hp p2000存储维护手册


HP StorageWorks P2000 G3和P2000 G2产品指南

HP StorageWorks P2000 G3和P2000 G2产品指南

HP StorageWorks MSA2000fc G2模 HP StorageWorks MSA2000i G2模
采用4Gb光纤通道解决方案和最新的SFF或 采用1Gb iSCSI解决方案和最新的SFF或LFF SAS和SATA 硬
LFF SAS和SATA硬盘,为入门级客户提供了 盘,为入门级客户提供了一款价格经济、性能非凡的存储 一款价格经济、性能非凡的存储阵列解决 阵列解决方案。
• 经济高效:P2000 G3阵列既可以配备一个控制器,降低 初始成本,也可以配备两个控制器,增强数据保护。 FC/iSCSI Combo控制器通过最经济高效的协议支持部 门间资源共享。广泛的硬盘类型选择可以带来高额投资 回报(ROI)。
在易于管理的SAN环境中实现全面的数据保护 • 高可用性有助实现业务连续性:配置有主动-主动
控制器、双端口驱动器和冗余硬件组件,可降低发生 IT故障的风险。
• 更高的数据保护级别:为了实现更出色的数据保 护,P2000 G3 FC配置有64个快照许可和卷拷贝软件, 免费提供空间高效的写入时拷贝快照和克隆功能。客 户还可选择512个快照许可。此外,可选的远程快照
按需进行初始配置和扩展,根据需要增加连接的服务器 软件能够通过iSCSI或FC远程复制数据。
HP MSA2000快照软件可以通过为您的 数据创建恢复点,来加强数据保护。借助 快照功能,软件可以对某个时点的数据情 况 拍 摄“照 片”。即 使 数 据 不 断变化,快 照也可以得到维护。发生故障时,您可以 将 数 据 恢 复 到 之前所 拍的 任 何 快 照。快 照是磁带或磁盘备份措施的有力补充。 HP MSA2000快照软件功能基于控制 器,不占用任何主机资源,空间高效,并 且支持写入时拷贝功能。 /go/msa2000



HP StorageWorks P2000 G3用户使用指南一. P2000介绍1.概述HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 模块化智能阵列具备极高的性能,可以连接8 Gb 光纤通道或Combo FC/iSCSI,能够以适中的价格提供高效的存储整合能力。


HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 标配64个快照(选配512个)和卷拷贝软件,可以增强数据保护。


2.关键特性和优势2.1易于管理和价格经济的存储整合解决方案•高效的整合与存储共享:HP StorageWorks P2000 G3模块化智能阵列是一款价格经济的整合存储阵列解决方案,它采用8Gb光纤通道或Combo FC/iSCSI 解决方案和最新的大尺寸和小尺寸SAS、SAS MDL以及SATA硬盘,能够满足部门和中小型企业的整合需求。

•磁盘类型和容量选择灵活:P2000 G3阵列提供了多种硬盘选择,包括高性能企业级SAS硬盘和低成本、高容量归档级SAS MDL或SATA MDL。


•经济高效:P2000 G3阵列既可以配备一个控制器,降低初始成本,也可以配备两个控制器,增强数据保护。

FC/iSCSI Combo控制器通过最经济高效的协议支持部门间资源共享。


2.2按需进行初始配置和扩展,根据需要增加连接的服务器数量和总容量•从小规模起步,最可随着存储需求的增长进行适当扩展:P2000 G3 阵列允许客户随着需要的增加扩展存储容量,最高可扩展至57.6TB SAS或192TB SATA,光纤通道连接最多可支持64台主机。

P2000 G3阵列最多可支持7个LFF硬盘机箱和96块LFF硬盘或者支持5个SFF机箱和149块SFF硬盘。



HP主机存储及系统软件维保服务项目维护服务体系1.1 服务响应流程根据本项目的设备类型,设备上应用系统的部署情况,以及设备的分布状况,长天公司专门为本项目制定了满足项目要求的周密的服务响应流程。

1.1.1 服务流程概述服务响应流程示意图1. “一站式”服务提供MA服务的厂商不仅要有较强的技术实力,规范的业务流程和简单高效的服务界面也非常重要。




长天公司内部的服务流程会保障在承诺的服务质量标准下,协调内部的资源,及时处理用户的设备故障。 统一的服务接口长天公司为用户提供统一的客户服务接口,提供7*24小时的服务热线。


长天公司客户服务电话:400-678-01IOo1.1.2服务响应流程步骤1.1.2.1 CASE受理长天公司提供7*24小时的400服务热线电话,接受服务请求,受理用户报修。


在确认为保修设备后,把CASE提交给故障项目的项目经理。 服务响应项目经理根据发生故障的设备所属区域,立即联系该区域的一线工程师,将CASE分配给相应的工程师,并指定该工程师为处理此故障的第一责任工程师,由该工程师在规定的时间内对此服务请求进行实质性的响应。

工程师接受任务后负责及时与客户取得联系,进入故障分析处理流程。 故障分析处理由责任工程师主动与报修用户联系,初步收集故障现象、故障信息,通过诊断分析,初步判断故障原因;如果无法判断故障则将CASE升级到更高级别的工程师。



Upgrading and Servicing GuideThe information in this document is subject to change without notice.Hewlett-Packard® Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.HP shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.HP assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by HP.This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of HP.Hewlett-Packard CompanyP.O. Box 4010Cupertino, CA 95015–4010USACopyright © 2004, 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.All rights reserved.This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, andis intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited. Apparatus Claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 4,631,603, 4,577,216,4,819,098, and 4,907,093 licensed for limited viewing uses only.Microsoft and Windows are U.S. Registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.HP supports lawful use of technology and does not endorse or encourage the use of our products for purposes other than those permitted by national copyright law.Table of ContentsSafety Information (1)Opening and Closing the PC (1)Preparing the PC (1)Before Opening the PC (1)After Closing the PC (2)Removing the Side Panel (2)Replacing the Side Panel (2)Removing the Front Panel (2)Replacing the Front Panel (3)Locating Components Inside the PC (3)Removing and Replacing Drives (3)Removing a Drive (4)Replacing or Adding a Drive (5)Adding Memory (7)Removing a Memory Module (7)Installing a Memory Module (8)Removing or Installing an Add-In Card (8)Removing an Add-In Card (9)Installing an Add-In Card (9)Replacing the Battery (10)Upgrading and Servicing Guide iiiiv Upgrading and Servicing GuideSafety InformationThis product has not been evaluated for connection to an “IT” power system (an AC distribution system with no direct connection to earth, according toIEC 60950).WARNING: Please read “SafetyInformation” in the Warranty and SupportGuide before installing and connectingyour system to the electrical powersystem.Opening and Closing the PCPreparing the PCBefore you upgrade any component in your PC, you need to prepare the PC so that you can safely handle it and the components.Read the following items before attempting to upgrade or service the PC.• These procedures assume familiarity with the general terminology associated with personalcomputers and with the safety practices andregulatory compliance required for using andmodifying electronic equipment. • Write down and save the system model and serial numbers, all installed options, and otherinformation about the system. It’s easier to consult this information than to open up and examinethe PC.• It is recommended that you use an antistatic wrist strap and a conductive foam pad when working on the system.WARNING: Always disconnect the modemcord from the telephone system, and thendisconnect the PC from the power sourcebefore removing the front and side panelsof the PC. Failure to do so before youopen the PC or do any procedures canresult in personal injury or equipmentdamage.Before Opening the PC1 Remove any diskette or optical disc (CD or DVD)from the PC.2 Click the Start button, and then click Turn OffComputer. Click Turn Off.3 Disconnect the modem/telephone cable, if present.CAUTION: To reduce the risk of personalinjury from electrical shock or hotsurfaces, disconnect the power cord fromthe wall outlet, and allow the internalsystem components to cool beforetouching.4 Disconnect the power cord from the electrical outletand then from the PC.5 Disconnect all other attached cables (such as thekeyboard, mouse, and monitor) and all externaldevices.CAUTION: Static electricity can damagethe electronic components of the PC oroptional equipment. Ensure that you aredischarged of static electricity by brieflytouching a grounded metal object.Upgrading and Servicing Guide 12 Upgrading and Servicing GuideAfter Closing the PCTo avoid injury and equipment damage, alwaysfollow this procedure in this order after closing the PC. 1 Reconnect the power cord.WARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fire, or damage to the equipment, do not plug telecommunications or telephone connectors into the network interface card (NIC) (labeled as an Ethernet connector).2 Reconnect the modem/telephone cable, and all other cables (such as the keyboard, mouse, and monitor) and external devices.3 Turn on the PC and all peripherals.4 If you installed an add-in card, install any software drivers supplied by the card manufacturer.Removing the Side Panel1 Remove the side panel by loosening the screw (D ) that secures the panel to the PC chassis.Replacing the Side Panel1 Place the side panel in the proper position on the chassis and slide it into place.2 Ensure that the hole for the thumbscrew aligns with the hole in the chassis, and replace the thumbscrew (D ).1) near the 3), toward the 2 Remove the front panel.Replacing the Front Panel1 Align the top of the front panel with the top of thechassis front.2 Press the panel onto the chassis at the top and ateach side near the bottom until the panel snaps into place.Locating Components Inside the PCA Upper optical drive bay, may be a CD-ROM, CD-RW,DVD-ROM, DVD+RW/+R, or combination driveB Lower optical drive bay, may be empty (blank plate) or aCD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD+RW/+R, orcombination driveC Memory card reader (select models)D Diskette (floppy) drive (select models)E Front connector panel (no replacement instructions)F Hard disk driveG Second hard disk drive (select models) Removing and Replacing DrivesYour PC has several drives that you can replace or upgrade. See the preceding topic, “Locating Components Inside the PC,“ for drive type and location.The hard disk drive is either a Serial ATA (advanced technology attachment) drive that uses a narrow data cable, or a Parallel ATA drive that uses a wide data cable.Select models have a second hard disk drive.CAUTION: Back up your personal files onthe hard disk drive to an externalstorage device, such as a CD, beforeremoving the hard disk drive. Failure todo so will result in data loss. Afterreplacing the hard disk drive, you needto run System Recovery using therecovery discs to load the factory-installed files. See the userdocumentation that came with your PCfor details about the recovery procedure. You can add an optical drive into an empty lower optical drive bay.IMPORTANT: Before adding a new optical drive, make sure that it is compatible with the Microsoft®Windows® XP operating system. Also, make sure you have the correct software and drivers for the optical drive to work with the operating system.Upgrading and Servicing Guide 35 Push down the two retaining clips on the ends ofthe memory socket until the memory module pops out of the socket.WARNING: Do not pull the memorymodule out of the socket. Use theretaining clips to eject the module.6 Lift the memory module from the memory socket.Installing a Memory Module Upgrade the memory in your PC with memory of the same type and speed as the memory originally installed in your PC.CAUTION: When handling a memorymodule, be careful not to touch any ofthe contacts. Doing so may damage themodule.1 Open both latches of the memory module socket: • If you are replacing a memory module, put the new memory module in the same memory slotfrom which the old memory was removed.Or• If you are adding a memory module, install the new module into the socket nearest thepreinstalled module, and install additionalmodules in the next available sockets.2 The memory module can be installed in only oneway. Match the notch on the module with the tabon the memory socket (B). Push the modulecarefully and firmly into the slot, ensuring that the latches on both ends snap into place.3 Set the chassis upright.4 Complete the procedures to replace the side panel,and close the PC. See “Opening and Closing the PC“ on page 1.NOTE: If a blank screen is displayed after replacing or adding a memory module, the memory is installed incorrectly or it is the wrong type of memory. Remove and reinstall the memory module.Removing or Installing an Add-In CardAn add-in card is a circuit board, such as a PCI or an AGP card, that fits into a PC add-in card slot. Your PC contains several add-in card slots that can be used to add components to your PC. The PC component configurations vary by model.WARNING: Do not overload the systemby installing add-in cards that drawexcessive current. The system is designedto provide 2 amps (average) of +5 Vpower for each board/card in thecomputer. The total +5 V current draw ina fully loaded system (one with all add-incard slots filled) must not exceed the totalnumber of slots multiplied by 2 amps.A Phillips screwdriver is needed to remove, replace, or add an add-in card.8 Upgrading and Servicing GuideUpgrading and Servicing Guide 9Removing an Add-In Card1 Complete the procedures to prepare the PC and to remove the side panel. See “Opening and Closing the PC“ on page 1.2 Gently lay the PC on its side.3 On the back of the PC, remove the screw from the bracket cover for the add-in card slots, and then remove the bracket cover.4 Inside the PC, locate the add-in card slots on the motherboard.6 If you are not replacing the old add-in card with a new add-in card, close the open slot by inserting the metal slot cover into the opened slot.Installing an Add-In Card1 Align the edge of the add-in card with the slot on the chassis and gently but firmly press the card straight down into the add-in card slot. The whole connector should be seated properly in the card slot.Replacing the BatteryA lithium battery on the motherboard provides backup power for the PC’s timekeeping capability. The battery has an estimated life expectancy of seven years. When the battery starts to weaken, the date and time may be incorrect. If the battery fails, replace it with a CR2032 lithium battery (3 volt, 220mAH rating) or an equivalent battery.WARNING: There is danger of explosionif the battery is incorrectly replaced.Replace only with the same, orequivalent, type of battery. Discard usedbatteries according to the manufacturer’sinstructions.1 Complete the procedures to prepare the PC and toremove the side panel. See “Opening and Closing the PC“ on page 1.2 Gently lay the PC on its side.3 Remove any cabling, if necessary, to reach thebattery.4 Remove any memory modules, if necessary, toreach the battery. See “Adding Memory“ onpage 7.5 To remove the battery, push the latch away from thebattery and lift the battery from the socket.6 Install the new CR2032 battery in the socket, withthe positive (+) side facing the latch.7 Replace memory modules or cables you removed.8 Set the chassis upright.9 Complete the procedures to replace the side panel,and to close the PC. See “Opening and Closing the PC“ on page 1.10 Upgrading and Servicing GuideUpgrading and Servicing Guide 11Printed in。

HP Storage P2000 RAID与LAN 建置

HP Storage P2000 RAID与LAN 建置

HP P2000 G3 Storage Configure SettingP2000配置設定1.登入SMU在完成硬件安裝後,可以訪問控制器模塊批號的基於網絡的管理資源分類界面SMU(存儲管理實用程序),以便監視和管理此存儲系統。

管理端口的默認IP地址如下:管理端口IP地址:控制器A),控制器B)IP子網掩碼:網關IP地址:默認的用戶名和密碼是:用戶名:admin密碼:!admin已更改端口ip地址:控制器A),控制器B)目前的用戶名和密碼是:用戶名:admin(可自行更改)密碼:!admin(可自行更改)2.更改IPUninitialized Name點右鍵>Configuration>System Settings>Network Interfaces可更改RIAD Controller A與B的IP3.建立VdiskVdisk點右鍵>Provisioning>Create Vdisk設置虛擬磁盤名稱、RAID級別、分配對象、塊大小,子虛擬磁盤數量、初始化等,選擇要在虛擬磁盤中包含的磁盤:磁盤數量根據RAID級別確定目前設定是RAID 54.建立VolumeVd01點右鍵> Provisioning> Create Volume設定Volume名稱、空間GB大小、LUN的號碼 Apply4.新增主機SAS Port 與更改P2000會自動掃描到主機的WWN號(Server需啟動狀態),並且把主機添加進來,默認是以WWN為名稱顯示的,我們可以重新給主機命名,方便我們標識不同Server500605…點右鍵> Provisioning>Rename Host更改前更改後4.給予Server分配空間DBServer2-1點右鍵> Provisioning>Manage Host Mappings 依照順序做點選動作P2000設定完成在Server OS 系統中可看到P2000設定好的空間可以Online做線上使用。



HP PC服务器维护手册目录第1章硬件状态指示灯 (3)1.1HP P RO L IANT DL580G7指示灯状态: (3)1.2HP P RO L IANT DL380G7指示灯状态: (13)1.3HP P RO L IANT DL980G7指示灯状态 (23)第2章常见硬件部件故障处理 (34)2.1硬盘故障的处理方法 (34)2.2RAID卡故障的处理方法 (35)第1章硬件状态指示灯1.1 HP ProLiant DL580 G7指示灯状态:➢Item Description Status1 UID 开关和指示灯蓝色= 活动状态蓝色闪烁= 服务器在被远程控制不亮= 处于非活动状态2 建康指示灯绿色= 正常(系统在正常运行)橙色闪烁= 系统降级红色闪烁= 系统健康出现严重问题不亮= 正常(系统关闭)3 NIC 1 链路/ 活动指示灯(针对主板集绿色= 联接到网络成)绿色闪烁= 联接到网络并处于活动状态不亮= 没有网络联接4 NIC 2 链路/ 活动指示灯(针对主板集绿色= 联接到网络成)绿色闪烁= 联接到网络并处于活动状态不亮= 没有网络联接5 NIC 3 链路/ 活动指示灯(针对主板集绿色= 联接到网络成)绿色闪烁= 联接到网络并处于活动状态不亮= 没有网络联接6 NIC 4 链路/ 活动指示灯(针对主板集绿色= 联接到网络成)绿色闪烁= 联接到网络并处于活动状态不亮= 没有网络联接7 加电/ 待机按钮以及指示灯橙色= 有交流电并且服务器处于待机状态绿色= 有交流电并处于开机状态不亮= 没有交流电源Item Description Status1 iLO 3 活动指示灯绿色亮或闪烁= 网络活动状态➢Code Component Status01 电源线系统板到电源线: 线有故障或者线没有安装04 风扇板电源线风扇板电源或者信号线没有安装05 内存板基本内存错误( 内存板1 没有安装或者存在不正确的内存配置)06 SAS 背板电源线SAS 背板或者线没有安装08 系统锁指出了一个没有在代码01 到07 所包含的故障t1 Processor 1 不支持Processor 1 不支持,更换一个系统支持的处理器 .t2 Processor 2 不支持Processor 2 不支持,更换一个系统支持的处理器 .t3 Processor 3 不支持Processor 3 不支持,更换一个系统支持的处理器 ..t4 Processor 4 不支持Processor 4 不支持,更换一个系统支持的处理器 .P1 Processor 1 没有安装Processor 1 没有安装,需要重新启动系统, 安装处理器1. 如果处理器 4 安装了并且系统正在启动, P1 代码和Port 84/85 将显示1 秒钟以表示系统正在启动U1 PPM 1 没有安装处理器1 没有安装PPM1 ,需要安装U2 PPM 2 没有安装处理器2 没有安装PPM2 ,需要安装U3 PPM 3 没有安装处理器 .3 没有安装PPM3 ,需要安装U4 PPM 4 没有安装处理器4 没有安装PPM4 ,需要安装A0 Pre POST 代码Standby 模式P5 电源电源没有输出信号_5 电源背板电源背板没有5V 电压输出33 电源背板电源背板没有3.3V 电压输出15 1.5-V 调压器主板的电压调整器没有1.5-V 电压输出Ut Vtt 调整器Vtt 没有电源输出5U PPM 故障PPM 没有电源输出nb 没有启动系统处于未启动状态➢内存板组成部分以及指示灯状态➢Item Description Status1 释放锁2 弹出杆3 旋转开关4 可移动的绿色= 可以拔该内存板不亮= 系统在加电状态不可以拔掉该内存板5 DIMM 1 LED 绿色= DIMM 已经安装了橙色= DIMM 故障或者降级橙色闪烁= DIMM 配置错误➢热插拔电源指示灯➢Item Description1 电源LED ( 主电源)2 故障LED ( 主电源)3 电源LED ( 冗余电源)4 故障LED ( 冗余电源) ➢Power LED ( 绿色)Failure LED ( 橙色)Status灭灭 2 个电源都没有交流电输入灭亮没有交流电到该电源或者电源故障( 包括电压过高或者温度过高)闪烁灭有交流电/ 标准输出状态亮灭直流输出电源正常灭闪烁电源故障➢热插拔风扇指示灯➢Status绿色= 正常状态橙色= 故障不亮= 没有电源HP Proliant 服务器 - 热插拔硬盘指示灯状态说明活动LED 指示灯联机故障条件1.2HP ProLiant DL380 G7指示灯状态:➢成分标识➢项目描述状态➢1个网卡链路/活动的网络连接➢闪光绿色=网络链接和活动➢关闭=没有连接到网络。



HP StorageWorksP2000 G3 MSA System 安装说明关于本文档本文档适用于对服务器和存储系统进行安装、管理和故障排除的人员。

HP 假定您具备维修和安装计算机设备的资格,并且经过培训能够识别产品中存在的危险以及危险能量等级。

有关安装和配置MSA 产品的完整信息,请参见随 HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 MSA System 提供的用户指南。


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本文档包含带有以下控制器的 HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 MSA System 的安装和配置信息:• HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 光纤通道 MSA 控制器• HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 Combo FC/iSCSI MSA 控制器• HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 SAS MSA 控制器• HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 10GbE iSCSI MSA 控制器• HP StorageWorks P2000 G3 iSCSI MSA 控制器本文档介绍安装 P2000 G3 MSA System 的以下步骤:•在机架中安装设备并加以紧固•安装硬件选件•连接电缆•打开组件电源•更新固件•配置 MSA在机架中安装设备并加以紧固按照 P2000 G3 MSA 机箱和其他硬件(包括服务器和驱动器机箱附带的机架安装说明在机架中安装组件。

P2000 G3 光纤通道 MSA System1. 电源2. 光纤通道主机端口3. CLI 端口 (mini-USB4. 保留供将来使用5. 管理以太网端口6. SAS 扩展端口P2000 G3 Combo 光纤通道/iSCSI MSA System1. 电源2. 光纤通道主机端口3. iSCSI 端口(主机或复制4. CLI 端口 (mini-USB5. 保留供将来使用6. 管理以太网端口7. SAS 扩展端口P2000 G3 10GbE iSCSI MSA System1. 电源2. 10GbE SFP+ iSCSI 主机端口3. CLI 端口 (mini-USB4. 保留供将来使用5. 管理以太网端口6. SAS 扩展端口P2000 G3 iSCSI MSA System1. 电源2. iSCSI 主机端口3. CLI 端口 (mini-USB4. 保留供将来使用5. 管理以太网端口6. SAS 扩展端口*590335-AA6* 场地要求有关详细的场地要求的信息,请参见机架安装说明海报和用户指南。

海康威视 HPM 系列产品维护指南说明书

海康威视 HPM 系列产品维护指南说明书

Lifecycle Solutions & ServicesPreventive Maintenance Tips: Power Systems 1It Doesn’t Run Without Power—Proper Maintenance of Power SystemsMaintaining the power system is critical for any of your systems and that is definitely true when dealing with the PM/APM/HPM (xPM) family. Depending on your configuration and process, the failure of proper maintenance practices and ignoring alarms from the power system could lead to failures that have the potential to bring a process or plant to a standstill. This includes loss of view, loss of control, or even loss of the process.How Proper Power System Maintenance Can Help You• Reassurance that your power system and battery back-ups are running properly • Reduced risk of downtime due to power system issues • Allows you to be proactive in your maintenance approach • Simplified ordering for maintenance items available in a kit versus individual components • Lower cost of replacement to mitigate costly unplanned system downtime• Current version of Power Supply has multiple improved characteristicsProper maintenance of the power system includes addressing the power supplies, battery backup and the CMOS memory backup batteries. The expected lifespan of each of these components is different and the lifespan of each is also affected by the environment in which they are used. Benchmarks for changing out each component are every 10 years for the power supply, every five years for the battery backup (and possibly every three), and every two years for the CMOS batteries. Honeywell now offers an upgrade kit, MC-ZPSUG2, which provides all of these components packaged together. The power supply provided is the current version with improved characteristics.Any failures of these power system components should be changed immediately.DescriptionLifeExpectancyReplacement Part #Power Supply 10 years 51198651-100 48V Battery Backup 3 to 5 years 51303948-100 Size “AA” Ni-Cad CMOS Battery 2 years 51190422-100 Size “C” Ni-Cad CMOS Battery2 years51192060-100CMOS Memory Battery BackupThe xPM power systems are designed to provide battery backup to all the CMOS memory. The CMOS battery backup prevents the loss of the data base during a power outage after the battery backup has been depleted or if no battery backup module is present. There are two different power system chassis out in the field with CMOS batteries. The older style power system introduced with PM/APM requires three specific “AA” size Ni-Cad batteries. For the current back panel introduced for HPM the CMOS memory requires three specific “C” size Ni-Cad batteries. The size “C” batteries are required if the full 50 hours of CMOS memory backup is desired for HPM due to the larger memory available in HPM. In either scenario, the incorrect usage of other batteries than what have been tested and qualified by Honeywell may result in the battery overheating and could possibly cause the battery to rupture.The batteries in the standard power system are periodically tested by the charging circuit. If the voltage falls below the allowed limit, a battery failure alarm will be generated and the batteries should be replaced. Regardless of alarms, Honeywell recommends that new batteries be installed every two years. All three batteries should be replaced at one time.DescriptionReplacement Part #Size “AA” Ni-Cad CMOS Battery51190422-100 Size “C” Ni-Cad CMOS Battery 51192060-100Preventive Maintenance Tips: Power Systems 2 48 Volt Battery BackupThe battery backup is designed to maintain a fully loaded xPM fora minimum of 20 minutes. It will shutdown when the voltage reaches38 volts to prevent the power supply from going out of regulation and an alarm will be generated. Rechargeable batteries will lose their full charging capabilities over time and will need to be tested and replaced when they fall below 60 percent of their original capacity.The battery backup has been designed to operate in standby (float) service for approximately five years. The five years is based on the battery being kept at 20C (68F) and the float charge voltage being maintained between 2.25 and 2.30 volts per cell. This includes the battery being fully discharged once every three months. No battery should be left in service over five years, and if no maintenance is done it should be replaced every three years.The service life is directly affected by the number of discharges, the depth of discharge, ambient temperature, and the charging voltage. The expected service life can be shorted by 20% for each 10C that the ambient is above 20C.The batteries should never be left in a discharged state. This allows sulfating to occur which will increase the internal resistance of the battery and lower its capacity. The self-discharge rate is about 3% per month at an ambient of 20C. The self discharge rate doubles for each 10C in ambient above 20C. The discharged voltage of the battery should never go below 1.30 volts to maintain the best battery life.With this in mind it is recommended to periodically load test the batteries to ensure they have sufficient capacity to maintain the system during a power outage. Tests should be done on an annual basis and more frequently as they become older and begin to lose capacity. The load test is recommended off-process if possible as there will be no battery backup available while performing the test and recharging of the battery pack can take up to 16 hours. Having a spare available to swap, especially if doing on process, is a wise option leading to minimal time without battery backup and allowing the tested battery to be recharged on a bench outside the system for future swap with the next test.If regular maintenance is not performed the recommendation is to change at least every three years rather than every five.Power SuppliesThe power supply is the heart of the xPM power system and the recommendation is for a redundant power supply configuration having each power supply fed by its own dedicated power source. Honeywell has introduced the next generation power supply for this family which increases the robustness of the power system. Even with redundant power supplies, one must be careful when changing out a failed power supply. This is to minimize disturbance of the environment and to reduce the introduction of particles into the area around and near the power supplies. Those particles can be pulled through the airflow of the working power supply and result in the second power supply failing.For this reason, Honeywell does not recommend replacing a working power supply on-process (other than the black-colored version). However, power supplies do not last forever and you should consider upgrading older power supplies, or prepare to do so, when the opportunities arise.The recommendation for changing out the power supplies is every ten years and this replacement should be included during a scheduled down time if possible. The power supply replacement procedure listed in the Honeywell xPM Service manual should be followed at all times.Recommend Change of Original Black Power SuppliesIn October of 1996 Honeywell issued a customer priority notification (PN #1986) about a possible over-voltage issue with the black-colored (51109456-200) power supplies that were sold from 1988 through 1994. The Honeywell recommendation was to change out those black power supplies with the new silver version. Honeywell still recommends and strongly suggest that these black power supplies be replaced with the current power supply under part number 51198651-100 regardless of when they were put into service.Silver Power SuppliesThere have been three part number versions of the silver power supplies. The first (51109684-100/300) was sold from 1993 through 1997. The second (51198947-100) sold from 1997 through today. The next generation power supply was released in early 2009 and was introduced initially through the power system maintenance upgrade kit. If a site is running the original silver version they have now been in service for over 10 years and sites should consider the need to replace before they are forced to do so by failure of the power supply. Note that there is always risk involved when powering down equipment and possible issues when the equipment is powered back up. As stated previously, it is recommended to change these out off-process if possible. Replacements on- process should be done only when a power supply fails and replacement is then required immediately.Description Replacement Part #48V Battery Backup51303948-100Preventive Maintenance Tips: Power Systems 3Power Supply IssuesThe xPM power supplies have proven to be a reliable and robust power source. However, as with any electrical component they do not last forever and there is the potential for failure modes. Issues such as foreign particles introduced have already been discussed. In addition, even clean environments are susceptible to whiskers which have the potential to short out active circuits. Whiskers are a real issue and further details may be found in the Customer Resource Manual (CRM) in the Process Manager section PD22_G97(G).The new power supply available through the power system maintenance kit includes design improvements specifically done to address some of these possible failure modes to make a robust power supply even better.Remember that the power supply is a critical component to your system and regular maintenance as well as having spares available is highly recommended to keep your site running without problems. Monitor the power system alarms and take action when they do occur.DescriptionReplacement Part #Power Supply51198651-100Preventive Maintenance Tips: Power Systems 4Importance of Power System AlarmsAlways ensure that all power supply alarm contacts are properly implemented, working, and are being monitored. Failure to monitor these alarms and take appropriate action in a timely manner can lead to failures of the power system that could have otherwise been prevented. There are DC Out, Battery, Fan/Temp, AC In, and Charging LED indicators for each Power Supply module. If the Power system is fully functional, all five of the indicators are illuminated. In addition, each of these conditions, plus a CMOS/Memory is available as a digital input for each supply.DC Out IndicatorIf a DC Out LED is off, AC line power has been lost (check the AC In LED) or the Power Supply Module has failed. If the Power System is non-redundant, or if both DC Out LEDs are off, the HPM has lost 24 VDC. The CMOS backup system maintains power to the CMOS memory, so subsystem programs are not lost. See the Battery LED description below. The annunciator contact illustrated in the following figure will open when these conditions occur.Battery IndicatorIf the Battery LED is off and the Charging LED is on, the 48 Volt Battery switch is in the off position or the 48 V Battery Backup system has failed. The annunciator contact illustrated in the following Figure will open when these conditions occur. If the Power System does not have the battery pack option, the Battery LED will normally be on, and the Charging LED will normally be on.Fan/Temp IndicatorIf the Fan/Temp LED is off, the fan in the Power Supply Module has failed or the temperature of the supply has exceeded a safe value. The annunciator contact, discussed below, is activated.AC In IndicatorIf the AC In LED is off, AC power to the HPM has been lost or the switch on the Power Supply Module is off. Backup systems, if operating, are maintaining the unit. Check the DC Out and Battery indicators to determine the state of the system. Many installations may have the Power Supply Modules connected to separate AC power sources to minimize outage caused by a power loss. The Annunciator contact signifying power loss from either supply, are opened independently.Charging IndicatorWhen the Charging LED is off, the charging circuit that maintains the optional 48 V Battery Backup system has failed. Check the batteries, their corresponding connections, and the charging circuits in the Power Supply Module(s). The annunciator contact output is opened by this condition.For More InformationLearn more about how Honeywell’s Preventive Maintenance Tips can limit downtime and assure system power supplies and battery backups are working properly visit our website or contact your Honeywell account manager. Honeywell Process Solutions Honeywell1250 West Sam Houston Parkway South Houston, TX 77042Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park Bracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB Shanghai City Centre, 100 Junyi Road Shanghai, China 20051 AlarmsThe primary Power Supply Module alarm and secondary Power Supply Module alarm contacts monitor five functions within each Power Supply Module. The appropriate contact will open when any of the following occur:• The DC output voltage is not within normal limits. • AC input power to the supply has failed.• The Power Supply Module electronics have overheated or the Power Supply Module fan has failed. • The 48 V backup-battery system has failed because the batteries have discharged or they have been disconnected. • The battery charger in the Power Supply Module has failed.Servicing the Power SystemThe power system is critical to your process. Loss of the power system may lead to loss of control, loss of view, or loss of process. Honeywell strongly recommends regular maintenance to the power system and service checks with regular component replacements performed by Honeywell trained service technicians. • Options for Power System Upgrade/Maintenance • Order the power system upgrade kit• Order replacement parts for immediate installation. • Order spares to have in stock as needed.• Add power system components to a parts contract.Preventive Maintenance Tips: Power Systems 5Orderable Power System Components• CMOS Batteries • 48V Battery Backup • Power Supply• Power System Chassis AssemblyBenefits of New Power Supply• Improved airflow handling• Conformal coating of all metallic components • Enhanced mechanical design • Extended temperature range • Added thermal shutdown capability • More reliable power switch design • More consistent alarm handlingAdditional Power System InformationAdditional details on proper maintenance procedures such as load testing and specifics on the power supplies and batteries may be found in the Honeywell Customer Resource Manual. This is located in the Process Manager section of the CRM under TAB 22. As always, you may also contact your local Honeywell account manager or service technician for further details.SV-12-37-ENG May 2012© 2012 Honeywell International Inc.。


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HP P2000G3存储官方配置文档(中文)

HP P2000G3存储官方配置文档(中文)

P2000 G3的SMU配置SMU登录与相关信息查看在P2000 G3的A控制器管理端口上插入网线,然后与主机相连,在主机端的IE浏览器输入A控制器默认的管理IP地址(,输入默认用户名(manage)和密码(!manage),然后选择语言为简体中文,点击Sign In登录进入之后出现的是整个P2000 G3的概况可以点击系统事件中的各种事件符号查看事件,也可直接点击视图中的事件日志进行查看点击系统概况中磁盘的状态,可以看到当前状态为A V AIL,即还没有做阵列点击左侧配置视图中的物理---机箱,然后右侧会出现机箱概况,通过正面图形,可以看到P2000 G3当前硬盘状态和机箱状态。




选中左侧配置视图中的P2000 G3,然后点击菜单栏:配置---配置向导密码设置(可以更改manage和monitor用户的密码)网络配置(可以更改两个控制器的管理IP地址)启用或者禁用系统管理服务系统信息事件通知配置控制器接口(FC和iSCSI)配置配置完成设置向导第一次进入SMU,可以使用设置向导来配置虚拟磁盘和卷以及映射。

在配置视图中点击P2000 G3,然后点击菜单栏---向导---设置向导(或设置中的设置向导)虚拟磁盘设置:给虚拟磁盘命名,选择RAID级别,选择要指定的控制器,然后点击下一步选择磁盘:勾选要加入此虚拟磁盘的物理硬盘后点击下一步创建卷:输入要创建的卷数目,卷大小和基本名称,然后点击下一步映射卷:勾选映射,勾选要映射的控制器的接口,输入LUN号(注意LUN不要为0),选择控制器对此卷的访问权限确认信息后完成向导设置完成后,可以点击P2000 G3,查看当前磁盘状态为VDISKINIT状态,而非做阵列前得A V AI状态点击卷,然后点击映射,确认当前卷已经映射成功主机端的操作在主机端的磁盘管理中点击重新扫描磁盘后,会发现逻辑磁盘(注意,如果主机和存储的为双链路,则会把每个光纤通道的映射都识别为一个逻辑磁盘,需要下载MPIO软件)常用的驱动软件为SES Driver(磁盘阵列驱动)和MPIO DSM(多路径软件)以2003为例h20000.www2.hp./bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=4118572&prodTypeId=12169&prodSeriesId=4118559&swLang=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=1005#1 13214安装好MPIO软件后,在设备管理器---SCSI和RAID控制器中会多出Multi-Path Support设备点击磁盘管理,这次映射的卷在主机的磁盘管理中可以正确的显示为一个逻辑磁盘。



HP小型机及存储巡检手册第一章 1HP 小型机巡检手册2检查机房环境CONTENTS目录第一章检查机房环境:3第二章 HP 小型机巡检42.1系统配置检查 (4)2.2检查系统硬件情况: (8)2.3系统日志检查 (11)2.4LVM 相关检查 (15)2.5集群状态的检查 (18)2.6系统总体性能评估 (20)2.7系统备份检查 (22)第三章 HP PC 服务器巡检233.1检查前面板指示灯 (23)3.2查看SMH(System Management Homepage ) (26)3.3看 iml 日志 (26)3.4查看系统操作日志 (26)3.5看 BOIS 版本号 (27)第四章 HP 磁阵巡检284.1EVA 系列 (28)4.2MSA 系列 (32)第一章检查机房环境第一章 3温度:室内温度应保持在20~25 ℃ ? 湿度:相对湿度应保持在40~60% ? 火线- 零线电压:198~232V ? 零线- 地线电压:应<1V, 最高不超过 3V ? 洁净度:机房应保持清洁,不能有太多的灰尘,如机房太脏应提醒客户注意。

? 维护空间:机柜旁不宜摆放杂物,要根据各机型的规定留有足够的散热空间和维护空间。

? 电话线:机房应该配备电话线(用于紧急拨号维护或及时电话支持)。

? 机房环境( 电源, 空调…) 近期内有没有较大变动4HP 小型机巡检第二章 HP 小型机巡检2.1 系统配置检查2.1.1 检查 HP-UX 操作系统版本在终端上执行以下命令: asogz3:/ # uname -a HP-UX asogz3B.11.11 U 9000/800 1135931517 unlimited-user license2.1.2 检查 PDC 固件版本在 cstm 或 mstm 中看 CPU 设备的 information,以 cstm 为例#cstm cstm>map Dev Last Last Op Num Path Product Active Tool Status === ==================== ========================= =========== 1 system system () Information Successful 2 0 Bus Adapter (582) Information Successful 3 0/0 PCI Bus Adapter (782) Information Successful 4 0/0/0/0 Core PCI 100BT Interface Information Successful 5 0/0/1/0 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 6 0/0/1/0.3.0 SCSI Tape (HPC1537A) Information Successful 7 0/0/1/1 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 8 0/0/1/1.15.0 SCSI Disk (SEAGATEST31840 Information Successful 9 0/0/2/0 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 10 0/0/2/0.3.0 SCSI Disk (HPDVD-ROM) Information Successful 11 0/0/2/1 PCI SCSI Interface (10000 Information Successful 12 0/0/2/1.15.0 SCSI Disk (HP36.4GATLAS10 Information Successful 13 0/0/4/0 RS-232 Interface (103c104 Information Successful 14 0/0/5/0 RS-232 Interface (103c104 Information Successful 15 8 MEMORY (9b) Information Successful 16 160 CPU (5cb) Information Successful第二章 5cstm>select dev 16 cstm>info -- Updating Map -Updating Map... cstm>il Hardware path: 160 Product ID: CPU Module Type: 0 Hardware Model: 0x5cb Software Model: 0x4 Hardware Revision: 0 Software Revision: 0 Hardware ID: 0 Software ID:566770598 Boot ID: 0x1 Software Option: 0x91 Processor Number: 0 Path: 160 Hard Physical Address: 0xfffffffffffa0000 Soft Physical Address: 0 Slot Number: 8 Software Capability: 0x100000f0 PDC Firmware Revision: 41.18 IODC Revision: 0 Instruction Cache [Kbyte]: 512 Processor Speed: N/A Processor State: N/A Monarch: Yes Active: Yes Data Cache [Kbyte]: 10242.1.3 通过 sam 检查 CPU 和内存信息例如检查CPU 信息:hp01:/>#sam Starting the terminal version of sam... T o move around in sam: - use the "Tab" key to move between screen elements - use the arrow keys to move within screen elements - use "Ctrl-F" for context-sensitive help anywhere in sam On screens with a menubar at the top like this: -----------------------------------------------------|File View Options Actions Help| | ---- ---- ------- ------------------------------- ---| - use "Tab" to move from the list to the menubar6HP 小型机巡检- use the arrow keys to move around - use "Return" to pull down a menu or select a menu item - use "Tab" to move from the menubar to the list without selecting a menu item - use the spacebar to select an item in the list On any screen,press "CTRL-K" for more information on how to use the keyboard. Press "Return" to continue... 根据提示按任意键则进到 SAM 界面:在SAM 的界面,可以用tab 键和上下左右箭头方向键来移动光标。

HP MSA P2000存储空间划分及管理

HP MSA P2000存储空间划分及管理

华为S5600T存储管理序号设备型号硬盘规划RAID名称RAID划分可用空间逻辑卷划分主机/主机组LUN映射1HP MSAP200012块600GBFC盘DISK1-4RAID001_oracle_archlogRAID 5ORACLE_ARCHLOG1.6TB0LUN001_oraclearch (500GB)映射到主机组做ASM盘+FRA,存储FLASH_RECOVER和归档日志1LUN001_oraclesoft1 (200GB)映射到主机0,NTFS格式用来安装oracle grid和RAC软件2LUN001_oracleback (600GB)映射到主机0,NTFS格式用来日常备份oracle 数据库9 LUN001_oraclesoft2 (200GB)映射到主机1,NTFS格式用来安装oracle grid和RAC软件主机:0Host001_ora2488-11Host001_ora2488-2主机组:1 hostGroup001_oracle主机0映射:1、2主机1映射:9主机组1映射:8、7、6、5、4、3、02 DISK5-8 RAID002_oracle_dataRAID 5ORACLE_DATA1.8TB3LUN002_oracleocr1 (1GB)映射到主机组做ASM盘+OCR4LUN002_ oracleocr2 (1GB)映射到主机组做ASM盘+OCR5 LUN002_ oracleocr3 (1GB)映射到主机组做ASM盘+OCR6 LUN002_ oracleocr4 (1GB)映射到主机组做ASM盘+OCR7 LUN002_ oracleocr5 (1GB)3、4、5、6、7五个盘映射到主机组做ASM盘+OCR,存放ocr和voting文件8 LUN002_oracledata (1.6TB)映射到主机组做ASM盘+DATA,存放ORCLE 库文件3 DISK9-10 全局热备盘4 DISK11-24 RAID003_yingxiang RAID 5 7.8TB5A控设备管理IP:控设备管理IP:管理方式:OceanStor ISM V100R005A控设备管理IP:控设备管理IP:网关:存储空间划分;(总共24块盘,因前4块硬盘做保险盘,会占用部分空间。












点击“Provisioning”,选择”Explicit Mappings”,对该逻辑卷做专项映射。

HP 维修技术手册

HP 维修技术手册

HP 维修技术手册HP 维修技术手册本手册提供了HP产品维修的详细指南和操作步骤。


本手册包括以下章节:1、安全须知1.1 个人安全1.2 电器安全1.3 静电放电防护1.4 使用正确的工具和设备2、产品维修流程2.1 故障诊断2.2 维修策略2.3 零件替换2.4 维修记录2.5 测试和验证3、常见问题和解决方案3.1 电源问题3.2 显示问题3.3 声音问题3.4 硬件问题3.5 软件问题4、维修工具和设备4.1 常用工具4.2 测试设备4.3 清洁工具4.4 备件管理5、产品维护和保养5.1 清洁指南5.2 维护计划5.3 常见问题预防措施6、故障代码和错误消息 6.1 故障代码表6.2 错误消息解决方案7、常见法律名词及注释7.1 法律名词解释7.2 法律名词应用场景7.3 法律名词案例分析本文档涉及附件:附件一、产品维修流程图附件二、常见问题解决方案手册附件三、维修工具清单附件四、法律名词解释词典本文所涉及的法律名词及注释:1、版权:指作者对其原创作品享有的法律保护权益。












一:HP 激光机内存全清和计数复位方法1。

HP 4000/4050/4100/5000(1)按"项目"键左端加"数值"键左端开机。

(2)当液晶屏上出现"RESET MAINTENANCE COUNT"(重设计数器)时,松开各键。


HP 4500/4550(1)按住"取消"键和"选择"键开机,当液晶亮起来时,松开二键。


(3)你将在完成正常自检后进入"SERVICE MODE"(服务模式)。

(4)按"项目"键找到"FUSER MAINTENANCE COUNT"(这句我翻译成加热组件保养计数器不知当否?)(5)按"数值"键找到"0"(6)按"选择"键保存。

(7)按"执行"键机器返回ready 状态。


HP COLOR LASERJET 4500/4550 (TRANSFER KIT RESET)传送单元重置(1)按"菜单"找到"RESET MENU"(2)按"项目"键找到"TRANSFER KIT SELECT IF DONE"(传送单元已好)(3)按"选择"键。

得力 P2000系列激光打印机 P2000、P2000W、P2000N、P2000NW说明书

得力 P2000系列激光打印机 P2000、P2000W、P2000N、P2000NW说明书

P2500系列黑白激光多功能一体机©2020 宁波得力集团有限公司品品。



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目录介绍 (1)注意事项及安全..................................................................................................................................... 1 关于本用户手册 ..................................................................................................................................... 1 一般安全信息......................................................................................................................................... 1 设备安放的位置..................................................................................................................................... 2 电气安全................................................................................................................................................. 2 保修......................................................................................................................................................... 3 碳粉盒 ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 维修保养 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 激光的安全性 .. (4)无线电干扰 (4)警告...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 概述 .. (5)打印机前视图......................................................................................................................................... 5 打印机后视图......................................................................................................................................... 5 控制面板 ................................................................................................................................................. 5LED指示灯状态......................................................................................................................................... 6按键 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 LED工作状态和错误指示灯的含义 ................................................................................... 7首次使用 . (8)1. 拆开打印机的包装 ....................................................................................................................... 82. 安装碳粉盒 .. (8)3. 将纸张装入纸盒................................................................................................................................10 4.打开电源 ...........................................................................................................................................11首次设置 . (12)安装打印机驱动程序 .......................................................................................................................... 12连接设备 .. (12)USB连接 (12)网络连接....................................................................................................................................... 13 下载移动应用程序(使用“得力e+”App ) .............................................................................................. 14打印机助手使用 . (15)1. 设备管理 ...........................................................................................................................................152.设置 ...................................................................................................................................................16 3.打印列表 ...........................................................................................................................................164.维护 ...................................................................................................................................................17 5.购买 ...................................................................................................................................................176.支持 ...................................................................................................................................................17 7.扫描 ...................................................................................................................................................17 8.无线连接 . (18)将纸张装入纸盒 (19)将纸张装入手动进纸器..................................................................................................................... 19 信封打印 ............................................................................................................................................... 20 打印设置 .......................................................................................................................................................21打印首选布局 ................................................................................................................................... 21 纸张 /质量 ............................................................................................................................................22扩展功能............................................................................................................................................... 22高级设置 ............................................................................................................................................... 23Web 界面 ......................................................................................................................................................24 确认IP 地址 ......................................................................................................................................... 24调用Web 界面 ..................................................................................................................................... 24 一、设备状态 ..................................................................................................................................... 25 二、设备配置 ..................................................................................................................................... 25三、网络 .............................................................................................................................................26 四、订购耗材....................................................................................................................................... 28 五、固件更新 .......................................................................................................................................29 六、登录密码....................................................................................................................................... 29 维护 ..............................................................................................................................................................29 更换碳粉盒........................................................................................................................................... 29恢复出厂设置................................................................................................................. 31故障排除 ...............................................................................................................................................32卡纸处理 ............................................................................................................................................. 38改善打印质量....................................................................................................................................... 40 附录 ..............................................................................................................................................................46材料安全数据表(MSDS) ......................................................................................................................46 产品规格 (46)....................................................................................................................... 34LCD信息以及LED工作状态.........................清除纸盒/手动进纸器内的卡纸 ....................................................................................38....................................................................................................................................... 38清除设备内的卡纸.......................................................................................................39清除设备后部(定影单元)的卡纸..............................打印介质 . (18)打印介质的规格 (18)操作设备前,请仔细阅读以下说明,并根据需要进行参考,确保设备的持续安全运行。



Módulos de memoriaNúmero de referencia del documento: 419435-E51 Enero de 2007Esta guía explica cómo sustituir y actualizar la memoria en el equipo.Tabla de contenidosAdición o reemplazo de módulos de memoria Adición de un módulo de memoria en la ranura delmódulo de memoria de expansión . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Actualización de un módulo de memoria en la ranuradel módulo de memoria primario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7ÍndiceAdición o reemplazo demódulos de memoriaEl equipo tiene dos compartimentos de módulo de memoria. Elcompartimento del módulo de memoria primario está ubicadodebajo del teclado. El compartimento del módulo de memoria de expansión está ubicado en la parte inferior del equipo.La capacidad de memoria del equipo puede incrementarsereemplazando el módulo de memoria existente en la ranura delmódulo de memoria primario o en la ranura del módulo dememoria de expansión.ÅADVERTENCIA: Para reducir el riesgo de descargas eléctricas o daños al equipo, desconecte el cable de alimentación y retire todas lasbaterías antes de instalar un módulo de memoria.ÄPRECAUCIÓN: La descarga electrostática (ESD) puede dañar los componentes electrónicos. Antes de iniciar cualquier procedimiento,asegúrese de no estar cargado de electricidad estática tocando unobjeto metálico conectado a tierra.Adición de un módulo de memoria en la ranura del módulo de memoria de expansiónPara reemplazar o añadir un módulo de memoria en la ranura delmódulo de memoria de expansión:1.Guarde su trabajo y cierre todos los programas abiertos.✎Si el equipo está en estado de suspensión o en hibernación,primero debe salir de la suspensión o hibernación antes deque sea posible apagarlo.2.Haga clic en Inicio, haga clic en la flecha junto al botón debloqueo y luego haga clic en Apagar.3.Cierre la pantalla.4.Desconecte todos los dispositivos externos conectados alequipo.5.Desconecte el cable de alimentación de la toma eléctrica deCA.6.V oltee el equipo sobre una superficie plana.7.Extraiga la batería del equipo.8.Afloje los tornillos de la cubierta del compartimento delmódulo de memoria 1.9.Levante la cubierta del compartimento del módulo dememoria 2 separándola del equipo.10.Retire el módulo de memoria:a.Extraiga los clips de retención 1 a cada lado del módulode memoria.El módulo de memoria se inclina hacia arriba.ÄPara evitar daños al módulo de memoria, sosténgalo sólo por los bordes. No toque los componentes del módulo dememoria.b.Sujete el borde del módulo de memoria 2 y extráigalosuavemente de la ranura de memoria.Para proteger un módulo de memoria después deextraerlo, póngalo en un estuche de protecciónantielectrostático.11.Inserte un nuevo módulo de memoria:a.Alinee el borde con muescas 1 del módulo de memoriacon la pestaña de la ranura del módulo de memoria.ÄPara evitar daños al módulo de memoria, sosténgalo sólo por los bordes. No toque los componentes del módulo dememoria.b.Con el módulo de memoria a un ángulo de 45 grados de lasuperficie del compartimento, presione el módulo dememoria 2 en la ranura hasta que encaje.c.Presione suavemente hacia abajo el módulo dememoria3, aplicando presión en los bordes derecho eizquierdo hasta que los ganchos de sujeción encajen en sulugar.12.Alinee las pestañas 1 de la cubierta del compartimiento delmódulo de memoria con las muescas del equipo.13.Cierre la cubierta 2.14.Ajuste los tornillos de la cubierta del compartimento delmódulo de memoria 3.15.Vuelva a colocar la batería.16.Reconecte la alimentación externa y los dispositivosexternos.17.Encienda el equipo.Si el equipo muestra un mensaje que indica que cambió el tamaño o la configuración de la memoria, presione f1 para guardar los cambios.Actualización de un módulo de memoria en la ranura del módulo de memoria primarioPara actualizar un módulo de memoria en la ranura de módulo dememoria primario:1.Guarde su trabajo y cierre todos los programas abiertos.✎Si el equipo está en estado de suspensión o en hibernación,primero debe salir de la suspensión o hibernación antes deque sea posible apagarlo.2.Haga clic en Inicio, haga clic en la flecha junto al botón debloqueo y luego haga clic en Apagar.3.Cierre la pantalla.4.Desconecte todos los dispositivos externos conectados alequipo.5.Desconecte el cable de alimentación de la toma eléctrica deCA.6.V oltee el equipo sobre una superficie plana.7.Extraiga la batería del equipo.8.Retire los 2 tornillos del teclado.9.V oltee el equipo y ábralo.10.Deslice los cuatro pestillos 1 para liberar el teclado.ÄPara evitar dañar el equipo, no desconecte el conector del teclado ni el cable del dispositivo señalador de tipo palanca.11.Levante suavemente el borde superior del teclado 2 yvoltéelo hacia la parte frontal del equipo hasta que el teclado se apoye en el apoya muñecas.12.Retire el módulo de memoria de la ranura del módulo dememoria:a.Extraiga los clips de retención 1 a cada lado del módulode memoria.El módulo de memoria se inclina hacia arriba.ÄPara evitar daños al módulo de memoria, sosténgalo sólo por los bordes. No toque los componentes del módulo dememoria.b.Sujete el borde del módulo de memoria 2 y extráigalosuavemente de la ranura.Para proteger un módulo de memoria después deextraerlo, póngalo en un estuche de protecciónantielectrostático.13.Para insertar un módulo de memoria:a.Alinee el borde con muescas 1 del módulo de memoriacon la pestaña de la ranura del módulo de memoria.ÄPara evitar daños al módulo de memoria, sosténgalo sólo por los bordes. No toque los componentes del módulo dememoria.b.Con el módulo de memoria a un ángulo de 45 grados de lasuperficie del compartimento, presione el módulo 2 en laranura hasta que encaje.c.Presione hacia abajo el módulo de memoria 3, aplicandopresión en los bordes derecho e izquierdo hasta que losganchos de sujeción encajen en su lugar.14.Vuelva a colocar el teclado en su posición original 1 ydeslice los cuatro pestillos 2 para bloquear el teclado.15.V oltee el equipo sobre una superficie plana.16.Vuelva a colocar los tornillos del teclado.17.Vuelva a colocar la batería.18.Reconecte la alimentación externa y los dispositivosexternos.19.Encienda el equipo.Si el equipo muestra un mensaje que indica que cambió el tamaño o la configuración de la memoria, presione f1 para guardar los cambios.Índice Ccompartimento del módulo dememoria1compartimento del módulo dememoria, expansión2Ddescarga electrostática (ESD)1EESD (descarga electrostática)1Mmódulo de memoria,compartimento1módulo de memoria,extracción o inserción2© Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.La información contenida en el presente documento está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso. Las únicas garantías para productos y servicios HP están establecidas en las declaraciones de garantía explícitas que acompañan a dichos productos y servicios. Ninguna información contenida en este documento debe ser interpretada como una garantía adicional. HP no se responsabilizará por errores técnicos o de edición ni por omisiones contenidas en el presente documento.Módulos de memoriaPrimera edición: enero de 2007Número de referencia del documento: 419435-E51。



HP9000 日常维护常用命令手册一、系统开、关机简介1.HP Superdome开机顺序1.1 打开总电源(配电柜电源)。

1.2 打开背面主机机柜电源。

1.3 打开主机外设电源,如DVD ROM、磁带机和内置硬盘。

1.4 最后打开主机前面板48V电源。

1.5 主机启动完毕进入登陆界面后输入正确的用户名和口令登录系统1.6 在超级用户提示符下执行cmviewcl命令,检查双机集群状态。

A.PACKAGE 状态为running。



表明集群没有正常启动,执行cmruncl –v –n gx_sd01直至PACKAGE 状态为running,检查数据库状态。

1.7 检查应用系统是否能正常运行。

2.HP Superdome关机顺序2.1 确认数据库已经关闭。

2.2 在超级用户提示符下执行cmhaltcl –f –v命令。

2.3 在超级用户提示符下执行cmviewcl命令,检查集群的状态,直至NODE和PACKAGE状态都为UNKOWN后,执行shutdown –h –y 0命令关闭主机操作系统。

2.4 主机完全关闭后,关闭主机前面板48V电源。

2.5 关闭主机外设电源,如DVDROM、磁带机、内置硬盘2.6 关闭背面主机机柜电源。

2.7 关闭总电源(配电柜电源)。

二、系统监控常用命令1.监控文件系统的使用情况#bdfFilesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on/dev/vg00/lvol1 67733 35561 25398 58% //dev/vg01/lvol1 20480 11675 8247 59% /home各列的含义:Filesystem:文件系统名kbytes:字节数,以k为单位used:已使用空间avail:尚可使用空间%used: 已使用空间占本文件系统全部空间比率。

Mounted on: 安装目录在下列两种情况下,系统管理员应考虑做必要的文件清理工作:❖%used达到90%以上时❖avail显示字节数较小时(如小于10K)2.日志文件的监控2.1 常用日志文件/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log 系统运行日志。

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2 组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
前面板组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 P2000 G3 FC MSA System LFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 P2000 G3 FC MSA System SFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1 概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
功能与优势 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
P2000 G3 FC MSA System 控制器模块前面板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 后面板组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。 UNIX 是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
关于本指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 安装机箱. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
安装清单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 连接控制器和驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
P2000 G3 FC MSA System SFF 和 P2000 G3 FC MSA System LFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 D2700 6Gb 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 P2000 6Gb 3.5 寸 12 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 MSA70 3Gb 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 寸 12 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 高速缓存 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 可传输的 CompactFlash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 超级电容器组. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
HP P2000 G3 FC MSA System 用户指南
部件号:590336-AA4 第一版:2011 年 7 月
法律和声明信息 © Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 机密计算机软件。拥有、使用或复制本软件须获得 HP 颁发的有效许可证。遵守 FAR 12.211 和 12.212 的商业计算机软件、计算机软件文档、商 业项目的技术数据,将根据卖方标准商业许可证授权于美国政府。 本文档所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。HP 产品与服务的唯一担保已在这些产品与服务随附的书面担保声明中阐明。此处的任何内容都不应视 作是额外的担保信息。对于本文件所含任何技术、编辑错误或遗漏,惠普公司不承担任何责任。
连接控制器和 D2700 6Gb 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 连接控制器和 P2000 6Gb 3.5 寸 12 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 连接控制器和 MSA70 3Gb 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 连接控制器和 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 寸 12 驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 连接控制器和混合驱动器机箱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 驱动器机箱的其他电缆要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 P2000 G3 MSA System 电缆要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 其他电缆连接注意事项. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 测试机箱连接. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 打开 / 关闭电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 电源. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33