Let s go!让自己马上忙起来
1. I see.我明白了。
2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手! (Let’s go! 一起去!)4. Me too.我也是。
5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on.来吧(赶快)8. Hold on.等一等。
9. I agree。
10. Not bad.还不错。
11. Not yet.还没。
12. See you.再见。
13. Shut up! 闭嘴!14. So long.再见。
15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. Allow me.让我来。
17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开心!21. How much? 多少钱?22. I'm full.我饱了。
23. I'm home.我回来了。
24. I'm lost.我迷路了。
25. My treat.我请客。
26. So do I.我也一样。
27. This way。
28. After you.您先。
29. Bless you! 祝福你!30. Follow me.跟我来。
31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. Good luck! 祝好运!33. I decline! 我拒绝!34. I promise.我保证。
35. Of course! 当然了!36. Slow down! 慢点!37. T ake care! 保重!38. They hurt.(伤口)疼。
39. Try again.再试试。
40. Watch out! 当心。
41. What's up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. Don't move! 不许动!学好日常交际英语,成功走向职场。
let it go 歌词中文翻译
新闻永不停歇The news never ends.这里是1080哥谭市广播This is ten eighty GCR,全天候为您播报您所需的新闻you get all the news you need, all day long.早上好现在是10月15日星期二气温5摄氏度Good morning. It's 42°and 10:30 on this Thursday October 15. 我是斯坦戴尔·布罗斯通为您播报新闻I'm Standale Brodston. Here's what's happening.今天是垃圾处理罢工的第十八天It's day eighteen of the garbage stall,堆积的垃圾以每天一万吨的速度递增with 10,000 tons of garbage piling up every day,就连城中最漂亮的区域如今也如同沼泽地一般even the nicest sections of the city are looking like swamps.卫生局局长爱德华·欧罗克Health commissioner Edward O'Roark宣布全城进入紧急状态is declaring a citywide state of emergency这是几十年来第一次for the first time in decades.没必要等到有人丧命There's no need to wait until somebody dies或是感染伤寒病倒or comes down with typhoid fever.情况已经很紧急了It's already a serious situation.城中几乎所有人都深受其害It's something that affects almost everyone in the city,无论他们姓甚名谁家住何处no matter who they are or where they live.不管你走到哪条街You can't go down no one avenue都会看到垃圾和老鼠without seeing nothing but garbage and rats.已经开始影响我的生意了It's starting to affect my business顾客们因为这些垃圾没办法进来店里when customers can't get in here because of garbage situation. 在街上不但闻得到When out there, not just smell it,还看得到很可怕but I think to look at it, it's terrible.我没怎么受影响除了...It don't affect me, except for the除了那难闻的臭味太可怕了the very bad smell, it's horrific.一团糟The mess.我来这个国家五十年了I've been in this country for 50 years从没见过这种情况and I've never seen anything like it.这个世界到底要沦为什么样子了What is this world coming to?把他们关进一间房间里Put them in the room让他们坐着直到讨论出个解决方法来and sit there and talk 'till they got it over with.24小时48小时直到有结果为止24 hours, 48 hours, how long it takes.让国民警卫队出手清理The idea of the National Guard pulling in and cleaning up,是个好主意it's good idea!下条新闻建筑商和业主In other news, the Building Industry and Landlords今日表达了对取暖用油油价上涨的担心today expressed concern over the latest increase in heating oil prices. 大都会的租客必将...Renters in the Metro area are certain to...肯尼乐器行倒闭大甩卖一件不留整他Let's get it.-你的鞋子怎么了老兄-这身行头不错啊- Yo, what's up with your shoes, bro? - Nice outfit, huh?如果一定要当小丑的话If you're gonna be a clown,起码可以做个人肉招牌是吧at least you can be a bill-boy, you know that, right?住手Stop it!快跑快跑Go! Go! Go!快凯尔我们走抢到牌子了Come on, Kyle, let's go! We've got the sign!快跑Let's go!停下拜托Stop there! Come on!看路看路Watch your go! Watch your go!来追我啊小丑Make me stop, clown.来啊小丑你太慢了C'mon clown, you are not catching up.拦住他们Stop them!快Come on!快别挡路Come on! Get out of the way!拦住他们Stop them!你们这群王八蛋You bastards.来打死他Come on, beat his ass up.来这家伙太弱了什么都干不了Come on, this guy's weak, can't do nothing.用力用力Harder! Harder!打他拿他的东西Beat him up. Take his stuff.快跑快跑快快快Let's go, let's go! Come on, come on, come on! 快跑快跑Let's go, let's go, let's go!卫生局社工是只有我这么觉得Is it just me,还是这个世界真的越来越疯狂了or is it getting crazier out there?气氛是很紧张It is certainly tense.大家都很沮丧People are upset.人人都在挣扎They're struggling.找不到工作Looking for work.如今世道艰难These are tough times.你自己怎么样了How 'bout you?有没有坚持写日记Have you been keeping up with your journal?有女士Yes, Ma'am.很好Great.你把日记带来了吗Did you bring it with you?亚瑟Arthur...上次我让你把日记带上的last time I asked you to bring your journal with you方便我们的治疗for these appointments.能给我看看吗Can I see it?我用这个当日记本I've been using it as a-as a journal,同时也是我的笑话记录本but also as a joke diary.有意思的想法和观察Funny thoughts or observations.我记得我跟你说过我想当单口相声演员I think I told you I'm pursuing a career in stand-up comedy. 不你没说过No, you didn't.我觉得我说过I think I did.我只希望我的死亡比我的人生更有"价值""I just hope my death makes more cents than my life."必须来这里让你有什么感觉How does it feel to have to come here?有个人可以倾诉对你有帮助吗Does it help to have someone to talk to?我觉得比被关在医院里感觉好I think I felt better when I was locked up in a hospital.你有没有多想想And having thought more about自己为什么会被关起来why you were locked up?观察室谁知道呢Who knows?我想问问你能不能请医生I was wondering if you could ask the doctor给我加大药量to increase my medication?亚瑟你正在服用七种不同的药物Arthur, you're on seven different medications.总得有点作用吧Surely, they must be doing something.我只是不想再这样难过下去了I just don't want to feel so bad anymore.你能别骚扰我孩子了吗Can you please stop bothering my kid?-坐好-我没在骚扰他...- Sit! - I wasn't bothering him...-别说了-我是在...- Just stop! - I was...怎么你觉得很可笑吗What, you think that's funny?对不起我有...I'm sorry, I have a co...原谅我的大笑我有病背面还有这种病会导致忽如其来持续不断无法控制的大笑并不符合当事人的情绪患者一般有过脑损伤或患有神经疾病谢谢烦请归还卡片对不起I'm sorry.药房潘·弗莱克开心你上来时有看信箱吗Happy? Did you check the mail before you came up? 看了妈妈Yeah, mom.空的Nothing.到了今晚当你觉得And finally tonight, just when you thought事态没法更糟时it couldn't get any worse.超级老鼠当局声称城市正在被大量老鼠包围Authorities are saying the city is under siege by scores of rats. 不是普通的老鼠是更难杀死的超级老鼠And not just any rats. Super rats. More hard to kill.他肯定还没收到我寄的信He must not be getting any of my letters.他可是托马斯·韦恩妈妈It's Thomas Wayne, mom.-大忙人-拜托- He is a busy man. - Oh, please.我为他们家族工作了那么多年I worked for that family for years.他至少应该回个信吧The least he could do is write back.切好了吃吧Here, all worked up. Eat.-你需要吃点东西-你才需要吃东西- You need to eat. - You need to eat.瞧瞧你多瘦How skinny you are.他会成为一位伟大的市长所有人都这么说He will make a great mayor. Everybody says so.是吗谁这么说了Oh, yeah? Everybody who?-你跟谁聊了-新闻里的人都这么说- Who do you talk to? - Well, everybody on the news.只有他能拯救这个城市He is the only one who could save the city.这是他对我们的责任He owes it to us.过来坐着开始了Come, sit. It's starting.天呐Oh, my!这里是哥谭市的NCB演播室From NCB studios in Gotham city!为您带来《默里·富兰克林现场秀》It's Live with Murray Franklin!今晚默里的嘉宾有桑德拉·温尔Tonight Murray welcomes, Sandra Winger,喜剧演员斯基普·拜伦以及亚顿和香特尔的钢琴演奏comedian Skip Byron and the piano styling of Yeldon & Chantel! 桑德拉·温尔来了Sandra Winger's on it.还有默里的老朋友们Joining Murray as always,埃利斯·德瑞恩和他的爵士乐队Ellis Drane and his Jazz Orchestra.好了言归正传And now, without further ado,有请默里·富兰克林Murray Franklin!谢谢Thank you.谢谢大家Thank you.今天台下的各位都漂亮极了We've got a great looking audience today.谢谢谢谢大家Thank you. Thank you.谢谢Thank you.大家都听说So, everybody's heard about哥谭市现在出现了超级老鼠吧the super rats stutter in Gotham now, right?今天市长说他有解决办法了Well, today, the mayor said he has a solution.准备好了吗You ready for this?超级猫Super cats.不这是认真的这些家伙...But no, serious it is, I mean these guys are...我爱你默里I love you, Murray!我也爱你I love you, too.鲍比你能开下灯吗Hey, Bobby, will you put the lights on?刚刚谁喊了是你吗Who is that? Was that you?能请你站起来吗You wanna stand up, please?起立站起来Stand. Stand up for me.对There.你叫什么What's your name?你好默里我叫亚瑟Hi, Murray. Arthur.-亚瑟-我叫亚瑟- Arthur? - My name is Arthur.好你身上有特别的地方亚瑟Okay, well, there is something special about you, Arthur.我能看出来I could tell.-你是哪里人-我就住在这个城市- Where are you from? - I live right here in the city.和我母亲住在一起With my m--mother.好别笑没什么好笑的Okay, hold on. Hold on. There is nothing funny about that.我出人头地前也和母亲住在一起就我们俩I lived with my mother before I made it. Just me and her.我就是那种小孩父亲出门买包烟I'm that kid who's father went out for a pack of cigarettes.再也没有回来And he never came back.我懂这种感觉默里I know what that's like, Murray.从记事那刻起我就是家里唯一的顶梁柱I've been the man of the house for as long as I can remember. 我把母亲照顾得很好I take good care of my mother.你付出了这么多她一定很爱你All that sacrifice, she must love you very much.确实She does.她总是让我保持微笑挂上笑脸She always tells me to smile and put on a happy face.她说我是为了传递欢笑而诞生于世的She says I was put here to spread joy and laughter.我喜欢这个说法很喜欢到台上来I like that. I like that a lot! Come on down.来吧就凭这句话你得到台上来Come on! For that, you've got to come down.来吧来吧Come on! Come on!来吧Come on!好了今晚将有好戏上演Okay, we've got a big show tonight.别换台马上回来Stay tuned. We will be right back.你刚才太棒了亚瑟谢谢你That was great, Arthur. Thank you.我喜欢听你讲述自己的故事我很开心I mean, I loved hearing what you had to say, it made my day. 谢谢默里Thanks, Murray.你看到灯光表演You see all this, the lights, the show,观众这些东西了吗the audience, all that stuff?要是能有你这样的孩子I'd give it all up in a heartbeat我会毫不犹豫地放弃这一切to have a kid like you.你真是个混蛋You're such a jerk.-女士们你们好吗-兰德尔你好吗- What's up, ladies? - Hey, Randall. What's up?卖笑的一天又开始了Another day in chuckle town.你没事吧You okay?我听说你被人打了I heard about the beat-down you took.太野蛮了Fucking savages.只是一群孩子罢了我不该理会他们的It was just a bunch of kids. I should've left them alone.不那样的话他们会抢走你的一切No, they'll take everything from you if you do that.外面发生的那些破事他们都是畜生All the crazy shit out there? They're animals.这样吧You know what?给你Here.这是什么What is it?拿着Take it.给你的It's for you.你得保护好自己You gotta protect yourself out there,不然你会很惨otherwise you're gonna get fucked.兰德尔Randall.我不应该持枪I'm not supposed to have a gun.别担心亚瑟Don't sweat it, Art.没人会知道的No one has to know.你可以以后再回报我And you can pay me back some other time.你知道我罩着你You know you're my boy.亚瑟霍伊特让你到办公室找他Arthur... Hoyt wants to see you in his office.盖瑞你知道我一直好奇什么吗Hey, Garry, you know what I've always wondered?不知道No idea.迷你高尔夫对你们来说是不是标准高尔夫Do you people call it miniature golf, or is it just golf to you? 揍他老二盖瑞Punch him in the dick, Garry.办公室你好霍伊特Hello, Hoyt.盖瑞让我来找你Garry said you wanted to see me?你的喜剧生涯如何了How's the comedy career?你现在是著名单口相声演员了吗You're a famous stand-up yet?并不是Not quite.我还在构思段子Just been working on my material.别坐了很快就好No, don't sit. This will be quick.听着我喜欢你亚瑟Look. I like you, Arthur.这里很多人都觉得你是个怪胎You know, lot of the guys here think you're a freak,但我喜欢你but I like you.我甚至不知道为什么喜欢你I don't even know why I like you.但我又收到投诉了But I got another complaint.让我有点生气了肯尼乐器行的人And it's starting to piss me off. Kenny's Music.说你消失了The guy said you disappeared.连广告牌都没还回去Never even returned his sign.因为我被人抢了Because I got jumped.你没听说吗Didn't you hear?就为一块广告牌吗For a sign?扯淡没道理啊It's bullshit. It doesn't make sense,把广告牌还回去just give him his sign back.他们都要倒闭了亚瑟He's going out of business for God's sake, Arthur.我要广告牌做什么Why would I keep that sign?我他妈怎么知道问我干嘛How the fuck do I know? Why does anybody do anything? 你如果不把广告牌还回去If you don't return the sign,我只能从你的工资里扣了I got to take it out of your pay check.清楚了吗Are we clear?听着我是在帮你知道吗Listen, I'm trying to help you. Okay?还有件事Now I tell you something else.别的员工觉得跟你待在一起不自在亚瑟The other guys, they don't feel comfortable around you, Arthur. 因为他们觉得你是个怪胎懂吗Because people think you're weird, okay?我不能放任不管And I can't have that around me.我希望把这事解决了I want it-I want it to work out---等等等等Wait, wait, wait! Wait!谢谢Thank you.这栋楼太烂了对吧This building is so awful, isn't it?这栋楼太烂了对吗妈妈This building is so awful, right, mommy?嗯宝贝我听到了琪琪Yeah, sweetie. I hear you, GiGi.太烂了妈妈It's so awful, mommy.对吗妈妈Right, mommy?-晚安-这栋楼太烂了对吗- Goodnight. - This building's so awful, isn't it?走吧Come on.抬头Head up.可能是邮递员把信丢了Maybe the mailman is throwing them away.妈妈为什么这些信对你这么重要Mom, why are these letters so important to you?-他收到信又会怎样呢-他会帮我们- What do you think he's gonna do? - He's gonna help us.你为他们工作You worked for them, what?是三十年前的事情了吧30 years ago?他为什么要帮我们Why would he help us?因为托马斯·韦恩是个好人Because Thomas Wayne is a good man.如果他知道我们现在生活得这么困难If he knew how we were living,如果他看到这间屋子他会很难过if he saw this place, it would make him sick.我只能这么跟你解释了I can't explain it to you any better than that.我不想让你操心钱的事I don't want you worrying about money.或是操心我Or me.大家都说我已经能给大俱乐部表演单口相声了Everybody's telling me that my stand-up is ready for the big clubs. 但是开心谁让你这么觉得的But, Happy, what makes you think you could do that?-什么意思-我是说- What do you mean? - I mean...要当喜剧演员难道不需要足够幽默吗don't you have to be funny to be a comedian?你叫什么Hey, what's your name?亚瑟Arthur.亚瑟Hey, Arthur.你的舞跳得真好You're a really good dancer.我知道I know.那谁跳得不好And who is not?他Him.开心什么声音你没事吧Happy! What was that? Are you okay?妈妈你说什么Mom, what?刚刚的响声你听到了吗That noise! Did you hear that noise?我在看老战争片I'm-I'm watching an old war movie!调小声点Turn it down!抱歉妈妈Sorry, mom.行了吧You good?威廉街很高兴看到这些夫妻们来看我的表演It's nice to see these couples are at my show.我也有妻子我们喜欢角色扮演I have a wife, we love to role play.没错很性感Yes. Yes, very sexy.我现在最喜欢的是My favorite one right now is...教授和需要通过我的课才能毕业的大四学生professor and senior who really needs to pass my class to graduate. 是的Yes.我来告诉你们情境So I tell you how I operate.我是新英格兰地区一所著名大学的教授I'm a professor at a prestigious New England university.我妻子是我的西方文明导论课上的大四学生And my wife is a senior in my intro to western civ.我知道为什么她大四了还上导论课I know, I know, why is she-why is she a senior in intro?我当时也纳闷I didn't buy it either.她在我的办公时间来找我So she comes to me during my office hours,周一和周三的三点到五点Monday and Wednesday 3:00 to 5:00,她说"打扰一下路易斯教授"and she says, "Excuse me, Professor Lewis."在这个学校里我没法用真的姓氏I can't use my real last name at this collage因为他们不雇犹太人'cause they don't hire Jews.我要是获得终身教席就有这个问题先不管这个Something I'll address once I have a tenure, but for now...她说"路易斯教授She says, "Excuse me, Professor Lewis.我觉得我的西方文明导论可能要挂科了I think I might be in danger of failing intro to western civ,我想让你知道为了不挂科我什么都愿意做"and I just want you to know I'm willing to do anything to pass."我说"什么都愿意做吗" 她说"爽"I said "anything?", and she says "Aah".保持目光接触记得观察好笑的事性笑话总能使观众笑心理疾病人们人们希望你有心理疾病最糟的是人们希望你假装没病你今天是不是跟踪我了Were you following me today?是的Yeah.我就知道是你I thought that was you.我还以为你会入室抢劫I was hoping you'd come in and rob the place.我有一把枪I have a gun.我明天再造访I'll come by tomorrow.你太幽默了亚瑟You're so funny, Arthur.是啊Yeah...我是单口相声演员You know, I--I do stand-up comedy.有机会的话可以来看我的表演You should maybe come and see a show sometime.没问题I could do that.是吗Yeah?嗯告诉我时间Yeah. You let me know when?好Yeah.♪如果你感到开心就动动耳朵♪♪If you're happy and you know it, wiggle your ears ♪♪如果你感到开心就动动耳朵♪♪If you're happy and you know it, wiggle your ears ♪♪如果你感到开心♪♪If you're happy and you know it, ♪♪感到高兴就表现出来♪♪and you feel it, well, just show it ♪♪如果你感到开心就动动耳朵♪♪If you're happy and you know it, wiggle your ears ♪♪如果你感到开心就跺跺脚♪♪If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet ♪♪如果你感到开心就跺跺脚♪♪If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet ♪♪如果你感到开心♪♪If you're happy and you know it, ♪♪感到高兴就表现出来♪♪and you feel it, well, just show it ♪♪如果你感到开心就跺跺脚♪♪If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet ♪♪如果你感到开心就大声欢呼♪♪If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hooray" ♪♪如果你感到开心就大声欢呼♪♪If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hooray" ♪♪如果你感到开心感到高兴♪♪If you're happy and you know it, and you feel it,--♪霍伊特别这样Hoyt, please.我爱这份工作I love this job.亚瑟我得知道你为什么带枪去儿童医院Arthur, I need to know why you brought a gun into a kids hospital. 这是道具这是我表演的一部分It's a prop. It's part of my act now.扯淡扯淡That's bullshit! Bullshit!什么样的小丑会带枪What kind of a clown carries a fucking gun?而且兰德尔说你上周想找他买枪Besides, Randall told me you tried to buy a .38 off him last week. -兰德尔说的吗-你有毛病亚瑟- Randall told you that? - You're a fuck-up, Arthur.还是个骗子And a liar.你被开除了You're fired!我跟你说她想要我的号码I'm telling you, she wanted my number.我们不该走的We should have just stayed.你在做梦吧她对你根本不感兴趣You're dreaming, man. She wasn't interested... at all.你疯了吗你没看到我们跳舞时挨得多近吗Are you nuts? Did you see how close we were dancing!? 她爱上了我老兄She was in love, bro.她根本不想和你多待一秒She couldn't wait to get away from you.莱恩莱恩我疯了吗告诉他你看到了什么Ryan. Ryan, am I crazy? Tell him what you saw.你想吃薯条吗You want some french fries?你好Hello....?-我在和你说话呢-不用了谢谢- I'm talking to you. Hey. - No, thank you.你确定吗You sure?很好吃的They're really good.别不理他他在对你示好Don't ignore him. He's being nice to you.有什么好笑的吗混球Is something funny, asshole?贱人Bitch!♪这不荒唐吗♪♪Isn't it rich? ♪♪我们真是一对吗♪♪Are we a pair? ♪♪我好不容易踏上地面♪♪Me here, at last on the ground ♪♪你却仍在半空♪♪You in mid-air ♪♪让小丑们出场吧♪♪Send in the clowns. ♪♪这不可笑吗♪♪Isn't it bliss? ♪♪你不同意吗♪♪Don't you approve? ♪拜托别这样Please. Don't.♪一个四处游荡♪♪One who keeps tearing around, ♪♪一个动弹不得♪♪One who can't move. ♪♪小丑们在哪里♪♪Where are the clowns? ♪♪小丑们该出场了♪♪There ought to be clowns. ♪伙计告诉我们有什么这么好笑So, buddy, tell us. What's so fucking funny?没什么我...Nothing. I---我...我有一种病I have a--- I have a condition.我来告诉你你有什么混球I'll tell you what you have, asshole.拜托住手Please, stop!还会踢人把他抱住把他抱住We've got a kicker, huh? Hey, hold him steady, hold him steady. 别起来怪胎Stay down, freak!不不No! No!救命救命Hey! Help! Help!请远离正在关闭的车门Stay clear of the closing doors.该死Shit.该死Shit.我看报道说是画了满脸妆的人干的I read it was a guy in full make-up.不这里说他戴了面具No, it says right here it was a mask.不管怎样我觉得这对生意有好处Either way, I think it's good for business.所有报纸的头版都是小丑They got clowns in front of every newspaper.大个儿有什么好消息吗Big man, what's the good word?亚瑟我听说了你的遭遇Hey, Arthur. I heard what happened.我很遗憾伙计Sorry, mate.是啊那样被开除Yeah, it doesn't seem fair,感觉并不公平you get fired like that.你真的带枪去儿童医院了吗亚瑟Did you really bring a gun to the children's hospital, Arty?你他妈为什么要那么做What the fuck would you do that for?这是你新表演的一部分吗亚瑟Is that part of your new act, Arthur?如果你的舞蹈没把人逗笑If your dancing doesn't do the trick,你就开枪自杀吗you just gonna shoot yourself?怎么不问问兰德尔Why don't you ask Randall about it?是他的枪It was his gun.-什么-为此我还欠你人情不是吗- What? - I still owe you for that, don't I?你他妈在说什么What the fuck are you talking about?别胡扯了亚瑟Stop talking outta your ass, Art!不Oh, no!我忘了打卡下班了I forgot to punch out.别忘了笑别笑我们的城市正试图弄清楚And as our city tries to make sense of the brutal上周在地铁上发生的三人命案triple murder on the subway last week.我们请来了托马斯·韦恩We're joined by Thomas Wayne.-开心托马斯·韦恩上电视了-他跟这起悲剧- Happy, look. Thomas Wayne's on TV. - He has a personal connection -有私人关联-听到了妈妈- this tragedy. - Yes, mother.感谢邀请我参加节目Thanks for having me on show.他们在问他那个可怕的地铁谋杀案They're asking him about those horrible subway murders.谢谢你托马斯我知道这对你来说并不容易Thank you, Thomas. I know this is a difficult time for you.-为什么问他-这些年轻人都是...- Why him? - These young men all were...像是在给竞选造势Looks like his compaign.是的他们三个都是韦恩投资公司的员工Yes, all three of them worked for Wayne Investments.托马斯·韦恩他们善良正直有教养Good, decent, educated,尽管我与他们三人没有私交although, I didn't know any of them personally.和所有在韦恩公司工作过或正在工作的员工一样Like all the Wayne employees, past and present,他们都是我的家人they were family.-听到了吧我就说我们是一家人-这座城市- You hear that! I told you. We're family. - There now seems to be a 现在似乎仇富情绪高涨groundswell of anti-rich sentiment in the city.似乎那些不那么富裕的市民It's almost as if our less fortunate residents选择站在凶手这边are taken the side of the killer.是的令人遗憾Yes and it's a shame.这也是我考虑参选市长的其中一个原因It's one of the reasons why I'm considering a run for mayor.高谭市迷失了方向Gotham has lost its way.你对于有目击者声称What about the eyewitness report嫌疑人戴着小丑面具有什么看法of the suspect being a man in a clown mask?我觉得很合理Well, it makes total sense to me.什么样的懦夫才做得出这般冷血行径What kind of a coward would do something that cold-blooded ?躲在面具后的人Someone who hides behind a mask.这种人嫉妒比自己幸运的人Someone who is envious of those more fortunate than themselves, 却不敢露出自己的真面目yet they're too scared to show their own face.在这种人改过自新之前And until all those kind of people change for the better.. 我们这些有所成就的人those of us who've made something of our lives,将会一直把这些一事无成的人will always look at those who haven't看作跳梁小丑as nothing but clowns.托马斯·韦恩感谢你接受采访Thomas Wayne, thank you for coming in this morning. 这不好笑It's not funny.我那天在收音机里听到这首歌了I heard this song on the radio the other day.那个家伙唱着And the guy was singing,说他的名字叫嘉年华that his name was Carnival.-亚瑟-太疯狂了- Arthur. - It's just crazy,因为这是我工作时的小丑昵称because that's my clown name. At work.直到不久前But until a while ago好像都没人注意到我it was like nobody ever saw me.连我都不确定自己是否真的存在Even I didn't know if I really existed.亚瑟我有坏消息要告诉你Arthur, I have some bad news for you.你根本没听对吧You don't listen, do you?我觉得你从来都没I don't think you ever认真听我说话really hear me.你只是每周重复同样的问题You just ask the same questions every week:"工作顺利吗""How's your job?""有没有消极的想法""Are you having any negative thoughts?"我脑袋里全是消极的想法All I have are negative thoughts.反正你也听不进去But you don't listen, anyway.我说了I said,我这辈子for my whole life都不确定自己是否真的存在I didn't know if I even really existed.但现在我确定了But I do.人们开始注意到我了And people are starting to notice.他们砍了我们的预算They've cut our funding.我们下周就要关闭了We're closing down our offices next week.市政府在大幅度削减预算The city's cut funding across the board,其中包括社会福利social services is part of that.这是我们最后一次见面了This is the last time we will be meeting.好吧Okay.他们根本不在乎你这种人亚瑟They don't give a shit about people like you, Arthur.他们也不在乎我这种人And they really don't give a shit about people like me, either. 操Oh, fuck.以后我该怎么拿药How am I supposed to get my medication now?我该去找谁Who do I talk to?抱歉亚瑟I'm sorry, Arthur.我想大多数女人把性事看作是买车I think, uh-- I think most women look at sex like buying a car. 就好比"这车我能长久开下去吗"You know, like, "Can I see myself in this long term?"安全吗可靠吗Is it safe? Is it reliable?会害死我吗Could it kill me?而大多数男人把性事看作是停车Most guys look at sex like parking a car.比如"这儿有个车位"We're like "There's a spot"."那边还有一个那边也行""There is another spot, that would work.""还得花钱呢那算了""Oh, I have to pay? Never mind.""残障人士专用希望没人看到""Handicapped? Hope no one sees us."好了我讲完了谢谢各位Alright that's my time. Thank you very much, guys.大家再次为山姆·莫尔鼓掌One more time, Sam Mohr, ya' all.下一位喜剧演员Alright, this next comic说自己在哥谭市住了一辈子describes himself as a lifelong Gotham resident从小就有人经常对他说who from a young age was always told that:"他人生的意义就是"His purpose in life was to为这个寒冷黑暗的世界带来笑声"bring laughter and joy into this cold, dark world."好吧Okay.请掌声欢迎亚瑟·弗莱克亚瑟·弗莱克Please help me welcome Arthur Fleck, ya'all. Arthur Fleck.大家好很高兴来到这里Hello, it's good to be here---我讨厌I hate--我小时候I---I hated讨厌上学school as a kid.我小时候讨厌上学I hated school as a-- as a kid.但我母亲总是对我说But my mother would always say,"你应该享受校园生活你早晚要为生计奔波""You should enjoy it. One day you'll have to work for a living." "不会的妈我要当喜剧演员"。
基本兵种:美国大兵:选定时:Sir, yes sir! 是的,长官Ready 准备就绪Orders? 命令?How about some action 来点动作怎么样移动时:On my way! 正在路上Got it 知道了Double time 双倍速度Move it out 行动吧进攻时:Enemy cited 已弄清敌方You got it. 你会成功的Digging in! 深入中Let’s do it 一起来干掉他病毒阻击手:选定时:Vital agent ready 病毒特工已准备就绪移动时:Which way is the wind blowing 风在向哪个方向吹?Virus spreading 病毒正在扩散中Academic on the move 行动中Nasty bug on the ground 地上有些臭虫Just get to me in the range 只要把我派到攻击供给范围内就行了进攻时:This might sting a little 这可能会有电痛How about if I shot him in the arm 不如我射他的肩膀吧火箭飞行兵选定时I can go anywhere 我哪里都能去Rocky team sky 天上的火箭飞行队Few tanks are filled 几个油箱已经装满Got a clear view, sir 这里视野很好,长官移动时Run high 跑得高一点Pushing away 正在向前推进I will take the hard road 我走难走的那条路进攻时I can see him 我可看见他He’s got no place to hide 他没地方躲了They won’t see us coming 他不会看到我们正在前往他们那里 Clear off the place 把这里清干净I got him 我会干掉他的防空步兵选定时:Ready 准备就绪At least I got a job 至少我找到了工作Da 哒(应该是俄语里面是的意思)This gun’s heavy 这把枪很重的移动时:Cloud’s them death 乌云把他们送入地狱I’m going 我正在走进攻时:This will be messy 这会被弄得一团糟的动员兵选定时Comrade? 同志Conscript reporting 被征召的士兵报到Waiting orders 等待命令移动时:For the union 为苏联而战Da 哒(应该是俄语里面是的意思)Order received 收到命令进攻时:For mother Russia 为母亲苏联而战Attacking 进攻中You are sure? 你确定吗?For home comfort 为家乡安宁而战工程师(盟军、苏俄)选定时:I got the knowledge 我有技术Need a repair?需要维修吗?I got the tools 我有工具Engineering 工程设计中移动时:I won’t be late 我不会迟到的Moving 行动中Yes sir 是,长官进攻时Got the plans right here 我这里就有计划图纸Analyzing cosmetics 正在分析表面状况Studying blueprint 研究蓝图中工程师(尤里)选定时:My tools are your 我的工具是你的Is there a problem?有问题吗?How can I assist? 我能帮什么忙移动时:Where is trouble?麻烦在哪里?Repairing man on the move 维修工人正在前往出事地点 I will investigate 我会察看一下的Smooth operation 顺利的行动进攻时:I am working 我正在工作Inspecting full plan 检查整个计划There is nothing more fun 没有什么东西更有趣了。
let’s go用法
let’s go用法"Let's go" 是一个常用的口语表达,用于邀请或提议与他人一起行动或前往某处。
用法示例:朋友之间:A: "Do you want to go to the movies tonight?"B: "Sure, let's go!" (A: "今晚去看电影怎么样?" B: "好啊,我们走吧!")A: "There's a great new restaurant opening downtown. Let's go check it out!"B: "Sounds like a plan! Let's go!" (A: "市中心开了家很棒的新餐厅,我们去看看吧!" B: "听起来不错!我们走吧!")家人之间:父母: "The weather is nice today. Let's go for a picnic in the park!" 孩子: "Yay! Let's go!" (父母: "今天天气很好,我们去公园野餐吧!" 孩子: "耶!我们走吧!")团队活动:领导: "We have a team-building activity this weekend. Let's go and have some fun together!"团队成员: "Sounds exciting! Let's go!" (领导: "这个周末我们有个团队建设活动,一起去玩吧!" 团队成员: "听起来很有趣!我们走吧!")"Let's go" 可以用于各种场合,包括旅行、购物、户外活动、社交聚会等。
(六上)Unit 1 How can I get there? (Unit 1 A Let's talk)Wu Yifan:Robin,where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard. Robin:It's near the door.Wu Yifan:Thanks. Where is the post office ? I want to send it today. Robin:I don't know. I'll ask. Excuse me, sir.Man:Wow! A talking robot ! What a great museum !Robin:Where is the post office?Man:It's next to the museum.Robin:Thanks.(Unit 1 B Let’s try)Mike:What an interesting film !Wu Yifan:Yes,but I'm hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant.Mike:Yum! I like pizza ! Where is the restaurant?Wu Yifan:It's next to the park on Dongfang Street.Mike:How can we get there?Robin:Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital . Mike:OK. Let's go !吴一凡:罗宾,博物馆的商店在哪儿?我想要买一张明信片。
No Time to Die《007:无暇赴死(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本
Madeleine?你还想吃东西吗?You want to eat again?你吃得太多是因为你情绪低落。
You eat too much because you're depressed. 玛德琳!Madeleine!什么事?Yes?玛德琳!Madeleine!什么事,妈妈?Yes, mama?我渴了,我的天使。
I'm thirsty, my angel.我来了。
I'm coming.你要吃药吗?-是的,亲爱的。
- Do you want your medicine? - Yes, my darling. 你想玩游戏吗?Do you want to play a game?我在等爸爸回家。
I'm waiting for Papa to come home.你认为爸爸是做什么的?What do you think Papa does?他是一个医生。
He's a doctor.他医治人。
He heals people.哦。
Oh. No, no.你♥爸♥爸,他杀人。
Your Papa, he kills people.——没有。
-这就是你爱的人吗?杀人犯吗?- No. - Is that who you love? Murderers? ——妈妈。
妈妈!- Mama. - Mama. Mama. Mama!离开我。
Leave me be. Go play.妈妈!别管我!Leave me alone!妈妈!Mama!-怀特先生在家吗?——没有。
- Is Mr. White home? - No. He's gone.我叫吕瑟弗·萨芬。
My name is Lyutsifer Safin.你丈夫杀了我的家人。
Your husband killed my family.我告诉过你,他走了。
Hi, Lily!
Hi, Amy!
How are you?
Fine, Thank you!
Let’s talk
Ok. Let’s go!
Let’s ...
Nice/Glad to see you again.
2. 在表达一起做某事的时候,我们会说什么?
1. 老朋友重逢时,我们怎样和对方打招呼呢?
1. 把本节课所学歌曲Let’s go to school. 唱给家人听。2. 试用Nice/ Glad to see you again. 问候你身边好久不见的朋友。
Let’s learn
Let’s go to classroom.
Let’s go to playground.
Let’s talk
Hello, Kate! Nice to see you again.
Hello, Gao Wei! Glad to see you again.
Let’s talk
Let’s go to school.
浪潮来吧宝贝Come on, Mami!一起唱Come on!♪一座为之争抢的桥♪♪ Oh, a bridge that someone's fighting over ♪FloriDada - Animal Collective♪一座老旧让人放弃的桥♪♪ A bridge so old so let it go ♪♪带我回家的桥究竟在何方♪♪ Where's the bridge that's gonna take me home ♪♪一座为之争抢的桥♪♪ A bridge that someone's fighting over ♪♪一座为之祈祷的桥♪♪ A bridge that someone's praying over ♪♪一座老旧让人放弃的桥♪♪ A bridge so old so let it go ♪等等准备好了吗Wait. Ready? Ready? Ready?相信我吗你相信我吗宝贝Trust me? Do you trust me, baby?你相信我吗你相信我吗Do you trust me? Do you trust me?把你的破手...把手放方向盘上Put your fucking... Put your hands on the wheel. -亲一个 -把你...- Give me a kiss. - Put your...♪一座为之争抢的桥♪♪ Oh, a bridge that someone's fighting over ♪♪一座为之争抢的桥♪♪ A bridge that someone's fighting over ♪♪一座老旧让人放弃的桥♪♪ A bridge so old so let it go ♪好了脚下别偷懒All right. No lazy steps.往前冲跑起来Let's go ahead and run it off.今天都给我保持动作流畅I want constant fluid movement today.-明白吗 -是教练- Is that understood? - Yes, coach!你最好每参加一场比赛都能做出应对计划And you better come into every single match with a plan, 因为你最好相信就算你没有计划because you better believe if you don't have a plan,你的对手肯定有your rival does.好了All right!准备两人一组Go ahead and pair up.马上找到你的搏斗伙伴Find your battle buddies right now.都给我抛下一切竭尽全力I need you to leave everything on the mat不许出圈and keep it in the circle.记住你们是伟大机器的未来掌门人Remember, you are future holders of the great machine. 来吧Let's go!你们每次走出教室门Every time you walk out this door,都看看那个标语you look at that sign,及时行乐把握当下Carpe Diem. Seize the day.及时行乐没有第二次机会没有第二次出击There are no second chances. There are no second acts. 成王败寇也没有他妈的第二名There is no goddamn motherfucking second place.你最好每参加一场比赛都能做出应对计划You better come in to every single match with a plan.因为如果你没有的话我现在就能告诉你Because if you don't have a plan, I can tell you right now, 你的对手有your rival has a plan,而这会在你的溃败中展露无遗and it will manifest itself in your defeat.你就会输And you will lose.跑跑跑举起来Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. And up!举过头顶举过头顶保持住Over your heads. Over your head. Hold it!五六七八...five, six, seven, eight.一二三四五六七八One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.一二三四五六七八One, two, three, four, five, six seven, eight.一二One, two...我不能被打倒我是新机器I cannot be taken down, I am a new machine.我不能被打倒我是新机器I cannot be taken down, I am a new machine.再来一遍One more time!我不能被打倒我是新机器I cannot be taken down, I am a new machine.我不能被打倒我是新机器I cannot be taken down, I am a new machine.我居然比你先到家这可是头一回I beat you home? That's a first.是啊今天忙了一天Yeah. Today was a long one.-忙是忙但挺好的吧 -嗯- Long, but good? - Yeah.我完全能懂你宝贝I know exactly how you feel, babe.-要不要来点吃的 -好- You want some food? - Yeah.它们吃啥我吃啥I want what they're having.-高蛋白呢 -那是- It's high protein. - Yeah.-在学校怎么样 -还行- How was school? - It was good.你应该知道英语里能用来跟你♥爸♥说话的词You do realize there are more words in the English language you can useto speak with your father, yeah?在学校还行School was good.但是练得太狠了我明天还有历史考试But practice went over and I have a history test tomorrow, -我得开始做作业了 -好- so I need to start homework. - Okay.-行 -去吧- All right. - There you go.你还是得九点钟下来I still need you down by 9:00.-知道了 -好- I know. - All right.女神爹地晚间秀身材祝各位安好-好了现在我要把手松开了 -别- Come on. Okay now I'm gonna let my hands down. - No. -来嘛 -不我不相信我自己- Come on. - No, I don't trust myself.我不相信我自己I don't trust myself.我不相信我自己I don't trust myself.女神马上驾到Goddess is about to arrive.别装得好像你现在不想要我似的Don't play like you don't want me right now.你真是对我着了迷You're obsessed with me.♪把嘴闭上♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪♪把嘴闭上♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪♪把嘴闭上♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪♪把嘴闭上♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪♪把嘴闭上♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪♪把嘴闭上♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪♪把嘴闭上♪♪ Shut the fuck up ♪好了你们一人选一首歌♥All right, one of y'all put a song on.这样是挺好的但...Like it was cool, but...醒醒Hey, wake up.-出发了 -好的起来了- Let's go! - Yeah, I'm up.-五分钟后下楼 -好的- Downstairs in five. - All right.-准备好了吗 -好了- You ready? - Yeah.出发Go.爱是恒久忍♥耐又有恩慈Love is patient. Love is kind.爱是不粗鲁不夸耀Love is not rude. It doesn't boast.爱也是原谅Love also forgets wrong.如果我们能多花些时间去爱彼此If we spent more time loving one another,恨就会止息hate would cease.所以你们手握选择爱更有力量So you have a choice. Love works better.爱让我们变得更好让世界更美好Love is better for us. It makes the world better, 但是我们要付诸行动多少...but we have to be in action. How much...你们想怎样去爱我要如何去爱How do you want to love? How can I love?你们应该知道可以只用微微一笑Well, you know what, it could be just by a smile. -你脸上的一个微笑就能 -一个微笑阿门- A smile on your face could - - A smile. Amen改变别人的一天change somebody's day.是的阿门Yes. Amen.现在该你们选择是否要正确使用爱了Now you choose whether you use the love correctly. 我想提醒大家So I want to remind you that爱是四声恨也是love is a four-letter word, and so is hate.我们现在所处的世界充满着仇恨We're in a world full of hate right now.人人都会对别人指指点点Everybody's pointing a finger at somebody else.你这里不好你那里不好And you're no good. And you're no good.我们不好他们也不好And we're no good. And they're no good.现在就没有好人Ain't nobody good right now.所以我们要用爱把大家拉回来So we need love to bring people back.我在成长过程中听到过这么句老话There used to be an old thing when I was growing up 养大一个孩子需要举全村之力that says it takes a village to raise a child.我们仍需要那个村庄It's gonna take that same village来让我们整个国家学会去爱to bring us back to love as a country.♪一天里竟会如此不同♪♪ What a difference a day made ♪What a Difference a Day Makes - Dinah Washington ♪二十四个小时♪♪ Twenty-four little hours ♪你昨晚回来得挺晚吧You get in late last night?-没有 -没有吗- Not really. - Not really, huh?你就无缘无故地在教堂里睡着了You're just falling asleep in church for no reason?-不是 -你是觉得今天的布道很无聊吗- No, I mean... - Were you bored with that service today? 没有就是...No, I mean, it's just...你肩膀怎么样了阿泰还酸痛吗How's your shoulder, Ty? Still sore?-时不时的 -我给斯蒂夫打电♥话♥- On and off. - I'm gonna call Steve.约个时间再看一下Just get an appointment to make sure.-不用没事 -他没事- No, it's fine. - He's fine.-你还好意思说 -有我盯着呢- You're one to talk. - I got my eye on it.你还盯着自己的膝盖呢You had your eye on your knee, too.看看落了个什么下场Look where that got you.我知道他没事但是还有整个赛季等着呢I'm sure he's fine, but we have a whole season ahead.再次说声抱歉这次我得请个假And I'm sorry again I'm gonna miss this one,但是你♥爸♥会去小艾也会去支持but your dad will be there, and Em will be there,-我下一场再去 -不我也不能去了- and I'll be at the next one. - No, I can't be there either. 什么What?我跟你说过练习时间改了I told you. Practice got moved.这可是你哥的首场对抗赛It's your brother's first meet.我得学习I have to study.别人都不能那么晚出来Everybody else can't meet that late.贝瑟妮的妈妈说我们不能...And Bethany's mom says that we can't...原来是这么回事Oh, that's what this is about.你朋友约好了要去贝瑟妮家Your friends at Bethany's house.妈他根本都不在乎我去不去Mom, he doesn't even care if I'm there!-确实 -你在意我去不去吗- Very true. - Do you care if I'm there?-不毫不在乎 -你当然在乎- No, I don't care if you're there. - You do care.-你也应该在乎 -看到没- And you should care. - He doesn't.行了好了Okay. All right.没什么好担心的知道为什么吗There's nothing to worry about here. And you know why? 因为智慧高尚的父亲Because the wise and noble father会亲自去现场坐镇is gonna be there to hold it down.是吗在哪呢在哪呢Really? Where is he? Where is he?如果你见到他能把他送到我这来吗If you see him, will you send him my way, please?真不害臊Shame on you.如果你见到他也把他给我送来If you see him, send him my way too.-我们现在就比试比试 -可以吗- We can go right now. - We can go?-当然可以 -是吗- Oh, we can go right now. - That's what's up?你觉得你能赢得了你老爸You think you can take your old man?等下Hold on.你觉得这是闹着玩呢You think you can mess with this?-你们 -怎么了- You guys. - What's up?能不闹吗Can we not...是那边的肩膀吧来吧It's that shoulder, right? Come on.怎样What's up?-你开始了吗 -我开始了吗- Did you start? - Did I start?我只是确认一下你用力了I'm just making sure you started.-用力了吗 -爸爸用力了- Did you? - Dad started.别叨叨Get out my ear.准备好了就告诉我You let me know when you're ready.能别打你亲妹吗Yeah, can you not hit your sister?-你行吗 -没事老爸- You all right? - I'm fine, man.准备好了就告诉我You let me know when you're ready.没事吧You okay?告诉我告诉我You let me know. You let me know.别吓人了行吗Can we not scare the people, please?别说话安静安静Shh. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet. Quiet.顶住Come on!再来一个One more.-放下 -再来一个- Let's go. - One, one more.-再来一个吗 -来- One more? - One more.我看见你了看见你了继续I see you. I see you. Come on.还有啥还有啥使出来What you... What you got? What you got? Get in there. -还行吧 -我没事- You good, brah? - I'm good.练太猛了Flex too hard?你是不是练太猛了You flex too hard?是的是的这块都疼You got me. You got me. This hurts.这里最开始的时候是一片大泥地But it all starts with a piece of dirt,然后化腐朽为神奇and it turns into something magnificent.做的事情能成为对社区的贡献Something that makes a contribution to your community. 是件很美好的事It's a beautiful thing.你要为你所做的事感到骄傲儿子You gotta take pride in what you do, son.别忘了这点Never forget that.看看这个带你去看主卧Check this out. Show you this master bedroom.如果你足够幸运If you could be so lucky one day有一天能有一间像这样的卧室to have a bedroom like this bedroom,你就出人头地了then you'd be doing all right.就算做成大事了看看吧You'd be doing all right. Check it out.你知道意大利面是艾丽克西斯的最爱吧You know spaghetti is Alexis' favorite dish, right?你真该看看她第一次吃的吃相You should have seen the first time that she had it.我们都录下来了We got it on video, okay?我们得找出来我必须得找出来给你看We got to find it. I got to find it for you.-爸 -特别逗- Dad! - It's hilarious.她用两手抓着吃弄得满身都是She ate it with her hands, and it got everywhere.那可是肉块和红酱I'm talking chunks of meat and red sauce,像只野兽一样弄得到处都是just all over the place like a wild animal.-老爸别说了 -太可爱了- Dad, shut up! - So cute!太可爱了So cute.-特别可爱萌翻天了 -老天- It was adorable. It was the most lovely thing. - Oh, my God. 特别美真的It's beautiful. It was beautiful.再说了你那么可爱Plus, you were so cute.怎么What?罗纳德·威廉姆斯氨酚羟考酮现在张开你们的心灵之眼Now in the eye of your mind, in your mind's eye,注视你的源代码I want you to fixate on your source code,注视你的灵魂来源感受纯粹的激励鼓舞on your soul's source of pure unadulterated inspiration.它只会振奋鼓舞你一个人Something that is inspiring to you and you alone.我要你们认真凝视仔细领会I want you to look at it. I want you to take it in.让它成为你们此刻的指路明灯好吗I want it to be your guiding light right now, all right?然后重复我的话And then I want you to repeat after me...我不会让你失望说I will not let you down. Repeat.我不会让你失望I will not let you down.你不会让我失望说You will not let me down. Repeat.你不会让我失望You will not let me down.我的队友不会让我失望My folks won't let me down.我的队友不会让我失望My folks won't let me down.我的教练不会让我失望My coach won't let me down.我的教练不会让我失望My coach won't let me down.我不会被打败我是新机器说I cannot be taken down. I am a new machine. Say it! 我不会被打败我是新机器I cannot be taken down. I am a new machine.再说一次One more time!我不能被打倒我是新机器I cannot be taken down. I am a new machine.我们一起说一次One more time with me!我不能被打倒我是新机器I cannot be taken down. I am a new machine.再说一次One more time!我不能被打倒我是新机器I cannot be taken down. I am a new machine.很好数到三喊独行侠队All right, Mavericks on three.一二三One, two, three.独行侠队独行侠队独行侠队Mavericks! Mavericks! Mavericks!独行侠队独行侠队独行侠队Mavericks! Mavericks! Mavericks!一二三One, two, three!-明白了吗 -明白- You see it? - Yep.懂了没感受到区别了吧You see it? You feel the difference?感受到了Yeah, I feel the difference all right.-能起来吗 -可以- Can you get up? - All right. Yeah.好的All right.你要是按我教你的做If you did it the way I taught you,你能早二十秒打败他知道吗you would have had him 20 seconds earlier, all right? 起来Get up.那孩子就是个笨蛋The kid was a chump, man.你或许能很快压倒他You may have been able to pin him quick因为你动作更快也更强壮because you're faster and you're stronger,但你的技术...but your technique...打进全国赛全看技术Getting to State is about technique.-知道吗你还好吗 -嗯还好- You feel me? You good? - Yeah. I'm good.肩膀还好吗不疼吗Your shoulder's good? It's not hurting?-不疼 -确定吗- No. - You sure?-确定 -那好来吧- I'm sure. - All right. Come on.再把背负式摔击做一遍给我看Let me see that fireman one more time.来吧来啊Come on. Come on.LVL - A$AP Rocky♪制♥作♥人老兄♪♪ Clams Casino, nigga ♪♪ A$AP洛基♪♪ A$AP ♪-你醒了吗 -没睡你睡得怎么样-我有点担心... -为什么怎么了我来晚了...什么来晚了月经-艾米丽 -怎么- Emily! - What?-小艾 -干什么- Em! - What?艾米丽Emily!-动作快点 -闭嘴- Hurry up, man. - Shut up.这猫长得跟迈克尔·J·福克斯一样Michael J. Fox looking nigga.电影《回到未来》系列男主演看紧点行吗Come on, brah.-关上我的门 -你的门自己关- Close my door. - Close your own door.你好啊And there... Hello.-你今天怎么样 -还好- How was your day? - It was fine.本可以更好的不过也行吧Could've been better, but it's cool...我试了一套西装I got a suit fitted.-独行侠队舞会上穿吗 -是的- For the Maverick Ball? - Yep.你穿上肯定很帅你妹妹也去You're gonna look good. Your sister's going.她跟哪群人去What group is she going with?我怎么知道You think I would know?她最好别跟着我去She just better not be going with my ass, all right? -你是你妹妹的守护者 -什么时候的事- You are your sister's keeper. - Since when?这又不是你的毕业舞会It's not like it's your prom.艾丽克西斯期待吗Is Alexis excited?希望如此她的礼裙买♥♥来很久了Yeah, I hope so. She's had her dress for long enough. -你今天怎么样 -筋疲力尽- How was your day? - Exhausting.那人离婚是离定了That divorce is happening.我有几条笔记需要你帮我转录I have some notes for you to do.我一直跟她说要她把日程安排分散一下I keep telling her if she'd spread her schedule out 每周五也工作and worked Fridays,她就不会这么累了she wouldn't be so exhausted.周一到周四我负责看病My patients have me until Thursday.周五我想陪我的宝贝们Come Friday I want to be with my babies.亲一个Kiss?我的好老婆There's my girl.今天挺好的吧Good day?是啊挺好的Yeah. Not bad.-你作业做完了吗 -没有- You done with your homework? - Not yet.那你还等什么What you waiting for?我就下楼跟我妈问声好I just came down to say hi to Mom.也就两秒钟的休息时间It's a two-second break.你膝盖怎么样How's your knee?老样子The usual.去洗澡吧Go make your bath.遵命Yes, ma'am.你没吃我的止痛药吧You didn't take any of my pain pills, did you?没有怎么No. Why?没事It's all good.SLAP是指肩关节上盂唇的前后部SLAP stands for Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior.上面这一块就是肱二头肌腱This top area here is where the biceps tendon连接盂唇的地方attaches to the labrum.这就是为什么你伸胳膊时会感到疼痛That's why you are also feeling pain running up your arm.像你这种情况Now, in your case,如果不记得是哪件事引发的if you don't remember a specific event,那就可能会加重肩膀的病情then you could have aggravated your shoulder久而久之因为重复运动情况会越来越糟糕and then over time, with repetition, made it worse and worse. 因为伤到的是盂唇所以不止是过顶运动Since it's the labrum, it's not just overhead activities.任何与肱二头肌腱有关的剧烈运动Any strenuous activity on the biceps tendon都会加剧疼痛will enhance it, as well.好吧我想请问一下这...Okay... I'm sorry. So, like, what...这是什么意思What does that mean?你的伤势很严重Well, you've done extreme damage.SLAP损伤最高五级你就是五级You have a level five out of five SLAP tear.我从没见到过这么严重的损伤I've never actually seen this level tear in person.没你说得那么夸张吧Well, I mean, it's not that bad.我轻轻松松就能挺过去I could easily push through it.恐怕你得做手术I'm afraid you need surgery不然会造成不可逆的永久性伤害or you're running the risk of permanent, irreversible, damage. 但我这个赛季刚开始所以...But I'm... But I'm in season right now, so...我理解但是泰勒情况非常严重I understand. But Tyler, this is very serious.我极力建议你立刻停止一切体育运动I highly recommend you stop all physical activity immediately 我们尽快安排你做手术and we get you surgery as soon as possible.等等如果...如果我们Wait, what if... What if we did it...如果我们在赛季结束后动手术怎么样What if we did it at the end of season and I could,这样我就能在暑假期间养伤you know, I could recover over the summer?好为明年上大学做准备And I could be ready for next year for college?我觉得你再多比一场都不行I can't see you making another match,更别说整个赛季了let alone an entire season.而且老实说要想康复Then, to be honest, recovery would take much longer一个暑假完全不够than just the summer.你可能永远都没办法完全恢复原状了You're likely never to fully recover to the way you were,但是越早治疗越好but the sooner we address this, the better.你还年轻会恢复得很好的You're young and you'll heal very well.这需要时间It's going to take time.我可以打给你妈妈要是你...I can call your mom if you...不不用了我会...No, you don't have to do that. I'll...我自己去跟她说I'll talk to her.很遗憾泰勒I'm very sorry, Tyler.一瓶伏特加That's one bottle of vodka.给你There you go.-拿到了吗哥们 -拿到了- You got it, bud? - Yeah.阿泰有水流到我房♥间了Ty, there's water coming through my door!阿泰到处都是水你在做什么Ty, there's water everywhere. What are you doing? 泰勒Tyler?老天每次训练都这样Geez. Every practice.-别怂 -让他起来- Don't be a pussy. - Let him up!怎么回事阿泰What's the matter, Ty?练起来我陪着你一起快来Let's do this. I'm right here with you. Come on.开始Go.来吧一Come on. One.二Two.三Three.四Four.五Five.六加油Six. Come on.七Seven.八再来两下Eight. Two more.最后一下了One more, baby.还行吗How you doing?-不练了吗 -不练了- You done now? - Yeah, I'm good.-就不练了 -练够了- That's it? - I'm done....今天痛哭流涕...broke down in tears today,琳达仍旧拒绝任何形式的交流and Linda continues to refuse any type of communication. -怎么样了 -还行- How's it coming? - Good.-还剩多少 -一半- How many more you got? - Halfway.这是什么格式为什么日期在那边What's this format? Why's the date over there?这是她让我做的格式It's the format she told me to do.你能让我做自己的事吗Can you just let me do my thing?你做你的事我又不给钱I don't pay you to do your thing.你帮我做事我才给I pay you to do my thing.-其实她给我钱 -你又来了- Technically she pays me. - You know, there you go again. -你这是什么态度 -什么意思- What's that attitude about? - What do you mean?你明知我什么意思停下You know exactly what I mean. Stop!关掉看着我Turn it off and look at me.看一下四周Look around here for a sec.你觉得是谁在经营这个家庭Who do you think keeps all this running, hmm?你母亲或许很擅长治病Now, your mother may be great with the patients,但她对做生意一窍不通but she don't know nothing about running a business.你以为如果我辞职You think if I quit my job也不管你妈妈的生意and stopped running your mother's business,你这傻大个还会有地方住吗that you'd have a place to even lay that big head of yours? -没有 -那你是怎么回事- No. - Then what's up?我就是现在有很多烦心事I mean, I just have a lot going on right now.是吗你以为我和你妈Do you really? What, you think me and your mom烦心事不多吗don't got a lot going on?等你自己在社会上独♥立♥Wait until you get out on your own in the world要真正担负责任就知道了and have real responsibilities.你得学会平衡阿泰You got to be able to balance it, Ty.我们谈过这个的Now, we talked about this, brah.如果你没办法坚持If you can't keep it going,就别想着和朋友出去玩you can forget about hanging out with your friends或者和你那小女朋友到处鬼混了你...or running around with that little girl of yours. You...别对我摇头小子Quit shaking your head at me, boy.这是我家This is my house.如果你不喜欢我的管家方式那就出去If you don't like the way I run things, then you can be up out. 我跟你说过你不用为我工作I told you you didn't have to work for me你也不用和我一起训练and you didn't have to train with me.那是你自己要求的是你的选择对吗You asked for that. That was your choice, right?而且也不是我选的摔跤And I'm not the one who chose wrestling,但是如果你决定要做一件事but if you're gonna do something,那就最好把它做成you might as well do it right.我以前说过我再说一遍I said it before, I'll say it again.这世界根本就不在乎你我The world don't give a shit about you or me.我们没有资格碌碌无为We are not afforded the luxury of being average. 不管做什么都要付出十倍的努力Got to work 10 times as hard just to get anywhere. 这是...It's...阿泰我也不想逼你Ty, I don't push you because I want to.我逼你是因为我必须如此I push you because I have to.你听懂了吗儿子Do you hear what I'm saying, son?-听懂了吗 -知道了知道了- Do you hear what I'm saying? - Yeah. Yeah.好Good.很好Good.老天有时候我看着你们Man, I look at y'all sometimes and think of想到你们拥有的机会我都不曾有过all the opportunities you have that I didn't.幻想着你爷爷奶奶也为我这么做Wishing Nana and Three Papa had done for me.你是不知道你们现在条件有多好You don't know how good you got it.压倒压倒Pin! Pin!干掉他Get him!把他压倒把他压倒Pin him down! Pin him down!-好上啊泰勒 -加油阿泰- Yes! Go, Tyler! - Come on, Ty!上啊上啊Let's go! Let's go!-单腿抱摔单腿抱摔 -好- Single leg. Single leg. - Yeah!按住他的肩膀阿泰Get his shoulder down, Ty!按住他的肩膀Get his shoulder down.加把劲加把劲泰勒Come on. Come on, Tyler!不能让他得逞阿泰加油Can't let him work like that, Ty! Come on! 加油宝贝站起来起来Come on, babe! Get up! Get up!主队 3分客队 2分本节龙队胜Match. Dragon win.起来Get up!没事泰勒It's all right, Tyler!加油独行侠队好样的Good job!没事没关系的宝贝It's okay! It's all right, babe!没什么It's all right!准备上威廉姆斯Let's go, Williams!-上吧 -你还能更好- Let's go! - You can do better.还可以更好You can do better.拿下这场泰勒Let's do this, Tyler!加油泰勒Come on now, Tyler!加油泰勒Come on now, Tyler!加油阿泰加油你能行Come on, Ty! Come on, you got this!起来泰勒起来宝贝Get up, Tyler! Get up, babe!翻滚起来Roll out!跃起跃起Spring out! Spring out!没事没事It's okay. It's okay.放松没关系没关系Calm down. It's all right. It's all right.他真是蠢到没边了才会变成现在这样He did this to himself through sheer stupidity!声音小点斯蒂夫应该告诉我们的Watch your voice. Steve should've told us.这下奖学金玩完了So much for a scholarship.我真不知道他到底在想什么I don't know what the hell he was thinking.斯蒂夫说他没打电♥话♥Steve said he didn't call是因为泰勒想亲口告诉我们because Tyler wanted to tell us personally.这么说他一直在骗我们So he's been lying to us this whole time?这是态度问题我跟你说这小子...It's his attitude, I'm telling you. The boy...女神来电Rushes - Frank Ocean♪我必须追随那个人♪♪ Gonna be somebody, oh I follow ♪♪乌云密布大雨倾盆水汽氤氲♪♪ Oh and it's so cloudy Running showers and the mist so fly ♪感觉好久没见到你了I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.我也是I feel the same way.-我想你了 -我也想你- I missed you. - I missed you, too.至少你的茧子没那么厚了Your callouses are getting better, at least.对因为我没练举重了Yeah, that's because I haven't been lifting.对该死抱歉Oh, right. Shit. Sorry.我现在真的没这个心情I'm not really in the mood right now.为什么我是说...Why not? I mean, it's...宝贝都这么久没见面了Baby, it's been forever. I mean...我知道你现在压力很大I know you're under a lot of pressure right now, 但我真的非常害怕but I'm just getting really scared.害怕什么出什么事了你还好吗About what? What's going on? Are you okay?我月经还是没来I still haven't gotten my period.什么What?已经晚了两三周了It's been like two, three weeks.我不知道我只是...I don't know. I'm just...我找不到人说这件事I have nobody to talk to about it我真的非常害怕and I'm just getting really scared.别...别害怕Don't be... don't be scared.首先你永远都能向我倾诉First of all, you can always talk to me.好吗什么时候都能跟我说All right? Look, you can always talk to me.我们一起面对We're in this together.我不允许你觉得I don't want you to ever feel like自己应该害怕什么的you should be scared or anything like that.看着我宝贝看着我Look at me. Babe, look at me.一切都会好起来的好吗Everything's going to be okay, all right?好吗All right?好Yeah.来这里Come here.♪我会站起来♪♪ I be up to my feet ♪♪我醒来感到全身无力♪♪ I'll wake up feeling weak ♪♪一周后再唤醒我♪♪ Wake me up in a week ♪-我爱你 -我也爱你- I love you. - I love you too.我好爱你I love you so much.应该就是这里I think this is it.是吗Yeah?-一帮混♥蛋♥ -别看他们- Fucking assholes. - Just don't look at them.他们为什么非得这样做Why do they have to do that?做什么Do what?"选择"子♥宫♥内七周大的活胚胎堕胎是罪你想在这里下车吗You want me to drop you off here?-让我下车 -你是想停在...- Drop me off? - I mean, where do you...-不然要怎么办嘛 -你开玩笑吗- What else do you want me to do? - Are you kidding? 停车啊先停车Just find... get parking. Just park.-停这里可以吗 -可以- Right here cool? - Yeah, it's fine.你们都会下地狱的You know you're going to go to hell!-别当杀人犯 -不可杀人- Don't be a murderer! - Thou shalt not kill!好了大家都听我说一声All right, let me have everybody's attention.好All right.外面那些人都疯了Look, these people out here are crazy, man.还有这群女的她们带了枪我看到了And these women, they carry guns on them. I seen it. 没错我还看到他们试图说服All right, I also seen them try to convince一个年轻女性不要做手术a young woman not to go through the procedure,因为他们承诺会收养她的孩子because they promised her to adopt her child.你们猜怎么着他们并没有收养And guess what? They didn't.完全没有帮她Didn't help her out at all.然后呢她就没法脱身了And guess what? She's stuck.他们每天对人说着最恶毒的话They tell people the worst things every single day我还都得受着and I got to take it.但听好有我在这儿守着你们好吗But listen, I'm here for y'all, all right?我只需要But all I ask in return你们也为了我待在这里就行is that you're here for me as well.所以拜托So please,不要出去和那些疯女人搅和do not go out here and mess with these crazy women.。
The Town《城中大盗(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本
波士顿一个蓝领社区的银行劫匪和运钞车劫匪就超过世界上任何一个地方这个社区就是查尔斯城在查尔斯城抢银行已成了一门家族事业来自波士顿抢劫专案组的联邦探员我为来自查尔斯城而骄傲虽然它彻底毁了我的生活但我以此为傲一名查尔斯敦男子[摘自《波士顿环球时报》]哈佛汽车火车站那个司机的名字叫亚瑟·谢伊Driver's name is Arthur Shea.前梅德福警局警♥察♥ 五十七岁former Medford police officer, 57 years old.他的搭档拿着钱袋离开后Soon as his partner leaves with the coal bag...老亚只会埋头看《先驱报》...Artie cracks The Herald,一直等到他搭档回来and he don't look up till the guy gets back.马蒂·麦格威尔Marty MacGuire,卡明斯公♥司♥的运钞车押运员Cummins Armored courier.身高一米七八5'10'',体重二百二十磅五十二岁220, 52 years old.每周三和周五八点十二分准时取钱Picks up every Wednesday and Friday at exactly 8:12.每天薪水一百一十美金Makes $110 a day.配有SIG9毫米手♥枪♥Carries a SIG 9.一会我们要抢的人就是他And he's about to get robbed.如果直升机或特警队出现我们都玩完We're fucked if we see a helicopter, we're fucked if we see SWAT. 如果看到警车放弃行动We see a cruiser, stop,马上开车逃跑不要回头take out the engine blocks, keep moving.不要硬拼No one needs to get hurt.这些押运员还是会试着阻止你Now, these guards like to test you, though.因为他们受伤后有每小时十美元的补贴They want to get hurt for $10 an hour,他们并不是想碍事don't get in the way.行动Let's go.快快Move! Move!现在所有人远离柜台All right, now get away from the counter!快快点所有人离开柜台Go! Go! Go! Everybody away!靠墙站好Back against the wall.说你呢离电脑远点You! Away from the computer!-把钥匙给我 -到后面去快- Give me the fucking key! - Back up! Back! Go! Go!-起来起来 -他妈地快开门- Get up! Get up! - Get the fucking door!趴在地上不要动Get on the ground!-趴在地上别动 -都他妈给我趴下- Get down on the ground. - Get your fucking ass on the ground! 行动快快Move! Go, go, go, go!-趴在地上 -每个人都把手♥机♥交出来- On the floor! - I need everybody's BlackBerrys.-所有人趴在地上 -把手♥机♥扔过来- Everybody on the floor. - Slide your BlackBerrys up there.把你们的鞋都他妈给我脱下来Take off your fucking shoes!手♥机♥都给我扔到前面来都交出来BlackBerrys to the front! Slide your fucking phones up.-你♥他♥妈♥看什么看 -把鞋子都脱了- What the fuck you looking at? - Take your shoes off.打开现金柜快Get the cash drawers. Let's go.-把鞋子都他妈脱了 -鞋子给我脱掉- Take off your fucking shoes! - Take off your shoes. 银行经理起来过来这里开柜吧Bank manager, let's go. Get up. Let's go.起来快点起来快点Get up, come on, get up. Let's go.不是你是你起来快过来Not you. You. Get up. Let's go. Come on.-想英雄救美吗 -天啊- You trying to be a hero? - Jesus Christ!-定时锁被设定在几点 -九点整- When's the time lock set for? - 9:00.少唬人了是八点十五Don't lie to us, it's 8:15.听着这不是你的钱Listen, it's not your money.你懂了吗不要再骗我了You understand? Don't lie to us again.亲爱的到角落里去Hey, sweetheart, in the corner.你也是给我到角落里去哥们Get in the corner. You too, brother-man.开锁吧Go. Go.别想趁机报♥警♥ 别他妈耍花样No distress call. Open it clean.-对不起 -不要拖延时间- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Don't stall.这老家伙是你朋友吗This guy a fucking friend of yours?动作快点Let's go!对不起对不起对不起I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.别着急好吗Take your time, okay?深呼吸继续Breathe. Go.开了退后别挡道Okay, get back. Get out of the way.前门有人Front door.-有人吗 -前门有人- Hello. - Front door.今天营业吗Hey, you guys open?我们得撤了We gotta go.快撤清理现场Let's go. Let's bleach it up.-撤快撤 -清理现场- Go, go, go. - Let's bleach it up.快走了我们必须得走了Come on, let's go. We gotta go.等会刚才这里有人拉了无声警报Hold it. Silent alarm, this address.-谁干的 -我们什么都没干- Who did it? - Look, nobody did anything.-什么说什么 -我们什么都没干- What? Huh? What'd you say? - Nobody did anything.-是你报的警吧 -不是真不是- You pull the alarm? - No. No.-是不是你 -真的不是我- Did you? - I didn't pull any alarm.我们都快走了操♥你♥妈♥个逼操We were leaving, you motherfucker! You fuck!行了行了别打了Easy, easy. That's enough.-好吗别打了 -操- All right? Easy. - You fuck!王八蛋我们都要走了操You fucker. We were out the door, you fuck.走吧Let's go.你的包呢Where's your purse?这他妈是怎么回事What the fuck is this?要是警♥察♥把我们包围就需要她做人♥质♥ The cops get us walled in, we're gonna need her.坐下走Sit down. Go.布莱顿电力公♥司♥往大路上走Head for the boulevard.你不会有事的You're gonna be okay.好吗我们不会伤害你All right? No one's gonna hurt you.什么情况What's up?他们偷了辆电力工作车现在还没报失Boosted a city work van, which still hasn't been reported stolen. 可能电力公♥司♥太忙了吧Probably too busy working.罪犯用车挡住大门Used the van to screen the door.还用漂白剂清除了现场的DNABleached the entire place for DNA.衣物纤维全破坏了无法获得线索Kills all the clothing fiber, so we can't get a match.是二号♥柜台拉响的无声警报Silent bell came from cage number two.副经理已经被送去医院了Assistant manager's at Beth Israel.那些劫匪等到定时锁失效Our guys waited for the time lock to expire...再让经理打开了保险库...then they had the manager open sesame.被胁迫下吗Under duress?不知道I don't know.十个钢锁的安全门Ten foot steel safe.没有钥匙绝对进不来Only as strong as the guy with the key.找到了染料包和示踪剂Found the dye packs and the tracers.车找到了已经被烧毁了Found the van. Torched.-在哪找到的 -你觉得呢- Where is it? - Where do you think?-回来开心吧蒂诺 -可不是- Nice to be back home, Dino? - Yeah.这么盛大的欢迎方式我都感动死了It's all the love I get makes the homecoming feel so warm. 少说有五十个人目击了这伙劫匪Could be 50 people here eyewitnessed these guys.却都对着圣经发誓他们毛都没看到And 50 hands on a bible saying they never saw nothing. 这伙人很老练Well, it's a pro job.我知道的老手都进号♥子了All the pro guys I know are away...看来这次是新♥势♥力♥...so I guess we got new pro guys.做这调查总得做些无无意义The part of the job where we get to do something...和毫无结果的努力不好意思...that has no point and yields no results. Excuse me.有人看到是谁烧了这货车吗Anybody see who lit this van on fire?我们就呆在这吗Is that where we are now?杰姆人呢Where's Jem?他半路跑去给民宅放火了吧He stopped on the way to light a couple house fires...或者去抢烟酒店了谁知道呢...stick up a liquor store, maybe, I don't know.我们现在还劫持人♥质♥吗Are we taking hostages now?没有这次例外No, we're not taking hostages now.-你找这混球有事么 -就一件事- You gonna talk to this fucking asshole? - For one thing. 说曹操他♥娘♥的♥曹操就到Hey! Speak of the fucking devil.终于回来了You made it.-你是去观光了么 -我们有麻烦了- Take the scenic route? - We got a problem.-什么麻烦 -自己看吧- What? - Well, look.怎么了So what?怎么了让我看看What's the matter? Let me see that.-操 -他妈的- Fuck. - Oh, shit.丫的你看到那上面的地址了吧See the fucking address on that?那婊♥子♥住得就离我们四街区远Bitch lives four blocks away.我知道我们住哪儿低能儿Yeah, I know where we are, Gloans.我♥操♥Fuck.我们每天都得在街上看到这婊♥子♥吗We gonna see this bitch on the street every day?她什么都没看到She didn't see anything.老天你确定吗Jesus, are you sure?-谁让你劫持她做人♥质♥ -就是- Taking her for a ride didn't help. - Yeah.我♥操♥ 好吧我来处理吧Oh, fuck. All right. I'm gonna handle it.你♥他♥妈♥要怎么处理How the fuck you gonna handle this?我开车跟她一段时间就知道了I'm gonna stalk her like a fucking A car, we'll find out. 知道什么Find out what?我们要不要吓唬她一下If she needs to get scared.她已经被吓到了She's already scared.可能吓得还不够吧Well, maybe not scared enough.谢谢你凯茜Thanks, Kathy.季塞小姐我是重案抢劫组的Ms. Keesey. Special Agent Adam Frawley,亚当·福劳利特别探员Violent Crimes and Robbery.德瑞克会取一些你的指纹Derek here is gonna take some elimination prints. 你已经做过初步口供了I see you've given a preliminary statement.我想了解一下关于你被劫持的事I want to talk to you about your abduction.好Okay.-我知道他们威胁你了 -是的- I understand they threatened you. - Mm-hm.他们中有人拿了我的身份证One of them took my license.那你有没有试图逃跑And did you try to escape at any point?没有No.你能认出那帮人吗Is there anything you can identify about the men? 能指证他们吗Anything you'd testify to?他们有枪所以我不敢逃跑I didn't try to escape because they had guns.我能理解I understand.他们就这么放了你吗Then they just let you go?-是啊就这么放了我 -谢谢- Yeah. They just let me go. - Thanks.一般人经历过类似的事When someone endures an experience like this... 都会留下后遗症...there are very often residual effects.会没事的It's gonna be okay.他们说什么了吗Did they say anything?他们说如果你报♥警♥"If you talk to the FBl,我们就会冲进你家把你先奸后杀we'll come to your house and fuck you and kill you."你要处理这事吗Are you gonna take care of it?-我来处理吧 -凭什么是你- I'll do it. - Why are you gonna do it?因为要不是你就没有现在这个问题'Cause you're the reason we're having this conversation.-但我会搞定 -你搞定个屁- But I'm gonna get it done. - What are you gonna get done? Huh? 你会因为恐吓证人而被抓起来You gonna get picked up for intimidating a witness.你一旦出现在她一百英尺以内You walk within 100 feet of her,你就会被判十年懂吗that's 10 years. Okay?你已经犯过两次事了You got two strikes against you already.你进去就别想再出来了They're gonna bury you under the jail.刚才抢了多少钱How much money's in the sack?除去给花店的那一份All right, we got 90 a pop.每人差不多九万吧Minus what I had to shave off for the Florist.杰姆那个副经理怎么样了Hey, Jem, what happened with the assistant manager?下次再碰到一帮拿机♥枪♥的骷髅抢银行Yeah. Well, next time Skeletor comes in the bank with an AK...那丫的就学乖了...I think he's gonna think不敢轻易报♥警♥了是吧twice about hitting that alarm, isn't he?老子没要他的命算他走运He's lucky he just got tuned up.你会抓住他们吗Are you gonna catch them?当然Yes.联邦调查局可不是无能的代名词This is the FBI. We're not completely inept.事实上In fact...我知道他们在哪儿...I know where they are.去年波士顿发生了370起银行抢劫案Three hundred and seventy bank robberies in Boston last year.超过全世界任何地方的人均水平More per capita than anywhere else in the world.这伙人中间的骨干和专业老手大多都The guys like this, hardcore guys, pros, 90 percent of them...来自一个一♥平♥方英里的小城查尔斯城...emanate from a one-square-mile neighborhood called Charlestown. -听过吧 -你在开玩笑吧- Familiar with it? - You must be kidding me.一有运钞车被劫波士顿警方第一时间会怎样First thing B.P.D. Does when there's an armored-car robbery?-封锁查尔斯城大桥 -他就来自查尔斯城- Close the Charlestown Bridge. - And he's from Charlestown.他们利用彼此的院子和房♥子就像老鼠一样They use each other's yards, houses. They're like rats.他们很快就能甩掉我们They ditch us pretty quick.银行抢劫在查尔斯城是门生意Heisting banks is a trade in Charlestown.在以前的欧洲小城里用来交易的是工艺品The way villages in old europe used to be known for certain crafts. 在这里这些商品则是银行和运钞车In the town, it's banks and armored cars.我不能理解I don't understand it,但你至少知道该从哪儿下手but it makes it easier when you know which bridge to close.昆兰探员会告诉你具体信息Agent Quinlan will set you up with a detail.而如果有什么事Meantime, if there's anything你的证人专家没法做到的话...your witness specialist can't do for you ....你不用担心我们会抓住他们You got nothing to worry about. We're gonna find these guys.-你们好吗 -很好你呢- Hi, how you doing? - Good. How are you?-很好进来 -见到你真好- Good. Come in. - Nice to see you.-我也是 -过得怎样- Good to see you. - How have you been?-不错进来坐吧 -谢了玛姬- Good. Come in and have a seat. - Thanks, Margie,-你们要点什么吗 -不用了谢谢- Can I get you guys anything? - We're fine. Thank you. -好吧迈克马上就来 -好极了- Okay, well, Mike'll be right out. - Terrific.他日子过得还不错么Really done well for himself.可不是Yeah.能在这住上这种房♥子花了不少钱吧He got good money for that place in the town.为什么大家都喜欢搬去塞格斯城Why does anybody move to Saugus?我们可受不了那群葡萄牙佬It's gonna take us an hour to get over the Portagee Slide. 是啊Yep.老天Jesus.给花点干的这行当已经过时了This shit with the Florist is getting old, man.我正在花钱赌马呢I'm investing in a marquee score.好吗所以我们总得付点钱给他All right? So we gotta make a few payments.付你大爷啊Fuck making payments to him.好吧听我一句劝Hey, let me give you some advice.只要有钱哪儿来的无所谓好吗Money don't care where it came from, all right?那家伙就是个天煞的爱尔兰疯子The guy's a fucking Lucky Charms Irishman...他的AK机♥枪♥卖♥♥不出去...who can't find no one to sell his AKs to...所以就改卖♥♥迷幻药想做老大...so he's selling narcotics, trying to be the boss.你每周给那群抽嗨的毒贩子You didn't seem to care when you were dropping 2 grand a week... 送去两千块买♥♥药嗑我看你也乐意...on monsters and yay, did you?听着毒贩子和杀人犯之间Look, there's a difference是有区别的好吗between a dealer and a straight killer, all right?他不就做了一些多米尼加人么你就龟毛个屁So he dropped a few Dominicans. What, are you picky?伙计们Hey, guys.-好啊迈克 -你好迈克- Hey, Mike. - Hey, Mike.给伙计们Here you go, guys.这个给你Here you go.-一万块吗 -没错- Hundred G's? - That's right.看啊Look at this.-新鲜出炉哈 -可不是- Like a newborn baby. All right. - That's it.-保重伙计们 -好很高兴见到你迈克- Take care, guys. - All right. Good to see you, Mike.-看着不错 -是啊- Looking good. - All right.-一百磅 -一万块- Hundred pounds. - Hundred grand.给你There you go.-白花花的银子 -好吧- Green money. - All right.-小心点哥们回见 -谢了- Be smart, brother. We'll see you. - Thanks. Thank you.小城花店罗斯蒂你好啊最近怎样Hey, Rusty. How you doing?杰姆最近怎样Hey, Jem. What's up? How are you?弗格孩子们来了Fergie. Kid's here.你好啊弗格Hey, Fergie.-这是你的 -一切都顺利吗孩子- Here you go. - How's it going, son?你洗钱的时候小心一点All right. You run that under the sink, all right?相信我Trust me.好了下次见All right. Good to see you.保重哥们回见Take it easy, man. Good to see you.现在该去享乐了Now it's time for the fun part.我来了What up?你可算来了Hey, there he is.-来碰一个 -斯文败类- Boom. - Sober Jackson.-最近咋样 -喂克丽丝塔来了- What's up? - Hey, hey. Krista's here.继续说啊Go on, tell Tom.小道坐下啊Dougy, sit down.我正要跟这帮逼聊你♥爸♥爸呢I'm trying to tell these motherfuckers about your father.那些条子根本不懂一个被判了四十年的人The feds will never understand the guy who's facing 40 years. 让他出♥卖♥♥♥朋友Gonna give him the opportunity然后把他无罪释放to walk scot-free if he gives up his friends.他跟警♥察♥说He tells them,操♥你♥大♥爷♥ 不就是四十年吗"Suck a dick. Give me the 40."他说的是操♥你♥妈♥逼"Fucking suck a dick."这一杯敬我们的大哥Yeah, well, here's to Big Mac.大哥是个纯爷们Doing his time like a man.-是啊 -敬查尔斯城的上一代英雄- That's right. - Last crew in Charlestown.我去买♥♥杯汽水I'm gonna get a tonic, I guess.记得给我的酒杯带个小伞All right. Get me an umbrella for my beer.给我这杯秀兰邓波也带个樱桃Let me get a Shirley Temple with an extra cherry, please. 这狗♥日♥的♥真会假正经Poor fucking sober bastard.-谢谢 -不客气- Thanks. - No problem.你还喝果汁呢Juice?果汁怎么了Yeah. Juice.要不要我给你加点料Do you want some snappers to go with that?-别搞你♥他♥妈♥要干什么 -玩玩嘛- Don't, fucking what are you doing? - I was just playing. 干嘛蹭我的My drink.克丽丝听说你打架了Heard you got in a fight, Kris.我看上去像打了架吗Do I look like I got in a fight?不知道我看看I don't know. Let me see.耳环被他们拔了吗They pull your hoop out?是啊That's right.牙买♥♥加货先惹的我The Jamaican started it."牙买♥♥加货先惹的我" 什么牙买♥♥加货"The Jamaican started it." What Jamaican?那索马里贱♥货♥当着我女儿的面说脏话Fucking Somalian started talking shit when I was with my daughter.你当时和希安在一起吗You were with Shyne?棠雅也在Tonya was with us.还有绮丽儿And Cheryl too.-对方就一个人么 -对- The other girl was by herself? - Yeah.他们以为咱们这都是小白脸All they see are yuppies down here.好像在查尔斯城的白人都不是纯爷们They think there's no more serious white people in Charlestown.所以他们就能嚣张了吗So they can fucking talk shit?见鬼去吧No.你没先对她说什么么You didn't say nothing to her first?老娘先扇她个嘴巴再说I said something after I slapped the black off her face.-好吧 -操♥他♥妈♥的- Right, yeah. - Fuck.你想念那感觉了吧Well, do you miss it?磕可♥卡♥因♥和麻♥醉♥药♥吗上次挺过瘾Fucking coke and oxy and all that shit? Yeah, I miss it.知道我想念什么吗You know what I miss?我爬在你那该死的扶手上那次The fucking grip I used to get on your armrest.那次我们吸得够爽吧We smoked it to the filter, right?-来杯啤酒吧 -小杰- So have one beer. - Jimmy.就喝一杯又死不了One beer ain't gonna kill you, right?把我那杯干了吧Drink my beer for me real quick.-再给我来一杯 -你也要一杯么- And one for me. - One for you? Yeah.小道Dougy.小道Dougy.道格Doug.操♥你♥妈♥的我知道你在里面Motherfucker, I know you can hear me.你也知道我有钥匙小道You know I got a key, Dougy.请进Come on in.他妈的忙些什么呢Too fucking busy, huh?来吧小道Come on, Dougy.怎么了克丽丝What's up, Kris来啊There you go.干我啊There you go.你不就是想干我吗That's what you want, right?-是啊 -爽了吗- Yeah. - Is that what you want?-爽就叫出来啊 -爽死了- Say you love it. - Oh, fuck.晚安Good night.我很高兴能来到这里I'm grateful to be here today.我开始是酗酒你也知道I started out with alcohol, and, you know, right away... 后来开始嗑药...went to cocaine还抽大♥麻♥and smoking crack.我在查尔斯城长大在这个小城镇Growing up in Charlestown in, you know, a small-knit community... 我们互相照顾互相保护...we took care of each other, we were protected.我的朋友都像我的家人My friends were really like my family.我为我之前干的事情感到羞愧I'm ashamed of the things I've done when I'm out there.我也不知道我是跟谁学的I don't know where I learned these things.七年了我盼望着每年的圣诞和生日Seven years went by, and I'd watch Christmas, birthdays,我都不记得我儿子的样子了I didn't know what my son looked like.我们只想着来钱快Make a fast buck if we had to...却没想过被捕的后果...that progressed into getting arrested, and....然后你的内心开始挣扎the struggle that you have within yourself,那种失落明白吗the loss, you know what I mean,让你感到失望the disappointment in yourself.于是你的愤怒渐渐变为绝望The anger that turns into disappointment. The despair.有个家伙在酒吧喝酒It's like the guy sitting in the bar,然后进来个牧师and a priest walks in.那家伙说喂等一下The guy says, "Hey, wait a minute.我也不想说这些但别浪费时间了I hate to tell you this, don't waste your time,我知道上帝根本不存在but I happen to know there's no God."牧师说何以见得The priest says, "Yeah, how's that?"那哥们说我之前在北极探险时The guy says, "I was an explorer in the North Pole.遭遇了一场暴雪I got caught in a blinding storm once.当时很冷什么都看不见Freezing. I was blinded.真的冻死了我向上帝祈祷Freezing to death. And I prayed,如果你真的存在请救救我'If there's a God, save me now.'但上帝没来Now, God didn't come."牧师说怎么会呢And the priest says, you know, "How's that?你还活着肯定是上帝救了你You're alive. He must've saved you."那哥们说上帝根本没来救我He says, "God never showed up.是个爱斯基摩人救了我带我回他家An Eskimo came along. Took me back to his camp and saved me." 那是简妮丝坐在那儿是我老婆That's Janice. She's my wife and she's sitting right there.她是我的救命恩人She's my Eskimo.你好啊How you doing?不好意思Excuse me?你在洗衣服吗Are you doing laundry?怎么Huh?我想问你有零钱吗换零钱机坏了I just wondered if you had any change. The machine is out.-帮不到你抱歉 -没事- Can't help you. Sorry. - Okay.我回家挂起来晾干吧I can just hang them up when I get home.你没事吧You all right?我没事就是有点...I'm fine. I'm just...你确定吗Are you sure?你没事吧You okay?是的很好我没事谢谢你Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine, thank you. I'm fine, yeah.真是尴尬Well, this is embarrassing.没事这有什么好尴尬的No, you got nothing to be embarrassed for.我能帮你什么吗Do you need help?这个礼拜真是糟透了I'm just having a bad week.我能理解I understand.是我的话就到美甲店大哭一场I like to have a good cry at the nail salon.跟那里的美女们诉说一下Just open right up to the ladies.她们很善解人意They're very understanding.但你却喜欢在干洗店哭也行啊But, you know, you like the Laundromat, so that's fine. 要不我请你喝一杯吧Hey, why don't you let me buy you a drink.好弥补我没能给你零钱Make up for letting you down with the quarters.看看能不能让你心情变好You know, see if we can turn your week around.这又没什么损失What's the worst that could happen?联邦调查局快开门FBI! Open the door!快开门Open the door!操Fuck.日Fuck.坑爹的混♥蛋♥ 快放开他Fucking cocksucker. Get off him.你搞毛啊亨利Jesus Christ, Henry.毒品枪♥支♥样样全啊Oxy, guns?你们玩的够爽的啊It's like townie Christmas.这些最少判十年Minimum federal sentencing, 10 years.看来你得找人帮帮你了You're gonna need a friend.估计她帮不到你And she ain't it.她是个好女孩我能看出她很爱你Great girl, though. She really loves you, I can tell.好在你在剑桥抢劫案有不在场证明Good news for you is you have an alibi for the Cambridge job. 而我呢打赌你肯定知道点什么The good news for me is I bet you know something about it. 这儿谁都有货车Everyone does trucks.这伙人搞定了金库的警报These guys beat the alarm for the vault.-是吗 -我是这么听说的-Yeah? - It's what I heard.有个小子对接线盒动了手脚A kid, he gets into the junction box.-真不错 -是啊这地方很棒- This is nice. - Yeah, it's a good place.这儿的一个经理我认识A guy I played hockey with我们玩过好一阵曲棍球for a long time is one of the managers here.是吗真好Oh, yeah? That's nice.你做什么工作呢So, what do you do for work?波士顿沙砾公♥司♥Boston Sand and Gravel.我是敲石头的下班了打个卡l break rocks. Punch a ticket at the end of the day...像摩登原始人一样大呼小叫跑回家...slide down the back of a brontosaurus like Fred Flintstone.一天就这么过去了Call it a night.-我能问你点事吗 -当然- Can l ask you something? - You sure can.我是这里青少年俱乐部的志愿者l volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club in Charlestown-真的啊 -嗯- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.是个足垒球的投手[足球和棒球的结合]As a kickball pitcher since they那里没钱造溜冰场haven't been able to afford any ice for the rink.可惜市政♥府♥不会给那破地方投钱Embarrassing. City won't put any money into that place. 我知道那么Yeah, l know. Yeah, well,有的孩子叫我加人[加拿大人对美国来说是外来人] some of the kids were calling me a toonie.就是指雅皮士[年轻有为的成功人士]lt just means a yuppie.但不是本地人就这么简单Someone who's not from Charlestown, that's all.-当然 -他们就是想灰主流一点- Of course it does. - They're just being punks.-雅皮士 -没错- A yuppie. - Yeah.这个词是怎么来的So where does the word come from?那要追溯到90年代了当时...It comes from back in the '90s, like...加人为查尔斯城带来了音乐...the toonies supplied all the tunes to Charlestown."因为他们刚搬来城里...because once they moved当地人就偷光了他们的车载音响in the townies stole all their car stereos.然后突然之间查尔斯城的每个人So all of a sudden, everyone in Charlestown...都在车里装了兰宝广播明白我的意思吧...had a Blaupunkt in their car, you know what I mean? 不管怎样Anyway.你的父母还住在查尔斯城吗So do your parents still live in Charlestown?不我妈妈搬走了No. My mother moved away.我爸爸住在郊区My father lives out in the suburbs.那个他不太进城Yeah. He don't get out much.-不我是说你在哪儿长大 -马布尔- No, I mean where did you grow up? - Marblehead. 马布尔Marblehead?是啊我在马布尔算穷♥人♥ Yeah, well, I represent Marblehead's poor.-是吗 -嗯那里说你穷不穷- Oh, really? - Yeah, you were defined by...就看你家里有没有船...whether or not your family owned a boat.而我家里没有船And, well, my family didn't own a boat.没有船那你不要自卑死啊No boat. How could you look yourself in the mirror? 真是囧It's embarrassing.-我有条船 -是吗- I have a boat. - Oh, yeah?-嗯 -那你在马布尔能过得很好- Yeah. - Well, you would do well in Marblehead.也许吧那不是我的船是我朋友的Yeah, maybe. It's not my boat, it's my friend's boat. 这样吧You should...我们应该找时间出去兜兜风...let me take you for a ride sometime.-我很乐意找时间吧 -是啊- I'd love that. Sometime. - Yeah.那就现在吧What about right now?就是那条船在那里That's the boat. Right there.-不赖吧 -你那朋友真好- Not bad, right? - Good friends to have.给我就找到这种杯子Here you go. It's the best cup I could find.凑合着用吧Not too much.谢谢Thank you.感觉很好吧我就说了It's nice, right? I told you.你都带女孩子来这里吗Is this where you take all the girls?我老实告诉你I can honestly tell you I have我还从没带过女孩来这里never taken another girl here in my entire life.-真的吗 -当然千真万确- Oh, yeah? - Mm-hm. That's the truth.你知道银行劫匪么Hey, what do you know about bank robbers?-你指什么 -你来自查尔斯城- What's to know? - You're from Charlestown.我想你身边就有一些这种人I figured you grew up with some of them.不其实也不是我是说...No, not really. I mean ....外面的传言很多都夸张了我是说A lot of what they say is exaggerated. I mean, I--我小时候When I was a kid, uh...我们曾去巫师冰淇淋店...we used to go to Wizard's ice cream.就在JJ酒吧对面It was across from J.J.'s Bar.那里都是些押运钞票的大款That was where all the big armored-car guys hung out.他们就像社区里的摇滚明星知道吗And they were like rock stars in the neighborhood, you know? 香车宝马美女左右Fancy cars. Pretty girls.你道听途说了他们的工作。
let's go!短句
let's go!短句
1.短句"Let"s go!"的意义和用途
2."Let"s go!"在日常交流中的使用场景
3.学习"Let"s go!"短句的重要性
“Let"s go!”是一个非常简短且富有活力的英语短句,它通常用于鼓励他人或表示一种迫不及待的心情。
在日常交流中,"Let"s go!"可以用在许多场景。
比如,当你和你的朋友们计划去一个地方玩,你们可以互相喊出"Let"s go!"来表示兴奋和期待;当你在团队合作中需要鼓舞士气,你也可以用"Let"s go!"来激励大家;甚至在一些竞技场合,比如运动会或比赛,"Let"s go!"也可以用来为参赛者加油鼓劲。
总的来说,“Let"s go!”是一个非常实用的英语短句,它可以用于各种场景,鼓励他人或表达自己的热情。
lets go俚语
lets go俚语
"Let's go" 是一种常见的口语表达,它通常用于鼓励或激励某人去做某事。
除了"Let's go" 以外,还有一些其他的流行俚语和表达也可以用于鼓励或激励某
1."Let's do it!" 也是一个常用的表达,它和"Let's go" 意思类似。
2."Go for it!" 是一个鼓励某人去尝试某事的表达,通常用于鼓励别人冒险或尝试新事
3."Go get it!" 是一个鼓励某人去追求自己的目标或梦想的表达。
4."Make it happen!" 是一个鼓励某人去实现自己的计划或目标的表达。
gingamingayo翻译gingamingayo是韩语中的一句口头禅,翻译成英语是"Let's go"。
以下是24句双语例句:1. gingamingayo! Let's go on an adventure.动起来吧!让我们去冒险吧。
2. Are you ready to give your best? Gingamingayo!你准备好全力以赴了吗?加油!3. We have a challenging task ahead of us, but gingamingayo, we can do it!我们面临一项充满挑战的任务,但是加油,我们能行!4. Gingamingayo! Don't give up, keep pushing forward.动起来!别放弃,继续向前迈进。
5. It's time to show everyone what we're capable of. Gingamingayo!是时候向大家展示我们的能力了。
加油!6. Let's overcome our fears and take a leap of faith. Gingamingayo!让我们克服恐惧,勇往直前吧。
加油!7. You may feel tired, but remember to never give up. Gingamingayo!你可能会感到疲惫,但请记住永不放弃。
加油!8. Gingamingayo! Let's work together to achieve our goals.加油!让我们共同努力实现我们的目标。
9. Don't let setbacks discourage you. Keep moving forward, gingamingayo!不要让挫折使你气馁。
《Let's Go to the Museum! 》 学历案
《Let's Go to the Museum! 》学历案一、学习主题Let's Go to the Museum!二、学习目标1、了解博物馆的种类和功能。
幼儿园每日一句英语1. Are you tired? Yes, I am tired. / No, I am not. 你累了吗?是的,我累了。
/ 不,我不累。
2. Be quiet. 安静。
3. Let’s go to sleep. / Let’s go to bed. 让我们去睡觉吧。
4. Get up. 起来。
5. Wake up. 醒来。
6. Here you are. 给你。
7. Let’s start / begin. 让我们开始。
8. Hand in hand. 手拉手。
9. Wave your fingers. 挥动你的手指。
10. Touch your stomach. 摸摸你的肚子。
11. Wait a while. 等一会儿。
12. It’s warm here. 这里很暖。
13. Let’s play together. 让我们一起玩。
14. Let’s dance. 让我们跳舞吧。
15. Go ahead. 继续。
16. Sing a song. 唱支歌。
17. Come on guys. 孩子们,加油。
18. What’s that? 那是什么?19. Really? 真的?20. Hang on for a while. 稍微等一会儿。
21. Enjoy yourself. 好好玩。
22. Danger! Keep off! 危险!离远点!23. You are slow. 你太慢了。
24. You are fast. 你很快。
25. Don’t talk. 不要说话。
26. Come here. 过来。
27. Go to there. 去那边。
28. Listen to me. 听我说。
29. Follow me. 跟着我。
30. Put on your coat. 穿上你的外套。
31. Wait for me. 等等我。
32. I am here. 我在这里。
33. I don’t know. 我不知道。
Die in great wealth, it is a shame.2、如果你期望致富,你就会致富。
If you expect to get rich, you will be rich.3、如果你希望做好,你就会做好。
If you want to do, you will do it.4、尊重别人,让别人感觉他很重要!Respect yourself, respect others, let others feel he is very important!5、表现自己那是人性最主要的需要。
It is one of the main human need to express themselves.6、批评带来的并不是改变,而是怨恨。
Criticism is not change, but the resentment.7、行动是由我们的基本欲望所产生的。
Action is produced by our basic desire.8、生活有进退,输什么也不能输心情。
Life is in a, lose what also cannot lose the mood.9、成功之道,惟有用心思考,别无捷径。
The path to success, but the thinking by heart, there is no shortcut.10、尖锐的批评和攻击,所得的效果等于零。
Sharp criticism and attack, the effect of income is equal to zero.11、批评就像一只家鸽,它们总会飞回来的。
Criticism is like a pigeon, they will fly back.12、成功是得到你要的。
Success is to get what you want. Happiness is what you get.13、如果你对事情满怀热忱,你就一定成功。
Let s go!让自己马上忙起来
Let s go!让自己马上忙起来在这个时代,你工作忙起来了,那么恭喜你,自身才能有发挥的机会和价值实现的余地,应该是件幸福的事,你会觉得融入汗水后换来的充实和快乐;相反,如果你一段时间以来工作毫无忙碌而言,那么,事情就危险了。
英语let型的祈使句【篇一:英语let型的祈使句】lets give you a hand. 让我帮助你。
lets paint it ourselves. 我们自己来刷漆。
lets take a taxi, shall we? 我们坐出租车好吗?lets start now and work till dark. 让我们现在开始工作一直到天黑。
lets go shopping now. the shops will be / should be fairly empty. 我们去商店买东西吧。
let me fix you a drink. 我给你去弄点饮料。
let me have a try. 我来试一试。
let me show you how to do it. 我来告诉你怎样做。
let me pay for myself. 让我自己来付我的那份钱。
let me have another cup of tea. 给我再来一杯茶。
let me know if you should hear some more news. 万一你听到更多消息你要通知我。
2. let后接第二人称(较少见)let you and i try to make this all right. 让你和我试试把这个做好。
3. let后接第三人称let her do what she likes. 让她做她想做的事吧。
let the meat cook slowly. 把肉用慢火炖。
let xyz be a triangle. 设xyz为一个三角形。
let the two lines be parallel. 假设两条线是平行的。
let every man do his best. 让每个人人尽其才。
let him have his own way. 让他照自己的意思做吧!let the true cause of the accident be published. 把造成这件意外的真正原因公开吧。
例如“me too.”没有⼈不知道吧!但⽼美不只会⽤“me too.”他们还会⽤“same here.”虽然same跟here你我都认识,但我们就不会说“same here.”对吧!其实这就是我所说的味道。
1. Do you have any pet peeve? 你有什麽样的怪⽑病吗? 所谓的pet peeve就是个⼈⽣活习惯上的⼀些⼩⽑病,例如有些⼈不喜欢别⼈碰他的电脑,要是你碰他的电脑他就会不⾼兴,这就是所谓的pet peeve.(⽽⾮bad habit.)通常pet peeve都是⽐较⽆伤⼤雅的⼩⽑病,⼏乎每个⼈都有属於他⾃⼰的pet peeve.所以就有⽼美跟我说过,“Everybody has his pet peeve.”当然pet peeve也常常成为⽼美谈话之间彼此开玩笑的话题。
记得“Friends”有⼀集就是两边⼈马在⽐快问快答,⽽其中有⼀类的问题就是pet peeves.蛮有意思的。
如果是这个坏习惯⼤到会影响别⼈,像是在公共场所⽼是讲话很⼤声,这就不是pet peeve,⽽要⽤annoying来形容。
例如我就常听⽼美抱怨,“Don‘t you think he is annoying?”(你不觉得他很烦吗?) 2. Maybe I‘m going out on a limb,but I think we still have to invest it. 或许这麽作有点冒险,但我想我们还是要投资它。
City of Life and Death《南京!南京!(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本
Suburban Nanking 1937南京的郊外 1937年July 7th 1937. The war between China and Japan is breaking out at Marco Polo Bridge in Northern...1937年7月7日中国和日本军队在中国北部卢沟桥爆发了全面战争…Rainstone Nanking specialty美丽的雨花石南京特产August 13th 1937. The Japanese troops are attacking Nanking today and facing a stuff resistance from the Chinese army.1937年8月13日日本军队开始进攻上海中国♥军♥队和日本军队发生激战Jiming Temple Nanking Autumn 1937鸡鸣寺秋天的南京 1937年December 12nd 1937. Shanghai is falling. The Japanese army is moving to its next target, the Chinese capital Nanking.1937年11月12日上海被日本军占领日本军队的下一个目标中国的首都南京…City war of Nanking with a history of thousands of years南京的城墙有千年的历史The Chinese government has retreated. The Japanese army is arriving at the gates of Nanking.当日本军队攻到南京城下的时候中国政♥府♥已经撤离了这座城市Kadokawa.角川兄Director:Chuan LuI've never seen such impressive city walls.Water?你喝吗?(一九三七年十二月十二日)(南京城防司令唐生智的逃跑)(让南京陷入了全面的混乱)(大部分部队开始逃离这座城市)(但是依然有少数部队在坚守阵地)Ready.预备The officials have all fled.当官的已经跑了Let us out.放我们出去吧The commander has fled.司令已经跑了Let us out.放我们出去吧No retreat allowed.没有命令不许撤退Nobody can leave the city.不许出城Let us out.放我们出去Nobody can leave the city.没有命令不许出城Brothers, go.兄弟们快Let us out.放我们出去(一九三七年十二月十三日南京沦陷)(日本军队占领了南京城)Banzai.万岁Actor: Ye Liu Wei Fan Hideo Nakaizumi Yuanyuan Gao Lan Qin Yiyan JiangHurry to the lake.快点跑到江边Don't drink that.不要喝It might be a trap.小心支那兵的陷阱Yes.是How is it?怎么样好喝吗?Quite tasty.是挺好喝的Very declicious.好喝What are you doing?你们在干什么?It's delicious.好喝呀Attention: search and arrest Chinese soldiers. 报告有搜捕支那败兵的命令Disperse.散开是Stop the car.停车Anyone of you speak English?你们有人会说英语吗?German.德国人Put the guns down.把枪放下Kadokawa, listen.角川听一听You speak German or English?你会说德语或英语吗?I study in church school.我在教会学校读书I wish to speak to your senior officer. 我要跟你们的长官对话Senior officer?Yes, your senior officer.长官?是你的长官He wants to see the General.他说他想见将军We'd like to see the General too.我们也想见将军This is the safety zone.这里是安全区We only have refugees in here.这里只有难民Friend.- 朋友 - 朋友?Let's go.走吧You need to brush up your English. 你还得学习英语Let's go.咱们走吧Yes.是Wait. Please wait.Come on. Let's go.来吧来吧出发了Please wait.等等Sergeant.队长Looks like someone has gone in. 好像有一个人进去了Follow me.跟我来Attention.注意Hurry, call for reinforcement. 快去叫援兵Chinese soldiers.有支那兵...Over there.那边Chinese soldiers over there.那边有支那兵Sit down.坐下Stay still.别乱动Hurry.快点快点Tie them up.再拿些绳子过来135 136...140...Please.求你了Don't take him away.你不要抓他Kadokawa.角川Come over there.Get out of the way.过来这边What's happening?闪开怎么回事?I didn't mean to.我不是故意的Kadokawa.角川兄Hurry up.快点走吧May.小妹Our luggage was robbed in broad daylight. 大白天箱子都被人抢掉了OK. OK.好了好了Thank you.谢谢了啊My sweetie.女儿Daddy.爸爸Mr. Tang, you're back.唐先生回来啦Mr. Tang,唐先生your bed has been fixed.床修好了Thank you.辛苦了啊Give me a shout if you need anything.唐先生我先走了啊有事叫我啊Thank you.哦谢谢哦Thank you for your hard work.你们辛苦了Empty the trash.程妈把垃圾倒一下Yes.中I'm on it.俺知道了Go play with your auntie.去找阿姨玩吧Where should we sleep tonight?晚上我们住在哪里呀?Stop it.讨厌You fixed it up pretty nicely.布置得蛮好的ls Nanking safe?南京太平吗?We work for the Germans.我们是给德国人做事嘛We are safe.没有问题的What about this month's pay?这月的工资呢?Attention.让开了Let's pull together.大家一起拉1 2 3Stop. Just leave the tank for our troops. 好的坦克给后面的部队留下吧Yes.是Report:报告Everything's clear.这边安全Bastard.混♥蛋♥Stay alert.提高警惕Yes.是Chinese.敌人Lay down.Spare out.伏下Where are the Chinese?散开Upstairs.敌人在哪个方向?敌人在上面Watch your back.后面后面We're surrounded.我们被包围了Morishita.森下Kadokawa.角川Yes.是Over here.这边We attack from below.我们从下面进攻It's dangerous here too.这边也危险了You go first.你先走Yes.是Stairs over there.那边有楼梯Go.冲上去Damn. Get cover.糟了躲开Shunzi,顺子go see what's going on downstairs. 下去看看Guns.枪枪Go get more bullets.去再捡点子弹来Shunzi.顺子Brothers.兄弟们We can't hold out any longer.守不住了Let's disperse.散了吧Give it to me.给我Kadokawa.- 角川 - 是Yes.Get a ladder and climb up.把梯子拿过来搭上Faster.快点Be careful.小心点上There might be Chinese soldiers upstairs. 有敌人就杀掉上面可能还有支那兵Load the canons.准备炮弹Fire.打Advance.往前走Kadokawa.角川兄Are you hurt?你没有受伤吗?I'm fine.我没有问题Banzai.万岁One more photo.再来一张太好了今天终于可以吃饱了Come give me a hand.这边也帮帮忙Take them all.快点都拿走This is good stuff.这是好东西Must be expensive.应该很贵重吧Right here.就这里Hurry up.快点走Fire.开枪Move.走快走Hurry up.走快点What the hell are you looking at?看什么看?We've captured over ,00 Chinese soldiers. 抓来五百多支那兵Okay.知道了Move in.挤一挤What the hell are you looking at?看什么看?Hurry.快点What the hell are you looking at?看什么看?快点Come and help here.这边来几人Yes.是We need more over there.那边还不够Douse it like this.要这样撒Stand up.起立Turn back.向后转Move forward.往前走Go.走走走Fire.开枪Grenades.手榴弹Stand up.起立Bastard.混♥蛋♥起立Stand up.站起来Long live China.中国万岁China shall not perish.中国不会亡(一九三七年十二月十二至十八日) (在南京失守后的一周内)(所有俘虏被屠♥杀♥) (南京城里的中国难民涌入)(德国人拉贝先生创立的)(国际安全区寻求庇护)Take one number.牌子拿好拿好牌子过去Don't push.不要挤What's the hurry?你挤干嘛呀?Speak slowly.慢慢讲No need to rush.不要急Don't take so many.一个人只能拿一块牌子呀Miss, you can't take too many.小姐你不能这样做One number for one bed.一张床铺只能拿一块牌子What?Let go of me.干什么?你松手Be reasonable.你要讲道理呀Go back to the tent.回帐篷Miss Jiang.姜老师You are alive.你还活着Still alive.活着How many were executed?被杀了多少人?All of them.全都死了Only the two of us survive.只有我们两个活下来了Ready.开始Good job.跳得好Ready.开始Well done.太棒了Ready.- 我来 - 开始Great.好厉害I want to eat hotpot.我想吃火锅Hotpot is good.火锅好吃I want to eat yam.我想吃炖山药Your mom makes the best yam.你妈妈做的很好吃Yes.是Your mom must be so happy.你妈妈会很高兴的I hear you are getting a promotion. 上面说你快升级了是我吗?It pays to be educated.看书还是有好处的1 , 2, 35, 41 2 3 4Homesick.望乡之念Ueno.上野兄You are dancing the girl's part.你跳的是女式的吧Come join in.你来一起跳Are you ready for the celebration?你准备好庆典了吗?No.没有You need to practice your dancing.你必须得好好练你跳的太差了Yes.是Shit. It's freezing.水太凉It's freezing.混♥蛋♥ 水太凉Pass me the ball.踢到这边来A few Japanese comfort women just arrived. 您来了,我们这里刚来了一批日本妇女They are all very sweet.她们都很温柔体贴Hello.我进来了Wait a moment.稍等Please.请Give it to me.给我Sorry.Your first time?你是第一次吗?Come here.过来Please take off your clothes.请你把衣服脱掉My name is Kadokawa.我叫角川Sergeant,队长how do you feel?怎么样?I'm going to marry that woman.我将来要娶那个女人做老婆Sergeant,队长I got venereal disease here.我在这得了性病Did you get venereal disease in your brain? 您大脑是不是也得了性病?Friend.朋友In Japanese, "friend" is "tomodachi."朋友I am a civilian.我是良民You say it.老伯你讲一讲I am a civilian.我是良民You say it阿姐你讲一讲I am a civilian.我是良民Very good.很好My dear, you say it.太太你讲一讲Three of a kind.哎碰碰May, you say it.小妹你讲一下Don't bother me.哎哟不要捣乱了I win.胡了Daddy, there are fireworks outside. 爸爸外面放炮竹啦Hush.嘘It's almost New Year. Go to bed.快过年了睡吧Sorry.让一下Don't go downstairs.不要下去Oh, my God.我的天啊Stop.住手Stay back.不许动Get away.走开Who the hell are you?你们是谁?Don't pull me.No.别拽我不要不要Stop.住手Stop it at once.立即住手Get out of here.给我滚出去Who the hell are you?你是谁?A friend.朋友A Nazi.纳粹A friend.朋友Was it him?是他吧?是他吗?A friend.- 朋友 - 朋友...Let's go.走Yes.是Do you speak Japanese?你会说日语吧?Yes, a little.是一点点What do you do?你是做什么的?Mr. Rabe's secretary.拉贝的秘书How many children were raped here tonight?今天晚上有多少个孩子被强♥奸♥? Six, sir.六个From tomorrow on,从明天开始you any May must wear men's clothes.你和小妹要穿男人的衣服Wipe off your nail polish.指甲油Lipstick.口红擦掉Hair.头发Miss Jiang, come.姜老师你来看Look. These three girls, especially her.就是她们三个人尤其是她Why you refused to cut your hair?为什么不剪?Why didn't you?你怎么不剪?You even have permed hair.你还烫头发了呢We are from the Committee. The Japanese won't hurt us. 我们是安全委员会的,日本人不会动我们的To have you cut your hair is to protect you.剪头发是为你们好Don't be so stubborn.不要不知道好歹I won't cut it.我不剪I need it to feed myself when the war is over.不打仗了我还靠这吃饭呢You want to go back to the streets?你还重操旧业啊?So what if I earn my own living?凭本事吃饭You can't even if you want to.你去别人还不要呢How dare you?你说什么?You must cut it.必须剪Take them over there.带她们过去Go.走That's a good idea.你的主意好You are smart.你很聪明Don't scare them.你别吓着他们Don't be afraid.不要害怕Look.你们看Come.跟过来The Japanese are coming.日本人来了Go hide inside.快跑快跑躲起来Hello.你好It's congee.这里有粥Look.东口A pretty girl.有一个漂亮姑娘Very cute.很可爱Your type.是你喜欢的类型You kids, go play.你们去玩吧Let's get the flags.先弄中间的吧开始吧What are you doing?Here they come. - 你们在干什么? - 出来了他们出来了Go. Run.走走走快跑走开走开求求你放了我女儿Get out.They fell for the trap.他们中计了My God.哎呀怎么这样子了Don't touch her.别碰她She's dead.她死了Xiaojiang.小江Happy New Year.新年快乐恭喜I'm here for you.我是来看你的Please.请New Year's gifts for you.新年礼物For me?给我的吗?Canned fish.罐头Candy.糖So sweet.好甜I love this sticky cake.我真喜欢羊羹Sake.清酒It even has the smell from home. 还有家乡的味道Yes.我也这么认为Sorry.不好意思Please go ahead.请您开始吧I'm...我是...Kadokawa.角川Please.请Mr. Kadokawa.角川先生Yes.是Finished?您结束了吗?Don't dance like that. Do it gently. 你怎么这么笨Look, I'll show you.应该像我这么跳ls it like this?是这样吗?Hey, wait.喂等一下Friend.朋友I don't smoke.我我不会抽的Try it.来一口Friend.Good?- 朋友朋友 - 好抽吧?Look.看Japanese tobacco.日本烟I don't smoke.我不会我不会抽的Take it.给你都给你Good morning.早老郭早Thank you, Mr. Tang.谢谢唐先生唐先生拿着你的名片找你Ok.晓得啦Do you remember I wrote to the Fuhrer?你记得我给元首写过一封信?Yes.是的I've been told...我得到政♥府♥的回信了Yes.是的I've been ordered to return to Germany at once. 我接到命令必须马上回德国They say that my activities他们说我的所作所为to protect the refugees in Nanking在南京保护难民的这种行为damage the relationship between Germany and Japan. 破坏了日德之间的友好关系So?那么?So那么?So I have no choice.我别无选择I must return to Germany.我必须回德国Mr. Rabe,拉贝先生what about me?那我怎么办?What about my wife and daughter?我的太太我的小孩They're still living in the camp.还住在难民营的We all depend on you.我们全靠你了I'm so sorry.对不起Mr. Rabe will abandon us?拉贝先生真的不带我们一起走?Now can he do that?他怎么能这样?You've been working for him for over ten years.替他卖♥♥命十几年You literally built his business.他的生意全是你替他做的He just says bye and walks off.说走就走What shall we do?我们怎么办?我们怎么办?The Japanese日本人have come for me.找过我的Where are you going?你去做啥?What are you doing?你做啥?I'll work it out.我去想想办法In case you need to bribe a Japanese.万一碰到日本人买♥♥条命Give it back to me when you come back.回来再给我Please.请Drive the refugees out of the safety zone. Reestablish order.把难民从难民区轰走恢复治安Set up the Comfort Stations quickly.还有抓紧时间建好慰安所The soldiers are getting unruly.现在军队的纪律太乱了Mr. Tomita,富田先生this is Mr Tang,这位是唐天祥先生Mr Rabe's secretary.他是拉贝先生的秘书Welcome.欢迎(Remember our oaths at the grassy bridge.)"记得草桥两结拜"(Together we have studied three long years.) Kitty, come here. - "同窗共读有三长载" - 猫猫过来(With each other we are deeply in love.)"情投意合相敬爱"(This heart of mine has long been yours to keep.)"我此心早许你梁山伯"Hold out your hands.手伸出来啊Here.来That's good.好了啊Miss Jiang姜老师(Remember you discovered my earring holes.)"可记得你看出我有耳环痕"(Remember you discovered my earring holes.) That is to say就是说(Remember you discovered my earring holes.)(Remember you discovered my earring holes.) Yes. Most are injured. 是的有很多伤病的Yes. Most are injured.Thanks, Mr Tang.谢谢你唐先生You've helped a lot.你帮了大忙Thank you.请多关照Now we are real friends indeed.现在我们是真正的朋友了Friend.朋友Don't move.别动别动Don't fight back.别反抗Freeze.让开They have guns.他们有枪Don't move.不许动Hurry.走快点Faster.快点跟上Hurry.快点快进去Block the front.堵在前边Stop.站住This is my room.这是我的房♥间I am an American.我是美国人Get out of here.给我闪开Go inside.进去里面快点Go away.让这女人走开滚开Shut up.闭嘴What do you want?你们要干什么?The Imperial Army wants to inspect this room. 皇军要检查这座房♥子Please open the door.请你让开来把门打开ls it a Chinese animal?这是中国的动物吗?Yes.是的I have seen it before.我见过它Yours?你的?I study in church school.我在教会学校读书Give me?能给我吗?Thank you.谢谢So many people.这么多人Hello你好Friend.朋友朋友Don't be afraid.大家不要害怕Don't be nervous.你们也不要紧张The Imperial Army is actually here皇军其实到这个楼里来to borrow a few women是想借几个女人带回去to entertain them.吃饭跳舞They will be returned in three days.三天以后就还给你们That's not right.不好这样讲话的Women can't be borrowed.女人是不可以借的Who are you?你是哪一个啊?Mr. Rabe's secretary.拉贝的秘书He's Mr Rabe's secretary.他是拉贝的秘书Get out of my way.让开We are partners.我们是有合作的That's my wife and her sister.那是我太太和小妹You must keep your promise.你们要讲信用的Mr. Tang.唐先生Don't pull me.别拉我唐先生Mommy.妈妈妈妈Mr. Tang.唐先生Sister.阿姐He went to the Safety Zone.他去过安全区He saw women with curly hair and eyebrows lipsticks. 他看见卷发的涂着口红的女人He knew they were prostitutes.他知道那些女的是妓♥女♥In Japan,在日本any women with curly hair and lipstick are prostitutes?难道所有烫发的用口红的女人都是妓♥女♥吗?She asked if any women in Japan with curly hair and lipstick are prostitutes. 她是说在日本凡是化妆的女人都是妓♥女♥吗?And if we refuse?如果我们拒绝呢?If you refuse如果你拒绝的话they will send troops to destroy the Safety Zone.他们会派军队摧毁安全区It only took three days to conquer Nanking.他们用三天时间占领南京It won't take an hour to destroy here.花一个小时就能摧毁这里You know their power.你清楚他们的实力You have no choice.你们没有选择China lost the war.中国输了这场战争Nanking is no more the capital.南京已经不是你们的首都了Your people told him that there are soldiers hidden here with weapons.你们的人告诉他们,这里藏有中国士兵带着武器That's a very big problem.这个问题可大了Today,今天one hundred of you你们中间的一百名女生will be leaving us.将要离开我们I'm so sorry.我很难过Today,今天one hundred women will be leaving us.有一百名女士将要离开我们The Japanese have threatened us that日本士兵威胁说if we don't hand over...如果我们不交出...hand over one hundred women,不交出一百名女士they will destroy the refugee camp.他们即将摧毁难民营These women will be expected... No...这些女人将会成为...不是...they will be required to...这些女人将会成为...to give comfort to Japanese soldiers.All Nanking women are here.- 日本兵的慰安妇 - 南京的女人都来了Great.好厉害The Japanese said,这些日本人说you would be returned in three weeks.三周之后他们会把你们还给我们In return of your sacrifice,你们的牺牲they will supply the camp会给难民营with food, clothes and coal for the winter. 换来食物棉衣过冬的煤That means这意味着our children will make it through the winter. 这些孩子们可以活过这个冬天I am so sorry.对不起Mr. Rabe.拉贝先生I'll go.我去Please come to the front.站前面来举手的站前面来I'll go.我去我去That's enough.够了Two: Senior soldiers shall have priority.二这里有日本中国朝鲜妇女军官优先Three: Pay first before getting a condom三使用者先付钱后领安全套to prevent VD infection.为了防止性病Four: 5 dollars for Japanese girls, 2 for Chinese or Korean. 四价钱日本妇女五元中国朝鲜两元Five: Each person shall have 15 minutes.五时间为一个人十五分钟Rice?吃吗?Give me a smile.笑一个Smile.笑一笑笑吧Yuriko, why are you here?百合子你怎么在这里?Sorry.对不起Kadokawa.角川兄角川兄Are you finished?你结束了吗?Thank you.谢谢你了You are too noisy.东口你声音太大了But it feels good.好舒服Sir, the food supply report. Let's talk about it tomorrow. - 这个粮食的档 - 明天再说Mr. Tomita, the pass...富田先生这个通行证...现在没有时间You just need to sign it.您签字就行Is it Mr. Tomita?是富田先生吧?We've finally arrived.我们终于到了Was it a rough trip?那辛苦你们了How can we visit Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum? 我们今天想去中山陵应该怎么走? Come.你过来Could we have a car?车子能给我们准备吗?Sure.这是应该的He will organize it.这个人给你安排This is Mr. Tang's sister-in-law.这个是唐先生的小姨子She also was taken.她也被带走了We must... Please help us find her.我们必须...请帮忙找到她Mr. Tang's daughter was killed yesterday. 唐先生的女儿昨晚被害了I'm very sorry.对不起(I call you.)我叫你(You answer me.)你就回答(Sounds like echoes from the valley.)山坡的回声似的(So happy.)真高兴(You )你呀(What?)(The sky is so blue.)天空真蓝(Two young people).年轻的两个人Kadokawa.角川兄She was so beautiful.她真漂亮She's better off dead than living like this.她这样活着还不如死掉I want to go back to Japan.我想回日本Have you found May?找到小妹了吗?May hasn't returned.小妹没有回来(一九三八年二月二十二日)(安全区委员会主席拉贝先生启程)(离开南京前往上海)(与他同行的除了唐先生一家)(还有一位扮成仆人的中国♥军♥官) Mr. Rabe.拉贝先生Mr. Rabe, you can't leave.拉贝先生你不能走啊Goodbye, my friends.再见我的朋友Take care.一定要保重Mr. Rabe, your luggage.拉贝先生您的箱子Your car can't go beyond this place.你的汽车只能开到这里Take their luggage down.把他们的行李拿下来We have someone move the luggage for you.我们有人帮你拿行李Of course.好的Please can you get both my assistants through?能帮我把两个随从带过去吗?I'll try.我试试Please.这边请Long time no see.好久不见How are you?你好吗?Your wife is very beautiful.你老婆真漂亮Mr. Rabe may only take one assistant and a family member with him. 拉贝只能带一个助手和他的家人I know.我知道Go.走吧走I'll stay.我留下来I'll look for May.再找一找小妹Go back.回去吧Mr. Rabe can only take one assistant.拉贝先生只能带一个人走What are you doing?你在干什么?It's good to live.活着多好I'll stay. Let him go.我留下让他走He says,他说he has made his decision.他已经决定了Go.走Don't worry.放心好了I'll keep on sending you my salary on time.下个月的薪水我会按时交给你的Stay safe. I'll wait for you.吃东西的时候当心一点Please take care of my wife.谢谢你送一下我的太太Halt.立正Turn right.向右转Gun down.枪放下Attention.预备Aim.瞄准Fire.射击Reload.上子弹Everyone dies in the end.人总会死的This is a beautiful place.这是个很美的地方You know what?你晓得吗?My wife is pregnant again.我太太又怀孕啦我的太太又怀孕啦Aim.瞄准Fire.射击Stand straight.立正Turn right.向右转Fall out.跑步走All woman and children over here.你们中间的妇女和小孩一起站到这边来Woman and children stand over here.你们中间的妇女和小孩赶紧到这边来Women get over here.女的来这边排队You too.还有你们这边的Listen carefully.你们注意听着If you're a Chinese soldier,你们中间有中国士兵的quickly step forward.赶快站出来If you don't and we find you,你们不自首的话一旦查出来you'll be executed.立即枪毙If you give yourself up,你们自己走出来the lmperial Army will guarantee your life. 皇军会保护你们的安全We'll give you work, food,会让你们做工有饭吃and even money.还有钱拿Two cents per day.一天两毛钱If you don't surrender,如果不主动走出来的话once discovered,皇军一旦查出来you'll be executed.你们肯定要枪毙Next row.下一排Understood?该怎么办你们自己明白Step forward.往前走Next row.下一排Step forward.往前走一步下一排Take him away.把他带走You come here.你来这边Kid, go away.小孩走开Next.下一个过来Faster.You.快点快跟上你Let me take a look.看一看Come with me.你过来Take him away.把他拉走Go.走往前走Miss Jiang.姜老师Save me.救我Miss Jiang.姜老师- 不许动 - 姜老师救我Get back to your spot.别停下快走救我Miss Jiang, you must save me. 姜老师你要救我啊Shut up.Miss Jiang, save me.Take her back.拉她回去Shut up.Stand back.Please let us talk to the commander.- 往后站 - 我要和你们的长官谈话Just talk with him.只是跟他说几句Let the foreigners come forward.让外国人出来You are Chinese.你是中国人Don't push.不要挤了Miss Vautrin will work out a solution.华小姐已经在帮大家想办法了Don't worry.不要挤They won't let them go.他们不会放过这些人的We would not be afraid of the enemies.我们不怕日本军队I am not afraid.We are strong.- 对我不怕 - 我们应该坚强Could you give them a moment?可以打扰一下吗?Sir, we ask you to listen to the pleas of these women, 长官我们请您听听这些女人的哀求for their husbands, their sons.为他们的丈夫和儿子They are civilians.他们是普通市民My staff member is on that truck.我的同事也在你的卡车上He is not a soldier.他不是士兵Please release them.请你们放了他们Mizukami, Furuta.水上古田Miss Jiang.姜老师Good news.好消息Those with family can go get them. 有丈夫和家人的可以到那边去找Understood.- 是 - 知道了But each one can save just one.但每个女人只能救一个Just one.只有一个Listen to me.听我说If your family is on those trucks,如果你们的亲人在那些卡车上you can go and bring them back. 现在就可以去把他们领回来Miss Jiang.姜老师Now go and bring them back.去把他们领回来Aren't there too many?是不是有点太多了?Miss Jiang, save me.姜老师你要救我啊Mr. Chen.陈老师My husband.我丈夫This one?是他吗?Get down.你下去Miss Jiang.姜老师Miss Jiang, save me.姜老师救我Miss Jiang, thank you for saving me. 姜老师谢谢你救我啊Thank you so much.真的谢谢你救我啊It's all right.放心吧You'll be safe.别说了Get down.你下去Mom.妈Dad is over there.爸爸在那边Dad.爸You can only claim one person.只能认领一个Please, I am begging you. He is my man.求求你他是我家男人Go back.你们回去Just one.只能认领一个Dad.爸Hurry.快走快走Miss Jiang, please.姜老师求求你Miss Jiang, please save my father.姜老师求求你救救我爸爸We have a family to raise.我们家是做小生意的Do you understand?你们听到了没有?You can claim only one person. Otherwise you'll be shot. 多带了要枪毙掉一个人只能带一个Those who claim more than one will be shot.多带了要枪毙掉Attention.你们注意了Each person can only claim one person.一个人只能领一个Miss Jiang.姜老师Xiaodou.小豆Don't push.Xiaodou.- 不要挤 - 小豆Kid, go away.小孩走开Xiaodou.小豆Sergeant.队长That woman is very suspicious. 有一个行为可疑的女人Miss Jiang.姜老师Zhao.老赵My husband.我丈夫Dad.Get down.- 走吧走吧 - 爸Thank you, Miss Jiang.谢谢你姜老师Thank you, Xiaodou.谢谢你小豆Xiaodou.- 你过来 - 小豆You are a soldier. Come here.你是军人吧过来You again.又是你Mr. Rabe can't save you anymore. 这次拉贝也救不了你了Our people will be very pleased. 我们的人也会高兴的Take her away.带走Shoot me.杀了我Kadokawa.角川兄Is Yuriko here?百合子在吗?She followed the troops to the frontline and died there. 她去前线病死在那里了Help me build her a grave.帮我给她修一个坟She was once my wife.她曾经是我的妻子Yuriko百合子was once my wife.曾经是我的妻子Stand up.起立Go.开始Stop.站住Untie them.放了他们Go.走走啊Life is more difficult than death.活着比死更艰难吧Kadokawa.角川兄。
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