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微生物燃料电池(Microbialfuelcell,MFC)能够在处理污水的同时将污水中蕴含的化学能转化为电能,是一种低能耗的水处理技术,近年来成为环境领域的研究热点。目前制约MFC 实际应用的主要因素是成本过高和产电性能偏低。由于电极成本在MFC 总成本中所占比例最大,同时电极性能也是决定MFC 性能的关键,因此降低电极成本和优化电极性能对于MFC 的实用化具有重要意义。本文以推进MFC 实用化为目标,筛选用于阳极和生物阴极的廉价填料型电极材料,通过电极材料特性和构型的优化提高其产电性能,并将其应用于放大的MFC 装置。本研究选择廉价的半焦和活性炭与传统的石墨和碳毡电极材料进行产电性能对比。用于阳极时,活性炭产电性能最好,半焦较差。导电性过低是限制半焦阳极性能的主要因素。并分析了不同阳极材料表面的产电微生物、产电过程、产电机理和产电能力的区别。本文可为MFC阳极材料优化、产电微生物的富集、MFC构型改造等组合提供思路,其中着重讨论的不同阳极材料对微生物燃料电池的产电性能影响的相关内容,可为筛选廉价、产电效率高的阳极材料,推动微生物燃料电池实用化提供参考。


Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a low energy-consuming water treatment technology which can purify wastewater and simultaneouslyconvert its chemical energy.Inrecentyears, ithasbe comeonehottopicint the environment field. The practical application of MFC shasbeen limited.

Due to high costsand lowyield sofpower generation.The electrode is the largest contribu. Tortotota lcost of MFC and the key componentinde ciding the MFC performance. Thuselectrode costreduction and electrode performance optimization both have great. Significance onpractical application of MFC. To push forward the practical application of MFC, inthisdissertation low costpackedelectrode materialsforanodeandbio-cathodewere selected,and the performance of electrode wasimprovedby optimizing electrode characteristics and configuration. Then the optimized electrode wasused in a largescale MFC.

Inexpensivesemicoke and activated carbon were used aselectrode materials and compared with conventional materials graphite and carbon felt. When used in anode, activated carbon performed best, but semicoke had poor power generation performance. The extremely low conductivity of semicoke is the main limitation for the low performance of semicoke anode. to analyze different anode material on the surface of the electricigens, electricity production process, electricity generation and electricity generation capacity difference, as MFC anode materials optimization, microbial enrichment, MFC configuration transformation and the combination of ideas, discussed the different anode materials on microbial fuel cell power generation performance influence, from the screening report of production of high efficiency of anode materials, to promote the development of related research in microbial fuel cell.

Key words

Microbial fuel cell; Electrogenesis microorganism; Anode materials ; Electricity production performance;degression;practical


摘要 ............................................................................................................................... I Abstract .......................................................................................................................... II 目录 . (1)

第1章绪论 (2)

1.1研究背景和意义 (2)

1.2微生物燃料电池 (4)

1.2.1基本原理和分类 (4)

1.2.2微生物燃料电池的关键问题 (6)

1.2.3微生物燃料电池的发展方向 (9)

1.3 电极材料及构型 (10)

1.3.1 MFC电极研究展望 (11)

1.3.2成本降低 (12)

1.4研究目的与内容 (13)

1.4.1研究目的 (13)

1.4.2研究内容 (13)

第2章实验材料与方法 (16)

2.1 MFC的实验药品和实验仪器 (16)

2.1.1实验药品 (16)

2.1.2实验仪器 (16)

2.2 阳极材料筛选 (17)

2.2.1产电性能 (17)

2.2.2 经济性评价 (18)

2.2.3微藻燃料电池的实用化研究 (19)

结论 (21)

参考文献 (23)

致谢 (24)
