A game-theoretic control approach for job shops in the
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A game-theoretic control approach for job shops in the presence of disruptions
V. J. LEON , S. D. WU & R. H. STORER
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Department of Engineering Technology and Department of Industrial Engineering , Texas A&M University , College Station, TX, 77843-3367, USA
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An important problem in job-shop scheduling is that of making prompt decisions in the event of disruptions. Although researchers and practitioners have faced this problem for many years, a variety of challenges remain unresolved. The majority of research in job-shop scheduling involves the generation of a static, pre-computed schedule using exact or heuristic methods. The static schedule is generated based on certain managerial or operational objectives subject to a set of constraints. In realworld applications, however, the moment a schedule is released to the shop, various uncertain suspects of the system will dislocate the scheduled jobs from their prescribed sequence or start-times rendering the schedule obsolete. Nevertheless, a pre-computed schedule is often needed to optimize long-term system performance and to serve as a basis for other planning activities. In this paper, a control methodology is developed which offers a solution to the above dilemma. The proposed method utilizes information about future disturbances to control the schedule execution. Such a control method is oபைடு நூலகம் great practical relevance since it allows the use of static schedules in an uncertain environment. Past research on this problem can be broadly classified into two groups. One line of research proposes job dispatching, where sequencing decisions take place dynamically in order to account for disruptions as they occur. Another line of research proposes control strategies which guide recovery of the system from disruptions giving consideration to a pre-computed schedule. The approach used in this paper most closely resembles the latter approach. The control problem entails resequencing to minimize the expected value of a bi-criterion objective function. One criterion is Revision received February 1993.
Department of Industrial Engineering , Lehigh University , Bethlehem, PA, 18015, USA Published online: 07 May 2007.
To cite this article: V. J. LEON , S. D. WU & R. H. STORER (1994) A game-theoretic control approach for job shops in the presence of disruptions, International Journal of Production Research, 32:6, 1451-1476, DOI: 10.1080/00207549408957010 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207549408957010
Downloaded by [Columbia University] at 10:00 12 November 2014
A methodology inspired by a game-theoretic view of the on-line control problem for job-shops is developed which allows the use of static off-line schedules in uncertain environments, and the explicit incorporation of deterministic and stochastic information concerning future disturbances. A discrete event dynamic system representation is used to formulate the control problem. The control objectives are to minimize expected makespan and deviations from an off-line schedule. Computational tractability is achieved through a graph-theoretic decomposition of the job-shop scheduling problem, the development of fast rescheduling heuristics, and efficient sampling of future events. A heuristic search algorithm is developed for problem resolution. Experimental results show that the methodology significantly outperforms existing control methods such as 'total rescheduling' and 'right-shift.' Most importantly, the control methodology demonstrates consistent performance and small CPU time requirements throughout the tests.
International Journal of Production Research
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tprs20
INT. J. PROD. RES., 1994, VOL. 32, No.6, 1451-1476
A game-theoretic control approach for job shops in the presence of disruptions
V. J. LEONt*, S. D.
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