Mdva a distance-vector multipath routing protocol
迪杰斯特拉算法题目迪杰斯特拉算法(Dijkstra's algorithm)是一种用于解决单源最短路径问题的经典算法。
具体步骤如下:1. 创建一个距离数组dist[],用于保存起点到每个顶点的最短距离。
2. 创建一个标记数组visited[],用于标记每个顶点是否已经被访问。
3. 重复以下步骤,直到所有顶点都被访问:a. 从未访问的顶点中选择距离起点最近的顶点,并将其标记为已访问。
b. 更新与该顶点相邻的未访问顶点的最短距离。
4. 完成后,dist[]数组中保存的就是起点到其他所有顶点的最短距离。
vector accumulate函数
vector accumulate函数引言在许多编程语言中,向量(vector)是一种常见的数据结构,用于存储和处理多个元素。
在C ++标准库中,有一个非常有用的函数叫作accumulate函数,可以用来计算容器中的元素的总和、积或者其他自定义的操作。
在本文中,我们将深入探讨vector accumulate函数的用法和功能,并一步步介绍如何使用该函数来实现不同的计算需求。
vector的基本概念在深入讨论vector accumulate函数之前,让我们先了解一下vector的基本概念。
什么是vector?在C ++中,vector是一个容器类模板,用于存储一系列具有相同类型的元素。
vector类由C ++标准库提供,其定义在头文件中。
例如,以下代码片段创建了一个包含5个整数的vector对象:#include <iostream>#include <vector>int main() {std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};for (int number : numbers) {std::cout << number << " ";}return 0;}上述代码将输出:1 2 3 4 5。
vector accumulate函数的功能和用法现在让我们来详细讨论vector accumulate函数的功能和用法。
accumulate函数的定义vector accumulate函数是C ++标准库中的一个函数模板,用于对vector或其他容器中的元素进行累积计算。
下面是一个简单示例:```matlab% 定义模拟参数N = 1000; % 模拟路径的步数T = 1; % 模拟的时间长度dt = T / N; % 时间步长S0 = 100; % 初始股价mu = 0.05; % 平均收益率sigma = 0.2; % 波动率% 生成随机数路径paths = zeros(N+1, 1);paths(1) = S0;for i = 1:Npaths(i+1) = paths(i) * exp((mu - sigma^2/2)*dt + sigma*sqrt(dt)*randn);end% 绘制路径图t = linspace(0, T, N+1);plot(t, paths);title('蒙特卡洛模拟路径');xlabel('时间');ylabel('股价');```在上述示例中,我们定义了模拟路径的步数`N`、模拟的时间长度`T`、时间步长`dt`、初始股价`S0`、平均收益率`mu`和波动率`sigma`。
使用python计算马哈顿距离切比雪夫距离欧式距离夹角余弦马哈顿距离(Manhattan Distance)是计算两个点在正交坐标系上的绝对距离之和。
切比雪夫距离(Chebyshev Distance)是计算两个点在各个维度上的最大差值。
欧式距离(Euclidean Distance)是计算两个点的直线距离。
夹角余弦(Cosine Similarity)是计算两个向量之间的夹角的余弦值。
下面是使用Python计算马哈顿距离、切比雪夫距离、欧式距离和夹角余弦的示例代码:首先,我们来实现计算马哈顿距离的函数:```pythondef manhattan_distance(point1, point2):if len(point1) != len(point2):raise ValueError("The dimensions of the two points are not the same.")distance = 0for i in range(len(point1)):distance += abs(point1[i] - point2[i])return distance```接下来,我们来实现计算切比雪夫距离的函数:```pythondef chebyshev_distance(point1, point2):if len(point1) != len(point2):raise ValueError("The dimensions of the two points are not the same.")distance = 0for i in range(len(point1)):distance = max(distance, abs(point1[i] - point2[i]))return distance```然后,我们来实现计算欧式距离的函数:```pythonimport mathdef euclidean_distance(point1, point2):if len(point1) != len(point2):raise ValueError("The dimensions of the two points are not the same.")distance = 0for i in range(len(point1)):distance += (point1[i] - point2[i]) ** 2distance = math.sqrt(distance)return distance```最后,我们来实现计算夹角余弦的函数:```pythonimport numpy as npdef cosine_similarity(vector1, vector2):dot_product =, vector2)norm1 = np.linalg.norm(vector1)norm2 = np.linalg.norm(vector2)similarity = dot_product / (norm1 * norm2)return similarity```现在,我们可以测试这些函数了:```pythonpoint1 = [1, 2, 3]point2 = [4, 5, 6]print("Manhattan Distance:", manhattan_distance(point1, point2))print("Chebyshev Distance:", chebyshev_distance(point1, point2))print("Euclidean Distance:", euclidean_distance(point1, point2))print("Cosine Similarity:", cosine_similarity(point1,point2))```以上代码将输出两点之间的马哈顿距离、切比雪夫距离、欧式距离和夹角余弦值。
迪杰斯特拉算法和距离向量算法迪杰斯特拉算法和距离向量算法1. 概述迪杰斯特拉算法和距离向量算法是图论中常见的两种最短路径算法。
2. 迪杰斯特拉算法迪杰斯特拉算法,又称单源最短路径算法,是用于计算一个节点到其他所有节点的最短路径的算法。
3. 距离向量算法距离向量算法,又称分布式最短路径算法,是一种在计算机网络中常用的路由算法。
在实际应用中,距离向量算法常用于动态路由协议中,如RIP (Routing Information Protocol)。
4. 深度和广度的比较从深度和广度的角度来比较迪杰斯特拉算法和距离向量算法,可以发现它们各有特点。
5. 个人观点和总结从个人观点来看,迪杰斯特拉算法和距离向量算法各有其独特的优势和局限性。
matlab 牛顿法 多维无约束最优化
matlab 牛顿法多维无约束最优化在MATLAB中,你可以使用内置的优化工具箱函数来使用牛顿法进行多维无约束最优化。
MATLABfunction [x,fval,exitflag,output] = multidimensional_unconstrained_optimization()
% 定义目标函数
fun = @(x) x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 4*cos(x(1)) - 2*cos(x(2));
% 定义初始点
x0 = [0.5,0.5];
% 调用fminunc函数
options = optimoptions('fminunc','Algorithm','quasi-newton');
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fminunc(fun,x0,options);
距离矢量路由算法 题目
距离矢量路由算法题目Distance-vector routing algorithm is a type of routing algorithm used in computer networks to determine the best path for data packets to traverse from one node to another. It operates by calculating the distance or cost to reach all possible destinations and updating this information periodically. The most common distance-vector routing algorithm is the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), which uses hop counts to determine the shortest path.距离矢量路由算法是计算机网络中用于确定数据包从一个节点到另一个节点的最佳路径的一种路由算法。
One of the drawbacks of distance-vector routing algorithms is the slow convergence time. When a network change occurs, such as a link going down or a new link being added, it takes time for the routing tables to update and converge on the new optimal paths. This delay can result in suboptimal routing decisions and increased latency in data transmission.距离矢量路由算法的一个缺点是收敛时间较慢。
matlab 多维马氏距离
matlab 多维马氏距离马氏距离是一种距离度量方法,与欧几里得距离不同的是,它考虑了数据的协方差矩阵。
1. 定义数据矩阵和类别向量在MATLAB中,通常我们使用矩阵表示数据集,其中每一行代表一个样本,每一列代表一个维度。
例如,我们可以使用以下代码生成一个3维数据集和类别向量:% 生成3维数据集data = rand(50,3);% 生成类别向量,其中0表示第一类,1表示第二类label = [zeros(25,1);ones(25,1)];2. 计算类别均值马氏距离的计算需要用到类别均值和协方差矩阵。
例如,我们可以使用以下代码计算第一类和第二类的均值:% 计算第一类和第二类的均值mu_1 = mean(data(label==0,:));mu_2 = mean(data(label==1,:));3. 计算协方差矩阵计算协方差矩阵是马氏距离计算的另一个重要步骤。
在MATLAB 中,我们可以使用cov函数计算协方差矩阵。
例如,我们可以使用以下代码计算数据集的协方差矩阵:% 计算数据集的协方差矩阵cov_mat = cov(data);4. 计算马氏距离有了类别均值和协方差矩阵后,我们就可以使用mahal函数计算多维马氏距离了。
例如,我们可以使用以下代码计算第一类和第二类样本与其所属类别的马氏距离:% 计算第一类和第二类样本与其对应类别的马氏距离dist_1 = mahal(data(label==0,:),data(label==0,:));dist_2 = mahal(data(label==1,:),data(label==1,:));5. 可视化结果最后,我们可以使用MATLAB自带的scatter函数来可视化结果。
matlab 计算点云切向矢量
matlab 计算点云切向矢量
4.MATLAB 中计算点云切向矢量的实现
本文将介绍如何使用 MATLAB 计算点云的切向矢量。
在 MATLAB 中,点云数据可以表示为一个矩阵,其中每一行表示一个点的三维坐标。
4.MATLAB 中计算点云切向矢量的实现
在 MATLAB 中,可以利用点云数据的三维坐标计算表面法向量,然后
通过 MATLAB 计算点云切向矢量,可以有效地描述点云数据的局部结构和拓扑特征。
在MATLAB中,有丰富的深度学习工具箱可供选择,包括Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)、Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)等。
四、示例1. 计算欧几里得距离```matlabA = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];B = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 10 11 12];d = distance(A,B);```输出结果为:```matlabd =0.0000 0.0000 13.9284 0.0000 0.0000 13.9284 2.8284 2.8284 3.4641 ```2. 计算曼哈顿距离```matlabA = [1 2;3 -1];B = [-2 -3;-1 -2];d = distance(A,B,'cityblock'); ```输出结果为:```matlabd =9 85 6```3. 计算切比雪夫距离```matlabA = [1,2,3;4,5,6];B = [7,8,9;10,11,12];d = distance(A,B,'chessboard'); ```输出结果为:```matlabd =6 6 66 6 6```4. 计算余弦相似度```matlabA = [1,2];B = [3,-1];d = distance(A,B,'cosine'); ```输出结果为:```matlabd =-0.0408```五、总结distance函数是MATLAB中非常有用的一个函数,它可以计算欧几里得距离、曼哈顿距离、切比雪夫距离和余弦相似度等。
点云聚类 马氏距离
点云聚类与马氏距离1. 引言点云聚类是计算机视觉和机器学习领域中的一个重要任务,它旨在将大规模的点云数据集划分为若干个具有相似特征的子集。
2. 点云聚类2.1 点云表示在进行点云聚类之前,首先需要对点云进行合适的表示。
2.2 点云聚类算法目前,有许多不同的算法可用于进行点云聚类,其中一些常用的算法包括K-means、DBSCAN和Mean Shift等。
3. 马氏距离3.1 距离度量在机器学习和模式识别领域,距离度量是一项重要的任务。
3.2 马氏距离计算给定两个向量x和y,它们分别表示两个点在特征空间中的位置。
马氏距离可以通过以下公式计算:d(x,y)=√(x−y)T C−1(x−y)其中,C是协方差矩阵。
3.3 马氏距离在点云聚类中的应用在点云聚类中,可以使用马氏距离来度量点之间的相似性。
4. 基于马氏距离的点云聚类算法基于马氏距离的点云聚类算法可以分为以下几个步骤:4.1 数据预处理首先,需要对原始的点云数据进行预处理。
三维路径优化算法matlab英文回答:Three-dimensional path optimization algorithms are used to find the most efficient and optimal paths in a three-dimensional space. These algorithms are commonly used in various fields such as robotics, computer graphics, and computer-aided design.One popular algorithm used for three-dimensional path optimization is the A (A-star) algorithm. This algorithm is a heuristic search algorithm that finds the shortest path between two points in a graph. It uses a combination of the actual cost to reach a node and an estimated cost to reach the goal to determine the most promising path.To explain the A algorithm, let's consider an example of finding the shortest path between two points in a three-dimensional grid. Imagine you are a robot trying to navigate through a maze-like environment with obstacles.Your goal is to reach a specific destination point while avoiding obstacles.In this scenario, the A algorithm would work by exploring the neighboring nodes of the current position and calculating the cost to reach each neighboring node. The cost is determined by adding the actual cost to reach the neighboring node from the starting point and an estimated cost to reach the goal from the neighboring node. The estimated cost is usually calculated using heuristics such as the Euclidean distance or the Manhattan distance.The algorithm then selects the neighboring node with the lowest total cost and continues the process until the goal is reached. By considering both the actual cost and the estimated cost, the A algorithm can efficiently find the optimal path while avoiding unnecessary exploration of the search space.Another example of a three-dimensional path optimization algorithm is the D (D-star) algorithm. This algorithm is often used in dynamic environments where theobstacles or the cost of traversing the space can change over time. The D algorithm continuously updates the path as new information becomes available, allowing the robot or agent to adapt to changes in the environment.For instance, imagine you are a drone navigatingthrough a three-dimensional space where the wind speed and direction can change. The D algorithm would continuously update the path based on the current wind conditions to ensure the drone takes the most efficient route while accounting for the changing wind patterns.中文回答:三维路径优化算法用于在三维空间中寻找最高效和最优路径。
python 马氏距离剔除异常值
python 马氏距离剔除异常值马氏距离是一种常用的统计方法,用于衡量两个样本之间的相似性或距离。
具体而言,对于一个d维的样本点x,其与均值μ的马氏距离可以表示为:D = sqrt((x - μ)T * S^-1 * (x - μ))其中,S为协方差矩阵的逆矩阵。
在使用马氏距离剔除异常值时,需要注意以下几点:1. 数据的分布假设:马氏距离建立在对数据分布的假设上,通常假设数据服从多元正态分布。
2. 协方差矩阵的估计:计算马氏距离需要协方差矩阵的逆矩阵,而协方差矩阵的估计对结果影响很大。
3. 阈值的选择:阈值的选择需要根据具体问题和需求进行,一般可以通过经验或者交叉验证等方法确定。
例如,如果优化变量是一个n维向量x=(x_1, x_2, ... , x_n),那么可以通过在每个维度上进行随机抽样来生成初始位置。
位置的更新可以通过下式计算得到:x_i(t+1) = x_i(t) + v_i(t+1)其中,x_i(t)为粒子i在时刻t的位置,v_i(t+1)为粒子i在时刻t+1的速度。
速度的更新可以通过下式计算得到:v_i(t+1) = w*v_i(t) + c1*r1*(p_i(t) - x_i(t)) + c2*r2*(p_g(t) -x_i(t))其中,v_i(t)为粒子i在时刻t的速度,w为惯性权重,c1和c2为加速因子,r1和r2为随机因子,p_i(t)为粒子i的个体最优解,p_g(t)为整个粒子群的全局最优解。
vector accumulate函数
vector accumulate函数一、概述vector accumulate函数是STL中的一个算法函数,用于计算容器中元素的累加和。
二、函数原型accumulate(first, last, init)参数说明:first:容器中第一个元素的迭代器。
例如:vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};int init = 0;3.调用accumulate函数调用accumulate函数进行计算,并将结果存储在变量sum中。
例如:int sum = accumulate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), init);四、示例代码下面是一个完整的示例代码,展示了如何使用accumulate函数计算vector容器中元素的累加和:#include <iostream>#include <numeric>#include <vector>using namespace std;int main(){vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};int init = 0;int sum = accumulate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), init);cout << "The sum of elements in vector is: " << sum << endl; return 0;}五、总结vector accumulate函数是STL中的一个算法函数,用于计算容器中元素的累加和。
路由算法距离矢量路由算法的具体实现距离矢量路由算法的原理距离向量路由算法(Bellman-Ford Routing Algorithm),作为距离向量协议的一个算法,如RIP, (RIP 跳最大跳数16)BGP。
程序源代码(c语言)#include ""#include "" n");getch();return;}elseprintf("\n路由表初始:\n");InitData(pfile);fclose(pfile);for (i = 0; i<ROUTNUM; i++){printf("%c||", i + 65);for (j = 0; j < ROUTNUM; j++)if (data[i][j].dis > 0)printf("<%c %d> ", j + 65, data[i][j].dis);printf("\n");} .] : ", 0, ROUTNUM - 1);scanf("%d", &start);printf("输入终点路由节点数字(%d-%d)[0代表A,1代表B...] : ", 0, ROUTNUM - 1); scanf("%d", &end);if (start == end || start < 0 || start > 6 || end < 0 || end > 6){printf("\n输入错误,请按任意键退出\n");getch();return;}else{int cur = start;int total = 0;if (data[start][end].dis < 0){printf("没有路由路径发现!\n");getch();return;}printf("%c->", cur + 65);while (data[cur][end].from >= 0) rom].dis; rom + 65);cur = data[cur][end].from; is;printf("%c\n总的路由距离= %d", end + 65, total);getch();return;}}void InitData(FILE *pfile){char num[10];int i = 0;char c;int m, n;fseek(pfile, 0, 0); 不是文件尾部且m<7循环.{for (n = 0; !feof(pfile) && n < 7; n++){while (!feof(pfile)){c = fgetc(pfile); is = atoi(num);isdata[m][n].from = -1; 题路由权值只能0到9*/ {num[i++] = c;} /*end of else if*/} /*end of while*/} /*end of for (n = 0*/} /*end of for (m = 0*/}void OutputRoutData(){int i, j;printf(" ");for (i = 0; i < ROUTNUM; i++){printf(" %c ", i + 65);}printf("\n");for (i = 0; i < ROUTNUM; i++){printf("%c ", i + 65);for (j = 0; j < ROUTNUM; j++){if (data[i][j].dis < 0) is>=10)printf(" %d", data[i][j].dis);elseprintf(" %d", data[i][j].dis);if (data[i][j].from < 0) rom + 65); is > 0) is < 0) is = data[send][i].dis + data[recv][send].dis; rom = send; is > data[send][i].dis + data[recv][send].dis)is = data[send][i].dis + data[recv][send].dis; rom= send; is > 0)次验证均正确。
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MDV A:A Distance-Vector Multipath RoutingProtocolSrinivas Vutukury,J.J.Garcia-Luna-AcevesAbstract—Routing protocols using the Distributed Bellman-Ford(DBF) algorithm converge very slowly to the correct routes when link costs in-crease,and in the case when a set of link failures results in a network parti-tion,DBF simply fails to converge,a problem which is commonly referred to as the count-to-infinity problem.In this paper,we present thefirst distance vector routing algorithm MDV A that uses a set of loop-free invariants to prevent the count-to-infinity problem.MDV A,in addition,computes mul-tipaths that are loop-free at every instant.In our earlier work we shows how such loop-free multipaths can be used in traffic load-balancing and minimizing delays,which otherwise are impossible to perform in current single-path routing algorithms[15].I.I NTRODUCTIONRouting protocols construct tables at each node that specify for each destination the next-hop to use for data packet forward-ing.It is required that the routing tables computed by them be free of loops when the network is stable.In dynamic environ-ments,a more stringent requirement is that the routing tables be loop-free not only when network is stable but at every instant because,loops even if temporary can rapidly degrade perfor-mance.In our recent work[15],we described a load-balancing routing framework to obtain“near-optimal”delays,a key com-ponent of which is a fast responsive routing protocol that de-termines multiple successor choices for packet forwarding such that the routing graphs implied by the routing tables are free of loops even during network transitions.By load-balancing traffic over these multiple next-hop choices,congestion and delays can be significantly reduced.Our goal in this paper is therefore to develop a distance-vector routing algorithm that is suitable for implementing near-optimal routing as described in[15]. Though routing is a very old problem in computer net-works,most of the solutions to date are unsuitable for load-balancing and implementing the near-optimal framework men-tioned above.The widely deployed routing protocol RIP pro-vides only one next-hop choice for each destination and does not prevent temporary loops from forming.Cisco’s EIGRP[1] ensures instantaneous loop-freedom but can provide only a sin-gle loop-free path to each destination at any given router.The link-state protocol OSPF offers a router multiple choices for packet-forwarding only when those choices offer the minimum distance.When there isfine granularity in link costs metric,as in the case of optimal routing,there is less likelihood that multiple paths with equal distance exist between each source-destination pair,which means the full connectivity of the network is still not used for load-balancing.Also,OSPF and other algorithms based on topology-broadcast(e.g.,[13],[10])incur too much commu-nication overhead when link costs change frequently.Also they This work was supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA)under grants F30602-97-1-0291and N66001-00-1-8942. Srinivas Vutukury is with the Computer Sciences Department and J.J.Garcia-Luna-Aceves is with the Computer Engineering Department at University of California,Santa Cruz, not provide instantaneous loop-freedom which is desirableespecially when on-line link-cost measurement is used. Several routing algorithms based on distance vectors havebeen proposed in the literature([7],[8],[9],[11],[16]to namea few).However,with the exception of DASM[16],all ofthem are single-path algorithms.A few routing algorithms have been proposed that use partial topology information(re-fer[6],[12]and the references therein)to eliminate the mainlimitation of topology-broadcast algorithms;however,these al-gorithms are not loop-free at every instant.Recently,we intro-duced MPDA[15],which is thefirst routing algorithm based on link-state information that construct multipaths to each des-tination that are loop-free at every instant.In this paper,wepresent a new routing algorithm MDV A(Multipath Distance-Vector Algorithm),which is thefirst distance vector algorithmthat uses the loop-free invariants introduced in[15],solves the count-to-infinity problem and computes multipaths to destina-tions.We provide formal proofs for the safety and liveness prop-erties of MDV A,and compare its performance to other routingalgorithms through simulations.The paper is organized as follows.In Section II we discussthe main convergence problem facing a typical distance-vector algorithm and outline a solution that addresses those problems.Section III describes MDV A and Section IV provides the cor-rectness proof for the algorithm.A performance comparisonthrough simulations is provided in Section V.Section VI con-cludes the paper.II.O VERVIEW OF THE A PPROACHA.Problem FormulationA computer network is modelled as a graph,where is set of nodes(routers)and is the set of edges(links).Let be the set of neighbors of node.The problemconsists offinding the successor set at each router for each des-tination,denoted by,so that when router receivesa packet for destination,it can forward it to one of the neigh-bor routers in the successor set.By repeating this processat every router,the packet is expected to reach the destination. If the routing graph,a directed subgraph of,is definedby the directed link set,a packet destined for follows a path in.Two properties determinethe efficiency of the routing graph constructed by the protocol:loop-freedom and connectivity.It is required that be free of loops,at least when the network is stable,because routing loops degrade network performance.In a dynamic environment,it is desirable that be loop-free at every instant,i.e.,if and are parameterized by time,then should be free of loops at any time.Observe that if there is at most one element in each,then is a tree and there is only one path fromTABLE IN OTATIONSet of nodes in the networkNext-hop choices at for destination Distance of node to as known toDistance of node to as reported by to Distance to reported by node to its neighbors Set of neighbors that are waiting for replies Distance of node to inBecause the implied by,is acyclic at every in-stant,the above relations indicate a contradiction.Therefore, circular computation is impossible if the above mentioned con-ditions are enforced.Notice that we intend to propagate the distances along the shortest-multipath which itself is com-puted using the distances.This“bootstrap”approach–comput-ing using diffusing computation along and simultane-ously constructing and maintaining–is central to MDV A. How can we ensure that is always loop-free?To do this we use a new variable,called the feasible distance,which is an‘estimate’of the distance in that is equal to when the network is in stable state,but to prevent loops during periods of network transitions,it is allowed to differ temporar-ily from.Let be the distance of to as notified to by.To ensure loop-freedom at every instant,and must satisfy the Loop-Free Invariant(LFI)conditions intro-duced in[15].The LFI conditions capture all previous loop-free conditions([5],[16])in a unified form that simplifies protocol design.The conditions areLoop-free Invariant Conditions(LFI)[15]:(1)(2) The invariant conditions(1)and(2)state that,for each desti-nation,a node can choose a successor whose distance to,as known to,is less than the distance of node to that is known to its neighbors.Theorem1is reproduced here for convenience. Theorem1:[15]If the LFI conditions are satisfied at any time,then the implied by the successor sets is loop-free.For proof of this theorem the reader is refered to[15].The above theorem suggests that any distributed routing protocol (link-state or distance-vector)attempting tofind loop-free short-est multipaths must compute,and such that the LFI conditions are satisfied,and such that at convergence=minimum distance from to.III.M ULTIPATH D ISTANCE-V ECTOR A LGORITHMIn essence,MDV A uses DBF to compute and therefore ,while always propagating distances along the to pre-vent count-to-infinity problem and ensure termination.Each node maintains a main table that stores,the successor set ,the feasible distance,the reported distance,and ,which is the shortest distance possible through the succes-sor set.The table also stores,the set of waiting neighbors in a diffusing computation.Each node also maintains a neighbor table for each neighbor that contains the dis-tance of neighbor to as communicated by.The link table stores the cost of adjacent link to each neighbor.At startup time,a node initializes all distances in its tables to infinity and all sets to null.If a link is down its cost is considered infinity.The distance to unreachable nodes are considered to be infinity. Nodes executing MDV A exchange information using mes-sages which can have one or more entries.An entry or distancevector is of the form[,,],where is the distance of the node sending the message to destination and the type is one of QUERY,UPDATE and REPLY.We assume that messages trans-mitted over an operational link are received without errors andin the proper sequence and are processed in the order received. Nodes invoke the procedure shown in Figure1to process distance vectors.An event is the arrival of a message,the change in cost of an adjacent link,or a change in status(up/down)of an adjacent link.When an ad-jacent link becomes available,the node sends an update mes-sage[UPDATE,,]for each destination over the link. When an adjacent link fails,the neighbor table asso-ciated with neighbor is cleared and the cost of the link is set to infinity,after which,for each destination the procedureis invoked.Similarly, when an adjacent link cost to changes,is set to the new cost and(UPDATE,,,)is invoked for each destination.When a message is received from neigh-bor,is invoked for each en-try of the message.Computing distances to each destination can be performed in-dependently.Hence,in the rest of the description,the working of the algorithm is described with respect to a particular destina-tion.A node can be in ACTIVE or PASSIVE state with respect to a destination and is represented by variable.A node is in ACTIVE state when it is engaged in a diffusing computation and waiting for replies from neighbors.Initially,we assume that all nodes are in PASSIVE state.As long as link cost decrease, MDV A works identically to DBF and the nodes will remain in PASSIVE state.This is because the condition on line9always fails and lines17-24are always in such a way that when in PASSIVE state,the conditionalways holds, which can be infered from lines8and23.However,if the dis-tance to a destination increases,either because an adjacent link cost changed or a message is received from a neighbor,the con-dition on line9succeeds and the node engages in a diffusing computation.A diffusing computation is initiated by sending query messages to all the neighbors with the best distance through,and waiting for the neighbors to reply(lines14-15). If the increase in distance is due to a query from a successor, the neighbor is added to to indicate that it is waiting for a reply so that a reply can be given when the node transits to PAS-SIVE state(lines11-12).When all replies are received,the node can be sure that the neighbors have incorporated the distances that the node reported,and is safe to transit to PASSIVE state. At this point,can be increased and new neighbors can be added to without violating the LFI conditions.When in ACTIVE state,if a query message is received froma neighbor not in,a reply is given immediately.On the other hand,if the query is from a neighbor in,a test is made to verify if increased beyond the previously the type,is the neighbor,is the distance,is the destination02.begin03.if(then send[REPLY,j,0]to;endif04.;05.;06.;07.if then08.;09.if then10.;11.if then12.;13.endif14.;15.,send[QUERY,,]to neighbor;16.else17.;18.foreach do19.if then send[REPLY,,]to;20.else if(send[UPDATE,,]to;21.endif22.done23.;24.;25.endif26.else27.if then28.if then;29.else send[REPLY,,]to;30.endif31.endif32.endif33.;34.endFig.1.Distance vector processing in MDV A.ported distance(line28).If it did not,a reply is sent imme-diately.However,if increased,no reply is given and the query is blocked by adding to.The replies to neigh-bors in are deferred until that time when the node is ready to transit to PASSIVE state.After receiving all replies,one of two things can happen:either the ACTIVE phase ends or it continues.If the distance increased again after receipt of all replies,the ACTIVE phase is extended by sending new set of queries,otherwise the ACTIVE phase ends.In the case the ACTIVE phase continues,no replies are issued to the pending queries in.Otherwise,all replies are given and the node transits to PASSIVE state satisfying the PASSIVE-state invariant.IV.C ORRECTNESS P ROOFSTo prove the correctness of MDV A consider the following two mutually exclusive and exhaustive cases:(1)some link costs change,but the distances to destinations either decrease or re-main unchanged(2)some link costs increase,resulting in an increase in distances to some destinations.MDV A works identi-cal to DBF when distances to destinations only decrease and thesame proof of DBF applies[2].To state this formally,assumethe network is stable up to time and all nodes have the correctdistances.At time,the costs of some links decrease.Since the distances in the tables are such that,within some finite time,,.MDV A and DBF behave differently,when some link costsincrease such that distances between some source-destinationpairs increase.In this case,for some and. Both DBF and MDV Afirst increase to a value greater than ,after which the distances monotonically decrease until they converge to the correct distances.MDV A and DBF,how-ever,differ on how they increase the distances.DBF does it step-by-step in small bounded increments until.How-ever,when,this leads to the count-to-infinity prob-lem.In contrast,MDV A uses diffusing computations to quickly raise so that,after which it functions similar to scenario1described above,and the distances converge to the correct values as before.After the end of all diffusing computa-tions MDV A works just like DBF.In summary,to show that MDV A terminates,it is sufficient to show that:(1)the are loop-free at every instant(Theo-rem2),(2)every diffusing computation completes within afinite time(Theorem3),and(3)there is afinite number of diffusing computations(Theorem5).Finally,we show that MDV A con-verges to correct distances when it terminates in Theorem5. Theorem2:For a given destination,the constructed by MDV A is loop-free at every instant.Proof:The proof is by showing that the LFI conditions are satisfied during every ACTIVE and PASSIVE phase.Let be the time when the transition from PASSIVE to ACTIVE state starts at node for.The proof is by induction on.At node initialization time,all distance variables are initialized to infinite and hence,.Assume the LFI conditions are true up to time.Then(3) At any time,from lines6,8,14and23in the pseudocode in Figure1,and because,if follows that(4) and therefore,for and,we have(5)(6)Let the queries sent at,the start time of the ACTIVE phase, be received at a particular neighbor at.From Eq.(4) and the fact that the update messages sent,if any,betweenand specify non-increasing distances,we have(7) Let be the time when all replies are received and ACTIVE phase ends.During the ACTIVE phase the value of remains unchanged and no new is reported during this period(lines 27-31).Furthermore,during PASSIVE phase,only decreasing values of are reported.Then from Eq.(6)it follows that(8) At,irrespective of whether the node transits to PASSIVE state or continues in the ACTIVE phase,from Eq.(4)we have(9)In the case that the ACTIVE phasefinally ends,we havefor.In the PASSIVE phase, can only remain constant or decrease until the next AC-TIVE phase at.Therefore,the LFI conditions are satisfied in the interval.On the other hand,if the ACTIVE phasecontinues,new queries are sent at time.Assume all replies for these queries are received at time.From similar argument as above,it follows that for.Thus irrespective of how long the ACTIVE phase continues,the invari-ant holds between[,].From induction,therefore,the LFI conditions hold at all times.It then follows from Theorem1that is loop-free at all times.Theorem4:A node can have only afinite number of ACTIVE phases.Proof:Assume towards a contradiction that there is a node that does go through an infinite number of PASSIVE to ACTIVE transitions.An active phase transition occurs either because of a query from a successor or a link-cost increase of an adjacent link.Because link costs can change only afinite number of times,the infinite PASSIVE-ACTIVE phase transitions must have been triggered by an infinite number of queries from a neigh-bor.Let that neighbor be.Now,by the same argument,is sending an infinite number of queries because it is receiving an infinite number of queries.But this argument cannot be contin-ued for ever because there is only afinite number of nodes in the network.Because the reply to the neighbor in the successor set causing the phase transition is blocked and the routing graphsare loop-free at every instant(Theorem2),there must be a node that transits to ACTIVE state only because of adjacent link cost changes.This implies that a link must change its cost infinite number of times—a contradiction of assumption.Therefore,a node cannot have an infinite number of ACTIVE phases.V.P ERFORMANCE A NALYSISThe storage complexity is of,as each of the neighbor tables and the main distance table has a size of entries.The computation complexity is the time taken to process a distance vector and it is easy to see thattakes.The time complexity is278181356171691514131110124Fig.2.Example topologythe time it takes for the network to converge after a set of link-cost changes in the network and the communication complexity is the amount of message overhead required for propagating a set of link-cost changes.In a dynamic environment,the timing and range of link cost changes occur in complex patterns that are often determined by the traffic on the network,because of which obtaining closed form expressions for time and communication complexity is impossible.An approximate analysis that is pro-vided in[8]for the case in which communication is synchronous throughout the network also apply to MDV A.We use simulations to compare the control overhead and con-vergence time of MDV A with that of DBF,MPDA[15]and topology broadcast(TOPB).The main purpose of these simu-lations is to give some qualitative explanation for the behavior of MDV A.The reason for choosing DBF and TOPB is that DBF is based on vectors of distances and does not use diffusing com-putations,while TOPB represents an ideal upper bound on per-formance of the widely used routing protocols OSPF and IS-IS. The reason for choosing MPDA is that it has been shown to be very efficient compared to TOPB,in terms of communica-tion overhead.MDV A achieves loop-freedom through diffusing computations that,in some cases,may span the whole network. In contrast,MPDA uses only neighbor-to-neighborsynchroniza-tion.It is interesting to see how convergence times and control message overheads are effected by the synchronization mecha-nisms.A comparison of several algorithms that does not include MPDA and MDV A is given in[3].Simulations are performed on the topology shown in Fig.(2). The simulator used is an event-driven real-time simulator called CPT.We assume the computation time to be negligible compared to the communication times.The bandwidth and propagation delays of each link are5MB and100s respectively.In back-bone networks,links and nodes are highly reliable and change status much less frequently than link costs which are a function of the traffic on the link.This is particularly true in near-optimal routing of[15],in which the link costs are periodically mea-sured and reported.For this reason,in this paper we focus on comparing the algorithms in scenarios when multiple link-cost changes occur.In each experiment,all links are initially set at unit cost and then each link cost is changed by amounts determined by the We thank Nokia Wireless Routers for allowing us using the C++Protocol Toolkit11. i l l i s e c o n d sLink-cost Increase Factor KComparison of Convergence Times’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.3.Average convergence times.,.2530354045505560657000.511.522.533.54K i l o b y t e sLink-cost Increase Factor: KComparison of Control Message Overhead’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.4.Average message overhead.,.0.911. i l l i s e c o n d sLink-cost Increase Factor: KComparison of Convergence Times’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.5.Average convergence times.,.formula ,where is a uniform random value in [0,1].The parameters of the experiment and are real values while is a positive integer.After setting the new link costs,the convergence times and message overheads are measured for each routing algorithm.For each experiment with specific ,and ,several trials are made using different random values for .The averages and probability distributions obtained for each metric and for each set of trials are compared.Fig.3and Fig.4show the average convergence time and av-erage message load,measured over several trials,when the links costs are increased from initial unit cost to a cost using the for-mulawith and .As can 1015202530354000.511.522.533.54K i l o b y t e sLink-cost Increase Factor: KComparison of Control Message Overhead’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.6.Average message overhead.,. r o b a b i l i t yConvergence Time (ms)Probability Distribution Function’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.7.PDF of convergence times.,,. r o b a b i l i t yMessage overload (Kb)Probability Distribution Function’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.8.PDF of message overhead.,,.be observed in Fig.3the average convergence times are bestfor MDV A.As can be seen in Fig.4,the average message loads are also low and only MPDA has lower message overhead.Fig-ures 5and 6show the averages when link costs decrease.Ob-serve that DBF and MDV A perform identically as can be seen in the figures.Fig.7and Fig.8show the complete distribution for conver-gence times and message overhead for the case.Observe that the distributions are quite uniform com-pared to DBF.When is increase to 5from 1,the convergence times and message overheads of MDV A,as shown in Fig.9and Fig.10,have not changed much,but the performance of DBF00. r o b a b i l i t yConvergence Time (ms)Probability Distribution Function’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.9.PDF of convergence times.,,. r o b a b i l i t yControl Message Overhead (Kb)Probability Distribution Function’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.10.PDF of message overhead.,,. r o b a b i i t yConvergence Time (ms)Probability Distribution Function’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.11.PDF of convergence times.,.has degraded considerably.This is because of the counting-to-infinity problem,which is does not occur in MDV A.Fig.11and Fig.12show the convergence time and mes-sage overhead distribution when link costs decrease (,).(Note that we make sure that link costs do not be-come negative.)Observe that the performance of MDV A and DBF are much the same which is because MDV A essentially functions like DBF when distances to destinations decrease.From these simulations it appears that MDV A is a good choice if low convergence times are desired at the expense of high mes-sage overload while MPDA is preferable if low message over-head is desirable over convergence times. r o b a b i l i t yMessage Overload (Kb)Probability Distribution Function’DBF’’MDVA’’MPDA’’TOPB’Fig.12.PDF of message overhead.,.VI.S UMMARYThis paper presented a new distributed distance-vector rout-ing algorithm,MDV A,which is free from the count-to-infinity problem,provides multiple next-hop choices for each destina-tion,and the routing graphs implied by them are always loop-free.The novelty of the algorithm lies in its design around a set of loop-free invariant conditions which ensures instantaneous loop-freedom and correct termination of the protocol.Formal proofs are presented to show MDV A’s convergence,correctness and loop-freedom.Through simulation we have compared it to some currently used routing protocols.R EFERENCES[1]R.Albrightson,J.J.Garcia-Luna-Aceves,and J.Boyle.EIGRP-A Fast Routing Protocol Based on Distance world/Interop 94,May 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