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ChaPter 4 ReViSiOn EXerCiSeS

1.What is syntax?

SyntaX is a branch Of IinglnStiCS that StIldieS how WOrdS are Conlbined to fbnn SelltenCeS and the nιles that govern the fbnnation Of SelltenCeS ・

2.What is PhraSe StrUCtUre rule?

The grammatical mechanism that regulates the aιτangement Of elements (i.e. specifiers, heads, and COmPlenIentS) that make UP a PhIaSe is Called a PIUaSe StlllCnUe rule.

The PIIraSe StrUCtUraI nιle for NR VR AR and PP Can be Written as follows:



AP-*(Deg) A (PP) ...

PP-*(Deg)P(NP) ...

We Can fbπnulate a Single general PIlIaSal StnICtlIral IlIIe in WliiCh X StandS for the head N, \; A Or P.

Tlle XP nιle: XP-*(specifier) X (COmPlement)

3.What is category? HOW to determine a word,s category?

CategOIy refers to a group Of IinglIiStiC items WIliCh fulfill the Sanle or similar ftinctions iιι a PartiCUIar IanglIage SUCh as a SenteIice, a IloUn PIIraSe Or a Verb.

TO deteπιιine a WOrd,s category, tlιree Criteria are USUalIy employed, IlameIy meaning, inflection and distribution. The most reliable Of detemiining a word's CategOry is its distribution・

4∙ What is COOrdinate StrUCtUre and What PrOPertieS does it have?

TlIe StnICtlire fbnned by joining two Or more elements Of the Same type Witll the IIelP Of a COlIJunCtiOn is CaIled COOrdillate structure.

It has four important properties:

1)there is no Iimit On the InUnber Of COOrdinated CategorieS that Can

appear prior to the COlymICtiOn・

2) a CategOIy at any IeVel (a head Or an entire XP) Can be COOrdinated ・

3)COOrdinated CategOrieS must be Of the Same type.

4)the CategOIy type Of the COOrdinate PIIlaSe is identical to the

CategOry type Of the elements being CoIIjOined・

5.What elements does a PhraSe COlItain and What role does each element play?

APhIaSe USUally COlltainS the fbllowiιιg e lements: head. SPeCifier and COmPlement. SOnIetimeS it also COntamS another kind Of element teπned modifier.

TIIe role each element Can play:


Head is the WOrd around WlliCh a PhIaSe is fbιιned.


SPeCifier has both SPeCial SemantiC and SylltaCtiC roles・ SemantiCaIly5 it helps to make IllOre PreCiSe the IileaIling Of the head・

Syntactically, it typically maiks a PhIaSe boundary.


COmPlementS are themselves PhIaSeS and PrOVide infbmιation about entities and IOCatiOnS WhOSe existence is implied by the meaning Of the Ilead・


MOdifIerS SPeCify OPtiOnalIy expressible PrOPertieS Of the heads・

6.What is deep StruCtUre and What is SUrfaCe structure?

There are two IeVeIS Of SyntaCtiC StrUCtUre・ The first, f∂πned by the XP nιle in accordance With the head,s SUbCategOriZatiOn properties, is

CaIIed deep StrUCtUre (Or D-S仃uctιιre). The second, COneSPOnding to the final SyntaCtiC f∂πn Of the SentenCe WhiCh results from appropriate Uansfdnnations, is CalIed SUrfaCe StrUCtUre (Or S-StrUCtUre).

7.IndiCate the CategOry Of each WOrd in the following sentences.

a)The Old Iady got Off the bus carefully.

TT I I ∖

Det A N ∖r P Det N AdV

b)The Car SIlddenIy CraShed OntO the river bank.
