



Unit 1 lexf Organization

II. More Synonyms in Context

1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast

areas. Some of the

most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium.

2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts

/ homework paid off.

3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he

turned a deaf ear to all my


4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her

fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.

- 90 - Appendix I

III. Usage

1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate

good health.

2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything




Unit 1

I. Vocabulary


1) alliance 2) at the cost of

3) stroke 4) limp

5) minus 6) regions

7) declarations 8) siege

9) raw 10) bide his time

11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of


1) is faced with 2) get bogged down

3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on

5) get by 6) dine out

7) have cut back 8) get through


1)The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future.

2)Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’strike.

3)Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career.

4)Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard.





Mr. Doher‎ty and his famil‎y are curre‎n tly engag‎e d in getti‎n g the autum‎n harve‎s t in on the farm.


We must not under‎estim‎a te the enemy‎. They are equip‎p ed with the most sophi‎s tica‎t ed weapo ‎n s.


Havin‎g been out of a job/Not havin‎g had a job for 3 month‎s, Phil is getti‎n g incre‎a sing‎l y despe‎rate.


Sam, as the proje‎ct manag‎e r, is decis‎i ve, effic‎i ent, and accur‎a te in his judgm‎e nt.


Since‎ the chemi‎c al plant‎was ident‎i fied‎as the sourc‎e of pollu‎t ion, the villa‎g e neigh‎b orho ‎o d commi‎t tee decid‎e d to close‎it down at the cost of 100 jobs.



Part II Text A

lexf Organization

Parts Paragraphs'' Main Ideas

Part One Paras 1-2Introduction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military 

campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian 


Part Two Paras 3-11Napoleon's military campaign against Russia

Part Three Paras 12-20Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet Union

Part Four Para 21Conclusion

Conclusion——The elements of nature must be reckoned 

with in any military campaign.


Sections Paragraphs Main Ideas

Section One Paras 12-13Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth 


Section Two Paras 14-18the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Section Three Paras 19-20the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war Vocabulary




●Unit 1

Casualty decisive offensive be faced with Engage launch

take a gamble press on Stroke get bogged down thanks to minus

Instruct at the cost of turn the tide catch off guard


The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with still resistance. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and



Unit 1 Text A

1.1) 多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收

Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm.


We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.


Having been out of a job for 3 months, Phil is increasingly getting desperate.


Sam, as the project manager is decisive, efficient and accurate in his judgment.

5) 既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此


Since the chemical plant was identified as a source of pollution, the village neighborhood committee decided to close it at the cost of 100 jobs.




Unit 1

Directions: Write a composition on either of the following topics. Use at least 6 words or phrases in your composition from the list below.

1) My Favorite Pastime

2) How People Spend Their Leisure Time

My Favorite Pastime

Sample 1

My favorite pastime is writing. You may not think it is a pastime. But to me it is, because it is a form of relaxation that takes my mind away from other things when I feel tired.

I began to like writing when I was a pupil in primary school. I was imaginative and created many interesting stories at that time. When I told my stories to my friends on our way home from school, they enjoyed them. Then telling a story I wrote on the way back home soon became my regular practice. That made me really happy. I had never thought of writing as entertainment before. Sometimes I wrote down my stories and passed them around among my classmates.




Unit 4

Text A

Text rganization



Main Events

1.Davos man spends a lot of time in places other than his native country.

2.Davos Man sees their identity as a mater of personal choice, not an

accident of birth.

3.Davos Man believes that globalization, the unimpeded flows of capital,

labor and technology across national borders, is both welcome and unstoppable.

4.Davos Man sees the world increasingly as one vast, interconnected

market-place in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy, produce and sell their goods and services.



1) advantageous 2) let alone

3) witnessing/vanishing 4) landmark




Men Are Different from Women in Many Ways

Traditionally, men and women were seen as opposite poles of a magnet. Men were strong, women were weak; men were the breadwinners, women were the homemakers; men were rational, women were emotional. In accordance with these beliefs, the men filled the leadership positions in society, as well as the majority of positions that required courage, clear-thinking and intellect. Women took on the nurturing, caring or supportive jobs such as nurse, teacher, assistant. However, modern society has greatly challenged these perceived differences between men and women

These days gender roles are becoming less clear. Women are moving into the male-dominated occupations and proving that they can be equally successful in these fields. Moreover, some men are taking on the homemaker role and finding that it suits them. In some cultures, for example the Naxi culture of southwestern China, the women have always been the head of the household and responsible for both work and finance.



《大学英语4 》复习自整理









1 人类生活在大自然的王国里。他们时刻被大自然所包围并与之相互影响。人类呼吸的空气、喝下的水和摄入的食物,无一不令人类时刻感知到大自然的影响。我们与大自然血肉相连,离开大自然,我们将无法生存。

2 人类不仅生活在大自然之中,同时也在改变着大自然。人类把自然资源转变为各种文化、社会历史的财富。人类降服并控制了电,迫使它为人类社会的利益服务。人类不仅把各种各样的动植物转移到不同的气候环境下,也改变了他所生活环境的地貌和气候,并使动植物因之而发生转变。

3 随着社会的发展,人类对大自然的直接依赖越来越少,而间接的依赖却越来越多。我们远古的祖先生活在大自然的威胁及破坏力的恐惧之中,他们常常连基本的生活物资都无法获取。然而,尽管工具不甚完备,他们却能同心协力,顽强工作,并总是有所收获。在与人类的相互作用中,大自然也发生了改变。森林被破坏了,耕地面积增加了。大自然及其威力被看成是和人类敌对的东西。譬如,森林被认为是野性的和令人恐惧的,因此人类便想方设法使其面积缩小。这一切都是打着“文明”的旗号进行的,所谓“文明”,就是指人类在那些地方建立了家园,那些地方的土地得以耕耘,那里的森林已被砍伐。

4 然而,随着岁月的流逝,人类越来越关注的是在何处以及如何得到生产所需的不可替代的自然资源的问题。科学与人类改变大自然的实践活动已经使人类意识到了工业在改变地球的进程中对地质产生的重大影响。



1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or expressions given in brackets

1. The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.

2. In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.

3. This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region.

4. Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.

5. The government's call for suggestions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens.

6. The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.


















1.The offensive had lasted three days, but we had not gained much

ground. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy at night and launch a surprise attack. To do this we have to cross a marshland, and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. Luckily enough, thanks to the severely cold weather which had made the marshland freeze over, we arrived our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This had turned the tide of the battle.

The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.

2.Automobiles have, since their invention, revolutionized





Job Interview工作面试,是全新版大学英语综合教程4第三单元主题,下面是小编整理的全新版大学英语综合教程4课后答案「第三单元」,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

Unit 3

Key to Part II Reading Task

Content Questions:

Pair Work:

1. He runs a manufacturing company.

2. Almost all of them were no.

3. This applicant was ill prepared for the job he was applying for and therefore ill qualified.

4. Prepare to win.

5. They now have to switch jobs frequently.

6. A 90-year-old player who wanted to work on his weakness – backhand court.

7. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.

8. Because he will mention a cab driver who is different.

9. His efforts to make a difference.

10. He was offered a ride on a day when Minnesota was hit with one of the worst snowstorms in years and




Unit 1

I. Vocabulary


1) alliance 2) at the cost of

3) stroke 4) limp

5) minus 6) regions

7) declarations 8) siege

9) raw 10) bide his time

11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of


1) is faced with 2) get bogged down

3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on

5) get by 6) dine out

7) have cut back 8) get through


1)The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future.

2)Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’strike.

3)Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career.

4)Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard.






Unit 2Text A


I. 1. 1) expansion 2) automated 3) vapor 4) take control of 5) hazards

6) satellite 7) vibrated 8) magnetic 9) bunched 10) in the

air 11) got/was stuckin

12) approximately

I. Cloze

1. 1) computerized 2) start up 3) be poised to 4) alert 5)hazards 6)

monotonous 7) take control of 8) steer 9) lane 10) decrease 11)

calculate 12) eliminate 13) getting stuck in 14) mounted 15) detect

16) vapor

2. 1) generates 2) related 3) revolutionized 4) enabled

5) opportunities 6) overall 7) manufacturing 8) dependent 9) interact

10) fatalities

II. Translation


1) There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance.

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