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Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告北京蓝点易特科贸中心免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:北京蓝点易特科贸中心1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分北京蓝点易特科贸中心综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业科技推广和应用服务业其他科技推广服务业资质空产品服务法规、国务院决定禁止的,不得经营;法律、1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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机构名称:中国检验检疫科学研究院测试评价中心注册号:PT0026地址:A:北京市经济技术开发区荣华南路11号B:北京市经济技术开发区荣华南路11号获准认可能力索引Name:Analysis Capability Assessment System of Chinese Academy of Inspection & QuarantineRegistration No.:PT0026ADDRESS:A: No.11, Ronghua South Road, Yizhuang Economic & Technical Development Area, Beijing, ChinaB:No.11, Ronghua South Road, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Beijing, ChinaINDEX OF ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS PT0026)名称: 中国检验检疫科学研究院测试评价中心地址:北京市朝阳区高碑店北路甲3号签发日期:2015年11月30 日有效期至:2018年12月26日附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS PT0026)NAME: Analysis Capability Assessment System of Chinese Academy of Inspection & QuarantineADDRESS:No.A3, Gaobeidian North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, ChinaDate of Issue:2015-11-30 Date of Expiry:2018-12-26SCHEDULE 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS PT0026)名称: 中国检验检疫科学研究院测试评价中心地址:北京市朝阳区高碑店北路甲3号认可依据:ISO/IEC17043以及CNAS特定认可要求签发日期:2015年11月30 日有效期至:2018年12月26日附件2 认可的能力范围CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS PT0026)NAME: Analysis Capability Assessment System of Chinese Academy of Inspection & QuarantineADDRESS:No.A3, Gaobeidian North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China、Accreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC17043 and relevant requirements of CNASDate of Issue:2015-11-30 Date of Expiry:2018-12-26中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS PT0026)名称: 中国检验检疫科学研究院测试评价中心地址:北京市经济技术开发区荣华南路11号签发日期:2015年11月30 日有效期至:2018年12月26日附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS PT0026)NAME: Analysis Capability Assessment System of Chinese Academy of Inspection & QuarantineADDRESS:No.11, Ronghua South Road, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Beijing, ChinaDate of Issue:2015-11-30 Date of Expiry:2018-12-26SCHEDULE 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS PT0026)名称: 中国检验检疫科学研究院测试评价中心地址:北京市经济技术开发区荣华南路11号认可依据:ISO/IEC17043以及CNAS特定认可要求签发日期:2015年11月30 日有效期至:2018年12月26日附件2 认可的能力范围CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS PT0026)NAME: Analysis Capability Assessment System of Chinese Academy of Inspection & QuarantineADDRESS:No.11, Ronghua South Road, Economic & Technological Development Zone, Beijing, ChinaAccreditation Criteria:ISO/IEC17043 and relevant requirements of CNASDate of Issue:2015-11-30 Date of Expiry:2018-12-26中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS PT0026)名称:中国检验检疫科学研究院测试评价中心地址:北京市亦庄经济技术开发区荣华南路11号签发日期:2017年04月10日有效期至:2018年12月26日附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS PT0026)Name: Analysis Capability Assessment System of Chinese Academy of Inspection& QuarantineAddress: No.11, Ronghua South Road, Beijing Yizhuang Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing, ChinaDate of Issue: 2017-04-10 Date of Expiry: 2018-12-26SCHEDULE 1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS PT0026)名称:中国检验检疫科学研究院测试评价中心地址:北京市亦庄经济技术开发区荣华南路11号认可依据:ISO/IEC 17043以及CNAS特定认可要求签发日期:2017年04月10日有效期至:2018年12月26日附件2 认可的检测领域能力验证范围CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENTSCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE(Registration No. CNAS PT0026)Name: Analysis Capability Assessment System of Chinese Academy of Inspection & QuarantineAddress: No.11, Ronghua South Road, Beijing Yizhuang Economic-Technological Development Area, Beijing, ChinaAccreditation Criteria: ISO/IEC 17043 and relevant requirements of CNASDate of Issue: 2017-04-10 Date of Expiry: 2018-12-26SCHEDULE 2 ACCREDITED PROFICIENCY TESTING SCOPE FOR TESTING。
AT2005USB Cardioid 动态 USB XLR 麦克风使用手册说明书
AT2005USBInstruction ManualAT2005USBCardioid Dynamic USB/XLR MicrophoneContentsIntroduction & features 3 S etting up your microphone with stand clamp & desk stand 4Preliminary setup with Mac OS X 5Preliminary setup with Windows XP 6Preliminary setup with Windows Vista 9Preliminary setup with Windows 7 10Using headphones 13Selecting software 13Setting your software levels 13Positioning your microphone 13XLR operation 13Protecting your microphone 13Specifications 14Compliance with FCC rules (USA only)This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC WARNINGYou are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.Canada onlyThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme á la norme NMB -003 du Canada.Federal Communications Commission StatementNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.2Introduction Thank you for buying the Audio-Technica AT2005USB cardioid dynamic USB/XLR microphone. Equipped with both USB and an XLR outputs, this digital/analog mic is designed both for live performance and digitally capturing music or any acoustic audio source using your favorite recording software.The AT2005USB offers high-quality articulation and intelligibility perfect for home studio recording, field recording, podcasting, voiceover, and on-stage use. Its cardioid polar pattern reduces pickup of sounds from the sides and rear, improving isolation of desired sound source.The microphone also features a built-in headphone jack with volume control that allows you to directly monitor from your microphone. The microphone’s focused pickup pattern delivers excellent off-axis rejection, while its A/D converter with a 16-bit, 44.1/48 kHz sampling rate ensures clear, articulate sound reproduction.Audio-Technica’s state-of-the-art design and manufacturing techniques ensure that the microphone complies with the company’s renowned consistency and reliability standards.Features• Handheld dynamic microphone with USB digital output and XLR analog output• USB output connects to your computer for digital recording, while the XLR output connects with your sound system’s conventional microphone input for use in liveperformance• Smooth, extended frequency response ideally suited for podcasting, home studio recording, field recording, voiceover, and on-stage use• Built-in headphone jack allows you to directly monitor from your microphone• Adjust headphone volume with easy-to-use controls on the bottom of the microphone• High-quality A/D converter with 16-bit, 44.1/48 kHz sampling rate• Compatible with Windows and Mac• Low-mass diaphragm provides excellent frequency response• Cardioid polar pattern reduces pickup of sounds from the sides and rear, improving isolation of desired sound source• Tripod desk stand with folding legs for secure and easily portable tabletop use• Pivoting, threaded stand clamp attaches securely to the supplied tripod or to a conventional microphone stand• USB and XLR cables included• Durable metal construction for long-lasting performance• On/off switch functions for both USB and analog operation341.Windscreen –Multi-stage grille design offers excellent protection against plosives and sibilancewithout compromising high-frequency clarity 2.Capsule –Dynamic microphone element with cardioid polar pattern 3.Blue LED –Blue light shows mic is receiving USB power (Note: The blue LED is not affectedby the on/off switch position)4.ON/OFF switch –Functions for both USB and analog operation 5.Metal construction –Tough, durable, resilient design 6.Headphone level control –Up/Down dial controls headphone volume 7.XLR connector –XLR connector with analog output for connection to PA system’s conventionalmicrophone input 8.USB –USB connector for connection to your Mac or PC 9.Headphone Jack –1/8-inch (3.5 mm) stereo jack for connecting your headphones 10.USB cable 11. XLRM to XLRF cableSetting up your microphone with included stand clamp and tripod desk standA. Screw the stand clamp onto the threaded portion of the desk stand.B. Extend the tripod legs to provide a wide, secure base, and place the tripod desk stand on a flat surface.B. Install the AT2005USB microphone into the microphone mount, with ON/OFF switch upC. The top of the microphone should be facing the sound source.D. Use a screwdriver or coin to loosen and tighten the pivot screw for angle adjustment.E. Plug the provided USB cable into the USB output at the base of the microphone, or plug the provided XLR cable into the microphone input of your sound system.Note: Many recording software programs are available online. Audacity is widely used free software for recording and editing sounds. It is available online at /AT2005USB851. Plug the free end of the provided USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The microphone’s blue LED will illuminate, indicating the microphone is receiving power.Your computer will automatically recognize the USB device and install a driver.2. To select the AT2005USB as your audio input, first, open your System Preferences .3. Next, click Sound to display the Sound preference pane.4. Click the Input tab and select the AT2005USB as the device for sound input.Your preferences are now set to use the AT2005USB on your Mac with GarageBand or another recording program of your choice.Preliminary setup with Mac OS XPreliminary setup with Windows XP(Service Pack 2; other operating systems may vary slightly)1.Plug the free end of the USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The microphone’s blueLED will illuminate, indicating the mic is receiving power. Your computer will automatically recognize the USB device and install a driver.2.In the lower right portion of your screen you may see a message that new hardware was found;or you may see a driver software installation notice.3.To select the AT2005USB as your default recording device, begin at your Start menu.Select Control Panel.64. Select Sounds and Audio Devices.785. Select the Audio tab, and choose AT2005USB as the default device.6. Adjust computer volume by clicking on the Volume button beneath Sound recordingDefault device.Preliminary setup with Windows XP(continued)7. Through the Wave In window, you can set the computer volume or mute the microphone.Your preferences are now set to use the AT2005USB with Windows XP with the recording program of your choice.AT2005USB9Preliminary setup with Windows Vista1. Plug the free end of the USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The microphone’s blue LED will illuminate, indicating the mic is receiving power. Your computer will automatically recognize the USB device and install a driver.2. In the lower right portion of your screen you may see a message that new hardware was found; or you may see a driver software installation notice.3. To select the AT2005USB as your default recording device, begin at your Start menu.Select Control Panel .4. Select (double-click) Sound .5. Select the Recording tab. Make sure that the AT2005USB microphone is set as the default recording device. (You should see a green check mark beside the USB microphone icon.)Your preferences are now set to use the AT2005USB with Windows Vista with the recording program of your choice.Preliminary setup with Windows 71.Plug the free end of the USB cable into the USB port on your computer. The microphone’s blueLED light will illuminate, indicating the mic is receiving power. Your computer will automatically recognize the USB device and install a driver.2.In the lower right portion of your screen you may get a message that new hardware was found;or you may see a driver software installation notice.3.Start menu > Control Panel > SoundTo select the AT2005USB as your default recording device, begin at your Start menu.Select Control Panel.104.Select Sound.5. The following screen will pop up:6. Select the Recording tab, and choose AT2005USB as the default device.7. Double click on the AT2005USB icon to open the Microphone Properties window. Select the levels tab to adjust microphone level (loudness). You may need to come back to this window to readjust the level after you begin recording.Preliminary setup with Windows 7(continued)Your preferences are now set to use the AT2005USB with Windows 7 with the recording program of your choice.MicrophoneAT2005USBDefault DeviceAdditional Information Using headphonesThe 1/8" (3.5 mm) headphone jack on the bottom of the microphone allows you to directly monitor your recording with a pair of headphones. When your preliminary setup is completed, and your USB microphone is connected to your computer’s USB port (the microphone’s blue LED is illuminated), plug your headphones into the headphone jack on the bottom of the microphone. While talking into the microphone, you should hear yourself in the headphones. Adjust the volume up or down by rotating the the Up/ Down dial on the bottom of the microphone. Note: The Up/ Down dial only adjusts the volume of the mic’s headphone output; it does not adjust the microphone level.Selecting softwareYou have many choices in recording software. Audacity, available for free online at/, is a widely used software program that provides basic recording software. Setting your software levelsCorrect adjustment of microphone level is important for optimum performance. Ideally, the microphone level should be as high as possible without overloading the input of your computer. If you hear distortion, or if your recording program shows levels that are consistently overloaded (at peak levels), turn the microphone volume (or level) down, either through your control panel (or system preferences) settings, or through your recording software. If your recording program shows insufficient level, you can increase the microphone gain either from the control panel (or system preferences) settings or through your recording program.No further microphone level adjustments should be needed, as long as the acoustic input does not change significantly.Positioning your microphoneIt is important to position the microphone directly in line (on axis) with the person speaking/singing or instrument (or other sound source) to achieve the best frequency response of the microphone.For use in speaking/singing applications, the ideal placement for the microphone is directly in front of the person speaking/singing. The same placement is optimal when miking an instrument such as an acoustic guitar, drums or piano. Experiment with different mic placements to find the best sound for your particular setup.XLR operationFor live-sound applications, connect the XLRF connector of the included XLR cable to the XLRM output on the bottom of the microphone; connect the cable’s XLRM connector to a standard XLRF microphone input on your mixer. Turn the microphone’s ON/OFF switch to the “ON” position. Set the microphone’s level by following the instructions included with your mixer. Note: The ON/OFF switch does not affect the LED.Protecting your microphoneTake care to keep foreign particles from entering the windscreen. An accumulation of iron or steel filings on the diaphragm, and/or foreign material in the windscreen’s mesh surface, can degrade performance.Element: DynamicPolar Pattern: CardioidFrequency Response: 50 – 15,000 HzPower Requirements: USB Power (5V DC)Bit Depth: 16 bitSample Rate: 44.1 kHz/48 kHzControls: On/off switch; headphone volume controlWeight: 266 g (9.4 oz)Dimensions: 183.6 mm (7.23") long, 51.0 mm (2.01") maximum body diameterOutput Connector: USB-type/XLR-typeHeadphone Output Power: 10 mW @ 16 ohmsHeadphone Jack: 3.5 mm TRS (stereo)Accessories Included: Stand clamp for 5/8"-27 threaded stands, tripod desk stand, 2 m (6.6') mini USB cable, 3 m (9.8') XLRF-type to XLRM-type cableSystem Requirements: Macintosh: MAC OS X; USB 1.0 or 2.0; 64 MB RAM (minimum) Windows: XP/Vista/Windows 7; USB 1.0 or 2.0; 64 MB RAM (minimum)†In the interest of standards development, A.T.U.S. offers full details on its test methods to other industry professionals on request.Specifications are subject to change without notice.AT2005USB Specifications †R e s p o n s e i n d B LEGEND 200 Hz 1 kHz 5 kHz 8 kHz SCALE IS 5 DECIBELS PER DIVISION240˚180˚210˚270˚300˚330˚0˚150˚120˚90˚30˚60˚Frequency ResponsePolar PatternAudio-Technica U.S., Inc.1221 Commerce Drive, Stow, Ohio 44224 USA +1 (330) 686-2600 ©2012 Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. P52364-01 To reduce the environmental impact of a multi-language printed document, product information is available online at in a selection of languages.Afin de réduire l’impact sur l’environnement de l’impression de plusieurs, les informations concernant les produits sont disponibles sur le site dans une large sélection de langue.Para reducir el impacto al medioambiente, y reducir la producción de documentos en varios leguajes, información de nuestros productos están disponibles en nuestra página del Internet: .AT2005USB。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告圣尼斯种子(北京)有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:圣尼斯种子(北京)有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分圣尼斯种子(北京)有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业农业-其他农业资质一般纳税人产品服务种子、种苗;销售蔬菜、水果、农药(限制性1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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*项目金额排序,最多展示前 10 记录。
1.4 地区分布
近 1 年北京一三城市环境管理有限公司中标项目主要分布于北京、新疆等省份,项目数量分布为 8 个、 3 个,占比企业近 1 年项目总数的 100%。从中标金额来看,北京、新疆的中标总金额较高,表现出 较高的地区集中度。
本报告于 2023 年 02 月 10 日 生成
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1.3.2 重点项目
二所道路集约化作业项目清扫服务 北京市东城区环境卫
中标金额 (万元)
七所公厕维护费公共厕所服务采购 北京市东城区环境卫
1.2 业绩趋势
近 3 月(2022-12~2023-02):
近 1 年(2022-03~2023-02):
本报告于 2023 年 02 月 10 日 生成
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近 3 年(2020-03~2023-02):
1.3 项目规模
1.3.1 规模结构 近 1 年北京一三城市环境管理有限公司的中标项目规模主要分布于 500 万元到 1000 万元区间,占总 中标数量的 36.4%。500 万以上大额项目 5 个。 近 1 年(2022-02~2023-02):
1.1 总体指标
近 1 年(2022-02~2023-02):
国家医疗器械分类目录(最新版)01有源手术器械 ................................................................................................ 02无源手术器械 ................................................................................................ 03神经和心血管手术器械 ................................................................................ 04骨科手术器械 ................................................................................................ 05放射治疗器械 ................................................................................................ 06医用成像器械 ................................................................................................ 07医用诊察和监护器械 .................................................................................... 08呼吸、麻醉和急救器械 ................................................................................ 09物理治疗器械 ................................................................................................ 10输血、透析和体外循环器械........................................................................ 11医疗器械消毒灭菌器械 ................................................................................ 12有源植入器械 ................................................................................................ 13无源植入器械 ................................................................................................ 14注输、护理和防护器械 ................................................................................ 15患者承载器械 ................................................................................................ 16眼科器械 ........................................................................................................ 17口腔科器械 .................................................................................................... 18妇产科、辅助生殖和避孕器械.................................................................... 19医用康复器械 ................................................................................................ 20中医器械 ........................................................................................................ 21医用软件 ........................................................................................................ 22临床检验器械 ................................................................................................101 有源手术器械说明一、范围本子目录包括以手术治疗为目的与有源相关的医疗器械,包括超声、激光、高频/射频、微波、冷冻、冲击波、手术导航及控制系统、手术照明设备、内窥镜手术用有源设备等医疗器械。
DLP ProjectorUser Guide SNP-LX3200/SNP-LX3600 SNP-LW3200/SNP-LW3600 SNP-LH3200感谢您购买索诺克产品■使用本产品前,请仔细阅读操作手册■请保存好该操作手册,以便今后查阅使用说明书在使用激光投影机(以下简称投影机)前,请阅读所有这些指导说明,并妥善保管以备日后参考。
1、从五环康化路出口出来,沿康化桥行驶 330 米,在康化桥朝次渠方向,直行进入康化桥
2、继续沿康化桥行驶 1.6 公里,直行进入嘉创路
3、沿嘉创路行驶 1.9 公里,左转进入嘉创二路(在右手边可以看到联东商务中心处左转)
4、沿嘉创二路行驶 1.3 公里,在第二个十字路口右转进入兴光三街
5、沿兴光三街行驶 900 米(途中经过宝骏涂料有限责任公司、北京第三开关厂、中轻太阳能电池公司和高新利华催化材料制造公司)
6、抵达后可以看到灰色库房,在北 2 号门进行登记(门前挂有“图书”、“百货”2 个提示牌),直行到 3 号库门进行打印预约号。
2020届北京十三中分校高三英语月考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFor some people, there’s no better companion than mans best friend-a dog. This four-legged pet can bring comfort and joy and provide much- needed exercise for you when it needs walkies! This probably explains why dog ownership increased last year because people spent more time at home during he CovID-I9 lockdown.However, as demand for a new dog increased, so did the price tag. Popular breeds, such as Cockapoos and Cocker Spaniels, saw even sharper price increases, and puppies have been selling for $3,000 or more.Animal welfare charities fearthat high prices could encourage puppy farming, smuggling (走私) or dog theft. An investigation found some breeders have been selling puppies and kittens on social media sites--something charities have called “extremely irresponsible”.But despite some new owners purchasing a dog legally, maybe from a rescue center or registered breeder, they’ve proved to be ill-prepared for life with a new pet, and the pet itself has found it hard tocome to terms withlife in a new home.Looking to the future, there are concerns about the welfare of these much-loved pets. Lan Alkin manager of the Oxfordshire Animal Sanct uary in the UK, notes: “At the moment, the dogs are having a great time, but separation anxiety could still surface when people go back to work.” And Cliare Calder from the UKs Dogs Trust rescue charity says, “The economic situation also means that some people may find they can’t afford to look aftera dog.” The message is not to buy a dog in haste and to pick one that fits into our lifestyle.1. The greater demand for dogs can cause the following problems except ________.A. illegal trade of dogsB. less dog farmingC. high prices of dogsD. online sale of dogs2. What does the underlined phrase"come to terms with"in paragraph 4 mean?A. Fit in withB. Go in forC. Make up for.D. End up with3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Despite the problems, dogs are living happily.B. The writer has a positive attitude towards dogs future.C. Experts are worried that dogs will be unaffordable to people.D. The writer advises people to think twice before keeping dogs as pets.B"Long time no see." is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend's e-mail, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greeting with wrong English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting. I was too surprised to believe her. Her words were unbelievable at all. So I did research onGoogle. com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages containing "Long time no see." Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. Interestingly, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan's movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a worldwide famous Chinese detective named "Charlie Chan" on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius. "Long time no see." was his symbol. Soon after Charlie Chan, "Long time no see." became a popular expression in America thanks to the popularity of these movies.Some scholars compare America to a hugemelting pot. All kinds of cultures are mixed in the pot together, and they change the colour and taste of each other. Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed pot.You can have some examples from other countries such as pizza from Italian, sushi from Japanese, and déjà vu from French etc. There is a long list! Since Americans admire Chinese culture more and more nowadays, I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future. In this way, the American's melting pot keeps adding richness and flavour.4. What did the writer himself feel surprised at?A. The Chinglish expression "Long time no see."B. So many literal translations of the expressions used in America.C. "Long time no see." is used as a standard American English greeting.D. Finding out Americans use the expression every day.5. What do the underlined words "melting pot" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Confucius's words.B. Culture mixture.C. A kind of cooked dish.D. American changing cultures.6. According to the passage, what can be inferred?A. Detectives translated the phrase "Long time no see."B. Cultures cannot be changed in the huge melting pot.C. The huge melting pot greatly affects all kinds of languages.D. Hollywood made "Long time no see." popular.7. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Some Chinese expressions are introduced into English.B. You'll not be surprised at a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant in America.C. Some American expressions can be used in China.D. American English keeps being enriched by different cultures.CWhena person in the United States gets the COVID-19 vaccine (疫苗), the person receives a small piece of paper called a “COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card”.It is a piece of paper with the logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, and the name and date of the vaccine. Because it is so simple, it could be easy to fake.Many people in theU.S.are still unsure about getting the vaccine. As universities, workplaces and other places are requiring proof of vaccination, some people are now buying fake vaccination cards without getting a shot.The Associated Press reports that students and teachers at universities around theU.S.are worried about fake cards. Sellers are using social media apps like Instagram to advertise fake vaccination cards. The prices range from $25 to $200. The AP notes that many college students seem interested in buying the cards. On the site Reddit, one person wrote, “I need one, too, for college. I refuse to be a guinea pig.”It is reported that more than 700 universities and colleges require proof of vaccination. Most schools simply ask their students to take a photo of their card and send it to a school website. Benjamin Mason Meier is a professor at theUniversityofNorth CarolinaatChapel Hill, UNC. He studies international health policy. He said, unlike some countries, not using a digital system to record vaccine status. He said depending on “aflimsypaper card”, and students have told him they knew of others who had used fake vaccination cards. Rebecca Williams also works at UNC. She is a researcher at the school’s Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. She said she was not surprised that people were worried about fake vaccination cards. “This is why I think the development of a reliable national digital vaccine passport app is very important,” she said.There is a law that should prevent people from making false vaccination cards. If someone uses the CDC logowithout permission, they can be lined and punished by up to five years in prison. The U.S. Department of Justice recently charged a person inCaliforniawith making fake vaccination cards.College students who already have the vaccine are criticizing those who would rather spend money to buy a fake than get a free shot. Maliha Reza is an electrical engineering student atPennsylvaniaStateUniversity, She called those students “dumb”. “I’m angry about that,” she said. “Like, there is more anger than I could describe now.”8. Why do some college students buy fake vaccination cards?A. They are easy to get.B. Many Americans are still uncertain about getting the vaccine.C. Students have an interest in the fake vaccination cards.D. To get a vaccine shot is expensive.9. Which of the following measures can NOT be used to stop the fake cards?A. Having a law that should prevent people from making false vaccination cards.B. Developing a reliable national digital vaccine passport app.C. Using a digital system to record vaccine status.D. Having all the students take a photo of their vaccination card and send it to the school website.10. What does the underlined word “flimsy” probably mean?A. Weak.B. Effective.C. Detailed.D. Professional,11. What might be the writing purpose for the news report?A. To promote a digital system to record the vaccination shots.B. To explain why theU.S.should prevent making the fake vaccination cards.C. The stress the influence of the COVID-19 vaccination.D. To reduce leaders’ worry about fake vaccination cards.DMark Bertram lost the tips of two fingers at work in 2018 when his hand became trapped in a fan belt. “It’s life-changing but it’s not life-ending,”he says.After two surgeries and occupational therapy, Bertram decided to ask Eric Catalano, a tattoo artist, to create fingernail tattoos. The idea made everyone in the studio laugh—until they saw the final result. “The mood changed,” Catalano recalls from his Eternal Ink Tattoo Studio in Hecker, Illinois. “Everything turned from funny towow.”Catalano posted a photo of the tattoos, and it eventually was viewed by millions of people around the world. The viral photo pushed Catalano, 40, further into the world of paramedical tattooing. Now people who want to cover their life-altering scars come from as far away as Ireland to visit his shop.Leslie Pollan, a dog breeder, was bitten on the face by a puppy. She underwent countless surgeries but those gave her no hope. She ultimately traveled six hours for a session with Catalano. HecamouflagedPollan’s lip scar, giving her back confidence.Though he is now known for his talent with intricate fingernail, Catalano uses the techniques he picked up years ago while helping breast cancer survivors. Those tattoos are among the most common paramedical requests. His grandmother had breast cancer, and her battle with the disease is one reason Catalano is so dedicated to helping those with the diagnosis.Catalano performs up to eight reconstructive tattoos each “Wellness Wednesday”. While he charges $100 per regular tattoo, he doesn’t charge for paramedical tattoos: A GoFundMe page established last year brought in more than $16,000, allowing Catalano to donate his work.“Financially, it doesn’t make sense,” Catalano says. “But every time I see emotions from my customers, I am 100 percent sure this is something that I can’t stop doing.”12. How did people in the studio react to Bertram’s idea at first?A. They took it lightly.B. They found it creative.C. They were confused.D. They were impressed.13. What does the underlined word “camouflaged” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Exposed.B. Hid.C. Ignored.D. Removed.14. What does Catalano say about his work with paramedical tattoos?A. It is flexible.B. It is demanding.C. It is profitable.D. It is rewarding.15. Which of the following can best describe Catalano?A. Humorous and experienced.B. Devoted and generous.C. Cooperative and grateful.D. Professional and tolerant.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
北京昆仑海岸传感技术中心 KL-S 系列数据采集器 说明书
KL-S系列数据采集器 使用说明书V2.00北京昆仑海岸传感技术中心目 录1概述 (6)1.1简介 (6)1.2特点 (6)2主机 (7)2.2 液晶显示面板说明 (8)2.3主机的安装 (10)2.3.1 壁挂式机箱的安装 (10)2.3.2 标准机架式机箱的安装 (10)3整体电气接线说明 (11)3.1壁挂式 (11)3.2标准1U机箱 (12)3.3通讯方式选择 (13)3.4 扩展板说明 (13)3.5 拨码开关说明 (14)3.5 端子定义 (15)3.5.1 模拟量输入端子的定义 (15)3.5.2 开关量输入端子定义 (15)3.5.3 继电器端子定义 (15)3.7 KL-S系列串口接线说明 (16)4 按键操作指南 (18)4.1 识别按键 (18)4.1.1 键盘操作面板示意图: (18)4.1.2 按键功能解释 (19)4.1.3 单操作简述 (19)4.2 设定参数操作流程 (19)4.2.1设置说明 (19)4.2.2 按键参数设置 (20)4.2.3按键清除报警设置 (22)4.4 模拟量上下限的调整方法 (22)5、传感器技术参数及安装说明 (23)5.1温湿度传感器 (23)5.1.1 温湿度传感器的技术参数: (23)5.1.2 温湿度传感器的安装 (23)5.1.3 温湿度传感器的接线 (24)5.2交流电压隔离传感器 (24)5.2.3 交流电压隔离传感器接线端子定义 (25)5.2.4交流电压隔离传感器接线方式 (25)5.3浸水变送器 (25)5.3.1 浸水变送器的技术参数 (25)5.3.2 浸水变送器的安装 (25)5.3.3 浸水变送器的接线 (26)5.4 离子型烟雾传感器 (27)5.4.1 离子型烟雾传感器的技术参数 (27)5.4.2 离子型烟雾传感器的安装 (27)5.4.3 离子型烟雾传感器的接线方法 (27)5.5玻璃破碎传感器 (28)5.5.1 玻璃破碎传感器的技术参数 (28)5.5.2 玻璃破碎传感器的安装 (28)5.5.3 玻璃破碎传感器的接线 (29)5.6 被动红外探测传感器 (30)5.6.1 被动红外探测传感器的技术参数 (30)5.6.2 被动红外探测传感器的安装 (30)5.6.3 被动红外探测传感器的接线方法 (31)5.7门磁传感器 (31)5.7.2 门磁传感器的安装 (31)5.7.3 门磁传感器的接线 (32)附A:通道定义表 (33)附B: 问题回馈表 (33)1.1简介KL-S 系列数据采集器通过采集模拟量和开关量来实时监测现场的设备运行情况和环境状况,以及其它一些告警数据,还可以统计现场人员出入情况。
专利名称:SPECTACLE LENS 发明人:KURITA HIROYUKI 申请号:JP15648390申请日:19900614公开号:JPH0450813A公开日:19920219专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To satisfactorily correct the chromatic aberration, and also, to obtain the spectacles lens being thin in thickness and light in weight by forming a holographic optical element in a refraction type optical element. CONSTITUTION:The holographic optical element 13 (HOE) is formed in a refraction type optical element. The HOE 13 is formed, for instance, by allowing a photosensitive layer 12 formed on a transparent substrate 11 to sensitize a prescribed pattern, and reproduces a specific wave front by utilizing the diffraction of light by this pattern. Also, the dispersion of the HOE 13 shows a prescribed negative value irrespective of a material of the HOE 13 against the spectrum of a visible light. Accordingly, by combining with a glass lens 14, the chromatic aberration can be corrected satisfactorily by only optical parts having the refracting power of one of positive or negative. In such a manner, the spectacle lens being thin in thickness and light in weight can be obtained.申请人:OLYMPUS OPTICAL CO LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。
A、《物权法》B、《保险法》C、《垄断法》D、《竞争法》正确答案: C2根据2012年世界知识产权组织权威发布的报告,()成为专利申请第一大国。
A、美国B、日本C、澳大利亚D、中国正确答案: D3“专利制度就是在天才的火焰上倾倒利益之油”是谁的名言?()A、瓦特B、林肯C、爱迪生D、柯克正确答案: B4专利权起源于资本主义社会的财产权。
A、食品B、服装C、软饮料D、汉字输入法正确答案: B2我国1985年颁布的《专利法》规定的专利垄断期限是()。
A、12年B、13年C、14年D、15年正确答案: D3VCD最早是由()发明制造的。
A、美国B、日本C、中国D、韩国正确答案: C4美国在本国公司申请了美国和加拿大的童锁专利后,要求进口彩电必须具备童锁功能。
A、教学实验B、工业发明C、盛放热水D、低温研究正确答案: D2日用拉链专利获得批准是在()。
A、1905年B、1914年C、1917年D、1920年正确答案: C3著名公司Thermos的设立与真空瓶专利的申请关系密切。
A、奔驰戴姆勒公司B、奔驰梅赛德斯公司C、沃尔沃公司D、大众公司正确答案: C2下列专利发明出现在19世纪的是()。
A、吉列剃须刀B、瓦特蒸汽机C、膨胀螺钉D、三点式安全带正确答案: A3英国工程师瓦特发明了蒸汽机。
京制01050054号Instruction ManualDMF-1-Series Coriolis Mass Flow MeterBeijing Sincerity Automatic Equipment Co., LTDTel: +86(010)52073959/ 52073956 186********NOTICEWe thank you very much for your purchase of our coriolis mass flow meter. This instruction manual describes the notes on using a mass flow meter, installation, configuration and maintenance; it is intended for the personnel in charge of installation, operation and maintenance.To use this product properly and safely, read the manual carefully before using this product. After reading this manual, store it in a place where it can be referred to whenever needed.About safety precautions◆ Read the safety precautions described at the front carefully andunderstand the contents before using this product.◆ The information contained in this manual is subject to change or reviewwithout prior notice.◆Be sure to follow all safety, operating and handling precautions described in this manual and the regulations in force in the country in which this product is to be used.Handling PrecautionsTo obtain the optimum performance from the mass flow meter for years of continuous operation, observe the following precautions.1. Do not store or install the flow meter in:◆ Places where there is direct sunlight;◆ Places where excessive vibration or mechanical shock occurs;◆ Places where corrosive atmospheres obtain;◆ Places submerged under water;◆ Places where there is slop floor. To put the flow meter temporarily on the floor, place it carefully withsomething, such as stopper, to support it as that the flow meter will not topple over.2.Wire cables correctly and securely◆ Be sure to ground at the transmitter side. Avoid a common ground used with other equipments which earth currently may flow. An independent ground is preferable.3.Select the paths away from electrical equipment, which causes electromagnetic or electrostatic interference.4.If the inside of the transmitter or cable terminals are wetted or humidified, it may cause insulation deterioration, which can result in fault or noise occurrence, so do not conduct wiring in the open air on rainy days.Also, be careful not to wet down the transmitter even in the case of indoor wiring, and complete wiring work in a short period of time.5.Observe the following precautions when you open the transmitter housing cover;◆ Do not open the cover in the open air unprotected against rain or wind. This cancause electric shock or cause damage to the flow meter electronics.◆ Do not open the cover under high ambient temperature or high humidity conditions orin corrosive atmospheres. This can cause deterioration of system accuracy or cause6.Since a varistor is built in transmitter, do not conduct a withstand voltage test for the transmitter.7.This product may cause interference to radio and television sets if they are used near the installation site. Use metal consults etc. for cables to prevent this interference.8.Radio transmitters such as transceivers or cellular phones may cause interference to the flow meter if they are used near the installation site.Observe the following precautions when using them;◆ Close a transmitter cover before using a transceiver;◆ Do not use a transceiver whose output power is more than 5W;◆ Move the antenna of a transceiver or a cellular phone at least 50cm away from theflow meter and signal cables when using it;◆ Do not use a radio transmitter or cellular phones near the flow meter while it isoperating online. The transmitter or cellular phone’s output impulse noise may interference with the flow meter.◆ Do not install a radio transmitter antenna near the flow meter and signal cables. 9.For reasons of flow meter failure, inappropriate parameter, unsuitable cable connections or poor installations conditions, the flow meter may not operate properly. To prevent any of these problems causing system failure, it is recommended that you have preventive measures designed and installed on the flow meter signal receiving side.We assume no responsibility for nonconformity caused by violation of precautions described in this manual or used in violation of the installation method and the operation method stipulated in a relevant ordinance or other regulations.Contents1. Main technical parameters (6)2. Flow range (7)3. Installation (8)3.1 Unpacking inspection (8)3.2 Precautions to sensor installation (8)3.2.1. Installation environment (8)3.2.2 Installation operation (8)4. Zero adjustment………………………………………………………………….……...11..5. Wiring (15)5.1 Wiring sketch (15)5.2 Description: (15)6. Integral structure chart (17)6.1 Sensor………………………………………………………………………………….…17.6.2 Small flow sensor outline (18)6.3 Medium flow sensor outline …………………………………………………………….19.6.4 Large flow sensor outline (20)7. General failure and cause (21)I. Main technical parameters(I) Measurement scope :2kg/h~500t/h(II) Accuracy :±0.2%~±0.15%(III) Work pressure :(0~32) MPa (in case of other high pressure, it must be of special order)(IV) Medium temperature :-50℃~ +350℃,measurement accuracy :±1℃(V) Environment temperature : -20℃ ~ +70℃(VI) Measurement medium: liquid, gas, solid, or two phases and three phases mixed fluid (VII) Output signal:(1) 4-20mA current signal of flow, with load resistance ≤500Ω(2) 0-10KHz frequency signal of flow.(3) RS485 Communication protocol(4) Hart protocol(VIII) Power supply voltage: 24VDC(IX) Material of measuring pipe: 316L stainless steel(X) Response time: 0.1s~5s, adjustable(XI) Explosion-proof grade: Ex(ib)II BT2-T5II. Flow RangeMicro Flow Meter- DMF-1-1; DMF-1-2Model DN Measurement scope(kg/h)Work Pressure (MPa)Connection type (mm)DMF-1-1-AB 1.5 0~4 0~32 Weld Joints Φ6×1.5 DMF-1-1-A 3 0~40 0~32 Weld Joints Φ6×1.5 DMF-1-1-B 6 0~100 0~25 Weld Joints Φ10×2 DMF-1-2-A 8 0~200 0~20 Weld Joints Φ10×1Medium-Small Flow Meter: DMF-1-3-A; DMF-1-4; DMF-1-5-AModel DN Measurement scope(kg/h)Work Pressure (MPa) Connection Type(mm)DMF-1-3-A 12 0~500 0~25 Weld Joints Φ20×4 DMF-1-3-B 14 0~1000 0~25 Weld Joints Φ20×3 DMF-1-416 0~3000 0~25 Weld Joints Φ20×2 DMF-1-5-A 25 0~10000 0~25 Weld Joints Φ31×3Large-scale Flow Meter: DMF-1-3; DMF-1-4; DMF-1-5; DMF-1-6Model DN Measurement scope (t/h) Work Pressure (MPa) Connection Type(mm) DMF-1-3-A 10 0-0.5 0~4 Flange 10DMF-1-3-B 15 0-1.0 0~4 Flange 15DMF-1-4 20 0-3.0 0~4 Flange 20DMF-1-5-A 25 0-10 0~4 Flange 25DMF-1-5-B 40 0-20 0~4 Flange 40DMF-1-6-A 50 0-30 0~4 Flange 50DMF-1-6-AB 65 0-50 0~4 Flange 65DMF-1-6-B 80 0-100 0~4 Flange 80DMF-1-6-C 100 0-150 0~4 Flange 100 DMF-1-6-D 150 0-300 0~2 Flange 150 DMF-1-6-E 200 0-500 0~2 Flange 150III. Installation requirements(I) Unpacking inspection1. Prior to unpacking, check the completeness of the packing box, in case of any damagethereof, timely contact the transportation agent;2. Check the number of things in the packing box as per packing list, if the things in thepacking box are not consistent with that in the packing list, timely contacts our company;3. After power on of flow meter, trigger the Zero Adjustment switch; if the Zero Adjustmentlight flashes, it is normal.(II) Precautions to sensor installationA. Requirements to installation environment:1.The flow meter and its cable shall not be installed near the equipments with fairly great electromagnetic disturbance, the flow meter shall be over 1m away from motor and large scale relay, etc.,2.The flow meter must be over 3m away from the strong vibration source equipments as motor, pump, vibrator and bumper jar, otherwise it must be taken by separation bracing measures, or taken by special measures as adding the metal hose between the connected vibration sources.3.The power line of the transducer shall be separated from that of the main power consumers.As to outdoor installation, it shall take into account the wind-proof and rain-proof measures to avoid disturbance in wind and rain, and improve the service life of flow meter.B. Installation operation requirements:1. The lower reaches pipe of the flow meter shall have certain back pressure, at theflow meter inlet and outlet, the regulation valve is mounted. Regulate the flow through regulating the regulation valve at the outlet, and it shall not be directly in thesection of the flow meter full of fluid, otherwise it shall incur very serious deviation and the error of measurement.2. In the actual application, the flow meter would not be in contact with the other objects,the upper and lower parts of the transducer encasing shall not be stocked by foreign substances, and it is not allowed to use the transducer encasing as the pipe support, and it must be away from the ground.3. The upper reaches pipe diameter of the flow meter must be equivalent to or over theflow meter size.4. The flow meter may be directly mounted on the pipe, nevertheless the pipe openingsat two sides of the flow meter, or the position of 6-10 folds pipe diameters on the flange, must be added by bracing with sufficient strength, rigidity and mass. The bracing and pipeline shall be fixed by fastener to minimize the impact of pipeline vibration to flow meter.5. During installation, the pipe shall be aligned to enable the coaxial between the flowmeter and pipe either in axial or radial direction, the forcible position alignment is not allowed, so as to avoid the torque or bending moment on the primary instrument; it shall strive to implement zero stress installation. In the strong vibration environment, the expansion joint shall be used to eliminate the impact of vibration to flow meter.The flow meter installation shall adopt the proper means as the case may be (refer to chart below)Note: the output is over 0.8m higher than the highest point of the flow meter.6. When flow meter is used for batch filling, the flow meter shall be in parallelconnected to the bypass (see typical installation chart), and this shall also be in favor of maintenance.Typical installation chart7. The measured fluid shall be in the appropriate flow status, in the natural environmentconditions, if the flow status of the fluid is not appropriate, it shall adopt the external improvement, for example, it may regulate the temperature of fluid (increase/decrease temperature, heat preservation), and thus the measured fluid is in the appropriate flow status.8. Installation direction: the arrow direction of the nameplate of the sensor is consistentwith the flow direction of fluid (the direction of fluid passing through the pipe);9. The No. of the sensor shall be corresponding to the No. of transducer one by one,without change at will; otherwise it may incur the measurement error.(IV) Zero adjustment of flow meterThe upper and lower reaches of the mass sensor(inlet and outlet) must be configured by stop valves that can be completely closed, and it cannot be replaced by regulation valve in the lower reaches; when the short time cutoff zero adjustment is not allowed in the flow process, it shall all be mounted by upper and lower reaches stop valves and bypass valve, and these valves and related pipelines shall all be of the stable and firm bracing protection.On the mass flow sensor upstream and downstream (inlet and outlet), there must be the stopvalves closed completely, and cannot be replaced by the regulation valve in downstream; if the flow range does not allow short-term closure zero adjustment, should install the upstream and downstream cut-off f valve and bypass valve, and these valves and the corresponding pipeline should have a firm support.The zero adjustment method is below:1) The sensor installation is stable without shaking;2) The temperature and pressure of liquids should reach the normal work state.3) Before zero adjustment, there should be fully filled with the pure liquid phaseliquid in the pipe, and also close the stop valves on the inlet and outlet of flow meter to ensure the zero flow speed.4) When power on, the LCD display “FHC flow meter..” Wait fo show:◆ Press “up” or “down” key,to achieve the switch between the two interfaces:◆ Press “set” key to show:5) View Record:◆ Press “up” or “down” key,inputting‘20’:◆ press “set” key to get into the first grade menu:◆ Press “set” key to get into the second grade menu. Pressing “up” or “down”key can achieve the cycle display among several interfaces to check the meter information:◆ Press “esc ” key to turn back the last grade menu .6) Modify the settings:◆ Press “Down” to move the cursor from “Check records” to “Amend set”:◆ Press “set” key to get intoPress “down” to move the cursor from “Total reset”to“Adjust zero”;press “set” to get into the menu,then choose“yes”and press “set” to do it.Press “esc” to exit.Meter reset,soft start.Set the decimal digits of the flow display.Set the boot display interfaceFlow unit:kg/h,g/h,kg/min, g/min,m3/h,L/min,mL/min,t/h,Density unit:g/cm3,kg/L,t/m3Optional:(0-99)%Optional:(0-100)sCan select the 4-20mA signal outputof flow or density Density range:0.5g/cm3---2.5g/cm3Press “esc” key to turn back the last grade menu.◆ Press “Down” to move the cursor from “Amend set” to “Output test”:◆ Press “set” key to get intoThe menu is used for testing the 0—10khz signal and 4—20mA signal. Press “set” to get into the menu, press“up” or “down” to amend the test point.Press “esc” key to turn back the last grade menu.◆ Press “Down” to move the cursor from “Output test” to “Del.Fault code”:◆ Press “set” key to get intoPress “up” key , after inputting ‘yes’ ,Press “set” key toclear the fault code.7) Open the inlet valves and outlet valves by steps to measure.Note:1. Before zero adjustment, ensure the stop valves on the sensor inlet and outlet are closed andthe pipe is fully filled with the measured liquids;2. When the fluid is solidified in the tube, although the flow speed is zero, the zero adjustment is invalid, because it is not pure liquid phase at that time, and maybe the pipe is not fully filled.(V) W iring sketch24VDC+ 、 - 24VDC power supplyFo Gnd Frequency output (instant mass flow or volume flow)Io Gnd Current output ( Instant flow or density )485A 485B RS-485 communicationDescription:(1) This power supply is 24V DC; Meter power line cannot be connected with other high-power electrical equipment.(2) The 0-10KHz pulse signal and 4 ~ 20mA current signal can be directly connected with the externalPLC, DCS and other external devices. Pay a special attention to this instrument's output signals are active output, the power supply from external devices is forbidden. (3) The signal output terminal name and function description.Notes:1. After 20-min liquids flow in the pipe with full-scale, close the flow meter inlet and outlet valves, and then do take the zero adjustment.2. When the “conductor resistance+ display internal resistance” varies in scope of 0 ~ 500 ohm, it will not impact the indication accuracy of 4 ~ 20mA current signal.(VI) Integral structure chartTransducer SizeL L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 H4 Sensor 156 125 118 130 70 102 46 Cabinet 120 91 54 32 21 Φ6.5Model DN L L1 H H1 H2 W Q DMF-1-1-AB 6 205 185 220 160 115 52.5 7 DMF-1-1-A 6 205 185 220 160 115 52.5 7 DMF-1-1-B 10 205 185 220 160 115 52.5 7 DMF-1-2-A 10 208 188 245 185 117 58.5 7Model DN L L1 H H1 H2 W Working PressureDMF-1-3-A 18 370 210 240 292 335 90 0-4MPa 20 360 210 240 280 330 90 0-25MPaDMF-1-3-B 18 370 210 240 292 335 90 0-4MPa 20 360 210 280 320 370 90 0-25MPaDMF-1-4 18 390 230 320 372 415 100 0-4MPa 20 380 230 320 360 400 100 0-25MPaLarge Flow Sensor Outline-DMF-1-5, DMF-1-6Model DN L L1 H H1 H2 W DMF-1-5-A 25 410 300 440 500 540 120 DMF-1-5-B 40 520 360 480 585 640 130 DMF-1-6-A 50 550 372 545 670 718 170 DMF-1-6-AB 65 560 440 600 715 785 220 DMF-1-6-B 80 660 470 700 795 860 220 DMF-1-6-C 100 680 490 760 855 920 270 DMF-1-6-D 150 900 730 930 1080 1180 300北京首科实华自动化设备有限公司 Beijing Sincerity Automatic Co,. Ltd(VII) General failure and causeFailure phenomenon Possible causeThe digital display of the flowmeter is not brightenedCheck whether the power supply is normalIt has flow, with instant display of “0” The flow direction of the fluid is reverse to that indicated on the encasing of sensorDuring measurement, the flow display greatly fluctuates between the scope of positive and negative. The pipeline vibration is great and the bracing is not firm, with strong vibration sources around the flow meter, or electromagnetic disturbance around the transducer, and a lot of gas contained in the fluid.The zero point is not stable with a backward and forward fluctuation, or the offset is great and it cannot adjust the zero. The flow meter bracing is not stable, the shielding line is not grounded, the fluid is solidified in the measurement tube, two sides stop valves are not completely closed, the measurement tube is not full of fluid, or air bubble contained in the fluid, the installation stress is too great, and the insulation capacity drops.。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告北京盛峰未来医疗科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:北京盛峰未来医疗科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分北京盛峰未来医疗科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业零售业-货摊、无店铺及其他零售业资质一般纳税人产品服务术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
生态环境部办公厅关于中海智(北京)科技有限公司ITEMISER 3 ENHANCED(IT3E)
生态环境部办公厅关于中海智(北京)科技有限公司ITEMISER 3 ENHANCED(IT3E)、MOBILE TRACE(MT)型离子捕获漂移质谱
生态环境部办公厅关于中海智(北京)科技有限公司ITEMISER 3 ENHANCED(IT3E)、MOBILE TRACE(MT)型离子捕获漂移质谱仪中镍-63放射源实行豁免管理的复函
你公司《关于〈ITMS (ITEMISER 3 ENHANCED (IT3E))等两种型号离子捕获漂移质谱仪含Ni-63放射源使用豁免管理的申请〉函》(中海智2018-002号)收悉。
1 / 1。
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Cloze 13 (2013 北京)
Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it.
To perfect her skills, Lola__1__ for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls. That’s especially impressive, __2__ she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift(移动)constantly. She often sees double and can’t __3__ how far away things are.
When she was little, her mom __4__that even though she couldn’t see __5__, she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the __6__ right away and gymnastics became her favorite.
Though learning gymnastics has been more __7__ for her than for some of her teammates, she has never quit. She doesn’t let her __8__ stop her from doing anything that she wants to.
She likes the determination it takes to do the sport. Her biggest __9__ is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. “You have to __10__ your mind that it’ll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.
To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most __11__ for anyone because it’s four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didn’t fall __12__ the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10 ---her highest score yet.
Lola doesn’t want to be __13__ differently from the other girls on her team. At competitions, the judges don’t know about her vision __14__. She doesn’t tell them, because she doesn’t think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her __15__ attitude.
Lola never thinks about __16__. She is presently at level 7 while the highest level 10 in gymnastics. Her __17_ is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to pass down what she’s learned to other kids __18__she grows up.
Lola is __19__of all her hard work and success. She says it’s helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics too. Her __20__ for others is “just believe in yourself.”(P242)。