人教版高中英语选修10课件:Unit4 Workbook(共27张PPT)

2 What things should you NOT do when giving a talk?
You should not write down every thing you want to say and read it aloud to your audience.
2. Han Tao has to give a talk to his English class.
Write topics on the board.
Use visuals if possible
Hand out examples after the speech so audience are not distracted.
Don’t read your speech.
Make eye contact with the audience and use a conversational tone.
Using words & Expressions
1. Use the visual cues to guess the words.
4.Under each heading write any key words that will help you remember what bout. Use Han Tao’s notes on the previous page as a model.
1.Decide on the subject for your talk and then brain storm possible topics.
2.Read through your notes and choose three or four topics to talk about.
You should not write down every thing you want to say and read it aloud to your audience.
2. Han Tao has to give a talk to his English class.
Write topics on the board.
Use visuals if possible
Hand out examples after the speech so audience are not distracted.
Don’t read your speech.
Make eye contact with the audience and use a conversational tone.
Using words & Expressions
1. Use the visual cues to guess the words.
4.Under each heading write any key words that will help you remember what bout. Use Han Tao’s notes on the previous page as a model.
1.Decide on the subject for your talk and then brain storm possible topics.
2.Read through your notes and choose three or four topics to talk about.
人教版高中英语选修10课件:Unit1 Learning about language(共16张PPT)

2 Underline the attributes in the passage on page 7 which is a description of a visit to Elephant Island where Shackleton’s men camped for four months. landing who liked to visit sites of historic places freezing where they had struggled to land soft-eyed which looked grey and forbidding
But he also knew it was _v_it_a_l_ to_s_e_le_c_t_ the chance with care. So first he introduced the King of Wu to a beauty called Xi Shi. While Fu Chai was trying to entertain Xi Shi, Gou Jian attacked and defeated him.
Unit 1
Discovering useful words and expressions 1. Use the words and expressions in the box to fill in this description of the journey from the pack ice to Elephant Island written by one survivor.
positive/ negative
optimistic determined
Revising useful structure
人教高中英语选修10 U1 reading 课件 (共30张PPT)

• Pictures
Pre-reading: How do we read a story?
• What happened? • Who is/are the hero/characters? • When did the story happen? • Where did the story happen? • Why did it take place? • How did the story develop?
Find out the information missing in the chart and finish the charts:
when Where
after they settled on Elephant Island
South Georgia
Sir Ernest Shackleton with five men
The Endurance became _s_tu_c_k__ in pack ice and _c_r_us_h_e_d__ and we _fo_u_g_h_t o_u_r_w_a_y_t_o___ Elephant Island and _c_a_m_p_e_d__ there.
Shackelton with five men _s_a_il_e_d_to__/ _w_e_nt_to South Georgia to _b_rin_g__h_el_p_/_s_e_e_k_re_s_c_u_e_ and the rest __re_m_a_i_n_ed____ on the Elephant Island.
July, 1914 August, 1914 January 18th, 1915
人教版高中英语选修10课件:Unit4 Workbook(共27张PPT)

He knows what he wants to say but he doesn’t know the best way to present his talk. His neighbor, Mrs. Jones, is giving him some advice. Listen and answer these questions.
ready to leave at 6 am. (get)
3. Keys to sentence translation
1.They insisted that all workers be allocated an apartment in the new building.
2. The teacher recommended that they preview the questions before reading the text.
1. Discuss these questions briefly with others
in your group.
1 What makes a good talk? 2 What things should you NOT do when giving a talk?
1 What makes a good talk?
9. If it were up to me, I’d change all my money into local currency immediately.
4. Suggested answers.
1. (omitted)
2. If you had got there earlier, the shop would still have been open. / You would have been there earlier if you hadn't stopped to talk to your friends.
ready to leave at 6 am. (get)
3. Keys to sentence translation
1.They insisted that all workers be allocated an apartment in the new building.
2. The teacher recommended that they preview the questions before reading the text.
1. Discuss these questions briefly with others
in your group.
1 What makes a good talk? 2 What things should you NOT do when giving a talk?
1 What makes a good talk?
9. If it were up to me, I’d change all my money into local currency immediately.
4. Suggested answers.
1. (omitted)
2. If you had got there earlier, the shop would still have been open. / You would have been there earlier if you hadn't stopped to talk to your friends.
人教高中英语选修10 U1 reading 课件 共30张

Straw and Gall-baldder
? Gou Jian was the ruler of the kingdom of Yue, conquered by the neighboring kingdom of Wu. He was made a slave and suffered many hardships. But his tolerance earned the trust of the King of Wu and eventually he was set free.
the 13th century. He was
and hiding in a hole on a hill from
Helen Keller and her tutor
? Helen Keller , born a normal little girl, but in 1880, she had a fever that made her blind and deaf at the age of 19 months. She and her family was in despair until they met Anne Sullivan. Her work with Helen was very successful.
? Title: A successful failure
? Quote: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. ---- W C Fields
? Introduction: Perce Blackborow joined an expedition with Sir Ernest Shackleton to Antarctica on the ship Endurance in August 1914. Shackleton was one of the most famous explorers of his day and it was considered a great honour to be part of any expedition he led.
新人教版高中英语选修10课件:Unit3 listening and reading(共28张PPT

I also insisted that all students take a course in black history. It was a great success. I called it the School of the Three Bs---the Bible, the Bath and the Broom. Narrator 2: When Nannie Burroughs died in 1961 she was not forgotten. In 1975 the Mayor of the District of Columbia named May 10th as Nannie Helen Burroughs Day in memory of this remarkable woman.
Name Year of birth
Nannie Helen Burroughs
Chosen career Teacher
Name of school School of the three Bs Curriculum Vocational courses,
music, English literature, black history
He is remembered as one of the few scholars who made an honest academic study of the black man. His book for his doctor’s degree on the end of the slave trade in America is still the most important study of this subject.
新人教版高中英语选修10课件:Unit1 Learning about language(共16张P

Gou Jian announced that Fu Chai would soon_r_ec_o_v_e_r_. Fu Chai was moved by his act and he let him return to Yue. Remembering how _u_n_b_e_a_r_a_b_le_ his life as a slave had been, Gou Jian took no interest in c_e_l_eb__ra_t_i_o_n_s and continued to live in the same way as he did in Wu. He wanted to_r_e_c_o_v_e_r his lost land.
Though we were in an _u_n_b_e_a_r_a_b_l_e_ situation, we tried to make our daily life_c_h_e_er_f_u_l_ with singing and making fun of each other. Our_c_i_rc_u_m__s_ta_n__ce_s__ improved when we saw the solid land of Elephant Island appear on the horizon. Shackleton gave us no time to _m_o_u_r_n_ the failure of our expedition. He encouraged us all with advice to prevent _s_ic_k_n_e_s_s_.
faith cheerful mourn anyhow struggle unbearable circumstance sickness give way
人教版高中英语选修10:Fairness for all_课件1

Group discussion
What conclusions can you draw from these three pictures?
The black people were discriminated by the white people and the government.
Watch this video first.
4. They went to work on foot or in taxis instead.
5. The Whites were angry because their business suffered .
6. The blacks were solid in their support of the boycott.
Martin is a famous black leader during the Civil Rights Movement. He led non-violent marches and demonstrations in struggle for equality between black people and white people. His famous speech — I Have A Dream inspired a lot of people.
1. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus.
2. Rosa Parks was arrested. 3. Martin Luther King Jr. called on
the blacks to boycott the city buses and trolleybuses.
人教高中英语选修10 U1 reading 课件 (共30张PPT)

went to bring help
Find out the information missing in the chart and finish the charts:
when where who
after they settled on Elephant Island
Elephant Island
January 18th, 1915, their ship became
s_t_u_ck_ in pack ice as they _a_p_p_ro_a_c_h_e_d_/_c_a_m_e_n_e_a_r_t_o_____ their destination. Due to their p_e_r_s_e_ve_r_a_n_c_e_,
Comprehension: divide the passage into four parts
“Our” circumstances were _d_e_s_p_er_a_te__ and a new day began on the Elephant Island.
The Endurance became _s_tu_c_k__ in pack ice and _c_r_us_h_e_d__ and we _fo_u_g_h_t o_u_r_w_a_y_t_o___ Elephant Island and _c_a_m_p_e_d__ there.
Shackelton with five men _s_a_il_e_d_to__/ _w_e_nt_to South Georgia to _b_rin_g__h_el_p_/_s_e_e_k_re_s_c_u_e_ and the rest __re_m_a_i_n_ed____ on the Elephant Island.

7.steward/stjʊəd/n.________ 8.urgent/ˌ'pɜɜːːdʒsIə'vnIət/adj.________→_______
_n.紧迫→________adv. 9.persevere//vt._____→______n.坚持不
xplorer B.allthemembersoftheexpeditionwereeasy-
going C.theexpeditionteamwenttoAntarcticaforsci
entificresearch D.theexpeditionteammanagedtoreachtheir
destinationinspiteofthedifficulties 4.Whichofthefollowingplayedthemostimport
2.Ourcircumstancesaresodesperatethat__ ______________________________(不 确定是否)wewilleverreturnalive.
3.So______________________________ __________(怀着无比激动的心 情)onemorninginJuly1914thatIreadthisadv ertisement
答案 1.随便地;碰运气地 2.被迫做某事 3.提醒某人某事 4.(在黑暗中)摸索着走 5.swearoff 6.havefaithinsb/sth 7.withoutdelay 8.giveaway
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Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
[品味经典] ①This event tests both physical and mental endurance. 该项目是对体力也是对心理承受力的 考验。
②He showed remarkable power
of endurance.
(1)If help does not come, we
must_______ enduring
to the end.
shouldn’t be broken by few
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
_ the stock market.(venture)
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
2. Perce Blackborow joined an expedition with Sir Ernest Shackleton to Antarctica on the ship Endurance in August 1914. 1914年8月,珀斯· 布莱克鲍罗参加了 欧内斯
⑤Some apples rotted on the tree.
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
[牛刀小试] (1)The window frame
has rotten away completely
_________________________.(rot) 这个窗户框完全烂掉了。
3. I feel breathless as I remember my rotten toes that had to be
removed when they became
blackened from frostbite. 一想到由于冻伤变黑而必须截去的腐 烂的脚趾头,我就感到喘不过气来。
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
③We endured many hardships during
the war.
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
[牛刀小试] 用endurance的适当形式
④The mother spoils the children rotten. 母亲非常溺爱孩子。 [自我探究] rotten adj.腐烂的,非常糟糕的,腐 败的,非常。
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
rot v.& n.腐烂;腐败变质;形势恶化, rot away烂掉
重 点 难 点 探 究
1. Nothing ventured,nothing gained.
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
①She hardly dared to venture an
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
(1)venture“冒险,敢于”,后面接to do,
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
①The fruit is starting to go rotten.
②She is a rotten singer.
③The organization is rotten to the
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
[牛刀小试] 完成句子
save the child in the ruins.(risk)
risked losing his life
子。 venture their money on
(2)Many people
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
Section Ⅱ
Warming Up &
Reading-Language Points
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
[自我探究] endurance n.忍耐力(本文指船名“持久 号”)。 [归纳拓展] past/beyond endurance 忍无可忍 endurance test 耐力测试 endure vt.忍受;容忍;持久 endurable adj.可忍受(容忍)的
②He ventured his life to rescue
the drowning child.
Unit 1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained
venture to do sth.小心地说,谨慎
venture sth.on sth.冒着„„的危险 adventure n.冒险,奇异的经历 n.[C](有风险的)商业,企业;冒险的 行动 ③He failed in his ventures. 他投机失败。