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第 44 卷第 11 期
2017 年 11 月
Vo 1. 44 No. 11 Nov.2017
刘亚理 1 李兵 1 , 2 李增扬 1 , 2 梁鹏 3 吴闽泉3
武汉 430072)1
LIU Ya-jun1 LI Bing1, 2 LI Zeng-yang1. 2 LIANG Peng3
Leabharlann Baidu
CInternational School of Software , Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072 , China)1 (Research Center of Complex Network , Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072 , China) 2 (State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering , School of Computer Science , Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072 , China) 3 Abstract Technica1 debt (TD) , a metaphor to financia1 debt , refers to technica1 compromises which are made to gain
武汉 430072)2
摘 要
武汉 430072)3
服务。以具有代表性的集成开发环境 Visua1 Studio 2015 企业版为研究对象,通过 C :j:j:实例发现其管理 4 类与代码直 接相关的技术债务的能力,并将其与 4 种专门的技术债务管理工具进行对比,为开发团队的日常实践提供技术债务管
理支持。结采表明. Visua1 Studio 能够提供更好的技术债务管理功能,并能应用多种方法对项目中存在的各类技术债
short-term benefits at the cost of 10ng-term software qua1ity, However , in the 10ng run TD will negative1y affect software qua1ity as well as cost and productivity of software deve1opmen t. Thus , TD shou1d be effective1y managed, Existing dedicated TD management too1s are rather 1imited and have various 1imitations, Hence , it is difficult to effective1y manage TD using such too1s , Mainstream integrated deve10pment environments (IDEs) are powerfu1 and wide1y used , can serve to manage T D. In this study , we investigated Microsoft Visua1 Studio 2015 Enterprise Edition , a representative mainstream IDE , to exp10re its abi1ity for managing four types of TD directly re1ated to source code using a C :j:j: project, Then we compared Visua1 Studio with four dedicated TD management too1s with respect to their capabi1ities in mana ging TD and their support for TD management of deve10pment teams in their dai1y practices, The results show that Visual Studio provides better support for managing TD in terms of diversity of TD types and the range of TD management ac tivities.ln addition , with Visua1 Studio , specific TD instances can be managed to different extents in a variety of ways. Keywords Technica1 debt , Technica1 debt type , Technica1 debt management activity , Technica1 debt management too1 , Visua1 Studio
务进行不同程度的管理。 关键词 技术债务,技术债务类型,技术债务管理活动,技术债务管理工具, Visua1 Studio
10 , 11896/j , issn, 1002-1372♀ 2017 , 1 1, 003
Study on Technical Debt Management of Integrated Development Environment