my teeth into your jugular 如果你真崩了他- if this story ends with... - No, no, no. It don't. -我就咬死你 -不是的没有Like I said, he told me to open up, 像我说的他让我动手but events didn't feel right. 但我觉得不对劲"On whose authority?" I ask him, 我问他 "是谁下令的"but he don't say, so I laid on the kibosh. 但他不说所以我就没动手But the kid saw my fangs, no doubt. 但那小子绝对看到我了And look, look, if you ordered it, 你看如果是你下令的I got no problem accepting consequence. 那什么后果我都接受But I know you don't want to start a war. 但我知道你不想挑起战争I didn't order a goddamn hit! 我没让你们去杀人So you're saying what? Gaetano? 所以你是什么意思是盖塔诺吗You're telling me that porkpie, ziti-eating greaser 你跟我说那个爱吃猪肉饼和通心粉的油腻男is giving my boys orders now? 现在开始对我的人下令了吗That sticky golem wop. 那个狗屁意呆子You gotta be kidding me! 在跟我开玩笑吧Look. Here. 听着You're a good boy. Reliable. 你是个好孩子很可靠You're with me, right? 你是我这边的对吗All right. You're gonna watch them. 好你盯紧他们- Who? - All of them. -谁 -他们所有人You're like a fucking bird on a wire, got me? 做只停在电线上的鸟好吗Eyes in the back of your head. 脑后也给我长出眼睛来What about Calamita? 那卡拉米塔怎么办Eh, don't worry, he'll get his. 别担心他有他的教训It's a new day. Got me? 这是新的一天懂了吗Spring fucking cleaning. 春季大扫除You're either loyal, or you're with him. 忠于这边或投身于他Find that cop, Odis. 找到那个警察奥蒂斯Tell him to come to the club, rapid fire. 让他赶紧去一趟俱乐部Tell him to come to the club, rapid fire. 警探办公室That's right. The pump and go out on route 16. 没错她们在16号公路上加油I'm the nightman. 我是值夜班的You might tell the Marshal what you told me. 把你和我说的也和法警说一遍About the lesbians? 拉拉的事Well, there was two of them. 有两个人Uh, a injun and-and a colored woman. 一个印第安女人和一个黑人女人And they were conversing. 她们在聊天Y-yes, sir, that's correct. 是的先生没错About...? 关于...I'm asking, what was the nature of the exchange? 我在问你她们到底在聊什么Oh. Uh, just, uh... Normal chitchat. 就是...普通的聊天See, I th-thought you said 你不是和我说they were talking about skipping town? 她们在聊要逃出城去吗When you called me? 你打给我的时候Right. Yeah. Skipping town. 是的逃出城That's affirmative. 说得没错Uh, said they was headed to chicago. 她们说她们要去芝加哥Chicago? 芝加哥Yes, sir. Chicago. 是的先生芝加哥S-said they was on their way. 她们说她们上路了There it is. 这就对了Guess they flew the coop. 我猜她们逃之夭夭了I'll, uh, I'll walk you out. 我我送你出去Thank you for coming in, Mr. Sinclair. 谢谢你过来辛克莱尔先生- What's this? - Don't be an idiot. -怎么回事 -别犯蠢At least I know how to open a damn door. 至少我知道怎么开该死的门Guess you're off to chicago, then, buddy. 看来你要去芝加哥了伙计That's too bad. We were just starting to hit it off. 太可惜了我们才刚刚开始合拍呢Funny story. 说来有趣What? 什么We're a national agency, turns out. 我们是全国性的机构The U.S. Marshal service. 联邦法警We got offices in Chicago, Indianapolis, all over. 芝加哥印第安纳波利斯等地都有我们的办事处so, I'll pass along the tip, but... 所以我会把线索发给他们但是Kansas City was my mandate, and Kansas city is where I'll stay. 我被派到了堪萨斯城我就得留在堪萨斯城You know, in case they circle back. 以免她们绕回来That's fine. I just thought-- 好吧我只是以为...- I got to run an errand. - An errand? -我得去办点事 -办点事See a snitch, I'm saying. An informant? 去见一个内应线人吧You probably-- we got a code. 你可能...有代码的Well, hell, why didn't you say so? 天你怎么不早说- I'll drive. - That's-- d-don't... -我来开车 -那...别...Don't, don't, don't, don't trouble yourself. 别别别麻烦了Amigo, please. It's the least I can do. 兄弟拜托这是我该做的Amigo, please. It's the least I can do. 我们发现这辆车在阿伦代尔烧坏了Amigo, please. It's the least I can do. 但我们觉得他们把枪都运去仓库了You giving orders now? 你在下令了吗Calm down. 冷静点What? 什么Okay. 好吧It's a gun fight, asshole. 这是枪战混蛋What is this, your little war council? 这是什么你的小小战争顾问团吗Boss, I told them to wait for you. 老大我和他们说了要等你Did you know? 你早知道吗Did you know? 那混蛋...took a shot at Loy's kid. Did you know? 朝罗伊的小孩开枪你早知道了吗I just found out from the consigliere. 我的参谋刚刚告诉我的And you, you're lucky my man was there. 还有你我的人刚好在那儿算你走运Or I'd be cutting your throat 否则我早就用猫粮罐头with a can of cat food right now. 把你喉咙给割开了Ayo. They stole from us. 他们偷了我们的东西This morning, these mulignani. Yeah. 今天早上这些混蛋没错300 guns. 300把枪300 guns. 他们杀了我们的人300 guns. 嘲笑我们Because they think that... We are weak. 因为他们觉得我们很弱They're right. You're weak. 他们没错你们很弱You're weak. 你很弱You took a shot, you missed. 你开枪了但没打中Now my enemy's got, 现在我的敌人有了what, 300 guns? 300把枪Congratulations. 恭喜你Congratulations. 你这个该死的混蛋Do it. 动手Please. Do it. 拜托了动手Do it. 动手啊Bang. 砰Violante. 维奥兰特Violante. 算了吧It's not his fault. Come on. 不是他的错别这样I'll be a minute. 等我一分钟Is this the minute? 一分钟完了吗- I could come with. - No. -我可以一起去的 -不用No, no. I-I got to-- don't want to spook him. 不用我要...我不想吓着他No, no. I-I got to-- don't want to spook him. 乔普林百货商店Son? 孩子Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart? 你是否将耶稣基督接纳于心- Get the fuck out of here. - What's the ordeal upstairs? -滚一边去 -楼上是怎么回事Booze? Gambling? 贩酒店还是赌场If a man's pud need a tug, 如果一个男人需要按个摩打个飞机would this be the place for said tugging? 这里会是"飞机房"吗What's that supposed to mean? 你那是什么意思You'll see. 你等下就知道了Morning. 早Ouch. 看着就疼What is that? 那是什么An "O"? 字母O吗Listen... 听好了Get the fuck out of here before I put an "O" in you. 你要是不滚开脸上也会多个O You ever been to Salt Lake? 你去过盐湖城吗That's where I'm from. 我就是那的人We had some Italian gentlemen move to town a few years back.几年前有几个意大利人搬去了那里Thought they could make a few bucks 他们以为把我们的儿子变成毒虫turning our sons into junkies and our daughters into whores. 女儿变成妓女了就能赚几个钱We dissuaded them of that notion with a noose and some horses.我们用套索和几匹马就打消了他们的念头Must have dragged them six, seven miles 拖着他们走了六七英里远before their heads... Popped off. 然后他们的脑袋就掉落了I'll be in the car, waiting for my friend, 我回车上等我的朋友if you need me. 有事就来找我You fellas have a nice day. 日安Look, kid. We are trying to avoid a war here. 听着小子我们在试图避免一场战争爆发So you're gonna remind these mulignani 你要去提醒那群黑鬼that they ain't just fighting us, 他们不止是在和我们打仗they are fighting city hall. 他们还在和市政厅They are fighting the cops. 和警察打仗Know your place. Tell them. 识相点告诉他们Or else. 否则没有好下场And you. You're gonna go to New York. 还有你你要去纽约- Perché? - You're gonna go to New York, -为什么 -你要去纽约kiss the ring, 以示尊重tell them we got everything under control. 告诉他们一切都在我们的掌控之中Maybe bring back a few guys. 顺便再带几个人回来Which is it? 到底干什么Which is it? 我要怎么说还是要带几个人回来是告诉他们尽在掌控之中他们就会知道事情并没有得到控制因为我如果告诉他们需要人手Enough! 够了What is it with everyone today, 今天的人都怎么回事thinking they can talk back to me, 都敢跟我顶嘴了like we're having a debate? 以为是在搞辩论呢You, put the muscle on Cannon, bust some heads, 你对坎农施压搞搞突袭make some arrests. 逮捕几个人And you, put on your traveling shoes, 还有你穿好你的旅游鞋'cause you're on the move. 准备上路注意含毒鸦片酊其家人暂未通知葬礼事宜弗罗伦丝·奎勒曼小姐 23岁其家人暂未通知葬礼事宜拉马尔·赫德尔先生其家人暂未通知葬礼事宜爱你的琼其家人暂未通知葬礼事宜拉马尔他死后留下了忠诚的妻子琼拉马尔·赫德尔先生于昨晚死于手术引起的并发症It's not safe for you driving in this neighborhood. 你在这片街区开车不安全Faddas got PD on payroll. 法达家都打点好警局的人了What I got to do won't take that long. 我就耽误你一下"Dead or in jail." "要么死了要么进了监狱"That's what I tell him every time I leave. 我每次出门前都这么跟他说"Satchel, if I don't come back 撒切尔如果我没回来it's cause I'm dead or in jail." 要么死了要么进了监狱Was it a warning, or did you fuck up? 那是一次警告还是说你搞砸了I protected your son. 我保护了你的儿子By firing your gun at him? 朝他开枪能叫保护吗I protected your son. 我保护了你的儿子Who's calling the shots over there? 那边现在谁说了算The ape or the pipsqueak? 猿人还是矮子Cops patrol these streets every ten minutes. 条子每十分钟就巡逻一次这些街道You don't want to linger. 不宜久留They don't respect you. 他们对你不敬You know those wops you run with? 你知道你身边那些意大利佬吗You're not one of them. 你跟他们不一样And I know what you did. 我知道你做了什么"Boo-hoo" at the back door. 在后门大哭"Daddy. "爸Help me, daddy." 救我爸"then in come the goons. 然后打手就进去了You don't know nothing. 你一无所知What's that like, killing your own family? 那是什么滋味杀害自家人I'll tell you what. Bring me my boy, 这么着吧你把我儿子带来and I'll consider us square. 我们就算是扯平了Maybe god will, too. 也许老天也会宽恕你You know, it's not too late to right thyself 在上帝眼中纠正自己的行为in the eyes of the lord. 还为时未晚Why don't we stop talking, and you cut me some more? 别多说了你再给我来几刀吧Bring me my boy, plus I give you five grand. 把我儿子交给我我再给你五千块How about that? 怎么样I can't do it. 我做不到I can't do it. 我做不到They ain't your family. 他们不是你的家人Mommy. 妈Anything happens to my boy, 如果我儿子有任何闪失either of my boys... 任何一个...It's gonna be like you killed them. 那就是你害死的And I'm gonna feed you to some pigs. 我要把你喂猪Sounds fair to me. 我觉得没问题Sounds fair to me. 新佩里酒店I know, baby, I know. 我知道宝贝我知道It's okay, gorgeous, I'm here. 没事的小美人我在Swan Lake? 斯旺Swanee? 斯旺妮That's okay, that's okay. 没事没事He does that sometimes. 他有时候会那样Mean ole Mr. Snowman. 雪人老怪Jesus. 天啊Who made that pie? 那派是谁烤的- What? - The pie. Who made the pie? -什么 -那个派是谁烤的I don't know. The neighbor, I think? 不知道应该是邻居吧What are you doing here? 你过来干什么Which neighbor? That nurse? 哪位邻居那位护士吗You're out here risking arrest to ask me who made dessert? 你冒着被捕的风险就为了问我谁做的甜点No. I'm your monopoly card. 不我是你的大富翁卡My what? 什么Your get out of jail free card. 我能让你脱罪Where...? Where? 哪里弄来的- Thurman, can I give you some advice? - Yeah. -瑟曼给你个建议好吗 -好When the money fairy comes to visit, don't ask questions. 钱仙子来的时候别问问题Why does it smell funny? 为什么有股怪味Also a question. 这也是个问题How much? 这有多少I don't unders... 我不明- You got a sister? - No. -你有姐妹吗 -没有Then you don't know. 那你就不明白She's proud, my Dibrell. 她很骄傲迪布蕾尔But when she loves you, oh, there's nothing she won't do. 但她爱着你的时候什么都愿意为你做Best you not tell her about this. 但你最好别告诉她Just pay the man back and say "Bygones." Hear me? 你就把钱还给那人然后说"过去了" 懂吗She's not gonna like it. 她不会喜欢的No, she ain't. 没错But she'll get over it. 但她会翻篇的What we don't get over is being dead. 只有死翻不了篇Wait, where do we find you? 慢着我们去哪找你We're staying at the New Parie. 我们住在新佩里酒店One night, maybe two. 一晚或者两晚Swanee needs recovery, then we're on the fly. 斯旺妮得恢复然后就跑路了You tell my niece I'm proud of her. 告诉我外甥女我为她自豪Tell her don't let no sorry ass cut in front of her in line. 告诉她不要让可怜人插她的队Uh, what line? 什么队Any line. 任何队Dad, there's a white man at the door?! 爸门口有个白人男性You got 30 seconds to convince me not to shoot. 你有30秒说服我不开枪That's a lot of greenbacks, Thurman. 那可是一大笔钱瑟曼Yes, sir, it is. 没错先生Where'd you get it? 你从哪弄来的Well, sir, I'd ra-- I'd rather not say. 先生我还是不说为好It was, uh, 那是the loss of a loved one, if you must know. 亲戚去世了如果你非得知道My dear uncle Boolie. 我亲爱的舅舅布里He... 他He passed last week, 他上周去世了left me this money and... 给我留了这笔钱Since you were nice enough to give us that loan, 既然你好心让我们贷款I figured I should bring it to you straightaway. 我想着我该立马还你So he left you this bag of cash. 他给你留了这袋现金啊Your uncle... W-what was it? 你舅舅叫什么来着Boolie. 布里No, sir. His bequeathment came in check form. 不先生他的遗赠是支票形式的Uh, I just figured cash should be easier for you. 我想着给你现金更方便Thurman Thurman, always thinking. 瑟曼瑟曼体贴周到I got to tell you, I can't remember the last time 我得告诉你我都不记得上次a white man tried to make my life easier. 白人让我的生活更方便是什么时候了Well, here's me, then. 我就是这样的白人Here's you. 是啊Well, okay. Thanks for stopping by. 好了谢谢你过来Okay, then. 好吧That's-- hoo. 那I got to say, I really thought you were gonna shoot me there, 我得说我真以为你开始要对我开枪money or no. 不管我有没有钱I thought about it. 我考虑过I'm gonna go now. 我要走了Good choice. 很好的选择- You have a lovely home. Uh... - Leave now. -你家很漂亮 -快走Son of a bitch. 王八蛋Someone's happy. 有人很开心啊Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗Stop it. We did that already. 别闹了我们已经结婚了Well, I'm saying let's just do it all over again. 那我们再结一次That's how much love you. 我就有这么爱你You being stupid now. Stop it. 你是在犯傻别闹了- What about you? - What about me? -你呢 -我怎么了Will you be my beautiful, brilliant daughter? 你愿意做我美丽聪明的女儿吗Did daddy hit his head? 爸爸撞了头了I think so. 我觉得也是Oh, what are you doing? 你干什么Celebratin'. 庆祝Get some pop now. Be quick. 快去拿瓶汽水来Spill the good news already. 说说是什么好消息吧I did it. 我做到了- We're out. - Out of what? -我们摆脱了 -摆脱了什么Out of danger. Out of debt. 摆脱了危险摆脱了债务- How? - Never you mind how. -怎么做到的 -你不用管All that matters is your daddy fixed things. 重点是你老爸解决了问题You're kiddin'. 你开玩笑吧On a stack of bibles, 我对着一堆《圣经》发誓it's sigh a relief o'clock around here 斯马特尼一家人现在到了at the old Smutny household. 解脱的时候了Aren't you gonna drink? 你不喝吗What did you do? 你做了什么I told you, I fixed things. 我跟你说了我解决了问题- Where is she? - Who? -她在哪里 -谁You know who. Where is she? 你知道是谁她在哪里- Babe. - Don't babe me. -宝贝 -少叫我宝贝Do you got any idea what she did to get that money? 你知道她是怎么弄来那笔钱的吗Dad, what's she talking about? 爸爸她说什么呢Now, Dibrell, I'm gonna... 迪布蕾尔我要I got to put my foot down here. 我得制止你了This was-- not casting stones, but-- and look, 我不是在翻旧账但是I didn't want to-- you remember, 你记得的我一开始take that money in the first place. 就不想贷那笔款- A man like that, so... - Thurman Howard Smutny. -那样的人 -瑟曼·霍华德·斯马特尼No, I solved it. I... 不我解决了我Opportunity knocked and I walked through that door. 机会上门了我走过了那扇门- I seized the... - Baby... -我把握了 -宝贝What did you do? 你做了什么Whatever I did, it's done. 不管我做了什么都已成定局She'll be all right. 她会没事的This'll... It'll all blow over soon enough. 这事很快就会过去的。

• 全球小家电和LED照明领域最
优秀的整体解决方案提供商 (核心业务)
The most outstanding and integrated solution supplier for the global small domestic appliances and LED lighting industry. (Core business)
ETI核心价值观 ETi Core value
ETi核心价值观 Core Value
• • • • •
Employee oriented
公司的核心价值观集中于我们对自 己的基本要求和不懈追求。
Company core value represents the basic self-requirements and endless pursue for our employees.
定义 Definition
• 公司发展方向、长期目标,规定公司在 未来社会经济中是什么样子,包括公司 对社会经济中的影响力、市场行业地位、 与公司关联方的关系。
Vision outlines the company’s developmental direction, long-term goals, and determines what position the company would be in the future in socio-economic. It contains the influence on the socio-economic, market position, and the relationship with companyrelated parties.

美国卓越绩效评价准则(中英文对照版)-P 组织简介评论 :0条查看:96次jackiefeng发表于2008-12-23 10:102008年美国波多里奇国家质量奖CRITERIAFOR PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE卓越绩效评价准则Importance of Beginning With Your OrganizationalProfile从组织简介开始的重要性:Your Organizational Profile is criticallyimportant because:关于组织的简介十分重要,因为:. it is the most appropriate starting point forself-assessment and for writing anapplication;·它是自我评价及撰写申请材料的最恰当的起点;.it helps you identify potential gaps in key information and focus on key performance requirements and results;·它有助于组织明确关键信息中可能存在的差距并聚焦于关键的绩效要求和结果;.it is used by the Examiners and Judges in application review, including the site visit, tounderstand your organization and what youconsider important (you will be assessed usingthe Criteria requirements in relation to your organizations environment, relationships,influences, and challenges, as presented inyour Organizational Profile); and·评审员和评委在开展评审工作,包括现场审核时,据此来了解申奖组织,了解申奖组织认为重要的那些方面(申奖组织将会被依据准则要求,对照在组织简介中描述的环境、关系、影响和挑战来进行评价);.it also may be used by itself for an initialself-assessment. If you identify topics for which conflicting, little, or no information is available, itis possible that the Organizational Profile canserve as your complete assessment, and youcan use these topics for action planning.·它本身也可作为初步的自我评价。
奥巴马就职演讲(Change Has Come To America)中英文对照,希望大家喜欢

奥巴马就职演讲(Change Has Come To America)Sasha and Malia I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that’s coming with us to the new White House.萨沙和马莉娅,我爱你们,我对你们的爱超出了你们的想象。
And while she’s no longer with us, I know my grandmother’s watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.尽管她没能和我们在一起,但我知道,我的祖母和养大我的家人在看着我,我今晚很想念他们,我知道我欠他们的东西是无法计量的。
To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you’ve given me. I am grateful to them.我的妹妹马娅、我的姐姐奥玛,我其他的兄弟和姐妹,非常感谢你们对我的支持,我感谢他们。
And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe, the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best ——the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.我的竞选经理大卫·普劳夫,这位竞选活动的无名英雄,他进行了最好的政治竞选活动,我认为这是美国历史上最棒的。

范例 Example
• 范例:Nike( 美国第一运动 品牌)。
To be the leading sports brand in America.
愿景对与公司有经济利益关系的群体产生激 励、吸引和期望作用,从而愿意给予支持和 帮助,并分享成就和价值。
Vision could be a source of motivation, attraction and expectations to all the economic interest groups. They are thus willing to support and assist the company. Meanwhile, they would share achievements and value with the company. 4
ETI核心价值观 ETi Core value
ETi核心价值观 Core Value
• • • • •
Employee oriented
公司的核心价值观集中于我们对自 己的基本要求和不懈追求。
Company core value represents the basic self-requirements and endless pursue for our employees.
• 全球一流的技术创新者和受
人尊敬的全球化企业 (全球地位)
我们将实现企业员工、股东、客户和供应 商、公司所在的社区乃至社会各自追求价 值(让利益相关者分享公司成长的价值, 一流公司的共同特征)。 We will realize the
individual value of the employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers and the community where the company stays. ( It is the common characteristic of the first-class companies that making the beneficiaries share the value of company’s growth). 5
Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream 重申美国梦 中英文对照

Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream重申美国梦“We hold theses truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”“我们认为这些事实是不言自明的,所有人生来都是平等的,他们被造物主赋予了不可剥夺的权力,分别是生存、自由和追求幸福的权力。
”Those simple words are our starting point as Americans; they describe not only the foundation of our government but the substance of our common creed. Not every American may be able to recite them; few, if asked, could trace the genesis of the Declaration of Independence to its roots in eighteenth-century liberal and republican thought. But the essential idea behind the Declaration—that we are born into this world free, all of us; that each of us arrives with a bundle of rights that can’t be taken away by any person or any state without just cause; that through our own agency we can, and must, make of our lives what we will—is one that every American understands. It orients us, sets our course, each and every day.这些简洁的言语表达了美国人的基本权利,它们不仅描述了我们政府建立的基础,还说明了我们共同信念的实质。

Basic American Values and Beliefs基本的美国价值观和信仰Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance个人自由和自力更生The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies which were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments,priests and churches,noblemen and aristocrats. To a great extent,they succeeded. In 1776 the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation,the United States of America. In so doing,they overthrew the king of England and declared that the power to govern would lie in the hands of the people. They were now free from the power of the king. In 1789,when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation,they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. Also,in writing the Constitution they expressly forbade titles of nobility to ensure that an aristocratic society would not develop. There would be no ruling class of noblemen in the new nation.最早的定居者来到北美大陆建立殖民地是自由的控制存在于欧洲社会。

美国卓越绩效评价准则(中英文对照版)-附录1关键术语评论:0 条查看:87 次jackiefeng发表于2008-12-23 10:28附录一关键术语“关键术语表”定义并解释了卓越绩效准则中所使用的一些重要的绩效管理术语。
行动计划(action plans)行动计划指对应于长、短期战略目标的具体行动方案。

americanvalues(美国的价值观)As for values, my first thought about changes in America's values is that we are all much more materialistic than when I grew up, and making money seems so much more important to both individuals and to businesses. But I also think this is a value change that seems to be going on world wide, including China. Do you agree? Obviously I don't know what it is like in China, but the Chinese who live here have strong beliefs in both being well educated - and accumulating lots of wealth. And they tend to be very wealthy, at least in this part of the country. Lately the real estate market here has been booming, raising values, but the newspapers have all sorts of stories about how a lot of the buyers are wealthy Chinese buyers, both from here and from China. They are either buying here for investment reasons, or buying here to provide their children with homes. Frequently, they are paying all cash, which has not been that usual here, considering how expensive real estate is in this area.The other change in American values, and I have no idea if this is happening in China, is our focus on children. Families seem to revolve around their children's needs, buying them lots of toys, clothes, etc., even if they do not have a lot of money. In fact, a few years back, I read a study that when families go to restaurants, 80%of the time, the children choose the restaurant. When I was growing up, frequently the children didn't even go out to eat with their parents, and if they did, they were not asked which restaurant they wanted to go to. It's almost funny. I think there are both good and bad things with this change - children do seem to be more confident, but they also have more of a senseof entitlement.The other thing that I think is a strong American value, but becoming less so, is raising our children to be independent. Now more children, as they become adults, choose to stay living at home longer and seem to be better friends with their parents, really enjoying their parents more, than previous generations. I think the Asian cultures stress less independence from families, and more staying close and responsible for each other. I bet more American elderly end up in nursing homes than Chinese elderly as a result, although I really don't know.。

摘自:英语泛读教程The following is part of an essay taken from Bradford Smith's book, Why We Behave Like Americans. Success as a goal and materialism, according to Smith, are among the underlying factors that make up the American character.以下节选自布拉德福德所著《为什么我们的举止象美国人》里的一篇文章。
When visitors from abroad undertake to describe the American Character, the results are frequently puzzling to Americans. "All Americans are Puritans; that's what's wrong with them," says one. "They're always thinking about enjoying themselves," says another. "They spend too much time at work," a distinguished visitor tells us. "They don't know how to play." "Americans don't know what work is, " retorts another." Their machines do it all." "American women are shameless sirens." -"No, they're prudes." "The children here are wonderful -outgoing and natural." -"Natural as little beasts. They have no manners, no respect for their elders."要是让国外来客描述美国人的性格,结果常常令美国人感到奇怪。

最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 《洛丽塔》悲剧结局因素探析2 英语毕业论文)从利益最大化的角度分析商务谈判中的报价策略3 从奥运菜单看中式菜肴英译名规范化程度4 中西文化心理差异分析-以饮食习俗为视角5 从模糊性看古典诗词英译6 双语环境对第二语言习得的影响7 Harmony is Everything: an Ecological Analysis of The Grapes of Wrath8 Analysis of Tony's Tragedy in A Handful of Dust9 论《佛罗斯河上的磨坊》中的象征意象以及悲剧结局10 Doomed Tragedy out of Desire-Driven Morbid Personalities in Nabokov’s Lolita11 浅析《黛西米勒》中男女主人公矛盾情感背后的文化冲突12 珀西•雪莱抒情诗意象研究13 从男性角色解读《简爱》中的女性反抗意识14 英国贵族精神和绅士教育研究15 英汉亲属称谓的差异与翻译技巧16 Principles in the Translation of Legal English17 初中英语教学中课堂气氛与教学效果浅谈18 浅谈企业形象广告设计19 广告语中预设触发语的语用分析20 顺应论视角中电影字幕汉英翻译研究——以李安电影作品字幕翻译为例21 反复在格特鲁德斯泰因的作品《三个女人》中的运用22 清明节与万圣节的比较23 荒原背景下《还乡》和《呼啸山庄》女主人公爱情悲剧的比较分析24 个人主义与集体主义——中美文化碰撞背后的价值观差异25 从语言角度分析面子理论在英语商务谈判中的作用26 On Cultural Default and Translation Compensation27 A Study of the Personality of Emily from A Rose for Emily28 肯尼迪演讲的语音衔接分析29 由《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利写作特色30 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突31 The Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School32 论莱辛作品《又来了,爱情》中妇女失爱的原因33 非语言交际中体语的文化分析34 浅谈《竞选州长》中的幽默与讽刺35 从《纯真年代》中的女性角色看伊迪斯华顿的女性意识36 从《透明的东西》探讨纳博科夫的时间意识37 从餐桌礼仪看中美文化的差异38 浅析儿童自然英语教学法的心理学优势39 Analyzing Rhett’s Character in Gone With The Wind----the Mixture of Fire and Ice40 通过小说《紫色》分析沃克的妇女主义思想41 浴火凤凰——美国黑人作家眼中的黑人生活42 论《格列佛游记》中的讽刺43 合作性学习在高中英语写作教学中的应用44 浅析Grice的会话合作原则在求职面试中的应用45 从女权主义视角解读《简爱》46 分析文化差异在国际商务谈判中的影响47 英汉颜色词隐喻的认知比较与研究48 性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究49 中式菜名的英译50 浅析张培基的散文翻译风格51 《觉醒》中的爱与死亡52 浅谈《圣经》故事与英语学习53 基督教文化对《哈姆莱特》创作的影响54 《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》三个中文译本的对比赏析55 On the Conceptual Blending of Business English Word Chunks and Their Translation56 对小说《野草在歌唱》的功能文体分析57 从文化差异看英文电影片名的汉译58 On Metaphor Translation Strategies from Cultural Perspective59 从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略60 An Analysis of Huckleberry Finn’s Personality61 美国电影作品中英雄主义所隐含的美国社会文化62 消极商务信函写作策略63 从许渊冲“三美论"评析《声声慢》三个译本64 简论颜色词的文化内涵和翻译65 英语经济新闻标题翻译在模因传播中的分析66 On Pragmatic Failure and Its Implications for Middle School English Teaching67 《理智与情感》中的婚姻68 An Archetypal Study of J.D.Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye69 An Analysis of Jane Eyre's Contradictory Character70 从王尔德喜剧中的花花公子形象解读王尔德信奉的纨绔主义71 An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility72 萨拉的性格魅力73 从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突74 法律英语翻译中的动态对等理论分析75 论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响——以《快乐王子》中译本为例76 从电影《这个杀手不太冷》中看中西方文化差异77 英汉标点符号比较78 On Contradiction Between Comprehension and Expression in Translation79 卡特福德的等值翻译理论与名词化翻译——以《入乡随俗》英译汉为例80 《时时刻刻》中女性自我构建的研究81 《傲慢与偏见》中的灰姑娘情节82 浅析我国中小企业电子商务现状与对策83 论《弗兰肯斯坦》中贾斯汀的悲剧84 英语新闻标题的前景化85 鲁迅对翻译理论的重大贡献86 An Analysis of Ecological Ideas in Walden87 跨文化交际中的障碍浅析及其解决方法88 解读《喜福会》中吴夙愿与吴精美母女之间被误解的爱89 法律英语中的情态动词shall的翻译90 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《哈姆雷特》中的双关鉴赏91 英汉文化中颜色词语象征意义的对比研究92 An Analysis of Conflict Images in Invisible Man93 An Analysis of Feminism in Little Women94 希腊罗马神话典故成语英汉翻译评析95 浅谈涉外谈判礼仪的重要性96 xx大学英语专业学生课外视听学习调查97 《黑暗之心》的人性探究98 从归化和异化的角度看英语人名的翻译99 《白象似的群山》中话语权利争夺探究100 从象征手法浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中爵士时代的特征101 On the Feminist Consciousness in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter102 从《傲慢与偏见》的婚姻看妇女的社会地位103 To Obey or Rebel –A Study of Female Characters in Moment in Peking104 从中西文化差异看文化负载词的翻译105 从目的论看《长腿叔叔》的中译106 中国和英国传统婚俗差异研究107 A Diachronic Study on Sexism in English Lexicon108 浅谈商务英语广告的翻译109 《太阳照常升起》中的“女性化”研究110 广告英语的修辞特点111 情感因素对英语教学的影响112 中西礼仪对比113 《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我114 哥特电影的黑暗之美-市场与文化的交接115 英汉颜色词的认知语义分析—以红色、黄色为例116 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural Communication 117 浅析《喜福会》中的母亲形象118 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经原型人物解析119 中西文化差异在家庭教育中的体现120 浅析小组合作在小学英语教学中的应用121 西方骑士精神与中国侠义精神的比较研究—以《亚瑟王之死》和《水浒传》为例122 《围城》英译本中文化负载词的翻译研究123 汉英习语翻译及其所反映的文化差异124 英语商务信函的礼貌用语125 影视作品中的中英电话礼貌用语对比研究126 生态视角下《红楼梦》中动植物名称的翻译127 浅析翻译中的文化缺省及其补偿策略128 The Application of Role—play in Junior Middle School English Teaching129 《永别了,武器》的意象分析130 论格列佛人物形象在《格列佛游记》中所起的讽刺效果131 礼貌原则在商贸信函中的应用132 On the Racial Discrimination in America in Beloved133 论象征手法在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用134 中美幽默的比较135 浅析奈达等值理论与商务英语翻译136 《好人难寻》的冷漠主题分析137 弥尔顿《失乐园》中撒旦形象的双重性138 《坎特伯雷故事集》的现实主义特征139 中英禁忌语的异同性分析140 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响141 论《紫色》中的性别暴力142 论中美广告中所反映的文化价值观差异143 英语姓名的文化内涵144 狄更斯《双城记》中的人道主义思想145 中西方婚礼习俗的差异和融合146 叶芝诗歌中的象征主义手法147 从小飞侠彼得•潘浅析詹姆斯•巴里的悲剧人生148 《红楼梦》两个英译本(杨译本和霍译本)诗词翻译对比赏析149 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突150 英汉习语中的文化差异及翻译研究151 论翻译的艺术152 论童话《小王子》的象征创作153 从《肖申克的救赎》看体制化对个人的影响154 论广告英语的语言特色155 Yellow Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West156 从归化和异化的角度看张谷若《德伯家的苔丝》的翻译157 从思维方式看中英科普文章的差异158 《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的重生159 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响160 商务演讲中的跨文化障碍161 英语语言中性别歧视的社会语言学视角162 商标翻译的本土化研究163 以迪士尼为例分析美国文化在全球扩展这一趋势对其本身影响164 The Positive Impact of English Movies on Oral English165 浅析中美商务沟通中的恭维语166 从同化的角度看英语中的中文借词167 从中英文动物隐喻看中国与英语国家的文化差异168 英语专业学生英语口语学习动机调查研究169 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感170 试析《弗兰肯斯坦》中的哥特风格171 Analyzing How Shakespeare Created Hamlet:Shakespeare’s Reflections in His Creation of Hamlet 172 The Translation of English Film Title173 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的几种婚姻模式174 尼斯湖和西湖—中西方旅游性格差异研究175 青少年的危机时刻-—短篇小说集《最初的爱情,最后的仪式》初探176 二语习得理论对初中英语教学的启示刍议177 索尔•贝娄《挂起来的人》的存在主义解读178 浅析希腊罗马文化对英语词汇的影响179 英语阅读有效教学活动设计研究180 An Analysis of American Dream--A Case Study of The Great Gatsby181 对中英语“丑”词的文化和认知解读182 打破沉默——接骨师之女中“沉默”主题的解读183 论人性自私在《呼啸山庄》中的体现184 埃德加•爱伦•坡小说《黑猫》的写作技巧应用分析185 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略186 The Conflict between Desire and Surroundings:an Analysis of Clyde in An American Tragedy 187 探究《紫色》中的妇女主义者形象188 论英文电影片名翻译方法的应用189 英汉恐惧隐喻对比研究190 空间介词在英汉时间表达中的隐喻性用法对比研究191 报刊广告英语的文体特色分析192 论凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的爱情观193 On China English as A Localized Variety of English and its Implications for ELT194 Contradiction of Hawthorne Reflected in the Symbols and Images in Young Goodman Brown 195 论初中英语教学中的任务型教学法196 《布罗迪小姐的青春》中的人物冲突分析197 浅析电影《阿甘正传》中的美国价值观198 从《哈克贝里﹒费恩历险记》看马克﹒吐温的幽默讽刺艺术199 福克纳眼中的美国南方—以《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》为例200 从中西方文化差异看餐桌礼仪。

6.Money orientation(金钱至上)
The acquisition of money is very important to the American people, because it’s the clearest proof of success-----though there are other acceptable proofs.
American values has a closely connection with the construction of America. Most of the people are immigrants, no matter where are you come from, only with persistent struggle, can you survive on the continent.
3.Future orientation(未来至上)
Americans devalue the past. They are hopeful that the future will bring even greater happiness. They can face up to varieties of frustrations in their lives since they looking forward to the future.
1.Individualism(个人主义) 2. Strong sense of time 3.Future orientation(未来至上) 4.Work orientation(工作至上) 5.Practical 6.Money orientation(金钱至上) 7.Take an active part in charity

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time。
I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards。
I don’t know who my grandfather was:I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be。
With malice toward none, with charity for all;let us strive on to finish the work we are in。
Bad promises are better broken than kept。
A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has been discovered by others。
It is the key, orone of the keys, to the already solved problems。
And not only so;it gives a relish and facility for successfully pursuing the unsolvedones。

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Basic American Values and Beliefs基本的美国价值观和信仰Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance个人自由和自力更生The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies which were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments,priests and churches,noblemen and aristocrats. To a great extent,they succeeded. In 1776 the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation,the United States of America. In so doing,they overthrew the king of England and declared that the power to govern would lie in the hands of the people. They were now free from the power of the king. In 1789,when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation,they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. Also,in writing the Constitution they expressly forbade titles of nobility to ensure that an aristocratic society would not develop. There would be no ruling class of noblemen in the new nation.最早的定居者来到北美大陆建立殖民地是自由的控制存在于欧洲社会。
The historic decisions made by those first settlers have had a profound effect on the shaping of the American character. By limiting the power of the government and eliminating a formal aristocracy,they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values.历史决定的第一批移民有一个对美国人的性格的形成产生深远的影响。
Scholars and outside observes often call this value”individualism,”but many Americans use the word”freedom. ”Perhaps the word”freedom” is one of the most respected popular words in the United States today.学者和外部观察通常称之为价值“个人主义”,但许多美国人使用“自由这个词。
There is,however,a price to be paid for this individual freedom:self-reliance. Americans believe that individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible,usually by age 18 or 21. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves,solve their own problems,and”stand on their own two feet. ”Tocqueville observed the Americans’ belief in self-reliance 150years ago in the 1830s:然而,要付出代价这种个人自由:自力更生。
“托克维尔观察美国人的信仰在150年前自力更生在1830年代:They owe nothing to any man,they expect nothing from any man;they acquire the habit of always他们欠什么人,他们期望从任何的人,他们总是获得的习惯considering themselves as standing alone,and they考虑自己是孤独,他们are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.容易想象,他们的整个命运在自己的手中。
Self-reliance is one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand,but it is profoundly important. It stands in direct contrast to dependence,which has a negative connotation to most Americans. By being dependence,not only do you risk losing freedom,but you also risk losing the respect of your peers.自力更生是最困难的一个方面了解美国人的性格,但它是极其重要的。
Equality of Opportunity and Competition机会平等和竞争A second important reason why immigrants have traditionally been drawn to the United States is the beliefs that everyone has a chance to succeed in the . Generations of immigrants from the earliest settlers to the present day have come with the expectation. They have felt that because individual are free from excessive political,and social controls,they have a better chance for success. Particularly important is the lack of a hereditary aristocracy.第二个重要原因移民一直是吸引美国的信仰在美国每个人都有成功的机会一代又一代的移民从最早的定居者至今与期望。
Because titles of nobility were forbidden in the Constitution,no formal class system developed in the United States. In the early years of American history many immigrants chose to leave the older European societies,believing that they had a better chance to succeed in America than in”the old country,”where their place in life was determined largely by the social class into which they were born.因为贵族头衔的宪法,禁止没有正式的等级制度在美国发展。