Arista 12F MTP 遗产网线产品说明书

12F, OM3, MTP-LC fiber harness (male), method B core (BC) or edge (BE), 10 ft
Note: All OM3 products are also available in OM4 and OS2 fiber. For OM4: Replace “E” with “F” in part number and “5L” with “54”. For OS2: Replace “E” in part number with “A” and “5L” with “UL”
OPT-X®, 12F, OM3, MTP-LC cassette (male), method b core (BC) or edge (BE)
Used as connection point for 40/100G
FT-EM096SS100F36C36C-YYCS [A]
Used for connecting directly from a QSFP+
8F, OM3, MTP-LC fiber harness (female),
switch port to SFP+ server ports that will
Note: Single-mode OS2 fiber is required for use with Arista’s QSFP+ 40G-PLRL4 transceivers.

技术支持,请联系: 电话:025-52107703、8008289967、4008289967 传真:025-52100770 或登陆网站:/ser_sup
公司总部:南京市江宁区苏源大道 69 号,邮编 211102 生产地址:南京市江宁区新丰路 18 号,邮编 211111 公司网址:
残余电压 在装置电源关闭后,直流回路中仍然可能存在危险的电压。这些电压需在数秒钟后才会消失。
接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。
运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。
额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认它们符合装置的额定参数。
为增强或修改现有功能,装置的软硬件均可能升级,请确认此版本使用手册和您购买的产品相 兼容。
电气设备在运行时,这些装置的某些部件可能带有高压。不正确的操作可能导致严重的人身伤 害或设备损坏。
只有具备资质的合格专业工作人员才允许对装置或在装置临近工作。工作人员需熟知本手册中 所提到的注意事项和工作流程,以及安全规定。
PCS-9631D 电容器保护装置
PCS-9631D 电容器保护装置
本章叙述了使用产品前的安全预防建议。在安装和使用时,本章内容必须全部阅读且充分理解。 忽略说明书中相关警示说明,因不当操作造成的任何损害,本公司不承担相应责任。
在对本装置做任何操作前,相关专业人员必须仔细阅读本说明书,熟悉操作相关内容。 操作指导及警告
我们对本文档及其中的内容具有全部的知识产权。除非特别授权,禁止复制或向第三方分发。凡侵犯本公司版权等知识产权的,本公司必 依法追究其法律责任。 我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必要的修正。但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进的意见。 我们保留在不事先通知的情况下进行技术改进的权利。
年产 60 万吨烯烃MTO 分厂-初步设计说明书

目 录年产 60 万吨烯烃MTO 分厂——初步设计说明书第一部分 正文第一章总说明1.1 项目概况 1 1.2 设计依据 1 1.3 工艺特点 1 1.4 产品方案1 1.5 主要物料规格及消耗2 1.6 主要危险品防护3 1.7 全厂综合经济技术指标3第二章总图及运输2.1 厂址概况5 2.1.1 地理位置及厂区概况 5 2.1.2 原料和市场6 2.1.3 自然条件6 2.1.4 基础设施及投资环境7 2.2 工厂总平面布置9 2.2.1. 设计依据和设计原则9 设计依据 9 设计原则 9 2.2.2 总平面布置方案9 总体布局 9 分区布置10 厂内道路及运输 12 绿化 12 2.2.3 安全设计 12 2.2.4 面积说明13 区域系数 13 各分区面积13第三章原料、辅助材料采购与基于波特五力分析的营销策略3.1 原料及辅助材料采购15 3.1.1.概述与原料、辅助材料介绍153.2 原料标准及行情153.2.1 原料标准153.2.2 陕西地区甲醇行情15 3.3.产品营销153.3.1 概述153.3.2 波特五力分析163.3.3 营销策略的制定17第四章工艺方案选择与工艺流程模拟4.1 工艺技术方案选择194.1.1 概述194.1.2 现有MTO/MTP 技术概况194.1.2.1 甲醇制烯烃技术194.1.2.2 分离技术224.1.3 工艺技术方案的选择和论证244.1.3.1 甲醇制烯烃工艺方案的选择244.1.3.2 分离方案选择254.1.3.3 引进技术及进口设备274.2 工艺流程设计274.3 全流程模拟与优化324.3.1 MTO 反应单元流程模拟334.3.2 烯烃分离单元流程模拟344.4 全厂物料及能量平衡384.4.1 物料衡算384.4.2 能量平衡40第五章换热网络与热集成5.1 概述415.2 冷热流股确定415.3 组合温焓图及组合曲线图绘制425.4.构建和优化换热网络435.5 过程物流换热网络的详细说明435.5.1.甲醇原料初步预热及汽化455.5.2 反应器出口产品气冷却455.5.3 急冷水冷却465.6 换热网络总结47第六章丙烯制冷系统6.1 概述486.1.1 丙烯系统功能简述486.1.2 丙烯系统构建步骤简述486.2 丙烯制冷系统中需要换热的流股汇总486.2.1 塔顶塔釜流股及其来源汇总496.2.2 中间换热流股汇总496.2.3 所有换热物流及换热要求汇总496.3 丙烯制冷系统循环方式的选定506.3.1 丙烯制冷原理概述506.3.2 级数的选择516.3.3 各温位等级的选择516.3.4 丙烯制冷循环系统示意526.4.各蒸发器中换热流股的确定52536.5.各冷却器中换热流股的确定6.6.丙烯制冷循环系统的模拟546.7 与三段压缩的比较546.8 与深冷的比较556.9 结论55 第七章设备设计与选型7.1 全厂设备概况及主要特点567.2 MTO 反应工段反应—再生系统设计说明567.2.1 概述567.2.2 MTO 反应机理及热力学参数567.2.3 反应器、再生器形式的选择577.2.4 反应器的结构587.2.5 反应—再生系统具体设计计算587.2.5.1 反应器、再生器的操作参数587.2.5.2 反应器、再生器结构尺寸设计结果597.2.5.3 反应器、再生器的机械设计结果60607.2.5.4 反应器、再生器内构件、附件、旋风分离系统设计结果7.2.5.5 再生器烧焦计算、物料平衡及能量平衡计算结果617.2.5.6 催化剂循环装置设计及两器压力平衡计算结果627.3 塔设备设计637.3.1 概述637.3.2 塔型选择及塔的结构尺寸计算647.3.3 塔板及附件设计647.3.3.1 塔盘机械结构设计647.3.3.2 塔板流体力学计算及校核657.3.4 塔的载荷计算677.3.5 塔的强度设计及稳定校核687.4 换热器设备设计687.4.1 概述697.4.2 设计条件697.4.3 设备选型697.4.4 传热面积校核697.4.5 循环流量校核697.4.6 设计结果汇总70 第八章车间布置8.1 设计依据和设计728.1.1 设计论据728.1.2 设计原则728.2 车间划分概述728.3 初步分离车间布置728.3.1 车间整体布置72年产 60 万吨烯烃MTO 分厂——初步设计说明书728.3.2 各类设备布置8.3.3 车间布置图73 第九章管道布置9.1 概述769.2 管道布置与设计原则769.2.1 管道布置769.2.2 管路敷设77779.2.3 管道与建构筑物、架空管道管架跨越铁路道路的最小垂直间距9.3.管道设计789.3.1 管子直径789.3.2 管壁厚度789.3.3 管材789.4 安全措施789.5 管道一览表78 第十章自动控制方案10.1 自控水平、方案及基本要求7910.2 仪表选型基本原则7910.3 单元设备自控方案7910.3.1 离心泵7910.3.2 换热器8010.3.3 压缩机8110.3.4 储罐8110.4 过程控制方案8110.4.1 反应工段8110.4.2 分离工段87 第十一章分析化验11.1 设计原则及采用标准9211.1.1 设计原则9211.1.2 设计中采用的标准9211.2 分析化验室的目的和任务9211.2.1 中心化验室的任务9211.2.2 车间化验室的任务9211.3 化验中心主要检测项目9211.3.1 原料检测9211.3.2 产品检测9211.3.3 环保监测9511.4 中心化验室主要仪器配备表9611.5 车间化验室97第十二章供热12.1 概述9812.2 设计标准与规范9812.3 需要低压蒸汽的换热设备9812.4.供热系统配套设施9912.4.1 安全阀、泄压阀9912.4.2 循环管9912.4.3 蒸汽母管9912.4.4 防噪声装置99第十三章给排水13.1 概述10013.2. 设计标准、规范10013.3. 给水系统10013.4. 厂区给水方案10113.5.排水系统101第十四章供电14.1 设计范围10314.2 设计标准、规范10314.3 设计原则10314.4 供电电源10314.5 供电方案选择10414.6 变电所设置10514.7 供电线路的设计10514.8 防雷、接地、防静电措施10514.9 电气设备106第十五章电信工程15.1 设计范围10715.2 设计依据10715.3 电信方案107第十六章土建16.1 设计依据10916.2 建筑设计范围10916.3 厂区地理情况10916.3.1 气候特点10916.3.2 地理条件与地质灾害10916.4 建筑与结构设计方案10916.4.1 设计原则10916.4.2 设计方案110第十七章罐区17.1 编制依据11217.2 罐区概况11217.3 储罐设计11217.4 罐区建造与施工11517.5 罐区安全115第十八章消防18.1 危险物质概述11618.2.主要危险性物质性质列表11818.3 事故发生的可能性及危险性分析11818.3.1 危险性11818.3.2 燃烧爆炸分析11918.4 消防安全措施11918.4.1 设计规范11918.4.2 基础消防措施11918.4.3 厂区消防布置11918.5 消防系统12018.5.1 稳高压消防给水系统12018.5.2 中压系统和高压系统12018.5.3 消防管网布置12018.5.4 消防水炮和消火栓12018.5.5 消防站120第十九章维修19.1 维修体制概述12219.2 维修车间设计12219.3 维护检修12219.4 高危设备的安全检修要求123第二十章劳动安全与工业卫生20.1 设计依据12420.1.1 国家、地方政府和主管部门的有关规定12420.1.2 采用的主要规范、规程、标准和其他规定12420.2 生产过程中危险有害因素分析12420.2.1 潜在的危险性因素12420.2.2 危险有害因素的分析12820.3 安全防范措施12820.3.1 防火防爆措施12820.3.2 泄漏应急措施12920.3.3 防噪措施12920.3.4 其他防范措施13013020.4 消防与急救20.5 工业卫生131第二十一章环境保护21.1 厂址与环境现状13221.2 编制依据及采用标准13221.2.1 环境保护法律13221.2.2 环境质量标准13221.2.3 排放标准13221.3 主要污染源和主要污染物排放量13221.4 设计中采取的环保措施13421.4.1 建设期污染防治措施13421.4.2 运营期间污染防治13421.5 环境影响评价分析13621.6 绿化13621.7 环境保护投资概算137第二十二章采暖通风及空气调节22.1 设计依据13822.2 厂址所在地气候情况13822.3 设计参数13922.4 设计范围13922.5 设计方案13922.5.1 采暖13922.5.2 通风140第二十三章工厂组织与劳动定员23.1 企业文化14123.2 工厂组织14123.3 经营管理14123.3.1 技术管理14123.3.2 人力资源管理14223.3.3 物流管理14223.3.4 信息管理14223.3.5 安全与环保管理14223.4 劳动定员14223.4.1 定员原则14223.4.2 生产班次14223.4.3 定员和工资143第二十四章节能24.1 节能措施145年产 60 万吨烯烃MTO 分厂——初步设计说明书第二部分附录附录1 各主要设备物料及能量衡算表146 附录2 设备选型一览表155 附录3MTO 反应-再生系统计算说明书166 附录4 乙烯精馏塔设计说明书190 附录5 乙烯精馏塔再沸器设计说明书218 附录6 重要管线一览表229年产 60 万吨烯烃MTO 分厂——初步设计说明书1第一章 总说明• 项目概况本项目为一座大型煤化工综合企业设计一座年产 60 万吨烯烃(30 万吨/年乙烯,30 万吨/年丙烯)的分厂。


⼆、技术要求2.1相关标准规范2.1.1设计标准:压⼒容器标准;国家和有关部门下达的现⾏标准和规范;2.1.2制造,检验,包装标准:TSG 21-2016《固定式压⼒容器安全技术监察规程》《压⼒容器安全技术监察规程》-1999JD/T4710-2005 HG20652-1998制造技术条件JB/T4710-2005《设计规范》JB/T4709-2000《焊接规程》NB/T47013-2015《承压设备⽆损检测》JB/T1205-2001《塔盘技术条件》HG/T-20584-2011《钢制化⼯容器制造技术规定》NB/T47014-2011《承压设备焊接⼯艺评定》NB/T47015-2011《压⼒容器焊接规程》NB/T47016-2011《承压设备产品焊接试件的⼒学性能检验》JB/T4711-2003《压⼒容器涂敷与运输包装》GB/T4237-2007《不锈钢热轧钢板和钢带》GB13296-2007《锅炉、热交换器⽤不锈钢⽆缝钢管》JB4728-2000《压⼒容器⽤不锈钢锻件》HG/T20581-2011《钢制化⼯容器材料选⽤规定》HG/T20583-2011《钢制化⼯容器结构设计规定》HG/T 20615-2009《钢制管法兰》HG/T20592-2009《钢制管法兰PN系列》HG/T20631-2009《钢制管法兰⽤缠绕式垫⽚》HG/T20634-2009《钢制管法兰⽤紧固件》以上标准以最新版本规定为准。

–⑶ 风载荷计算
▪ p0=K1K20q0f0l0De0×10-6 N ▪ p1=K1K21q0f1l1De1×10-6 N
li 1 2
li 1
li 2 2
– ⑷ 偏心载荷计算 – 塔设备在顶部悬挂的分离器、热交换器、冷凝器等附属设
Me meg e
M I - I E
Fk hk - h
i 1
175H 2.5
10H 3.5
- 14H 2.5 h
4h 3.5
16 35
【注】当H/Di>5时,设备为柔性结构,须考虑高振型影响,在进 行稳定或其他验算时,取地震弯矩值应为上列计算值的1.25倍。
– 按内(外)压容器及封头的有关规定,计算塔体及封头的 有效厚度δe和δeH。
① 工作介质 压力
② 重量载荷
③ 风载荷
④ 地震载荷
⑤ 偏心载荷 力学模型:底 部固定支撑的 悬臂梁。

MTPG脉冲发生器使用说明书(步进电机控制专用)慨述·外型尺寸 72×72mm·采用单片机微电脑工作·可适配触点开关与各种霍尔、光电、接近开关·为6位数字显示,1位段值,5位脉冲数值·抗干扰能力达到IEC801 3级MTPG系列脉冲发生器广泛应用于印刷、纺织、橡胶、制药及食品包装等行业,对步进电机控制可替代PLC进行简单的工序控制。
产品说明一.功能MTPG-5E2N两路NPN型晶体管开漏输出OUT1与OUT2输出对应连接步进电机驱动器的CP和DIR端子(有些是CW和CCW)可设定输出走动步数、运动速度和运动方向可设定多段数:0-15段每段步数设定范围0~59999每段脉冲输出频率和方向可设定输出频率范围:6-9999Hz(电机高速时,注意加减速的设置)方向设置:0 无脉冲输出(停顿计时)1 输出脉冲、正向运动2 输出脉冲、反向运动多个输入功能端子K/P端子:与+12V端子连接时,开始运行,断开停止运行;RESET端子:输入信号时,控制器复位到开始段,并从新开始运行;CP1和CP2为多功能端子:可连续循环运行,强制运行下一段等多种功能;二.主要技术参数·供电电源: AC/DC 100-250V ·辅助输出电源:DC12V 200mA ·整机功耗: 小于4W ·外形尺寸: 72×72×95·整机重量: 230g·输出容量:30V/200mA·信号输入阻抗:≥4.7K·使用环境:温度0~60C°相对湿度≤85%·安装方式:卡入式三.操作说明:1.将仪表接通电源后,正常工作。

塔设备设计说明书 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】《化工设备机械基础》塔设备设计课程设计说明书学院:木工学院班级:林产化工0 8学号:姓名:万永燕郑舒元分组:第四组目录前言摘要塔设备是化工、石油等工业中广泛使用的重要生产设备。
第二章设计参数及要求符号说明Pc ----- 计算压力,MPa;Di ----- 圆筒或球壳内径,mm;[Pw]-----圆筒或球壳的最大允许工作压力,MPa;δ ----- 圆筒或球壳的计算厚度,mm;δn ----- 圆筒或球壳的名义厚度,mm;δe ----- 圆筒或球壳的有效厚度,mm;t ][δ----- 圆筒或球壳材料在设计温度下的许用应力,MPa ;t δ ------ 圆筒或球壳材料在设计温度下的计算应力,MPa ; φ ------ 焊接接头系数; C ------- 厚度附加量,mm ;.设计参数及要求1.2.1设计参数1.2.2设计要求(1) 塔体内径Di =1200 mm,塔高近似取H=28680mm 。
机器械摆动功率包-MTPP 5.61说明书

Table of ContentGeneral (2)Machine Tending PowerPac (2)Release Information (2)Release Name (2)Release Data (2)Language Support (2)Documentation (2)System Specification (2)Recommended HardWare (2)Supported Operating Systems (3)Installation (3)Prerequisites (3)Installation Steps (3)New Functionality of MTPP 5.61 (3)Changes in MTPP 5.61 (5)Known limitations in MTPP 5.61 (6)Known issues in MTPP 5.61 (6)Corrections in MTPP 5.60 (7)GeneralThis is a PowerPac to program robotic material handling applications which use RobotWare Machine Tending Additional option.Release InformationThe information should be considered as last minutes information and most up-to-date.The release name is Machine Tending PowerPac 5.61The release contains following:•Machine Tending PowerPac 5.61 build 218Release date 2014-06-18Machine Tending PowerPac 5.61 is available in English languageThe following documents are available in English languageOperating Manual3HAC044397-001 - OM- Machine Tending PowerPac 5.61High-performance desktop or laptop workstation:❑CPU: 2.0 GHz or faster processor. Recommended is multicore processor❑Memory: 1 GB RAM or more (More is recommended)❑Available disk space: 5+ GB on the system disk❑Graphics card: High performance OpenGL-compatible graphics card with the corresponding up-to-date drivers installed❑Screen resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels (Recommended)❑Colors: 256 or higher❑DPI: Normal size (96 dpi)❑Mouse: Three-button mouse❑Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit & 64-bit editionThe following software must be installed:❑RobotStudio 5.61❑RobotWare 5.61❑RobotWare Machine Tending 5.61Execute the setup.exe file and follow through the installation steps.∙Machine Tending PowerPac 5.xx should be installed under the ‘\Robotics IT\’ folder present at the same level as the Base application i.e. RobotStudio 5.XX.The default installation path for the Machine Tending PowerPac 5.61 is “… \ABBIndustrial IT\Robotics IT\”.∙Pre-requisite softwares AccessDatabaseEngine and AccessDatabaseEngine_x64 should be installed under ‘\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\’or ‘\ProgramFiles\Common Files\’ respectively.❑New Toolso Three KN series knee level grippers are integrated.Fig: New KN series knee level grippers❑Configuring Custom Stations:o The Configure Stations function has been extended to enable selection of custom stations.Custom stations can be configured by selecting the station model and its correspondingtemplates for RAPID (*.lib), EIO (*.cfg) and Smart component (*.xls).❑Creating station smart componento The station smart component defines the working of the station. An excel approach is introduced to define the behavior of new stations.o The excel (*.xls) file defines the machine response (output signals / joint movements / both) to input signals from robot controller.o If user has the mechanism model and knows the behavior of the machine, this approach will help to easily extend the mechanism to a smart component.More details about how to modify or create an excel file can be found in theMachineTendingPowerPac Operating Manual.Fig: Reference to Operating Manual section❑Configure Partso The configure parts function has been modified such that the part will not have a physical model as it is not used in the powerpac.❑Path Viewo The PathView dialog is updated to reflect all the instructions of the routines configured in the Test Move function in a single sequence. This enables to easily verify the reachability andassign configurations for the targets.❑Synchronize to VCo The Synchronize to VC dialog has been extended allowing selection of individual station signals to be loaded to controller.❑Handling Stations from earlier version of MTPPo To be able to execute Production simulation on stations created with earlier versions of MTPP▪Delete all the existing connections in the Station Logic section from RobotStudio Simulation tab.▪Synchronize to VC the stations. This creates the Smart components based on the new default excel templates and prepares for execution.❑It is possible to configure a Project for single Robot Task.❑If a station template has more than 10 targets then the numbering of the subsequent stations numbers must be manually adjusted to avoid conflicts.❑Limited support for Undo and Redo operations when using MTPP.❑Selecting custom stationso Pre-configured Smart components cannot be used for configuring custom stations. The station Smart components are created based on the station mechanism model and itscorresponding Excel template.o Only station models with a single mechanism can be imported.❑In the Define cycles function, when selecting station routines with arguments it is not possible to configure the arguments within the dialog e.g. PROC Lathe_SelectProgram(num ProgNo).Workaround: This has to be done outside, e.g. in the RAPID tab after loading the cycle module to controller.❑If a part name or station properties (name, template etc.) are modified, then the references in other dialogs (cycles routines) are to be updated manually and the changes are to be synchronized to the controller.❑During Synchronize to VC from MTPP, if the corresponding module is open in the RAPID tab in RobotStudio, then the module is sometimes not updated.Workaround: Close the module and sync again.❑While executing Production simulation, the Confirm button is not enabled for a highlighted cycle.Workaround: Re-select the cycle to enable the button.❑While Configuring HomeRun sequence when there are multiple movement modules, strategy for configured positions which are unique to a module will be deleted when shifting between themodules.Workaround : Ensure that the HomeRun is configured for the module with the most number of movement routines and avoid changing the views.PDD 2976 RS Machine Tending PP - Documentation needs to be updated PDD 2977 RS Machine tending PP - A working station example needed。
vishay mtp 模块安装说明 说明书

V I S H A Y S E M I C O N D U C T O R SModulesMounting Instructions for MTP ModulesA P P L I C A T I O N N O By Kevin LiuThis application note introduces Vishay´s MTP rectifier-switch modules and discusses the assembly and PCB issues involved in their use.MTP modules are designed to provide reliable performance in rugged 20 A to 100 A industrial applications. A single housing is used to integrate power components, providing higher power density. Various die selections are available in several configurations. An integrated thermal sensor is also offered as an option.Fig. 1 - Example of MTP Module (solder pin)Fig. 2 - Example of MTP Module (press fit)INTRODUCTIONVishay´s MTP modules are distinguished by these key features:•Fully isolated•Compact and easy to mount•PressFit pins locking technology. Patent # US.263.820.B2•Low profile package suitable for assembly on PCB •Low junction to case thermal resistanceThese attributes allow MTP modules to fit into existing assembly processes using standard reflow profiles or press fit mechanical contact.Important factors in the assembly process are:•Heatsink design •PCB design•Power leads size / area•Distance from adjacent heating parts •Solder alloy choice •Reflow profile•Protection against electrostatic discharge (ESD)Recommendations for each of these items and requirements for mounting MTP modules to the PCB are discussed in the following sections.ESD PROTECTIONIGBT, MOSFET, and diode modules are sensitive to ESD. All MTP modules are ESD-protected during shipment with an antistatic tube. Anyone handling or working with the modules during the assembly process must wear a conductive grounded wristband.HEATSINK SPECIFICATIONThe contact surface of the heatsink must be flat, with a recommended tolerance of < 0.03 mm (< 1.18 mils) and a levelling depth of < 0.02 mm (< 0.79 mils), according to DIN/ISO 1302. In general, a milled or machined surface is satisfactory if prepared with tools in good working condition. The heatsink mounting surface must be clean, with no dirt, corrosion, or surface oxide. It is very important to keep the mounting surface free from particles exceeding 0.05 mm (2 mils) in thickness.Mounting Instructions for MTP ModulesA P P L I C A T I O N N O MOUNTING OPERATIONInspect the module to ensure that the contact surface of the base is clean, and that there are no lumps or bulges on the baseplate that could damage the base or reduce heat transfer across the surfaces.Make a uniform coat on the heatsink mounting surfaces or on module baseplate with a good quality thermal compound is recommended; direct application with a roller or spatula is also suitable. The test conditions for thermal resistance values on the datasheet specify a uniform layer of thermal compound with a thickness in the range of 0.08 mm (3.1 mils) to 0.1 mm (4 mils). The thermal conductivity of the compound should be not less than 0.5 W/mK.Bolt the module to the heatsink using the two fixing holes. An even amount of torque should be applied for each individual mounting screw. An M5 screw should be used with lock washers. A torque wrench, accurate in the specified range, must be used to achieve optimum results when mounting the module. The first mounting screw should be tightened to one third of the recommended torque; the second screw should then be tightened to the same torque. Full tightening of both the screws can then be completed applying the recommended torque (see data in bulletins). Over-tightening the mounting screw may result in deformation of the package, which would increase the thermal resistance and damage the semiconductors. After a period of three hours, check the torque with a final tightening in opposite sequence to allow the spread of the compound.The module base-plate planarity can vary from slightly concave to convex with convexity typically 0.05 mm (2 mils) when measured between the two fixing holes. This provides for an optimal contact area with the heatsink (Fig. 3).Fig. 3 - Description of “Module Convexity”SOLDER TO PCBThe PCB must be designed with appropriate tolerances on its hole diameters.Soldering operations must be done so as to avoid inducing any mechanical stress from pulling or tensioning the module pins. The module stand-off can be used to help align the PCB and keep proper distance. MTP modules can be soldered to the PCB using hand iron or wave soldering processes. To prevent overheating of the device, we suggest the soldering time not exceed 8 s to 10 s at a temperature of 260 °C. The mounting of the module on the heatsink can be done either before or after soldering the module pins onto the PCB.If the module needs to be removed from the PCB, the first step is to unscrew it from the heatsink, followed by gentle movement of the module to separate it from the heatsink. Thermal grease will remain both on the heatsink surface and on the bottom baseplate surface.PRESS FIT TO PCBThe solder-free press fit method can be used as an alternative for contacting MTP pins to the PCB. The major advantages of this method are the elimination of solder reflow and its related temperature profile.The majority of standard FR4 PCB boards can be used with no special requirement in terms of dimension and number of layers. Vishay tested both FR4 125 and FR4 180 PCB models.MTP pins have been designed with the size and shape required to fit into the PCB holes during the assembly process. The contact between the pin and PCB hole will result in a very low contact resistance (less than 50 μΩ). Double-sided or multilayer PCBs according to IEC 60249 can be used.As per IEC 60352-5 the PCB material should be defined with following specifications;•PCB hole diameter: 1.12 mm - 1.15 mm •Copper thickness in hole: 25 μm - 50 μm •Metallization in hole: < 15 μm•End hole diameter (after hole plating): 0.94 mm - 1.09 mm •Copper thickness of conductors: 35 μm to 400 μm (typical 70 μm to 105 μm)•Metallization of circuit board: tin (chemical) •Metallization of pin: tin (galvanic)Mounting Instructions for MTP ModulesA P P L I C A T I O N N O Due to the wide variety of PCB construction methods and designs available on the market, there are multiple solutions that might be adopted by MTP module end users. Vishay strongly suggests adhering to the specifications described above, which have been used to test and qualify MTP press-fit pin solutions. In principle, other methods to get tin plating, like HAL, might be used if they can guarantee the needed tolerances in layer thickness.We do not recommend reusing an MTP device after it has been de-mounted from the PCB. Even if tests conducted during qualification showed no degradation of the press-fit pin contact or variation of the needed press-in force afterthree cycles (mount/de-mount) of the same module on three different PCBs with 25 mm/s insertion speeds, if a MTP module is to be reused, we suggest soldering the connecting pins.It is possible to utilize the same PCB after de-mounting from the MTP module up to three times. The tests conducted during qualification showed no degradation of the PCB hole contact and variation of the needed press-in and pull-out forces after three cycles (mount/de-mount) of different modules on the same PCB with 25 mm/s insertion speed. However, special attention must be taken to avoid pin damage and bending during the mount/de-mount process.PRESS-IN TOOLSThe pin-to-PCB press-in operation has been defined and validated by using the tools shown in Fig. 4. We suggest adopting a similar approach when selecting the press-in to be installed at the end user manufacturing floor.Fig. 4 - The tool for PCB module press-inMounting Instructions for MTP ModulesA P P L I C A T I O N N O Fig. 5 - Photo of the tool for PCB module press-inThe bottom side of the press tool keeps the PCB fixed, while the top side moves and applies force directly onto the module baseplate. Special settings have to be prepared when simultaneously mounting more than one MTP module on the same PCB.PRESS-INBased on the results of the qualification tests we suggest mounting the MTP module on the PCB with the following conditions: Insertion speed in the range: 25 mm/min. to 50 mm/min. (as suggested also in IEC 60352-5)•Minimum force to press-in each pin is 35 N •Maximum force to press-in each pin is 90 N•Therefore, the press-in force for a 20 pin MTP module should be in the range 0.7 kN to 1.8 kN The press-in procedure using a semiautomatic machine is illustrated belowFig. 6 - Step 1: Put the PCB on the assistant toolMounting Instructions for MTP ModulesA P P L I C A T I O N N O Fig. 7 - Step 2: Put the MTP module on the PCB and make sure the alignment column is aligned into stand-offFig. 8 - Step 3: Start the semiautomatic machine to press the press fit module into the PCB,making sure there is no gap between the standoff and the PCBFig. 9 - Step 4: Stop the machine and press-in is finishedMounting Instructions for MTP ModulesA P P L I C A T I O N N O PRESS-OUTThe force to be applied in order to press-out the single pin is at least 20 N. Therefore, the force needed to press-out a 20-pin MTP module is 0.4 kN.To press-out the MTP module from the PCB, we suggest using the tool and pushing directly by contacting the pin’s edge. It is not recommended to remove the device from the PCB by pulling the baseplate. The press-out setup tool is illustrated below.Fig. 10MOUNTING A PCB TO THE MODULEThe MTP module housing has been designed with four stand-off lids. They can be used to tighten the PCB to the module body by adding screws. Fig. 11 shows a schematic of a PCB connected to a MTP through screws tightened into the module’s stand-offs.Fig. 11Screwing into a plastic cavity is a delicate operation, and care has to be taken to avoid stand-off damage. We suggest usingM2.5 x 10 self-tapping screws, in accordance with the PCB thickness, to avoid touching the bottom surface of the stand-off cavity. The screws will self-thread into the stand-off cavity. The vertical position of the screw must also be maintained to prevent lateral insertion. We also suggest mounting the screws in a crosswise sequence. Fox example, if the fixing holes are 1, 2, 3, and 4 in a clockwise or counter-clockwise sequence, then we suggest mounting the screws by the sequence 1 and 3, then 2 and 4. In addition, the screwdriver used should have a slow rotating speed. Typical mounting torque is 0.45 Nm ± 10 %. Do not exceed 1 Nm to avoid screw/plastic damage.END OF LIFE MODULE WASTE DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONCorporate social responsibility is more and more important for the environment protection, Vishay is certified by ISO 140001 and Vishay modules are always compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) directive.We recommend that the end of life modules (include components of the modules) shall be segregated by hazardous and collected in a labeled container (refer to CER code # 16.02.16) which should be put in a designated place.S crewMTP module。


ACCESSORIES BROCHUREMTP6000 SERIES ACCESSORIES SUPPORTING YOUR TEAM TODAY AND WELL INTO THE FUTURESTAY SAFE AND CONNECTED IN THE MOSTDEMANDINGSITUATIONS REMOTE SPEAKERMICROPHONESPage 6SURVEILLANCE KITSPage 8EARPIECESAND HEADSETSPage 10-15CARRY ACCESSORIESPage 16-19CHARGERSPage 20BATTERIESPage 21-23IN-VEHICLE SOLUTIONSPage 24-26MISCALLANEOUSPage 26ANTENNASPage 27IMPRES™ACCESSORIES ARE AUTOMATIC Plug in our IMPRES accessories – such as the Remote 3PEAKERÏ-ICROPHONEÏ 23- ÏnÏANDÏYOURÏRADIOÏIDENTIlESÏITÏANDÏAUTOMATICALLYÏLOADSÏTHEÏCORRECTÏPROlLEÏTOÏoptimise audio performance. What’s more, our IMPRES large-speaker RSMs match the high-powered speaker on your radio for even better communications in high-noise environments – essential when on noisy, hectic incident scenes.WHICH MICROPHONE IS RIGHT FOR ME?TALKING OUTDOORS IN DEMANDING WEATHER?If you work outdoors in demanding weather, a windporting microphone is right for you. It reduces the effect of wind and other sounds whenever you use the microphone. It also prevents water from clogging the microphone for clear transmissions.TALKING IN A CROWD OR NEAR NOISY MACHINERY?A noise-cancelling microphone is right for you. It reduces background noise to optimise audio. For clear transmission, hold the microphone directly in front of your mouth, facing the source of the noise.REMOTE SPEAKER MICROPHONESRSM ACCESSORIES FOR PMMN4113REMOTE SPEAKER MICROPHONESPMMN4099IMPRES large submersible windporting RSM withhigh/low volume toggle switch, emergency button andprogrammable buttons, 3.5mm audio jack, IP68.PMMN4080IMPRES small windporting RSM with 3.5mm audiojack and emergency button, IP54.PMMN4113IMPRES windporting RSM with 4-pole Nexus Jack,an emergency and a programmable button. This RSMincludes a front and side push-to-talk.PMMN4082IMPRES large windporting RSM with emergency andprogrammable buttons, IP57.PMLN7188Receive-only earpiece with translucentTUBEÏANDÏRUBBERÏEARTIPÏCERTIlEDÏWITHÏTHEÏPMMN4113.RMN4052Peltor Tactical-Pro medium weightheadset with boom mic and headband.GMMN4585SAVOX HC-1 Helmet-COM®unit bone-mic / single speaker.GMMN4584SAVOX HC-2 Helmet-COM®unit bone-mic / dual speaker.PMMN4081IMPRES large noise-cancelling RSM with 3.5mmaudio jack and emergency button, IP54.PMMN4024Small windporting RSM with 3.5mm audio jack, IP54.No emergency button.RSM ACCESSORIES FOR PMMN4099, PMMN4081, PMMN4080, PMMN4024MDRLN4885Receive-only foam covered earbud with coiled cord.PMLN7396Receive-only, adjustable D-styleearpiece, designed to provide a secure ANDÏCOMFORTABLEÏlTPMLN7560Receive-only earpiece with translucent tube and rubber eartip.WADN41902ECEIVE ONLYÏmEXIBLEÏEARPIECESURVEILLANCE KITS DISCREET AND CLEAR AUDIO Transmit and receive discreetly with these surveillance kits. These accessoriesfeature a streamlined design and rugged cables that withstand tough conditions.PMLN6124IMPRES 3-wire surveillance kit with translucent tube and 1 programmable button, beige.SURVEILLANCE ACCESSORYREPLACEMENT KITS FOR 2- AND 3-WIRE KITSPMLN6123, PMLN6124, PMLN6129, PMLN6130 and NNTN8459RLN6242 - Low noise kit with translucent tube and 1 clear rubber eartip.RLN6282 - Replacement standard clear rubber eartip. Pack of 50.RLN6281 - R eplacement foam plugs for RLN6242. Noise reduction = 24dB.Pack of 25 pairs.Note: for high noise kit solution combine RLN6242 low noise kit and RLN6281 replacement foam plugs.SURVEILLANCE ACCESSORYREPLACEMENT KITS FOR 1-WIRE KITS PMLN6125 and PMLN6126RLN5886 - Low noise kit with 1 clear rubber eartip.RLN5887 - High noise kit with 2 foam earplugs.PMLN61251-wire receive-only surveillance kit, black.PMLN61261-wire receive-only surveillance kit, beige.PMLN6129IMPRES 2-wire surveillance kit with translucent tube and 1 programmable button, black.NNTN84591-wire surveillance voice tube with in-line push-to-talk and microphone, black.PMLN6130IMPRES 2-wire surveillance kit with translucent tube and 1 programmable button, beige.PMLN6123IMPRES 3-wire surveillance kit with translucent tube and 1 programmable button, black.PMLN62252-wire surveillance kit with translucent tube, black.IMPRES SURVEILLANCE KIT STANDARD SURVEILLANCE KITSEARPIECES AND HEADSETSfree for daily tasks. From ultra lightweight to heavy duty, select the audio solution that’s right for you. PMLN6852Heavy duty headset, behind-the-headwith noise-cancelling boom microphoneand push-to-talk, noise reduction=24dB.PMLN7466Heavy duty headset, over-the head withnoise-cancelling boom microphone andpush-to-talk.PMLN5102Ultra lightweight headset with boommicrophone and in-line push-to-talk.PMLN5096D-style earpiece with boom microphoneand in-line push-to-talk.PMLN6634Lightweight headset, single muff withadjustable headband, boom microphoneand in-line push-to-talk.PMLN7397Receive-only voice tube, black.PMLN7512Adjustable D-style receive-only earpiece, black.PMLN7164Mag One receive-only swivel earpiece, black.PMLN5975Mag One swivel earpiece with in-line microphone and push-to-talk.PMLN5974Mag One lightweight headset with boom microphone and in-line push-to-talk.PMLN5973Mag One ear receiver with in-line microphone and push-to-talk.PMLN5979Mag One behind-the-head headset with boom microphone and in-line push-to-talk.PMLN6069Mag One earbud with in-line microphone and push-to-talk.PMLN5976Mag One earset with in-line microphone and push-to-talk.EARPIECES WITH SHORT CORDSThe following earpieces have short cords, allowing you to wear the radio on the shoulder.MAG ONE EARPIECESMAG ONE HEADSETSBONE CONDUCTION SOLUTIONSTemple transducers rest on your temple, convert audio into sound vibration and transmit it to your inner ear. If youare using hearing protection or there is loud background noise, you can hear the audio from your radio and the surrounding environment. Since the transducer sits in front of your ears, you can also wear earplugs and still hearthe radio.PMLN6624IMPRES temple transducer, boneconduction headset with boommicrophone and in-line push-to-talk(behind-the-head headband).PMLN5653Bone conduction ear microphonewith in-line large push-to-talk withprotective ring. Suitable for high noiseenvironment when ear muffs are wornover the ear microphone.TACTICAL SOLUTIONSTactical Audio Accessories are enhanced by a high speed Digital Signal Processor (DSP), which only detects the human voice. This ensures reliable transmission without clipping your message even in the noisiest ENVIRONMENTS Ï3ELECTÏFROMÏVARIOUSÏCONlGURATIONSÏTHATÏAREÏDESIGNEDÏTOÏALLOWÏYOUÏTOÏOPERATEÏTHEÏAUDIOÏaccessory with ease.PMLN6766Tactical boomless temple transducerallows the user’s ears to be uncoveredto hear surrounding environmentalsounds while using a radio. 2 bonevibration speakers for receiving, anda microphone embedded in the lefttransducer for transmitting.Requires interface modulePMLN6765 or PMLN6827.PMLN6828Tactical throat microphone picks upthe user’s voice directly from the vocalchords, making it optimal for use innoisy environments.Requires interface modulePMLN6765 or PMLN6827.PMLN6829Tactical ear microphone picks up soundthrough bone vibrations in the ear canal,giving personnel the ability to hear andspeak directly through the lightweightearpiece. The built-in bone conductionmicrophone and receiver eliminate theneed for a boom microphone.Requires interface modulePMLN6765 or PMLN6827.PMLN6830Tactical remote ring push-to-talkdesigned for users to remotely key upthe radio and customise their solution.Intended for use with interface modulePMLN6765 or PMLN6827.PMLN6765Tactical voice activated (VOX) andpush-to-talk interface module allowsusers to customise their solution.PMLN6827Tactical push-to-talk interfacemodule allows users to customise andcomplete their solution.PMLN6767Tactical remote body push-to-talkdesigned for use when wearing glovesand other heavy gear and provideshands-free operations when situationsrequire.Intended for use with interface modulePMLN6765 or PMLN6827.EARPIECES AND HEADSETSPMLN6833Tactical heavy duty temple transducerwith boom microphone. This headsetfeatures 2 bone vibration speakersfor receiving and a rugged boommicrophone for transmitting.Requires interface modulePMLN6765 or PMLN6827.NTN2572Operations critical wireless earpiece with 12” cable.Requires NNTN8191 operations critical wireless push-to-talk pod.PMLN7052Wireless 1- wire surveillance kit, black.INTEGRATED BLUETOOTH ®Our exclusive Operations Critical Wireless Accessories provide clear, reliable communication even in loud environments. An optional wireless push-to-talk pod seamlessly connects to your radio, enabling discreet transmissions when hidden in a pocket or beneath your uniform.EARPIECES AND HEADSETSPOWER SUPPLIESMUST BE ORDERED WITH NNTN8191PS000042A12 FOR EU PLUG PS000042A13 FOR UK PLUG PS000042A11 FOR US PLUGMini-USB charging plug with UK, Euro and US plugs.PMPN4007Mini-USB charging plug with Australia and New Zealand plugs.PMPN4008Mini-USB charging plug with China plug.PMPN4009Mini-USB charging plug with US plug.PMPN4015Mini-USB charging plug with Korea plug.NNTN8294Wireless Bluetooth earbud with 11.5 inch cable.Requires NNTN8191 operations critical wireless push-to-talk pod.NNTN8295Wireless Bluetooth earbud with 45 inch cable.Requires NNTN8191 operations critical wireless push-to-talk pod.NNTN8191Operations critical wireless push-to-talk pod. Power supply for charging pod must be ordered separately.Note:Supports full duplex private calls and telephone interconnect for NNTN8294, NNTN8295, NTN2572 and PMLN7052.CARRY ACCESSORIESWear your radio on the shoulder, chest or hip – it’s your decision. Our carry accessories keep your hands free so you can concentrate on the task ahead. Choose from a range of leather carry cases, straps,shoulder-wearing accessories and belt clips, all designed for easy access to your MTP6000 Series radio.PMLN56162-inch short belt clip.HLN97142.5-inch large belt clip.PMLN6252Soft leather case with 2.5-inch swivel belt loop.PMLN6250Soft leather case with 3-inch swivel belt loop.PMLN6253Hard leather case with 2.5-inch swivel belt loop.PMLN55802-inch replacement swivel belt loop.PMLN6249Hard leather case with 3-inch swivel belt loop.PMLN56113-inch replacement swivel belt loop.PMLN56102.5-inch leather swivel belt loop.PMLN5004Shoulder wearing device with Peter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast stud. Compatible with all Peter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast docks and belt loops.PMLN6251Soft leather pouch for use withshoulder wearing device (PMLN5004).Universal chest pack.Break-away chest pack with radio holder.RadioPak radio utility case.Wrist strap.NTN5243Shoulder strap, attaches to D-rings oncarry cases.CARRY ACCESSORIESGMDN0386Peter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast sew-on dock for mounting on uniforms, body armour - attaches to shoulder wearing device with stud PMLN5004.GMDN0445AAPeter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast snap-on tagdock - attaches to shoulder wearingdevice with stud PMLN5004.GMDN0445ACPeter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast belt loopwith mounting dock, low hang(50mm in width).GMDN0497Peter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast 38mm beltdock - attaches to shoulder wearingdevice with stud PMLN5004.GMDN0547Peter Jones Klick Fast leather belt loop with KlickFast Dock for 50mm belts - attaches to shoulder wearing device with stud PMLN5004.GMDN0566ACPeter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast leather beltloop and docks up to 50mm in width- attaches to shoulder wearing devicewith stud PMLN5004.GMLN4488Peter Jones (ILG) Klick Fast 50mm beltdock - attaches to shoulder wearingdevice with stud PMLN5004.WALN43070ETERÏ*ONESÏ ),' Ï+LICKÏ&ASTÏRETROÏlTTINGÏGARMENTÏWITHÏEASYÏSCREW TO lTÏDOCKÏ- attaches to shoulder wearing devicewith stud PMLN5004.PETER JONES (ILG) KLICK FAST ACCESSORIESThe Peter Jones Klick Fast System allows you to wear your radio securely in a variety of ways. The slim, durable Klick Fast Connector is compatible with all Klick Fast Docks. Simply slide the connector into any Klick Fast Dock and it locks securely into place. Once docked, your radio can be rotated to any of seven positions while remaining secure. Undocking your radio takes seconds - simply rotate the radio to the inverted positionand it slides free.CHARGERSDUAL DESKTOP CHARGER:SEQUENTIAL CHARGINGSupports sequential charging of radiolRST ÏTHENÏSPAREÏBATTERY Ï-INI 53"Ïport supports connection to IntegratedTerminal Management (iTM) softwareand download of images andlNGERPRINTSÏFROMÏ-40 Ïcamera model.NNTN8244Dual desktop charger with US plugincluded (110-240V).NNTN8245Dual desktop charger with Euro plugincluded (110-240V).NNTN8246Dual desktop charger with UK plugincluded (110-240V).DUAL DESKTOP CHARGER:SIMULTANEOUS CHARGINGSupports simultaneous charging ofradio and spare battery. Mini-USBport supports connection to iTMsoftware and download of images andlNGERPRINTSÏFROMÏ-40 Ïcamera model.PMLN6493ADual desktop charger with US plugincluded (110-240V).PMLN6494ADual desktop charger with Euro plugincluded (110-240V).PMLN6495ADual desktop charger with UK plugincluded (110-240V).MULTI-UNIT RADIO CHARGERSIncludes 6 radio charger inserts thatare compatible with all MTP6000 andMTP3000 series radio. Mini-USB portsupports connection to iTM softwareand download images from MTP6750camera model.NNTN8144Multi-unit radio charger with US plug.NNTN8145Multi-unit radio charger with Euro plug.NNTN8146Multi-unit radio charger with UK plug.SKN6371Mini USB data cable forNNTN8144/8145/8146.MULTI-UNIT BATTERY CHARGERSIncludes 6 battery charging inserts thatare compatible with all MTP6000 andMTP3000 series radios.NNTN8151Multi-unit battery charger with US plug.NNTN8152Multi-unit battery charger with Euro plug.NNTN8153Multi-unit battery charger with UK plug.NNTN6844Wall mount bracket for 6-waymulti-unit charger.BATTERIESTESTED AND PROVEN TOUGHPower your radio with the only batteries that are proven tough. Time after time, in test after test – for drop, vibration and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) – Motorola Solutions Original batteries withstand shocks, knocks, drops and shakes to outperform the leading brands. If your radio gets banged on a ride, rattled by heavy equipment or shocked by static electricity, you can depend on our batteries to stand tough.NNTN80232150 mAh high-capacity Li-ion battery.NNTN80201650 mAh standard-capacity Li-ion battery.PERSONAL CHARGERSConveniently and quickly charge your radio.PS000042A31Personal charger with US plug (110-240V).NNTN8038Personal charger with Euro plug (110-240V).PS000042A33Personal charger with UK plug (110-240V).NNTN7560Optional multi-unit charging bracket with storage tray for programming cables.NNTN8037Battery charging insert for multi-unit charger.NNTN8036Radio charging insert for multi-unit charger.IMPRES 2SUPPORTED BY MTP6650 ONLY Your radio is your lifeline. If your battery dies, it jeopardizes everything. That’s why there’s IMPRES 2, anext-generation energy system that’s safer and smarter, while keeping you powered for even longer. With IMPRES 2, you can charge IMPRES batteries up to 1.6 times faster. Customize your charging to extend the life of batteries in storage. And manage your batteries more intelligently with enhanced diagnostics, so you get the most from each battery.IMPRES 2 batteries have been improved inside and out, so your team can tackle whatever the day brings. With higher capacity, you’ll get more talk time. With better water resistance, you’ll never think twice about submersion. And with up to 60% more charging cycles than standard LithiumIon batteries, you’ll reduce costs.PMNN4522IMPRES 2 3400 mAh Li-ion Battery.PMPN4216IMPRES 2 Multi-Unit Charger with display. Includes US/JPN power supply.PMPN4217IMPRES 2 Multi-Unit Charger with display. Includes EURO power supply.PMPN4218IMPRES 2 Multi-Unit Charger with display. Includes UK/HK power supply.IN-VEHICLE SOLUTIONS!ÏRANGEÏOFÏIN VEHICLEÏSOLUTIONSÏGIVEÏYOUÏTHEÏmEXIBILITYÏTOÏCHARGEÏANDÏENHANCEÏthe coverage area of your portable from your vehicle.PMLN6522Vehicular cradle with RF connection - radio holder only (no charging). PMLN6431Vehicular cradle with RF connection, power module and cables for radio charging - hard wired.PMLN6432Vehicular cradle with power adapter holder for radio charging. Requires vehicular power adapter NNTN8040.PMLN6433Vehicular cradle with RF connection and power adapter holder for radio charging. Requires vehicular power adapter NNTN8040.PMLN6434Vehicular cradle with power module and cables for radio charging - hard wired.NNTN8040Vehicular power adapter, 12-24V plug (cigarette lighter adapter). Lets you charge the radio in the vehicle.PMLN6521Vehicular cradle - radio holder only (no charging).IN-VEHICLE SOLUTIONS CAR KITThe MTP6000 Car Kit is designed to transform your MTP6000 series portable into a virtual mobile radio providing in-vehicle battery charging, hands-free operation and extended coverage. For more informationon these car kits, please see the TETRA MTP6000 Series Car Kit Brochure.GMAE4290Antenna for digital car kit,380 - 430MHz / GPS.GMAE4293Antenna for digital car kit, 430-470MHz / GPS.GM0301The standard car kits provides a complete in-car solution and includes the following items:• Car kit junction box• Standard cradle with RF connection • Power cable and mounting bracket • Smart visor microphone • 7.5W External Speaker • Push button, push-to-talk•Installation manual and user guideGM0302The customised car kit allows you to design a complete in-car solution tailored to your needs and includes the following standard items:• Standard items • Car kit junction box• Power cable and mounting bracket • Installation manual and user guide In addition, choose from various options to custom tailor your car kit:• Car kit cable • Cradle type• Power cable and mounting bracket • Microphone • Speaker • Antenna • Push-to-talkPMHN4210Bottom connector dust cover.PMKN4124+EYlLLÏCABLEÏFORÏ% %ÏKEYS PMKN4127Bottom connector serial data cable.PMKN4129ATETRA USB data cable.150****6001Dust cover for side connector.MISCELLANEOUS2ADIOÏANTENNAÏIDENTIlCATIONÏBANDS Ïpackage of 5: PMLN6285: BluePMLN6286: Pearl White PMLN6287: Neon Green PMLN6288: Neon Yellow PMLN6289: Neon Red85012034001Stubby antenna 350-390 MHz, 80mm.85012033001Stubby antenna 380-430 MHz, 80mm 85012056001Short stubby antenna 380-430 MHz, 55mm.PMAE4105AAntenna whip 350-470 MHz, 120mm.PMAE4106AAntenna stubby 380-430 MHz, 60mm.PMAE4107AAntenna stubby 380-430 MHz, 90mm.PMAE4103AAntenna stubby 410-470 MHz, 60mm.2ADIOÏANTENNAÏIDENTIlCATIONÏBANDS Ïpackage of 10: 32012144001: Grey 32012144002: Yellow 32012144003: Green 32012144004: Blue 32012144005: Purple85012066001Short stubby antenna 410-470 MHz, 55mm. 85012031001Whip antenna 380-430 MHz, 110mm.85012065001Whip antenna 410-470 MHz, 110mm.Supporting MTP6550 and MTP6750Supporting MTP6650 onlyANTENNASFor more information, please visit us on the web at: /MTP6000。
MTP 15HD RS系列用户指南说明书

Twisted Pair MTP 15HD RS SeriesHigh Resolution Video and Serial LinkMTP Transmitters and ReceiversThis symbol is intended to alert the user of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature provided with the equipment.This symbol is intended to alert the user of the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may present a risk of electric shock. CautionRead Instructions • Read and understand all safety and operating instructions before using the equipment. Retain Instructions • The safety instructions should be kept for future reference.Follow Warnings • Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the equipment or in the user information.Avoid Attachments • Do not use tools or attachments that are not recommended by the equipment manufacturer because they may be hazardous. WarningPower sources • This equipment should be operated only from the power source indicated on the product. This equipment is intended to be used with a main power system with a grounded (neutral) conductor. The third (grounding) pin is a safety feature, do not attempt to bypass or disable it.Power disconnection • To remove power from the equipment safely, remove all power cords from the rear of the equipment, or the desktop power module (if detachable), or from the power source receptacle (wall plug).Power cord protection • Power cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be stepped on or pinched by items placed upon or against them.Servicing • Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. To prevent the risk of shock, do not attempt to service this equipment yourself because opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards.Slots and openings • If the equipment has slots or holes in the enclosure, these are provided to prevent overheating of sensitive components inside. These openings must never be blocked by other objects. Lithium battery • There is a danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace it only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Ce symbole sert à avertir l’utilisateur que la documentation fournie avec le matériel contient des instructions importantes concernant l’exploitation et la maintenance (réparation).Ce symbole sert à avertir l’utilisateur de la présence dans le boîtier de l’appareil de tensions dangereuses non isolées posant des risques d’électrocution. AttentionLire les instructions• Prendre connaissance de toutes les consignes de sécurité et d’exploitation avant d’utiliser le matériel.Conserver les instructions• Ranger les consignes de sécurité afin de pouvoir les consulter à l’avenir. Respecter les avertissements • Observer tous les avertissements et consignes marqués sur le matériel ou présentés dans la documentation utilisateur.Eviter les pièces de fixation • Ne pas utiliser de pièces de fixation ni d’outils non recommandés par le fabricant du matériel car cela risquerait de poser certains dangers.AvertissementAlimentations• Ne faire fonctionner ce matériel qu’avec la source d’alimentation indiquée sur l’appareil. Ce matériel doit être utilisé avec une alimentation principale comportant un fil de terre (neutre). Le troisième contact (de mise à la terre) constitue un dispositif de sécurité : n’essayez pas de la contourner ni de ladésactiver.Déconnexion de l’alimentation• Pour mettre le matériel hors tension sans danger, déconnectez tous les cordons d’alimentation de l’arrière de l’appareil ou du module d’alimentation de bureau (s’il est amovible) ou encore de la prise secteur.Protection du cordon d’alimentation • Acheminer les cordons d’alimentation de manière à ce que personne ne risque de marcher dessus et à ce qu’ils ne soient pas écrasés ou pincés par des objets.Réparation-maintenance • Faire exécuter toutes les interventions de réparation-maintenance par un technicien qualifié. Aucun des éléments internes ne peut être réparé par l’utilisateur. Afin d’éviter tout dangerd’électrocution, l’utilisateur ne doit pas essayer de procéder lui-même à ces opérations car l’ouverture ou le retrait des couvercles risquent de l’exposer à de hautes tensions et autres dangers.Fentes et orifices • Si le boîtier de l’appareil comporte des fentes ou des orifices, ceux-ci servent à empêcher les composants internes sensibles de surchauffer. Ces ouvertures ne doivent jamais être bloquées par des objets.Lithium Batterie • Il a danger d’explosion s’ll y a remplacment incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du meme type ou d’un ype equivalent recommande par le constructeur. Mettre au reut les batteries usagees conformement aux instructions du fabricant.Safety Instructions • English Consignes de Sécurité • F rançaisSicherheitsanleitungen • Deutsch Dieses Symbol soll dem Benutzer in der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Dokumentation besonders wichtig e Hinweise zur Bedienung und Wartung(Instandhaltung) geben.Dieses Symbol soll den Benutzer darauf aufmerksam machen, daß im Inneren des Gehäuses dieses Produktes gefährliche Spannungen, die nicht isoliert sind und die einen elektrischen Schock verursachen können, herrschen.AchtungLesen der Anleitungen • Bevor Sie das Gerät zum ersten Mal verwenden, sollten Sie alle Sicherheits-und Bedienungsanleitungen genau durchlesen und verstehen.Aufbewahren der Anleitungen • Die Hinweise zur elektrischen Sicherheit des Produktes sollten Sie aufbewahren, damit Sie im Bedarfsfall darauf zurückgreifen können.Befolgen der Warnhinweise • Befolgen Sie alle Warnhinweise und Anleitungen auf dem Gerät oder in der Benutzerdokumentation.Keine Zusatzgeräte • Verwenden Sie keine Werkzeuge oder Zusatzgeräte, die nicht ausdrücklich vom Hersteller empfohlen wurden, da diese eine Gefahrenquelle darstellen können.VorsichtStromquellen • Dieses Gerät sollte nur über die auf dem Produkt angegebene Stromquelle betrieben werden.Dieses Gerät wurde für eine Verwendung mit einer Hauptstromleitung mit einem geerdeten (neutralen) Leiter konzipiert. Der dritte Kontakt ist für einen Erdanschluß, und stellt eine Sicherheitsfunktion dar. Diese sollte nicht umgangen oder außer Betrieb gesetzt werden.Stromunterbrechung • Um das Gerät auf sichere Weise vom Netz zu trennen, sollten Sie alle Netzkabel aus der Rückseite des Gerätes, aus der externen Stomversorgung (falls dies möglich ist) oder aus derWandsteckdose ziehen.Schutz des Netzkabels • Netzkabel sollten stets so verlegt werden, daß sie nicht im Weg liegen und niemand darauf treten kann oder Objekte darauf- oder unmittelbar dagegengestellt werden können.Wartung • Alle Wartungsmaßnahmen sollten nur von qualifiziertem Servicepersonal durchgeführt werden.Die internen Komponenten des Gerätes sind wartungsfrei. Zur Vermeidung eines elektrischen Schocks versuchen Sie in keinem Fall, dieses Gerät selbst öffnen, da beim Entfernen der Abdeckungen die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags und/oder andere Gefahren bestehen.Schlitze und Öffnungen • Wenn das Gerät Schlitze oder Löcher im Gehäuse aufweist, dienen diese zur Vermeidung einer Überhitzung der empfindlichen Teile im Inneren. Diese Öffnungen dürfen niemals von anderen Objekten blockiert werden.Litium-Batterie • Explosionsgefahr, falls die Batterie nicht richtig ersetzt wird. Ersetzen Sie verbrauchte Batterien nur durch den gleichen oder einen vergleichbaren Batterietyp, der auch vom Herstellerempfohlen wird. Entsorgen Sie verbrauchte Batterien bitte gemäß den Herstelleranweisungen.Este símbolo se utiliza para advertir al usuario sobre instrucciones importantes de operación y mantenimiento (o cambio de partes) que se desean destacar en el contenido de la documentación suministrada con los equipos.Este símbolo se utiliza para advertir al usuario sobre la presencia de elementos con voltaje peligroso sin protección aislante, que puedan encontrarse dentro de la caja o alojamiento del producto, y que puedan representar riesgo de electrocución. PrecaucionLeer las instrucciones • Leer y analizar todas las instrucciones de operación y seguridad, antes de usar el equipo.Conservar las instrucciones • Conservar las instrucciones de seguridad para futura consulta.Obedecer las advertencias • Todas las advertencias e instrucciones marcadas en el equipo o en la documentación del usuario, deben ser obedecidas.Evitar el uso de accesorios • No usar herramientas o accesorios que no sean especificamente recomendados por el fabricante, ya que podrian implicar riesgos. AdvertenciaAlimentación eléctrica • Este equipo debe conectarse únicamente a la fuente/tipo de alimentación eléctrica indicada en el mismo. La alimentación eléctrica de este equipo debe provenir de un sistema de distribución general con conductor neutro a tierra. La tercera pata (puesta a tierra) es una medida de seguridad, no puentearia ni eliminaria.Desconexión de alimentación eléctrica • Para desconectar con seguridad la acometida de alimentación eléctrica al equipo, desenchufar todos los cables de alimentación en el panel trasero del equipo, o desenchufar el módulo de alimentación (si fuera independiente), o desenchufar el cable del receptáculo de la pared. Protección del cables de alimentación • Los cables de alimentación eléctrica se deben instalar en lugares donde no sean pisados ni apretados por objetos que se puedan apoyar sobre ellos.Reparaciones/mantenimiento • Solicitar siempre los servicios técnicos de personal calificado. En el interior no hay partes a las que el usuario deba acceder. Para evitar riesgo de electrocución, no intentar personalmente la reparación/mantenimiento de este equipo, ya que al abrir o extraer las tapas puede quedar expuesto a voltajes peligrosos u otros riesgos.Ranuras y aberturas • Si el equipo posee ranuras o orificios en su caja/alojamiento, es para evitar el sobrecalientamiento de componentes internos sensibles. Estas aberturas nunca se deben obstruir con otros objetos.Batería de litio • Existe riesgo de explosión si esta batería se coloca en la posición incorrecta. Cambiar esta batería únicamente con el mismo tipo (o su equivalente) recomendado por el fabricante. Desachar lasbaterías usadas siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante.Instrucciones de seguridad • Español安全须知 • 中文有触电危险。

反时限元件将按照15倍时的动作时间出口。 装置通电前,必须进行外观检查,保证面板完好无划痕、紧固螺钉无松动、装置可靠接
地、各插件紧固螺丝拧紧以及端子接触良好。 装置加上电源后,面板上“运行”指示灯应该闪烁、数码管循环显示一次测量值、液晶
循环显示保护、测量等运行数据。 装置D25~D28端子为4~20mA直流信号测量回路,测试时必须由特定的设备提供信号源,
为避免变压器合闸时三相不同步可能引起的保护误动,建议延时整定应不小于 0.2S。
图 2-3 过负荷动作逻辑
1.2.1 保护功能
三段式复合电压闭锁过流保护(电流速断、限时速断、定时限过电流) 反时限过电流保护 负序过流保护 过负荷保护 高压侧接地保护 低压侧接地保护 低电压保护 过电压保护 本体保护 非电量保护(2路)
1.2.2 辅助功能
谐波频谱分析 相位显示 积分电度和脉冲电度 装置自检故障告警 保护定值远方召唤和修改 故障录波 两路可编程4~20mA输出

b)无电气联系的各导电回路之间的绝缘电阻应不小于500 MΩ。

目录目录 (1)塔设备选型说明书 (1)1.1 塔型的选择原则 (1)1.2 填料塔和板式塔的比较 (1)1.2.1 板式塔塔型选择的一般原则 (2)1.2.2 板式塔的塔盘类型与选择 (3)1.2.3 填料塔填料选择 (4)1.3 塔型的结构与选择 (4)1.3.1 与物性有关的因素 (5)1.3.2 与操作条件有关的因素 (5)1.3.3 其他因素 (5)1.3.4 本厂实际情况的选择 (6)1.4 塔的设计 (6)1.4.1 塔的主要工艺尺寸计算 (7)1.5 CupTower校核 (18)1.6 塔负荷性能优化数据 (23)1.7 塔机械工程设计 (24)1.7.1 塔高的计算 (24)1.7.2 塔相关设计与校核参数 (25)1.7.3 SW6塔强度校核 (26)附塔设备一览表 (40)塔设备选型说明书1.1 塔型的选择原则精馏塔主要有板式塔、填料塔两种,它们都可以用作蒸馏和吸收等气液传质过程,但两者各有优缺点,要根据具体情况选择。
塔选型参考标准《固定式压力容器》GB 150-2011《压力容器封头》GB/T 25198-2010《石油化工塔器设计规范》SHT 3098-2011《钢制化工容器结构设计规定》HG/T 20583-2011《工艺系统工程设计技术规范》HG/T 20570-1995《塔顶吊柱》HG/T 21639-2005《不锈钢人、手孔》HG 21594-21604《钢制人孔和手孔的类型与技术条件》HG/T 21514-2005《钢制塔式容器》JB/T 4710-2005《钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件》HG/T 20592~20635-20091.2 填料塔和板式塔的比较表1-1 精馏塔的主要类型及特点类型板式塔填料塔结构特点每层板上装配有不同型式的气液接触元件或特殊结构塔内设置有多层整砌或乱堆的填料,如拉西环、鲍尔环、鞍型填料等散装填料,格栅、波纹板等规整填料操作特点气液逆流逐级接触微分式接触,可采用逆流操作,也可采用并流操作类型板式塔填料塔设备性能空塔速度(亦即生产能力)高,效率高且稳定;压降大,液气比的适应范围大,持液量大,操作弹性小大尺寸空塔气速较大,小尺寸空塔气速较小;要求液相喷淋量较大,持液量小,操作弹性大制造与维修直径在600mm以下的塔安装困难,金属材料耗量大新型填料制备复杂,造价高,检修清理困难,可采用非金属材料制造,但安装过程较为困难适用场合处理量大,操作弹性大,带有污垢的物料处理强腐蚀性,液气比大,真空操作要求压力降小的物料1.2.1 板式塔塔型选择的一般原则选择时应考虑的因素有:物料性质、操作条件、塔设备性能及塔的制造、安装、运转、维修等。

• 同一通话组或不同通话组之间的用户均可进行这种呼叫。
2.1 发起私密呼叫
1. 在待机屏幕拨号。 2. 按下然后松开PTT键。对讲机将发出铃声。等待对方接
听呼叫。 3. 要结束通话,请按下开关/结束/返回键。
1.2 显示的图标
信号强度(TMO) 显示信号强度。四根短线全部显示表示信号为最强。在信号微弱的区域可能无法发送或接收。 无短线表示不在服务区。转移到图标显示信号更强的地带,再重试呼叫。
表示 MTP850正处于低音频模式。在 私密呼叫过程中,用户通过耳机接听呼叫。
1. 将电池顶部插入电池槽 2. 小心按下电池顶部直至卡入电池槽。
• 关闭对讲机 • 推动底部的插销 • 推起电池底部。
5. 注意事项
• 切勿将 MTP850 或电池置于极高温度的环境中 (超过 60ºC)。 • 切勿将 MTP850 对讲机浸没在水中。
4.1 电池保养——延长电池工作时间
• 要确保对讲机提供最长使用时间,在更换电池时,务必仅 使用摩托罗拉原厂电池。
• 切勿将对讲机和/或电池置于充电器中,除非准备充电。
标准容量电池 - 950 mAh 锂电池 (FTN6573
超高容量电池 - 1850 mAh 锂电池( FTN6574)
按下 PTT键也可自动选择通话组并开始呼叫。

LBI-38834CMAINTENANCE MANUALFRONT COVER ASSEMBLY19D903620G1DESCRIPTIONFront Cover Assembly 19D903620G1 is used with the M-PA portable radios. This assembly consists of LCD Board 19D902814P1, Keypad Flex 19D902810P1, Speaker Flex 19B235116G1, UDC Flex 19C337149G2, Battery Plate 19D902818P1, the die-cast aluminum front cover and the related hardware. The speaker and microphone are also in-cluded in this assembly.The Control Board is installed into the 19D903620G1 assembly at the factory when the radio is assembled. This board contains all of the microcomputer and audio circuitryTABLE OF CONTENTSPage DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LCD BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 FLEX CIRCUITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 BATTERY PLATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MICROPHONE AND SPEAKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 LCD BOARD PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 KEYPAD FLEX PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 DISPLAY/KEYPAD BACKLIGHTING PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SPEAKER TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MICROPHONE TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TESTING WITH THE FRONT COVER TEST ACCESSORY KITS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PARTS LISTSFRONT COVER ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 LCD BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 KEYPAD FLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MECHANICAL PARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 OUTLINE DIAGRAMSLCD BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 KEYPAD FLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SPEAKER FLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 UDC FLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMSSTANDARD APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 AEGIS AND VOICE GUARD APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSLCD BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 KEYPAD FLEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ericssonzfor the portable radio. It is not included with the 19D903620G1 assembly. See the maintenance manual spe-cific to the Control Board for details on this board.CIRCUIT ANALYSISLCD BOARDDisplay CircuitryM-PA radios utilize an LCD Board located behind the display bezel. When the display is updated, the Control Board serially loads the LCD Board with new display data. Interconnections on the Keypad Flex provide the serial con-nections between J4 on the Control Board and J10 on the LCD Board. The Keypad Flex also provides power and ground connections from the Control Board to the LCD Board.Integrated circuit U1 is a 7225 LCD controller/driver "chip-on-board" IC that accepts the serial display data from the Control Board and provides multiplex operation for liquid crystal display DS3. This IC generates four (4) com-mon plane and 32 segment drive signals for the LCD. An oscillator and divider circuit in U1 generates the multiplex clock. Resistor R1 sets the oscillator’s frequency to approxi-mately 130 kHz. V oltage divider R2 - R5 provides three (3) of the four (4) required LCD drive reference voltages. The 7225 contains a refresh memory bit for each of the 128 display segments. This memory allows the display to operate without constant updating from the Control Board.The LCD is arranged with four common planes and 32 segments. Each display digit utilizes 4 segments in all 4 common planes for a total of 16 segments. The alphanumeric portion utilizes 14 segments and the remaining 2 segments are the status flags located above and below the respective digit. Liquid crystal displays respond to alternating currents through a segment rather than a constant current; the display is driven with a varying ac waveform. The four common planes are driven with constant waveforms and the segment waveforms are varied depending on whether segments are on or off.A backlight driver circuit on the LCD Board drives the two (2) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on each side of the display when a button or control on the radio is operated. This feature may be enabled or disabled on a per channel basis with the programmable options. Backlighting is con-trolled by the DISPLIT output (pin 13) of serial-to-parallel shift register U2. This signal, when high, saturates Q2 and Q1, lighting DS1 and DS2 from the power supply. On radios equipped with keypads, this switched source (LED DRIVE) is also supplied to J10 pins 6, 24 and 25 to light the LEDs under the keypad buttons.Shift register U2 also has a logic output for LCD con-troller command/data (C/D) selection. Both the C/D and DISPLIT are clocked-out as a part of the same byte that sets the column outputs as explained in the following paragraph. Keypad CircuitryThe keypad is arranged in a four (4) column by eight (8) row matrix. It is read by successively setting each column output to a logic 0 and examining the row inputs. Any row at logic 0 when examined indicates a closed switch. Three (3) columns are used to read the keypad switches and the fourth column reads group/channel switch S1. Specifically, columns 0 (COL 0) through 2 (COL 2) are utilized to read the switches on the flex and column 3 (COL 3) is used to read S1. See the charts on the Keypad Flex schematic for details on column-to-row connections and the coding of S1.The I/O Microcontroller on the Control Board serially reads the keypad matrix as follows:•Using CLOCK and DATA OUT, a byte is clocked into U2 on the LCD Board.•The byte is then latched to the Q outputs of U2 via SR STB, the strobe pulse; one of the C0 - C3columns is set low.•SER ENA is pulsed to latch new instantaneous row data into shift register U3. Any row with a closedswitch contact will latch a 0 into U3 for that row.•Using CLOCK and DATA IN, the I/O Micro clocks the new row data into itself.•This process is repeated twice every 50 ms, with the I/O Micro scanning each column by setting thesubsequent column output low.Scan and System model radios utilize LEDs on the Keypad Flex to backlight the keypad. Outputs from the backlight driver circuit on the LCD Board drive the associ-ated LEDs.FLEX CIRCUITSKeypad FlexWith the exception of the on/off switch on the battery pack, all of the radio’s operating controls are connected to the Keypad Flex. This flex circuit also interconnects the Control Board to the LCD Board.Copyright© September 1992, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc. LBI-388342V olume control (R20) and group/channel switch (S1) are soldered to this flex. The I/O Microcontroller on the Control Board uses the logic on the LCD Board to read the switches. On M-PA Scan and System model radios the four (4) switches on the top of the keypad (S2, S3, S4 and S5) are used. Keypad switches S6 through S17 are utilized in M-PA System model radios. Switches S18, S19 and S20 are the PTT, Monitor and Emergency/Home switches respectively. UDC FlexThis flex circuit provides interconnections between the Con-trol Board and the UDC. It also connects the internal micro-phone to the Control Board. UDC Flex interconnections are shown on the interconnection diagram.Speaker FlexThe Speaker Flex connects the speaker to the Control Board. High and low speaker leads are available at the Battery Plate connector for test purposes. When the battery pack is in-stalled, enabling (shorting) contacts on the pack connect the low-side of the speaker to the Control Board, thus enabling the speaker. Speaker Flex interconnections are included on the interconnection diagram.BATTERY PLATEThe Battery Plate furnishes connections between the battery and the radio and it provides RF bypassing for the speaker. Fuse F1, housed in this plate, is externally accessible by removing the small cover on the bottom of the radio after the battery pack is removed. Battery Plate interconnections are shown on the interconnection diagram. MICROPHONE AND SPEAKERThe internal electret microphone used in the Front Cover Assembly requires a dc bias. A pull-up resistor on the Control Board delivers this current to the MIC HI line (approxi-mately 2.2 Vdc). Average speech into microphone will pro-duce 10 - 30 mV rms on the MIC HI line.The speaker is a 24 ohm, 1/2 watt device which connects to the 3-pin connector at the base of the Control Board. The Speaker Flex provides this interconnection.TROUBLESHOOTINGThe following outlines list component-level troubleshooting steps. Most of these tests can be completed without removing any assemblies from the Front Cover and with the Control Board in-place and operating. Avoid bending the flex circuits at sharp angles when they must be repositioned to gain access to a test point.LCD BOARD PROBLEMS1.Inspect the LCD for cracks or other damage.2.Verify 5.4 Vdc (nominal) supply power from theControl Board’s regulator is being delivered to theLCD Board via the Keypad Flex. The supply voltagevaries depending upon the type of Control Boardinstalled; see the Control Board maintenance manualfor the specific supply voltage. The LCD Board andKeypad Flex consume less than 1.6 mA with allsegments and backlighting off. The high-side of thevolume potentiometer is a convenient test point toverify power is applied to the Keypad Flex. On theLCD Board, power should be present on the lowerterminal of R11 (nearest Q2) and on both terminalsof R12. Less than 1.0 Vdc should be across R12.3.If the display and keypad are inoperative or intermit-tent first suspect the J4/P4 connection at the ControlBoard or the J10/P10 connection between the LCDBoard and Keypad Flex. J10/P10 inspection willrequire removal of the Control Board and the shieldbetween it and the Keypad Flex.4.Problems with shift register U2 will also cause dis-play and keypad problems. If U2 is not operatingcorrectly the keypad columns are most likely notbeing sequentially set low and the display com-mand/data (C/D) output to U1 is probably not puls-ing. Monitor COL 3 at the common (center) terminalof group/channel switch S1 for low-going pulses. Ifnone are present, verify the Control Board is clockingdata into U2. See the Control Board service informa-tion for specific keypad scanning waveforms. If thesepulses appear normal, U2 is most likely defective andLCD Board replacement will be required.5.Check voltage divider R2 - R5 and verify proper LCDreference voltages are being delivered to U1 pins 3,4 and 5. The measurements should be within ±0.5Vdc of the values listed on the Keypad Flex sche-matic.LBI-3883436.Monitor U1 pin 2 with an oscilloscope; a test pad isprovided between U1 and R2. Negative-going pulsepairs should be present spaced 4 milliseconds apart.The pulses will be approximately 30 us wide. SuspectR1 or U1 if the pulses are not present.7.At the plated-thru holes near U1 on the LCD Board,monitor CLOCK and DATA OUT from the ControlBoard to U1 pins 8 and 9 respectively. These signalsfrom the I/O Micro are writing to U1 and U2, readingU3 and writing/reading the Audio Processor IC onthe Control Board.KEYPAD FLEX PROBLEMS1.If only a few buttons appear intermittent, verify theassociated contacts are clean. On Scan and Systemmodel radios, the front panel and keypad can beremoved to gain access to the front keypad contacts.2.If the Control Knob (group/channel switch) is theonly problem item, first suspect switch S1 or theassociated flex connections. There may also be aproblem with the COL 3 output from U2 on the LCDBoard or one of the four (4) diode-isolated row inputs(ROW 0A - ROW 3A). See LCD BOARD PROB-LEMS for details on COL 3 troubleshooting.3.If only some of the positions of the Control Knob areinconsistent with the radio’s programming and/or allswitches in a single row on the keypad are inoperativethere is a row problem between the switch matrix andU3 on the LCD Board. Suspect the J10/P10 connec-tions or one of the series connecting 1K resistors, the100K pull-ups or a bad U3 input. For example, if R23on the LCD Board opens (series 1K resistor for ROW0), the PTT Button and some positions of the ControlKnob will not operate, but the Monitor Button willoperate normally.4.Suspect D5, D6 or D7 if all rows in a single columnare inoperative and the corresponding U2 output isOK. For example, if D7 opens (COL 0), the Monitor,PTT and Emergency/Home Buttons will not operate,but the Control Knob will operate normally. Alsosuspect the J10/P10 connections.5.Monitor DATA IN at J4/P4 pin 4 for a change ofpulse pattern when a button is pressed or the ControlKnob is rotated.DISPLAY/KEYPAD BACKLIGHTING PROBLEMS1.With the PC Programmer, verify backlighting is en-abled for the particular channel(s).2.Monitor the junction of R8, R9 and the base of Q2.This point should go from 0 Vdc to approximately0.5 Vdc when the backlight turns on. Suspect U2 onthe LCD Board if the level does not change or if it isinverted.3.On the LCD Board, check Q2’s collector. It shouldbe less than 1.0 Vdc when the backlight is on.4.On the LCD Board, check Q1’s collector. It shouldbe greater than 4.0 Vdc with backlighting on.5.If there is a problem with keypad backlighting onScan and System model radios (with LCD backlight-ing OK), suspect the LED DRIVE contacts atJ10/P10.SPEAKER TESTSThe internal speaker can be quickly tested by applying audio from a signal generator to the appropriate pins on the Battery Plate with the battery removed. With the Front Cover face-down on the bench, apply audio from a signal generator to the second and third pins from the left. The speaker impedance is 24 ohms and it is a 1/2-Watt device. See the Control Board’s service information for receive audio prob-lems with the Control Board.NOTESince the ICs on the LCD Board are "chip-on-board" devices, failure of any IC on the board will require LCD Board replacement.LBI-388344MICROPHONE TESTSA dc bias of approximately 2.2 Vdc should be present on the internal MIC HI line (J1/P1 pin 14). If this voltage is near 2.7 Vdc, suspect an open UDC Flex or MK1. Average speech into the mic should produce 10 - 30 mV rms on the MIC HI line. See the Control Board’s service information for transmit audio problems with the Control Board. TESTING WITH THE FRONT COVER TEST ACCESSORY KITSLCD Board and Keypad Flex can be tested without the Control Board using Front Cover Test Accessory Kits SPK9010 and SPK9011 and an IBM PC or compatible com-puter. Procedures outlined in the Front Cover Test Accessory maintenance manual (LBI-38518) list the steps required to install Adapter Board 19D902562P3 and the Front Cover Test Cable 19D902562P5 and make the connections to an IBM PC or compatible computer’s parallel printer port. Using this set-up, the LCD Board, Keypad Flex, volume potentiometer, group/channel switch and the microphone can all be tested without removing them from the Front Cover. Since the Control Board is not required in this test set-up, substitution permits a problem to be quickly nar-rowed to the either the Control Board or the circuits in the Front Cover.LCD Extender Plate and Clamp 19D902562P1, LCD Test Cable 19D902562P2 and the "D - TEST DISPLAY " selection of the MPATEST program cannot be used to test LCD Board 19D902814P1. Use only the "F - TEST FRONT COVER OR KEYPAD" selection in the MPATEST pro-gram.Ericsson Inc.Private Radio SystemsMountain View RoadLynchburg, Virginia1-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)Printed in U.S.A.LBI-38834FRONT COVER ASSEMBLY19D903620G1ISSUE 1SYMBOLPART NUMBERDESCRIPTIONLCD BOARD 19D902814P1(See Separate Parts List).KEYPAD FLEX 19D902810P1(See Separate Parts List).SPEAKER FLEX 19B235116G1219D438674P1Speaker Flex. (Bare).319A704852P163Plug: 3-Pin, Gold Plated.BATTERY PLATE 19D902818P1UDC FLEX 19C337149G2219D438711P1UDC connector.319D902265P1PTT keypad.519D902811P1UDC Flex. (Bare).FRONT COVER ASSEMBLY — — — — — FUSES— — — —F119A702169P11Enclosed link; rated 5 amps @ 125 v; sim to Littelfuse 255003.— — — LOUDSPEAKERS— —LS119A149673P1Round: Water Proof, 24 ohms, 1/2 w.; sim to Line Electric Co. VS-50W24.— — —MICROPHONES — — —MK119A701301P3Cartridge: Electret.— — — — RESISTORS— — —R2019A134528P4Variable: 50K ohms ±10%, 1/2 w.; sim to Allen Bradley Type SP.— — — — SWITCHES — — — —S119A149612P1Rotary: 16 Position Gray Code; sim to Cole #1800-4240 or Grayhill 26YY Special.— — — MISCELLANEOUS— —219D902812P1Cover, Front: Aluminum.319D902813P1Shield, Chassis. (Under Control Board).419B235140P1Pad. (Used at P1).519B235140P2Pad. (Used at P4).619A705701P104Screw, Machine: Torx, Pan Head; M2 x 4. (Secures LCD Board).719D438683P1Plate, Stop. (Used under Group/Channel Control).819B802000P1Strip, Adhesive. (Secures Control Panel).919C852139P1Button, Emergency: Red.1019D902815P1Panel, Control.PARTS LIST*COMPONENTS, ADDED, DELETED OR CHANGED BY PRODUCTION CHANGESSYMBOLPART NUMBERDESCRIPTION1119A127319P1Nut: 1/4-32. (Secures R20).1219A127319P2Nut: 1/4-28. (Secures S1).1319C852161G2Knob, Volume. (Includes Set Screw L19BP10005B17)1419C852161G1Knob, Group/Channel. (Includes Set Screw L19BP10005B17).1519A149546P1Nut, UDC.1619C337462P1Gasket. (Used with LS1 and MK1).1719B235074P1Cover, Fuse. (Used with Battery Plate).1819A702362P102Screw, Machine: Torx, Flat Head, M2 x 2.75. (Secures Battery Plate, quantity required = 2).1919A705701P4Screw, Machine: Torx, Pan Head; M1.6 x 4. (Secures Battery Plate Ground Contact).2019B801539P3Pad, Friction.2119B801539P4Pad, Friction. (Located below UDC/Monitor PTT Assembly).224037064P25Washer, non-metallic. (Used with R20).2519A701648P4Adhesive/Sealant (As required).26344A3243P1Insulator. (Used with MK1).2719A149819P1Adhesive, Cyanoacry (As required).2819C851997P1Gasket, Speaker.29344A3854P1Insulator. (Used on Item 3 Shield at LS1).3019A705940P104Screw, Machine: Torx, Flat Head; M2 x 4. (Secures Battery Plate, quantity required = 1).3119B234763P26Pad.32344A4026P1Plate, Steel. (Used at J10/P10).3319A705701P6Screw, Machine: Torx, Pan Head; M1.6 x 6. (Used at J10/P10, quantity required = 2).34344A4027P1Pad, Rubber. (Used at J10/P10)3519B234763P27Pad, Adhesive Lined.3619B801968P1Support, Emergency.LBI-388346KEYPAD FLEX 19D902810P1ISSUE 1LCD BOARD 19D902814P1ISSUE 1PARTS LISTSYMBOLPART NUMBERDESCRIPTION— — — — CAPACITORS — — —C119A702052P5Ceramic: 1000 pF ±10%, 50 VDCW.thru C4C519A702052P14Ceramic: 0.01 uF ±10%, 50 VDCW.C619A705205P2Tantalum: 1 uF, 16 VDCW; sim to and Sprague 293D.C7— — — — — DIODES — — — —D119A700155P2Silicon: 100 mA, 35 PIV.thru D7— —INDICATING DEVICES —DS119A705713P2LED: Green; sim to HLMP-6500.and DS2DS319B801594P1LCD: sim to LXD 57IE3F99KGSZ.— — — — — JACKS — — — —J10Part of Printed Wire Board.— — — — TRANSISTORS — — —Q119A700059P2Silicon, PNP: sim to MMBT3906, low profileQ219A700076P2Silicon, NPN: sim to MMBT3904, low profile.— — — — RESISTORS — — —R119B801251P184Metal film: 180K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R219B801251P103Metal film: 10K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.thru R4R519B801251P472Metal film: 4.7K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R619B801251P104Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R719B801251P101Metal film: 100 ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R819B801251P473Metal film: 47K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R919B801251P223Metal film: 22K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R1019B801251P152Metal film: 1.5K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R1119B801251P332Metal film: 3.3K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R1219B801251P471Metal film: 470 ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.R1519B801251P104Metal film: 100K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.thru R22R2319B801251P102Metal film: 1K ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.thru R30R3119B801251P221Metal film: 220 ohms ±5%, 1/10 w.thru R33*COMPONENTS, ADDED, DELETED OR CHANGED BY PRODUCTION CHANGESSYMBOL PART NUMBERDESCRIPTION—INTEGRATED CIRCUITS — —NOTE: U1 - U3 are non-replaceable "chip-on-board" components.U1LCD Controller/Driver: sim to NEC uPD7225G.U2Digital: 8-Bit Shift Register; sim to CD4094.U3Digital: 8-Bit Shift Register; sim to MC14021.— — — MISCELLANEOUS — — — (See Drawing 19D902814, Sh. 3)319C337137P1Frame, LCD 419A703685P4Connector, LCD.519D438686P1Diffuser, Light.SYMBOLPART NUMBERDESCRIPTION— — — —DIODESD119A134587P2Silicon: 2 Diodes in series, Common Cathode; sim to BAV 70 and BAV 74.— — INDICATING DEVICES — —DS1Diode: Green LED; sim to thru HSMG-TX100.DS6— — — — — PLUGS — — — — —P4Part of Flex Board.P10Part of Flex Board.— — — — RESISTORS — — — —R20Part of Front Cover Assembly.— — — — SWITCHES — — — —S1Part of Front Cover Assembly.S2Part of Flex Board.thru S20— — — MISCELLANEOUS — — —19B235119P1Dome Switch Snap. (Used with S18 and S19).*COMPONENTS, ADDED, DELETED OR CHANGED BY PRODUCTION CHANGESLBI-388347FRONT COVER ASSEMBLY 19D903620G1(19D903620, Sh. 2, Rev. 10)15272J101PART OF A4910141320"A"2PART OF A521MECHANICAL PARTSLBI-388348MECHANICAL PARTS LBI-38834FRONT COVER ASSEMBLY19D903620G1(19D903620, Sh. 1, Rev. 10)19D 902812P 1LOCATING PIN FOR A1 TYPICALVIEW AT "B"ITEMS 10,13 & 14 REMOVED FOR CLARITYSECTION "C-C"VIEW AT "D""D""B""C""C"LOCATING PINFOR P4TYP 2 PLACESVIEW AT "A"ITEMS 10,13 & 14 REMOVED FOR CLARITY"E"VIEW AT "E"12.9LBI-38834OUTLINE DIAGRAMSLCD BOARD 19D902814P1(19D902814, Sh. 2, Rev. 3)(5000079-01, Sh. 4, Rev. C)(5000079-01, Sh. 7, Rev. C)KEYPAD FLEX 19D902810P1(19D902810, Sh. 1, Rev. 5)COMPONENT SIDESOLDER SIDECOMPONENT SIDE10OUTLINE DIAGRAMS LBI-38834SPEAKER FLEX19B235116G1(19B235116, Sh. 1, Rev. 4)(19D438674, Top Image, Rev. 0)(19D438674, Bottom Image, Rev. 0)UDC FLEX19C337149G2(19C337149, Sh. 2, Rev. 1)(19D902811, Top Image)(19D902811, Bottom Image)19D438674P1COMPONENT SIDESOLDER SIDECOMPONENT SIDE SOLDER SIDELBI-38834INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAMSTANDARD APPLICATIONS(19D902383, Sh. 3, Rev. 0)INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM LBI-38834AEGIS AND VOICE GUARDAPPLICATIONS(19D902383, Sh. 4, Rev. 0)LBI-38834SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM LCD BOARD19D902814P1Sheet 1 of 2(19D902814, Sh. 4, Rev. 3)SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM LBI-38834LCD BOARD19D902814P1Sheet 2 of 2(19D902814, Sh. 5, Rev. 3)LBI-38834SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM KEYPAD FLEX19D902810P1(19D902810, Sh. 4, Rev. 5)。
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设计思路流程图三.塔板的工艺设计1.基础物性数据(1)操作温度精馏段平均温度: t m1=267.4317 K提馏段平均温度: t m2=278.512 K(2)操作压强精馏段平均操作压力: P m1= 3565021 Pa提馏段平均操作压力: P m2=3600119 Pa(3)平均摩尔质量的计算精馏段平均摩尔质量: M V1= 28.0995 g/mol M L1= 28.1098 g/mol 提馏段平均摩尔质量: M V2=29.0543 g/molM L2= 29.0775 g/mol (4)平均密度计算精馏段气相密度: ρv1=79.9535 kg/m3提留段气相密度:ρv2= 81.1389 kg/m3精馏段液相密度:ρL1 = 372.2888 kg/m3提馏段液相密度:ρL2 = 363.2018 kg/m3(5)液体平均表面张力计算精馏段平均表面张力:σ1= 0.005396 N/m提馏段平均表面张力:σ2= 0.004895 N/m(6)液体平均粘度计算塔顶液相平均的黏度:μD=0.05243 mPa﹒s进料板液相平均黏度:μF=0.05246 mPa﹒s塔底板液相平均黏度:μW=0.04300 mPa﹒s精馏过程Aspen模拟数据(7)气液相体积流率为精馏段 V S1=0.103097 m3/sL S1=0.019461 m3/s提馏段 V S2=0.099845 m3/sL S2=0.022816 m3/s 2.物料衡算、回流比和塔板数的确定(1)塔的物料衡算Aspen模拟数据如下(2)回流比的确定由模拟数据得回流比R=7(3)求精馏塔的气液相负荷L=R×D=7×131.39=919.73 kmol/hV=(R+1)D=(7+1)×131.39=1051.12 kmol/hLˊ=L+(1-ψ)F=919.73+(1-0.2276)×152.64=1037.63 kmol/h Vˊ=V-ψF=1051.12-0.2276×152.64=1016.38 kmol/h(4)实际板数的求取有Aspen模拟得到N=963.精馏塔工艺尺寸的计算(1)塔径的计算由Aspen模拟数据得塔径D=1.6 m则实际空塔气速为 u=4V S/D2/π=4*0.101471/1.62/π=0.05049 m/s (2)精馏塔有效高度的计算取板间距H T=0.5 m精馏段有效高度为Z精=(N精-1)×H T=49×0.5=24.5 m提馏段有效高度为Z提=(N提-1)×H T=45×0.5=22.5 m在进料板上方开一人孔,其高度为0.8 m。
故精馏塔的有效高度为Z=Z精+Z提+0.8=24.5+22.5+0.8=47.8 m4.降液管、溢流装置设计因塔径D=1.6 m可采用单溢流、弓形降液管、凹形受液盘及平直堰,不设进口堰。
(1)溢流堰长l w取堰长l w=1.12 m(2)溢流堰堰高h wh w=h L-h ow取E=1.0,则h ow=(2.84/1000)E(L h/l w)2/3=(2.84/1000) ×(82.1376/1.12)2/3=0.04976 m取板上清液层高度h L=0.09 m故 h w=h L-h ow=0.09-0.04976=0.04024 m(3)降液管的宽度W d和降液管的面积f A由l w/D=0.7,查得W d/D=0.1430, A f/A T=0.0878故 W d=0.1430×1.6=0.2288 mA f=0.0878A T=0.0878×2.0096=0.1764 m(4)降液管底隙高度h 0 h 0= h w -0.006=0.03424 m选用凹形受液盘,深度mmh W 58'5.筛孔布置(1)安定区W s 和边缘区W c 取W s =80 mm; W c =50 mm (2) 孔径d o 和孔中心距t 取d o =5 mm: t=4d o =20 mm (3) 开孔区面积A ax=(D/2)-( W d +W s )=0.4912 m r=( D/2)- W c =0.75 m 由图可查得,A a =1.42 m 2 (4) 筛孔数nn=(1158×103/t 2) A a =(1158×103/202)×1.42=4111个 采用正三角形排列6.精馏段塔板流体力学性能的验算Aspen 模拟数据如下(1)计算气相通过筛板塔板的压降f P ∆单板压降Kpa P f 7.00.3KPa ≤=∆(设计允许值) (2)降液管中清夜层高度d H由模拟数据得H d =0.2377 m 最大液泛因子=0.5146 < 0.8 故不会产生液泛。
(3)核算雾沫夹带量V eU g =V s /(A T - A f )=0.1031 /(2.0096-0.1764 )=0.0562 m/s h f =2.5 h L =2.5×0.09=0.225 mU g /(H T - h f )=0.0562/(0.5-0.225)=0.2044 s -1σ=5.396 dyn/cme v =(0.0057/σ)[ U g /(H T - hf )]3.2=(0.0057/5.396)则e v <0.1 kg/kg 汽,符合要求(4)严重漏液校核h σ=4σ/(9810γL d o )=4×5.396/(9810×372.29×0.005)=0.00118 m 液柱 u om =4.4C O √(0.0056+0.13h L - h σ) γL /γg =0.844 m/s u o =V s /(n πd 02/4)=1.278 m/sK= u o / u om =1.51>1.5, 符合要求 7.小结1. 从塔板负荷性能图中可看出,按生产任务规定的气相和液相流量所得到的操作点P 在适宜操作区的适中位置,说明塔板设计合理。
2. 因为液泛线在雾沫夹带线的上方,所以塔板的气相负荷上限由雾沫夹带控制,操作下限由漏液线控制。
3. 按固定的液气比,气相负荷上限max s V =0.2 m 3/s,气相负荷下限 min s V ≤0.0681 m 3/s ,所以可得94.20681.02.0min max ===s s V V 操作弹性 四、辅助设备1.冷凝器工艺参数由模拟数据得,冷凝器热负荷为-1774.98KJ/s ,操作温度为266.4K,馏出物流量为0.0361Kmol/s ,回流量为0.2527Kmol/s 。
2.再沸器工艺参数由模拟数据得,再沸器热负荷为1715.64 KJ/s ,操作温度为291.3K ,蒸馏残渣流量为0.00581 Kmol/s ,再沸流量为0.2734 Kmol/s 。
五.塔附件设计1.接管 (1)进料管进料管的结构类型很多,有直管进料管、T 型进料管、弯管进料管。
本设计采用直管进料管,管径计算如下:D =取F u 1.6m/s =, V s =0.1031 m 3/sD=(4×0.1031/3.14/1.60)0.5=286 mm (2)回流管采用直管自回流管,取R u 1.6m/s =。
同上,d R =120 mm (3)塔底出料管取W u 1.6m/s =,直管出料 d w =20 mm (4)塔顶产品出料管直管出料,取出口速度 1.6/u m s =。
d D =50 mm2.筒体与封头 (1)筒体壁厚选18mm ,所用材质为Q235A (2)封头封头分为椭圆形封头、蝶形封头等几种,本样封设计采用椭圆形封头,由公称直径D=1600mm.选用封头1600×18,JB1154-73。
直边高度40mm,弯边高度400mm,则封头的总高为440mm 。
3.除沫器因为本设计空塔气速<1.5m/s ,故可以不设除沫器 4.裙座塔底常用裙座支撑,裙座的结构性能好,连接处产生的局部阻力小,所以它是塔设备的主要支座形式,为了制作方便,一般采用圆筒形。
由于裙座内径>800mm ,故裙座壁厚取16mm 。
基础环内径:3bi D (2800216)(0.20.4)102532mm =+⨯-⨯=: 基础环外径:3bo D (2800216)+(0.20.4)103132mm =+⨯⨯=:经圆整后裙座取bi D 2.6m =,bo D 3.2m =;基础环厚度考虑到腐蚀余量取12mm ;考虑到再沸器,裙座高度取4.4m ,地脚螺栓直径取M44。