High Dependability Computing Program Modeling Dependability The Unified Model of Dependabil
SRAM型FPGA带刷的新分层三模冗余技术容错分析张硕;伊小素;孙进辉;张倩【摘要】SRAM-based FPGAs are becoming very appealing for several applications where high dependability is a mandatory requirement. Unfortunately, compared to ASIC designs, the technology of SRAM-based FPGAs is very sensitive to single-event upsets (SEUs) and particular concerns arise from SEUs affecting the FPGAs' configuration memory. This paper proposes a new TMR method for mitigating the impact of faults on the FPGA dependability. This technique is able to tolerate SEUs in configuration bits of mapped designs. The effectiveness of the new technique is demonstrated by a bit-by-bit upset fault injection experiment showing that the sensitive bits might cause SEU effects in the FPGA's configuration memory decreasing 87% with respect to a standard TMR design technique.%SRAM型FPGA(field programmable gate array)因为其具有信息密度大、性能高、开发成本低、可重复编程等特性,受到航天电子方面设计者青睐,越来越多地被应用于需要高可靠性的复杂空间环境.然而,相比于传统的ASIC电路设计,由于FPGA对辐射的潜在敏感性,易引发单粒子翻转效应(single-event upsets,SEUs),甚至可能造成系统失效.该文提出一种全新的三模冗余技术(triple modular redundancy,TMR)来削弱空间粒子对FPGA的影响,这项技术可以减轻FPGA中采用映射设计的配置位受到SEUs的影响.通过逐位翻转故障注入实验验证显示,相对于传统的TMR设计,采用该新技术防护的FPGA中易收到SEUs 影响的配置位减少了87%.【期刊名称】《实验技术与管理》【年(卷),期】2012(029)011【总页数】6页(P44-49)【关键词】FPGA;单粒子翻转;分层三模冗余【作者】张硕;伊小素;孙进辉;张倩【作者单位】北京航空航天大学光电技术研究所,北京 100191;北京航空航天大学光电技术研究所,北京 100191;武警学院训练部实验教学管理中心,河北廊坊065000;北京航空航天大学光电技术研究所,北京 100191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP302.8Abstract:SRAM-based FPGAs are becoming very appealing for several applications where high dependability is a mandatoryrequirement.Unfortunately,compared to ASIC designs,the technology of SRAM-based FPGAs is very sensitive to single-event upsets(SEUs)and particular concerns arise from SEUs affecting the FPGAs’configuration memory.This paper proposes a new TMR method for mitigating the impact of faults on the FPGA dependability.This technique is able to tolerate SEUs in configuration bits of mapped designs.The effectiveness of the new technique is demonstrated by a bit-by-bit upset fault injection experiment showing that the sensitive bits might cause SEU effects in the FPGA’s configuration memory decreasing 87%with respect to a standardTMR design technique.Key words:field programmable gate array (FPGA);single-event upset (SEU);triple modular redundancy(TMR)SRAM(static random access memory)型 FPGA(field programmable gate array)具有信息密度大、性能高、可重复编程的特性,在空间领域得到了广泛应用[1]。
环境水化学平衡软件Visual MINTEQ简介共3篇环境水化学平衡软件——Visual MINTEQ简介摘要:Visual MINTEQ是一款计算水化学平衡的计算机软件,用于评估水体中金属污染物的形成和迁移的模型系统。
主要介绍了Visual MINTEQ 模型的功能、理论基础、操作方法和应用。
最后,通过实例展示了Visual MINTEQ模型在土壤重金属污染等环境领域方面的应用。
关键词:Visual MINTEQ 化学平衡重金属污染Introduction of Visual MINTEQ -- A Computer Program for Calculating Aqueous Chemistry EquilibriaAbstract: Visual MINTEQ is a computer program for computation of aqueous chemistry equilibria, and a modeling system for the assessment of the fate and migration of selected pollutant metals in aquatic systems. The functions, theories foundation, operating method and applications of Visual MINTEQ was mentioned in this essay. Finally, an example was demonstrated to introduce the application in soil heavy metals pollution and other environmental areas. Keywords:Visual MINTEQ equilibrium heavy metal pollution1. 引言随着计算机计算能力的不断增强和互联网的发展,计算机日益成为科学研究中必要的工具。
HPE SmartMemory数据手册说明书
Data sheet HPE SmartMemoryChoose the right memory withHPE SmartMemoryAs the insatiable demand for applications, data, and digital content grows exponentially, traditional server infrastructure—the digital foundation of business and society—has become resource constrained. At the same time, businesses demand greater performance and maximum uptime. IT trends such as server virtualization, cloud computing, and high-performance computing have increased the average gigabyte per server memorysix-fold in the last six years. As a result, DRAM manufacturers are increasing chip component densities to support higher memory capacities. For example, today a single 4 GB DRAM chip contains more than 4 billion memory cells, and a single 32 GB DDR3 memory module has more than 288 billion memory cells.Choose the right memoryThe combination of increased memory demandand component complexity have raised thestakes higher as businesses require continuousavailability of IT infrastructure. Memory is acritical system component, significantly definingthe systems reliability, performance, andincreasingly the server and data center powerfootprint. Therefore, choosing the right memoryis the key to ensuring upmost reliability, highestperformance, and deliver a faster return on yourIT investment.As one of largest DRAM buyers, HPEchooses only the highest quality memory.HPE SmartMemory is performance testedand tuned on HPE ProLiant servers usingproprietary software that simulates extremeoperating environments and conditions.HPE Qualified Options means every genuineHPE DIMM has been through our rigorousqualification process that extends beyondstandard industry practice to help ensurecompatibility, performance, and reliability.Achieve reliability, performance,and manageability withHPE SmartMemoryHPE SmartMemory is a unique technologyintroduced for HP Proliant Gen8 and Gen8 v2servers, and unlike other third-party memory,HPE SmartMemory authenticates whethermemory has passed HPE’s rigorous qualificationand test process, and provides you with thehighest quality, genuine HPE SmartMemory.More importantly, verification of HPESmartMemory unlocks certain performanceand high efficiency features optimized for HPProliant Gen8 and Gen v2 servers. In addition,HPE SmartMemory provides future enhancedsupport through HPE Active Health Systemand manageability software.Key features and benefitsHPE SmartMemory is ideal for ProLiant Gen8 and Gen8 v2 customers who are looking to extract all the memory performance, dependability, and power savings that the ProLiant Gen8 server is designed to deliver. Memory plays an increasingly larger part of the server’s power consumption andchoosing the most efficient memory is a critical component in reducing your data center’s overall power and cooling requirements. These savings translate to reduced operating cost and a faster return on investment (ROI), freeing up IT budget spent on power and cooling.HPE SmartMemory introduces the new 1866 MHz Std. Voltage and 1600 MHz low voltage SmartMemory, designed to provide better performance and capacity at a competitive price.Reduce power without sacrificing performanceHPE is committed to helping you achieve the maximum benefit per watt out of your IT infrastructure. With HPE SmartMemory power utilization is up to 20 percent less when compared to third-party memory or other OEMs’ memory.1• 1600 MHz Low Voltage memory availability in all sizes for both RDIMM and UDIMM technologies.• An industry-first, HPE has introduced 24 GB DDR3-1333 Registered DIMM (RDIMM) at 1.35 V• While the industry supports DDR3-1866RDIMM at 1.5 V at one DIMM per channel, our ProLiant Gen8 servers support DDR3-1866 RDIMM up to two DIMMs per channel at 1866 MT/s running at 1.5 V. Our ProLiant Gen8 v2 servers support DDR3-1600 LV RDIMM up to two DIMMs per channel at 1600 MT/s running at 1.35 V. This equates to up to 20 percent less power at the DIMM level with no performance penalty 2• HPE SmartMemory 1.35 V DDR3-1600 registered memory is engineered to achieve the same performance level as 1.5 V memory. This also simplifies the HPE memory portfolio making it easier to select the right memory • HPE HyperCloud SmartMemory 32 GB 1.5 V DDR3-1333 registered memory is engineered to achieve 3 DPC @1333 in HPE ProLiant in DL380p Gen8 serversBetter performanceHPE SmartMemory supports DDR3 unbuffered ECC DIMMs (UDIMMs) at 2 DIMMs per channel at 1866 MT/s while the industry supports UDIMM at 2 DIMMs per channel at 1600 MT/s, or 25 percent greater bandwidth.2 In addition, DDR3 UDIMMs are capable of low voltage operation, up to 20 percent less power usage:•****************•****************HPE SmartMemory now supports DDR3-1866 LRDIMMs:•***************•***************•***************HPE SmartMemory now supports DDR3-1866 RDIMMs:•***************•***************•***************HPE SmartMemory supports low-voltage DDR3-1600 RDIMMs at same memorybandwidth as 1.5 V DDR3-1600 RDIMMs, up to 20 percent less power usage:•****************•****************•***************HPE SmartMemory supported on HP Proliant Gen8 v2 Intel® Xeon® E5-2600 Series Processor FamilyWith the latest generation Intel® series based ProLiant Gen8 and Gen8 v2 servers, DDR3 provides additional features:• 24 GB DDR3-1333 RDIMM 1.35 V support for maximum bandwidth on blades server • New 32 GB Load Reduced DIMM (LRDIMM) increases capacity by 50 percent enabling HP Proliant Gen8 and Gen8 v2 Intel 2-socket servers support of up to 768 GB • DDR3-1600 Registered DIMMs supports either low-voltage 1.35 V or 1.5 V with no performance penalty• HPE Advanced Memory Error DetectionTechnology increased memory related uptime by up to 35 percent by pinpointing errors more likely to cause unplanned downtime1 “HPE Proprietary Software Test,” August 2011.2 “HPE Proprietary Software Test,” September 2011.3A MD 1 TB max capacity: AMD population rules require 4 rank DIMMs in center slot only for 3 DPC servers.DDR3 memory comparison for HP Proliant Gen8 and Gen8 v2 serversRDIMMsLRDIMM UDIMMs HDIMM Maximum DIMM capacity 24 GB32 GB 8 GB32 GB Maximum server capacityAMD: 1 TB max capacity 3 (48 slots; 32 GB quad rank DIMMs)N/AAMD: 64 GB (16 slots; 4 GB dual rank DIMMs)NAIntel 4 socket: 2 TB max capacity (64 slots; 32 GB quad rank DIMMs)Intel 2 socket: 768 GB (24 slots; 32 GB LRDIMMs)Intel: 48 GB max capacity (12 slots; 4 GB dual rank DIMMs)Intel 2 socket (only DL360p and DL380p Gen8): 384 GB max capacity Maximum number of DIMMs/channel 3 dual rank3 quad rank (LRDIMM only) 2 dual rank 3 dual rank Low power option4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, 24 GB, 32 GB 32 GB 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB 32 GB only Address error detectionYesYesYesYesRDIMMs647893-B21HPE 4 GB (1x4 GB) Single Rank x4 PC3L-10600R (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Low Voltage Memory Kit 647895-B21HPE 4 GB (1x4 GB) Single Rank x4 PC3-12800R (DDR3-1600) Registered CAS-11 Memory Kit647897-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3L-10600R (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Low Voltage Memory Kit 647899-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Single Rank x4 PC3-12800R (DDR3-1600) Registered CAS-11 Memory Kit647901-B21HPE 16 GB (1x16 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3L-10600R (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Low Voltage Memory Kit 672631-B21HPE 16 GB (1x16 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3-12800R (DDR3-1600) Registered CAS-11 Memory Kit700404-B21HPE 24 GB (1x24 GB) Three Rank x4 PC3L-10600R (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Low Voltage FIO Memory Kit 713981-B21HPE 4 GB (1x4 GB) Single Rank x4 PC3L-12800R (DDR3-1600) Registered CAS-11 Low Voltage Memory Kit 713983-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3L-12800R (DDR3-1600) Registered CAS-11 Low Voltage Memory Kit 731765-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Single Rank x4 PC3L-12800R (DDR3-1600) Registered CAS-11 Low Voltage Memory Kit 713985-B21HPE 16 GB (1x16 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3L-12800R (DDR3-1600) Registered CAS-11 Low Voltage Memory Kit 708637-B21HPE 4 GB (1x4 GB) Single Rank x4 PC3-14900R (DDR3-1866) Registered CAS-13 Memory Kit708639-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3-14900R (DDR3-1866) Registered CAS-13 Memory Kit731761-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Single Rank x4 PC3-14900R (DDR3-1866) Registered CAS-13 Memory Kit708641-B21HPE 16 GB (1x16 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3-14900R (DDR3-1866) Registered CAS-13 Memory KitUDIMMs647905-B21HPE 2 GB (1x2 GB) Single Rank x8 PC3L-10600E (DDR3-1333) Unbuffered CAS-9 Low Voltage Memory Kit 647907-B21HPE 4 GB (1x4 GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3L-10600E (DDR3-1333) Unbuffered CAS-9 Low Voltage Memory Kit 647909-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3L-10600E (DDR3-1333) Unbuffered CAS-9 Low Voltage Memory Kit 713975-B21HPE 2 GB (1x2 GB) Single Rank x8 PC3L-12800E (DDR3-1600) Unbuffered CAS-11 Low Voltage Memory Kit 713977-B21HPE 4 GB (1x4 GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3L-12800E (DDR3-1600) Unbuffered CAS-11 Low Voltage Memory Kit 713979-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3L-12800E (DDR3-1600) Unbuffered CAS-11 Low Voltage Memory Kit 708631-B21HPE 2 GB (1x2 GB) Single Rank x8 PC3-14900E (DDR3-1866) Unbuffered CAS-13 Memory Kit708633-B21HPE 4 GB (1x4 GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3-14900E (DDR3-1866) Unbuffered CAS-13 Memory Kit708635-B21HPE 8 GB (1x8 GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3-14900E (DDR3-1866) Unbuffered CAS-13 Memory KitLRDIMMs647903-B21HPE 32 GB (1x32 GB) Quad Rank x4 PC3L-10600L (DDR3-1333) Load Reduced CAS-9 Low Voltage Memory Kit 708643-B21HPE 32 GB (1x32 GB) Quad Rank x4 PC3-14900L (DDR3-1866) Load Reduced CAS-13 Memory KitHDIMMs715166-B21HPE 32 GB (1x32 GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3-10600H (DDR3-1333) HyperCloud CAS-9 Memory Kit• RDIMMs offer higher capacities, memory register support, and address error detection• UDIMMs offer lower price points, smaller capacities, and basic ECC• LRDIMMs support maximum capacity• New HyperCloud DIMMs (HDIMMs) support maximum capacity of 768 GB at 3 DPC @1333 only for ProLiant DL380p Gen8 serversSign up for updatesData sheet© Copyright 2012–2013, 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Hewlett Packard Enterprise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.4AA3-9210ENW, October 2016, Rev. 5Other resourcesFor more information on HPE SmartMemory, visit /products/memory .For more information on qualified memory support for your HPE ProLiant server, visit HPE QuickSpecs: /products/quickspecs .For latest news, videos, podcasts, and updates on HPE Qualified Options, visit /go/hpqo .HPE ProLiant DDR3 Memory Configuration Tool HPE provides a unique Web-based tool to help configure DDR3 memory in your HPE ProLiantserver. The latest version supports HPEProLiant servers based on the Intel E5-2600Series Processors. For more information, visit/products/servers/options/tool/hp_memtool. html .HPE Factory Express HPE Factory Express provides customization and deployment services along with your storage and server purchases. You cancustomize hardware to your exact specificationsin the factory—helping to speed deployment. Visit /go/factoryexpress .Customer technical trainingGain the skills you need with HPE ExpertOne training and certification. With HPE ProLiant training, you will accelerate your technologytransition, improve operational performance, and get the best return on your HPE investment. Ourtraining is available when and where you needit, through flexible delivery options and a global training capability. /learn/proliant HPE Services HPE Technology Services offers a set ofconsultancy, deployment, and support solutionsdesigned to meet the lifecycle needs of your IT environments. HPE Care Pack Services for industry-standard servers includes support forqualified options at no additional cost.HPE Foundation Care Services delivers scalable support-packages for HPE industry-standard servers and software. You can choose the type and level of service that is most suitable for your business needs. New to this portfolio isHPE Collaborative Support Service. This service offers a single point of contact for serverproblem diagnosis, hardware problem resolution, basic software problem diagnosis, fault isolation,and resolution. In case, the issue is with HPE or supported third-party software product and cannot be resolved by applying known fixes, HPE contacts the third-party vendor and create a problem incident on your behalf.If you are running business-criticalenvironments, we offer HPE Proactive Care or HPE Critical Advantage. These services help you deliver high levels of application availability through proactive service management.All service options include HPE InsightRemote Support for secure remote monitoring, diagnosis, and problem resolution. Also included is the HPE Support Center that provides access to the information, tools, and experts to support HPE business products.For more information, visit /services/proliant or /services/bladesystem .HPE Financial ServicesHPE Financial Services provides innovative financing and financial asset management programs to help you acquire, manage, and ultimately retire your HPE solutions. Visit /go/hpfinancialservices .Learn more at/products/memory。
LEYCON Valves 抽真空阀(型号:176.35.01)说明书
LEYCON Valves 176.35The maximum-quality valve program.01The LEYCON Valve ProgramExceptional quality and extended service lifeLeybold vacuum valves are a byword for exceptional quality.Our LEYCON valves have a proven track record in both research and industry, ensuring reliability and dependability across all processes. See for yourself how our flexible solu-tions can meet and exceed your requirements.With over 50 years’ experience in the field, Leybold is a guarantee of long service life and trouble-free operation.Trust in the quality and reliability of our vacuum systems and see how much time and money you will save. Leybold valves will match your expectations – and then some.All valve types are available in a range of variants pertaining to casing mate-rial and drive type. In the case of drive types, a distinction is made between manual and pneumatic drives, and electropneumatic and electromagnetic drives.User benefitsI Compact, lightweight construction IIntegral leak rate < 10-8 mbar l/sI Extremely low vibration levels I Lubricant-free wetted area due toFPM sealingIOperating range up to 2000 mbarI Very high conductanceIPrincipal dimensions are compatible with Leybold flange components of the same nominal diameterI Reliable operation in any orientationIValves can be operated at various supply voltagesI Optical and electrical positionindicators are integrated in many valve variantsI Pilot valve available for manyvariantsThe product rangeThe LEYCON valve program includesI Micro valves (small valves),bellows-sealedI Right-angle and straight-throughvalves, bellows-sealed, with nominal diameters DN 16 to DN 50 with ISO-KF flangesI Right-angle valves, bellows-sealed,with nominal diameters DN 63 to DN 250 with ISO-K flanges.I Gate valves in ISO-KF, ISO-F andISO-CF variantsI Special valves for specificapplicationsThe LEYCON valve programLEYCONThe right valve for your applicationDrive types I Manual I PneumaticI Electropneumatic I Electromagnetic Casing types I Right-angle valveI Straight-through valve (electromagnetic only)AccessoriesI Adapter (DN 10 ISO-KF flange, ¼” pipe, 6 mm pipe)The “micro” range of valves is the space-saving and efficient solution in a compact size. Various optional connecting adapters guarantee the highest degree of flexibility during system integration.Micro valves overview (right-angle / straight-through valves)Example dimensions for electromagnetic straight-through valve: 2 x 10 KF , approx. 100 mm longAdapter/connector for micro valves (optional)82 mm micro right-angle and straight-through valvesUser BenefitsI Compact constructionI High conductance at the molecularlevelI Long service lifeat > 2 million switching cycles I High switching frequency I Protection class IP 65I High flexibility of installationBellows-sealed, with various drive typesDrive typesIManualIPneumaticI ElectropneumaticI ElectromagneticCasing materialIIUser BenefitsElectropneumaticI Time-saving installation thanks tostandards-compliant electrical andcompressed air connectionsI Low noise and low vibration whenopening and closingI High process efficiency thanks tovery short opening and closing timesI High degree of safety thanks to anormally closed designI Maximum flexibility: any orientationand flow direction is possibleI Optical position indicator for straight-forward process monitoringManualI Simple operability with low physicaleffortI Allows reduced plant ventilation in atargeted mannerI Suitable for use as a coarse variableleak valve for manual flow controlISpace-saving: compact size thanksto efficient constructionI Maximum flexibility: any orientation ispossibleElectromagneticI Ideal for remote control on vacuumunitsI Convenient process monitoringthrough an LED position indicator forvalve open, valve closed and valveerror statesI High process efficiency thanks tovery short opening and closing timesI High degree of safety thanks to anormally closed designI Maximum flexibility: any orientationand flow direction is possibleI Low operating temperatureValves from the ISO-KF range are especially suited to high-vacuum applications such as pump systems, semiconductor technology and research systems. Their rugged and intelligent valve design guarantees a high degree of impermeabilityand particulate resistance.ight-angle and straight-throughAL/L1QDimensional drawing (mm) shows stainless steel right-angle valve, DN ISO-KF, with electromagnetic drive, as an example.The complete program can be found in Chapter 14 of the Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum complete catalogue.Connection pictogramSafety capValve seat sideElectrical connectionPosition indicator connectionFlow directionLeak detection portPosition indicatorDimensions tableDNABCDEFGI SO-KF 16 25 40mm 170.9 193.0 246.0mm 51.4 64.9 92.9mm 40 50 65mm 96.0 112.7 139.0mm 86.0 97.3 119.5mm 59 70 90mm 10.0 15.4 19.5 Right-angle and straight-through valves up to DN 50 ISO-KFThe new ISO-K range offers reliable valves of the very highest quality. Due to their modular construction, these valves arevery easy to maintain and can be adapted to changing requirements almost at will.I ManualI I I User BenefitsManualI Maximum flexibility: any orientation and flow direction is possible I Simple operation thanks to a smooth-running manual drive I Also suitable for use as a coarse variable leak valve for flow control I Modular construction ensures straightforward maintenance and ease of cleaningI Mechanical position indicator for continuous status monitoringI Resistant to magnetic radiation and strong vibrationsElectropneumaticI Very short opening and closing times due to efficient solenoids (available for various different supply voltages)I Modular construction ensures straightforward maintenance and ease of cleaningI Mechanical position indicator for continuous status monitoringI Resistant to magnetic radiation and strong vibrationsI Designed for universal deploymentwith high dependabilityI Ideally suited to processes with high gas throughputI Long service life thanks to a rugged and intelligent valve designI Simple and convenient operation I Valves from the ISO-K range are also available in a soft-start variant. Further details available on request.Dimensional drawing (mm) shows right-angle valve, DN ISO-K, with electropneumatic drive as an example.The complete program can be found in Chapter 14 of the Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum complete catalogue.Right-angle valves up to DN 160 ISO-KConnection pictogramElectrical connection Position indicator connection Position indicator connectionDimensions tableDN AB C D E I SO-K 63 100 160 mm 197 282 366mm 123 170 221 mm 189.5 208 264 mm 88 108 138mm 41.2 14 14 mm 6 6 6Typical constructionof a vacuum valveA comprehensive product programLeybold offers a range of special valves for the most varied of applications.Special ValvesI Pressure relief valvesDN 16 ISO-KFI Power failure venting valvesDN 10 ISO-KFI Coarse variable leak valveswith or without isolation valve DN 10/16 ISO-KFI Venting valves DN 10 ISO-KF I Vacuum locks(DN 16 bis DN 40 ISO-KF)I Sealing valves(DN 16 bis DN 40 ISO-KF)I Ball valves(DN 16 bis DN 40 ISO-KF)I UHV valves (DN 16 bis 63 CF)I Purge gas and venting valvesfor turbomolecular pumps The special valves are described in detail in Chapter 14 of the complete Leybold catalogue.Compact Design and Maximum Safety for your processGate valves are available in aluminum or stainless steel, with ISO-KF, CF and ISO-F flanges. SECUVAC safety valves havebeen specially designed for connecting to rotating vacuum pumps without a built-in inlet valve.Gate ValvesGate valvesSafety valvesSafety ValvesSECUVACI SECUVAC safety valves(DN 16 ISO-KF to DN 100 ISO-KF)with electromagnetic drive24 V DC, 100-115 V AC,200-230 V ACShut-off valve between backing pump and vacuum chamber to prevent venti-lation if a power failure occurs.User BenefitsI Rapid closure high-vacuum shut-offvalveI Can be used as a venting valve I Closes immediately in the case of a power failureI Can only be opened once the intake line has been evacuated I No …air swallowing“el, with ISO-KF, CFum pumps wum or stainles ng to ro Drive types I ManualI ElectropneumaticDrive typesI ElectromagneticTypeDrive type Flange sizes Material HV gate valvesManualDN 63 ISO-F to DN 160 ISO-F Aluminum Flange sizesDN 63 ISO-F to DN 250 ISO-F Aluminum Miniature HV gate valvesManualDN 16, DN 25,DN 40 ISO-KF Aluminum Electropneumatic (24 V DC)DN 40 ISO-KF Stainless steel UHVgate valvesManualDN 63 ISO-CF to DN 200 ISO-CFStainless steelElectropneumatic (24 V DC or 230 V AC)DN 100 ISO-F toDN 250 ISO-F and DN 63 ISO-CF to DN 200 ISO-CF Stainless steel Miniature UHV gate valvesManualDN 40 ISO-CF Stainless steel Electropneumatic (24 V DC or 230 V AC)DN 40 ISO-CFStainless steelGate valvesManualElectro-pneumaticCost-effective gates for industrial applications Compact and light Bellows-sealed designMinimal locking impact and wear Mechanical position indicator Vibration-free actuation Bakeable UHV gate valvesUser BenefitsB C O M _13690/13810.01 176.35.01 P D F P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y o n c h l o r i n e -f r e e b l e a c h e d p a p e r T e c h n i c a l a l t e r a t i o n s r e s e r v e dLEYCON ValvesProven in all applications EYCON Valvesoven in all applicationsThe demands placed on our valves are as varied as their potential applications.LEYCON valves meet those require-ments, for example in the following fieldsI Coating technology- Short switching cycles (e.g. 1.5s) - Very high number of opening and closing cycles (e.g. more than 10 million cycles)I Analytical technology- High conductance - Low integral leak rate (<10-9 mbar l/s)I Lamp and tube manufacture- Temperature resistance- Max. ambient temperature 80 °CI Accelerator technology- Materials are radiation, temperature and corrosion resistantI Metallurgy and furnace manufacture- Rugged and resilient with regard to impuritiesI Chemistry- Selectable wetted casing materialsOther application areas include:I Semiconductor engineering I Quality control while a process isrunningI Refrigeration and air conditioning I Materials researchI Research and development from thelab to Big ScienceI High-vacuum systemsLeybold GmbHBonner Str. 498 · D-50968 Köln T +49 (0) 221-347-0F +49 (0) 221-347-1250****************。
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28 IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference
国际计算语言学会年会,是本领域最权威的国际学术会 议之一,每年举办一次 计算语言学会议,也是本领域最权威的国际学术会议之 一,两年一次 是语音和声学信号处理领域最权威的国际学术会议之 一,也是图像、视频信号处理领域的权威会议之一,每 年举办一次 自然语言处理亚洲联盟主办的国际会议,是自然语言处 理领域亚洲区域最有影响的学术会议,基本是每年举办 一次
下一代互联网研究 rank1
12 ICCV: IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision
领域顶级国际会议,录取率 20%左右,2 年一次,中国 计算机视觉,模式
1999年10月,为了提高计算机的安全防护能力,Intel、微软、IBM、HP和Compaq共同发起成立了可信计算平台联盟(Trusted Computing Platform Alliance,TCPA),并提出了“可信计算”(t rusted computing)的概念,其主要思路是增强现有PC终端体系结构的安全性,并推广为工业规范,利用可信计算技术来构建通用的终端硬件平台。
EDA 课件1
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION OF EDASchool of Electricity & Information Engineering, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology11.1 What is EDA?EDA: E lectronic D esign A utomationTo keep the pace of the rapid technological development , electronics products have to be designed extremely quickly.Digital design has become very depended on computer aided design (CAD) –also known as design automation (DA) or electronic design automation (EDA).The Features of EDA Technologyz Using computersz A set of EDA softwarez Using HDL as design languagez Using CPLD/FPGA as experimental carriers z Using ASIC、SOC as target devicesAn experimental system based on FPGA/CPLD10,0000 logic gatesThe implement method of the electronic system based on FPGA/CPLDALTERA’ByteBlaster(MV) download cableALTERA’USB download cableUsing MSI and SSI to design the traffic light systemUsing FPGA to design the traffic light system第11页1.2 The History of EDA1. CAD: Computer Aided Design Time: 70 ages of 20 century Representation software: Tango Function: layout and plot第12页The History of EDA2.CAE: Computer Aided Engineering DesignTime: 80 ages of 20 century Representation software: Spice Function: logic simulation ,fault diagnose, automation of layout and plotting第13页The History of EDA3.EDA:Electronic Design Automation Time: 90 ages of 20 century Representation software: isp synario Function:supple system-design ability independence on technics and foundries.第14页The History of EDADifferent ages , different ICs and different design methods第15页Trend of IC TechnologiesFeature Size 4µm IC Scale SSI MSI LSI VLSI ULSI SOC 2µm 1µm0.5µm 0.25µm 0.13µm 70nmWafer Size2"3"4"6"8"12"第16页Jack Kilby’s first Integrated Circuits (IC) of the world1958.12.第17页Early Fairchild resistor transistor logic integrated circuit.第18页IC wafer VS ladybug第19页① Partition第20页② Bonding③ PackagingHow big is a chip of 8inch (200mm) and 12 inch (300mm)?1.3 Contents of EDA z CPLD/FPGAz HDLz EDA toolsThe Features of VHDL–is an industry standard hardware description language–description the hardware in language instead of Schematicz easy to modifyz easy to maintain–very good forz complex combinational logic–BCD to 7 Segment converter–address decodingz state machinemore than you want……..C 、ASM...codes CPU instruction/data010010 100010 1100Compiler Compiler VS synthesizerVHDLcodes SynthesizerNetlist(a )process of software language design(b )process of HDL language designSimulation:An experimental system based on FPGA/CPLD 1.4 How can VHDL be realized by circuits?1.5 Famous EDA Software Tango→Protel→Protel DXP ORCADSPICE →PSPICEEWB→MultisimPAC–Designeretc.Electronic Workbench5.0 Example:555 Oscillator。
在材料加工、 医疗图像处理与分析、 天文气象、 地质
现 [13], 完成超高精度数据的精确运算就要有一定的算 法。实践中, 可以将实型数据预先做整型处理, 以方便 程序设计[14]。 本文分别讨论整型数据的超高精度乘法运算规则 和整型数据的超高精度除法运算规则, 给出相应的算 法、 时间复杂度分析及实验数据, 并给出 3 个在超高精 度实践中会经常用到的求解实例, 提供了应用现有软件 完成超高精度计算的算法及参考程序。
分析、 控制系统等诸多工程与应用领域 [1-8], 以及亟待发 展的大规模科学计算、 大数据处理等科技创新领域 [9-12], 时常会用到超高精度的科学计算。 对计算机结构有略微了解后可知, 无论多少位长的 计算机, 整数运算总要有位数的限制, 实数 (小数) 运算 也总要有有效位数的限制, 即数值运算总要有精度限 制。即使部分程序设计语言, 类似 C 语言一样, 配置了 长整型及双精度变量, 也无法完成超高精度数据的存储 及运算。 完成超高精度数据的存储自然可以通过数组实
收稿日期: 2016-03-10 修回日期: 2016-04-29
2 超高精度乘法运算 2.1 超高精度整数 a 与普通整数 d 的乘法运算
可以用数组存储超高精度整数 a , 将 a 表示为:
作者简介: 马旭 (1967—) , 男, 高级实验师, 研究方向: 程序设计, 图像处理, E-mail: lnumaxu@。 文章编号: 1002-8331 (2017) 14-0051-05 CNKI 网络优先出版: 2016-07-08, /kcms/detail/11.2127.TP.20160708.1732.020.html
2017, 53 (14)
Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用
该书讲述的是采用了一个MIPS 处理器来展示计算机硬件技术、流水线、存储器的层次结构以及I/O 等基本功能。
采用ARMv6(ARM 11系列)为主要架构来展示指令系统和计算机算术运算的基本功能。
描述一种度量多核性能的独特方法——“Roofline model”,自带benchmark测试和分析AMD Opteron X4、Intel Xeo 5000、Sun Ultra SPARC T2和IBM Cell的性能。
将AMD Opteron X4和Intel Nehalem作为贯穿《计算机组成与设计:硬件/软件接口(英文版·第4版·ARM版)》的实例。
用SPEC CPU2006组件更新了所有处理器性能实例。
图书目录:1 Computer Abstractions and Technology1.1 Introduction1.2 BelowYour Program1.3 Under the Covers1.4 Performance1.5 The Power Wall1.6 The Sea Change: The Switch from Uniprocessors to Multiprocessors1.7 Real Stuff: Manufacturing and Benchmarking the AMD Opteron X41.8 Fallacies and Pitfalls1.9 Concluding Remarks1.10 Historical Perspective and Further Reading1.11 Exercises2 Instructions: Language of the Computer2.1 Introduction2.2 Operations of the Computer Hardware2.3 Operands of the Computer Hardware2.4 Signed and Unsigned Numbers2.5 Representing Instructions in the Computer2.6 Logical Operations2.7 Instructions for Making Decisions2.8 Supporting Procedures in Computer Hardware2.9 Communicating with People2.10 ARM Addressing for 32-Bit Immediates and More Complex Addressing Modes2.11 Parallelism and Instructions: Synchronization2.12 Translating and Starting a Program2.13 A C Sort Example to Put lt AU Together2.14 Arrays versus Pointers2.15 Advanced Material: Compiling C and Interpreting Java2.16 Real Stuff." MIPS Instructions2.17 Real Stuff: x86 Instructions2.18 Fallacies and Pitfalls2.19 Conduding Remarks2.20 Historical Perspective and Further Reading2.21 Exercises3 Arithmetic for Computers3.1 Introduction3.2 Addition and Subtraction3.3 Multiplication3.4 Division3.5 Floating Point3.6 Parallelism and Computer Arithmetic: Associativity 3.7 Real Stuff: Floating Point in the x863.8 Fallacies and Pitfalls3.9 Concluding Remarks3.10 Historical Perspective and Further Reading3.11 Exercises4 The Processor4.1 Introduction4.2 Logic Design Conventions4.3 Building a Datapath4.4 A Simple Implementation Scheme4.5 An Overview of Pipelining4.6 Pipelined Datapath and Control4.7 Data Hazards: Forwarding versus Stalling4.8 Control Hazards4.9 Exceptions4.10 Parallelism and Advanced Instruction-Level Parallelism4.11 Real Stuff: theAMD OpteronX4 (Barcelona)Pipeline4.12 Advanced Topic: an Introduction to Digital Design Using a Hardware Design Language to Describe and Model a Pipelineand More Pipelining Illustrations4.13 Fallacies and Pitfalls4.14 Concluding Remarks4.15 Historical Perspective and Further Reading4.16 Exercises5 Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy5.1 Introduction5.2 The Basics of Caches5.3 Measuring and Improving Cache Performance5.4 Virtual Memory5.5 A Common Framework for Memory Hierarchies5.6 Virtual Machines5.7 Using a Finite-State Machine to Control a Simple Cache5.8 Parallelism and Memory Hierarchies: Cache Coherence5.9 Advanced Material: Implementing Cache Controllers5.10 Real Stuff: the AMD Opteron X4 (Barcelona)and Intel NehalemMemory Hierarchies5.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls5.12 Concluding Remarks5.13 Historical Perspective and Further Reading5.14 Exercises6 Storage and Other I/0 Topics6.1 Introduction6.2 Dependability, Reliability, and Availability6.3 Disk Storage6.4 Flash Storage6.5 Connecting Processors, Memory, and I/O Devices6.6 Interfacing I/O Devices to the Processor, Memory, andOperating System6.7 I/O Performance Measures: Examples from Disk and File Systems6.8 Designing an I/O System6.9 Parallelism and I/O: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks6.10 Real Stuff: Sun Fire x4150 Server6.11 Advanced Topics: Networks6.12 Fallacies and Pitfalls6.13 Concluding Remarks6.14 Historical Perspective and Further Reading6.15 Exercises7 Multicores, Multiprocessors, and Clusters7.1 Introduction7.2 The Difficulty of Creating Parallel Processing Programs7.3 Shared Memory Multiprocessors7.4 Clusters and Other Message-Passing Multiprocessors7.5 Hardware Multithreading 637.6 SISD,MIMD,SIMD,SPMD,and Vector7.7 Introduction to Graphics Processing Units7.8 Introduction to Multiprocessor Network Topologies7.9 Multiprocessor Benchmarks7.10 Roofline:A Simple Performance Model7.11 Real Stuff:Benchmarking Four Multicores Using theRooflineMudd7.12 Fallacies and Pitfalls7.13 Concluding Remarks7.14 Historical Perspective and Further Reading7.15 ExercisesInuexC D-ROM CONTENTA Graphics and Computing GPUSA.1 IntroductionA.2 GPU System ArchitecturesA.3 Scalable Parallelism-Programming GPUSA.4 Multithreaded Multiprocessor ArchitectureA.5 Paralld Memory System G.6 Floating PointA.6 Floating Point ArithmeticA.7 Real Stuff:The NVIDIA GeForce 8800A.8 Real Stuff:MappingApplications to GPUsA.9 Fallacies and PitflaUsA.10 Conduding RemarksA.1l HistoricalPerspectiveandFurtherReadingB1 ARM and Thumb Assembler InstructionsB1.1 Using This AppendixB1.2 SyntaxB1.3 Alphabetical List ofARM and Thumb Instructions B1.4 ARM Asembler Quick ReferenceB1.5 GNU Assembler Quick ReferenceB2 ARM and Thumb Instruction EncodingsB3 Intruction Cycle TimingsC The Basics of Logic DesignD Mapping Control to HardwareADVANCED CONTENTHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES & FURTHER READINGTUTORIALSSOFTWARE作者简介:David A.Patterson,加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学系教授。
Cat 336 轿式挖掘机高性能低耗能说明书
Cat® 336 Hydraulic ExcavatorHigh Performance with Lower Fuel Consumption• Increase operating effi ciency up to 45 percent with standardCat Connect technologies that lower operator fatigue and operating costs, including fuel consumption and daily maintenance.• Get up to 15 percent higher fuel effi ciency – more work per unit of fuel – than the Cat 336F excavator.• The C9.3B engine can run on biodiesel up to B20 and meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, EU Stage IV, and Japan 2014 emission standards.• Match the excavator to the job with three power modes – Power, Smart, and Eco. Smart mode automatically matches engine and hydraulic power to digging conditions, providing max power when needed and reducing power when it isn’t to help save fuel.• New high-effi ciency hydraulic fans individually cool engine components on demand to help reduce fuel consumption.• The advanced hydraulic system provides the optimum balanceof power and effi ciency while giving you the control you needfor precise digging requirements.• New self-sharpening Advansys™ bucket tips increase production and lower costs with up to 30 percent more tip life.• Auxiliary hydraulic options give you the versatility to use a wide range of Cat attachments.• Don’t let the temperature stop you from working. This excavator has a high-ambient capability of 52° C (125° F) and cold start capability of –18° C (0° F).Boost Effi ciency and Productivitywith Integrated Cat Connect Technologies• Boost productivity up to 45 percent versus traditional gradingwith standard Cat GRADE with 2D system – includes indicate-only and laser capability. Dig with guidance to depth, slope, and horizontal distance to grade. The 2D system is upgradable toCat GRADE with Advanced 2D or Cat GRADE with 3D.• Standard Grade Assist: Stay on grade – simply and effortlessly – with single-lever digging. Set your desired bucket angle and let Bucket Assist automatically maintain the angle in sloping, leveling, fi ne grading, and trenching applications for easy, accurate, and fast jobs. Keep the tracks on ground in lifting and hard digging with Boom Assist. Automatically stop excavator swing at operator-defi ned set points in truck loading and trenching applications with Swing Assist, which will help you use less effort and consumeless fuel.• Standard Cat PAYLOAD on-board weighing system: Achieve precise load targets and increase loading effi ciency with on-the-go weighing and real-time estimates of your payload without swinging. Track your daily productivity such as truck target weights and load/ cycle counts. Calibration can be performed in a matter of minutes. Combine Payload with VisionLink® and remotely manage your production targets.• Upgrade to optional Cat GRADE with Advanced 2D: Create and edit grade designs with ease on a second high-resolution 254 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor.• Upgrade to optional Cat GRADE with 3D: Create and edit designs with ease and see the front linkage’s full range of motion on a second high-resolution 254 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor.Know the excavator’s exact position relative to GPS and GLONASS systems. The machine automatically compensates for excavator pitch and roll caused by sloping ground conditions.The Cat® 336 excavator brings premium performance with simple-to-use technologies like Cat GRADE with 2D, Grade Assist, and Payload – all standard equipment from the factory to boost your operator effi ciencies up to 45 percent. Combine these features with a new cab, longer maintenance intervals that lower your maintenance costs up to 15 percent, and a power system that improves fuel effi ciency up to 15 percent and you have a low-cost-per-unit-of-production excavator that’s perfect for your applications.Not all features available in all regions. Consult your Cat dealer for specifi c confi gurations available in your region.Cat® 336 Hydraulic Excavator• Standard Product Link™ provides location, machine hours, fuel usage, productivity, idle time, diagnostic codes, and other machine data on demand through VisionLink online interface, helping you improve job site effi ciency with lower operating costs.• Know where your work tools are and how much you use them,as the machine tracks all attachments equipped with Cat TrackIt technology.Work in Comfort in the All-New Cab• Choose between Deluxe and Premium cabs – both with automatic climate control.• Sit in wide seats that adjust for all size operators.• Stay warm with the Deluxe seat; stay warm and cool withthe Premium seat.• Enjoy wide spacing between consoles for a more comfortable environment.• Get in and out of the cab easier using the tip-up left console.• Advanced viscous mounts reduce cab vibration up to 50 percent over previous excavator models.• Control the excavator comfortably with easy-to-reach controlsall located in front of you.• Stow your gear with plenty of in-cab storage beneath and behind the seat, overhead, and in the consoles. A cup holder, document holder, bottle holder, and coat hook are also provided.• Use the standard radio’s USB ports and Bluetooth® technologyto connect personal devices and make hands-free calls.Simple to Operate• Start the engine with a push button; use a Bluetooth key fob, smartphone app, or the unique Operator ID function.• Program each joystick button, including power mode, response, and pattern, using Operator ID; the machine will remember what you set each time you go to work.• Automatic hydraulic oil warm up gets you to work faster in cold temperatures and helps prolong the life of components.• Navigate quickly on the standard high-resolution 203 mm(8 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the optional 254 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the aid of the jog dial control.• A second 254 mm (10 in) monitor is available for the advanced grade control and Cat GRADE with 3D.• Not sure how a function works or how to maintain the excavator? Always have the operator’s manual at your fi ngertips in the touchscreen monitor.Maintenance• Expect up to 15 percent less maintenance cost than the 336Fdue to extended service intervals. (Savings calculated over12,000 machine hours.)• Check hydraulic system oil and easily drain fuel system waterand fuel tank water from ground level.• Track your excavator’s fi lter life and maintenance intervals viathe in-cab monitor.• Change all fuel fi lters at a synchronized 1,000 hours. Oil and fuelfi lters grouped and located on right-hand side of machine for easy maintenance.• The new air intake fi lter with precleaner has double the dust holding capacity of the previous air intake fi lter.• The new hydraulic oil fi lter provides improved fi ltration performance, anti-drain valves to keep oil clean when the fi lter is replaced, and longer life with a 3,000 hour replacement interval – 50 percent longer than previous fi lter designs.• The new high-effi ciency hydraulic fans have an optional automatic reverse function to keep cores free from debris, eliminating the need for any operator interaction.• S∙O∙S SM ports simplify maintenance and allow for quick, easy extraction of fl uid samples for analysis.Safety• Work safely with the standard 2D E-fence feature integrated right out of the factory, which prevents the excavator from moving outside of operator-defi ned set points.• The standard ROPS cab meets ISO 12117-2:2008 requirements.• A travel direction indicator helps operators know which wayto activate the travel levers.• Enjoy great visibility into the trench, in each swing direction, and behind you with the help of smaller cab pillars, larger windows, and a fl at engine hood design.• A ground-level shut-off switch stops all fuel to the engine when activated and shuts down the machine.• A rearview camera is standard. Upgrade to 360° visibility and you’ll easily visualize objects and personnel around the excavator in a single view.• Serrated steps and anti-skid punch plate on the service platform help prevent slipping.Cat® 336 Hydraulic Excavator Standard and Optional EquipmentStandard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.CABROPS, sound suppression9High-resolution 203 mm (8") LCDtouchscreen monitor9High-resolution 254 mm (10") LCDtouchscreen monitor9Heated seat with air-adjustable suspension(Deluxe only)9Heated and cooled seat with automaticadjustable suspension (Premium only)9ENGINECold start block heaters9 Three selectable modes: Power, Smart, Eco9One-touch low idle with automatic enginespeed control92300 m (7,546 ft) altitude capability withno engine power de-rating952° C (126° F) high-ambient cooling capacitywith hydraulic reverse fan9–18° C (0° F) cold start capability9–32° C (–25° F) cold start capability9 Double element air fi lter withintegrated precleaner9Remote disable9Biodiesel capability up to B209 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMSmartBoom™9 Boom and stick regeneration circuit9Electronic main control valve9Heavy lift mode9 Automatic hydraulic oil warm up9Reverse swing damping valve9Automatic swing parking brake 9High performance hydraulic return fi lter9Two speed travel9Bio hydraulic oil capability 9Combined two-way auxiliary circuit withdirect return9 Medium-pressure auxiliary circuit9 Cooling circuit9 Quick coupler circuit for Cat Pin Grabberand CW Dedicated9 UNDERCARRIAGE AND STRUCTURESLong undercarriage9 Long Narrow undercarriage9 Towing eye on base frame96.8 mt (14,991 lb) counterweight97.56 mt (16,667 lb) counterweight9600 mm (24") triple grouser track shoes9 600 mm (24") triple grouser heavy dutytrack shoes9 600 mm (24") double grouser track shoes9 700 mm (28") triple grouser track shoes9 850 mm (33") triple grouser track shoes9 BOOMS AND STICKS6.18 m (20'3") Mass boom9 6.5 m (21'4") Reach boom9 6.5 m (21'4") Heavy Duty Reach boom9 2.55 m (8'4") stick92.8 m (9'2") stick93.2 m (10'6") stick9 3.9 m (12'10") stick9 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMMaintenance-free 1,000 CCA batteries (×2)9 Centralized electrical disconnect switch9LED chassis light, LH and RH boom lights,cab lights9CAT CONNECT TECHNOLOGYCat Product Link9Cat GRADE with 2D9Cat GRADE with Advanced 2D9 Cat GRADE with 3D9 Cat GRADE with Assist9Cat PAYLOAD9SERVICE AND MAINTENANCEGrouped location of engine oil and fuel fi lters9 Scheduled Oil Sampling (S∙O∙S) ports 9 Preventative maintenance ready (QuickEvac™)9 Electric refueling pump with automatic shutoff9 SAFETY AND SECURITYCaterpillar One Key security system9Lockable external tool/storage box9Lockable door, fuel, and hydraulic tank locks9Lockable fuel drain compartment9Service platform with anti-skid plateand recessed bolts9RH handrail and hand hold(ISO 2867:2011 compliant)9Standard visibility mirror package9Signaling/warning horn9Ground-level secondary engine shutoff switch 9Rear and side-view cameras9 Boom lowering check valve 9 Stick lowering check valve9 360° visibility9Standard Optional Standard OptionalCat® 336 Hydraulic ExcavatorFor more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2018 CaterpillarAll rights reservedMaterials and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, , their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.AEXQ2350 (03-2018)Build Number: 07A (EU, N Am, ANZ, Jpn)Engine Model C9.3BNet Power – ISO 9249/SAE J1349232 kW311 hp Gross Power – ISO 14396/SAE J1995234 kW314 hp Engine rpmOperation1,550 rpmTravel1,800 rpm Bore115 mm 5 in Stroke149 mm 6 in Displacement9.3 L568 in3Main System – Maximum Flow – Implement 558 L/min(279 × 2pumps)147 gal/min(74 x 2pumps)Maximum Pressure – Equipment – Implement35 000 kPa5,076 psi Maximum Pressure – Equipment – Lift Mode38 000 kPa5,511 psi Maximum Pressure – Travel35 000 kPa5,076 psi Maximum Pressure – Swing29 400 kPa4,264 psiSwing Speed8.75 rpm Maximum Swing Torque144 kN∙m106,228 lbf-ftOperating Weight37 200 kg81,900 lb • L ong undercarriage, Reach boom, R3.9DB (12'10") stick, GD 2.27 m3(2.97 yd3) bucket, 850 mm (33") triple grouser shoes, 6.8 mt (14,991 lb) counterweight.Fuel Tank Capacity600 L158.5 gal Cooling System40 L10.5 gal Engine Oil (with fi lter)32 L8.5 gal Swing Drive (each)18 L 4.8 gal Final Drive (each)8 L 2.1 gal Hydraulic System (including tank)373 L 98.5 gal Hydraulic Tank 153 L40.4 gal DEF Tank80 L21.1 gal Boom Reach Boom 6.5 m (21'4") Stick Reach Stick 3.9 m (12'10") Bucket GDC 2.27 m3 (2.97 yd3) Shipping Height (top of cab)3170 mm10.4 ft Handrail Height3160 mm10.4 ft Shipping Length11 200 mm36.7 ft Tail Swing Radius3530 mm11.6 ft Counterweight Clearance1250 mm 4.1 ft Ground Clearance510 mm 1.7 ft Track Length to Center of Rollers4040 mm13.3 ft Track Gauge – Long Undercarriage2590 mm 8.5 ft Transport Width – 850 mm (33") shoes3440 mm11.3 ftBoom Reach Boom 6.5 m (21'4") Stick Reach Stick 3.9 m (12'10") Bucket GDC 2.27 m3 (2.97 yd3) Maximum Digging Depth8200 mm26.9 ft Maximum Reach at Ground Level11 730 mm38.5 ft Maximum Cutting Height10 740 mm35.2 ft Maximum Loading Height7490 mm24.6 ft Minimum Loading Height1900 mm 6.2 ft Maximum Depth Cut for 2440 mm (8')Level Bottom8060 mm26.4 ft Maximum Vertical Wall Digging Depth6360 mm20.9 ft Bucket Digging Force (SAE)186 kN41,900 lbf Bucket Digging Force (ISO)210 kN47,160 lbf Stick Digging Force (SAE)141 kN31,630 lbf Stick Digging Force (ISO)144 kN32,440 lbfTechnical Specifications。
富士通 SPARC 企业 M4000 服务器 用户手册说明书
DatasheetFujitsu SPARC Enterprise M4000 serverCombines mainframe benefits in a cost effective UNIX® format. Providing virtualization, integration and automation.A SPARC of steel Only the best with Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise M4000 is a mid-range system with the same aggressive RAS features as its larger enterprise class cousins. Its compact rack mounted design however,significantly lowers the ownership price-point. Based on robust SPARC architecture and running the leading Oracle Solaris11, Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise servers are ideal forcustomers needing highly scalable, reliable servers that increase their system utilization and performance through virtualization.It features the non-stop self-healingmechanisms and rock solid, dependability needed to run departmental databases and ERP Applications. They can even be clustered for high availability across two physical partitions. Total binary compatibility fully protects your application investments, as well as provides Solaris Containers for furtherno-cost subdivision of resources. Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise M4000 is also a performance leader in its class with major business applications. The combined leverage of Fujitsu’s expertise in mission-critical computing technologies and high-performance processor design, with Oracle’s expertise in open, scalable,partition-based network computing, provides the overall flexibility to meet any task.Features and benefitsFlexible investment protectionAll SPARC64 VI dual-core processor and SPARC64VII+ quad-core Investment protection for years to come, less risk and lower cost of processor can be mixed and matched in the servers and even ownership.partitions.Scales to nearly twice the performance with the same number of Supports up to 2 physical partitions and thousands of Solaris sockets and similar space and power requirements.Containers, with dynamic reconfiguration and optional FujitsuFast deployment of new applications with total availability for PRIMECLUSTER inter-partition clustering. business critical processes.Reliability that makes you forgetEngineered with mainframe class self-healing capability. Best suited to the needs of departmental databases, financial and All circuits, processors and memory are constantly monitored to other high volume applications.ensure correct and continuous operation.Manages itself so you don’t have to.Self-managing hardware also maximizes the opportunity forapplications to work at peak performance.World’s most advanced OS, Oracle Solaris 11Whole network can be virtualized by mapping physical network Minimizes costs of server administration and maintenance entities onto virtualization entitiesApplication asset protection by non-disruptive upgradesSolaris 10 Containers can help applications run on Solaris 11 Maximum system operations time due to online systems update Boot Environment greatly reduces downtime for server updates abilityHighest security including delegated administration can minimize Protects business credibility by eliminating information exposure risks of attacks and business disruption risks.TopicsReliability that makes you forgetFlexible investment protectionWhen Fujitsu designed Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise M4000 they looked to their long mainframe heritage to provide the quality and robustness needed in an important mid-range platform. The result is a most reliable, and highly scalable, self-sustaining system. That works well with the world’s most popular business application systems anddatabases. By placing the widest range of error checking and correction systems directly into the hardware, the platform manages itself. This relieves system administrators from most of the difficult diagnostic and recovery tasks required with many other systems. Once you own Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise system you will soon forget the operational problems of the past. Like the engine management systems in the finest cars, everything is monitored and self-managed to ensure all applications work non-stop at the peak of their capability. Fujitsu has invested in your future by ensuring that new processors can be installed in existing systems. Even better they can be mixed, on the same system boards and in the same physical partitions, with previous processors. This provides unrivalled investment protection and - as you don’t need to replace servers so often - it can also reduce your overall IT spends.As advances in processor technology have continued, Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise and SPARC 64 processors provide the ability to significantly increase performance over time. You can either add more processors (up to 16 cores with Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise M4000) or employ new processors with almost twice the performance. In the latter case the increased performance comes with almost no increase in data center power consumption or additional heat management.World’s most advanced OS, Oracle SolarisTo ensure that all that performance can be fully used, support for up to 2 physical partitions and thousands of Solaris Containers lets you quickly and dynamically reconfigure the system for both existing and new business processes. Plus, in conjunction with Fujitsu PRIMECLUSTER middleware you can also implement fullymission-critical clustered solutions, between physical partitions, inside your M4000. Solaris is the only OS that has the scalability, security, and diagnostic features, to fully and quickly comprehend the situation, if a major application problem occurs. That is one of the reasons Solaris has the largest application portfolio and why it is the development platform of choice for many of the world’s major business applications.Technical detailsProcessorProcessor quantity and type 2–4x SPARC64 VII+, SPARC64 VIProcessor options SPARC64 VII+ quad-core processor (2.66GHz, 128KB L1 cache on core, 11MB L2cache per chip)SPARC64 VI dual-core processor (2.15GHz, 256KB L1 cache on core, 5MB L2 cacheper chip)MemoryMemory slots 32 slotsMemory slot type DDR2 SDRAMMemory capacity (min. – max.) 16GB–256GBMemory protection ECCExtended ECCMemory Mirroring supportMemory PatrollingMemory modules 8GB Memory Expansion (4x 2GB DIMM)16GB Memory Expansion (8x 2GB DIMM)32GB Memory Expansion (8x 4GB DIMM)64GB Memory Expansion (8x 8GB DIMM)Drive baysHard disk bay configuration 2x 2.5-inch hot-swap SASHard disk drives 300GB 2.5-inch 10,000rpm600GB 2.5-inch 10,000rpmTape drive bay configuration 1x 3.5-inch hot-swap bayTape drives DAT72 (option)Optical drive bay configuration 1x 128mm bayOptical drives CD-RW/DVD-RW (8xDVD-ROM, 6xDVD-RW, 24xCD/CD-R, 10xCD-RW)InterfacesLAN/Ethernet 2 ports (Gbit/s, RJ45)Remote Cabinet Interface (RCI) 1 portService LAN for XSCF 2 ports (10/100Mbit/s, RJ45)Service serial for XSCF 1 port (RS232C, RJ45)SlotsPCI Express 4x PCI Express (x8, full-height, short)PCI-X 1x PCI-X (64/32 bit, 66/133 MHz, 3.3V Universal, short)Note Expandable to 25 slots (PCI Express, PCI-X) when using 2x External I/OExpansion UnitsSupported operating systemsSupported operating systems SPARC64 VII+ Oracle Solaris 10 8/07 or laterOracle Solaris 11VIOracle Solaris 10 11/06 or laterSPARC64Oracle Solaris 11Operating system release link /sparcenterprise/manual/notes/Server managementService processor eXtended System Control Facility (XSCF)Supported software Enhanced Support FacilityVirtualizationVirtualization features Hardware partitioningDynamic ReconfigurationCapacity on demandSolaris ContainerR AS features P ower supply unitProcessor RAS Integer register protected by ECCL1 cache protected by parity and redundancy and L2 cache protected by ECCDynamic way degradation in L1, L2 cache and TLBHardware Instruction RetryDynamic chip/core degradationOperation of processor is recorded automaticallyRedundant components Memory (mirror configuration)Hard disk drive (software RAID)PCI card (multi-path configuration)FanPower supply unitPower systemHot-swap components Hard disk drive (software RAID)PCI cardTape drive (DAT)External I/O expansion unitsFanPower supply unitDegradation features Dynamic degradation MemoryHard disk drive (software RAID)FanPower supply unitdegradationProcessor (chip, core, cache)StaticMemoryI/O boardHard disk drivePCI cardsFanDimensions / WeightRack-mount (W x D x H) 444 x 810 x 263 mm ; 6U17.5 x 31.9 x 10.3 inches ; 6UWeight 84 kg185 lb.EnvironmentSound pressure (LpAm) 59 dB (A)Operating ambient temperature 5–35°C (depending on altitude)41–95°F (depending on altitude)Operating relative humidity 20–80%Operating altitude 0–3,000 m0–10,000 ftElectrical valuesRated voltage range AC 200–240 VRated frequency range 50/60 HzRated current max. 12–24 AActive power max. 1,692 WApparent power max. 1,763 VAHeat emission 6,091 kJ/hComplianceEurope CERoHSUSA/Canada FCCUL/CSAJapan VCCIChina Chinese RoHSKorea MICTaiwan BSMICompliance note There is general compliance with the safety requirements of major countries.National approvals required in order to satisfy statutory regulations or for otherreasons can be applied for on request.Warranty and support servicesService link /supportMore informationIn addition to Fujitsu SPARC EnterpriseM4000, Fujitsu provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable Fujitsu products with the best in services,know-how and worldwide partnerships.Dynamic InfrastructuresWith the Fujitsu Dynamic Infrastructures approach, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of ITproducts, solutions and services, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions, Managed Infrastructure andInfrastructure-as-a-Service. How much you benefit from Fujitsu technologies and services depends on the level ofcooperation you choose. This takes IT flexibility and efficiency to the next level.Computing Products/global/services/computing/ - PRIMERGY: Industrial standard server - SPARC Enterprise: UNIX server- PRIMEQUEST: Mission-critical IA server - ETERNUS: Storage system - BS2000/OSD: Mainframe - GS21: Mainframe - ESPRIMO: Desktop PC - LIFEBOOK: Notebook PC - CELSIUS: WorkstationSoftware/software/- Interstage: Application infrastructure software- Systemwalker: System management software- Symfoware: Database software - PRIMECLUSTER: Clustering softwareLearn more about Fujitsu SPARC Enterprise M4000, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative, Fujitsu business partner, or visit our website.©Copyright 2010 Fujitsu Limited. Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, PRIMERGY,PRIMEQUEST, ETERNUS, BS2000/OSD, GS21, ESPRIMO, LIFEBOOK, CELSIUS, Interstage, Systemwalker, Symfoware, PRIMECLUSTER are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. /sparcenterprise/GLOVIA is a trademark of GLOVIAInternational LLC in the United States and other countries.Fujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.All SPARC trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARCInternational, Inc. in the United States and other countries./global/about/environment/Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective owners.DisclaimerTechnical data subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.ContactFUJITSU LIMITEDWebsite: 2011-11-11 WW-EN。
High-Performance Computing
High-Performance Computing High-performance computing (HPC) has become an essential tool for solving complex problems in various fields such as science, engineering, and business. It involves the use of supercomputers and parallel processing techniques to perform advanced calculations and simulations that are beyond the capabilities of traditional computing systems. However, the increasing demand for HPC resources has led to several challenges, including the need for more powerful hardware, efficient software, and sustainable energy solutions. In this response, we will explore the requirements and challenges of high-performance computing frommultiple perspectives, including technical, environmental, and economic considerations. From a technical perspective, the requirements for high-performance computing are constantly evolving as the demand for faster and more powerful systems continues to grow. Supercomputers must be equipped with thelatest hardware technologies, such as multi-core processors, high-speed interconnects, and large memory capacities, to handle the massive amounts of data and complex calculations involved in HPC tasks. Moreover, the software used in HPC applications must be optimized for parallel processing and distributed computing to fully utilize the capabilities of modern supercomputers. This requires significant investment in research and development to create efficient algorithms and programming models that can exploit the full potential of HPC systems. In addition to technical challenges, high-performance computing also raises environmental concerns due to its high energy consumption. Supercomputers are notorious for their massive power requirements, which can lead to significant carbon emissions and environmental impact. As the demand for HPC resources continues to increase, there is a growing need for sustainable energy solutions to power these systems. This has led to research into energy-efficient hardware designs, cooling technologies, and renewable energy sources to minimize the environmental footprint of high-performance computing. Furthermore, efforts are being made to develop energy-aware software and algorithms that can optimize power usage and reduce the environmental impact of HPC operations. From an economic perspective, the requirements for high-performance computing pose significant challenges in terms of cost and resource allocation. Building and maintainingsupercomputers is a costly endeavor, requiring substantial investment in hardware, software, and skilled personnel. Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancement means that HPC systems quickly become obsolete, requiring frequent upgrades and replacements to stay competitive. This creates a financial burden for organizations and institutions that rely on HPC resources, leading to questions about the long-term sustainability and cost-effectiveness of high-performance computing. In conclusion, high-performance computing presents a wide range of requirements and challenges from technical, environmental, and economic perspectives. Meeting the demands for faster and more powerful HPC systems requires continuous innovation in hardware and software technologies, as well as a focus on sustainable energy solutions to minimize the environmental impact. Furthermore, the economic implications of high-performance computing raise questions about the cost-effectiveness and long-term sustainability of these systems. Addressing these requirements and challenges will require a multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration between industry, academia, and government to ensure that high-performance computing continues to advance while addressing its associated concerns.。
2021⁃01⁃10计算机应用,Journal of Computer Applications 2021,41(1):208-214ISSN 1001⁃9081CODEN JYIIDU http ://基于多级全局信息传递模型的视觉显著性检测温静*,宋建伟(山西大学计算机与信息技术学院,太原030006)(∗通信作者电子邮箱wjing@ )摘要:对神经网络中的卷积特征采用分层处理的思想能明显提升显著目标检测的性能。
为了提取丰富的多尺度全局信息,在较高层级引入了多尺度全局特征聚合模块(MGFAM ),并且将多层级提取出的全局信息进行特征融合操作;此外,为了同时获得高层特征空间的全局信息和丰富的底层细节信息,将提取到的有判别力的高级全局语义信息以特征传递的方式和较低层次特征进行融合。
在ECSSD 、PASCAL -S 、SOD 、HKU -IS 等4个数据集上进行实验,实验结果表明,所提算法相较于较先进的NLDF 模型,其F -measure (F )值分别提高了0.028、0.05、0.035和0.013,平均绝对误差(MAE )分别降低了0.023、0.03、0.023和0.007。
同时,所提算法在准确率、召回率、F -measure 值及MAE 等指标上也优于几种经典的图像显著性检测方法。
关键词:显著性检测;全局信息;神经网络;信息传递;多尺度池化中图分类号:TP391.413文献标志码:AVisual saliency detection based on multi -level global information propagation modelWEN Jing *,SONG Jianwei(School of Computer and Information Technology ,Shanxi University ,Taiyuan Shanxi 030600,China )Abstract:The idea of hierarchical processing of convolution features in neural networks has a significant effect onsaliency object detection.However ,when integrating hierarchical features ,it is still an open problem how to obtain rich global information ,as well as effectively integrate the global information and of the higher -level feature space and low -leveldetail information.Therefore ,a saliency detection algorithm based on a multi -level global information propagation model was proposed.In order to extract rich multi -scale global information ,a Multi -scale Global Feature Aggregation Module(MGFAM )was introduced to the higher -level ,and feature fusion operation was performed to the global information extracted from multiple levels.In addition ,in order to obtain the global information of the high -level feature space and the rich low -level detail information at the same time ,the extracted discriminative high -level global semantic information was fused with the lower -level features by means of feature propagation.These operations were able to extract the high -level global semantic information to the greatest extent ,and avoid the loss of this information when it was gradually propagated to the lower -level.Experimental results on four datasets including ECSSD ,PASCAL -S ,SOD ,HKU -IS show that compared with the advanced NLDF (Non -Local Deep Features for salient object detection )model ,the proposed algorithm has the F -measure (F )valueincreased by 0.028、0.05、0.035and 0.013respectively ,the Mean Absolute Error (MAE )decreased by 0.023、0.03、0.023and 0.007respectively ,and the proposed algorithm was superior to several classical image saliency detection methods in terms of precision ,recall ,F -measure and MAE.Key words:saliency detection;global information;neural network;information propagation;multi -scale pooling引言视觉显著性源于认知学中的视觉注意模型,旨在模拟人类视觉系统自动检测出图片中最与众不同和吸引人眼球的目标区域。
Safety-Critical Systems, Formal Methods and Standards
Jonathan Bowen Oxford University Computing Laboratory Programming Research Group 11 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK Tel: +44-865-273838 (272574 direct) Fax: +44-865-273839 Email: <Jonathan.Bowen@> & Victoria Stavridou Department of Computer Science Royal Holloway and Bedford New College University of London Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK Tel: +44-784-434455 (443429 direct) Fax: +44-784-443420 Email: <victoria@> Revised May 1992. Submitted to the Software Engineering Journal.
Safety-Critical Systems, Formal Methods and Standards
Jonathan Bowen Victoria Stavridou
Standards concerned with the development of safety-critical systems, and the software in such systems in particular, abound today as the software crisis increasingly a ects the world of embedded computer-based systems. The use of formal methods is often advocated as a way of increasing con dence in such systems. This paper examines the industrial use of these techniques, the recommendations concerning formal methods in a number of current and draft standards, and comments on the applicability and problems of using formal methods for the development of safety-critical systems of an industrial scale. Some possible future directions are suggested.
Adding value to the network: Mobile operators’ experiments with Software-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service models基于操作者经验的手机软件服务平台的增值模型The environments of software development and software provision are shifting to web-based platforms supported by Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) models. This paper will make the case that there is equally an opportunity for mobile operators to identify additional sources of revenue by exposing network functionalities through web-based service platforms. By elaborating on the concepts, benefits and risks of SaaS and PaaS, mobile operators’ experiments are compared and similarities with these models are identified. Based on the analysis of various case studies, this paper argues that mobile operators mobile web services are decisively shifting from SaaS to PaaS models. However, these platforms incorporate fragmentation at several levels and are likely to face future challenges in order to thrive.Web-based mobile robot platform for real-time exercisesThis paper introduces a new vision-based and web-based mobile robot platform. The platform consists of control and communication centers, a mobile robot and real-time support libraries. All activities in the platform are achieved by only computer vision techniques. The platform provides monitoring, tele-controlling and programming for real-time educational exercises and helps to the users to achieve these exercises through a standard web browser without any need for additional support software. The results have shown that the proposed, designed and implemented platform provide amazing new facilities and features to the users (students and researchers) in applying their real-time exercises on web.Intelligent omni-directional vision-based mobile robot fuzzy systems design and implementationAn evolutional particle swarm optimization (PSO)-learning algorithm is proposed to automatically generate fuzzy decision rules. Due to the development of the fuzzy rule-based system, it actually regulates the omni-directional vision-based mobile robot for obstacle avoidance and desired target approximation as soon as possible. In the proposed image processing algorithm, an image direct transformation method is applied to convert the omni-directional scene into panoramic normal-view. Thus, the objects positions of obstacle and target are detected by the proposed color image segmentation. Human knowledge-based fuzzy systems demonstrate their well adaptability for nonlinear and time-variant features of the mobile robot to actually approach the desired location whatever it is surrounded in a known or unknown environment. In software simulations, the omni-directional mobile robot can move toward desired targets from different initial positions and various block sizes. In hardware implementations, the fuzzy control system embedded in actual mobile robot platform is used to real-time manipulate the omni-directional wheels through the motor drivers by the captured image positions of the obstacle and target. The selected fuzzy rules are efficient to control the direction and speed of omni-directional wheels to achieve the desired targets.Ambient intelligence platform using multi-agent system and mobile ubiquitous hardwareIn this paper, a novel ambient intelligence (AmI) platform is proposed to facilitate fast integration of different control algorithms, device networks and user interfaces. This platform defines the overall hardware/software architecture and communication standards. It consists of four layers, namely the ubiquitous environment, middleware, multi-agent system and application layer. The multi-agent system is implemented using Java Agent DEvelopment (JADE) framework and allows users to incorporate multiple control algorithms as agents for managing different tasks. The Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) device discovery protocol is used as a middleware, which isolates the multi-agent system and physical ubiquitous environment while providing a standard communication channel between the two. An XML content language has been designed to provide standard communication between various user interfaces and the multi-agent system. A mobile ubiquitous setup box is designed to allow fast construction of ubiquitous environments in any physical space. The real time performance analysis shows the potential of the proposed AmI platform to be used in real-life AmI applications. A case study has also been carried out to demonstrate the possibility of integrating multiple control algorithms in the multi-agent system and achieving a significant improvement on the overall offline learning performance.Mobile application market: A developer’s perspective手机应用产品的广阔市场:一个开发人员的视角与观察Major software companies, such as Apple and Google, are disturbing the relatively safe and established actors of the mobile application business. These newcomers have caused significant structural changes in the market by imposing and enforcing their own rules for the future of mobile application developments. The implications of these changes do not only concern the mobile network operators and mobile phone manufacturers but also bring additional opportunities and constraints for current mobile application developers. Therefore, developers need to assess what their options are and how they can take advantage of these current trends. In this paper, we take a developer’s perspective in order to explore how the identified trends will impact the mobile application development markets. Our preliminary analysis leads us to suggest eight propositions which summarize our findings and can be the starting points for future empirical research.Software architecture and mobility: A roadmapModern software-intensive systems are characterized not only by the movement of data, as has been the case in traditional distributed systems, but also by the movement of users, devices, and code. Developing effective, efficient, and dependable systems in the mobile setting is challenging. Existing architectural principles need to be adapted and novel architectural paradigms devised. In this paper, we give an overview of the intersection of the areas of software architecture and mobility. We consider mobility from two related perspectives: (1) mobile software, which represents the computing functionality designed to migrate across hardware devices at runtime and execute on mobile hardware platforms, and (2) mobile systems, which are computing applications that include mobile software and hardwareelements. We study the advances in both these areas, highlight representative existing solutions, and identify several remaining research challenges.An architecture-driven software mobility framework结构驱动式的手机软件内容设计框架:面向未来的手机软件开发Software architecture has been shown to provide an appropriate level of granularity for assessing a software system’s quality attributes (e.g., perf ormance and dependability). Similarly, previous research has adopted an architecture-centric approach to reasoning about and managing the run-time adaptation of software systems. For mobile and pervasive software systems, which are known to be innately dyn amic and unpredictable, the ability to assess a system’s quality attributes and manage its dynamic run-time behavior is especially important. In the past, researchers have argued that a software architecture-based approach can be instrumental in facilitating mobile computing. In this paper, we present an integrated architecture-driven framework for modeling, analysis, implementation, deployment, and run-time migration of software systems executing on distributed, mobile, heterogeneous computing platforms. I n particular, we describe the framework’s support for dealing with the challenges posed by both logical and physical mobility. We also provide an overview of our experience with applying the framework to a family of distributed mobile robotics systems. This experience has verified our envisioned benefits of the approach, and has helped us to identify several avenues of future work.Security services architecture for Secure Mobile Grid SystemsMobile Grid, is a full inheritor of the Grid with the additional feature that it supports mobile users and resources. Security is an important aspect in Grid based systems, and it is more complex to ensure this in a mobile platform owing to the limitations of resources in these devices. A Grid infrastructure that supports the participation of mobile nodes and incorporates security aspects will thus play a significant role in the development of Grid computing. The idea of developing software through systematic development processes to improve software quality is not new. However, many information systems such as those of Grid Computing are still not developed through methodologies which have been adapted to their most differentiating features. The lack of adequate development methods for this kind of systems in which security is taken into account has encouraged us to build a methodology to develop them, offering a detailed guide for their analysis, design and implementation. It is important to use software V&V techniques, according to IEEE Std. 1012 for Software Verification and Validation, to ensure that a software system meets the operational needs of the user. This ensures that the requirements for the system are correct, complete, and consistent, and that the life-cycle products correctly design and implement system requirements. This paper shows part of a development process that we are elaborating for the construction of information systems based on Grid Computing, which are highly dependent on mobile devices in which security plays a highly important role. In the design activity of the process, we design a security architecture which serves as a reference for any mobile Grid application that we wish to build since this security architecture defines a complete set of security services which will be instantiated depending on the requirements and features found in previous activities of the process. A V&V task is also defined in the design activity to validate and verify both the architecture built and the traceability of the artifacts generated in this activity. In this paper, we will present the service-orientedsecurity architecture for Mobile Grid Systems which considers all possible security services that may be required for any mobile Grid application.面向安全移动通信网络的手机安全服务架构A compiler-hardware approach to software protection for embedded systemsRelationship quality, community promotion and brand loyalty in virtual communities: Evidence from free software communitiesThe Internet has favored the growth of collaborative platforms where marketers and consumers interact to develop more engaging products and services. These platforms are usually centered in a specific brand/product and their members are linked by a shared admiration to that brand. This paper analyzes one of the most powerful online collaborative platforms, the free software (FS) case, which involves a lot of virtual communities developed around products such as Linux or Android, the new Google's mobile operating system. Our purpose is to determine some of the main antecedents and consequences of the consumer involvement in this type of communities. Results have shown that satisfaction with a virtual community may increase the level of consumer participation in that community. At the same time, a greater identification with the virtual community may increase indirectly the consumer participation thanks to the enhancement of his/her satisfaction with the community. We have also found positive and significant effects of consumer identification and participation on the level of community promotion. Finally, positive and significant effects of consumer participation and satisfaction with the community on loyalty to the FS were also found. These findings allow us to conclude some interesting managerial implications.Photogrammetric mapping and measuring application using MATLABThis paper describes a software application developed using the MATLAB language for a mobile mapping system (MMS) implemented at the University of Porto. An MMS includes a survey stage, where direct navigation and imaging sensors are mounted rigidly in a vehicle, to acquire time-synchronized navigation and image data. It also includes a processing stage which manipulates all the collected data to obtain absolute or relative coordinates for the object points appearing in the images. This report focuses mainly on the development of procedures to acquire images with time-tag information, perform several image manipulations, implement photogrammetric and matching algorithms, and put it all together in a user-friendly graphic interface. One of the main objectives during the application development was to keep this standard MMS procedure as simple as possible. MATLAB has proven to be a very well-suited platform for achieving the proposed objectives, with the advantage that it made possible the construction of a user-friendly graphic interface.基于matlab的通讯平台评价仿真系统的应用Active–passive vibration absorber of beam–cart–seesaw system with piezoelectric transducersAbstractIn contrast with fully controllable systems, a super articulated mechanical system (SAMS) is a controlled underactuated mechanical system in which the dimensions of the configuration space exceed the dimensions of the control input space. The objectives of the research are to develop a novel SAMS model which is called beam–cart–seesaw system, and renovate a novel approach for achieving a high performance active–passive piezoelectric vibration absorber for such system. The system consists of two mobile carts, which are coupled via rack and pinion mechanics to two parallel tracks mounted on pneumatic rodless cylinders. One cart carries an elastic beam, and the other cart acts as a counterbalance. One adjustable counterweight mass is also installed underneath the seesaw to serve as a passive damping mechanism to absorb impact and shock energy. The motion and control of a Bernoulli–Euler beam subjected to the modified cart/seesaw system are analyzed first. Moreover, gray relational grade is utilized to investigate the sensitivity of tuning the active proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller to achieve desired vibration suppression performance. Consequently, it is shown that the active–passive vibration absorber can not only provide passive damping, but can also enhance the active action authority. The proposed software/hardware platform can also be profitable for the standardization of laboratory equipment, as well as for the development of entertainment tools.Recommendation system using location-based ontology on wireless internet: An example of collective intelligence by using ‘mashup’ applications专家系统在手机和无线网络通信智能化中的应用Location-Based Service (LBS) is considered as a key component of upcoming ubiquitous environments.A recommendation system based on LBS is expected to be an important service in ubiquitous environments, and most hardware technologies such as location estimation of a user by using Global Positioning System (GPS), as well as hi-speed internet access through cell phones, are currently supported. However, in terms of software, most services are driven and supported by a LBS service provider only. Consequently, lack of participation of users may occur in mobile environments. In this study, we suggest a LBS knowledge base inference platform with ontology which considers the current location and available time of users. Our knowledge base supports user participation as collective intelligence. We mashed up Open Application Programming Interface (OpenAPI) for scalable implementation of thesystem. Through experiments, we show that a user can build up his/her knowledge base, and by using this information, the system recommends to other users appropriate information that m atches the user’s condition and profile through inference.Programming multirobot applications using the ThinkingCap-II Java framework移动平台开发的JAVA框架与惯例标准This paper presents a Java framework, ThinkingCap-II, for developing mobile multirobot applications, which has been successfully used in indoor, automotive and industrial robotics applications. It consists of a reference architecture that serves as a guide to make the functional decomposition of a robotics system, a software architecture that allows a uniform and reusable way of organising software components for robotics applications, and a communication infrastructure that allows software modules to communicate in a common way. A key aspect of this software architecture is that it allows code reusability by high level abstraction and a uniform way of accessing the characteristics of the sensors. In order to show the suitability of the framework, for both diverse complex platforms and multirobot applications, two case studies are discussed. One is an autonomous car-like vehicle which is guided by a manned vehicle, and the other an autonomous industrial vehicle which is member of a multirobot transportation system.Augmented reality and photogrammetry: A synergy to visualize physical and virtual city environmentsClose-range photogrammetry is based on the acquisition of imagery to make accurate measurements and, eventually, three-dimensional (3D) photo-realistic models. These models are a photogrammetric product per se. They are usually integrated into virtual reality scenarios where additional data such as sound, text or video can be introduced, leading to multimedia virtual environments. These environments allow users both to navigate and interact on different platforms such as desktop PCs, laptops and small hand-held devices (mobile phones or PDAs). In very recent years, a new technology derived from virtual reality has emerged: Augmented Reality (AR), which is based on mixing real and virtual environments to boost human interactions and real-life navigations. The synergy of AR and photogrammetry opens up new possibilities in the field of 3D data visualization, navigation and interaction far beyond the traditional static navigation and interaction in front of a computer screen.In this paper we introduce a low-cost outdoor mobile AR application to integrate buildings of different urban spaces. High-accuracy 3D photo-models derived from close-range photogrammetry are integrated in real (physical) urban worlds. The augmented environment that is presented herein requires for visualization a see-through video head mounted d isplay (HMD), whereas user’s movement navigation is achieved in the real world with the help of an inertial navigation sensor. After introducing the basics of AR technology, the paper will deal with real-time orientation and tracking in combined physical and virtual city environments, merging close-range photogrammetry and AR. There are, however, some software and complex issues, which are discussed in the paper.。
Slide 16
Faults and failures
Failures are a usually a result of system errors that are derived from faults in the system
However, faults do not necessarily result in system errors
Availability takes repair time into account
Slide 15
Reliability terminology
Term System failure
System error
System fault
Human error or mistake
These may, for example, protect system resources from system errors
Slide 17
Slide 18
Perceptions of reliability
It is very difficult to tune systems to make them more dependable(不可信可能分散在系统各处)
It may be possible to compensate for poor performance (如改进算法,采用高速硬件等)
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Diss.ETH No.16653User-Centric Dependability Concepts for Ubiquitous ComputingA dissertation submitted to theSWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYZURICH(ETH ZURICH)for the degree ofDoctor of Technical Sciencespresented byJürgen BohnDiplom-Informatiker,University of Karlsruhe(TH),Germanyborn October16,1973citizen of Germanyaccepted on the recommendation ofProf.Dr.Friedemann Mattern,examinerDr.Albrecht Schmidt,co-examiner2006Bibliography[AAA97]Ward Andy,Jones Alan,and Hopper Andy.A New Location Technique for the Active Office.IEEE Personal Communications,4(5):42–47,1997. 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可信软件技术若干思考及观点梅宏北京大学信息科学技术学院软件所高可信软件技术教育部重点实验室2009.2.27-YOCSEF·北航2目录绪 章:认识互联网时代的特征 正章一:认识可信性 正章二:可信软件技术外一章:863计划对可信计算的安排3互联网时代特征:关键词描述平等性没有权威的“虚拟社会”,“草根”拥有了自由发挥的机会多样性不仅仅是技术的多样性,也包含了内容的多样性、认识的多样性、……创新性提供了创新的平台,展现了创新的巨大空间可信性我能够信任互联网上的什么东西?面向Internet 环境及其应用……传统计算机公司新型互联网公司云计算网格计算服务计算IT 行业还有脱离互联网的重大创新吗?5面向普适计算网格计算Internet 环境及其应用人机交互角度资源共享角度计算模式角度语义网自治计算对等计算云计算服务计算网构软件6基本认识五彩缤纷的时代! 机会众多的时代! ……也是令人困惑的时代!“可信性”概念本身似乎也是如此!?可信性概念的多样性TrustworthyTrustworthy DependabilityDependability High ConfidenceHigh Confidence Reliability 可靠性Security 保安性Availability 可用性Safety安全性Maintainability可维护性PerformanceSurvivability8我国的情况可信问题受到广泛关注各种科研计划的支持越来越多的学者介入存在的问题和过去的研究有何本质性不同?新瓶装旧酒?计算学科的新旗帜?如何开展研究?“跟风式”研究?尝试形成可信的“中国”流派?9可信性:我们的认识软件可信性是软件质量的一种特殊的表现形式,它所关注的是使用层面的综合化的质量属性及其保障形式,涉及多个质量属性的集合,涉及这些属性的综合和平衡正确性 可靠性 安全性 保安性 可用性 可维护性 可预测性……10ISO/GB 软件工程产品质量模型1软件质量: 软件产品特性的总和,表示软件产品满足明确或隐含要求的能力11ISO/GB 软件工程产品质量模型2 内部质量需求:基于内部观点的软件产品特性的总体外部质量需求:基于外部观点的软件产品特性的总体12ISO/GB 软件工程产品质量模型3特征能力13ISO/GB 软件工程产品质量模型4 使用质量: 基于用户观点的软件产品用于指定的使用环境和条件时的质量Internet15可信的内涵与外延可信计算:研究如何让计算机系统满足给定的可信属性 狭义上,可信计算涵盖计算机系统的所有层次 可信硬件、可信网络、可信软件、可信内容、可信用户广义上,可信计算涵盖多个学科领域 计算机科学与技术数学、生物信息、社会、法律、政治、心理…16高可信软件技术研究高可信软件研究涉及到软件理论、软件技术与原理、软件生产过程和管理、以及软件支撑平台等诸多方面:如何构造高可信的软件产品需要高可信的软件开发技术形式化方法或软件工程途径如何保障软件产品运行时的可信高可信的软件运行环境如何度量软件的可信性17高可信软件技术教育部重点实验室18可信软件研究体系19973计划项目基于网络的复杂软件可信度和服务质量及其开发方法和运行机理的基础研究(2009CB320700)2008年立项,2009年启动上一期项目的延续主要参加单位:中国研究院指南要求软件形态的演化导致技术体系的演化无结构对象化构件化服务化结构化平台的变化多机单机对问题域的认识每次形态变化,导致整个技术体系的变化先关注开发与运行技术体系面临若干转变4基于网络的复杂软件模型与网构软件理论网构软件可信度和服务质量度量及评估网构软件开发方法及可信性保障高质量的网构软件运行支撑及实现模型开放、动态、多变Internet 环境下复杂网络软件系统开放、动态、多变Internet 环境下复杂网络软件系统24国家863计划信息技术领域涉及可信的课题部署智能感知与先进计算专题2006:可信服务软件技术、软件系统的成熟度和可信性综合评价模型与工具2007:软件可信性综合保障量化评估技术重点/重大项目新一代高可信网络高可信软件生产工具及集成环境25高可信软件生产工具及集成环境核心研究内容:可信的国家软件资源共享与协同生产环境(Trustie )Trustie 的目标三个关键词协同、共享、可信支持三类活动创新软件作品创作创新软件作品向可信软件产品转化可信软件生产注:相关内容摘自王怀民教授在中科院第34次技术论坛上的报告26Trustie 总体结构示意图软件开发协同平台Internet软件资源库软件工具集合软件构件、服务、构架集合软件生产线集成框架软件生产线可信保障机制重用软件资源软件生产工具软件可信性评估模型软件可信等级评定软件可信性证据导向依据依据导向导向依据软件可信性分级类比:职称评定依据受教育经历教学科研业绩 学术影响和社会服务类比:职称评定定量计算 委员会评定28软件可信性分级软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品软件制品○级未知级○级未知级一级可用级一级可用级二级验证级二级验证级三级实用级三级实用级四级评估级四级评估级五级证明级五级证明级实体可使用实体可使用实体可使用实体可使用实体可使用实体可使用实体可使用实体可使用有可验证的可信属性有可验证的可信属性有可验证的可信属性有可验证的可信属性有可验证的可信属性有可验证的可信属性有可验证的可信属性有可验证的可信属性有可证实的成功应用案例有可证实的成功应用案例实体可使用实体可使用有可证实的成功应用案例有可证实的成功应用案例有可证实的成功应用案例有可证实的成功应用案例通过了独立权威验证、分析机构的可信分析通过了独立权威验证、分析机构的可信分析通过了独立权威验证、分析机构的可信分析通过了独立权威验证、分析机构的可信分析具有可证明的可信性具有可证明的可信性可信级别软件可信性证据开发阶段的证据提交阶段的证据应用阶段的证据软件在开发过程中如何通过规范化的设计、生产和管理流程得到符合设定目标的软件实体的证据关注软件应用广泛程度、用户的评价反馈以及软件提供者的信誉关注软件提交之后自身可信特性的相关可信证据, 主要通过分析、测试和验证工具获得软件可信等级评定软件可信等级评定31面临挑战面临机理层面的挑战来自可信软件基础理论的挑战面临技术层面的挑战 如何建立软件可信等级评定机制面临运营层面的挑战如何建立与国家软件资源共享与协同生产环境配套的、可持续发展的运行机制32工作展望第一阶段形成总体技术规范,突破软件生产关键技术、建立公共基础设施第二阶段 面向国家重要领域和行业应用实践,促进工具与环境的成熟第三阶段产生技术和示范应用成效,支撑重大应用,引领软件产业发展谢谢!33。
2:供硕士生选择的相关刊物序号刊物名称(以期刊名称的拼音为序) 总被引频次影响因子影响因子学科内排名1 电子学报(英文版、中文版)1676 0.450 电子类第12 高技术通讯(英文版、中文版)540 0.294 综合类第22名3 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报945 0.692 计算机类第5名4 计算机工程1342 0.232 计算机类第19名5 计算机工程与应用2165 0.280 计算机类第14名6 计算机集成制造系统819 0.855 计算机类第3名7 计算机科学712 0.280 计算机类第14名8 J COMPUT SCI & TECH 141 0.330 计算机类第12名9 计算机学报1370 0.921 计算机类第1名10 计算机研究与发展1308 0.806 计算机类第4名11 计算机应用785 0.329 计算机类第13名12 计算机应用研究1073 0.428 计算机类第8名13 计算数学(英)中文版242 中文版0.316 数学类第4名中文版4511 中文版0.935 综合类第1名14 科学通报(英)15 模式识别与人工智能348 0.390 计算机类第10名16 软件学报1598 0.919 计算机类第2名17 通信学报581 0.343 电子类第7名18 系统仿真学报867 0.415 信息类第7名19 系统工程理论与实践1372 0.533 信息类第3名20 小型微型计算机系统746 0.275 计算机类第16名E辑 403 E辑 0.444 综合类第10名21 中国科学22 中国图象图形学报1155 0.616 计算机类第7名23 中文信息学报270 0.635 计算机类第6名24 自动化学报(英文版、中文版)中文版876 0.60125 自然科学进展(英文版)中文版562 中文版0.430 综合类第11名26 计算机测量与控制426 0.406 计算机类第9名27 计算机工程与科学235 0.234 计算机类第18名28 计算机仿真294 0.206 计算机类第20名29 计算机工程与设计218 0.203 计算机类第21名30 微电子学与计算机31 中国科学院研究生院学报13:SCI或SCIE收录的计算机学科刊物清单和查看。
D.htmlat89c52单片机中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述at89c52单片机简介中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述AT89C52 Single-chip microprocessor introductionSelection of Single-chip microprocessor1. Development of Single-chip microprocessorThe main component part of Single-chip microprocessor as a result of by such centralize to be living to obtain on the chip,In immediate future middle processor CPU。
Storage RAM immediately﹑memoy readROM﹑Interrupt system、Timer /'s counter along with I/O's rim electric circuit awaits the main microcomputer section,The lumping is living on the chip。
Although the Single-chip microprocessor r is only a chip,Yet through makes up and the meritorous service be able to on sees,It had haveed the calculating machine system property,calling it for this reason act as Single-chip microprocessor r minisize calculating machine SCMS and abbreviate the Single-chip microprocessor。
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High Dependability Computing Program Modeling DependabilityThe Unified Model of DependabilityVictor BasiliPaolo DonzelliSima AsgariComputer Science DepartmentUniversity of MarylandCollege Park, Maryland 20742Technical Report CS-TR-4601 - UMIACS-TR-2004-43June 2004AbstractIndividuals and organizations increasingly use sophisticated software systems from which they demand great reliance. “Reliance” is contextually subjective and depends on the particular stakeholder’s needs; therefore, in different circumstances, the stakeholders will focus on different properties of such systems, e.g., continuity, availability, performance, real-time response, ability to avoid catastrophic failures, capability of resisting adverse conditions, and prevention of deliberate privacy intrusions. The concept of dependability enables these various concerns to be subsumed within a single conceptual framework.Achieving dependability is a major challenge, which has spawned many efforts both at national and international levels. This work is part of the High Dependability Computing Program (HDCP), a five-year cooperative research agreement between NASA and various universities and research centers to increase NASA’s ability to engineer highly dependable software systems.HDCP brings together, under the common goal of improving systems dependability, a large and heterogeneous group of actors, from industry and academia alike, with various perspectives, and different (sometimes even conflicting) needs. Thus, the polysemous nature of the concept of dependability, while unifying so many different efforts, brings also the risk of creating confusion, making the task of developing dependable systems even more difficult.From this perspective, the Unified Model of Dependability (UMD) aims to establish a common language for discussing a variety of dependability attributes, and to make them measurable. To capture stakeholders’ dependability needs and perspectives, UMD takes into account different aspects of a dependability attribute, including the affected system functionalities, the acceptable manifestation of a specific failure (hazard) or class of failures (hazards), the external events (adverse conditions, attacks, etc.) that can create an unreliable system, and the expected system reaction to mitigate failures (hazards) impact over the stakeholders.By providing a structured approach to eliciting and organizing both functional and non-functional dependability requirements, UMD helps the stakeholders to better express their needs, understand interactions among the dependability attributes, and set the corresponding values.In order to illustrate the features and capabilities of UMD, an Air Traffic Control System is used as case study.Table of Contents1 Introduction (4)2 The Unified Model of Dependability (UMD) (6)2.1 Identifying the building blocks of dependability (6)2.2 “Robustness” of UMD (10)2.3 UMD to capture stakeholders dependability needs (14)dependability (16)2.4 Measuring2.5 Enhancing UMD: capturing the “System Reaction” (17)2.6 The UMD Tool (19)3 Applying UMD to build a System Dependability Model (19)3.1 The case study – TSAFE (19)Gathering (21)3.2 DataAnalysis (24)3.3 Data4 Formalizing the UMD application process (28)4.1 The single-stakeholder scenario (28)4.2 The multiple-stakeholder scenario (29)5 Conclusions and future work (30)6 References (31)Appendix A – Description of the UMD Tool (33)1 IntroductionIndividuals and organizations increasingly use sophisticated software systems from which they demand great reliance. “Reliance” is contextually subjective and depends on the particular users’ needs, therefore, in different circumstances, stakeholders will focus on different properties of such systems, e.g., availability, performance, real-time response, ability to avoid catastrophic failures, capability of resisting adverse conditions, and prevention of deliberate intrusions, as well as different levels of adherence to such properties. The concept of dependability enables these various concerns to be subsumed within a single conceptual framework. The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) WG-10.4 [7] defines dependability as the trustworthiness of a computing system that allows reliance to be justifiably placed on the services it delivers.Achieving systems dependability is a major challenge, and it has spawned many efforts at the national and international level, such as the European Dependability Initiative [14], the US Government strategy “Trust in cyberspace” [15], or the Critical Infrastructures improvement and protection initiatives adopted by various countries [10,16]. This work is part of the High Dependability Computing Program (HDCP), a five-year cooperative research agreement between NASA and various universities and research centers1, to increase NASA’s ability to engineer highly dependable software systems. The Program involves: a) understanding NASA’s dependability problems; b) developing new engineering practices and technologies to address such problems; c) empirically assessing (and iteratively improving) the capabilities of new practices and technologies, using realistic testbeds; d) transferring technologies to technology users with clear indications about their effectiveness under varying conditions.HDCP brings together, under the common goal of improving systems dependability, a large and heterogeneous group of actors, from government and academia alike, with various perspectives, and different (sometimes even conflicting) needs. First, there are the actors directly involved in using, building, and developing systems or technologies: • The system users, who are concerned mainly about the final system’s behavior, and who need to understand whether or not, and to what extent, they can depend upon a system to achieve their goals.• The system developers (or technology users), who need to know which processes and or technologies should be selected to meet the system users’ needs in the most efficient and effective way.• The technology researchers/developers, who focus on specific means to develop dependable systems [1].• The empiricists, whose role is to help the users define dependability needs, support the developers in selecting the right approaches, and provide empirical evidence of the technology’s ability to meet those needs. The empirical researchers act as “observers” to support the transfer of knowledge (needs, opportunities, technologies’ capabilities and limits) among the other actors.1 The universities and research centers involved in HDCP are: Carnegie Mellon, University of Maryland, Fraunhofer Center Maryland, University of Southern California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, and many othersThe success of the program depends on the synergic collaboration of all these actors. It would be valuable to have a common and operational definition of dependability that allows:• The system users to express their needs (i.e. build a precise dependability model of the required system), in such a way that can be understood, and eventually addressed by the others;• The system developers to clearly compare what they are delivering with what requested by the users;• The technology researchers/developers to make explicit their goals in terms of the impact of their technology over dependability;• The empirical researchers to measure, and make explicit what is achievable and what has been achieved. For example, the gap between users’ demands and developers’ products, or between technology developers’ claims and actual technologies performances. This means to be able to identify the “good” practices and support their transfer.Many definitions of dependability have been provided in the literature, see for example [1,7,8,9,11]. However, they are mostly general and qualitative. It may not be possible to find a common and operational definition of dependability. To be operational, in fact, a definition needs to be strictly related to the specific context it refers to (the project and its stakeholders). For this reason, we have adopted an alternative approach. Rather than stating yet another definition of dependability, we are identifying a framework for modeling dependability that the different actors could adopt as a common language, enabling them to communicate and understand each other’s needs.Figure 1. A framework to foster cooperationThis paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the Unified Model of Dependability (UMD), by illustrating its underlying concepts. It discusses its robustness, and shows how UMD can be used to capture the users’ dependability needs (or more precisely the stakeholders’ needs [18]), to build dependability models of individualsystems. A comparison with related work is also provided. Section 3 shows how the UMD can be customized to a specific context/project to obtain a system dependability model that can be used as operational dependability definition. A case study is used for illustration. Section 4 formalizes the process for applying UMD in both a single and a multi-stakeholder scenario. Finally, Section 4 provides an outline of the future work.2 The Unified Model of Dependability (UMD)This Section introduces UMD, by illustrating the underlying theory, and discusses its robustness. It also provides a comparison with related works.2.1 Identifying the building blocks of dependabilityDependability involves many different attributes, and each attribute can be defined in a variety of ways. In order to begin our analysis for identifying the building blocks of dependability, around which we build UMD, let us consider a standard sub-set of such attributes: reliability, accuracy, performance, availability, survivability, security, maintainability, and safety. It is important to note that this choice is purely arbitrary, and any other set could have been adopted, as in the following we will show that our results are independent from the selected set. For each of these attributes different definitions are available in literature. In the following we have randomly chosen some of them from [1,4,9,13]:o Reliability is an index of how often the system or part of it fails.o Accuracy is the ability of the system to provide data within the desired range and with the required precision.o Performance is a static or dynamic system’s capability (response time, throughput) defined in terms of an acceptable range.o Availability is the degree to which a system or component is operational and accessible when required for use.o Survivability is the ability of a system to provide essential services in the presence of adverse conditions that can occasionally happen within its operational environment(e.g., exceptional weather conditions, un-natural load peaks, etc.).o Security is the system’s capability to resist attacks intentionally carried on against the system (e.g., logical breaches, data accesses, denial of service attacks, etc.).o Maintainability is the ability of the system to undergo repairs and modifications.o Safety is the absence of catastrophic consequences on the user(s) and the environment.Based on the above definitions, we observe that dependability can be viewed as an index of the issues that the system can cause to the users. In other terms, given two similar systems, the one that causes fewer, and less severe issues is the one that is more dependable for the users. By carefully reading the above definitions, we can also recognize that an issue may derive from the misbehavior of the system (e.g., the system fails, or is not available at a given time, or is not able to survive external adverse conditions), or because the system creates a situation that could lead to catastrophic consequences for the users or the environment (see definition of safety). For this reasons, we distinguish between two kinds of issues:• Failure: any departure of the system behavior from the user’s expectations.• Hazard: a state of the system that can lead to catastrophic consequences for the user(s) and the environment.Note that the concepts of hazard and failure are not exclusive, but overlap: a failure may be also a hazard (i.e. a failure can lead to an accident), whereas a hazard can occur without a failure occurring. Given the chosen set of dependability attributes, then, we can further distinguish failures into different failure types:• Accuracy failure: the departure of the system behavior from providing data within the desired range and with the required precision;• Performance failure: the departure of the system behavior from providing the desired static or dynamic capability (response time, throughput);• Other failure: any failure that cannot be classified as accuracy or performance failure.In addition, having availability among the chosen dependability attributes, we can also distinguish failures according to their impact upon availability. For example, we can distinguish between:• Stopping failure is any failure that makes the system unavailable.• Non-Stopping failure is any failure that does not make the system unavailable.It is worth noting that the above classifications in terms of Failures Types (accuracy, performance, other) and Failure impact over availability (stopping, non-stopping) are orthogonal.The same observations can be repeated for the hazards. Based on the above definition of safety, in fact, we can distinguish different hazards types:• User(s) Hazard: a state of the system that can lead to catastrophic consequences for the user(s);• Environment Hazard: a state of the system that can lead to catastrophic consequences for the environment.Finally, from the above definitions (see for example reliability), we can also observe that the issues caused to the users by a system could result from the misbehavior of the whole system or of part of it, for example, a service or component. Thus, we can characterize an issue in terms of the part of the system that it affects. We distinguish the scope:• The system, i.e., the whole system;• A service, i.e., a functionality delivered by the system, as perceived by the users (a human or another interacting system).From this initial analysis, thus, it results that some concepts are common across the different definitions, however, with different degrees of commonality and independence from the chosen set of attributes. The concept of issue (with the more elementary ones of failure and hazard) and the concept of scope are common across all the attributes and independent from the initial set. Each dependability attribute can in fact be defined in terms of some kind of issues affecting the whole system or part of it. The characterizations of failure, hazard and scope, instead, depend on the set of dependability attributes taken into account. For example, the distinction of failures into accuracy, performance and other failures is the result of the chosen sub-set of dependability attributes. Similarly, the idea of classifying failures according to their impact on availability results from having availability among the considered attributes. In this case,in particular, the choice of distinguishing only between stopping and non-stopping failures is purely arbitrary. A finer distinction (e.g., stopping, partly stopping, and non-stopping) could be adopted in order to be able to model gradual services degradations. The emerging concepts and their relationships are pictured in Figure 2. This structure represents the common backbone of the different dependability attributes definitions taken into account, and thus, it provides an initial structure for our framework. In Figure 2, to distinguish the UMD concepts with higher commonality and independence (i.e. issue, failure, hazard and scope) from the ones with lower commonality and independence (i.e., the characterizations), the latter are shown on a darker background. In the following, we refer to them as UMD Hardware component ; and as UMD Software component , respectively. scope issuecharacterization:- Type - Whole System - Servicecharacterization:- Type- User(s) hazard - Environment hazard characterization:- Type- Accuracy failure- Performance failure- Other failure - Availability impact- Stopping- Non-StoppingFAILUREHAZARDFigure 2. The “emerging” UMDBy using the concepts of UMD, all the dependability attributes definitions taken into account can be reformulated. For example, we can define availability as the index of all the stopping failures, of any type (accuracy, performance, or others) (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), where the definitions of stopping failures, and of accuracy, performance and other failures are the ones given above. Similarly, the definitions of the others dependability attributes introduced above become:o Reliability: index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE).o Accuracy: index of the accuracy failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE).o Performance: index of the performance failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE).o Availability: index of the stopping failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE).o Survivability: index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), due to adverse conditions that can occasionally happen within its operational environment (e.g., exceptional weather conditions, un-natural load peaks, etc.).due to attacks intentionally carried on against the system (e.g., logical breaches, data accesses, denial of service attacks, etc.).o Maintainability 2: index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), due to actions intentionally carried on to improve the system (e.g., repairs, upgrades).o Safety: index of the hazards (ISSUE) created by the system or a service (SCOPE).At this point, we can start from these new definitions for refining our analysis. We recognize that some failures (see the definitions of survivability, security, and maintainability) are the results of some external events. Due to our choice of the initial set of dependability attributes, we can distinguish three main e xternal events types:• Adverse condition: any external event that may have an actual or potential harmful effect on the system or a service (e.g., extreme weather conditions, un-natural load peaks, etc.);• Attack: any intentional action carried on against the system or a service (e.g., logical breaches, data accesses, denial of service attacks, etc.);• Update: any action intentionally carried on to change the system or a service (e.g., repairs, upgrades.). event scope issue characterization:- Type - Whole System - Service characterization:- Type- Adverse Condition - Attack- Upgradescharacterization:- Type- User(s) hazard - Environment hazardcharacterization:- Type - Accuracy failure - Performance failure- Other failure- Availability impact- Stopping- Non-StoppingFAILURE HAZARDFigure 3: The “evolving” UMD Thus, the concept of external event emerges as another common item across the different definitions. Each dependability attribute can in fact be defined in terms of some kind of issues affecting the whole system or part of it (the scope), due or not due to some external events. Figure 3 extends the framework introduced in Figure 2, by encompassing the new concept of eventBy using the new framework, the definitions of the dependability attributes become:2 Note that with this new definition of maintainability we cover only partially the initial one. While the original definition encompasses, for example, the capability of the system of being repaired and/or upgraded within the expected budget and time, the new definition focuses only upon the easiness of the maintenance process, taking into account the possible issues caused by repairs and upgrades. UMD, however, also allows for the expression of the desired system behavior during maintenance, as will be illustrated in the Section “Capturing System reaction”.(SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).o Accuracy: index of the accuracy failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).o Performance: index of the performance failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).o Availability: index of the stopping failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).o Survivability: index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), due to adverse conditions (EVENT).o Security: index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), due to attacks (EVENT).o Maintainability: index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), due to upgrades (EVENT).o Safety: index of the hazards (ISSUE) created by the system or a service (SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).It is important to note that these definitions reflect only some of the possibilities. In fact, while we have defined accuracy as “an index of the accuracy failures, affecting the system or a service, which are due or not due to external events”, it would have been also possible to define it as “an index of the accuracy failures, affecting the system or a service, which are not due to external events”, clearly stating that accuracy failures due to external events are not to be considered as part of the accuracy of the system. This is also true for the other definitions. Thus, by reformulating the definitions around the identified framework, we have obtained definitions more precise than the original ones (where some aspects were left implicit). Put another way, the framework not only provides a guide to define the different attributes, but also helps to make explicit options that could have been neglected otherwise.2.2 “Robustness” of UMDIn order to see if UMD can really be adopted on a larger scale, that is, determine whether it can encompass the many available definitions of dependability and its attributes, we will verify the capability of the framework to accommodate: a) different definitions of the dependability attributes already taken into account; b) other dependability attributes not included into the initial set.Let us start by considering different possible definitions for the same dependability attributes. In the following, for each definition found in literature (Literature Definition – LD), we will provide corresponding definition expressed by using the framework (Framework Definition – FD), together with the necessary framework adjustments and extensions (FA).o LD: Reliability is the continuity of correct service (a service is correct when implements the system function) [Laprie01].FD: Reliability is index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).FA: noneo LD: Availability is the capability to maximize the function of time that the system will provide stakeholder-desired levels of service with respect to a system’s operational profile (probability distribution of transaction frequencies, task complexities, workload volumes, others) [Boehm03].FD: Availability: index of the stopping failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), with respect to a system’s operational profile, which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).FA: The adjustments concern the Software component of the Framework:Stopping failures are defined as failures preventing the system from providing the stakeholder-desired levels of service.The system’s operational profile (probability distribution of transaction frequencies, task complexities, workload volumes, others) is added asfurther Scope characterization.o LD: Availability is the ability of the system to provide service at any given time. It is the probability of being operational, under given use condition, at a given instant in time [Melhart00].FD: Availability: index of the stopping failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), under given use condition, which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).FA: The adjustments and extensions concern the Software component of the Framework:Use condition is added as further Scope characterization.o LD: Accuracy is the capability to minimize the difference between delivered computational results and the real world quantities that they represent [Boehm03].FD: Accuracy is an index of the accuracy failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT)FA: The adjustments and extensions concern the Software component of the Framework:Accuracy failures are defined as differences between delivered computational results and the real world quantities that they represent.o LD: Survivability is the capability of the system to minimize the expected value of the information, property, human life and health losses due to natural causes [Boehm03].FD: Survivability: index of all hazards (ISSUE) resulting from the system or a service (SCOPE), due to adverse conditions (EVENT).FA: The adjustments and extensions concern the Software component of the Framework:Hazards are defined as system states that can lead to information, property, human life and health losses.Adverse conditions are defined as all natural causes.o LD: Survivability is the capability of the system to accomplish its mission despite a man-made hostile environment, i.e. the power of the system to detect and withstand an attack [Melhart00].FD: Survivability: index of all the failures (ISSUE) affecting the system or a service (SCOPE), due to adverse conditions (EVENT).FA: The adjustments and extensions concern the Software component of the Framework:Adverse conditions are defined as any man-made hostile factor.o LD: Security is the capability of the system to minimize the expected value of the information, property, human life and health losses due to adversarial causes [Boehm03].FD: Security: index of all hazards (ISSUE) resulting from the system or a service (SCOPE), due to attacks (EVENT).FA: The adjustments and extensions concern the Software component of the Framework:Hazards are defined as system states that can lead to information, property, human life and health losses.Attacks are defined as adversarial causes.o LD: Performance is concerned with quantifiable attributes of the system, such as response time (how quickly the system reacts to a user input), throughput (how much work the system can accomplish within a specified amount of time), availability (the degree to witch a system or component is operational or accessible when required for use), and accuracy [Bruegge04].FD: Performance: index of the performance failures (ISSUE) affecting the system ora service (SCOPE), which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).FA: The adjustments and extensions concern the Software component of the Framework:Performance failures are defined as response time failures, throughput failures, stopping failures, and accuracy failures.o LD: Safety is the ability of the system to deliver service under given use conditions with no catastrophic effect [Melhar00].FD: Safety: index of the hazards (ISSUE) created by the system or a service (SCOPE), under given use conditions, which are due or not due to external events (EVENT).FA: The adjustments and extensions concern the Software component of the Framework:Hazards are defined as system states that can lead to catastrophic effects.Use condition is added as further Scope characterization.o LD: Safety is the capability of the system to minimize the expected value of human life and health losses due to natural and adversarial causes [Boehm03].。