AXU4EVB-P 用户手册说明书
Zynq UltraScale+开发平台AXU4EVB-P开发板AXU4EVB-P 用户手册2/59芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司文档版本控制文档版本修改内容记录REV1.0创建文档REV1.1修正核心板J29管脚定义错误AXU4EVB-P用户手册目录文档版本控制 (2)一、开发板简介 (6)二、ACU4EV核心板 (9)(一)简介 (9)(二)ZYNQ芯片 (10)(三)DDR4DRAM (11)(四)QSPI Flash (17)(五)eMMC Flash (18)(六)时钟配置 (20)(七)LED灯 (22)(八)电源 (22)(九)结构图 (24)(十)连接器管脚定义 (24)三、扩展板 (33)(一)简介 (33)(二)M.2接口 (34)(三)DP显示接口 (35)(四)USB3.0接口 (36)(五)千兆以太网接口 (37)(六)USB Uart接口 (39)(七)SD卡槽 (40)(八)HDMI输出接口 (41)(九)HDMI输入接口 (42)(十)光纤接口 (44)(十一)PCIe插槽 (45)(十二)CAN通信接口 (46)(十三)485通信接口 (47)(十四)MIPI接口 (48)(十五)FMC连接器 (49)3/59AXU4EVB-P 用户手册4/59芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司(十六)JTAG 调试口 (52)(十七)RTC 实时时钟 (53)(十八)EEPROM 和温度传感器 (54)(十九)LED 灯 (54)(二十)按键 (55)(二十一)拨码开关配置 (56)(二十二)电源 (57)(二十三)风扇 (57)(二十四)结构尺寸图 (58)AXU4EVB-P 用户手册5/59芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司基于XILINX Zynq UltraScale+MPSoCs 开发平台的开发板(型号:AXU4EVB-P)2019款正式发布了,为了让您对此开发平台可以快速了解,我们编写了此用户手册。
基于 ZYNQ 的千兆以太网数据包处理架构
特 点 相 结 合 ,提 出 了 一 种 基 于 ZYNQ 的 千 兆 以 太 网
要 的 功 能 、配 置 及 策 略 对 数 据 进 行 相 关 硬 件 处 理 。
Programmable Gate Array,FPGA),而在 PS 端包含多
核 ARM Cortex-A9 处理器 [5-7]。此外 ZYNQ 内部实现
了 PL 与 PS 之间高带宽,高性能的 AMBA-AXI 互联,
integrates a 7 ⁃ series Field ⁃ Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and a multi ⁃ core ARM Cortex ⁃ A9
Processer. In view of the rapid development of Internet technology and Ethernet data acquisition and
ZHU Jun⁃hui,LIU Yi⁃qing
(School of Information Science and Technology,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,
Abstract: The ZYNQ ⁃ 7000 device is a hybrid architecture SOC (System On Chip) from Xilinx. It
1EPON介绍1.1 系统结构EPON由光线路终端(OLT)、光合/分路器和光网络单元(ONU)组成,采用树形拓扑结构。
EPON使用波分复用(W DM)技术,同时处理双向信号传输,上、下行信号分别用不同的波长,但在同一根光纤中传送.EPON只在IEEE802.3的以太数据帧格式上做必要的改动,如在以太帧中加入时戳(Time Stamp)、PON-ID等内容.下行采用纯广播的方式,注册后,OLT为已注册的O NU分配PON-ID,由各个ONU监测到达帧的PON-ID,以决定是否接收该帧,如果该帧所含的PON-ID和自己的PON-ID相同,则接收该帧;反之则丢弃。
虽然APON对实时业务的支持性能优越,但随着多协议标签交换(MPLS)等新的IP 服务质量(QoS)技术的采用,高层协议与EPON MAC协议相配合,EPON已完全可能以相对较低的成本提供足够的QoS保证.加之EPON的价格优势明显,因而被认为是解决“第一英里”电信接入瓶颈,最终实现光纤到家的优秀过渡方案。
基于FPGA的千兆以太网设计一、简介以太网是一种广泛应用于局域网(LAN)的计算机通信技术,其标准化是由IEEE 802.3委员会负责,最初的速度为10Mbps。
随着技术的进步,千兆以太网(Gigabit Ethernet)逐渐成为了主流。
2. 介质访问控制层(MAC):MAC负责协调和管理数据帧在网络中的传输。
MAC层通常基于协议进行设计,如以太网交换机的MAC层使用了以太网交换协议(Ethernet Switching Protocol)。
基于Xilinx FPGA的嵌入式Linux设计流程FPGA是通过逻辑组合电路来实现各种功能的器件。
现在开发厂商又在FPGA 部加入了大量的DSP和Block RAM资源,非常适合图像处理、数字信号处理等运算密集的应用,因此在这些领域取得了广泛的应用。
但是由于FPGA 程序编写的灵活性和功能的多样性,使得它在一个复杂工程中对各个程序的使用调度、统筹管理上有很大的局限性,这样就必须引入操作系统进行统一的管理。
Linux 系统则因为其良好的可裁减、可配置等特点在嵌入式领域应用广泛。
Linux操作系统提供了许多系统级的应用,例如网络协议的实现、进程调度、存管理等,同时Linux 是一个成熟的开源操作系统,有丰富的应用资源,利用这些资源和强大的系统功能,用户可以快速地开发基于嵌入式环境复杂系统。
本文给出了一种基于Xilinx FPGA的嵌入式Linux操作系统解决方案。
基于FPGA的嵌入式系统的硬件设计本设计是基于Xilinx XC4VFX40系列FPGA,它部集成了两个PowerPC405处理器, 4个10/100/1000M以太网MAC模块,运行频率300MHz时,具有420D-MIPS性能,能解决高速网络数据传输问题,并且能解决通过网络加载操作系统和交叉编译等问题。
它部有448个可配置I/O口,2592kb BlockRAM,能实现对各种外部设备的并行控制以及较多数据的存储与处理。
加载一个操作系统,一般需要几十兆的存空间,FPGA部自带的RAM空间是远远不够的,本设计在板上扩展了两片MICRON公司的256Mb DDR存,作为上电时操作系统的加载和运行空间。
zcusn10p1成分ZCU10P1 FPGA开发板结构ZCU10P1 FPGA开发板基于Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ ZU10PC MPSoC器件构建,提供强大的处理和连接功能。
其结构包括以下主要组件:处理器子系统双核Arm Cortex-A53处理系统四核Arm Cortex-R5实时处理系统FPGA逻辑Xilinx UltraScale+ MPSoC FGPA,提供可编程逻辑阵列112,500个逻辑单元550个DSP切片1,920个I/O引脚存储器子系统512MB DDR4 SDRAM16MB QSPI闪存微型SD卡插槽连接性千兆以太网接口(RJ-45) USB 3.0接口HDMI接口DisplayPort接口其它特性4个PMOD接口,用于连接外围设备 JTAG编程接口电源开关和复位按钮散热器和风扇模块,用于散热管理尺寸和重量尺寸:240毫米 x 170毫米重量:约500克供电外部12V直流电源适配器设计工具Vivado Design SuitePetaLinux工具链应用ZCU10P1开发板广泛用于以下应用:人工智能和机器学习图像和视频处理车载系统通信和网络工业自动化优势高性能处理能力灵活的可编程FPGA逻辑丰富的连接选项紧凑型和低功耗广泛的应用程序支持结论ZCU10P1 FPGA开发板是一款功能强大且用途广泛的平台,为开发人员提供了创建创新和高效的嵌入式系统的基础。
Synopsys 100G Ethernet MAC IP数据手册说明书
SYNOPSYS IP DATASHEET/ip OverviewThe Synopsys Ethernet 100G MAC IP, compliant with the IEEE802.3/802.3ba standard, implements the full MAC layer and reconciliation sub-layer for10/20/40/50/100G operation. The IP also supports industry standard25/50G operations.Configuration pins are available to dynamically set the Synopsys IP to terminate and form MAC frames (NIC application) or to pass MAC frames to the application or the Ethernet line without modifications. In either application, the IP supports IEEE managed objects, IETF MIB-II and RMON.On the application side, the MAC implements a flexible FIFO interface that can be connected to a custom user application. On the Ethernet line side, the MAC implements a wide CGMII/XLGMII (100G/40G Medium Independent Interface) for a 10G operation.The IP supports Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) signaling for power management as per defined by the IEEE 802.3az standard.The Synopsys IP supports the IEEE 802.3br standard by providing two transmit and receive interfaces. The preemptable MAC interface is the low-priority interface where frames can be preempted. The express MAC interface is the high-priority interface where frames are sent over preemptable frames. Two traffic classes over the preemptable MAC interface support 802.1qav (Audio Video Bridging (AVB)) applications.The Synopsys 100G Ethernet MAC IP seamlessly interoperates with the Synopsys 100G Ethernet PCS IP to deliver a complete solution for 100G Ethernet Systems.Highlights• Supports all required features of the IEEE802.3/802.3ba standard• Supports IEEE standards for10/25/40/50/100G Ethernet systems• Supports IEEE 802.3br• Two traffic classes for audio videobridging (AVB)• Supports industry standard 25/50Goperations• 256-Bit FIFO client application interface• Supports Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)as specified in IEEE 802.3az• Supports IEEE 1588• Silicon-provenTarget Applications• High-Performance Networking• High Performance Computing• Audio Video Bridging Applications100G Ethernet MAC IP with TSN2H Y M a n a g e m e n t (M D I O )X G M I I T r a n s m i t I n t e r f a c eX G M I I R e c e i v e I n t e r f a c e T r a n s m i t A p p l i c a t i o n I n t e r f a c eG e n e r i c I n t e r f a c eR e c e i v e A p p l i c a t i o n I n t e r f a c eFigure 1: Synopsys 100G Ethernet MAC IP with TSN block diagramKey Features• Full MAC and reconciliation sub-layer implementation compliant with the IEEE 802.3 standard for 10/25/40/50/100G Ethernet • Supports 40/50G with a 64-bit XLGMII Interface and configurable to support 10G/25G with a 64-bit XGMII Interface • Low latency 64-bit data-path implementation for up to 50G operation • 128-bit transmit and receive data-path for 100G operation• Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) XLGMII and XGMII signaling according to the IEEE802.3bj and IEEE802.3az standards • Configurable for Network Interface Card (NIC) or switching/bridging with options such as CRC forwarding and promiscuous mode• CRC-32 checking with optional forwarding of the FCS field to the user application• CRC-32 generation and append on transmit or forwarding of user application with FCS selectable on a per-frame basis • Pause frame generation by dedicated command pin with programmable Quanta• Programmable frame maximum length supports any frame up to 32K (e.g., jumbo rrame or any tagged frame)• Supports VLAN tagged frames according to IEEE 802.1Q and double VLAN Tags (Stacked VLANs)• Clock and data rate decoupling with programmable asynchronous FIFOs• Simple 256-bit/128-bit/64-bit FIFO client application interface, configurable via synthesis options• Programmable Clause 22 and Clause 45 MDIO primary interface for PHY device configuration and management• Supports the IEEE1588 standards and provides receive and transmit timestamps with additional transmit timestamp storage and interrupt, and 1-step frame update• Deficit Idle Counter (DIC) for optimized performance with minimum IPG and supports non-standard short preambles • Supports short preamble (4/1 byte) via a synthesis option and user configurable preamble (8 bytes) via a synthesis option • IEEE 802.3br traffic interspersing with frame preemption©2022 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is available at /copyright .html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.06/02/22.CS890319168-100G Ethernet MAC IP with TSN DS.• Two classes of traffic classification for AVB applications in the preemptable MAC• Optional Ethernet Pause Frame (802.3 Annex 31A) termination providing fully automated flow control without any user overhead • supports optional Priority Flow Control (PFC) frame supporting 8 classes for higher layer congestion management and supports 16 classes via a synthesis parameter• Optional 802.3 basic and mandatory managed objects statistic counters and IETF Management Information Database (MIB) package (RFC2665) and Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) countersDeliverables• SystemVerilog RTL Source code• Verilog Testbench environment with example testcases• Scripts and constraints files for implementation tools like Spyglass Lint/CDC, DesignCompiler, etc.• IPXACT views for register maps•Documentation: Databook, Integration User guide and Release Notes。
ZYNQ7000开发平台用户手册AC7Z100核心板2 / 31芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司文档版本控制目录文档版本控制 (2)(一)简介 (4)(二)ZYNQ芯片 (5)(三)DDR3 DRAM (8)(四)QSPI Flash (14)(五)eMMC Flash (15)(六)时钟配置 (16)(七)LED灯 (19)(八)复位电路 (20)(九)电源 (20)(十)结构图 (23)(十一)连接器管脚定义 (23)3 / 314 / 31芯驿电子科技(上海)有限公司(一) 简介AC7Z100(核心板型号,下同)核心板,ZYNQ 芯片是基于XILINX 公司的ZYNQ7000系列的XC7Z100-2FFG900。
ZYNQ 芯片的PS 系统集成了两个ARM Cortex™-A9处理器,AMBA®互连,内部存储器,外部存储器接口和外设。
ZYNQ 芯片的FPGA 内部含有丰富的可编程逻辑单元,DSP 和内部RAM 。
这款核心板使用了4片Micron 的512MB 的DDR3芯片MT41J256M16HA-125,总的容量达4GB 。
其中PS 和PL 端各挂载两片,分别组成32bit 的总线宽度。
PS 端的DDR3 SDRAM 的最高运行速度可达533MHz(数据速率1066Mbps),PL 端的DDR3 SDRAM 的最高运行速度可达800MHz(数据速率1600Mbps)。
另外核心板上也集成了2片256MBit 大小的QSPI FLASH 和8GB 大小的eMMC FLASH 芯片,用于启动存储配置和系统文件。
为了和底板连接,这款核心板的4个板对板连接器扩展出了PS 端的USB 接口,千兆以太网接口,SD 卡接口及其它剩余的MIO 口;也扩展出了ZYNQ 的16对高速收发器GTX 接口;以及PL 端的几乎所有IO 口(114个3.3V IO 和48个1.8V IO ),其中BANK10和BANK11的IO 的电平可以通过更换核心板上的LDO 芯片来修改,满足用户不用电平接口的要求。
© 2006 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and further disclaimers are as listed at /legal.htm . PowerPC is a trademark of IBM Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER: Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information "as is." By providing the design, code, or information as one possible implementation of this feature,application, or standard, Xilinx makes no representation that this implementation is free from any claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including but not limited to any warranties or representations that this implementation is free from claims of infringement and any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.提要本应用指南描述了在 Virtex ™-4 平台上对嵌入式串行高级技术附件 (Serial AdvancedTechnology Attachment, (SATA)) 存储系统的设计和实现。
© 2004-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. XILINX, the Xilinx logo, the Brand Window, and other designated brands included herein are trademarks of Xilinx, Inc. Allother trademarks are the property of their respective owners.IntroductionThe LogiCORE™IP 1-Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller (GEMAC) core supports full-duplex opera-tion at 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps), and can be used with all Gigabit Ethernet Physical Coding standards.Features•Designed to IEEE 802.3-2002 specification •Single-speed 1-Gbps Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC)•Full-duplex operation•Internal GMII physical-side interface (PHY) that can be connected to -An embedded PHY core, such as the Xilinx Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII core or other custom logic -IOBs to provide an external GMII-A shim that includes DDRs and DCMs to provide an external RGMII•Configured and monitored through an optional independent microprocessor-neutral interface •Interfaces directly to the Xilinx Ethernet Statistics core for powerful statistics gathering •Configurable flow control through MAC control pause frames; symmetrically or asymmetrically enabled •Optional MDIO interface to managed objects in PHY layers (MII Management)•Optional Address Filter with a selectable number of Address Table entries •Support of VLAN frames to specification IEEE 802.3-2002•Configurable support for jumbo frames of any length •Configurable in-band FCS field passing on both transmit and receive paths •Available under the terms of the SignOnce IP License1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC v8.4DS200 March 24, 2008Product SpecificationLogiCORE IP FactsCore SpecificsSupported FPGA FamilyVirtex™-5,Virtex-4,Virtex-II Pro,Virtex-II,Spartan™-3,Spartan-3E,Spartan-3A/3AN/3A DSP 1Speed Grade• -1 for Virtex-5•-4 for Virtex-II, Spartan-3,Spartan-3E,Spartan-3A/3AN/3A DSP• -5 for Virtex-II Pro • -10 for Virtex-4Performance1 GbpsCore ResourcesSlices 372-6082 or 585-10233LUTs 623-9552 or 763-12493FFs 651-10232 or 646-10653DCM 0-23BUFG2-73Core HighlightsDesigned to IEEE 802.3Simulation Only EvaluationHardware VerifiedHardware Evaluation Provided with CoreDocumentation Product Specification Getting Started GuideUser GuideDesign File Formats NGC Netlist,HDL Example Design,Demonstration Test Bench,ScriptsConstraints File User Constraints File (.ucf)Demo Example Designs1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC with GMII 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC with RGMIIDesign Tool RequirementsSupported HDL VHDL and/or VerilogSynthesis XST 10.1Xilinx T ools ISE™10.1Simulation T oolsModelSim®v6.3c Cadence® IUS v6.1Synopsys® vcs_mxY-2006.06-SP141.See Table 19 for supported family configurations.2.Virtex-5 FPGA slices and LUTs are different from previous families.See Tables 20 and 21.3.See Tables 20 and 21; the precise number depends on user configu-ration.4.Scripts provided for listed simulators only.ApplicationsTypical applications for the GEMAC core include:•Ethernet 1000BASE-X Port•Ethernet 1000BASE-T PortEthernet 1000BASE-X PortFigure1 illustrates a typical GEMAC application. The PHY side of the core is connected to internallyintegrated 1000BASE-X logic using the Virtex-II Pro RocketIO™ Multi-Gigabit Transceiver (MGT) toconnect to an external off-the-shelf GBIC or SFP optical transceiver. The 1000BASE-X logic can be pro-vided by the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII cores.The client side of the core is shown connected to the 10Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps Ethernet FIFO, deliv-ered with the GEMAC core to complete a single Gigabit Ethernet port. This port is shown connected toa Switch or Routing matrix, which may contain several ports.Figure 1: Typical GEMAC 1000BASE-X Application DS200 March 24, 20081-Gigabit Ethernet MAC v8.4Ethernet 1000BASE-T PortFigure2 illustrates a typical application for the GEMAC core. The PHY side of the core is implementing an external GMII by connecting it to IOBs. The external GMII is connected to an off-the-shelf Ethernet PHY device, which performs the 1000BASE-T standard. Alternatively, the external GMII may be replaced with an RGMII using a small logic shim. HDL example designs are provided with the core to demonstrate external GMII or RGMII.The client side of the core is shown connected to the 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps Ethernet FIFO, deliv-ered with the GEMAC core, to complete a single Gigabit Ethernet port. This port is shown connected to a Switch or Routing matrix, which may contain several ports.Figure 2: Typical GEMAC 1000BASE-T ApplicationEthernet Architecture OverviewThe GEMAC sublayer provided by this core is part of the Ethernet architecture illustrated in Figure3.The part of this architecture from the MAC to the right is defined in IEEE 802.3 specification. Figure3also illustrates where supported interfaces fit into the architecture.Figure 3: Typical Ethernet ArchitectureMACThe Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) is defined in the IEEE 802.3 specification, in clauses 2, 3,and 4. A MAC is responsible for the Ethernet framing protocols and error detection of these frames. TheMAC is independent of, and can connect to, any type of physical layer device (PHY).GMIIThe Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII) is defined in IEEE 802.3, clause 35. This is a parallelinterface connecting a 1 Gigabit-capable MAC to the physical sublayers (PCS, PMA, and PMD).RGMIIThe Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII) is an alternative to the GMII. RGMIIachieves a 50% reduction in the pin count compared with GMII, and is therefore favored over GMII byPCB designers. This is achieved with the use of double-data-rate (DDR) flip-flops.No change in the operation of the core is required to select GMII or RGMII. However, the clock man-agement logic and IOB logic around the core does change. HDL example designs are provided with thecore to implement either the GMII or RGMII protocols.SGMIIThe Serial-GMII (SGMII) is an alternative interface to the GMII that converts the parallel interface of theGMII into a serial format. This radically reduces the I/O count and is therefore often favored by PCBdesigners.The GEMAC core can be extended to include SGMII functionality by internally connecting its PHY-sideGMII to the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII core. See the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC User Guidefor more information.PCS, PMA, and PMDThe combination of the Physical Coding sublayer (PCS), the Physical Medium Attachment (PMA), andthe Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) sublayer constitute the physical layers for the protocol. Twomain physical standards are specified for Gigabit Ethernet:•1000BASE-X (defined in IEEE 802.3, clauses 36 to 39), provides short and long wavelength laser and short haul copper interfaces•1000BASE-T, (defined in IEEE 802.3 clause 40), provides twisted-pair cabling systems DS200 March 24, 20081-Gigabit Ethernet MAC v8.4The 1000BASE-X architecture illustrated in Figure 1 can be provided by connecting the GEMAC core to the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII core. See the 1-Gi gabi t Ethernet MAC User Gui de for details . The 1000BASE-T architecture illustrated in Figure 2 can be provided with the use of an external 1000BASE-T capable PHY device.Core OverviewFigure 4 shows the major functional blocks and interfaces of the GEMAC core. Descriptions of these functional block and interfaces, along with associated signals are provided in the sections that follow.Transmit EngineThe Transmit Engine accepts Ethernet frame data from the Client Transmitter Interface, adds the pre-amble field to the start of the frame, adds padding bytes if required (to ensure that the frame meets the minimum frame length requirements), and then adds the frame check sequence (when configured to do so). In addition, the transmitter is responsible for ensuring that the interframe spacing between suc-cessive frames always meets the minimum specified. The frame is then converted into a format com-patible with the GMII and sent to the GMII Block.Figure 4: GEMAC Functional Block DiagramDS200 March 24, 2008Client Transmitter Interface SignalsTable 1 defines the GEMAC core client-side transmitter signals. These signals are used to transmit data from the client logic into the GEMAC core. See the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC User Guide for more infor-mation.Client Transmitter Interface OperationFigure 5 illustrates the timing of a normal outbound frame transfer. When the client initiates a frame transmission, it places the first column of data onto the tx_data port and asserts a logic 1 onto tx_data_valid .After the GEMAC core reads the first byte of data, it asserts the tx_ack signal. On the next and subse-quent rising clock edges, the client must provide the remainder of the data for the frame. The end of frame is signaled to the GEMAC core by taking tx_data_valid to logic 0.T able 1: Transmitter Client Interface Signal PinsSignal DirectionClock DomainDescriptiongtx_clk Input n/aClock signal provided to the core at 125 MHz. T olerance must be within IEEE 802.3-2002specification. This clock signal is used by all of the transmitter logic.tx_data[7:0]Input gtx_clk Frame data to be transmitted is supplied on this port.tx_data_valid Input gtx_clk Control signal for tx_data port.tx_ifg_delay[7:0]Input gtx_clk Control signal for configurable Inter Frame Gap adjustment.tx_ack Output gtx_clk Handshaking signal asserted when the current data on tx_data has been accepted.tx_underrunInput gtx_clk Asserted by client to force MAC core to corrupt the current frame.tx_statistics_vector[21:0]Output gtx_clk Provides statistical information on the last frame transmitted.tx_statistics_validOutputgtx_clkAsserted at end of frame transmission, indicating that the tx_statistics_vector is valid.1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC v8.4Receive EngineThe Receive Engine accepts Ethernet frame data from the GMII Block, removes the preamble field at the start of the frame, and removes padding bytes and frame check sequence (if required and when configured to do so). In addition, the receiver is responsible for performing error detection on the received frame using information that includes the frame check sequence field, received GMII error codes, and legal frame size boundaries.Client Receiver Interface SignalsTable2 defines the GEMAC core client-side receiver signals. These signals are used by the GEMAC core to transfer data to the client. For a complete description, see the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC User Guide.Figure 5: Normal Frame Transmission Across Client InterfaceTable 2: Receive Client Interface Signal PinsSignal DirectionClockDomainDescriptionrx_data[7:0]Output gmii_rx_clk Frame data received is supplied on this port. rx_data_valid Output gmii_rx_clk Control signal for the rx_data port.rx_good_frame Output gmii_rx_clk Asserted at end of frame reception to indicate that the frame should be processed by the MAC client.rx_bad_frame Output gmii_rx_clk Asserted at end of frame reception to indicate that the frame should be discarded by the MAC client.rx_statistics_vector[26:0]Output gmii_rx_clk This provides statistical information on the last frame received.rx_statistics_valid Output gmii_rx_clk Asserted at end of frame reception, indicating thatthe rx_statistics_vector is valid.DS200 March 24, 2008Client Receiver Interface OperationFigure 6 illustrates the timing of a normal inbound frame transfer. The client must be prepared to accept data at any time; there is no buffering within the GEMAC to allow for latency in the receive cli-ent. After frame reception begins, data is transferred on consecutive clock cycles to the receive client until the frame is complete. The GEMAC asserts the rx_good_frame signal to indicate that the frame was successfully received and that the frame should be analyzed by the client.Flow ControlThe Flow Control block is designed to clause 31 of the IEEE 802.3-2002 standard. The GEMAC may be configured to send pause frames and to act upon their reception. These two behaviors can be config-ured asymmetrically. See the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC User Guide for more information . Flow Control Interface SignalsTable 3 defines the signals used by the client to request a flow-control action from the transmit engine.Transmitting a PAUSE Control FrameThe client initiates a Flow Control frame by asserting pause_req for a single clock period while the pause value is on the pause_val[15:0] bus. If the GEMAC core is configured to support transmit flow control, this action causes the core to transmit a PAUSE control frame on the link, with the PAUSE parameter set to the value on pause_val[15:0] in the cycle when pause_req was asserted. This does not disrupt any frame transmission in progress, but takes priority over any pending frame trans-mission. This frame will be transmitted even if the transmitter is in a paused state.Figure 6: Normal Frame ReceptionT able 3: Flow Control Interface Signal PinoutSignalDirectionClock DomainDescriptionpause_req Input gtx_clk Pause request Sends a pause frame down the link.pause_val[15:0]Inputgtx_clkPause value Inserted into the parameter field of the transmitted pause frame.1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC v8.4Receiving a Pause Control FrameWhen an error-free frame is received by the GEMAC core, it is evaluated in the following way:1.The destination address field is matched against the MAC Control multicast address or theconfigured source address for the MAC.2.The length/type field is matched against the MAC Control Type code.3.If number 2 is true, the opcode field contents are matched against the PAUSE opcode.If any of the previously listed conditions are false, or the MAC Flow Control logic for the receiver is dis-abled, the frame is ignored by the Flow Control logic and passed to the client with rx_good_frame asserted for interpretation.If the frame passes all of the previously listed conditions, is of minimum legal size, and the MAC Flow Control logic for the receiver is enabled, the pause value parameter in the frame is used to inhibit trans-mitter operation after successful completion of the current packet transmission for the time defined in the IEEE 802.3-2002 specification. Because the received pause frame has been acted on, it is passed to the client with rx_bad_frame asserted to indicate that it should be dropped.Reception of any frame for which condition number 2 is true and is not of legal minimum length is con-sidered an invalid control frame. This will be ignored by the Flow Control logic and passed to the client with rx_bad_frame asserted.Optional Address FilterThe GEMAC core can be implemented with an Address Filter. If the Address Filter is enabled, the device does not pass frames that do not contain one of a set of known addresses to the client.The Address Filter can be programmed to respond to up to five user-defined addresses when the Man-agement Interface is present in the core. These can be stored in a dedicated unicast address register and in a n-address deep table, where n is in the range 0 to 4. If the core is implemented with an Address Fil-ter but the Management Interface is omitted from the core, only the unicast address register can be accessed. Access to the unicast address register is through the input signal unicast_address[47:0] when the Management Interface is not present.In addition to the user-defined addresses, the broadcast and pause multicast addresses defined in the IEEE 802.3-2002 and the pause frame MAC source address are also recognized. For a detailed descrip-tion, see the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC User Guide.Optional Management InterfaceThe Management Interface is an optional processor-independent interface with standard address, data, and control signals. It can be used as is, or a wrapper can be applied (not supplied) to interface to com-mon bus architectures such as the CoreConnect bus interfacing to MicroBlaze or the Virtex-II Pro device embedded IBM PowerPC™. For a detailed description, see the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC User Guide. This interface is used for the following:•Configuration of the GEMAC core•Access through the MDIO interface to the Management Registers located in the PHY connected to the GEMAC coreDS200 March 24, 2008Client Management Interface SignalsTable 4 defines the optional signals used by the client to access the management features of the GEMAC core.Configuration RegistersAfter a power up or reset, the client can reconfigure the core parameters from the defaults. Configura-tion changes can be written at any time. Both the receiver and transmitter logic will only respond to configuration changes during interframe gaps. The exceptions are the configurable resets, which take effect immediately.Configuration of the GEMAC core is performed through a register bank that is accessed through the Management interface. Table 5 describes the available Configuration Registers. As described, the addresses have some implicit don’t care bits; any access to an address in these performs a 32-bit read or write from the same configuration word.T able 4: Optional Management Interface Signal PinoutSignalDirectionClock DomainDescriptionhost_clkInputn/aClock for the Management Interface; this must in the range of 10 MHz or abovehost_opcode[1:0]Input host_clk Defines operation to be performed over MDIO interface. Bit 1 is also used as a read/write control signal for configuration register access host_addr[9:0]Input host_clk Address of register to be accessed host_wr_data[31:0]Input host_clk Data to write to register host_rd_data[31:0]Output host_clk Data read from registerhost_miim_sel Input host_clk When asserted, the MDIO interface is accessed. When not asserted, the configuration registers are accessed host_req Input host_clk Used to signal a transaction on the MDIO interface host_miim_rdyOutputhost_clkWhen high, the MDIO interface has completed any pending transaction and is ready for a new transactionT able 5: Configuration RegistersAddressDescription0x200-0x23F Receiver Configuration (Word 0)0x240-0x27F Receiver Configuration (Word 1)0x280-0x2BF Transmitter Configuration 0x2C0-0x2FF Flow Control Configuration 0x300-0x33F Reserved0x340-0x37F Management Configuration0x380-0x383Unicast Address (Word 0) (if address filter is present)0x384-0x387Unicast Address (Word 1) (if address filter is present)Tables 6 and 7 define the register contents for the two receiver configuration words.Table 8 defines the register contents for the Transmitter Configuration Word.0x388-0x38B Address T able Configuration (Word 0) (if address filter is present)0x38C-0x38F Address T able Configuration (Word 1) (if address filter is present)0x390-0x393Address Filter Mode (if address filter is present)T able 6: Receiver Configuration Word 0BitDefault ValueDescription31-0All 0sPause frame MAC Source Address[31:0]T able 7: Receiver Configuration Word 1BitDefault ValueDescription15-0All 0s Pause frame MAC Source Address[47:32]23-16n/a Reserved240Control Frame Length Check Disable 250Length/Type Error Check Disable 26n/a Reserved 270VLAN Enable 281Receiver Enable 290In-band FCS Enable 300Jumbo Frame Enable 31Receiver ResetT able 8: Transmitter Configuration WordBitDefault ValueDescription24-0n/a Reserved250Interframe Gap Adjust Enable 26n/a Reserved 270VLAN Enable 281T ransmit Enable 290In-band FCS Enable 300Jumbo Frame Enable 31T ransmitter ResetT able 5: Configuration Registers (Continued)AddressDescriptionDS200 March 24, 2008Table 9 defines the register contents for the Flow Control Configuration Word.Table 10 defines the register contents for the Management Configuration Word.When the GEMAC core is implemented with an Address Filter, registers described in Tables 11 through 15 are used to access the Address Filter configuration. The register contents for the two unicast address registers are described in Tables 11 and 12.Tables 13 and 14 show how the contents of the Address Table are set.T able 9: Flow Control Configuration WordBitDefault ValueDescription28-0n/a Reserved291Receiver Flow Control Enable301T ransmitter Flow Control Enable 31n/aReservedT able 10: Management Configuration WordBitsDefault ValueDescription4-0All 0s Clock Divide[4:0]: This value enters a logical equation which enables the MDC frequency to be set as a divided down ratio of the HOST_CLK frequency.50MDIO Enable 31-6n/aReservedT able 11: Unicast Address (Word 0)BitsDefault ValueDescription31-0All 0sAddress filter unicast address[31:0]T able 12: Unicast Address (Word 1)BitsDefault ValueDescription15-0All 0s Address filter unicast address[47:32]31- 16N/AReservedT able 13: Address Table Configuration (Word 0)BitsDefault ValueDescription31-0All 0sMAC Address[31:0]The contents of the Address Filter mode register are described in Table 15. If Promiscuous mode is set to 1, the Address Filter does not check the addresses of receive frames.MDIO InterfaceThe Management Interface is also used to access the MDIO interface of the GEMAC core; this interface is typically connected to the MDIO port of a PHY to access its configuration and status registers. The MDIO format is defined in IEEE 802.3 clause 22.MDIO Interface SignalsTable 16 defines the MDIO interface signals.T able 14: Address Table Configuration (Word 1)BitsDefault ValueDescription15-0All 0s MAC Address[47:32]17-16All 0s The location in the address table that MAC address is to be read from or written to 22-18N/A Reserved 230Read not write 31-24N/AReservedT able 15: Address Filter ModeBitsDefault ValueDescription30-0N/A Reserved31Promiscuous ModeTable 16: MDIO Interface Signal Pinout SignalDirectionClock DomainDescriptionmdc Output host_clk Management Clock: derived from host_clk on the basis of the Clock Divide[4:0] value in the Management Configuration Word .mdio_in Input host_clk Input data signal for communication with PHY configuration and status. Tie high if unused.mdio_out Output host_clk Output data signal for communication with PHY configuration and status.mdio_triOutputhost_clkT ristate control for MDIO signals; 0 signals that the value on mdio_out should be asserted onto the MDIO bus.Note: mdio_in,mdio_out ,and mdio_tri can be connected to a Tri-state buffer to create a bi-directional mdio signal suitable for connection to an external PHY.DS200 March 24, 2008Configuration VectorIf the optional Management Interface is omitted from the GEMAC core, all relevant configuration set-tings described in Tables 6 through 9 and Table 15 are extracted as signals and bundled into the configuration_vector[67:0] signal. These signals can be permanently set by connecting to logic 0 or 1, or can be driven dynamically by control logic. See the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC User Guide .Reset OperationThe optional Management Interface provides independent configurable software driven resets for the receiver and transmitter paths (as defined in Tables 7 and 8.) When the Management interface is omit-ted, these resets are replaced as inputs of the configuration_vector[64:0] signal. In addition, a hardware reset port is provided to the core, described in Table 17.GMII BlockThis implements GMII-style signaling for the physical interface of the core and is typically attached to a PHY, either off-chip or internally integrated. The HDL example design delivered with the core when the GMII is selected connects these signals to IOBs to provide an external GMII. The HDL example design delivered with the core when the RGMII is selected connects these signals to a logic shim that uses double-data-rate (DDR) registers and DCMs to provide an external RGMII.GMII SignalsTable 18 defines the GMII-side interface signals of the core.T able 17: Reset Interface Signal PinoutSignalDirectionClock DomainDescriptionresetInputn/aAsynchronous reset for the entire core. Active High.T able 18: GMII Interface Signal PinoutSignalDirectionClock DomainDescriptiongmii_txd[7:0]Output gtx_clk GMII Transmit data from MAC gmii_tx_en Output gtx_clk GMII Transmit control signal from MAC gmii_tx_er Output gtx_clk GMII Transmit control signal from MACgmii_rx_clk Input n/a GMII Receive clock from an external PHY (125MHz) gmii_rxd[7:0]Input gmii_rx_clk GMII Received data to MAC gmii_rx_dv Input gmii_rx_clk GMII Received control signal to MAC gmii_rx_erInputgmii_rx_clkGMII Received control signal to MACVerificationThe GEMAC core has been verified with extensive simulation and hardware testing, as detailed in this section.SimulationA highly parameterizable transaction-based test bench was used to test the core. Tests include:•Register Access•MDIO Access•Frame Transmission and Error Handling•Frame Reception and Error Handling•Address FilteringHardware VerificationThe GEMAC core has been tested in a variety of hardware test platforms at Xilinx to address specific parameterizations, including the following:•The core has been tested with the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII core, which follows the architecture illustrated in Figure1. A test platform was built around these cores, including a back-end FIFO capable of performing a simple ping function and a test pattern generator. Software running on the embedded PowerPC was used to provide access to all configuration, status, and statistical counter registers. Version 3.0 of this core was taken to the University of New Hampshire Interoperability Lab (UNH IOL) where conformance and interoperability testing was performed.•The core has been tested with an external 1000BASE-T PHY device, which follows the architecture illustrated in Figure2. The GEMAC core was connected to the external PHY device using GMII, RGMII and SGMII (in conjunction with the Ethernet 1000BASE-X PCS/PMA or SGMII core). Family SupportT able 19: Family Support for the 1-Gigabit Ethernet MAC CoreDevice FamilyPHY Interface ManagementInterfaceAddress Filter with GMII with RGMIIVirtex-5Supported Supported Supported Supported Virtex-4Supported Supported Supported Supported Virtex-II Pro Supported Supported Supported Supported Virtex-II Supported Supported Supported Supported Spartan-3Supported Supported Supported Supported Spartan-3E Supported Not Supported Supported Supported Spartan-3A/3AN/3ADSPSupported Supported Supported SupportedDS200 March 24, 2008The Virtex-5 device family contains six input LUTs; all other families contain four input LUTs. For this reason, the device utilization for Virtex-5 devices is listed separately. Please refer to either of the follow-ing:•Virtex-5 Devices •Other Device FamiliesVirtex-5 DevicesTable 20 provides approximate utilization figures for various core options when a single instance of the core is instantiated in a Virtex-5 device.Utilization figures are obtained by implementing the block level wrapper for the core. This wrapper is part of the example design and connects the core to the selected physical interface. BUFG usage:•does not consider multiple instantiations of the core, where clock resources can often be shared •does not include the reference clock required for IDELAYCTRL. This clock source can be shared across the entire device and is not core specific Table 20: Device Utilization for Virtex-5 Device FamiliesParameter ValuesDevice ResourcesPhysical InterfaceManagement InterfaceAddress FilterAddr Table EntriesSlice sLUT sFFs18K Block RAMsBUFGsDCMsGMII Y es Y es 4608953102303011.No core-specific DCMs are required if a reference clock for the IDELAYCTRL component is available on-chip.GMII Y es Y es 05618559670301GMII Y es No N/A 4777328330301GMII No Y es N/A 3926727130201GMII No No N/A 3806236610201RGMII Y es Y es 459895*********RGMII Y es Y es 05368589570301RGMII Y es No N/A 4987358230301RGMII No Y es N/A 4016767030201RGMIINoNoN/A372626651201。
图1 GMII接口信号图2 以太网控制器的结构设计框图6774ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING & PRODUCT WORLD2018.6指示接口、MAC层和物理层的控制和状态信息接口(MDIO)。
2 设计方案X i l i n x提供的千兆以太网开发套件为Vi rt e x-5 ML505/ML506开发板,该开发板支持10/100 M、1/10 G以太网,是学习和研发高速连接设备的理想平台。
Xilinx提供了可参数化的10/1 Gbps以太网物理层控制据送出去。
接收数据则与之相反2.1 电路架构该以太网控制器主要进行层协议的接口以及MAC计,总体结构框图如图据的产生模块、发送模块层编解码模块、接收及校验模块分。
发送模块和接收模块主要提供图3 CRC8编码的串行实现图4 GMII的传输格式图5 MAC控制器中的状态转移图3 电路实现与仿真3.1 MAC发送端-数据成帧号,与主机接口从外部存储单元获取的发送数据按照标准协议进行封装,空闲时发送给PHY 层转换发送到网络中去在物理层部分BASE-X PCS/PMA IP CORE 核支持内部或外部链接。
IP 核内的主要组成部分为为物理层的媒介层,图6 接收端数据提取时序图图7 电路的仿真波形图信号I/O 描述TX_ER O 发送器错误信号TX_EN O 发送器使能信号GTX_CLK O 吉比特发送信号的时钟(125 M )TXD O 被发送的数据RX_ER I 接收数据出错指示RX_DV I 接收数据有效指示RXD I 接收数据RX_CLK I 接收时钟信号CRS I 载体感应,仅用于半双工COL I 冲突检测,仅用于半双工表1 CMII接口信号描述[2]王春华.Xilinx可编程逻辑器件设计与开发(基础篇).[M]北京:人民邮电出版社,2011.[5]王长清.基于FPGA的千兆以太网通信板卡的设计与实现[D].河南:河南师范学报,2011.[1]Jeff Watson,Gustavo Castro.高温电子设备对设计和可靠性带来挑战[J].模拟对话,2012,4.[2]Jeff Watson,Maithil Pachchigar.面向高温应用的低功耗数据采集解决方案[J].模拟对话,2015,8.[3]CN-0365:面向高温环境的16位、600 kSPS、低功耗数据采集系统,ADI公司,2015,6.[4]Alan Walsh.面向精密SAR模数转换器的前端放大器和RC滤波器设计[J]模拟对话,2012,12.[5]John L. Evans,James R.Thompson,Mark Christopher,etc.不断变化的汽车环境:高温电子设备。
Xilinx IP核配置,一步一步验证Xilinx Serdes GTX最高8.0Gbps
Xilinx IP核配置,一步一步验证Xilinx Serdes GTX最高8.0Gbps 之前用serdes一直都是跑的比较低速的应用,3.125Gbps,按照官方文档一步一步来都没出过什么问题,这次想验证一下K7系列GTX最高线速8Gbps,看看xilinx的FPGA是不是如官方文档所说。
GTX速度到底可以跑到多少关于器件速度的问题首先找到ds182-Kintex-7 FPGAs Data Sheet:DC and AC Switching CharacterisTIcs,可以自己对应的器件去找,不过这个在设计电路板器件选型的时候就应该考虑到,除非是买的开发部学习用。
这里面包括所有的FPGA 各个器件能跑到的最高频率和器件延时,建立时间,保持时间等,对高速设计有很大的参考价值。
找到GTX Transceiver Switching CharacterisTIcs可以看到,虽然K7系列GTX最高可以跑到12.5Gbps,但这跟速度等级和封装都有关系,是在-3的速度等级,FF封装下才有的最高速度12.5Gbps。
1. 首先在IP核搜索GT,选择7 Series FPGAs TransceiversWizard,没得选的,取个名字。
顺便提一下,下面的shared logic选项,最好选include shared logic in example design。
板卡采用单片Xilinx FPGA 5VFX70T-1FF1136芯片,外接2个PCIe X4接口,2组各四个SATA接口,两片独立总线的DDR2。
2、功能和技术指标:一、FPGA指标该板卡采用XC5VFX70T-1FF1136芯片具有逻辑模块160×38最大分布式RAM 820kb,DSP 48E 128个,Rocketio GTX 16个,总IObank 19个,最大用户IO 640个。
二、FPGA接口指标a)图像FPGA外接Cameralink接口单元(TYC0的VPX连接器),6路输入支持Base 模式66MHz时钟。
支持1路DVI-D输出,用于Camera Link图像的回显。
b) 外接两片16bit DDRII缓存,时钟频率200MHz容量大于64MB。
c) 外接1个PCIe 支持X4(2.5Gbps),1.1规范。
d)外接四个sata 支持2.0规范, 有效数据带宽大于200MB/S。
e) 外接图像压缩单元,ADV212芯片组2×6,HIPI模式,JPEG2000格式压缩,时钟75MHz,压缩速率大于4Gbps。
f) 内嵌千兆以太网MAC端口,支持1000M传输;支持RS232(9600bps)扩展。
g) 外接Flash及Nvsram单元,上电加载配置.3、软件系统:1)客户端支持Windows XP,客户端应用测试程序。
2)提供FPGA 各接口驱动程序(PCIe驱动SATA驱动FLASH驱动NVSRAM 驱动DDR2驱动DVI输出驱动CameraLink输入/输出驱动)。
4、物理特性:尺寸:232mm×160mm存储温度:-60℃~+70℃工作温度:0℃~+55℃支持工业级-40℃~+55℃工作湿度:10%~80%5、供电要求:电压:5V 2A ,3.3V 3A。
Xilinx 千兆以太网MAC IP Core目录Xilinx 千兆以太网MAC IP Core (1)一、三速以太网简介 (2)二、IP核概述 (2)三、Interface description (4)1)、引脚连接图 (4)2)、MII、GMII、RGMII接口简介 (5)四、资源占有率 (5)五、评估结果 (6)一、三速以太网简介1. 符合IEEE 802.3-2008设计规范;2.可配置的全双工和半双工模式;3.生成ip核时可选择10M/100M,1000M模式,或者10M/100M/1000M模式;4.内部的物理层接口能够连接到:a)Logicore ip千兆1000base-x pcs/PMA使用收发器;b)Logicore ip 千兆SMGII接口;c)IOBS提供外部的GMII/MII接口;d)提供外部的RGMII接口5.通过一个可选的独立的微处理器中性界面配置和监控ip core;6.可配置流控制通过mac控制暂停帧;7.可选MDIO接口管理物理层对象;8.可选带有地址列表接口可选择的地址过滤器;9.VLAN帧设计支持IEEE 802.3-2008;10.可配置支持任何长度的巨型帧;11.可配置的帧间间隙的调整;12.可配置的带现场总线传递发送和接收路径;二、IP核概述图1 ip核基本框架Client interface(客户端界面):客户端接口在匹配客户转换逻辑或网络处理器接口时具有最大的灵活性,数据端口在发送和接收数据时位宽8bit,每个通路分别同步txgmiimiiclk 和rxgmiimiiclk带有发送和接收使能输入控制数据吞吐量;Transmit engine(发送引擎):传输引擎接收从客户端发送过来的数据并将其转换为GMII格式,并在帧头添加帧引导区域,甚至在帧长小于最短要求时,添加一定的冗余比特。
发送引擎提供每个数据包的发送统计向量,发送由流量控制模块产生的暂停帧;Receive engine(接收引擎):接收从GMII / MII接口发送过来的数据并检查它是否符合IEEE 802.3标准,去掉帧头的引导区域,包括为了增加帧长的冗余比特。
该方案可在altera的arriagx,cycloneii,cycloneiii 系列Fpga上工作,可配置使其包含mac,pcs,pma模块中的一种或多种,配置选择及相应的接口标准。
基于Xilinx FPGA的嵌入式系统设计整合了一系列的知识产权(IP)核使其功能强大,从而使得利用FPGA进行嵌入式串行千兆以太网开发成为可能。
V5Hard TEMAC模块提供了专用的以太网功能,并通过FPGA内部高速串行收发器GTX和Marvell公司的88E1111物理层接口芯片相连,完成串行千兆以太网的接口功能。
物理层接口芯片支持MII、GMII、RGMII 和SGMII四种以太网接口模式。
本文将FPGA内嵌PowerPC硬核处理器、Xilinx精简嵌入式操作系统Xilkernel,以及相应的外设IP Core相结合,完成嵌入式串行千兆以太网的设计。
1总体设计系统硬件平台中选用Xilinx公司的Virtex5FX70t作为主控芯片,它集成了PowerPC440处理器模块和高速RocketIO GTX收发器。
外部存储器采用Micron公司的128M×16位DDR SDRAM芯片MT47H128M16HG 31T,为程序运行提供空间。
本系统硬件由Virtex5FX70t芯片、88E1111PHY 芯片、DDRII芯片、8个拨码开关(8DIPS)、8个LED灯和RJ45接口构成,其连接框图如图1所示。
IP CORE(IP核)简介2008-05-31 16:57随着FPGA技术的发展,芯片的性能越来越强、规模越来越大、开发的周期越来越长,使得芯片设计业正面临一系列新的问题:设计质量难以控制,设计成本也越来越高。
IP(Intelligence Property)技术解决了当今芯片设计业所面临的难题。
IP是指可用来生成ASIC和PLD的逻辑功能块,又称IP核(IP Core)或虚拟器件(VC)。
ip核(ip core)是指专用集成电路芯片知识产权IP核是指用于产品应用专用集成电路(ASIC)或者可编辑逻辑器件(FPGA)的逻辑块或数据块。
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Xilinx 千兆以太网MAC IP Core
Xilinx 千兆以太网MAC IP Core (1)
一、三速以太网简介 (1)
二、IP核概述 (2)
三、Interface description (4)
1)、引脚连接图 (4)
2)、MII、GMII、RGMII接口简介 (5)
四、资源占有率 (5)
五、评估结果 (6)
1.符合IEEE 80
a)Logicore ip千兆1000base-x pcs/PMA使用收发器;
b)Logicore ip 千兆SMGII接口;
5.通过一个可选的独立的微处理器中性界面配置和监控ip core;
9.VLAN帧设计支持IEEE 802.3-2008;
图1 ip核基本框架
Client interface(客户端界面):客户端接口在匹配客户转换逻辑或网络处理器接口时具有最大的灵活性,数据端口在发送和接收数据时位宽8bit,每个通路分别同步txgmiimiiclk 和 rxgmiimiiclk带有发送和接收使能输入控制数据吞吐量;
Transmit engine(发送引擎):传输引擎接收从客户端发送过来的数据并将其转换为GMII 格式,并在帧头添加帧引导区域,甚至在帧长小于最短要求时,添加一定的冗余比特。
Receive engine(接收引擎):接收从GMII / MII接口发送过来的数据并检查它是否符合IEEE 802.3标准,去掉帧头的引导区域,包括为了增加帧长的冗余比特。
Flow control(数据流控制):数据流控制符合IEEE 802.3-2008 31条,mac能够被配置发送一个带有可编程停止数据的停止帧,并对他们接收起作用。
Management interface(管理接口):可选择的管理接口是一个带有标准地址、数据和控制信号的处理器独立接口,该模块包括用户管理的接口和MDIO接口两部分,能够被用作通用总线框架接口。
MDIO接口被用来管理和配置phy 芯片。
Address filter(地址过滤器):可选择地址滤波器,如果使能地址滤波器,则不会通过客户端设定地址的数据帧;
三、Interface description
MII: (Media Independent Interface )是介质无关接口或媒体独立接口,40针。
层定义了在100BASE-T MAC和各种物理层之间的标准电气和机械接口,MII支持10兆和100兆的操作,数据宽度4位;
同时兼容MII所规定的10/100 Mbps工作方式。
图2 RGMII接口
Mac ipcore符合IEEE 802.3-2008设计规;可配置的全双工和半双工模式;通信速率可选择;与物理层连接支持多种接口,考虑到满足通信速率和减少与外部接口的连接线我们选择了rgmii接口;帧长度和帧间隔可配置,可以通过物理层接口管理phy芯片,ipcore部资源可选择配置,灵活性强;在example design编译过程中注意全局时钟的选择和电平标准的配置;资源占有情况:slices占3.57%,slice reg占1.89%,luts占3.38%,lutram占3.3%,bufg占2/3,综合评估结果:该IP核可用。