《新概念英语青少版2 A》 Unit 1&2 语法练习(现在进行时)
青少版新概念英语2A Unit1

What are you doing?
I am reading a book.
What is he doing? He is cleaning the house.
What are you doing?
I am doing my homework.
Unit5 32
What are you doing?
3.构成: be + doing
reading listening cleaning drinking
write--writing make--making give--giving have—having come--coming
I am reading a book. I am doing a book. I am drinking tea.
He is cleaning the house
He is eating some meat.
What is he doing? What is she doing?
He is listening to her.
She is looking at the blackboard.
Unit5 33
Grammar :
The Continuous Tense
表示说话时正在发生的动作 1.含义:
2.标志词: now, look, listen…

青少版新概念2A-2B 课文文本Unit 1-30Unit 1: Linda comes to LondonLINDA: Hi, Karen! Where are youKAREN: I'm in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals, exit. I'm waiting for you, and I'm havinga cup of coffee.KAREN: Where are you, and what are you doingLINDA: I'm in the Baggage Hall. I'm waiting for my suitcase.LINDA: Ah, I can see it! It's coming round now! There it is!LINDA: Oh, Karen! Is Paul with youKAREN: Yes, of course he is. He's standing here beside me. I'm giving him my phone now. KAREN: Here you are, Paul! Talk to your mother!PAUL: Hello, Mum!LINDA: Hello, Paul! I've got my suitcase, and I'm coming out now!Unit 2:Good luck on Sunday!REPORTER: My name's Tom French. I'm speaking to you from the ExCel Centre in London's Docklands. We are visiting this year's Marathon Expo. REPORTER: This is the Trade Fair of the London Marathon. It's very noisy!There are hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of visitors here. REPORTER: This is a big international event. But it's like a village!People are talking and laughing like old friends.REPORTER: I'm standing with one of the competitors. Let me introduce Paul Bruce. Hi, Paul!PAUL: Hi, Tom!REPORTER: Paul, please tell our listeners. This is your first Marathon, isn't itPAUL: Yes, it is.REPORTER: Are you looking forward to SundayPAUL: Yes, I am.REPORTER: That's the spirit, Paul! Good luck on Sunday!Unit 3JACK: That's strange. What's this note in my pocketIt isn't mine. Is it yours, DaisyDAISY: No, it isn't mine. Let me see. Oh, it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his.JACK: So why is it in my pocketDAISY: I don't know. It looks like Paul's 'to-do' list. Let me read it.JACK: HMM. Give it to me, Daisy. Yes, it is Paul's, isn't itDAISY: Yes, Jack. Put it back.Unit 4:The top three percentVOLUNTEER: Congratulations! Two hours and fifty-nine minutes.? That's fantastic! What's your namePAUL: Paul. Paul Bruce.VOLUNTEER: Well done, Paul! How are you feelingPAUL: I'm OK. Thanks.VOLUNTEER: Good! Now, Paul. Here's your foil jacket. Put it on.You mustn't get cold.PAUL: Yes. Thanks.VOLUNTEER: Just a hundred and seventy-nine minutes! Paul, you're a hero!PAUL: Thanks!VOLUNTEER: Now, Paul, walk this way. Pick up your medal. It's yours! VOLUNTEER: There are thirty-five thousand runners in this race, and you're in the top three percent! Congratulations!Unit 5: All about ants!ROBERT: Look at this webpage, Mum. It's about ants.KAREN: Ants Why are you looking up antsROBERT: Why not Ants are really interesting. They do really interesting things. KAREN: What kind of thingsROBERT: Well, they usually live in dry places. But they can survive under water for two weeks.KAREN: ReallyROBERT: Oh, Mum, how about this Ants always stretch their legs in the morning.KAREN: You're joking!ROBERT: NO, really!KAREN: DO they usually yawn in the morning, tooROBERT: Well, funnily enough, they do!Unit 6:An elegant sizePOLLY: You're looking very elegant today, Annie!ANNIE: Yes, I'm on my way to my accountant's. I always put on a nice outfit for him.SO I'm going by bus.POLLY: What do you mean, AnnieANNIE: Well, I usually walk into town. But today I'm going by bus. It's my shoes, you see. POLLY: Your shoesANNIE: Yes, my shoes. They're size six.POLLY: They're perfect with your outfit.ANNIE: Thanks. I like them, too.ANNIE: My feet are size five in the morning, and size six in the afternoon. I can't walk in these shoes before lunch.ANNIE: But I can't walk in them in the morning. They're fine in the afternoon.Unit 7: A good exampleROBERT: How about this, Dad'Twenty-two percent of people in Britain never eat breakfast.’‘Sixteen percent eat breakfast at work.'WILLIAM: It's true. My assistant has her breakfast at work every day.It's a waste of time, really.KAREN: Poor girl! She works very hard.WILLIAM: She goes out with friends nearly every night. Then she gets up late,and rushes to work late.WILLIAM: Then she has breakfast at her desk! It doesn't look good.KAREN: She works late twice a week,too.WILLIAM: Well, we all do that. Goodness, is that the timeWILLIAM: I must rush.KAREN: But what about your breakfastWILLIAM: That's all right. I can get some breakfast at work.Unit 8: A nice quiet afternoon.MR. FORD: What are you going to do now, PaulPAUL: I'm going to take it easy this morning! Then I'm going to meet Claire for lunch. MR. FORD: Where Here in BarnetPAUL: NO, at an Indian restaurant in Canary Wharf. Her mother recommends it.MR. FORD: Very nice. Have a good lunch. Eat a double portion of rice.You need the carbohydrate.MR. FORD: And have a dessert. Why not have two desserts But no alcohol, of course!Have a nice quiet afternoon.PAUL: We're going to walk along the river.MR. FORD: Make it a short walk. And walk today—don't run!PAUL: Claire's going to like that. She hates running, especially after a big lunch.Unit 9:Do your own thingsPAUL: It's going to be a very early start on Sunday morning, Claire.We're going to leave home at about 5.30.CLAIRL: 5.30! That is early!PAUL: So what do you want to do Do you want to come with us, or notCLAIRE: I'm not sure, Paul. What do you want me to doPAUL: I want you to do your own thing. You can come to the National Stadium with the team. CLAIRE: But what are you going to do therePAUL: You can't come with us into the Red Zone. And I don't want you to get bored, on your own all day.CLAIRE: But it's obvious, Paul!The National Athletics Championships are a photographer's dream!What am I going to do I'm going to take hundreds of photographs, of course!Unit 10: Tomorrow's another day!Do you remember Nina She's a fashion model.She usually works with Daisy, but she works with other photographers, too.Her jobs take her all over the world. She often stays in expensive hotels.Her life seems very glamorous. But she often feels lonely.Nina isn't feeling lonely this evening.She's sitting in a bar in Central Londonwith some friends. They are all old friends,and they're having a good gossip.The bar is becoming very noisy.Nina is laughing. She's having a really good time.Why can't things be like this every eveningThat's an interesting question!This idea is a new one. Nina must think about her life.She's going to think about it in the morning.But just now, she's having a good time.Nina's going to make a decision tomorrow —but tomorrow's another day.Unit 11 We all have our troublesJACK: Anna, I want you to call Pierre in Paris.I'm going to Paris first thing tomorrow.I want to meet with him at 8 o'clock.Can you set it up, pleaseAnd can you get me some coffeeANNA: Yes, sir. Straight away.Paris! Again! He was in Paris last week!JANEY: Wasn't he in Washington last weekANNA: No, he was in Washington the week before last. Some people have all the luck!Yes, I know. I want to travel, but I'm always here at my desk.I was here yesterday. I was here the day before yesterday.ANEY: We're going to be here tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow ...ANNA: And next week, and next month!JACK: Anna, Janey, I'M sorry for you both.But we all have our troubles in life. And I'm looking forward to my coffee.Unit 12: The London busThe new buses in London are just 'buses'. They aren't 'London buses'. The real 'London bus' was the old Routemaster. This was our favourite bus for fifty-one years. It was a design classic.Were Routemasters really dangerous The back of the bus was an open platform with no doors. Perhaps this wasn't very safe —but Londoners like to do their own thing. And the Routemasters were fast in the traffic.Modern buses are safe, but they are slow. Passengers hate the doors. Car drivers hate the buses. The bus drivers have a hard time.The first Routemasters were on our roads in 1954. The last official Routemaster journey was on Route Number 9, on 15th February 2006. That was some years ago.Today, Londoners remember the Routemaster's name. They remember the designer's name: Douglas Scott.The new buses don't have a name. How can we love themUnit 13: The KalenjinTake a look at the records of international running events in the last fifty years. Before 1980, the winners of distance races were usually from North America and Europe. There were some winners from other countries, but there weren't very many of them. There were no African names among the winners then, but things are very different now.Today, the stars of the race track are the Kalenjin. The Kalenjin are an African people from the borders of North West Kenya and Ethiopia. Their homeland is a hot, dry plateau, about 2,500 metres above sea level. These people are natural athletes. They have long, thin legs. Their heart rate is unusually slow. There are only three million of them.Twelve of the world's top twenty marathon runners are now Kalenjin. Every year, they win40 percent of the top honours in all international distance 25 races. And it's not just the men.A few years ago, there weren't any distance races for women. These days, there are lots of them. Kalenjin women win all their events as well.Unit 14: Chocolate heavenLUCY: I'm going out, Mum. Please can I get some chocolateWe had some sweets last weekend, but we didn't have any chocolate.And we didn't have much chocolate the weekend before last.KAREN: You and your chocolate! OK. But you must share it with everyone else! LUCY: I'm back. Mum! These are the chocolates! They didn't have any nice boxes at the supermarket. These chocolates are from Marconi's. They're really special. ROBERT: But chocolate is chocolate,isn't it Why does a fancy box make it special KAREN: Good question. Listen to this. 'This chocolate contains fifty percent cocoa.Marconi's chocolate uses only pure cocoa butter.There are no non-cocoa vegetable fats in Marconi's chocolate.'Mm! This is chocolate heaven! It feels different in your mouth. Chocolate heaven is expensive. It feels different in your pocket, too!Unit 15: It’s a mystery to me!DAISY: Welcome home, Jack! Did you have a good tripJACK: It was OK. But it was all about babies and food!DAISY: Babies How many babiesJACK: Two. Marcel's deputy had a baby two months ago.And Pierre's secretary is going to have a baby in June.JACK: They have nine months off work each time!DAISY: Well, it happens. That's life!JACK: True.JACK: And then there's the food. I had lunch with Marcel. I didn't want a three-hour lunch, but lunch is a serious business in Paris.DAISY: Yes, it is. I like the French attitude to food. It's very civilised.JACK: I agree with you, Daisy. They're nice people. They're also very efficient.JACK: But how do they do itHow do they have time for a civilised life and for work as wellIt's a mystery to me!Unit 16: What’s your middle nameWILLIAM: Is there something wrong KarenKAREN: It's OK. I'm being silly.WILLIAM: That's impossible .You're never silly.KAREN: Oh, but I am! I'm silly all the time. Believe me!KAREN: I did something very silly this morning.I picked up some shopping in town.KAREN: I arrived home at about 10 o'clock, and parked the car in the drive.I unlocked the house with my house keys.KAREN: Then, Daisy called me on my mobile, and we talked about the weekend.We discussed plans for Sunday. Then we finished the call.KAREN: Then I looked for my car keys.I looked in my bag, in my coat, in the kitchen, everywhere.WILLIAM: And where were theyKAREN: They were in my hand! The key-ring was on my little finger.William, 'Silliness' is my middle name!Unit 17: A cuckoo in the nestPaul's father, Ken Bruce is an engineer. He's also an enthusiastic birdwatcher.Last spring, two little birds appeared in his garden. Ken installed a webcam, and invited his neighbours to log on. Everyone watched enthusiastically. Soon, there was a little nest. Then, another bird arrived. It was a cuckoo. The cuckoo watched patiently. Three little eggs appears in the nest.The cuckoo waited. Suddenly, she had her chance. The mother wasn't there. The cuckoo darted to the nest. In two seconds, there was a fourth egg beside the other three.After twelve days, the young cuckoo hatched. The little birds hurried to get food for the baby cuckoo.Ken's neighbours watched excitedly. The baby cockoo picked up the other eggs easily with its back, and pushed them out of the nest. The birds returned and pushed food into its mouth. After twenty days, the cuckoo was enormous! On 6th May, it opened its wings. In a moment, the nest was empty. The show was over.Ken's neighbours are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now, of course.Unit 18: Read this label!LUCY: Do you want one of these, VikkiVIKKI: No, thanks! I ate some of those about a year ago. Once was enough!LUCY: Why What happenedVIKKI: I missed breakfast that morning, because I did my piano practice before school.Mum gave me my lunchbox, and I went for the bus.VIKKI: On the school bus I felt a bit sick. I always feel sick on buses, anyway.VIKKI: I need to eat something. I looked in my lunchbox and discovered the Crispy Trolls. VIKKI: I ate four Crispy Trolls, one after another.At the same time I read the label on the packet.VIKKI: Then I felt really sick! Yuk! Honestly, Lucy, this stuff isn't food. It's chemistry.Read the label!Unit 19: A problem with squirrelsPOLLY: Did you see my new bird feeder AnnieANNIE: Yes, I did. I saw it last weekPOLLY: Well, I bought it because of the label. It said, 'This bird feeder is squirrel-proof'. ANNIE: Yes, you told me that.POLLY: Well, I brought it home. I put lots of nuts in it.And I hung it outside the kitchen window.POLLY: That night, a squirrel broke into the 'squirrel-proof' bird feeder. It ate all the nuts.The squirrel's tummy became enormous.ANNIE: Oh, no! Don't tell me!POLLY: The next day, I went into the kitchen. What did I seeA dead squirrel in my bird feeder, outside my kitchen window!ANNIE: That's awful! What did you doPOLLY: I cut it down, and put it in a bag. Then I took it back to the shop.They gave me my money back.ANNIE: But what's the use of thatPOLLY: I wanted a squirrel-proof bird feeder, and I haven't got one!Unit 20: An ordinary lifeNina: I want to tell you something,Daisy: What is it, NinaNina: This will be my last fashion shoot. I'm going to get an ordinary job in an office.Daisy : But why, Nina You're a very successful model.Why do you want to changeNina: I'm successful now. But I won't always be successful.And I want an ordinary life.NINA: In an office job, I'll work regular hours. I'll go home in the evening.NINA: I'll cook beautiful meals and eat them with my friends.And I'll sleep in the same bed every night.NINA: And maybe, one day, I'll meet the right man.And we'll have an ordinary life together. It'll be wonderful!Unit 21:The weather forecastANNOUNCER: And now it's five to nine, and time for the weather forecast.Let's go over to Carla Dane at the London Weather Centre,Carla.WEAT: Thanks John, and good morning!Last month was unusually cold and dry. But all that will change in the next few days.From today, the wind will blow from the south west.It will bring in warm air from the Atlantic. And we'll have some rain.Rain will come in gradually from the south west this evening.The whole country will have some rain showers in the next three days.Some of them will be heavy.Temperatures will rise to 12 degrees Celsius in the day.Night temperatures will fall to 4 degrees Celsius.It will feel cold over the hills. And the outlook for next weekend: the three w's- warm,wet and windy. And that's your weather forecast.Back to John at the studio.Unit 22 I always behave myselfLUCY: Dad, there was a dance at school last month, and I didn't go.There'll be another one next Friday night. Can I goWILLIAM: Who'll be at the danceLUCY: It'll be a school event. There will be some French student,but there won't be any outsiders. And our teachers will be there, tooWILLIAM: That sounds reasonable. What time will it startLUCY: At half past seven.WILLIAM: And how long will it lastLUCY: For two and a half hours. It'll finish at 10.WILLIAM: All right, Lucy. Your mother will take you there, and I'll pick you up.Be at the school gates at 10 o'clock sharp. Is that clearLUCY: Yes. Dad. Thanks;WILLIAM: And Lucy, you will behave yourself, won't youLUCY: Of course, Dad. I always do!Unit 23 Quite tall … and quite striking!DAISY: ….... So, Cleo, that's the news.Can you send me your New Faces file....... CLEO: Of course. Daisy. I’11 send a messenger.CLBO: How far is it to your house from hereDAISY: It's about 45 miles.CLBO: That's not far. You'll have the pictures by two o'clock.DAISY: Good. What are they likeCLEO: Well, all the girls are quite young. One of them is very young.Her mother comes with her.DAISY: I get the picture. Is there anyone specialCLEO: That's Sandy. She's quite tall.DAISY: How tallCLEO: She's one metre eighty-two.DAISY: What height is that Just a moment…OK, it's about five foot eleven. That's very tall.CLBO: Yes, she's quite striking. I'll send the file now.DAISY: Thanks. Cleo. I'll have a look.I'll call you tomorrow.CLEO: Thanks, Daisy. Bye!Unit 24 A quizROBERT: Lucy, I'm writing a quiz for my class, and I want to try it out.Can I try it out on you, pleaseLUCY: OK.ROBERT: Which is the highest mountain in the British IslesLUCY : It's Ben Nevis, of course!ROBERT: What's the longest river in the worldLUCY: I'm not sure. Is it the Nile, or the AmazonROBERT: It's the Nile. I looked it up yesterday.The Nile is longer than the Amazon.LUCY: Is itROBERT: Yes. They're both long rivers. It isn't obvious, is itLUCY: No. It's a good question.ROBERT: Which continent has the lowest population densityLUCY: Goodness, Robert! I don't know! AustraliaROBERT: No! It's a trick question.Australia's a continent, and it has only six people to the square mile.But obviously, the answer is 'Antarctica'!Unit 25 Karen saves some moneyKAREN: Which of these two suits do you prefer, WilliamThe one on the right, or the one on the leftWILLIAM: They're both the same. They're both the same size.They're both the same colour. And they're both the same style. KAREN: They both look the same, but they're very different in quality.One is made of linen, and the other is made of microfibre.The microfibre one is cheaper than the linen one.WILLIAM: Which one do you prefer, KarenKAREN: I'll have the microfibre one. It isn't as expensive as the linen one. WILLIAM: Are you sure I can't tell the difference,but you can. I want you to be happy with it.KAREN: That's OK. I'm saving money on the suit.So now I want to buy a pair of shoes to go with it.Unit 26 School reportsFLORA: What's your report like, VikkiVIKKI: It's all right.FLORA: Can I have a lookVIKKI: OK.FLORA: WOW, Vikki!Listen to this, Lucy! English excellent, French excellent,Maths excellent, Music excellent, Geography excellent……Everything is excellent!LUCY: I know! Vikki's report is always better than mine.FLORA: And your report is always better than mine.LUCY: Your reports are quite good, Flora.FLORA: But not as good as yours and Vikki's.You're both cleverer than me.LUCY: Well, Vikki always comes top.She's the cleverest girl in the school.VIKKI: You're the best gymnast, Flora.I always come bottom in Sports.Look! ‘Sports: Vikki tries hard.'VIKKI: It's a joke! Of course I try hard. But obviously not hard enough! Unit 27 Pocket moneyLUCY: Have you got any money, RobertROBERT: A little. WhyLUCY: Can you lend me some Just for a week.ROBERT: How much do you wantLUCY: Just a few pounds. Well, ten pounds, actually.ROBERT: Ten pounds! That's a lot! Why haven't you got your own money We both get the same every month.LUCY: Yes, but you've always got more money than me.ROBERT: YOU always spend your pocket money at the beginning of the month.LUCY: I know! And you always save yours. You're a good boy, and I'm a bad girl! LUCY: Please, Robert! I'll pay you back on Saturday.ROBERT: All right then. But only for a few days.LUCY: Thanks! You're the best!Unit 28 She doesn't even existROBERT: Why do you have all these posters in your room. LucyLUCY: Because I like them.ROBERT: Look at that big face! It's silly. Why did you put it on the ceiling LUCY: Because I like it.ROBERT: Who's this, anywayLUCY: It's Jonno. He's the best singer in the world. And he's the most handsome. ROBERT: That's silly.LUCY: No, it isn't!LUCY: Anyway, who's your favouriteROBERT: Leena Lang. She's the most beautiful girl in the world, and the cleverest. LUCY: Lecna Lang! That's crazy! She's just someone in a computer game. ROBERT: I don't care. She's the best detective and the best martial arts master. LUCY: But she isn't real! She doesn't even exist!ROBERT: She does. She's as real as Jonno any day!Unit 29 No one’s better than Paul!CLAIRE: Paul is a fantastic athlete. Linda. He comes first in everything. LINDA: He was always a strong runner.CLAIRE: In the Championships last year,the '800 metres' was a very fast race.But Paul ran the fastest. He was 15 seconds faster than his nearest rival. LINDA: There were a lot of his friends in the Championships, weren't there CLAIRE: Oh, yes! They all did very well indeed.CLAIRE: Tom won the high jump. He jumped 1.49 metres.That was 3 centimetres higher than all the others.CLAIRE: And Phil came first in the long jump.He jumped further than anyone . He broke his personal record.CLAIRE: They're all fantastic, really!LINDA: Yes, they are. But no one's better than our Paul!Unit 30 A giant squidROBERT: I bought New Scientist magazine this week. Dad.WILLIAM: Did you I'll give you the money for that.How much did you pay for itROBERT: It cost £3.70 (three pounds seventy)]WILLIAM: Here you are. I enjoy New Scientist.I'll read it after you.ROBERT: There's a piece in it about a giant squid.It's on show at the Natural History Museum.ROBERT: It’s 9 metres long.William: Nine metres ... that's about 30 feet .That’s as long as a London bus!ROBERT: I know. Its eyes are as big as plates, and its suckers are at big as a man's leg. WILLIAM: That's amazing.ROBERT: Can we go and see it. DadWILLIAM: Yes. of course. We'll go on Sunday morning.The rest of the family will be at the athletics.。

next to…
Suddenly a driver sat down next to him .突然一个司机在他身旁坐下。
The library is on the left , next to the cinema .图书馆就在左边,挨着电影 院的地方。
arrival n 到达
Who is she?
Where is she,right now?
Where is karen? What is she doing?
• karen is in the coffee bar.
• she is waiting for linda and having a cup of coffee.
• Pual is with Karen. • He is standing beside Karen.
What are they doing?
• They are talking with each other .
• Linda has got her suitcase,and she is coming out.
2.Where ... 3.these days 这几天
at present 最近 4.祈使句
现在进行时表示动作或事件发生在有限 的时间之内,或者表示情形在不断变化. 因此,只有动态动词,即表示有意的动作 和情形变化的动词,才能用于在现在进 行时.
现在进行时 表示正在发生的动作和正在进行的状态。
prep.介词;和…在一起;偕同 She lives with her son.她和她的儿子住在一起。
1 Jack and his father are climbing the hill. 2 Jack, with his father is climbing the hill.

Written Exercises 书面练习 Match A and B 搭配A、B 栏 Write out A and complete each sentence or question with the correct words from B. B 栏的正确词语完成A 栏的句子或问题。
Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提问。 Example: KareWhere ...?) A: Is Karen waiting in the coffee bar? B: Yes, she is. A: Where is Karen waiting? B: (She’s waiting) in the coffee bar. 1.Karen / have / cup of coffee? (What ...?) 2.Linda / wait for / suitcase? (What ...?) 3.her suitcase / come round now? (What ...?) 4.Paul / stand / beside Karen? (Who ...?) 5.Linda / come out now / her suitcase? (Who ...?)
• Ask and answer questions. 问答练习 • 1.A: Is Paul eating a sandwich? B: No, he isn’t. A: Is he drinking coffee? B: Yes, he is. • 2.A: Is Paul eating a sandwich? B: No, he isn’t eating a sandwich. He’s drinking coffee. • 3.(Not with picture 8) A: Who’s drinking coffee? B: Paul is. 句型练习

Linda comes to London
Hi, Karen! Where are you? Where + be +主语 XX在哪里? For example: 你爸爸在哪儿? 你爸爸=your father→单数→is Where is your father?
stand up
listen to
wait for + 名词 = 等待某人或某物
come out = 出来
一、连词成句, 注意所给词的正确形式
练习 exercises
一、连词成句, 注意所给词的正确形式 1、Linda London to come. Linda comes to London. 2、I’m next the coffee to in the arrivals exit bar. I’m in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. 3、have a coffee I’m of cup. I’m having a cup of coffee. 4、give my he phone I’m now. I’m giving him my phone now. 5、stand beside he here is I . He is standing here beside me.
stand [stænd]
Oh, Karen! Is Paul with you?
青少版新概念英语2A Unit1

3 Where is Linda?
She’s in the Baggage Hall.
Linda comes to London
Who is she?
Where is she,right now?
Where is Karen?
What is she doing?
• Karen is in the coffee bar. • She is waiting for Linda and having a cup of coffee.
10.Yes, she is.
b) 1.No, she isn’t. She’s having a cup of coffee. •2.No, she isn’t. She’s waiting for her son. • 3.No, he isn’t. He’s standing beside Karen. •4.No, he needn’t. He must talk to his mother. • 5. No, she isn’t. Linda is coming out now. •c) 1.She is in the Baggage Hall. •2.She is waiting for her suitcase. • 3.Yes, she can. •4.It is coming round now. •5.He’s standing beside Karen. •6.Karen is giving her phone to Paul. •7.Linda has got her suitcase now.
prep.介词;在…旁边 He is beside her.他在她的旁边。 beside/next to the door 在门旁边

新概念青少版2A各单元重点归纳Name:___________________ Class:___________________Unit 1 Linda comes to London一、必背词汇:1.sit 坐2.phone 电话 电视4.sandwich 三明治5.read 读6.listen to 听7.exit 出口8.suitcase 手提箱9.armchair 扶手椅10.next to 紧靠…旁边11.stand up 站起来12.wait for 等待e round 来到附近e out 出来15.drink coffee 喝咖啡16.pick strawberries摘草莓17.cook lunch 煮午餐18.read a book 看书19.talk to his mother和妈妈说话二、重点句型:1. I’m waiting for you and I’m having a cup of coffee. 我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡。
2.---Is Paul eating a sandwich? ---Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.3.---What is Paul doing? ---He’s dringking coffee.三、重点语法:现在进行时:1.基本句型:主语+be+动词ing+ 其他。
(注: be随人称变为am, is, are.)如:I am drinking coffee.其中,be动词的用法口诀:我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is跟着他、她、它,名词单数用is,名词复数就用are。
2. 动词+ing的变化规则2. 1. 一般情况下在动词原形后+ing;如:do—doing, cook- cooking;2.2. 以不发音的e结尾的, 去e再+ing;如:come- coming, have—having;2. 3. 重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写最后一个字母+ing; 如:sit—sitting, put—putting.Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday!一、重点词汇:1.visit 参观,访问2.visitor 参观者3.noisy 嘈杂的4.village 村庄ugh 大笑6.film 电影7.say 说话8.town 市镇,城镇9.city 城市10.radio 收音机11.learn 学习12.news 新闻13.quiet 安静的14.television 电视机15.luck 运气16.center 中心e home 回家18.listen to the radio听收音机19.learn English 学习英语20.watch the news 看新闻21.play football 踢足球22.have lunch 吃午餐23.go out 外出24.hundreds of 数以百计的25.thousands of 数以千计26.look forward to 盼望,期望二、重点句型:1. --- Are Robert and Lucy waiting for a taxi? 罗伯特和露西在等出租车么?---Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.2. ---What are Robert and Lucy doing? 罗伯特和露西在做什么?--- They are waiting for a bus. 他们正在等公交车。
青少版新概念英语 2AUnit1课件

现在进行时态(Present Continuous Tense) 定义:表示现在,就是说话人的说话时刻或现在这一 阶段正在进行的动作。
What is Paul doing?
He is drinking coffee
What is William doing?
He is sitting in his armchair
--We need a loaf of bread and some meat.
5 Sentence structures exercise
How many pencils do you want?(he)
How many pencils does he _______________________________
next to 进港处 arrivals 出口 exit 等待 wait for 行李领取厅 Baggage Hall
suitcase 手提箱 皮箱
stand 站立
come round 来到附近
phone 电话
come out 出来
sandwich 三明治
which---what --No, he is hungry. He has got three.
b. --Which kind of camera do you want?
a food ---food --I want a German one.
c. –What about a food for the weekend?
What is Paul doing? He is drinking coffee

The content is designed to be engaging and informative, covering a range of topics relevant to young learners. Each chapter includes real-life examples, interactive exercises, and cultural notes to enhance understanding and interest.
Evaluation results
The evaluation results should be recorded and used to guide students in their future learning. The teacher should identify students who need extra help and provide them with appropriate support.
Situational teaching method
Key Points
The most challenging aspects of this textbook are the more complex grammatical structures, such as the use of modals and reported speech. Some learners may also find the written exercises and homework challenging due to the nature of the tasks and the language required for them.
新概念青少版2a unit 1

Picture 6
Has Karen got her suitcase?(1) Is she coming out now?(1)
1. 我正在等你。
waiting for I am ______ ___you ___.
2. 我正在等我的行李箱。
waiting for I am ______ __ my __ suitcase _______.
What are they doing? They are
waiting ___________ for a bus _____.
I am waiting for you. I am having a cup of coffee. He is standing here beside me. I am giving him my phone now. I am coming out now.
Bye-- bye
I’ve got = I have got 已经拿到
Picture 1
find out the answer and underline
Who is the woman?(1)
What is she saying ?(2)
Picture 2
Where is Karen ?(1)
Who is she waiting for?(2)
What is Karen doing?(3)
coffee bar
Picture 3
Who are they?(2)
What are they doing ?(3) What is Linda doing?(3)

一 一块巧克
一包 一条
suitcase suit 套装
case 容器
bathing suit 泳衣
business suit 西 装 pencil case
stand up3
come out 5
liHale Waihona Puke ten to 1stand6
根据英语说出汉 语意思.
紧靠.. 站起来旁边 出口2
3 4
行李领 取厅1
根据汉语说出英 语单词.
son mother
Guess! -city
→ Washington
→ Wuhan
→ London
Do you want to go to London? How can we get there?
airport 机场
International Airport
Who is with Karen?
• Pual is with Karen. • He is standing beside
What are they doing?
• They are talking with each other .
• Linda has got her suitcase,and she is coming out.
青少版新概念英语2A-Unit1 Lesson1&2

William Jenkins
Karen Jenkins
Robert Jenkins
Lucy Jenkins
Paul Bruce
“伦敦桥要塌了,要塌了,要塌了„„”一首充满悲剧 色彩的民谣唱说着伦敦桥的沧桑历史。 伦敦桥是泰晤士河上资格最老的桥,公元965年建成。它 原是一座木桥,两个世纪后改为石桥,是当年沟通泰晤 士河南 北两岸的唯一通道。岁月沧桑,伦敦桥难逃苍老 的命运,逐渐显露了颓败的迹象,对日益繁重的交通, 已不胜重荷,于是,便流传了这样一首充满悲剧色彩的 民谣。 但老谋深算的英国人,并没有眼睁睁地看着伦敦 桥倒塌,而是把它变为无价宝。他们大力宣传伦敦桥的 历史华彩,把废桥作为古董,卖给了美国亚利桑那州的 哈瓦苏湖城地产商。商人把古桥的构件逐一编号拆卸, 用巨轮运至美国,再按原样在哈瓦苏湖上把它重新砌筑 起来,周围点缀以英式房舍,成为一个别开生面的旅游 点——“小伦敦”。美国地产商让英国人赚了钱,自己 也并不吃亏,由于“古董桥”的吸引,游客不绝,该城 的地产随之而大大升值,全城百姓都在不同程度上受惠 于“古董桥”而富裕起来。 伦敦桥就这样上演了一出“悲喜剧”。
buy from the supermarket?
Is Karen Paul? 1. waiting for3' Is she waiting for Linda? 2. 2' Is she having a cup of coffee? 3. 4'
Is Linda 4. next to the Arrivals 5' exit?
--The one s___ itting in the car. uitcase ? -- Is that boy with a s____

二、翻译 1、他在哪儿? Where is he? 2、汤姆和你在一起吗? Is Tom with you? 3、保罗正在喝咖啡吗? Is Paul drinking a cup of coffee? 4、托尼正在做什么? What is Tony doing? 5、谁正在做午餐? Who is cooking lunch?
Linda wait for suitcase (what…?) Linda is waiting for her suitcase. Is Linda waiting for her suitcase? What is Linda doing?
her suitcase come round now. Her suitcase is coming round now Is her suitcase coming round now
wait 不及物动词 需要借助介词for与后面的宾语连接。 For example: Wait for my mother 等我的妈妈。 我必须等我的妈妈。 I must wait for my mother. 我正在等我的妈妈。 I’m waiting for my mother.
Ah, I can see it! It’s coming round now! There it is! There it is 在那里 也可以表示对自己观点的一个自信的肯定。 come round 绕道而来 此文中表示来到附近/转过来。 can 情态动词,后接动词原形 I can draw a car!
Karen have cup of coffee (what) Karen is having a cup of coffee. Is Karen having a cup of coffee? Yes, she is. What is Karen doing? She is having a cup of cofAttention:参照物放在介词to的后面 For example: 在厨房旁边 next to the kitchen. 我在厨房旁边的蓝色卧室里。 I’m in the blue bedroom next to the kitchen. 电灯在床旁边。 The lamp is next to the bed.

Unit 1-----4 练习一、完成下列表格:二、用括号里的代词的适当形式填空1. Are these ________(you)pencils? Yes, they are ________(our).2. Whose is this pencil?—It’s ________(I).3. I love ________(they)very much.4. She is______________ (I) classmate.5. Miss Li often looks after_______________(she)brother.6. —Are these ___________________(they)bags ?—No, they aren’t _______________(their). They are __________ (w e).7. Mr. Yang is _______(we) teacher.________(him) is from Beijing._______(his) teaches ______(our) English.8. Look, there is a cat . _______ is Lily's.____ name is Mimi. (it)9. Let______ (I) tell ______ (she) about_____ (he) life at school.10. This is ______(they) room. Where is _____(our)?11. Don't use the eraser.(it)______ is ______(me).12. The lady under the tree is _____(me) aunt._____(her) often sings with _____(she) husband13. That is not _________ kite. That kite is very small, but _________ isvery big. ( I )14. The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she )15. Is this _________ (you) watch? No, it’s not _________ . ( I )16. ________is my brother. ________ name is Jack. Look! Those stampsare _______. ( he )17. _________ (we)dresses are red. What colour are _________( you )?18. Here are many dolls, which one is _________ ( she )?19 I can find my toy, but where’s _________( you ) ?20. Show (they)________ _________(you)kite, OK?21. I have a beautiful cat. _________name is Mimi. These cakes are _________. ( it )22. Are these _________ ( they ) tickets?No, _________ are not _________. _________ aren’t here.23. Shall _________ have a look at that classroom? That is _________ classroom. ( we )24. _________ is my aunt. Do you know _________ job? _________ is a nurse. ( she )25. That is not _________ camera. _________is at home. ( he )26. Where are _________? I can’t find _________. Let’s call _________parents. ( they )27. Don’t touch _________. _________is not a cat, _________is a tiger!(it)28. _________ sister is ill. Please go and help _________. ( she )29. _________ don’t know her name. Would you please tell _________. ( we )30. So many dogs. Let’s count _________. ( they )31. I have a lovely brother. _________ is only 3. I like _________ verymuch. ( he )32. May I sit beside _________?( you )33. Look at that desk. Those books are on _________. ( it )34.The girl behind _________ is our friend. (she )三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式:work _______ sing __________ play ________study __________ have ________ dance _________write ________ take ___________ run _________sit ____________ shop ________ swim __________lie ________四、填空:1. What are you _________(do) now? I ___________(eat) bread.2. It’s nine o’clock. My father_______________(work) in the office.3. Look, the boy____________(put) the rubbish into the bin.4. __________he__________(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He____________(play).5.Where is Mark? He___________(run) on the grass.6. Listen, who____________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary_____________(sing) there.五、选择填空:1. Who _____ over there now?A. singingB. are singC. is singingD. sing2. It’s eight o’clock. The students _____ an English clas s.A. haveB. havingC. is havingD. are having3. Listen! The baby _____ in the next room.A. cryingB. criedC. is cryingD. cries4. Look! The twins _____ new sweaters.A. are wearingB. wearingC. are wearD. is wearing5. Don’t t alk here. Grandparents _____.A. is sleepingB. are sleepingC. sleepingD. sleep6. Tom is a worker. He ____ in a factory. His sisters _____ in a hospital.A. work/ workB. works/ workC. work/ works7. Who _____ English best in your class?A. speakB. speaksC. speaking8. Mrs. Read _____ the windows every day.A. is cleaningB. cleanC. cleans9. We _____ music and often _____ to music.A. like/ listenB. likes/ listensC. like/ are listening10. She _____ up at six in the morning.A. getB. getsC. getting六、用提示词回答问题1. Where are you going this evening? (the cinema) ——————————————————————————2. When are you going to take a trip? (tomorrow) ——————————————————————————3. How art you going to the US?(plane) ——————————————————————————4. What are you doing to do tonight? (watch TV) ———————————————————————————5. Who is he going to dance with? ( Anna) ———————————————————————————七、选择正确的答案。

《新概念英语青少版2 A》Unit 1 - Unit 5 英语测试题Ⅰ从A、B、C三个选项中找出划线部分发音不同的选项(10%) ( ) 1。
A. ring B. rink C。
bring D. thing() 2. A. exit B. sit C. pick D. arrival() 3. A,next B. he C. medal D. exit() 4. A。
luck B. hurry C. laugh D。
Sunday ( )5. A。
come B. pocket C. belong D。
top B. boat C. ride D. meet ( ) 7。
then B. brother C。
tooth D. they()8。
throw B。
slow C。
radio D。
town ( ) 9。
deny B. study C. tidy D。
funny ( ) 10。
visitor B。
exhibitor C. reporter D. competitorⅡ词汇:将下列单词或词组补充完整.(10%)1. come ______ 来到附近2。
air ____飞机场3. trade _______贸易博览会4。
training _______长跑训练5. go for _______ 去散步6。
take ________拿下7。
throw ______ 扔掉8。
web _______网站9. look _____ 查阅10. come _____ 回家Ⅲ选择填空(20%)( )1. A:_____ is John doing?B:He’s reading a book.A。
Which B What C. Where D When ( )2。
A:What is Tina doing there?B:She’s waiting _____ her mother.姓名_________A。
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《新概念英语青少版2 A 》Unit 1& Unit 2语法练习—现在进行时姓名____________ 一、写出下列动词的现在分词:20分
drink ___________ run __________ swim __________ make __________ talk __________
like____________ die___________ ski ___________ watch__________ work __________
lie____________ visit __________ put____________ see __________ buy ____________
love____________ live __________take ___________come __________ get___________
stop____________ sit ____________ begin ___________ pick __________ write __________
1.The boy __________________ ( not, wait) for a bus. He ___________(wait) for his mother.
2. Listen .Some girls ______ ____( sing)in the classroom .
3.This woman is German. She ____________ (speak) German.
4. What _____ you ___________ ( do ) now?
5. Look . They ________________( have) an English lesson .
6. Paul ____________________(stand) beside Karen
7.Look! the girls _________________(dance )in the classroom .
8.What is our granddaughter doing? She _____ ____ ____(listen ) to music.
9. The man ________________ (come ) from Australia. He is Australian.
10.___________Helen________________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is
1. They are doing housework .(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句) 2分
2.The students are cleaning the classroom . ( 改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答) 2分
②_ ___________________________________
3.I'm playing football on the playground .(改为否定句) 1分
4. Paul is looking forward to Sunday? (改为一般疑问句) 1分
5. My mother is cooking some nice food now. ( 改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答) 3分
②_ ___________________________________
6.They are not watering the flowers now. (改为肯定句) 1分
7. Karen is having a cup of coffee in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit.. (就划线部分提问)5分
②_ _____________________________________________
8. The reporter is speaking to us from the ExCel Centre in London’s Docklands.
(就划线部分提问) 5分
②_ _____________________________________________