小学生选择练习题###1. 加法练习小明有3个苹果,他的朋友给了他2个苹果,现在小明有多少个苹果?2. 减法练习班级里有18个学生,如果8个学生去上体育课了,教室里还剩下多少个学生?3. 乘法练习如果每行有5个座位,一共有4行,那么一共有多少个座位?4. 除法练习一个班级有40个学生,如果平均分成5个小组,每个小组有多少个学生?5. 分数练习一块蛋糕被切成了4份,小华吃了1份,他吃了蛋糕的几分之几?6. 时间计算如果现在是下午3点,3小时后是几点?7. 货币换算1元等于多少角?1角等于多少分?8. 长度单位换算1米等于多少厘米?9. 面积计算一个正方形的边长是5厘米,它的面积是多少平方厘米?10. 小数加减0.75加上0.5等于多少?11. 几何图形识别一个有四个相等的直角的图形是什么形状?12. 数据排序将数字37,52,48,23按照从小到大的顺序排列。
13. 简单统计班级里有5个男孩和3个女孩,如果再增加2个男孩,班级里男孩和女孩的比例是多少?14. 逻辑推理如果所有的猫都怕水,而小明的宠物是一只猫,那么小明的宠物怕水吗?15. 应用题小华的妈妈给他10元钱去超市买零食,如果一包薯片3元,他最多可以买几包薯片?### 标题:小学生语文阅读理解练习题1. 词汇理解阅读下面的句子:“小明在花园里玩耍。
” 请解释“玩耍”的意思。
2. 句子成分分析句子“春天来了,花儿都开了。
3. 段落大意阅读以下段落:“春天是万物复苏的季节,小草从土里探出头来,小鸟在枝头欢快地歌唱。
4. 修辞手法在句子“太阳像一个大火球,高高地挂在天空中。
”中,使用了哪种修辞手法?5. 成语理解解释成语“画蛇添足”的意思,并造一个句子使用这个成语。
6. 反义词写出“快乐”的反义词。
7. 近义词写出“美丽”的近义词。
8. 句子改错找出并改正句子“他昨天去了图书馆借了很多书籍。
六年级下册数学选择题30道专项练习一.选择题(共30题, 共60分)1.如图, 直线上A点、B点分别表示的数是()。
A.1.0.5B.2.0.5C.-1./ D.-1.12.一种画册原价每本6.9元, 现在按每本4.83元出售,这种画册按原价打了()折。
A.八五B.七C.八D.七五3.若规定向东为正, 则小明走了-15米表示()。
A.向西走15米B.向东走15米C.向北走15米4.如果规定前进、收入、增加为正, 那么下面错误的语句是()。
A.负数到0的距离比正数到0的距离小B.上升为正数, 下降为负数C.0大于一切负数, 小于一切正数6.如果我们规定海平面为0米, 甲地海拔是60米, 乙地海拔是20米, 丙地海拔是-30米, 丁地海拔是-10米, 最高的地方比最低的地方高()米。
A.100B.50C.70D.907.一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体, 底面周长的比是2:3, 它们的体积比是5:6, 圆柱和圆锥高的最简单的整数比是()。
①8人进行乒乓球比赛, 如果每两人之间都比赛一场, 一共比赛28场。
②王叔叔把10000元人民币存入银行, 定期一年, 年利率是2.25%。
③山羊只数比绵羊多25%, 也就是绵羊只数比山羊少25%。
A.1B.2C.39.一个图形按4:1的比放大后, 他的面积会( )。
A.长方形的周长一定, 长和宽。
B.圆锥的体积一定, 底面积和高。
11.在5、-4、0.7、0、8、1、-20、1.25, 这九个数中, 整数有()个。
A.6B.5C.412.武汉市某日的气温为-2℃~5℃, 这一天武汉市的温差是()。
初中数学鲁教版八年级上册第一章第一节同步练习一、选择题1.下列式子从左至右的变形,是因式分解的是())A. 12x2−y=3x⋅4xyB. x−1=x(1−1xC. x2−2x+1=(x−1)2D. (a+b)(a−b)=a2−b22.将下列多项式进行因式分解,其中不含有因式x+3的是()A. x2+3xB. x2+6x+9C. x2−9D. x2−6x+93.下列各式从左到右的变形中,属于因式分解的是()A. 6x+9y+3=3(2x+3y)B. x2−1=(x−1)2C. (x+y)2=x2+2xy+y2D. 2x2−2=2(x−1)(x+1)4.下列各式,从左到右的变形是因式分解的是()A. 2x2−x=x(2x−1)B. a(x+y)=ax+ayC. x2+4x+4=x(x+4)+4D. x2−9=(x+9)(x−9)5.下列由左边到右边的变形,属分解因式的是()A. a2−2=(a+1)(a−1)−1B. (a+b)(a−b)=a2−b2) D. 1−a2=(1+a)(1−a)C. a2+2=a(a+2a6.下列各式由左到右的变形,属于因式分解的个数是()①ax−bx=x(a−b);②2a(a−2b)=2a2−4ab; ③x2+2x+6=x(x+2)+6;④a2−1=(a+1)(a−1);⑤(x+2y)2=x2+4xy+4y2;⑥3x2−2x−1=(3x+1)(x−1).A. 3个B. 4个C. 5个D. 6个7.若把多项式x2+px+q分解因式可以分解成(x−3)(x+5),则p的值是()A. 2B. −2C. 15D. −158.下列各式分解因式结果是(a−2)(b+3)的是()A. −6+2b−3a+abB. −6−2b+3a+abC. ab−3b+2a−6D. ab−2a+3b−69.下列多项式在实数范围内不能因式分解的是()A. x3+2xB. a2+b2C. y2+y+1D. m2−4n2410.已知多项式x2−kx+6因式分解后有一个因式为x−3,则k的值为()A. −5B. 5C. −6D. 6二、填空题11.已知kx2−9xy−10y2的一个因式为3x−5y,则k=______.12.已知多项式4x2−y2可以写成两个因式的积,已知其中一个因式为2x+y,则另一个因式为__________.13.将x n−y n分解因式,结果是(x2+y2)(x+y)(x−y),那么n的值是.14.如果把多项式x2+nx−3分解因式得(x+3)(x+m),那么m n=_______.三、解答题15.下列各式由左边到右边的变形,哪些是因式分解,哪些不是,为什么?(1)4x2−8x−1=4x(x−2)−1;(2)ax2−bx2−x=x(ax−bx−1);(3)x2−y2−1=(x+y)(x−y)−1.16.两位同学将一个二次三项式因式分解,一位同学因看错了一次项系数而分解成2(x−1)(x−9),另一位同学因看错了常数项而分解成2(x−2)(x−4),请将原多项式因式分解.17. 检验下列因式分解是否正确.(1)x 2+2x =x(x −2); (2)a 2x +b 2x =x(a 2+b 2); (3)3x +3y +3=3(x +y); (4)x 2−4y 2=(x +4y)(x −4y).18. 阅读理解:阅读下列材料:已知二次三项式2x 2+x +a 有一个因式是(x +2),求另一个因式以及a 的值. 解:设另一个因式是(2x +b),根据题意,得2x 2+x +a =(x +2)(2x +b). 展开,得2x 2+x +a =2x 2+(b +4)x +2b . 所以,{b +4=1a =2b,解得{a =−6b =−3所以,另一个因式是(2x −3),a 的值是−6.请你仿照以上做法解答下题:已知二次三项式3x 2+10x +m 有一个因式是(x +4),求另一个因式以及m 的值.。
初中道德与法治八年级上册第四课练习题一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,共50.0分)1.“尺有所短,寸有所长”揭示的道理是()A. 我们要平等待人B. 我们要学会欣赏他人C. 我们要学会宽容他人D. 我们要积极帮助他人2.“我欣赏盈盈。
召开这次主题班会有利于同学们()①发现他人的潜质和特长②真诚地欣赏和赞美他人的优点和闪光点③学会彼此欣赏共同进步④给以他人积极的评价,忽视对自己的评价A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①②③④3.一名失去双手的顾客前往餐厅就餐,他请求餐厅服务生给予帮助,一名年轻男服务生立即坐到他的对面,面带微笑地细心喂食,全程逾半小时。
这一善举启示我们()①要主动帮助和关心他人②要平等待人,不歧视他人③要学会尊重他人④要学会欣赏他人A. ①②③④B. ①②④C. ①②③D. ①③④4.做到尊重他人,就要学会欣赏他人。
现实生活中,学会欣赏他人,要做到()A. 仅仅模仿他人的一言一行B. 夸大他人的优点,忽略他人的缺点和不足C. 真诚地欣赏和赞美他人的优点和闪光点D. 对他人只说恭维话5.尊重他人,就要平等地对待他人。
下列建议与这一要求相符的有()①尊重从事脏活、重活、累活的人②招工时,给本单位职工的子女加分③解决好进城务工人员随迁子女入学问题④有突出贡献的干部可不受法律约束A. ①③B. ②③C. ①④D. ③④6.“某次参观博物馆后,我遇见了一位流浪汉……我尝试像描绘贵族或圣人那样描绘他,因为每个人都值得被尊重和关心,人类的尊严不应该只建立在社会经济地位的基础上”,这是画家对其参赛作品的解读,精湛的技巧加上一颗平等心,使他赢得肖像画大奖。
C语言程序设计课堂练习题第7章指针一、选择题1.已知p是一个整型指针变量,且p指向的是整型变量a的地址,则下列哪个语句是错误的?()A.*p=a;B. p=&a;C.p=&*p;D.p=*&p;2.下列哪一项是不正确的字符串赋值或不正确的赋初值的方式?()A. char *str;str=“string“;B.char str[7]={‟s‟, ‟t‟, ‟r‟, ‟i‟, ‟n‟, ‟g‟ };C. char str1[10];str1= “string“;D.char str1[]=“string“,*str2=”1234567”;3.对于类型相同的指针变量,不能进行()运算。
A. +B. -C. =D.==4.已知p是一个整型指针变量,a为一个一维整型数组,且p=a;则下列哪个语句是错误的?()A.*p=a[0];B. *p=*a;C. p=a+1;D.p=*a;5.若有以下说明语句,则p2-p1的值为()int a[10],*p1,*p2;p1=a;p2=&a[5];A. 5B. 6C. 10D.没有指针与指针的减法6.下列定义中不正确的是()A.int *p;B. int p[10];C.int (*p)()D.int *(p(n));7.以下程序的输出结果是()main(){int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6},*p;p=a;printf(“%d,%d\n”,*p,*(p+4));}A. 0,5B.1,5C.0,6D.1,68.若有以下说明和语句,且0<=i<10,则下面哪个不是对数组元素地址的正确表示()。
int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},*p,i;p=a;A.&(a+1)B.a++C. &pD.&p[i]二、写出程序的输出结果1.main(){int a=10,b=20,s,t,m,*pa,*pb;pa=&a;pb=&b;s=*pa+*pb;t=*pa-*pb;m=*pa**pb;printf“s=%d\nt=%d\nm=%d\n“,s,t,m);}2.int a[][3]={9,7,5,3,1,2,4,6,8};int i,j,s1=0,s2=0;for(i=0;i<3;i++)for(j=0;j<3;j++){if (i==j) s1=s1+a[i][j];if(i+j==2) s2=s2+a[i][j];}printf(“%d\n%d\n”,s1,s2);}3.main(){int a[5]={1,3,5,7,9},*p,**k;p=a;k=&p;printf(“%d”,*(p+2));printf(“%d”,**k);}4.main(){int a[3][4]={1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23};int (*p)[4],i=2,j=2;p=a;printf(“%d”,*(*(p+i)+j)+*((a+i)+j)+**(p+i)+**p);}三、填空1.在空格地方填上语句,以实现字符串复制的功能。
增值税会计练习题及答案学生用增值税会计一、单项选择题1.下列( )属于增值税的纳税人。
A.为其所在单位修理发生故障的机器的职工B.加工玉器的某个人独资企业C.为出口的机械产品到销售地进行安装的某机械安装公司D.进口货物的出口方2.增值税纳税人的销售额中的价外费用不包括( )。
A.收取的手续费B.收取的包装物租金C.收取的销项税额D.收取的违约金3.新办小型商贸企业在认定为一般纳税人之前,一律按小规模纳税人计税,一年内销售额达到或超过( )万元后,可申报一般纳税人,经税务机关审核评估无误后,可以认定为一般纳税人。
A.30 B.100 C.80 D.2004.某商场(一般纳税人)采用以旧换新方式销售冰箱一台,旧冰箱折价300元,向消费者收取现金700元,该笔业务的销项税额为( )元。
A.51 B.145.29 C.170 D.685.甲企业为乙公司加工一批药酒,乙公司提供原材料价值22万元,支付加工费8 万元,甲企业代收代缴消费税3.33万元,并开具了增值税发票。
甲企业提供此项加工劳务增值税的正确处理是( )。
A.按8万元加工费为依据计算缴纳增值税B.按11.33万元为依据计算缴纳增值税C.按33.33万元为依据计算缴纳增值税D.按增值税专用发票上注明的税金作为进项税额6.下列各项中不能被认定为一般纳税人的是( )。
A.年应税销售额200万元的个体工商户B.年应税销售额在80万元以上,会计核算健全的工业企业C.年应税销售额在1000万元以上,全部经营出口货物的某外贸公司D.年应税销售额在50万元以下,会计核算健全的商业企业7.采用折扣销售方式销售货物的,其应纳税销售额为( )。
A.纳税人销售货物并向购买方开具增值税专用发票后,由于市场价格下降等原因,销货方给予购货方的折扣可按折扣后的余额作为销售额计算增值税(一张票或红票)B.按销售折扣的余额作为销售额计算增值税C. 销售折扣不得从销售额中扣减,按原价计算增值税D.如果销售额和折扣额不在同一张发票上的,可按折扣后的余额作为销售额计算增值税8.某生产企业属增值税小规模纳税人,2009年6月对部分资产盘点后进行处理:销售边角废料,由税务机关代开增值税专用发票,取得含税收入82 400元;销售使用过的小汽车1辆,取得含税收入72 100元(原值为140 000元)。
A.路程一定,速度和时间B.长方体底面积一定,体积和高 C.正方形的边长和面积4.一种饼干包装袋上标着:净重(200±5克),表示这种饼干标准的质量是200克,实际每袋最少不少于()克。
A.235.5平方厘米B.263.76平方厘米C.307.24平方厘米 D.207.24平方厘米10.下列说法正确的是()。
A. B. C. D.12.一根圆木的长一定,它的体积和横截面积成()。
适合初三学生的练习题一、选择题1. 下列哪个国家的首都是北京?A. 日本B. 韩国C. 中国D. 泰国2. 以下哪个是铁磁材料?A. 铝B. 铅C. 铁D. 锡3. 下列哪个是动物细胞?A. 叶绿体B. 细菌C. 菜单D. 细胞核4. 以下哪个是旋律的基本要素?A. 节奏B. 曲调C. 和弦D. 音量5. 以下哪个国家拥有最多的人口?A. 印度B. 埃及C. 巴西D. 加拿大二、填空题1. 成语“亡羊补牢,犹未晚”中的“亡羊补牢”指的是____________。
2. 地球的自转周期是____________。
3. 人体最大的器官是____________。
4. “玻璃花瓶”中,“玻璃”属于____________。
5. 我们通常把阳光分为七种颜色,它们分别是____________。
三、简答题1. 请你简述宇宙的起源和演化过程。
2. 什么是生态平衡?你认为人类可以对生态平衡产生哪些影响?3. 请你解释一下体育锻炼对我们健康的好处。
4. 请你描述一下光的传播原理。
5. 你认为如何保护环境是我们每个人的责任?四、应用题1. 某班级共有40名学生,其中男生占总人数的60%。
请问班级男生的人数是多少?2. 甲、乙两个城市之间的距离为300公里,假设两座城市的汽车行驶速度都是60公里/小时,那么从甲城到乙城需要多长时间?3. 足球比赛中,甲队进了3个球,乙队进了2个球。
请问最后的比分是多少?4. 若正方形的边长为10厘米,求其对角线的长度。
5. 一辆汽车以每小时40公里的速度行驶,从A点出发,2小时后到达B点,再经过1小时15分钟回到A点。
A.110B.120C.130D.1003.有1桶油,如果每天吃100克,能吃50天;如果每天吃200克,能吃25天.每天的吃油量(单位:克)与所吃的时间(单位:天) ()。
A.1B.2C.311.在比例尺是1∶500的图纸上,测得一块长方形的土地长5厘米,宽4 厘米,这块地的实际面积是()平方米。
小学六年级下册数学选择题50道一.选择题(共50题, 共100分)1.()能与/: /组成比例。
A.3: 4B.4: /C.3:/ D./: /2.某天中午12时的气温为5℃, 下午6时的气温比12时低6℃, 则下午6时的气温是()。
A.-6℃B.-1℃C.6℃3.把一个长8m, 宽6m的长方形画在作业本上, 选择比例尺比较合适的是()。
A.1: 10B.1: 100C.1: 100004.当X、Y互为倒数时, X与Y()。
A.-2B.1C.-1D.6.比零下8℃还低1℃的温度, 可表示为()。
A.9℃B.-9℃C.-7℃7.一条路的长度一定, 已经修好的部分和剩下的部分()。
A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例8.数轴上, -3在-2的()边。
A.正比例B.反比例C.不成比例10.数轴上, -4在-3的()边。
A.左B.右C.无法确定11.农历腊月的某一天, 北京的气温是-3℃, 哈尔滨的气温是-10℃, 青岛的气温是0℃, ()的温度最低。
A.17℃B.-17℃C.+17℃14.某开发商按照分期付款的形式售房. 张明家购买了一套现价为12万元的新房, 购房时需首付(第一年)款3万元, 从第二年起, 以后每年应付房款5000元, 与上一年剩余欠款的利息之和. 已知剩余欠款的年利率为0.4%, 第()年张明家需要交房款5200元。
A.(+20)+(-13)B.17-(-15)C.0-(-2) D.0+(-2)16.如图, 圆柱体的表面积是()。
A. B.- C.-D.-0.511.小力家的萝卜地去年收萝卜15吨,今年比去年增产二成,今年收萝卜()。
A.18吨B.3吨C.12.5吨D.12吨12.某火腿肠每根的标准净含量是45克,与标准净含量比较,超出标准净含量的部分用正数表示,不足标准净含量的部分用负数表示,抽出一根检测净含量是46克,应记作( )。
A.左B.右C.北D.无法确定14.算式(-)×(-)×之值为何?()A. B. C.D.15.正方体的棱长和它的体积()。
①圆柱的底面积与高都扩大3倍,它的体积就扩大6倍②既是2的倍数又是5的倍数的数的特征是个位必须是0③一条线段绕着它的一个端点旋转120°,形成的图形是圆④在长方体上,我们找不到两条既不平行也不相交的线段⑤公式S梯形 =(a+b)h÷2,当a=b时,就是平行四边形的面积计算公式A.1B.2C.3D.43.圆锥的体积一定,它的底面积和高()。
小学六年级推荐练习题一、选择题1. 下列哪个单词的读音与其他三个不同?A. 牛奶B. 凉快C. 孩子D. 桥2. 下面哪个数是100的倍数?A. 105B. 120C. 135D. 1503. 下面哪个词与“温柔”意思相反?A. 野蛮B. 友好C. 善良D. 幽默4. “星期天下午我和朋友去公园玩。
”这句话中的“我和朋友去公园玩”是什么成分?A. 主语B. 谓语C. 宾语D. 表语二、填空题1. 这个图形有___个直角。
2. 236÷4=___3. 我们自己___种树苗。
4. 昨天是星期___,下个星期二是___。
三、阅读理解Today was a sunny day. Amy and Peter went to the park to play. They brought a kite with them. The wind was strong and perfect for flying a kite. They ran and ran to make the kite fly higher and higher. It was so much fun. They also played on the swings and slides. Amy fell off the swing but luckily she didn't get hurt. After playing for a few hours, they went home happily.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。
1. Where did Amy and Peter go to play?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. ParkD. Home2. What did they bring with them to the park?A. KiteB. BallC. BicycleD. Game console3. Why were they able to fly the kite high?A. Because the wind was strong.B. Because they were jumping.C. Because they ran fast.D. Because they used a ladder.4. What happened to Amy on the swing?A. She fell off and got hurt.B. She flew up into the sky.C. She won a prize.D. She stopped swinging.四、解答题1. 请找出下列单词中的同音词:树、书、数、蔬菜、数2. 279 × 6 = ?3. 请描述一下你最喜欢的动物,包括它的特征和它为什么是你最喜欢的。
小学六年级下册数学选择题50道一.选择题(共50题, 共100分)1.某商场将运动衣按进价的50%加价后, 写上“大酬宾, 八折优惠”, 结果每件运动衣仍获利20元, 运动衣的进价是()元。
A.110B.120C.130D.1002.王老师把3000元存入银行, 定期2年, 年利率按2.25%计算, 到期可得本金和税后利息共()元。
A.统计中出现次数最多的数据叫做众数B.数轴上-4在-7的左边C.一个人的体重和他的身高成正比例D.扇形统计图可以表示数据增减变化4.甲处海拔-100米, 乙处海拔-80米, 两处相比, ()处比较低一点。
A.甲B.乙C.一样高D.无法确定5.将一个圆锥底面积扩大6倍, 高不变, 那么圆锥的体积扩大()倍。
A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例7.圆柱的侧面展开图是正方形, 这个圆柱的底面直径和高的比是()。
A.π:1B.1:1C.1:π8.从学校出发, 向东走100米记做+100米, 向西走200米记做-200米。
小华从学校出发向西走了500米, 应该记做()米。
A.+500B.-500C.+200D.-2009.一块地砖的面积一定, 铺地面积和用砖块数()。
A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例10.下列数中, 正数共有()个。
A.6.1B.1.6C.135D.12.一个高12厘米的圆锥形容器, 盛满水后倒入和它等底、高是8厘米的圆柱形容器里, 该圆柱水面的高是()厘米。
A.3B.12C.413.圆柱的底面半径是r, 高是h, 它的表面积可以用式子()来表示。
就近选择练习题1. 这些练习题中的就近选择题是为了帮助学生巩固他们对于特定知识点的理解和应用能力。
以下是一些简单的就近选择练习题:1. 电影《阿凡达》是由哪位导演执导的?A. 克里斯托弗·诺兰B. 大卫·芬奇C. 詹姆斯·卡梅隆D. 斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格2. 欧洲最高峰是哪座山峰?A. 富士山B. 珠穆朗玛峰C. 喜马拉雅山D. 阿尔卑斯山3. 皮卡丘是哪个动画系列中的角色?A. 《灌篮高手》B. 《死亡笔记》C. 《数码宝贝》D. 《火影忍者》4. 水的沸点是多少摄氏度?A. 0B. 100C. 50D. 255. 印度尼西亚首都是哪座城市?A. 曼谷B. 吉隆坡C. 雅加达D. 孟买2. 这些问题涉及了各种不同的领域,包括电影、地理、动画和科学。
3. 就近选择练习题可以在课堂上或者个人自学时使用。
4. 在设计练习题时,应该注意确保选项之间的差异明显,以免学生在选择时困惑和犹豫。
5. 就近选择练习题还可以作为考试的一部分。
6. 练习题的选择和设计应该根据学生的年龄和能力水平进行调整。
7. 就近选择练习题的目的不仅是为了测试学生的知识水平,还可以培养他们的思维能力和解决问题的能力。
8. 通过提供大量的就近选择练习题,学生可以在重复练习中巩固和加深对知识点的理解,并提高他们的学习效果和成绩。
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选择练习从括号中选择正确答案填入下划线处(期末考试主要部分)1.______ theoretical studies propose strong links between canopy architecture, foreststructure, and light transmittance, patterns of understory light availability do not always show a clear dependence on forest structure. [(A) Again, (B) But, (C) Although, (D) Irrespective of]2. A ______ analysis of the climate response of longleaf pine across the Coastal Plainis lacking because no studies have been conducted in the West Gulf or Atlantic Coastal Plain. [(A) comprehensive, (B) detailed, (C) close, (D) deep]3. A ______ of studies have examined the climate–growth response of various speciesalong both longitudinal and latitudinal gradients. [(A) team, (B) batch, (C) total, (D) number]4.Aboveground tree biomass was______ accurately over 37-yr and 50-yr measurementintervals, respectively, for northern hardwood forests in New Hampshire andAllegheny hardwoods in New York State. [(A) estimating, (B) predicted, (C)predicting, (D) found]5.Afforestation on abandoned agricultural land has ______ as a major C sink in thenorth temperate zone, and most secondary forests continue to sequester C; however, this sink will weaken as these forests mature and as further agricultural abandonment is constrained. [(A) acted, (B) action, (C) presented, (D) operated]6.All diffuse PFD measurements were ______ under overcast sky conditions, avoidingconfounding effects of sun flecks and solar angle. [(A) making, (B) did, (C) made,(D) counted]7.Basal area and density of stems was calculated _____ three diameter c lasses (≥5 to<10 cm dbh, ≥10 to <25 cm dbh, and ≥25 cm dbh). [(A) for, (B) of, (C) in, (D) on] 8.Basal area can recover rapidly in second-growth forests after only 15–20 yr ofregrowth, ______ canopy height and canopy species diversity lag behind. [(A)however, (B) while, (C) since, (D) where]9.Below-canopy readings were ______ with the closest-in-time above-canopymeasurements to calculate percentage diffuse transmittance. [(A) coupled, (B) paired,(C) doubled, (D) twice]10.Crown area was approximated as an ellipse ______ the two perpendicular measuresof crown diameter. [(A) used, (B) using, (C) based, (D) for]11.Crown volume was estimated as an elliptical cylinder by multiplying crownarea______ depth. [(A) on, (B) by, (C) for, (D) in]12.Data for the three second-growth stands were combined, ______ data for the threepronounced, (B) prominent, (C) outstanding, (D) apparent]15.Dominant canopy species Goethalsia meiantha and Pentaclethra macrolobadiverged strongly in tree allometry, with G. meiantha having taller stems for a given diameter and small crowns for a ______ height. [(A) total, (B) specific, (C) most,(D) given]16.Due to nonnormal distribution ______ light, in statistical analyses we used aninverse log transformation to compute optical density, a metric inversely related to percentage diffuse transmittance. [(A) in, (B) of, (C) on, (D) from]17.During all light measurements, above-canopy PFD was measured ______ in anearby clearing using a quantum sensor mounted on a tripod. [(A) simultaneously,(B) similarly, (C) promptly, (D) mean time]18.Emissions of the principal greenhouse gas (GHG), carbon dioxide (CO2), are drivenprimarily by the burning of fossil fuels, but the Earth's biosphere also plays a______ role in the global carbon (C) budget. [(A) high, (B) good, (C) famous, (D) major] 19.Finally, relationships among tree height, stem diameter, and crown diameter, ______as trees increase in overall size[总体大小] and canopy position. [(A) shift, (B) moving, (C) cross, (D) slide]20.Foliage profiles showed______ patterns of vertical organization of vegetationbetween second-growth and old-growth stands. [(A) specific, (B) distinct, (C)curved, (D) significant]21.For each tree's crown we calculated______ area and volume. [(A) two, (B) either,(C) all, (D) both]22.For example, houses constructed primarily ______ wood have 20–50% loweremissions of GHGs over their entire life cycle than those built with concrete andsteel. [(A) of, (B) on, (C) in, (D) with]23.For taller trees, we ______ the angle-measure method to estimate tree height. [(A)employed, (B) using, (C) application, (D) adopting]24.For this study, we averaged the three center ______ from meters 4, 5, and 6 withineach quadrat. [(A) sings, (B) characters, (C) numbers, (D) readings]25.For transects, mean total basal area and density for all stems ≥5 cm dbh wassimilar______ second-growth and old-growth stands, with few significantdifferences in the means of ground-based vegetation data. [(A) with, (B) to, (C) in,(D) as]26.For transects, where we took light measurements at a single height level (0.75 m),optical density was regressed ______basal area of stems ≥25 cm dbh and density of woody stems in four diameter classes. [(A) as, (B) by, (C) with, (D) on]27.Forests can therefore play an important role in regulating the future rate of increaseof atmospheric CO2, and management of forests for this purpose is receiving ______ attention from national and global policy makers. [(A) increase, (B) increased, (C) arose, (D) over]28.Forest-wide differences in crown architecture ______, in part, from dominance byparticular species. [(A) increase, (B) propagate, (C) inflate, (D) arise]29.Given the lack of significant spatial structure in density and basal area at the quadratlevel, we continued with traditional statistical methods to analyze the relationship ______ vegetation data and light data. [(A) among, (B) both, (C) between, (D)either]30.Globally, terrestrial ecosystems are currently a major net sink for atmospheric CO2(about 1 gigaton C per year); this sink mostly represents the ______ between Caccumulation in forests and CO2 emissions from tropical deforestation. [(A)difference, (B) different, (C) distinct, (D) variation]31.Height at first branching also ______ significantly with both forest type anddiameter class and showed a highly significant interaction with diameter class. [(A) altered, (B) varied, (C) increased, (D) variety]32.However, the relationships among height classes ______ between forest types. [(A)distinct, (B) differed, (C) changed, (D) increased]33.Identifying factors that influence variation in light availability within forestedecosystems ______ an important component in our understanding of the complex determinants of tree seedling regeneration. [(A) indicates, (B) presents, (C)represents, (D) describes]34.______, we established four 20 × 60 m plots, two in one of the old-growth stands(La Selva) and two in one of the second-growth stands. [(A) Additionally, (B) By addition, (C) As addition, (D) In addition]35.In both old- and second-growth forest, understory light availability at 0.75 m ______with increased sapling and shrub density, but was not significantly influenced bylocal tree density or basal area. [(A) decreased, (B) decreasing, (C) deduced, (D) declined]36.In closing, we emphasize that it is critical to assure both policy makers and potentialinvestors that forest C offset projects address the full range of social andenvironmental issues that can ______ from forest management activities. [(A)outlet, (B) conclude, (C) result, (D) as a result]37.In contrast to the difficulties ______ with accurately quantifying the GHG benefitsof forest management strategies, there is immediate potential for substantial andverifiable substitution of wood products for building materials and fossil fuel energy.[(A) associated, (B) linked, (C) concerned, (D) consistent]38.______, slender trees with small crowns dominate second-growth stands. [(A)Opposition, (B) By comparison, (C) In contrast, (D) Compared with]39.______, the second-growth plots showed a transition to a significantly negativeautocorrelation as[随着,当] vertical distance between points increased to 9 m. [(A) In accordance, (B) In line with, (C) In contrast, (D) In view of]40.In general, regression models in the old-growth forest site were similar ______ allheights and included positive relationships between the stem density 5 to 10 and10–25 cm dbh and optical density. [(A) by, (B) with, (C) on, (D) at]41.In plots, PFD was measured ______ a vertical profile at a single point in the centerof each 10 × 10 m quadrat at heights of 1, 2.1, 4.2, 6.5, and 9 m above the forestfloor. [(A) along, (B) with, (C) through, (D) via]42.In the old-growth stands, the subcanopy palm W. regia was the ______ mostabundant species, with a mean crown diameter of 7.7 m. [(A)only , (B) alone, (C) single, (D) unique]43.In the plots, tree height and crown diameter were ______for all trees ≥10 cm dbh.We used a telescoping pole for height measurements below 12 m. [(A) measured,(B) balanced, (C) counting, (D) measure]44.In the temperate zone, land-use change ______ with real estate development andwith agricultural abandonment alters C storage in forested regions. [(A) associated,(B) relating, (C) combined, (D) correlates]45.In this paper we begin______ describing differences between old-growth andsecond-growth forests in understory light availability, tree architecture, andmeasures of forest structure such as basal area and density of trees. [(A) on, (B) with, (C) by, (D) in]46.______, creating large artificial canopy gaps of 350–450 m2 in 15–20 yr oldsecond-growth at La Selva, requires cutting at least 15 canopy trees. [(A) As to, (B) In addition, (C) Indeed, (D) In line with]nd-use change plays a major role in the global C balance. In the tropics,deforestation associated with agricultural development ______ in large net emissions of C to the atmosphere. [(A) resulting, (B) concludes, (C) leads, (D) results]48.Light penetrates through numerous, small, evenly distributed openings ______ thecanopy hemisphere, with little open sky concentrated near the zenith. [(A) over, (B) throughout, (C) via, (D) on]49.Light transmittance and heterogeneity ______ forest structure [(A) in connectionwith , (B) regarding, (C) relating, (D) in relation to]50.Long-term studies in larger plots, comparing the vertical structure of mature andsecond-growth forests, would provide data to explore our hypothesis that vegetation dynamics in young stands ______ recruitment in sub-canopy gaps below the canopy.[(A) included, (B) involve, (C) conclude, (D) inclusive]51.Mean annual temperatures range from 16 to 23 °C. [(A) range, (B) scope, (C) extent,(D) expand]52.Moreover, canopy species composition can significantly influence lighttransmittance within and among stands, in the ______ of canopy gaps. [(A) absent,(B) lacking, (C) absence, (D) empty]53.Multiple regressions using plot data for optical density at multiple heights ______more informative. [(A) gave, (B) told, (C) proved, (D) revealed]54.Old-growth stands had a mean of 1.8% diffuse transmittance (%T) and ranged from0.45%–14.93% T; second-growth stands ranged ______ 0.53% and 5.87% T with amean of 1.75% T. [(A) among, (B) of, (C) from, (D) between]55.Our data ______ subtle, but ecologically significant, differences in the physicalstructure of second- and old-growth forests that influence spatial variation in light transmittance in the understory. [(A) conclude, (B) demonstrate, (C) confine, (D) include]56.Our hypotheses regarding forest development in second-growth tropical rain forests______ a rigorous examination of the relationship between light transmittance and the three-dimensional distribution of foliage. [(A) require, (B) request, (C) demand,(D) mandate]57.Our results demonstrate that old-growth forests can continue to accumulate carbon,______ to the long-standing view that they are carbon neutral. [(A) opposition, (B) decline, (C) as, (D) contrary]58.Over the past 30 years, about one-third of US real estate development has occurredon agricultural lands, where growth of planted trees partly ______ for the emissions associated with development on forested lands. [(A) adds, (B) compensates, (C)increases, (D) attends]59.Ranges were similar at 9-m heights, with old-growth stands ______ between 1.98%and 34.66% T, and second-growth stands between 1.57% and 33.57% T. [(A)varying, (B) altering, (C) spanned, (D) vary]60.Second-growth forest had more foliage cover at 0–1 m and a______ of foliage above30 m. [(A) count, (B) lack, (C) low, (D) number]61.Second-growth trees differed allometrically______ old-growth trees. [(A) since, (B)as, (C) from, (D) on]62.Significant, positive autocorrelations persisted through a______ distance of fourvertical meter in the old-growth plots. [(A) lag, (B) following, (C) behind, (D)latter]63.Soil organic matter ______the largest C pool in many forests, but changes in soil Cpool size are difficult to detect because of high spatial variability. [(A) becomes,(B) stands, (C) includes, (D) comprises]64.Some of these factors, such as February PDSI, did not ______ influence growththroughout the study period, however. [(A) always, (B) consistently, (C) totally, (D) continuously]65.Spatial structure within ecological data presents problems for traditional statisticalanalysis because spatially autocorrelated data ______the assumption ofindependence of the sampling units. [(A) violate, (B) reverse, (C) against, (D)opposite]66.Spatial-autocorrelation analysis confirms that these gaps influence light overhorizontal distances twice as______ as that in second-growth forests. [(A) good, (B) fast, (C) high, (D) large]67.Species______ by tree size along the same allometric line. G. meiantha trees wererepresented by large individuals, while L. procera and C. arborea were intermediate in size. P. macroloba trees spanned the entire size range. [(A) grouping, (B)segregated, (C) clustered, (D) classification]68.Stem densities <5 cm dbh were higher in the plot data set ______ to transectsbecause the plot samples also included herbaceous stems >1 m tall. [(A) comparison,(B) comparable, (C) compared, (D) referenced]69.Stem density 10–25 cm dbh was a significant predictor of light availability at 1 m, 6m and 9 m (P = 0.001), ______ stem density 5–10 cm dbh was a significantpredictor at 2 m (P = 0.02). [(A) however, (B) while, (C) mean while, (D)nevertheless]70.That study was conducted in areas of similar history, age, and speciescomposition______ the second-growth stands described here. [(A) by, (B) of, (C) to, (D) on]71.The absence of large treefall gaps in second-growth stands reflects a number offorest dynamic processes, as ______ by other researchers. [(A) noted, (B) talked,(C) provided, (D) uncovered]72.The abundant rainfall leaches soluble bases, plant nutrients, and colloidal materialdownward. ______, most of the soils in this climate have a low content of organic matter, low natural fertility, and high acidity. [(A) Conclusively, (B) Consequently,(C) Concurrently, (D) Contemporarily]73.The allometric relationship between dbh and height was similar______P.macroloba, C. arborea, L. procera, and Goethalsia meiantha, whereas W. regiashowed no significant relationship between dbh and height (data not shown). [(A) as, (B) like, (C) to, (D) for]74.The basal area of stems in the intermediate tree size class (10–25 cm dbh) was _____higher in second-growth forest (P < 0.05). [(A) significantly, (B) obviously, (C)tremendously, (D) apparently]75.The climate across the Coastal Plain is fairly uniform, ______ the slightly highersummer temperatures west of the Mississippi River Valley. [(A) except for, (B) except, (C) excluding, (D) other than]76.The high species richness of trees and the complex vertical structure of tropical rainforests difficulties in assessing the impact of species-specific allometry on patterns of light transmittance. [(A) form, (B) result, (C) increase, (D) create]77.The humid subtropical climate ______ an annual rainfall from 117–165 cm. [(A)sponsors, (B) provides, (C) keeps, (D) supports]78.The lack of a strong relationship between canopy or subcanopy vegetation and lighttransmittance in the understory______ distinct spatial patterning in these variables.[(A) reflects, (B) projects, (C) rebounds, (D) reverse]79.The more homogeneous size distribution and species composition of thesecond-growth forest canopy and subcanopy layers are ______ increased spatialhomogeneity of diffuse light transmittance within the understory, compared toold-growth stands. [(A) association with, (B) associated with, (C) relation with, (D) association to]80.The most rapidly changing pool is usually aboveground live biomass, which can beestimated accurately ______ allometric approaches. [(A) to, (B) through, (C) like, (D) for]81.The overall C balance for both durable products and wood energy depends uponfossil fuel use ______ with harvest, transport, and processing, as well as how wood products are used and disposed of after their useful life. [(A) relation, (B) consistent,(C) associated, (D) correlated with]82.The quantum sensor was mounted on a small, self-leveling platform ______ atelescoping pole. [(A) topped, (B) atop, (C) top of, (D) with]83.The questions initially raised in this paper were ______ only partially answered byour static measurements of forest structure and light transmittance. [(A) treated, (B) dealt, (C) left, (D) given]84.The second-growth site showed______ correspondence between vegetation-structurevariables and optical density at heights <9 m. [(A) a little, (B) few, (C) little, (D) small]85.The two-way ANCOVA of crown diameter, using dbh as a covariate, ______ ahighly significant interaction between forest type and diameter class. [(A)uncovered, (B) revealed, (C) hi-lighted, (D) enclosed]86.These analyses ______ weak or no significant autocorrelation of densities at lagdistances from 10 to 50 m. [(A) showed, (B) gave, (C) turned, (D) showing]87.These characteristics ______ observed differences in the vertical organization ofvegetation and in the pattern of horizontal variation in light transmittance. [(A)contribute for, (B) contribute to, (C) contribution to, (D) contributing to]88.These dominant species had small mean crown diameters that were significantlysmaller______ a given height compared to Welfia regia and Pentaclethra macroloba, abundant old-growth dominants. [(A) as, (B) with, (C) for, (D) of]89.These landscape-level vegetation patterns may influence patterns of lighttransmittance in the understory at ______ larger than that examined in our study.[(A) scales, (B) rates, (C) heights, (D) speeds]These results suggest that for sample points in the second-growth plots, higher90.values of light transmittance at heights of 9 m were______ with lower lighttransmittance at heights of 1 m. [(A) related, (B) linked, (C) in accordance, (D) associated]91.They suggested that crown-based measurements, such as foliage density andleaf-area index, may be more informative in a tropical moist forest sequence. ______, canopy vegetation structure may indirectly influence understory light availability, through impacts on subcanopy and understory vegetation. [(A) On the other hand, (B) Actively, (C) Alternatively, (D) Ultimately]92.This ______ view of tropical rain forest dynamics is critical for understanding forestregeneration in the land-use mosaic of today's tropics. [(A) expanded, (B) inflated,(C) increased, (D) extended]93.This interaction also______ from differences in trees 10–25 cm dbh, which branchedhigher in second-growth forest. [(A) predicted, (B) resulted, (C) concluded, (D)deduced]94.This method has been recommended in tropical wet forest systems to avoiddifficulties ______ with measurement of horizontal distance in dense vegetation and obscuration of crowns by neighboring trees. [(A) relation, (B) connected, (C) linking,(D) associated]95.This method is similar to ______ used by Welden et al., but differs in that ourmethod evaluated foliage presence in intervals throughout the vertical transect and did not simply assess maximum vertical foliage height. [(A) this, (B) what, (C) one,(D) that]96.This method overestimates actual crown volume but is a______ informative estimateof the amount of vegetation in the forest canopy. [(A) possibly, (B) tentatively, (C) potentially, (D) potential]97.This pattern of canopy structure is associated with enhanced overall diffuse lightavailability and increased spatial homogeneity ______to old-growth stands. [(A) comparing, (B) compared, (C) distinguished, (D) distinct]98.This pattern of distribution of foliage differed ______ between forests. [(A)differently, (B) profoundly, (C) largely, (D) significantly]99.This study______ the first dendroclimatic analysis of longleaf pine at its westernlimit in Texas and in South Carolina. [(A) has, (B) reveals, (C) implies, (D) represents]100.Thus, as a ______, second-growth trees had narrower crowns for their height and were taller for their diameter, compared to old-growth trees. [(A) cluster, (B) team,(C) group, (D) grouping]101.Thus, light transmittance varies______ a fine spatial scale among understory microsites, whereas vegetation structure of canopy and midstory trees shows little or no spatial patterning at scales below 50 m. [(A) in, (B) on, (C) for, (D) with]102.Thus, species differences in absolute tree size influenced ______ crown dimensions and determined the species composition of different tree size classes. [(A) overall, (B) whole, (C) total, (D) general]103.To compare tree allometry ______ forest types and among size classes, we performed two-way analysis of covariance, using dbh or tree height as a covariate.[(A) between, (B) like, (C) beside, (D) aside]104.Tree height varied significantly with diameter class in both forest types, but showed no significant interaction ______ forest type and diameter class. [(A) among,(B) beside, (C) between, (D) spanning]105.Tree-ring data from two longleaf pine chronologies previously developed for the Big Thicket area (Glitzenstein, unpublished data) were ______ into the composite chronology for Texas. [(A) incorporated, (B) incorporating, (C) including, (D) closed]106.Tree-ring measurement series were standardized using the program ARSTAN.Standardization was necessary to remove trends ______ to physiological aging and possible stand dynamics processes. [(A) relating, (B) related, (C) relation, (D) relevant]107.Trees 10–25 cm dbh were significantly taller for a ______ tree diameter in second-growth than in old-growth stands. [(A) gave, (B) known, (C) given, (D) determined]108.Vegetation composition and structure does show ______ spatial variation at larger spatial scales due to edaphic factors. [(A) prompt, (B) pronounced, (C)proceeded, (D) producing]109.Vertical profiles of foliage and light availability suggest that tree recruitment in second-growth stands_ ___ vertical filling of openings created below the canopy.[(A) induces, (B) intensify, (C) include, (D) involves]110.We also found______ effects of diameter class on crown dimensions. [(A) high,(B) close, (C) strong, (D) severe]111.We assessed forest light environments by______ percentage transmittance of diffuse photosynthetic photon flux density (PFD) under overcast sky conditions in the center of each 10 × 10 m quadrat. [(A) measuring, (B) measure, (C) accounting,(D) scaling]112.We did not______ the basal area of the smaller diameter classes since they were highly correlated with stem densities (r2 > 0.80) and would cause multicollinearity in the models. [(A) induce, (B) include, (C) conclude, (D) close]113.We examined correlations among independent variables and eliminated those with correlation coefficients >0.70 to avoid problems______ multicollinearity. [(A) with, (B) as, (C) for, (D) like]114.We hypothesize that second-growth forests (15–25 yr old) and old-growth forests differ in stand dynamics, ______ distinct patterns of vertical organization ofvegetation and vertical distribution of light. [(A) led to, (B) lead to, (C) leading to,(D) guide to]115.We measured the ring widths to ______ 0.001 mm precision using a Velmex movable stage micrometer and the MeasureJ2X program. Earlywood (EWW), latewood (LWW), and total ring (TRW) widths were measured in samples from Texas and South Carolina, while only total ring width was measured for the Florida samples. [(A) the nearest, (B) the least, (C) the closest, (D) approximate]116.We observed______ direct effects of the canopy vegetation on variation of optical density near the forest floor within old-growth or second-growth forests.[(A) little or no, (B) small or no, (C) a little or no, (D) no little]117.We regressed optical density ______ mean tree height, mean crown area, density of all stems ≥1 m tall and <5 cm dbh, and woody stem density in three diameterclasses. [(A) as, (B) for, (C) on, (D) in]118.We used multiple regression to examine the relationship between measures of forest structure and light availability at the 10 × 10 m quadrat level in______transects and plots. [(A) both, (B) two, (C) twice, (D) any]119.We used the RESIDUAL chronology produced by ARSTAN ______ than the STANDARD chronology because we wanted to ensure that any climate signal uncovered was not obscured by the exacerbating effects of autocorrelation in the tree-ring data. [(A) more, (B) higher, (C) rather, (D) further]120.When dbh was used as a covariate, second-growth trees were significantly taller, whereas crown diameter did not ______ significantly between forest types. [(A) different, (B) bias, (C) differ, (D) depart]121.While systematic differences in tree size and allometry do ______ a critical role in the differentiation of the physical structure of old-growth and second-growthforests, can these differences also affect light transmission? [(A) act, (B) play, (C) perform, (D) serve]122.The warm temperatures ______ the progress of chemical reactions and soil forming processes. [(A) acceleration, (B) speedy, (C) fast, (D) speed]123.The influence of precipitation in the dormant season may be of preconditioning or, possibly, winter photosynthesis. [(A) be indeed, (B) be indicative of, (C) be a sign of, (D) be good]124.Research has shown that winter photosynthesis can occur in many conifers, including southern pines in the Southeast, and carbohydrate reserves can build in the winter. [(A) readily, (B) largely, (C) hugely, (D) appreciably]125.Other studies have demonstrated the weak response of longleaf pine growth temperature fluctuations (Lodewick, 1930; Meldahl et al., 1999). (注意为什么使用完成时)[(A) on, (B) to, (C) for, (D) with]126.Warm summer temperatures in the current year affected latewood growth in Texas and South Carolina. [(A) adversely, (B) contrarily, (C) likely, (D) poorly]127.The warmer and drier summer conditions in Texas are likely for the stronger negative correlation with summer temperatures. [(A) burden, (B) response,(C) responsible, (D) relevant]128.This hypothesis is of further research and testing. [(A) value, (B) worth, (C) worthy, (D) valuable]129.Temperature affects photosynthesis in trees by regulating respiration, transpiration, and gas exchange, and high temperatures favor respiration over net carbon assimilation. [(A) incline to, (B) tend to, (C) toward, (D) onto] 130.the positive relationship between previous July temperatures and growth in the current year in the Texas region, Meldahl et al. (1999) found a similar relationship between late summer temperatures and current growth. [(A) In relation to, (B) Correlation to, (C) With reference to, (D) Referring to]131.Hot summer temperatures in Texas may longleaf pine trees to shut down growth and use the stored food in the following year. [(A) produce, (B) cause,(C) create, (D) introduce]132.The correlation between longleaf pine growth and Palmer indices was much higher precipitation and temperature). [(A) than with, (B) compared with, (C) correlated with, (D) than]133.Because the contribution of each successive month is given an increasing weight, the month for which the drought index is computed, the individual contribution of each month in the growing season may not be accurately reflected. [(A) till, (B) after,(C) up to, (D) in relation to]134.Drought is not low rainfall, but it is a relative term based on the expected rainfall for an area at a given time of year. [(A) merely, (B) lonely, (C) trivially, (D) largely]135.This trend coincides with the effect of fall temperature and precipitation in the year on South Carolina earlywood growth. [(A) early, (B) former, (C) preceding, (D) fast]136.Favorable moisture conditions in the fall may longleaf pines to store carbohydrates late in the growing season that will be utilized in the flush of earlywood in the next spring. [(A) permit, (B) allow, (C) approve, (D) ratify]137.Differences in soil type may also have contributed to the distinct difference in the level of climate sensitivity in Texas versus sites eastward. [(A) longer, (B) deeper, (C) more, (D) farther]138.Parker et al. (2001) observed similar results with sand pines in the Florida panhandle, where coastal sand pines showed a more significant response to climate than sites inland, possibly because of the physiological stress created by shallow freshwater lenses and permeable sands. [(A) further, (B) farther, (C) more,(D) far]139.Data on earlywood and latewood were extremely by providing more details of the intra-annual climatic response of longleaf pine trees. [(A)。