TD compensator presentation



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时间: 2006年 06月 28日
TestDirector是Mercury Interactive公司推出的基于WEB的测试管理工具。它能够指导进行测试需求定义、测试计划、测试执行和缺陷跟踪,即整个测试过程的各个阶段。通过整合所有任务到软件测试中,来使整个测试管理工作更有效,并确保客户收到更高质量的产品。



销量提升 1、新商品导入 2、商品力提升 3、营销改革
AS盈利能力 1、服务水平 提升 2、配件销售 OP(收益) MP(边际收益) MMP(材料边际收益)
变动 成本
T d C
实物 成本
递 减
TdC 目标设定 ■ 完成2015年预算则TdC降幅为1.0%,CY15公司TdC活动目标降低率必 达目标为1.5%,挑战目标为1.6%,Super Target为3%。 ■ CCM 高度降成本目标(不含市況、涨工资)
一、Td 指车辆从研发、采购、制造、物流,到最终交付到经销商处所产生的成本。
TdC活动: 指通过各种改善活动,对全部交付成本进行递减。
总交付成本(Total delivered Cost) 研发 采购 部品物流 生产 整车物流
现在目标 Super Target 必达 采购分会 2.0% 挑战 2.1% 4.5%
开发费 检查/保险 制造经费(燃料/动力) 制造经费(变动) 直接劳务费 整车物流 调达物流 工厂内物流 辅助材料 原材料 KD部品 国产购入品


ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing电时分复用
BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器
BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑管理系统
BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 基本速率的综合业务数字网
BS:Base Station基站
BSC:Base Station Controller基站控制器
CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口
CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统
CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址
CF:Core Function 核心功能
CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁
AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈
AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应
AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制
AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组
AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号
DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用
DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接
E:Emergency lighting照明设备
E:Equalizer 均衡器
E:Expander 扩展器


1、软件简介 博士德销售软件是一款集销售、客退、客户、账款、成本分析、统计为一
体的综合管理软件,操作简单,界面清晰。在汽配行业进、销、存管理中很受 欢迎。 2、使用目的
我公司使用博士德销售软件的目的是:用先进的计算机管理模式管理客户 信息、提高发货效率、准确管理产品出入库、详细记录产品销售明细、简单方 便查询与顾客有关的信息、降低各作业环节劳动强度。 3、使用范围
1 / 15
编号。 5)CTT2508B-CZHJ-01: C—代表 CTA 品牌;T—代表配套产品;T—代表特殊要
求;2508B-CZHJ-01 代表特殊产品型号。每一个顾客特殊要求产品将对应形 成一个唯一的产品型号。 6)STT2512B: S—代表 SEC 品牌;T—代表配套产品;T—代表特殊要求;2512B 代表特殊产品型号。每一个顾客特殊要求产品将对应形成一个唯一的产品 型号。 7) CTZ229: C—代表 CTA 品牌;T—代表配套产品;Z—代表整理产品;229 代 表产品目录上的产品编号。
ZFHY-02 代表公司的北京营销部。 4.4.2 客户编码:
CJBCYB:代表 CTA 品牌,J-代表配件产品的代理商,B-代表北京营销部; C-代表客户名称姓氏的首字母,YB-代表客户名的首字母。(即:陈玉彪) 其它客户类别的客户编码依次类推。 4.5 供应商信息: 1)XCSC:XC 代表星辰厂,SC 代表生产部。 2)XCJG:XC 代表星辰厂,JG 代表成品再次加工。 3)XCDZ: XC 代表星辰厂,DZ 代表配件与配套产品内部调转。 5、操作流程简介 1)产品销售 接到顾客订单后,首先由销售部业务员填写《订货计划》,填写完整后交成 品库工作人员查货;成品库工作人员按订货计划记录的产品型号、数量、 特殊要求在博士德软件中查询库存状况,将查询结果填写在订货计划中(软 件使用初期要验证库存数量是否与软件记录的数量一致),同时将库存有货 部分在博士德软件中从成品库调拨到待发库,库存没有的型号转交物控计 划部安排生产。待生产完成后将产品先入到成品库,再从成品库调拨到待 发库,产品生产过程控制及信息传递与原流程相同;前台业务员接到订单 需求产品完成入库信息后正式开具销售清单,销售清单应从待发库出货。


2011年2月9日 版本号: DB_GP21_cn V1.1
Published by acam-messelectronic gmbh © acam-messelectronic gmbh 2011
Disclaimer / Notes
For technical support you can contact the acam support team in the headquarter in Germany or the Distributor in your country. The contact details of acam in Germany are: or by phone +49-7244-74190.
2.1 电气特性
Vcc vs. GND
Vio vs. GND
存储温度 (Tstg)
ESD 评估 (HBM), 每个管脚
最大结温 (Tj)
- 0.3 到 4.0 V - 0.3 到 4.0 V - 0.5 到 Vcc + 0.5 V
- 55 到 150 °C > 2 kV
Min. Typ. Max.
3.5 ns
2.4 µs
500 ns
4 ms
< 0.1
< 0.8

TDI标准和程序第二部分:潜水员标准版本:0124页码37 257说明书

TDI标准和程序第二部分:潜水员标准版本:0124页码37 257说明书

8. Decompression Procedures Diver8.1 IntroductionThis course examines the theory, methods, and procedures of planned stage decompression diving. This program is designed as a stand-alone course, or it may be taught in conjunction with TDI Advanced Nitrox, Advanced Wreck, or Full Cave Course. The objective of this course is to train divers how to plan and conduct a standard staged decompression dive not exceeding a maximum depth of 45 Metres/150 Feet. The most common equipment requirements, equipment set-up and decompression techniques are presented. Students are permitted to utilize enriched air nitrox (EAN) mixes or oxygen for decompression provided the gas mix is within their current certification level.8.2 Qualifications of GraduatesUpon successful completion of this course, graduates may engage in decompression diving activities without direct supervision provided:1.The diving activities approximate those of training.2.The areas of activities approximate those of training.3.Environmental conditions approximate those of training.Upon successful completion of this course, graduates are qualified to enroll in:1.TDI Advanced Nitrox Course.2.TDI Extended Range Course.3.TDI Advanced Wreck Course.4.TDI Trimix Course.8.3 Who May TeachAny active TDI Decompression Procedures Instructor may teach this course.8.4 Student to Instructor RatioAcademic:1.Unlimited, so long as adequate facility, supplies and time are provided to ensurecomprehensive and complete training of subject matter.Confined Water (swimming pool-like conditions):1.N/A.Open Water (ocean, lake, quarry, spring, river, or estuary):1. A maximum of 4 students per instructor; it is the instructor’s discretion to reduce thisnumber as conditions dictate.8.5 Student Prerequisites1.Minimum age 18.2.Minimum certification of SDI Advanced Adventure Diver, Advanced Diver, or equivalent.3.Provide proof of 25 logged open water dives.8.6 Course Structure and DurationOpen Water Execution:1.Four dives are required, 2 of those dives must be deeper than 30 Metres/100 Feet.2.If Advanced Nitrox is taught in conjunction with decompression procedures* only a totalof 6 dives are required.3.Only 2 dives from either the Advanced Wreck diver or the Helitrox Diver course may becredited toward the total dives required.Course Structure:1.TDI allows instructors to structure courses according to the number of studentsparticipating and their skill level.Duration:1.The minimum number of classroom and briefing hours is 6.* A 3-way combination of TDI Intro to Tech or TDI Sidemount, Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures is permitted with a minimum of 8 dives required. The prerequisites for advanced nitrox and decompression procedures diver must be met for this combination before starting the program.8.7 Administrative RequirementsAdministrative Tasks:1.Collect the course fees from all the students.2.Ensure that the students have the required equipment.municate the schedule to the students.4.Have the students complete the:a.TDI Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk Form.b.TDI Medical Statement Form.Upon successful completion of the course the instructor must:1.Issue the appropriate TDI certification by submitting the TDI Diver Registration Form toTDI Headquarters or registering the students online through member’s area of the TDI website.8.8 Training MaterialRequired Material:1.TDI Decompression Procedures Student Manual or eLearning course.Optional Material:1.TDI Decompression Procedures PowerPoint Presentation.2.TDI Deco Procedures Cue Cards.3.TDI Deco Procedures Evaluation Slate.8.9 Required EquipmentThe following equipment is required for each student:1.Primary cylinder(s), cylinder volume appropriate for planned dive and student gasconsumption.Note: Independent and isolated back-mounted doubles are allowed to be used.1.Decompression mix cylinder(s):a.Cylinder volume appropriate for the planned dive and student gas consumptionwith submersible pressure gauge.beled in accordance with local practices and/or regulations.2.Depth gauge and automatic bottom timer and/or dive computer.3.Each cylinder shall be equipped with a first and second stage regulator.4.Submersible pressure gauges are required on all primary cylinders.5.Buoyancy compensator device(s) (BCD) adequate for equipment configuration.6.Line cutting device.7.Jon-line and other rigging lines as dictated by site conditions.8.Ascent reel with lift bag /surface marker buoy:9.Adequate for maximum planned depth.10.Adequate lift and size for the dive environment.11.Oxygen (O₂) analyzer; may be supplied by the instructor.12.Exposure suit adequate for the open water environment.13.Underwater slate.8.10 Required Subject AreasThe TDI Decompression Procedures Manual or eLearning is mandatory for use during this course, but instructors may use any additional text or materials that they feel help present these topics.The following topics must be covered during this course:1.Overview of Decompression Safety Stops Compared to Required Stops.2.Physics:a.Pressure review.3.Physiology:a.Mechanics of bubble formation.b.Advantages of hyperoxic mixes for decompression.c.Nitrogen absorption and elimination.d.Carbon dioxide toxicity.e.Ascent/Descent rates.f.Hyperthermia.g.Hypothermia.h.Psychological aspects:i.Task loading.ii.Stress.iii.Panic.iv.Time management.v.Equipment.4.Decompression Options:a.Air.b.Nitrox.c.Oxygen.5.Equipment Considerations:a.Twin cylinder or single cylinder option, valve options.b.Stage cylinder options.c.Regulator options.d.Harness/BCD options.puter, depth gauge, bottom timer optionsf.Ascent and navigation reels.g.Lift bags/surface marker buoys for drifting or free decompression.h.Jon-line or Garvin clips.i.Proper weighting and buoyancy control during dive phase and decompression.6.Dive Tables vs. Computers:a.Introduction and review of different models (Bühlmann, DCIEM, US Navy, etc).b.Proper use of electronic multi-level dive computers for dive planning anddecompression:i.Mix adjustable.ii.Oxygen (O₂) integrated.7.Dive Planning:a.Standard operation:i.Gas requirements.ii.Oxygen limitationsiii.Nitrogen limitations.b.Emergency planning:i.Omitted decompression.ii.Decompression sicknessiii.Equipment failure.8.Procedures:a.Primary and decompression gas:i.Normal operations.ii.Failure, loss or inadequate emergency procedures.iii.Analysis and logging.iv.Safeguards on decompression supply regulators.v.Rigging and deployment of decompression equipmentb.Descent:i.Methods of entry, down lines or free decent,anization of equipment carried on diver.c.Ascent:i.Variable rates.ii.Trim and compensation.d.Fixed or Drifting Decompression Methods:i.Up-lines fixed to bottom.ii.Reels and lift bags/surface marker buoys.iii.Free drifting stages or boat supplied.iv.Self-contained versus surface supply/rendezvous gas cylinders.e.Support:i.From shore.ii.From descent line or fixed platform.iii.From live-aboard boat.8.11 Required Skill Performance and Graduation Requirements The following open water skills must be completed by the student during open water dives:1.Skills review from previous TDI skills requirements.Land Drills:1.Selection and preparation of equipment suitable for soft overhead environment.2.Conduct team-oriented drills, buddy checks, for lift bag deployment.3.Conduct team-oriented drills, buddy checks, for gas switching procedures.4.Gas matching among buddy team.5.Demonstrate familiarity with basic hand signals.6.Demonstrate adequate pre-dive planning:a.Limits based on personal and team gas consumption.b.Exact dive and decompression profile.Pre-dive Drills:e START* before every dive.2.Stress analysis and mitigation.* START is S-drill (OOA drill and Bubble Check), Team (buddy equipment checks), Air (gas matching), Route (entry/exit and planned path underwater), Tables (depth, duration, waypoints, and schedule).In-water Drills:1.Demonstrate buoyancy control; ability to hover at fixed position in water columnwithout moving hands or Feet.2.Show good awareness of buddy and other team members through communications,proximity, and team-oriented dive practices.3.Demonstrate comfort swimming on surface and at depth carrying single decompressionstage cylinder.4.Demonstrate ability to drop and retrieve single decompression cylinder whilemaintaining position in the water column.5.Demonstrate ability to deploy a lift bag solo and as member of team.6.Demonstrate controlled/staged ascent on lift bag/emergency ascent line (lost ascentline).7.Remove and replace mask (deploy backup mask).8.Demonstrate appropriate reaction to gas hemorrhage from manifold or first stage, SPGand primary regulator.9.React to BCD inflator malfunction; disconnect LP hose, dump gas and orally inflateBCD/Wing to neutral buoyancy.10.Demonstrate ability to confirm gas switch(es) at depth with buddy/team members.11.Buddy breathing decompression gas for at least 1 minute.12.Demonstrate appropriate reaction to simulated free-flowing decompression regulator.13.Demonstrate appropriate modifications to deco schedule in decompression emergency(over time, over depth) (to be simulated).14.Demonstrate tired diver tow at depth and on surface, 30 Metres/100 Feet lateral each.plete a horizontal breath hold swim at depth for 15 Metres/45 Feet.16.Properly execute the planned dive within all pre-determined limits.a.Assembly of diver carried equipment:b.Proper descent/ascent rates.c.Proper staged stop procedures.d.Monitoring of decompression status equipment; tables, computers, equipment.17.Contingency situations and problem solving, as appropriate by instructor:a.Omitted decompression.b.Extended bottom time profiles with increased decompression and recalculatedschedules.c.Failure to deploy lift bag and reel.d.Missed up-line or missed boat anchor.e.Loss of decompression gas.18.A safety stop of at least 3 minutes shall be conducted on all no- decompression divesand proper staged decompression stops whenever and wherever mandated.19.Demonstrate (simulated) emergency gas sharing at a stationary depth not to exceed 30Metres/100 Feet.20.Demonstrate emergency deployment of a backup regulator or bail-out scuba systemcontaining bottom mix at a depth not exceeding 30 Metres/100 Feet.21.Demonstrate the proper deployment, management and use of the bottom mix,decompression mix and travel mix, if used, including but not limited to:a.Conservative gas management.b.Depth control to avoid descending too deep for mix.c.Show appropriate and timely responses to instruction/signals from the instructorand demonstrate buoyancy control and awareness throughout the dive.In order to complete this course, students must:1.Satisfactorily complete the TDI Decompression Procedures Course written examination.plete all open water requirements safely and efficiently.3.Demonstrate mature, sound judgment concerning dive planning and execution.。





Best Mode最佳实施例:最佳实施例是发明人在申请专利当时,认为可以实施发明最好的方式,美国专利法中要求说明书中必须要记载最佳实施例。

Certificate of Correction订正书:订正书是美国专利局用来订正专利中拼字或打字错误的文件。

Continuation Application延续案:延续案为较早的申请案(称为母案)还在审查期间所提出的申请,并使用母案申请日来作为优先权日,可以说是母案的延续。


Continuation-in-part (CIP) Application部分延续案:部分延续案为较早的申请案(称为母案)还在审查期间所提出的申请。



Continued Prosecution Application (CPA)延续审查案:延续审查案通常会在申请人收到最终核驳后的六个月内提出。




Defensive Patent防御专利:有的人申请专利的目的并不在于主动攻击竞争对手,而是希望将来被控告专利侵权时,可以利用这些专利保护自己并予以反击。






technical specification 技术规范high voltage direct current 高压直流high voltage direct current substation 高压直流换流站audible noise 可听噪声foreword 前言scope 范围normative reference 引用标准sound radiation 声辐射acoustic fields 声场directivity of sound radiation 声辐射的方向性background noise 背景噪声topography 地形meteorological conditions 气象条件noise level 噪声级noise level limits 噪声限值land-use classificationstime duration 持续时间noise performance limits 噪声性能限值sound pressure level 声压级A-weighted sound pressure levels A计权声压级sound emitting sources 声辐射源noise source 声源converter transformer 换流变压器power transformer 交流电源变压器transformer winding noise 变压器绕组噪声reactor 电抗器mechanism of sound generation 声音产生机制AC filter reactors 交流滤波电抗器smoothing reactors 平波电抗器self-tuned filter reactors 自调谐滤波电抗器capacitor 电容器cooling fan 冷却风机switching device 开关设备synchronous compensator 同步补偿器diesel generators 柴油发电机air conditioning plant 空气调节装置cooling circuit pump 冷却循环泵converter valve 换流阀air compressor 空气压缩机corona source 电晕源sound reduction measure 降噪措施substation layout 变电站布局tanked reactor 箱式电抗器air-cored reactor 空心电抗器enclosure 机壳damping 阻尼active noise 有源噪声vibration mitigation 振动缓解operation condition 运行条件normal operation condition 正常运行条件exceptional operation condition 异常运行条件sound level prediction 声级预测transmission path 传播路径calculation procedure 计算过程sequence of calculation 计算顺序attention term 衰减项result presentation 结果描述sound power 声功率级component sound power 组件声功率级force spectrum 力谱transfer function calculationsound pressure measurement 声压测量correction for background noise 背景噪声修正sound intensity 声强sound intensity measurement 声强测量key components 主要组件verification of key components 主要组件的检验acoustic environment 声学环境noise regulation 噪声控制point source 点声源spherical spreading 球体传播hemispherical spreading 半球传播quarter-spherical spreading 四分之一球体传播sound refraction 声音折射wind gradient 风梯度dry-type air-core reactor 干式空心电抗器magnetic field 磁场reactor winding 电抗器绕组symmetrical breathing mode 对称呼吸模式flexural mode 弯曲模式axial constraint 轴向约束spectrum of current 电流频谱electrostatic force 静电力converter harmonic 换流器谐波AC network harmonic 交流网络谐波equivalent source 等效声源geometrical parameter 几何参数reflecting obstacle 反射障碍物mirror source 镜面声源vibration velocity 振速resonance frequency 共振频率octave band 倍频程outdoor audible noise 户外可听噪声prospective contractor 前瞻性承包商HVDC project 高压直流输电项目flexible AC transmission system 柔性交流输电系统static Var compensator 静止型无功功率补偿装置static synchronous compensators 静止同步补偿器dated reference 标有日期的引用标准undated reference 未标日期的引用标准latest edition 最新版本sound level meter 声级计pattern evaluation test 模式评价试验preferred frequency 优选频率basic standard 基本标准reverberant field 混响声场test room 测试室reflecting plane 反射平面engineering method 工程方法precision method 精确方法anechoic and hemi-anechoic room 消声室和半消声室measurement surface 测量表面enveloping measurement surface 封闭测量表面multisource industrial plant 多源工业设备discrete point 离散点pressure variation 压力变化elastic medium 弹性介质sound wave 声波static pressure 静态声压r.m.s 有效值reference sound pressure 基准声压threshold of audibility 听觉阈average sound pressure level 平均声压级total sound pressure level 总声压级constant density 恒定密度speed of sound 声速normal sound intensity 法向声强sound intensity level 声强级reference sound intensity 基准声强normal sound intensity level 法向声强级sound power 声功率sound energy 声能量Smoothing reactor is one of the major noise source of the UHVDC converter station, and it is becoming increasingly important. In this paper, we study smoothing reactors ,with enclosures or not, under single-frequency test harmonic current, which frequency is 50 Hz, 150 Hz and 300 Hz, to test its sound power level in all frequency by sound pressure method . By analysis, the main noise component of smoothing reactor is generated by 300 Hz working current. Under 300 Hz working current conditions, applying spectrum analyzers and acoustic imaging system measure noise narrowband spectrum of smoothing reactors with enclosures or not, and acoustic imaging .Thereby, we can locate the noise sources as well as analysis the influence of enclosure for noise radiation of smoothing reactor. It can provide a basis for further research of the noise radiation characteristics of smoothing reactor.。



Basic skills in presenting to investors
think 10/20/30 善用 10/20/30 比例
ten slides in twenty minutes 每20分钟 张幻灯片 分钟10张幻灯片 分钟
Basic skills in presenting to investors 向投资者介绍的基本技巧
Basic skills in presenting to investors
each potential funder has their own style. 每一位潜在的出资者都有 他们自己的风格 adapt. 适应 people buy from people 交易发生在人与人之间
Basic skills in presenting to investors
brutally cut your message 毫不留情地删减多余 信息
tease, don‘t overwhelm 引诱,而非信息轰炸 引诱,
Basic skills in presenting to investors
need to hear and don’t need 需要听到的与不需要 听到的
leverage of their existing activities ? 充分利用他们现有的商业活动? 充分利用他们现有的商业活动?
Basic skills in presentin绍的基本技巧





作为一条柔性化精益制造的生产线,它仅仅是整个GMS (General Manufacture System,通用制造体系的简称)系统中一个具体的工艺流程算了。










以下是详细信息:1. TDCP概述:TDCP是一种时间驱动的闭环计划,旨在通过合理规划和管理时间,提高工作效率和生产力。


2. TDCP目标:TDCP的主要目标是实现高效的时间利用,确保任务按时完成,并提高团队整体的绩效和成果。

3. TDCP步骤:a. 任务收集:所有团队成员将现有和新的任务收集到一个中心位置。


b. 任务分解:每个任务都应该被进一步分解为可管理的子任务,以便更好地估计完成时间,并且能够更好地安排资源。

c. 优先级排序:根据任务的重要性和紧迫性,对任务进行优先级排序。


d. 时间规划:将每个任务分配给适当的负责人,并在日历或任务管理工具中分配适当的时间。

e. 监控和调整:定期监控任务的进展,并根据需要进行必要的调整。


4. TDCP的优点:a. 提高工作效率:通过合理规划和管理时间,能够更好地利用时间并提高工作效率。

b. 提高任务完成率:通过优先级排序和任务分解,有助于按时完成任务。

c. 加强团队协作:通过任务管理工具和团队会议的使用,可以促进团队成员之间的协作和信息共享。

d. 更好的资源管理:通过任务分解和时间规划,可以更好地分配资源,确保每个任务都得到适当的关注和分配。

5. TDCP的实施建议:a. 培训和引导:为团队成员提供关于TDCP的培训和引导,以确保其正确理解和实施。

b. 使用适当的工具:选择合适的任务管理工具,以便团队成员能够有效地跟踪和管理任务。

c. 清晰的沟通和目标:确保所有团队成员对TDCP的目标有清晰的理解,并定期进行有效的沟通和更新。



A-T Controls, Inc. THD Pneumatic Actuators商品说明书

A-T Controls, Inc. THD Pneumatic Actuators商品说明书

CONTROLS Division of A-T Controls, Inc.®THDPneumatic Actuatorsfor Quarter-Turn Valvesand DampersTorques to 1,600,000 In-lbsDouble Acting and Spring ReturnSymmetric and Canted Yoke DesignSee forCanted Yoke product specificationsHeavyDutyActuatorsSeries12THDS E R I E S78234125111The Triac heavy duty scotch yoke actuator product line offers a broad range of torques to 1,600,000 in-lbs. The THD series is designed to operate ball, butterfly, plug valves, dampers or any device that requires a quarter-turn movement for on-off or throttling service.Our standard offering is the symmetrical design yoke that delivers maximum torque at both ends of the 90º cycle. The square slide bearing with guide bar provides high cycle life and smooth stroke while minimizing wear points. We also offer a canted yoke design which is ideal for butterfly valves in sizes C11 and larger. See our website for the canted yoke product specifications.As with all Triac actuators, our THD series is accompanied by a complete line of accessories, including jackscrew & hydraulic overrides, limit switches, solenoids and positioners. A -T Controls also offers complete mounting hardware to integrate our actuators with a ny quarter-turn valve, damper or louver.13107769SPRING GROUP CENTER BODYPRESSURE GROUP101112981234567Travel adjustments ±8º for clockwise andcounter-clockwise strokesNitrile rubber piston O-rings offer excellentsealing and wear. Optional low and hightemperature seals and grease are available.RTFE Guide Band supports the piston whileproviding smooth operation and high cycleExtra large, strong piston rod for high cyclelife and torque transmissionNAMUR accessory mounting pads permitmounting standardization of limit switches,positioners, etc.Ductile iron center bodyModular design allows for installation ofpower groups and spring cartridges sothat actuators may be set up for differentair pressures, and for Fail Clockwise or FailCounter-clockwise.Rugged, heavy duty steel pressure cylindersare chrome plated for long wear andcorrosion resistance.Safe, welded spring cartridges withnumerous options for a broad range of airpressure conditionsAlloy steel, corrosion resistant and heattreated springs were designed andmanufactured for high cycle life.Steel guide bar* and bronze slide bearingsminimize friction, providing high cycle life.* N/A for the S09 pressure groupVisual position indicatorSymmetric & Canted Yoke designs availableSymmetric Yoke Canted Yoke1334TORQUE OUT PUT IN-LBSMODEL NUMBER 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI Start Min Start Min Start Min S09DA2009,6625,17614,4937,76419,32510,352* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE DOUBLE ACTING TORQUE CHARTTHDS E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .5TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS10,82315,65420,4851002004423904,7807,2719,761* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS09T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .6TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S09SR335AESTART 17,68616,80530,36043,914MIN 6,6446,42513,41320,401* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S09T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .S11T H D S E R I E S TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI80 PSI100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUMECU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS27,96640,44852,9311001501,05882712,76619,41426,063* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .78TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S11SR385BCSTART 30,68129,26252,86276,462MIN 11,93011,59324,16336,733END 17,93716,51840,11863,718* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S11T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .9TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS62,47390,364118,2551001502,6341,51728,56643,42158,27647,44375,333103,224 * Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS13T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .10TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S13SR535CDSTART 86,05057,264111,122164,979MIN 33,50919,34848,03376,719END 50,45121,66575,523129,380* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S13T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .11TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS122,030176,505230,9801001254,6172,72555,61084,625113,63992,072146,547201,022* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS16T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .12TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S16SR635DDSTART 155,65296,421189,802283,184MIN 60,29730,89680,633130,370END 90,34331,111124,493217,875* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S16T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .13TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS 221,920320,989420,0581001258,3973,792101,188153,954206,720167,621266,689365,758* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS20T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .14TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI 80 PSI S20SR735EDSTART 263,439157,933314,319470,706MIN 102,72150,097133,392216,686END 154,84049,334205,720362,107* Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuator against the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART S20T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .15TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBS60 PSI 80 PSI 100 PSI MOP*MAWP**SWEPT VOLUME CU. IN. ***WEIGHT LBS472,918 684,040 895,162 10012517,895CF215,538 327,985 440,433 356,895 568,017 779,139 * Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuatoragainst the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.HEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHARTS27T H D S E R I E SNote: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .16TORQUE OUTPUT IN-LBSMODEL SPRING CODE SPRING 40 PSI 60 PSI80 PSIS27SR935FSSTART 447,328 423,657 765,307 1,106,957 MIN 173,288 166,852 348,821530,789 * Maximum operating pressure (MOP) is the pressure required to produce the maximum rated torque of the actuator.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) is the maximum static pressure that may be applied to a fully stroked actuatoragainst the travels stops.*** Swept Volume is the maximum volume including the cavity required for calculating consumption per 90 deg stroke.S27T H D S E R I E SHEAVY DUTY SYMMETRICAL YOKE SPRING RETURN TORQUE CHART Note: Heavy Duty Canted Yoke Torque Chart may be found on our website .T H D S E R I E SS0917T H D S E R I E S S11/S1318S16/S20/S27T H D S E R I E SI S 17.00 A N D 5.70" L O N G E R 36 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1336 X 2019.022.1332 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1815.981.6932 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.4232 X 1814.021.42TB .C .DSU14.2515.5317.0918.0419.18W I N G T U R N +++D O N O T S C A L E D R A W I N G S V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N O N L Y O A -T C O N T R O L S , I N C . O N D E M A N D . S , I N C .T O L E R A N C E U N L E S SO T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I E D :T W O P L A C E D E C I M A L D I M . 0.02T H R E E P L A C E D E C I M A L D I M . 0.010A N G U L A R D I M . 0 -30 * "D H " S P R I N G I S 17.00 A N D 5.70" L O N G E RU14.2515.5317.0918.0419.18D W W 03/23/2009S I O N A L D R A W I N G D S P R I N G R E T U R N++S F U R N I S H E D F O R V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N O N L Y A P P R O V E D D A T ED B Y T BE R E T U R N E D T O A -T C O N T R O L S , I N C . O N D E M A N D . OF A -T C O N T R O L S , I N C .T O L E R A N C E U N L E S O T H E R W I S E S P E C I F I T W O P L A C E D E C I M D I M . 0.02T H R E E P L A C E D E C I M D I M . 0.01020Bill of MaterialsNO.QTY SEAL KIT DESCRIPTION11HOUSINGA536 GR 65-45-12 DUCTILE IRON 21*YOKE PIN ACCESS PLUG O-RING NBR NITRILE RUBBER 31YOKE PIN ACCESS PLUG 304 STAINLESS STEEL 41*PINION TEFLON WASHER RTFE51*PINION SST WASHER 304 STAINLESS STEELS09T H D S E R I E SDOUBLE ACTINGSPRING RETURN21DOUBLE ACTING3031323334DETAIL "B"DETAIL "A"DESCRIPTIONMATERIALA536 GR 65-45-12ASTM A36 CARBON STEEL CAST STEELB505 C836 BRONZE NBR NITRILE RUBBERS11/S13T H D S E R I E SS16/S20/S27Bill of MaterialsNO.QTY SEALKIT DESCRIPTION11HOUSING21HOUSING COVER31YOKE42YOKE BUSHING54*YOKE O-RING61INDICATOR PLATE72STOP BOLTSPRING RETURNDOUBLE ACTING3031323334DETAIL "B"DETAIL "A"1234569101117A 12131415B18192021222324167 8363735783637T H D S E R I E S2223BA10.4418.0018.010.44BAJackscrew OverrideDeclutchable Manual OverrideACTUATORMODEL A B S11 SR XXX H 44.5614.18S13 SR XXX H 54.0614.18S16 SR XXX H 66.3816.68S20 SR XXX H 81.6217.50S27 SR XXX H114.1819.25The mounting attitude must be specified at time of order to ensure the hydraulic resevoir and pumppickup are correctly located. Due to continuous product improvement, please contact A-T Controls for certified drawings with the most current dimensions and specifications.ACTUATOR MODEL A B S11 DA XXX H 27.7514.25S13 DA XXX H 33.8114.25S16 DA XXX H 41.5015.25S20 DA XXX H 51.5016.88S27 DA XXX H71.5019.81The mounting attitude must be specified at time of order to ensure the hydraulic resevoir and pumppickup are correctly located. Due to continuous product improvement, please contact A-T Controls for certified drawings with the most current dimensions and specifications.S09 PRESSURE GROUP ONLY10-24 UNC X ACTUATOR SHOWN IN FULL CLOCKWISE POSITION FROM ACCESSORY SIDE.ACCESSORY MOUNTING DIMENSIONS2.00 DEEPYDOUBLE ACTING WITH JACKSCREW MANUAL OVERRIDESPRING RETURN WITH JACKSCREW MANUAL OVERRIDEPLEASE CONSULT OUR WEBSITE FOR DIMENSIONAL DETAILS.MANUAL OVERRIDESYSTEMST H D S E R I E ST H D S E R I E S ACCESSORIES 2425TRIAC Heavy Duty Actuators are available with numerous options and accessories including:• Solenoid Valves• Digital and Analog Positioners • AS-Interface (AS-i)• Spring Return - FCW and FCCW • Filter Regulators • Flow Control Valves • Air Lockup Valves• Air Failsafe Accumulator Systems •Declutchable Gear Overrides• Hydraulic Overrides • Jackscrew Overrides• Quick Open, Quick Close Circuits• Low Temp and High Temp Seals and Grease• Special Coatings Including Marine and High-Build Epoxy• Control Boxes • Limit Switches•Position Transmitters26AirFailsafe 1AirFailsafe 2ACTUATOR VALVEDOUBLE ACTING VALVEACTUATORVALVEDOUBLE ACTING VALVEWhen air supply drops below 30 psi, the spool valve will shift and rotate the actuator to the failsafe position, either clockwise or counter-clockwise as specified by the customer for one each 90º cycle.Upon loss of electric, or when air supply drops below 30 psi, the spool valve will shift and rotate the actuator to the failsafe position, either clockwise (as shown) or counter-clockwise as specified by the customer for one each 90º cycle.Y AIRQUICK EXHAUST QUICK EXHAUSTY AIR4-20 mA instrument signalDouble acting with lockup valve,flow controls and positioner for use on double acting onlyDouble acting with flow controls and positionerDouble acting with quick exhaust valves and 4-way solenoid valveDouble acting with 4-way solenoid valveSpring return with 3-way solenoid valveSpring return with quick exhaust valves and 3-way solenoid valve Spring return with flow controls and positionerPOPULAR SCHEMATICST H D S E R I E S27Example:H -LS13SC435CBH-L: Triac S13 435 Pressure Group Heavy Duty Spring Return, Spring Cartridge SCS13CE, Spring Clockwise,Symmetrical Scotch Yoke Actuator with Travel Stop Adjustment in Both Directons, 11.73” Bolt Circle ISO 5211 Valve Mount-ing, 1/2” NPT Air Supply Connection Complete with Hydraulic Override and Low Temperature Seals- Spring Return Fail Clockwise- Spring Return Fail Counter-Clockwise Spring Cartrige - Double Acting - Select spring code from spring return torque charts for specific actuator Manual Override Blank - No Override D - Declutchable Gear (S09 only) J - Jackscrew H - Hydraulic (N/A on S09)Seals & Grease Blank - Standard Seals (-29ºC to 93ºC) (-20ºF to 200ºF) V - High Temperature Seals (-18ºC to 177ºC) (0ºF to 350ºF) L - Low Temperature Seals (-40ºC to 82ºC) (-40ºF to 180ºF) L1 - Low/High Temperature Seals (-50ºC to 177ºC) (-58ºF to 350ºF)TRIAC THD Model Number MatrixHOW TO ORDERT H D S E R I E S28Other A-T Controls products include:Rack and Pinion Actuators Gear OperatorsElectric ActuatorsAutomated Ball Valve PackagesTHDS E R I E SA-T Controls, Inc.9955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, OH 45246PH: 513 - 247- 5465FAX: 513 - 247 - 5462********************THD-20160815Copyright 2013 A-T Controls, Inc.LIT0006。


CS域被呼流程PSLeabharlann 附着流程PS域PDP激活流程



WELCOME TOCP III NETWORK SURVEY欢迎各位领导、同仁莅临本次CPIII 控制网测量讲座Author作者:Foreign Quality Representatives外方质量代表Dipl.-Ing. Christian Weiss 克里斯蒂安.维斯先生24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座124/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII 控制网讲座2Introduction 介绍high speed railway with smooth alignment 高速铁路具备高平顺性的线形GRN network with high inner accuracy内部高精度GRN 控制网CPIII network CPIII 控制网High precision positioning of CRTSII plate by SPSSPS 软件用作CRTS II 型板高精度调整The CPIII network is the base for installation andmaintenance of slab trackCPIII 控制网是无砟轨道铺设和维护的基础性控制网24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII 控制网讲座3Relative precision ±1mm 相对偏差相对偏差±±1mm absolute precision ±3mm 绝对偏差绝对偏差±±3mm±0.4mm repeated installation deviation at X,Y X,Y 轴重复安装偏差轴重复安装偏差±±0.4mm ±0.3mm repeated installation deviation at Z Z 轴重复安装偏差轴重复安装偏差±±0.3mmRequired tolerances for CP III network CPIII 控制网规定的偏差值Geodetic datum大地基准点Reference ellipsoid including parameters for the ellipsoid 参考椭圆体包括椭圆体参数Distance between geo-center and centre of ellipsoid 地球质量中心与椭球体中心的距离Cartesian angles (dα, dβdγ)笛卡尔斜角(dα, dβdγ)Scale比例工程坐标系统24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座4工程坐标系统Geodetic projection大地投影type of projection投影类型main meridian中央子午线width of meridian zone分带子午线宽度Vertical datum垂直基准24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座524/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII 控制网讲座6工程坐标系统Correction cause by the used coordinate system have to be done during measurement on site or during calculation 现场测量或计算中应对所用坐标系统予以修正For great projects different project coordinate systems are used 对于大型工程项目对于大型工程项目,,多种工程坐标系统将投入使用 Only one project coordinate system for one section 一段内仅使用一种工程坐标系统CPIII点埋设The distance between the CP IIIshould be ~ 60m (DO NOTMEASURE EXACTLY 60m BYMEASURING TAPE)CPIII控制点间距约为60m,毋须用量绳精确量测至60mThe CP III points should be fixed quite exactly in opposite position of each otherCPIII须成对设置须成对设置,,并固定准确Always protect the adapter hole保护安装孔插口24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座724/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII 控制网讲座8CPIII 点埋设Visibility must always be given also after installation of masts for OCS 接触网立柱安装后接触网立柱安装后,,须保证不影响观测视线 CPIII should be installed 30cm above top of railCPIII点应高于钢轨上表面至少30cm Use of a 3m invar leveling staff should be possible应保证能使用3m 因瓦水准尺CPIII marking (subgrade)点埋设((路基段路基段))CPIII点埋设测量基桩Installation of CPIII will beat the top of survey pierCPIII点将安装在测量基桩上Foundation and surveypier have to be concreteat least one month beforethe network measurement基础或测量基桩混凝土施工至少需在控制网测设一个月前完成24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座924/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII 控制网讲座10CPIII point will be installed at the top of derailment wall CPIII 点将安装在防撞墙顶部Very important on bridge is to install the CPIII point at the fixed side of the girderCPIII 点安装在桥梁固定支座端是非常重要的CPIII marking (bridge)CPIII 点埋设点埋设((桥梁桥梁))CPIII marking (bridge) CPIII点埋设(桥梁) 点埋设( 点埋设 桥梁) After the installation of the track the bridge beam can be bended and the height can change 桥梁在铺设轨道后,梁将会出现一定的挠曲, 桥梁在铺设轨道后,梁将会出现一定的挠曲,进而改变高程 The length of the bridge will change with the temperature so differences between summer and winter can appear 因夏季和冬季的温差变化, 因夏季和冬季的温差变化,桥梁长度会出现一些变化24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR)11CPIII marking (tunnel) CPIII点埋设(隧道) 点埋设( 点埋设 隧道) CPIII will be installed at the tunnel wall CPIII点将安装在隧道边墙上 点将安装在隧道边墙上 During tunnel construction used control points should already be used to install control points according the setup of the CPIII network and use them as tunnel construction network. Later this points can be adopted in to the CPIII point net work. 施工中所用控制点应按照CPIII控制网建网要求布设安装固定使之成为 施工中所用控制点应按照 控制网建网要求布设安装固定使之成为 隧道控制网,接下来这些点可用作CPIII控制网 隧道控制网,接下来这些点可用作 控制网24/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR)12Preparations 准备 According to the requirements of Measurement Management Method for Foundation Pile Control Network (CPIII) of Railway Projects More Than 200 KM/H the precise measurement network (CP I/II) shall be re-measured thoroughly before CPIII network construction. 根据《时速200公里及以上铁路工程基桩控制网(CPIII)测量管理 公里及以上铁路工程基桩控制网( 根据《时速 公里及以上铁路工程基桩控制网 ) 办法》的要求, 办法》的要求,在CPIII控制网建网前应对精测网进行全面复测 控制网建网前应对精测网进行全面复测 settlement & concrete hardening & densification finished (points stabile) 沉降&混凝土硬化 控制桩加密结束(控制点基桩稳定) 混凝土硬化&控制桩加密结束 沉降 混凝土硬化 控制桩加密结束(控制点基桩稳定) numbering system defined and written to the CP III points on site 现场CPIII点编号确定并标记 Simulated network calculation have to be done, to make sure, that the required accuracy can be reached须进行控制网拟合计算, 须进行控制网拟合计算,以确保达到要求的精度24/12/2009 Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR) 13Instruments (total stations) 仪器(全站仪 全站仪) 仪器 全站仪 Robotic / automatic / modern total stations 遥控/自动化 现代化全站仪 遥控 自动化/现代化全站仪 自动化 Angle measurement accuracy: ≤± 1″ ″ 角度测量标称精度≤± ″ 角度测量标称精度≤± 1″ Distance measurement accuracy: ≤± 1mm + 2ppm 距离测量标称精度≤± 距离测量标称精度≤± 1mm + 2ppmTRIMBLE (天宝) 天宝) S6 high precision24/12/2009Leica (徕卡) TCA 1201Leica (徕卡) 徕 TCA 2003TRIMBLE (天宝 天宝) S8 high precision14Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR)Instruments (Leveling instruments) 仪器(水准仪 仪器 水准仪 ) Standard deviation per km double run (ISO 17123-2) with invar leveling staff at least 0.3mm equipped with 配备的水准仪每公里往返测标准偏差为0.3mm 配备的水准仪每公里往返测标准偏差为 Tilt compensator 倾斜补偿器 Automatic data storage 自动存储数据TRIMBLE(天宝) DiNi 12T (天宝)Leica (徕卡)DNA03Invar level gauge 因瓦水准尺24/12/2009 Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR) 15Check of equipment 仪器检测To observe high precise measurements it is essential to check and calibrate used instruments and equipment 要进行高精度测量观测, 要进行高精度测量观测,最重要的就是对所用仪器的检查和校准Total Stations, leveling instruments and invar leveling staff need to be calibrated at least every 12 months by an authorized service for survey equipment, approved by the instrument manufacturer 全站仪,水准仪及因瓦水准标尺经设备制造商认可的具备测量设备资质的 全站仪,水准仪及因瓦水准标尺经设备制造商认可的具备测量设备资质的 服务机构至少每12个月校准一次 服务机构至少每 个月校准一次 Total stations and leveling instruments have to be checked and adjusted regularly on site by using the onboard calibration routines 全站仪和水准仪须在现场按照随机携带的校准工序定期进行检测和调整 All calibrations on site have to be documented in a report 现场进行的所有校准须以书面形式记录形成一个报告24/12/2009 Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR) 16Check of equipment 仪器检测When to calibrate instruments on site 何时校准before first use (every day) 第一次使用前(每天) 第一次使用前(每天) after long storage periods 长期未使用 after big temperature change 较大温度变化后 after rough or long transportation 恶劣环境运输或长途运输后 periodically for high accuracy jobs 定期用作高精度工作24/12/2009 Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR) 17Check of equipment 仪器检测Items which have to calibrate at total stations on site 在现场, 在现场,全站仪须进行校准的项目tilting axis error (k) 横轴倾斜偏差(k) 横轴倾斜偏差Line-of-sight error (c) 视准误差(c) 视准误差(k)(c)Vertical index error (i) 竖轴偏差(i) 竖轴偏差(i)24/12/2009 Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR) 18Check of equipment 仪器检测Items which have to calibrate at total stations on site 在现场, 在现场,全站仪须进行校准的项目Compensator index (l & q) 补偿指标(I 补偿指标 & q)(l & q)ATR collimation 自动目标识别系统照准ATR24/12/2009 Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR) 19Check of equipment 仪器检测How to check the calibration of total station 如何检查全站仪的校准情况Measure a point with a distance of ~100m in two faces and compare the angle values or coordinate values 正倒镜对约100m距离外的一个点进行测量,并比较测得值 距离外的一个点进行测量, 正倒镜对约 距离外的一个点进行测量 When deviations not within the accuracy of used total station the calibration routine have to be done 当偏差值超出所用全站仪精度要求时, 当偏差值超出所用全站仪精度要求时,须按照校准工序校准 This check have to be done several times at the beginning of a new set up during a day 每天新设站开始时须进行多次检核24/12/2009 Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII控制网讲座 Author作者: Dipl.-Ing. CWeiss (FQR) 2024/12/2009Presentation CPIII NET WORKCPIII 控制网讲座21仪器检测Check of used prism检测所用棱镜DP = Fulcrum 支点ZP = Aiming point 瞄准点MP = Measuring point 测量点PK = Addition constant 附加常数 visible damages (cracks, etc…)进行目测故障检查进行目测故障检查((裂缝等裂缝等))the prism must be clean and dry棱镜须保持清洁及干燥During each observation it is essential to turn the prism into the direction of the total station, that no deviations in observed angles canhappen.每次观测过程中每次观测过程中,,最重要的是棱镜对准全站仪全站仪,,这样观测的角度将不会发生偏差。



TD测量事件详解1.1.1.1事件列表1.1.1.2 同频测量(1G 事件)1) 同频测量(1G 事件)的发起同频测量(1G 事件)可以通过RNC 向UE 广播SIB11/12或发送MEASUREMENT CONTROL 消息发起。

在TD-SCDMA RAN1.0系统实现中, 1G 事件的同频测量初始由SIB11/12发起,即通过OAM 操作打开同频测量开关的前提下SIB11/12中携带同频测量控制系统信息(初始系统信息广播时,SIB11/12中只携带邻小区信息。

通过OAM 操作打开同频测量开关,可以触发系统信息更新,更新后的SIB11/12中包含同频测量控制系统信息)。

切换成功后RNC 将发送MEASUREMENT CONTROL 消息重新定义UE 的同频测量。

在TD-SCDMA RAN2.0系统实现中,根据OAM 设置的测量使用原因判断需要发送同频测量,呼叫过程中RNC 收到UE 发送的初始直传消息后向UE 发送同频测量的MEASUREMENT CONTROL 消息。

UE 收到携带同频测量控制系统信息的SIB11/12或者同频测量的MEASUREMENT CONTROL 消息后,将根据消息中规定的测量控制信息进行测量,并在满足上报条件时向RNC 发送MEASUREMENT REPORT 消息。

TD-SCDMA RAN2.0系统支持N-频点,并考虑到需要在最优频率改变时系统能及时掌握服务小区的导频强度情况;故需要在同频测量(1G )报告中附加异频测量报告。

RNC 需事先定义一个异频测量事件,且将其上报方式设为No report 方式。

2) 1G 事件(1G:Change of best cell 最优小区的改变)若SIB11/12或MEASUREMENT CONTROL 消息中设置的上报准则为1G 事件触发(此时将设置相关参数:Hysteresis 和Time to trigger ),则当UE 测量的结果满足1G 事件时将上报MEASUREMENT REPORT 消息。





















德国德爵 DT 系列技术手册说明书

德国德爵 DT 系列技术手册说明书

DTP04-4P DTP06-4S DTP04-4P-E003DTM04-2P DTP06-2S DTP04-4P-LE07DTP06-4S-C015DTP06-4S-EE01DT Series Technical ManualTable of ContentsDT Series Technical Manual2Deutsch DTM SeriesDeutsch DTM Series of transportation connectors feature aminiature contact with an enhanced design based on theworld class, field-proven Deutsch DT Series.The DTM is the connector to be used in harsh environmentalapplication where reliable signal circuits are critical tooperating performance. Typical applications include on oraround the engine, the transmission and under the hood.Deutsch DT SeriesAn environmentally-sealed connector designed specifically forcable to cable applications on the engine or transmission, underthe hood, on the chassis or in the cab. On signal level circuits inharsh environmental conditions, where even a small degradationin connection may be critical, the Deutsch DT Series generalpurpose connectors will provide the reliability and performanceat the lowest cost.DT Series Technical Deutsch DTHD SeriesDeutsch developed the DTHD Series for those applications requiring a complete, environmentally sealed, single power circuit termination. The plug features an integral coupling latch that provides tactile and audible feedback during coupling. The rugged thermoplastic receptacle is designed as an inline for cable to cable applications and is supplied with an integral Vee-Groove to accept mounting, clips, brackets and flanges.Deutsch DT Bussed Series3Integral Connector LatchRugged Thermoplastic Housing-55o C to +125 Available Configurations:DTM/DT 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 & 12 - Size 20/16DTP 2 & 4 - Size 12DTHD 1 - Size 4, 8 & 12Silicone Seals:DTM: Accepts AWG 22 - 16 wire DT: Accepts AWG 20 - 14 wire DTP: Accepts AWG 14 - 10 wire DTHD: Accepts AWG 14 - 6 wireCrimp Contacts with Option of Gold or Nickel Finish, Solid or Stamped ConstructionCurrent rating all contacts @ 125DTM - 7.5 Amps DT - 13 Amps Tactile and Audible Assembly Feedback Field Proven Long Service Life FeaturesBenefitsDeutsch DTP SeriesDeutsch’s DTP Series connectors are the answer to all of your most demanding power application requirements. DTP Series connectors offer the proven reliability and quality of Deutsch’s DT Series, combined with the added flexibilty of using power contacts.Utilizing the Deutsch DT receptacle shell, Deutsch has combined the rugged characteristics of the DT product line with a bussing device allowing the elimination of various harness splices. By using internal stamped bussed contacts this product can be configured in whatever arrangement meets your individual needs in the DT shell size that matches your requirements. Complete bussing flexibility in a compact, economical package.DT Series Technical Manual Product Line OverviewDeutsch DTM Serieswill be pressed into locked position during the mating of the connector.4DT Series TechnicalMATERIAL SPECIFICATIONSPlug/ReceptacleShell: ThermoplasticWedge: Thermoplastic#4(7.11-7.42)N/A5DT Series Technical ManualAssembly Contact Insertion (DTM, DT, DTP)1. Grasp crimped contact approximately 1.0” (25.4mm) behind the contact barrel.2. Hold connector with reargrommet facing you.4. Once all contacts are in place, insert orange wedge: receptacles1. Remove orange wedge using needlenose pliers to pull wedge straight out.3. Hold the rear seal in place,as removing the contact will displace the seal.11DT Series Technical To meet the application requirements where wires are to be protected, the DT Series may be supplied with boot adaptors. These will accept shaped boots / sleeves or shrink tubing. Parts for standard or thin wall wire are available.Shrink Boot Adaptor Modification NumbersPart Number - PlugsPart Number - Receptacles-EP11-CE13NumberofWays Black Grey Basic Part NumberStd.Thin Wall Std.NumberofWays Black Grey Basic Part Number Std.Thin Wall Std.2DT04-2P -E008-CE04Thin Wall Thin WallDT Series Technical 1027-003-12001011-026-0205(Thru Hole)1027-014-08001027-001-08001027-004-12001027-005-12001011-030-0205(Snap Fit)1011-027-0805(Thru Hole)Metal Mounting ClipsPlastic Mounting ClipsPart NumberUsed OnMaterialHole (mm)Plastic GrayPart NumberDT 2, 3, 4, 6, 12Used OnMaterial Color1011-310-0205(W/Self Mounting Stud)Back ShellsConnector DT04-2P / DT06-2S DT04-3P / DT06-3S DT04-4P / DT06-4S DT04-6P / DT06-6S DT04-8P / DT06-8S DT04-12P / DT06-12SCorrugatedX + 16,0X + 18,0X + 16,0---9,3X + 16,0X + 18,0X + 16,0---10,0X + 10,0X + 12,5X + 7,0X + 7,0----NW6NW7,5NW8,5NW10NW13NW17D Tube size by connector and additional length (mm) neededConnectorDT04-2P / DT06-2S DT04-3P / DT06-3S DT04-4P / DT06-4S DT04-6P / DT06-6S DT04-8P / DT06-8S DT04-12P / DT06-12S50 / 5050 / 5050 / 5050 / 5050 / 5050 / 5050 / 1050 / 5050 / 2550 / 3050 / 3550 / 40F P (N)F P (N)Pull Off Strength**** Valid for unslit corrugated tubes. Follow also connector mounting instruction: no force must apply to wires andconnector to maintain continuous tightness of the connection.* The corrugated tube must be placed into the ribs as per the above table.F PF PF TF T900900Tube details (sectional view)Rib No.: 6 3 1Deutsch Industrial US3850 Industrial Ave.Ph. +1 (951) 765-2250Fax +1 (951) 765-2255***************************Deutsch Industrial JapanNIHON Deutsch Ltd.44-10, Ohyamakanai-choItabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-0024JapanPh. + 81-3-5995-5192Fax + 81-305995-5193**************************.jp Deutsch India Power Connectors Pvt.Ltd.104, Prestige Omega EPIP zone,1st Phase, White Field,Bangalore - 560 066.INDIA.Ph: +91 80 40466525Mobile: +91 98454 03301DTP04-4P DTP06-4S DTP04-4P-E003DTM04-2P DTP06-2S DTP04-4P-LE07DTP06-4S-C015DTP06-4S-EE01。

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Tom Davis Jean-Claude Mahuet (翻译整理:陈超/上海设德)
think3 Inc. © 2006 think3, Inc.

Think3 公司简介
Think3 公司1979年成立于意大利博洛尼亚,全球雇员约300名.年 销售额超过四千万美金,在意大利、法国和印度分别设有研发中心,针 对中等规模企业具有完整解决方案。


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thinkcompensator对曲面的修改非常容易,并能准确的对各类复杂曲面 进行修改,减少多次反复修改的工作量。

Thinkcompensator结合FEA软件如:PamStamp2G, Autoform, LS-Dyna 等得出回弹补偿后的分析数据,来对3D surfaces进行自动修改,非常 直观方便,能大幅提高工作效率和产品的品质。

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SB CAD model
Compensation (补偿)
First Result
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实 例 比 较
Courtesy of Atlas Tool Inc., 29880 Groesbeck Highway Roseville, MI 48066-1925
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手 动 修 改
应用FEM软件得到的目标mesh,通过绘制点,线,面的 边界线等方法修改原有的surface model。

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compensator 修改
原始 Mesh
分析结果 Mesh
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可直接读取的数据格式有:–Catia (V4/V5)–Parasolid (UG, SolidWorks, …)–Pro-E
compensated mesh文件中读取节点信息。


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第四步:Global Replicate 运算得出修改后的面
现可直接输出的3D 模型数据有:–Catia –Parasolid –Pro-E –IGES –STEP
Compensator 得到的正确曲面
•Achieved Tolerance:
–Min Distance0.00029mm
–Max Distance0.119909mm
–Mean Distance0.040302mm
•Elapsed Time: 26 min.
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•Achieved Tolerance:
–Min Distance0.00027mm
–Max Distance0.099898mm
–Mean Distance0.031176mm
•Elapsed Time: 9 min.
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•Achieved Tolerance:
–Min Distance0.000244mm
–Max Distance0.099760mm
–Mean Distance
•Elapsed Time: 73 min.
Page 17/ 37。
