

最新-高中英语 Unit 5《Music》教案1 新人教版必修2 精品

最新-高中英语 Unit 5《Music》教案1 新人教版必修2 精品

Unit 5 musicUsing languageTeaching goals1.To encourage Ss talk about singers and their bands and life2.To develop the Ss’ ability of listening for information and using English.3.To enable Ss to have a better understanding of the importance of music. Teaching proceduresWarming upBefore class, get the Ss to enjoy some music for about 5 minutes to warm them up. Then ask Ss to talk about their hobbies and interests to lead in the topic of music and bands.T: What do you often do in your spare time?Are you fond of music? Why? Or why not?How do you often enjoy music?Who is your favorite singer?How much do you know about Freddy and his band?(Show Ss some pictures of Freddy and his band and let Ss talk about Freddy and his band as much as they can.)Listening and readingT: Now if you want to know more about Freddy’s life, please listen carefully. (let Ss find out the main idea of the story: a story about a band that become famous and did not like it.)Then let Ss read the passage and try to find the answers to the following questions.1.Why did not the bank like being famous?2.In what way was their life changed?After reading the passage, let Ss to work in pairs to discuss1.Do you think people would enjoy being famous? Why ? or why not?2.Would you like to be famous in the future? Give your reasons.3.How should we deal with being famous correctly?ListeningT: As we all know Freddy and his band “the Frog”are well-known all over the world. Do you want to know how the band was formed and enjoy a song form them? Please read this statements and then decide which of the following statements are true or false after listening.(listen twice and have a stop while necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.)Post-readingAsk Ss the question:1.What do you think of the band and their music?2.Describe Freddy and his band.Speaking (group work)Let Ss form their own band in group of four and decide who will play what instrument and who will sing. Decide the name of the band and what kind of band it will be.Then choose an English song for the band to perform and write their own famous quote about music. After group work, let each group choose one student to describe their band. If possible, let some of them perform to the whole class.Homework1.Write a short passage to describe their imaginary band2.Surf the internet to find more information about the bands in and out of chinaand choose one to describe in the next class.Unit 5 MusicTeaching Design (语法:教学设计)Learning about Language (The Attributive Clause preposition+which/ whom). A ims:◆ To help Ss learn about the Attributive Clause with a prep. in front.◆ To help Ss discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.◆To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)◆To help st udents discover and learn to use some useful structures. ProceduresI.Warming upWarming up by discovering useful words and expressionsTurn to P35 and do exercises No. 1, 2 & 3 first. Check your answers against you r classmates’.II. Learning about grammar1.Reading and thinking(Give Ss situations with pictures and words.) Read and think. As you read on, p ay attention to The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom), that i s, the attributive clauses with a prep. ahead of the relative pronoun shown in the sentences.For reference:① --what is the picture for?---This is a picture from which you can know more about music in U5.---o h, I see. That is wonderful.② Beijing is the city where /in which the 2018 Olympic Games will be held.③ Here is a picture from which we can know more about China.④--- Look ! How beautiful our hometown is!---Yeah! Shenxianju is a place in which (where) people can enjoy charming and natural landscapes.⑤ Harry Porter is a boy to whom I want to talk.⑥ The man for whom I bought the old picture is over eighty .⑦ The Maths teacher is the person from whom I got an A plus.2.Ask the Ss to draw a conclusion from the above examples.先行词在从句中做介词宾语,介词有两种位置:一是紧跟在先行词后;二是位于句尾或动词后。



A. after allB. in allC. above allD. all in allUnit 5 Music一、单词拼写1. The ball r ____ dow n the hill.2. A ___ the stamp to the front of your letter.3. Many fans were once impressed by Jay ' s wonderful p __________ .4. As babies, we r ____ en tirely on others for food.5. I ' m very sorry. To answ er this question is beyond my a ________ .6. He ' s a f ____ figure in the neighborhood.7. As far as I know. Miss Gao enjoys liste ning to f ___ music very much.8. His d _____ to his wife and family is touch ing.9. They s ____ all that they had whe n they were abroad.10. You are far too s ____ about her words.11. If you _________ ( 坚持)to the truth, you have nothing to fear.12.1 ' m told that she is an ______ ( 吸引力的 )girl.13.lf you want to sell your sofa, why not put an __ ( 广告)in the local n ewspaper?14. The group of popular sin gers will give ano ther two p _______ ( 演出)before leav ingChina.15. Police asked some p ________ ( 过路人)to get some evidenee about the accident happened just now. 、短语翻译9.偶然;意外地 ___________ 10. 谋生 _______________________________11. 分类 12. 表演 13. 坚持,坚守 14. 最重要15. 在形式上 16. 以便,以致17. 对,,自信 18. 变糟、单项选择:从A 、B C D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

人教英语新课标必修2全册精品教案( Unit 5 Music)

人教英语新课标必修2全册精品教案( Unit 5 Music)

人教英语新课标必修2全册精品教案( Unit 5 Music)Unit5musicPartone:TeachingDesignPeriod1:Asampleless onplanforreadingAims◆Tolearntotalkaboutkindsofmusic◆Tolearntoreadaboutbands◆TostudyTheAttributiveclause◆Tolearntowriteane-mailProceduresI.warmingupwarmingu pbydescribingGoodmorning,class.Todaywearegoingtotal kaboutaninterestingtopic---music.Asweknow,musicisak indofartofmakingpleasingcombinationsofsoundsinrhyth m,harmonyandcounterpoint.musiccanproducealivelyandh appyatmosphereandbringpeoplerelaxationafterhardwork ,whichcanreducethetiredness.Listeningtomusicalsomak espeoplefeelhappyandnice.Howmanydoyouknowaboutmusic ?canyoutellaboutdifferentkindsofmusic?Nowturntopage 33,lookatthepictures,readthecaptionsandlistentothed ifferentkindsofmusic.Seeifyoucanguesswhichmusicmatc heswithwhichpicture.warmingupbydiscussingHi,everyon e.Doyoulikemusic?Howmuchdoyouknowaboutmusic?canyoutellaboutthedifferentkindsofmusic?Pleaseturntopage33 .Lookatthepictures.Let’slistentosomemusic.Let’sseeifyoucanguesswhichmusicmatcheswithwhichpicture.classicalmusiccountrymusicRock‘n’RollRaporchestraFolkmusicyes,youareright.I’msureyouwillreallyenjoyyourselvesafterlisteningtoal lthesebeautifulmusic.whatkindofmusicdoyoulikebetter ,chineseorwestern,classicalormodern?why?Howdoesmusi cmakeyoufeel?whydoyouliketolistentomusic?Let’sdiscussthesequestionsinsmallgroups.Trytoshareyouro pinionswithoneanother.II.Pre-reading1.Thinkingandsa yingHaveyouheardaboutanyofthefamousbandsintheworld? Listsomeifyoucan.Forreference:I’veheardabout“TheBeatles”,“BackStreetBoys”,“TheEagles”,“westlife”and “PinkFloyd”.2.Listening,talkingandsharingLet’slistentosomepiecesofmusicfromdifferentbands.workin groupsoffour.Tellyourgroupmateswhichbandyoulikebest .why?Thenthegroupleaderistostandupandsharethegroupi deawiththeclass.Forreference:IamfromGroup1.ourgroup likes“TheBeatles”best.weliketheirstyleofperformances.Listeningtothei rperformances,wewillfeelrelaxed,amused,andtheirperf ormancesmakeusthinkalotaboutlife.Doyouknowanythinga bout“Themonkees”?Forreference:“Themonkees”isabandthatwasfirstpopularinthe1960sinAmerica.Unlik emostbandsofthetime,themonkeeswerenotformedbyitsmem bersbutratherbyTVproducers.Theywereafictionalbandin theTVshowofthesamename.ThebandwascomposedofmikeNesm ith,mickeyDolenz,Davyjones,andPeterTork.Allthemembe rshadsomemusicalexperience.Let’scometothereading---TheBandThatwasn’tandfindmoreaboutthem.III.Reading1.Readingaloudtoth erecordingNowpleaselistenandreadaloudtotherecording ofthetextTHEBANDTHATwASN’T.Payattentiontothepronunciationofeachwordandthepau seswithineachsentence.Iwillplaythetapetwiceandyoush allreadaloudtwice,too.2.ReadingandunderliningNextyo uaretoreadandunderlinealltheusefulexpressionsorcoll ocationsinthepassage.copythemtoyournotebookaftercla ssashomework.collocationsfromTHEBANDTHATwASN’Tdreamofdoing,ataconcert,withsb.clappingandenjoying …,singkaraoke,behonestwithoneself,gettoformaband,h ighschoolstudents,practiceone’smusic,playtopassers-by,inthesubway,earnsomeextramo ney,beginasaTVshow,playjokeson…,bebasedlooselyon…,theTVorganizers,makegoodmusic,putanadvertisementin anewspaper,lookforrockmusicians,pretendtodosth.,the attractiveperformances,becopiedby…,supportthemfier cely,becomemoreseriousabout…,playtheirowninstrumen ts,produceone’sownrecords,starttouring,breakup,inthemid-1980s,ace lebrationofone’stimeasarealband3.Readingtoidentifythetopicsentence ofeachparagraphSkimthetextandidentifythetopicsenten ceofeachparagraph.youmayfinditeitheratthebeginning, themiddleortheendoftheparagraph.1stparagraph:Howdopeoplegettoformaband?2ndparagraph:mostmusiciansmeetandformaband.3rdparagraph:onebandstartedasaTVshow.4thparagraph:“Themonkees”becameevenmorepopularthan “TheBeatles”.3.ReadingandtransferringinformationR eadthetextagaintocompletethetables,whichlisthowpeop leformedabandandhowThemonkeeswasformedbytheTVorgani zersandbecamearealband.Howdopeoplegettoformaband?me mbersHighschoolstudentsReasonsTheyliketowriteandpla ymusic.PlacesTheypracticetheirmusicinsomeone’shome.FormsTheymayplaytopassers-byinthestreetorsubw ay.ResultsTheycanearnsomeextramoney.Theymayalsohave achancetodreamofbecomingfamous.HowwasThemonkeesform edandbecamearealband?Themonkeesin1968:mickyDolenz,P eterTork,mikeNesmith&Davyjonesbeginningoftheban dItbeganasaTVshow.styleoftheperformanceTheyplayedjo kesoneachotheraswellasplayedmusic.firstmusicandjoke smostofthemwerebasedlooselyonthebandcalled “TheBeatles”.developmentofthebandTheybecamemorese riousabouttheirworkandstartedtoplaytheirowninstrume ntsandwritetheirownsongslikearealband.Theyproducedtheirownrecordsandstartedtouringandplayingtheirownmu sic.changesofthebandThebandbrokeupinabout1970,butre unitedinthemid-1980s.Theyproducedanewrecordin1996,w hichwasacelebrationoftheirtimeasarealband.4.Reading andunderstandingdifficultsentencesAsyouhavereadthet exttimes,youcansurelytellwhichsentencesaredifficult tounderstand.Nowputyourquestionsconcerningthediffic ultpointstome.IV.closingdownclosingdownbydoingexerc isesToendthelessonyouaretodothecomprehendingexercis esNo.1,2,3and4.closingdownbyhavingadiscussionDoyout hinktheTVorganizerswererighttocall“Themonkees”abandwhentheydidnotsingorwritetheirownsongs?why?For reference:Idon’tthinktheTVorganizerswererighttocall “Themonkees”abandwhentheydidnotsingorwritetheirownsongsbecauses ingingandwritingitsownsongswasthebasisofaband.Doyou agreethatthejokesweremoreimportantthanthemusicforth isband?Giveareason.Forreference:yes.Ithinkitisthejo kesthatreallyattractmorefans.No.Ithinkthepurposeoff ormingabandisgettingpeopletoenjoythespiritofmusic.I t’smoreimportantthanplayingjokesjusttomakepeoplelaugh.closingdownbyretellingtheformofthebandThemonkees.I shallwritesomekeywordsandexpressionsontheboard.youa retoretelltheformofthebandaccordingtothesewords.For reference:beginasaTVshow,theTVorganizers,lookfor,pu tanadvertisementinanewspaper,useactorsfortheotherme mbersoftheband,pretendtosingPeriod2:Asamplelessonpl anforLearningaboutLanguage.AimsTohelpstudentslearna bouttheAttributiveclausewithaprepositioninfront.Toh elpstudentsdiscoverandlearntousesomeusefulwordsande xpressions.Tohelpstudentsdiscoverandlearntousesomeu sefulstructures.ProceduresI.warmingupwarmingupbydis coveringusefulwordsandexpressionsTurntopage35anddoe xercisesNo.1,2and3first.checkyouranswersagainstyour classmates’.II.Learningaboutgrammar1.Readingandthi nkingTurntopage34andreadwithmethetextofTHEBANDTHATw ASN’t.Asyoureadon,payattentiontoTheAttributiveclause,th atis,theattributiveclauseswithaprepositionaheadofth erelativepronounshowninthesentences.Forreference:Th emusiciansofwhomthebandwasformedplayedjokesoneachot heraswellasplayedmusic.However,afterayearorsoinwhic htheybecamemoreseriousabouttheirwork,“Themonkees”startedtoplaytheirowninstrumentsandwritetheirownson gslikearealband.2.DoingexercisesNo.1and2onpage35Tur ntopage34.Lookatthetwosentences:Themusiciansofwhomt hebandwasformedplayedjokesoneachotheraswellasplayed music.However,afterayearorsoinwhichtheybecamemorese riousabouttheirwork,“Themonkees”startedtoplaytheirowninstrumentsandwritetheirownson gslikearealband.Payattentiontothestructure:preposit ion+uallyonlytworelativepronouns---whichandwhom---canbeusedintheAttributiveclause,wi thaprepositionputbeforetheclause.Thatcan’tbeused.Lookatthescreen.Herearemoreexamplesonthiski ndofstructure.1.Thisisthereasonforwhichhelefthishom etown.2.I’llneverforgetthedayonwhichwestayedtogether.3.Thisis thegirlfromwhomIlearnedthenews.4.ThepersontowhomIsp okejustnowisthemanagerthatItoldyouabout.5.I’llshowyouastoreinwhichyoumaybuyallthatyouneed.6.Ido n’tlikethewayinwhichyoulaughedather.NowgoontodoExerci seNo.2onpage36,thatis,tosortoutthesentences.III.ReadyusedmaterialsforTheAttributiveclauseInformalstyle sweoftenputaprepositionbeforetherelativepronounswhi chandwhom:·Therateatwhichamaterialheatsupdependson itschemicalcomposition.·InthenovelbyPeters,onwhich thefilmisbased,themaincharacterisateenager.·Anacto rwithwhomGelsonhadpreviouslyworkedcontactedhimabout therole.·Hermanyfriends,amongwhomIliketobeconsider ed,gaveherencouragement.Noticethatafterapreposition youcan’tusewhoinplaceofwhom,andyoucan’tusethatorzerorelativepronouneither:·Isitrightthat politiciansshouldmakeimportantdecisionswithoutconsu ltingthepublictowhomtheyareaccountable?·Thevalleyi nwhichthetownliesisheavilypolluted.·Arnoldtriedtog augethespeedatwhichtheyweretraveling.IninformalEngl ishweusuallyputtheprepositionattheendinattributivec lausesratherthanatthebeginning:·TheofficewhichGrah amledthewaytowasfilledwithbooks.·jim’sfootballingability,whichhewasnotedfor,hadbeenencou ragedbyhisparents.·Theplaygroundwasn’tusedbythosechildrenwhoitwasbuiltfor.Inthiscasewepr eferwhoratherthanwhom.Inrestrictiveattributiveclaus eswecanalsousethatorzerorelativepronouninsteadofwhoorwhichitwasbuiltfor).Iftheverbinattributiveclauses isatwo-or-three-wordverbwedon’tusuallyputtheprepositionatthebeginning:·youressayisoneofthoseI’llgothroughtomorrow.·rmalwrittenEngl ish,weoftenprefertouseofwhichratherthanwhosetotalka boutthings:·Ahugeamountofoilwasspilled,theeffectso fwhicharestillbeingfelt.·Theendofthewar,theanniver saryofwhichisonthe16thofNovember,willbecommemorated incitiesthroughoutthecountry.Notethatwecan’tuseofwhichinplaceofwhoseinthepatternsdescribedinUn it71B:·DorothywasabletoswitchbetweenGerman,Polisha ndRussian,allofwhichshespokefluently.wecansometimes usethat...ofinplaceofofwhich.Thisislessformalthanof whichandwhose,andismainlyusedinspokenEnglish:·Thes choolthatsheisheadofisclosingdown.whosecancomeafter aprepositioninattributiveclauses.However,itismorena turaltoputtheprepositionattheendinlessformalcontext sandinspokenEnglish:·weweregratefultomr.marks,inwh osecarwehadtraveledhome.·InowturntoFreud,fromwhose workthefollowingquotationistaken.IV.closingdownbydoingexercises:jointhesentencehalvesusingwhichorwhoma fteranappropriatepreposition.a.Iwouldneverhavefinishedthework.b.Itwasprimarilywritten.c.weknownothing.d.Theygotagoodview.e.Helearnedhowtoplaychess.f.Dennisscoredthreegoalsinthefinal.g.Shewasborn.h.Itwasdiscovered.1.Theyclimbeduptothetopofalargerock .2.Iwouldliketothankmytutor.3.Shehasnowmovedbacktot hehouseonLongIsland.4.ThestaristobenamedafterPatric kjenks.S.Thisistheball.6.Heisnowabletobeathisfather .7.Thebookisenjoyedbyadultsaswellaschildren.8.There arestillmanythingsinoursolarsystem.keyforreference: 1.Theyclimbeduptothetopofalargerock,fromwhichtheygo tagoodview.2.Iwouldliketothankmytutor,withoutwhomIw ouldneverhavefinishedthework.3.Shehasnowmovedbackto thehouseonLongIsland,inwhichshewasborn.4.Thestarist obenamedafterPatrickjenks,bywhomitwasdiscovered.S.Thisistheball.Dennisscoredthreegoalsinthefinal.6.Hei snowabletobeathisfather,fromwhomhelearnedhowtoplayc hess.7.Thebookisenjoyedbyadultsaswellaschildren,abo utwhomitwasprimarilywritten.8.Therearestillmanythin gsinoursolarsystem,aboutwhichweknownothing.Arethese correctorappropriate?Iftheyare,puta√.Iftheyarenot,giveareason,correctthemandgivealter nativesifyoucan.I.It'sapieceofjewelryacrosswhichIcameinanantiqueshop. ---whichIcameacrossinanantiqueshop.2.Theextraworkwhichshetookonwasstartingtoaffectherhea lth.3.mymother,afterwhomIlookedforover20years,diedlastyea r.4.ThepeoplewhomIworkwithareallveryfriendly.5.Some ofthecriticismswithwhichtheyhadtoputupwereveryunfai r.6.Hehadmanyfriendswithwhomhehadaregularcorrespond ence.7.ThewomantowhoheisengagedcomesfromPoland.8.Th eformswhichIhadtofillinwereverycomplicated.Rewritet hesesentencessothattheyaremoreappropriateforformalwepreposition+whichorpreposition+who se,asappropriate.I.TomSims,whosecartheweaponswerefoundin,hasbeenarrest ed.TornSims,inwhosecartheweaponswerefound,hasbeenar rested.2.TomHam,whosenoveltheTVseriesisbasedon,will appearinthefirstepisode.3.Drjacksonownsthecastlewho segroundsthemainroadpassesthrough.4.TessaParsonsisn owmanagingdirectorofSimons,thecompanythatshewasonce asecretaryin.5.Allowingtheweaponstobesoldisanaction thattheGovernmentshouldbeashamedof.6.Thedragonflyis aninsectthatweknowverylittleof.Period3:Asamplelesso nplanforUsingLanguageAimsToreadthestoryaboutFreddya ndthenenjoyandunderstandBeatles’songs.Tousethelanguagebyreading,listening,speakinga ndwriting.ProceduresI.warmingupbylisteningandwritin gTurntopage37andreadthesesentencesbeforelisteningto thetape.Thenlistentothetapeanddecidetrueorfalse.II. Guidedreading1.ReadingandtranslatingReadmoreaboutFreddy’slifeandtranslateitintochineseparagraphbyparagraph.2.ReadingandunderliningNextyouaretoreadandunderlineal ltheusefulexpressionsorcollocationsinthepassage.cop ythemtoyournotebookafterclassashomework.collocation sfromFreddy’slifebecomefamous,visitBritainonatour,waitforhourst ogetticketsfortheconcerts,beconfident,enjoysinginga ndallthecongratulations,themostexcitingexperience,s inginaTVprogramcalled“TopofthePops,wearanexpensivesuit,giveaperformance toaTVcamera,gowrong,notgooutwithoutbeingfollowedeve rywhere,wearsunglasses,hideinrailwaystations,one’spersonallife,becometoopainfulforsb.,packone’sbags3.DoingexercisesNowyouaregoingtodoexercisesNo.3,4and5 onpage38followingthearticle.Ex3:Herearetheincorrect sentenceswhichshouldbecrossedout.1.Freddyandhisbandalwayslovedbeingpopstars.2.Hisfavoriteprogramwas“TopofthePops”.3.ThingswentwrongbecauseFreddyandhisbandhidthemselves.4.Theyrealizedtheyhadtogobecausetheywerepainful.Exerc ise4Answerthesequestions:1.Thisisanopenquestionbywhichstudentsareaskedaboutthe iropinions.Answersmayvary.2.Answersmayvarybutthereisinformationinthereadingpass agethatmayinclude:---becomingrich;---doingajobyouwa nttodo;---havingmanyfans;---peopleenjoyingyourmusic .3.Answersmayvarybutinformationmayinclude:---peacefula ndquiet;---aprivatelifeawayfromcrowds;---apersonall ifewhichothersdonotdiscuss.Exercise5:ThemainideaisN o.3.Thisisastoryaboutabandthatbecamefamousanddidnot likeit.onlyNo.3bestsummarizesthemainidea,whileallth eothersreflectjustpartofthemainidea.Atfirst,Freddya ndhisbandwantedtobefamous,butwhenhebecamefamous,the ywerealwaysbeingfollowedwherevertheywent,whichtheyf oundpainful.III.Guidedwriting1.writingaletterforadv icePleaseturntopage38writing.Let’sreadtheinstructions.youandyourfriendswanttostartyo urownband.However,youhaveneverplayedinabandbefore.y ouwriteane-mailtoFreddyforhisadvice.Thee-mailisstar tedforyou,butyouhavetofinishit.you’dbetterdosomebrainstorminginsmallgroupsbeforewritin gyourletters.youshouldfollowtheprocedureforbrainsto rmingandoutliningintroducedinmodule1Unit2.writingti ps:1.IngroupsdiscusssomequestionsyouwouldliketoaskFreddy .2.makealistofthemandchoosethebestquestions.3.Shareyourideaswithanotherpair;discussallquestionsan dthendecidewhichonesyouwanttoaskFreddy.4.Useeachquestiontostartanewparagraph.5.writeyourquestionfirst;thenaddextrainformationtosho wFreddywhyyouneedhelp.6.FinishtheletterpolitelyandthankFreddyforhishelp.2.R eadingFreddy’sreplyLet’sreadFreddy’sreplyandanswerthequestions:---HowwasFreddy’sbandformed?---whatadvicedoesFreddygive?3.writingan oteandaparagraphPleaseturntopage74.Nowinpairsyouare goingtodecideonthebestwaytotellaforeignfriendabouto nekindofchinesefolkmusic.whatdoyouthinktheyneedtokn owbeforetheycanenjoyit?whydoyoulikeit?whoareyourfav oritesingers?Discussitwithyourpartnerandwritenotest oremindyouofyourmostimportantideas.Thenwriteaparagr aphtellingyourforeignfriendaboutthetypeofchinesefol eadictionaryandotherreference bookstohelpyou.IV.FurtherapplyingFindinginformation Gotothelibrarytoreadorgetonlinetosearchinordertofin dmoreinformationonmusicandmusicians.Takenotesofyour findingsandreportthemtoyourgroupmatesnextmondaymorn ing.V.closingdownbyfillingaformmakeuseofthetextando therstofillintheformbelow.Howdopeopleformabandmembe rsReasonsPlacesFormsResultsclosingdownbydescribinga bandToendthisperiod,Iamgoingtohavetwoofyoutodescrib etotheclassabandwhomyouappreciates.who’dliketospeakfirst?PartTwTeachingResourcesSection1:A textstructureanalysisofTHEBANDTHATwASN’TI.TypeofwritingandsummaryoftheideaTypeofwritingThisisapieceofnarrativewriting.mainideaofthepassageThe bandThemonkeeswasformedinquiteadifferentway.Itstart edasaTVshow,withmusiciansplayedjokesoneachotheraswe llasplayedmusic,basedlooselyonthebandcalledTheBeatl es.Astimewenton,theirattractiveperformancesgainedfi ercelysupportfromtheirfans.withtheirownparticularst yleofperformingtheirbandatlastbecameverypopularinth eUSA.Topicsentenceof1stparagraphHaveyoueverwantedto beafamoussingerormusician?Topicsentenceof2ndparagra phmostmusiciansmeetandformabandbecausetheyliketopla ymusic.Topicsentenceof3rdparagraphHowever,therewaso nebandthatstartedinadifferentway.Topsentenceof4thpa ragraphTheirattractiveperformanceswerecopiedbyother groupsandtheirfanssupportedthemfiercely.II.Atreedia gramDreamingofbeingafamousmusicianorsinger.Howmusic iansformbands.HowThemonkeesbecameseriousaboutthemus icbusiness.HowThemonkeesgottheirstart.III.Aretoldpassageofthetext1.Apossibleversion:Being afamoussingerormusicianmaybethedreamofmanypeople.Becomingamemberofabandmayhelpyourealizethedream.Butju sthowcanpeopleformaband?mostmusiciansoftenmeetandfo rmabandfortheyarecongenialwitheachother.Highschools tudentsmayalsoformabandtopracticemusictogetherorsom etimesplayinthestreettopassers-bytoearnsomeextramon ey,whichisalsoachancetorealizetheirdreamsofbecoming famous.However,Therewasabandwhichwasstartedinquitea differentway.Themusiciansofwhomthebandwasformedplay edjokesoneachotherandplayedmusic,looselybasedontheB eatles.Theirexcitingperformanceswerecopiedbyothergr oupsandwerefiercelysupportedbytheirfans.Thatbandwas Themonkees.Afterayearorso,Themonkeesbecamemoreserio usoftheirwork,playingtheirowninstrumentsandwritingt heirownmusic.Thoughitbrokeupin1970,itreunitedinthem id-1980sandisstillpopulartoday.Section2:Backgroundi nformationonmusic,musiciansandthebandThemonkeesI.Di fferenttypesofmusic:FolkmusicIthasbeenpasseddownfromonegenerationtoanother.Atfir stitwasneverwrittendown.Peoplelearnedthesongsfromth eirfamilies,relatives,neighborsandfriendsinthesamev illage.Thesesongswereaboutthecountrylife,theseasons,animalsandplants,andaboutloveandsadnessinpeople’slives.PopmusicItisakindofmodernmusicwithastrongbeatandnot oflastinginterest,especiallyjustfavoredforashorttim ebyyoungerpeople•Rock’n’RollItisalsocalledrockandroll,akindofmodernmusicwit hstrongbeat,playedloudlyonelectricalinstruments,inw hichthesingerrepeatsthesamefewsimplewords.jazzjazzwasbornintheUSAaround1890.Itcamefromworksongssu ngbyblackpeopleandhaditsrootsinAfrica.jazzstartedde velopinginthe1920sinthesouthernstates.Soonitwasplay edbywhitemusicians,too,andreachedotherpartsoftheUSA .AfricanmusicItplaysanimportantpartinpeople’slives,especiallyforwork,andatfestivalsandweddings, whenpeopledanceallnightlong.IndianmusicIt’snotwrittendown.Thereisabasicpatternofnoteswhichthe musicianfollows.Butalotofmodernmusicisalsowritten.I ndiaalsoproducesfilmswithmusic,andmillionsofrecordsaresoldeveryyear.musicinthecaribbeanTheslaveswhowerebroughtfromAfricadevelopedtheirownk indofmusic.westIndiansmakemusicalinstrumentsoutofla rgeoilcans.Theyhitdifferentpartsofthedrumwithhammer stoproducedifferentnotes.Thistypeofmusichasbecomeve ryfamousinBritainandisverygoodmusictodanceto.II.Famousmusicians:josephHaydn(1732-1809)wasanAustriancomposerandisknownas “thefatherofthesymphony”.othercomposershadwritten symphoniesbeforeHaydn,buthechangedthesymphonyintoal ongpieceforalargeorchestra.HewasborninavillageinAustria,thesonofapeasant.Hehad abeautifulsingingvoice.AfterstudyingmusicinVienna,H aydnwenttoworkatthecourtofaprinceineasternAustria,w herehebecamedirectorofmusic.Havingworkedtherefor30y ears,HaydnmovedtoLondon,wherehewasverysuccessful.wo lfgangAmadeusmozartwasacomposer,possiblythegreatest musicalgeniusofalltime.Heonlylived35yearsandhecompo sedmorethan600piecesofmusic.mozartwasborninSalzburg,Austria.HisfatherLeopoldwas amusicianandorchestraconductor.wolfganghadmusicalta lentfromaveryearlyage.Helearnedtoplaytheharpsichord inaconcertfortheEmpressofAustria.Bythetimehewas14,mozarthadcomposedmanypiecesfortheh arpsichord,pianoandviolin,aswellasfororchestras.whi lehewasstillateenager,mozartwasalreadyabigstarandto uredEuropegivingconcerts.Haydnmetmozartin1781andwas veryimpressedwithhim.“Heisthegreatestcomposertheworldhasknown,”hesaid.Thetwowerefriendsuntilmozart’sdeathin1791.LudwigvanBeethovenwasborninBonn,German y.Heshowedmusicaltalentwhenhewasveryyoung,andlearne dtoplaytheviolinandpianofromhisfather,whowasasinger .mozartmetBeethovenandwasimpressedbyhim.“Hewillgivesomethingwonderfultotheworld,”hesaid.BeethovenmetHaydnin1791,butwasnotimpressedby theolderman.Aftertheyhadknowneachotherformanyyears, Beethovensaid,“Heisagoodcomposer,buthehastaughtmenothing.”However,itwasHaydnwhoencouragedBeethoventomovetoVie nna.BeethovenbecameverypopularintheAustriancapitala ndstayedtherefortherestofhislife.Ashegrewolder,hebe gantogodeaf.Hebecamecompletelydeafduringthelastyear sofhislife,buthecontinuedcomposing.III.musicalinstr ument乐器saxophoneelectricalequipmentpianoguitarfluteV.whatarethefunctionsofmusic?•makethings morelivelyandinteresting•makethingsbetterforp eopletounderstandandenjoy•Expresspeople’sfeeling•makepeoplefeelgood•Helppeoplef orgettheirpain•Attractpeople’sattention•helppeopletorememberthingswellVI.T heintroductionofthebandThemonkeesThemonkeeswereafou r-personbandwhoappearedinanAmericantelevisionseries ofthesamename,whichranonNBcfrom1966to1968.Themonkee swereformedin1965inLosAngeles,californiaanddisbande din1970.Attheirpeaktheywereoneofthemostpopularmusicalactsoftheirtime.Severalreunionsoftheoriginallineu phavetakenplace.Thefirstreunionlastedfrom1986to1989 ,andasecondregroupingtookplacebetween1996-1997.Them onkeeslastworkedtogetherforabriefperiodinXX.Section 3:wordsandexpressionsfromUnit5THEBANDTHATwASN’TI.wordsforReadingclassicaladj.puttogetherandarrang edwithseriousartisticintentions;havinganattractiont hatlastsoveralongperiodoftime(音乐)古典的BachandBeethovenwroteclassicalmusic.theclassicalmusicofIndia/theclassicalsymphonyrollvt .&vi.1.tomovealongbyturningoverandover(使)滚动werolledthebarrelsofoilontotheship.Tearswererolling downhercheeks.2.tomovesteadilyandsmoothlyalongonwhe els滚动;转动Thetrainrolledslowlyintothestation.Thewavesrolledov erthesand.3.toswingfromsidetosidewiththemovementoft hewaves摇摆;摇晃Theshiprolledsoheavilythatwewereallsick.4.keeptheba llrolling:tokeepthingsactiveandmoving(使事情,工作等)继续进行下去;不松懈5.settheballrolling:tobethefirsttodosomething,hopingthatotherswillfollow带动;带头(希望他人跟随)I’llsingasongfirst,justtosettheballrolling.folkadj.of ,connectedwith,orbeingmusicoranyotherartthathasgrow nupamongworkingand/orcountrypeopleasanimportantpart oftheirwayoflivingandbelongstoaparticulararea,trade ,etc.,orthathasbeenmadeinmoderntimesasacopyofthis (音乐;艺术)民间的;民俗的folkmusic/folksongs/chinesefolkart/giveafolkconcert /afolksingerjazzn.爵士音乐traditionaljazz/modernjazz/jazzmusic/ajazzbandmusic iann.音乐家afinemusiciandreamn.1.agroupofthoughts,images,orfee lingsexperiencedduringsleep梦2.sth.imaged,notreal,butbelievedinorgreatlyandhopef ullydesired理想;梦想v.梦见;梦想dreamof/aboutsth./dreamadreamclapvi.鼓掌clapone’shandintimetothemusic/clapsb.onsth./clapsb.onthebac k/clapeyesonsb.behonestwith=befrankwith/totellyouth etruthformvt.&n.(使)组成;形成formsomeideasoropinionaboutsth./formanation/formaline/formgoodhabits/intheformof/inform/fillintheform/ taketheformofpasser-byn.过路人;行人passers-by/askthepasser-byearnvt.1.togetbyworking赚;挣(钱)Heearns$10000ayear.2.togetbecauseofone’squalities博得;赢得Heearnedthetitleof“TheGreat”byhisvictoriesinthewar.earnmoney/earnone’sliving/earnsb.successlooselyadv.宽松的;松散的looselyspeaking/looselytranslatedadvertisementn.als oad--anoticeofsth.forsale,serviceoffered,jobpositio ntobefilled,roomtolet,etc.,asinanewspaper,paintedon awall,ormadeasafilm广告theadvertisementpage/advertisementforsb./sth./putan advertisementactorn.男演员;行动者actorandactress/anexcellentactorattractiveadj.havin gthepowertoattract有吸引力的Theideaisveryattractive.soundattractive/atattractivepricefann.1.扇子turnthefanon2.averykeenfollowerorsupporter,asofaspo rt,performingart,orfamousperson迷;狂热者fanclubinstrumentn.工具;器械;乐器playaninstrument/theinstrumentsoftheorchestra/aship’sinstrumentsII.wordsforLearningaboutLanguagehitn.(演出等)成功;打击adirecthitonanenemyship/afinalscoreoftwohitsandsixm isses/ahitwitheveryone/Hisfilmisquiteahit/Theysangt heirlatesthit./makeahitsortn.&vt.种类;类别;分类;整理thesortofpersonIreallydislike/whatsortofpaintareyou using?/sortsth.outsth./sortthroughsth.III.wordsforU ter;afterthat以后;后来Let’sgotothetheatrefirstandeatafterwards.performvt.&amp ;vi.1.todo;carryout实行;做Thedoctorperformedtheoperation.2.tofulfill履行;执行3.togive,actorshowinaplay,apieceofmusic,tricks,etc. )esp.beforethepublic表演performatask/performone’sduty/performanoperationtosaveone’slife/performthepiano/performskillfullyontheflute/p erformliveontelevision/performaceremonyperformancen.表演;履行faithfulintheperformanceofone’sduty/theeveningperformance/giveaperformanceof “Hamlet”/inperformancestickvi1.tobefixedwithastickysubstanc e粘贴;张贴Stickapieceofpaperovertheoldaddressandwritethenewon eonit.sticktoone’sfingers/stickastamponaletter2.stickto:torefusetoleaveorchange/stickupanoteonthe note-board/stickthepenbehindtheear坚持;固守sticktoone’splan/tosticktoone’spromiseabilityn.powerandskill,esp.todo,think,act,m ake,etc.(尤指工作,思考,行动,创造等)能力amachinewiththeabilitytocopywithlargeloads/havethea bilitytodothework/awomanofgreatability/haveagreatmu sicalabilitysayingn.话;俗话‘morehaste,lessspeed,’asthesayinggoes.reputationn.opinionheldbyothers;the degreetowhichoneiswellthoughtof名誉;名声:aschoolwithanexcellentreputation/agoodreputation asadoctor/haveareputationforlaziness/ruinsb.’sreputation/makeareputationforoneself/liveuptoone’sreputationunknownadj.&n.不知道的;未知的人或物unknownforces/anunknownactor/unknowntosb./ajourneyi ntotheunknown。

高中英语 必修2 Unit 5 Music 精品导学案(含答案解析)

高中英语 必修2 Unit 5 Music 精品导学案(含答案解析)



Howcanyouattachtheblameforthisaccidenttothedriver?你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于司机呢?Althoughhewasseriouslyill,hetookpartinthebasketballmatchbecauseheattachedgreatvaluetohisschoolsportsrec ord.尽管他病得很重,他还是参加了学校的篮球比赛,因为他把学校的体育纪录看得很重。




Manypeopleattach becomingrichandfamous.②我们要把发展经济的工作放在首位。

(pri mary)Weshouldattach thedevelopmentofeconomy.答案:①greatimportanceto②primaryimportanceto2.formvt.形成;构成;排列;(使)组成;养成(习惯)联想拓展form用作名词时的固定搭配:asamatterofform作为一种形式;礼貌上fillout/inaform填表格taketheformof...采取……的形式intheformof...以……的形式bein/outofform处于良好/不良的竞技状态易混辨析form/shape/figure这三个名词的一般含义为“形状”或“外形”。

高中英语 Unit5 Music学案 新人教版必修2

高中英语 Unit5 Music学案 新人教版必修2

高中英语 Unit5 Music学案新人教版必修21、attachvt、&vi、系上;缚上;附加;连接常用结构:attach 、、、to 、、、附上;连接;系上;把……归于……attach importance/significance/value to sth、认为某事物重要/有意义/有重要价值attach oneself to 依附; 参加(党派等)be attached to 热爱;依恋;附属于要点突破精讲精析I attached a wire to the radio、我在收音机上接了一根金属线。

He’ll attach the label to your luggage、他会把标签系在你的行李上。

How can you attach the blame for this accident to the driver? 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于司机呢?Although he was seriously ill, he took part in the basketball match because he attached great value to his school sports record、尽管他病得很重,他还是参加了学校的篮球比赛,因为他把学校的体育纪录看得很重。

He is deeply attached to his mother、他深爱着自己的母亲。

This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby、这个医院附属于附近的那所医学院。

高手过招完成句子 (原创)①很多人认为成为富人和名人很重要。

Many people attach becoming rich and famous、②我们要把发展经济的工作放在首位。

(primary)We should attach the development of economy、答案:①great importance to ②primary importance to2、 formvt、形成;构成;排列;(使)组成;养成(习惯)联想拓展form用作名词时的固定搭配:as a matter of form 作为一种形式;礼貌上fill out/in a form 填表格take the form of 、、、采取……的形式in the form of 、、、以……的形式be in/out of form 处于良好/不良的竞技状态易混辨析form/shape/figure 这三个名词的一般含义为“形状”或“外形”。

高中英语 Unit 5《Music》教案2 新人教版必修2

高中英语 Unit 5《Music》教案2 新人教版必修2

Unit 5 MusicPeriod 1 (reading)Teaching aims:Students will be able to:Sum up the main idea of each paragraph.Understand the details about the passage.Procedures:Step 1 Warming-upBefore the class begins, let the Ss enjoy “I’m a believer” played by “T he Beatles”.Let the Ss enjoy some different kinds of music on the tape and ask them to match the music with the right picture.Step 2 Pre-readingTalk about the famous bands in the world. (P33 Pre-reading)Ask the Ss: Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you have.Then the teacher will show the Ss some pictures of some famous bands like “The Beatles”, “Backstreet Boys”, “West Life” and “Zero O’clock” on the screen and ask the Ss to name the bands and tell the teacher where they come from. Ask the Ss: Which one do you like best? Why?Ask the Ss: Dou you know anything about “The Monkees”?Then the teacher will show the Ss two pictures of “The Monkees” and say: If you want to know more about “The Monkees”, please turn to Page33 and let’s come to Reading “The Band That Wasn’t”.Step 3 While-readingFirst reading: read the passage again then answer the following questions: Why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?How do some bands formed by high school students earn extra money?When did the “Monkees” break up and when did it reunite??Second reading: get the main idea of each paragraph. (Finish P35, Ex 2)Step 4 Post-readingGive the Ss the following adjectives “popular, lively, funny, foolish, attractive, brave, crazy, noisy, classical, rich, honest, famous” and ask them to choose the ones that they think best describe “The Monkees” and give their reasons. (Finish P35 Ex 3)(The teacher will first ask the Ss to discuss in pairs and encourage the Ss to express their opinions. There is no definite answer.)Step 5 DiscussionDiscuss the following topics in groups of four.What can we learn from “The Monkees”?If you are to form your own band, what will you do?(After discussion, ask the Ss to express their own opinion.)Step 6 SummaryToday we have enjoyed some beautiful music and learn something about some famous bands. Remember:Success lies in hard work.Step 7 HomeworkRetell the text.Collect some information about your favorite music.Period2(vocabulary & grammar)Teaching aims:Students will be able to:Use the important words and expressions from warming up and readingUse the attributive clause led by “prep. + which / whom ”.Procedures:Step1 Vocabulary study:Discover useful words and expressionsTurn to page 35 and do exercises No. 1, 2 and 3 first. Check your answers with your classmates’. (Finish P36 Ex 3)Step 2 Grammar studyUnderline five sentences in the reading passage that contain “prep.+ which/ whom”attributive clauses.Discover the structure “prep.+which/ whom” by sorting out the messages Complete the passage using attributive clauses(Finish P37 Ex 3)Play a game of definitions. P37 Ex 4.Period 3(Listening, reading and talking)Teaching aims:Students will be able to:make suggestionstalk about preferenceProcedures:Step 1 Listening & WritingPreparation for listening to “Freddy, the frog”Read the directions and the statements. Make sure the students know what they mean and what they are asked to do.Turn to page 38 and read these sentences before listening to the tape. Then listen to the tape and decide true or false.Step 2 ReadingRead more about Freddy’s life and summarize the main idea of the story in one sentence. (A possible version: this is a story about a band that became famous and did not like it.)Underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.Collocations from Freddy’s life:become famous, visit Britain on a tour, wait for hours to get tickets for the concerts, be confident, enjoy singing and all the congratulations, the most exciting experience, sing in a TV program called “Top of the Pops, wear an expensive suit, give a performance to a TV camera, go wrong, not go out without being followed everywhere, wear sunglasses, hide in railway stations, one’s personal life, become too painful for sb., pack one’s bagsStep 3 DiscussionIn small groups imagine you are Freddy and his group and you are back at the lake. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being famous. Ask them make a list of their ideasAsk some groups to act their conversations.Step 4 HomeworkDevelop your ideas into a short passage.Period 4(speaking & writing)Teaching aims:Students will be able to:write a letter for advicetalk about music: forming a bandmake suggestions and talk about preference properlyProcedure:Step 1 Speaking (Group work)BrainstormDo you know what a band is? What is your favorite band? How many people is a band usually formed? …speakingYou and your friends want to start your own band. However,, you have never played in a band before. Talk with your friends about the band you are going to start. What things do you have to consider? What problems do you have?Activity and performanceImagine that you have a chance to form a band. How to form a band? According to the following information discuss in your group.What is name of your band?Who will play what instruments and who will sing?What kind of band you will be?Choose an English song for your “band” to perform.Step 2 WritingYou and your friends want to start your own band. However, you have never played in a band before. You write an e-mail to Freddy for his advice. The e-mail is started for you, but you have to finish it.You’d better do some brainstorming in small groups before writing your letters. You should follow the procedure for brainstorming and outlining introduced in Module 1 Unit 2.Writing tips:In groups discuss some questions you would like to ask Freddy.Make a list of them and choose the best questions.Share your ideas with another pair; discuss all questions and then decide which ones you want to ask Freddy.Use each question to start a new paragraph.Write your question first; then add extra information to show Freddy why you need help.Finish the letter politely and thank Freddy for his help.Reading Freddy’s replyLet’s read Freddy’s reply and answer the questions:--- How was Freddy’s band formed?--- What advice does Freddy give?Writing a note and a paragraphPlease turn to page 74. Now in pairs you are going to decide on the best way to tell a foreign friend about one kind of Chinese folk music. What do you think they need to know before they can enjoy it? Why do you like it? Who are your favorite singers? Discuss it with your partner and write notes to remind you of your most important ideas.Step 3 HomeworkWrite a paragraph telling your foreign friend about the type of Chinese folk music you have chosen. Use a dictionary and other reference books to help you.Finish off the summing up in Student’s Book.。

人教版高中英语必修第二册 《Unit 5 Music》教案

人教版高中英语必修第二册 《Unit 5 Music》教案

人教版高中英语必修第二册 《Unit 5 Music》教案一、教学目标1.知识目标o学生能够掌握与音乐相关的重点词汇和短语,如 “classical, folk, jazz, band, perform” 等。
















四、教学过程(一)导入(5 分钟)1.播放一段不同类型的音乐片段,如古典音乐、流行音乐、摇滚音乐等。

2.提问学生:What kinds of music do you hear? How do they make you feel?(二)词汇教学(10 分钟)1.展示本单元的重点词汇和短语,结合音乐实例进行讲解。


(三)阅读前准备(5 分钟)1.让学生观察课文标题和图片,预测文章内容。

2.提出一些引导性问题,如:What do you think thepassage will be about music?(四)课文阅读(15 分钟)1.学生快速阅读课文,概括文章的主要内容。

新教材 人教版高中英语必修第二册 Unit 5 Music 学案(知识点考点提炼汇总及配套习题)

新教材 人教版高中英语必修第二册 Unit 5 Music 学案(知识点考点提炼汇总及配套习题)

Unit 5Music主题语境——人与社会之文学、艺术与体育【语境概说】本单元的主题语境是“人与社会之文学、艺术与体育”中的音乐,该主题语境包括常见的中外著名的音乐作品及音乐家,同时也涉及到当今音乐的最新发展形式。


Music is the medicine of a troubled mind.音乐是治疗心灵苦恼的药。

The history of a country is written in its popular songs.一个国家的历史写在它的民歌之中。

It is not necessary to understand music;it is only necessary that one enjoy it.没必要懂得音乐,只需能欣赏就行了。

Without music,life would be an error.没有音乐,生活将是一个错误。

1.Translate the following words and phrases.①classical adj.古典的;经典的②hip-hop n.嘻哈音乐;嘻哈文化③techno n. 泰克诺音乐④energy n. 能源;能量;精力⑤soul n. 灵魂;心灵⑥bagpipes n. 风笛⑦stringed adj. 有弦的⑧stringed instrument 弦乐器⑨traditional adj. 传统的⑩country music 乡村音乐⑪a quiet stream 一条静静的小溪⑫touch my heart/soul 触动我的内心/灵魂⑬remind sb of... 使某人想起……2.Brainstorming:What kind of music do you like most?classical__music,hip-hop,traditional__music,popular__music__and__so__on.3.Look at the pictures on Page 50 and tell your classmates what these people are doing. They__are__playing__music.4.Finish Ex.2 on Page 50.5.Try to translate the following sentences.①I__like__to__listen__to__hip-hop__music.我喜欢听嘻哈音乐。



2020学年高中英语Unit5Music5.1学案(含解析)新人教版必修2Unit 5 MusicPeriod 1 新知预习课学习目标1.熟练掌握并应用下列单词:pretend,attach,form,earn,familiar 等。




词汇快测1.Match the words and phrases.A.words (词汇连线)(1)pretend(2)attach(3)earn(4)extra(5)perform(6)familiar (1)vt.赚;挣得(2)vt.&vi.表演;履行(3)adj.吸引人的(4)adj.自信的;确信的(5)n.邀请;招待(6)adj.额外的(7)attractive(8)confident(9)invitation(10)sensitive (7)adj.熟悉的;常见的(8)adj.敏感的;易受伤害的(9)vt.假装;假(10)vt.&vi.系上;缚上B.phrases(短语连线)(1)依赖;依靠(2)认为有(重要性,意义);附上,连接(3)打碎;分裂;解体(4)另外;也(5)最重要;首先(1)attach...to(2)break up(3)above all(4)rely on(5)in addition2.根据释义写出单词(1)something used to make music(2)paid in money but not by cheque(3)message that is transmitted by radio or television(4)to do or carry out(5)someone who is talented at music(6)move by turning over(7)kind;a particular type of person(8)short in time(9)the pattern or nature of anything(10)having power to arouse interest重点探究1.pretend v.假装;假扮【完成句子】(1)She pretends she likes them so that she can accept theirhelp.她装作喜欢他们,因此能接受他们的帮助.(2)Don’t pretend know when you don’t.当你不知道的时候不要假装知道。

高中英语 Unit 5 Music教案 新人教版必修2

高中英语 Unit 5 Music教案 新人教版必修2

必修2英语同步教案Unit 5 MusicPart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(THE BAND THAT WASN’T)Aims◆To learn to talk about kinds of music◆To learn to read about bands◆To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)◆To learn to write an e-mailProceduresI. Warming upWarming up by describingGood morning, class. Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic --- music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. How many do you know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the different kinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture.Warming up by discussingHi, everyone. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Can you tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Let’s listen to some music. Let’s see if you can guess which music matches with which picture.Classical music Country music Rock ‘n’ RollRap Orchestra Folk musicYes, you are right. I’m sure you will really enjoy yourselves after listening to all these beautiful music. What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? How does music make you feel? Why do you like to listen to music? Let’s discuss these questions in small groups. Try to share your opinions with one another.II. Pre-reading1.Thinking and sayingHave you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you can.Let’s listen to some pieces of music from different bands. Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates which band you like best. Why? Then the group leader is to stand up and share the group idea with the class.1.Reading aloud to the recordingNow please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text T HE BAND THAT WASN’T. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too.2.Reading and underliningNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.Skim the text and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. You may find it either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph.Read the text again to complete the tables, which list how people formed a band and how The Monkees was formed by the TV organizers and became a real band.How do people get to form a band?The Monkees in 1968 (left to right): Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, MikeNesmith & Davy JonesAs you have read the text times, you can surely tell which sentences are difficult to understand. Now put your questions concerning the difficult points to me.IV. Closing downClosing down by doing exercisesTo end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises No. 1, 2, 3 and 4.Closing down by having a discussionDo you think the TV organizers were right to call “The Monkees ” a band when they did not sing or write their own songs? Why?I shall write some key words and expressions on the board. You are to retell the form of the band according to these words.必修2英语同步教案Unit 5 MusicPeriod 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom).AimsTo help students learn about the Attributive Clause with a preposition in front.To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures.ProceduresI. Warming upWarming up by discovering useful words and expressionsTurn to page 35 and do exercises No. 1, 2 and 3 first. Check your answers against your classmates’. II. Learning about grammar1.Reading and thinkingTurn to page 34 and read with me the text of THE BAND THAT WASN’t. As you read on, pay attention to The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom), that is, the attributive clauses with a preposition ahead of the relative pronoun shown in the sentences.Turn to page 34. Look at the two sentences:The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music. However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, “The Monkees”started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band.Pay attention to the structure: preposition + relative pronoun. Usually only two relative pronouns --- which and whom--- can be used in the Attributive Clause, with a preposition put before the clause. That can’t be used. Look at the screen. Here are more examples on this kind of structure.Now go on to do Exercise No. 2 on page 36, that is, to sort out the sentences.III. Ready used materials for The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)In formal styles we often put a preposition before the relative pronouns which and whom:∙The rate at which a material heats up depends on its chemical composition.∙In the novel by Peters, on which the film is based, the main character is a teenager.∙An actor with whom Gelson had previously worked contacted him about the role.∙Her many friends, among whom I like to be considered, gave her encouragement.Notice that after a preposition you can’t use who in place of whom, and you can’t use that or zero relative pronoun either:∙Is it right that politicians should make important decisions without consulting the public to whom they are accountable? (not --- the public to who they are accountable.)∙The valley in which the town lies is heavily polluted. (not --- The valley in that the town...) ∙Arnold tried to gauge the speed at which they were traveling. (not --- the speed at they were traveling.)In informal English we usually put the preposition at the end in attributive clauses rather than at the beginning:∙The office which Graham led the way to was filled with books.∙Jim’s footballing ability, which he was noted for, had been encouraged by his parents.∙The playground wasn’t used by those children who it was built for.In this case we prefer who rather than whom (although whom is used in formal contexts). In restrictive attributive clauses we can also use that or zero relative pronoun instead of who or which (e.g. ...the children (that) it was built for).If the verb in attributive clauses is a two-or-three-word verb (e.g. come across, fill in, go through, look after, look up to, put up with, take on) we don’t usually put the preposition at the beginning:∙Your essay is one of those (which/that) I’ll go through tomorrow. (rather than...through which I’ll go tomorrow.)∙She is one of the few people (who/that) I look up to. (not ... to whom I look up.)In formal written English, we often prefer to use of which rather than whose to talk about things:∙A huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still being felt. (or...whose effects are still being felt.)∙The end of the war, the anniversary of which is on the 16th of November, will be commemorated in cities throughout the country. (or...whose anniversary is on...)Note that we can’t use of which in place of whose in the patterns described in Unit 71B:∙Dorothy was able to switch between German, Polish and Russian, all of which she spoke fluently. (not..,all whose she spoke...)We can sometimes use that...of in place of of which. This is less formal than of which and whose, and is mainly used in spoken English:∙The school that she is head of is closing down. (or The school of which she is head...) Whose can come after a preposition in attributive clauses. However, it is more natural to put the preposition at the end in less formal contexts and in spoken English:∙We were grateful to Mr. Marks, in whose car we had traveled home. (or...whose car we had traveled home in.)∙I now turn to Freud, from whose work the following quotation is taken. (or...whose work the following quotation is taken from.)IV. Closing down by doing exercises:Join the sentence halves using which or whom after an appropriate preposition. (A)a.I would never have finished the work.b.It was primarily written.c.We know nothing.d.They got a good view.e.He learned how to play chess.f.Dennis scored three goals in the final.g.She was born.h.It was discovered.1.They climbed up to the top of a large rock.2. I would like to thank my tutor.3. She has now moved back to the house on Long Island.4. The star is to be named after Patrick Jenks.S. This is the ball.6. He is now able to beat his father.7. The book is enjoyed by adults as well as children.8. There are still many things in our solar system.them and give alternatives if you can. (A)I. It's a piece of jewelry across which I came in an antique shop. --- which I came across in an antique shop. (‘came across’ is a two-word verb.)2. The extra work which she took on was starting to affect her health.3. My mother, after whom I looked for over 20 years, died last year.4. The people whom I work with are all very friendly.5. Some of the criticisms with which they had to put up were very unfair.6. He had many friends with whom he had a regular correspondence.7. The woman to who he is engaged comes from Poland.8. The forms which I had to fill in were very complicated.Rewrite these sentences so that they are more appropriate for formal written English. Use preposition + which or preposition + whose, as appropriate. (B)I. Tom Sims, whose car the weapons were found in, has been arrested. Torn Sims, in whose car the weapons were found, has been arrested.2. Tom Ham, whose novel the TV series is based on, will appear in the first episode.3. Dr Jackson owns the castle whose grounds the main road passes through.4. Tessa Parsons is now managing director of Simons, the company that she was once a secretary in.5. Allowing the weapons to be sold is an action that the Government should be ashamed of.6. The dragonfly is an insect that we know very little of.。

高中英语 Unit 5 Music教案 新人教版必修2

高中英语 Unit 5  Music教案 新人教版必修2

Unit 5 Music【美文阅读】音乐是人类最美丽的语言。

让我们一起走近不同的音乐表现形式吧!MusicThere are two important kinds of music in the world—one is written down and the other is not.Many people earn their living by writing music.They write songs for pop stars and music for films and TV plays.They usually write exact instructions(指示;说明)how the music is to be played.Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.At first it was never written down.People learnt the songs from their families,relatives(亲戚;亲属),neighbors and friends in the same village.These songs were about country life, the seasons,animals and plants,and about love and sadness in people's lives.Early performers used to learn hundreds of songs by heart.At festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes who lived long ago.This was at a time when there was no radio,TV or cinema.Many of the country people could neither read nor write.In this way stories were passed on from one person to another.This contin-ues in some countries even today.In some parts of the world nowadays,you often see musicians performing in the streets to passers-by(过路人).They put a cap on the ground in front of them,so that people who like the music can drop coins into it.In Africa most music is folk music.It plays an important part in people's lives,especially at festivals and weddings,when people dance all night long.Indian music is not written down.There is a basic pattern(模式)of notes which the musicians follow.But a lot of modern music is also written.India produces more films than any other country in the world.It produces musicals(音乐喜剧),too,that is,films with music,and millions of records are sold every year.Jazz was born in the USA around 1890.It came from work songs sung by black people and had its roots in Africa.Jazz started developing in the 1920s in the southern states.Soon it was played by white musicians,too,and reached other parts of the USA.【诱思导学】1.How did early performers learn the song?2.What kind of music is mentioned in the passage?【答案】 1.They learn hundreds of songs by heart.2.Folk music,Indian music and Jazz.Period ⅠPreviewing(教师用书独具)●教学目标本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,理解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。



高中英语Unit5Music教案新人教版必修2Unit5 Music课标分析1.语言知识目标:1)学会使用课标要求的次回合习惯用语或固定搭配,学生能够正确读写及运用重点单词和词组2)使用适当的语言形式描述事物、简单地表达观点、态度或情感,学生能够认出并运用介词+which/whom 的定语从句的语法。






3.情感态度与文化意识目标:1)了解各种音乐形式,了解The Monkees组合的发展历程,接触不同地区的音乐,深化对音乐的认识,提高音乐素养。




4.学习策略1).通过网络搜寻、查阅图书等手段探究与音乐有关的文化背景,增强迅速获取信息、处理信息的能力;在查找The Monkees的相关信息的过程中整合网络信息的资源利用策略。








高中英语 必修2 Unit 5《Music》 精品导学案(含答案解析)

高中英语 必修2 Unit 5《Music》 精品导学案(含答案解析)

高中英语必修2Unit5《Music》精品导学案(含答案解析)Unit5Music类别课程标准要求掌握的项目课标单词roll folk pretendattach formearn perform extrarelybroadcasthumorous attracti ve confidentbriefdevotionsensitivepainful dream重点短语tobehonestplayjokesonrelyon/uponbreakupincashbe/getfamiliarwithinadditionsortout重点句型 1.分词作定语①Theyputanadvertisementinanewspaper lookingfor rockmusicians,buttheycouldonlyfindonewhowasgoodenough②EachweekonTV,theMonkeeswouldplayandsingsongs written byothermusicians.2.TheTVorganizers hadplannedtofind fourmusicianswhocouldactaswellassing.情景交际MakingsuggestionsTalkingaboutpreference语法TheAttributiveClause(prep.+which/whom)(review)课时安排课时教学内容节数作业教学日期1 词汇 1 教材(Ex1-3)2 听力 1 Assignment13 整体阅读 1 1.教材Comprehending2.Assignment44-6 语言点 3 1Assignment27 语法 1 1.教材(Ex2-4)2.Assignment38 习题 1 NewspaperⅠ.Keywords1.roll1)vt.&vi.(使)滚动;(使)摇摆;(使)卷起eg:Tearsslowlyrolleddownhercheeks.泪水从她的脸上慢慢流下。

高中英语 Unit 5 Music学案 新人教版必修2

高中英语 Unit 5 Music学案 新人教版必修2

高中英语 Unit 5 Music学案新人教版必修2Music学案新人教版必修2自主复习1、牢记必修二Unit5的单词和短语2、认真复习《金版新学案》的知识点并完成相关练习一、自我检测1、写出下列短语的含义1)sort out2)above all3)attach…to4)dream of5)play jokes on6)rely on7)break up8)in cash9)be similar to10)be/get familiar with/to11)or so12)to be honest13)in addition(to…)14)break down15)in the form of…16)pretend to do/to be doing/to have done2、译:Businessmen attach much importance to money and profits、3、译:不要假装做作业了,老师已经走了。

4、补全以下定语从句1)There is a room the window_______ faces the river、2) There is a room _________the window faces the river、3)There is a room _________window faces the river、三、考点检测1、---Are you familiar ______ the music?---Yes、 The music is very familiar _____ me, but I can’t remember when and where I heard it、A、 with; withB、 to; toC、 with; toD、 to; with2、 He likes playing jokes _____ his friends, so heis not popular ___ them、A、 in; inB、 on; onC、 with; withD、 on; with3、 You may ___ that they will finish the hard job on time、A、 rely onB、 rely on itC、 rely on thatD、 rely on it that4、 The computer system ____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet、A、 broke downB、 broke outC、 broke upD、 broke in5、 The settlement is home to nearly1000 people, many of____ left their village homes for a better life in the city、A、 whomB、 whichC、 thoseD、 them6、 Look, the clouds are gathering、 It looks _____ it ___ going to rain、A、 as if; isB、 as if; wereC、 like; isD、 like; were7、 The ___ of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying、A、 effortB、 devotionC、 attentionD、 application8、 We attach great importance ____ computers, because we rely ____ them to organize our work、A、 to; onB、 on; onC、 of; uponD、 to; to9、 Mary asked the policeman _____ she worked to contact her whenever there was an accident、A、 with whomB、 whomC、 with whomD、 whom10、 The dictionary, ___ the cover is broken, is Tom’s、A、 of itB、 whoseC、 of whichD、 for which11、Is this the reason _____ he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A、 whatB、 thatC、 of whichD、 whose12、 On the table, she found a piece of paper _____ some Japanese words、A、 which were writtenB、 on which were writtenC、 that was writtenD、 on that were written13、 If we want to have a bright future, we must learn to act in ways _____ do not harm other living things、A、 in whichB、 thatC、 \D、 how14、 It is Tim, my best friend in my childhood, who tells me he always dreams of ______ for him to go to Shanghai to study and live there、A、 there to be a chanceB、 there is a chanceC、 there being a chanceD、 being a chance四、课堂检测I was blind, but I was ashamed of it if it was known、 I refused to use a white stick and hated asking for help、 After all, I was a teenage girl, and I couldn’t bear people to look at me and think I was not like them、 I must have been aterrible danger on roads、 Coming across me wandering through the traffic, motorists probably would have to step rapidly on their brakes、 Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work、One evening, I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change bused, and as usual I ran into something、“ I’m awfully sorry,” I said and stepped forward only to run into it again、 When ithappened a third time, I realized I had been apologizing to a lamppost、 This was just one of the stupid things that constantly happened to me、 So I carried on and found the bus stop, which was a request stop, where the bus wouldn’t stop unless pas sengers wanted to get on or off、 No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived、 Generally in this situation, because I hated showing I was blind by asking for help, I tried to guess at the sound、 Sometimes I would stop a big lorry and standing feeling stupid as it drew away、In the end, I usually managed to swallow my pride and ask someone at the stop for help、But on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop; it seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus、 Of course I heard plenty of bused pass, or I thought I did、But because I had given up stopping them for fear of making a fool of myself, I let them all go by、 I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one、 ThenI gave up、 I decided to walk on to the next stop、1、The girl refused to ask for help because she thought_______、A、 she might be recognizedB、 asking for help looked sillyC、 she was normal and independentD、 being found blind was embarrassing2、 After the girl got off the bus that evening, she _____、A、 began to runB、 hit a person as usualC、 hit a lamppost by accidentD、 was caught by something3、 At the request stop that evening, thegirl_________、A、 stopped a big lorryB、 stopped the wrong busC、 made no attempt to stop busD、 was not noticed by other people4、 What was the problem with guessing at the sound to stop a bus?A、 Other vehicles also stopped there、B、 It was unreliable for making judgments、C、 More lorries than buses responded to the girl、D、 It took too much time for the girl to catch the bus、5、 Finally the girl decided to walk to the next stop, hoping _______、A、 to find people thereB、 to find more buses thereC、 to find the bus by herself thereD、 to find people more helpful there。

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高中英语Unit5Music5.1学案(含解析)新人教版必修2Period 1新知预习课学习目标1.熟练掌握并应用下列单词:pretend,attach,form,earn,familiar等。




词汇快测1.Match the words and phrases.A.words (词汇连线)(1)pretend(2)attach(3)earn(4)extra(5)perform(6)familiar(7)attractive(8)confident(9)invitation(10)sensitive(1)vt.赚;挣得(2)vt.&vi.表演;履行(3)adj.吸引人的(4)adj.自信的;确信的(5)n.邀请;招待(6)adj.额外的(7)adj.熟悉的;常见的(8)adj.敏感的;易受伤害的(9)vt.假装;假(10)vt.&vi.系上;缚上B.phrases(短语连线)(1)依赖;依靠(2)认为有(重要性,意义);附上,连接(3)打碎;分裂;解体(4)另外;也(5)最重要;首先(1)attach...to(2)break up(3)above all(4)rely on(5)in addition2.根据释义写出单词(1) something used to make music(2) paid in money but not by cheque(3) message that is transmitted by radio or television(4) to do or carry out(5) someone who is talented at music(6) move by turning over(7) kind;a particular type of person(8) short in time(9) the pattern or nature of anything(10) having power to arouse interest重点探究1.pretend v.假装;假扮【完成句子】(1)She pretends she likes them so that she can accept their help.她装作喜欢他们,因此能接受他们的帮助.(2)Don’t pretend know when you don’t.当你不知道的时候不要假装知道。

(3)He to be friendly with me when he needed my help.他在需要我帮助时假装对我友好。

(1)pretend(not) to do sth.(2)pretend to be+adj.(3)pretend+that从句2.attach v.系上;缚上;贴上attach...to.认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接【完成句子】(1)This does not attach any blame you.这事你一点责任都没有。

(2)I attached a photo my application form.我在申请表上贴了一张照片。

(3)Chinese people attach great importance education.中国人认为教育很重要。

(4)To be honest a lot of people attach great importance becoming rich and famous.说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。

(5)This hospital is attached the medical college nearby.这家医院附属于邻近的那所医学院。

(1)attach importance to...(2)be attached to...3.form n.形状,形态,外形;表格,形式v.(使)组成;形成;构成;排列【完成句子】(1)A plan began to in his mind..一个计划开始在他的脑海中形成。

(2)Help in the of money will be very welcome.以金钱的形式资助将十分受欢迎。

(3)To apply for a job,you must fill in a .申请工作要填表。

(4)He the habit of getting up early.他养成了早起的习惯。

(1)in the form of(2)fill in/out a form(3)take the form of(4)form the habit of4.earn vt.赚;挣得;获得【完成句子】(1)Qian Xuesen’s achievements him respect and admiration.钱学森的成就让他获得了尊重和仰慕。

(2)Edison his living by selling newspapers when he was young.爱迪生小时候靠卖报纸谋生。

(3)She is young,but she a good salary.她很年轻,但挣的薪水很多。

(4)Rescuing a drowning man him the respect of all.救助了一名溺水者使他得到了众人的尊敬。

(1)earn one’s living(2)earn money=make money(3)earn a salary5.familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的【完成句子】(1)English,maths and history are the subjects that are familiar you.英语、数学和历史是你熟悉的科目。

(2)The voice on the phone sounded to me.电话里的声音我听着很熟悉。

(3)Are you familiar the computer software they use?你熟悉他们使用的计算机软件吗?(4)Young people are with this magazine’s content and style.年轻人熟悉这本杂志的内容和风格。

(1)be familiar with意为“熟悉,通晓”(2)be familiar to意为“为……所熟悉”语境应用Ⅰ.单词拼写1.I’m sure you have the (能力) to solve the problem.Don’t be disappointed.2.In the evening he does an (额外的) job in a restaurant to earn more money.3.This company spends a lot of money on (广告) every year to show their products to the public.4.The little boy likes music and dreams of becoming a (音乐家).5.Some people beg from (路人) in the streets.This is their way of makinga living.6.During a football match,thousands of football f often shout at the top of their voice to cheer for their teams.7.She is fond of singing f songs.8.Let’s go to the theatre first and eat at a restaurant a .9.Were you nervous (紧张) when you gave a p to a TV camera for the first time?10.John worked hard as an actor so that he could e money for his family.. Ⅱ.单项填空1.Harry Potter is quite a .It is known all over the world since it was first shown.A.hitB.instrumentC.jazzD.chorus2.A good teacher ought to be familiar teaching skills.A.toB.withC.ofD.at3.Believe me.I’m quite honest you and honest what I do and say.A.in;inB.with;withC.with;inD.in;with4.—How can you a joke on old people,Charlie?—Oh,I’m sorry,Mum.A.doB.playC.giveD.take5.The young man you told me yesterday proved to be a criminal.A.whoB.about whomC.whomD.with whom6.This tie your suit.A.fitsB.is fit forC.suitsD.matches7.In order to reach the goal,every group member should his or her own duty.A.performB.workC.inspectD.achieve8.Simon is my close friend,who can be what he promises.A.relied on to doB.relied to doC.relied on doingD.relied to doing9.They are watching TV with the lights off.A.turningB.being turnedC.to turnD.turned10.To the surprise of the boy,he found a lot of were .A.passers-by;grown-upsB.passer-bys;grown-upsC.passers-by;growns-upD.passer-bys;growns-upⅢ.短文填空If we are honest with ourselves,most of us have (梦想) being famous sometimes in our lives.Most (音乐家) often meet and (组成) a band.Sometimes they play in the street to (行人) so that they can earn some (额外的) money and this also gives them a (机会) to realize their dreams.There was once a band which started in a different way.The musicians of whom the band was formed (戏弄) each other as well as played music,whose music and jokes were loosely based on the Beatles.Their exciting (表演) were copied by other groups.The Monkees played their own (乐器) and wrote their own music.Though it (解体) about 1970,it reunited in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today.参考答案词汇快测2.根据释义写出单词(1)instrument(2)cash(3)broadcast(4)perform(5)musician6)roll (7)sort (8)brief (9)form (10)attractive重点探究1.(1)that (2)to (3)pretended(1)装作(不)做某事;(2)装作是……;(3)装作……2.(1)to (2)to (3)to (4)to (5)to(1)重视/关注……;(2)依附3.(1)form (2)form (3)form (4)forms(1)以……形式,呈……状态;(2)填表格;(3)采取……形式;(4)养成……习惯4.(1)earned (2)earned (3)earns (4)earned(1)谋生,维持生计;(2)赚钱;(3)挣工资5.(1)to (2)familiar (3)with (4)familiar其主语通常为指人的名词,with的宾语是主语通晓的事物;其主语通常为人们所通晓的事物,to的宾语通常是指人的名词。
