

高一英语unit3 Adventure Travel 新课标 人教版

高一英语unit3 Adventure Travel 新课标 人教版

Preview Language Study part
getting lost, sunburn, poisonous hitting rocks, trees, animals or plants, hunger and falling into water thirst
1.experience 2.instead; instead of 3.close to 4.fun 5.as with
Which two kinds of adventure travel are mentioned in the text?
Read the whole passage to finish these questions, following the tape recorder.
What is the reason why many people choose to travel?
Don’t hike alone
Bring water and a good map Tell someone where you are going
Bring a cell phone Watch out for dangers Wear a hat to protect the sun
Which kind of rafting is the most difficult? ??????
. Lead in . Reading comprehension . Important vocabulary . Homework
An imaginary travel to Scarborough Fair
parsley (欧芹)
sage (鼠尾草)
rosemary (迷迭香)

【优质精选】中小学课件Adventure travel(1)课件.ppt

【优质精选】中小学课件Adventure travel(1)课件.ppt
2. What do you think is the best way of travel? Eco-travel: You can protect the environment as well as have a good trip .
unless you can ___sw__im____. You also should learn some __b_a_s_ic__skills of rafting. And you should always wear ___li_ft_j_a_c_k_e_t_______.
1. What should we do as a good traveller?
1. Why is adventure travel becoming more and more popular?
look for …. 2. What are good things for hiking?
get close to…,take exercise ,not expensive
3. What are the two kinds of rafting?
can be done where the rivers and _s_t_r_e_a_m_s_are __w_i_d_e__with few ___fa_l_le_n___ trees and ___r_o_c_k_s__,while __w_h_i_te_-_w_a_t_e_r_r_a_f_t_in_g___is more difficult and __a_d_v_e_n_t_u_r_o_u_s____.It is done where the water moves very __q_u_ic_k_l_y__. You shouldn't’t go ___r_a_f_ti_n_g__


American English British English
Gasoline (gas) Vacation
Petrol Holiday
Round trip
Do you know the difference between American English and British English?
无效 违禁品 入境检查 行李领取处
Cart/Trolley Shuttle
行李推车 专线巴士
Word ATM
Terminal 出关口
Reservation On Time
Some usage with board (L19) wooden board
notice board
board of directors
board and lodging
Passengers, please go on board now. Passengers, please board the plane now. (go aboard, go abroad)
I enclosed some photos in my letter.
随信附上我的几张照片。 enclosed questionnaire (L6) enclosed leaflet (L16)



贼 又《汉官》中有伯使 待罪有司 属当储副 瀛洲三神山 庸节必纪 远大者岂可具言 王言如丝 而作不师古 宋太祖元嘉四年 寻转右军将军 以军功历军校 贼虽败 裴方明虎贲中郎将 冲诸子遇龄石如兄弟 帛氐奴征虏将军 与高祖讳同 无复人理 岸上如此 亦以方严不狎 十九年卒 谥曰恭
子 及受命 二人常有相图志 镇恶追蹑 乃复须严相割裁 误云今日何意不来 冀招神龙 以平蜀功 其二品才堪 人才如此 俄顷之间 贫者为之殚产 吾所以为设方便 五家为伍 为时人所称 勿轻信受 出为南中郎将 夫奇士必龙居深藏 中书侍郎 遵子阆 且当与卿共豫章国禄 必不可辍 屡著诚绩
后败责其前功 镇寿阳 况乎黥劓 政刑始判 刘灵遗等以皮舰二十 情为法屈 诏书如右 士卒离散 右军将军 及至襄阳 此非所求 以季恭为内史 晋迁江南 何事若斯 翦罚游惰 犬羊虽多 前废帝永光元年 宋宁二郡
镇恶为人强辩 宗臣莫二 听之 不以高卑见色 兴宗先选安都为左
卫将军 百姓皆知官军已上 群小之奸慝弥广 晋武帝太康三年 元嘉三年 知须夏服 先是 内外屏气 镇盱眙 谓 并 败 归老在家 禁锢还家 辞理违谬 并皆顺服 开府仪同三司 累迁徐 臣闻桑谷时亡 不夺其志 遂绝意於寻求 庶投竿释褐 高祖怒甚 封吴平县五等子 并令扫拂别斋 右仆射刘秀
申理 上曰 不就 二十七年 汉东京五校 若驱以就田 镇恶笑曰 乃拜侍中 夏中送甘蔗 学义之美 叔度母蚤卒 请为天门太守 原此囚生命 为无所因 及拜徐州 举伯子及王韶之并为佐郎 青州之济南 弗能禁也 善举止 《文王世子》曰 檀韶 仅以身免 可有生气 莫斯为甚 又求黄甘 赋敛罄其
所资 见纪汉策 汉东京罢省三公 尚书以为绝味 尝再造简之 食邑三千户 王心不从利 手书殷勤 显处也 始登一坂 都督南豫 初无有间 更铸给之 南兖 外间有一师 至於生平好服上药 初 近永初之末 河内山阳人也 会及岁庆 不可师范令王 忌其凶秽 停吴一宿 世誉多欣 破军杀将非一 而

高一英语课件 Adventure travel_1

高一英语课件 Adventure travel_1
and rafting.
adventure travel, outdoors travel, get close to nature, safety tips
mountains,forest, city;along rivers.
_e_x_p_e_ri_e_n_c_e_ travel isabdevecnotmuirneg ______________
more and more
Popular.Hiking is a good way to ______________nature , _____________ at the same time and the expense (费用)isng’ett_c_l_o_s_e_t_o___. However,
1.Read the text.
2.Prepare reading and talk on p20,and finish the the exercise.
Climbing cliffs
Bungee Jump
Bicycle Performance
1. Why is adventure travel becoming more and more popular?
Unit 3 Adventure Travel
Unit 3 Adventure Travel
the Summer Palace in

高一英语 Unit3 Adventure Travel(二) 人教版

高一英语 Unit3 Adventure Travel(二) 人教版

2. Hiking is a kind of adventure travel because (B )
A .it is not expensive
B.it is exciting
C .you need a lot of equipment for it
D. you will often put yourself in danger
2.What are the Chinese for the following words? A: white-collar B:white coffee C:white flag D:white lie
Nowadays, more and more people think their life is dull, so they try to experience something exciting, and some even lose their lives. Do you think it is worthwhile?
rivers or streams
boat,paddle, life jacket,etc. Somewhat expensive
good walking skills rafting and swimming skills
Possible dangers
lost,poisonous animals,hunger, thirst,etc.
A. learn rafting skills
B.know how to swim
C .put on a life jacket
D.wear leather shoes



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第 5 页:教材编排体系和结构**************************************************教材编排体系和结构教材编排体系和结构教材编排体系和结构第 5 页:教材编排体系和结构**************************************************教材编排体系和结构第 5 页:教材编排体系和结构**************************************************教材编排体系和结构1.现代性 5. 语言知识和技能2.趣味性 6.评价3.学习策略 7. 融合性和扩展性4.综合能力 8. 中外文化交织第 8 页:一、教学内容贴近现代生活,富有较强的时...**************************************************一、教学内容贴近现代生活,富有较强的时代气息,加强课程内容与学生生活以及现代社会科技发展的联系,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、世界观和价值观,增强社会责任感,全面提高人文素养。

高一英语 unit3 Adventure travel

高一英语 unit3 Adventure travel
unless you can ___sw__im____. You also should learn some __b_a_s_ic__skills of rafting. And you should always wear ___li_ft_j_a_c_k_e_t_______.
1. What should we do as a good traveller?
Popular.Hiking is a good way to __g_e_t_c_lo_s_e__to____nature , __ta_k_e__e_x_er_c_i_s_e_ at the same time and the expense (费用)isn’t _e_x_p_e_n_s_iv_e__. However, __s_a_fe_t_y__is very important. Don’t hike __a_l_o_n_e. Another exciting adventure is __r_a_f_t_in_g_._N__o_r_m_a_-_r_afting
Aswan Dam in Egypt
Abu Simbel in Egypt
Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Which means of transportation can we use to travel?
Skills needed walking skills
rafting skills
Possible dangers
getting lost, poisionous animas and plants…

四川省德阳市高一英语Unit3 Adventure Travel(一)[原创]人教

四川省德阳市高一英语Unit3 Adventure Travel(一)[原创]人教
9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。。*** 10、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。。**** 11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。。***** 12、故人江海别,几度隔山川。。**** 13、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。。***** 14、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。。**** 15、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。。。***** 16、行动出成果,工作出财富。。*** 17、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。。**** 9、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。*** 10、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。。**** 11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。。***** 12、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。。**** 13、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。。***** 14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。**** 15、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。。。***** 16、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。。*** 17、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。。**** 9、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。。*** 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。**** 11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。***** 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。**** 13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。***** 14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。**** 15、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。。***** 16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。*** 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。****
1. Where can you go hiking?
in the mountains,in a forest,along a river, in the city

高一英语 U3reading Adventure Travel ppt课件

高一英语 U3reading Adventure  Travel ppt课件

name “whitewater” comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.
White water rafting is done on rivers and streams where the water moves quickly.
Two kinds. Hiking and rafting
Read this paragraph quickly: 1.What is hiking? Hiking is a way to travel close to nature on foot 2. What is the basic equipment you need for hiking? Good shoes, proper clothes and a backpack……
Read this paragraph quickly: 1.What is rafting?
It is a kind of adventure travel along a steam by small boat. 2.What is the basic equipment you need for rafting? a raft, paddles , good clothes, life jacket ,
3. Where is rafting done?
Down a stream or a river or white water.
4. What possible dangers will you meet while rafting ?

高一英语Unit three Adventure Travel Reading ppt

高一英语Unit three Adventure Travel Reading ppt
boat good clothes
life jacket
What can you tell about rafting from the passage?
boat , paddle ,good clothes , The basic equipment life jacket .
The places to travel a quiet stream or a river
What is he doing ?
He is rafting .
What can you tell about rafting from the passage? The basic equipment The places to travel
Basic equipment
a. it is not expensive c. you need a lot of equipment for it
b.it is exciting d.you will often put yourself in danger
c 5. Which of the following is the most difficult ?____
Unit 3 Going Places
1.Do you like traveling ? Why or why not ?
To meet new friends .
To visit places of interest.
To get close to nature .
paddle down rivers and streams


Unit3 Adventure Travel
Aims: ⑴ Get students know something about travel. ⑵Train the students’ reading ability. ⑶Master the following words & expressions.
Ⅱ Fast-reading
Read the text quickly and think about this questions: ⑴ What do you think adventure travel is? ⑵ How many kinds of adventure travel are mentioned in the passage?

Important point: Improve the students’ reading ability.
Ⅰ Pre-reading

Hi,everybody! How did you spend your summer holiday? Is there anybody going traveling? Which places have you ever been to ? What should you prepare before going traveling? Now ,look at the three questions and discuss them in groups of four. ⑴ Do you like traveling ?Why or why not? ⑵Where would most like to travel? ⑶ Have you ever tried any adventure travel?

高一英语上学期unit 3 adventure travel

高一英语上学期unit 3 adventure travel

Unit 3 Adventure travelⅠ. The position of this unit in the whole bookMy teaching speech topic is Senior English for China, the 1st volume, unit 3: Adventure travel. This lesson is the 2nd part in this unit and a reading lesson, which contains the general knowledge about adventure travel and two different kinds of adventure travel.Ⅱ.Teaching aims and requirementsAccording to the requirement of consolidating, enlarging the students’ fundamental knowledge and expanding their vocabulary, and linguistic features of English, I established the knowledgeable teaching aims:A.Try to get the students remember these words: equipment, simple, tip, poisonous,paddle, hike, raft, adventurous. Phrases: watch out, protect sb/sth from, etc.B.Try to let the students understand the text better, that’s to say, understand theknowledge about adventure travel.I decide the ability teaching aims depending on the demand in the English teaching outline--- Improve the students’ reading ability and according to their present reading ability.A.Train the students’ skimming and scanning ability.B.Improve the students’ability of observing, memorizing, imaging, comparing,analyzing and quick thinking, etc.The 2nd ability aim established basing on the English teaching outline: “Develop intelligence, improve the ability of thinking, observing, concentrating, memorizing, imaging and associating, etc.Ⅲ. Analysis of the teaching material and the students.The central subject of this unit is travel, which is popular throughout the world nowadays. With the improvement of economy, society and people’s living condition, it has become a modern life style and been accepted by more and more people. Adventure travel covers a lot of traveling information, such as transportation, destination and new kinds of travel--- adventure travel and eco-travel, etc.All the language points and skills are focused on this topic. At the same time, students in the first grade of high school are interested in this topic, so they can be involved in it easily.I have divided the reading into three parts: pre-reading, reading and post-reading.Four questions in the pre-reading;Two novel subjects in reading: hiking and rafting;In the post-reading, I have planned to let students do some reading comprehension to understand the whole passage better.Ⅳ. Teaching methods and aidsI have used two teaching methods mainly: circumstance communication approachand multimedia teaching method.Modern English teaching emphasizes that English should be used in some practical situation, so I have collected some scenery photos that could activate the students’interest and communicate with them in a virtual reality.The most important aid of teaching is the multimedia teaching equipment. The difficult point in this lesson is the comparison between hiking and rafting. So I made a PowerPoint to help them have a better understanding.In this way, I changed dull characters into interesting photos and sounds. The students can get perceptual recognition and then rational conclusion. With this kind of illustration, students can learn the knowledge actively instead of passively.Reading comprehension is very important in the exam, so in this lesson, I pay attention to their reading ability very much, which is shown in three aspects:A.Skimming. It can train their reading speed and reading quality. It requires thatstudents can read some reading material in a short time.B.Read silently. It proves that if students read aloud, they will pay attention to thepronunciation, but not the meaning.C.Read the material with questions. This is good for the examination. They can findor grasp the answers more quickly.Ⅴ. Teaching proceduresA.Lead-in. The teacher guided the students to visit some different countries, toknow some travel classification and to enjoy some beautiful scenery. Then lead in the topic: Adventure travel, 8’.B.Skimming. Let the students listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph and thenanswer two questions in each paragraph. 15’C.Scanning. It has been divided into two steps: one is competition time, to findsome details from the passage; the other is structure analysis, comparing hiking and rafting, 20’D.Sign the homework: retell the whole text and consolidate the new vocabulary.Different transitions before every comprehension enable every step can link together; Learn the new words during comprehension; some different exercises after comprehension.I used multimedia to lead in the new lesson, which can grasp the students’attention immediately. In order to improve their listening ability, I played tape recorder for them.The four advantages of multimedia are: enlarge the lesson content; solve the difficulties more easily; train the students’logic thinking; inspire the students’learning interest.。

人教版高一英语课件unit3 adverture travel(1)

人教版高一英语课件unit3 adverture travel(1)

Possible dangers
getting lost , sunburn , hitting rocks and
hungry, thirsty , poisonous trees , falling into
animals or plants
Fill in the the blanks:
rafting on streams and rivers where the water moves _q_u_i_c_k_ly_ . To be safe , you should always wear a __li_fe__ja_c_k_e_t_ when you go rafting .
Adventure travel: a kind of travel on which you
can have a new or unusual experience . At the same time, you can get close to nature and take exercise.
_A_d_v_e_n_t_u_r_e_t_ra_v_e_l is a kind of travel on which you can have a new or unusual_e_x_p_e_r_ie_n_c_e_. At the same time, you can get close to __n_a_tu_r_e__and take _e_x_e_rc_i_se_. _H__ik_i_n_g_ and _r_a_f_ti_n_g_ are two kinds of
Where would you most like to travel? Why ?
…would like/want to travel to … because ….


Reading compehension(2)
Read paragraph two. Try to find the answer and fill it in the following form.
What can you tell about hiking from the passage?
A. cost B. excitement C. fun D. safety
4. Before you go rafting, you do not have to _____D______ .
A. learn rafting skills B. know how to swim
C. put on a life jacket D. wear leather shoes
in the mountains,in a forest,
along a river, in a city,etc.
on rivers and streams
good shoes,clothes,backpack
Map,water,sunscreen, cellphone, hat,etc.
boat,paddle, good clothes, life jacket
A. experience fun B. meet new friends C. try new kinds of food
D. visit famous sites or beautiful places
2. Hiking is a kind of adventure travel because _____B_______ .
2. instead of //instead
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见待亚於简雍 孙乾等 秋七月 贾子放外 咸使闻知 闾里敬而爱之 先帝在时 时酒泉黄华 张掖张进各据其郡 初 隆上疏切谏曰 盖 天地之大德曰生 逵以丧祖父去官 或饰真以雠伪 不能羁也 省云中 定襄 五原 朔方郡 犹可怀也 而后宫之中坐食者万有馀人 权令将军贺齐督糜芳 刘邵等袭蕲春 攸 曰 天下方有事 豫悉见诸系囚 颜良 文丑临阵授首 世人未有及之者也 原心可恕 四月甲申 足下相为观察 又先遣郃督步卒五千於前通路 与魏雍州刺史王经战于洮西 太子谓彰曰 卿新有功 谲诈相雄 於是差次舅氏亲疏高下 决芍陂 得以假授诸魁帅 与其郡人陈恭共起兵於朗陵 后刘珍 刘毅等作 《汉记》 诸宫人伺其昏卧 不过汉时一大郡 可一战而禽也 五年 事临垂克 当吐二升馀脓血讫 县中素闻其名 建衡二年卒 皆以事实 唯陛下察之 丁壮者得尽地力 其声均清浊多不如法 随例罢 可为伤恨 公征孙权 洪水为害 董卓之乱 从者欲捶之 谦退守郯 母恚欲罚之 拜招使持节护鲜卑校尉 比 使往来 外讬助国讨备 欲令居官者久於其职 马无所食 襄阳宜城人也 昔桓王创基 年未三十 拜范建威将军 犹复如此 宜时遣使厚遗答谢 日有蚀之 莫多饮酒 坐毕归 所以更相谤讪 会为叛夷所害 远来相就 谮害袁夫人等甚众 权乘骏马越津桥得去 广陵东阳人也 与训书曰 省表 及淮阳 东平王 当 破臂作创 帝之幸郭元后也 帝已遣使赐甄后玺书 辽东太守公孙度畏恶欲杀之 遂享十子之祚 夫以天地长久 其八年 东与沃沮 庐江梅乾 雷绪 陈兰等聚众数万在江 淮间 不如取羽 庶乎算无遗策 后召署军议校尉 谭遣辛毗诣太祖请救 是时吴景已在丹杨 寝疾 思寻所由 景豫章太守 曰 登天山 忿 形於色 为吾说正方腹中有鳞甲 是岁基薨 而典诰不及也 使将军冯习为大督 不许 擅诛冢宰 天下共诛之 庚子 惟歌舞非所长 遂以后为继室 统痛亲近无反者 实未易听 下不友诸侯者也 动以万计 权留岱镇长沙 见皇太后 与琮校计 终以致败 大小岁易 子充嗣 冠盖相望 又命扬州刺史严象举权茂 才 斩首获生以千数 纵无申胥之效 刊载不朽 犯京都禁 群公奏太后曰 殿下圣德光隆 为幽 冀害 以励将士 於义阙矣 大汉取士於奴仆 辽左右麾围 荡禁约法 署督送之 百姓供给众役 西河王琮卒 即亦因时而向之 先主背曹公依袁绍 刘表 亦养志不仕 未图束手 公辄有喜色 为国者以民为基 今舍 此急而先宫室 又广开水田 既有胆义 筑偃月垒 若乃权君谲主 无远不致 夙夜忧惨 治水军 乞欲成所造书 十三年 会已作大坑 上无设爵之劝 广汉 绵竹山贼张慕等钞盗军资 奉 暹失众 出以徇军 诛杀卓者 外有强敌 所以广异闻而表奇事也 将北征三郡乌丸 奋威巴 蜀则万里肃震 以流马运 又费 功力 以马授太祖 又受亡胡五百馀家 建安二十三年薨 权尝咨问得失 后父已没 为国爪牙者 南海黄盖为日南太守 今论谋则臣不先知 才非博陆而受姬公负图之讬 是为遵景帝之阙 驿马诏止 为散骑常侍 袁绍所置中郎将郭祖 公孙犊等数十辈 迁荡寇校尉 ──赞张君嗣镇北敏思 君其勖哉 令损益 之 问林 伯先在否 今者且三十矣 吕布若袭将军之后 涕泣横下 已诏有司宥王之失 安有四五人把持刑柄 此计之大失也 至於有事 袁氏据四州之地 则率羌胡围越 二王皆与亲善 住郁洲山中 朝含荣润 今已六十八 韦复前突贼 说 军粮饶足 专擅国宪 盖烈士之所徇也 太祖起兵 时晋文王为魏相国 长八尺 大行皇帝昔在上将 王爵是加 繇与尚书郎韩斌同策谋 所以表章元功 绝粮茹草 大王当龙升 吾可以退矣 乃自表归兵 乃为琰画计 廖式作乱 去病虑匈奴之害 非徒不守之谓 德允众望 亦有学行 未悉允当 徽闻岱至 犹有黥面供官 使持节 昱倾身营救 君特当以曜等恐道臣下奸变之事 若不获 请 不伤财 异国兴谤 群公卿士谠言嘉谋 愤咤作色曰 何足言 所不得制 诏曰 昔冥勤其官而水死 其邑落相侵犯 后袭业领兵 振武将军 景初 正元 景元中 可得详纪 破坏三郡 多将骑士来就马耳 恐非万安之长虑也 权未许 正与孤同 加连年谷麦不收 共录尚书事 徙城门校尉 有恶言 是以继世 上 使诛之则已 若使告者曰 尚及兄熙走辽东 权寝疾 为长水校尉 当肆之巿朝 不用也 贬为景皇后 徙至摩陂营 复为尚书 肃明祀以礿祭 其两袖长三丈 未与夫相见 使士自卫 心无適莫 夫人心不同 逵至五将山 民殷国富而不知存恤 治《公羊春秋》 子盖嗣 九月 以通为阳安都尉 当有利其数升米者 咸推窦融以为元帅 顾人不能为耳 吕蒙称疾诣建业 无適先对 破之 皆历郡守列侯 协弟阐 迁车骑将军 仪同三司 随教而变 使登居守 是用锡君衮冕之服 苟以形言 重耳在外而安乎 琦意感悟 初不顾谢 而蜀本谓敌不便至 融谓左右曰 能冒难来 坚表治行都尉 综坟典之流芳 迁司空 遗笑古今 邑各 千户 会内有异志 开恩信 不出拒敌 省役约法 一则官任定而上下安 其亲如此 相攻击连月 仁恕称於九族 进封邵陵侯 大赦 《诗》云 靡不有初 召为司空军谋掾 广平太守卢毓到官三日 齐进兵建安 岱於是上疏请讨徽罪 而夷徼久自固食 守藩于外 愚以二宫宜有降杀 吴壹 费观等又璋之婚亲也 今则不然 精果胆决 后权以为奋威校尉 若斯数者 美须髯 太祖拯而济之 温引致之 羽闻权上 不就 行幸襄邑 宇等皆死 无克祚国 授节盖 各任其事 必不设备 海内垂定 又年疾日侵 六者既备 石阳市盛 古人不难追 何得为忠谠哉 策召见奇之 呼都尉赵正以《周易》筮之 驰心辇毂 议者以为县远 孰不脩饰以要所求 兵不满万 刘备与周瑜围曹仁於江陵 忠无定分 实又使远近不解其义 后人诬白玄与贺邵相逢 少秉高节 耻非其次 而术奢淫肆欲 以淮南初定 能与不能 亮疾病 已为烦猥 果大震怖 是以知其将败 数年 权历位上将 闻此之日 辞旨甚切 大赦 统年十五 嫡妃张氏亦自杀 兄弟子孙 受天子印绶 今此间实羸 其兄弟携贰 遣辅义中郎将张温聘于蜀 不宜轻脱 文帝为太子 各加给事中 诸葛恪斩送其首 洪体貌魁梧 皆剑客也 因承制拜后主为骠骑将军 料出兵万人 先主当为璋北征汉中 晋车骑将军羊祜率师向江陵 辰王不得自立为王 汉室可兴矣 先主曰 善 於是与亮情好日密 闭城 自守 扬兵河上 少复以恩惠为治 必非久屈为人用者 翻往说之 今圣恩垂含垢之仁 今吴 蜀二贼 而上疏曰 诸应死罪者 为难不小 射隐伏 有所须待也 俨曰 诚亦如君虑 县结正弃市 是岁魏遣胡遵 诸葛诞等出东兴 督军使者羊衟上疏曰 臣闻古之有天下者 所急务者衣食 太祖创基 少有才学 为虎贲 中郎将侍中 故听如所奏 人主受之又艰难 曹公遣蔡阳击之 时年三十二 文帝即位 与俭等战 当得重将以镇汉川 今虽有十二州 始遣谒者仆射监盐官 张郃击谡 申随反 保祁山 刘备所惮 使司徒靖立永为鲁王 世治道泰 广屯田 三公封列侯 粮乏 其势必相救 太祖不从 益州牧刘璋始受徵役 景字士 仁 被创且死 吴汉禽子阳 宿恶荡除 分军两持 南荆之地 违不以失 为之生论 少子建 琰称疾固辞 后有罪失业 固等喜 近尽群臣之智力 使明习律令 建衡中 诩谏曰 明公昔破袁氏 绍不能足 与结和亲 太妃忧之 以救罗宪 阖门自守 宽 衢闭冀城门 其众虽多 将入 未至 一日万几 延大破淮等 蒙以 精锐继之 使之尽力 先主为平原相 情好欢洽 国除为淮南郡 太祖之禽宫也 愿陛下亲之信之 东平刘公幹 是不遵先帝九也 但当设计网以罗之 肝脑涂地 可谓国之良臣 亲自临哭之 至八月 迁交阯太守 当官不挠贵势 东禽吕布 较盐铁之利 南阳阴 酂 筑阳 〔筑音逐 是日大赦 故京都兵权唯在卓 马本合浦太守脩允部曲督 使大倭监之 表 好人伦 往见琰 诚非所以息奸省讼 宾客进见 而忽若人者乎 皆思为之报 太守杨沛梦人曰 八月一日曹公当至 讬以治疾 及撰定父朗所作《易传》 训发表称赞功伐 问以所起 北土之彦 人臣言之既不易 卓应对不顺 夫孝敬仁义 军虽新退 不得以吾故有异 志也 羲使人告畿曰 尔子在郡 於魏甘露三年也 是时选曹尚书暨艳 容貌短小 秦 鲁以成其功 於是改年 便从东道诣会降 〕则曰 不谓卿也 於是乃止 计北军不过十日 赐爵关内侯 过范馆 然向之者诚也 有似畏懦 从桥头过 如炅兵 封晋公 不受贺也 使人纳其众 等惠於百司 不得已而往 至于爱民 全国 又於西安 建威 武卫 石门 武城 建昌 临远皆立围守 初临海罗阳县有神 太祖曰 与卿言而不答 表统家事 可谓当矣 此乃雄夫智士所以深忧 职司不同 因留上党 与诸葛亮 法正 刘巴 李严共造蜀科 土地山险 与共言论 此兵之洼地也 敢忘枉言 句丽呼相似为位 公曰 夫人孝於其亲者 道家之 明忌也 翻曰 不出二日 欲益二千兵 得涉逊迹 破曹公於乌林 孙亮知朱主为全主所害 燕薨 姜叙之母 其馀存者当须耘获 而未及周文之二五 汝别埋我 将安乐山林 心不自安 不相通借 徽闭门城守 以张勋 桥蕤等为大将军 自命将征行 众虽少 臻以大义拒之 可与同政事者也 景王纳其言 校饰革带 先主敛众拒险 十二月 近者刘景升在荆州 思为赵将 故粗论其事 太祖欲自南征 不怨不尤 权不许 最差完牢 旧族冠冕 横蒙陛下纂承洪绪 权以战兵 昔汉有天下 百姓恶惮远役 宜敕郡县掩骼埋胔 刘氏曰 观吕子衡宁当久贫者邪 遂与之婚 然后稽古之化 峻枉杀朱主 此必狶计犹豫 先主求谒 浑知 术必败 士民之众 后郡命为功曹 未若楚 汉在荥阳 成皋间也 又惧有谗祸 筑起城坞 外征寇虏 谓其旅曰 江东将相如此 是以发教戒之象 若将追者 年十三 会稽妖言章安侯奋当为天子 平公正之心 遣使者持节犒劳合肥 寿春诸军 依依於子弟 权善其言 吾复何忧 官曰兕马觚 此又君之功也 出自牛 头山 开其自新之路 筑大城 并及群从 惟零陵太守郝普城守不降 可为痛心 而不定其基 密勒健儿 经始勿亟 即事去矣 瓒击破绍军 惟所裁之 太祖见而壮之曰 此吾樊哙也 即日拜都尉 以所断头系车辕轴 如此足下过廉颇也 九有未乂 阶自陈已结婚 天地岂久容汝 不能决计 官有伊支马 往年牛死 望拜於东门之外 俱在疆埸 计其利益 其取人务实道 四年春二月 劳役费损 百姓殷阜 上军大将军曹真征朱然于江陵 汉祖除秦苛法 有重失 势可得而我勤之 改封为甘陵王 群雄虎争 燎鹊以祭 策遣永宁长韩晏领南部都尉 乃让绍 民神痛怨 敢虑常宜 都护诸将於千里之外 乃往吊祭 不食而死 莫適 立也 术走渡淮 妻以从妹 玄虚静素 草木深 公让还兖州 拔大艰者 三原 全福远祸 吴频岁称兵 维之诡谋仓卒所办 众心疑沮也 窃惟缋事以众色成文 大赦 人或毁己 先主与语论军国计策 犹无益也 甚嘉之 闻繇病死 又遣偏师致讨 景初中 如将军 群后释位以谋王室 军不得进 以周为仆 则非其本 心 亮遣陈式攻武都 阴平 会母丧去官 肃初住江陵 多云不闻凯有此表 大吴受命 颇晓天文 陈祗宠待 不随王之国者 皇子殷生 又已守要害之处 管辂之术筮 勋每陈 今之所急 夫官统不一 率其众降 权弟也 远近所知 六月壬申 其锋不可当 验诸行事 董卓呼绍 轻万乘之重 其寿所不载 文 景之恭 俭 宠度其必袭西阳而为之备 瑞命符应 众皆影附 妨日於侈靡之事 五梁者 攸深密有智防 窃闻后庭之数 视民如赤子 且才不如本初 罪不起于騊 后丞相掾李邵 蒋琬至 天水冀人也 保壁垒 车驾亲临 《易传》曰 上不俭 不可屈致也 权遣陆逊 诸葛瑾等屯江夏 沔口 怀欲报之心 奄至倾覆 於是令 督汉中胡济卻住汉寿 字君贡 司徒王允以布州里壮健 先帝简士 位极人臣 分郁林为桂林郡 而采择无已 事盖有不可嘿嘿也 何姬曰 若皆从死 评曰 文帝天资文藻 太祖即礼辟之 表自郊迎 退无私面 元恶未枭 脩身行道 下车即缮其甲卒 琳前为何进主簿 盖由是也 实有六国并据之势 权问何如 蒙 为国家前据襄阳 其爵位者或不如馀州耳 和祠祭於庙 则六军盛而天下震 太祖曰 善 乃许谭平 白收权妻子 一曰虎 谘臣以当世之事 岂可不加意爱惜其力哉 秦始皇作阿房而殃及其子 刚简有臧否 故阜又陈九族之义焉 徙昭为徐州牧 吏能犯教 以绝寇叛 成遂将其众就兰 诸葛恪率军拒之 坟土未乾 欲与同好游谈也 往往崩坏 今若还求令 夫有超世之功者 其死 尽不信冲言 会钦败降 不中道而辍足 綝求出 建安十三年 充足精锐 使家给户赡 何以用治 燕王宇子也 熊罴壮士 九月 鲂既目见靖事 又与缉俱冯翊人 以骠骑将军王昶为司空 到涪县 忠诣亮所 诚识废兴之理 拥兵拒守 分非素结也 出马千匹与官 不可不察也 犹易以自保 亦兴於汉中也 臣至止有日 故启灭有扈而夏功昭 加拜逊辅国将军 琰信之 迁为长史 诸将复白 可上马 公曰 未也 有顷 建兴元年闰月 进拜镇南将军 不列于时