

Presentation -08102014 (1)

Presentation -08102014 (1)

1st of May - Middle of May Methodology
Baixi Zhu
101 relavent academic articles 1950 - 2014 36% of the literatures after 2002
Problem Statement
Based on The Literature Review GapFill in The TheIndustry Gap
Certain Drilling Method
Diamond Analysis of Different Factors or Percussive or Rotary Rotary Different Statistics and Mathematical Method or Percussive
ANN results – Diamond drilling
ANN results
Drilling method Sample points R value MSE Rotary 198 Diamond Percussive 60 56
The Importance of Drillability Model:
Mining and Petroleum Project Because of High Reliability and Safety to Determine and Identify Deep Natural Resources
Consider Common Parameters



当代美籍非裔女性戏剧家杰基 • 希波利斯 • 朱里(Jackie Sibblies Drury,1982—)凭借《公 平视角》(Fairview)荣获 2019 年普利策戏剧奖, 被誉为“琳恩 • 诺塔奇之后声名鹊起的美籍 非裔女性戏剧家”[1]P44。朱里处女作《纳米比 亚种族屠杀的史与戏》①(We Are Proud to Present a Presentation about the Herero of Namibia,2012)以纳米比亚种族屠杀历史 作为戏剧素材,以“戏中戏”的元戏剧舞台艺 术展示了关于屠杀历史的排练演出过程,并将 历史殖民暴力主题与美国社会种族问题关联, 表达了对于社会种族暴力痼疾的反思性、批判 性和警示性。
个事件并置的原因在于共同的种族暴力主题。 该 剧 并 置“ 赫 雷 罗 人 逃 离 被 德 国 士 兵 关
押集中营遭受非人待遇”及“美国非裔黑奴的 逃离被愤怒的白人暴徒私刑处死”戏剧场景, 展现黑人承受着殖民种族双重暴力。剧中演员 再现赫雷罗人与德国士兵之间惊心动魄的追逐 战,两名被流放至奥马赫克沙漠的赫雷罗人(黑 人演员饰)走向沙漠边隔离墙,德国士兵(白 人演员饰)察觉后高喊道“围捕他们!把他们锁 起来!带他们上去!把他们关进集中营”[8]P102,此 刻舞台上响起代表美国南方的“奴隶之歌”的 背景音乐,纳米比亚种族屠杀的戏剧叙事戛然 而止,舞台戏剧时空场景转换至美国奴隶制时 期的种植园,白人演员化身为种植园监工,黑 人演员扮演种植园黑奴,演员角色的口音变为 美国南方口音。在令人压抑的种植园中,惊恐 的黑奴试图逃跑,白人监工一把抓住黑奴,用 “套索”套住黑奴脖子施以私刑,强制其戴上 3K 党白色面具进行精神羞辱。黑奴竭力挣脱, 大叫道“我不属于这里”[8]P102。白人监工的言 语恐吓和暴力威胁,如同历史上的私刑暴民, 剧中私刑场景将戏剧推向高潮。



2012年英语四级作文Sure, let's craft an English essay for the 2012 English CET-4 exam. Here's a sample response:---。

Title: The Impact of Technology on Modern Society。

In the contemporary era, technology plays an indispensable role in shaping various aspects of our lives. From communication to education, from healthcare to transportation, technological advancements have revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.First and foremost, the advent of the internet has transformed the way we communicate. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, have connected people across the globe like never before. Instant messaging and video calling have made it possible to stayin touch with friends and family regardless of geographical barriers. Consequently, the world has become more interconnected, fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.Moreover, technology has revolutionized the field of education. Online learning platforms offer a wealth of educational resources, allowing individuals to pursue knowledge and skills at their own pace and convenience. Virtual classrooms enable students to access lectures and participate in discussions from anywhere with an internet connection. As a result, education has become more accessible and inclusive, empowering learners from diverse backgrounds to fulfill their potential.In the realm of healthcare, technological advancements have significantly improved medical diagnosis and treatment. From MRI machines to robotic surgery, innovative technologies have enhanced the accuracy and efficiency of medical procedures, leading to better patient outcomes. Telemedicine has also emerged as a valuable tool, enabling healthcare professionals to remotely monitor patients andprovide consultations, particularly in underserved areas.Furthermore, technology has revolutionized transportation, making travel more efficient and sustainable. Electric vehicles and high-speed trains have reduced carbon emissions and mitigated the impact of climate change. Additionally, ride-sharing platforms have transformed urban mobility, offering convenient alternatives to traditional transportation methods. As a result, cities are becoming greener and more livable, with reduced congestion and pollution.However, despite the numerous benefits of technology, it also presents certain challenges and concerns. One of the most pressing issues is the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not. Inequitable access to the internet and digital devices exacerbates existing disparities in education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Bridging the digital divide is essential to ensure that everyone can benefit from the opportunities afforded by technology.In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on modern society, revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. From communication to education, from healthcare to transportation, technological advancements have transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. While technology presents challenges and concerns, its potential to improve the human condition is undeniable. Therefore, it is imperative to embrace technological innovation responsibly and ensure that its benefits are accessible to all.--。



Good morning, everyone! Today I want to share a piece of news with you. Romney clinches Republican presidential nomination WASHINGTON, 31 May- Mitt Romney clinched the Republicanpresidential nomination Tuesday with a win in the Texas primary, a triumph of endurance for a candidate who fought hard to win overskeptical conservative voters he must now fire up for the campaignagainst President Barack Obama.Romney must now energize conservatives who still doubt him, while persuading undecided voters that he can do a better job fixing thenation's struggling economy than Obama.This piece of news reminds me of that movie Swing Vote. I wonder whether there will be a swing vote in the election between Romney and Obama, and how they will deal with it.About that movie, I have thought about the perfect life we’re pursuiting for a long time.Maybe you still remember at the end of the movie, Bud asked the two candidates that “If we are the richest country in the world, how come so many of us can barely afford to liv e here?” Whoever the president of America is, the citizens’ purpose is to live better in the world. Can Romney or Obama lead America to a better future?Similarly, the same question is existing in China, too. We may have such a doubt that if China has been developing rapidly, why we are still feeling like poor men. The price of daily items is higher and higher. The gap between the poor and the rich is deeper and deeper. The relationship of human beings is more and more apathy.Just like Molly said, all the world’s greatest civilizations have followed the same path: from bondage to liberty, from liberty to abundant, from abundant to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy back to bondage.Our China now is stuck into such a bad cycle like other country. I think you still remember the accident of little Yueyue. There is a rumor about in 2012 we’ll meet the doomsday of the earth. I don’t know whether it is true or not. What I know only is that if we can’t break the cycle, we are bound to see the doomsday of our society. The reason is we can hardly careabout others with our true heart. We all only care about the interest of ourselves.So, please think about it, what should we really do?。


For these exams, you will submit your information electronically
2012 AP® Preadministration Session
Do you have…
• A Student Pack? • An Answer Sheet? • A No. 2 pencil? Raise your hand if you need any of these items!
• Remember to take your AP number card with you.
• Thanks and best of luck to you on your AP Exams!
2012 AP® Preadministration Session
AP Number Card
• Remove the AP number card that is attached to the back cover of your Student Pack. Fill in your name, and then take a number label and place it on the card.
2012 AP® Preadministration Session
Page 4: Home Address and School Area
• Item W: Provide the college code for the college you want to receive your AP score report (use 9999 if no code is listed). Fill in the circles.

关于2012 英语演讲1

关于2012 英语演讲1
With this elegant tool, the Law of Time lays the foundation for the reformulation of the human mind - the coming of the noosphere. But this is only the beginning of the adventure in time.”
No Longer Fringe
Averagetenfold increase “find out the Sony a people are very concerned LatelyPictures film 2012: in search volume
truth” and “Google Search 2012”

NOT a scientist NOT a Mayanist scholar

Believes it was alien tech
One of the first people that connected the end of the calendar to an earth changing event was José Argüelles (1987). The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology.
John Major Jenkins
• He says the Mayans made their calendar end because they knew change was coming and instead of simply writing anything to that effect down they told us in the symbolism of a game they played.

APT Presentation_201203

APT Presentation_201203
Paper machine optimization
• 这就意味着您将直接享受所有制造商的最优惠价格 • 省去销售商环节和费用
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精密纸机水针/喷嘴供应 Best Trim Squirt/Nozzle Supplier
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We select and recommend first product offered by reputable paper-machine supplier for you. We can assure you purchase first-class product from first-class manufacturer.
Our Purpose:
Our Purpose:
Not Promoting, Not Selling Products to You
We provide professional service for paper machine optimism and keeping endeavor to transfer the biggest value to you
AsiaPaperTech Ltd

Presentation of trainee

Presentation of trainee
2016 在亚洲主要城市成功经营超过30间贝尔特连锁酒店
亚太区 上海 北京 奥地利 维也纳 英国 雷丁
259 房间 307 房间
117 房间
206 房间
行程 4 贝尔特酒店品牌
德国 柏林, 歌本尼克 柏林,泰尔托 不伦瑞克 开姆尼斯 爱森纳赫 盖拉 卡塞尔 莱比锡 罗斯托克 特里尔 威斯巴登
190 房间 198 房间 140 房间 207 房间 138 房间 165 房间 137 房间 356 房间 151 房间 127 房间 209 房间
只接受顶岗实习或毕业 生,基本Opera操作能
只接受顶岗实习,良好 英文沟通能力,热爱销 售行业。
可顶岗实习,基本英文 沟通,吃苦耐劳。
Thanks for your attention! 感谢关注!
培训和发展 店内员工活动
部门 餐饮部 餐饮厨房 前厅部
销售部 客房部
职位 服务员 厨师 前台接待员 总机 预订文员 销售协调员 服务员
数量 6 2 3 2 1 1 2
行程 3 新世界酒店集团
Rosewood Hotels & Resorts
贝尔特酒店是新 世界酒店集团旗 下的一个具生活 品味的邻居式酒 店品牌,起源于 欧洲,在欧洲已 拥有13家酒店。 此品牌在亚洲的 代表是上海贝尔 特酒店和北京贝 尔特酒店。
行程 4 贝尔特酒店品牌

Group Oral Presentation Term 2012

Group Oral Presentation Term 2012

Scoring System
Total Score: 20% The score will be assessed according to an Oral Proficiency Scoring Rubric: 1. Content (5%) 2. Pronunciation (5%) 3. Aesthetic (5%) 4. Communicative Competence (5%)
Important Notes

Groups have been assigned. You cannot change groups. Group topics have been assigned. You cannot change your topic. Permission will not be granted to change groups and topics. Your group is solely responsible for the assigned topic. All group members must be present for the presentation. An absentee will receive a grade of zero (0%) and the group will be penalized with a deduction of 2 points from the overall score of the presentation.
Delivery: 2 representatives (speakers) from the group will present the PPT. Your group may appoint its representatives. All group members should situate themselves at the front of the classroom alongside the representatives. Each person in the group should be prepared to speak if called upon by the teacher. Question Period: Teacher-directed question upon completion of the presentation. The group will have 30 seconds to discuss the question and deliver the answer.

ACTFL Guidelines 2012 ILR Presentation 1.6

ACTFL Guidelines 2012 ILR Presentation 1.6

© 2012 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
About the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
They are a global characterizations of integrated performance in each of four language skills: Speaking Writing Reading Listening

1986 Publication

Derived from the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Language Skill Descriptions

Long government tradition of use Since 1948

© 2012 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

What users of a language can and cannot do

The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines Provide

Articulation across instructional levels and across languages
© 2012 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
History of ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
© 2012 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

5- Presentation Dienes Summit 2012 CE

5- Presentation Dienes Summit 2012 CE

Quench duct 侧吹风 Godet #10 (cooled) with separation roller #10冷辊带分丝辊
Yarn guides 导丝器 Yarn suction unit吸丝系统 Yarn cutter 切丝器 Finish applicator 上油装置 Godet #1 with separation roller #1辊带分丝辊
Approx. 2.700
Collection duct集束 甬道 Winder 卷绕头
Ca. 3.000
Three individual frames3个独立机架
2.1 Yarn Spinning and Drawing纤维纺丝和牵伸
Multi-Purpose Draw Section in Industrial Execution多用途牵伸区工业化应用
3. Solution for Special Fiber Fiber Drying-Thermosetting 特种纤维干燥-定型解决方案 4. Conclusion总结
2.1. Yarn Spinning and Drawing纤维纺丝和牵伸
Guide elements for supporting the regeneration of nerves 神经再生导向基材 Surgical sutures 手术缝合
Melt preparation 熔体准备
Melt spinning installations mono & bi-component纺 丝液 Wet & gel spinning installations干喷湿 纺设备
Inductive heated, cooled and unheated godets 感应制冷制热及冷辊

















121122 Goodpack Presentation

121122 Goodpack Presentation

517206 JX 12/11/23 15時31分
Disk Brake in China
Product : Disk Brake Replacing corrugated paper carton on wooden pallet Cost saving : cost declined by 20% compared to current packaging Product quality :No damages Waste disposal : minimal waste disposal
517206 JX 12/11/23 15時31分
GM South Africa
For Release: Immediate
Place of Issue: Port Elizabeth
General Motors South Africa , Sidwell P.O. Box 1137 Port Elizabeth 6000
517206 JX 12/11/23 15時31分
Ecological Benefit
517206 JX 12/11/23 15時31分
Common Pool Across Market Sectors
Rentable - with no capital investment
Door Latch
Polymers industry

Synthetic Rubber (Lanxess)
- A global wide application
517206 JX 12/11/23 15時31分
CKD Over-pack to UK



安利2012校招面经广州MKT四面面经2011-12-22好吧,本来觉得写这面经貌似没太大价值,因为这次的不是“面”,是做presentation!当HR MM 打电话来的时候我还很惊喜地以为发offer了,结果,还得面...提前4天电话通知,然后把题目发邮件给我了,题目是一个某产品的case,提供了相当一部分的information,数据,产品参数,target consumer 等等,要求是做一个宣传计划,15分钟的presentation,ppt在5页以内,使用语言不限。


与另外两个candidate交流了一下,一个是管理类的master,一个是金融类的bachelor,lz作为英语系小本压力很大..据了解她们选择了中文pre,lz顶着这个专业的名分于是选择了全英pre,继续压力很大... pre完以后,manager MM (还是三面那个)...只有1个...用英语对lz的pre做了点评,主要意见是lz的tatics还不够specific,target consumer的circle划得有点太大,让我以后做plan要更细致一些,然后她说,but it's still very good for a beginner,很好。

啊,话说我一直没有意识到manager MM是manager啊,因为三面的气氛好轻松,两个面试官都好nice...感觉manager MM的点评很一针见血啊,lz因为缺乏实际操作的经验,所以还是偏泛偏理论了一些。




关键词:英语教学;呈现;操练;输出中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A文章编号:1992-7711(2012)18-086-1不管是中年级的对话教学,还是高年级的语篇教学,呈现(presentation)、操练(practise)、学以致用(production)的教学法一直都很实用,下面是笔者在对话、语篇教学中的对以上教学法的实践与思考:一、呈现前巧渗透,勿越俎代庖3P教学的第一步——presentation,此时的呈现应该是对话或语篇的整体呈现,以便学生整体感悟,并在感悟时自主抓住课文中心内容,培养听力能力、听力习惯。




例如:环节的设计,老师精心挑选的Finger Family这首英文歌,旋律优美,内容简单明了,为下面的导入起到了很好的铺垫作用,很自然地过渡到谈论手指家族成员的衣着上来了,运用了句型:Hello,. Try ... on. Hello,... Here are ... for you. Try this pair on.学生们操练的时间很充裕,相比之下,这位老师的设计更亲切自然,更流畅,更简洁,当然学生也更容易接受。

可有的老师是这样设计的,首先拿自己所带玩具木偶等跟学生交流,用\that in English?\?, I操练一两个回合,师说“I like the puppets very much. So I can say I love puppets.”板书单词love,为生词gloves的教学做铺垫,之后顺势说:again. I can ask ...”引出:‘Whose ... is this \are they?’然后与学生交流,说天气冷,自己需要手套,牛仔裤等,拿出所带实物运用Try ... on.等相关句型进行操练。

General Presentation 2012

General Presentation 2012
Boron Steel 10B21 Boron Steel 10B30 Alloy Steel SCM435
Production range diameter M5 – M24 Production range length 10 – 240 mm
France 4 Plants 1 Sales office 1 Engineering office
Germany 1 Logistic Center 1 Sales office 3 Engineering offices
Agrati-Semblex 5 Plants Sales/Engineering organization
Italy Headquarters 6 Plants 2 Logistic Centers
China 1 Plant (Yantai) 3 Sales/Engineering offices
YAF – Yantai Agrati Fasteners (ISOTS16949)
Agrati Yantai Fasteners
Cylinder Head 10.9 Micro phosphate Cylinder head 12.9 Micro phosphate
Cylinder head Multi washer assembly 10.9 Organic
YAF – Product Portfolio Engine
Camshaft bridge M6x25 10.9 MnPh
The Highest Quality in the Biggest Automotive Market Highlights: Founded in 2006 (SOP 2007); WOFE Company (ISOTS Approved); Full management of the process “in house”; Sales in 2011 120 Mio rmb and forecast for 2012 150 Mio rmb;



2012述职报告英文回答:2012 was a groundbreaking year for our company, marked by significant achievements and tireless efforts from our dedicated team. As I reflect on my role and contributions over the past year, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities I have been given and the positive impact we have made together.Throughout the year, I have been diligently working as [Your position] and have taken on several key responsibilities. These include:Leading and mentoring a team of talented individuals, fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment.Developing and implementing strategic initiatives to drive revenue growth and enhance customer satisfaction.Representing the company in industry forums and events, building strong relationships and showcasing our expertise.In my leadership role, I have prioritized creating a cohesive and empowering team culture. I believe that by investing in our team's professional development and well-being, we can unlock their full potential and ultimately drive organizational success. Through regular team meetings, one-on-one coaching sessions, and training opportunities, I have worked closely with each team member to identify their strengths, set clear goals, and provide guidance and support.One of the highlights of my year was the successful launch of our new product, [Product name]. As the project lead, I collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to bring this innovative solution to market. From concept development to product testing and marketing strategy, I played a pivotal role in every stage of the process. The successful launch of [Product name] has not only generated substantial revenue but has also significantly strengthened our market position.In addition to my leadership and project management responsibilities, I have also actively engaged in industry events and forums. I have presented at conferences, participated in panel discussions, and networked with industry professionals. These engagements have not only enhanced my own knowledge and expertise but have alsoraised the company's profile and established us as thought leaders in our field.As we look ahead to the future, I am confident that our company is well-positioned for continued growth and success.I am excited to continue my contributions in the years to come, working alongside our talented team to develop innovative solutions, build strong customer relationships, and make a positive impact on our industry and the world.中文回答:2012年对于我们公司来说是具有突破性的一年,在这一年里,我们取得了显著的成就,离不开我们敬业团队的不懈努力。



My reflection about 2012People are always afraid of the future, the day of doom. So there are many disaster movies directed to show us the vision of the last day of the world. Those disasters,like flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, which can destroy our planet, but the power of people can not prevent. In front of the nature, human beings are just dust. 2012 is a typical disaster movie by America. The United States more than a disaster film will make people ponder for a while, because the shock will always include more of scenes among the discussion about human nature.The special effects and action of 2012 are perfect, have no pity. I was frightened to see, as if I had exposure to the scene as helpless. I haven’t seen a more shocking scene of science disaster! But I also want to say, we shouldn’t just see it on the angle of entertainment, we also need to think something. After finished the film, I feel very upset about it. And I only had one thought, going to home, together with my family.There are so many amazing in the world. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what we can do? I’m not a politic leader, a scientist, a wealthy, and I don’t have one billion U.S. dollars to buy a ticket. I do not think I am a luck dog can enter the boat “Noah” like Willsion. We are common people, and are destined to be swallowed by the tsunami, but we also have the right to live a happy life. Rather than afraid everyday, I prefer to enjoy life, learn something what I like, see some beautiful scenery, keep smile everyday.The world’s most beautiful no better than the true love between people. I think every people who have seen 2012 has a common feeling, we should cherish the person by your side. Don’t begin to understand the meaning of cherish until the lost moment. After watching this film, I almost believe the day 12, 22, 2012 is the doomsday. I think that why we buy house, it will break down anyway when the last day coming. But in fact, that day is a long way form now. And we still need to effort for a job.。



2012高考英语作文Certainly! Here's a sample essay that could be suitable for a 2012 high school English exam in China:In the 21st century, technology has become an integral part of our lives, and its influence is felt in every sector, including education. The integration of technology into the educational process has brought about significant changes, both positive and negative. This essay will explore the impact of technology on modern education and discuss its implications for students and educators alike.Positive ImpactsFirstly, technology has made education more accessible. With the advent of online learning platforms, students from all over the world can access high-quality educational resources that were previously unavailable to them. This has democratized education, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their academic interests.Secondly, technology enhances the learning experience. Interactive whiteboards, educational software, and multimedia presentations make learning more engaging and dynamic. These tools can cater to different learning styles, helpingstudents to better understand and retain information.Negative ImpactsHowever, there are also negative aspects to consider. One of the main concerns is the potential for distraction. With the internet at their fingertips, students can easily be lured away from their studies by social media, games, and other online distractions.Another issue is the digital divide. Not all students have equal access to technology. This can lead to an educational gap between those who can afford the latest devices and those who cannot, exacerbating existing inequalities.ConclusionIn conclusion, technology has a profound impact on modern education. While it offers numerous benefits, such as increased accessibility and an enhanced learning experience, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed. It is crucial for educators to find a balance, leveraging the power of technology to improve education while mitigating its potential drawbacks.As we move forward, it is essential to ensure that technology serves as a tool for empowerment, not a source of division. By doing so, we can harness its full potential to create a more inclusive and effective educational system for all.This essay provides a balanced view of the topic, addressing both the advantages and disadvantages of technology in education, and concludes with a thoughtful resolution.。

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Roland Emmerich is famous for directing disaster films.
Water rushed into the Himalayas
the arks
When people rebirth from the disaster and bath the first sunshine.
And even the NASA have to denied that
But today we do not talk about the film 2012.
Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
• What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the earth’s Magnetic field will a 180degree rotation around?
A reversal逆转 in the polar of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-shift to fool people. They claim a relationship between the This is the original site of NASA rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. A magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia, anyway.
Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won‘t be the end of the world as we know. It will, however, be another winter solstice(冬至).
Where did the universe come from? How it going to be? And how about our solar system ?
• The sun have 4 billion year to maintain the status quo. • That is to say our earth have 4 billion to survival at list. • So 2012 well not be the end of the world.
What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?
Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?
Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan longcount period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.
Today we predict it on the other hand
A Brief History of Time
Where did the universe come from? How and why did it begin? Will it come to an end, and if so, how? Among the topics gracefully covered are gravity, black holes, the Big Bang, the nature of time, and now the physicists‘ searching a grand unifying theory(统一场
Do you believe it
Many people believe that the December 21 of 2012 is the end of the world after seeing the film 2012 . And some even post a satellite photo showing that the government is building the arks in China's Tibet.
What are you doing on the morning of Dec. 21, 2012?
Maybe you are just having breakfast with you boy/girl friend in our school canteepredictions in history. But all of them were proved to be a lie.
What dose the NASA denied in it web side
Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a unknown comets in 2012? Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012? What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the earth’s Magnetic field will a 180-degree rotation around.
Is the Earth in danger of being hit by comets in 2012?
• As a small mass of the planet, our earth have its own advantages to aloof from the Comets’ impact. And there is no evidence that a comet is closing to Earth. Or that maybe the extinction(灭绝、灭亡) of the dinosaurs are not by the Comets .