第一课Seeing this style really made me curious. So one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, “I don‟t get it! You can‟t be a positive person all the time. How do you do it?”Jerry replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, …Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.‟ I choos e to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.”“Hey, it‟s not that easy,” I protest ed.“Yes it is,” Jerry said. “Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good or bad mood. The bottom line: it‟s your choice how you live life.”看到他这种风格确实令我感到好奇。
Americ ans tend to define people by the jobs they have/do. Such charac teris ticsas theirfamily and educat ional backgr ounds are consid eredless import ant.2.他决不妥协的个性是他再也无法容忍他的雇主,并最终递交了辞职书的原因。
His uncomp romis ing person allyexplai ns why he wouldno longer put up with his employ er and eventu allysubmit ted his resign ation3.如果你真的想学好英语,你就必须投入大量的时间和精力,否则你就不会有任何进步。
If you really want to learnEnglis h well, you must put in a lot of time and energy, or y ou’ll do nowher e. The same can be said of othersubjec ts.4.有些演员的名声靠的是他们天生的美貌,但是达斯汀&霍夫曼尽管身材矮小,还是出类拔萃,而使他与众不同的正是他精湛的演技。
Some actors fame is builton thereinnate beauty, but despit e his shortstatur e, Dustin Hoffma n rose aboveand it is his excell ent acting that set him apart.5.他负责管理之后,我们发现他与前任有明显的不同:他有干劲合和激情,想出了很多新点子,并把工作重点放在如何鼓舞我们的士气上。
1. Tom was translation to our school last hung on Miss Yang’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以用语言表达的爱和骄傲。
2. Seeing his daughter graduate from high school,he felt a surge of love and pridethat he couldn’t express in word.当李先生去年开始涉足股市是,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁。
3. Last year when Mr. his wounds.Li began first venture into the stock market,becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dream .在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼,我拍了几张照片,可惜焦点都没对准。
4. On my holiday ,I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish .I took somephotos of them,but unfortunately they were all out off focus 。
5. The price has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their decision to get married next week.因为穷人连饭都吃不饱,便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。
Tom ( was ) transferred to our school last year. He hung on Miss Young’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以用语言表达的爱和骄傲。
Seeing his daughter graduate from high school, he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn’t express in words.3当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁!Last year when Mr. Li first began his venture into the stock market, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams.4在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。
On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish. I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus.5王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。
The prince has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week.6因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。
Unit 1Text A什么是“服务”?在IT界,“服务”一词涵盖的意思很广,包括咨询、客户定制编程、设计、制造和安装复杂的信息系统等。IBM全球服务:概览背景11991年时,IBM是家拥有648亿资产的公司,其中非维护服务收入还不足60亿。但短短的10年后,仅仅是IT服务收入一项就超过IBM公司860亿总销售额的40%,一跃成为IBM公司的最大收入单项。2原因何在?一部分是因为该公司一贯的勤劳而严谨的工作作风:通过客户开发客户;创建规范的管理及财务制度;重资聘用并培养IT顾问及系统体系结构和网络服务等各方面的专家。3IBM全球服务成功的更重要的因素其实很简单,就是明确地了解客户的需求之所在。IBM 认为技术与商业的经验合在一起有助于更有效地与客户融为一体。兴起4IBM公司初涉IT服务业可追溯到1989年。当时伊斯曼柯达公司与IBM公司完成了协议:IBM为柯达公司在纽约州的罗切斯特市的分公司设计、创建并管理一个崭新的最先进的数据中心。这次使双方皆获益的合作经历更增强了IBM以开发扩充自己数据库容量来提供额外服务的信心。5另外,1989年时,IBM引进了商务恢复服务系统。这个系统能确保企业遇到机器突然中断或其他意外情况之时还可继续操作运行。61991年春,IBM的集团管理董事会批准了全球服务策略。其目标是:在1994年IBM将成为“世界一流的服务性企业”。经验7IBM在创建其服务行业的10年里,学到了可以应用到其他企业的至少六条经验。8首先,要做好长期进行企业及文化变革的准备。IBM成功的发展历程最初并不为专家看好。虽然其服务部门(不包括维护)直到1994年才开始盈利,但IBM公司仍然坚持着,直到后来逐渐发展起来。9第二,在人力资源及其培养过程方面加大投资力度。服务业中“人”为品牌。因此每年投资10多个亿来教育培训其员工。多数培训是通过远程学习来完成的。10第三,资源要满足顾客需求。11第四,把握核心优势并着重策略的制定和实施。IBM没有受到狂热投资网站的干扰。该公司认为电子商务不仅仅是使用浏览器,而是企业行为;也不是点击鼠标那么简单,而是商业活动。IBM的企业运作就立足于此信念。当市场最终朝此转向时,IBM已经做好了充足的准备并将其服务导向定位为研制解决问题的方法。12第五,创建有影响力的多种价值链。当今的世界企业环境中,联盟与“合作竞争”是常用手段,因为任何一家公司都无法独自在竞争中获胜。先了解最适合本公司的目标及作用,再挑选另一家能更快更好达到此目标的公司,然后将两家公司合并就能在竞争中获得优势。13第六,采用、参与并及时创新。IBM现在还在设法不断严格、定期地将其服务进行更新。每年的策略性计划即是历史的遗迹和见证。Text B福特汽车公司梦想成为企业11903年6月16日,亨利·福特和另外11位商业合作伙伴签署了公司联合协议,这标志着福特汽车公司进入商业领域。他们用28,000美元现金创立了将要变成世界上最大的公司之一的福特汽车公司。在20世纪,几乎没有哪个公司可以像福特汽车公司那样,与历史及产业和社会的发展联系得如此紧密。2与其他大公司一样,福特汽车公司在创立初期也并不引人瞩目,在经济方面也出现过危机。据记载,福特汽车公司的第一笔交易是在1903年7月20日,公司刚成立一个月的时候完成的。商品的购买方是底特律的一位内科医生。经过这次交易,年轻的公司迈出了第一步。利用生产线进行批量生产3福特汽车公司对汽车制造业最大的贡献也许是流动装配生产线的发明。这项新技术在美国密歇根的高原骑士工厂(Highland Park)首次投入使用。通过这项技术,每个工人可以在固定的位置,在从他们面前不断经过的大批机器上反复进行同样的操作。实践证明,这一生产线提高了效率,让福特公司的生产量远远高于其他竞争者,并使福特公司生产的汽车价格更易于被人们接受。第一批汽车4亨利·福特强调,公司的未来取决于能否为更大的市场生产可被接受的汽车。从1903年起,福特公司便开始使用字母表中的前19个字母为新车命名。1908年,“T型车”问世了。在随后的19年中,先后有1500万台“T型车”被生产出来。福特汽车公司成为了覆盖全球市场的大型企业。1925年,福特汽车公司收购了林肯汽车公司,并开始生产豪华型汽车。20世纪30年代,水星车系分公司成立。他主要生产中档价位的汽车。福特汽车公司不断发展壮大。成为国际化的大公司520世纪50年代,雷鸟车系问世,人们开始有机会得到福特公司的部分股份。股票上市后,在1956年2月24日,公司就拥有了350,000位新股东。20世纪50年代,亨利·福特二世对政治和经济的发展趋势有着准确的把握,这就使福特汽车公司在20世纪60年代迅速崛起,并于1967年创立了欧洲福特公司。该分公司的成立比欧洲经济共同体的成立早20年。福特汽车公司于1971年成立了北美汽车协会,将美国、加拿大和墨西哥的公司合为一体。这又比北美自由贸易区的成立早了20年。6在上个世纪,福特汽车公司的成立是基于创立者想生产出满足生活在高度工业化世界里的人们的需要的愿望。如今,福特汽车公司已经成为了一个汽车生产的大家族。其生产的品牌包括:福特、林肯、水星、马自达、路虎和沃尔沃等。该公司已经开始了第二个百年,并在全世界范围延续和发展了亨利·福特的精神,不断创造新产品,以满足全世界人们日益变化的多种需求。Unit 2Text A什么是人力资源管理?1人力资源管理是公司的重要部分,它关注于支持公司人才使他们可以完成公司目标并帮助公司成功。它包括招聘、雇佣、酬劳、培训和培养。2人力资源管理是具有多种功能的综合体,如:3保险金——管理医疗、牙科及退休金保险4酬劳——包括必需的薪酬发展计划、工作分析、工作评价和业绩管理。5劳动关系——和工会一起工作,包括谈判、调停、合同管理或参与申诉。6劳资关系——取决于组织的大小,包括处理雇员事件、解决冲突、就业法、分歧、歧视或其他一般的雇员问题。7培训——有针对性的训练经理和主管,进行一对一的职业发展培训或组织发展培训。8招聘——包括广告、甄选、雇佣合格的个人加入劳动力队伍。9HRIS——人力资源信息系统10安全——包括风险管理、职工的赔偿、事故的预防。11工作在上述任何一个领域,你都有资格成为人力资源专家。具有各个领域的专业技能意味着你是一个人力资源通才。目前的趋势是需要你有多方面技能,即通才。人力资源管理未来前景如何?12经济发展导致每年大约有3000—4500份与人力资源相关的工作出现。然而实际想从事人力资源工作的人数比所需的多三倍以上。雇主非常有选择性,他看重应聘者适当的教育和工作能力。如今公司提供不同的人力资源服务,更加强调客户服务,领导能力,业务技能和很强的人际沟通技巧。由于人员流动率偏高,退休,和结构调整因素的影响,优先招聘人才也是关键的手段。人力资源经理的主要职责是什么?13人力资源经理的主要职责是为公司挑选合适的员工,使他们得到有效的培训和发展及公平的有竞争力的薪酬。人力资源经理的日常工作是什么?14人力资源经理关注员工的招聘,选拔,测试及定位。可以通过在报纸上登广告或探访学校,职业技术学院和大学进行招聘。人员的选拔是一项非常重要的工作,人力资源经理利用申请表格,面试,甄选测试,鉴定和医疗检查等手段确保招到最合适的人员。15留住员工和有效地利用员工,取决于为他们提供恰当的训练和公平的薪酬,这也是人力资源经理必须负责的。此外,他/她还要处理员工的问题和申诉,包括管理中重要且有趣的领域,处理和工会的关系等。人力资源经理需具备的素质16他们必须善于倾听,成熟,有同情心,并能区分哪些是紧迫和重要的,哪些不是,换言之,他们必须能够确定轻重缓急。另外扎实的商务知识也是至关重要的。Text B我想找份好工作!1“请教爱丽丝”是一个互联网上健康咨询机构,她向人们提供可靠有效的信息和建议帮助人们在个人健康和福利等方面做出合理的决策。“亲爱的爱丽丝:2为了得到更好的工作机会,我上大学进修提高自己。一年多了,我仍然没有找到新工作。我感觉我浪费了金钱。我非常讨厌我的工作,但又痛恨去找一份新工作,因为我担心新工作也是一样,甚至会更糟糕,我该怎么办呀?”亲爱的读者朋友:3从事一个令你无法忍受的工作可不是一件轻松的事,你会忍不住想,“为什么我花了那么多钱上大学,学习又那么辛苦,只换来这么一份工作?”然而,与其在这饱受痛苦,彷徨无措,不如马上采取行动!4把找工作具体分为几个明确的步骤可以使你做起来更加得心应手。以下是你需要做的准备工作:确定你的兴趣所在5首先处理最重要的事情:你知道你喜欢做什么工作吗?这是一个非常难以回答的问题,对于世界上千千万万种不同的职业类型,大多数人都无法直接做出抉择。那就从个人的学习经历和兴趣出发,看看这个职业是否是你所热衷于研究的领域,是否是你在学校里最擅长的方面。一定要以此作为职业决策的核心要点。你也可以到当地的图书馆或书店去查看有关找工作、职业探索以及你所感兴趣的领域的书籍。准备好你的履历表6你的履历表是否是最新的?请在履历表上把你所有的工作和教育经历都突出表现出来。你是否加入了某些社区服务团体或参加过其他的课外活动?如果有,请把它们写入你的履历表。仔细考虑你的目标7另一件需要仔细考虑的是你对于职业的短期目标和长远目标。你是否想成为大公司中的一员?你能否胜任团队合作或者比较喜欢独立工作?通过这些问题,你可以开始了解自己真实的职业期望。充分调研8你心目中是否已有一些非常向往的公司?把它们都列出来,然后电话询问他们是否正在招聘新员工。同时也可以在当地报纸的分类广告中找寻招聘信息。不要忘了互联网这一重要的资源:你甚至可能在决定辞去当前工作之前就找到更有潜力的公司和职位。咨询专业人士9好的,你现在已经看了些资料并明确了你向往工作的领域。现在你应该同你渴望加入的公司中的相关人士进行联系,这个过程被称作咨询专业人士,它可能会帮助你得到这份工作——或至少可以获得更多的信息,加强联系。准备面试10面试是一件非常令人紧张的事情。然而,你可以通过下列技巧打动你的面试官,请记住: 进行目光交流恰当地着装突出你的经历了解应聘的公司展示你的热情展示你的热情11你应该向你的未来雇主表现出你对此职位不仅非常感兴趣,而且很了解。不要怯于提问,同时在面试中始终保持积极的态度,会促使他们认定你可以胜任这项工作。你可以假想自己正在镇定而自信地回答面试官的问题,研究表明这样的精神训练在真实环境下对你同样有所帮助。12请记住,如果有问题涉及你目前工作的时候,即使你非常痛恨它,也应非常谨慎的表达你的观点。申请你喜欢的工作13你已经准备好了!先在报纸还有互联网上,毕业学校的工作通告栏以及你所向往的公司人力资源部门里找寻职业信息。然后为你的履历表附上个性化的求职信,一起送到每一个公司人事主管手中。你也可以考虑选择猎头公司来帮助你寻找你所感兴趣的职位。14找工作是一件费时费力的事情,但是找到一份如你所愿的好工作还是值得的。请记住,你完成了大学教育,所以理所应当可以找到一份好工作,要经常这样鼓励自己。从你的信中我感觉你是一个坚强、果断的人,爱丽丝祝愿你在不久的将来找到一份满意的新工作。祝你好运! 你诚挚的爱丽丝Unit 3Text A零售世界——为什么零售如此重要? 1作为联系消费者和制造商的最终纽带,零售商在商业领域里发挥着举足轻重的作用。他们通过为制造商的销售和消费者的购买行为提供更为简便的方式而增加商品的价值。没有了零售商,你就不得不每次为了买诸如方糖、或一块肥皂等商品而花费大量的时间和金钱去查找,联系制造商。同样对于制造这些商品的厂家而言,去找寻顾客购买这些商品也是一件费时费力的工作。通过将众多的制造商和消费者汇集到一个平台上,零售商们使商品的销售成为可能,交易行为得以实施。2零售商们还可以减少购物过程的风险并增加更多的乐趣。他们提供专业销售人员回答顾客的问题,购买时允许赊账,并且将商品都展示出来让顾客了解有什么产品可供购买并在购买之前看到这些产品。不仅如此,零售商还向顾客提供额外的服务,涵盖了从购物到包装到送货等环节,这样增加了商品和服务的价值。3根据美国零售业协会统计,五分之一的美国雇员正在从事零售业的工作。美国劳工部估计从1990到现在,零售业领域共新增七十万个工作机会,大约为全美新增工作岗位的13%。目前,零售业行业所提供的就业机会比全国制造业所提供的还要多。零售领域的沃尔玛4正如电视广告里的黄色笑脸一样,沃尔玛在持续的扩张中不但成为了世界上最大规模的零售中心,同时还牢牢掌握了周边市场,成为世界上最大的企业。沃尔玛不仅是一家零售企业,更是一家优秀的分销公司,2002年在美国和其他9个国家的4414家店铺的销售额达到了2460亿美元,拥有员工130万。5沃尔玛的全球战略,包括增加消费者对商品价值和便利的需求,快速改变零售业市场结构性分布,强制国际供应商向为数不多的大客户供货,这些都使全球零售业环境充满不确定性因素。当竞争愈演愈烈和全球零售业区域性分布更加集中时,世界顶级的零售商们将根据需要在许多方面改变他们的战略。6卡拉什(零售前沿首席经济师)说“零售商们对于预期的缓慢增长和更加挑剔的消费者要有准备,而且应该知道当商业环境恶化的时候,何时应该撤离市场。”他认为“最基本的要求是零售商们应该在保障商品价值的前提下,根据价格以外的其他因素细分市场。”最后他总结道“为了生存,零售商们还需要利用新的模式在新的地区寻找新的客户”。NoteNational Retail Federation美国零售联合会总部设在华盛顿。作为目前世界上最大的零售业行业协会,其会员单位包括全美和其他50多个国家的著名的百货店、专卖店、独立业主、折扣店和大宗商品交易店。美国零售联合会内部分设以下各职能部门:书店部门、商务伙伴与会员折扣计划总部、会展销售部门、大会注册部门、财务部门、政府事务部门、信息科技部门、国际关系部门、法律部门、营销部门、会员部门、NRF基金、公共关系部门、零售运作部门、销售与服务自愿伙伴部门、赞助部门、《商店》杂志编辑部。Text B新手经常会发现,成为一个成功的零售商的一个可行的方法就是特许经营。很自然的,一些想从事特许经营的人对业界中的领先企业——麦当劳,非常感兴趣。那么,如何能加入麦当劳呢?麦当劳——特许经营业的闪亮奖章1国际许可和特许经营:国际许可即一家公司允许国外的公司使用它的知识产权。这种知识产权可以是商标、品牌名称、专利、版权或技术。在特许经营情况下, 特许使用方获准以另一家公司即特许授予方的名义开展业务,后者则通过向前者提供商标、品牌名称、公司标志、经营技巧等获取特许使用费。为什么选择麦当劳?2麦当劳一直从事特许经营,它的成功取决于它的经营者或店主,他们扮演了相当重要的角色。麦当劳一直将特许经营作为主要经营方式。开一家麦当劳特许经营店3相对而言很少有经营者或店主第一次就能开一家新的麦当劳店。新店成本如下:初始费用:4启动费用为45000美元(支付给麦当劳公司)开张前成本和设备5这些成本从610750美元至1210000美元不等。餐馆设施规模、开设地区、开张前的花费、盘存、厨房用具的选择、指示牌、装潢样式、景观等都会影响新店成本。这些费用要支付给供应商。6新店主或经营者必须为新店总成本支付40%现金,余下的可以通过传统的渠道贷款。虽然麦当劳不会提供贷款,但麦当劳的新店主或经营者可以享用麦当劳与许多国内金融机构已建立好的良好关系。我们确信我们的店主或经营者能享受到最低贷款利率。特许经营年限:720 年。后续费用8服务费:在餐馆总销售额的基础上按月支付(目前服务费为月销售额的4.0%。)9租赁费:按月支付或按月销售额的一定百分比支付。店主或经营者前景培训10麦当劳有广泛的持续的培训体系,包括汉堡大学和21个地区培训署。麦当劳提供培训人员及最先进的行业培训材料。支持11麦当劳提供广泛的市场营销及广告支持。其屡获殊荣的广告遍及世界各地。供应链12麦当劳的供应链体系已经发展成为由世界顶级供应商组成的广泛的网络。麦当劳与供应商的紧密联系确保各店可以以最有竞争力的价格获取最高品质的产品。Unit 4Text A“使顾客满意”成为商业的核心1无论所处何种行业,“使顾客满意”都是企业经营的核心内容,顾客的满意度决定了企业能否取得长期的成功。将“使顾客满意”作为企业的首要任务2不能单纯地追求销售额,要创造客户——满意的客户。除了为你带来第一笔交易的利润,满意的客户还能在以下两个重要方面帮你拓展生意:这些顾客组成一个长期客户群。对于一些企业来说,这就意味着他们将会继续购买相同的产品或服务。对于所有企业来说,这意味着他们会继续购买衍生产品和服务。这些顾客会很自然地使他们的朋友或生意往来者成为你的新客户,从而给你带来了高额的回报,因为你不需要付出任何时间或费用。信守承诺3不要向顾客做出你无法实现的承诺,因为这样会毫无疑问地使你失去他们。更糟糕的是,他们还会向周围的人讲述这些不愉快的经历——从而使你失去更多的潜在客户。建议:迅速而积极地处理每一位顾客的投诉,尽量维持和这些投诉顾客们的友好关系,而不要只顾眼前利益。他们将会在未来给你带来更多的生意和客户。[FK)]超出客户预期4在质量和服务方面,不断给予顾客超过他们预期的惊喜。这样你不仅可以使得他们更加坚定长期的成为你的忠实客户,而且降低了你的竞争对手将他们争夺过去的可能性——即使他们的价格比你的低。这是因为顾客已经确信你将不断带给他们更好的商品和服务,他们自然不会冒险去选择一个完全未知的商家。建议:让你的客户获得额外的利益。如果你销售产品,就为每份订单附带一些广告中未列出的小礼物。如果你经营服务业,就经常免费给顾客提供额外的服务。让客户感受到你对他们的重视5让你的顾客不断感受到你对他们的关注,保持稳定的联系。例如,向你现有的顾客提供一些优惠,在新产品没有正式公开上市之前,向他们提供新产品的信息等。建议:把你的客户变成你的公关大使,用一些激励的手段使他们向其家人和朋友介绍你的产品和服务。往往这样的传述会比你的任何广告手段都更加令人信服,而且更加便宜。例如, 你可以向为你带来新顾客的老客户设置一些奖励,这种奖励可以仅仅是一些新订单上的优惠承诺。6不管你经营产品还是提供服务,你都应该重视顾客的满意度,因为你创造的这些满意的顾客不仅会成为你的忠实客户而增加你的生意,而且还会介绍他们的家人和朋友成为你的新客户。Text BTesco是全世界最重要的跨国零售商之一。该公司于20世纪20年代中期首次使用Tesco这个名字,迄今为止,已发展出多种形式、多个市场和多个地区。Tesco 是世界上最著名的零售业企业之一。成立于20世纪20年代中期的Tesco公司已经逐渐发展成为包含多种经营形式,涉及多个领域的大型集团。公司的主营业务市食品零售,在全球拥有超过2500家商场。根据2005年9月13日股市收盘价计算公司市值为258.4亿英镑,每股单价为330便士。该公司经营的主要项目是食品零售,在全世界有2500多家分店。在2005年9月13日的营业时间结束时,基于股票价格为330.00便士来计算,其资本总市值达到了258.4亿英磅。Tesco在全世界有380,000多名员工。他力争做到在每次交易中都为顾客提供最优质的产品,并立足于公司的核心目标:为顾客们创造价值来赢得他们一生的忠诚。这一核心目标是通过Tesco的价值观而体现出来的:没有谁比我们更努力地为顾客服务;用我们喜欢被对待的方式来对待他人。Tesco的详细情况我们的核心目标1我们的核心目标是为顾客创造价值来赢得他们一生的忠诚。2我们的成功取决于那些购买我们商品的人们,以及那些与我们共事的人们。3如果我们的客户喜欢我们所提供的产品,他们很可能就会再次光顾我们的店铺,并购买我们的商品。4如果Tesco的团队发现其努力得到了回报,他们就会更努力地为顾客提供帮助。5我们经常询问我们的顾客和员工,怎样才能让别人与我们的交易和工作进行得更好。这是我们的“每个小帮助”策略:采购旅行6顾客们已经告诉我们什么是他们想要的——整洁的通道、能够以合理的价格买到想要的东西、不用排队和优秀的员工。这些就是我们为顾客提供的“每个小帮助之采购旅行”,我们每天都这样做,并确保始终都在努力,并使Tesco成为一个在国内外都堪称一流的购物场所。 一个好的工作场所7我们的员工已经告诉我们什么对他们来说是重要的——受到尊重、有为他们提供帮助的经理、有一份有趣的工作和有发展的机会。我们在帮助员工们实现对他们来说是重要的事情的同时,就为顾客们提供了“每个小帮助之采购旅行”。我们的工作方式8我们的工作方式就是我们如何提供“每个小帮助”,使Tesco成为一个更好的销售和工作场所。我们用简单的方式,让购物对顾客来说更有益,对员工来说更简单,对Tesco来说更便宜。Unit 5Text A市场营销理念1对于企业的管理者而言,为他们的产品和服务研究和制定市场营销策略是最重要的工作之一。建立一个对企业满意的顾客群体是企业成功的基础。现代市场营销战略是围绕着“市场营销理念”而建立的,这指导管理者将重心放在了发现和满足消费者需求上,从而获得较好的收益。以下是相关的两个核心内容。消费者应当处于引导还是被引导的地位?2正如索尼公司具有远见卓识的领导者Akio Morita所说,“我们的计划是以我们的产品来引导大众,而不是询问消费者他们需要什么样的商品。因为消费者并不清楚哪些需求是可以实现的,但是我们知道。因此我们并不做大量的市场调查,而是通过引导大众让他们了解这些商品可以为他们带来什么好处而创造市场。”市场营销的真正含义是什么?3大多数人都以为市场营销仅仅指的是产品或服务的广告和推销,其实这些不过是众多市场营销行为中的两项内容而已。4通常情况下,市场营销是指采用所有方式去辨别和发现目标市场中的消费者的需求,然后以比竞争对手更为合理的方式去满足消费者的需求。主要步骤为:针对消费者的市场调研,分析消费者需求,在产品设计,定价,推广和分销等环节制定相应的战略决策。5关于市场营销的定义有很多不同的说法,可以参考下列定义:市场营销是指为了在恰当的时机,将合适的商品销售到有需求的人群所采取的一切基于消费者需求的商业行为;市场营销是企业成功满足或甚至超越消费者需求,并据此胜过竞争对手的行为;市场营销是企业管理流程中有效发现、预测和满足消费者需求,并获得收益的环节;市场营销可以被定义为一系列针对帮助和完成交易而进行的人类活动。6以上的定义中,哪一个是正确的?其实它们都是正确的,都体现了市场营销的实质:。
21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册)课文翻译及课后习题答案21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册)答案Unit 15. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. curious2. affects3. emerge ncy4. locked5. Relatively6. complai ning7.protested 8. react 9. mood 10. unique 11. con scious ness 12. surgery6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. the bottom line2. tha nks to3. reflect on4. had lost touch5. went through6. followed around7. look ing on8. woke up9. take acti on 10. after all10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him tolook on the bright side.2. The police reacted immediately whe n report came that two kids had bee n heldup at gunpoint in a n earby build ing.3. When I poin ted out the mistakes in her calculati on, in stead of correcti ng themas soon as possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault.t get it.4. Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he did n5. Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life beforehe lostcon scious ness in the emerge ncy room.6. Whe n I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that successcomes from hard work. That ' s the bottom line.Unit 25. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. i ntense2. con cept3. committed4. deserve5. selfish6. compromise7.matters 8. opp onent 9. in flue nee 10. effort 11. shortcuts 12. evide nee6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. work at2. Accord ing to3. run through4. i n sight5. live with6. a variety of7.Whe n it comes to 8. live up to10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. Take Michael Jordan, it ' s easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to comeout on top.2. Right in the first En glish class, our teacher conv eyed a clear message to us:as the basic build ing blocks of the Ian guage, new words must be memorized; any other shortcut is fool ' s gold.3. Thousa nds of Chin ese laborers con tributed greatly to the con struct ion of America ' s first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserv e a page in America n history.4. When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complai nts of the players but he n ever compromises with any of them.5. Traditional ethics seem especially important in somesituations where the margin betwee n right and wrong is as thi n as an eggshell.6. As competiti on in ten sifies, our opp onents and we are all work ing hard to live up to higher service sta ndards.Unit 35. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. withdraw2. opposite3. consult4. seeking5. chief6. frustrated7. gather8. suggesti ons 9. nu merous 10. crucial 11. approval 12. yield6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. give up on2. kicked out3. at the end of my rope4. count!-out5. provide!-wit6. that is7. on the brink of8. moved forward10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. The health report stresses the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet.2. I spe nt a whole week gatheri ng the courage to say no to their request.3. These journ eys made him realize to the fullest exte nt that many of the world ' s species were on the brink of ext in cti on.4. Approval of the patient ' s family shouldjlgtetsloefore doctors carry outsuch operati ons.5. Improved con sumer con fide nce is crucial to an econo mic recovery.6. We gave up on the miss ing mountain climber after he had bee n miss ing for two weeks.Unit 45. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. mankind2. determ in ati on3. burde n4. defi ne5. finan cial6. resources7. research 8. cure 9. evil 10. hardship 11. suicide 12. suffered6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. broke dow n2. took!-for gran ted3. look!-in the ey e4. could n ' t help butrespect 5. crying over 6. no doubt 7. dress ing up 8. slipped into9. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. He was no doubt a great hero so peopl e couldn ' t help but cry over his death.2. The actor used his celebrity status to fund research that might somedayyield a cure for AIDS.3. The disabled man once con sidered suicide to relieve his family of the heavy burde n.4. Children dress up as Super man to capture adults ' attention.5. It wasn ' t until I matured that I realized I shouldn ' t be afraid to look adversity and hardship in the eye.6. He could have easily stayed at home, for he had ple nty of finan cial resources to keep him from worrying about medical bills.Unit 55. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. discharged2. an ger3. latter4. relati on ship5. en gaged6. backgro unds7. miserable 8. invitation 9. match 10. folded 11. overseas 12. propose6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. broke down2. from time to time3. From the very beginning4. knockeddow n 5. agreed to 6. talk!-ro und 7. due to 8. give in 9. i nsile nee 10. go abroad10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. I just received a email in which Jessica expressed her regret of ending the relatio nship with her beloved boyfrie nd.2. She broke down at the loss of her family, and the impact of this miserableincident remained for the rest of her life.3. Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies. I wonder ifI should give in or try to talk them round.4. Edgar was not good with words, so whe never Jessica ven ted her an ger onhim, he only en dured it in sile nee.5. The cheerful background music matches his mood very well, for he ' s just goten gaged to his beloved girlfrie nd.6. From time to time the system would utter a pierci ng no ise in dicat ing itsin ability to run properly.Unit 65. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. rejected2. properly3. judgme nt4. employer5. lack6. feedback7. qualified8. suitable 9. can didate 10. con fide nt 11. pote ntial 12. punctual6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. cope with2. miss out3. applied for4. keep!-in mind5. for a bit6. reflecting on7. fill out8. get back9. a variety of 10. To our amazeme nt10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. Sometimes even if you are totally qualified for the job, you may still be rejected.2. You should learn to cope with difficult situation. And even more important, don' t look to others forhelp.3. To my shock/amazeme nt, he was not only invo Ived in a variety of extracurricular activities but also had applied for a part-time job.4. Keep in mi nd that one more failure is one step closer to success.5. Don ' t dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this jo b doesn' t entirely suit you and your chances are slim.6. Although you may not always like to hear n egative feedback, whatever you do, don ' t burn your bridges.Unit 75. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change theforms where n ecessary.1. tuition2. anxiety3. horrors4. switched5. quarter6. steady7. roughly8. prospects 9. disorder 10. represe nt 11. appare nt 12. populati on6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. were booked up2. not gett ing any where3. ups and dow ns4. burst out5. get along with6. broke up with7. in advance8. had no choice9. In spite of 10. take your own life10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. The students who seek psychological counseling represent only the tip of the iceberg. Most students endure the stress in silence.2. The horror movie overwhelmed him so much that he began to suffer from a sleep ing disorder, eve n insomnia.3. Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition.4. In spite of the result of the aptitude test, Joh n decided to switch his majorfrom acco un ti ng to psychology.5. He would rather remai n a sales clerk, appare ntly because he prefers a steady life to a life full of ups and downs.6. The computer has broken down on more than one occasion. Isn ' t thateno ugh for professi onal help?Unit 85. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. chemical2. soil3. disturb4. mixture5. substa nee6. ruin7. con sumers8.stable 9. polluti on 10. supplies 11. decay 12. main6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. leaked out2. due to3. are known as4. depe nd on5. giving off6. make up7. live on 8. have used up10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. With the construction of the nuclear power plant, this city now doesn ' t have to worry about its own electricity supply. In stead, it can supply electricity toother cities n earby.2. These vegetables do not decay whe n kept at a relatively stable low temperature.3. This city is known as the financial center of the country. The development ofits economy depe nds heavily on banking and foreig n trade.4. This plant only lives on the top of certain high mountains and gives off a very sweet smell in spri ng.5. The main cause of this area ' s water pollution i the chemical substanee thatleaks out of a paper mill by the river bank.6. This kind of litter is made up of a mixture of chemical waste. It has poisoned the soil, ruining it completely.。
UNIT1 Free Trade Has Enriched the World with More than Diverse Goods自由贸易给世界带来的不仅是丰富多彩的商品By Daniel GriswoldTune in to cable TV, talk radio, or the blogosphere and you will soon be hit over the head with the message that free trade is destroying America. According to the economic populists on the left and right, the wages, jobs, and futures of Main Street Americans are being sacrificed daily to the gods of globalization.只要打开有线电视、收音机或博客网,你很快就会惊讶地获悉:自由贸易正在摧毁美国。
On trade, as on so much else, the populists have it wrong again. Free trade and globalization are great blessings to American families. Trade is delivering lower prices and more variety to consumers, especially the poor, while creating better paying jobs for the middle class. Beyond the US shores, the spread of economic openness is building a more peaceful, democratic and humane world for our children.就像在其他许多事情上一样,这些民粹主义者们在贸易问题上又搞错了。
21世纪大学英语读写教程(第三册)课后句子翻译答案(Unit 1~7)Unit 1l汤姆去年转来我校,他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成了她最喜欢的学生。
Tom (was) transferred to our school last year. He hung no Miss Young’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以弄语言表达的爱和骄傲。
Seeing his daughter graduate from high school, he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn’t express in words.3当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁。
Last year when Mr. Li first began his venture into the stock market, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams.4在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。
On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding no fish. I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus.5王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。
The prince has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week.6因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。
1、As the world economy slid into recession, some countries began to take trade-restrictive policies.由于世界经济滑落到衰退境地,一些国家开始实行贸易限制性政策。
2、Rather than classical law of comparative advantage, in the new global economy we confront the law of absolute advantage in which capital will move to those countries with the lowest costs of production, meaning a zero-sum game.在全球新经济中,我们所面临的不是比较优势的古典法则,而是绝对优势法则,其间资本将流入生产成本最低的国家,这意味着零和游戏。
3、The workers in a “protected” industry may have higher wages than they otherwise would under free trade, but consumers would be worse off because of higher prices.在“受到贸易保护”企业就业的工人的工资,要比他们如果在自由贸易情形下的工资来得高;但是,消费者们则会因为物价涨得更高而变得更加贫困。
4、Imposing a tariff will still make the people in the “losing” country poorer on average, relative to how poor t hey would be with the change in factor mobility and free trade.相对于在生产要素自由流动和自由贸易条件下人们可能身处的贫困程度而言,强征关税仍将使“遭受损失”的国民在总体上变得更加贫困。
21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册)答案Unit 15. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. curious2. affects3. emerge ncy4. locked5. Relatively6. complai ning7.protested 8. react 9. mood 10. unique 11. con scious ness 12. surgery6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. the bottom line2. tha nks to3. reflect on4. had lost touch5. went through6. followed around7. look ing on8. woke up9. take acti on 10. after all10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him tolook on the bright side.2. The police reacted immediately whe n report came that two kids had bee n heldup at gunpoint in a n earby build ing.3. When I poin ted out the mistakes in her calculati on, in stead of correcti ng themas soon as possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault.t get it.4. Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he did n5. Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life beforehe lostcon scious ness in the emerge ncy room.6. Whe n I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that successcomes from hard work. That ' s the bottom line.Unit 25. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. i ntense2. con cept3. committed4. deserve5. selfish6. compromise7.matters 8. opp onent 9. in flue nee 10. effort 11. shortcuts 12. evide nee6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. work at2. Accord ing to3. run through4. i n sight5. live with6. a variety of7.Whe n it comes to 8. live up to10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. Take Michael Jordan, it ' s easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to comeout on top.2. Right in the first En glish class, our teacher conv eyed a clear message to us:as the basic build ing blocks of the Ian guage, new words must be memorized; any other shortcut is fool ' s gold.3. Thousa nds of Chin ese laborers con tributed greatly to the con struct ion of America ' s first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserv e a page in America n history.4. When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complai nts of the players but he n ever compromises with any of them.5. Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin betwee n right and wrong is as thi n as an eggshell.6. As competiti on in ten sifies, our opp onents and we are all work ing hard to live up to higher service sta ndards.Unit 35. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. withdraw2. opposite3. consult4. seeking5. chief6. frustrated7. gather8. suggesti ons 9. nu merous 10. crucial 11. approval 12. yield6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. give up on2. kicked out3. at the end of my rope4. count!-out5. provide!-wit6. that is7. on the brink of8. moved forward10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. The health report stresses the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet.2. I spe nt a whole week gatheri ng the courage to say no to their request.3. These journ eys made him realize to the fullest exte nt that many of the world ' s species were on the brink of ext in cti on.4. Approval of the patient ' s family shouldjlgtetsloefore doctors carry outsuch operati ons.5. Improved con sumer con fide nce is crucial to an econo mic recovery.6. We gave up on the miss ing mountain climber after he had bee n miss ing for two weeks.Unit 45. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. mankind2. determ in ati on3. burde n4. defi ne5. finan cial6. resources7. research 8. cure 9. evil 10. hardship 11. suicide 12. suffered6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. broke dow n2. took!-for gran ted3. look!-in the ey e4. could n ' t help butrespect 5. crying over 6. no doubt 7. dress ing up 8. slipped into9. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. He was no doubt a great hero so peopl e couldn ' t help but cry over his death.2. The actor used his celebrity status to fund research that might somedayyield a cure for AIDS.3. The disabled man once con sidered suicide to relieve his family of the heavy burde n.4. Children dress up as Super man to capture adults ' attention.5. It wasn ' t until I matured that I realized I shouldn ' t be afraid to look adversity and hardship in the eye.6. He could have easily stayed at home, for he had ple nty of finan cial resources to keep him from worrying about medical bills.Unit 55. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. discharged2. an ger3. latter4. relati on ship5. en gaged6. backgro unds7. miserable 8. invitation 9. match 10. folded 11. overseas 12. propose6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. broke down2. from time to time3. From the very beginning4. knockeddow n 5. agreed to 6. talk!-ro und 7. due to 8. give in 9. i n sile nee 10. go abroad10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. I just received a email in which Jessica expressed her regret of ending the relatio nship with her beloved boyfrie nd.2. She broke down at the loss of her family, and the impact of this miserableincident remained for the rest of her life.3. Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies. I wonder ifI should give in or try to talk them round.4. Edgar was not good with words, so whe never Jessica ven ted her an ger onhim, he only en dured it in sile nee.5. The cheerful background music matches his mood very well, for he ' s just goten gaged to his beloved girlfrie nd.6. From time to time the system would utter a pierci ng no ise in dicat ing itsin ability to run properly.Unit 65. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. rejected2. properly3. judgme nt4. employer5. lack6. feedback7. qualified8. suitable 9. can didate 10. con fide nt 11. pote ntial 12. pun ctual6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. cope with2. miss out3. applied for4. keep!-in mind5. for a bit6. reflecting on7. fill out8. get back9. a variety of 10. To our amazeme nt10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. Sometimes even if you are totally qualified for the job, you may still be rejected.2. You should learn to cope with difficult situation. And even more important, don' t look to others forhelp.3. To my shock/amazeme nt, he was not only invo Ived in a variety of extracurricular activities but also had applied for a part-time job.4. Keep in mi nd that one more failure is one step closer to success.5. Don ' t dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this jo b doesn' t entirely suit you and your chances are slim.6. Although you may not always like to hear n egative feedback, whatever you do, don ' t burn your bridges.Unit 75. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. tuition2. anxiety3. horrors4. switched5. quarter6. steady7. roughly8. prospects 9. disorder 10. represe nt 11. appare nt 12. populati on6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where n ecessary.1. were booked up2. not gett ing any where3. ups and dow ns4. burst out5. get along with6. broke up with7. in advance8. had no choice9. In spite of 10. take your own life10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. The students who seek psychological counseling represent only the tip of the iceberg. Most students endure the stress in silence.2. The horror movie overwhelmed him so much that he began to suffer from a sleep ing disorder, eve n insomnia.3. Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition.4. In spite of the result of the aptitude test, Joh n decided to switch his majorfrom acco un ti ng to psychology.5. He would rather remai n a sales clerk, appare ntly because he prefers a steady life to a life full of ups and downs.6. The computer has broken down on more than one occasion. Isn ' t thateno ugh for professi onal help?Unit 85. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. chemical2. soil3. disturb4. mixture5. substa nee6. ruin7. con sumers8.stable 9. polluti on 10. supplies 11. decay 12. main6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms wheren ecessary.1. leaked out2. due to3. are known as4. depe nd on5. giving off6. make up7. live on 8. have used up10. Tran slate the followi ng sen ten ces into En glish.1. With the construction of the nuclear power plant, this city now doesn ' t have to worry about its own electricity supply. In stead, it can supply electricity toother cities n earby.2. These vegetables do not decay whe n kept at a relatively stable low temperature.3. This city is known as the financial center of the country. The development ofits economy depe nds heavily on banking and foreig n trade.4. This plant only lives on the top of certain high mountains and gives off a very sweet smell in spri ng.5. The main cause of this area ' s water pollution i the chemical substanee thatleaks out of a paper mill by the river bank.6. This kind of litter is made up of a mixture of chemical waste. It has poisoned the soil, ruining it completely.。
全新版21世纪⼤学英语第三册课后段落英译汉ReadAloud)全新版21世纪⼤学英语第三册课后段落英译汉(Read Aloud)Unit 1Read Aloud英译汉Children especially are hungry for reassurance, and the want of kindly appreciation in childhood can endanger the growth of character. A young mother told the Reverend A. W. Beaven of a heart-aching in cident: “My little daughter often misbehaves and I have to rebuke her. But one day she had been especially good, hadn’t done a single thing that called for reprimand. That night, after I tucked her in bed and started downstairs, I heard her sobbing. Turning back, I found her head hidden in the pillow. Between sobs she asked, ‘Haven’t I been a pretty good girl today?’孩⼦们尤其渴望⿎励。
她⼀边呜咽⼀边问:‘难道我今天还不够乖吗?’”“That question,”said the mother, “went through me like a knife. I had been quick to correct her when she did wrong, but when she had tried to behave I had not noticed it. I had put her to bed without one word of appreciation.”“那个问题,”那位妈妈说,“像把⼑⼀样刺痛了我。
21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第三册)答案1~8Unit 1 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. curious 2. affects 3. emergency 4. locked 5. Relatively 6. complaining 7. protested 8. react 9. mood 10. unique 11. consciousness 12. surgery 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. the bottom line 2. thanks to 3. reflect on 4. had lost touch 5. went through 6. followed around 7. looking on 8. woke up 9. take action 10. after all 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Each time my brother complained about the difficulty of his work, I asked him to look on the bright side. 2. The police reacted immediately when report came that two kids had been held up at gunpoint in a nearby building. 3. When I pointed out the mistakes in her calculation, instead of correcting them as soon as possible, Mary protested that it was not her fault. 4. Tom was curious about the joke I told my colleagues, but he didn’t get it.5. Thanks to his positive attitude, Jack took action and saved his own life before he lost consciousness in the emergency room. 6. When I reflect on what I have achieved in the past, I have to say that success comes from hard work. That’s the bottom line.Unit 2 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 7. 1. intense 2. concept 3. committed 4. deserve 5. selfish 6. compromise matters 8. opponent 9. influence 10. effort 11. shortcuts 12. evidence 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. work at 2. According to 3. run through 4. in sight 5. live with 6. a variety of 7. When it comes to 8. live up to 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Take Michael Jordan, it’s easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top. 2. Right in the first English class, our teacher conveyed a clear message to us: as the basic building blocks of the language, new words must be memorized; any other shortcut is fool’s gold.3. Thousands of Chinese laborers contributed greatly to the construction of e a America’s first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deservpage in American history. 4. When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complaints of the players but he never compromises with any of them. 5. Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin between right and wrong is as thin as an eggshell. 6. As competition intensifies, our opponents and we are all working hard to live up to higher service standards. Unit 3 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. withdraw 2. opposite 3. consult 4. seeking 5. chief 6. frustrated 7. gather 8. suggestions 9. numerous 10. crucial 11. approval 12. yield 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. give up on 2. kicked out 3. at the end of my rope 4. count!-out 5. provide!-wit 6. that is 7. on the brink of 8. moved forward 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. The health report stresses the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet. 2. I spent a whole week gathering the courage to say no to their request. 3. These journeys made him realize to the fullest extent that many of the world’s species were on the brink of extinction. ught before doctors carry out 4. Approval of the patient’s family should be sosuch operations. 5. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery. 6. We gave up on the missing mountain climber after he had been missing for two weeks. Unit 4 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. mankind 2. determination 3. burden 4. define 5. financial 6. resources 7. research 8. cure 9. evil 10. hardship 11. suicide 12. suffered 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. e 4. couldn’t help but 1. broke down 2. took!-for granted 3. look!-in the eyrespect 5. crying over 6. no doubt 7. dressing up 8. slipped into 9. Translate the following sentences into English. e couldn’t help but cry over his death.1. He was no doubt a great hero so peopl2. The actor used his celebrity status to fund research that might someday yield a cure for AIDS. 3. The disabled man once considered suicide to relieve his family of the heavy burden. 4. Children dress up as Super man to capture adults’ attention.5. It wasn’t until I matured that I realized I shouldn’t be afraid to look adversity and hardship in the eye. 6. He could have easily stayed at home, for he had plenty of financial resources to keep him from worrying about medical bills. . Unit 5 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. discharged 2. anger 3. latter 4. relationship 5. engaged 6. backgrounds 7. miserable 8. invitation 9. match 10. folded 11. overseas 12. propose 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. broke down 2. from time to time 3. From the very beginning 4. knocked down 5. agreed to 6. talk!-round 7. due to 8. give in 9. in silence 10. go abroad 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. I just received a email in which Jessica expressed her regret of ending the relationship with her beloved boyfriend. 2. She broke down at the loss of her family, and the impact of this miserable incident remained for the rest of her life. 3. Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies. I wonder if I should give in or try to talk them round. 4. Edgar was not good with words, so whenever Jessica vented her anger on him, he only endured it in silence. 5. The cheerful background music matches his mood very well, for he’s just got engaged to his beloved girlfriend. 6. From time to time the system would utter a piercing noise indicating its inability to run properly. Unit 6 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. rejected 2. properly 3. judgment 4. employer 5. lack 6. feedback 7. qualified 8. suitable 9. candidate 10. confident 11. potential 12. punctual 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. cope with 2. miss out 3. applied for 4. keep!-in mind 5. for a bit 6. reflecting 10. To our amazement on 7. fill out 8. get back 9. a variety of 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Sometimes even if you are totally qualified for the job, you may still be rejected. 2. You should learn to cope with difficult situation. And even more important, don’t look to others for help. 3. To my shock/amazement, he was not only involved in a variety of extracurricular activities but also had applied for a part-time job. 4. Keep in mind that one more failure is one step closer to success. b 5. Don’t dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this jo doesn’t entirely suit you and your chances are slim. 6. Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, whatever you do, don’t burn your bridges. Unit 7 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. tuition 2. anxiety 3. horrors 4. switched 5. quarter 6. steady 7. roughly 8. prospects 9. disorder 10. represent 11. apparent 12. population 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. were booked up 2. not getting anywhere 3. ups and downs 4. burst out 5. get along with 6. broke up with 7. in advance 8. had no choice 9. In spite of 10. take your own life 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. The students who seek psychological counseling represent only the tip of the iceberg. Most students endure the stress in silence. 2. The horror movie overwhelmed him so much that he began to suffer from a sleeping disorder, even insomnia. 3. Lisa had always been a straight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition. 4. In spite of the result of the aptitude test, John decided to switch his major from accounting to psychology. 5. He would rather remain a sales clerk, apparently because he prefers a steady life to a life full of ups and downs. 6. The computer has broken down on more than one occasion. Isn’t that enough for professional help? Unit 8 5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. chemical 2. soil 3. disturb 4. mixture 5. substance 6. ruin 7. consumers 8. stable 9. pollution 10. supplies 11. decay 12. main 6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. leaked out 2. due to 3. are known as 4. depend on 5. giving off 6. make up 7. live on 8. have used up 10. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. With the construction of the nuclear power plant, this city now doesn’t have to worry about its own electricity supply. Instead, it can supply electricity to other cities nearby. 2. These vegetables do not decay when kept at a relatively stable low temperature. 3. This city is known as the financial center of the country. The development of its economy depends heavily on banking and foreign trade. 4. This plant only lives on the top of certain high mountains and gives off a very sweet smell in spring. 5. The main cause of this area’s water pollution i the chemical substance that leaks out of a paper mill by the river bank. 6. This kind of litter is made up of a mixture of chemical waste. It has poisoned the soil, ruining it completely. 。
Tom ( was ) transferred to our school last year. He hung on Miss Young’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以用语言表达的爱和骄傲。
Seeing his daughter graduate from high school, he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn’t express in words.3当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁!Last year when Mr. Li first began his venture into the stock market, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams.4在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。
On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish. I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus.5王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。
The prince has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week.6因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。
Unit 1 Text A 什么才是真正的勇气?在六年前的一次班机上,我终于见证了什么才是真正的勇气。
心态——人生的选择之一鲍勃•哈里斯快乐的人并不是处于某种环境中的人, 而是具有某种心态的人。
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UNIT1 Free Trade Has Enriched the World with More than Diverse Goods自由贸易给世界带来的不仅是丰富多彩的商品By Daniel GriswoldTune in to cable TV, talk radio, or the blogosphere and you will soon be hit over the head with the message that free trade is destroying America. According to the economic populists on the left and right, the wages, jobs, and futures of Main Street Americans are being sacrificed daily to the gods of globalization.只要打开有线电视、收音机或博客网,你很快就会惊讶地获悉:自由贸易正在摧毁美国。
On trade, as on so much else, the populists have it wrong again. Free trade and globalization are great blessings to American families. Trade is delivering lower prices and more variety to consumers, especially the poor, while creating better paying jobs for the middle class. Beyond the US shores, the spread of economic openness is building a more peaceful, democratic and humane world for our children.就像在其他许多事情上一样,这些民粹主义者们在贸易问题上又搞错了。
Now it may seem an odd moment to tout the benefits of trade for Main Street America. After all, unemployment is nearing 10 percent, manufacturing is in a slump, and global poverty is rising. But those are all the result of the current recession, a downturn that was not caused by trade but by misguided monetary and housing policies that were “Made in the USA”.看起来,现在吹嘘贸易给美国百姓带来好处似乎并不合时宜。
During difficult economic times, import competition allows American families to keep their heads above water by delivering lower prices on staples such as food, clothing, and shoes. The prices we pay for goods exposed to global trade tend to rise more slowly than inflation, or even fall. The expansion of product variety alone from trade delivers an estimated 400 billion a year in benefits to American families because of increased consumer satisfaction, according to a 2004 study by Christian Broda and David E. Weinstein for the National Bureau of Economic Research.在经济困难时期,进口竞争给美国家庭带来了大量诸如食品、服装和鞋类等物美价廉的日常必需品,才使得他们不致于陷入灭顶之灾。
No consumer benefit proportionally more from trade than the poor, and nobody suffers more from existing trade barriers. The imported fresh fruit and vegetables, T-shirts and discounted sneakers sold at big-box retailers loom especially large in the budgets of poor and middle-class families. Perversely, the highest remaining US trade barriers are aimed at products that are disproportionately made by poor people abroad and consumed by poor people at home. The 25 billion the US government collects each year through import tariffs is the most regressive tax in the federal arsenal. According to a study by the Progressive Policy Institute, a single mother earning 20,000 a year pays a much higher share of her income for import duties than a managerearning 100,000 a year. Labor unions and other groups that oppose tariff-lowering trade agreements are unwittingly serving a status quo that is punishing the poor.没有任何消费者从贸易中获得的好处——按比例计算——会比穷人获得的多;也没有任何人遭受现有的贸易壁垒所带来的祸害会比穷人所遭的多。
Despite what the populists tell us, the consumer benefits of trade have not come at the expense of jobs or wages. As a candidate for president in 2007, Barack Obama was echoing CNN’s Lou Dobbs when he told a cheering union crowd in Chicago that importing lower-priced T-shirts from developing countries was not worth the loss of jobs. “People don’t want a cheaper T-shirt if they’re losing a job in the process,”he said. “They would rather have a job and pay a little bit more for a T-shirt.”不管民粹主义者们怎么说三道四,消费者从贸易中所获的好处并没有损害我们的就业和薪酬。
作为2007年的总统候选人,奥巴马作为美国有线新闻网(CNN)的卢·道布斯的应声虫,对着芝加哥一群兴高采烈的工会会员们说,从发展中国家进口低价T 恤衫跟失去就业机会相比是不值得的。
”Like most politicians, candidate Obama chose to represent a small but noisy special interest at the expense of the large majority of Americans. Only one-third of one percent of American workers are engaged in making clothing and textiles of any kind. That comparescompares to the virtually 100 percent of Americans who buy and wear T-shirts and other clothing. If Americans are forced to pay higher prices because of import restrictions, a small number of jobs would be “saved”but at a huge cost to working families. 与多数政客一样,总统候选人奥巴马也情愿代表那些少数喧嚣的特殊利益团体,而牺牲绝大多数美国普通百姓的利益。