跨文化交际(UNIT 7)[优质ppt]



目 录
• 文化与跨文化交际概述 • 跨文化交际的核心概念 • 跨文化交际技巧与策略 • 跨文化交际案例分析 • 跨文化交际能力提升 • 跨文化交际复习题及答案解析 • 参考文献及推荐阅读书目
定义:文化是指一个群体在特定时期内 所形成的,具有共同价值观、信仰、知 识、行为准则等特征的集合。
Nishida, M., & Gudykunst, W. B. (2004). Cross-cultural communication and globalization: A reader in the making. Sage Publications.
理解身体姿态、面部表情和眼神交流在跨文化交 际中的意义和作用。
识别和使用沉默、话轮转换、语调和语速等副语 响。
根据目标文化的交际规范和期望调整自己的 行为和反应。
对不同文化的认知和尊重, 是解决文化冲突的关键。
使用目标语言进行准确、流畅 的沟通。
包括肢体语言、面部表情、眼神交 流等。
遵循平等、互利、尊重等原则,实 现跨文化合作。
在跨文化环境中生存、发 展的能力。
不同文化间的相互渗透、 融合,形成新的文化特质。

跨文化交际-Unit 7PPT教学课件

跨文化交际-Unit 7PPT教学课件

Culture notes
Obligation in Western culture: Westerners tend to see a fairly clear line between “official” responsibilities and personal favors, and feel relatively little obligation to repay people who help them in the course of some type of official duty.
How do you think Hal nd his friends felt when the teacher refused?
Why do you think the teacher refused to help with the English club?
Personal explanations Situational explanations Cultural explanations
5. The teacher doesn’t feel she has any obligation to help out Hal and his friends. She thinks that in helping her they were only doing their duty, so she doesn’t owe them anything. (Cultural)
6. The teacher is willing to help some, but afraid that she will end up doing most of the work in running the club, so she is trying to minimize expectations. (Situational/personal)

跨文化交际(UNIT 7)

跨文化交际(UNIT 7)

Chronemics is the study of how people perceive and use time.
The sense of time:
1) Time is linear. Western cultures think time is linear — a flow from the past to the present to the future.
Review of Unit 6
1. What is nonverbal communication?
2. Why is nonverbal behavior significant in intercultural communication?
3. Illustrate some cultural differences in nonverbal communication.
The Brazilian students believed that a person who is consistently late is probably more successful than one who is consistently on time. They seemed to accept the idea that someone of status is expected to arrive late. Lack of punctuality is a badge of success.
Reading I
Read the article “The Heartbeat of Culture” (p229232).
1. What does the author want to tell us from his experience in Brazil and the questionnaire between students in Niteroi and those in Fresno?


Great! OK!
Love !
Victory !
Hand gestures
They vary from culture to culture.
Biggest insult!
Middle East:
Hand gestures:
Most European countries:
1. power; 2. hide; 3. body language 4. body, 5. face 6. voice

Types of Nonverbal Communication

Body movements Space Time Touch Voice Eye contact Physical Appearance
Body movements
What do they mean?
Boss, father, husband No. 1 Well done! Biggest insult!
Middle East: Asshole!
Divers: ok
Great Asshole!
Video Analysis
What does it indicate when one put his hands behind?

a president is under pressure
Video Analysis Who is in charge? What‟s the meaning of patting on the back?

High contact cultures:



euphoria 过度兴奋的情绪
utopia 乌托邦(理想中最完美的地方) ecstasy 狂喜
fantasy 幻想,空想 pervade 蔓延,渗透
scoff at 嘲弄 national 国民
outburst 突发,爆发
expatriate 侨民
snapshot 快照,快拍
Four phases of cultural adaptation
Predeparture Stage Before entering the host cultrue, you feel
excited and face the future with optimism. Stage one: everything is beautiful
Comprehension question
Question 1: What are the terms that can be applied to the
concept of “culture shock”?
Terms that can be applied to theconcept of―culture shock are culture stress, adaptation, transition shock, adjustment, socialization, and so on.
Question 7:
What do you think of the author‟s suggestion of using the native language to compliment people inthe host culture?



The Main Content
Culture Conflict Definition The factors that influence the culture conflict Classifications
Culture Shock
Feelings of Culture Shock
Symptoms of Cultural Shock
Cultural Variations in Conducting Business
Cultural Variations in Selecting Negotiators Cutural Variations in Decision-making
Questions for Discussion
Do you still remember the barriers in intercultural communication ?
The ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is both simple to understand, yet deeply complex. At the heart of this conflict is a basic idea that both sides believe: The Iraelis believe that they are entitled to the land now known as Israel, while the Palestinians believe that they are entitled to the land they call Palestine.
In fact, the report needed thirty days of regular work. So the Greek worked day and night, but at the end of the fifteenth day, he will needed one more day’s work. AB: Where is the report ? (I am making sure he fulfills his contract.) G: It will be ready to tomorrow. AB: But we had agreed it would be ready today. (I must teach him to fulfill a contract.) G: (The stupid boss! Not only did he give me wrong orders, but he does not appreciate that I did a thirty-day job in sixteen days.) The Greek hands in his resignation. The American is surprised. Questions: What are the causes of the conflict between the American and the Greek? Come up with your suggestions to resolve the conflict.



04 在交际过程中,灵活适应对方的 交际方式和文化背景,寻找共同 点与合作的可能性。
在跨文化交际中,首先要采取文 化包容策略,尊重并接纳不同文 化背景的交际对象,以开放、宽
• 引言 • 文化差异与交际障碍 • 跨文化交际策略与技巧 • 跨文化交际实践案例分析 • 跨文化交际自我提升计划
跨文化交际是指不同文化背景的 人在交际过程中,通过语言、符 号等交流工具来传递信息、沟通 思想的过程。
根据评估结果,对自我提升计划进行调整和优化。例如,如果发现某方面的能力 提升较慢,可以增加相关学习资源和实践机会;如果发现目标设定过高或过低, 可以适当调整目标。
旅游时,语言交流障碍可能会给游客带来诸多不便,需要掌握基本的当地语言或英语等通用语言,并借助翻译工具等 解决交流问题。
跨文化交际在旅游服务中的重要性 旅游服务提供者需要掌握跨文化交际技巧,以提供更好的服务和体验,如酒店前台、导游等需要具备良 好的跨文化沟通和理解能力。

跨文化交际实用教程 Unit7 PPT

跨文化交际实用教程 Unit7 PPT

Pro an Indian Negotiator
Looks for and says the truth Is not afraid of speaking up and has no fears Exercises self-control Seeks solutions that will please all the parties involved Respects the other party Neither uses violence nor insults Is ready to change his or her mind and differ with himself or herself at the risk of being seen as inconsistent and unpredictable
– Stressful tactics
Concessions and Agreements – at this point each side will make various concessions so that an agreement can be reached and signed
Understanding Negotiator
Protects all the parties’ honor, self-respect, and dignity Avoids direct confrontation between opponents Is respected and trusted by all Does not put the parties involved in a situation where they have to show weakness or admit defeat Has the necessary prestige to be listened to Is creative enough to come up with honorable solutions for all parties Is impartial and can understand the positions of the various parties without leaning toward one or the other

跨文化交际 business attitude unit 7

跨文化交际 business attitude unit 7

• 1.广告是一种传播工具,是将某一项商品的 信息,由这项商品的生产或经营机构(广 告主)传送给一群用户和消费者; • 2.做广告需要付费; • 3.广告进行的传播活动是带有说服性的; • 4.广告是有目的、有计划,是连续的; • 5.广告不仅对广告主有利,而且对目标对象 也有好处,它可使用户和消费者得到有用 的信息。
• • • • • 1.以营利为目的 2.传播商业信息 3.需要支付广告费用 4. 通过一定的媒介和形式 5.商品面向的对象不同形势上有很大的区别
万宝路(Marlboro) Man Always Remember Love, Because Of Romance Only
知道何时妥协 谈判前确立一个强硬的立场 事先拒绝让步 以诚信为本 尊重对手 了解如何掌控谈判的进程
善于控制时间并保持稳定 论点简明扼要 尽可能清楚地表达立场
寻找并说出真理 无所畏惧 训练自我控制能力
寻求能使各参与方满意的解决方案 既不使用暴力也不进行侮辱 以长远的眼光看待事物 做事留有余地,善于沉默和学习 依赖于自身的资源和力量 谦逊并信任对手
1.毕业后,你打算从商吗?你有过从 商的经历吗? 2.你认为一个成功的商人应该具备怎 样的品质?
• 不同的文化背景不同的生意人 • 谈判风格比较 • 成功的谈判者 • 广告风格与作用
广义上讲 生意 就是以获取利润为目的的商业活动, 例如工厂生产产品、贸易流通物资、批发分流商品、 零售出售商品、服务行业提供服务等。一个生意是否 真正成熟的命门在于其运行起来的“赚钱通道”是否 真的无懈可击。生意之“意”由立,曰和心三个字组 成,解为作为一个生意人,在招待客人时应当以立势同 客人商谈,同时应从客人的角度来思考,体会之心态 来洽谈生意买卖


1. All Americans eat nothing but McDonald’s and KFC. 2. Japanese men are all short and workaholics. 3. The French are romantic and drink wine constantly. 4. Italians are affectionate and eat nothing but pizza and spaghetti (意大利通心粉). 5. Germans are rigorous, strictly⁃disciplined, and arrogant. 6. Russians spend their days and nights guzzling vodka(伏特加酒). 7. All Jews are wealthy, unscrupulous, and smart at business. 8. Every Chinese person knows martial arts.
Lead⁃in Activities
Just Ask
Know Little About Chin
Directions: Read the following letter without using your dictionary. After reading, wook in groups to discuss the following questions.
Sincerely, Marina Questions
1. How do you think Marina felt when the father asked if there were cars in China?



Elements of communication
• Context (location, time, light, temperature, seating arrangements)
• Participants (relationship, gender, culture) • Messages (meanings, symbols, encoding
• Samovar & Porter
Intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.
Channel (message)
deis an effective model of communication?
Interactive Model of Communication
message / channel
• Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart. ---- Confucian saying
• One man’s meat is another man’s poison. ---- English proverb
• Intercultural communication the penetration by a member of one culture into another culture (practical

跨文化交际(UNIT 7)ppt课件

跨文化交际(UNIT 7)ppt课件
Weakness: Life in general is at times unpredictable. Mtime reduces the context and alienate people from themselves and from others.
Reading I
Read the article “The Heartbeat of Culture” (p229232).
concepts of time and punctuality. Brazilians are
likely to attribute lateness for appointments to
unforeseen circumstances that the person couldn’t
control. They seem less inclined to feel personally
Warm Up
What is your sense of time? Go to answer the questions on Group Work (p235-236).
People who choose very different answers to these questions may find it difficult to communicate and get along with one another, for they are very likely to differ in sense of time and how time should be used. Sometimes we may make unfair judgments on other people and their characters simply because their understanding and use of time are different from ours.



Unit Seven Time and Space Across CulturesI.Warm Up1. Please read the story on page 156. What can we learn from the story?2. Go to answer the questions on Group Work (p235-236) and find out your sense of time?Supplement: Additional materialsII.ChronemicsChronemics is the study of how people perceive and use time.(i) The sense of time:1) Time is linear线形. Western cultures think time is linear — aflow from the past to the present to the future.2) Time is cyclical周期的. Life on earth evolved in response to thecycles of day and night and the ebb and flow潮涨潮落of thetides.(ii) Monochronic出现一次and Polychronic Time (p256-257)1. What is M-Time and P-Time? Which do you think is thedominating time system in our culture?1) Monochronic time means paying attention to and doing only onething at a time – events scheduled as separate items.2) Polychronic time means being involved with many things at once.2. What is the philosophy哲学underlying each of the time system?1) P-time stresses involvement of people and completion完成oftransactions事务rather than adherence to遵守present schedules. Appointments are not taken as seriously and, as a consequence, are frequently broken. P-time is treated as less tangible有形地than M-time.Weakness: Matters in a polychromic多彩的culture seem in a constant state 恒定常态of flux. Appointments are frequently broken.2) In M-time system, social and business life is commonly schedule-dominated. By scheduling, we compartmentalize划分; this makes it possible to concentrate on 集中注意one thing at a time, but it also reduces the context. M-time is also tangible. M-time scheduling is used as a classification system that orders life.Weakness: Life in general is at times unpredictable. M-time reduces the context and alienate使疏远people from themselves and from others.(iii) The Heartbeat of Culture (p229-232)1.What does the author want to tell us from his experience in Braziland the questionnaire between students in Niteroi and those in Fresno?In Brazil, people seem to be very flexible in their concepts of time and punctuality. Brazilians are likely to attribute lateness for appointments to unforeseen circumstances 意外情况that the person couldn’t control. They seem less inclined to倾向于feel personallyresponsible for being late. So they express less regret for their own lateness and blame others less when others are late.The Brazilian students believed that a person who is consistently late is probably more successful than one who is consistently on time.They seemed to accept the idea that someone of status is expected to arrive late. Lack of punctuality is a badge标记of success.2.There aren’t unanimous全体一致perceptions of time时间知觉among culturally different people. Even within one country, ideas of time and punctuality vary considerably from place to place.Different regions and even cities have their own distinct rhythms and rules.3.Appreciating cultural differences in time sense becomes increasinglyimportant as modern communications put more and more people in daily contact. If we are to avoid misreading issues that involve time perceptions, we need to understand better our own cultural biases偏见and those of others.※American Concept of Time: (See Case 25)III.Proxemics人际距离学A fascinating area in the nonverbal world of body language is that of spatial relationships空间关系, or proxemics, the study of man's appreciation and use of space. As a species, man is highly territorial but we are rarely aware of it unless our space is somehow violated. Spatialrelationships and territorial boundaries directly influence our daily encounters. Maintaining control over such space is a key factor in personal satisfaction; observing spatial interactions in everyday life is a key to personal awareness.(i)The study of proxemics includes three aspects of space: (a) fixed features of space. (b) semifixed features of space, and (c) personal space(a) fixed features of spaceFixed feature space is characterized by unmovable boundaries, like divisions within an office building. Architecture and spacing of buildings also belong to this aspect of space.For example, a person in the United States can drive on a highway for miles and never see a sign of people or dwellings民居. Therefore, he may be amazed at the closeness of people in China.Intercultural communicators need to realize that cultures have alternative approaches变换方法to space and ways of using it.(b) semifixed 半固定features of spaceSemifixed features of space refer to spatial arrangements of movable objects within a room, such as furniture arrangement and seating.1. furniture arrangement :French space is a reflection of French culture. Everything is centralized集中的, and spatially the entire country is laid outaround centers.In Germany, where privacy is stressed, office furniture is spread throughout the office.In Japan, where group participation is encouraged, many desks are arranged hierarchically分等级的in the center of a large, common room absent of walls.Chinese geomancy,feng shui, is the art of arranging the physical environment to establish harmony with the natural environment to achieve happiness, prosperity, and health.2. seatingIn the United States, they tend to talk with those opposite them rather than those seated or stand beside them.The Chinese often experience uneasiness when they face someone directly or sit on opposite side of a desk or table from someone.(c) personal space or private space (p239-241)1. Behavioral study indicates that individuals perceive a distance that is appropriate for different types of messages; they also establish a comfortable distance for personal interaction and nonverbally define this as their personal space. Research supports the hypothesis 假设that the violation违反侵害of this personal space can have serious adverse effects不利影响on communication. Thus, if an individual is to be mutually 互相satisfied in a communication encounter his/herpersonal space must be respected. Should an intruder侵入者invade 侵略干扰this personal space while also trespassing 擅自进入within territorial boundaries he placed himself in double jeopardy双重负担and must compensate 弥补for the other's increased anxiety.2. The differences among Americans, the India, the Japanese and the ArabIn the United States, Hall reports that psychologists have identified four zones from which U.S. people interact: the intimate zone亲密区, the personal zone, the social zone, and the public zone.The study of spatial territory for the purpose of communication uses four categories for informal space: the intimate distance for embracing or whispering (6-18 inches), the personal distance for conversations among good friends (1.5-4 feet), social distance for conversations among acquaintances (4-12 feet), and public distance used for public speaking (12 feet or more).intimate distance ranging from direct contact to about 45cm, which applies to the closest relationships such as husband and wifepersonal distance ranging from 45 to 80cm, which is usually maintained for conversations between friends & relativessocial distanceranging from 1.3to 2 meters, which covers peoplewho work together or are meeting at social gatheringspublic distance such as that kept between a lecturer and his audienceIn India, there are elaborate rules about how closely members of each caste印度的社会等级may approach other castes.In Japan, the private bubble and the personal space are more a creation of the mind than an actual existence真实存在. The Japanese connect privacy with mental space. In crowds each Japanese becomes an island and he is alone as long as he does not acknowledge any of the other people.In Arab, Arabs of the same sex do stand much closer than North Americans. An Arab entering an elevator may stand right next to another person and be touching even though no one else is in the elevator.(ii) TerritorialityTerritoriality refers to how space can be used to communicate messages. Territorial claims differ from personal space in that the personal zone accompanies the individual while territoriality is relatively stationary固定的. Semi-fixed feature space is often the criteria标准used to establish a territory within any environment; it becomes a man's safety zone where he rests from the rigors严格of defending personal space from invasion, thedramatic or sudden entry into another's personal zone. Humans, like animals, indicate their ownership of this established territory and will consequently defend it against all invasions. Territoriality is established so rapidly that even the second session 会话in a series of lectures讲座is sufficient to find most of the audience returning to their same seats. And if one has been sitting in a particular seat and someone else occupies it, one can notice a fleeting 短暂的irritation.Compare the differences among the cultures of the countries mentioned in “Home in Various Cultures” (p244-247).America: showing visitors around home; people are not allowed to lock doors except the bathroom door; kitchen is the place for negotiation between the mother and the children; the parents’ bedroom is mostly off-limits.Germany: requires a wide area of privacy, formal and regimented; doors are firmly shut between rooms; an entrance hall 门廊to lead visitors into the house without showing specific rooms and spoiling the family’s privacy.Northern European countries: rude if not call in advance; not to expect the tour of the host’s home.France: never drop in unannounced; no tour of the house; guests are usually received in the living room, with the doors to the other rooms closed.Italy: you can drop in anytime without calling first, except for the resting hours of 2:00 to 4:00 pm.Spain: call ahead; normal visiting hours are 4:00 to 6:00 pm.Latin American countries: guests, even dropping in without warning, are greeted warmly, often with hugs and kisses; to communicate in the dining room.The Middle Eastern countries: the layout of the salon;IV.Case Study: Students are required to read the cases given carefully and try to analyse them from the viewpoint of IC.。


• 与美国人在一起,就照美国人的方式、习俗去说话、办事;与中国人在一起, 就按中国人的习俗来做。
• 跨文化交际能力指的是跨文化交际环境中的交际能力,即来自不同文化背景的 人之间进行交际时,具有强烈的跨文化意识,善于识别文化差异和排除文化干 扰并成功地进行交际的能力。是在跨文化交际环境中由语言交际能力、非语言 交际能力、语言规则和交际规则转化能力以及文化适应能力所组成的综合能力。
• 交际双方进行的是实时的口语交际 ,即双方面对面的交谈。 • 交际双方进行的是直接的言语交际。基本上不涉及翻译问题,
而侧重语用规范,通过了解对方文化的价值取向和行为规范 协调双方交际中涉及的文化因素,从而保证交际的有效性。
• 我们的目标不是要将自己的学生培养成外国人,而是将他们培养成沟通中外交 往的桥梁。使他们能够不断转换不同文化的规则和办事方法,帮助桥两头的人 相互适应,成功进行跨越文化的交际。
Most glorious is the sunset.Even the dusk is blessde.
To offer no incense to Buddha when things go well and beseech his help only when in need.
1. 课堂教学与课外交际之间的关系,包括课本语言教学与课外应用指导之间的 关系。
2. 第二语言教学与第二文化教学之间的关系。 3. 培养学生的语言交际能力和培养他们的跨文化交际能力之间的关系。



Time systems (Hall, 1976):
1) Monochronic Time (M-Time) 2) Polychronic Time (P-Time) 美国人类学家霍尔(Edward Hall)在《 超越文化》(Beyond Culture)一书中 首次区分了两种不同的时间观念,即“单向计 时制”(monochronic time)和“多向 计时制”(polychronic time)

Men take up more space than women in their use of gestures, body posture and movements: Legs spread apart when standing Wide use of arms when speaking And legs crossed at the ankles when sitting

1) perceptions of past, present, and future 2) Hall’s monochronic and polychronic classifications
Past-oriented cultures

People regard previous experiences and events as most important. They place a primary emphasis on tradition. They show great respect for parents and the elderly. Country: ________ (P255)
Unit 7
Time and Space Across Cultures
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2) In M-time system, social and business life is commonly schedule-dominated. By scheduling, we compartmentalize; this makes it possible to concentrate on one thing at a time, but it also reduces the context. M-time is also tangible. M-time scheduling is used as a classification system that orders life.
2) Time is cyclical. Life on earth evolved in response to the cycles of day and night and the ebb and flow of the tides.
➢ Monochronic and Polychronic Time (p256-257) 1. What is M-Time and P-Time? Which do you think is
2. What is the philosophy underlying each of the time system?
1) P-time stresses involvement of people and completion of transactions rather than adherence to present schedules. Appointments are not taken as seriously and, as a consequence, are frequently broken. P-time is treated as less tangible than M-time.
Warm Up
➢ What is your sense of time? Go to answer the questions on Group Work (p235-236).
People who choose very different answers to these questions may find it difficult to communicate and get along with one another, for they are very likely to differ in sense of time and how time should be used. Sometimes we may make unfair judgments on other people and their characters simply because their understanding and use of time are different from ours.
1. Whatisnonverbalcommunication? 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.Whyisnonverbalbehaviorsignificantini
nterculturalcommunication? 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.Illustratesomeculturaldifferencesinno
➢ Chronemics is the study of how people perceive and use time.
➢ The sense of time:
1) Time is linear. Western cultures think time is linear — a flow from the past to the present to the future.
the dominating time system in our culture? 1) Monochronic time means paying attention to and
doing only one thing at a time – events scheduled as separate items. 2) 2) Polychronic time means being involved with many things at once.
Intercultural Communication
Unit 7 Time and Space Across
Warm Up
➢Please read the story on page 228. What can weቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱlearn from the story?
The American and his son have discovered that Latin American use of time and space is very different from theirs back in the United States. They felt astounded at first because they had not expected that there would be such great differences in these aspects of life between Latin Americans and North Americans. What they have learned there is not just the Spanish language, but also how time and space is to be used when you interact with people in the new cultural environment.
Weakness: Matters in a polychromic culture seem in a constant state of flux. Appointments are frequently broken.
2. What is the philosophy underlying each of the time system?